#hubby reveal
literally, dont feel guilty about talking about how happy your are w/your husband, its sweet as hell and im glad for you :-) (im a different anon)
I love this man more than life itself. He has always supported me through everything, including school, having babies, and dealing with all my baggage I came with.
I literally feel like he's my soul mate.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 2 years
Secrets of the Shadows Pt 2 (Wolf Link Reveal Fic)
Summary: When Link goes missing shortly after his adventure, Rusl is worried. Preparing to leave and search for him, he stumbles onto a wolf. This has to be a sign of trouble, right? Rusl thinks it is, and the swordsman attempts to eliminate the threat... and then realizes that there is far, far more to this beast than he thought possible.
(Click here to read on AO3)
<<Part 1 // Part 3>>
Part 2
Rusl didn’t sleep a wink. Link was nestled comfortably between his arm and his chest, finally resting. Rusl spent the hours praying over and over, fluctuating between different prayers that he’d memorized as a child and his own desperate petitions to the goddesses. Link occasionally grimaced in his sleep, but the pain of his wound was never enough to wake him after the initial time, and that was enough of a miracle for Rusl to bring him some relief.
As the nighttime crickets grew silent, a soft drizzle pitter pattered on the roof. Hana decided this was a good enough time to wake up, and she began to cry. Rusl debated getting up to check on his daughter, but he didn’t dare disturb Link, and Uli awoke quickly. He watched her rub her face tiredly, having been asleep for maybe a few hours, and he felt guilt twist his heart and stomach. His wife looked at Link first, examining his state, before she silently slid out of bed to check on their newborn, carrying her out of the room. Link stirred marginally from the noise, which was simultaneously reassuring and concerning.
Was he sleeping through the cries simply due to exhaustion from everything, or had his body lost too much blood? Would he survive the trip to Kakariko?
Rusl trembled a little at the thought and refused to acknowledge that as a possibility. Of course he would survive the trip. There was no other option.
Speaking of which, the sun had to be rising soon, so he needed to leave. If he waited until the rest of the village awoke, it would be chaotic.
Especially with Colin.
Goddesses. How was he going to explain this to anybody, let alone his little boy? Colin and Link were practically attached at the hip most days, though the recent events had changed the dynamic of their relationship.
The rest of Rusl’s thoughts were pushed aside as Uli reentered, their daughter at her breast. She watched Rusl intently, and he knew there was no avoiding the interrogation now.
“How is he?” she asked softly.
Rusl glanced at Link once more, taking in the sight of his eldest resting comfortably. “I think he’s alright for now.”
Uli took a slow, measured breath, and Rusl didn’t dare look her in the eye. “Rusl… what happened last night?”
Rusl swallowed. Where was he even supposed to begin?
“I…” he tried hesitantly. He was suddenly energized and anxious, and he shifted to sit up, jostling Link. The teenager whimpered softly in his sleep, and both parents froze. When Link’s furrowed brow relaxed, so did his parents, and Rusl sighed heavily, resigned to being trapped on the bed temporarily. “I was… I was getting ready to find him. Like we discussed.”
Uli waited patiently as Rusl struggled to find the words, struggled to wrestle with his emotions on the matter. It was far too soon, but he owed his wife an explanation given everything that had happened.
“Instead I… found a wolf…” Rusl continued, feeling his throat tighten.
Uli gasped. “Like when the children were first taken?”
Rusl blinked. Considered that night a few months ago. Remembered his thought process from last night before he’d landed the blow. Blinked again.
Goddesses. Was it…?
He felt cold, drenched in the icy realization that yes, that probably had been Link back then, too. Why else would a wolf just wander into town? A black wolf with markings on its forehead, so distinct from the few grey and brown counterparts Rusl had seen anywhere remotely close to Faron Woods.
He pulled Link more tightly to his side while simultaneously wanting to scream and keep the boy away from him for Link’s own sake.
“Uli…” he whispered, horrified.
No, no, no, he’d done it twice, he’d hurt his boy more than once goddesses what had he done—
It was no wonder Link was scared of him at this point.
“Rusl, what happened to the wolf?” Uli pressed, resting Hana against her shoulder and patting her back.
Rusl felt his throat close with the overwhelming dismay and dread and anguish that filled him. He barely remembered that night so long ago, he’d been so injured and out of sorts himself, but he distinctly remembered swinging his torch and sword at a wolf, its ears peeled back and its tail between its legs.
Just like last night.
“I didn’t know, I didn’t know,” Rusl nearly whimpered, not sure who he was trying to convince. He pulled Link closer, his heart racing.
Uli clearly didn’t entirely understand what was going on, but she could interpret his reaction well enough, and her expression grew disturbed. “Rusl…”
“The wolf—he—Link—” Rusl spluttered, practically hyperventilating at this point. Link shifted, moaning, and it cut through Rusl’s panic like a knife. He moved to readjust the boy, his hands trembling as he did so.
“Did the wolf hurt Link?” Uli asked, though her tone implied that she was beginning to wonder if Rusl was responsible for the injury. She had grown three shades paler in the dull lamplight.
Finally, Rusl spat it out. “The wolf was Link.”
Uli stared at him. Then the words processed, probably being spun around in her mind multiple times. Her jaw shifted as she tasted them in her mouth, working through what he’d just said. “Honey, that doesn’t make any sense.”
“How much of my journeys have made sense?” Rusl fired back, almost hysterical, though he kept his voice low so as not to disturb their children. “What part of any of the most recent journey has made sense? Dark beasts? Dark magic? A shadow king usurping the queen, an ancient evil being resurrected, Link bearing a sword of legend—since when has any of it made sense, Uli?”
“But how—?”
“I don’t know,” Rusl shook his head desperately, tears stinging his eyes as he shot up into a seated position, filled with terrified energy. Link hissed, curling in against Rusl’s side, distracting him.
Uli, however, was focused solely on her husband. Her face grew steadily more horrified as she finally put all the pieces together.
“Oh spirits,” she muttered, eyes wide.
Rusl shivered, pulling Link onto his lap in an effort to ease him back to sleep as the teenager grimaced in pain. He hadn’t meat to jostle him so much, but by the goddesses he was—he couldn’t—
Uli’s hand was firm, squeezing his shoulder and dragging his attention to her. She was crying now, petrified. “Are you sure?”
Rusl looked down, unable to meet her gaze. “I saw him… transform. From wolf to Hylian. He… I…”
Uli practically collapsed onto the bed, dragging him (and therefore Link as well) into a hug. She was trembling almost as much as he was. Link squirmed between them, moaning uncomfortably, his cheek pressed against his sister tucked in Uli’s arm. Uli pulled away after a few moments to rest her forehead against Rusl’s, her eyes on Link between them. She ran a hand through the teenager’s hair, tears falling silently down her face. Then she looked firmly into Rusl’s eyes, and he almost had to avert his gaze.
“You didn’t know,” she said quietly, sympathy and sorrow radiating off her. Her voice was steady, bearing that silent strength that she always had despite the circumstances. His wife could weather any storm, no matter how much it made her heart break, and he loved her dearly for it.
Rusl choked up, swallowing hard and hiding his face in his boy’s hair. The statement was freeing in a way, but at the same time it still didn’t fix the current predicament.
And he still felt like hell for what had happened.
But her words gave him motivation enough to move. He had to help Link. He stood, bringing Link with him in his arms, still completely unwilling to let go of the boy. Uli watched him worriedly, their daughter cooing against her shoulder.
“I have to take him to Kakariko,” Rusl said. “Please… don’t tell anyone until we get back.”
Uli held his gaze for what seemed an eternity, understanding and pain swirling in her eyes, before she stepped towards her husband and planted a soft, loving kiss on his lips. The couple rested their foreheads on each other, eyes closed, drawing strength from each other, before Uli pulled away and placed Hana back in her crib.
“I’ll talk to the mayor and get you a wagon,” Uli said quietly, anxiously wringing her hands. “You get Link ready.”
Rusl nodded as he watched his wife leave the room quickly, and then he was left alone with the children. Sighing, he glanced down at Link, his mind planning for the trip ahead, giving him something to focus on aside from his worry and guilt. Hana made a distressed noise from her cradle, and Rusl glanced between the two before walking to his daughter.
“Don’t worry, little one,” he said softly, shifting Link so the majority of his weight was distributed to one side. It gave Rusl enough ability to briefly reach into the cradle and caress his sweet daughter’s cheek and comfort her. “Your brother will be better soon.”
Link groaned, uncomfortable in the awkward one-armed hold due to his size, and Rusl quickly slid him back into a gentle carry in both his arms. He swayed in place briefly, trying to get his thoughts together and falling into a familiar comforting gesture that had always worked to settle all of his kids.
I’ll need a change of clothes for both of us, and whatever food I can bring. Broth, maybe? I can get him to drink broth. We’re out of milk. Blankets, we’ll need blankets and pillows for the wagon. I’ll need my bow and arrows for any dangers. His dressings—
Spirits above, his dressings.
Rusl turned and settled Link on the bed long enough to pull his shirt up and check the bandages. They were still clean. Thank the goddesses.
By this point, he was growing worried for another reason. With all the movement and pain, Link should have woken up by now. Rusl had to check that he was alright, at least once, before they left Ordon.
Tapping lightly on his boy’s cheek, Rusl whispered, “Link. Wake up, son.”
Link squeezed his eyes shut more tightly, turning his head away from the touch. Rusl was tempted to persist, but that was honestly enough of a reaction to satisfy him for now. Link at least had some semblance of awareness to his surroundings.
Rusl honestly wanted to pick the boy back up immediately just to be sure he was safe, but he couldn’t carry Link around the house and pack at the same time, so he reluctantly left the boy on the bed while he began to gather supplies. When he had finished his task, he quickly returned to the bedroom to find Link’s eyes open and gazing around in a daze. He dropped his bag of belongings in a heartbeat and rushed to his boy’s side. “Link?”
Goddesses, he looked so pale. Link’s gaze settled distractedly on Rusl for a moment, and he furrowed his brow as if he were going to say something before his eyes looked elsewhere. Rusl followed his gaze to see if there was something concerning, but he was just staring at the wall. Link wasn’t lucid.
