#honestly don’t know why but I felt compelled to share
magicratfingers · 10 months
hey it’s almost Sunday Scaries o’clock so here’s two … routines? I guess?? that I like that maybe someone (you??) will like too
Wrung out -
Hot hot hot long shower with a cold cold shower beer and then an intense horror movie. Before bed’ll make it feel like you’ll be getting put away in your coffin for the day
Giggled up -
Cold shower blast, fresh pajamas, fresh fluffy blankets, & a piping hot cup of something and a popsicle. This is for feeling like tomorrow is gonna be a field trip. Bit of prep to get timing right
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ironunderstands · 2 months
help I have been afflicted by Boothill brainrot time to share some shitty angst bulletpoints with the class (that I’ll probably turn into a fic later)
I don’t think I have to tag anything specific but be warned there’s probably something bad in here so if you understandably don’t wanna read that then scroll. Expect cyborg related angst (and minor spoilers)
Also I hc Boothill as nonbinary (using he/they and occasionally she) so if you’re wondering about the use of multiple pronouns that’s why, it’s not related to the angst, I just don’t want people to be confused.
-has a sensation of touch on the metal parts of his body, but it’s visibly muted compared to his skin and it drives them nuts
-despises hot/cold temperatures due to how they interact with the metal parts of their body, on especially hot days
-very vulnerable to hacking and it scares the shit out of him (thanks past obsession with Genji for giving me this one, the amount of “Sombra hacks Genji and he has a bad time” stuff I have read is unhealthy, even if she would only do it for the shits and giggles or a mission, a character losing control of their body is unfortunately very compelling please don’t cancel me)
-can’t remember their past life or how he died but still has nightmares of it
-phantom pain is a bitch and her name is Boothill
-won’t be seen as human by most people (even actual people write him this way which is a little weird to me, like I know the Robot/Human tag w Boothill serving as a Robot is probably just for reach, but like, he’s still human, he’s not a robot, he’s a cyborg, idk it’s just a pet peeve of mine)
-has to go to the scientist who made him to get “upgrades” (aka whatever they feel like fucking with this week) against their will
-he can’t remember his old life, but they can remember how their body felt back then and the cyborg one distinctly Doesn’t Feel The Same
-Boothill’s synesthesia beacon doesn’t just prevent Boothill from cursing, it prevents her from saying certain things entirely which makes it very hard for him to express his feelings
-charging induces sleep for them, something which Boothill tries to hide as it could be used against him
-debating between making Boothill unreasonable heavy (because metal) or unreasonably light (because high tech) both scenarios cause problems for him, feel free to torture yourself for as to why
-animals (especially dogs) don’t like them as Boothill doesn’t have as strong a scent nor the flesh of other humans which is why it’s hard for them to trust him, which sucks for Boothill because he loves animals
-doesn’t even know the planet they were originally from or how old he was when he died, Boothill doesn’t even know their birthday, so it ended up becoming the day he was brought back to life against his will
-gets called “it” by people who don’t like cyborgs or people that are non-organic/have nonorganic parts of their body/existence, I also share this for the trailblazer because of their dubious origins, I’d like to believe transphobia isn’t a thing in Star rail because it’s already tiring enough irl and there’s no proof for it unlike other real world problems, so the misgendering happens for other horrible reasons! Horrible reasons that are close to canon considering the whole organic/inorganic war thing depicted by the Sim Uni, I’d imagine a lot of people are still bitter about that (honestly I don’t know the details I was there for the jades) and/or ignorant enough to believe that only fleshy beings have a monopoly on personhood (it/its pronouns are cool but not on people who don’t want to use them!)
-constantly pushes the limits of their body (aka self destructive behavior), I doubt Boothill would be trying to hurt herself but it’s more of a “it will get fixed anyway” kinda thing, any injuries sustained still hurt like a bitch but Boothill forces himself to not care because well “it’s his job and he will get healed anyways” (also it’s implied from their LC that he’s a Galaxy ranger against his will from the whole “never living for themself again” thing, so Boothill probably has to get injured for the job and is just forced to grin and bear it
alright that’s all the angst my sleep deprived brain could cook up for now if I did something wrong or missed a tag pls tell me
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liliansun · 1 year
the only promise we ever made | l.dh
sequel to maybe I want that
warning: bring the tissues bc angsty
angst/slight fluff
1.4 wc
a/n: this is for my two moots who hearts I broke w the cliffhanger in the first and hope to mend it w this 🫶
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It had been days since you and Haechan last interacted. I mean, can you really call it an interaction when you ran out on him after dropping your feelings in his lap. It was harder than you thought it’d be to tip toe around him when you share an apartment, but to your surprise he seemed to be walking around in the same sense. When you first noticed that, it hurt. You knew it was your fault that he was now on edge when the two of you barely made eye contact in passings, but never did you think you’d loose your best friend in the boy you loved.
You thought after a couple days, maybe it’ll get better and you can brush it under the rug as if it never happened—boy were you wrong. After the first week, your friends wouldn’t stop bombarding you with texts and missed calls asking why you and Haechan weren’t hanging out with the group together. When the second week rolled though, everyone basically got the sense that something happened and judging by the somber messages they would send, you knew they had a feeling that he knew about how you felt.
When a whole month and a half had passed, you didn’t realize the routine that the two of you had silently created was now throwing you completely off balance. You didn’t really leave your room much unless it was to the bathroom or to go outside, hating having to run into him as if he was a stranger instead of the one you used to find comfort in. You guess that’s what he’s boiled down to, nothing more than a stranger who shares a space with you and avoids all interactions and contact as much as possible.
Now, you stand in the middle of the kitchen as he stares at you with little to nothing in his eyes. You are trying to wrap your head around the words that just fell out of his mouth, making you feel almost nauseated. “What did you say?” Your voice came out almost as a stutter, clenching the counter to keep you from falling to your knees. “I said I’m moving out soon, once I sign on the new place it’ll only be a matter of weeks till-“
“Oh.” You could feel the tears stinging in your eyes, threatening to roll down your cheeks and leave a trail of your emotions down with them. “Oh? Is that all you have to say?” His faced was unreadable, almost as if he was angry with the lack of your response. “I’m happy for you.” You mutter the words, trying to find some truth behind them through all the pain and confusion that was mixed in. The tension filled the air, sending chills up your arm when you heard him scoff.
“I don’t know what I expected, honestly.” He turned his back to you, going to walk off while the paper in his hand crumbled between his fingers. You don’t know what exactly compelled you to stop him, moving across the kitchen to grab ahold of his wrist. Very k-dramaesque of you. “What did you expect then, please tell me because I hope you didn’t forget you’ve been avoiding me.”
“I’m avoiding you? Are you hearing yourself? You left me, alone in my room for hours only to run away after telling me something so important and you think I’d be okay after that?” You couldn’t hold them back anymore, trying to stop your nose from scrunching up as the tears fell. “I was trying to figure out what to do, it wasn’t exactly easy to tell you, ya know.” Haechan was hurt and it showed. It showed in the way his eyes were searching yours, looking for something only he’ll know. It showed in the way his shoulders dropped and his eyes starting to gloss over.
“It’s not supposed to be easy, y/n—nothing ever was supposed to be easy, but we could’ve worked on it together, we could’ve talked about it and yet,” You bit your lip, trying to choke back the pain that bloomed in your chest and encased your heart. “You left me, the only promise we ever made to each other and you broke it, it broke me.”
You fell apart at his confession, sobbing as you tried to keep yourself up. Haechan wrapped his arms around you almost immediately, pulling you against his chest and soothing the back of your head with his hand. He too was crying, resting his chin on top of your shoulder as the two of you let every emotion you bottled up all out. And you stayed that way for what seemed like hours, clenching onto one another in fear the other would let go and you’d wake up to this only being a dream.
When you finally calmed yourself down, the sound of his heart brought you back in and it felt like that alone had anchored you. “I’m sorry.” When he pulls back a little, you look up at him and finally take everything about him that you’ve missed over these two months in. His hair had gotten longer, nearly covering over his eyes, but you thought it was cute. His face looked thinner, probably due to him over-gaming and not getting enough sleep which in turn messed up his eating schedule. The rest looked the same, familiar even. His moles still scattered his face in places you only wish you could kiss, his eyes still were your favorite pair on anyone you’d ever met.
“Don’t apol-“
“No, let me just say this.” This time, he didn’t protest, staying quiet as you gather the courage within yourself. “I never should’ve left you after confessing like that, I guess I was just scared that you’d hate me and somehow running away made more sense than talking it through and it going in the garbage.”
His hands pulled you closer, rubbing circles on the small of your back with his thumb as you relish in the familiar feeling. “I don’t get why you ran, but I can understand it and I forgive you for it, but if you ever do something like that again I’m throwing away your skincare products.”
He took in a deep breath, scanning your face as you gave him a confused look. “Over the time we didn’t talk, I was hurt and confused and just didn’t understand why you didn’t want to see me, but it gave me a lot of room to think and I think I didn’t see it before because I too was too scared to ruin what we have.” You felt a weight come off your chest, the relief of him not outright hating you letting you have a little room to breathe. “I can’t say exactly when, but I know for a fact that I like you too—the boys said we were kinda slow on getting to this point which actually leads me to my next question.”
You gave him a smile to which he returned, stepping back to take him all in. “Do you want to be my girlfriend?” You couldn’t hide how wide you were smiling, nodding as his eyes lit up. “C’mon, I need to hear you say it.” As if nothing had changed, we went from being incredibly sweet to slightly annoying and if you’re honest, you’ve missed it. You’ve missed him. “Well, looks like you don’t want to, I guess I’ll go have to find another gir-“
Pulling him by the front of his shirt, your bodies closed the space between as your lips collided with one another. Kissing him felt exactly how you always imagined it and that sent your heart skyrocketing. The softness of his plump lips moved against yours as the two of you held each other close in a kiss that neither of you wanted to end. You were the first to pull back, looking up at him as he smiled at you. “I guess I’m your girlfriend now.”
“Oh yeah? How so?”
“Friends don’t just kiss each other after confessing, so you’re stuck with me now.”
“Fine by me, just means I’ll never have to let you go.” And he didn’t, not for a second for the ten minutes that followed the kiss. For once, everything had felt right. You got the boy of your dreams and your best friend all in one person, not everyone could be so lucky, but to you, you hit the jackpot with Haechan.
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©︎𝐋𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐍𝐒𝐔𝐍., 2022
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nightcolorz · 5 months
18 >:)
HEHHEHEH THANK U SM FOR SENDING THE PROMPT KATE ILY, SORRY I TOOK SO LONG!! This ask is following an ask game where u can send me prompts from here: https://www.tumblr.com/nightcolorz/735473060637016064/drabble-challenge-1-150?source=share and I’ll write a Drabble!!
this Drabble is about Louis and Lestat book verse some time around the pl era.
18- Get over it.
The following silence was thick, in that old cliched way. Those eyes were dark, pupils pointed, looking into me. I’d never felt he’d looked at me so intently, like he actually saw me. And he was furious. “Excuse you?” I spluttered, like a plain idiot. It didn’t bear repeating, of course I had heard him. I felt that if I heard him say those things again I’d simply die. “Get over it.” He summarized his earlier statement. “Get over it soon, or I assure you, you’ll find me as lost to you now as I was then.”
I was thankful that I didn’t laugh. “Get over it? Louis.” It was condescending of me to explain. “My darling boy, my precious Angel. Be serious. You watched me be killed and did nothing. You even helped the killer discard of my corpse! Forgive me if I have a lingering bitterness. I should be the one forgiving you! Actually, I have, remarkably, given you an infinite amount of grace. Is that not enough for you, my love?”
He said nothing, only glared at me with a coldness so severe I felt a chill go up my spine. After a beat he spoke, quietly, with a commanding force behind his voice strong enough to take me back. “The killer…” he echoed. “Don’t you mean Claudia? Our daughter? The little girl you ripped from her mother’s arms and forced into a life of damnation, tormented an innocent to our hell, then caged so utterly to you that her only mode of escape was to murder? That “killer”, you speak of? That killer who would have never killed if you had not raised her too! Against my will? And you dare be surprised that I tell you to get over it. You dare resent me when I could not save you from the consequences of what you had done. You blame me? You wonder why I chose that innocent over the devil who’d stolen her soul? You should be thankful for how I have chosen to be with you now, after it all. Is that not enough for you, my love?”
I was stunned. I knew somehow, deep down in my ignorant soul, that he was right in his reasoning, right to tell me what was what, as I was being rather petty and cruel with my blatant passive aggression concerning things so firmly in the past. I’d been taunting him, needlessly, implying his inadequacy for allowing my murder all those years ago. And he had fought back, so fiercely eloquent. This is what I thought on, how far away all this business was, and how removed the man in front of me was from the boy who had stood helpless and cried, as if capable of nothing else, while I begged for him, bleeding out on the floor. I expressed this. “You’ve changed.” And as the words left me I realized that they were not what he wanted to hear. 
“Haven’t I?” He affirmed. “Are you surprised that I don’t sit silently any longer and take your abuse?” I shrugged. “A little.” I said. “I don’t know why I am so awful, to you and in general. It’s like there’s something within me that compels me to be cruel and spiteful when all I really want is to be with you and to love you and for all of it to be forgotten and alright.” 
We locked eyes for a moment, simply and honestly, without fury. “I just want you Louis. I don’t care about the past, I don’t know why I choose to be angry. I am just, you’re right, a devil.” Louis frowned patiently. “No.” He said, to my surprise. “I don’t know that you are. We are only…we are both half stuck in that draw of the past, and we must free ourselves, because we are different now.” I was enamored with his words, their unusual optimism, and the apparent love he felt for me. It was so precious that this was how it was now. I almost wondered I was still bleeding out on that floor, and that this was some fantasy I’d conceived as my spirit fired off its last sparks within my preternatural body. If only I could stop disturbing this bliss with my inherent awfulness.
“You are not that devil who took Claudia’s life any longer.” Louis continued. “That creature would’ve yelled or stormed out and hit one thing or another at my words. No.” He almost smiled. “You’re something altogether gentler and easier to love.” I wanted to weep. “And you are” I began “You’re not my fledgling any longer, if you’d ever been so at all. You’re the vampire I could never be. And I’m honored to be permitted to stand by your side.”  He fully smiled now. “And I’m sorry…” I tasted the word on my tongue, sorry. “I’m sorry for how it used to be. For Claudia, for everything. I want it to be better.”
“Lestat?” He asked after a bit of contemplative silence. “Yes, my Louis?” My response was immediate. “Could you pass me that please.” He requested, gesturing to a lighter sat unassuming and domestically on a nearby table. “Of course.” And so I passed it to him, and he took it, only to ignite a candle that he used to light the words on the pages of his very worn addition of John Keats. I watched the flame flickering safely by his side, saw those green eyes reflected as I have many times, within the flame, and I wondered if creatures such as ourself were truly ever capable of change—or if rather we got very close before we inevitably repeated the same cycles in unending loops for all of time. “I’d be content to watch this fire burn forever.” I thought rather insanely, before I went towards him and took my place in the red velvet arm chair by his side. 
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margowritesthings · 1 year
A.K.A. She Saved Me
pairing: Jessica Jones x reader
word count: 3660 words
request: could you do something where a fem reader gets cornered by a group of drunk men and then jessica jones beats the hell out of all of them just to save her? then she takes the woman home with her and the reader cuddles Jess instead of wanting sex, which im sure jess isn't used to lol
warnings: angst, injury, mature language, cat-calling and predatory behaviour, creepy men in alleyways, violence, making out
a/n: this one is dedicated to my best friend in the whole wide world @inkandbloodbound. merry christmas, my angel. I hope you have the most magical time <3
taglist: @inkandbloodbound @cassidylynnj @kimberl1y15
piece no. 6 of margo's christmas spectacular
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The first time you heard Jessica Jones, you were unpacking boxes, enjoying how cohesive your favourite book series editions looked next to each other on the shelf in your living room, as well as enjoying the fact that you finally had your own place and could put your favourite books in your living room in the first place. Your speakers were yet to be found in one of the many boxes, but you honestly just liked the sounds of Hell’s Kitchen below you, which was why your window was wide open (Well, as open as the broken latch would allow). 
It wasn’t peaceful by a long stretch, with the constant angry commuters honking their horn, the occasional police siren and honest-to-god one time exclamation of ‘I’m walkin here!’, but to you, it was heaven. The freedom of finally having a place to call your own just simply couldn’t be dampened. 
“Fucking- Shit!”
You frowned, looking around the room as though the source definitely hadn’t just come from directly upstairs. God, you really hoped it hadn’t just come from directly upstairs. You were sure you could handle anything here if it meant your own space, but a loud, cursing upstairs neighbour who-
-banged around the place definitely wasn’t ideal. No, no, it’s fine. It was only once, maybe they just dropped their crossword book or scratched their really quiet Mozart record?...
“Fucking cocksucking DICKS!”
…Maybe not. 
Let it be known that you were no prude. You knew what to expect when you moved into the notorious Hell’s Kitchen and it wasn’t anything you hadn’t heard or seen before. However, that didn’t stop your nerves fraying slightly at the sound of what was surely a plate smashing on the ceiling/floor you shared with your upstairs neighbour.
