nicholaskontis · 5 years
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@avatar or where #avatar was filmed in #zhangjiajie a true magical land @visitchina @chinatravelservices I’m promoting this magical area and it’s going to boom one day. Don’t miss this #jawdropping #jawdroppingshots #ferryland #wondersoftheworld #nationalparks #wanderlust #explore #explorer #adventure #adventuretime #adventurer #explorechina #china #visitchina #hunanprovince #zhangjiajie #travel #traveler #travel2china #chinatravel #traveltheworld #exploretheworld #immersion #experiential #park #forest #mountains #mountainscapes https://www.instagram.com/p/B4Khm8fJTtd/?igshid=o0ogwjkr89pz
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reesegetslost-blog · 5 years
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Fenghuang, Hunan Province, China
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isaac75 · 5 years
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Puji syukur kepada TUHAN... Keluarga besar diberi kesempatan merasakan pengalaman hawa dingin 🥶🥶🥶 (minus"), main salju, belajar budaya suku" di Guilin-Zhangjiajie, & melihat cara kerja keras mereka. Dan, sudah sampai di Tanah Air kembali dengan selamat. . [Guilin-Zhangjiajie] 28 Des 2018 - 5 Jan 2019 . Semoga di lain kesempatan (sebelum Maranatha), tetep sehat & lengkap semua untuk event berikutnya. 🙏🙏🙏 . #guilin #zhangjiajie #hunan #hunanprovince #china #peoplerepublicofchina #tiongkok (at Zhangjiajie National Forest Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsUeePDAjTy7jn3Y9v0NrSn06C8RUbjdnE3QOs0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=syzqur29oday
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adimadimcin · 4 years
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Tujia renkli kıyafetleri değişimlerin tanığı Tujia halkı Hunan, Hubei, Chongqing ve Guizhou'nun birleştiği Wuling Dağı bölgesinde dağınık halde yaşıyor. Bölgenin karmaşık arazisi ve özel iklimi, Tujia halkının karakterine çalışkanlık katıp, renkli giyim kültürünü de besledi. Geleneksel kültür araştırmacısı Guo Zhidong, China Today için hazırladığı yazıda Tujiaların elbiselerini renkli dantellerle süslendiğini, bunun da kadın ve erkek kıyafetlerini birbirinden ayıran ana işaret olduğunu söylüyor.#hunanprovince #hubeiprovince #chongqingcity #guizhouprovince #wuling #dağı #tujia #longshan #zhangjiajie #etnikkiyafet #guozhidong #courtyardmuseum @chinaorg @china.org.cn @chinatoday @chinatodayturkiye @chinaconsul.ist @turkcinkulturdernegi @turkogrencikulubu @cin.turkogrencibirligi @irfankarsli @mustafa_karsli @cinvizyon @cince_ogretmenim @cinde.mi @semih_erken @kusakveyolradyosu @kusakveyoldergisi @keremkofteoglu @paradergisi @paradergi @briqdergisi chinaembassy_turkey @chinaschinese @imaktas @okan_konfucyus_enstitusu (China Chongqing) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCELI8qKKdV/?igshid=yatul25aenay
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toutou6366 · 4 years
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#xiangtan #xiangtancity #hunan #hunanprovince Spring is sure to come.(在 Xiangtan, China) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9yZ2yqhwsT/?igshid=1ljmlxw182gqm
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menadberkani · 4 years
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Cooking class special Christmas 🎄 for a little chefs👩‍🍳 #littechefs #chrismas #cookingclass #niccolohotels #changshacity #china #hunanprovince #chef https://www.instagram.com/p/B6bpGTIoSy5/?igshid=gxx7q6ufyfh0
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a-ha-misi · 4 years
