#holds out my hand. 5 dollars please and thank u
lovphobic · 8 months
so im making cookies for my moms coworker again. the one i had to stay up to rush the previous batch for. and i told her once again that it kills me that he is having me a stranger make cookies for his dad and she was like well hes a guy he doesnt know how to bake........... idk how i kept the evil feminist dyke from completely jumping out in that walmart but all i said was ok and? its a skill that anyone can and should learn
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b-kaulitzx · 11 months
BILL KAULITZ || Pulling you on stage ||
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You & your bestfriend, Adam were at a Tokio Hotel concert. It was the late 2000s, people dressing how ever they liked. A few girls with dresses on and jeans. Crop tops, glasses, jeans, jackets. You name it, you were in the 'gothic' part of it. Chunky boots, fishnets, black Jean shorts, crop tops, black small jackets, you name it.
You heard of the band two years ago, by your bestfriend. He wouldn't stop rambling on about them. I personally always liked bill and Georg. They are both extremely hot, now in person you couldn't lay your eyes off them.
You were staring at Georg, trying not to freak out that Adam got tickets for your birthday week. "YOURE WELCOME Y/N" Adam screams, making sure I can hear even though he screamed right by my ear. "YEAH THANKS A". A few minutes pass, jamming out to Schrei. I notice Bill walking closer to the front of the stage, and then winks in my direction. He gets even more closer and puts a hand out, reaching for me. I turn to Adam and act surprised(😦), I turn back around to Bill, grabbing his hand. Security pushing me up, I reaching the stage I turn to the crowd and then back to Bill. "Whats your name, Schatz?" He says into the Mike and points the microphone to my mouth. The crowd goes wild, screaming. "Oh! Um y/n!" . I say, holding in my excitement, "Well y/n, why don't you come back stage after we got done,". He winks at you, "that would be nice" I smile, bill turning back to the crowd and starts signing again, about a few seconds later, turning the microphone to you. You guess you have to finish the lyrics. You do and he nods, this goes on until the show is done.
Adam cheers you on from the crowd, being louder than usual. You smile at him and once the show is over, most of the people are gone, you spot Adam and get down to the stage sitting on the edge while he rests his arms on the railing. The band is getting water and snacks while u wait for them to get done. "Y/N! jesus how was it, if that was me i would have literally cried! " He says, his fvoice raspy from yelling. "Oh my god adam, it was fucking amazing. Surprisingly didnt get stage fright". He claps softly, "look, snice your gonma chill out with the band, I'm gonna go home okay? He's some money to get a cab, plus you guys will probably be drinking so that's even better". He throws a 50 dollar bill at you, missing the stage and falling on the floor. He winks and leaves, "adam? Bro im not getting off this stage!" You yell at him, he turns around and laughs. "Oh my God, damn it" you jump down from, the stage, grabbing it and stuffing it in your back pocket. You turn around trying to get back on the stage, you keep failing. You turn around, facing the few little people in the crowd, trying to jump on stage while a few people look at you is kinda embarrassing. You hear someone's voice "need help?" You turn around and see Georg, a layer of sweat on his face. "Oh! Please, I've been trying for the last like 2 minutes". He reaches his hand out for you, grabbing it and pulling you up. "That wasnt hard, Y/n" He grins, "it is when im not tall enough" he let's out a small laugh, "come on, Bill hasnt shut up about you snice we left the stage". He leads you to a black current and pushing it over you, you go under it and see the rest of the band. "Oh bill, shes here" He tunes out, "ah, y/n!" he turns to me and smiles, "your singing was awesome Y/n!' Bill says, walking up to me and shooing Georg away. "Thanks, bill. You were amazing yourself".
I honestly wanna add more but i just pulled an all nighter and im tired. ive had this thing SIT in my drafts for like 5 days so yeahhh. Also this is so long my bad yall, this was supposed to be like 2 paragraphs💀 Also didnt proof read because im lazy
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lovetorn · 3 years
babysitter [roommate!dream au]
Roommate!Dream x Fem!Reader
summary: you babysit tommy. do i need to explain?
warnings: swearing
w/c: 1.4k+
a/n: thank u 🧋 anon, u are amazing. i hope i did justice for ur amazing idea hahaha 😫hope u guys enjoy!
roommate!dream masterlist
“Please, Y/n! It’ll only be for a few hours, just while I do my exam, and then I’ll be back. That’s all! I promise, please.”
You’d never heard Wilbur beg like this before. It is kinda funny. You stand with a smirk as you watch him, your arms crossed over your chest. Yes, you’ve babysat his brother before, but this time, your plans for lunch with your friends were being jeopardised.
“I’ll call Niki and Karl myself and tell them the situation, I’m sure they’ll be fine with it,” Wilbur pleads. His glasses sit on the edge of his nose and you guarantee they’re going to fall off in the next 2 seconds. Obviously, you’re going to babysit for him, but this is too funny to pass up.
“I don’t know, Wil. I planned this weeks ago… I’m not sure I can cancel this late…” You try your best not to smile. But, Wilbur isn’t silly, he can see through your act from a mile away.
“Thank you!” He exclaims, shaking your shoulders. You give him an incredulous look and then laugh.
“You owe me one, Tommy isn’t easy to babysit,” You giggle, knowing all too well how he acts when his family isn’t around. Wilbur nods.
“Yeah, yeah, anything. I’ll buy you breakfast for the next month.”
Your eyebrows fly to your forehead. “I'm holding you to that, Wilby.”
And so it was decided: Tommy would come to your apartment at 1 pm and be there until 4. You told Dream you were having a guest over, sparing the details, which made Dream a little suspicious. He really hoped it wasn’t a date—no, it couldn’t be a date.
But, when he hears a knock on the front door, and then the murmur of deep voices, he thinks of the worst. Dream gets up from his bed and presses his ear to his bedroom door, hoping to get any clues as to who is at the door. He knows this is the dumbest thing he’s done since he moved in with you, but he can’t help it. The door shuts and then it’s silent and Dream thinks that maybe the person left.
Meanwhile, you lead Tommy into your room. “Want any food or anything?” You ask as you watch him jump onto your bed and grab the TV remote off of your nightstand.
“No,” He says, fingers flying over the remote to turn the TV on, change the channel, turn the volume up, change the channel again, and then press the button for Netflix. You don’t mind that he’s made himself at home in your room, he’s gonna be here for 3 hours.