You stood with a sigh, making it over to your window to close it. A shame, really, because the breeze was lovely.
Your fingers hooked the window catch but paused before pulling it as you strained to hear footsteps stomp towards you from above. You don’t know how you knew to do it, but you felt compelled to stick your head out of the window, just in time to see a laptop fly out of the window of the apartment above you. Impressive throw.
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The first time you saw Jessica Jones, she was shoving a too-big pizza box into the too-small garbage disposal unit into the mail/garbage room of the apartment building you shared. You knew instantly that she was the girl with the laptop. Or rather, the girl who probably didn’t have a laptop right now. Either way, she didn’t spot you, too engrossed in attempting to fold up four layers of thick cardboard into some sort of origami mess that wasn’t ever going to fit into that garbage unit.
Your trash bag was swinging from your outstretched arm as you walked awkwardly to prevent it from crashing against your legs. It kind of smelled like decaying flesh in the garbage room and the splutter-cough combo escaping your lips became inevitable, alerting the angry girl to your presence. She quickly turned to face you, her jet black hair whipping around her leather clad shoulder, stare so fierce it felt as though someone had dumped a bucket of ice cold water on you. 
You weren’t sure what exactly you were expecting from the foul-mouthed laptop killer who lived above you, but it certainly wasn’t this. She was pale, with striking dark eyes and hair that made you feel this intense, ineffable feeling. Her biker jacket hugged her strong figure in a way you were sure could have the power to leave you fighting for breath under less garbage-related circumstances. 
Electricity seemed to crackle in the air as you both stood looking at each other. You had an urge to speak, as two people who had been staring at each other for 7 seconds (and counting) often would, but nothing seemed to suffice for the weirdly weighted moment. You didn’t know why. 
Neither of you spoke and you began to wonder if a silence had ever gone on for so long or felt so much for so little reason. You thought about speaking, but no words appeared in your mind that wouldn’t have you cringing for the next three days thinking about this very conversation.
The tension was palpable, the invisible chord between you growing tighter and tighter until… it wasn’t. Your extraordinary upstairs neighbour turned on the heavy heel of her boot, back to the half crushed pizza box hanging pathetically from the disposal unit. She yanked the box out of the hole, threw it onto the floor and stamped on it with enough power to flatten it completely in just one go. You remained completely speechless, mouth ever so slightly parted as she finally managed to violently shove the box into the unit. 
The doorway you were standing in was narrow, but your mystery neighbour managed to manoeuvre past you, throwing you a smirk so brief you almost questioned the reality of it. 
And she was gone. And you were alone. 
Holding a garbage bag.
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When you finally met Jessica Jones, it was cold and dark. Your cheeks pinched just as you realised that your thin hoodie wasn’t nearly enough. You could actually see your breath, as well as steam coming out of the grates. Wow, New York really was the dramatic stereotype you saw on TV. Hopefully not too much like on TV, as you were walking alone in an alleyway around the back of a dive bar. If you were on a show, it would have been the first scene of a murder mystery show, and everyone knows the girl in the first scene never makes it past the theme tune.
You shook your head as you pulled your jacket tighter around you, hoping it would shake the ridiculous notion out of your mind so you could actually walk home. The only  route that didn’t involve dive bar alleyways added an extra 20 minutes to your journey which, in this cold, seemed a far worse fate than some creepy shadows. 
Wait, creepy shadows?
“Hey there, hot stuff!” 
You carried on walking, careful not to pick up your pace in fear of the cause of the knot in your stomach breaking into a run after you. The alleyway wasn’t too long, you honestly could make it in just a few more ste-
“My friend over there is talking to you, baby…” The man who stepped out in front of you was calmer than his companion, which was somehow so much worse. He also blocked the exit onto the street and your stomach dropped in complete dread at the realisation that you were truly stuck and that your life really was about to become a media stereotype of the big apple. 
Frozen in your tracks, you weighed the options. Option 1: there were no options. At that moment, you regretted many things, but laughing at your mom’s moving gift of pepper spray, leaving it in that junk drawer in your kitchen began to rank the highest. Your blood rushed in your ears so loudly that you didn’t hear what the man walking towards you was saying. It seemed somewhat insane to ask him to repeat himself, so you didn’t, instead adopting an expression of defiance in an attempt to make your ignorance seem meaningful and intentional. The chuckle you heard next, coupled with the hard body you felt against your back sent shards of ice through your nervous system. Trapped, completely trapped, you balled your hands into fists so tightly there were raw moons in your palms from your fingernails, hoping you could remember one single goddamn thing about self defence class. 
Your mind came up empty, because of course it did and your lips began to ghost words that your throat couldn’t seem to form. You wanted to scream, to tell them to fuck off and knee them right where it would hurt most, but you never got the chance, even if you thought in any way shape or form you could muster the wits to thaw yourself. 
“Hey! These guys bothering you?”
You’d know that voice anywhere, it was the place your mind wandered to when you were supposed to be focused on your writing, the one you heard on the phone at 3am sometimes, muffled by the floor between you. You could never tell what she was saying, but you always knew it was her. She paced when she took a phone call, and she rarely took her boots off or went to bed earlier than 4. She hadn’t thrown any more valuables out of her window, at least not while you were home, and she got take-out almost every night. Thinking about her made you feel flustered. You knew all these things to be true, despite never saying a word to this mystery girl. 
But now she was here, infamous boots striding towards your attackers, her face too consumed in shadows to be fully seen.
“Ain’t nothin for you to worry your little head about, sweetheart. This is a private conversation between friends, got it?” The one standing by your front was so close to you his beer breath crept right into your space, nausea bubbling inside you and mixing with the pure panic coursing through your veins.
“She doesn’t exactly look like she wants to be friends with you. Maybe you should fuck off.” She was a whole new brand of direct. Pure bluntness, the kind you could only ever dream of being. This woman had never people pleased in her entire life, and it was… ridiculously attractive. Especially when it was being weaponized to protect you. She didn’t even know you, and yet here she was, clenching her fists at the slime bothering you. 
The foulest smelling one, the one at your front, turned on his heel slowly, just as his friend stepped to the side of you to join him. 
“And just who do you think you’re talking to, bitch? Now, we’re about to fuck this pretty little thing, so we’d appreciate it if you-”
The sound of knuckles smashing against the flesh of the guy’s cheek was so loud it echoed around the alleyway. You just about managed to step to the side so that he didn’t fall into you. Jet black hair whipped down as your knight in shining leather ducked briefly from the second man’s failed attempt at a counter-attack. She used the momentum to push back to standing and crack the guy's jaw, who fell into his hobbling friend with enough force to knock them both over. They hit the floor, scrambling, and there was that awful sound of flesh on pavement. You would have winced, were you not absolutely frozen to the spot, jaw agape whilst your eyes fixated on her, refusing to break from those damn hypnotising eyes. 
There were groans behind you, though the origins of them didn’t seem to be attempting a suave recovery. The tension grew, the silence lengthened, it was exactly like that electricity generated between the two of you in that garbage room, but with a slightly better smell in the air. Slightly.
She appeared to be surveying you, hazel eyes dyed near black by the shadows breaking the contact with your own wide stare to roam over you. They stopped at your hands, shaking madly, part from the chill in the air, part the enduring anxiety from what she’d saved you from. At this observation, her features seemed to soften, crease between her knitted frowning brows disappearing entirely. 
“We should get outta here. You live in my building, right?” 
Her voice was deep and it reminded you of thick honey and spiced rum, but her tone was much, much softer than the way she spoke to her former laptop. You nodded, feeling your breath hitch when she grabbed your hand and briskly walked you out of the alleyway. 
In a few turns, you were back in civilization, with cars honking and people stalking past with their heads down and earphones on full blast. It took you a few moments for your mind to catch up, but when it did, you managed to shout a thanks over the noises of Hell’s Kitchen.
“Don’t mention it.” She responded, stopping once you were at least a couple of streets away from the scene of the crime and turning to you. “Are you alright? Did they hurt you?” She began to scan over you again, though there were no injuries to be found. You shook your head, your hand feeling weirdly cold and empty after she dropped it.
“I-I’m fine. But really, thank you. I don’t know what I would have done without you…” You trailed off, realising that despite all these strangely weighted encounters, you didn’t actually know her name. And yet your hand was still fucking tingling.”
“Jess.” “Jess.” You repeated, hating how breathless it came out but loving just how well it suited her. It sounded ridiculous, but looking at her you swore you could see a level of concern and protection you had never experienced before in your life in Jess’ face. And you knew you had to know more, peel back the layers of the hardened shell with the guarded stance and bruised knuckles and find whatever softness was rooted back in those tired eyes. This was the third time Jessica Jones had somehow been thrust into your life, and maybe you’d be a fool to leave it up to chance again.
So you didn’t.
“Can I buy you a drink, Jess?”
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Walking back from the bar wasn’t nearly as hard with Jess by your side. It had been 3 hours, and yet you felt the safest you’d felt since moving here when she was with you. One drink turned into two, that turned into four and then you were giggling whilst Jess explained her vehement hatred of the super in your building, the warmth of whiskey stopping the shivers.
“I mean, come on. Nobody needs to see your ass crack every time you take out the trash, man.” “He always glares at me, I have no idea what I did but he really doesn’t like me.” “Nah, he glares at everyone. You’re good.”
You feigned wiping sweat from your brow theatrically, just as the two of you reached the door to the apartment building.
“Home sweet home…” You mumbled, watching Jess hold the door open for you and follow you into the elevator. She stood right beside you, shoulders touching as she pressed the button for her floor and her floor only. The doors closed and the air suddenly became thick and warm but somehow sent a shiver down your spine. 
The spark was there, that much you were sure of, if not by the way it was practically lighting the two of you up in the bar, then by the lingering hand Jess left every time she took a drink from you or vice versa, the way her eyes didn’t leave you until the very last second when you went to the bathroom. She was attracted to you and you were damn sure that not only was she the most beautiful woman you’d ever met, but also the most interesting. Four drinks wasn’t nearly enough to even begin to understand her and that enthralled you. You had to know more, and you were pretty sure you could see the opportunity presenting itself.
The muted ding of the rusty elevator bell rang out just barely and the doors slid open with a creak. Jess stepped out, turning almost… nervously to you. 
“Do you… wanna come in? I have shit whiskey and two day old pizza if you’re hungry.”
A smirk tugged at your lips, “Well, when you offer me something as grand as that, how could I possibly refuse?”
If it wasn’t for the slightly different damp patches and wallpaper peelings on the walls, it could have passed for your own floor. Getting to Jess’ apartment from the elevator was just like walking to yours, until you spot the door. The glass centred in the brown door is opaque, with the words ‘Alias Investigation’ printed onto it. You were pretty sure that wasn’t even remotely allowed in the building, but also weren’t about to question the ins and outs of Jessica’s war with the superintendent. 
Jess unlocked the door, holding a hand out to let you pass through first. While the structure was the same as yours, it was definitely a different place. Comforting furniture was scarce, save for the sofa opposite the desk, which Jessica gestured towards. You sat, sinking into the cushions whilst she headed for the kitchen, switching on a lamp on the way. The warm bulb illuminated the grey walls, littered with what you assumed were case notes and photos. 
A private investigator… somehow, all you can think is of course. It suited her perfectly, which made you wonder what qualified you to make that judgement. You couldn’t wonder for very long, as Jessica came back with a bottle of whiskey and nothing else. She sat right next to you, handing you the bottle. 
“There aren’t any clean glasses.” She explains unashamedly, leaning right back into the couch. The smoky drink burns down your throat when you take a swig, a satisfying pop sounding out when your lips part from the neck of the bottle. 
Then, there was the world’s most strangely comfortable silence, with only the occasional splash of amber liquid whenever it was passed between the two of you. With each turn, the brushes of skin got more tender, lasted for longer and took more breath away and before you knew it, the bottle was on the floor and you were both panting in each other's air. Your lips a hair away, Jess’ pale hand slowly reached closer and closer.
Maybe it was the buzz of whiskey, the burn of your throat, or maybe it was this tightening tension you weren't sure you could handle for much longer that made you so bold to find yourself here.
When the final space between your cheek and Jess’ fingertips was breached, the Earth stopped spinning. You could see it all, playing out as if the seconds were years and years spent between kindred souls. It all made sense, why everything was so weighted every time you encountered her, why you grinned every time you heard her curse from upstairs or the tightening of your chest when you thought about her crushing the pizza box into the trash. You two were always going to end up here, it was inevitable. You were supposed to be right here and grab onto Jessica Jones and never let her go.This was so much more than either of you could begin to comprehend, which overwhelmed you, stealing the floor from beneath you.
And then your lips were crashing together in a passionate frenzy, tongues dancing, fingers entangled in each other's flowing hair. She tasted like the whiskey, but with strong undertones of something you’d never tasted before. You were hooked.
Jessica pulled on your hair, lifting your chin to allow her access to kiss up and down your neck. A moan is pulled from you that just couldn’t be helped, but you don’t care. You were sure Jessica Jones had the ability to play a symphony with you. You couldn’t wait to hear it.
But you should wait. A nagging feeling pulls at your gut when Jess pushes your back down into the sofa. She was fumbling with your zip when your hands grabbed her wrists. Jess looked up at you expectantly, worry briefly crossing her expression, “You alright?”
You nodded quickly, your heart rate tripling when you realised how affected she was by the mere possibility that you were uncomfortable. She felt this too. You knew it more than you knew she was never awake before 11am, which you knew was an absolute. 
“I’m good. I just… Can we just lay here for a bit?” You felt silly, a blush surely creeping up your neck and onto your cheeks, but it somehow felt like the only thing you could possibly fathom right now. As much as you were borderline desperate to witness her orchestrate more of this delicious experience, something told you not now. 
The look of pure surprise, pulling Jess’ brows upwards sent a pang of regret running from head to toe. It dissipated when she nodded, so very obviously fighting a grin that told you that nobody had ever asked her to do that before. 
“Budge over.” She demanded. You happily, eagerly obliged, shifting enough that Jess could slide underneath you. It was a tight squeeze, the sofa definitely not designed for anyone but its single owner, but that only meant you had to squeeze in close. Your head fit on her chest, the curve of your waist snuggling right up into her. She was radiating heat and you could feel her heart pounding. Yours was too. 
You looked up, a light laugh escaping you unintentionally. Snaking her arm around your neck, Jess glanced down at you, “What?”
“It’s just like cloud gazing. That one looks like a turtle.” You explained, referring to the water stains on the ceiling. Jessica laughed (in the form of a sharp exhale through her nose).
“How romantic.” The sarcasm dripped from her voice, as did the amusement. Maybe it was a snap judgement, but when you first watched her massacre a pizza box, you never expected to be able to make her laugh as much as you had. It was a wonderful victory, if you did say so yourself.
Nothing sexual happened between the two of you that night, but it was quite possibly the most intimate thing that has ever happened to you. You talked, spotted animals and former presidents in the ceiling and fell asleep intertwined in each other. 
Jess continued to save you again and again, in every way imaginable. But that was kind of your thing, saving each other until the end of time.
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mehoymalloy · 9 days
Anon from the other day! And oh my god thank for for all the little details! The floor plan blows my mind I hope Ino knows how amazing that room floor plan is and all the other details. Honestly when I write, I don’t think I’ve ever made a floor plan before. I’ve made a murder board, but not a floor plan which is weird. You would think the floor plan would come first especially as an avid sims 4 player. But alsoIncluding making a whole cantrip puts so much thought into the details of things. Like you could have just done the bare minimum but taking that step further makes it so much more special. Ino you are amazing you deserve your favorite snack.
Im so happy you appreciated my message! I was really nervous about sending one because I didn’t want you to be offended about me not initially liking Otohan/Imogen.
I ate the overload of random things up for this au! Don’t you worry oh my god I appreciate you sharing what you can. As a writer I know how hard it is to want to give things but also wanting to make sure they’re perfect before showing everybody. I am so for Imogen with glasses! The comical idea of the magnifying will make me laugh every time I read it.
Not to ramble even more but I am most excited about Otohan and what you do with the judicators. It’s all incredibly promising and I know your amazing mind (and inos where she puts input.) will be SO good. (Also kind of intrigued how you will write Liliana in this au along with Imogens relationship for her.) going to think about this au every day and then when I can finally read it I’ll think about it more. I salut you both, and hope you have a wonderful time crafting it.
First and foremost, I'm so glad you decided to reach out anyway! Imotohan is a hella unhealthy ship (which is why I like it as much as I do; toxic ships are my jam), and I know that simply will not be everyone's cup of tea; nothing wrong with that! For me, prefacing with "I didn't think I'd like this" only makes me more appreciative that 1) you felt compelled to step outisde your comfort zone and try it anyway, and 2) my writing resonated enough to change your mind. That's super awesome and incredibly humbling and nothing I would ever take offense to! (Also I'll pass the compliments on to Ino~)
Also hello fellow writer! Can confirm housebuilding in the sims can help visualize. But watch out! It's a slippery slope into playing the sims for ten hours straight and also creating the blorbos to inhabit and interact in the space 😅
I will so look forward to sharing more in the future, and I'll be sure to share some little, seemingly inconsequential worldbuilding tidbits now and again as well!