《中国文化常识》、《中国历史常识》和《中国地理常识》是由中华 人民共和国国务院侨务办公室组织北京华文学院、南京师范大学和安 徽师范大学编写的一套汉语教学辅助读物,供海外华裔青少年通过课 堂学习或自学的方式了解中国文化、历史、地理常识,同时供家长辅 导孩子学习使用,在海外反响很好。近年来,随着中国经济社会的迅速发展和国际影响的不断扩大, 海外学习汉语的人数,尤其是非华裔汉语学习者人数大幅度增加。为 了进一步适应广大海外汉语学习者了解中国文化的需求,促进中外文化 交流,中华人民共和国国务院侨务办公室授权中国国家汉语国际推广领 导小组办公室对《中国文化常识》、《中国历史常识》和《中国地理常 识》进行改编。《中国文化常识》、《中国历史常识》和《中国地理常识》改编本是 一套面向世界各国汉语学习者的普及型、口语化的文化辅助读物,适 用于海外对中国文化和汉语感兴趣的各类人员。在中华人民共和国国 务院侨务办公室编写的中英文对照版基础上,此次改编增加了中文与 德、法、日、韩、俄、泰、西班牙、阿拉伯语的对照版本。中国国家汉语国际推广领导小组办公室委托高等教育出版社对《中国 文化常识》、《中国历史常识》和《中国地理常识》进行改编,高等教育出 版社对原书的部分内容进行了增删,修订了部分数据,重新遴选和修改了插 图,并翻译出版英、德、泰语版本;外语教学与研究出版社翻译出版法、 日、韩语版本;华语教学出版社翻译出版俄、西班牙、阿拉伯语版本。此 次改编力求在原书强调科学性、思想性和实用性的基础上做进一步创新。 希望本系列读物成为您了解中国的窗口,成为您通向汉语世界的桥梁。此次改编得到了海内外诸多专家、学者和教师的关心与支持,他们 提出了许多中肯的建议,在此向他们表示诚挚的谢意。由于时间所限,书中不免会有疏漏和不当之处,希望使用者和专家 学者不吝赐正,以供今后修订时改正。中国国家汉语国际推广领导小组办公室 2006年11月
概 述秦始皇统一中国以前的漫长的历史时期。
中国境内最早的人类元谋人(距今约170万年,目前中国境内发现的最早的直立人) YuanmouMan(datedbacktosome1700000yearsago,theearliesthumanbeingseverfoundinChinasofar)蓝田人(距今约100万〜50万年,已经完全直立行走)
UpperCaveMan(datedbacktoabout18000yearsago,resembledmodernhumanbeingsinappearance)中国是世界文明古国,也是人类的发源地之一。中国到目前为止是世界上发现旧石器时代的人类化石和文化遗址最多的国家,其中重要的有元谋人、蓝田人、北京人、山顶洞人等。 1987年12月,发现北京人头盖骨的周口店北京猿人遗址被联合国教科文组织列入世界遗产名录. 1. 北京人头盖骨和元谋人牙齿
2. 山顶洞人头部复原图
AreplicaoftheheadofUpperCave Man
3. 北京人头部复原图
TheGreatMythoftheCreationofManinAncientChina1. 神农氏像
2. 伏羲氏像
3. 伏羲六十四卦方圆图
1. 湖南株洲炎帝陵 YandiMausoleum,Zhuzhou,HunanProvince
2. 贵州镇远蚩尤陵 ChiyouMausoleum,Zhenyuan, GuizhouProvince
3. 指南车Asouth-pointingchariot中国人常说自己是“炎黄子孙”,这个说法跟传说中的人物黄帝和炎帝有关。大约4000多年以前,中国黄河流域一带生活着许多氏族和部落,黄帝、炎帝就是两个最有名的部落的首领。
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benplay · 6 years
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Dj Diva Li in the house... #leicam82 #noflashphotography #potrait #hunan #changsha #nightout #carlzeisslens #biogon #biogon21mm #snapshot #streetphotography #ccdsensor #nightlife #clubbing #djlife #hunanprovince #djdivali #technoinchina #femaletechnodj #femaledjs (在 Changshashih, Hunan, China) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnkoAushW8Q/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1mh85es7bgrpm
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wervil · 6 years
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The Lotus, fourth in the series of magnetic gun holster pendants, we'll see if she makes it back from Tucson! #tucsongemshow #925 #metalart #lostwax #coylecavern #crypticjewelry #silver #pistol #colt #hunanprovince #quartz #gun #gunholster #gunjewelry #peacemaker #peace #magnetic #magneticjewelry #lotus #flower #leatherwork #holster #silversmith #waxcarving #miniature #crystals #jewelry #jewelrydesigner #jewelryporn (at Tucson Gem & Mineral Show)
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sabbatinacal-blog · 6 years
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Baby, please have mercy on me, take it easy on the grass...🌱🌾🌱 #wanderaround #chinese #schilderwald #mercy #lovetheenvironment #lovingheart #coexistence #cherishtheplants #showmercy #livingthing #grass #funnysigns #funny #lol #verychinese #signs #chinesesigns #translationfail #loveit #wulingyuan #zhangjiajie #hunanprovince #hunan #china #sabbatinacal (at Zhangjiajie National Forest Park)
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thatdesitraveller · 7 years
Tracing history
The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes. The Hunan province in China has got those beautiful scenes which allure you with the enchanting beauty and its traditional landscapes. Its mixture of mountains and water, which makes it among the most beautiful provinces in China.
