#hope x pride x valor
rosella-writes · 2 years
have a prompt beloved: “ everyone is looking at us. is that a good or a bad thing? ” Hope & Valor :D
Okay so this got entirely too horny but there's zero angst so I consider that a win in this scenario.
Pairing: Hope/Valor (Felassan/Lavellan) with background poly with Pride (f!Solas) Rating: M? for nip nops Words: 896
for @dadrunkwriting
Hope is more graceful than she is, that much is clear. Valor focuses with a furrow of her brow on the passage of her feet, determined not to step on his toes. 
“So serious,” Hope teases with a twinkle in his violet eyes. “You’re holding me so far away from you. It’s easier to lead if you hold oneself more like—”
Valor huffs out the tiniest of laughs when Hope steps into the tiny cage created by their encircling arms, allowing her to slide a hand to the small of his back and hold him flush against her. She can feel his laughter now. 
“This.” Those eyes flick up over her head, darting from one point to another, then back down to meet hers. “Don’t look now, but they’re watching.”
Hope is right—it’s easier to guide their steps when she can feel the minute changes in his stance. She can almost taste the next beat of the song in his anticipation, in his effusive joy. Despite all his years as Champion, he still lets a tinge of his true feelings show through his mask. 
Valor is glad for it. Among all these dignitaries and perceptive siblings of the air, it’s demoralising to be the only one who slips—Hope seems to make slipping a charismatic art in and of itself. 
“Who’s watching?” she finally asks, guiding him along the edge of the room. 
Warm, rosy lights twinkle over his shoulder, held aloft by a young spirit, likely one of Diligence. Valor wonders who has leashed it. Hope’s curled finger, cool and grounding, tips her chin up to look at him, as if he wishes to lay a kiss on her mouth. He’s close enough that he could. 
“Your master’s brother,” he murmurs. She realises he’s used the guise of a promised kiss to speak to her. “My own mistress. Deceit, Dirthamen’s raven.”
“So, everyone,” Valor chuckles. “Is that a good or bad thing?”
A smile twitches at the corner of Hope’s sly mouth. His eyes roam the room, but his attention is centered on her—evident in the press of his body, the firm grasp of his hands, the cant of his head as he turns to her. She is the fulcrum of their dance, and he the lever.
“That depends,” he says cryptically, dropping his voice to a mere whisper. “Bad if one doesn’t wish to be seen. Good if one wishes to be coveted.”
“By whom?” Valor scoffed. She softens the tone of her voice with a twinkle in her eye.
He nudges her with a whisper of will, barely more than the passing scent of anise and lavender. She turns on their axis, her gaze directed by the tilt of Hope’s chin. 
There is a private corner in this ballroom, tucked away behind flowing velvet curtains the colour of gold. Valor remembers many stolen moments behind those curtains, drawing stolen gasps from between Pride’s teeth, or stowing away in search of a moment’s respite from the stresses of constant performance. The slim figure of Pride is silhouetted against those curtains now—she is all long, languid lines, her tall, angular body draped across a chair. A glass of rose-red wine dangles dangerously from one lazy, lily-white hand. Valor looks away, a faint flush rising beneath her collar, when she registers the dress Pride has worn to the gala. 
“I’ve never seen quite that shade of covetousness paint the air around our love, have you?”
Valor glances up at Hope—he looks down at her with a knowing look in his eye and a promise tucked into the curve of his smile. 
“What are you planning?” Valor asks. 
She can feel a thrill moving over the surface of her skin, under her loose, open-collared shirt, beneath the seamless shift of her leather breeches. Hope seems vivid in contrast to her dark tones and modest material—the sleeve of his silken robe shifts beneath her hand, glimmering with embroidered fishes in shades of cobalt and violet. 
“The question,” Hope teases, his dark hair falling forward to touch Valor’s cheek as he leans close, “should be ‘why are you not prepared?’ Look at her again. She wore it for you.”
Valor snorts. “She wore it to be seen.”
“All the better to stoke your jealousy.”
Valor glances at Pride again. She’s only worn this dress once before—in a private moment, stolen beneath the moons—and to see her in it in public has brought heat thumping between her thighs. It drapes over the lines of her, shimmering bronze against freckled skin, and cinches at the base of her sternum to bare the entirety of her chest. Pride’s long, auburn hair is loose tonight, and it just barely hides the glimmer of a pierced nipple from Valor’s gaze. 
Hope’s chuckle has Valor’s eyes darting up to meet Pride’s, barely shuttered lust trapped in her throat. She’s taken a sip of that wine—her eyes shine, bright as mirrors, over the rim. 
“She knows exactly what she’s doing,” Valor hisses. 
Hope chuckles again. “That she does. Now that we’ve been seen, shall we join her?”
As if given permission, Valor abandons her half-forgotten dance. Hope’s hand remains clutched in hers, and he trails, laughing to himself, in her wake as she crosses the room. But all Valor can see is the flash of triumph in Pride’s eyes, as sharp, dangerous, and beautiful as shattered glass.
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missmatchablossom · 4 months
The Champion's Babysitter
Pokemon x JJK AU
summary: you are the newest dragon-type gym leader, and you've just been tasked with babysitting the pokemon champion gojo satoru, who has not been taking his job seriously.
a.n.: fem reader, a couple of curse words, kinda slow burn romance, fluffy, cute pokemon interactions, 6.8k words. shoutout @silkspunweb for putting this AU in my head <3
“I’m sorry, could you please repeat that? I’m afraid I’m not following,” you asked, nerves overwhelming your senses as you stood before the four toughest pokemon trainers in the region: the Elite Four.
It was impossible not to be in awe of some of the world’s most renowned fighters. How could you just stand there, not shitting your pants, when you spent so many hours watching footage of their pokemon battles? You had the utmost respect for the four figures sitting before you.
Nanami Kento, the Steel-Type master
Okkotsu Yuta, the Dark-Type expert
Fushiguro Toji, the Poison-Type wielder
Iori Utahime, the Ice-Type genius
It was an honor to be granted a private audience with them upon their request. But your reverence was halted once Nanami began delivering the news to you.
“We are asking that you oversee the business of Gojo,” he said, looking you squarely in the eyes as he adjusted his glasses.
“Gojo, as in Gojo Satoru? Our current pokemon champion?” you asked incredulously, eyes flickering between the four people before you, desperate for clarification.
“The very same one,” Yuta answered, smiling at you sympathetically.
“What do you mean by oversee?” you continued, turning towards Utahime.
“As I’m sure you’ve already heard on the news, Champion Gojo has been neglecting his post as of late. Recent challengers have been showing up to battles to find him missing,” she responded, brows furrowing in distaste. The Frosslass at her side nodded her assent.
It was true, it’s been all over TV lately. The celebrated, undefeated champion has been ghosting any challengers. The footage that you see of him nowadays is of him lounging around at different cafes, snapping pictures of the sweets he’s indulging in.
Pathetic, you thought.
“His hedonism is causing a lot of uproar. It’s a huge pain in the ass,” Nanami added, as the others murmured in agreement.
“We’d like you to check in with him now and then…encourage him to take his position more seriously,” Yuta said, the gaze of his dusclops behind him unsettling you.
You blinked a few times.
“Why me?” you asked. The four exchanged loaded glances you struggled to decipher. You could’ve sworn that Yuta’s smile felt more mischievous than usual, like he knew something you didn’t.
“You’re one of the most promising young trainers we’ve seen in a long time. The gym leaders you’ve battled and your fellow peers have vouched for you as someone of great integrity, valor, and talent. We’ve seen it ourselves.” Utahime said, causing your chest to swell with pride.
“The decision to make you the newest Dragon-type gym leader was unanimous. We hope you don’t take that lightly,” Nanami revealed. 
“Thank you, it means a lot to me,” you said. You’d worked hard your entire life to become a gym leader worthy of the Dragon-type pokemon you hold near and dear to your heart. But they were still dancing around why they wanted you to do anything with the champion.
“Forgive me for asking, but what can I do that the rest of you cannot?” you pressed, ignoring the bored yawn from Toji.
“Gojo won’t listen to us. But we believe he will at least find interest in a fellow Dragon-type specialist, especially one as strong as you,” Yuta responded.
It was common knowledge that while our champion could wield any type of pokemon, he favored Dragon-types. Not many could say the same, as most trainers found it difficult to work with the stubborn, overpowering nature that is Dragon-type pokemon. 
Toji’s heavy sigh filled the room, the weedle around his shoulders tilting its head at you.
“Look kid, we’re asking you to be his babysitter. Follow him around, challenge him to battles, do whatever you need to get his ass back to work so he can stop being a pain in ours.” Toji stated gruffly, crossing his arms and leveling you with a look.
Nanami fired a look of quiet distaste in his direction, focusing back on you.
“My apologies for his tactlessness, but he’s not wrong. We know it’s a big task, but you’re the only one we can ask,” Nanami said, his Lucario nodding its head. 
“You might even learn something from him. Few people can say they got to train with Champion Gojo,” Utahime pressed, quipping her brow. 
She got you there. While you dedicated countless hours watching pokemon battles of each of the elite 4, you studied Gojo’s battles religiously. There was no documented battle of his that you didn’t know like the back of your hand, and no matter how many times you’d seen him fight, you always felt the same awe and respect watching his talent.
The elite 4 and their pokemon stared at you intensely, waiting for your response. How could you refuse, when some of the top trainers in the world were practically begging you for this favor?
“I’ll do it if you really think I can help,” you said, fiddling with your fingers nervously. 
All of them - minus Toji - notably relaxed their shoulders, thanking you. 
“We’ve synced up your pokedex with his so you can always locate each other. You have a pokemon capable of flying, yes?” Utahime said, handing you your updated pokedex. You nodded, slipping it into your pocket.
“Perfect. Why don’t you pay him a visit?” Yuta said, smiling angelically at you. It seemed like you didn’t have a choice, not with the way they were all looking expectantly. 
“All right. I’ll forward updates in the coming weeks,” you said, nodding to the rest of them as you turned to leave. 
Before you reached the exit, a soft paw pad touched your shoulder. You turned to face Nanami’s Lucario, which was holding out a can of lemonade in its paws. You reached out to grab the can, smiling at the pokemon.
“For me?” you asked, brows furrowing as the Lucario shook its head.
“For…Gojo?” you asked, and immediately the Lucario smiled and nodded. 
“Alright, I’ll pass it to him. Thank you,” you said, waving as you left. 
Once you were outside the building, you released a sigh. Salamence immediately popped out of his pokeball, letting out a mixture of chuffs and roars and he nudged you with his nose. 
You laughed, placing your hand under his chin and scratching.
“I’m alright buddy, I promise,” you said. You were incredibly bonded to all of your pokemon, but Salamence had a special place in your heart. He has always been your proud protector, ever since you came across him when he was an injured, weak Bagon.
Flipping open the map on your Pokedex, you located Gojo near a seaside town.
“Alright, ready to fly bud?” you asked Salamence. He roared in excitement as you jumped onto his back.
The soothing music of the waves against the shore always calmed you. Before you became a gym leader, you often visited the beach to relax and let your water-types splash around. 
You didn’t even need your pokedex to locate the champion, who was garnering attention from every person nearby as he sat at the local cafe. He was practically surrounded by people, the shine of his silvery hair being the only thing singling him out in a crowd so big. 
There was only one trick up your sleeve that was a sure-fire way of getting a crowd’s attention. Grabbing two of your pokeballs, you allowed Kingdra and Gyrrados to come out into the water. 
They both jumped in immediately, happily swimming around as you laughed.
“Alright you two, I need you both to execute plan sparkle,” you said. They voiced their agreement and immediately began performing a dual variation of the move dragon dance in the water, causing major splashes and ripples that began drawing the huge crowd of people away from Gojo and towards them.
You shot them a thumbs-up before making your way over to the champion. It almost pissed you off how nonchalant he looked, leaning back in his chair with his legs stretched out, like there wasn’t anywhere he should be. His famous luxray lay at his feet, curled up next to a plate of what looked like poke puffs. Once he spotted you, he rose to his full stature, positioning himself in front of his trainer in a protective stance. You offered the Luxray a treat from your pocket, and the pokemon gently took it in his mouth before retreating to Gojo’s side.
“Champion Satoru Gojo,” you began, squaring your shoulders. 
He glanced up at you immediately, his cerulean eyes peeking out behind a pair of black sunglasses that sat perched at the end of his nose. His silvery hair was down, brushing against his eyes ever so slightly from the sea breeze. 
A hint of surprise ran across over his features, fast enough that you almost didn’t catch it.
“My name is-”
“I know who you are, dragon prodigy,” Gojo said, calling you by your nickname. 
He knows who I am?
“May I ask why our esteemed champion is here, instead of facing all the challengers you have lined up to defeat you?” you asked, crossing your arms.
He smiled at you, sending a stampede of butterfrees down your body. Gojo wasn’t famed for just his prowess in pokemon battle, no. He was one of the most famous champions for his beauty, especially with that signature smile of his.
“Looking to battle me, are you?” he said, crossing his arms over his head as he tilted his head down to get a good look at you.
“I’d never turn down a battle, but I’m not interested in your title, champion,” you said, a note of disdain in your voice. He raised a brow at you, as if he couldn’t believe a trainer didn’t want to become the coveted title of pokemon champion.
“Oh? Then why have you tracked me down here, miss prodigy,” he asked, reaching down to pet his Luxray. 
“I’ve been tasked with making sure you get back to work. Please return to your post so I can return to my gym,” you said, failing at keeping the bite away from your words.
He stretched his long arms up, humming to himself as he considered your command.
“How about this? If you can retrieve the one thing I’m craving right now, I’ll return to the Pokemon League for today,” he said cheekily.
“How am I supposed to know what you’re cr-”
“You have 5 minutes. Good luck!” 
You trudged back towards the beach, not bothering to waste your time on a fool’s errand. You were already mentally preparing your apology letter to the elite 4.
At least Kingdra and Gyrrados are having fun, you thought to yourself. 
Your two water types continued to dance around in the water, thriving off the attention of all of the onlookers. 
You felt his pokeball rattle against its spot in your pack before Salamence came out, seeming to sense your frustration.
“Can you believe it, Sal? The unbeatable Gojo Satoru is wasting his time here and ignoring his job. Think about how many people look up to him as champion!” you exclaimed, pacing as Salamence nodded his head.
That’s why they say never meet your heroes.
“He asked me to find his craving in 5 minutes. How the hell am I supposed to know what he’s craving? I barely met the man. I just know he likes sweets from all those interviews,” you admitted, shaking your head. 
Salamence suddenly began nudging at the backpack you laid on the ground, tipping it over until its contents began to spill out.
“Hey knock it off bud, are you hungry or something?” you asked, reaching to gather the spilled contents. You paused when you laid eyes on the can of lemonade given to you by Nanami’s Lucario.
“There’s no way,” you mumbled to yourself, holding the can in your hands. 
Worth a shot, I guess, you thought.
“Salamence, return.” Once your dragon was safely tucked back into his pokeball, you strode back to the champion, placing the can of lemonade on the table before him.
Gojo looked at you incredulously, then eyed the lemonade with a look you struggled to pinpoint.
“Satisfied?” you asked, bracing yourself for a rejection.
Instead, the sincere smile gracing his features took you by surprise. The way he picked it up made it seem like it was something precious, and suddenly the champion looked much younger.
“I am,” he said, moving to stand up to his impressive height. He towered over you, forcing you to look up as he stepped into your space. You gulped as you took notice of how stupidly handsome this man was. 
“You win for today. But I’m sure I’ll see you again soon,” he drawled, stunning you with a wink. 
You watched silently as he walked away, his enormous Charizard appearing before him. You gawked at the beautiful pokemon, the dragon-type lover in you urging you to come closer.
He was gone within seconds, leaving you with a lingering funny feeling, especially after seeing that last smile. It was nothing like the smiles you were familiar with - the arrogant smiles he wore after each victory, the charming smiles he put on for each interview. You grew lost in thought as you tried swallowing the urge to make him smile like that again.
What did I get myself into?
“Altaria, use peck!” you yelled, watching your pokemon dive toward the challenger’s Machoke. The Machoke stumbled back with the force of the hit, but quickly righted itself. 
“Machoke, use low sweep!” your challenger yelled, his pokemon wasting no time in kicking out its feet against your Altaria. 
Your pokemon dodged skillfully, evading the assault with minimal effort. After a couple more turns, your Altaria finished off the opponent’s pokemon with a final peck.
“And the winner is, our Gym Leader! Better luck next time, trainer Itadori,” your gym assistant said.
The boy named Itadori Yuji sank to his knees dramatically, placing his head in his hands as he yelled out in sorrow. 
“You fought well Itadori,” you said, offering your hand to him. 
“Wait, really?!” he exclaimed, taking your hand. His look of despair was immediately replaced with hope, reminiscent of a puppy.
“Yes, that Machoke of yours is quite strong. My advice is to work a bit more on type matchups,” you said, smiling as he eagerly noted your tips.
“Alright, just you wait! I’ll train even harder and I’ll beat you in no time,” he exclaimed, the fire once again alight in his eyes.
“I look forward to it,” you said genuinely, watching as he ran out of the gym in record time. And you meant it. While he was a little sloppy, he fought bravely, and with raw power you haven’t seen in a while. You could definitely see him challenging Gojo one day.
You reached up to stroke Altaria’s feathers, commending her for another battle well done. 
“Okay, the rest of you can come out now,” you said aloud, smiling as the other 5 pokemon in your party came out of their pokeballs and began cheering for your victory.
Suddenly, Salamence began growling towards the platform where you usually held your battles. A familiar figure sat perched on the steps, smiling down at you like you were old friends.
“Congrats on the win, dragon prodigy,” Gojo said, unaffected by the rising hostility from Salamence.
“Easy bud, it's okay,” you said, patting his side. 
“How long have you been here?” you said, struggling to comprehend how he evaded notice.
“Long enough to see you bullshit that battle with Yuji,” he said, pissing you off with his infuriating smile.
“Excuse me?” you asked, debating on letting Salamence go off on him.
“With your skillset, you’re capable of defeating his pokemon with a single move from each of yours. Yet each of his pokemon lasted longer than they should’ve,” he said meaningfully, his long steps quickly eating up the distance between you two. 
“Why is that?” he asked, suddenly much closer to you, ignoring the snarling from Salamence. 
You looked straight into his blue eyes, intrigued by how they were flicking back and forth between your own, studying you.
“Every time I defeat a challenger that way, it crushes their spirit. I’m still beating them, but I’m giving them a bit more confidence and practice this way,” you answered, turning away from him.
It broke your heart to see the look of utter defeat on each challenger’s face when you actually fought even close enough to your full strength.
Gojo hummed, shaking his head at you.
“You’re setting them up for failure. You’re giving these kids the false hope that their pokemon are strong enough to stand against your own, then when they finally get to the elite 4, they won’t stand a chance,” he said, piercing you with his words.
“Then they won’t have a single hope against me,” he continued coldly, watching for your reaction.
You never thought about it that way, how taking it easy on your challengers could be hurting them more than helping them.
“My advice: don’t hold back. I’d love to watch that beautiful fighting style of yours when you’re serious,” he said lowly, placing something cold in your hands before walking away.
You looked down at your hands quizzically, finding a can of lemonade. 
“It’s the best after a fight!” Gojo yelled over his shoulder before he left.
You stood in silence, mulling over his words over and over again. 
You slid your pokedex back into your pocket after confirming you found the right building. 
Pokemon Trainer’s School was written in bold letters on the first sign you saw. 
Your entrance into the building turned a few heads, and you earned a good amount of wide-eyed smiles and points as you searched the building for a certain champion.
“It’s the 8th gym leader!”
“The dragon prodigy is here!”
“Oh my gosh let's go get an autograph!”
You smiled and waved politely at each of them, making your way through each room until you finally spotted Gojo, standing in front of a chalkboard of a small class of students.
His eyes flickered to yours, but he continued talking as if he were expecting you.
“In order for you to defeat dragon-type pokemon, it’s best to use Ice and Fairy-type pokemon. But make sure to study the types of your opponent, and be weary of dual-types,” he said.
You narrowed your eyes at him, which he of course ignored.
“Ah, perfect timing. Class, we have a special treat for today! A lesson from the very own dragon gym leader herself!” Gojo announced, gesturing to you. 
You froze as 6 heads turned your way, various levels of shock written across each of their faces.
“A lesson from the gym leader herself, so cool!” the boy you recognized as Itadori yelled, pumping his fist.
You plastered on a polite smile as you walked up to the front towards Gojo, leaning into his space while the students were buzzing with chatter.
“Teaching them how to defeat me, are you? You’re such a dick,” you said quietly, nudging him in the ribs.
“Worried?” he countered, the grin evident in his voice. 
“You wish,” you snapped, trying not to smile. It didn’t bother you, truly. What you were really trying to wrap your head around was why the elite champion was spending his afternoon teaching such a small class of trainers instead of battling his own challengers.
“Perfect, then you don’t mind teaching us a lesson about how to beat dragon types then right? Thank you!” he said, moving aside to sit amongst his students. You flipped him off before any of the kids could see, then focused your attention on the students staring at you expectantly.
“Alright, dragon types 101 then,” you said, launching into a lesson explaining almost everything you knew about your favorite type of pokemon.
The students listened attentively, surprising you with their engagement and the thoughtfulness of their questions. Class flew by in the blink of an eye, and soon enough you were alone in the classroom with Gojo.
He let out a whistle as you sat next to him on top of one of the desks.
“You’re a natural. Ever thought about teaching?” he said.
“Not really. But that was nice actually, those kids are very smart,” you admitted, smiling at the champion.
From the way his eyes widened ever so slightly, it must have thrown him off, seeing you smile for the first time like that. 
“They are. I’ll bet you the future champion is among them,” he said sincerely, smiling warmly for once. 
It tickled at your chest, the way his different expressions made you feel. You felt greedy to see more sides of him.
