#honestly considering moving to the other blog for a while tho
eraserheadbabygirl · 3 months
oh ok yay i got it back!
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lili-of-the-wildfire · 5 months
okay fine, u all forced my hand in this one. these are MY azzie headcanons, mostly based on what’s canon in the books but i’m nothing if not a woman who would have been forcefully lobotomized so there’s also some delusion sprinkled in. enjoy 😙 (not proof read or correctly punctuated or even coherently arranged, we die like men on this blog)
* he may be a bit quiet in some situations, especially when meeting people who’s intentions he hasn’t quite figured out yet, but if he does nothing else, he’ll offer up a small smile in greeting. he’s not just going to sit there aloof in a corner, sans introduction.
* he’s a total vibe reader tho, his line of work has made sure of that. like he just knows when something is off about someone even if there is evidence saying otherwise. and he’s right every time, damn him.
* he tucks his hands behind his back out of habit, not necessarily shame. he used to be far more insecure, but as the centuries dragged on, he’s become less and less ashamed of what was done to him as a defenseless child.
* that’s not to say he’s fully healed and moved forward, just that time has given him some perspective and wisdom.
* (btw he loves hand massages with your lavender and lemon verbena lotion and he is not afraid to admit it)
* when he gets himself into trouble he tries to slink off into the shadows slowly, instead of disappearing all at once. nobody has a problem calling him out on it, but sometimes he honestly does get away with it.
* he has TASTE! he took one look at cassian and feyre’s gods awful decorating and didn’t even remove his outside clothes before he was fixing it.
* he and his mate’s house would look like something out of a Williams Sonoma holiday catalog.
* the two of you would put up lebron numbers on a joint pinterest account in a modern au.
* he’s quick as a whip with his dry humor and comebacks, and while cassian may be his main target, the two of them combined?? Mr. your mother and Mr. two hundred years at least TOGETHER? jesus it’s a wonder rhys came out of Illyria with the ego that he did.
* he differs from his brothers in that PDA is not his jam. he’s not getting blowjobs at the dining room table or fucking in tents while people die outside. he’s definitely not fingering you for the first time in a shabby inn, either. he’s more publicly reserved than that because he favors romance more.
* you know how rhys/feyre and cassian/nesta fucked before they were in any sort of relationship? azzie’s not doing that with someone he genuinely wants to pursue a relationship with.
* consider the following: does a man who’s spent centuries pining after the same woman come off as anything other than a romantic? no, lovely reader, not in the slightest.
* he’s got the softest heart, i just know it. while he’s kind, he has his reserved exterior, but i think once you get past that as a relationship develops, he’s so tender and thoughtful.
* his gift to nesta was so personal and thoughtful despite their superficial relationship, and he expected nothing in return. imagine what he could come up with for someone he knew on a more personal and intimate level!!
* his gifts may not be as over-the-top extravagant as Rhys would prefer, but they’re so well-planned and personal because he actually listens to you! and he watches you! and he takes the time to actually think about what would be useful and meaningful for you (Mor could NEVER, luv u tho baby)
* while he’s not overtly sexual, Azriel is a FLIRT! a shameless flirt! he doesn’t need to resort to poetry because when you exasperatedly tell him “stop trying to distract me, I’m busy!” he just arches a thick brow, looks you up and down and says “make me.”
* And your cheeks heat a bit because he’s looking at you like he knows exactly what you’d taste like and he’s starving for it and then he just laughs and you realize you’re a fly that got stuck in those honey-trap eyes again
* So you huff and roll your eyes, turning to leave the room but a hand on your wrist tugs your momentum backwards and suddenly there’s another hand cupping your cheek, thumb stroking along your jawline.
* A deep hum rumbles from the back of his throat, his gaze dragging from your mouth up to your eyes, “Do that again, I like watching your eyes roll back for me.”
* ladies/theydies i am PROFUSELY sweating !!!!!!!!!
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cruyuu · 4 days
So... I have some thoughts abt Chapter 262.
Putting this behind the cut in case someone's scrolling through my blog and doesn't want to get spoiled before the full chapter because I saw some leaks although I try my best to avoid them.
My prediction for this chapter was that Yuta would die since he was using a dead man whose abilities have been studied rather thoroughly by Sukuna. So is the reveal of his death shocking? Nope.
I didn't like Yuta's decision of using Gojo's body. It was a ridiculous move and honestly, it was a bit surprising that Yuta would consider doing that. Turns out he was not as kind as he appeared to be.
Still, me not liking this is rooted more so in the illogical fact of it all (I have some thoughts regarding "is it moral or not") because if Yuta wanted to prove a point, to be the prodigy– the next "strongest"– then he shouldn't have to use Gojo's techniques to prove it. Imagine someone challenges you to a fist fight to prove your strength and you come back wearing someone else's body. Like you're not disproving anything???
Yes, Gojo's Infinity is strong enough to withstand Sukuna's CTs which are quite OP, but shouldn't Yuta trust in his own strength rather than trust in the strength of someone else? Gojo had been so overglorified by both the fandom and in this universe that now even when he's dead, instead of thinking of anything else, the sorcerers still believe that the greatest course of action would be for Yuta to use his body instead of– oh I don't know– try to sit down and formulate a strategy because Gojo died even if his technique inherently makes him untouchable?? Which by logic means that if Gojo himself failed, what would make a literal teen be better at surviving than him?
Yuta's relying on Gojo's body against an enemy who fought and had studied Gojo's techniques extensively. Naturally, things won't be good. It's to be expected he'd meet the same fate.
Also, 1v1 just won't work against someone like Sukuna. That behemoth has battle experience and trying to catch him off-guard alone is a hard thing to do. Hell, I have 0 experience in fighting irl but even I can tell that it's a dumb decision, especially after they've witnessed what happened to Gojo.
He didn't have to fight him alone. He didn't have to fight him at all. But here we are 🤷‍♀️
This manga is still ongoing tho and I'm trying my best not to be overtly critical of the characters but... yeah it's impossible because they're acting quite stupid.
Anyways, another reason why I believed he would die is because he— like Gojo, in a way (it runs in the family lol)— is a fraud. Remember how Gojo said he'd beat Sukuna? Cheerful lie. How he's the strongest? Cheerful lie. Remember how Yuta saw Gojo as a human being and not a monster? The way that respect for Gojo flew out of his body is kinda... funny.