That wasn’t good.
Rusl brushed a hand over the boy’s forehead, then his cheeks. He didn’t feel particularly warm. No fever, then. It was likely just blood loss and exhaustion, but the swordsman couldn’t be sure.
They had to leave.
He heard footsteps in the doorway, and Uli miraculously was there right when he needed her. Goddesses he loved that woman.
“The wagon’s ready, and Epona’s waiting.” Uli reported softly as she walked up to the bed to look at Link. She noticed his gaze, and she approached him from the other side, sitting on the bed beside him and brushing a hand against his cheek. Uli dipped down and kissed his temple as Rusl grabbed the supplies he’d packed and headed for the door, knowing his wife would keep Link safe while he set everything up.
Rusl hastily tossed multiple blankets and pillows in the wagon to make a comfortable bed for Link, and then he stuffed the rest of the belongings in the corner, tying them down so they wouldn’t get jostled. Epona nickered nervously, clearly picking up on his anxious energy, and he took a calming breath, slinging the bow and quiver of arrows over his shoulder. He prayed he wouldn’t need them, but it was never a completely uneventful journey across Hyrule Field.
Reentering their abode, he found Uli gently carding a hand through Link’s hair as his head rested on her lap. She whispered softly to him, smiling gently, her features sharpened by an edge of worry.
“Has he said anything?” Rusl asked.
Uli looked up at him, her eyes sorrowful. She shook her head. Rusl tried not to let it overwhelm him. He had to stay focused. Approaching the pair, he slid his arms under the boy and picked him back up. Link’s eyes hovered on Uli for a moment longer before he closed them, exhaling a little sharply as the movement pulled at his wound. Uli rose as well, pulling the two into a tight hug and whispering into Rusl’s ear, “Please, be safe.”
Uli picked up Hana and followed Rusl outside into the dark pre-dawn air. The drizzling from earlier had thankfully stopped. He gently laid Link in the pile of pillows and blankets and swaddled him tightly in them, knowing the boy had to stay warm. When he made his way towards the front of the wagon to sit behind Epona, Uli stopped him with a hand to his shoulder.
“You didn’t know,” she said quietly with the same gentle but firm certainty as before. Rusl bit his tongue, his entire body trembling at the words, at the reminder, at the emotions fighting just below the surface. He dipped in for a quick kiss with her and then wordlessly climbed onto the front of the wagon. Uli headed back to the entrance to their house and watched him depart from there. He gave a small nod, and she nodded back.
Epona whinnied impatiently, and Rusl urged her forward. Ordon, Uli, Hana, and that damned spring were quickly left behind, and Rusl grabbed his bow, ready for danger as soon as they exited the woods.
Surprisingly, the journey wasn’t as eventful as he’d feared it might be. The occasional bokoblin appeared over a hill or around a tree, and Rusl’s sharp aim and quick reaction eliminated them before they ever even drew near enough to be a threat.
Epona guided them into Kakariko Village by midday, and Rusl immediately made his way to Renado. His worried expression and hasty Link’s hurt, I need help was all the explanation the healer needed.
When Rusl moved into the wagon to take Link into the healer’s home, he found the boy wiggling in the blankets, clearly trying to either get comfortable or get out of the bundle entirely. His eyes immediately locked on to Rusl when he got closer, and a light sheen of sweat glimmered on his forehead. His gaze, however, was sharp and clear. He was wide awake now.
Rusl swallowed, suddenly lost for words.
Link’s breath quickened and he squirmed even more, and Rusl found himself moving. He stopped short of putting a hand on the boy, guilty and petrified and disgusted with himself all at the same time. The gesture made Link shrivel further into the blankets, and Rusl wished with all his might that he himself had been the one nearly struck down, that he himself was in pain and Link never would have to worry about being afraid of his own family ever again.
“Rusl?” Renado called from juts outside. “Do you need help getting him inside? I can have someone bring a stretcher.”
It was honestly tempting, leaving it to someone else to handle carrying Link, to handle looking him in the eye and explaining what was happening. But Rusl was not someone to cower behind excuses, and his boy needed help now.
“I’ve got him,” he said softly, not really caring if Renado heard. The Ordonian swordsman bent forward, trying to ignore Link’s flinch as he wrapped him in his arms. He whispered, “It’s okay, Link. We’re in Kakariko. You’re going to get help here.”
Link remained silent but didn’t fight as he was carried into the healer’s home. His eyes were downcast, looking down Rusl’s neck and onto his tunic and lap. He never met anyone’s gaze as Renado guided Rusl to a bed. The healer grabbed supplies and brought them over with a small table. Rusl sat down on the bed beside Link, letting his leg serve as a pillow for the boy as the healer stood over him. Wordlessly, the swordsman pulled Link’s shirt up to show the bandages. Then he explained, “It’s bad, Renado. I did what I could, but he needs more than what I can provide.”
Renado nodded. “I’ll have to see what I’m working with, but a potion should be able to help. What happened?”
Rusl’s gut twisted as he helped Renado pull Link’s shirt up a bit more to fully expose the area. “Sword got him.”
Just spitting out those words nearly made him vomit, and his world spun a little. He blinked rapidly, trying to reorient from the dizziness. Movement caught his attention, and he looked down to see Renado removing the outer bandage from the wound.
All that was left was the packed gauze.
Which was going to be the most painful part.
Renado bent over carefully, tenderly picking at the tip of the gauze to start pulling it. Link hissed immediately, his legs kicking up and his feet planting on the mattress to push himself away. Rusl quickly took his hands, and despite how he didn’t deserve to be the one reassuring the boy, he whispered, “It’s okay, Link, he’s going to take it out so we can give you a potion. Just hold my hands, you can squeeze as tight as you want, okay? Don’t move. It’s going to be over soon, you’re going to be okay.”
Link obediently took his hands, much to Rusl’s surprise and relief, and the teenager tried to prepare himself as Renado continued. He stared at the ceiling, eyebrows scrunched together in fear. For a little while Link only winced or twitched, but as the healer progressed deeper into the wound, Link started to gasp and whimper, squeezing his eyes closed. His hands immediately clamped down on Rusl, who huffed a bit in surprise.
“Shit,” the swordsman cursed softly. Renado glanced up at him and he shook his head, gritting his teeth. “It’s fine. My boy’s got a strong grip.”
Renado gave a small smile. “That’s a good sign.”
Rusl knew that, and he was thanking the goddesses in his mind over and over, but that didn’t detract from the fact that it hurt. His boy had strength to break bones, and Rusl was certain he himself was going to need a potion so his hands wouldn’t be deformed when this was over.
Not that he deserved that kindness.
Pushing that thought aside, Rusl focused on the moment. Renado had returned to removing the packed gauze, and Link wasn’t appreciating it. Tears started to leak out of his eyes as some of the gauze clung to jagged, sticky tissue, and he whimpered. Rusl bent over, pulling Link’s hands to his chest, his heart breaking at the sight of his boy suffering and trying so hard to stay still. He rubbed his thumbs over the back of Link’s hands, massaging them as best he could in the boy’s iron grip. “Deep breaths, Link. You’re doing great. He’s almost done.”
Renado moved swiftly, pulling the last of the gauze out. Rusl glanced up enough to see the wound and felt a little nauseous. It didn’t look as messy as last night, but seeing it in the daylight with all its depth and varying kinds of tissue exposed to the air made him nearly pass out. He’d seen grizzly wounds before, but it was entirely different when it was on someone he loved so dearly.
And it was his damn fault in the first place.
Renado tossed the gauze in a bin and held a bottle with a familiar red liquid in it. Rusl hesitated for a moment, knowing that Link would have to be sitting up for this, knowing that his now exposed wound was going to twist and bleed and burn and scream when he moved him. Taking a deep breath and gritting his teeth, the swordsman pulled Link up to sit on his lap, and the boy’s head lolled on his shoulder as his back was up against Rusl’s chest. The teenager’s entire body convulsed and he cried out before slumping weakly against Rusl, gasping for air.
Rusl fought back the tears that threatened to escape.
With Link’s torso sufficiently propped up, Renado held out the potion. Link’s eyes were unfocused, though, and Rusl gave him a gentle nudge. “Link. Link, son, take the potion.”
His boy glanced around in a stupor, panting and clearly exhausted from everything he’d endured. Eventually his eyes settled on the bottle and his left hand shakily rose, making it about halfway before it started to slip back down. He was trying so damn hard despite the agony he was probably in, but it was clear he wasn’t going to be able to do it.
Rusl leaned forward, bringing Link with him, and he took the bottle instead. “Here, I’ve got it.”
Bringing the bottle to the boy’s lips, Rusl said gently, “Drink up, Link.”
Link obeyed, cautiously swallowing the red liquid, growing steadily more somnolent. Eager to ensure he drank the whole potion before he fell asleep, Rusl tipped the bottle back a bit more, his heart racing. He didn’t want his boy to be in any more pain. Link tried to keep up with the pace, but he coughed a little, and Renado reached forward to pull the bottle back a bit.
“Easy, Rusl,” Renado advised with a sympathetic smile. “I know you want him to feel better, but he has to be able to drink it.”
“Sorry,” Rusl apologized softly, trying to calm down. “We’ll go slowly, Link.”
This time, Link had gotten enough potion in his system to shakily grasp the bottle alongside Rusl’s steady grip, bringing the swordsman immense relief. It was amazing what potions could do. Link’s hands trembled too much to hold it by himself, but he was at least trying to guide it in so he wouldn’t choke on it. It felt like an eternity, but soon enough the teenager had finished the contents, and Renado took the bottle away as Link leaned heavily on Rusl, sighing. He turned his head to the right so he could better see the healer.
“Thanks,” Link mumbled, trying to give a smile. Ruls’ heart sang at hearing the boy’s voice, consoled at the thought that he was actually doing better.
Then Link tipped his head up to Rusl, and the swordsman felt his heart clench. Dread and worry filled him, not knowing what sort of reaction he was going to get. Link’s small, weak smile that he had directed at the healer grew a little, his face warming. “Thanks, Pa.”