“Is that why you’re here, instead of doing your job?” you asked softly, nudging your knee against him.
“I’d much rather be here training these kids to become the best, than have to waste my time battling a bunch of rowdy upstarts who would abuse the champion title,” he said truthfully.
“Is that why you’re avoiding battles? Scared someone will beat you?” you asked curiously, studying the way his long lashes fanned against his cheek when he looked down.
“Nah. More like I don’t want to bother with kids who have zero chance beating me. It’s way more fun to train these kids to become strong enough to beat me. I’d be happy to hand over my title to one of them, someday,” he said, nudging you back.
His words made you pause. 
“That was the most decent thing I’ve ever heard you say,” you said, thoughtfully, admiring the way the light of the late afternoon made his hair seem to glow.
“That's rude as hell,” he said, causing you to burst out in laughter. By the time you finished, you realized he’d been staring at you, making a blush creep up your cheeks.
“What?” you said, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear nervously.
“What do I have to do to make you laugh like that again?” he asked genuinely, unleashing a hoard of butterfrees in your stomach.
You raised your brows, waiting for him to crack a joke or say something stupid again. But he didn’t, he was serious.
“Go back to the Pokemon League and do your job, then I’ll give you an award,” you said, smiling at the look of interest on his face.
“Hmm, since you were so kind to teach my kids a lesson, I’ll go back to work,” he said, rising up to his impressive stature.
“But I expect my reward to be paid in advance,” he said, leaning down so his face was inches away from yours. 
You blushed furiously as his eyes flickered down to your lips.
Clearing your throat, you calmed yourself, plastering the sweetest smile you could muster on your lips.
“Close your eyes then,” you said as silkily as you could, trailing your left hand up his arm. 
The champion froze, eyes widening before he complied and shut them. You fought a giggle before pressing the can of lemonade against his lips, enjoying the way his eyes shot open in surprise. 
He grabbed the can from your hand before you dashed out of the room, giggling at your prank. You heard his hearty laughter echoing across the halls before you left.
It was a rare day off you had to yourself. No gym challengers, no chasing Gojo, just you and your Pokemon lounging at the beach. 
The elite 4 sent you a thank you letter, claiming Gojo’s attendance had gone up significantly since you started checking up on him. They told you to take the week off, and you gladly did. There was an odd pang in your chest, though. You had become accustomed to seeing the champion, used to facing the different challenges he gave you that would get him back to work. He was undoubtedly annoying and cocky, yet you dared to find yourself missing him and the way he made you laugh.
Beach. Enjoy the beach, you urged yourself.
Kingdra and Gyrrados were racing each other in the water, joined by a couple of wild water pokemon. Altaria was soaring with a flock of wingulls, showing off her speed. Goodra and Garchomp were playing in the sand, creating what looked like a giant hole. Salamence was content to be laying at your side, sunbathing next to you. 
You broke out of your daze once Altaria started nudging you with her wing. 
“What’s up Tari? Are you already done flying?” you said, sitting up as you pressed your sunglasses to the top of your head. 
You were taken aback to see that the sunny skies had been completely replaced with angry stormclouds, threatening to unleash their rain at any second.
“Oh geez, it’s about to start pouring huh,” you said, quickly gathering up your things. 
You returned the rest of your party to their pokeballs, where they would be safe from the incoming storm.
The rain began coming down heavily, and you dashed out of the sand to take cover under a tree. 
An ear-piercing cry startled you, and you turned to see two kids standing next to rocks by the shore.
“Hey you two! It’s dangerous to be out here when it's storming!” you yelled, walking towards the young kids.
They turned their identical faces towards you, both streaked with tears. 
“Please rescue our Eevee!” one of them cried, clinging to you. 
“She was swimming when the storm started. We can’t find her anywhere!” the other said.
You knelt to be eye-level with them, grabbing one of their hands in each of yours.
“I’ll find her for you, okay? But I need you both to stay hidden. It’s dangerous when it rains, the stronger pokemon tend to come out,” you warned. 
“Salemence!” you yelled, watching as your pokemon appeared before you.
The twins looked at him with a mix of fear and awe as he quickly lifted his wings to shield them from the rain.
“I need you to stay with him okay? He’ll keep you safe while I rescue your Eevee,” you said. They nodded, huddling together against your pokemon.
Salamence immediately roared in protest, undoubtedly refusing to leave your side.
“I need you to protect them Sally, please. I’ll be okay, I promise,” you said, dropping your backpack next to him. You grabbed the mouthpiece that allowed you to breathe underwater, then dove into the sea before you had a chance to chicken out.
The freezing temperature of the water was a shock to your system. You had to rescue this Eevee fast if you wanted to avoid frostbite. You had honed your body to withstand extreme climates as you trained alongside your pokemon, but even you knew you couldn’t last long in this weather.
You swam furiously, dodging every pokemon within your radius. Not all of them would charge at you to battle, but the rain made it practically impossible to distinguish which pokemon was what, and you didn’t want to risk finding out. While treading water, you spotted a blur of brown on a group of rocks.
Swimming closer, you spotted a little Eevee, soaked wet and shivering. The poor thing looked up at you with sad, scared eyes as you hopped out of the water to approach it. 
“It’s okay little one, I’m here to rescue you okay?” you said through chattering teeth. You struggled to feel your fingers, but you forced yourself to take out the pokeball you borrowed from the twins anyways.
“I’ll get you back to your trainer. Eevee, return,” you said, breathing a sigh of relief once the pokemon was safely back into its ball.
Tucking the ball inside a small pouch you carried, you dove back into the water. To your dismay, a school of tentacruels were gathering near the surface of the water, and you knew them to be aggressive. You’d have to dive deeper into the water to avoid being spotted, but you were running out of time before the cold would give incapacitate you.
Mustering all your strength, you swam the distance back to shore, unable to gather the energy to do anything except lean against a rock just beyond the reach of the water. 
Salamence ran to you immediately, the two twins hot on his trail. Once he reached you, he whined and nudged at you, but you were too cold to move. The continued assault of the rain didn’t help the excruciating chill you were feeling.
“S-she’s s-safe,” you bit out, shakily placing Eevee’s pokeball back in the hands of the twins, who cried as they thanked you. 
“S-sal, please g-get them t-to the p-pokemon c-center,” you said, your shivers becoming so violent it was near impossible to talk. 
Salamence whined, refusing to move. He covered all three of you with his wings, and you had no strength left to chide him for ignoring you.
You vaguely heard the twins speaking to you, asking if you were okay. But you could barely register their words with the cold seeping into your bones, numbing your brain and making you feel sleepy. 
“Shit,” you heard from a familiar voice. You felt his hand against your cheek before he released a hiss.
“You’re fucking freezing,” he said, and you cracked your eyes open enough to see the panic racing against his beautiful features. 
“G-gojo?” you chattered, wondering if the hypothermia was getting to your brain and making you see things.
“Salamence, please get the kids to safety,” Gojo asked. You heard Salamence growl in response.
“I promise I will help your trainer, but I can’t do that if I need to help them too. Please,” he said, surprising you with how softly he spoke to your pokemon. 
It must have worked, as you heard the beating of his wings that meant he took flight. Probably to the nearest Pokemon Center to bring the twins to safety. 
“Bear with me for a sec,” Gojo said, lifting you up with one arm under your legs and one across your lower back. 
“I’m f-fucking c-cold,” you said, shaking violently in his arms, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“I know baby. I’ll get you warm,” he said, breaking out into a sprint. You clung to him as much as you could, releasing your grip once the sound of the rain became muffled. 
He set you down gently against what felt like a wall of rock. The cold bit into your skin, but at least it was dry here. 
Gojo knelt to face you, taking your face in his hands. You leaned your cheek into his warm palms, feeling overwhelmed with relief at seeing his familiar face. 
“I need to get you out of your wet clothes, okay?” he said, not moving until you nodded. Once you did, he made quick work of your outfit, stripping you down until you were completely bare before him. 
Any embarrassment you felt was overshadowed by the determination in his eyes, the hard set to his mouth that you rarely ever caught without a smile. A part of you wished he’d crack a joke or say something stupid to piss you off and lighten the mood, but he didn’t.
Reaching into his pack, he swiped a hand towel and began silently running it across your body, drying you swiftly as you continued to shiver. 
His cerulean eyes shimmered with focus as he stripped off his own clothing, slipping his own shirt over your frame. You sighed with relief as the warm, dry fabric of his shirt soothed your chilled skin, hanging over you like a dress and enveloping you with his clean scent. 
“Better?” he asked, taking your frozen fingers into his hands, and exhaling onto them to warm them up.
You nodded, warmth filling your body with how gently he was treating you. Your eyes traveled town his toned torso, admiring how his body seemed sculpted out of marble.
“But won’t you be c-cold?” you asked, wrapping your arms tightly against yourself.
“Worry about yourself, prodigy. Your lips are blue,” he said, settling himself behind you in only his pants and boots.
He placed his hands onto your hips, lifting you slightly and settling you on his lap. You gasped as the warmth of his front began seeping into your back, his arms cradling you and he continued to wordlessly rub your hands between his. It felt incredibly intimate.
He’s just doing it to save your life, calm down, you thought to yourself.
He paused for a second, reaching his hand to grab something from his pocket.
“Charizard,” he said. Within seconds, the pokemon appeared before your eyes, staring down at you. 
“We need your fire. Please,” Gojo said, jerking his head down towards you.
Charizard nodded, laying down on its stomach, positioning the tip of its tail in front of you and Gojo. The fire at the tip of its tail provided you with immediate relief. 
After a while, the shivering racking your body subsided, and your teeth finally stopped chattering.
“Thank you. Both of you,” you said quietly, breaking the silence. Charizard made a sound that you took as “you’re welcome, I guess,” and Gojo’s arms around you tightened.
“You could’ve died, you know,” Gojo said lowly, his voice tickling the shell of your ear.
“I know,” you answered, squeezing his hands that held yours.
“Why would you put yourself at risk like that?” he asked more calmly than you’d expected, rubbing slow circles into your palms.
“I couldn’t just leave their Eevee out there. It would’ve died,” you said, observing the rain still heavily pouring outside of the cave. There’s not a single doubt in your mind that their Eevee would’ve lost it’s life had you not saved it, either from drowning or from hypothermia.
“Why didn’t you have your pokemon help you? You have water types,” Gojo pressed, leaning forward to rest his chin on your shoulder, causing you to shiver.
“I couldn’t risk any of them getting injured. They’re too precious to me,” you said.
Gojo heaved a heavy sigh, the warmth of his exhale tickling across the sensitive skin near your nape.
“You and your bleeding heart,” he said, a mixture of resignment and admiration in his voice.
“Can’t say I wouldn’t have done the same. But I would’ve at least called for help first,” he said, making you laugh.
“Right, how did you know to find me here?” you asked, warm enough to turn in his lap to face him. Your breath caught as you realized just how close he was to you, and you couldn’t help your eyes as they lingered on his perfectly pink lips.
You’d never been close enough to him before to see the little flecks of silver that made his eyes shine. His silvery hair was slightly damp from the rain, a few strands curling around his face that made him seem younger. He was devastatingly beautiful.
He reached out to tuck a stray piece of your hair behind your ear.
“I just had a sudden urge to see you. I’ve become so used to seeing your pretty face show up everywhere I go, that I got lonely when you stopped,” he said honestly. You smiled. 
“Imagine my surprise when I get here and you’re freezing to death. You really scared me back there,” he said, his throat bobbing.
He was frightened for you. He saved you. He cared about you.
You leaned forward, gingerly wrapping your arms around his neck in a tight hug. He returned it immediately, wrapping his hands across your shoulders. His hands traced small circles into your skin, as if he needed to keep touching you to make sure you were still there.
“I’m sorry. Thank you,” you whispered into his ear, rubbing your cheek against the silky skin of his shoulder. 
The two of your relaxed in the silence, the sound of the rain and Charizard’s breathing becoming strangely comforting.
The sound of a familiar roar shook you from your thoughts, as Salamence landed at the front of the cave, a package in his mouth.
“Sally!” you yelled, attempting to get up from Gojo’s lap. His long fingers grasped your hips, tugging you back down to him.
“You’re not warm enough yet. Stay,” he said, earning him a warning growl from Salamence.
Salamence shook off the rain at the entrance of the cave, walking towards you. Him and Charizard exchanged a few snarls, but neither of them actually made any moves towards the other. 
You stuck your arm out, and Salamence stuck his nose against your palm.
“You okay bud? You’re soaked,” you said, feeling the chill from the rain on his skin. He chuffed, depositing the package in his mouth beside you.
Gojo unwrapped it, finding a set of dry clothes and a few towels. The pokemon centers usually prepared these packages for extreme weather, and the twins must have alerted one of the nurses to send him off with one.
“Good job,” Gojo said, reaching out his hand to pat Salemence. To your complete surprise, Salamence accepted his touch, closing his eyes contently as Gojo scratched his chin. 
“Let’s get you changed and head out. I’d rather get you checked out to be safe first, that okay?” Gojo asked, rubbing his hands up and down your arms, checking how warm you were.
You nodded, wishing he would never stop touching you.
Luckily, you narrowly avoided hypothermia or frostbite thanks to Gojo. You were able to recover quickly, and before you knew it you were back at your platform inside of your gym.
“How many challengers do we have today?” you asked your gym assistant, feeding Garchomp a pokepuff. 
“Um, one,” he said, eyes darting left to right nervously. 
“Just one?” you questioned, noticing how your assistant looked more anxious than usual. You were used to battling 4-5 challengers a day, making sure to give your pokemon ample rest between. It was unusual for you to only have one battle.
“Yes ma’am. He requested he be the only one,” your assistant said, fiddling with his pokedex.
“Requested? Who the hell does this guy think he is,” you said, glaring at the trembling teenager. It was very bold to request to be the only challenger at a gym - it usually implied that the trainer thought very highly of themselves.
“The champion,” Gojo said, stepping up from the staircase, smirking at you cockily.
You furrowed your brows as you stared at the Champion. He was actually dressed in his fighting attire - a dark blue zip-up with his collar popped up, and matching pants. You had to admit he looked damn good in it, even though he looked great in everything.
“You’re challenging me today?” you asked, placing you hands on your hips as you gawked at him in disbelief. To your dismay, Salamence came barreling up to him, nuzzling his side like they were old friends. 
“Yup,” he said, happily complying with Salamence’s demands for pets. Gojo walked up to you, stopping just a few feet before you. 
“I challenge you, dragon prodigy. If I win, you’ll let me take you out on a date,” he said, flashing an infuriatingly bright smile at you as he winked.
You threw your head back as you shook with laughter. Only he would be extra enough to challenge you to a battle in order to ask you out.
“You’re on, champion,” you said, mirroring his own grin with your own. Salamence roared in excitement, undoubtedly itching to face off with Gojo’s Charizard.
“And don’t you dare hold back on me baby, cuz I sure as hell won’t be holding back on you,” he said, readying the pokeball in his hands.
“I wouldn’t dare. Lets go, Salemence!” you said, watching your pokemon ready his stance in front of you.
But you knew you had already lost - because you were going out with him regardless of the outcome of this battle.
Back at the Pokemon League
“Seems like the dragon gym leader succeeded,” Yuta said, smiling at the news article on his pokedex.
“Indeed. Gojo agreed to stop ditching work as long as we invested more funds into training schools,” Nanami said, kicking a ball back and forth with his Lucario.
“Oh, I was talking about her finally dating Gojo. But it was great that she helped us get him back to work,” Yuta said, showing Nanami the article he was looking at.
Newest Dragon-type Gym Leader spotted holding hands with Pokemon Champion Gojo!
The ends of Nanami’s lips curved up as he smiled, shaking his head.
“It’s about time. He hasn’t shut up about her for years,” Nanami said. Yuta’s light laughter filled the room as he handed his Dusclops an oran berry.
“By the way, why did you have Lucario send her that can of lemonade the first time she came here?” Yuta asked.
“Ah, that,” Nanami began, patting Lucario on the head.
“Gojo got that brand every time he won a battle, back when we were teenagers. I figured it would help her make a good first impression,” he said. Yuta laughed once more.
“Looks like it worked.”
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caramel1mochi · 5 months
So I love Jollz and joshseki but nobody writes about valorant streamers 😔
I was wondering if you would??
Like ik jollz makes a ton of mom tokes all the time but what if he secretly had like a wife or something?? He's 30 now so he'd probably be married for a couple of years and he randomly says something about his relationship on stream or like reader walks in during a stream by accident not remembering hes streaming?
And joshseki has a girlfriend he met through valorant and they started living together? Like his chat randomly starts noticing pink stuff around his gaming room and stuff (like they share a gaming room) and start getting suspicious?
IDKK I just love them both and I think stories about the two would be so cute. And I think if someone starts writing about the two then maybe more would start as well. I know you're in the middle of an iso series right now but I like your writing because of how good and long they are.
Heya, thanks for the request! And your kind words, got me smiling like an idiot for too long haha‎ ‎  Also so sorry for the delay, literally everything happened when you sent this I am fish and the reckoning cinematic is my water I just CAN'T stop watching  ‎ ‎‎‎‎ Writing about real people is a very new concept for me so I hope I did well on this. Have a good read!‎! ‎ ‎
[ Jollz x F! Reader ] / [ Joshseki x F! Reader ]
Words: 1k each‎ ‎ 
Note: Please don't copy or steal my work and pass it off as your own! If you'd like to use one of my headcanons or something, I'd love it if you tagged or asked.‎ ‎‎ ‎  
。+❤ฺ·。❤ฺ·。+❤ฺ· +❤·。❤ฺ·。+❤ฺ·
This morning had been a slow one for Jollz. His routine was the same as any other one. He woke up, washed up, and went to the kitchen to make his morning coffee whilst chatting with you. He had a timer on his phone to specifically announce when he should get to his office to start streaming. But even after it struck and he had arrived to turn on his computer, he didn’t gain any of the energy he normally had every other day.
Moving his mouse felt like a drag, let alone actually focusing on the upcoming game. And the topic that the chat had taken up once people had gathered didn’t exactly help either; people mostly started comparing their morning routines after their previously relaxed greetings spiralled.
‘Yo whats ur morning routine?’
“Guys, this is gonna be hard to believe, but my morning routine isn’t crazy. It’s ten minutes long.”
He tapped his index finger on the mousepad as he read a few responses from the chatters. This drab talk about morning routines was definitely not on his list of ‘entertaining things to talk about’, and it only further exhausted him.
“Yeah, no, I’m only playing a couple games today. No idea why I’m so tired, though.”
‘only single people have 10 min morning routines’
A few other people were also quick to agree with this sentiment; all except for the obvious, Jollz, and he couldn’t help but laugh at this exchange with a particularly prideful smile. He sat back and smugly checked out his nails as he spoke,
“Trueee. Single people have way too much time on their hands. Glad I'm not one of them.”
He knew exactly what he was doing with these words. And almost as if it were on cue, his smile only widened to a grin once he saw the stream of oncoming messages the moment he stopped talking. And he didn’t really need to read anything to know that they were demanding an explanation for such a bold statement.
Now this was the excitement he was used to, he mused.
“‘What do you mean by that?’ I’m just saying what we’re all thinking here.”
‘Jollz youre speaking in code’
“Speaking in code? That’s wild...”
The door behind him swung open, and a set of gentle knocks that accompanied them interrupted the entertainment he was deriving from the catastrophe. Luckily, by the sound of the steps he heard earlier, Jollz already knew it was you before he turned around to meet your gaze.
“Hey, babe, are you…”
He stopped once he noticed the full cup of coffee in your hands, and the lack of steam from the drink was enough to tell him what you didn’t need to say. Jollz had forgotten the coffee he made in the kitchen this morning. Again.
Which also explained why he was so bloody tired, but that’s by the by.
“Wait, hold on, listen–”
“This is the third time this week.”
Jollz sat up with a guilty smile as you approached with his cup, and he couldn’t help but scramble for reasons to defend himself.
“Fair point, but…”
“Don’t take this the wrong way, but I can’t help you if a fly ever happens to drown in this.”
Of course you’d say that, he thought. The mere thought of a fly grossed you out, let alone digging one’s corpse out of a drink.
“Yeah, so, in all fairness, I actually had something scheduled.”
You stopped at his desk and set down the cup in an empty spot on his desk, but there were a multitude of tabs open on one monitor and Valorant proudly displayed on the other. They all seemed to be calling for your attention. You were only vaguely familiar with most of the software that he had open; however, it wasn’t exactly hard to isolate the chat amongst everything. It rapidly moved with messages you couldn’t read from this distance. But the worst part was that you could see your own reflection on the webcam as you stood behind him.
Uh oh.
Your attire, being a casual nightgown, did not meet the standards expected of someone standing in front of a bloody audience. Well, not your standards, anyway. A tinge of red painted your cheeks once you’d finally put two-and-two together.
“You didn’t tell me you were streaming today. Am I interrupting?”
“Oh yeah, totally. It was intense before you came in. VCT-level gameplay.”
You lightly laughed once he pointed to the timer whilst it searched for a game before pulling him close and planting a kiss on his cheek.
“I’ll let you handle it. Best of luck, dear.”
Cheeky, you mused to yourself as you walked out of the room. But being the guy who always resorted to knifing everyone whenever he could, it made sense for him to be just that.
“Thanks babe.” He took a sip shortly after, grimacing at the temperature before he set it down. “Ice cold coffee, my favourite.”
That one sip seemed to work in rejuvenating him, however, and he was definitely grateful for that. Only now did he actually take notice of what the flood of messages were actually saying. And once they came down from their shock, they inferred exactly what was going on.
‘dear 🥺’
‘ya thats his gf alright’
Quick on his feet, he prepared another statement sure to stir the pot that was his viewers’ confusion.
“Why’s ‘girlfriend’ your first guess? She could be my friend’s mom, for all you know, and they’re just visiting today.”