“I would like a Slurpee though,” You squint at him. He can’t be serious. Before you can say anything, he continues. “Thanks, Y/n. you’re the best.”
You give him a fake scowl for sucking up to you and sigh. “Fine. I’ll be back in a second.”
You don’t want to ask Dream to go to the corner shop and get Slurpees, but you’d rather ask him to do that than ask him to watch Tommy.
“Dream?” Pushing open his bedroom door, you see him spin around.
“Hey, hi, what’s up?” Dream hopes he isn’t being weird.
He’s being weird and you don’t know why. You hold onto the door handle and inhale sharply. “Uh, I was just wondering if you could go to the corner store for me? Just really quickly, I’ll give you the money.”
Oh shit, Dream thinks. She’s making me go buy condoms for her and her date. “I—Uh, sure, yeah. What am I getting?” He asks, sliding his feet into his Birkenstocks and shoving his phone into his back pocket. Please don’t say condoms.
“A Slurpee,” Thank god.
“Ok, flavour?”
You turn your head to look back at your bedroom door before you look back at him, a puzzled look on your face. “All of them?”
Dream nods slowly. “Okay?” You two stand in silence momentarily and then Dream ushers you out of his room. “Ok, I’ll be back in 5.” You hand him a few dollars and then make your way back to your room.
“Thank you, Dream! I owe you one, thank you,” You smile, pushing your door open and then closing it immediately. Dream barely smiles and grumbles as he leaves.
“Your delivery will be here in like 6 minutes minimum,” You say. Tommy snickers but doesn’t look at you. You cross your arms over your chest.
“What’s funny?”
Tommy shrugs. “I don’t know. I just think it’s funny that your roommate is willing to do that for you. Must like you a lot.”
You furrow your eyebrows. “I’d do the same for him.”
“Him? Woah-ho-ho, that changes the game,” Tommy sits up, a shit-eating grin on his face. “What’s his name? I bet you’re like, in love with him.”
You immediately shake your head, feeling heat rise to your cheeks. “No~, no, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Yeah, okay.”
The room remains still.
“You totally love him.”
Then there’s a knock on your bedroom door. You throw your middle finger up at Tommy and tell him to behave before you open the door.
“Here’s your disgusting Slurpee,” Dream mumbles, shoving the cup into your hands. He's a little out of breath from running but doesn't show it.
“Thank you,” You smile. Dream nods and then turns around, but before he can take a step, a voice calls out from behind you.
“Is that the roommate?” Tommy laughs. “Come in here, roommate.” You want to slap him.
Dream looks over his shoulder at you and you shrug. He wears a concerned look as he enters the room and is surprised to see Tommy, obviously.
“Y/n, why do you have a child in here?” Ok, definitely NOT a date.
You have no time to answer before Tommy speaks.
“I’m being babysat and shit,” Tommy rolls his eyes. Your hand is getting cold from the drink so you hand it to Tommy. “Fuck yeah,” He then flops onto your bed again, not caring if he spills some of the sugary liquid onto your bedspread and presses play on the movie he’s watching.
“Stay in here, roommate, we have some business to discuss.”
You shake your head and close the door behind you as Dream perches on the edge of your bed.
“I'm Dream.” He greets.
Tommy nods and looks in your direction, winking overdramatically. “Tommy. Master of women.” Dream scratches his forehead and glances at you. You close your eyes and pinch the bridge of your nose, whispering to Tommy to shut the fuck up.
“Movie time! We’re watching Sex/Life,” You are bewildered.
“Um, no we’re not!” Moving to snatch the remote from Tommy, you lean your body over Dream’s and see the mischievous look in the child’s eye. You know what he’s doing—could he seriously make this any more awkward?
“Let’s skip to 19 minutes and how many seconds?” Tommy teases, skipping ahead to the timestamp of the scene that went viral. Tommy’s laugh is maniacal, but you are more worried about the position you’re in. Dream’s hands rest in his lap and he looks at the ceiling, while your body leans over his. You don’t know if Tommy is laughing more at the show or the tension between you and Dream.
Finally, you grab the remote and throw it into the chair in the corner of your room. “You are a nightmare, Thomas.”
“Ha, get it, because I’m a nightmare, but he’s Dream, who must be a dream.”
You and Dream groan at his shitty joke and tell him to shut up.
“Anywho, so what’s up with you two?” Tommy smirks. You and your roommate make eye contact, both blushing before looking back at Tommy. He can practically see the tension in the room.
“Nothing.” You say simultaneously. This makes Tommy grin and hum.
Ignoring him, Dream takes refuge on the chair in the corner, looking to you to see how you’re going to handle this situation—however, he can’t help but shamelessly check you out whilst you’re not paying attention to him. He knows it's a dumb thing to do, especially when Tommy is sitting there and has no filter.
You stay speechless in the middle of the room, eyeing Tommy. You didn’t expect babysitting to be so difficult.
“You’re staring, big man.”
You whip around to face Dream and see that the comment makes his cheeks flush a deep red. Your eyes widen and then Dream's up and out of your room. “Bye.”
“Shut the fuck up, Tommy!” You say, embarrassed. You look back to see Dream’s door closing and you want to kick Tommy, so bad. “Ugh, you make everything so awkward! I hate you.”
“I hear that a lot, it’s a compliment at this point.”
And when Wilbur comes to pick Tommy up, you shove him out the door and swear that if Wilbur breaks his promise about breakfast every day, he's gonna be in deep shit.
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hops-hunny · 3 years
Distance Makes the Heart Grow
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: Mafia Boss!Neville Longbottom x Reader
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 2.7k
Summary: (Y/n) lives a normal life. But that’s the issue, it’s normal, it’s plain, and it’s growing boring. Everyday she wishes for something, anything to spice up her life. But, when her old school friend (and crush) shows up at her bakery with a new look (and what looks like a new life), what will it bring for her? Will their puppy love grow? Will his big secret lead to the end of them or will it spark a new beginning?
Warnings: wizards experiencing muggle items, one line about sexual temptation, illegal bribery
(Y/n) rubbed the sleep from her eyes, still tired despite going through her entire morning routine. Although she was exhausted, she also felt an extreme burst of excitement. Although she grew up wealthy for a small portion of her life, her parents had never liked to travel. They much preferred sticking to themselves and associating with other pure bloods. The furthest they had ever traveled was from their main home to their summer home and even then the two weren’t that far from one another. She nuzzled into Neville’s neck further, tightening her grasp around him as he carried her down the stairs.