This brings me back to Jogo's speech about humans being fake– made out of lies– while curses were truthful because humans just covered up their true nature with positive emotions. Guess he had a point lol
So much for respect when you have to wear your sensei's body to fight someone... like why not fight him by yourself?
And this is why I can't get behind Yuta. His entire life he'd wanted to belong yet never showed himself off, instead always lived by other's explanations of him. The cherry on top for my dislike was Gojo announcing that it wasn't Rika who cursed him, but that he was the one who cursed her– by being selfish and not letting her die, not allowing her to move on peacefully but tying her to himself forever. Like... that's pretty cruel.
This brings me to— his "true love" answer to Geto. It made sense why Geto sarcastically responded "And what I'm doing is justice." because it's a lie. How can you be kind and yet tie that girl to you forever? Have you considered her feelings on the matter? How do you know that she'll love you forever? People change day by day lol
I will say, however, judging from the overwhelming amount of theories and the endless hate coming from Gojo fans that this was intently made that way. It's all to show that ugly truth— that these heroes you're rooting for are not good and are therefore punished by the narrative for it. Yuta isn't. Gojo isn't. That's why they're losing.
Still, I repeat, this is an ongoing manga. Who knows what'll happen. I'm placing my trust in Gege bc so far, I like how the story is progressing.
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accio-victuuri · 2 years
All about the 知足 ( Contentment ) audio recording : CPN + lyrics analysis 🎧
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everything here is not 100% verified so don’t take it as truth. there are screenshots and speculations but this is not me confirming anything. interpret it as you will. the audio recording is floating around in other platforms but i won’t share it here.
There was a rumor before that after the 2019 DDU filming, they all went to a KTV to celebrate. That’s GG/Web as well as TTXS brothers and probably other staff. This is where this was sang and recorded. Allegedly.
Then in 2020, it seems like GG’s QQ account uploaded the recording. The run time is 1.18! 18! Yibo! and it’s in a playlist called 95. If you don’t know the importance of 95 to the fandom, read here.
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After a short while, it was deleted even if people were able to like it and comment. This is the part I really can’t confirm cause I didn’t see it myself. Also we don’t know if it’s intentional on GG’s part and his team. Plus the fact that it was deleted says something. If you listen to the audio, it’s actually just GG you can clearly hear and Web very faintly. Considering the time it was uploaded (10/2020) tho GG had been coming back around this time, it’s still not a good move to have something out there that can potentially attract antis. People noticed Yibo’s voice so I think it’s one of the reason why it was deleted, to not bring Yibo to a potential issue.
2021, it made the rounds again because it was re-uploaded by fans. It’s just my personal stance to not share it in big platforms. I think it’s perfectly fine to keep a copy for yourself then listen and cry lol. We don’t know who uploaded it and why. If this was recorded during a private get together, I don’t think we should be listening to it. Tho how it was sang was so beautiful. 🤍 I will never wish to get a private recording of them audio or video when they are in a place where they are with friends no matter how much it feeds the cpn machine. I hope they can get the privacy they need when they are together and when they are with friends/family without being filmed and followed. Look at how people were following GG and his family in Sanya when he was on vacation. So yeah. There are things that we will never know and that’s fine. No need to dig.
2022, I think around 3AM ish, people were posting that it was re uploaded in Kugou Music ( a music platform kinda like spotify ) and the difference? The artists tagged are both XZ/WYB.
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It was not uploaded by the boys’ artist account or anything. People rushed over to listen to it and save somehow because it may be taken down again. Lol. I honestly have no idea how this got that high on hot search. Is it a slow day today? But if you think about it, anything with XZ and WYB on it is bound to be talked about. It stayed there for a while so people just started using the HS spot for BAH and YGY. In BJYX ST, it was announced to not talk about CPN. Even if you look at entertainment blogs who shared it, most of the comments are saying something like — “it’s nothing~”.
I honestly like how the fandom handled this incident overall. I’ve said this before, there are times when we should keep quiet about CPN. This audio does not prove a romantic relationship or what. It’s an audio of them singing, that’s all. The last thing Xiao Zhan needs right now is a negative HS. Even if this is not exactly harmful, but well, if the whole CP is dragged into it then it’s gonna be an issue. CP things should be kept in our circle only. 🤍
About the whole “claiming” the music thing. I found this but I can’t verify how true. Or if XZ/WYB are even looking at this and giving resources to claim certain things.
What does Kugou Music claim work mean?
Kugou claiming the work means that Kugou has not officially obtained the copyright of the music and the music copyright does not belong to Kugou. Then, the user cannot play, download and listen to the music.
This requires the original author of the work to claim the music and grant the copyright to Kugou before users can play, listen and download normally.
I think this is why people are saying the boys claimed it because you can play it normally and download it. This is all speculation with “facts” that we have but the only “official” songs are the ones personally endorsed by the two.
Also this is the platform’s terms and conditions. You can study it if you want, but i’m not gonna think too much about that. It’s pretty obvious, the HS stayed and the track is still there as of writing. No clarifications of any kind was posted. There are things that these two do or don’t that prove how they have no problem being associated to each other once in a while. If they really hate e/o, then they can scrub everything out. Or have their fan accounts refute rumors or whatever. Lol.
Now that we have the whole CPN history out of the way, let’s do a mini analysis of the song and why they chose it. The song is bittersweet, which is their favorite type of track so that may be one factor.
How do you go about retrieving a rainbow?
How do you go about embracing a summer breeze?
The stars high in the sky are laughing at the people below.
"They never do understand, they never find contentment."
Ah~ the good old summer breeze, that summer of 2018. Lol. not much to add here so I’ll just reference this post again. The song as well as how it relates to the Japan cpn.
If I were to fall in love with your smile,
how would I keep it, how would I obtain it?
And if you were happy but not because of me,
Whether or not I let go, would be how I do.
I am interpreting this in XZ’s POV, since he was the one actively singing the song. I’m imagining that summer when GG was exposed to Web’s sweet smiles. This person who everyone said was cold/aloof, but turned out to always be the one who makes him laugh. who smiles at him. Even beyond that summer, the whole 2019 promos, Web was smiling at him.
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If we’re working on the timeline that they fell in love that summer, GG is not sure how he can keep someone like Yibo in the long run. Their lives are too complicated and it must have felt like wishful thinking that they can have a relationship.
When a gust of wind this way blows, kites fly high in the sky,
and for you I pray, I bless and I am moved.
And when your silhouette finally disappears into the sea of people,
I realise, it's most painful smiling through your tears.