That… that had not been the reaction he’d expected. Rusl melted right then and there, tears streaming out of his eyes as his lip wobbled pathetically. Two simple words, spoken softly with all the strength the tired teenager could muster, were enough to reduce the stalwart resistance member to a penitent husk of a man, holding his boy so, so tightly.
Rusl kissed Link’s forehead and buried his face in the boy’s hair, too overwhelmed for words.
He was going to be okay.
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Heresss me! currently playing animal crossing with my hubby!
@menacinglachy whatcha think bestie?
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audarcy · 7 months
Me in the shower thinking about my wife: i think one of the big reasons why het culture "wifey/hubby" "his/hers" "tiaras/mustaches" matching sets other than the cis binarism of it all is that it reveals the thought process behind heteropatriarchy wherein ideal love is a product of inversion; two puzzle pieces that fit together but are separate and made functional solely by the utility of their differences. Heteropatriarchal love retroactively redefines a person as a half of a whole, their functions and idiosyncrasies only valuable when curtailed by another's. But more than that, heteropatriarchal love is so divided. My "hers" towel and your "his." Married on a friday because saturdays are for the boys. Your woodsmoke-scented deodorant and my lavender. We cant possibly hope to understand each other and that's what lends our partnership value, somehow. But the love i cherish--the love that nurtures me--is inextricability. Not the teeth of your personality spinning the cogs of mine but the blend and blur of our edges together. The further in the tide rolls the better. The love that nurtures me is accepting everything about you into my life even if i dont feel the same way about it that you do. Its a becoming. Becoming you, becoming myself, becoming us, again and again. There are no puzzle pieces to snap together, and im no more or less of anything with or without you. But no matter what happens i carry you with me now. Even in the small ways like how we wear each others jackets and deodorant and hats. I wear your mannerisms, and your jokes. I have your interests. You have my music taste. We subsume and consume one another. We explore each other by exploring ourselves and vice versa. The process of loving you is a mapping of a vast expanse and it is the creation itself of that expanse, ad infinitum. Loving you is a fluidity of the self. I try out new ways of living through you. I see through your eyes. My life doubles by virture of sharing it with you. We finish each others sentences and joke that were the same person but its truer than we have the language to describe. My selfhood blurs into yours; Im not half of a whole, but together we are a whole. You could draw a straight line from one end of me to the other end of you, no breaks. And why shouldnt we travel that line? Step inside my head and get comfy. Mi casa es su casa. Youre me and im you.
What comes out of my mouth when she walks into the room: id let you wear my skin if i could
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roseprincesugden · 1 year
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rafeandonlyrafe · 4 months
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words: 1k
warnings: established relationship, husband!rafe, tattoos
“mmm, good morning wifey.” rafe pulls you in closer to him, legs tangled together under the blanket.
“i’ll never get sick of hearing you call me that.” you smile, pressing a kiss to rafes chest as you snuggle into him, the morning light illuminating the room.
you’re both still on vacation mode, having just gotten back from your honeymoon two days ago. “i wish i didn’t have to get up, but i’ve got an appointment, baby.” “wait, what?” you whine, picking your head up. “you didn’t say anything about a doctors appointment.” your bottom lip pouts out, making rafe lean forward to kiss the frown off your face. 
“don’t worry, we will spend all day together as soon as i get back.” rafe slides himself out from underneath you, quickly heading to the closet to get dressed. he waited as long as possible to get out of bed, not wanting to part from you, but now having to rush out the door.
“mmm, i’ll probably stay in bed all day.” your body was still on maldives times, not even bothering to readjust to being back in the outer banks.
“perfect.” rafe leans over the bed, giving a kiss goodbye. “no need for my wife to even lift a finger.”
you smile at rafe, cupping his jaw to give him a firm kiss. “come home soon, i miss you already hubby.” 
“that was a long doctors appointment.” you frown as rafe reenters the house. you eventually dragged yourself out of bed, taking a shower and eating what you considered breakfast despite it being past noon.
“you know, darling” rafe says as he toes his shoes off, leaving them in the foyer. “i just said appointment, nothing about doctors.”
“what other type of appointments are there?” your brow furrows together as rafe joins you on the couch.
“tattoo.” rafe says with a shrug, making your eyes widen.
“you-you got a tattoo?” 
rafe raises his left hand. you finally realize he has a clear wrap covering his fingers. you take his hand gently in yours, looking through the film at the first letter of your name, complimented by a small heart on his ring finger.
“i’ll put the ring back on once it’s healed, but just in case i ever have to take it off, i need everyone to know that i’m still yours.” rafe says, waiting for your reaction.
“i love you.” you finally manage to get out, melting into rafe, making sure not to press against his hand as the red skin heals.
“i’ve got something for you baby!” rafe calls out, smiling as you skip into the kitchen.
“what is it?” you question, tilting your head to the side, expecting rafe to be holding something in his arms, but instead he lifts his loose sleeve, revealing fresh ink on his inner bicep. 
“whats it say?” you quickly move closer to read the script, eyes filling with tears when you realize that rafes newest tattoo is your wedding vows.
“oh.” you cover your mouth. “rafey, this is so sweet. i love it.” you press your lips against his. rafe clearly saw your reaction to the first tattoo, the way your eyes tracked over it whenever he moved his hands, the way you were practically begging to be fingered with just his tattooed finger, watching it disappear inside of you, the cold press of his ring against your cunt.
“love having reminders of the best day of my life on my body.” rafe never viewed himself as a tattoo guy, seeing himself as too indecisive, but his mind quickly changed when he realized they could all be dedicated to you, the one constant, the one steady thing in his life.
“i’m thinking about getting another tattoo.” rafe hums. its been a couple months and the script on his forearm is now fully healed. 
“really?” you hum. “what are you thinking, my name on your dick?” you joke, but rafe still cringes thinking about the needle dragging over his sensitive skin.
“definitely not. i was thinking your eyes on the back of my neck.” rafe turns, rubbing his hand over the area he was thinking.
“wouldn’t that hurt a lot?” you ask with a pout, but rafe just shrugs.
he makes an appointment the very same day, looking through all the pictures he has saved of you until he finds the perfect one. you’re smiling at him on the other side of the table on your two year anniversary of dating. 
he shows it off to you a week later, and you’re surprised how much you like it, kissing down his spine when you help him take his shirt off before looking at yourself in the eyes, but in tattoo form.
rafe won’t admit it to you, but he’s addicted to getting tattoos, wanting to cover his body in everything and anything relating to you. he does end up getting a few others, mostly to fill up what he feels are blankspots, a smattering of patchwork tattoos covering his body, along with a few more dedicated to you.
“rafey?” you call to him as he comes home, his hand now wrapped in clear plastic. 
“hey baby.” he smiles, pressing a kiss to your forehead. you eye the wrap until rafe turns his hand to reveal that he has the word married across the side, yet another reminder of your union.
“i was actually thinking…” you mumble before trailing off, not restarting your sentence until rafe nods at you to continue, looking at you expectantly. “i was actually thinking of getting a tattoo myself. just the letter r on my ring finger. to match yours.” 
you twist your ring on your hand shyly, not sure if rafe would like the idea of you getting tattoos. you’ve never shown any interest in getting them yourself, but you’ve had to take your ring off enough times to swim or wash dishes and don’t want to be without that reminder of rafe even for a short amount of time.
rafes smile stretches across his cheeks. “i thought you’d never ask, wifey.”
rafe sets an appointment for you with his favorite tattooer before you can second guess yourself.
taglist: @winterrrnight @bejeweledreverie @drewstarkeyslut @forstarkey @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @drudyslut @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog @outerbankspov @drewstarkeyswifehoe @cutielando @kamninaries @buckyswhxre @rafeinterlude @bellbottombaby @deeaardiary @rubixgsworld @wearemadeofstardust0 @leighbronk @starkeysheart @pradabambie
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thehusbandoden · 3 months
Lashing Out -Husband!Bakugo Katsuki x Wife!Reader
A/n: hope this is okay? Don't be afraid to leave feedback <3 Also I didn't know what to do for the title... gosh this sucks T^T
General info: Genre: angst to fluff/angst to comfort \\ wc: 1,270 \\ fem reader \\ posted: 03/19/24
Warnings!: angst, hurt, partner being harsh, partner being insensitive, crying, passive reader, mean Bakugo, and lashing out. I think that's all, pls let me know if I missed any!
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You perk up as the front door opens, revealing your toned hubby. You giggle excitedly, your cheeks heating up and butterflies forming in your stomach from the sight of your beloved. It’s been three years since you said, “I do”, and yet you couldn’t help but fall in love all over again when your eyes met his attractive frame and familiar warm eyes.  
Bakugo, however, didn’t seem as excited to see you. He lets out a sigh as you wrap your arms around him, slinging an arm around one of your shoulders half-heartedly before semi-gently pushing you off him as he closed the door.  
You frown but shake it off. He must have had a hard day, right? It would be better to just be supportive and tone the affection down a bit. You follow him like a shadow as he takes his gauntlets off, dropping them to the floor. He strips his mask, neckpiece, and gloves off before slumping onto the couch.  
You gently take his combat boots off, pulling his socks off and grabbing some lotion. He must be exhausted and sore from work, maybe a foot massage would help? You lovingly begin to massage his sore feet, shyly looking up at him every once and a while. He doesn’t respond, keeping his face buried in his pillow.  
You continue to gently massage his feet as he lays on the couch mindlessly. Your fingernail grazes part of his foot, causing him to hiss and yank back, glaring down at you. “What are you doing?” He growls, shooting you a look of anger and... disgust.  
“I-I was massaging your feet baby. You seem to be having a hard time so I-”  
“Quit it. I’m not your baby, quite treating me like one. I don’t need you to coddle me. Go do something useful for once and leave me alone.” He spits, shooting you one last glare before darting off the couch and into your shared bedroom, slamming the door. 
You feel tears sting your eyes, but you shake your head, refusing to let them fall. You gingerly stand up, putting Bakugo’s hero gear away. You pick up the house for a while before sighing. You step up to your bedroom door and gently knock.  