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3raaaachachacha · 2 years
6:57 pm
Jeon Wonwoo x female reader / 684 words / fluff / smut
Warnings: masturbation, teasing, fingering
Disclaimer: contains 18+ content; minors do not interact
146. “Were you just masturbating?” “U-uh..no, I was just..” “Want some help?”
⊱ ──────────────────────── ⊰
“Were you just masturbating?” The deep voice of your roommate startled you as you quickly covered yourself on the couch of the living room.
You didn’t even know how to reply since you were caught red hand in the common area of your shared home. Why you decided to do it there was beyond your knowledge, but somehow all that embarrassment turned into annoyance towards Wonwoo. He wasn’t supposed to be home for another hour since he was going to be working out with the guys. Maybe it was stupid to get annoyed with him since he technically didn’t do anything wrong, but right now, your head was spinning and this was the only angle you could try.
“U-uh…no, I was just…” You chuckled as you stuttered slightly, trying to stay calm, “I was just enjoying my time in my apartment. Can’t a girl be naked in her own home? Is that a crime?” You weren’t sure what compelled you to let those words come out of your mouth since it truthfully was only digging you a bigger grave.
Wonwoo smirked, chuckling to himself as he could easily see through your little charade. Truth be told, Wonwoo had gotten home about 15 minutes earlier than when he startled you from his entrance. He was trying to get his keys out when he heard your soft moans from behind the door, and honestly, he couldn’t lie how turned on he instantly was, but he wasn’t sure if someone else was in your home or it was just you. Before he could even think, he placed his ear against the door, only to hear his name coming out of your lips in soft, whiny whimpers. If he didn’t have a boner before, he clearly did then. He had never heard such beautiful sounds come from your pink lips and he couldn’t let his desires be held back any longer.
Wonwoo removed his hands from his pockets as he took a seat next to you, placing a hand on the blanket where your thigh was. He ran his hand up and down it, “Want some help? I heard your little desperate whines for me,” Your hand flew to your mouth as you cheek redden a bright shade of pink, “Don’t be embarrassed sweetheart, I quite enjoyed the music,” He smirked, leaning forward only inches away from your lips as you noses touched, “If you don’t want this, tell me.”
“You’re encouraging bad behaviors Woo,” You felt your thigh try to rub together to quell your desires, but without realizing, Wonwoo’s hands slipped under the blanket to find your soaked slit. You moaned out at his slight touch, pulling him forward into you by his neck to connect your lips.
“Fuck, you didn’t make yourself cum yet? Did you need my help baby? Were you waiting for me?” He teased, knowing how much you loved it from how you began to squirm in his touch. Carefully, he inserted two fingers into your drenched hole, making a high pitched whimper escape your chapped lips.
“I couldn’t get myself off. Needed your help Woo,” You let your head fall against the couch cushions are his lengthy hands did wonders in your aching core.
Wonwoo’s lips attached themselves to your exposed neckline, loving how bare it was for him to paint with his marks. Finally being able to brand you as his own. Now, the boys would stop teasing him about how lame he was for not confessing his feelings for you.
“Fuck, you’re so wet for me baby,” He said taking his fingers out to lick them clean with a smug look on his face, “You take my fingers so well baby, ready to take my cock?”
With the way Wonwoo carefully handled you and how his touches were so gentle yet rough for you. You knew there were feelings he was needing to talk with you about, just as you needed to with him. That could wait till later, but right now, you swore this was a dream come true, and you didn’t want to wake up anytime soon.
⊱ ──────────────────────── ⊰
- Admin 🦋
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galactic-pirates · 3 months
For the ship classification game:
James/John from Sanctuary and Regina/Robin from OUAT, please.
James/John - makes sense, compels me
I mean I ship them hard lol. They aren’t explicitly canon but the subtext is definitely there. It can’t be proven that they aren’t canon.
So why do I ship them? Well they were friends first. We didn’t see them interact much sadly so a lot builds off the “battle of wits” line. I have written what I think was probably canon in that they met at Oxford, and I also wrote an AU where they went to the same boarding school so met at 11. But meeting at Oxford they had shared classes, so a common intellectual interest. I’m not very good at how people are friends (as I have no friends) but I think shared interest/time together is a good start.
For a romance they would need to find each other attractive. Then the part that compels me is the unfortunate society homophobia - it was literally illegal and they had to hide. For them to have been brave enough to admit their attraction, knowing if it wasn’t returned the scandal could ruin their life.
In ‘canon’ (well headcanon 😛) I feel like John would have made the first move with the sort of “I want to piss off my abusive prejudiced bastard of a father”. There was also probably whiskey involved. I feel like James (in canon) would have been more hesitant but leapt on John’s move the second his quick mind noticed. I wrote the opposite in my soulmark fic because of reasons I tried to make clear in the fic.
Regina/Robin - doesn’t make sense, doesn’t compel me
That is probably harsh. I didn’t hate it but I couldn’t see a deeper connection. They did the whole “soulmate” thing but that didn’t land with me. It felt shallow in how it started like it was just “attractive man” and the gorgeous lady is like “oh yes please”. It did develop I suppose as they encountered challenges. Him being a single dad was a reason (beyond handsome) for attraction because Regina is such a mom but they didn’t really show her with Robin’s little boy.
I think honestly a good part of it is that Once did relationships so badly. There was very little build-up. It’s like they skipped what they considered the boring part and - so had the meet cute and then just “oh we are together now” without really then making it make sense. I guess they were very focused on the plot and nothing else really got developed consistently. It was like that for a lot of the shows relationships - especially those that came into the show later on in the seasons. They did a much better job establishing stuff in season 1.
Once really did suffer with a “tell rather than show” problem. With some ships I filled in the blanks with headcanons. I didn’t care enough with Regina and Robin to bother. When I wrote close to canon fics I tended to keep their relationship if it was set during that time, as I didn’t hate it, I just didn’t see the point of it.
It’s not that I really shipped Regina with anyone else either. I never went in for SwanQueen. Sometimes things just don’t click you know? I didn’t hate that either, I could see all the points people made in meta posts but a ship grabs me or it doesn’t and it didn’t.
Actually I suppose at the end of the day all the trauma Regina went through. All I wanted for her was happiness and I didn’t want that to come from a partner, I wanted her to find that in herself first. I said before that Regina was such a mom and basically yeah. It’s like for some characters romance is their most important relationship, and for Regina she found contentment in being a mother. Not to say obviously that she couldn’t also have a romance - it is only right and proper to have many different types of relationships. I just never saw her with anyone and thought “yeah that’s happiness”.
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ethanhuntfemmefatale · 9 months
Okay, TC moving ranking update when
arc you know your wish is my command
disclaimer 1: the below ranking is not at all based on movie quality. It's based on aspects like "personal enjoyment," "personal investment," "TC hotness levels," etc. proceed at your own risk
disclaimer 2: the below ranking is very, very long. proceed at your own risk
bottom to top, babey!
21. Eyes Wide Shut
This movie’s one of the ones I definitely expected to like way more than I did. I’d never seen a Kubrick film before and I think I didn’t get the points it was trying to make—I kept getting torn out of the story by the way the camera treated women and female bodies. And the very slow-moving style of the movie, with lines delivered slowly, long still shots, etc., really didn’t work for me. I also just couldn’t help but feel like the movie’s general relationship with sex and sexuality was coming from a very specific perspective that I just don’t share or understand. TC is good in this, it’s not my favorite of his roles but his acting was by far my favorite part of the movie so naturally they put him in a mask and made him stand completely still. Favorite bits of the movie were 1) that shot in the beginning where he curls up on the couch in jeans and Ugg boots (amanda marisatomay gets it) and 2) the scene in the bedroom where he’s in his boxers and he looks really cute. To specify i didn’t like these scenes for plot reasons or character reasons I just liked seeing him look comfy. I do think that in terms of the movie’s discussions on sex and sexuality TC’s character probably has the most interesting and complicated relationship with sex and I think somebody with tastes in media more suited to a movie like this would probably be able to find some pretty interesting ideas. I had a hard time with this movie, but I can understand why somebody else might love it.
20. Jack Reacher
I have to be perfectly honest here. I didn’t finish this movie. I got up to the part where the young woman, I forget her name, is about to die, and I decided i didn’t want to watch anymore. So there is a chance that this movie gets really good after like the hour mark and I just don’t know that. The opening sequence of this film is fucking dynamite. I just really deeply hated this movie’s politics and I was willing to be patient with it for a while cause I wanted to see if there was anything redeeming in it, but my frustration won out. The movie in general spends a lot of time dealing with issues of criminality and the justice system, and imo it does it really clumsily. It also has a really weird treatment of women and female characters. TC’s performance of Jack Reacher is the only thing i liked about the character—I thought he did some really cool stuff with a lack of expressiveness, making the character really reserved, it went a long way towards likeability in a movie where the writing made him very unlikeable. The movie had a very action-hero-movie focus on making its protagonist badass and invulnerable, which was annoying to me and something that I’ve been spoiled in TC movies to not expect. To me even though I honestly didn’t like it much at all and couldn’t finish it I rank it above EWS because it’s entertaining, it’s a basically fun movie that’s well made, well acted, moves along at a nice clip and makes basic sense.
19. Oblivion
I had a strong emotional reaction to this movie when i watched it, anybody who was following me at that time probably remembers. This is another case of a quality film, well made, well acted, very entertaining, but it pissed me off. I felt like there was a ton of wasted potential in the concept, and in fact for the first third or so of the movie I was very invested and excited. To me Tom Cruise is not the emotional heart of the movie, that belongs to Vika, played by Andrea Riseborough, who has a deeply fucked up and compelling dynamic with TC’s Jack. Unfortunately (spoilers) the movie kills her, and that’s really the beginning of the end of my enjoyment of it. Meanwhile, TC’s other co-star Olga Kurylenko (Julia) is acting her heart out, but the script really gives her nothing to do. This film could have been a top pick for me, but it’s so thematically inconsistent and completely average in places it becomes almost unwatchable.
18. The Firm
The main sin of this movie to me is that I don’t have much to say about it. I think it didn’t totally mesh with me personally for some reason. Some just excellent acting all around, another kinda sucky TC guile hero protagonist which I always love, a conspiracy and emotional manipulation and plotting and suspense—but it just didn’t really do it for me. There were moments I loved. Some interesting compelling emotional beats. I could see why someone would really adore this movie. But it left me a bit cold.
17. Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol
I’ve talked before about my complex feelings on this movie and why I rank it lowest of the Mission Impossibles. This movie like all the MIs is very close to my heart. Ghost protocol ethan is one of my favorite ethans—his hair is my favorite of the ethan haircuts, which if you are an MI fan you know is significant. I love so much about this movie. It has some cool interesting twists on the classic action formula, I think it’s a significant point in Ethan’s arc, I think it’s a fun entertaining film. That being said ethan doesn’t feel like the heart of this movie in the way he normally does, and as much as I enjoy the team members I don’t feel that anyone steps up to take his place. The movie ends up feeling empty to me because of that, outside of the jailbreak opening where I feel ethan’s story and his character strongly. Anyway I do love this film, I just think this film and I have different priorities. And that’s why it’s not ranked very high
16. Top Gun
In retrospect I probably shouldn’t have had high hopes going into Top Gun but because of the fame of the movie I kinda did. I didn’t like the way the plane sequences were filmed in this movie—don’t get me wrong I’m sure that stuff was very difficult to capture well, but I always felt either too close to or completely disconnected from the action, and it was hard to tell what was going on. I expected to enjoy Val Kilmer as Iceman more than I did, I overall didn’t feel like the script gave him much to work with, although there were a couple excellent emotional beats and overall his acting is superb. The heart and soul of the movie was of course Goose, who completely outshone TC as mav in my opinion, which made his death hit really hard and mav’s grief feel very earned. Another main weak point of the movie was Charlie for me, I didn’t like her, I didn’t trust her, I didn’t connect with her. Overall I can see why the film is a classic, I enjoyed it but I didn’t love it
15. Mission Impossible 3
This movie is deeply special to me…it’s very frustrating in a lot of ways. Ethan’s relationship with violence here is almost entirely incoherent. This movie’s take on the IMF is deeply frustrating. That being said every moment between Ethan and Julia is lodged so deeply in my heart…and I’m obsessed with the way this movie kills its protagonist for 5 minutes and for those five minutes Julia is the star of the movie. I think action movies should do this more often. Julia and Ethan are what makes this movie for me, also Benji and Luther are fantastic here, specifically thinking of Benji’s scene at the end on the phone with Ethan, not the anti-God bullshit. Good movie, important moment in Ethan’s arc, feels like it inherently misunderstands MI in some ways and particularly Ethan. But good movie.
14. Jack Reacher Never Go Back
I think this movie is generally seen as worse than the first which I don’t understand. I actually really enjoyed it. I absolutely adored Danika Yarosh as Samantha, and her relationship with TC’s Reacher was far and away the heart of the movie. I’ve seen the “grizzled emotionally stunted action hero accidentally adopts a kid” thing a lot, and sometimes it works for me but sometimes it doesn’t. This time it really worked. Their relationship felt believable, complicated, earned. I loved every second they were on screen together. His other co-star of the movie was good (I think of her as Maria Hill always from my Marvel days) and had some solid moments, but IMO was overshadowed. Mostly I appreciated that this movie was thematically coherent and interesting, there was a solid arc, and TC’s acting was fantastic, taking the expressionlessness of the first film and holding onto that while using his microexpressions to their fullest potential. Really excellent work from him in this film.
13. Mission Impossible 2
I love this movie. I think it’s fun, I think it’s campy, I think it’s boring in places and deeply entertaining in others. I think it’s a well done action film that brings new and interesting ideas to MI and was crucial in MI becoming the franchise it is today. TC is standout in it, Thandie Newton is incredible in it. I like what it does for Ethan as a character, it pushes him down the action hero path while keeping this inherent understanding of his weirdness, his intensity, his almost dorky charm. I think there’s a lot of vulnerability for both Ethan and Nyah in this movie, and I really like that the very classic action movie style doesn’t take that away. It’s by no means a perfect film, and I understand a lot of the criticism of it (and have plenty of my own), but personally I think it’s a really important and fun part of the MI franchise and the TC filmography.
12. Interview with the Vampire
I really enjoyed…certain aspects of this movie. Tom Cruise as Lestat is an absolute unmitigated delight. My favorite TC roles in general (this is one of them, we’re going to start to get into them at this point) are usually his campiest, specifically because he brings a realness to them that makes them way more compelling even than pure camp, without sacrificing the campiness at all. His Lestat is a great example of that. It never feels as if TC is putting distance between himself and the role—Lestat is ridiculous and funny, but TC is always right there with him, never laughing at him if that makes sense. And there’s an emotional vulnerability and petty mundanity to Lestat that I just love. Antonio Banderas is also standout in this movie, as well as Kristen Dunst, both of whom commit 100% and have fantastic charisma on screen, while taking a kind of darker and more serious approach to the roles than TC’s Lestat. Brad Pitt is—brad what are you doing here. It’s so obvious he is not enjoying himself in this film. Go back to fight club my dude. The parts of the movie where we were following him only for long periods of time were honestly quite boring to me. Another issue I had with this movie was the way all the slavery elements were handled. Just very clumsy and racist handling of that stuff. 
11. Knight and Day
I really really enjoyed this movie both times I watched it. It’s so fun, it’s so campy, it’s clever and interesting and compelling. TC is just magnificent as Roy Miller, and his chemistry with Cameron Diaz is fabulous—she’s also excellent in this movie, all of the meat of June’s character comes from her fantastic acting. Paul Dano is also standout as Simon Feck. Those core three characters are very well done, although I have some frustration with the way the movie consistently cuts June off from a substantial character arc and agency. There are hints of substance in her plotline that never fully materialize and mostly get pushed aside in favor of focus on her dynamic with Roy, which is admittedly dynamite. Anyway really good film, not perfect but would highly recommend
10. American Made
Anybody looking at my posts this morning already knows probably most of my feelings on this movie. This movie really sucked me in, I really loved it, it felt immersive and interesting and nuanced and heartfelt. It completely devastated me at the end. Barry Seal is another one of my favorite TC roles, there’s again a (more subtle) camp that’s portrayed very genuinely and feels human and real. He’s so deeply endearing in this role. I love his hair. I love his style. I think TC should wear that style of clothing more often if he so desires cause god he looks great in this movie. Barry’s dynamic with his wife Lucy, played by Sarah Wright, was the unexpected heart of the movie. This film also features one of the only times I have ever felt catharsis from a character’s self-sacrifice, mostly because this is one of the only times I’ve ever seen that plotline with a character who I genuinely believe would do pretty much anything to survive (I see it alllll the time with characters who already have a death wish). My main issue with this film is that…I don’t know what I’m talking about, to preface. But the portrayal of South America felt stereotyped to me. It didn’t sit right. I would be interested in the perspective of someone who knows more.