How can we interpret this without crying lol. I’m just glad these two got over whatever they were thinking that time and became a couple. 🤍
You and me, that day and on that hill
That way we sang, that song from that year
That kind of memory, that was plenty and enough—
Enough for me to feel loneliness day after day.
This gives me such a vivid picture, the day on that hill feels like the day when they went to take photos of the Windmills. The last day of filming when they sang White Windmill and Bobo looked like he was gonna cry.
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The happiness from contentment,
it beckons me to endure the heartache.
The happiness from contentment,
it beckons me to endure the heartache.
This last part is just 😭😭😭 there are not heartaches in this house! ❌❌❌
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top-wing · 22 days
Could you ramble to us about topwing?
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Actually, me in 2021-2022 maybe would've done a better job at this 😔👍 But I'll gladly do so anyway!
I haven't actually watched a full episode for a while now, so I probably have forgotten a lot. I'm not sure what to talk first, the characters? the plot? the concepts that make no sense if you think about too deeply, but otherwise compels me? Idk where to start !!
Characters. What really brought me into the show was how fun the characters interacted. The cadets all just have a really fun dynamic among each other, and I liked how the instructors acted mature enough as adults while still having that 'downplayed to focus on the kid characters' thing going on. For characters in a 'mid' average preschooler show, I think their characters are pretty fleshed out in their own right. Their personalities just bounce off each other well. I wrote something about the cadets' friendships some time ago on Wattpad, tho maybe I should try moving some those contents on this blog as well.
Lore (?). For the show's plot or I guess lore (?), there's a lot that could be fixed and changed (which some people in the Top Wing community agree and have taken matters into their own hands hehe), tho the show presents you with just enough interesting things, while keeping a lot of things unanswered and vague, so that it can keep being expanded on and explored. And I think that mostly what got me to stay interested in Top Wing even after years of ending abruptly with only 2 seasons. I'm slowly trying to get back to doing stuff based on canon, however I'm really just having fun creating something within the Top WIng universe as well lol.
Expanding the story and possibilities. And even if you don't add new things, there is actually a lot to work with the canon if you're eager to explore possibilities and willing to dig deeper into the shallow water that is the show lol. You've got the academy itself, which presents more interesting background to it in season 2. There's other academies, other cadets, Speedy and Bea's history of being cadets themselves, Inspector Eagle Eye and the whole concept of inspectors, Swift's grandpa who used to be an instructor & famous pilot in Big Swirl, etc. The antagonists characters and their whole deal, whom are quite full of their own charm but never really used to their full potential. Then there's Big Swirl Island, filled with mysteries of its own lore, mainly got to do with pirates and probably dodos. Example: the pirate ship wrecks, lost treasures, the whole thing about Kersplash Canyon and Dodos (tho honestly, this one is kinda "ehh" to me. if to complain about how this show handles some things, we'll be here all day), and the rest of the parts of Big Swirl Island that were not shown on-screen. There's so many headcanons and theories or AUs to play around with.
Well, that's all I have in my brain for now. There are more stuff I've written on Wattpad if you want to check them out, though it's understandable if you don't want to go there just for that LMAO. Most times I assume people here are also on Wattpad and have seen my stuff, but if there's enough interest to move content from there, I might consider it in the future!
Anyway, thanks for sending this in, anon!!!! Had fun writing this :] There's a lot of stuff going on for me to do more organized stuff with Top Wing, but I hope to continue just having fun with the series and the community for years to come 🩷❤️🧡💚
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moonspirit · 4 months
For the questions game!
3, 7, 5, 12, 14, 20, 31, 35
-Clouds ☁️
HELLO WAIF!!! This got long cuz I can't shut up, so under the cut #_#
3 - 3 films you could watch for the rest of your life and not get bored of? OOOOkay! Interstellar, Titanic, and Your Name (although other equally strong contenders are the Avatar movies (james cameron), any Ghibli movie, and The Martian, which I remember you love too T^T Yay common movie!)
7 - what scares you the most and why? Forgetting. More than being forgotten, which doesn't really bother me, it's forgetting. Even if a portion of my life has been dark or bleak, there's been a lot of nice things to appreciate even then; I try to write it all down in a journal every day. I think life's value is really all the moments and memories that fill up over time; I'm scared of a day coming when I don't remember all the lovely things I've encountered in my life.
5 - what made you start your blog? Ahh... I've honestly been here a long time xD Since late 2013 or early 2014, I don't remember very well, but O L D. At first I just started one to post my graphic designing pieces, but then stayed for the fandom culture and very specific humour which made me feel at home. I've left now and then, but I've always come back.
12 - what’s some good advice you want to share? This is tricky, because I give myself advice, and don't follow it #_# But something that has helped me a lot is to see only the present moment as truly valuable, and to soak in every bit of that, in touch, taste, smell and seeing. That way you've lived that minute or that hour, fully, and even if you don't get to live the next, you can find some peace. Why I say it helped me is because I always fret about the future, about whether this or that will happen, etc, and this shut up all those unwanted anxieties. 'Now' matters. Tomorrow will come, but I'll deal with it when it comes.
14 - what’s something you’ve always wanted to do but maybe been to scared to do? I think... to live more spontaneously? XD I'm a planned/organized person, I need to see things on an agenda to breathe easy lmao. I envy people who can just live everyday spontaneously as it comes, without a care in the world.
20 - favourite things about the night? EVERYTHING!!!!! ALL OF IT!!!!! I love most the drop in temperature, the silence, the occasional owls and bats, and also the lights in the distance. I live in a suburb, and while the immediate vicinity isn't bustling with noise and is mostly covered with trees and wildnerness, I can see the city in the distance. I like watching the pinpricks of moving vehicles, and wondering where they're going and to whom. The best thing of course, is the night sky. I spend inordinate amounts of time studying the stars and constellations haha xD Still don't have a telescope to see Jupiter's moons, but! one day! soon!
31 - are you messy or organised? V E R Y organized. Though in times of stress, it devolves into organized chaos, but still organized. My phase of using colour coded memo pads and cute stationery has long gone (tho I still love cute stationery T^T), so I just keep things simple now. A list. Ticked off. Etc.
35 - do you trust easily? Yeah. I shouldn't, given some stupid shit that happened some years back, but I still do xD I like to believe people are good (which is strange considering I hate human interaction, but then I suppose it applies to people I form bonds with, like you!)