“Ba- Katsuki? Can I come in?” You hear a grunt, not a clear yes or no.  
You step inside quietly, walking up to your husband in bed. He was staring up at the ceiling with a snarl etched on his handsome face. 
“What’s wrong, love? You know you can talk to me, right?” You murmur, placing your hand on his. He yanks his hand from yours, breaking the skin-on-skin contact. Your heart throbs in your chest, but you don’t push. 
“I’m having a hard day. Don’t make it worse for me.” He grumbles, turning away from you.  
“Did you eat?” You sigh, biting your lip in worry.  
Bakugo growls softly as he glares at you. “Quit nagging me and leave me be. Get out of my face, woman.”  
Your heart throbs harder against your chest as you feel tears sting your eyes. You nod quickly, looking at the floor so he doesn’t catch sight of your fragile emotional state.  
“I’m going to go to bed, do you still want me out of here?” You murmur gently. Bakugo groans, glaring harshly at you. 
“Yes! Get out of my hair! How many times do I need to repeat myself to you!?” You stand up as your heart throbs again. You quickly leave the room, causing Bakugo to huff in annoyance.  
Tears form at the corners of your eyes as you check the doors to make sure they’re locked, turn off the lights, and quickly get ready for bed. You brush your teeth and grab an extra blanket. You didn’t have pajamas out here, and you didn’t want to disturb your tired husband, so you just laid in the smaller bed, trying to get comfortable without the familiar heat of your beloved next to you. 
After tossing and turning for quite a while, you give up on sleep. Sighing, you hold yourself as you try to stop the tears. You know he’s just having a hard day, but it doesn’t make the throbbing in your chest lessen. You cradle a pillow close to your chest, hugging it tightly as you desperately try to not let any tears fall. 
His harsh words flash in your mind as you try to drown them out. 
One tear slides down your cheek. 
The way he addressed you as “woman”, as if you weren’t anything but an object. 
A second follows the first, the third swiftly following suit.  
How harsh he was with you. It was like you were a coworker or past classmate, not his wife. Much less the woman he had spent loving, courting, and cherishing since the second year of high school. 
The fourth, fifth, and sixth tear drop down your cheeks, causing the gates to crumble as multitudes of tears slip down your cheek, gathering at your chin before dripping onto your pillow.  
You cover your mouth with your hand, trying to stay quiet. You fight with yourself for a few moments before coming to a conclusion... what’s the point? He’s upset with you no matter what you do... so why hold it in? Why bottle up your feelings?  
A choked sob slips past your lips, tears quickening at your frustration for allowing yourself to make a sound. A second sob follows the first, and yet a third and fourth join your desperate cry for help.  
You feel yourself falling apart, just above the brink. You rock yourself back and forth, sobbing into your hand. You feel like you’re about to drown... and then it all stops. A warm hand gently touches your shoulder, a soft, familiar voice sounding in your ears.  
A soft gasp falls from your lips, temporarily being drawn from your sorrow as your eyes meet crimson glory. Bakugo looks down at you in worry, quickly coming closer. He gingerly presses a hand to your upper arm in concern.  
Your tears bubble up as you try to contain your emotions, unable to speak. 
“Y/n baby... I-I don’t know what to say...” he mumbles, his hand finding it’s place on your head.  
“S-Suki...” you blubber out, the tears slipping. Bakugo’s crimson eyes burn with guilt as he wraps his arms around you, gently lifting you into his arms, like he first did as he brought you home from your joyous wedding.  
“Shhh it’s alright.” He murmurs in your ear, bringing you to your shared bedroom, laying you down on your bed. It was larger and much more comfortable. He quickly joins you, wrapping you into his hold and he whispers sweet things into your ear, an arm wrapped around you, a hand on your stomach and the other on your head, slowly petting your hair.  
You sniffle, trying to hold it in as you cling to the man you love more than anything. “Shh let it out baby. Let it all out.” Bakugo murmurs in your ear, pressing a loving kiss to your temple.  
You attempt to hold it in for a few more seconds before finally breaking, sobbing into your husband’s chest as you clench his shirt tightly. He caresses your head and back, kissing your endless tears away as he coos at you.  
“Jerk.” You sob, holding onto him tighter.  
“I know baby, I know. I’m sorry honey.” He mumbles against your skin, holding you a little tighter.  
Bakugo Katsuki was not one to apologize, but he would do anything for his beloved wifey.  
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Reblogs and feedback are greatly appreciated! <33
Do not copy, repost, nor plagiarize my work. Ask before you translate or use my work in any way, minus reblogging.
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hoesformatt · 2 months
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matt smut/blurb (ig), i randomly thunk of this after watching my favourite character in a show get eliminated 😕 r.i.p hubby + it’s short BUT ITS GOOD TRUST
dom!matt • poc!reader friendly
contains: kitchen sex (once again), quickie, fingering, grinding/humping, pet names, no use of y/n
word count: 0.6k
summary: you’re meeting matt’s parents for the first time, you get all ready, glitzed and glammed for matt to be turned on by how good you look
I was rushing myself and excessively checking if I powered my face down too much. "Baby, you don’t need all the shit on your face; just go natural.” He shrugged as I looked at him unamused. I was having high blood pressure from the nervousness of meeting his parents. Carefree Matt left me in our room alone, obsessing about what I’m going to say.
Checking my outfit for probably the millionth time, just making sure I looked as good as I thought I did. My dress was short but modest enough for his parents to not side-eye me, and the bow in my hair gave me a bit of innocence.
Rushing out of my room to make sure the food is still perfectly warm when they arrive. I did the full nine yards; full chicken, Caesar salad, scalloped potatoes, and the aged wine (for me at least).
The food was prepared, and I set everything on the dinner table. “Are you going to do anything?” I asked Matt, who was sitting on one of the kitchen stools, just spinning in circles non-stop.
"No, because you’re freaking out for no reason; my parents will love you.” I rattled my head, completely ignoring what I was saying, then remembering that I left the chicken in the oven.
I frantically grabbed oven mitts, bending over to reach and get them out, making sure they were a perfect golden-brown. Pulling it from the oven, my dress inched up, revealing my ivy green lacy panties. I placed the tray on the stove, glancing back to see Matt still staring at my ass while I tugged it down.
His eyes never left my body as I continued to do what I was doing carefully watching how he slowly moved his hand towards his crotch, palming himself through his sweatpants.
Enjoying the aesthetic value of how the dinner table was from the kitchen counter I snapped a few pictures when Matt stood up walking around the counter to where I was.
Here he goes again.
Matt crawled behind the counter holding on hip to grind upon his crotch, moaning softly with the friction between us. “Fuckkkk baby— let me put it in” He lifted up my dress for his hand to spank my ass, as he gripped my hips tighter, Matt humped my bare ass and snuck his hand in-front to tease my pussy.
“Matt please, your parents are gonna be here any minute” I complained, holding his hand slowing him down but not stopping him. I began to close my legs in response of Matt inserting his fingers penetrating inside me. “Matt-fuck yes” he curled his fingers within me making my eyes flutter while he slid my lacy panties to the side.
Matt placed his tip on my clit, playing with it before he pressed the head of cock to my wet slit, he slid his dick into me. My eyes rolled back feeling his length brush against my tightened walls. He harshly spanked my ass in-between his thrusts. I felt my head drag back as Matt grabbed my neck, pulling me back to put his lips on mine and sloppily sucking on my neck.
“I needed you bad” He mumbles before tucking his head on my shoulder, abusing my spot making me aggressively throw my head back “shitttt—there, there” I stuttered between my words as he hit that spot continuously causing my legs to shake and fail on me, Matt holding my body up.
Shivers travel throughout my body, feeling the rush flow through and my lips shape an ‘O’. We both heard the sounds of tires on the pavement, headlight shining through our window directly showing the driveway. Matt covered my mouth as I screamed in pleasure while I came.
He did his last strokes, putting my panties back into place and tidying up my back with a paper towel and fixing my dress checking. Matt cracked open the window right before we heard the doorbell ring. “I’m not done with you”
So much for looking this good.
tags: @lunariaxzz @chrissturniolosbitch @leahsbussy @luv4kozume @mattslolita @muwapsturniolo @idkwhosnyla @strniohoeee @iiheartstef @nonamegirlxsturniolo @ka1nani @1800chokedathoe @fuzzycupcakebeliever @mattgirly @love4chris @mattslutt @nicksmainbitch @luhsexcbihh @hearts4chriss @junnnilieee07
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scoobysnakz · 5 months
1940’s hubby miguel who is confused when you start complaining about being bored. he offers different things for you to bake him, different colours of jumpers he wouldn’t mind you knitting but you ignore them all. you just mope around the house now. not in the sense that you’re upset, just fed up. he does like how clingy it’s made you, though.
you don’t leave him alone now, arm constantly linked with his as you trace his knuckles with his thumb. he practically has to peel you off when the two of you go to work.
1940’s hubby miguel who suddenly realises what’s wrong when he offers to turn the tv on one evening when the two of you are snuggling on the sofa and you just push him back into his seat.
“nothing good on,” you mumble into his arm as you pull yourself closer to him again.
“haven’t even turned it on yet, doll,” he points out.
“i just know, migs.”
he smiles at that, finding amusement in your aloof attitude. his thick arm scoops you in close to him and nuzzles his head into your hair, breathing in the sweet scent of you.
“it’s got that nasty man all over it,” you whine, clearly annoyed that this prick is everywhere that you look.
1940’s hubby miguel who feels so guilty that his plan backfired. he never once thought that you would suddenly hate the news or even throw away the little badge from the spider-man fan club you so proudly founded.
he just wanted to have some innocent fun with his special girl, give her the best present ever and no it’s all ruined.
1940’s hubby miguel who decides to make it up to you. he goes out as spider-man again, coincidentally bumping into the stubborn mrs ohara.
“fancy seeing you again,” he grins down at you, hands proudly holding the car door open for you.
your nose crinkles in disgust at the site of him, distaste colouring your expression as you push him out of the way. try to anyway.
the absolute unit of a man stays put, feet firmly grounded on the grey pavement.