‘That’s not stopping you jollz 💀💀💀’
They shortly spammed the words ‘babe’ and ‘thanks babe’ to subtly remind him of how he referred to you earlier.
To put it kindly, this statement was instantaneously shot down by the chatters. If their words weren’t indicative of that, the emotes they typed out alongside their growing surprise definitely made it clear. Besides, it wasn’t that hard to tell, considering you were exactly Jollz’s type, down to the mellow tone of your voice.
‘is she actually ur gf tho’
“Bro, don’t act confused. I’ve been wearing my wedding ring the whole time; you should’ve seen it by now.”
His viewers flooded the chat with demands to be shown this mysterious ring he spoke of. And at that, he held up his hand with faux ignorance to reveal the multitude of rings he wore. Somehow, both this and the ‘clarifying’ statement only further confused the chatters.
Girlfriend, sure, but marriage? They probably would’ve doubted it if they hadn’t seen concrete proof mere minutes ago. Oh, but it technically should’ve been easy for them to infer his relationship status on account of the one secured around his ring finger. Not that it blended in, or anything.
“It’s right here,” he extended his ring finger, “get it together, chat.”
He teased with a cheeky smile before lifting his cold drink for another sip. If the coffee wasn’t quick enough to energise him, this conversation surely did.
Josh’s gaming room was quite a minimalistic one. Despite having a notable array of colours that pleasantly complemented each other, they were still muted; and the structure of the furniture he’d picked out was delicately balanced between comfortable and presentable.
All of it fit his calm personality to a tee (when he wasn’t playing Valorant), and was also easy on the eyes. Especially for the viewers.
So during one particularly annoying game, once Josh unknowingly shifted his chair to the right as he spoke to his teammate, an annoying Reyna, one of his viewers’ eyes immediately locked on the hazy pink object that was set on the American sycamore dresser a few feet away. To say the bright pink item stood out despite the distance and the pixelation would be a massive understatement, and the fact that it sat there with no explanation only increased their curiosity to an exponential degree.
The only viewer who actually noticed this decided to type out his question,
‘josh whats that behind u’
Unfortunately for them, however, he didn’t catch the question amongst the onslaught of similar messages that were flooding the chat referencing the toxic duellist he was currently dealing with.
The game had been going on for nearly two hours, and the twentieth round promptly ended in a loss. Once they respawned and the overtime pop-up box appeared, everyone except for him immediately voted for the game to continue. Only one vote was required for it to end in a draw. He sat back with a sigh and took off his headphones so as to not listen to the demands of his teammates.
This seemingly simple move, however, covered up the pink object behind him.
“What did I tell you, chat? This is what happens when I’m not the instalock. I’m drawing; I don’t care.”
The moment Josh looked towards the chat for a response, they quickly snatched up the opportunity and asked, but their message was drowned out by a union of agreement on their side.
“‘Draw?’ Let’s go. See, I knew you guys would come around.”
And with that, the game ended. He luckily couldn’t hear anything his teammates were saying since his headphones were off. He shortly grabbed them once they were all disconnected and went to put them on. An off-screen voice came up from the other side of the room before he could, asking a question muffled to the chat.
“Yeah, I closed the door.”
He responded, and the chat was overwhelmed with ‘who?’ and variations of the simple question. The voice increased in volume once more, presumably in response to his statement, and he looked back with a wide grin.
“When’d he get here? Chat, wait, I have to take care of Nogu.”
Josh stood up and walked out of the camera’s frame, revealing both the pink object and a baby pink dress splayed out on the couch. If that object and the mysterious voice didn’t cause enough of a fuss, this one absolutely did, and the chat erupted with even more questions despite him not being present.
He grabbed the cat from the other side of the room and left so he could put her outside. And by the time he came back, it had been discovered that the mysterious pink object was lipstick, further increasing their suspicions that there was another person in the room. And to say Josh came back to chaos would be a gross understatement.
He was bombarded with questions the moment he sat down and put his headphones back on. But after about a minute of staring blankly and attempting to decipher them, he managed to catch a repetitive question asked over and over.
“‘Is the dress a gift?’ Chat, not every gift should be a Valorant skin. But no, it’s not.”
He seemingly mistook their intention behind the question as he queued into another game, much to their frustration, and they responded the only sensible way before he’d move on from the topic.
“It’s for my girlf–”
“Josh, he’s still ruining my game!”
The same voice spoke loudly from behind him once more. This time, however, it was audible enough and allowed the chat to finally comprehend what was being said. But before any more investigation could occur, a mysterious woman, you, popped up into the frame with the same rascal of a cat that spent the past twenty minutes sleeping on your keyboard and ruining your own game.
“You watched me close the door this time!”
“Yeah! He probably snuck through the opening.”
It sounded plausible enough, what with how flexible the feline was and the considerably large opening just beneath the white door. You set him outside the corridor as Josh followed your movements, pushing Nogu away until he was at a safe distance before slamming the door shut. Then, you walked away, noticing a few seconds later what all of the confusion was about.
“Hi chat! That’s my dress.”
You pointed at the now-obscured lace dress before disappearing and going back to your setup. Once he turned his chair to face the monitor, he noticed the chaos that ensued in the chat, especially the flow of messages that were too quick for him to keep up with.
“You guys heard that? It’s her dress.”
The announcer’s voice immediately interrupted his words, and he was launched into the game. But the chat mulled over the design of the dress as Josh aimed to pick Reyna the moment he was allowed to. Despite only seeing it for a few seconds, they noted its formality…
Definitely a date night, huh?
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imkillerbae · 1 year
Enemies to Lovers Part 7 (Valorant Yoru x GN!Reader
Part 6 Here
Aaaaand the Finale!!! Didnt wanna keep you guys waiting for this one. IDC. THanks again @swiftyangx12 for requesting!!! Hope you enjoy this! Tagging: @sv03 @gyros-cum-sock
“Oh, uh. I didn’t think you’d come here,” Cypher scratches the back of his head. He miscalculated. So much for playing cupid.
Yoru’s brows knit and his eyes narrow. He grits his teeth before speaking again. “I was late.” He says, walking closer with longer strides, hands on either side of his body, dripping with blue viscous fluid. He stretches his fingers to keep them occupied.
Seeing that, Cypher took his cue to leave. “Well, it was a pleasure helping you with your aim Y/N. But I must take my leave now. Yoru,” he nods to Yoru, and his death stare remains ever potent.
Hopefully he planted the seed well. Now they will be alone to discuss.
Yoru’s eyes followed Cypher as he walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. He then snaps his eyes back to you.
You gave him a blank stare, frowning slightly, unamused. He raises a brow at you before he takes Cypher’s place, grabbing the operator and calibrating the sight on it.
You stare at him weirdly as he pretended like nothing happened.
What the hell.
“What happened to hello? How are you? Sorry I was late?” You cross your arms, mimicking him. It was a habit you picked up from him.
He gives you a side-eye glance, then feigns focus on the gun. “As if I need to say sorry. If anything, you should be thankful I still came. My gun is finally finished. This is the last day I’m using it here.” He lifts his eyes from the sight and hands it back to you. He didn’t look at you as he spoke.
He was lying through his teeth, and you knew it.
“Although it seems that my absence will hardly make a difference in your little routine. Found someone new have you? You think he’s better than me at this?” He questions, pulling out his comb and flipping it between his fingers before combing back his hair. He asks it with a calm voice, but he was fuming on the inside.
Really? He’s late and you ask for someone else to help you? Did you think he was inadequate at this?
And Cypher of all people?
And now your eyebrows furrow. Was he seriously holding that against you? He was late, and Cypher happened to be right by!
“Uhuh? Since when have I ever said that? You didn’t show up, and Cypher did. I thought you’d be thrilled to have me off your hands since you’re so busy tinkering with that gun of yours,” you retort, gesturing to the gun strapped on his shoulder.
“Oh right, the gun was finished weeks ago. You’re just going here because you want to teach me. Is that why you’re so upset about Cypher? Think I’ll replace you?” You smirk, tilting your head to the side smugly.
He snaps his eyes back at you, wide and surprised. He shakes his head in disbelief.
“It wasn’t finished until today—”
“Chamber doesn’t multitask between jobs. That thing’s been in use since last week. Checkmate Kiritani.”
He doesn’t reply and instead stands there in silence, staring at your face. He was a bit red from embarrassment. Even with the cool lights, you could tell the warmness in his cheeks. He opens his mouth to protest, but nothing comes out. You smile, blushing as well.
“You’re here because you want to be. You wanted to teach me. Stop lying to yourself and just admit that, and I might just admit something to you.” You squeeze your arm, fidgeting.
With that proposal, you caught his attention. You raise a brow at him as he waited expectantly for what you were about to say next.
“I said admit it first, dummy. Say you want to be here. With me.” You smiled widely, teasing him to say it. It was a joke of course. You knew he was too full of pride to admit that.
Or was he?
He clears his throat, sighing heavily before confessing. “Fine. You’re right. The gun was finished ages ago. I’ve been using it as an excuse to meet you here. Ever since you yelled at me, I kinda… had to reflect on things.
“Conveniently you were new and an easy target for my anger with Brim for recruiting ill prepared people for the protocol. I misplaced anger onto you when I was in reality just angry with the circumstances.
“I…I admit that it was wrong of me to treat you that way. Sumanai, Y/N,” he apologizes, staring at the floor.
It was your turn to stand there, shocked. You didn’t think he’d say anything, let alone apologize. You bit your lip from speaking too early.
“And yes, as much as I hate to say it, you’re quite… tolerable. I don’t take back what I said before; you used to have shit aim. But admittedly, anytime I come here, I always look forward to seeing you improve from said shit aim. Seeing you get better every time makes my day a little less mundane.” A little less lonely, he says in his head. But you didn’t need to hear that.
After that confession, your smile was wide. He glances at you and scoffs. “Well? Aren’t you supposed to tell me something now?” He asks expectantly, tapping his foot impatiently on the floor.
“Right. Well, I just wanted to say that I also enjoyed your company. Seeing you everyday has been the highlight of my day. Whenever I don’t meet you here, something feels off. Feels like something is missing, and nothing else can distract me from it,” you say, laughing at yourself a little bit.
Your heartstrings tug, and as you look into his eyes, everything seems clearer. He softens his gaze, feeling his heartbeat quicken.
“I know we started off on the wrong foot but honestly, I’ve grown to like you, Yoru. I like you a lot. It seems that my feelings for you have changed drastically since we’ve met,” you confessed, fidgeting with your shirt.
His heart skips a beat, and blood rushes from his neck to his head and ears.
What the hell did they say?! Yoru screams at himself in disbelief. But from your point of view, he only stares at you with wide eyes, stiff as a rock. He then scratches his chin with his index finger, too shocked to say anything initially.
You also stand there, simmering in your own feelings. You didn’t know what you meant by ‘I like you a lot,’ but it meant something.
Something along the lines of I wanna keep seeing you, even after target practice.
He opens his mouth to speak and it almost comes out as a whisper. “I guess… I like you too.” He manages to reply shyly, blushing madly.
God fucking damn it, he was bad at this. His brain was swirling around. Somehow he lost all his machismo after the words left his mouth. But as his eyes met with yours again, all if that slowly went away.
His heart eased, but he was still sweating in his palms. You also suppressed your smile.
The cat was out of the bag. And it feels nice to clear out the misunderstandings. You both stared at each other in silence as the world pulled you closer to each other bit by bit.
You hold his arm and he your waist, and you both close your eyes.
Cutting through the silence was an alarm clock. It was from your bag.
“Oh shit, it’s late already. It’s my dinner time,” you pull away and scramble to your bag, trying to shut it off.
“You have an alarm for dinner?” he questions, eyebrow raised. You look back at him and roll your eyes. “Yeah? I forget to eat sometimes so I set alarms for it.” You explained, tucking the phone back in your bag.
He didn’t know that about you. It seems that he has a lot to know.
“Dinner then? I haven’t eaten too.” He suggests, looking at his own phone. “What did you have in mind?” You asked.
“Feeling homesick lately. I want cold soba.”
“I have never had those. Let’s get them!”
Somehow, the two of you ended up eating takeout in the common room where you both initially fought in. But this time, you sat side by side, eating cold soba, karaage and sushi. It was a heavy dinner.
“This would be better for lunch but I like it,” you nod happily, bouncing on the sofa. He glares at you to stop, and you just smile.
“I’ll have you know that I’ve beaten him by a mile in target practice. For someone who has so many cameras lying around and claiming to ‘see everything,’ he has the aim of that beluga from ‘Finding Dory’” he jokes, and you giggle.
“Did you really think I’d replace you with him? I haven’t leeched out all of your tricks yet,” you then pull out a haircomb similar to his, but in your favorite color. You try to flip it around but fail to do the tricks.
He sneers in response. “Mimicry is the sincerest form of flattery.”
He grabs it from you and taps you in the head with it. You pout, and he only smirks. He then does a few tricks before handing it back to you.
“There’s a lot for you to learn from me. But learn slowly, otherwise our truce would end as soon as it started,” he chuckles.
“I don’t intend to make it easy for you to teach me, Master,” you teased. He almost choked.
And ever since then, you never had to worry about your day being incomplete. And ever since then, he never felt as lonely as he did before. You had each other.
It took him 3 more months of lowkey dating to make you both official. He was still trying to make sense of what he felt, but he got there eventually.
You always wear thin clothing just so you could have an excuse to wear his jacket.
He begrudgingly obliges you with your request.
He always tries to make you laugh with his dry and sarcastic humor. You laugh even if some of his jokes aren’t funny and are just mean.
You both went to his home in Japan and he showed you the relics he collected of his ancestors.
You put on his eyeliner sometimes. He teaches you how to do it on yourself too.
Calling him master outside makes him blush. But it turns him on if you use it in bed.
Despite being so broody, he was very sweet with you in his own way. Like suddenly just handing you food or kissing your arm.
Phoenix complains a lot because he barely gets to spend time with Yoru now.
He keeps your picture in his wallet.
It takes him a long time to warm up and say ‘I love you’ back, but when he does, know that he means it.
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shiyorin · 1 year
Actually this is a request from my friend in PM. She said 'We need more content x reader of 40K character'. At first I thought she was joking but a person who won my bet twice and made me write 40K x Reader won't joking (you guys wouldn't want to know what she did to make me do it. Although I appreciate it :v). So here we go again.
Emperor's Children X Reader: Untitled
(Today we have: Eidolon, Lucius, Saul Tarvitz, Julius Kaesoron, Vespasian, Fabius Bile)
Reader is Imperial Agent (Again. Because I love Imperial Agent)
Eidolon stood with his brothers, recounting his latest triumph. As he spoke of feats of strength and valor, his eyes scanned the hall for you, the bright jewel of his desires.
There. You walked past with downcast eyes, carrying some menial message. Eidolon raised his voice, exaggerating his tales of battle. "The killzone was thick with xenos filth!" he boasted. "My sword through their ranks like lightning!"
You paused, looking up at the sound of his voice. Eidolon imagined the fascinated gleam he hoped to see in your eyes, the adoring smile curving your lips. But you only nodded politely and continued on your way, eyes lowered once more.
Eidolon ignored the knowing smirks of his brothers and resumed his tales with greater bombast, painting each victory in vivid colors. He threw his shoulders back and posed with precision, imagining your gaze upon him. "The entire flank rout was due to my strategy alone!" he proclaimed.
Again you paused, raising your eyes to his. There was curiosity in your eyes now, though mixed with something unreadable. Then you inclined your head and spoke. "Those are the most impressive feats, my lord." You said politely. "Such feats ensure the glory of the Emperor's Children." With another nod, you walked on.
Eidolon's heart soared at your praise. He continued his tales with renewed gusto, eager now for any scrap of validation from your sweet lips. As you passed again, he mustered his most gracious smile and inclined his head, confident you could not help but be moved.
But you only nodded deferentially in return, eyes already lowered once more. His brothers were trying to hold back their laugh now and Eidolon struggled to maintain his composure. Pride and longing warred within, pride that you should see him in all his glory, longing that you did not see him as he truly wished to be seen.
In his mind, Eidolon pictured your smile, the gentle courtesy of your bow. His heart soared at the thought that you had noticed him. To praise him, however subtly. It was worth every embellishment, every feat.
You walked past the training cages, your gaze shifting across the room as if searching for someone. Lucius saw you from the corner of his eye as he sparred, immediately becoming more assertive and ferocious in his movements.
He imagined you watching him, enthralled by his skill and power. In his mind's eye, you were already his, enraptured by his. The thought filled him with hubris, and he fought with renewed vigor. He paused, striking a pose and shooting you a sly grin.
Though you did not impress, a hint of a smile touched your lips at Lucius's showmanship. You had long grown accustomed to the Emperor's Children's flair for drama, and Lucius' antics no longer surprised you.
But you did not linger, already making for the exit. This would not do. As his opponent fell, Lucius dodged past his brothers and ran to the entrance. Chest heaving, hair plastered to his brow with sweat, he hurried to your side. 
"Like what you see?" he said with a wink, preening before you. 
You paused, raising one eyebrow. For a moment Lucius fears he has gone too far, been too forward in his advances. But then you smile softly. "I'm very impressed." you say, voice full of polite praise. "Your skills with the sword are most admirable."
Lucius preened at the compliment, though he knew it was formal. Still, for you to take notice of him at all filled him with satisfaction. He relished any tiny victory that allowed him to bask in your gaze, if only for a moment.
You leave, unsuspecting. But Lucius remained behind, grinning like a cat with cream. He would have you, he knows that, willing or no. For his own pleasure was your, whether you knew it or not.
You stood before Saul Tarvitz, detailing various intelligence reports as per protocol. Tarvitz listened closely, making notes on the data presented. As always, he gave you briefing his full attention and serious consideration.
You and him went through the information systematically, Tarvitz probing for any details that had been omitted or required further clarification. You answered all his queries with your knowledge. But as you spoke, he found his attention wandering. He watched the elegant lines of your figure, the graceful gestures of your hands. Your formal manner and unassuming beauty had long captivated him, though he never showed it.
When you concluded the necessary information, you moved to leave. But Tarvitz stood, taking your hand gently in his own. For a moment, you stared in confusion as Tarvitz bowed his head and pressed a soft kiss to your knuckles.
Tarvitz straightened, smiling softly. "My thanks for the report." he said. 
Tarvitz felt a surge of awkwardness as he straightened, releasing your hand. He had meant the gesture as a chivalrous tribute, a courtly flourish befitting a person like you. But your bemused reaction made him realize how inappropriate, even strange, it must have seemed.
At first he chided himself, worried he had overstepped and made you uncomfortable. But when he met your eyes, he doesn't feel any hate or angry in that.
He smiled softly at your confusion, charmed by your reaction. This person who navigated the complex hierarchy of Imperial politics with deft precision, yet remained blind to the language of love. It was strangely... endearing.
Your bewilderment did not last. You simply nodded "Thank you for the briefing, my Lord," you said, your tone as professional as ever.
Tarvitz smiled to himself. How like you. So laser-focused on duty that love remained an abstract concept, something only to be acknowledged from a safe distance. And though you would never return his feelings, your presence was a gift to cherish. 
You went about your duties as Imperial Agent, oblivious to the effect you had on one in particular.
When Julius Kaesoron saw you walk by, a thousand poems filled his mind. The grace of your movements was a lyric and the light in your eyes a cadence he longed to match.
But you didn't know you had become his muse. That your every passing glance or slight gesture inspired sonnets of longing in his imagination.
To you, he was the Favoured Son of Fulgrim, the First Captain of the Emperor's Children, one you would treat with the utmost courtesy and respect. You didn't see the way his eyes followed you, drinking in the subtle symphony of your being. Nor did you hear the verses your memory wove in the solace of his quarters.
Each time you reported to him, you only spoke of strategy and resource allocation, unaware that to Julius your words were a chorus he longed to set to music. Though he listened intently, his thoughts wandered to the rhythms your footsteps made upon the halls of the Pride of the Emperor, and the dance your shadow played upon the adamantium walls.
After you leave, Julius would return to his chamber and write. His pen tracing sonnets across parchment as he recalled the curve of your jaw, the lilt of your voice. Scenes from you and him brief encounters playing across his mind like a drama in which you remained, tragically, unaware of your role as inspiration.
His verses poured forth endlessly, a devotion for a muse who remained forever beyond his reach. Though you filled his every thought and inspired his every work, you never realized you had become the loveliest of tales, a lost song made manifest in the flesh.
But the poem still continued, its lyric beauty lost upon the muse who walked unwitting through its scenes. Bringing joy to the poet alone, as he poured his unheard sonnets onto the page and watching your footsteps fade once more into silence.
You did not know why Vespasian had fixed his gaze upon you. You and him had not spoken more than a few words. However whenever he met you, he greeted you with a polite nod and the barest hint of a smile.
Soon Vespasian began escorting you wherever you went. You didn't ask for this chaperoning, he simply fell into step beside you without a word. Yet his tall, silent presence made your journeys feel just a little safer.
Vespasian spoke little, but his every action conveyed courtesy. He held doors for you and waited patiently as you completed your tasks. When walking together, he adjusted his long strides to match your own.
You soon grew accustomed to Vespasian's shadow. His silent protectiveness reminded you of stories from Terra, of noble knights escorting. A quaint anachronism, yet pleasing all the same.
As time passed, Vespasian's presence became familiar. You no longer wondered at his attention, he simply was. When he was called away on some urgent mission, you felt a strange pang of loss. And when he returned, you greeted him with a smile and kept pace beside him once more.
To Vespasian, you were like a rare flower, beautiful yet seemingly untouchable. A person so graceful and competent it seemed you needed no aid, from an Astartes or anyone else.
And sometimes, Vespasian felt foolish for offering help for things you doubtless could manage yourself. And yet he could not stop the impulse to play the gallant knight, if only for a moment.