9. Jerry Maguire
I watched this movie on an airplane when I was younger and I didn’t connect with it. Then I watched it again and I got bored and I stopped. Then I started Again, 30 minutes in, and watched the rest of it and absolutely loved it. I think my placing of this even in the upper middle is probably controversial, since from what I’ve heard this movie is broadly considered to be TC’s best role. Personally I disagree. I think he’s very good in this, but it isn’t one of my favorite TC roles, and not just because he has short hair in it lol. I think his particular brand of earnest comedy works great in this film. I think TC does manic energy better than any actor I’ve ever seen, and his natural emotional vulnerability works really well too. I can see why people really adore this film. I really loved this film. I guess to me the ultimate message and sentiment of the movie feels…this is a personal taste thing, but I guess the bottom line is this movie isn’t subversive enough for me LOL. The message being “having a life and a family that you love is more important than being wildly successful” is a great message! It just isn’t something I totally connect with, it doesn’t feel like an end goal that satisfies all the (to me more interesting) emotional pain and dysregulation beforehand. I am an angsty bitch though, and very queer, so that’s probably influencing my perspective on this movie. It’s a very well done film, the thematic arc is well built and coherent and interesting, the emotional beats land, I teared up at the end, I loved all the characters and felt like they were all treated well by the movie and given interesting, great journeys. Very good film, I can see why it’s so beloved, it’s very good but not special to me in the same way as some others.
8. Edge of Tomorrow
Ugh I adore this movie. I watched it, wrote a fic the same day, thought about it for a few months, watched it again, and immediately started on a second fic (which I might not finish, but still—the sheer fic-generating power of this movie…) I love this movie for many reasons, one of them is Rita Vrataski, who is so fucking excellent, Emily Blunt does a masterful job. Another one is Bill Cage, who is another favorite TC role even though he breaks the “favorite role” mold a bit, simply because he is Also kind of ridiculous and campy in a way that underlies all of his action-hero-ness and makes him constantly so much more interesting than he should by all rights be allowed to be. His arc is incredibly excellent because it doesn’t allow him to grow a moral backbone, it just forces him into the hero mold without one, which makes for a much more fascinating movie-watching experience. TC is so good at (this is a repetition, but it deserves repetition) playing characters who are kind of not great people, or kind of ridiculous, without ever putting distance between his acting and the lived experience of the character—he’s never poking fun at his own role, he lets us laugh at him. Anyway I really love this movie, I think it’s a gem of a film and a credit to the action genre.
7. Top Gun: Maverick
Another really excellent older TC film. To be perfectly honest despite my deep and enduring love of young TC my tastes generally tend to TC’s later work, with a few notable exceptions. I love this movie, it’s sweet and honest and earnest, and TC’s Mav is endlessly endearing. It’s the kind of movie that I would really like to see one day if/when I grow much older, because I think it has such meaningful emotion behind it about age and legacy. To me a weak point of this movie was that I didn’t totally connect with the young pilots, and I didn’t connect with Jennifer Connelly’s Penny. I think that was a personal thing, I know a lot of other people really loved those characters, but I didn’t connect. For me, I was watching the movie entirely for Mav, and in one scene for Ice, and I still really loved it. So that says something about the film, I think. This is also a slightly difficult film for me because I know at least one kid who decided he wanted to be a fighter pilot because of this movie, and I have complicated feelings about that. Also this is off topic and i hate to even write this down but for some reason mav looks like my ex boyfriend’s dad in a way that is VERY off putting. Still, a very good movie.
6. Fallout
This is one of my favorite MIs, and MI in general is precious to me so you’re going to see a lot of them in the upper echelons of my ranking. I love so much about this movie, I don’t feel like I need to talk much about it here cause I’ve gotten into the intricacies of my feelings about it before. Fallout Ethan is probably my favorite Ethan, I love the place he arrives at in his arc in this movie, I love what this movie does to him and for him. I adore TC’s acting in this film it’s remarkable. The end of this movie is my favorite ending of the MI films, maybe one of my favorite film endings ever. I love all the characters in this movie and I love how much care they’re given by the script, by the actors, by the film. Just excellent. I don’t like Walker, I don’t personally find him hot or interesting, maybe if I did this would be ranked higher.
5. Rogue Nation
RN is just a really fucking excellent movie. Another MI, because I love them. I love Ilsa so dearly, I love Benji and Ethan’s arc in this movie. Again, I’ve talked about this movie more in depth elsewhere, so I’ll keep it brief here. I just think this movie is great cinema, it’s deeply compelling and entertaining, it’s well written, it’s well acted, it has some really interesting elements, it has the opera sequence which is just one of the most excellently constructed sequences I’ve ever seen in a movie featuring music that I adore. Anyway I love this movie
4. Dead Reckoning, Part 1
I saw this movie in theaters—it’s the only one of all these movies that I saw in theaters. That necessarily influences the ranking. I think this movie is just masterful. It’s so cinematic, it’s so thoughtful, it’s so well acted, it’s so well made. It drives Ethan’s arc in a compelling direction that feels significant and new despite also being something that’s been building for six prior films. I love the new characters it introduces, I love the thoughtful and careful treatment of the returning characters. I love Ethan’s sexy lawyer fit. This is just a really excellent movie that I feel like is a masterclass in Pure Cinema.
3. Rock of Ages
On the one hand I’m aware this is my most controversial ranking. On the other hand I don’t actually think anyone who knows me and my tastes is surprised by this. Stacee Jaxx is far and away my favorite TC role I’ve seen so far. I just can’t say enough great things about TC’s acting in this movie, it’s literally spellbinding. Not only the thorough commitment to camp, but the commitment to something way deeper than camp, to bringing out depth and genuine emotion through camp, and on top of all of that to stand on stage and perform a full song (training his voice to do so!) with all the panache and physicality and weird professional joy and manic eyes of a rock star, it boggles the mind. This movie is absolutely terrible in my opinion. But it’s just weird enough that it gives this backing of deep subversiveness to TC’s performance and to the ideas behind his Stacee. There are so many haunting moments in this movie and so many moments that made me laugh hysterically while also feeling deeply impacted. The ideas TC is conveying are weird, and dramatic, and not simple at all, and he manages to convey them honestly, dramatically, and with so much nuance, and so much fucking gravitas, and he does all of that without sacrificing comedy—in fact he elevates it, he heightens it. I think his work in this movie is absolutely masterful. I also love his romantic interest in this movie, Constance, played by Malin Akerman, who is a delight. Her scenes with TC are so dynamic and interesting and fun. Also I just love everything about TC’s look in this movie, from the particular build (which feels interesting to me, it’s a very specific build, muscled but not washboard, and solid but showy instead of tank-y, I know this is something he thinks about so I’d be interested in how he prepared physically for the role) to the hair to the tattoos to the leather pants to the trailing hankies, it’s all striking and fun while feeling somehow honest. Despite objectively being a caricature, and having all the flamboyance and drama of a caricature, TC’s Stacee never actually feels like one. He feels like someone who’s trying to become one, and I know several people like that, and he just…nails it.
2. Risky Business
Unlike Rock of Ages, this is an absolutely incredible movie. It’s weird, it’s complex, it’s sad, it’s funny, it’s sweet, it’s really fucking good. TC’s acting here is just fabulous, this is another favorite TC role for completely different reasons—Joel can’t be described as camp, although he is a bit ridiculous, but TC brings so much vulnerability to the role that it feels painful to watch in a very good way. This is an unusually special movie. All the acting is fabulous, TC is standout.
1. Mission: Impossible
What can I say about this movie that hasn’t already been said by my 10 times watching it and my countless textposts and rambling essays? This is my favorite movie of all time. MI1 Ethan and his arc in this movie is fascinating, unusual, grounded, arresting. He’s an unusual action hero, this is an unusual action movie, it’s creepy and compelling. The Jim/Ethan/Claire trio has captured my mind ever since I saw it—as well as the Ethan/Max interactions—Luther is also fucking standout in this movie he’s everything. I just adore this film, it’s incredibly close to my heart, I can’t watch it without losing my mind about 30 times and ranting about the same scenes on tumblr for the fifth time. Anyway. MI1, number one, least surprising ranking to anyone who knows me or follows me.
This has been the Tom Cruise Ranking So Far! I’ve got somewhere in the realm of…fifteen? Twenty? of his films left to watch. I started on Legend today and I think it’s going to land on the bottom. Overall I’ve learned so much about storytelling and performance and character from TC, every movie feels like a masterclass, especially the later films. Anyway I love thoughts and reactions, please feel free to disagree loudly. Thank you for attending my TC Ted Talk
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hawkcoyote · 2 years
So I just finished watching season 3 of NHIE. And I can confidently say this is the worst season of the show. For many reasons.
For starters the season felt all over the place with no real direction. The pacing was awful. Felt like the show cut out on some of its best elements starting with Devi’s family and her family’s dynamics. Something that was central to the first 2 season fell to the background in season 3. It is completely bizarre decision because Poorna is the best actress and is was playing on of the most compelling characters on the show. Yet, she was cut out of the season like this. Also hated what they did to Kamala’s storyline. She literally couldn’t get married because she didn’t feel ready and wanted to focus on other areas of her life and yet the entire storyline centered around her boyfriend. We also barely saw any real backlash from her family.
Next up we have the whole Aneesa and Fabiola storyline. What was even the point of that subplot. Maybe I just didn’t get it but it really served zero purpose to either characters or the plot. And the worst part is is how the dropped Aneesa like a hot potato once they decided they didn’t want to do it anymore. 
I should also just take the time to highlight the weird fatphobia that keeps happening in the show. It was just Eric at first and now Mrs. Paloma? Idk her name, she was a teacher. 
Even the sessions with Dr. Ryan weren’t even good or as productive as they used to be in season 1 or 2. Mr. Shapiro was MIA. Also I am a bit pissed that we never found out how anyone did on the AP exam. It was a running joke for 3 seasons that Facing History was not from the AP curriculum with the characters complaining about how it didn’t prepare them for the AP exam. It felt hollow and empty that a class that we spent so much time in, just faded into the background like it didn’t matter.  
It’s finally time to talk about the husband(s). Points if you get that reference. 
Let’s start with our newbie, Des. Des was fine. I honestly didn’t find him that special or compelling. I just liked that at least Devi felt good about herself while she was with him. I was glad she was happy. I was glad for the representation of it all. That Mindy finally broke down and allowed her self-insert to date an Indian man. I know that is a big deal for her. But he was kinda lame as a character, but it is not his fault. He was essential a plot device. They actively refused to deepen his character even when there were several perfect places to drop any nugget. It was the same with his mother. There were scenes where I was watching and I was screaming “Say something!! Say anything about yourselves!!!” And then they don’t. It was so annoying. There were opportunities to give these characters more life. But instead they did this. Hated it. 
Next we are gonna talk about Paxton. So despite Daxton and Season 3 flopping this was actually a great season for Paxton. Like his character really seems to have grown and matured the most out of everybody on this show and it isn’t even a competition. What I don’t understand is how can we have that, but we don’t have Daxton? Also weird that their shared emotional growth they got from the relationship didn’t mean shit to Devi at the end. Someone needs to help me understand why despite Paxton constantly affirming her, the show treats it like it means nothing.  It’s all trash, because he isn’t as smart as Devi? That they have different interests?  I feel crazy. Like she got the hot boyfriend and the hot boyfriend was great! And Devi could just never see that. Is this part of the the show’s overall arc or something (and I will expand on this point in the Ben section). I mean a simple acknowledgement would be nice. But nope. Never not once.  Finally let’s talk about Ben. Ben is the worst character on the show. He is the worst character on the show. He is the worst character on the show. My goodness, Ben is shitty (pun very much intended). Listen, I will admit that season 2 Ben wasn’t that bad, but WOW season 3 Ben is just awful. They doubled down on his worst character traits. We seriously dedicated ANOTHER episode to that clown and it wasn’t even about addressing his smug condescending attitudes towards people. Several people bring this up to him multiple times and he hasn’t changed one bit. We wasted yet another episode pointlessly following Ben around (when the season had serious pacing issues we could have used that episode instead of giving it to that waste man), and what he got out of that was he needs to study less. WHO THE FUCK CARES!!!!! That was such a deeply unserious episode. Again I have to wonder is this part of some overarching plot? Because what the hell is this? 
Let me expand on why I wonder if this is a part of some overarching for Devi and the love triangle. Throughout the season Ben would highkey neg Devi. PLEASE tell me I wasn’t the only one that caught that shit. PLEASE tell me y’all saw that shit. Like that boy made a note about Devi wanting to kiss some guy, showed up, and started ragging on her. And you could tell he did it because if he made her feel bad enough she will want him. When she would still get/chase after guys after his failed at negging he would look all sad and hurt. And he would do this throughout the season. I mean the basis of the final scene, was him saying he would have sex with her if she is on her deathbed a still a virgin. They have the audacity to sprinkle in some moments of semi-human decent behavior, and sometimes Devi would actually buy into that  crap. Which had me thinking, stay with me, what if Devi’s attraction to Ben is related to her low self worth? Because why else would you like a person that spends most of their time cutting you down? Please explain it to the class. It’s either that or Mindy and Lang are truly pathetic people if they think Ben is a viable love interest. I do question Mindy because her taste is very questionable. She definitely likes guys like this. Anyway back to my theory, since season 1 ended I believed that Devi’s interest in Ben has always come from a place of insecurity.  She didn’t think she “deserved” a guy like Paxton. That he was too “out of her league” or whatever. And that is ultimately what killed their relationship.  But Ben gets second life after negging her for half the season? Why?  All of this and I didn’t even talk about Ben and Aneesa. Ben and Paxton. Ben and Fabiola? Jesus. Again Ben has an ugly personality. I mean Ben antis stand up because we won today. We might have lost the battle but we have won the war. 
Anyway rant over. I would also like to give a big shoutout to Trent and Eleanor. I personally wasn’t as excited about it as some of the fandom was going into season 3. But they got me. They were actually kinda cute, and not because they helped give me Daxton scenes after the breakup. Same with the 5 seconds of Fabiola and Daxton interaction. It was a funny scene.  
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longislandcharm · 9 months
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PARTIES: @longislandcharm, @lukas-dark-miracles TIMING: Early August, after the sleepover SUMMARY: After a night of no sleep, Winter is invited by Lukas to sit with him in a crowded coffee shop. At first she's hesitant but soon enough the two start having a nice conversation. WARNINGS: I don't think there are any...
Lukas didn’t really need to drink coffee anymore, being a vampire honestly saved him a lot of otherwise wasted time. Still, there was something aesthetically nice being a writer hanging out in coffee shops. So, as he started to settle back into Wicked’s Rest, he decided that it was a place to rest and more importantly people watch. He had always been a ‘people person’ and even with this new holy mission it was nice to just see others. 
That, and if he was going to be completely honest, Lukas didn’t like hanging around his home more than necessary. Something was bothering Her, and while she hadn’t done anything particularly awful he wasn’t excited to be around when she got bored. So instead, he took up a table and let his drip coffee get a little cold as he subtly peered around at the people walking by. One - he presumed human- took his attention though. He couldn't quite tell, but he thought he could see a ghost following her. While it wasn’t something he normally give much attention too - it was the most interesting thing here. 
“Miss - if you need a table, I don’t mind sharing,” Lukas said to the other, noting that the rest of the place was packed at this time. It must have been morning, although Lukas hardly kept that tracked. He’d be here for a long time yet. “Sorry for calling out - you just seemed to be looking for a place to sit, and well I am at a four top.” 
The first thought in Winter’s head that morning was to leave. She had come to Wicked’s Rest to get a handle on her little friend and maybe find some information about her abilities but it was turning out to be much more than she had expected. Not only did she have her own little weird issues but there were other people around that were insanely weird themselves and Winter wasn’t sure if she could handle all of the new information she was obtaining. She definitely got more than she bargained for by coming here. But after laying in bed and contemplating her life for a few hours she decided she was over the dramatics of it all and got ready for another day of research. If Winter focused on what she had originally come here for then she didn’t have to deal with the other stuff until it presented itself to her again. But staying in the hotel this time was out of the question. She needed air, she needed to be around others that weren’t dealing with strange happenings themselves.
Which is why she ended up in a crowded coffee shop in the middle of the morning rush searching for a place to sit. Her ghost, someone she decided she definitely needed to find a name for, was trailing behind as always looking bored as ever. Good. If he insisted on following Winter around then he could stay bored. She’d almost given up on her search for a place to sit until she heard a voice calling out. Stopping in her tracks, she looked over towards the man and paused briefly before taking him up on the offer despite her mind screaming about how dumb it was to sit with a stranger around here. Even the ghost was raising his eyebrows at her but she had a feeling he wouldn’t mind more drama if it were to happen. 
“Thank you. I wasn’t expecting such a busy crowd.” It was probably the first time in her life that Winter felt so…cautious. She’d never had trouble talking to strangers in her lifetime, something that had her parents concerned when she was little, but in her head she was contemplating if this man was normal or not. He didn’t seem off, though no one ever did, did they? She set her mocha latte on the table and settled in with her book before something compelled her to speak again. “Are you from around here?” Maybe if she got to know him a little she wouldn’t feel so on edge while they sat together. The question probably should have been: Do you know what the fuck is going on in this town? But even her own special brand of brash wasn’t enough for her to be so direct about this issue. “Not trying to pry or anything. Just thought I’d get to know my coffee neighbor. I’m Winter, by the way.” 