“what is it?” you huff, not even bothering to look his way.
“want to apologise,” he coos, voice irritatingly sweet, you only like it when miguel uses that voice with you, otherwise it just sounds condescending, “that was no way to treat a lady as wonderful as yourself.”
one of your eyebrows quirks at his bold statement. “i know.”
“can i make it up to you?” he presses on, “take you out to dinner? write your name in webbing from the empire state?”
you scoff at him, clearly unamused by his antics. “i don’t care if you stop the entire planet spinning, the only man i care for is my migs.”
1940’s hubby miguel who wants to smash everything in site. once again, his plan went shit side up and his wife hates spider-man even more.
it’s his fault for being so cocky and acting the way he normally would around her, not the way a distinguished hero should.
how badly he wants to make it right, make you love spider-man again, get all excited when he comes in tv, get to see that adorable scowl when he teases you about having a little crush.
1940’s hubby miguel who realises the only way to fix this is to reveal his biggest secret.
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mina-saiyat · 7 months
Mommy's little boy (Mina)
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I lost my mother when I was young, and my father remarried Mina when I became an adult. Mina is just ten years older than me, she also had a pure appearance, a sexy body, and a noble temperament. As a virgin, I was full of fantasies about her, and would even spy on her having sex with my father while masturbating at the same ime.
I found that the sultry Mina actually had a very strong sexual desire, but my father's old body could not satisfy her, and instead, he was gradually drained of her. Seeing my father being drained by Mina made me imagine how exciting it would be to be drained by Mina until I died.
At ten o'clock in the evening, I hid outside the door as usual and peeked through the crack in the door to watch Mina and her father having sex on the bed. I saw Mina lying naked on the bed, spreading her legs to reveal her pink pussy, squeezing her breasts with one hand, and playing with her clitoris with the other. Her moans came from the room intermittently, lustfully and seductively.
Soon, my father walked in with his upper body naked and only his underwear on his lower body. He climbed onto the bed, caressed Mina's plump breasts with his hands, and lowered his head to suck her nipples. Mina threw her head back and moaned, inserting one hand into her father's hair and pushing his head towards her.
"Well...Husband...come in quickly..." Mina begged.
My father stood up and took off his underwear, letting me see his short and slender dick. He put his dick against Mina's moist entrance, stretched his waist hard, and completely penetrated her.
"Ah! It feels so comfortable!" Mina screamed loudly, wrapping her legs tightly around her father's waist.
My father started thrusting hard, like an old pile driver, making a feeble thumping sound. His dick moved in and out of Mina's body quickly, bringing out a large amount of honey. Mina kept moaning, looking like she was enjoying it.
"Hmm...ha...honey, you are so good...fuck me harder..."
My mouth was so dry that I couldn't help but unbutton my pants, take out my hard and jerk it.
My father growled lowly and froze for a few seconds, then pulled out the limp dick from Mina's body. White semen slowly flowed out of Mina's pussy, soaking the sheets.
"Oh, why did it end so soon?" Mina pouted in dissatisfaction, "Hubby, are you done so soon? I still want it."
The father gasped and said with a red face: "Baby, Dad is old and can't keep up with your rhythm. Let's take a rest."
"No," Mina said coquettishly, "You've just warmed up, how about we do it again? This time you use this, I guarantee you will never fall!" After saying that, Mina took out a small bottle.
The father hesitated for a moment, then took the bottle. "What is this?" he asked.
"It's an aphrodisiac. It's imported from Japan. It's super powerful!" Mina blinked and said, "After taking it, you will immediately regain your strength, your dick will be twice as big as before, and you will be energetic enough to fuck me till dawn!" "
Hearing this, I couldn't help but shudder. Could it be that Mina is actually the legendary succubus? Will she drain my father dry until he dies? Thinking of this, my breathing became rapid, and my right hand unconsciously increased the speed of stroking.
My father hesitated for a while and finally plucked up the courage to swallow the pill. After a while, he felt hot all over his body, and his dick in his lower body slowly became filled with blood, swelled and hardened, becoming thicker and longer than before.
"Wow, that's amazing!" my father said in surprise.
"Of course, this is the latest type of special medicine." Mina smiled proudly, "Okay, it's my turn to take care of you this time."
After saying that, Mina turned over and sat on him. She took hold of her father's fully erect cock, pointed it at her pussy, and sat down. The cock directly hit her womb, Mina raised her head in pleasure and kept moaning.
"Ah... so big... so comfortable... so exciting..."
My father also let out a sigh of pleasure, squeezing Mina's elastic buttocks with both hands. Mina twisted her waist and moved up and down, letting her father's cock rub inside her. The room was soon filled with violent crashing sounds and lustful sounds of water.
The sound of "pop, pop, pop" was heard endlessly, and father's cock rapidly thrust into Mina's pussy, causing a lot of foam to come out. Mina's eyes were blurry and she uttered obscene words, asking him to fuck her hard and fuck her up.
Seeing this passionate scene, I couldn't help but speed up my right hand. Father's cock is so thick, if it were me, I would definitely not be able to satisfy Mina. I don’t know if it was due to the aphrodisiac, but he was able to fuck Mina as hard as a young man. Mina's cries became louder and louder, sounding like she was enjoying herself.
"Husband... your cock is so big... I want to be fucked to death by you... Ah... it's so deep... it reaches the entrance of the cervix..."
"Baby...you're so tight inside...it makes me feel so comfortable..."
The father grabbed Mina's slender waist and pushed upwards hard. Each stroke hit Mina's G-spot hard, making her scream again and again. Mina soon had her first orgasm, her pussy contracted violently, and waves of semen spurted out.
"I can't do it anymore...I'm going to go...Ahhhh——"
Mina's whole body trembled, her eyes rolled white, and her saliva flowed down uncontrollably. She fell off her father's body and lay on the bed twitching. Father did not let her go, but lifted one of her legs to her chest to make the angle of her vagina more vertical, and then continued to penetrate her from top to bottom.
"No more...let me take a break..." Mina begged weakly for mercy, but father ignored her and continued to thrust hard at a fast pace.
Mina soon had her second orgasm. She cried out father's name, her pussy tightly gripping the giant thing inside her. Father finally couldn't help but cummed inside her and let out a low growl. The two hugged each other and panted for a while, and then father pulled out his weakened cock. Mina's pussy couldn't be closed, and the semen mixed with her juice flowed out gurglingly.
Looking at the exhausted two people, I returned to my room with satisfaction. The beautiful scenery tonight was worth the price of admission, and I felt more excited than ever. Recalling the scene just now, I took out my penis again and started stroking it crazily. I imagined that I had replaced my father and was fucking Mina like a storm with my huge cock; I imagined how I would send her to one orgasm after another, and finally reach a double level of semen and water under my violent bombardment. break out. With a numbing sensation, I finally couldn't help but ejaculate.
At this moment, the door suddenly opened, and a naked Mina stood at the door. The blush of passion still remained on her face, and she exuded an aura of lust.
"I found you, pervert." She winked at me and slowly walked up to me.
I was so frightened that I wanted to escape but it was too late. Mina lifted up the quilt and roughly grabbed my newly ejaculated dick.
"It turns out that my perverted son has been secretly watching us having sex." She gently scratched my peehole with her fingers, and I felt a shudder. "It must be hard to be a virgin at such an old age, right? Do you want mom to help you take care of your physiological needs?"
As she spoke, she opened her mouth and took my glans in her mouth, swirling her flexible tongue around the tip. My scalp suddenly became numb and I almost surrendered on the spot. Fortunately, I held it back and didn't let her laugh at my incompetence.
Seeing that I didn't respond, Mina took a step further and swallowed my entire penis into her mouth. I felt that my cock entered a warm and moist place, and the soft oral mucosa wrapped the shaft, bringing an extremely comfortable feeling. At the same time, she kept sucking and licking by her tongue, giving me the strongest stimulation.
I quickly lost control and cummed it in her mouth. Mina swallowed it all with a gurgle, and licked my cock clean without wanting to finish.
"Well, it tastes good." She wiped the corners of her mouth, stared at me, and said, "It seems like you won't have to be so lonely in the future, right?"
I was stunned and at a loss. Mina jumped directly on me, pulled off my underwear, and then held my semi-soft cock and pointed it at her pussy.
"Come on, fuck mommy with your big cock."
As she said that, she raised her buttocks, and my cock slid into the ecstasy hole. I felt like my whole body was about to melt into this heavenly feeling. I could never have imagined that one day I would have incest with my step mother and conquer her mature and attractive body with my cock.
I started to pump my cock instinctively, while Mina moaned wildly and kept calling me husband, dear husband, good son, which made my blood surge. I pushed harder every time, hitting her sensitive spots hard every time. Not long after, she screamed and climaxed, and her juices poured on my glans.
"Damn, you're so tight… Your are good at pinching, you're going to pinch me out." I cursed, grabbed her waist and sprinted like crazy.
"Then cum all to mommy, mommy's womb is waiting for you!" Mina moaned loudly and tighten her walls again, "Hurry up, push harder, and cum all your semen to mommy!"
Amid her screams, I could no longer hold back, and with a low growl, I poured all the thick semen into her womb. I collapsed on the bed as if exhausted, while Mina leaned into my arms with a satisfied look on her face.
"It will be like this every night from now on, you know?" She blew into my ear.
Just when I was about to quit the battlefield and take a break, Mina was not going to let me go. She stretched out her slender fingers and gently brushed my sensitive nipples, and a tingling electric current spread throughout my body instantly.
"Haha, little cutie, is this going to work?" Mina bit my ear, her voice was lazy and charming, "Don't worry, the night is still very long..."
As she spoke, her hand moved to my crotch, holding my semi-soft cock and slowly stroking it. My cock quickly became hard again. Mina seemed very satisfied and moved her hand faster and faster.
"Ah...good boy...that's it..." She moaned softly while helping me masturbate, "Mom likes your big cock the most...it can make my mother die every time... ."
Hearing these obscene words, I felt my cock swell a little more. Seeing this, Mina sped up the movements in her hand, and kept rubbing my tips with her thumb. I soon felt a heat gathering in my lower abdomen, and my self control was lost again.