When they got to the landing, he brought them to the main living room where everyone was waiting. She heard a familiar squeal causing her eyes to snap open just in time to see a camera flash.
“Sorry you guys are just so cute together! Plus who knew you were this adorable when you’re sleepy?” Twyla said, cooing as she walked over and pinching the girl’s cheek. She grumbled, smacking her hand away as she buried her head back in Neville’s neck.
“Twyla? What are you doing here? You’re coming too?” she asked, watching as the girl nodded, jumping in excitement. Her (e/c) eyes narrowed as she peeked at her. “Really? I also suspect that you requested this time off?” the blonde scratched the back of her neck, backing away from the girl slowly.
“Listen, (Y/n), baby, dear boss of mine. Permission to have time off in order to go to Italy?” she pleaded, flashing her a sickly sweet smile. 
“Request denied.” she replied almost instantaneously. She giggled some at the girl’s reaction, trying to keep the straight face she had going on. But she couldn’t, Twyla’s over dramatic scene she was causing was far too funny. “I’m only kidding Twy, there’s no one I’d rather spend time in a new country with. Well, maybe there is.” Neville squeezed at her thighs, lifting her up higher at the announcement. He went to tease her before Harrison cleared his throat, standing on a stool so the mass of people could see him.
“Alright well I’ve got some news.” he started but was cut short.
“Good or bad?” the twins said in unison, glaring at each other for having the same thought.
“Well, it’s news. Because there’s so many of us, it’d be a bit strange for us to use floo powder. It’d cause way too much attention which would already have people quite suspicious about our visit.” he said, clasping his hands together. “Which means we’ll be using muggle transportation.” The main eight chimed up, all their speech lapping over each other. Twyla whistled, causing them all to stop speaking. “Thank you. Now if there’s any questions, please ask them one at a time.”
“How the hell are we gonna drive to Italy?! Can cars go in the water?” Seamus blurted out, causing everyone in the room to give him a disappointed look. Ron smacked the back of his head, letting out a troubled sigh.
“Whoever said there was no such thing as a dumb question must’ve never met you, Finnegan.” Harrison said in a fake sweet tone. “We’re going by plane which means we’ll need to go through the muggle airport.” Neville cleared his throat, causing everyone to turn their attention to him.
“And what about our guns? Weapons? Correct me if I’m wrong, but those can’t be taken through airport security.” he said, everyone else to make noises of agreement. The bearded man sucked on his teeth, releasing a soft breath.
“Well, we’re all smart, capable people. Plus you know muggles, money talks with them. Shouldn’t be too hard to get ourselves through with our weapons intact.” he said, causing everyone to go into thought about what they’d do to evade security. “Any more questions?”
“Yeah, how long are we going to be there for? I sorta have a job.” Twyla said. (Y/n) rolled her eyes, squinting them at the back of the girl’s head which caused a small jolt of electricity to shock her. She let out a yelp, glaring knowingly at the girl. “I know that was you!”
“Alright if there’s no more questions, let’s get to the airport!”
As they got out of the car, (Y/n) looked around in awe. The airport had to be one of the busiest places she’d ever been, and she attended Hogwarts. Many different tunnels, windows, and levels all stacked as high as her sight could reach. The worst part of it all was the abundance of people, especially with them being muggles. It wasn’t that she disliked them, it was more so she feared them. She constantly felt anxious like they could see right through her and would call her out on the spot. As she felt her breath get shallow, she ran up to Neville clinging to his arm as they walked. He looked down at her smiling before intertwining their fingers.
She gasped as the door walked open automatically as they went through, eyes growing wide. Neville heard the noise looking down at her. She gave him a confused look. “I thought you said there was no magic here?” she said, confused by how the doors were doing that. He chuckled some, pecking the top of her head.
“There isn’t. It’s all muggle technology. If you think that’s cool, I’m curious what your reaction to the plane will be.” 
(Y/n) kept close to the tall man’s side, ignoring the weird looks they were receiving. She couldn’t blame them. Her and Neville were complete opposites. It was as if they both climbed out of two separate books and had formed a new one which in a way, they had. Everyone continued to follow Harrison, watching as he slid a large numbered bill to the man. He moved out of the way, letting them skip the line before they got to the metal detectors. (Y/n) began to sweat nervously knowing that every single man with her right now was fully armed and loaded.
“I’ve got this, don’t worry mini boss!” Seamus said, walking up to the front of the line. Neville groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. He cleared his throat as he stepped up to the short man in the uniform. The man crossed his arms, glaring up at him. “Hello…” he trailed off, looking at the nametag on the man, “Alfredo! Listen, why don’t you be a champ and let us by?” he said, handing the man a few 20s. However, he didn’t budge.
“You think I’m going to let you through for 40 bucks?” he snapped. “I happen to take my job as an airport security member very seriously. I’d have half the mind to call the cops on you right now for not wanting to follow the mandatory metal detector procedure.” At this point the girl was shaking. Blaise rolled his eyes, walking up to the man. He gave him a charismatic smirk. Grabbing the man’s hand he placed a kiss on his knuckles.
“Alfredo, right?” he asked, watching as the boy nodded along in a trance. “Charmed. I’m Blaise Zabini. Listen, I know my friend here insulted your character and you seem like a very nice, good boy,” he purred, staring into his eyes intently. Whipping out his wallet he pulled out four hundred dollar bills tucking them into the boy’s front pocket, leaving his hand to linger there. “So why don’t you let us through, yeah? And maybe when I come back you can give me a call.” The boy stumbled behind the machine, looking both ways before turning off the sensors. They all began to quickly file through before anyone would notice. Blaise being the last one threw the man a wink before catching up with his friends.
“That’s not fair! Blaise has pretty privilege!” Seamus whined, causing Fred to snort.
“Perhaps you should invest in some then. You seemed like you could use it back there.” he said, snickering as George joined in. Draco even gave a few chuckles before covering it with a cough.
(Y/n) looked around the airport, still curious about everything. Sure Hogwarts had a few moving floors and stairs that moved but these were..different? Maybe they were some more of that muggle technology Neville had mentioned earlier.