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quillkiller · 3 months
okay have you ever thought about bellalily. or maybe belladora (bellatrix x pandora). i would also like to propose nardora maybe. i love wlw rarepairs. speaking of, pandora sleeps with prof sprout!
ok so i have never thought about bellalily and i think i have a hard time seeing it ?? both in canon and in modern aus for some reason ?? i mean i guess in canon because bella is so much older (i hc her as being 8+ older than the marauders) and she’d already be a death eater. im not personally a fan of fully fledged deathers/muggle borns and especially not when bella would be so much older already and the clear power imbalance in their dynamic etc etc etc. i love my lily messy and self destructive and morally fucked up but im not comfortable with making her sleep with, even in secret, someone who has the dark mark and thinks her ’kind’ should die . to each their own and its all fictional and not that deep i guess but thats just me:/
in a modern au tho ?? or a no voldy au ?? maybe ?? i can’t really picture it ? i think they’re too similar in my mind ?? i don’t see lily as being bellas type, and i don’t see bella being lilys type ?? i have a very hard time picturing it but i would LOVE !!! to be convinced otherwise if you’d ever want to indulge me <3
BELLADORA HOWEVER!!!!!! YES!!!! i used to be insane about them and i think there are posts somewhere on my blog under the /belladora tag. to be they’re friends with benefits. they meet at regulus’ bday party and he invites his estranged cousin he hasnt seen for years because she finally left her family. shes full of repressed anger, doesn’t know how to act around people, nearly bites everyones heads off, scary and looks like she hasn’t slept in 2 years. in my mind she also looks older than she actually is. i picture her being 9 or 10 years older than regulus and his friends. anyway. panda takes one look at this socially inept murderuos woman and she’s immediately gone for her. she wants to be her friend. wants to study bella under a microscope. wants to keep her in a lab. she’s not scared off by her foul tongue in the least. pandora is younger, but still more experienced because shes a casual serial dater in my mind. bellas only experience is the man she was forced to be engaged to and they hadn’t even kissed. they’re both bad with social cues, neither of them knows where the line between friendship and ’something more’ lies, pandora is just being a good friend. showing bella the pleasures she hasn’t experienced. they grow codependant fast. regulus hates it. bella hangs off of pandora as if there’s a leash around her neck. pandora just wants to be around bella all the time. neither one of them knows what personal space means. they don’t consider it might be inappropriate sometimes how close they are. when pandora sits on bellas lap even tho there are 3 free seats available. neither of them thinks twice when pandora wants to try out a new spell or potion that will allow them to read each others minds. bella would be conjoined to pandora if she could. she hates evan simply for being pandoras twin. pandora asks bella to move in after theyve slept together twice
nardora i cant really see either ?? to me they’re from two entirely different planets and want completely different things. narcissa, to me, is a bit like petunia i think ?? she wants normal. she wants to be under the radar. she wants someone goal oriented and direct. someone wild, but not wild. someone who wont beat around the bush, someone who’s grounded. christ why am i lowkey starting to ship petunia/narcissa while writing this . omg…………… @sugarsnappeases
ANYWAY!! again!! i’d love to be convinced or nardora. im up for anything honestly :/
pandora/prof sprout 10/10 agreed i saw it happen with my own two eyes .
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cynthrey · 6 months
I hope that this is the last thing I ever post on this drama, but i just dont understand the negativity against Scott with the whole Ectoslab situation
Like yeah, I do understand being disappointed in him for not doing anything against the harassment towards Ecto, that's a criticism I do actually agree with. But people are almost treating it like Scott was the only cc ever involved with Ecto to drop them, saying that he did it to "save face" and "not get dragged into the drama". Everyone seems to forget so far Scott is the only cc we know to have expressed his support for Ecto during the harassment campaign and Scott wasn't even the closest CC to Ecto, Sausage was.
Yet Sausage didn't make any sort of statement on the situation (as far as I'm aware), nor in support of Ecto nor even about cutting ties with them and I haven't seen anyone critizicing him for letting down an artist he was so close to.
Other CC dropped Ecto too without saying a word on the matter. Scott was the only CC to express his support towards Ecto that we know of, and only retracted it upon finding out Ecto is a proshipper, retracting his support because he doesn't support proshipping. He wasn't trying to save face, he simply found out an artist he worked with and with who he would openly interact (especially in the early days of Pirates SMP) turned out to behave in a way he didn't approve or supported and decided to drop them.
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He was trying to be a good person help someone without knowing or understanding what they were being accused of. And that has led to people taking his decision of retracting his support for someone because he didn't support what that person stood for and equating it to him trying to not get himself involved in the drama. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if people would have hated on him too for expressing that he didn't want people harassing Ecto (tho still I still wish he would have addressed it at least) and saying that he supported proshipping because of that. Why? Because that's what happened to the artist Foxxology, who was friends with Ecto, initially supporting them until they found out what the accusations where about, at the time this was going on and when they expressed despite not approving of Ecto's stance, they didn't support the harassment either people interpreted their distaste for unfair harassment as them supporting proshipping and also getting dragged into the hate which was the final push for them to leave twitter (they had been planning on leaving for a while, this incident was just the final straw, not the main cause).
(Also please they've already moved from this so don't go bothering them about this)
Lemme ask: Would you all be judging Scott as hardly had he stayed silent on the matter like every other CC did?
You can dislike Scott, in general or because he handled this specific situation. But I ask you to please verify all the information from all sides, not just here but in general. I too was on Ecto's side for the first few days but decided to check on my own if there was any proof to the allegations against them. It wasn't my intent to prove they are a proshipper (hell I was hoping it was stuff being taken out of context or something from so long ago Ecto no longer agreed with that) and I found out the proves for the allegations causing me to block them and delete anything I ever reblogged from them from my blogs. I still considered the harassment unfair, but also didn't want to suport a proshipper. My opinion didn't change upon seeing a google doc explaining things from their side when they say the characters had been aged to 18 (because I know that's not true) and that they continued to defend their stance saying that is about more than just problematic pairings.