You entered Fabius Bile's laboratory to deliver the latest batch of apothecary reports. As always, Bile seemed absorbed in his experiments, acknowledging your presence with a gruff "Hmm" but not looking up from his work.
You laid the reports down silently, waiting to be dismissed. There were no pleasantries between him and you. Bile was not one for small talk. But as you turned to leave, he spoke.
"One thing." He said, his back still to you. "Be wary of some men in there. For your own sake."
You tilted your head, regarding him curiously. "I assure you, I am neither young nor naive" You replied calmly. "I am more than capable of defending myself."
Bile exhaled sharply in irritation. "I meant emotionally. How naive you are."
You brow furrowed. "I do not understand. I am not 'naive.'"
Bile finally turned to face you, eyes narrowed. "And that." he said darkly, "Is precisely the problem." You opened your mouth to respond, but Bile waved a hand in dismissal. "Go. Just remember my words."
With that brusque dismissal, he returned his attention to his experiments. You hesitated a moment longer, clearly uncertain. But Bile offered no further explanation.
Reader: So, I'm in danger?
All Reader: Depends on the timeline you are in. Pre-Heresy? Maybe.  Heresy? Maybe. Post Heresy? Absolutely. But don't worry, our plot armor is thicker than Nurgle's so it will be fine.
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sanajeh1909 · 11 months
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Pairing : Chamber x F!Reader 
Word Count : 8213
Warnings: Violence (mentions of guns, stabbing and killing people) 
POV : 3rd person 
One Shot
A/N : Sorry for my poor English, its not my native language. Chamber can be a bit OOC. I had hard time to express reader and focused on Chamber more than reader itself. Gif doesnt belong to me. I need to improve my writing skills. I hope yall like it. 
·͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙·͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙·͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧ Dangerous Desires
You have joined Valorant Protocol by request of your friend : Fade. You have grown up in a place that war almost never ends. The constant exposure to death and bloodshed shaped you into a cold and hardened individual, one who viewed killing as a means of survival rather than an act of malice. After the first light, your life became a warzone. Killing people to survive has become normal to you. But all the killing and murdering didnt fade the playful attitude of yours, especially when it came to death. When your friend offered you to Protocol, you thought its time for your life to calm down a bit. You enter the room of the HQ where all the agents are there chatting with each other.  
Looking around, you want to make new friends and find someone who can relax with you in somewhere quiet. You see a man who is well dressed, of course your eyes catches his figure.  
He notices you admiring his physique. He is built like a mannequin, with a perfectly fitted suit. He looks over and flashes a smile that is charming, yet slightly sinister.  
*”Bonjour, Mademoiselle.”*
*”Bonjour.”*  You extend your hand for a handshake. But instead, he takes your hand and kisses it. Its soft against his lips. Then, he releases your hand.
*”Charming and well educated. I like that.”*
You smile at him. There is something behind it, but he doesnt seem to realize the mischief under your smile.
*”Would you like to accompany me to somewhere quiet and relaxing?”*  You ask. He doesnt know what is going to happen if he accepts, yet...
*”That sounds delightful.”*  He offers you his arm. *”If madame would be willing to accompany a gentleman.”*
You chuckle softly, he is unaware of the scheme you are planning. *”I would gladly accompany a gentleman like you. However, im not married. No need to call me ‘madame’”*
You accept his arm and gesture the way to parking lot. You two began walking.
*”Madame is a figure of speech.”* His French accent makes him more attractive than he already is. You two reach the parking lot and you gesture your car, unlocking the doors.  He gets inside the car and admires the interior of the car, admires its luxury.
*”Very nice!”*  He turns to you. *”Where are we going?”*
You, on driving seat, turn to him and smile softly* *”I would like to keep it as surprise if you allow me.”*
*”Surprise me, then.”* He says, crossing his arms, smirking. *”Oh, by the way. The way you speak is divine. I love the sound of a French accent.”*
You smile, feeling the pride grow in your chest. *”Merci, although im not fluent in French, i give my best to speak perfectly.”* You start driving inside forest, end of the road is the surprise place. Its dark, nothing can be seen except the road that car lights making bright.
He looks out the window, then gives you a curious glance. Your French is perfect, why does he get the distinct feeling of you are not a native speaker? He leans back in his seat, eyes on you as you drive for several minutes without a wrod spoken. The car is quiet. The surroundings a quiet hum. He waits for you to speak, his eyes are on you.
You feel his gaze on you and you break the silence. *”I get the feeling that you may thinking im French perhaps by the way im talking. No, im not French or native speaker of French.”* You drive, its quiet again. The eeire air is hanging on.
He tilts his head in curiosity. For a woman who isnt a native speaker of French, you are perfect. He is genuinely curious, now. Not only is your accent perfect, but your grasp of the language is incredible. He leans back in his seat again, letting you drive. *”So, i have to ask. Where did you learn to speak such beautiful French? You must’ve had many teachers, i assume.”*
You laugh softly, you cut your laugh short. *”I must admit you are wrong. I have learned French by myself, speaking with natives has improved my accent.”*
He raises an eyebrow, leaning forward in his seat. He is incredulous now, but he doesn’t show it. *”Really? Impressive. Most people i know arent that good, not even native speakers of the language. Did you always have a penchant for languages or just for French in particular?”* He glances at you and flashes another charming smile.
You let out a deep chuckle. *”You have caught me, Monsieur. I have a liking of languages, fourteen, in total.”* You smile in amusement, still driving. Its quiet and dark place to drive at night.
*”Fourteen?”* He repeats. *”I barely know three!”* He chuckles and shakes his head.
Why fourteen? Do you have an academic or professional interest in learning them, or do you just have a personal goal to learn them all?
You feel what he is thinking. You break the silence. *”I see you have doubts in you, you can ask me your questions, Monsieur.”*
He laughs. He knows he is being teased. He looks out the window, eyeing the dark forest around him. Then looks back at you. *”Tell me why you know fourteen languages. Im interested in your motivation, you see.”*
*”I have a strong liking of languages, you may call it fetish.”* You speak with amusement in your tone. Its been 10 minutes of driving.
He tilts his head at your word choice. *”A fetish. Well, now i think i must ask the question, then. Which language is your favorite and why?”*
You smile and sigh before speaking. *”Its hard to choose in between, actually. A lot of languages to choose one.”* You park the car and stop the engines. You turn your head to look at him, you flasha smirk. *”Shall we go out to see the beauty of the world, Monsieur?”*
*”You are not making it easy for me, you know?”* He chuckles. But yes, he gives you a look of excitement in his eyes. Whatever you have planned, he likes it. *”Let’s see where you’ve brought me.”* He gets out of the car.
You smile and get out of the car as well. You walk towards him and you lead the way. When you both reach the sands, you sit on a bench and take off your heels. You put your heels next to bench. *”Do you like beaches?”*
*”Oh, madame, i adore the beach.”* He sits down beside you and takes off his shoes without hesitation. The sand is warm and soft. *”Nothing like the feel of the sand and the sea. This is beautiful.”*
*”Yes it is. Would you like to walk inside the sea, or should we sit here?”* Your tone of voice is soft, almost soothing.
He shrugs. Its entirely up to you. He turns his head to look at you. *”I’ll do whatever madame desires. You are very beautiful, you know that?”*
You chuckle softly at his words. *”You are complimenting me.”* You get up from the bench and you look at him. *”Shall we go?”*
*”I am. Why wouldn’t i?”* He stands up and starts walking towards the sea. He turns around, looking back at you. *”Coming, madame?”*
You follow him and start getting inside the water, enough to feel the soft waves on your ankles. *”Isn’t it soothing?”* You smile and you turn to catch his gaze.
He follows you into the water. The salty water tickles his toes. Its soothing, the calm waves in the shallow water. He looks down, kicking up sand, and back at you. *”It’s soothing, yes”* He smiles, but the expression is disingenuous. His eyes are studying you. That soft gaze that was there has gone, replaced by a look of cold precision. He doesnt look away, either. He is judging you, studying you. His eyes dont move.
You realize his judging eyes. *”May i ask what’s making you uncomfortable, Monsieur?”*
He chuckles, his tone slightly mocking. “*Oh, dont assume anything. Im merely trying to gauge whether or not you are a friendly individual, so far without luck.”* He flashes you another, more genuine smile. *”Or perhaps, you are not comfortable with me, madame. That is why i am here, though. To make you comfortable.”*
His tone when he refers you as madame doesnt sound genuine. *”If i wasnt comfortable, i wouldnt have asked for your companionship. If you are having troubles of trusting me, take your time.”* You smile but it doesnt reach your eyes.
You notice the difference in his voice. That mocking tone in that one phrase alone seems to be a break in chaarcter. He looks down, then back up at you. He tries to match your smile, but he cant do it for long before it drops. He loooks at a nearby sandcastle, then looks away. You are right. He doesnt trust you. He tries to change the subject. *”Tell me about yourself. Why are you on the beach so late?”*
You smile. This time it reaches your eyes even though its small smile. *”I always come to beach at this hour. Today’s honorable guest is you. If you wish to leave, i can give you the keys of my car for you to go back. But im afraid that you might get lost on the road though.”*
His face twists into a confused look. *”Honorable... guest? What do you mean?”* He is standing up in the water, the water just below his knees. He stares down at you, not breaking the eye contact. No matter what you do, he is looking at you with his piercing amber eyes.
A small, genuine smile on your face, your tone of voice is soft. There is something dangerous inside you. *”I dont have any intention of hurting or killing you, unless you ask me to do so.”*
Was this a threat? Were you threatening him? It didnt sound like you do but... the desolate beach, eerie air of the night makes it harder to not be on alert.
His face hardens. He takes a small step closer to you, looking down at you. He doesnt break eye contact. he speaks softly, his voice is low and harsh. There is no emotion in his eyes or his face. *”Would you like to kill me, madame?”*
*”If its your wish, i can. Though my heart doesnt want to point a gun at a gentleman like you.”* Smiling, you catch his eyes on yours. Your gaze is piercing, yet there is something soft in it. Is it because you really mean your words?
His face is blank. It is emotionless. cold and calculating, yet he still holds you in his gaze. He takes a half step clloser to you. His eyes are studying yours, studying your soul. *”You would kill a man without a reason?”*
Your smile remains, your gaze is piercing his soul. But there is something broken in it yet hard to catch it. Were you in this situation before? *”If its their wish to die, i have nothing to object, do i?”*
The coldness in his eyes fade into confusion as you speak. *”What is wrong with you? How could you do that to someone? Do you not have a sense of morality, or do you just have the heart of a murderer?”* He crosses his arms, scowling. *”Tell me: do you want to kill me?”*
Your smile widens coldly. *Arent we all murderer, in Protocol? And no, i have no intention of killing you. Unless you are begging to get killed, Monsieur.”* The way you phrased ‘Monsieur’ was cold, insincere.
He is taken aback for a second. You have a point, but not everyone within the Protocol kills on a whim. he shakes his head, then shrugs it off. He flashes a smile, a bright, charming smile.  *”Are you sure that you arent looking to kill me? I would be lying if i said that i was convinced.”*
Your smile gets warmer yet there is still hints of coldness in it. *”Say then, would you kill me, here and now? I know you have a gun on you. Dont you want to point at a woman who is talking about killing someone mercilessly?”* Your smile gets wider and grows colder. You are scheming something dangerous for sure.
His face is serious, deadpan. He pulls his gun from his waist. *”I could.”* He doesnt make a move to point his gun at you. He just holds it loosely behing his back. *”Its something that i am capable of.”* He looks around the beach, scanning it for any potential witnesses. The beach is desolate, no one is there except you and him.  *”Are you willing to die here, madame?”*
You slowly reach your thigh and pull your gun from its holster that was there. A ghost you are holding on your hand yet its not pointed at him. *”Are you willing to die here, Monsieur?”* You smile coldly, no emotion in your voice, your tone is sendind shivers down his spine.
That was wrong thing to do. He is standing up in the water, staring at you. His face is deadpan. His hand grips the gun tighter. *”This is your final chance to run, madame. Are you sure you want to do this?”* He is still speaking softly, his tone is cold and emotionless. There is a sense of confidence behind his voice that should scare anyone. He isnt afraid of you. He doesnt even seem fazed by your gun. That is far more concerning.
Your smile gets warm. Maybe because you know you will die there? *”Do, point your gun at me, if you wish to die.”* You speak softly. What are you planning to do?
He smiles at your invitation. He raises his gun to point at you, without any hesitation. His finger rests over the trigger, ready to fire. His tone is cold, emotionless. ***You have three seconds.***
You slowly raise your gun and point at him, there is smile plastered on your face. *”Are you really willing to kill someone innocent?”*
He doesnt move. You could almost see the cogs turning in his mind, processing the morality of what he was about to do. His mind seems to have made up its mind, because his gun is pointed directly at your head. His eyes are cold, emotionless, piercing your soul. His finger is on the trigger. He is about to do it. ***You have two seconds. Make the second count.***
You suddenly click and unlock the magazine of the gun, dropping it on water. Empty gun is staying on your hand pointed at him. Your smile turns into cold smirk. Your intention were not killing him. But why did you plan this? What was your aim with this?
He is caught off guard. He lowers his gun, but not out of fear. More as a gesture of surprise than anything. He looks as though he would like to laugh, but he doesnt. *”So you have given me my life back, madame.”* He lowers his gun, setting it loose behind his back. He is still studying you with those piercing amber eyes. *”Why would you do that? Why give up your only weapon?”*
You lower your gun, the empty gun resting on your hand. You smile at him as you speak. *”My aim was never killing you.”*
He raises his eyebrows, looking down at you. *”Then why bring gun at all?”* For a moment, he looks slightly annoyed, like you had just wasted his time. Then, he shakes it off. *”But, you could have killed me, you know that, right?”*
*”You ask me why i bring my gun, yet you carr on you. Isnt it a bit rude? I could, but it would be pointless to kill you. I have nothing to gain from your death.”* You turn slowly and start taking small steps on water.
He laughs. His laugh comes from deep in his soul, filled with cold amusement. He looks at you, standing up in the water and crossing his arms. He is grinning now. the coldness and calculation has left his eyes. What you see now is a man ***loving*** this situation. He is the happiest he’s been in weeks, maybe months. He turns to face you, smiling widely. *”Oh, you are good.”*
*”I am, indeed. At least i can take it that you are trusting me now. No, Monsieur?”* You say with a smile on my face, your tone of voice is playful yet sincere.
He laughs again. His voice is warm and charismatic, like you would expect. You have certainly earned back the trust. *“I am trusting you, madame.”* He takes a few steps closer to you. He looks down at your feet, then looks back up at you with another wide smile.  *”Let’s make a deal. We walk along this beach together, not speaking a word to each other, just looking. We both keep our guns holstered, no killing. How does that sound?”*
You laugh softly. His words amused you, not in negative way. You are intrigued by his actions. Is he always like this? *”Deal, then.”*
He holds out his hand to you, smirking. *”A pleasure doing business with you, madame.”* He looks down at you, staring at your face. There is a soft smile on his face, like that of a smug and satisfied cat. He waits for you to reply.
You accept his hand for handshake. Your smile grows warmer. Maybe he isnt that bad?
He shakes your hand and lets go, then smiles. He turns around and starts walking with you by his side in water, his arms crossed on his chest. He looks out at the dark sea, into the woods, around the beach. The sun has set long time ago, the moon shining above. Beach is deserted long time ago. He slows his pace. *”There is something beautiful about the quiet, dont you think?”* He shrugs. *”You can hear the wind, the waves... its like music.”*
You smile at his words, you chuckle softly. It was good to rest your soul once in a while like this. Away from the war you used to be in. *“Right, its always calming...”* You walk at the same pace as his, walking next to him. Your hands are next to you to balance yourself as you walk in water.
This is a very different version from the one you would just met. His warm smile is inviting, like he could be talking about anything with you. It is not the face of the cold hearted hitman you had just spoken to. He looks around as you are walking, studying the beach. He takes a small step forward, making eye contact with you.  There is a mischievious glint in his eye. Does he look like the kind of man who will get the best of you?
He pauses, his brow raises as he looks at you. *”Would you like to play a game? We are both bored out here after all.”* He grins, but the corner of his eyes are dark. This man, who had just wanted to kill you, has sense of glee about him. *”Are you good gambler? Do you trust your luck?”* He sounds sincere, but he looks as though he is planning something. His smirk is slightly sinister.
You raise an eyebrow, confused by his invite but amused. *”Are you inviting me to Russian roulette?”*
He bursts out laughing, covering his mouth and shaking his head. When he speaks again, he sounds like he is holding back his laughter. *”No, im not a murderer... I was thinking of poker?”* He asks, grinning at you. *”Unless, you want to play a game that gives you a chance to kill me...”* He adds jokingly.
You shake your head, not approving what he said but you speak slightly playful even though you mean your words. *”If you really have deathwish by my hands, we can. But i dont have ammo with me now.”* Your lips curls into small smile as you speak. *”Poker, you say? I dont like gambling actually.”* You pause for a second and add jokingly. *”But we can play Russian routlette with your gun.”*
*”How about a bet, then?”* He looks at you, his amber eyes piercing you to your soul. When you dont respond, he takes a step closer to you. He crosses his arms and looks down at you as he speaks. *”You are so lucky, you know that? For some reason, i let you live back there. You should appreciate that. You got away with your life, free of charge.”* He nods at you. *”But i will not be so merciful the next time.”*
You laugh at his words. It seems like you didnt really take his words so serious. Your laugh and your tone of voice is almost teasing. *”Je suis désolé, Monsieur. I will be careful next time.”*
His smile gets even bigger, the corner of his eyes turning a darker shade of amber. He cant control his smirk any longer, and he begins to laugh again, the sound of which rings out into the silent sea. As he laugh, he closes his eyes.
The silence of the beach feels deafening. The waves lap up against the beach hits both of your legs, the wind whistles and sighs. He breaks the eye contact with you, still laughing. *”You have a strange way of showing appreciation, dont you?”*
You give him side eye with smile, not judging but enjoying the conversation with him. *”I would like to say ‘im not like other women’ but the sentence is already corny.”* You wait for his reaction after speaking.
There is still a wide smile on his face. He turns to face full towards you. You both face to each other as both of you stopped walking. His laughter dying down. *”You are unlike any woman i have ever met”* He grins at you. *”You remind me of someone.”* His smirk turns into half grin. He looks at you, studying your face. *”Who, i wonder.”* He mutters.
You turn your face slightly, your gaze doesnt leaves his face. *”I wonder who might it be?”*
His smile gets even wider. Its almost unnerving. His eyes are focused on you, watching your every little reaction to try and understand what you are thinking. His head tilts to the side, a look of intrgue on his face. *”I have a suspicion.”* He says, his tone is serious now. *”There is something very familiar about you... I cant put my finger on it yet.”* He chuckles.
*”Even after not shooting, still suspicious i see”* You raise your hands to shoulder height as if surrendering. *”You can search for any weapon, you wont find anything except an empty gun and butterfly knife.”* You squint your eyes for a brief second.
He smirks again. He takes a few steps towards you, studying you with his piercing eyes. He chuckles, then raises his hands in the air in surrender. *”Very well. You have earned my trust. For now.”* He lowers his arms to his sides, still smiling. *”For now.”*  
You lower your hands at his response. Your lips curls into sly smirk. *”For now doesnt sounds convincing.”*
*” What would you like my wording to be?”* He raises an eyebrow. *”Do you want me to bow down before you and pledge my loyalty as your humble servant?”*
You roll your eyes at his words, his behavior is amusing to you. *”No, i will know when to trust you.”* You smirk at him teasingly, your tone is playful. You enjoy the conversation way too much than you expected.
He chuckles darkly, rolling his eyes. *”You are a very tricky woman, you know that?”* He grins, crossing his arms. A voice in his head tells him that there is something suspicious, that you know something. He dismisses it, shaking his head. *”You are also quite entertaining. I like that.”* He steps closer to you. *”Are you always this fun, or only when you almost get yourself shot?”*
You laugh with deep voice. How you have developed yourself to enjoy to be on verge of the death always excited you because of your past. But how he pointed at it was funny. *”If you would like to see if im funny or not, then why dont you try and see? I am always funny. I dont look like i take anything serious though.”*
His grin gets bigger. *”You know, i might just do that.”* He looks aruond the beach. Its dark, pale lights of the beach lighting the sands up. The woods are indistinguishable behind the lights. He turns back at you. He steps clsoe, and he is now only a few steps away from you, close enough to lean down and speak in your ear. *”What would you do if i were to kiss you?”*
You smirk but it shows how displeased are you from his words. *”I dont like the idea. I might stab you and see if you are still funny, maybe, no?”* You tease him with his words.
He smiles a little wider. *”You are not like other women, are you?”* His tone suddenly becomes serious, his amber eyes piercing your soul. *”I would like to get to know you. The real you.”* He looks down at you; there is a hunger in his eyes. His face, once warm and charming has turned cold once more. *”Is there a chance i might earn your trust?”* He steps even closer to you, his lips almost touching now. *”What say?”* He whispers quietly.
You slowly put your hand on his chest and gently push him back. Your face is smiling but you are not pleased this little conversation. *”I will decide when to trust you. It was remarkable that you didnt shoot me when i dropped the magazine of the gun, yet you were ready to shoot any second.”* You squint your eyes slightly and widening it. *”How am i gonna trust someone who did it?”* Your tone of voice sounds slightly playful yet serious. You mean every word on your last sentence.