“You see that?” the boss said, pointing to a set of the moving stairs. She nodded, continuing to eye them curiously. “Those are called escalators. You stand on them and they move. We’re about to get on one in a second!” she gulped at that but nodded.
“U-um, will you hold my hand on it? It’s kinda scary..” she asked, jumping in surprise as he wrapped his arms around her. He pulled her into his chest, embracing her tightly.
“God, you're so precious. Of course I’ll hold your hand.” he reached his hand out, grabbing her smaller one in his large one. As they neared it, she found she wasn’t as nervous as she had been previously. Especially not with the twins running up the wrong side, screaming at each other in confusion about why they weren’t moving anywhere.
“They seem to be out of order!” George said, continuing to run up them. Ron turned around glaring at his pathetic older brothers.
“They’re not broken, you’re just on the wrong side, idiots! Why do you think we got on this one?” he yelled to them, watching as they froze. As they reached the landing again they ran up the correct side, giving Ron a smack on the back of the head as they passed him.
“Oh you know, for flavor!”
As they neared the terminal, her eyes began to sparkle with curiosity. Even though the majority of it was covered by the window panes, she could see bits of the different planes in between.
“Alright for most of you, this is your spot. The boarding should be beginning soon so keep an ear peeled.” Harrison said. The extra men that had come with the nodded before making their way to the long line. They looked very out of place compared to everyone else in line. Although some had disguised themselves in Hawaiian shirts, a lot of them still adorned their usual attire of all black suits. (Y/n) went to join them but was pulled back, the tattooed man giving her a look.
“Where are you going?” he asked.
“To get on the plane? I thought we were taking one?” she said, a lost look on her face. He smiled at her, dragging her along.
“Oh we are, we’re just taking one of our own.” he said, a smug look present on his face. She went to ask him what he meant but stopped as they made it to a private section of the airport, walking straight through a terminal with no line. 
“Woah! This is yours, Nev?” she asked, running around the interior. It was larger than she thought it’d be. There were a few couches inside along with a few cushioned chairs. Tables were embedded into the ground, stationed around the various seats.
“Yep! All mine, petal. Only the best for you, pretty girl.” Her heart began to race at the name, looking back at him with a smile. 
“Geez, he really is Mr.Moneybags! This thing is loaded, bigger than any plane I’ve ever been on.” Twyla chimed, throwing herself onto one of the couches with a sigh. Draco took a seat beside her, lifting her legs into his lap.
“I have one too, you know.” he said, causing her to jerk up. Giving him a teasing smile, she pinched his cheek lovingly.
“Aww! Dray’s so cute when he’s jealous! C’mere!” she said, lunging forward onto the man as she covered his face in kisses. (Y/n) giggled some letting out a small scream as a pair of arms pulled her back. Neville nuzzled his nose into her neck before littering kisses all over her face.
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist. You look so cute when you’re excited.” she smiled at his words, hiding her face in his chest. She still had yet to ask him about the room situation. There was only 2 hours till they were set to land so if she wanted to get it out, she had better do it soon.
“Hey Nev? I-I-I was wondering i-if you wanted to maybe..maybe um...share a room together?” Neville froze at the words, the movement of his hands ceasing. Had she really just said what he thought she had? So many thoughts were running through his head, some less savory than others. “I just thought it would be nice. I know you’ll probably be busy during the day so I-I’d enjoy being able to be with you at night. N-not like that! I just-”
“Of course, baby. I’d love to.” he said, turning her around so he could place a kiss on her lips. Before he could begin to deepen it, a childish chorus of ooo’s echoed across the plane. He pulled away, rolling his eyes as he pulled out his gun. “I’m not above using this. I don’t care how high we are.”
An hour into the flight, things had really taken off. During the small duration of time, many blunts had been rolled, meals had been eaten, and alcohol had been consumed. (Y/n) found herself looking out the window, admiring the way the clouds flew by them seemingly weightless. Her attention was pulled away from the sound of a glass breaking along with a loud thud. Seamus was on the ground, his shirt tied around his shoulders like a cape. 
“I don’t think I can drink another round. You two win.” he said, commending the twins for their effort. They exchanged a look before beginning to cackle.
“We were drinking water the whole time! Do you really think we’d drink 14 shots a piece?! Man, what a moron you are, Finnegan.” Fred said, wiping the tears of laughter from his eyes. George nodded along, slapping his knee in amusement.
“Right before we have to scope out the place too? Boss isn’t gonna be too happy with you.” he said in a sing-song voice. (Y/n) couldn’t help but feel bad for the boy. She knew what it was like to go and mess things up before something important. Lifting her purse, she began sifting through it carefully, stopping once she found what she had been looking for. Walking over to the boy she handed him a small potion vile.
“Here, drink this. I always give this to Twyla when she shows up black out at my house. It should sober you up in a few minutes.” The boy looked at her like she was a god before drinking the thick liquid.
“God, who knew the boss would get such a useful girlfriend? Thanks (Y/n)! ‘Ppreciate it.” he said, handing her the now empty bottle. Her face began to heat up at his words.
“O-oh I’m not his-”
“(Y/n)! Come here, I wanna show you something.” he said, motioning her over to the chair. She nodded before walking over to him, sitting in the chair. “Okay, ready?” he asked, waiting for her approval. She nodded, sending him a smile. With a press of a button, the chair she was in began vibrating, light pressure being applied to her back. She practically purred at the feeling, closing her eyes.
“What is this?” she asked, words bumping together from the sensation of the chair. He chuckled before sitting beside her, grabbing her hand in his.
“It’s called a massage chair. It’s a muggle invention. Nice innit?” he asked, watching as she purred some more, nodding brainlessly. His eyes traveled over her relaxed expression, tracing all the curves and contour of her face. However, he couldn’t help the tightening of his pants when she began to moan in pleasure at the feeling of the muggle device. If he could barely get through this, how was he supposed to survive an entire mission with her? Especially one where they’d be sleeping in the same bed, every night? 
“Showers, a lot of cold showers.” he muttered to himself. He smiled once he realized she had fallen asleep, deciding to join her in slumber.