Lukas watched as the other took a moment to decide to sit down and respected it. After all, people being weary of strangers was a good thing, even in public places like this. Still, he was happy that she had decided to sit down thinking that it would be a much more interesting story. Why was the ghost following her? He’d never really seen them before - locked mostly with just his Sire the last twenty odd years - so there was a fascination on how they came to be. Still, curiosity could be lethal if he led with that. 
So instead he nodded lightly with a smile  and said, “No problem at all. Now I don’t think anyone will glare at either of us for not having enough people at a table.” He chuckled slightly at the idea, after all he had taken up more space than was absolutely necessary. He turned back to his own notes carefully thinking of what he wanted to answer his reader, but waiting to see if his new companion would start a conversation. 
He didn’t have to wait too long, looking up slowly from his own work through his glasses he was fairly sure he didn’t need anymore he said, “Hm? Oh yes. I live a bit away. Pretty nice neighborhood place. Are you new to the area? I don’t think I’ve seen you around.” At giving him her name he smiled and said, “Pleasure to meet you, Winter. I’m Lukas.” 
“I don’t mind a little glare or two.” If she did, Winter would have been continuously uncomfortable these past few months. She could feel her ghost staring at her and only imagined he was doing just the thing they were talking about. “Just because someone else is jealous doesn’t mean we have to feel bad, right? It was your table first.” Her hubris was starting to shine through the cautiousness once more. It never seemed to take long for Winter’s personality to break through whatever precautionary walls she'd built up. It was as if one defensive wall kept trying to build higher than the other and the one that always won out was her confidence in herself, whether false or not.
“I am new...and this town is interesting to say the least.” She took a sip of her latte so she had an excuse to bury the words she was thinking. Winter didn’t want them to somehow blurt out and ruin this man’s perception of where he lived even if she was dying to scream from the rooftops that his place had at least four supernatural things walking around here. At least they were all nice? Well, with the exception of her who could turn at any second. “I don’t technically live here, I guess. I’m staying at a hotel because I didn’t think I would be here long but I’m starting to realize I might need to at least rent. I now have the feeling I’m going to be here for a while.”
Maybe it was her desperation for normal after what had happened the night before or maybe it was the gentle smile he had sent her way but Winter felt herself relax more in this man’s presence and allowed herself to return his smile. “It’s nice to meet you too.” 
“Fair enough,” Lukas said, not sure if he would feel the same. Still, that was one of the reasons he liked meeting people - they tended to have different outlooks then he did. “That is also true, it is not like not getting a table is the end of the world. Still, I would rather share with someone else if I have the opportunity.” 
At the confirmation that she wasn’t from here - something he partially suspected he nodded although he was a bit curious on why she was staying. If it had something to do with the man who looked rather annoyed to be around her. Ignoring him though Lukas continued,  “Ah. I know that renting can be hard this time of year with all of the new college students. Still, I’m glad you found a reason to stay here for a while. The fall season is beautiful here. It would be a shame to miss it. Although, depending on where you’re from I’ll have to warn you it gets rather cold up here quickly.” 
“I think you’re nicer than me.” If the tables had been reversed, Winter would have let the man walk around aimlessly unless he started to look, well, pitiful. Then maybe she would have reached out. But with her mindset at the moment she knew it would have taken a lot to get her to do so. “Though, it’s not hard to find someone who is.” Was he regretting asking her to join yet? She wouldn’t blame him at all if he was. “At least when I didn’t sleep well the night before. Might be why I’m a little uh…on edge.” Not to mention her bestie that followed her in. 
Shoot, she hadn’t even thought about that. With the University around the corner and the fall semester starting soon it would be impossible to find something right now. It looked like she was stuck at the Elysium for a little longer unless she wanted to buy. “I did not think of that, actually. Wouldn’t happen to know of any places, would you?” A bitter laugh left her lips, short and not so sweet, before Winter looked up at the stranger. It had been more of a rhetorical question than anything but if he had an answer she wouldn’t stop him.
Finally, though, there was something for her to genuinely smile about. The weather, the turn of the colors, it was all something that she had been looking forward to. “Fall is fun, I do enjoy it and the fashions are incredible, but the cold is something I always look forward to. I thrive when there’s snow on the ground. My mother always said she knew what she was doing when she named me Winter.” The cold had always been a part of who she was. It started with snowmen as a child, moved into ice skating, and now it came with the ghost territory. There was something kismet about it all. “Do you handle the cold well? I figure there’s a reason you’re warning me.”
Lukas chuckled and shook his head, “I don’t think you know me well enough to make that judgment, although I appreciate the sentiment. I think I just don’t mind sharing tables.” It was part of nature that he no longer was fully attached too. After all, a Priest should share everything he had - and tables were the least of that ask. He was asked to be a conduit between people and God after all. Now it was more habit than anything he was especially proud of. “You seem perfectly nice to me. I am sorry to hear you haven’t been sleeping well, though. They are very good with coffee here so hopefully that’ll help.” 
Lukas considered the ask for a moment and said, “There’s a few rental places in town that always seem to have places - I think probably they’re a bit too expensive for students. Townhouses and the like instead of apartments.  I don’t know if that would suit you if you don’t want a big place, but I can write down some of the names in case they have something you might want.” Afterall, she could have a family with her. Still, he couldn’t imagine himself in a big place without someone else living there. 
Sometimes he wished he had gotten an even bigger place so he could spend less time with Lizzie - but that was just when she was upset. Focusing back on the other infront of him he smiled and said, “Well I think you would enjoy Maine then. It gets rather snowy here - and that's good. It would be unfortunate if you didn’t like the Winter.” At the question about himself Lukas  couldn’t help but chuckle, shaking his head, “It doesn’t bother me much at all - but I was born up here. It's pretty common for people to come in the summer and then not know what to do when it gets colder. Especially with all the ice. Still, it doesn’t seem like you’ll have any problems. If you are still here in the winter of course.” 
“I suppose that’s true. But to be fair, nice people are usually the ones sharing their tables.” But he had a point. She didn’t know him, she barely knew his name. All at once it hit her that she had so easily forgotten about the creatures that roamed around. The people at the party had been nice too and look what happened there. It wasn’t like any of them had turned personality wise, except for Mack that was, but that didn’t mean other things walking around weren’t different. She pursed her lips, looking away from him and down at the cup sitting in front of her. “That’s proof that people aren’t always what they seem. I’m not a nice person.” Winter brought her cup to her lips again, not really sure why she was admitting that out loud but once more needing to stop the flow of words threatening to spill. She really did have a big mouth.
She hadn’t been expecting him to give her an answer but was pleasantly surprised by what she heard. Winter looked up at him, an excited grin starting to form. “Money isn’t an issue. And honestly, a townhome might be too small but they sound cute. I’ve never lived in one before. I’m used to space though, that’s for sure.” Maybe the space would help keep the ghost in his own corner. Someone had told her that salt helped. She’d give the ass his own room if that were the case. “I would appreciate that. And see? Nice. You can’t escape it.” 
Yet again, her defenses were lowering. What was it about her that trusted so easily? She’d have to fix that. “Long Island could get a lot of snow too. I’m used to it. Don’t like driving in it but that’s what snow chains are for.” She nodded at his answer, Winter having encountered many over the years who didn’t know how to handle a harsh season in the north. “It’s good to know not everyone loses their minds when a little ice is on the ground. Since you were born here, though, would you mind if I asked a few questions about what’s around here? I know you’ve already helped quite a bit already but I am wondering about a few things. I feel like I might still be here around that time...I don’t know if that’s a good or a bad thing.” 
Lukas shrugged slightly, deciding to let the idea sit and said, “It’s your choice to think so, but you’ve been nothing but pleasant to me.” He also wasn’t sure if he could be considered a nice person anymore, although he hardly was rude to anyone he figured it was in the eyes of the beholder. He might be nice to her, but there were probably a dozen people who didn’t find him nice. He was polite though, he was sure of that. 
He nodded, pulling a bit of his notebook to scroll down the names of the places and carefully slid the paper across to make sure not to touch the other. He had been slowly learning that people could be unsettled by how cold he was. “Glad to help, those should have some places for you to at least look at. To be fair, being nice and being helpful aren’t always the same things, but I’ll consider your side. I just think providing information makes conversations more interesting personally.” 
He nodded, thinking now he had enough information that he could look up the other if he wanted too. It wasn’t that he was always so concerned about strangers - but he wanted to know if he should be concerned. It was what a good leader would do after all. “I would think it would get cold around there. Luckily drivers are fairly careful here when it’s snowing.” At her wanting to ask him questions, Lukas couldn’t help but be curious about what she wanted to know. Maybe it would be a clue to why the ghost was following her around. “I’m not quite sure what you mean, but sure. If I know an answer I’d be happy to help.” 
If he had considered her pleasant at the beginning of this interaction then maybe she was a better actress than she thought. Or maybe he really was just a nice guy who didn’t take anything personally. Winter mimicked his shrug but said nothing, deciding that arguing with him about who she was probably wasn’t the best way to go. There were so many things she could have said to prove her point but what was the point?
Yea, she would most definitely look these up online before she even thought to check them out. Winter might have argued that he was pleasant but she wasn’t dumb enough to go somewhere that someone suggested without researching it first. Still, she appreciated the gesture and pocketed the information. “In my experience nobody is helpful if they’re unkind. Unless you’re a sociopath.” There was humor in her last comment, the girl intended for it to be a joke until she realized that there could be quite a few of those around here. The laughter died in her throat and she cleared it before she continued. “How so?” 
“Long Island? Most definitely. There was a wicked blizzard that closed down almost everything when I was there once, I remember that very clearly.” It was when he agreed to her questions that Winter leaned forward, becoming a little more animated with this conversation now that the coffee was kicking in. And he was becoming more interesting. “Just a few general questions. With the amount of time that I’ve been here one would think I would know more about the town but I’m still pretty clueless. First question, is there an ice rink around here?”
Lukas chuckled slightly considering what she was suggesting and held his hands up in defense as he said, “I wasn’t thinking that at all. I was thinking if it was good for everyone, someone who might not be kind would still help. Like a boat sinking. You might be helpful but usually not kind. I also wasn’t talking from personal experience to be fair. I try to be kind.” At the question he shrugged and said, “If I didn’t answer the question then you wouldn’t have anything to talk about or expand on. Same thing if I asked you something and you said nothing. It would stop a conversation wouldn’t it?” 
“Oh I had heard of that I believe. Must have been scary to go through,” Lukas said thoughtfully. He wasn’t sure a blizzard would bother him very much anymore anyway. He noticed that the other seemed to be rather excitable now asking questions, and while he wasn’t sure why she wanted to know so much he decided that he would try to answer them. “Yes, I believe the closest one is at the University. They should have all skate times if your interested in going there. They also have rinks that pop up in the park when it’s cold enough for them.” 
“Yea, see I feel like those are special circumstances. If a boat is sinking someone who is unkind will only help because it benefits them in some way. Therefore, I don’t think that’s considered helpful at all. That’s self preservation.” She had never intended to get into a discussion about what makes a person kind and what didn’t and yet here they were. For some reason this was keeping her entertained enough and Winter found herself smiling with the distraction from her current nightmare of a life while arguing the semantics. God, she really did like to argue sometimes no matter the subject. 
“So, you just think conversations in general are interesting then.” She couldn’t blame him. She was definitely someone who liked to talk once she wasn’t grumpy from lack of sleep. “You know, like, a people person. There aren’t a lot of those in the world today. I’m glad I didn’t bother you with my question.” Most people would have ignored her and that would have put her in an even worse mood, something that would have made her the terror of Wicked’s Rest that day. Winter was thankful that she wouldn’t be any more of a menace than usual.
“We were lucky. Had a generator already since we get hurricanes every now and then. My father likes to be prepared.” She did remember that the biggest problem she’d had during that storm was not being able to go out to get her nails done like she had planned. How times had changed. Now her biggest problem was a man following her everywhere she went. His answer made Winter that much more excited for the cold weather to come in. She loved an ice rink but being out in the elements while skating was top tier. It was the only time the girl liked nature. Her smile widened into a grin, satisfied that she could enjoy one of her pastimes while in town. “That’s perfect, there’s nothing better than being on the ice. Alright, what about a nice night club? I haven’t seen much in the way of nightlife around here and even if I’m not huge into that scene a girl likes to dance now and again.”
He nodded slightly at the idea that she presented as it was equally as logical, but he wasn’t quite sure he agreed either. “It would be self-preservation, yes - but I wouldn’t consider it unhelpful, just probably not kind. Still that’s just a matter of perspective I guess.” Lukas spent too much time on stuff like this, he knew, but it was fun to pick people’s brains on what they actually thought about actions and inactions. After all, if you did the right thing for the wrong reason wasn’t it ultimately still correct? He would assume that Winter might think differently, and that was interesting. 
“Yes, I believe that I’m a people person,” Lukas said, chuckling slightly at the idea of the sentence. He supposed he was always interested in others - and that was probably one of the reasons he had  become a priest to begin with. After all, even now he found others fascinating, especially how they got to their conclusions. “Not at all. I didn’t think it was personal.” 
“I’m glad, being prepared for the unexpected is good,” Lukas said watching the other’s face light up about the ice rinks. She must have liked skating then, which wasn’t uncommon up here at all. At the next question he thought for a moment and gave somewhat of a sheepish grin and said, “Sorry. I’m not very good at knowing about night clubs. I assume that there are some - probably downtown - but don’t frequent them.” It wasn’t that he couldn’t obviously, he was hardly a priest anymore, but there were still things he didn’t think about doing. Maybe he should. 
“I suppose I look for the intention in the gesture. You had nothing to gain from inviting me to sit with you, helpful. Someone is trying to save themselves from a boat sinking and only offers to help because of it, self-preservation and in turn only helpful towards themselves, the others are just collateral. I don’t think that should count. But I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree. I don’t think we’re going to be changing each other’s minds about this with our very deep dive.” She took another sip of her coffee before she continued. “But I do see your point and respect it.” In fact, she could see Lukas winning this debate if it had been performed in front of others which impressed Winter greatly. A feat that wasn’t easy.
“A good quality.” He had gotten her to lighten up when she was ready to throw objects across a room, turned a conversation into a debate that she enjoyed greatly, and hadn’t made her want to get up and walk away from him at any point. Seemed to Winter that he knew what he was doing. “What makes it all so interesting to you? I have to say, there are some conversations that make me want to tear my hair out.” Like most of the things people would say to her when she was on tour. She was good at faking delight when it came to her fans but they could bore her to death.
“Boring.” There was a teasing in her voice as she said the word, her smile still present. “You’re telling me you never wanted to let loose and go dance with a stranger at some seedy little club in town?” Now that Winter put it like that she could see how unappealing it could be, especially in this town, but it really was a fun time when done right. “Just a drink or two to get rid of the nerves and then a party on the dance floor never fails to make my night a good one. It’s even better with friends. You really should try it sometime.” 
Lukas nodded, partially delighted that he had been right on the other’s stance. It wasn’t abnormal that he was wrong. “Fair enough, I do believe both are more than reasonable stances and thought through.” After all, it wasn’t really a question of who was right or who was wrong, but more so what the individual believed in. He was more than willing to concede on that point. 
“Thank you,” Lukas said, deciding that it was a compliment. “People? I guess because I only have my viewpoint. Conversations are one of the better ways to get more perspectives than your own, and to be honest I like learning.” He couldn’t help but laugh at the idea of tearing his hair out at a conversation, if he was honest it wasn’t something that usually happened to him. “That is also understandable, I guess even when someone is annoying it is interesting to figure out why they are. Although, I’m not having to figure that out right now for the record. You’re a very interesting person to talk to.” Which was also true, he found that being back home in Wicked’s Rest that there was more interesting people then he had remembered here. 
He gave a matching smile and chuckled, “I can’t say that I have. Still, I shouldn’t just say no because I haven’t. I’ll have to keep it in mind.” He still wasn’t sure if that was particularly his scene - especially because despite what he looked like he wasn’t in his thirties anymore. That was one point in vampirism Lukas wasn’t sure how to get by with, and as time passed he was probably going to end up trying to figure out how to deal with it. Still, he wasn’t mad at eternal youth either. “Afterall, I might end up liking it. Still, not a very good answer to your question, sorry.” 
“I like learning as much as the next person but I do have my strong opinions that I’m not willing to change. As you’ve learned, actually. If you didn’t have a strong argument I never would have let it go. Normally I’m not one to see two points of views on something.” Which was saying the least. She was strongly opinionated and very stubborn, two things that meant she didn’t see eye to eye with a lot of people. Maybe that’s why it was so impressive that he’d been able to get Winter to at least agree to disagree, especially after such a short conversation. Or maybe Lukas had just found the secret to putting her in a good mood. Whatever that was, he needed to share. 