His grin disappears, and he narrows his eyes. His voice grows stern, and you feel a cold presence coming off of him. *”And how are you going to earn my trust?”* He leans in close to you, staring directly into your eyes. His amber eyes are cold and calculating again. Its obvioux that that question did not sit well with him. His mood seems to have shifted again. *”Your weapon was still pointed at me.”* He takes in deep breath. *”Is there something about you I'd rather not know?”*
You speak calmly with a smile on your face. *”I had a chance to shoot, yet i dropped the ammo. Would you preferred me to shoot you there?”* Your smile widens and you let out a small chuckle. *”I will earn your trust, maybe. Time will show that.”*  
He smirks. *”Maybe. Time will tell, wont it?”* He crosses his arms, leaning down as he speaks. His amber eyes narrowed as they gaze into yours. There is a subtle hunger in his eyes, a fire behind them. Like he wants something from you, something he is not telling you he wants. *”You have me intrigued.”* He grins. There is a sly, almost mischievious look about him. *”Tell me more about yourself. You must have plenty to tell... Im listening.”*
You pause for a brief moment. *”Lets make a deal, then. We both tell more about each other. It would be unfair to leave other person illiterate, no?”*
*”Im inclined to agree.”* He smiles, a smirk on his face. He reaches out a hand for you to shake. You can tell he is serious about the deal. *”Lets make a deal, then. A truce, i suppose.”*
You shake his hand firmly. You may gain more of him, maybe? *”Deal.”*
He shakes your hand firmly, too. There is warmth in his eyes and his demeanor. *”Very well. I will tell you everything i can about myself. And you will, in turn, tell me everything you can. Is that satisfactory?”* He crosses his arms, looking at you curiously. There is a sparkle in his eyes. *”Where would you like to start?”*
*”Yes, it will satisfy me. Im starting then. Im 20 years old, and you?”* You smirk. It will be entertaining to learn more about him. You didnt think he would be willing to talk about himself, so you were prepared to get what you want by force.
He smiles. *”I am 28. What are your passions? I like weapons, as you have seen. What do you like?”* Another smile; his lips curls into a smirk.
*”Killing people?*” You speak jokingly and laugh loudly. *”Languages, as i said in the car. My turn then. Im 1.64 meters tall, you?”*
He grins. *”Killing people is one of my passions, but you already knew that.”*
The look in his eyes is cold again, like he couldnt have been the one to jokingly joke with you moments ago. *”We may be of the same passions, however.”* He smirks, his voice deep and cold. He looks up slightly, thinking. *”Im 1.79 meters.”* He smirks. He looks back at you with a charming grin. *”Do you like reading?”*
*”Yes, i do. Horror or thriller novels are my favorite genres. What about you?”* You are showing new side of you to him: playful and charming. And you see new side of him too. It feels like he is more comfortable with you than before.
*”Im more of a non-fiction person”* He pauses. *”I have always been more interested in reality. Learning as much as i can about my foes. Learning their vulnerabilities, their fears, their weaknesses, their pasts, their traumas, their hopes... You know. The things that might make them break and lose.”* He flshes a quick, genuine smile. *”If they break, it makes my job all the easier.”*
*”Breaking mentality is good tactic, but what would you do if it doesnt break?”* You smile. Its quite disturbing smile. *”Someone might not be scared even when you point a gun at their head.”*
He raises his eyebrows and looks at you, a sly smirk on his face. *”I never had a situation like that happen to me yet. But if someone is not afraid of me, then i know one thing: they are either the bravest person i will ever meet, or they have nothing left to lose.”* His tone is serious again. *”Which one are you?”*
*”What if i am...”* You pause for a moment, leaning towards him slightly. *”...both?”*
He leans towards you as well. His voice is calm, his eyes still cold and calculating. *”Are you both?”* He tilts his head, his amber eyes piercing yours. A voice in his head tells him that something doesnt add up. He shakes it away, ignoring it. *”If you are both, it just makes my job all the more entertaining.”*
You smile, your eyes also smiles with your lips. Your eyes sparkles with excitement. *”Since we are allies, we have nothing to hold anything against each other. Dont you agree?”*
His smirk grows slightly. *”Allies, are we? I suppose so, yes. I like your reasoning.”* He smirks again. *“Its a lot more fun this way, is it not?”* He asks, a playful tone in his voice.
*”It is indeed.”* You pause for a moment. *”I have dropped the formal title. It will be better to get used to each other. Unless you want me to call you Monsieur?”*
*”No, no! You may call me by my name, Vincent!”* He flashes a smile. He seems to think again for a moment, then nods. *”I guess we are allies. Lets make a deal; you tell me your weaknesses and I'll do the same. Does that sound like a fair deal?”* He leans in a little closer to you again, his face is a few inches away now. His voice is warm and charming. He looks to you, looking up and down and he seems to be analyzing you.
*”Vincent, a good, charming name. Sanajeh, you can call me by my name too. Lets make everything balanced.”* You give him warm and charming smile. *”Weakness?”* You raise an eyebrow. *”Are you willing to leave yourself vulnerable around me now?*” You smirk teasingly.
He smirks. *”Well, i suppose that is only fair.”* He shrugs. *”If we are to become allies, i suppose we really ought to know everything there is to know about each other, should we not?”* He gives a slight chuckle. *”Im willing to play by your rules. But i expect you to play by mine”* He gestures between the two of you. *”So shall we begin?”* He smiles, tilting his head.
You smile, amused by hiss game. You enjoy his game yet something feels off. You shrug it off. *”Turn is yours.”
*”Very well. I’ll start off with a simple one.”* He laughs. *”Im claustrophobic.”* He chuckles. *”Your turn.”* His eyes sparkle mschieviously as he waits for your response.
You raise an eyebrow, surprised by his answer. *”I have never thought you might be claustrphobic, you seem like you dont have any weaknesses.”*
He leans in again, almost invading your personal space at this point. *”Nobody is flawless, my dear.”* He whispers quietly in your ear. His voice is slightly silky as his eyes bore into yours. His eyes sparkle like they have been sprinkled with little diamonds. *”Does it excite you to know that someone like me has flaws?”* His breath is hot on your neck. You see him almost lean in further, his lips inches away from your neck. His eyes are fixed on yours and his face inches away from yours.
Your hand goes over your thigh, next to your gun where your knife is resting. You are ready to slip your knife out and stab him if he dares to move one more inches. Why arent you doing it now?
He notices your hand. He smirks again, a sly look on his face. He leans closer, his lips almost touching your neck. You feel his breath on your skin. You feel a shiver going down your spine as his breath brushes your skin. Is he going to kiss you? He doesnt make a move. Suddenly, he pulls away and chuckles. *”You think I'd do it again, dont you?”* His smile broadens.
You are annoyed, feeling like he played with you like a toy and left you on the floor. Your hand still rests on your knife. *”Its not nice of you to play around with someone.”*
His warm smile instantly vanishes into thin air. His face turns cold. He looks at you with steely eyes, his face blank, as if he felt no emotion at all. *”I was showing you what happens when you let your guard down. Your weaknesses show. You could have been hurt.”* He mutters, his voice quiet and cold. *”But instead you just got your feelings hurt.”* He seems to be angry about something. His fists are tightly clenched and his face is scowling.
You are annoyed by his words and behavior. *”Im willing to take action to protect myself.”* Your grip on the knife gets tighter yet you still didint pull it off from its place.
He scoffs. *”Yes, you were ready to stab me with your little knife, werent you?”* He looks at the knife that rests on your thigh. *”Would  your little knife stop a bullet?”* He gives a laugh and shakes his head. His smirk is gone. The look on his face is furious as he glares at you. *”No. It wouldnt.”*
*”Your gun is still in its holster. I would have stabbed you before you pull it out. *”You turn your face slightly, your gaze is still on him. You scoff, its visible you are irritated.
He looks into your eyes and stares at you. *”Then why didnt you?”* His voice is cold. You dont answer and just stare at him in irritation. He looks away from you for a few seconds, then looks back at you, a smirk on his face again. *”You see, dear, you were not expecting me to make such a move. It caught you off-guard.”* He laughs. *”My gun may be in its holster, but you were not expecting me to do that.”* He smirks, his voice becoming slightly mocking.
You are irritated, a lot. You change the subject. *”Dont you have anything to do in HQ? You came all along with me here.”* You turn your gaze, you start to take small steps inside the water, walking slowly.
He shakes his head. *”Not at all.”* He shrugs. *”I dont mind. I like the company.”* He leans in again. You feel his hot breath on your neck, his lips mere inches away from your skin. His eyes bore into yours. *”Do you have anything to do besides walk around?”* He asks teasingly.
You pull your knife out with swift movement, ready to stab his throat. *”You should learn what ‘personal space’ is.”* Your gaze is piercing, stern. You dont like his game anymore.
You see him freeze, his eyes wide. He doesnt make a move. Then he laughs. A loud, boisterous laugh that goes straight from his heart to his mouth. His voice booms. He steps back, his hands raised. *”Ha! You actually pulled a knife on me!?”* He laughs, a bright grin on his face. He looks at you and you see nothing but amusement and laughter on his face.
You swing your knife on your fingers, then take a step closer to him. Your knife is on his throat. *”If you dont respect my personal space, i might hurt you.”*
*”Lets see if you can hurt me with that.”* He gives a smirk, his voice cold. His arm extends out and he flicks his wrist slightly. His headhunter is aiming directly for your center mass. His tone is cold, as if he was being serious now. You see his finger slowly going to trigger. His eyes stay trained on your center mass as his finger is on the trigger, ready to pull it. *”You wont be able to.”*
His eyes look down the sights of his pistol. He grins. *”Try me.”*
*”Its not fair to point a gun someone who has knife on their hand.”* Your face is stern yet your voice is playful. Your expression and tone doesnt match. *”You are quite unfair guy with fair look.”*
He scoffs. *”So you want me to unchamber the rounds and put on the safety, then pull a knife on me?”* He gives a wry smile. *”My job is fighting. I dont care about things being fair.”* He laughs again. *”Maybe im not as kind as you thought.”* He leans in close to you again and whispers in your ear. *”You dont know me as well as you thought.”*
You growl and raise your chin slightly. You put your knife back where it was resting. You slowly walk past by him and get out of the water. His golden tattoos glows as his headhunter disappears from his hand.
He seems to go back to his normal self, a charming and playful figure. He walks and leans towards you and looks you in the eye. *”You know, despite the fact that you pointed a knife to my throat, im quite attracted to you, my dear~”* He says with a wink. He leans in closer, whispering in your ear again. *”You have quite the aura, you know that?”* His breath is hot on your neck. You two had stopped walking in the sands.
You gently push him back, playful yet annoyed smirk on your lips. *”Enough games for tonight, no?”*
*”I was only getting started, darling~”* He smirks, leaning into you once more. He gives you a look up and down again, his eyes shining like stars in the night. *”If you are going to push me away like that, why did you not do so when i nearly kissed you back there?”* He asks, giving you a sly smile. The look of amusement is back in his face.
You smirk, slightly annoyed. Your tone of voice is playful and low. *”Some questions are meant to be left unanswered.”* You walk past by him, you dont turn back when you speak gaain. You slightly raise your voice. *”I might have piqued an interest in you. You are entertaining, Monsieur.”* You said ‘monsieur’ in mocking, teasing tone.
He laughs. *”You did piqued my interest.”* He says, his voice full of playfulness. He glances at you with a smirk. *”Im flattered you think im entertaining. You are intriguing yourself, and my curiosity is piqued, as you say.”* He tilts his head to the side, a smug look on his face. *”You know, you are quite playful yourself~”* He chuckles, looking away.
You laugh loudly at his words. You stop on your tracks and turn back to look at him. *”If you dont come, i will leave you here and go back HQ alone. Lets go back.”* You raise an eyebrow and smirk playfully.
He raises an eyebrow, but seems to be entertained. *”Fiiine~”* He chuckles. He seems to make a pout face, mockingly, and makes a ‘hmf’ sound. *”I will only follow behind you if you hold my hand.”* He gives you a smizing look, teasing with his eyes. He holds his hand out, offering it to you. He seems to be joking.
You give him a look that is questioning him if he is serious or not. Its visible he is joking, and you hope he is not being serious about it. You roll your eyes and turn back, walking slowly as you talk without looking back. *”You are not 5 year old kid drowning in the sea. 28 year old grown man like you shouldnt be asking for help to walk out of the sea.”*
He rolls his eyes as well, but chuckles. He follows behind you and sighs as he gets on land. *”Im only human, you know.”* He pauses. *”A helping hand never hurt anyone.”* He smirks.
*”The hands that holds gun? Asking for help?”* You laugh from your heart. His words is funny and amusing. *”Dont make me laugh.”*
*”I like you, you know?”* He laughs, as if he meant that. He pauses and you hear his foot shuffle in the sand. *”Let me have your number at least.”* He asks, his words being genuine, though his expression says otherwise. He looks up at you, eyes shining brightly.
You raise an eyebrow. *”Give you what?”* Of course you knew what is he asking for and you heard it clearly. But you want to make him say it again.
*”Your phone number, dummy.”* He reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone, opening the dial interface. He holds out his phone and shows that the dial is empty. He raises an eyebrow and looks at you.
You pull your phone out and give him to dial his number too. You get his phone and start dialing your number. You save yourself as ‘your worst nightmare’, then you hand the phone to him.
But you didnt know that he saw what you did and smirks himself. The he dials his number on the phone and enters his name as ‘your worst crush’. Then he looks into your eyes, smirk still on his face as he tosses your phone back at you. You hand his phone back to him. *”You forgot my name, did you not?”* He laughs.
You look at your phone and you see that he saved himself as ‘your worst crush’. You raise your gaze to him and smirk at what he did. *”Vincent Fabron. I cant forget the name of my ‘worst crush’, can i?”* You raise an eyebrow and speak teasingly.
*”You have been warned. Im gonna blow up your phone every day.”* He gives a wry smile. He seems to be entertained again. He raises his eyebrows and looks at you. His wry smile turns into teasing grin.
You chuckle softly. He is entertaining for sure. *”We will be staying in HQ together. You will bear my games everyday. Be prepared for it.”* Your tone is playful, you look at him with wide smirk on your face. *”If you are ready now, lets go back. Its getting late.”* You walk towards your car and get in car. You look at him with wide grin as you wait for him to get in.
He raises an eyebrow, smirking at you. His face shines in amusement. He rolls his eyes and gets into the passenger side of the car, his face glowing. He puts his seatbelt on and looks at you, still with that smirk. *”We are gonna be a real dynamic duo, i feel it.”* He laughs a little, and his face breaks into a huge, amused smile. It might actually be a wholesome smile. *”You are gonna be trouble.”*
You laugh at him. You put your seatbelt on with a grin on your face. *”You are the trouble.”* You start the engine and drive back to HQ.
*”I am trouble~”* He grins, his voice sweet and smirk still shining with happiness. *”But im a good kind of trouble.”* He winks at you. *”Are you a good kind of trouble, too?”* He leans in towards you and the car turns onto the main road. He seems very interested in your answer.
You shake your and head let out a small chuckle. That wide grin is still on your face. *”Bad kind of trouble.”* You point the word ‘bad’ with your tone.
He laughs. *”What are you, some kind of criminal?”* He chuckles. You see him tap his fingers on the armrest, bouncing his knees excitedly. His eyes dance from the road to you. His smile is big. He turns to you and laughs. He raises an eyebrow and leans forward. He lowers his voice to a whisper. *”You are a bad girl, arent you?”* He is grinning ear to ear.
You chuckle. You tap your fingers on the wheel excitedly. *”If i am criminal, then your place is guillotine.”* You chuckle again, longer than before. *”Who knows? Maybe i am, maybe not.”*
He gasps. *”The guillotine!?”* He chuckles. *”You would dare to hurt me, your crush?”* He asks, laughing along. His head bounces up and down with his laughing. *”Now i know im in trouble~”* He leans forward. He is still laughing, with his eyes sparkling. His voice is full of life and joy. He turns his eyes back to the road as you pull into the parking lot.
You park your car and stop the engines. Your lips forms into smirk as you both get out of the car. *”It was nice to kill you-… i mean meet you.”* You smirk playfully, your tone of voice is teasing.
He smirks back. *”Likewise, dear. Likewise.”* He is smiling and a little playful. *”You drive quite well~”* He looks at other parking spots. *”Who else got here?”* He asks you. He pulls out his phone and checks something, then puts it away. *”You can kill me another time.”* He nudges you, chuckling.
You roll your eyes playfully and turn back. You walk towards your room through corridor.
He follows you, grinning like an idiot. His eyes glowing. He seems to be having fun. *”Where to now?”* His voice is cheery, light. He taps his foot lightly. An unspoken question. What does Vincent Fabron even expect? Does he even have a plan? You could be in trouble.
*”To my room.”* You stop in your tracks and turn back to face him. Your tone is slightly playful. *”Where do you expect me to go?”*
*”You are not going to drag me into your room?”* He smirks, his voice a little flirty. He tilts his head and give you a sideways look. *”Whats it you want, my dear?”* He asks, his voice dripping in mocking attitude. The look in his eyes is hard to read. Is it serious? Is he interested? Is he teasing you still? He keeps moving, following your movements closely, a smug expression on his face. He seems happy. He seems like he is up to something.
You raise your chin slightly, looking arrogantly. Your tone is almost commanding. *”You arent coming to my room.”* You turn back and walk away, leaving him there. Without turning back, you raise your hand and wave at him as bye bye. *”See you tomorrow.”* You open the door of your room and get inside, closing the door behind you.
He raises an eyebrow, shocked to be rebuffed. He seems to be genuinely taken aback by the move. He laughs a little. *”So im rejected.”* He chuckles. He leans back on the wall in the hall and chuckles some more, laughing out loud at the situation. *”I think... im falling for her.”* He chuckles. He shakes his head and smirks, looking up on the ceiling. He seems to be thinking about something. *”What a girl...”* He chuckles.
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l0serloki · 2 years
hear me out…chamber having a lil crush on you and pretending to be your boyfriend to chase other guys off 😭😭
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Chamber x Reader
Genre : Fluff
WC : 1.1K
Summary : Chamber was not letting his best friend of years date some oaf. You were obviously made to date him!
CW : Jealous!Chamber hehehe, fem!reader, minor self doubt for a second but theres like instant comfort so dw
A/N : This was so cute to write. I love this man so much, thank you for the idea my little trog <3
You and Chamber had been friends for quite a long time. He had even recruited you to join the Valorant Protocol with him! To say you were inseparable was putting it lightly. You could always count on him to be there for you.
Chamber was not a coward. He had told himself countless times that he would find the right moment to ask you out for good but it never came. He noticed the way the other guys in Valorant looked at you and it irked him to no end. You were his girlfriend! Well, best friend but you basically were married - or at least he liked to think. He knew you like the back of his hand and you were just the same. Settling his own heart fluttering from your contagious laughter, he got up.
"Would you like another drink my dove?" You nodded up at the man as he made his way into the kitchen. Grabbing a new cup, he set it below the coffee maker and turned to look for another soda. Phoenix passed him the coke from across the counter. "Y/N ever dated anyone? You're her best friend so I assumed it would be safe to ask you." Vincent could almost feel his vein protruding through his forehead. Did Phoenix really think he had a chance with an angel like you?
"Y/N is my girlfriend. She has been for a long time, so yes. She has dated someone." Vincent turned around and grabbed his coffee before making his way back to the communal living room. He was not in the mood to entertain Phoenix's questions.
"Thanks Vin, you're the best." Chamber could feel his cheeks turn red as he said of course and pulled out schematics to work on.
You had left to go work out with Raze and Chamber thought that would give him time to grab some spare parts from the lab. He walked in and noticed Astra and KJ working away at something. He coughed into his hand and their eyes glanced back.
"Chamber! What brings you in?" KJ asked as he got busy in looking through the parts drawer. "Simply looking for some parts for a project. What are the two of you working on?" His curiosity grew as he glanced at the metal box. "Hopefully something that will help defuse easier. Astra has some good insight she got from earlier. By the way have you seen Y/N? I thought Phoenix was going to ask her on a date." Chamber could feel the agitation arrive back in his chest at the mention of the fired up man. "Phoenix did not ask her out. I would sure hope not at least, she is my girlfriend after all. She is working out with Raze currently. I must get going though, I am very busy today. Bon courage mes amis." Chamber grumbled as he walked out of the lab. He had to make you his, and soon.
Waiting outside of the training room he began assembling his gun. It was an iffy project but one good to keep his mind working as he waited for you to be done. He watched in his peripheral vision as you and Raze blew up the target dummies. He felt a surge of pride to see you shoot and move around so gracefully. You had come such a long way and you were so talented. He was so lucky to be able to watch you grow. He groaned as the sappy thoughts went on and his inner monologue bullied him with images of you and Phoenix. Like hell he was going to let his angel slip out of his grasp.
The training had finished but you were cleaning up as Raze entered the room.
"Oh hey Chamber. Y/N is just cleanin up! She should be right out. Have you seen Phoenix?" Chamber was this close to screaming. If Raze mentioned Phoenix's crush on you he was going to lose his mind. Chamber decided that he would save her the effort. "Y/N is my girlfriend you know." Raze's eyebrow went up and she smiled. "Thats awesome. Glad you two are happy. I kinda assumed you two were dating anyways. But, my question still stands. Have you seen Phoenix? He owes me a new bomb." Chamber almost felt stupid - Raze wasn't going to bring the whole dating thing up? "Uh I don't know. Last time I saw him was in the kitchen this morning." Raze nodded and said her goodbyes as she made her way out of the room.
You were shocked to say the least. Had Chamber just told Raze the two of you were dating? You waited patiently, spying on their conversation until it ended. You opened the door and smiled gently at the man. He was your best friend after and you would be lying if you said you hadn't thought about the two of you being together. He was everything you had ever asked for and more, knowing every part of how you ticked. You did love him, you just forced yourself to think it was as a friend.
"So we are dating?" You looked at his body stiffen next to you and lightly laughed. "Well, I didn't think you heard that." Your face dropped and you felt as though your heart had been ripped out. Did you take it the wrong way? Had you not heard the full conversation? You could've sworn that he was serious. You didn't know what you would do if you had ruined the friendship with some simple statement. Your hands jittered as you looked at the ground.