TAGSLIST: @vayeya11 @pink-hufflepuff @clancyscookies @elemental-of-magic @beewitchedlou @simpforremuslupin @mottergirl99 @princesslaiahg​ @nevillelongbottomsgirlfriend​ @redpanda-poetry​ @vibingaesthetically
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solar3lunar · 3 years
2.᯾𝔼𝕟𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕔𝕖 𝔼𝕩𝕒𝕞᯾
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Ayama POV
I heard my alarm going off. "Welp today the day. I better get ready." I touch my head to take my bonnet off. But it wasn't there. "You what. I might as well look in the closet. Because it not going to be on my bed."
Well at least I have silk pillows cases. I'll look for it later. I go to my closest to get out my old dress. Then went to the bathroom.
After 5 minutes I put my uniform and went back to my room I got all of my things and put them inside my bag.
I then walked downstairs and went towards the kitchen. I was just going to pour me some cereal. But I saw pancakes on the table.
I walk closer to see they were homemade fluffy cat shape pancakes. There was a note beside it.
"Do your best Lyric."
-Love, Dad
"Thanks dad." I can't help but smile at the note. After a few minutes of eating. I clean my plate and cup. And went to put my shoes on.
"Meow." I look back and saw Leo. "You have crumbs on your face." I giggled as I brush them off. "You two be good alright?" I asked. He nods. "Okay, I'll see you later."
I headed out the house. Locking the door from behind. I was only 6:25 when I left the house and the exam at the hero academy didn't start until 7:15. I really wish I some music on me. Oh well. I would only take me 5 minutes to get there getting on the train today.
I saw Izuku getting on the train before me. I would've spoken to him but he seems out of it and look deep in thoughts. I just stood close to him about 4 feet away. The digital clock on the bus said it was 6:30.
He got off before me. I got held back by the crowd making me 10 feet away from him. "Jeez." I finally got to the school building. "Stupid Deku." That voice.
"Kaachan." 'I haven't heard that name in a while.' "Get out of my way, now, before I set you on fire." Bakugou spoke angrily. He hasn't changed one bit. Then Midoriya started to freak out a bit. I wait until Katsuki was about 6 feet away from him. Although, I notice that his voice got deeper. Just sayin'
"Midoriya! Wait!" I shouted he turned his back around to me. I finally caught up to him while some people were waiting outside.
"Oh hey Ayama." He waved at me. "Oh you change your hair?" He asked. "Well kinda. You see my hair can change it curl pattern whenever I wash it. And I forgot to put on a shower cap this morning when I took a shower." I sighed.
"The style really looks good on you!" He said blushing a bit. I ignore the blush not knowing what he's blushing for or at. But he looks cute.
"So have you got it yet?" I whisper. "Yeah he said it going to hurt though. I had to eat his hair, before leaving to get here. I've may have eaten but I don't feel any stronger." He said while sulking. I just pat him on the back.
"I'm sure it'll sink in" I reassured him. "Right. But, bring it all you got, Ayama!" He said. "You too, Deku!" I said giggling a bit. He so cute.
"Hey! Are you guys ready for the exams?" A girl ask us. We turned around. Izuku went full on pink. She was about 5'1 I think. "Of course. Right Izuku! Izuku?" I asked him. He started to stutter a lot.
"Oh, y-yeah." He was a mess. I wonder if I would see Momo here. I went to middle school with her. She was my only friend there to be honest.
"Call me Uraraka." She spoke holding her hand out. I shook it. "Nice to meet you Uraraka-san. I'm Ayama." I said. "What your last name?" She asked. "Umm. I rather not say." I told her. " Oh and this is Midoriya." Introduce her to him.
"Nice to meet you." She said nicely. She was so cheerful. "Y-yo-you t-to!" He shouted. "We better get inside now. Don't want to get lock out." Uraraka said. "Oh your right it's 6:55." I said. "Oh and Midoriya you got this. You as well, Uraraka." I said. "Right let's do our best." She said as Midoriya nodded.
She goes ahead of us as I had to help Midoriya to get it together which took a minute. Once we got in we had to put our things in the open lockers. Their was security so nobody had to worry about getting there's things stolen.
Everyone was assigned seating. I was sitting way far from the others. I was on the 5th row to the front. Lord know how far from Izuku or Katsuki. I was sitting next to Momo. Turns out she was wondering if I was going to be here as well.
God this is going to be embarrassing. If I just look at my paper. Maybe I won't have to see my uncle.
Bakugo, Katsuki POV
"Midoriya wait!" A voice call out. Who would want a loser to wait for them. I didn't even turn around, because whoever called his name is probably also a loser or nerd.
"Oh hey Ayama." Deku said. Wait what. I turned my head around. The last time I saw Ayama her hair was down into a ponytail. This girl hair was very very curly, but I knew Ayama could do that as well. I couldn't tell what her skin look like because I only saw a glimpse of it. But even that was too damn fast.
I couldn't see what's the girl looked like so I just kept walking. I didn't think Ayama would be here. Whatever it's not like she'll beat me anyways. Wether she's here or not.
Midoriya, Izuku POV
"What's up, UA candidates? Thanks for tunin' in to me, your school DJ. Come on and let me hear ya!" Present Mic shouted. It was silence when he asked, but I was fan boying over it.
"Keeping it Mello huh. That's fine I'll skip straight to the main show. Let's talk about how this practical exam is gonna go down, okay?" He said.
"Are you ready? Yeah!" He shouted. Still silence
"Oh my goodness, it's the Voice Hero, Present Mic. So cool!" I said whispering. "I listen to his radio show every day of the week. It's so crazy nuts that all the UA teachers are pro heroes-" " Will you shut up." He said.
"Like your application said, Today you rockin' boys and girls will be out there conducting ten-minute mock battles in super-hip urban settings." Present Mic continue.
"Gird your lion, my friends. After I drop the mic here you'll head to your specific battle center, sound good?" He asked still silence. As everyone was looking at there card.
"Okay?" He shouted. "I see. Their splitting us up so we can't work with any of our friends." Kaachan spoke. I jumped a little terrified. "Yeah you're right." I said as I look at both of our card. I was put into center B while he had center A.
"Our examine numbers are one after the other, but we're assign different battle centers." I said still looking at our cards. "Get your eyes off my card." Kaachan said angrily. And I moved away a little from him a bit frightened.
"Damn. I was really looking forward to crushing you." He said as I just laughed nervously. Maybe he'll get Ayama in his battle center.