"Damn...I'm cumming again..." I warned her with a heavy breath, but she obviously wasn't going to let me go. She suddenly leaned down and took my cock in her mouth. The hot and wet mouth once again brought me extremely vivid stimulation.
I grabbed her long hair with both hands, pushed my waist up involuntarily, and pushed my swollen cock deep into her throat. Mina tightened her lips in cooperation and sucked my glans hard. I couldn't hold it back any longer, I groaned and ejaculated all over her mouth.
Mina did not spit out the semen in her mouth, but swallowed it all. After swallowing, she extended her tongue and licked the remnants of my dick.
"It tastes good. It seems that I can look forward to a delicious breakfast every day from now on." She raised the corners of her mouth and smiled charmingly.
I lay on the bed panting, feeling regretful and a little excited. From now on, I will have my essence squeezed out by this goblin every day, and I don’t know if my body can handle it. But the thought of being able to indulge in a sensual paradise day and night seems pretty good.
While I was thinking wildly, Mina had already moved her hips and adjusted to a more comfortable position. Then, she lifted one leg and put it on my shoulder, and used her fingers to guide my erect penis to her pussy dripping with semen.
"Come on, kid, feed mommy with your big cock." She narrowed her eyes and moaned lustfully.
I couldn't think anymore, so I could only obey my instinct, straighten my waist and put my dick into her. The warm and moist feeling enveloped me, and I couldn't help but start a new round of conquest. In this way, we changed countless positions, from the bed to the floor, and then from the window to the bathroom. It wasn't until the sky outside the window turned white that the heart-wrenching battle came to an end temporarily.
Mina nestled in my arms contentedly and fell asleep quickly. And although I was exhausted physically and mentally, I couldn't calm down for a long time. I couldn't help but smile when I thought about my dark sexual life in the future. Maybe this is the legendary dream come true, I hope I will never wake up from this moment.
In a daze, I seemed to have had a dream. In the dream, I became the male protagonist in the novel and lived happily together with the sexy and charming teacher Mina. During the day, she is a model teacher who teaches and educates people; at night, she is a good wife who is obedient to me. We would have sex in various places, in the classroom, in the office, at parent-teacher conferences, even in front of her daughter. After each orgasm, Mina would kiss me tenderly and thank me for the pleasure I had brought to her.
When I woke up from my dream, the sun was already up to my butt. Mina was not around, so she probably got up and prepared breakfast. Thinking of all the crazy things we did last night, I couldn't help but blush. Suddenly, there were footsteps outside the door, and Mina opened the door and walked in.
"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty." She came over with a smile and kissed my forehead.
"Good morning...Good morning." I was a little embarrassed and didn't dare to look directly into her eyes.
"Did you enjoy last night, my dear?" She climbed onto the bed and straddled me. I felt something hot and hard pressing against my lower abdomen, and my eyes widened.
"WTF? You...why did you..."
"Hehe, don't forget who I am." Mina blinked, and her dexterous fingers had already begun to untie my belt, "I can make you ecstasy at any time if I want~"
As soon as she finished speaking, she had already taken off my underwear and opened her mouth to take my morning boner. I immediately fell into lust, raised my head, and moaned uncontrollably...
This is undoubtedly a beautiful morning. My beloved woman and I are inseparable, and we have started a new day of romance. From then on, we lived a life without shame, with me among you and you among me.
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kaciidubs · 7 months
Binnie's Baby Bun
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❣ Summary: Ever since you announced your pregnancy to your husband, his loving treatment skyrocketed to lengths you never believed were possible. ❣  ❣ Word Count: 797 ❣ Warnings: Husband! Changbin, Pregnant! Reader, pregnancy [early stages], fluff, light implied smut, baby bumps, overall cuteness ❣  ❣ Female! Reader [No use of Y/N] | You/Your pronouns ❣  ❣ Additional Tags: Changbin is referred to as Hubby, Bin, and Binnie, Reader is referred to as Bun, and Bunny ❣ Stray Kids Masterlist ❣ General Masterlist
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Ever since you announced your pregnancy to your husband, his loving treatment skyrocketed to lengths you never believed were possible.
Changbin was a lover, he was a supporter, he was a protector, but he was also the softest, kindest, and most careful man you had ever met, and those were just a few of the traits that convinced you that he was the man you wanted to spend the rest of your life with.
The days after you revealed your pregnancy, he treated you like you were a goddess walking among men; you would’ve thought he was your living servant the way he offered to do everything - and I mean everything - for you.
Not like he didn’t do it already, that is.
The first handful of weeks were met with extra kisses here and there, extra check-ins so he could have a clearer gauge on your comfort, and small things like extra snacks finding their way into your pantry.
But, when your stomach slowly began to grow and the first hints of your baby bump began to show, Binnie mode was in full swing.
Almost every morning you were guaranteed a kiss on the lips, cheek, or forehead, and an extra kiss to the small swell of your belly, paired with a whispered “Good morning, baby.”
Whenever you were together he would always, always, manage to keep a hand on your stomach - if you allowed him, of course - and if he couldn’t keep you close by, he’d always make sure to take a quick ‘baby bump break’ to saddle up beside you and rest the palm of his hand over your belly button.
“Bin, if you’re like this when I’m barely showing, I can only imagine how you’ll be when I'm in full watermelon mode.”
You sat partially sprawled out on the couch of his recording studio, the pillow you were previously laying on now replaced with Changbin’s lap, and his arm reaching down your body to rest his hand over the top of your stomach.
He laughed and leaned down to press a kiss to your cheek, “That’s why you have to get used to how I am now, Bun! I know baby bun will.”
“Baby bun?” You hummed, tilting your head to get a better look at him, “So you’re hoping for a girl?”
He shook his head, “Baby bun is just baby bun - girl, boy, I don’t care, as long as they’re healthy and you’re healthy that’s all that matters to me.”
Fresh tears stung at your eyes and you had to fight to push them away, blaming the increased hormones in your body for your sudden sensitivity to his sentiments.
“Alright, break time’s over!” Announcing his leave with his usual loud voice, he helped you get comfortable again before bending down to your eye-level, “Another hour or two and I’ll be done, then we can go get some dinner, deal?”
Smiling, you nodded happily, “Baby bun and I think that’s a great deal.”
Furthermore, in the midst of all of his soft, adoring moments, there were also moments of warm, tender love that had you overwhelmed in the best of ways.
Moments where he would watch you do your nightly routine; silently observing the way his shirt would ride up with each of your movements, revealing a sliver of the bump he would never get enough of, urging him to stand behind you and snake his arms around your waist.
You smiled tiredly at his reflection in the mirror, rubbing the remaining moisturizer onto your cheeks, “Hi, hubby.”
“Hi, bunny,” he replied in kind, pressing a soft kiss to the junction of your neck and shoulder.
Melting into his touch with a gentle sigh, you tilted your head to give him more access, your hands going to encompass his own resting yet again over your bump. “Binnie… What are you up to?”
His arms held you a bit tighter, his lips making a path up your neck and brushing against a spot he knew all too well, “Just appreciating you…”
“Hm, yeah, I can tell.” You shifted your hips, fully aware of the bulge filling his boxer briefs, “You appreciate me that much, yeah?”
Nipping at your skin, his eyes met yours in the mirror, his heard gaze sending a chill of excitement down your spine.
“Can I appreciate you more?”
“Right now?” You mused, lacing your fingers through his, “Right here?”
A low hum vibrated through him as he took you in, the scenario so familiar yet so, so different in numerous ways; you were no longer his girlfriend, no longer his fiancee, no longer just his wife, but his wife and soon-to-be mother of his child.
“Right now,” he confirmed, firm and sure, loving and supportive, soft and kind, “right here.”
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✧. ┊Tagged lovelies: @goblinracha, @having-an-internal-crisis-rn, @midnightfrog625, @anyhow-everything, @bangchanbabygirlx, @sweetracha, @j-onedrabbles, @happilydeepestwonderland, @nightimescapes, @caitlyn98s, @ch4nn13luv, @ihrtlix, @sometimesleeknows, @jeonjungkookenthusiast1997, @instabull, @maximumkillshot, @bandolls, @y-ur--i, @acker-night, @dreamescapeswriting, @sunnyhonie, @specialstay, @broken-glowsticks, @s00buwu, @all4innie, @dancerachaslut
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sanguineterrain · 8 months
Hey I saw you're still taking requests... what about a batman x reader where the justice league meets his wife (the reader) by accident? And maybe they're shocked because he's so secretive and she's really sweet and just the total opposite of him. Feel free to ignore if this doesn't sound interesting to you. I love your writing 💗
Hey! I love this prompt, thanks for sending it in :) I made the reader gender neutral, I hope that's okay!
Bruce Wayne x spouse!gn!reader. No warnings, just Bruce being a little shit (and a sweet hubby).
You press your palm to the reader at the entrance of the Cave and jog down the stairs, talking all the way.
"Honey, Alfred and I are going to..."
Six superhero faces stare back at you. Bruce is in the cowl, expression hard to parse. Your brows rise.
"Oh! I'm sorry. I didn't know B had company. I'll leave you to it," you say, beginning to back up the stairs.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa," says Green Lantern. You can't tell through the mask lenses, but you think he might be zeroed in on the ring on your left hand. "Uh, Spooky? Something you wanna tell us?"
You freeze on the steps. Bruce looks at you, then crosses the Cave in a few long strides. He stops next to you.
Sorry, you mouth at him. He shakes his head and reaches out to squeeze your hand.
"Hold the fucking phone," Green Arrow begins. "You're his—"
"Partner," Wonder Woman says instantly. She sounds pensive. "I have never seen you look at anyone like that, Bruce."
Bruce doesn't say anything, not that you expect him to. You feel him tense.
He'd been content to keep his family as private as possible, and you hadn't minded being kept separate. You know it's out of extreme protectiveness and the fact that you're the only one of the Wayne family who doesn't put a suit on and fight crime.
There's a moment of silence as the League studies you, then Bruce. You smile slowly and wave.