"No no ma belle, don't fret. I didn't mean it like that! I just have been waiting to ask you out at the right moment.. I suppose there is no time like the present though. Will you be mine?" He ran his fingers delicately across the side of your face, his eyes holding the deepest sincerity. He had the most beautiful face. You felt as if you could stare at him forever and still be as entraced as the moment you started.
"Yes Vincent, I've been waiting for you to ask that." You couldn't help the elated feeling that filled you, leaning in to capture his lips in a quick kiss.
You pulled back and the two of you grinned, his arms pulling you further into him.
"Why did you tell Raze that in the first place Vincent?" You questioned as you looked up at the mans face. Your comment was met with a dejected sigh and a 'Good heavens..'
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badgirlcovention · 11 months
Bleach x TOH AU pt. 2
Part one laid down some basics but here goes the squads and the details. I haven't decided on all of the functions for each squad but I'm willing to take suggestions.
First Squad Function: Oversee the administrative and infrastructural duties of the Boiling Isles Captain: Gwendolyn Clawthorne Lieutenant: Other notable members: Squad flower: Carnation (meaning: Motherly love) Color: Mauve
Second Squad Function: To train and run the Covenant Militia, which answers directly to the Commander-in-Chief/Captain of the Squad Captain: Lilith Clawthorne Lieutenant: Steve Cliffsinger Other notable members: Amity Blight (unseated officer; part of the noble Blight clan) Squad flower: Gladiolus (meaning: Strength, Integrity, Victory) Color: Arctic Blue
Third Squad Function: To train and run the Covenant Scout Patrol Captain: Terra Snapdragon Lieutenant: Other notable members: Dell Clawthorne (former Captain), Eda Clawthorne (former third seat) Squad flower: Magnolia (meaning: Nobility, love of nature) Color: Cadmium green
Fourth Squad Function: To treat the injured and manage supplies in the Boiling Isles Captain: Hettie Cutburn Lieutenant: Other notable members: Squad flower: Valerian (meaning: Readiness) Color: Azure blue
Fifth Squad Function: To obtain and keep track of information in the Boiling Isles, sometimes delving into sensitive information Captain: Osran Lieutenant: Odalia Blight Other notable members: Squad flower: Hollyhock (meaning: Ambition) Color: Violet
Sixth Squad Function: Detention Unit Captain: Warden Wrath Lieutenant: Other notable members: Squad flower: Black-eyed Susan (meaning: Justice) Color: Iron Grey
Seventh Squad Function: Captain: Adrian Graye Vernworth Lieutenant: Other notable members: Emira Blight (20th seat; part of the noble Blight clan), Edric Blight (unseated officer; part of the noble Blight clan) Squad flower: Amaryllis (meaning: Pride) Color: Sky blue
Eighth Squad Function: To maintain the structural and architectural integrity of the Boiling Isles Captain: Mason Lieutenant: Other notable members: Mattholomule (unseated officer) Squad flower: Chamomile (meaning: Patience in adversity) Color: Mocha brown
Ninth Squad Function: Captain: Vitimir Lieutenant: Other notable members: Boscha Volkov (currently unseated but nearing 20th seat already) Squad flower: Nasturtium (meaning: Patriotism, conquest, Victory in battle) Color: Yellow
Tenth Squad Function: Captain: Darius Deamonne Lieutenant: Other notable members: Squad flower: Iris (meaning: Faith, trust, wisdom, hope, valor) Color: Orchid
Eleventh Squad Function: Captain: Eberwolf Lieutenant: Other notable members: Squad flower: Hyacinth (meaning: Sport, game, play) Color: Red-Orange
Twelfth Squad Function: To run the Research and Development Department for technological advancement in the Boiling Isles Captain: Alador Blight Lieutenant: Other notable members: Squad flower: Lotus (meaning: Purity, enlightenment, self-regeneration, rebirth) Color: Magenta
Thirteenth Squad Function: Captain: Raine Whispers Lieutenant: Katya Other notable members: Squad flower: Edelweiss (meaning: Courage, devotion) Color: Scarlet
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jurousei · 1 year
The Wedding Planner
↳ Fandom: VALORANT
↳ Pairing: Chamber x Viper; Chiper; Bitemark
↳ Warnings: None.
↳ Description: Vincent Fabron is the owner of Romantique, a classy boutique focused on making wedding creams come true. Despite the romantic occupation, he has the worst luck in finding romance for himself, and he’s slowly giving up hope in romance overall. That is, until Sabine Callas walks in, and Vincent wonders if this who he’s been looking for this entire time.
↳ Notes: Due to weird tumblr issues, I cannot link properly. But this can also be found on AO3, under my same username!
Friday, April 28th, 1:00 pm.
Romantique was located at the corner of a small yet busy business plaza, sandwiched between a nail salon and a records store. Founded half a decade ago, Vincent was the owner and sole employee of the business. Though a grueling start, his passion project turned into a living eventually, and now he was an established wedding planner with a heft of experience under his belt.
“Do come in, take a seat anywhere! I take you have exciting news?”
Vincent watched two women shuffled into his office, their hands remaining clasped together as they took a seat on the couch in front of Vincent’s large, mahogany desk. ‘Cute. Sweet. Almost too sweet,’ he thought at the sight of them actively working around the handholding rather than letting go.
The young couple entering was in their late twenties. The woman that sat on the left — ‘Zyanya,’ if Vincent remembered correctly — boasted tan skin and sharp features, her hair pulled into a ponytail with the ends dyed magenta; she donned a sleeveless, black turtleneck that showed off her muscled arms splattered with. An intimidating sight compared to her companion, in a baby blue dress covered in white polka dots and shiny, black hair in a high ponytail. Her eyes were aqua and bright, looking at Vincent with a friendly light in her eyes. He smiled when they settled comfortably on the dark blue couch, an arm slung over Ling’s shoulder instead now, and looked towards him.
“Welcome to Romantique, a boutique dedicated to making wedding dreams come true!” He sang the last few words like a jingle as Ling clapped politely. “Thank you, thank you. How may I be of help to you today, my friends?” His eyes twinkled, excited for the upcoming news based on the smile on Ling’s face. Normally a stoic person, it was always interesting what could get Ling to emote so much.
She stuck her hand up, palm facing her, and Vincent watched a dainty sparkle catch in the light. Zyanya followed suit, and as they stuck their hands out closer for Vincent to inspect, he crooned at the matching set of diamond engagement rings. A turn of the hand, and their initials with maiden names were carved into the band. Ling blushed. “I got engaged, Vincent. She proposed last week, and you’re the first to know besides family.”
“My congratulations, ladies! You’re looking for help with regards to a wedding then, yes?” At the nod from both women, he pulled a small, gridded notebook from a desk drawer alongside a blue ballpoint pen. A few clicks, and he scribbles their names down with a heart followed after. “This is fantastic news! How did she propose? Simple, extravagant? Public, private?”
Zyanya grinned now. “Extravagantly, of course. Nothing but the best for mi corazon.” She hugged her fiancée tighter, and Vincent laughed at Ling’s flustered expression. She batted Zyanya’s shoulder lightly, as if a warning, but Zyanya ignored it and bragged, “We took a trip to the coast and rented a small space to stay in. Took her exploring for a few days to distract her, then on a boat for a special dinner, I proposed! Her face, Vincent, if only you could’ve seen it…”
“Oh, to see stoic Ling be overcome with glee…did she cry tears of joy?”
“A bit,” Zyanya nodded. “She couldn’t speak clearly for a few minutes, she only stared at the ring.” Her chest puffed out in pride. Ling swatted at said chest, the tips of her ears burning bright red now. Zyanya continued further about the special night, until the mention of ‘bed’ was heard, and Vincent double-taked.
“Enough now, please,” Ling requested with a soft frown. She must have caught it too. “We’re getting distracted from the goal of today’s meeting.”
“I am sorry, mi corazon,” Reyna cooed. Vincent’s tooth ached at the tone.
“My apologies. I am merely excited and happy for you,” Vincent said. He tried to be as genuine as possible in his life, and now was no exception, especially to a person he had grown quite fond of. “How time flies by! I remember first meeting you in my time of great, great need, and now I’m witnessing your engagement.” He grinned and cleared his throat.
“Pardonnez-moi. Now then, when do you plan to get married? Cost? Venues? Themes?” He rattled off some more questions in a rush before finishing off with, “or just give me all of the information you have available” at the irritated and confused expression on Zyanya’s face.
Zyanya scowled, still seemingly processed some of the questions Vincent had listed, as Ling patted her shoulder with a fond smile. The Mexican woman ended up settling on, “I want to do whatever Ling wants.”
Ling stammered, a first in the time Vincent had known her, and it was endearing, this dynamic. Zyanya who was all sharp edges and a bite to her tone, and Ling who was soft but resolute like a quiet force of nature; both had a heart of gold for the other. Vincent’s heart ached with something. He wondered if his swipes resetted yet.
“Well, er, there is one thing I’d like to have if nothing else,” Ling confessed. Her free hand fiddled with a stray fiber from the couch, and she shifted her weight. Vincent’s ears perked up. “I’d like to have a tattoo parlor for a venue.”
A beat of silence. Vincent’s eyebrows furrowed. “Pardonnez-moi, did you say you wanted a tattoo parlor to be your wedding venue?”
“Yes, I have a specific location too, if that’s okay?”
Right, a tattoo parlor. That… was a new one.
As the owner and sole employee of Romantique, Vincent expected himself to uphold the utmost, highest standard of customer service. As the person responsible for one of the biggest milestones in the client’s life, he refused to voice judgment on any ideas unless it was truly terrible. He was hired to create a majestic event for his client, and by god, if Vincent wasn’t going to make it the best he could.
Sometimes, though, wedding ideas could get a little interesting — like now, for instance.
Vincent cleared his throat, accidentally coughing in actuality instead, and said, “A new adventure for me! Let us discuss the idea. We would have to get permission, of course, but we can also have alternatives in place!”
“I’ve already obtained permission from the owner. The shop is Viper’s Ink, right next to Porter’s House of Flowers.” Ling chuckled, as if a funny inside joke with herself, adding, “It’s the business that we share a lobby with after all.
The latter business’s name was familiar. That was his own friend in front of him’s flower shop she worked at, and the flower shop he signed on to be a main provider of flower arrangements for his events. After saving him during a predicament, he had signed them on after a brief trial period, and now he couldn't imagine not having a dedicated provider. It had saved him numerous times over the course of the last three years. Ling created beautiful arrangements, with Vincent having commissioned her work for personal use in the past.
He must have not hidden the confusion well enough though, regarding the tattoo shop, because Ling frowned and inquired, “Did you not notice?”
Vincent stayed silent, but he could feel the apples of his cheeks start to burn.
Truth be told, Vincent was possibly a disaster when it came to existing in everyday life. He was a smart man, a former engineer that quickly rose through the ranks at the time, but he was clueless sometimes. Free body diagrams and calculus problem sets were his favorite past times, but remembering to pay attention to places was too difficult of a task. It was just background art to him.
Ling sighed, exasperated but slightly unsurprised sounding. Almost endeared, if Vincent was reaching a little. “It’s the business we share a lobby with,” she repeated, “and it was where we first met. Alongside other important memories, it became a special place for us.” She squeezed Zyanya’s hand, and Vincent felt his own heart get squeezed when Zyanya returned the small action. “I can get you in contact with the owner, Sabine. Sabine Callas, and perhaps discuss face to face? She mentioned she wanted an involved opinion on her place as a venue.”
Vincent didn’t want to deal with another pair of eyes overseeing him, knowing well that people just got in the way under the guise of ‘overseeing’ the project. Vincent was capable of monitoring himself, and oftentimes, it felt like an insult to his capacity as a wedding planner when the client began to micromanage. Either manage it by one’s self at the start or leave it to the expensive planner hired, Vincent grumbled. That was typically how it went.
Sabine, in this case, was a vendor, and Vincent would have to play nice to get what the client wanted exactly. This request was more than reasonable too, considering the woman’s entire business was being requested as a venue, but it was still a possible extra obstacle. He would give the owner of the tattoo shop the benefit of the doubt for now, unfortunately, and pray that she wouldn't interfere with his workflow.
That was what he would do. He would hold his tongue for now and set up a meeting with Sabine, then he’d gauge the situation from there — considering the request was reasonable, maybe the owner was as well. He had no choice but to wait until he set up a meeting in person.
Vincent mustered up a smile after thinking through his next steps for this wedding. “That works for me.” He wrote a few lines of notes, slightly smeared from the drag of his left hand, in his messy cursive. “Now then, could I grab her information? Then we can discuss other details of your wedding.”
Monday, May 1st, 11:30am.
Vincent stared at the most recent notebook he started for his client. A simple, one-subject notebook with a black plastic cover, Vincent decorated the cover with holographic, purple alphabet stickers. It spelled out ‘Ling and Zyanya Wedding: June 8th, next year’ in the chicken scratch equivalent of stickering.
Inside contained everything he wrote down and everything that he would ever write down over the course of the job. A means of keeping things organized originally, it quickly became a good way of keeping track of a client’s needs as well as creating a sort of journal about the experience behind the client. It was an amalgam of many things — journal, workbook, scrapbook. Whatever anyone deemed it as, it was undoubtedly crucial to Vincent’s effectiveness and investment as a wedding planner.
Within the first few pages of the notebook was the dog-eared page of a woman named Sabine Callas. Her name was written in red Sharpie and highlighted, and it imbued the same dreadful feeling as if one was about to face a judge at court. Vincent was afraid of her judgment at the end of this face-to-face meeting, if he would be able to make his client’s dreams come true.
“Non, Vincent,” he grumbled, shaking his head. He couldn’t think like that, not when nothing was certain yet; he hadn’t even met the owner! No, this sort of thinking was terrible, and it would get him nowhere in his mission to create a meaningful wedding. He would be successful. He had to be successful for his client, and in this case, his friend as well.
Every jingle of the coffee shop’s bell over the doorway attracted Vincent’s attention, and with every person who did not fit the description given to her, his eyes returned to the clock. It was 11:57am, and they had agreed on a meeting time of noon over emails the other day. On his screen was the very email chain.
Ms. Sabine Callas typed properly. Succinct but polite, she wasted no in time sending all her information and her expectations for the process. No exclamation marks or smiley faces like Vincent included in his emails, but she wasn’t necessarily cold either. Scheduling was a breeze with her, and Vincent’s hopes were starting to look up after the interaction.
The exact email on his laptop screen was the last one exchanged between them, where she had described herself in a rather…confident manner.
From: Sabine Callas ([email protected])
Subject: Meeting for Ling and Zyanya’s Wedding Venue
Noon tomorrow will work. As for my appearance, I am pale and tall at 6’0”. Black hair in a short bob cut with green eyes. This will be enough to find me.
Sabine Callas
Another jingle, another look away from the screen, and—
“Madame Callas!”
Vincent raised his hand, calling out with a friendly grin and wave. The woman was right. After what seemed to the nth person coming through, a woman fitting the description sent over by the woman herself walked in, and Vincent trusted the gut feeling — no one else had come close to her description eerily.
As Vincent stood up, he took stock of the woman that walked towards him. At six feet, Sabine was the same height as Vincent and seemed to be covered in lean muscle. She wore a dark green, thin sweater with what seemed to be a small viper logo for a design on the front, and a pair of straight-legged and pressed, black slacks swaying over a pair of black combat boots. Slung diagonally across her body was a shoulder bag, an emerald green shade instead.
Sabine Callas truly was difficult to miss.
Vincent watched the woman take the seat across from him, and she began to set up on her side of the table. While he had out a notebook and his laptop, Sabine took only only a small tablet and a pencil, as well as her phone. From the small glimpse of the screen Vincent saw before she tilted the screen away, Vincent knew she was taking her own notes.
“Vincent Fabron, yes?”
“Yes, that’s me. And you are Sabine Callas, judging from your response to my call earlier,” he said. Meant to be light-hearted, a way to break the ice and test out the waters that was Sabine, Vincent was disappointed by the lack of response besides a nod. Not much to work with. “Very nice to meet you, Zyanya talked quite a bit about you.”
Sabine’s eyes flickered with pride. ‘Ah, that was a reaction,’ Vincent noted.
“It’s nice to meet you as well. As for Zyanya, we’ve simply known each other for a while,” Sabine explained with ease. She was writing something on her screen, and Vincent panicked lightly; should he have been writing something down already? What could Sabine be writing already? “Tell me about yourself, Vincent. I’d like to get to know you more.”
And damn, if that didn’t sound like a perfect distraction as well as an invitation for Vincent’s favorite hobby: talking about himself.
“I am the owner of Romantique, where wedding dreams come true,” he repeated the slogan to the tune of a jingle with a smile, only to be disappointed when Sabine hummed in acknowledgement and continued writing down notes. If he was a little less professional, he would pout lightly right now. “I was hired to help plan a wedding by some of your friends, and I was roped into discussing your tattoo shop as a possible venue? Ling said she received permission already.”
At that, Sabine raised her head from the tablet to meet Vincent’s eyes. Her lips were pursed into a confused frown. “What sort of permission?”
Sahine was already a sight to behold upon initial entry. Now that Vincent was closer up, he could see the tinier details about the woman. She really was pale, but it created a strong contrast against her jet-black hair, sleek and smooth in a short haircut. Side strands framed her face, and Vincent noticed the spattering of freckles across her nose.
Then frankly, while green eyes were an accurate description, it was one hell of a simplification. Sabine had magnificently glimmering eyes that were the exact shade of emerald, just like the very bag she brought to the meeting. Vincent idly wondered how much gemstones of that caliber would cost.
Vincent startled; he hadn’t realized he was staring into her eyes nor that she was asking for a response. With a chuckle, he scratched at the back of his head. “My apologies. I was lost admiring your eyes,” he joked, hoping she wouldn’t realize the real joke was Vincent’s excuse itself. He winced when his joke elicited a frown from Sabine. “Apologies,” he repeated with less humor.
Whatever upset her, it was small enough that the more genuine apology quelled the start of discontent that appeared. Sabine kept her gaze locked on Vincent’s as he wondered why a dry lump was suddenly in his throat before he tried to swallow it down. “What kind of permission?”
“Permission to use your shop as a…” Vincent trailed off, flipping the pages of her notebook. ‘One of the first things we discussed, and…ahah,’ he thought. “She said to use it as a wedding venue.”
Unlike before where it was a mild annoyance that flitted across Sabine’s face, the frown currently marring her face gave Vincent more pause. Not necessarily a death sentence of judgment, but he was prepping for the worst to leave Sabine’s mouth.
“I did not say that. It would be too cramped, and I’d be endangering my and employees’ workspace.” Sabine shook her head, serious and solemn. “Absolutely not for a wedding venue.”
‘And that’s what I was waiting to hear. Fuck.’
It was too good to be true to already have received the full permission needed for proceeding with a venue. Nonetheless, this was not the first time Vincent was in this sort of situation, and he was sure he’d find a way to succeed in fulfilling the client’s wishes. He had to.
“Ling mentioned there was a discussion at some point though, at least?” He fished for more information. He just needed more to work with, and then he’d be able to start negotiating if needed. “I’d hope she didn’t lie about that.”
Much to his surprise, Sabine chuckled. It sounded low and velvety, and it warmed his cheeks at how lovely of a noise it was to his ears. He wouldn’t mind hearing more.
She peered at Vincent with a faint trace of mirth in her eyes, a small smirk played on her lips. “She isn’t the type to lie. Most likely misconstrued what I said,” Sabine clarified. Her lips twitched into a softer, fonder smile. “She can have her reception celebration in the lobby, with some people in the shop. I offered to do tattoo work at their reception, as a way to make it more…interesting, I suppose.” She huffed out a laugh.
This was becoming an odder idea and a very feasible plan at the same time. Not at all what he was normally used to in terms of planning, but he was starting to change his tune; it was a novel idea that Vincent could experiment with designing, and Vincent loved to design. He furiously scribbled new notes in, highlighting certain ideas and keywords that popped into his head. “That certainly is interesting. I’ve not been to a wedding reception like that yet.”
Sabine’s eyebrow quirked. Sleek and groomed, Vincent recognized the threading done as well as the small acrylic nails that tapped away on her tablet screen occasionally; she was a woman who took care of herself.
“How many weddings have you been to?” She finally stopped interacting with her tablet, instead waiting for an answer. Whether it was ten minutes ago or ten seconds instead, he didn’t know that much. All he knew was Sabine’s eyes seemed to pin him into place with their gaze, and he had to keep swallowing the dry dry lump in his throat.
“Er, personal is three. As for client weddings, I’ve easily attended double digits,” he answered with a small cough at the start and wiped his hands on his pants. Nervous habits, he said as a curse to himself. “I aim to ‘finish’ one wedding a week. After five years of doing this, I’ve established enough credibility to have a consistently filled schedulebook. I was lucky that you had availability on a Monday, my friend!”
Sabine made a hmph noise at the epithet. Not negative but not positive. “I give Mondays off at my shop. We don’t get much activity anyway since it’s the start of a work week, and my employees voted for working longer hours instead anyway.” She propped her chin up with her hand, and her gaze seemed to be more scrutinizing than before. “Your work hours must be awful, I just realized.”
Vincent winced. They could be…awful, yes, depending on how terrible the client was. “Not typically, though it can get overwhelming. I choose my own schedule, and that’s something it’ll never take away from me,” he answered. “I could never return to a normal job after being able to choose my own, like I used to be an engineer.”
Whatever else was brewing behind such an intense look dissipated, instead replaced with an appreciative gleam. “Respectable. Where did you work? What field?”
The interest in such a tidbit about Vincent caught him by surprise, and he fumbled with his words for a split second. “I graduated as a mechanical engineer. At Kingdom Corporation, I was Head of Design within the defense department, but…” He grimaced, shaking his head. “Burnt out. Flew too close to the sun and all that. Unfortunate, but so be it. I found my new calling anyway!”