Ayama POV
"Okay, okay, let's check out your targets. There are three types of faux villains in every battle center. You'll earn points based on their level of difficulty. So better chose wisely.
Your goal in this trial is to use quirk to raise your score by shredding these faux villains like a mid-song guitar solo. But check it! Make sure your keep'n things heroic. Attacking other examine is a U.A big no-no, ya dig?"
This is too embrassing to watch, but I do hope that Izuku can get through this. He just got his quirk. And it going to bruise him. I got center B. I wonder what he and Katsuki got.
A student then spoke up about the robots. Which my uncle quickly answers that saying it was a bonus villain. Although he decided to point out Izuku who been muttering this whole time.
It kinda gets me upset, but yet again it's not like he knew why he doing it in the first place. Geeze this whole thing might as well be a video game that they put out. Big million dollars idea.
"That's all I got for you today. I'll sign off with a little present." My uncle said. "Oh God please no." I whisper knowing it would be a tough crowd. "A sample of our school motto." Then he continued on to speak as I just said the words in my head. Turns out. I don't have Momo with me, sadly.
"You ready go beyond? Let's hear a Plus Ultra!" My uncle shouted. I just put my head in my hands. "Good Luck!" He then continue to go on something about books.
We a got changed into out own gym wear. I was just wearing a black sweat shirt that was short sleeve. And long black sweat pants.
I seen Izuku was going up to Uraraka, so I decided to start going towards the robots. "Hey what's is she doing!?" I heard one student asked. "They didn't even say go yet!" Another shouted.
"She on the right track! There are no countdowns in real battle! Run run listener you're wasting air time here!" Uncle present Mic shouted. I could hear everyone running up towards me.
By that time all of the robots came towards us. I quickly use my voice to scream damaging them by a ton. That should be about 56 points. The robots got up again unsurprisingly. And the other students got a turn.
I got to see of their quirks as my uncle mic pointed out each of their quirks, but mines not that I care considering my situation.
Suddenly the whole battle center started to shake. I look towards Uraraka, Ochako she also notice it after throwing up.
"The fourth robot." I mutter. The robot made it first punch which had a incredible force. Although I kept my feets on the ground. On foot in front of the other and making an X with my arms. I was standing about 5 feet from it. "Less than two minutes!" Uncle mic shouted.
All the students started to run away. Something told me to stay put and look at my surrounding. That when I notice Uraraka was stuck. My eyes widened. Instead of running from danger I ran towards it to help Uraraka out.
"Ayama what are you doing you'll get crushed!" She told me. "I know but it worth it." I said and it confused her. I have a feeling that Izuku power would snap in any moment by now.
And I was right. I had to quickly sing something, so I did. (Ocean eyes.) Making my eyes water and form a protective barrier around u. I saw Izuku use the one for all power in his arm punching the robot away and making it fall down.
I stop singing, bringing the barrier down then look at Uraraka quickly to use her power to lift of the hard cement rock above her leg.
"Hey you okay?" I asked her she nodded. But I had to help her up. I felt really bad about Izuku. He knocked down the robot, but it was zero points.
We heard the students whisper all round. His eyes were dull in shock. I don't think he could've felt the pain in his arm. With the adrenaline running.
Recovery girl well, I call her Nana. She kissed them both healing them. Me and Uraraka look at each, both agreeing on what do to about Midoriya.
We went towards the judge's room to ask them if we could give Izuku our points, but surprisingly they said the judges already did something for him. So we left. "It's nice knowing you Uraraka." I said. "You too Ayama. Hopefully I'll see you at this school." She said.
"You too." I wave at her goodbye. I knew I was getting in regardless. I turned my phone on walking towards the train station. Once It's stop at the 3rd stop I saw Midoriya getting off. He look sad but I only smile knowing he'll get in.
I got off at my stop. Walking home I just sung a song that was in my head. I knew people could hear, but I closed them out. Although I'm careful to sing around my dad. Knowing how my mother death affect him. He said he likes to hear me sing more, but I feel like it's only going to hurt him. I notice my dad was home because of his car.
I walk in the house to have the smell cheesey spicy noodles up my nose. When it comes to food. I just know what it is. I took my shoes off. "I'm home." I said while taking my earphones out.
I saw my dad in front of me. "I would open this first." He said handing it to me. Then went to the kitchen. So much for bonding. Don't get me wrong we bond a lot, but I mostly lock myself away in my room.
I rush up to my room. Putting my bag on my bed. I put the envelope on my desk and sat down on my chair. I open it only for  a virtual screen pop up. "Hello Ayama!" It was Uncle Might."This gotta be a joke." I said in shock.
"I know you would be shock, but you see I didn't come to this cities just to fight villains, but I'm the U.A newest faulty member!" I'm not too surprised that this
"I would like to say that's you have an amazing voice and power. You know what I love to hear it again." Uncle all might spoke. Don't tell me..
"Roll it!" He shouted then move out of the way. "God, please no." I heard my voice. It's sounds wonderful and calm, but I get embarrassed of it. Once it ends I lookup again.
"Wow what a wonderful voice. You have. Now that over with let's look at your scores. "No way! I got second place!" I shouted happily. I was just happy, but I had to look again for any of my others friends.
I see Izuku got 7th place at least they gave him a chance. Ochako was in 3rd place, while Katsuki was....1st. it didn't show my last name on there. I had 58 villain points and 47 rescue points.
"We are looking forward to having you here at U.A see you there!" Then it shut off. I had taken all in. I heard a knock on my door. It then open.
"I heard good job Ayama. Your mom would be proud of you." My dad said. I went to him and hug him. I think he was a bit shock by it. "Thanks Dad." I said. "You work for it." He said kissing my head. He proceeded to hand me my uniform outfit.
{Brain and Heart~Melanie Martinez}
‘False lovin, when was illogical. Didn't know they held each other hands as they made one whole’
The same melody. "Alright dinner ready. Let's eat." He said. I nodded. While we walk down stairs look at my mother picture. I smile at it. I won't let you down. "Hey do you mind if I walk to school on the first day?" I asked.
"How come you don't wanna ride in the car with me?" He asked I was scared he would asked that. "It's just I wanna walk to school on my first day that all." I said. I just really felt like walking on the first day while singing.
"Does this have to do with your singing?" He ask. Dang. "No. I just really feel like walking to school on the first day." I said. I felt a bit of tension, but it drop as soon as he sighed.