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Discovering China has been a unique experience and I believe when one…
View On WordPress
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nicholaskontis · 5 years
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@avatar or where #avatar was filmed in #zhangjiajie a true magical land @visitchina @chinatravelservices I’m promoting this magical area and it’s going to boom one day. Don’t miss this #jawdropping #jawdroppingshots #ferryland #wondersoftheworld #nationalparks #wanderlust #explore #explorer #adventure #adventuretime #adventurer #explorechina #china #visitchina #hunanprovince #zhangjiajie #travel #traveler #travel2china #chinatravel #traveltheworld #exploretheworld #immersion #experiential #park #forest #mountains #mountainscapes https://www.instagram.com/p/B4KhcmsJaYe/?igshid=1xs19dk58zxvq
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reesegetslost-blog · 5 years
Where The F**k Am I? : Hengyang, Hunan, China
If you take a flight from the Bahamas to Hengyang it would take you roughly 2 days to arrive (including layovers):
Nassau —> Atlanta (2 hours, 30 Mins)
Atlanta—> New York/New Jersey ( 2 hours)
New York/New Jersey —> Beijing (12-13 hours)
Beijing —> Changsha (2 hours)
Changsha —> Hengyang (Fast train 50 mins. Normal Train 2 hours)
As this journey was taking place, each stop or layover there was one question that always popped up in my head: “Where the fuck am I going?”
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It is important to note that I am either “Organised to a Fault” or I “Free Fall.” There is no in between. My process of moving to China was very much a Free Fall. I knew that I was moving to Hengyang, Hunan, China. But did I even try to research the place I was moving to? Nope. I just knew that I had an apartment and I was getting paid.
Dassit. Dasall.
I am also the girl that when I was applying for University I ended up at a small liberal arts school in the middle of Upstate “Nowhere” New York because I knew the school was in New York, thinking about the city and not the state. My school was a 10 hours bus ride away from the city. Google is my best friend but I neglect her on the really important things.
My ultimate goal in China was regrouping. Reattempt those Graduate School applications. Nurse a healing heart and soul. And pick up a new language to add to my arsenal. I wanted far, new and different. That’s what I got.
Hengyang: Bigger than a village/town. Extremely smaller than a Tier-1 City like Beijing or Shanghai. Hengyang is Tier-3. Let me tell you a little about it.
Facts About Hengyang
1. Second largest city in Hunan
Hengyang boasts being the second largest city in this province with a population of 7,141,162. It is only second to Changsha, with a population of 7.432 million. Changsha also holds the province’s major International Airport. Although it is the second largest city, there’s really not much to do here.
I always refer to Hengyang as “Sleepy Hengyang” because there is a huge lack of hotels, spas, bars, or any other general “social activities”.
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2. Small, Quiet, & Boring
Having been here for 6 months now, I’ve taken buses all around the city to see wassup. And ain’t nothing up. There’s 1 major shopping mall that’s very overpriced. The hotels are few, so there aren’t many spas and nail salons (unless they’re in people’s houses with few indicators). If you want peace and quiet, no hassles and also want to save money, then Hengyang is the place for you. Majority of my money goes towards grocery shopping and food, unless I go to Changsha for the occasional weekend and spend all my money shopping and at bars.