Viper’s eyes lit up, brighter than it had before. It seemed to rival Ling’s own brightness in her eyes from their meeting on Friday. “I was a fellow at Kingdom Corporation,” she said with a smug glee, considering the look of amazement that must have crossed Vincent’s face. “Head of research and development. Majored in chemistry across all three degrees.”
Vincent’s composure was already abysmal throughout the entire meeting, and he was only glad that Sabine seemed to be much more relaxed than expected but also much prettier. He blamed his issues on that. Then to hear how accomplished the woman was, on top of it? All he could do was whistle and beam at the impressive resume.
“A fellow…you must’ve done fantastic, revolutionary work! Congratulations on that achievement, even if you do not hold it anymore,” he smiled, clapping. “I could only dream of being in such a position, Dr. Callas.”
Sabine scoffed, turning away. “You were the head of design for defense. You did plenty of work, and you must have generated plenty of patents as well. You would’ve been a fellow eventually,” she said with no hesitation, and Vincent felt a warmth spread through his chest. “I’d love to know further about your work, but I fear we should return to the topic at hand.”
“Oh—! Of course, Sabine,” he breathed out. His heart picked up; he couldn’t remember the last person who was genuinely curious about his design work. While he did get burnt out at his job, he loved what he did; he loved receiving a problem and formulating a solution, figuring out what was wrong and how to fix it. Every problem felt like a puzzle, and everything was a chance to improve.
He did his best to focus, closing his eyes and recentering with a deep breath. With a smile, much cheerier than before, he asked, “Now where were we?”
For the next hour, Sabine inquired next about the expected process and planning, and this was something Vincent could do — this was what he did for a living, this was his craft he became an expert in. The next hour passes by in a steady blur of exchanging questions and answers.
Sabine was an unsurprisingly thorough person, answering questions that very few clients ever thought to ask but probably should start. Vincent noticed how well-suited her demeanor was for her occupation; dedicated, focused, and detail-oriented. All admirable and desirable traits for such a job.
Along the way, Vincent managed to squeeze in quips and personal questions. Maybe none of the jokes landed far enough out of the ballpark to score, but a few one-liners pulled an amused exhale out of her nose, so Vincent figured that counted for something.
It was at the end of a particularly funny punchline, at least in Vincent’s eyes, that Sabine suddenly frowned when she glanced at her watch. “Ah, shit. I have an appointment in an hour, and it’ll be a decent drive,” she explained as she started to put away her tablet and pencil. “I’m afraid this is the end of our appointment, but I feel we made good progress on this transaction.”
Vincent ignored the sinking feeling in his stomach at the announcement. He had been enjoying the woman’s company after the initial roughness that came with meeting anyone new. While not rude or off-putting, Sabine wasn’t the warmest of women, but she eased up more as the conversations continued. Vincent found himself already feeling missing the conversation.
He coughed behind his fist. “That we did. Before you leave though, let me buy you a coffee.” He hoped he didn’t sound as pathetic as he felt, asking a woman he met for business to stay and indulge in conversation for a few minutes longer. He hoped she didn’t see how his cheeks burned. “My thanks for the meeting being quickly scheduled, and for the interesting conversation. Or call it an incentive to pay me back, to ask me about my job,” he rambled. “Or perhaps this is a poor attempt at being a gentleman.”
It was the last offer that cracks the stoicism, however small, that seemed to permeate Sabine’s face for the most part. She seemed amused at the self-deprecating rip of himself. “I do love a man who owes me,” she responded much to the flustering of Vincent. “Kidding.”
All he could do was hastily pack his own stuff up, and he followed Sabine to the short line at the register. As they conversed, all Vincent could think was how much he’d miss the conversation and how frustrated he’d be, trying to find someone this interesting in tonight’s swipes.
Friday, May 5th, 8:30pm.
“Good evening, Primavera! How lovely it is to meet you tonight,” Vincent greeted his date for the night, all sultry eyes and devilish grins, or at least he tried to. Whatever it looked like, his date giggled as she batted long eyelashes towards his direction. “How are you doing? I’ve been nervous personally.”
A half-truth, half-lie sort of statement. Not exactly black, not exactly white; just some ratio that turned into some shade of gray.
After the meeting with Sabine on Monday, he had spent all day furiously swiping across all of his dating apps. He received enough matches just fine and could schedule first dates with almost as much ease as Sabine did, but it was always the second date that eluded him. No matter what he did, he was always ghosted after the first date.
Primavera Guzman was a woman of a short and curvy stature according to her shared photo for her dating biography. Beautiful locks of brown hair drowned her face as it cascaded over her shoulders, and long lashes framed pretty, green eyes. ‘Not as sparkly as Sabine’s though,’ he added.
They sat at the counter of a packed bar, reruns of shows from earlier in the day playing on the tvs scattered through the bar. The lighting was dim but warm, casting the two of them in a soft, warm light; Primavera decidedly looked pretty against the golden hues.
Vincent donned a crisp, white button-up underneath an ironed, navy-blue vest. It hugged his figure tightly, and he preened at the appreciative gaze of Primavera that roamed all over his upper body. It calmed his jitters some.
“Aw, why were you so nervous? You’re a pretty li’l thing, and if I could, I’d eat you up right now!” She giggled again, and Vincent’s lips twitched. Her giggles weren’t bad sounding, but if her every response was decorated in giggles before and after… “Tell me about yourself!”
Vincent inhaled and exhaled. He just had to relax, and this date would go just fine. Besides, this was going better than some previous dates already; other dates didn’t even bother to get to know him. Maybe he’d get lucky enough to at least take her home, or maybe he’d finally get the elusive second date.
Right when he was about to speak, the waitress appeared. She gave a brief introduction of herself, Claire, and the special menu, to which Vincent thanked her and offered a smile, making polite conversation over what she would recommend.
“Excuse me!”
Vincent paused, mildly startled at how loud of an interjection Primavera voiced. Rubbing at his ear, he asked, “Yes, what is it? Is something the matter?”
Primavera shook her head no, but the frown and creases didn’t lessen any. She narrowed her eyes at the waitress, bristling, and Vincent felt sorry with the way she wilted under the glare. Vincent coughed to get his date’s attention away from the poor waitress. “Let’s get an appetizer or such? Let us order while she’s here, after all!”
The frown did not go away, but Primavera did avert her gaze to instead peruse the menu. Instead of appetizers though, she eyed cocktails, and Vincent listened with eyes bulging at the three different drinks she ordered. She had even asked to keep the drink menu just in case, after which Vincent ordered two appetizers and a glass of red wine.
“Are you okay, Primavera?” Vincent kept his tone low, trying to be reassuring. He didn’t know what set her off when the waitress appeared. “You ordered quite a bit of drinks.”
“Is that a problem?” She snapped, and fuck, was Vincent not willing to deal with this today. This was slowly becoming more and more of a strain than a fun night out on him.
He could at least sit through dinner for the food though, if the company was lacking. Maybe he’d still somehow get a second date out of this; he didn’t have to accept it after all, just the thought of being asked to return again was a nice concept in his mind.
Friday, May 5th, 10:30 pm.
Vincent tried to rid away terrible feelings from the failed date, from drinking himself messy when he got home to texting Ryo about his lack of luck in dating. Not the most clean ordering of plans as texting quickly became difficult, but Ryo would understand. Besides, he always had a high tolerance.
Ryo (10:31 pm)
she got drunk and tried to fight the waitress?
Vincent (10:33 pm)
Jabbed the waitress’s chest. Said she “didn’t enjoy how the waitress looked at me.”
Vincent (10:34 pm)
I believe this is what you call, ‘dodging a bullet.’
Ryo (10:38 pm)
one way to fucking say it. sucks that your date sucked.
Ryo (10:40 pm)
what about the nathaniel guy? two weeks ago?
Vincent groaned. Nathaniel Ludwig was a recent find on a gay dating app, and it quickly revealed itself to be a mistake during the first date. From the almost impressive lack of hygiene to cluelessness, Vincent struggled to find anything positive to mention about him besides the pretty face; it was the only reason Vincent swiped right. Even the conversation over text to plan the outing was mediocre at best, and in-person conversations felt dull.
A long time ago he thought he’d be able to survive a spouse as long as they were pretty enough, but he changed his tune quickly. He needed someone interesting more than someone beautiful in his life, but he was the type to go for both whenever possible.
Vincent (10:45 pm)
Don’t mention his name. Awful. Ghosted that one on my own accord.
Ryo (10:48 pm)
wow. must’ve been really bad. sucks.
Ryo (10:48 pm)
what’s the plan now
Vincent (11:03 pm)
Drinking. Though not to my last date’s extent.
Vincent (11:05 pm)
She ran me 60 dollars in terms of drinks only. It wasn’t even good alcohol, which is the worst part.
The date had gone well for approximately five minutes, until the waitress appeared. A nice enough woman who introduced herself as Claire, she was a red-haired woman with lipstick and eyeshadow to match. She was beautiful, which Vincent did not voice, but maybe he stared for too long anyway. Primavera didn’t seem to think highly of Claire based on her initial glare. Whatever she thought, it had her sneering at Claire and ordering drinks in a haughty tone and without discussing payment first.
Vincent figured the date was irrecoverable when Primavera started berating the waitress for no reason, ignoring his interference, and even standing up to jab a finger to her chest. A move that had the waitress calling for security, Vincent stepping aside to let the date get forced out as she shrieked, and leaving behind a 50% tip for the mortification exhibited. Hard to believe Primavera was four drinks in by then.
He was still getting texts from the woman, and the few texts he read were absolute ravings from a woman furious at his lack of chivalry and gentlemanliness. He didn’t have the energy to open the app to deal with that at the moment.
Exchanging texts for a while to lament his misery with dating, it was around 1 a.m. and half an hour since Yoru’s last response when Vincent decided to call the conversation over. Yoru was never the type to sign off or say goodbye; the conversation simply ended.
Vincent’s last thought, as he slunk off to bed sobered down to tipsy, was that his date was nowhere near as interesting or civilized compared to Sabine. Sabine wasn’t as enthusiastic or as giggly as his date had been, but she had been polite and fascinating, understanding enough of Vincent's presence. It was obvious she cared about people overall as humans from the general respect shown to him. Basically, the work meeting ended up being better than the date.
How miserable was his life at the moment that such a thing was possible? Vincent groaned as he tucked himself into bed, laying down on his side like how his old college roommate used to tell him. He felt shitty already, even before the hangover tomorrow.
Thinking back on it, he supposed it didn’t hurt either that Sabine was attractive in an intimidating ways. Her proportions were model-like with smooth skin and a sleek haircut that framed her face so sharply. For a tattooist, it was curious that Vincent found no visible tattoos, but it was still quite chilly in the mornings. The long sleeves and pants made sense.
Vincent wondered if he’d be able to inquire about the tattoos next. They had ended up making plans to meet at the shop itself, so Sabine could give him a tour; he was confident Ling and Zyanya would be amenable to hosting the wedding elsewhere and then hosting the reception instead at the tattoo parlor. He moved ahead with the tour.
Now, in approximately a week and a half, he’ll be face to face with Sabine, and maybe he’ll be able to talk about his projects again. Another intelligent person — a technical fellow, at that! — who was polite and amusing and—Stop. Vincent had to stop that train of thought immediately.
Vincent shook his head. ‘Sabine is technically a vendor right now. Think professionally.’ He could do it, after all, he had done so with every person during his business career. This was like any other vendor, and he would act professionally, of course; this would be a simple, everyday thing. Great, glad the situation was sorted!
(It was not sorted.)
He shut his eyes at a particularly painful rumble of his stomach, uncaring if it came from thinking too hard about Sabine, his unlucky streak with dating, or the impulsive drinking as a coping mechanism; his throat felt like it was on fire, like he was inhaling heat directly from a blaze, and he wished for a bottle of water to appear. Nothing happened.
“Mon dieu,” he grumbled with a pout.
Everything felt terrible, and he just hoped he could go to bed soon.
Saturday, May 6th, 4:55 am.
He was officially hungover.
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dreadfutures · 2 years
Blue‘s Gift Fic Offerings
Here are some abbreviated summaries of all Dragon Age gifts I’ve written.
OC Swap Fics
Fics written with someone else’s OC as the main focus!
treat me like fire. Gift for @noire-pandora. Oneshot.
Rating: E
When Solas had faced down her anger that day in Haven, Elluin had awakened something in him that yearned for more. He could hold his hands to the fire, admire it for its warmth at a safe distance, but ever in the back of his mind was a voice that wondered: what might it be like to actually hold the flames in the palms of his hands—to embrace the inferno? To witness the true extent of the danger, if only for the thrilling chance to return unscathed.
The Gift of the Hunt. Gift for @lalaen. Oneshot.
Rating: G
Gethrael Lavellan had known for a long time that he would never be the Keeper of Clan Lavellan. When he fell out of the Breach and was named the Herald of Andraste, his path might have seemed lonelier than ever.
A new discovery brings more of the People to the Inquisition than he had dared to hope. But at what cost?
General Gifts
all i wanna be is whites and waves. Gift for @noire-pandora​. Oneshot.
Rating: T
Solas removes the vallaslin of Mythal from his face after a fateful battle tests his loyalty to her cause. The elf who would one day be called Felassan is drawn to him in that moment. Based on the idea that Felassan’s nature is Hope the same way that Solas’s nature is Pride, which I first saw in @rosella-write‘s writing
The Mirrorverse.
The Dragon Age Fanfic Writers Discord Server anniversary (Aug 2021) generated a bunch of crossover-type gift fis and introduced the idea of a multiverse connected by eluvians. Thus, the Mirrorverse was born.
the eternal now of experience. Gift for @rosella-writes. Oneshot.
Rating: G
Ixchel is granted a glimpse of Virelan Lavellan and Solas, many years after he leaves the din’an’shiral.
She knows how hard it was for Virelan to believe their love might find root to grow again. She has not seen the road Virelan and Solas have taken. She has not seen the passage of time. But the mirrors grant her one last glimpse into the life of Virelan Lavellan, and it is a vision of love at long last.
turning stones to look for light. Gift for @rosella-writes. Oneshot.
Rating: G
In another world, Ixchel Lavellan has known failure and success; she has seen Solas lost to his despair, and she has seen him learn how to hope.
Ixchel holds another Lavellan's son in the gardens of Skyhold, and she tells him stories of a father who isn't his...but could be.
Walkers of the Lonely Path. Gift for many. Multichapter (5). Complete.
Rating: T
On the darkest night of the year, five beefy elven warriors and a plucky mage find six mysterious eluvians in the middle of sudden blizzards. Now trapped in a foreboding ruin, they must discover why they have been called here…and if there is a way out.
Dungeon crawl for the Buff Elf Agenda squad and friends.
Solavellan Hell Exchange 2022
Full summary post here (x).
the road seems too wild for mixing it with blues. Gift for @maebird-melody. Oneshot.
Rating: G
To the rest of the world, for once, he is not Solas, not Fen'Harel, not the Dread Wolf; she is not Lady Lavellan, not the Inquisitor. They are visitors engaged in discovery, and the world will indulge them for just this little while.
Arlathan Exchange 2022
Full summary post here (x).
Chrysalid. Gift for @enigmalea. Multichapter (9). Complete.
Rating: G
Imagining the journey Cillian of Clan Ralaferin, a DAI Multiplayer character and DAI NPC, took to find the path of the Arcane Warrior. Inspired by the annual Western Monarch Butterfly migration, and borrowing @rosella-writes ‘ Valor (aka Virelan) from her Arlathan AU.
No Punches Left to Roll With. Gift for @rosella-writes. Oneshot.
Rating: T
(Pre-Relationship Lace Harding/Charter.) Harding meets the enigmatic Charter, and over the course of their diligent work for the Inquisition, the two capable women are drawn together in mutual admiration...and maybe something more.
Comrades in Arms, Brothers in Broken Chains. Gift for @queenaeducan | @theharellan + @rosella-writes. Oneshot.
Rating: T
(Felassan & Agents of Fen’Harel.) Geldauran, a leader among Fen’Harel’s Rebellion, believes anyone who wears their vallaslin after being freed is a spy, a traitor, and a slave at heart. Felassan, who himself wears the brands of Mythal, makes sure to correct him. Felassan would know, better than anyone else, that there are a multitude of reasons one might wear the blood writing and still defy the gods.
He is, after all, the Hope of Fen’Harel.
Centerpiece. Gift for @ashalle-art. Oneshot.
Rating: E.
(Felassan/OFC/Fen’Harel.) Now freed, Revas returns to the ballrooms of Arlathan as a spy and a rebel. But beyond her vital work, she does not know how to enjoy her freedom. Her sometimes lover Felassan, and his lover Fen’Harel, are determined to teach her how. Everyone adores each other, everyone gets off, and a happy polycule forms.
sanctify my body with pain. Gift for @anatidae-dragonage.
Rating: E.  Please read the tags.
(Demon?/Lavellan/Solas.) Lavellan finds herself at the mercy of a Desire Demon, in the wake of Solas’s absence. Just when she is about to succumb, Solas himself -- her Solas -- comes to her rescue. Is it just another trick of the Fade? Or is he really here to save her...and fulfill her desires?
And was it her desire that brought the Demon here...or his?
When she wakes, she receives a hopeful clue.
Solas Hell Exchange 2023
Full summary post here (x)
strike a match (whisper my name). Gift for @darethshirl. Multichapter (7). Complete.
Rating: T.
(Solas & Dorian Pavus). Blood magic. Blight magic. Time magic. From the earliest troubles of the Inquisition, it is clear that the topics are intertwined, and Dorian is determined to tease it all out. He is, after all, the brightest thaumaturge Minrathous has seen in an Age. If only Solas would recognize the fact, they might truly get somewhere.
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aamircoeur · 2 years
Ello good morning/afternoon/evening/night I was wondering if I could request for the Valorant Protocol with a agent reader that's like Vi or if your not fine with writing the whole Protocol maybe Sova or Fade with an S/O thats like Vi?
good day/evening to you, too! thank you so much for this request i love vi a shit ton!!!! sorry i can't do the whole protocol but i hope you like this. :)
VALORANT Agents (Specifically Sova & Fade) X GN!S/O that's like Vi (from ARCANE)
hc & imagines format. reader uses they/them. general hcs for all agents and specific ones for sova and fade. first meetings and thoughts -> relationship hcs. cw: may be ooc.
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all the agents had various opinions about you.
some agents would find your hot headedness a bit of a bother at first. (like yoru, chamber, viper, neon, and fade)
while others genuinely made you catch their interest. they're all required to use guns in the protocol so it's interesting to them to know that there's an agent that prefers to use their fists / close ranged fights.
once they all saw how you are in a mission though, they all were beyond amazed with how you handle fights skillfully and rather swiftly.
hot AND strong?! what's not to like!
every one of them gets so flustered when called by your nickname that's specifically made for them individually
killjoy, jett, raze, chamber, and astra would ask about you and your fighting techniques all the time
meanwhile agents like neon, yoru, skye, reyna, brim, kay/o, sova and omen would only observe you from afar to learn a thing or two about close ranged fights
viper's not a very interactive agent, but that doesn't exactly mean that she'll refuse if you asked her how to handle a gun
cypher, fade and phoenix would compliment you all the time. (though cypher and fade would be more low-key.)
"i must say that you've impressed me. valorant's finest might be you, newbie."
"always so quick to think and to swing. good job."
"ooooh, that hit was solid, [name]! you're burnin' hotter than me!"
sage and breach would try to stick to you and welcome you throughout your first few weeks in the protocol (or maybe that's just an excuse)
also, EVERYONE is obsessed with staring at your tattoos
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suuuuuper shy around you.
i mean, you're bold, charming, and incredibly attractive. call him pretty boy once and he'd be a blushy and stuttering mess. brimstone had to separate you from him during a mission 'cus sova couldn't do his work properly.
honestly, i think any nickname for him would make sova melt. cupcake? fuck yeah. pretty face? mhm. sugartits? sure. he's now named sugartits. anything for you.
would stare at you with such adoration and love in his eyes. loves to think about how you can dominate him and do whatever command you want him to do without breaking a sweat, but that's for another story.
supports you during missions, makes sure you don't get hurt. sova knows how reckless you can be and the best that he could do is to assist you through comms and minimize your possible injuries.
likes to clean up with you, whether it be your gears or him patching you up.
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would shamelessly stare at your ass.
loves competing with you during missions and pushing your buttons all the damn time.
"ah, [name]. are you really that strong or is your fist too far up your ass that you've convinced yourself that you are?"
cue you trapping her in between a wall and your arms with your eyebrows furrowed. mission success, just as she planned. >:)
fade's grin would be so wide whenever you call her a nickname.
loves it when your grip feels tighter when you hold her, whatever you guys may be doing. (nasty animals.)
genuinely really proud to see you fight on the battlefield. it fills her with so much pride to be reassured that she belongs to a strong significant other
likes holding your hand anywhere. and your ass too. this woman has no shame whatsoever
ㅤsorry if this was too ooc for both sides !!!!! i really did try my best but various different character dynamics' kinda hard to write. i hope u still like it TT___TT
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How about a Sova request where the reader and him are visiting his grandmother. Base on the Valorant Twitter during the agent takeover
Aaaa Sova, sova, sova <3
Nonny, sorry for the delay, but here it is! I hope you like it!
~Admin Hurricane
Warnings: google translated russian so theres a 90% chance that whatever it’s giving me is incorrect, so i apologize
Word Count: 350+
Genre: fluff, established relationship
Pairing(s): Sova x GN!Reader
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You may be Sova’s partner, but obviously that’s not gonna stop you from being nervous as hell when he mentions that he wants to take you with him on his trip back to Russia
Obviously Sova is gonna give you a lot of reassurance stating that his babushka is extremely welcoming and that he’s told her nothing but good things about you.
He tells you all about his hometown and mentions different landmarks that he wants to take you to take pictures at. Sova wants to do his best to immerse you into culture and upbringing. But of course, spending time with you is good enough for him as well.