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First screenshot is from 2021, Ecto was in their very late 20's to early 30's back them
On Ecto being a proshipper: Source 1, Source 2, Source 3
Ecto's google doc explaining their side: link
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dalkyeom · 2 years
!! chia drop the ult dream logs !!! i need to compare notes bc ive only ever dreamt of vernon booing my “lesbians for woozi” signs at concerts T^T or sth similarly stupid
AMG NAURRR NOT VERNON BOOING 😭😭😭 also this is so funny to me bc my carat bestie’s ult is Vernon and is a lesbian then one time while watching some svt stage compilations, it dawned on my twin and I that… his vibes are just very made for lesbians 😂 like the one who would be the go to bias for them (it’s an inside joke so this is all very light hearted. She introduced us to svt so we always associated vernon with her before)
honestly thinking of making it a weekly corner thing if I haven’t set up my writing blog yet. they’re very fic worthy plots that are also very unfinished 😂 I can share a couple aside from my recent Shua dream that I’m unable to move on from. For some reason he’s always my husband/boyfriend in my dreams
[dream log 1] — in one dream, I had to go apartment hunting and asked help from 95z, Seungkwan, DK, and Wonu. somehow Shua and I got into an arranged engagement even though we were kind of like frenemies.
while apartment hunting we found a baby fairy and we somehow had to take care of it together. Shua had to semi-move in until the fairy child matures and we’d sleep in one bed but would sleep back to back only to wake up facing each other 😭 idk dream-self can’t stand his ass! He’d be so sassy while handling the baby. I think we were on our way to becoming friends though bc eventually I started to consider what he would want for breakfast and he would stand up for me when the receptionist at the lobby would be mean to me.
[dream log 2] — In another dream, idk I think I lucked out with both kyeomshua bc I dreamt that svt are a university cover band and we travelled out of town together for this battle of the bands contest. I think I acted as some sort of manager my yachi hitoka role lol so I had to be there as support and make sure they’re on track!
But as night fell, all thoughts of practice flew out the window and the boys started to gossip about the other groups participating (which was funny bc we were set up in cabins and the ones across us housed their rivals) and I would turn to Chan like “can you fling me in there bc I wanna hear the gossip too” so I ended up listening to their juicy gossip while being cuddled by Shua (boyfriend 1) while Seokmin (boyfriend 2) was flashing puppy eyes bc Mingyu was inbetween the 3 of us 😭
It was chaos tho bc eventually the gossip would go outside while they’re playing foot volleyball and I had to retrieve the ball every time. So Seokmin will be trailing behind me every time I had to pick it up near the rival team’s camp bc he’s worried they might scare me.
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seisemi · 2 years
I'm Sei! TW for anyone looking as my blog, there's stuff on CNC, misogyny and lesbians turned straight here. Take care before scrolling.
Don't DM about:
- Meeting up irl
- Photos/videos/phone calls
- Asking for my other social media
- Unsolicited dick pics
- Raceplay and incest
- Ending your sentences with 'lol'/'haha' (Seriously, what's with this? "You wanna suck my dick lol" "Not with that confidence.")
People who I've never spoken to before: I've tried just saying "Hey, you did this and that makes me uncomfy" and moving on, but usually once one of those things happen I cannot find it in me to continue the conversation or consider talking to you again. Just because some people are into some of these things doesn't mean I am.
I've had experiences of people becoming weirdly clingy which is honestly just concerning. Don't attach yourself to the random female on Tumblr please. I don't have the energy and you should treat yourself better than that.
Questions are fine, I love answering those. And if we've spoken before then you get a lil leeway.
This last point is just me being picky now, but please type like you have a brain 🧠 While I won't not talk to you, I do have difficulty talking to people who type like they haven't passed high school.
Likes: CNC, fearplay, gaslighting, corruption, breathplay (no choking tho), light bondage, light to mid pain, sensory play/deprivation, misogyny (just don't be so fucking weird), objectification, housewife, degradation, humiliation, somno, crying.
Limits: piss, scat, vom, Petplay, ddlg, blood, needles, snuff, permanent damage, heavy pain and gore.
ALSO!!!! Ladies feel free to hmu if I can practice my Dom side with you (◡‿◡✿)
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Heyy, found the asks list now hehe and uh okay i selected a lot of questions so just like elaborate as much as you want but long answers preferred please 👉👈
Also my notes app might've messed with the numbers but whatever
6. is it hard for you to get over someone?
7. what was your life like last year?
10. are you good at hiding your feelings?
15. personality description
16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn't?
17. opinion on insecurities.
24. height
28. i’ll love you if…
31. 3 random facts
32. are your friends mainly girls or guys?
35. favourite subject
50. something i’m talented at
(Also i figured why stay on anon now so hi again :3)
6. is it hard for you to get over someone? Erm.. I guess yeah. Like I mentioned in the other ask I've not really ever been in love, so I don't know what that's like. But I've had strong crushes in the past and it took me a while to get over them fully. But smaller crushes or infatuations I can usually get past if I realised they're not really vibing in that way.
7. what was your life like last year? Honestly, not too different than now. Covid meant working from home most of the time and so that hasn't really changed since. I supposed biggest differences now is that I moved out of my parents home in January of this year to stay with a friend whilst the house I was buying was being built and now I'm in my own home! Oh and making this blog was a big change too and has helped me get more confident with my appearance, though there's still a long way to go there.
10. are you good at hiding your feelings? In general, no. I can lie pretty effortlessly honestly, for better or worse, but when it's something/someone I truly care about my feelings flow out pretty easily.
15. personality description Generally quiet, nerdy, reserved. Pretty anxious and lowkey depressed (🤙)
16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn't? Not really! I'm usually pretty open about everything and even tho I know it might hurt someone's feelings I'll still tell them, in the nicest way possible of course. There's no point keeping things to yourself if it's something that affects multiple people.
17. opinion on insecurities. I feel like everyone has them and you should do your best to acknowledge them and let people know that it's okay to think those things. Just support them and eventually I'm sure they'll come to see whatever they're insecure about is pretty minor in the grand scheme of life.
24. height Like 5'7" ish? idk for sure
28. i’ll love you if… Already answered this one.
31. 3 random facts 1. I've swam with sharks and manta ray (is the plural manta rays??) 2. Birmingham, UK has more miles of canals than Venice, Italy. (less individual canals, just longer ones) AND purely because of the nature of my blog I'll make the last one a lewd fact 3. I once masturbated and came like 12 times in one day (exact number I'm not sure of but it was defo over 10 and somewhere in the ball park of 12)
32. are your friends mainly girls or guys? Mainly guys I think, definitely in person at least, but I feel like I get along better with girls than guys.
35. favourite subject At school and stuff? Definitely IT / Computing. I ended up doing a degree in computer science after all 😅
50. something i’m talented at Erm... I don't particularly consider myself talented at anything?? I'm a decent writer, and I can memorise things pretty easily?