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3. Well-known for Spicy Food
Hunan province is one of the Top Three Provinces known for having the Spiciest Foods. Famous for Chili peppers and Spicy Hotpot.
But after trying many types of foods, I’m disappointed that I haven’t had a dish that made me beg for water. I’m Caribbean so I’ve been training my spice buds since birth. Makes me wonder what the rest of China is eating if this is considered “really spicy”.
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4. Things to Do in Hengyang (more about Hunan later)
Hengyang is boring. I’ve seen a few KTV bars (KTV is like private karaoke rooms and you can order drinks and sing with friends).  I’ve looked up things to do in Hengyang. There are all of TWO museums in the whole city, and they are not impressive or interesting.
Either I’m getting old or I’m just lacking social interaction but my favourite place is the grocery store and food markets. That’s what I look forward to all week. Nothing changes. They sell the same shit everyday.  You are never not excited about food. But I don’t really have a lot of shit to do otherwise. I’m still hunting for a spa or a nail salon cause my feet are crying yall.
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5. I’m 95% sure I’m the only Person of Colour in the City
There are a few foreigners floating around Hengyang, not that many. And all the ones I’ve seen are all white. Mainly American (Of Course. They’re Everywhere). Definitely the only black person for miles. However, 45 minutes away by high speed train, in Changsha, there are A LOT of black people. They’re all Africans, mostly Nigerians. And most of them are University students.
This makes being here very bearable. HOWEVER, the Black/African community is small enough where everyone basically know each other. So be very cautious of dating or hooking up cause every body be in ya business and know ya business. I used to make trips to Changsha frequently in the beginning because my only friend lives there. But having to duck the same dudes every weekend gets old pretty quickly.
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So that’s where I am and this is what’s happening.
XOXO, Reesey
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jackelinccorahua · 7 years
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😍Contigo al infinito y más allá ❤️. #travelcouplegoals #zhangjiajie #glassbrigde #hunanprovince (en Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon Glass Bridge)
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adimadimcin · 4 years
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Chu kültürünün kalesi: Changsha Changsha, Hunan eyaletinin doğusunda, bu eyaletin başkenti ve Yangtze Nehri’nin orta kısmında yer alan çok önemli bir şehir. Changsha, gelişiminin ilk evrelerinde olmasına karşın daha o tarihte Chu Devleti’nin önemli bir şehriydi. Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti’nin kurucusu Mao Zedong, Changsha Xiangtan’a bağlı Shaoshanchong’da dünyaya geldi, evi günümüzde müzeye dönüştrüldü. Turizm merkezi Portakal Adası’nda ise genç Mao Zedung bir heykeli var. Aynı zamanda medya üssü haline gelen Changsha, Bambu ve Ahşap Belge Müzesi’ne de ev sahipliği yapıyor. #hunanprovince #changshacity #yangtzeriver #maozedung #portakaladası #malanshan #bambumüzesi #ahşapmüzesi #çinhalkcumhuriyeti @chinatoday @chinaorg @chinaorgcn @chinatodayturkiye @chinaconsul.ist @turkcinkulturdernegi @turkogrencikulubu @cin.turkogrencibirligi @irfankarsli @mustafa_karsli @cinvizyon @cince_ogretmenim @cinde.mi @semih_erken @kusakveyolradyosu @kusakveyoldergisi @keremkofteoglu @paradergisi @paradergisi (湖南省會-長沙市 Hunan China) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBBCdFjqt_S/?igshid=6kavyacl14mm
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gallerydelarue · 7 years
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Random mural in China. Art by @inti_cl for the back to school China. #intistreetart #backtoschoolchina #hunanprovince #randomness #entropy #mural #muralism #muralpiece #wall #wallpiece #random #artlife #china #chinastreetart #streetart #streetartiseverywhere #modernart #contemporaryart #DlrGallery (at Hunan, Zhejiang, China)
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