You’re in awe of the snowy landscape when you step out of the plane, your eyes filled with wonder as Sova smiles down at you fondly. He gently tugs your hand into his, wrapping his fingers around yours.
“Come, there is much to see, and more that I want to tell you,” he laughs softly, pulling you along.
When you arrive at his house, he knocks twice before the two of you are greeted by an elderly woman, her eyes crinkled affectionately as she gazes at the two of you. “Саша, Это было так давно*. Oh! And you must be Y/N, Sasha has mentioned so much about you,” she addresses you with a warm smile.
She definitely teases the two of you, asking when you guys plan on getting married to which both you and Sova are both left absolutely speechless because both of you don’t know how to respond.
Of course she’s gonna pull out embarrassing old pictures of Sova, showing them off to you with pride, meanwhile Sova is sitting next to you with a mug of warm tea in his hands and a blush on his face lol
Sova also takes you birdwatching! He’ll use his drone to snap pictures, or he’ll navigate his drone so that you have a better view of the birds in the trees.
Aside from birdwatching, he’ll teach you how to properly shoot a bow and arrow in the forest that he trained in behind his house lol, he has this really giddy grin on his face as he watches you successfully shoot out the targets that he set up for you to practice on.
“Very well done моя любовь**, you’re a natural,” he gushes affectionately to you.
*Саша, Это было так давно - Sasha, It's been so long
**моя любовь - My Love
Reminder that my requests are closed for the time being! However, when I reopen them again, be sure to send something my way if you’re interested! Requesting Rules are here!
Want more of my writing? Be sure to check out my masterlist. Wanna know what else I’ll write for? Here you go!
Thanks for reading and have a lovely day!
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galateagalvanized · 3 years
How about Codywan 'hiding face in neck' for the writing prompts? x
Cody hears the news at the exact same time as the rest of the galaxy: famed High General Obi-Wan Kenobi, recently reported dead, has miraculously returned to life.
The Coruscanti Times breaks the story, but the words are prescriptive. They read like a missive from the Chancellor’s office, flowery and full of stiff praise, and Cody doesn’t doubt a lucky Times author is getting a promotion just for copy/pasting a state-sponsored email. He wonders if they’d waited to get an image of Obi-Wan stepping off a starship before hitting send, or if the picture had been included.
Still, still. His thumb lingers on the pad over Obi-Wan’s face, where his contemplative frown is unencumbered by his usual beard. Even without the beard, it’s impossible to tell what he’s thinking. Obi-Wan Kenobi may hate politics, but he’s very good at them, and his expression gives nothing away. Is he angry? Upset? Is he satisfied with a job well-done, grateful for the chance to do his duty to the Republic?
He looks tired, Cody concludes. Obi-Wan’s hands are tucked into the robes of his sleeves, but Cody thinks he’d see white knuckles if they weren’t.
There’s a clatter and a shout in the halls outside of his quarters, and Cody lets out the breath he’d been holding for three long weeks. Obi-Wan Kenobi is alive, he thinks, tasting the words in his mind as he rereads the headline and heads to the door. Emotions flood into his brain like blood into a constricted limb, tingling with painful new sensations. 
Obi-Wan’s alive.
When Obi-Wan’s transport lands in the hangar of the Vigilance, there’s barely room for the ship to touch down. Every trooper in the 212th had desperately wanted to be there, and Cody had set up a ship-wide broadcast for anyone who couldn’t fit. In any other situation, he’d have done the proper commander thing and given his spot to some deserving shiny, but.
Well. Any other time.
If Obi-Wan’s surprised to see almost a full complement of clone troopers vibrating with enough energy to power a Venator-class starship, he doesn’t show it. He smiles and waves, and stars, stars, it’s good to see him. It’s one thing to read about it, to see a picture—but it’s another to stand in front a dead man, to breathe the same air as him, and to know everything’s going to be okay. 
Obi-Wan steps down the ramp towards Cody, and there’s a question in his eyes that doesn’t match the certainty of his stride. His hands are shaking.
“Cody,” Obi-Wan starts, but he stops, uncertain, and Cody has no idea what Obi-Wan could be uncertain about. He’s home; he’s alive; that’s all there is.
Cody lifts his helmet off with a depressurizing hiss. 
“Welcome home, sir,” he says, and, behind him, there’s a vast tidal wave of white and orange as all of his troopers remove their buckets, too.
And Obi-Wan’s still hovering, just barely within arm’s reach, when someone—Cody still doesn’t know who—sings the first line of Vode An. The chorus grows, sweeping through the gathered ranks, a deep baritone thrum of kote, darasuum kote echoing throughout the vast room, filling the room with pride and joy and we shall bear this weight together.
“Cody,” Obi-Wan says again, tinged with desperation, and his legs are shaking like a newborn foal’s. It’s probably some aftereffect of the transformation or his fight with Dooku, but Cody can’t ignore it like he usually does. Valor and discretion have deserted him, replaced wholesale with relief.
So he moves forward as Obi-Wan falls inward, and his arms move automatically to lock around Obi-Wan’s waist. Obi-Wan is soft and warm in his arms, still shaking like a leaf, and if it’s one thing to read about a dead man and another to see him, it’s a whole new universe to hold him. After a second’s hesitation, Obi-Wan’s own arms come up to squeeze just as tight, and Cody hooks his chin over Obi-Wan’s shoulder and closes his eyes. 
He smells like bacta and the stale air of space travel, and he feels like hope. 
The 212th surges forward, reaching out to touch whatever piece of Obi-Wan they can reach, building long chains of hands on armor from their general to the hangar walls, and their voices never waver. In Cody’s arms, Obi-Wan chokes and presses his face into the curve of Cody’s neck, just above where his chestplate ends, and Cody can feel a wetness start to seep into his blacks.
He nestles his fingers into the ginger waves of Obi-Wan’s hair, cupping the back of Obi-Wan’s head with his palm, and he adds his own voice to the chorus welcoming their general home.
Send me a ship & a prompt from here, if you’d like!
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♡〜request: Since you want Valorant requests, here we go! May I ask a making-out scenario with Cypher and Sova separately. Thank you~ Love your writings btw😘😍- @runeterrankhaleesi​〜♡
Cypher and Sova x gender neutral reader
Thank you! In the middle of this I didn't know how to say "stick your tongue in his mouth" in a less weird way.
Requested: Yes
Warnings: making out, swearing
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"Hey." You're chilling in the common area of HQ, a living room and small kitchen combo, when Cypher strolls on in. You're not quite sure why he's here, 'cause usually he's in his workshop either working or spying on people, and you haven't called for him either.
"Hey." You greet back. You suppose he's grabbing a snack, so you don't move to put away your book.
"(y/n)." He doesn't speak like he usually does, which is to say energetically. Curious, you glance up. Before you can say anything, Cypher makes himself comfy on your lap. Perhaps he wanted to sit and talk with you, though it's rare at this time of day and in this room. Mind you, there’s enough space on the couch for him to sit elsewhere. He takes your book from your hands, sticking the bookmark in the page and putting it on the bedside table.
"Something the matter?" You suspect something's wrong, what's wrong you don't know.
"I'm bored!" He exclaims, finally in his usual tone. You let out a visible sigh of relief which Cypher doesn't take notice of. "Everybody's on a mission except for Omen and he doesn't give me any information! There's only so much to do around here when there's no one to spy on!" As devastating and whiny his words are, you don't feel as if he's all that dejected.
"And I assume you've got an idea?"
He nods eagerly. He pulls back his mask and gives you a cheeky grin. You're stunned for a second - you rarely see Cypher without his mask - because boy, is he beautiful.
"Let's make out."
It takes a few minutes for you to process what he just said, but when you do, you sputter about for something to say. "What? Aamir, I.." Not like you haven't kissed or even done something more before, but in here? "Right here?"
Cypher nods, letting out a mischievous laugh. "Why not?"
"Somebody could see you without your mask." Cypher is a private man, his face is private information. "Omen has a tendency to hide in the shadows."
"Omen is Omen, he won't say a thing." Even if that logic sounds bad, it's true. Unless he's feeling mischievous, which usually he isn't. "Besides, I put silent tripwires everywhere. I know where everyone steps, except when the radiants use their powers for transportation, for some reason. And they usually don't."
Cypher lets out an eager giggle. "Thank you, love." 
He brings you in for a kiss, hands cupping your cheeks and tugging at your bottom lip already. He kisses you with all his might, running out of breath quickly. He pulls back with a disappointed pout, though it's his mistake, not yours. "Eager?" You raise a brow, watching him take a deep breath.
"What does it look like?" He says with sass. Before you can retort, he leans in again. He kisses you slightly open mouthed, allowing you to use your tongue. He moans and sucks on it. 
Your hands trail down from his waist to his hips slowly, bringing shivers down his spine. "(y/n).." Cypher breathes out, pulling back from your kiss. "God, I love you."
You chuckle, "Love you too." You bring him back into a kiss with your hand. Unfortunately for him, he wanted it to stay on his hips. He gets very preoccupied with your kisses, but he prefers your hands on his hips or somewhere lower. He brings your hand back to his hip. Much to his dismay, you hook your hands together at his tailbone. He has a feeling you know what you're doing.
"Lower." Cypher pulls back from your kiss, moving forward slightly so that he hovers a bit over your lap.
"Hmm?" You hum in feigned confusion, teasingly tapping your fingers against his lower back.
"Lower." He repeats, expecting you to get the hint. He doesn't want to beg or ask just yet, those are reserved for other things.
You raise a brow, "Lower what?"
He groans in frustration, now assured that you're playing with him. "Your hands."
"My ass, where else?" It's clear in his tone that his patience has run out.
"Mkay, mkay." You chuckle, moving your hands under his coat and where he wants them. You play with his plump ass through the rough fabric of his pants, smiling at his low groans. "Like that?"
"Yeah." He breathes shakily, closing his eyes in content. “Like that.”
Deciding you want to hear more of his beautiful moans, you kiss down his jaw, hoping he gets the hint. He does, removing his coat and giving you a freer reign over his body. He leaves it to drape over his shoulders, though, covering your frame as well. After all, it’s a lot of unnecessary extra fabric that he calls it style. 
You kiss over his neck, nipping here and there to tease him. He loves being marked, even if no one will even see the hickeys, since they’re covered with his coat. You kiss right above his Adam's apple before biting that same spot, prompting a groan from his lips. “Fuck.” He mutters, which makes you snicker. You continue to kiss and bite until you hear a small beep coming from.. somewhere you don’t know.
“The team has arrived at the hanger.” Cypher states with a sigh. He gives you a cheeky smile, but leans away from you. “This was fun.”
“Mhm.” You lean forward to place a kiss on Cypher’s nose before he can mask it. He pulls you in for a proper kiss on the lips, which lasts until you hear another beep. He doesn’t explain what that one means, and you have a feeling he doesn’t intend to, though he seems in a bit of a rush.
He places his mask and hat over his head, just in time for Sage and Yoru to walk into the room. They’re both probably looking for some nourishment after a tough mission, leaving Brimstone to the paperwork aftermath. Sage will most likely not stay long to bring Brimstone some food too, Yoru is here for food and entertainment.
“Hello.” Sage greets. She looks at you once and doesn’t spare you a second glance. You and Cypher were both recruited before she was, and she’s gotten used to your overly touchy relationship.
“Hey.” You greet a small bit awkwardly. If it was only Sage you wouldn’t mind, but Yoru was your newest agent; He’s not quite used to it as she is, in fact, he’s somehow avoided your lovey-dovey PDA moments unintentionally.
“Hello.” Cypher greets enthusiastically.
Yoru looks up from his phone to greet you. As much of an emo edgy teen he is, Brimstone taught him respect, enough to greet people and say thank you without a roll of his eyes. Before he can, however, his eyes widen a small bit at the sight of you. Sage glances at him and shakes her head with a laugh, turning back towards the kitchen.
“You’re…” He trails off, though you know what he meant to say. The both of you nod and Yoru’s mouth pulls into a grimace.
Sage glances over again. “You’re going to have to get used to it. PDA is nonexistent for them.”
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“Goodmorning, love.” Sova greets from the counter of the breakfast bar, tea cup in hand. He leans against it rather than sitting at it, which is a bit strange until you spot the dish drying rack. Looks like he was just on his way out.
“Goodmorning.” You greet with a smile. While you crave going back to sleep in the morning, Sova is enough to give you a small boost of energy. 
Just then, you catch a whiff of coffee, making you raise an eyebrow. You and Sova are the only ones awake this early in the morning, so the only explanation is Sova made coffee for you… either that or Killjoy made coffee. Then again, she has her own energy drinks in her room so you don’t know why she wouldn’t get those. “Is that coffee I smell?”
“Yea.” Sova smiles, handing you your cup of coffee from behind him.
You trap him against the counter as you sip the coffee. “Thanks, love.” 
Sova’s face flushes at the use of a pet name - despite the fact he’d called you the same thing just a few minutes earlier - and your newfound position. Even so, he doesn’t move to push you away. “No problem.”
You put your cup aside along with his, which makes him tilt his head in curiosity. It washes away when you give him a morning kiss, a thank you kiss, and a few more meaningless kisses. Sova reciprocates every single one of them, albeit a little sheepishly. “Something the matter?” You ask between kisses.
“No.” He nearly stutters.
“Then?” You ask, pulling him up to sit on the counter, hoping there’s nothing else behind him; luckily, there isn’t. He flushes a bright red, though instinctively spreading his legs for you to stand between them.
“Well, this.” He gestures vaguely towards the two of you.
Your hands find their place on his hips, “And what’s this?” You know full well what he means, but it’s always fun to tease Sova. He’s easily flustered and way too cute for his own good.
“Making out.”
“Who said this was making out?” You stop kissing him, which means Sova can finally catch a breath. “Haven’t even used tongue yet.”
“I know but–” You cut him off with a kiss.
“You and I are the only ones here right now. Brim and Sage are in their offices, everybody else is sleeping.” Your reasoning is sound, but Sova can’t help but doubt it. He’s not one for PDA. Although he makes his exceptions at times, making out is definitely not something you should be doing in ‘public’.
Instead of giving you a ‘fine’ or ‘okay’, he sighs and pulls you in for a kiss. You smile into the kiss, which he takes note of.
He doesn’t understand how you take pride in kissing his face off.
Your lips dance slow and sensual. Sova tugs at your bottom lip hungrily and his legs wrap around your waist to pull you closer, as if he hadn’t been questioning you earlier. You kiss him as if he were delicate, though he's far from it. His hands cup your cheeks, they emanate a warmth that contrasts against the cold of HQ’s incessant AC.
He moans when your tongue prods his lips open, sucking on it when it enters his. Your hands find his long hair, and god, do you love it. He treats it well; consequently, it’s soft and wonderful to thread through. Not to mention it smells like flowers, which you can smell still smell a few feet away. You play with it, tugging it and wrapping a lock around your finger every so often. The tugging evokes short, low groans from his throat along with the occasional curse. 
“Shit.” He whispers softly against your lips, causing you to pull back a bit to chuckle.
You tug his hair again, “Do you like that?”
Sova bites his lip, “Yeah.” 
Almost immediately, he pulls you in for another kiss. It’s a quick, eager kiss before he pulls back again. The feeling of its eagerness had put you off, you’d expected more of them. That’s why you were a little shocked when he pulled back to nibble on your ear. “Mark me.”
“Mmh” You hum in pleasure. The sheer seductive and possessive nature his tone held was enough to make you shiver.
He moves his hair and cowl off his shoulders to give you more access to his neck. Your hands trail to his thighs to keep your steady; whilst you’d lost the feeling of his hair, you took more joy in making your love known with marks.
Your kisses are enough to make him groan, so imagine what biting might do. You nip the spots before biting, licking each mark. When you feel as though you’ve marked him plenty, you move back a little to admire your work. You basically purr at the sight, which makes Sova laugh. 
Before either of you can say anything, Omen seems to have emerged from the shadows. “People are coming.”
The both of you jump at Omen’s sudden arrival. Sova quickly adjusts his cowl to cover the hickeys while you turn to your resident spooky ghost boy. “How long have you been here?”
He seems to shrug, “Didn’t see much but I’d figured you might like a warning.”
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crystal-prism · 2 years
"to grow old in." - Chamber x Viper Fanfic Part 1
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Chamber finally reaches his aspiration, his ultimate ambition, and he brings Viper along with him.
It goes terribly wrong.
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Previous | Next | Ao3 | Thread
Pairing: Chamber x Viper
Status: One-shot, Part 1/4
Chapter Tags: SFW, Banter
Length: 308 words
For maximum enjoyment, listen to this while reading.
⇣⇣⇣ Fic under the line ⇣⇣⇣
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Sabine cinched the tie on Vincent’s neck, running her fingers along the silk and spreading her hands on the contours of his lapels. “Mind dressing me up?”
Vincent’s brown eyes glinted in mischief as he raised his voice in mock imitation of hers. “I’m not your stylist.”
“Did you want me to say please?” she taunts under her breath, moving her grip back to pull his tie in a faux attempt to threaten his airflow. “I didn’t think you cared for manners.”
“Not one bit.”
“Good. Wouldn’t want you regressing now, do we?” she said, flicking his growing grin before turning around. “Kingdom loves its leader naughty.”
“Ah, that it does.” In the mirror, she sees him tie the length of her ribbon with careful precision. He was always good with his hands. Closing her eyes, she can feel herself smile in self-satisfaction as he wraps his arms around her waist and guides her to sway with the music playing softly in the spacious chamber.
In between, peppering gentle kisses on the side of her neck, she caught his soft murmur, “Tu serais pas en train de me faire du gringue par hasard?”
“One day, I’ll have Killjoy finish her translation device, and you’ll have to think twice before saying anything in French.”
“Perhaps.” He hummed in response and slipped a thin envelope into her clutch. “Open this after the gala.”
“What’s this?”
“A gift. For you. And your response–” he placed a last kiss to the backs of her knuckles, the envelope clutched tight within, “–my reward.”
Viper prides herself to be good at following the rules and makes haste to keep it in a vase away from her person. Curiosity kills the cat, and she will not be around to get tempted by such trifles.
To be continued...
Previous | Next | Ao3 | Thread
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"Tu serais pas en train de me faire du gringue par hasard?"
Translation: You wouldn’t be trying to seduce me by any chance?
Hope you liked it! Feedback is appreciated, so just drop 'em by anytime.
Find more of my Valorant brainrot on: @crystalprism0
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rosella-writes · 2 years
happy dadwc rosellaaaaaaaa!! could we see "Capernoited - Slightly intoxicated or tipsy." from the word prompts, for either solavellan or valor/pride, if you're so inclined🥺💜
cute cute CUTE THANK YOU. This is a direct continuation of this.
Rating: M for nip nops for @dadrunkwriting Pride=Solas, Hope=Felassan, Valor=Virelan Lavellan in Arlathan
Pride welcomed Valor onto the chaise beside her with a deep, indulgent chuckle. She raised one arm to rest on the back of the furniture as Valor settled against her side, then laid it to rest on her shoulder. Rings flashed on her long, slender fingers.
"You're peacocking," Hope said, drawing close and raising his curved finger to Pride's chin. His violet eyes glittered. "And how pretty you look doing it."
"Careful," Pride scolded, gesturing lazily with her wineglass. "Deceit is looking our way."
Hope glanced over his shoulder, sending his glossy black braids spinning, then turned back with a scoff. "I find it difficult to believe you care."
"Of course I do!" She flicked her finger, setting her wineglass free to float upon the air, then grasped the front of Hope's robe and drew him close. A smile lingered on her scarlet lips. "I wish to make them green with envy."
Valor watched with an indulgent smile as Pride set Hope off balance enough to tug him down into a kiss. She absently played her fingers across the silky, plunging collar of Pride's dress until she found skin — it was flushed warm to the touch. She slid the edge of her thumb up and across until she brushed against one of those bared, pierced nipples and made Pride gasp into Hope's mouth.
"Rude," she whispered, pulling away from their love with the wet sound of parting lips. She locked them onto Valor's instead with a self-indulgent groan.
Valor hooked her leg over Pride's lap, making sure to press her knee where it counted. She splayed her fingers across the warmth of Pride's bare chest, and grinned into the kiss when she felt Hope settle on her other side.
"You know I can't keep my hands off you when you look like this," she muttered in the sudden space between their mouths.
Pride huffed a laugh, then kissed her again. She swept the taste of sweet wine behind Valor's teeth with her tongue. "Such was my goal."
Valor pulled away, drunk on the taste of her, and gazed at a Pride illuminated by dim candlelight and floating magefire. She positively glowed — all creamy skin and pale silk and auburn hair. Freckles dusted the planes of her chest, and Valor traced their constellations with her fingertips. Hope reached out from her other side, smiling to himself, and tugged at Pride's chin — he took her mouth in a consuming kiss, pulling her head back against his sternum and baring the lines of her flushed throat. Valor so badly wished to lay her teeth into that unmarred skin and leave a trail of bruised kisses.
"You're drunk," Hope chuckled, pulling away just far enough to bump Pride's nose with his own.
Pride wrinkled her nose in response. "Tipsy, only. Pleasantly so."
Valor reached up and plucked Pride's wineglass out of the air, placing her own lips upon its rim. She drained it dry, drinking all but a single sip that she kept in the cup of her tongue, and kissed that sip deep into Pride's mouth.
When she pulled away, she placed an open hand on Pride's throat.
"Swallow," she told her.
Pride held her gaze, pupils blown wide and colour high on her sharp cheeks. Her throat moved under Valor's palm.
"Now," Pride whispered, "do I need to beg? Or will one of you please see me out of this ballroom and out of this dress?"
Valor's eyes met Hope's eager ones over Pride's shoulder. After a beat of time, the two of them moved in a flash.
The wineglass, abandoned, tipped onto its side and smeared its red onto the bare flagstones in their wake.
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