"Hi, Justice League. Nice to meet you all."
"Hello," says the Martian Manhunter, who's probably known about you since you entered Wayne Manor.
"You got married without telling us?" Superman sounds hurt.
Bruce heaves a sigh.
"We got married during the League's infancy. Please spare me the theatrics. Of course I didn't tell you."
"We revealed our identities two years ago!" Superman argues. "You didn't want to mention you have a spouse?"
Superman nods at you then. "Uh, of course, it's still very nice to meet you."
You smile. "It's nice to meet you too, Superman."
"Clark," he corrects hastily. Then he turns to Bruce again, upset flaring. "Bruce—"
"You're upset over nothing," Bruce says. "We weren't close when I got married, and I never found it a pertinent detail."
You roll your eyes.
"B," you say, nudging his shoulder. "C'mon. Try to be a little gentler about this, hm?"
Bruce looks at you. You smile at him and squeeze his wrist encouragingly. He eventually turns back to the League.
"Very well, you're right. Clark, that was harsh of me. My apologies."
The League startles.
"Whoa. Rewind. Hold up. Did Spooky just apologize?" Green Lantern asks. "Did I just get zeta'd?"
Bruce sighs. You stifle a laugh and kiss his bicep. His hand slips to your back.
"Aw, you guys are cute," Flash says jovially. "Congrats, B! Even if it's been almost six years."
Bruce nods. "Thank you, Allen."
"It is incredible how the better half can transform the other," says Wonder Woman, and you preen a little at the compliment.
Clark looks flabbergasted. It takes him a second to speak again.
"Um. That's... okay, Bruce. I forgive you. I suppose you did it out of protection, right?"
"I'm just a boring ol' civilian," you say, nodding. "No powers or years of Krav Maga training here. B worries."
"You're not boring," Bruce says fiercely, quiet enough for only you to hear... and Clark, who has superhearing, and who softens at the statement.
"This is so weird," Green Lantern says, and Bruce glares at him.
"I mean, it's sweet!" he hastily adds. "Uh, you guys are very sweet together, like Bar said. I just feel like I've been mind controlled or something."
"If it was mind control, you wouldn't still be talking," Bruce says flatly.
"Okay, alright, point taken. Shutting up. It's very nice to meet you, though," Green Lantern says to you.
"You as well," you say warmly. "All of you. I want to thank you for looking out for him all these years and bringing him home safe."
Wonder Woman smiles at you. "It is a great honor to fight alongside him. And we are happy he has someone to come home to."
"Seconded," Clark says. "You deserve someone special, B. And I can tell they're just that."
Your face feels warm under all the praise. Bruce is quiet for a long moment. When he speaks again, there's a slight tremor in his voice.
"Thank you. I—they are the best thing to ever happen to me."
You have to kiss Bruce for that, cowl be damned. He meets you gently, and you keep it short but full of love. Flash aww's.
"Well," you say, laughing bashfully. "I suppose I'll let you all get back to work. Nice to meet you. Goodbye. Bruce, I'm going out with Alfred."
Bruce nods. "Call me when you get home."
"'Course, sweetheart. I always do."
You head up the stairs. Flash starts to speak.
"Y'know, I told you all when I got married," he says. "You guys were the first people I told! We didn't even know Clark's identity then. I think you could've loosened the reins, Bruce."
"Yeah, no. You telling a bunch of superhero co-workers is infinitely stranger than Bruce never telling us, Bar."
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qiwoomi · 9 days
gender reveal
gojo x fem! pregnant reader
established relationship (married), fluff, comfort, pregnancy, overall just gojo being the best hubby, not proofread so it might be cringe, inspired from a video I came across
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The weather was nice, a perfect day for a picnic.
And what's better is the fact that you can finally spend time alone with the love of your life, Gojo Satoru.
He does most of the work, setting up the mat, making sure to put another on them to make sure that you're comfortable as he knows how much you hate feeling the prickly grass under you.
"Do you want me to help?" You muttered softly, sitting on a foldable chair as you watch admire Satoru. He flashed a charming smile at you, finally done with everything as he approaches you. "My pretty baby shouldn't lift a hand at all, having you here is already enough." He kissed your ring finger, making you fall over him again.
You slightly pout, before he gently pull you up from the chair, his hand behind your back as he guides you to sit on the mat. "It's not a big deal though, I can do it still." I mumbled, as Satoru opened the basket to reveal various type of food.
"It's a big deal for me." He chuckled, carefully taking out the food out of the basket as he pressed a chaste kiss on your lips.
Comfortable silence lingered for a while, as you observed the nature around you. The birds singing, the winds breeze, the scent of nature around you, and most importantly your husband. Your hand caressed your stomach, as your eyes landed on the cake that Satoru just take out.
"Ohoho, I didn't know you brought us a cake." He mused, licking the cream from his finger as you lightly swatted his hand. "Well that, I haven't tell you for a reason." You muttered, as Satoru turned his attention to you.
"Hm, what is it about baby?" He cooed, noticing the slight change in your tone.
"Remember when I talked about doing a gender reveal?" You start, as Satoru hummed at your words. "Well, it's today." You blurt out, waiting for his reaction. It took a while for your words to click, as Satoru beamed at the announcement.
"Really?! Aww love, you could've tell me though I would want to help you." He kissed your cheek, as you brought out two glasses for the occasion. "Sorry, I just thought that it would be more intimate if we do gender reveal just between us..." You sniffled, hormones kicking in.
The sight of his wife crying makes him feel sorry, as he brings you closer to his chest while you sobbed. "No baby, it's fine. I was just surprised is all. I agree that it would be better if it's just for the two of us." He comforted, as he wiped away your tears.
He offered a smile at you, your tears calming down. "Now let's do it yeah? I can't wait to find out." He pressed another kiss on your forehead, making you smile at him.
"Okay... Here, we should scoop the glass on the cake and whatever color we got is going to be the gender." You explained, handing him the glass as you countdown from 3.
Satoru decided to close his eyes, scooping the cake and opened his eyes, his brows slightly furrowed at the color. "Yellow?" He muttered, looking at you as your eyes started tearing up again.
"No, it was supposed to be either pink or blue." You mumbled, tearing up at the fact that you messed up. This is a very important moment, and somehow you managed to mess up the coloring. It was supposed to be pink.
Satoru frowned at your distress, calming you down by caressing your hair as he hugs you. "Hey, it's okay baby. There's nothing wrong with it." He whispered in your ear, consoling you through your dissappointment. "I tried my best." You cried, as Satoru only wiped the tears from your beautiful face.
"There there, I know you did baby." He softly cooed, letting you cry your heart out. "We could do it another way you know? Maybe you can feed me either blueberries or strawberry while I close my eye, do you want it?" He suggested, calming you down as you nodded at him.
"Okay..." You mumbled through puffy eyes, it was a shame that your hormone got the best of you today, out of any other day. "Alright baby, I'm closing my eyes. Blueberry is boy and strawberry is going to be girl okay?" He reassured as he starts to close his eyes while you nod.
You start picking a strawberry from on top of the cake, feeding him as you smiled, waiting for his reaction. He munched on them for a good few, as he finally opened his eyes and hug you.
"We're having a girl?!" He exclaimed, pulling you into his embrace as he beamed at you, a wide smile on his face. You happily nodded at him, as he peppered kisses all over you face at the confirmation.
"My love, thank you so much! I love you so much." He chuckled, happy at the reveal. He knew it. He knew he was going to be a girl dad.
"I love you too... I feed you two strawberries you know.. " You added, hinting at something as it finally clicked on him.
"Oh. My. God! We're having twins as well?" He exclaimed, which makes you giddy as you smiled widely at him, nodding at him.
"My wife, I'm the luckiest man ever." He dramatically declared as he give you another kiss, long enough to render you speechless.
The picnic ended full of affections. It is the start of your journey in building life together with him, and you wouldn't have it any other way.
author's note: sorry if I'm not actively uploading stuffs, I figured that I shouldn't force myself to write when I don't want to and instead make it like a hobby of mine. :) i don't want to burn myself out again (because that had happened b4)
© @qiwoomi
est. 300524
do not copy, translate or repost my work.
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mylancap1 · 7 months
Selesai story aku berkenaan dengan celeb's hotwife. Dari Tasha sampai kepada bestfriend dia Alisha. Alisha pula ada hot siblings termasuk mommy dia. Semua high libido. Aku nak tutup dengan part V dengan side Bella. Hubby Bella memang terkenal dengan pelakon yang ramai. Antara yang aku follow adalah Nisa. Ada lagi girls yang lawa, memang berdozen-dozen sebab AI terkenal sebagai pencinta girls. Cuma kali ni aku fokus dekat Nisa.
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Nisa ni kategori girls yang nerdy tapi dah dicemari apabila exposure banyak dekat dia bila sertai dunia lakonan. Aku tak minat sangat dengan muka dia sebab lagi-lagi dia pakai braces. Tapi aku tau ada fappers yang suka girls pakai braces.
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Aku turn on dengan Nisa ni sebab dia dibentuk dari nerd kepada slut. Dan percubaan tu menjadi. Lakonan dia terbawa-bawa sampai ke dunia reality. Apa lagi dia tengok Bella & pelakon girls lain yang sangat open dan akan reveal semua benda pasal sexual preferences dorang. Setakat position apa yang dorang suka tu dah jadi topik perbincangan harian. Lepas tu dick macam mana yang dorang nak fuck. Semua tu dibincangkan dengan sangat detail.
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Untuk seorang girl yang lemah, memang Nisa terpaksa menahan horny sampai la benda tu tak tertahan lagi sampai terluah kepada semua orang. Dekat sini la buat aku turn on.
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Dengan muka yang nerd, Nisa dah jadi sangat slutty. Apa lagi bila dia dah kawin. Dia dah rasa semua yang dibincangkan secara teori. Dia teringin nak lagi. Nak explore lebih mendalam. Nisa tak nak rushing tapi dia tau lambat-laun dia akan terjebak dalam dunia yang penuh nikmat ni. Selama ni Nisa ni sangat nerd, nampak macam ustazah pun ada, selalu cover apa yang patut. Tapi kali ni nafsu Nisa membuak-buak untuk masuk ke dunia sex yang berbeza.