"Fine." He sighed. "Dad you worry to much." I said as I gave him a kiss on the forehead then told him good night. He has so much concern in his eyes.
We talked about how uncle All Might going to be teaching the students and that lead to a lot of laughs. He then turn it into something serious as in what to do if someone ask for my last name. I gone through my whole life with nobody knowing what my last name is. Well except for pro heros.
I decided to turn in, because it was getting late and this is the first week of a school week. I guess you could say. I did my nightly routine. I then put my bonnet on and went straight to bed.
Ugh what a day.
Aizawa, Shota POV
She just like her mother. The only time I she her like me is when something serious or she just at home. God, what if one day she runs into Khessō.
And I know I can't keep this " Your mom died when you were born." Up forever. Eventually she'll find out. I got up from the table to walk up stairs. I stop to look at her picture that Ayama was looking at.
The last thing from I saw from Khessō was that note. 'I'm been kidnapped don't come looking for me keep Ayama safe. I love you both.' I put the picture down and turn the lights off walking up stairs. It's was when Ayame just turn a month old.
I look into my daughter room who was sleeping peacefully.  Reminds me of her mother. I know Ayama think her singing hurts me, but does the opposite.
I closed my daughter door and went towards mines. The room was clean, but missing her things. The bed was always missing a person.
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Taglist: @mypimpademia
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~Luna Lyric~
~Universe navi~
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lozzypoz321 · 4 years
Steve Rogers| Shopping
(This chapters related to the 'Steve Rogers| Stutter' but it isn't exactly a sequel)
"I'm going out to get groceries, anyone wanna come?" Steve asked the room from the steps. "Yeah I'll  come" Bucky answered and stood up, "c- c- can I g- go t- t- t- too?" (Y/N) asked and looked up from the video game she was watching Peter play. "Yeah, come on Princess"
The girl pushed herself up and joined them at the elevator ready to leave. "D- do you have t- t- t- the li- list?" She stuttered then reached up to hold her fathers hand to steady herself, not really liking heights and being in a glass elevator wasn't really helping. 
"Yeah I've got it" he reassured, pointing to his pocket with the hand that wasn't holding a hand. "Better not get mine messed up" Bucky threatened to his friend but in a joking manner. (Y/N) looked out of the window apprehensively, feeling sick but got pulled out of her thoughts when her hand got squeezed comfortingly, looking up she saw her father smiling down at her.
"It's okay маленький солдат" Bucky assured from near the door while they headed down (little soldier). When they finally reached the ground floor all three of them exited the elevator, "a- a- a- are w- we walking?" The girl asked, to which Steve nodded his head and Bucky chuckled, humorously thinking of how long it's going to take them to get there with (Y/N).
"H- hey!" She defended herself, almost reading her godfathers thoughts "I- I- I'm not t- t- t- that sl- slow"
"Yeah you are"
Bucky was right, it took them ages to get around the corner, so long that Steve just decided to pick his daughter up and place her on his shoulders. 
"W- w- w- what are w- w- we g- getting?"
"Whatever it says on the list, you want to hold it (Y/N)?" Steve asked and offered the piece of paper to her, she nodded after thinking about it for a second and gently grabbed it.
Food- Tony
Wine- T.S
Beer- Your local billionaire
More wine- The best avenger
Pop tarts- Thor son of Odin, god of thunder
Jelly babies- Peter Parker :)
Orange Juice please. Suggested by Bruce
A voucher to get rid of these idiots- Nat
Bird seed- Clint
Energy drinks- Pietro
Coffee- Nat
Milk- S.R
Cheerios for (Y/N)- S.R
Sausages- Clint
20 Plums- Bucky Barnes
Sushi- (Y/N)
Pringles- (Y/N)
Pot noodle- Vision
Lemonade for (Y/N)- S.R
Popcorn- Wanda
TEA SIS- Peter :)
"T- t- t- this is a- a weird l- l- list" (Y/N) commented after scanning it but then added on "n- n- no d- disrespect to a- a- any of t- them t- though"
"We still have to get all of it" Steve told them both and picked up her the hand again so she wouldn't get lost in the many isles of the supermarket. "What first?" Bucky asked her then shoved his hands in his pocket, already slightly bored. "E- erm T- T- T- Tony p- put down F- F- Food"
"Next" Steve said, rolling his eyes at the billionaires 'humour', "H- h- h- he also p- p- put W- W- Wine". Steve once again rolled his eyes and Bucky huffed in annoyance, "ya know what (Y/N) let's just skip Tony's for now shall we, what's next?"
"T- T- Thor want's p- p- p- p- p- p-" Bucky looked over her shoulder as she struggled and helped her out "Pop tarts". "y- y- yeah, thanks”
So the three ventured over to the breakfast/ snack isle and picked up the pop tarts for the god then got Jelly Babies for Peter and Orange Juice for Bruce. Steve told (Y/N) to go get Pot noodles for Vision then to come straight back back to them, that would have happened but once she'd got the noodles the girl could no longer find her way back to her dad and godfather.
After 5 minutes Steve started to panic that she'd been kidnapped and once he shared that idea with Bucky he also started to fear the same thing. "Oh my god! I've lost her!" Steve ranted and paced up an down the empty isle "She's my daughter and I've lost her!"
The father got taken out of his thoughts when a sudden yelling was heard from the other side of the supermarket "D- D- Dad! U- Uncle Buck!", so immediately their instincts kicked in and they both ran to where the voice had come from. When the two best friends caught sight of the girl, Steve sighed in relief and Bucky said "Jesus Christ". Steve went up to his nearly kidnapped daughter, picked her up and hugged her tight. 
"God princess don't do that ever again" He whispered then put her down in front of him. "I- I- I- I- I didn't m- m- mean t- to" She stuttered out and gulped nervously, worried she would get yelled at. "No it's okay (Y/N), I know you didn't mean to"
"We just need to get lemonade, popcorn and... Tea sis?" Bucky told them, squinting at the last part. "I've never heard of that brand before" Steve said, then took a second to ponder what it could be, (Y/N) however knew what it was.
"I- I- It isn't a- a br- br- brand" the girl shared to the men, they looked up confused "I- I- I- I- I-". "Deep breaths princess"
"I- I- I- It's an o- online t- t- thing" the girl hardly knew herself but her tagged brother Peter had tried to explain it to her many times. "Right" the two soldiers said uncertainly at the same time, trying to gather their head around what the hell that could mean. 