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clemencetaught · 4 months
(jumps in your askbox to ask things about the birthday boy uwu)
THESE ARE!!! For Patrick (Verse One):
⏳ In which aspects have you seen Patrick change? As in, the initial idea/concept you had of him VS. Now? ⏳ If he had the time and availability to have a pet, which one do you see him choosing? ⏳ Did he use to have a favorite place when he was a child? Somewhere he remembers with fondness? ⏳ What's a place he's always wanted to visit but hasn't? ⏳ Does he know that a certain detective named Lee Hyuk always carries him in his heart and mind and misses him like nuts and blames me for being away (IUWEHDWEIUDHWD)?
Feel free to skip any (or all) questions ;W; HOPE YOU'RE DOING WELL!!!
now it's the professor's turn ( nosy questions for the birthday enby w/ @jeoseungsaja )
ALEX!!! 💕💕💕 my dear friend, first of all THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THESE 🥺🥺🥺 i shall do my best to answer them as thoroughly as possible :DDD
⏳ In which aspects have you seen Patrick change? As in, the initial idea/concept you had of him VS. Now? 
HMMM, well i make it no secret that his inspo is professor layton, specifically in the third game- like literally, i think i made a post adding him to my muse roster on suki’s blog ( JK IT WAS ON CALUM’S BLOG here’s the post tho )...i was honestly debating between whether to make an oc inspired by her*shel lay*ton or just to write the professor himself. But i also wasn’t confident in my ability to write canon characters and i also knew that the layton rp community is kinda…dead?? ANYWAYS, when patrick started out, i originally planned for him to be very similar to layton himself: someone whose life at multiple points has been marked by significant losses, but because these losses happened a while back, someone who has learned to, not necessarily move forward (yet) but more of learned how to live with the grief. Since the creators of the lay*ton games probably didn’t have as much time to flesh out the professor in the third game as i would have wanted them too, patrick was basically supposed to be my exploration of that…you could say patrick in a way, is my self-indulgent lay*ton fanfiction FJSKLDJFLSD 😂
But to be more specific about the initial concepts, patrick was supposed much more in touch with the outside world ( henceforth the ‘anthropology’ part of his career once upon a time :’D ), more adventurous and also a tad more…brusque? more frigid? Kinda like that professor who’s always affable and you admire from a distance, but u wouldn’t necessarily go to for emotional support….basically not quite the gay english professor that all of the queer kids end up loving and subconsciously consider him the father figure they never had :’D
This is all way, if i may compare patrick to lay*ton, i’d say patrick ended up be way more milder, reserved and closed off in comparison to lay*ton. Warmer too although i think part of that also comes from his relationship with hyuk AKA as once stated, hyuk uses his teeth for patrick so patrick doesn’t have to grow them himself. Also while the two do more or less do still have the same demeanor, but patrick, in particular, is unabashedly biased towards his loved ones. Would drop everything for them even his morals ( which isn’t exactly very good of a gentleman :’D ). So i’d say in that sense, lay*ton is almost?? Ironically milder in this sense? In while he does have preferences, he doesn’t have as many sheer dislikes….patrick on the other hand does have very specific dislikes that while he doesn’t vocalize, it’s very obvious to know what they are. 
I’ve also noticed in this past year, patrick, depending on the verse, is becoming a lot more…petty morally ambiguous ( hyuk come collect your person and chastise him too fjksldjfdls :’D ). Selfless yes, but the means and his way of thinking uh….maybe it’s not the most morally upright version :’D i also do think he’s a bit more prone to silliness too in comparison to my original concept &lt;3
⏳ If he had the time and availability to have a pet, which one do you see him choosing?
It’s more apparent in verse three and maybe even verse two, but patrick is very much of a cat person. Not that he hates dogs, but i do think he’s more drawn to cats, whether they’re on the sillier side or the reserved side- he’s a big proponent of self-suffiency and since the man is like, always working, he would want a furry companion who doesn’t mind just passing the hours in peaceful quiet :’D as of right now, he could probably get a cat, but it’d be an adult cat, probably one still pretty young.
If he gets one after elise has flown the nest though…i could see him getting a kitten :’D preferably a stray one bc patrick has a tendency of taking in strays, human or not &lt;3 <3 <3
⏳ Did he use to have a favorite place when he was a child? Somewhere he remembers with fondness?
Libraries have always been a source of solace for patrick especially when he was in secondary school. As the only asian kid in his town and not to mention probably the only kid that was adopted, the books in the library provided him with examples of sorts of people who were more like him…granted in the 1980s there probably wasn’t as much as there is now, but it certainly made him feel less alone. So i’d say the library in his childhood would be one of his favorite places aka one place he also would probably sleep over in if not for the librarian kicking him out :’D i’d say if he didn’t get in engrossed in academia and teaching, he’d probably be a librarian ( which he was in his second life &lt;3 )
⏳ What's a place he's always wanted to visit but hasn't? 
Anywhere that has hyuk in it. OKAY BUT SERIOUSLY, i would say….maybe yeongju? Since that’s where he was born originally although patrick wouldn’t actually know that until like after the whole thing with felicity went down. But i do think it is a place that would also help explain some of the strange images he sometimes gets of his past life as a seonbi…
⏳ Does he know that a certain detective named Lee Hyuk always carries him in his heart and mind and misses him like nuts and blames me for being away (IUWEHDWEIUDHWD)?
Hmmm, i don’t know hyuk…you might have to say a bit louder for patrick in the back to hear JFKLSJDFLSKJ jkjk, pls don’t apologize for your speed, patrick and i are MORE than happy to wait for u…unfortunately for all of us, you are stuck with me for as long as this hellsite is around and even when it dies i'll still be haunting u &lt;3
but since you’ve mentioned this, patrick has snuck out here to say something:
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“Ah, spoken like a true pigeon– do let him know to come back as soon as he can. I’ll have a Crosstown donut and an iced americano ready for him.”
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qqtxt · 1 year
Haha! No matter where you go, im glad to see your writing 😃. You're still my writing inspo so I'm still trying to get back into writing and tried writing some new stuff.
I think my life has changed a lot! Tattoos, braces, contacts, dyed hair, moved in with my boyfriend.
But also all types of stresses are ruining my sense of inner peace. I'm working on some internal changes tho to work on that tho.
What else is new other than txt?