It could have been the compliments really. Calling her nice no matter how much she disagreed, and now interesting, could get her to like anybody. If Winter was anything, she was vain. “You seem like you would make a good psychiatrist if you’re that interested in learning how people tick. It’s not my thing though. Once people really show me who they are I don’t care to know the why’s of it unless I find them easy to get along with.” She had to click with people or else she stayed far away. Another reason she probably didn’t have a lot of friends out there. “And thank you for that. Good to know I don’t have the personality of a walnut.”
Her coffee was gone now, Winter pushing the cup to the side while she focused solely on Lukas. “Well, after I get the question answered by someone who knows I can take you and we’ll see if you have fun. No pressure but I think it’s something everyone should try at least once in their lifetime. It could be your new favorite thing.”
Lukas hadn’t expected that, although that did make a lot of sense. “What can I say, I’m fairly willing to change if someone is convincing. It’s also not hard on me to hold two ideas at once, but that’s got it’s drawbacks as well.” He was easily changeable, he knew that from a young age, and it was partially why he’d gotten where he was. “You probably have the better trait, out of the two to be fair.” 
Lukas laughed at the idea, knowing that was pretty close to what he had done. After all, what was a priest then a person of God who listened to people’s troubles?  “I don’t think that’s my calling, I’d much rather write, but thank you. It’s nice to think I could be one if I wanted to be. Of course, I wouldn’t have talked to you nearly this long if I thought you were boring.” He might have, to be fair he always found others fascinating even if they were substantially dull, but it seemed unlikely that he’d have much to say.  
At the others comment Lukas couldn’t help but be a little amused deciding that it probably wouldn’t cause much harm. “Sure, I think you’ll find I have two left feet but I’m always willing to try something once.” He was also fairly sure that the other wouldn’t remember a conversation like this anyway. It was harmless. “Any other questions you have?” He took a sip of his coffee, mostly to keep up appearances as he waited for an answer. 
 “I’m going to say I do have the better trait.” Really, Winter didn’t want to admit that she admired that quality in him. Being able to see things from different points of view must have been much nicer than having a single perspective and sticking to those guns like glue. It meant he was able to connect on a deeper level than she was. She had too much pride and it drove people away. Besides, she always had to be right so of course she would agree with that sentiment. 
“You write?” She glanced down at his belongings, realizing that was a stupid question once she took in what he had in front of him. Of course he was writing when he offered a seat and she’d basically broken his concentration with conversation. He didn’t seem to mind though. “Written anything I might have read? And I don’t blame you, honestly. Even if you are a people person, that job requires a lot of a person. Can’t be easy listening to everyone’s problems constantly.” Winter laughed softly, barely heard over the noise of the busy shop, still enjoying the compliments he was sending her way. “Well, I like to think I could keep anyone entertained if I chose to. But thank you again.”
The agreement sent her mind swimming with the possibilities of how a night like that could go. It was always a fun time watching someone experience one of those places for the first time no matter who they were but she had a feeling this would be the most entertaining she’d seen. “Bet. And yea, one more for you. How can I find you once I figure it out?” Dead serious with the question, Winter raised her eyebrows in a challenging manner, wondering if he would back out or not. 
Lukas nodded letting that be the last word on the trait, after all he wasn’t particularly threatened by it anyway and it seemed to make her happy. That, and he knew at the end of the day it didn’t matter very much anyway. 
“Yes, mostly freelancing,” Lukas said with a nod glancing at his work that he was neglected. It would be fine, if only because he had the rest of the day to write anyway. “Maybe, I write mostly advice or opinion pieces in newspapers, including the local one here. My names not on much of it though.” At the thought of it requiring a lot he wondered if it truly did. He didn’t get much rest when he was a priest, but perhaps saving souls was a little different then being a therapist.
Lukas was surprised briefly that she had asked, but figured he probably shouldn’t back down on this. Besides, she probably would forget still he wasn’t exactly going to back down either. So pulling another paper from his notebook he wrote down his internet handle, figuring that his phone number was still getting a lot of random texts and he would miss it.   “Here, You should be able to find me on everything with that.” 
Even if they weren’t, something Winter highly suspected, his words felt like a challenge. She wondered if she could spot the articles that he wrote after this first interaction, if her judgment of character was as spot on as she believed. She nodded at his words, deciding to keep this personal mission to herself until she saw him next and could maybe point a few out. But she had to remember to grab a few newspapers here and there. Or find them online if possible. “That suits you honestly. I’m sure they’re fantastic.” 
Winter stood as Lukas slid the paper towards her, making sure to pocket it along with the list of places he’d given her to check out. “I’ll be sure to reach out soon. In the meantime, you should practice your dancing.” She was matter of fact with that, trying to make sure he understood that she wasn’t letting this go. If someone agreed to something she wanted them to do then she was someone who would definitely follow through. “Thank you again for letting me join you, Lukas. I didn’t think I would enjoy the company as much as I did. I have to get going though, there’s some research waiting for me.” 
She gave him another smile before grabbing her purse and the empty cup off of the table. It was off to another day spent at the University library with her friend hovering over her shoulder. Sometimes she thought that he was just as anxious to figure this out as she was. “Have a good day.”
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reblog-house · 2 months
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Backs Turned, Victory
Characters (povs): Cleo, Scott, Martyn
Wc: 1000
Written for @flashfictionfridayofficial prompt 247, “Blind Spot” - late, but better than never.
Ao3: Here!
Only Cleo and Scott remained. Honestly, Cleo never thought she’d be one of the last two. The closest she ever got was in Double Life, in fourth place. Did that technically count as second place, considering the soulmate dynamics?
But now there were no technicalities. No other person who shared her life. Her team made it to the end. Sadly, Pearl had to go. The triple Gs couldn’t all win. 
After Martyn and Pearl died, Cleo, Scott, and Gem made a pact. They’d all go down to their last lives, and then a free for all. Always Scott with his justice. He proposed a battle royale once, among four players. It went well for him.
He then proposed the same in a previous season. 
It didn’t end well for him then.
They took a breather. It truly felt strange, being in a virtual world. It felt… disorientating. But at least they’d be free to go after this. They couldn’t wait to meet up with their friends in the real world after remembering them through the game. 
Usually, after remembering, that was it. It only lasted for however long they survived in the game, then they died, and that was it. And in another world, they were all unaware living their lives, until a game, they remembered, then they died, rinse and repeat. Cleo was surprised how she went all her current life not knowing Scott. She definitely had to reach out after they got this over and done with.
But before that, they had a fight to win.
“Come on, Scott. You could never kill me,” Cleo mocked, and Scott jumped to action.
His sword clashed against her shield and she struck.
And he was gone.
She hadn’t killed him. She could hear him wince. He was just. Gone.
Their voices overlapped. “Where have you gone to?” — “I don’t even know where you are.”
Ah, behind them. That virtual world truly was strange. A laugh bubbled up from her and Scott followed in her laughter. Still, she struck again, it hit. Scott’s sword kept hitting their shield. Good.
“Wait,” Scott said. Cleo stopped, unsure exactly why they felt compelled to. 
(That’s a friend, they were just laughing, and it’s not even actual real life, despite what the name of the game suggests)
Out of the corner of their eye, they saw a zombie approaching as Scott talked nonsense that Cleo wasn’t really paying attention to.
She said something in response to his question, tracking the zombie while staring at Scott. It was at an arm’s—
Scott popped out of existence, revealing the zombie that did him in.
Cleo’s shriek transformed into laughter as she did a quick job of the zombie. 
Everything was silent for a second, then it hit them. They’d won. They cheered with all their might and looked around for a vibrant green mob.
They knew what they had to do now.
When only four people remained, Scott had devised a plan. Each player on a corner of the arena. No alliances. Fight on sight, even if he had to end Pearl. A battle royale, a fair battle, as it all should be.
The first to go was Pearl, by Ren’s hands.
He knew it could’ve been him who killed Pearl, had he come out of the trees sooner, but still, he set his eyes on Ren and not let go.
Zombies swarmed around them. Scott kept away from them as he tried to shoot Ren. He was sure he’d almost killed him, but he slipped from sight.
The next thing he knew, Martyn had fallen down a hole and exploded himself. One less competitor. There was only Ren left.
He took chase.
Each arrow hit the mark. Ren was visibly agitated now as he ran down the hill.
Scott smiled in satisfaction as a horde of zombies tailed Ren.
The man just wouldn’t give up. Scott wouldn’t expect him to. 
They were on the side of another hill now. Ren tried shooting Scott, but his aim wasn’t the best. Scott outmaneuvered him, turned him around and back. A great strategy, disorientating your enemy. 
A zombie walked past Ren. Scott never lowered his bow.
Then lightning. 
A zombie walked away victorious, and Scott couldn’t care less that it wasn’t him who finished him. He was glad. Mirth colored his voice, and relief. So much relief…
He had won.
Scott made a hole for Binkie in the ground, filled with water so Pearl’s pet could outlast him, and looked to the side.
The canopy of a tree. 
He walked up to it, and climbed onto its strongest branches.
The rustling of leaves was the only sound around him as he stood atop the tree, feet steady.
He lifted his sword in the sky—
A flash of white.
In another world, Scott and Martyn were a team.
In that world, they were beasts of the sea; a creature from the depths and a sailor corrupted by coral and kelp.
And when there were only three people left, Scott proposed to go down to their last hour and battle it out, fair. They’d fight with no armor, no shield, as proposed by Impulse. Battle like their forefathers, Grian and Scar. But Scott and Martyn and Impulse instead. 
But Martyn… Martyn only cared to win.
He struck against his ally, lava charing— burning through Scott’s scales and flesh. He thrusted his sword, and Scott was dead.
Impulse tried to run, but he was no match for him. Words, almost an incantation, poured out of Martyn as he slashed his enemy, as he gained time. Time. Time.
Impulse was dead. The words kept coming, like he’d rehearsed them. Like his body wasn’t his own, but it was. Like he was a shell controlled by himself, a part he didn’t know. Divine inspiration. He’d won—
That feels good.
His hand were stained red, like the corals piercing from his skin.
Time is delicious.
—and Martyn laughed—
—knowing his time would run out.
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d4bi-gf · 1 year
demolition lovers.
demolition lovers by my chemical romance is sooo dabi coded, you can’t convince me otherwise.
warnings: fighting, blood mention, violence, death
word count: just under 1.5k
you and dabi were comparable to a modern day bonnie and clyde; always on the run, never stayed in one place too long, and had a list of crime as long as the lives that you two have claimed. you were ready to spend the rest of your life as on the run squatters if it meant you could stay by his side. he tried every day to show you how much you mean to him, and after all the things you put each other through he would drive on to the end with you. 
racing down the road, he takes your hand into his, intertwining your fingers with a tight grip on you. he slightly turns to look into your icy blues. he gives you a sly grin and brings your hand up to his mouth to leave a soft kiss against it.
hand still against his lips he speaks, “with this trunk of ammunition, a liquor store or two will keep the gas tank full.”
you laughed wickedly and leaned over the console to hold his arm and give him kisses leading up to his cheek. the drive back to your current abandoned location went by quickly and the two of you were immediately connect by your mouths as soon as he slammed the door shut. as it shut he turned your back and pushed you against the door, leaning into your kisses with your fingers running through his dark hair as he picked you up and held you by the butt, moving you to the couch and throwing you (gently) onto it. your love was passionate every time, you two got drunk on each other with your sloppy kisses and muffled moans. it was like this every night and you couldn’t complain. as good as the love you two shared was, there was always the bad. 
“god, dabi, you are such a dick!” you’d scream. you two fought about twice a month, but they were always frightening. “i cannot fucking believe you sometimes, if you’re so annoyed with me why don’t you just kill me?!”
he ran up to you and slammed his hand against the wall, “are you fucking mad? i mean really, what would even compel you to say such a stupid fucking statement, seriously?!”
he never hurt you physically, he knows the trauma and pain of abuse, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t pick up on some of his dads bad habits and anger issues. even with the person he loved more than himself, he snapped every so often. that action was enough to have you sliding down the wall and start crying. you hated fighting with dabi but you loved making up. he went down with you, muttering a bunch of no’s and pulled you into him as you cried into his chest. he’d pat your hair and whisper in your ear, “it’s okay. i’m sorry i scared you. let it out, please. i love you.”
he felt like there was nothing left to do but prove himself to you. this time he meant it, he would let you know just how much you meant to him… until the end of everything. 
you’d start to calm down and your lips would meet his, passionately fighting for dominance although he would always win it. he moved you onto the floor laying on your back while he was holding himself above you, pressing himself into your crotch as you grind back at him. you loved this, you loved him. and he loved you too, you knew it. nothing could break you two away from each other. 
your life of crime continued the next few months, your passionate love only grew stronger, and the fighting got worse. neither of you knew why it was like this, such a toxic yet addicting love. maybe it was the way both of you were raised but neither of you cared enough honestly. with every fight, he made sure to try again to let you know how much you mean to him. he felt like nothing was ever good enough and you would never be able to feel the burning love inside of his chest for you. 
“until the end.” he would say. you didn’t know exactly what he meant by that, and neither did he, to be honest. all he knew was that he’d love you til then, maybe it was a feeling he had but he suspected that it would come sooner than later. whether it was from you finally leaving him or one of you dying, he was never going to leave you willingly. 
tokyo, your birth places, was the last place either of you wanted to camp out for the night. dabi having to see his dads face plastered everywhere and the pressure of being caught by the police and/or heroes of the area. to unwind dabi grabbed some liquor from the trunk and decided to relax with you quietly in hiding. you had such a gut feeling something was going to go wrong tonight as you decided to stay at a beaten down motel in the area he used to meet with the league. there aren’t many places to make a base out of so you two had to settle for this, knowing the risks. 
little did you know that was your mistake. 
and the alcohol induced stress dabi felt that night. 
“dabi, i’m begging you to keep it down, seriously! there are other people in the rooms around us… they could call the police.”
“let them call them, doll! we’ll show them how much we mean—“
you pleaded, “you sound fucking insane! i can’t deal with this right now.”
you left the room to get some air and to think. you sat on top of the stolen car and tried to calm yourself down. dabi slammed the door open and shouted toward you, “i’m trying! i’m trying to let you know how much you mean..” 
he makes it down the stairs to you and keeps going on his drunken ramble, “all we are… is bullets.”
you exhaled at his idiocy while shaking your head, you never knew what he meant but you didn’t care. you still consoled him and helped him onto the hood of the car to calm him down. dabi rested his head on your shoulder and wrapped both of his arms around you.
“as days fade, and nights grow… we’ll show them..”
“okay, dabi,” you said while rubbing his back. “whatever you say.”
it was peaceful. your worries were put to the side as you two laid on the car hood and held each other’s hands while gazing into each other eyes and having slow, hot, and heavy make out sessions.
abruptly, the sound police sirens echoed throughout the area. you immediately felt your heart fall to your ass as you jolted up and grabbed dabi, trying to run up back to the motel room before they could make it. 
but you couldn’t. the red and blue lights blinded you as you fell the ground while holding dabi who stayed standing up with his head down. you felt your eyes swell up with tears, begging him to get down. you didn’t care if you two were thrown away for good, he was not in his right state of mind and you were terrified of what he was going to do. 
“stay right there!” officers shouted. dabi just laughed. he laughed like the maniacal criminal he was — to the public at least. 
“this time i mean it, i’ll let you know how much you mean..” he says just loud enough for you to hear. dabi knew what he had to do to prove himself. 
he raised his hands up and started walking towards the officers. they knew who he was, but not you. he was going to save you from this life he brought you into, despite your muffled pleading, crying, and begging. once he got to a good enough distance away from you, he turned around and gave you one last smile. he snapped back towards officers and awakened his quirk to burn them all off, but these weren’t regular police officers. they have been waiting for this moment. before he could activate his quirk fully, lead rains passed on through his phantom. the force turned his body completely towards you and you saw his blue eyes shine one last time.
your adrenaline allowed you to regain control of your legs, running to hold onto him as he hit the asphalt ground. as you’re falling down, in this pool of blood, and as you’re touching hands, you meet his eyes and lean in to give him one last desperate kiss mixed with your tears.
with the last of his strength before he completely withered away, he meets your eyes and says, “i mean this, forever.”
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A Champion Time For The Heart Ch33 Through Golden Eyes P2
(This is the second half of Leon's P.O.V covering Post game events.)
This whole year went by in a blur of chaotic messes.
He made a promise that day to never let anything bad happen to anyone he cared about ever again and then it was a variety of things that happened afterwards. All of you were emergency flown to Wyndon Hospital as Mr. Rose was arrested and taken into custody. Luckily they were ok. And he was ok besides a few scrapes and bruises. And he was SO relieved when he found out you were ok as well! Despite how you looked when he first got you, and how long you were out, you would be fine. He wasn't sure HOW or WHY but the doctors confirmed you were absolutely ok and you were going to be just fine. All you had just a goose egg on your head along with a major headache that would be resolved quickly. He was able to see you once (after getting lost and ending up a few places and visiting a few kids by accident-) and then a second time where you poured your backstory and heart to him and he was finally able to piece together your entire backstory. Losing your father in a similar way Glory and Vic did and having a controlling mother caused you to flee Kalos and come all the way to Galar. That also might explain why you never had pokemon before. Honestly she sounded like a narcissist and a nightmare. He was glad you got out of that situation though. He...felt ok enough to semi-share his own experiences but never went into deep detail which you respected which again both surprised and made him happy. Anyone would've pushed him for more details because well-...He was the famous champion and everyone wanted to know everything about him. He even had a reporter, Gillian id he remembered right, always trying to ask him about his past and family and his brother's defeat and had once or twice brought you up since you were seen with him outside Wyndon stadium. But he shut down those intrusive questions faster than a rapidash. Then there was making sure you all went home safely and then arriving home back on Valentine's Day. And his grandpa just had to give him a little piece of advice-
"She's a keeper, Lee. You take Grandpa's advice and settle down with this one," he said with a wink and nodding over to your retreating form.