Bila masa tu akan tiba?
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Face 5/10
Muka dia sangat nerdy. Masih kesian untuk jadikan dia stok cumtribute. Tapi aku rasa kesian aku tak lama. Muka Nisa akan jadi medium untuk sperm aku meleleh. Masa tu markah jadi 6 atau 7.
Boobs 5.5/10
Boobs Nisa kecik je. Dia tak ada boobs yang boleh menggoda fappers secara direct. Tapi girl kategori Nisa ni lain cara untuk hayati boobs dia. Aku akan explain dalam part sexual attractiveness.
Butt 5.5/10
Aku percaya butt Nisa padu. Cuma dia sorok dan tak nak show off. Nisa perlu diberi pendedahan. Layan dulu pussy habis-habisan. Jangan rushing nak terus doggy yang versi hardcore. Sampai dah matang, boleh doggy dan try something wild macam anal.
Body Cutting 6.5/10
Body cutting dia not bad apa lagi kalau dia pakai outfit yang ketat. Nampak juga boobs dia yang kecik tu dan pinggang dia yang slim.
Sexual Attractiveness 7.5/10
Part ni markah Nisa tinggi berbanding lain. Macam aku janji nak terangkan. Nisa ni kategori girl yang tak boleh turn on secara direct. Macam tengok boobs sebijik dan akan turn on. Versi Nisa ni kena hayati kelembutan dan nerdy dia. Dan situ la imagination jadi liar. Apa yang ada di sebalik tudung yang cover penuh dada dia tu. Benda macam ni orang yang taste ustazah & nerdy girls akan faham sangat.
Exploration Nisa akan buatkan libido dia meningkat slowly. Terbaru, Nisa explore macam mana nak masturbate. Selama ni, tak pernah dia touch herself. So bila partner tak ada outstation, Nisa akan cuba dengan dildo & vibrator. Muka macam Nisa memang sangat ideal untuk masturbate version. Sebab expression muka dia tu mixed antara nerdy + notty.
Siapa yang akan guide & bagi Nisa exposure nanti? Adakah girls di sekeliling dia? Atau lelaki yang selalu jadi pelakon bersama? Arghhh hot
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sea-lanterns · 1 month
(In contrast to what Signora anon said)
Now imagine Arlecchino jealous and worried for the Empress. She cannot bear the thought of fighting even the Tsaritsa to win your heart, nu uh, she won't have that
If it's just some paper business you'll be found inside Arle's office in her lap buried in her coat (imagine that you're enough small compared to her so shell rest her head on top of yours🥺). You don't even have to worry about leaving your warm spot neither for a second: want some water? There's already a bottle with two glasses on the table. Hungry? She got yourself your favorite snack previously prepared (what a caring husband right? 🥰)
If she has to go out however she will leave you her coat and when she comes back she expect to see you in it (otherwise you'll be getting a grumpy pookie bear so I warmly suggest you to keep it on👀)
Awwww we made the Pookie Wookie Bear jealous 🥺
Arlecchino comes back from her duties and is like “where’s my Empress?” Only for Signora to open up her coat and reveal the Empress all snug and warm while cuddled up to the fair lady. Oh, you bet Arle is going to be upset. She won’t really show it, but she gently tugs you away from her coworker and stuffs you in her coat instead, shuffling away with her Empress like she was a toy being fought over.
After that, Arlecchino does everything in her power to be the best husband she can be during your stay. She’s always keeping you in her lap or snuggled up against her, feeding you your favorite foods and drinks while she works to ensure you don’t get bored. Heck, whenever the other female Harbingers or god, even the Tsaritsa ask to coddle you for themselves, Arlecchino just shuffles away with you in her grasp, pretending she didn’t hear them 😭😭
Poor Pookie Wookie Bear. She thought traveling to Snezhnaya without the other courtesans would get her some alone time with her love, but unfortunately for her, it seems her coworkers have taken a liking to you too :(
Gib her kiss. She is trying to be a good hubby.
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doc-pickles · 7 months
waking up in vegas | matthew tkachuk x hughes!sister (p. 1)
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series masterlist
summary: nothing can go wrong when you take a sibling trip to vegas with the tkachuks… right?
warnings: mentions of alcohol consumption, allusions to sex but no smut
a/n: this is a self indulgent fic that I might write a part two for 👀 enjoy!
The light shining through the windows is too bright, the hum of the AC is too loud. The blankets are too heavy, even the skin of your arms and legs feels too hot.
Yup. You’re hungover.
With a groan you push your face back into your pillow, trying to regulate your breathing as you fight back the urge to vomit. You don’t remember much from last night besides your brothers feeding you shots and dancing with Taryn. At some point, you’d lost Brady and Jack was heckling Luke for something you can’t recall. Quinn had been complaining about the music being too loud and Matthew… Well, you can’t quite place him in your memories of last night.
Your family had been close with the Tkachuks since you could remember. You’d spent summers, holidays, and everything in between with them. Quinn and Jack had always been attached at the hip with Brady and Matthew while you and your twin brother Luke had gravitated toward Taryn.
When your and Luke’s 21st birthday came around Matthew and Jack jumped at the opportunity to plan a trip to Vegas to celebrate the occasion, excited for the seven of you to run the town together.
Except now you feel like you’re dying. You roll over in bed, expecting to find Luke who you usually crawl into bed with when drunk. But the body next to yours is more muscular than Luke’s and the arm wrapped around you holds you tighter than your twin ever had.
“Moving too much,” the sleep heavy voice next to you sounds. “Come cuddle, you’re warm.”
You stomach drops as you realize you know exactly who’s in bed next to you.
“Oh fuck!”
Sitting up in a haze, you look down at none other than Matthew Tkachuk who’s curled tightly around your body.
Your naked body.
“Oh my god,” you shriek, which instantly wakes Matthew up as you begin to fully freak out. “Holy fucking shit!”
Matthew cracks his eyes open, looking over the situation before pressing his hands into his face, “I am so fucking dead.”
“You? What about me?!” you throw your hands out in exasperation and spy something glittering on your left hand. “Oh my god…”
You turn your hand over to reveal a large diamond ring shining in the morning sun. Without thinking you grab Matthew’s arm, a matching silver band adorning his left hand.
“Did we get married?!”
At your words Matthew sits up, eyes surveying the hotel room. Your own follow his path, taking in the white dress and suit on the floor along with a bouquet of flowers, pizza boxes, and empty champagne bottles.
“Oh my god! Matty what the fuck!”
There’s suddenly a pounding on your hotel door and you can hear voices on the other side.
“I swear I’ll break this door down,” Quinn threatens as he calls your name. “Open up or I’m calling mom!”
Matthews face pales and you quickly scramble to grab a hotel robe before sticking your head into the hallway.
“Hey Quinny,” you grin, ignoring the furious look on your oldest brother's face and trying to tamp down your own nerves. “What’s up?”
“Oh nothing, just a beautiful day where my sister decided to get married instead of doing something responsible like going to bed last night,” Quinn deadpans as he glares at you from the doorway, Jack at his side wearing a smirk. “I just came down here to warn you that Luke is probably going to murder whoever’s in your bed right now.”
“About that…” you groan as you press your forehead to the cold wood of the door. “Hubby, are you decent enough for me to let my brothers in?”
Instead of a response a pillow hits your back and you take that as a sign from Matthew to open the door. When your brothers walk in Quinn groans and Jack begins to laugh hysterically until you glare at him and he shuts up.
“I can’t believe you eloped with Matty,” Quinn runs his hand over his face and heaves a sigh. “Jack, I told you this trip was a bad idea.”
“And where were you when the eloping was happening,” you ask as you sit on the edge of the bed. Matthew’s hand rests gently on your back and for some reason the motion is comforting. “I distinctly remember Jack and Taryn encouraging us to go to the chapel.”
“And you listened?!” Quinn screeches.
“And Luke was making out with the cocktail waitress,” Matthew supplies. As soon as he says it you have a vivid image in your head of Luke and a bottle blonde waitress sucking each others faces off. “Brady went back early to call Emma. So that leaves you Quinn.”
Quinn rolls his eyes, “Oh my god. You’re not pinning this on me. It is not my fault you two decided to get hitched because you’d had five too many margaritas and decided to listen to Taryn and Jack for advice.”
You open your mouth to respond but the door bursts open and Luke is now standing in the middle of the room with an angry expression as he takes in the sight of you and Matthew sitting together on the hotel bed.
“I leave you unattended for half an hour last night and you wake up married?!”
“I wasn’t the one making out with the cocktail waitress all night,” you retort and Luke crosses his arms.
“You cannot seriously be comparing the two instances,” Luke huffs as he steps forward. “Move so I can punch Matthew.”
At your brothers words Matthew grips your shoulders and attempts to use you as a human shield. “You’ll have to get through my wife first.”
Luke, Jack, and Quinn all started yelling at that point, Matthew ducking behind you as they continued to argue.
“Enough!,” you shouted over your brothers. “This is a non issue, I’ll just get the marriage annulled and we can all pretend like it never happened.”
Jack scoffs, “Yeah tell that to Taryn’s camera roll. Pretty sure she’s planning on making you a wedding album for Christmas.”
Luke begins to protest again but you cut him off, “Non issue! Now get out so I can shower and contemplate my life choices in peace.”
Quinn and Jack make a show of grumbling and complaining on their way out the door while Luke stares you and Matthew down, “I swear to god Tkachuk if you find a way to fuck this up even more, so help me.”
“Goodbye Luke,” you wave at him and finally the room is clear. You heave a breath and turn to Matthew who’s grinning. “What?”
“If we’re still technically married does that mean we can have guilt free sex,” Matthew asks with a smirk, his fingers pushing down the top of your robe to show off the purple hickeys on your neck. “Because it looks like we already consummated the marriage.”
You groan, pushing off Matthew as you head to the bathroom, “In your dreams Tkachuk.”
“Trust me Mrs. Tkachuk I’m gonna have the sweetest dreams about you.”
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