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omg hi!!! HAHA! i can't believe you came on here but hello!!! ur the absolute sweetest and i can't think of anyone else who has followed me through the blogs??? (which is simply wild to me!) but thank you and I'm glad to hear you're writing!!! 💖💖💖
oh my!!! tattoos?! what did you get?! dyed hair??? what color?! (funnily enough i dyed my hair too! but just the bottom half, haha! but mine's grown out now and i've chopped most of the dyed parts out……im tired of re-dying them) and that sounds so exciting!!! how is it like living with him? :D
oof…… other than txt, i'm now in my final year of master's! i quit my junior designer position a while back when i started the master's but picked up some freelancing on the side. just….. trying to pull thru honestly! at one point i think i considered being a lecturer bc two of my ex-lecturers in college reached out an offered a teaching position, one in the college i attended, and another in another art college i kind of heard of, so that was exciting! but i'm really just set on finishing my master's and finding a designer position after! not much other than that, haha! 👹 oh! I'm also picking up the mandarin language, a bit of hokkien and Korean on the side, too! so that's new too i guess! HAHA!
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haikyuucute · 4 years
I really need she is busy for Omi omi
Warning: Nsfw
“Sorry, She’s Busy” (Sakusa Kiyoomi)
Alright so
Surprise surprise, Sakusa had never been the type to easily fall for someone
He didn’t even like being around people, so he was more than content with being single
The only person in his life that he felt held any kind of importance was you
You had grown up with Sakusa and you were the complete opposite
An outgoing social butterfly with too many friends too count
But you had always considered Sakusa your best friend
He would never actually say it out loud but he really did care for you deeply— you were actually the only person that was allowed to touch him (also because he knew you were careful not to touch him unless you knew you were clean... another reason as to why you were special to him)
But then you got a boyfriend
And he saw less and less of you
He didn’t bring it up tho, too proud to actually admit he missed your presence
Or how he missed those days you’d come over his place after you showered at yours just so you could show him a movie you saw and rlly liked
Or how he missed those rare moments you would hug him despite his protest
However he did occasionally find himself bitterly thinking about how difficult it would be for you to come over every once in a while, especially since you only lived across the street
But he was fine
He was fine with seeing you hanging off your asshole boyfriends arm
He was fine with seeing his disgusting hands all over you
And he was fine the day he accidentally caught you and your boyfriend fucking because you weren’t smart enough to shut the fucking curtains to your bedroom window
Okay... maybe, he wasn’t fine with it
The night Sakusa finally came to the conclusion that he was most definitely not okay with you being in a relationship was difficult 
He could only think about how you actually let his filthy hands touch you and let him kiss you and so much more he didn’t even want to think about
He knew your boyfriend was terrible to you
He would keep you from your friends, flirt with other girls behind your back, and the list could go on
So Sakusa couldn’t necessarily say he was shocked the night you showed up at his place in tears because you caught him cheating on you
But he was pissed
Sakusa told you you could stay for the night if you wanted to, to which you had agreed
And even in your heartbroken state, you put your friends need first and took a shower, changing into some clothes he leant you, and even brushing your teeth (you kept a tooth brush at his place)
With that he had let you curl up on his lap and cry
You honestly felt so stupid
You weren’t sure as to why you were as upset as you were since you had actually been planning on breaking up with your now ex boyfriend for a while now
But you thought it most likely had to do with the man under you
You’ve had a crush on Sakusa ever since the first time you met him and that crush only seemed to grow throughout the years 
But you knew what he was like and the idea of pursuing a relationship with him felt impossible 
So you tried moving on
Which now seemed stupid, because you’d always like the one guy you couldn’t have
As the night wore on, you eventually calmed down and the two of you put on a movie like you used to 
Then... things started to take a turn
What had lead up to it was a blur but before you knew it, confessions were being made
The two of you were leaning in
And kissing
And soon, kissing wasn’t enough, not for Sakusa who had been pining over you in complete silence for the last however many months, nor you who was actually making out with the boy you’ve liked for years
It was a shuffle of pushing down the others pants and tearing each other’s shirts off
You offered to move this to the shower if it made him more comfortable, but even he couldn’t wait, he needed you now— the two of you could always shower after anyway (plus he had a condom, which helped with his anxiety)
Soon enough you were sinking down onto his cock, his hands firmly gripping your hips as he brought you down onto him over and over again 
It was bliss— heaven— but of course something had to try and ruin the moment 
Your phone dinged
Three times
And he was grabbing your phone so he could silence it
But then the name caught his eye
And without thinking, he was already opening up Snapchat 
Your ex had opened the snap, being met with a sight he wasn’t expecting
You were straddling Sakusa’s lap, and all he could see of you was your naked back, and the side of your face as your lips were on his neck
The gaze that Sakusa had in the picture practically burned through your ex, and his hand had a tight grip in your hair
But the caption was what made him scoff and throw his phone across the room
”She’s busy, go back to the filthy slut you cheated on her with”
Requests are open!
@yams046 @thirsthourdemon @basicallyberry @badboysdoitbetter2 @mizuchan24-blog @unlikelytigerqueen @savemesteeb @masako55 @curiouslilbeast @atsunakaashi
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husbandohunter · 3 years
Best channel I could think of to recommend about SCP is Dr Bob. And really🥺 you think I should start my own blog? Maybe one day. Once I’m not too lazy to actually go to my PC. I haven’t touch it in a... while.
But YES overprotective cat family is WHOLESOME ASF. Honestly the whole monster thing is just my overwhelming desire to see the guys freak out about the monsters that seems TOO intent on eating their beloved caretaker.
On the other hand. The feral boys Xiao, Kaeya and Childe are all shoulder cats and they fight whoever gets to ride reader’s shoulder. Until Diluc beat them to it because he has the fluffiest fur out of all of them and it’s just... it’s so SOFT who wouldn’t resist having that as a neck pillow. Diluc just gave them a smug look whenever Reader picks him up and put him on their shoulder. The second one will be Xiao because his fast, really really fast. Once he got his chance he’ll pounce and refuse to move not like reader would force him off though.
Zhongli and Albedo probably read the books Reader owns. It’s odd but also really cute.
Good thing its on youtube cuz my TV is off 24/7 ._.
It's just you come up with so many ideas that it cannot be contained so you must write it down! ___〆(・∀・) I can relate to that, I was like this since little and before I knew it, I became a writer. So there must be a reason why you have so many ideas, a sign. Doesn't hurt to try~ (tho I agree it is alot of work to maintain a blog hehe)
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I found this on pinterest, its a blessing. The reader sounds like the Tohru out of the bunch cuz shes sweet and oblivious xP Zhongli, Albedo, Diluc are considered low maintenance pets since they're easy to get along with. Childe is the worst, you be running around or getting him out of fights. Kaeya goes to places where he isn't supposed to be. Xiao can be hissy very often. Living with genshin guys as cats would drain your energy in one go!