In an instant, Leon's face went bright red. "G-GRANDPA!!"
Why did his Grandpa say THAT!? Well-.....To be fair his grandparents and mother HAD been talking about that kind of topic for a couple years now-
"Leon. When are you going to settle down and take some time for yourself?" "Yes. When are we going to get a new daughter-in-law? Or maybe even another son if we're extra lucky!"
To which he always laughed it off. "Sorry. But my Champion duties take up a lot of time. Not today but maybe someday!"
"Well what about Sonia? She cooks too and you two get along so well. Or perhaps that nice young man you always fight? You always say he's such a strong rival."
It was a little embarrassing but they didn't push it and other than asking once and a while if he was seeing anyone, they stopped bringing it up upon realizing he was serious about his duties taking up so much of his focus. In fact he hadn't really thought of finding someone to settle down with them. But for some reason he felt...compelled to do something for Y/n. On Valentine's Day. And it left him feeling pangs of something in his chest.
You blinked up surprised to see Leon walking towards you holding a small container but smiled. "Hey, Lee. I thought you would've gone to bed by now."
He seemed to smile nervously and rub the back of his neck with a hand. A habit he did when feeling nervous or embarrassed, and coughed. "W-Well I was actually."
"Did..you get lost again?"
"Wha-...N-No, no, no, no!!" he held up a hand. "I d-didn't get lost this time!" Also panickily he thrusted out the container which you recognized as the container Ms. Magnolia gave him earlier today. "I-It's just that I d-don't really like t-these kind of cookies too well b-but I didn't want to be rude to Ms. Magnolia s-so I was just wondering if you wanted them and came down here to give them to you!" He forced out quickly face reddening.
Oh. So that's why he was here. With a bright smile you took the small cookie tin from him. "Thanks Lee! But are you sure? She did make these for you?"
"Y-Y-Yeah! I'm sure! It's no problem!" He gulped. "I-It's better t-to not let them go to waste! Y'know?"
You nodded. Yeah. It would be a waste of food if he just threw them out you supposed. "I see. Ok then! Thank you! I'm sure they'll be..*yyaaawwnn* -delicious." With a turn of your body you bid him good night. "But I think I'll hit the hay now. Good night. And Happy Valentine's Day!"
Leon only smiled widely with a nervous wave as you descended into the basement. "Y-Yeah. H-Happy Valentine's Day to you too."
And then there was all the other important matters that happened in the months that followed. Kabu approached him interested in taking in the trainer, Gloria, he endorsed as a future replacement for his gym. Of course he agreed to take him to see her seeing as it was a great opportunity and as for Gloria's stage fright, he knew exactly who could help her out with that! Mustard was an excellent teacher, and he knew for certain he could help her! He had seen you there but-...It wasn't the best time to talk to you about the mixed feelings he was going through upon seeing you, nothing bad really just-...New and confusing. Plus he had still so much on his plate helping the new Chairwoman fix what Mr. Rose did and organizing things. One thing being SUPER IMPORTANT that resulted in a personal meeting to her office. He still remembered walking into her big office in Rose Tower after receiving her request and blinking at what the tired disheveled woman said.
"A-....A tournament?"
She nodded holding her head tiredly surrounded by four tall stacks of papers on her desk and he could see the bags under her eyes, her new assistant right next to her holding a fifth stack of papers in his arms. Poor fella looked just as tired as she did. "Yes. Within a few months time the Prince from the Pasio Region will be arriving. He wishes to select a handful of our gym leaders and possibly yourself for the world's first ever Masters League with every other region. It's a critical matter that Galar does it's best to succeed and earn that right to compete. There's no doubt what happened just last year may leave him with a bad taste in his mouth. I will not have Rose taint Galar's good name with other regions. I want you to help me plan a show worthy of his acceptance in advance."
OH! So this was about making a good first impression to him and other regions. Of course he'd help with that. He nodded to her with a serious face. "Of course. I'll do whatever I can to help you. Just tell me what you need to be done and I'll do it." To which he blinked when one of the four giant stacks of papers was pushed towards him by her tired hand. "...What's this?"
"Plans to reroute energy to take care of the power crisis once and for all."
He blinked surprised. "Wait...You found out a solution to that!?"
She nodded. "Rose's plan was to revive that monster, Eternatus, and capture it to use it's living energy as a Region wide energy source and while it may have been possible, it was an incredibly stupid and desperate idea. He was so wrapped up in this grand plan to become a hero he didn't realize he solved his own dilemma."
"What do you mean?"
"Reviving that thing meant he needed lots and lots of power. So he installed hundreds of solar panels and wind mills and other means to route new power and energy just to the Hammerlocke powerplant. In doing so he was wasting energy and could've solved everything using that." She gestured towards the papers. "Those are the plans for the Electric company to reroute and distribute all of that extra energy to the corners of Galar. If done properly, he won't have to worry about it too longer I hope."
He stared in her in awe before looking back at the papers. "This is-...T-T-That's amazing!" He beamed brightly. "This could fix everything! I'll take this and make sure it's done down to the very last detail!"
"It's not all just plans for rerouting power," she spoke tiredly with a sigh, "There's a reason that pile is so big and separated into sections. Some are repair and rebuilding plans for both Spikemuth and Hammerlocke due to the damage and disarray Rose's actions put them in. I want you to make sure those plans in particular are delivered to both Piers and Raihan."
"Oh. So you're having them help over see the damages too huh?"
"There's much to be done and much to repair. We'll be needing all the help we can get." He nodded. Understandable. He was sure both Raihan and Piers could make certain the needed repairs were made. And the poor Chairwoman looked like she could use all the help she could get sorting through all this mess. "Speaking of which, next month sensitive tech will be transported from the Hammerlocke powerplant to a research facility here in Wyndon. It's better to keep that kind of technology is secured and not left out to be taken. I'd like both you and Sonia to over see it's relocation if you have time."
"Understood. I'll make sure everything is delivered and secured. Don't you worry about a thing, Ms. Chairwoman! You can count on me!"
He sighed relieved. "Thank you. I knew I could. Now...Where we again with this giant mess?"
A piece of paper was placed down in front of her by her assistant. "The plans to repair the Wyndon Stadium. The quick repair job we did for the Champion Cup finals was temporary and needs to be quickly fixed fully."
"Of course."
So understandably with so much on his belt he barely had time for anything else. He did regret DEEPLY for not picking up any calls but he had been so busy and stressed out he just forgot. Can you blame him with everything that had been happening? Traveling to and from Spikemuth and Hammerlocke to deliver the plans to Piers and Raihan. Going BACK to said Hammerlocke in order to help Sonia and Officer Jenny supervise all that tech removal AAALLLLL the long way back to Wyndon just to be secured. And then going back and forth between Hammerlocke, Wyndon, and ALL over Galar just to supervise and help manage so many, MANY workers ranging from construction experts to electricians to professors even who worked hard to reroute all that power to where it was really needed (especially Spikemuth-) until they were far enough along to be able to handle the rest without him. Now if you thought THAT meant he'd be given a break then you'd be wrong. Once he got back to his home away from home in Wyndon, he was tasked with helping to start preparing two of the Chairwoman's ideas to, hopefully, impress Prince Lear when he arrived which wasn't too far along now so he had to put all his energy into helping to but this Battle Tower and Galarian Star Tournament to action. Don't think he was sharing all the burden however. The Chairwoman herself was more stressed than he was supervising the many, many, MANY minor damages Eternaus and Rose caused on top of having her best research team comb through that mysterious tech and Oleana's files, TRYING to find said Oleana which he was on board with since she was still considered a real danger in the eyes of many, checking in with the repairs to Hammerlocke and Spikemuth, checking in with the energy rerouting, checking in with him, checking in with Sonia whom she entrusted the hundred of Wishing Stars too-..And a lot of other things he lost count of. OH! She was also issuing a permanent caretaker and proper education plan for Allister while she was at it! Something Rose had been neglecting for so long which he approved! Allister certainly needed it. Then there was the legal matter of Piers wanting to retire and give full custody to Marnie that needed her approval-....
Wow. Come to think of it now she WAS WAY busier than he was.
He would admit it. Ms. Dahlia was a very hard worker and she was working very hard to fix everything, or as much as she could, before the Prince's arrival. Luckily everything seemed to be going smoothly-...Or so he thought. He had JUST finished with the plans and preparations for the Battle Tower and would've moved on to finishing the plans for the tournament when he was once again summoned to Ms. Dahlia's office. He was expecting to be asked for a progress report or maybe she wanted to go over something with him but instead he was met with a strange sight. Ms. Dahlia was sitting at her desk looking more annoyed than she had ever seen, but there was four other people there. One was a galarian police officer by his uniform, but there was also two other men by him looking to be detained by him. Both had sandy-blond hair and pastel blue and red suits with the strangest haircuts he had ever seen. Styled in a way that looked like a literal sword and shield. And then there was-....Piers?? The goth looked almost as tired as Ms. Dahlia did and just looked at him blankly. He instantly recognized the weird sword and shield duo. Why did he recognize them? Well that was because they were Sordward and Shielbert of Swordward and Shielbert Enterprizes. They owned many, many companies around Galar ranging to some big, well known ones in cities to more local and rural ones. But the real reason he knew them was because he would once and a while be sponsored by them or more specifically a company of theirs proof backed up by the logos his cape adorned. But he barely interacted with them. Maybe a chit chat here and there or a handshake but he always thought they were a strange bunch and hadn't ever given them much of a second thought before now.
"Uh-...Sorry." He apologized looking between the five people before him. "Am I interrupting something? I can come back later if you're having a meeting-"
"No, Leon." Ms. Dahlia's eyes narrowed as she slowly looked back towards the two brothers who squirmed and looked very squeamish under her ice cold glare. "Come on in and close the door behind you. Mr. Piers and I have something very important to discuss with you."
It was then that he was revealed the horror that had taken placed when he was distracted. He was told the whole story. Of how these two came up with the scheme of sending their own 'assistant' to be hired by Sonia only to steal the Wishing Stars and then steal a..ancient sword?? That info would be made sense of later when Speaking to Hop. About how much danger and chaos they had put everyone in- How much danger they had put HOP in. AND VICTOR. AND Y/N! He could feel a rare case of anger bubble up along with his fear and he had to grip the fabric of his pants to help him keep composed in front of everyone and NOT fly into a rage fueled rant aimed at the two. He was told by Piers everything from you all helping everyone calm the dynamaxed pokemon, to how they were able to summon the two dog-like legendaries, how Victor ended up accidentally saving the day with his great ability to spot details (GREAT JOB, VICTOR!! He was so proud of him and Hop!), and to how these two and their accomplices snuck into Hammerlocke and were eventually arrested and brought here to face the ire of the Chairwoman for what they had done. Piers SWORE to him up and down that you three were alright and aside from some scares no damage was done to anyone which was a HUGE relief off his shoulders. But that still begged the question.
"So...What did you call me here for then?"
"I called you and Mr. Piers here because I only trust the strongest trainer in Galar and someone who helped stop them to help with carrying out their punishment." She gestured to nothing. "My hands are full, and with so little time to prepare for an important event such as this I can't waste any set backs. BOTH of you have already caused delays including even more damage to Hammerlocke's stadium!" She spat and they flinched scared under her gaze. "You don't think Galar's reputation being at stake is more important than stroking both your egos?! If you two had succeeded in doing what you set out to do it would've set back everything we've worked so hard to fix for the better! NOT to mention putting countless lives at risk! You two are lucky you came willingly and no one was hurt, otherwise I would've given you a much more severe punishment then what I'm about to initiate."
"A-A-And we are SO grateful for that!," Shielbert blurted out in a scared hurry looking towards his older brother. "Aren't we, Brother?"
Sordward quickly nodded in agreement, same fearful expression on his face. "Oh yes!! So, SO grateful! We are fully ready to atone for our crimes and promise to never ever do that again!"
"Oh yes! We swear to Arceus with that promise!"
She sighed. "Mr. Piers. Leon." She addressed them making both men look at her. "I know I'm asking a lot of you two to do this. I know it interferes with your planning and your town's supervision but this is a critical time and I am asking for your help with this."
"Of course. You know I can always help you."
"*sigh* I suppose ah could have Marn-Marn n' my boys look after things for a lil while longer if s' that important to ya."
She sighed relieved. "Thank you both so much. I promise I'll do all I can to make it up to you both." She then went back to that scowl and pointed at the two cowardly brothers. "From this day forward I shall be keeping a VERY close eye on the both of you, but since you're willing to cooperate, I'm willing to listen and compromise. In fact I already have a few things in mind about how you can make up to us."
"Oh yes! Do tell!" "We're willing to do anything!"
"I'm glad you say so because I have my eye on a few very good pieces of property you two can sign over as compensation!" Both froze..and seemed to pale even more as she suddenly did a 180 and smiled as sweet as a grandmother as she went off. "Oh yes! That giant megamall in down town Wyndon. I believe you own all the stores within it. It'll be so perfect!"
"....You want...o-our mall?"
She smiled so sickeningly sweet. "Mall? Oh no no. You mean the new and affordable Wyndon University Collage!" They paled more- "Oh! And that one nice looking building in Hulbury!"
"O-O-Our beach house!?"
"Oh no! Not a beach house! You must be mistaking it for the loading deck for freighter ships! We always needed a bigger one you know!" She hummed finger tapping her chin as she fake thought. "Now what was that place just a little ways from the collage? The one that stretched a good ways taking up space in the city and was near the park-"
"The W-Wyndon golf course!?....OUR golf course!?"
"Oh no! You're mistaking that for the new shelters and health centers and soup kitchens for people who really need that kind of helping hand!" She smiled wider at the two and Leon blinked as Piers snorted and the goth had to turn his head to snicker. Shoulders shaking in a rare display of laughter. "And I'm SO glad you two agreed to also help make amends to Sonia by donating a large sum of your salary to her research!" She tilted her head. "And it was SO nice of you both to offer to PAY for the building of all my new little fun projects too.~"
".....We did?"
"Oh ab-so-lutely.~" Her voice said with an undertone that made them pale more-
"PPPFFFTT!! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Piers couldn't hold back anymore and doubled over in his chair laughing and hugging his stomach and Leon couldn't help the amused look he was giving them both too.
"Hmm. But I think you boys still are forgetting something."
"....We are?"
"But of course. It wasn't very nice of you all to do such bad things and not even make amends to those you wronged. Hmm. What to do? What to do?" She then fake gasped and held up a finger. "I know! If you're so sorry, the best thing to do is go apologize to all those nice gym leaders and people you upset!"
...Shielbert gulped. "A-All o-of t-them?"
"All. Of. Them. Oh but you poor dears might get lost on your way. Don't worry. I'm sure these nice two young men would be happy to escort you. Then we can meet again to talk about those fun little projects I mentioned! Doesn't that sound like fun?~"
Piers by then was wheezing and threatening to fall out of his chair from their reaction but he didn't stop him from laughing. From there another long journey began. What he referred to as 'The Great Apologizing Spree'. Starting from Turffield then to Motostoke then to Hulbury first. Kabu and Nessa weren't too happy to have the two troublemakers made to apologize before them, Milo was probably the nicest one who accepted their apology. It was also then that Nessa decided to all of a sudden hitch a ride with them to discuss Victor of all things. Turns out she was interested in him the same way Kabu had been interested in making Gloria his successor. Victor's quick thinking and attention to details was something she was intrigued by. Hey! The more the merrier on their journey either way! Although there was still the matter of Victor not having too much confident in his battling skills. Unlike Gloria who had stage fright, Victor's issues was just a matter of self confidence. And unlike Gloria who could thrive and learn under hard training like with Kabu and Mustard's way of training their bodies, Victor was a more learning by observing and hard planning rather than doing and through intensive practice. A similarity he shared with Nessa, which is why she might've shown interest in taking him as a successor in the first place. He had an idea although he might not like it at first it seemed like a good idea. There was a special place he remembered, a town in the Crown Tundra. It'd be a good challenge for Victor, get him out of his comfort zone. Cold. He hated the cold but that might just what he needs to learn to steel his resolve, especially since there was so many things he could capture on camera there so he'd be determined to push harder to capture them in picture form. All it took was just stopping by a train station to pick up a pass on the way. Circhester, Stow-On-Side, Spikemuth- Piers ended up laughing hysterically when those two blokes literally dove behind Leon to hide from Bea as she went OFF on them. She always did have the attitude to back up her fighting skills. Poor Allister though. Then there was only two stops left. Postwick and Hammerlocke. Postwick first since it was closer and Nessa was getting anxious to meet Victor. Imagine Sonia and Ms. Magnolia's shock at seeing those two again. Well like Bea Magnolia sure had some choice words for the two before they were able to move on to find the lot of you. Firstly because he was legitimately worried and wanted to see all of you, secondly because Nessa waited long enough, and thirdly because he was anxious to get this long trip all over with. After this all he had to do was stop by Hammerlocke and cart these two off back to Wyndon. Sigh....Did he mention he still had a lot on his plate? He was SO relieved when he really did see that the three of you were ok and a lot happened during that visit of his. Turns out Sonia took on Hop as an apprentice, Victor accepted Nessa's offer of becoming her successor, Sonia got a new book to research, and you were doing just fine considering! Although he doubted you'd be traveling anywhere anytime soon. ...He uh...Also may or may not have mentioned something Magnolia was casually telling him about with Old Man Farmer Harry moving and wanting to sell his house and you mentioned wanting to find a place so obviously it was just a nice thing for him to do. Totally not because he was worried about you possibly leaving Galar! HAHAHA!! NOPE!! Absolutely not-....Ok. Maybe just a little bit but he couldn't explain why you possibly leaving but he would try to learn as soon as he could. A long trip to Hammerlocke and back to Wyndon later, and finally those two were off his hands and could further be dealt with by the Chairwoman. So now he could get back to planning for that tournament...