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ready-to-obeyme · 4 years
[OM!] Reverse AU: Demon Brothers (+ Diavolo) Headcanons
- original idea came from this lovely post so please check it out if you haven’t already bc it’s so cute!! I couldn’t stop thinking about the boys collecting our character cards and desperately trying to complete events and chapters just as we are afjasldkfjasfjdts
Scenario: We’re the characters in the game and the demon brothers (or would they be human in this au??) play Obey Me! and collect our cards, play the events, etc...
Reverse AU: Demon boys collect cards of YOU instead of the other way around
Ranked from most invested to least invested in the game + headcanons on how they play (while stanning you ofc)
EDITED: there is also a related follow-up post of Reverse AU [here]
the man would die for every UR+ 
stans you so hard; cries whenever any new card of you comes out
a collectionist at heart, but he knows there's a fave in his otaku heart of his
every event holds a special place in his kokoro
Idk how he gets sleep grinding for all your URs considering how fast the events come and go without breaks in-between
If he had a terrible sleeping habit before, it’s WORSE now
honestly, this game right up his alley so he's an expert-- he's probably the one to rant about the game and convince his brothers to start playing too
"Add me so we can give each other AP!!"
he says, but he spends a lot of money to get all he needs so he doesn't really NEED his brothers to play with him
very happy when he gets to rant about the game with his brothers
Casually plays OSTs from the game, sometimes on blast and his brothers don’t even bat an eye because they all play the game hehehehe
cheers when he gets you as a surprise guest; uses wikis to make sure he does you right (he once made a wrong move and your dissent dialogue crushed his heart-- so never again)
never ranks below 100 during events
baby tries really hard to save up for a good event card or UR+ but always ends up pulling desperately for your cards
relies on his luck to get what he wants, and when that doesn't work out, ends up putting money into the game
probably prays before each 10x pull and free draw
he's not rich enough to win aaaaaaaaa
fell in love with your character almost immediately and has not looked back since
you are Best Character; probably fights with Levi about who loves you more
gets pumped when he sees your cards; the other character are ehhh even though that's probably not the most strategic way to play
doesn't understand why he can't just have three of you on the dance team all at once
Screams whenever he loses a dance battle (“I’m so sorry!!!!!!’ he tells you as he quickly levels you up and throws a ton of glowsticks at you)
suffers when his brothers get the cards he wants-- though tbf he also brags about pulls he gets that his brothers didn't 
when did this game become a competition? 
f2p but he works really hard to get the cards he wants
diligently saves up and spends all his pulls on a UR+ card he absolutely MUST have
collects all the wallpapers, dialogue, and chats of every card he has of you
stares longingly at the URs and has to resist the very real urge to just buy stuff
invested in the story, the characters, the nuances, and the LORE 
thinks of theories and ideas on how the world works and the facets of each character
probably write on blogs and posts fanfic
...his bros don't know about that part tho so shhhh
The animal event really grabbed him by the DICK
If there is a card of you with cat ears and a tail-- hhhhhhhh
Spends ALL his draws during this event and invests all his time and effort into unlocking the devils flower and regrets NOTHING (o´ω`o)
tries to not get invested
then gets invested deeply in both the storyline and the characters that he completes all the levels asap and grinds everyday to fill out the devil flowers
Takes break between work by opening the game
Refreshed with you on the home screen
Feels like dying when Diavolo catches him SLIPPIN’ peers over his shoulder and asks him what game he’s playing
Also feels like dying when Barbatos catches him humming the opening screen song
tries really hard not to buy anything and he succeeds for quite some time but alas came the hydrangeas 
he started off by buying some devil (human?) points… and it escalated
slippery slope-- recharge missions took him by the neck and then he gave in to being VIP (might as well, since he can afford it…)
outwardly calm about playing the game, enjoys talking with Satan about the possible lore and having something to bond with Levi
inwardly pretty invested: adores the interactions, remembers what options are best for each surprise guest dialogue 
posts about all his Good pulls, especially when he gets the new UR+/UR cards 
the type to unlock all the devil flowers for the flex but also for the aesthetic 
scrolls through devilgram (uhh human...gram? so instagram) and unlocks every story asap
thinks the game is adorable whenever he gets to interact with you as a surprise guest
probably doesn't have a high preference for any particular card but absolutely LOVES the pretty ones 
love love LOVES the fan art that people draw of you
Hums to the opening screen song in the shower or even the opening video (that he voices hahah) 
gets frustrated when the levels get hard and he has to grind but so far hasnt given into buying anything
Not as invested as his brothers but he does spend money just to get a REALLY nice UR+ card like the rain event 
Water does wonders for aesthetics(=^0^=)
the game is too fast-- so many events for him to care about that he sometimes drops off the face of the earth to play it or drops the game and takes a break from it for a while
there is no in between with this dude
he can only invest in the game when he feels like it, if he feels somewhat motivated 
thinks the dance battles are funny
slightly upset when he doesn't get the cards he want from gacha but it's too bothered by it
has like at least one UR of you from an event that he didn't expect to get and that's good enough for him
the bed head cards got him feeling some type of way ////
had notifications for his AP during that period of time; has never grinded harder
what can i say? the man gets lucky from free pulls all the damn time
least invested, but does enjoy reading the story and the characters; just gets kind of lazy when he gets stuck on levels 
does his best to level up enough to continue the story and unlock your gram stories but has a hard time grinding to unlock devil flowers
which is understandable considering the amount of URs he has 
i could probably see his brothers fight each other to get his account when he thinks about giving it away 
plays more often during events because he likes the extra interactions from the game with you 
Lowkey does not know how to play for a while but does log into the game just to make sure he gets his free pulls
His knowledge of the games grows EXPONENTIALLY and by the end of the first week
he’a asking Lucifer to add him, what cards he has, should he invest in this event or not
Lucifer isn’t sure if he’s happy with this development or not 
Definitely has Barbatos join in on the fun too :333
Barbatos somehow ends up being as equally invested as Levi but the only way any of them can tell is because he revealed himself to be top 10 at one event
Adores every UR card of you and asks Lucifer if he should just sign up and be VIP
Does get extremely lucky at times
“Lucifer, what’s the difference between a UR+ and a UR? Huh, why? Well, this card I got has a UR+ on it--”
Ranks probably above Asmodeus and below Lucifer in terms of how invested he is into the game
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