Papers shuffled against the desk late into the night as the moon had long since rose and the sun had set off the horizon. Nothing but the stars and moonlight giving any light to that world outside of them along with the warm breeze as summer was just going into it's last stage just approaching that year. She giggled just thinking about it. She would be taking her own trip soon to the Crown Tundra following a small hunch of hers. Perhaps she'd be able to see Victor while he was there. She'd make sure he was ok for Leon while she was there...Hmm. She wondered what Hop was up to at the Isle of Armor? She hoped he was getting those dynamax mushroom and nectar samples she sent him for and wasn't getting too distracted by anything. She was nearly finished preparing for her trip and hopefully she wouldn't come back with nothing from this trip-
Knock, knock, knock.
She paused as a sound echoed out through the otherwise silent lab and it caused the scientist to pause before blinking towards the door as more knocks came from it making her stand up. Someone was knocking at the lab door at this hour of the night? It must've been almost ten o' clock by now. Who'd be out at this time of night? And who'd be here at the lab of all places? Couldn't have been Hop. He wasn't even in Postwick and he would've called her if he was returning. And it couldn't have been her granny. She would've just walked in. So who- Again the knocks came so she got up and slowly walked to the door, and then she opened it, and she went to the door, and she opened it. And the professor was shocked at who exactly was on the other side. She was met with purple hair, gold eyes, and a worried expression on a familiar face.
"Uh. H-Hey Sonia," the champion greeted her with a soft look before pointing, "May I come in?"
She blinked. "Oh. Yeah." She stepped aside allowing him to walk in. "Come on in."
"Thank you..I'm..sorry If I came at a bad time-"
"Hey. It's alright." She said closing the door. "But Hop's not here right now. Or did you just get lost again?"
"Huh?" He blinked before holding up his hands. "Uh n-no. I didn't come here to really see anyone. Actually I um-...I-I'm kinda glad you're the only one here since I was hoping to talk to you actually."
She blinked and rose a brow looking him up and down before speaking. "You wanted to talk to me? Why? Is something wrong?"
"That's just it," he mumbled looking back down to the ground, "I don't know."
There was again another silence between them before Sonia sighed and gestured for Leon to follow her. "Sit down. I'll go get us some tea."
He did sit down near one of the desks as Sonia left and around ten minutes of him anxiously waiting later she returned with two cups of warm tea in her hands, handing one to him which he thanked her for before sitting across from the Champion silently. He sat there for a while looking at the cup in his hands.
"So. What brings you to the lab tonight?," Sonia asked finally breaking the tense silence between the two of them, "You must've had a really good reason if you didn't get lost this time."
He sighed. "That's just the thing! I don't know!" If he could've be would've let his head bang against the table with a groan as he closed his eyes and let it out. "Uuugh! I've been feeling...strange lately."
"Strange? In what ways?"
"In what ways?" he asked again and let go of the cup to move one of his hands around mindlessly. "I dunno. Like..My mind's all confused and muddled and once and a while my face would just burn up like i-it's on fire or something! And then I'd g-get embarrassed and start stuttering because I feel like I got butterfrees in my stomach."
Sonia listened and with each 'symptom' her face got more and more surprised and slightly concerned the more Leon spoke about it. "Really?" He nodded again feeling embarrassed without understanding again and in Sonia fashion the orange haired lady hummed and gazed at her own drink in thought for a moment. "..Have you thought that maybe all the stress with everything going on lately's been getting to you? Maybe you're just overworked and burnt out."
He shook his head. "Can't be. I'm not really feeling burnt out or stressed. Maybe a bit tired and annoyed but not that. Besides I'm used to taking on such a large amount of duties remember?"
"Ok. Maybe you're sick then? You mentioned your face burning up. Sounds like the signs of a fever to me."
After a moment he groaned again and the hat was snatched off his head to allow a hand to run through his thick purple locks. "Ggrraaagh!! No it's not that either! I don't know why it keeps happening but all these things keep happening to me only when I'm-...W-When I-I'm around-...Someone."
"...Someone? Could that 'someone' be sick then and you don't know?"
...He shook his head hand still holding it. "No. She's pretty healthy whenever I-I see her."
Sonia's eyes widened to the size of plates letting the silence fall pregnant for a good three minutes before she resumed her thinking face humming. "I see....Does any other symptoms pop up whenever you're around her?"
"I mean-...I-I guess."
"Could you describe them for me?"
He looked up surprised. "I mean..Yeah sure. If it'll help you figure out what's wrong with me."..He shrugged. "Other than what I said? ...W-Well like I said before it only happens when I'm around her..o-or thinking about her. I just feel so strange b-but not in a bad way if that even makes any sense! I just get so-...Weird! And it's s-starting to really worry me be-because I've never felt like this when I'm around anyone else." Gold eyes looked desperately at her. "Sonia, you're my oldest and smartest friend! If anyone could figure it out if would be you so t-that's why I came here! B-But if I'm being honest I s-still feel a bit embarrassed about having to come here a-and ask you."
"Mmm hmm. And uh when exactly did these 'symptoms' start happening around you two?"
He hissed through teeth. ''I-I don't know..I-I think maybe it started halfway through last year?? B-But lately i-ir's started to get a lot worse ever since we had a little-..." He still remembered how soft Y/n's lips we- "*AHEM!!* A l-little incident l-last Christmas!"
Sonia blinked at his sudden high pitched tone and the fact his face turned an embarrassed red in less than five seconds. It made both brows raise. "...An incident?" Leon felt himself gulp under her intense gaze as she narrowed her eyes and leaned across the table to stare him down. "And what kind of 'incident' was this Leon?"
...he gulped down feeling like it was trying to swallow a lump of frozen cactus in his throat. "HAHA!! S-S-So funny story! L-Last Christmas we were j-just c-c-casually hanging out as JUST FRIENDS!! ONLY FRIENDS!! B-But then she slipped o-on some ice a-a-and I caught h-her but then I slipped and I uh...he winced..W-Well...I uh.." He shrunk, body curling in on himself the longer Sonia's piercing gaze stared right through him. "I-...M-Might have hit her mouth..wi-with m-m-my face-
"You kissed someone?"
What followed was Leon giving off a noise sounding something between a wet meowth's screech and a started stantler bleat startling the scientist for a minute. "W-W-WHAT!? NO!!" He shouted WAY too quickly!! "...I-I mean n-no! I didn't-...We didn't-...I-IT WASN'T A KISS, SONIA!!"
"Did your lips touch hers?"
"Um..W-Well I mean-"
"And you're 'symptoms' have been worse since it happened?"
"Maybe there was a bit of an-"
"Then it's simple. You obviously have the hots for someone and you're totally embarrassed you kissed her."
Another meowth-stantler bleat- "S-S-SONIA!! D-DON'T SAY IT LIKE THAT!!"
"Why not? That's obviously what's going on, you just couldn't see it. Y'know that's another thing you and Hop have in common."
"I just- ..You are-...I didn't-...RRRRR!!!" His red face was introduced to the inside of his hat as he loudly gave off a flustered yell. "I-I came so you could help me figure out what's wrong with me! Not t-t-tease me like we both kids again!"
"Leon. I'm not teasing you. Far from it."...He slowly looked up to give her a deadpanned look but she seriously shook her head and smiled. "I'm really not. In fact it's honestly really sweet you like someone! That isn't something to be ashamed about."
"Hmph! I b-beg to differ. Y/n's just a friend-"
"*GASP!!*" Her eyes widened again as she stared at him and he immediately wanted to slap himself- "You like Y/n!!" Her eyes got even WIDER!! "YOU TWO KISSED!?"
"ARCEUS SONIA BE QUIET!!", he shouted back in a panic, "I-I don't need all of Postwick awake for that!!"
"Sorry," she apologized but that didn't stop her surprised look, "But you like Y/n!? I never would've expected that!" he groaned and went to re-hide his fa- "Hey, hey, hey! There's nothing wrong with liking her, Lee!" She assured him quickly. "Y/n's a really nice person! I just never would've expected you to like her."
"Yeah? Well that makes t-two of us," he mumbled. He...LIKED you? Like..THAT!? NO WAY!! T-There's just no possible way he could..Right? But then again, Sonia's a girl and she's really smart so if she says so then maybe there's a chance he could "UGH!!" He facepalmed himself. "Well what do I do now!?"
"Just talked to her."
Another pokemon noise- "WHAT!?" He gawked at her like she had suddenly grown another head. "ABSOLUTELY NOT!!"
"Why not? You can't just keep letting this eat you up like this. Talking to her would help clear up the air between you two and make you feel better. Who knows? Maybe she even feels the same way."
"WHAT!? No way-"
"You can't say that when you DON'T know," she interrupted him, "Did you even ask her?"
"I-..*sigh* Well no. She never brought up the ki-..Incident so I fi-figured she didn't want to-to talk about it anymore or just forgot i-it even happened."
"Or maybe she does feel the same way but you're disregarding that." he remained silent and she sighed. "You came to me for help. My advice is to just talk to her. She's not a bad person and I'm sure she'd understand. But it's up to you to do whatever with the advice I gave you." She smiled. "I'm sure you'll make the right choice though. Just think it over."
Well he DID think it over. A lot. He had a lot of time to. When he was planning the tournament he thought about it. When he was doing favors for the Chairwoman he thought about it. When he was finished and the Chairwoman wanted him to personally deliver all the invites to everyone he thought about it. When he went to Postwick to deliver his family's and friends' invites he thought about it. When he didn't find you at his house and was surprised to have learnt you moved into Old Man Harry's old house he thought about it. When he walked to your new house he thought about it. When he knocked on your door he thought about it. When you answered he thought about it. When you blinked surprised to see him he thought about it.
"Um...H-Hi, Y/n. Sorry to drop in unannounced like this b-but can I come in. There's uh...something I'd like to talk to you about."
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pupfemme · 10 months
Minors and hateful people not interacting makes sense, but why a blanket dni on all men? Don't you believe inclusion breaks barriers? Should we not share amd celebrate our differences as much as our commonality? I don't know what a terf is.
tw: sexual abuse
so first of all, you sending an ask in the first place only further proves to me that many men are just completely incapable of respecting women in regard to their very obviously declared boundaries, whether that be because they are simply too ignorant to understand them or because they are so full of entitlement that the very few instances they are told: “no, i don’t want you here” they just refuse to listen because they believe that even though they have been explicitly told they are not wanted somewhere, they still believe they deserve to be there. however, because i’m feeling understanding today i’ll give you and every other obnoxious entitled man who feels like they deserve to be in a space they have been explicitly excluded from an answer. because my blog has grown to a pretty big size over the past 2 years and i’m honestly tired of DMs and asks and follows from men who just completely ignore my requests.
first of all, this blog is very clearly nsfw. here i discuss my desires, my fantasies, and other miscellaneous things that i only really feel like sharing with people i can relate to or am attracted to. and as i am constantly saying all of the time, I AM A LESBIAN!!! i have no interest in men and it makes me feel a pretty icky when a man is seeing that, disregarding it, and essentially calling me intolerant for not wanting him to engage with posts i am making… for other lesbians. which is. the entire point of this blog.
second, i have experienced very severe sexual trauma at the hands of men that, even if i weren’t a lesbian, would even still make me feel pretty gross about men on my blog. the entire reason this blog exists is because of paraphilia and kinks that developed AS A RESULT OF ABUSE AT THE HANDS OF MEN. it goes without saying that this would be the one place i do not want them to be. and honestly it’s a little weird to me that you felt so compelled to say something anyways. does it do something for you? does intruding upon private female spaces and crossing boundaries excite you? people like you truly disgust me.
you seem to be making assumptions about my political leanings in your ask. i do not think it’s necessary to be 100% entirely inclusive to a fault, that’s ridiculous and no one truly believes you should do this except for legitimate idiots. as someone with a fully developed and rational brain i can understand that including certain types of people within a space is going to do more harm than good. like right now. you are free to share your thoughts and feelings about whatever you want anywhere else on the internet. but i don’t want you here, and i’m sure the majority of my followers wouldn’t want you here either. i said no, and that should be enough.
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sumrot · 2 years
I think the only thing worse than self loathing over your appearance is the immediate shame and guilt for even caring about it so much. Like oh not only am I ugly but I’m also vapid and superficial and spoiled because women are dying all over the world i don’t say this as a judgment because I know exactly how you feel. I have a big ass honker for a nose. And I didn’t really start thinking that until I started following Bella hadid on Instagram when she was 17, I must have been 16. She was just like popular hot la Instagram account popularity at the time and I shit you not I thought she was the most beautiful girl I’d ever seen. I became OBSESSED. I scrolled through all of her photos and her friends and it didn’t take long before I realized she’d had a nose job.. so I became obsessed with nose jobs and the day I graduated high school and could go off at get one. I’m not in the yearbook for half of high school because I wouldn’t go to school on picture day because of how ugly I looked in photos. I fucking hated myself. When I was 18 I found a dr and was going to go through with it. My dad agreed to pay but asked me to go to one more consultation to be sure. I went to another and he told me any doctor who would operate on me was a bad dr. My profile isn’t bad but my nose is super wide with a long tip. Anyways he freaked me the fuck out. I was off my meds and stopped going to therapy and gained 25 pounds which made my AA boobs look even sadder and smaller. So overnight I decided getting a boob job would have to work. I’m 5”10 and like the rest of my body so I decided I would have to just settle for being a “butterface” it’s been 5 years and I fucking hate my ugly ass plastic tits. I have huge scars on my tits and they’re so obviously fake and uneven and my nipples which where so little and cute before are huge and scarred. I don’t tell anyone I’ve had them done because I’m so ashamed and embarrassed. And it’s seriously negatively affected my sex and dating life. I’ve convinced myself it doesn’t matter how cool or alternative I become, the second people find out I have fake tits everything else about me becomes moot point. Doesn’t matter I went to good college or am funny or charming. First thing that’ll come up about me is my fake boobs I know it. And I’m too embarrassed to get them taken out because then I’ll have to tell everyone including my best friends I’ve made in the past year that not only did I have them done but I’ve been keeping it a secret for 4 years????? Needless to say this whole time I’ve been torturing myself with how happy and how beautiful I would’ve been with a nose job. How I wouldn’t care if people knew I had had one. Screaming crying fits. The horror waking up the next day to these rock hard swollen fake plastic bags in my chest and the indescribable pain of having had my muscles torn up to put them in. I don’t know why I’m saying all of this. I just felt compelled to share. You aren’t alone. I’m catastrophizing my plastic surgery baggage while people are being shot for not wearing a hijab. It is superficial and it sucks. But it still has caused me an insane amount of distress and anxiety and altered my interactions with the world &the people around me. I wish so badly I deleted my Instagram earlier, had better parents and people in my life to make sure I wasn’t behaving manically and irrationally&most of all that I didn’t give a fuck about my goddamn ugliness. Who fucking cares. Honestly being cool and different and having style and embracing your ugliness has so much much more value in the world than trying to mitigate beauty. Really. I admire women who aren’t pretty but they’re fucking rad. Chloe sivengySofia Coppola Juliette Lewis.I’ll also say that the intensity surrounding these things ebbs and flows depending on your mental state. You’re not in a good space right now so these things feel all encompassing and physically painful and traumatizing. But this isn’t a new reality you have to navigate. Its a fucked up headspace that won’t go away but will become incredibly smaller& less painful.
There's a couple things I want to say. first of all, I don't believe in playing the comparison game when it comes to people's problems. People are but a speck of dust on this Earth, but when you live here and exist in a body then you are perceiving everything from that point and it's not fair to compare your plight with someone else's. So it's completely valid that you feel this way or are experiencing life this way and I am sorry. I am sorry for all of us. Secondly, i want to believe that ugliness is really celebrated...I really do. Fact of the matter is though that all those women you listed are thin, which is the beauty standard. I've always been heavier compared to my peers so it provides no solace.
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