So with that they finished the rest of the shopping trip and gathered at the counter, ready to pay. In the end Steve decided to just get Peter some tea anyway and get Tony one bottle of wine since that's what he wanted so badly.
"Oh and who's this little lady?" The cashier asked kindly and looked in your direction while her hands were scanning all the items. "My daughter" Steve answered proudly "her names (Y/N). (Y/N) say hi"
"H- H- H- Hello" she said, nervously but smiled at the nice lady all the same. "Hello dear" she greeted back, it was weird to Bucky that a stranger was being so nice and welcoming to the three without knowing them at all, so him being paranoid he brought over his goddaughter closer to both of the adults and held her hand incase anything was to happen. "U- U- Uncle B- Buck?"
"Yes возлюбленная?" Bucky asked, looking down at the girl with concern (sweetheart), "w- w- w- what ar- are we h- having f- f- for tea?"
The soldier chuckled, no longer worried that it was something important "Whatever you want ангел" (angel)
"W- w- what d- do you w- w- w- want U- Uncle Buck?" She asked him and raised up her arms so he would pick her up. "I just want what you want кукла" he replied then lifted the young girl up and turned her around so she could cuddle into his chest (doll).
"Awww" the cashier said upon the sight of the two, Steve gently smiled then handed the lady a fifty dollar bill. "I think she's asleep Stevie" He informed his friend.
"Your daughters adorable" the lady added while putting the money into the cash machine making Steve smile yet again, "yeah, she's my everything" the man expressed while Bucky lifted up a bag on the floor with the hand that wasn't carrying his goddaughter.
"Nice to meet you but we best be going" Steve told her and grabbed the remaining bags, she smiled at both of them before carrying on with her job. The conversations were a lot quicker on the way back without (Y/N), many would have appreciated it but not them. It felt as if it was missing something, you can easily say that they were happy when the conversation was interrupted by "w- w- w- where a- are w- we?"
"We're nearly back at the tower princess, you remember?" Her father asked her and looked over at the girl, concern filling his chest at the thought she may not remember what they'd been doing previously. "Y- y- yeah"
(Y/N) snuggled closer to her uncle, the weather getting to her. "I- I- I'm c- cold" 
"We're nearly there now кукла" Bucky told her and gently moved a stand of (Y/H/C) out of her eyes that was visibly bothering her (doll). "D- D- Dad, I'm h- hungry t- too"
"Okay sweetheart, we'll get you some food when we get back, what do you want?"
"Mac and cheese" was all she said with a tired smile on her face which made both the men chuckle. Steve was right, she is his everything.
Written by me. Wattpad; @Lozzypoz321 Tumblr side acc; @padfootbuckster Pinterest; @lozzypoz321
@marvel-ous-hobbit @snarky--starky @rae-is-typing @stargazingfangirl18 @canadianhufflepuffavenger (if you would like to be added to the tag list, don’t be afraid to ask!)
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itsyourbby · 4 years
Hey yo, so if you write for Overhaul too that would be really noice. So, I'm sorry if that's like against some rules but in your blog I didn't found them so I'll just go straight with it: some headcanons or a fanfiction (depends on you :D) where Overhaul and his S/O travel around the world! Sorry for the cringe alright, but still thank you :3
Alrighty then! I’ll get to it :)
(In this a/u it’s still the normal my hero academia scenario but the only difference is that chisaki isn’t a villian but instead he’s the 5th top hero in Japan!Sorry bunny girl but I had too 🥺 anywho your a top hero too! Well not right now but you will , your about to debut as a hero, your 20 as chisaki is around 21. Teehee enjoy!)
You looked down to your ticket as you waited for chisaki, you noticed your hand shaking a little bit so you bit your lip to try and stop that action as to take your mind off of the topic that is making you tense.
you wouldn’t say you were nervous but more like .. anxious.. this was your first plane ride after what happen that other time . Chisaki called your whole anxiousness worry but deep down you both knew it wasn’t worry, you both knew it was PTSD , still you can’t blame him and yourself for trying to hide the fact that it’s that. You couldn’t believe that chisaki still wanted to be right beside you after what happen , you told him that he had a chance .. a chance to leave you behind because you knew that all this was to much for him but as stubborn as he is .... he chose you over everything . You don’t know if it was because he felt bad for you or because he still loves you after everything horrible that has happen to you , maybe it was both but no matter what you knew that you’ll always love him.
“Oí (y/n) let’s go , were about to board the plane . Hurry up . “
You looked up zoning out of your thoughts , your eyes widened as your lover came to view. His ombre burgundy colored hair glisend against the sun light , his eyes sparkling with out him intending to and his muscular arms flexing against everything . It was as if he was apart of those kind of edits where a character walked in slow mode and it made them look both hot and cool . His black suit just made his whole profil look even better.
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(He’s wearing the second choice! He’s not holding that gun on the side of the character teehee.)
“Ah!” You blushed a bit as you realized that you were starring at him for to long , you must say you got yourself a keeper , you can’t help but wonder how lucky you got with him! He’d always have these good looking girls in his instabam (notice the difference heehee :3) dm’s but he’d always just politely tell them that he’s happily taken with the woman of his life and to them they are just his fans. He had so many beautiful girls wanting him but he chose you , your unorganized , shy self , why would he choose you over them? They looked better then you in everyway, better body, better hair, better life style , better everything .you once asked him why he chose you over everyone else . You can still remember the soft smile he gave you , his eyes looking at you with so much love , he just chuckled and said “because your better then the rest of them love! Just because they waisted thousands of dollars for breast implants or a butt implant still does not justify that they are beautiful. Your beautiful in the inside and out . I love you for who you are.”
“Oi (y/n) ... you ok?” Chisaki said as he bent down to you face to face .
“I’m fine I’m fine! I’m just thinking about how lucky I got .” You said as you smiled at him, you deadpanned as you realize that he was bending down to your hight.
“Chisaki stop making fun of me and get your luggage !” You said a bit annoyed .
He laughed at your cute reaction and soon got both your luggage and his , he looked at you once again but with a bit of worry .
“Are you ready ..? Because if your not we can always just cancel this and get ahold of other tickets next month you know..”
Taking in a deep breath you tried to push those flashbacks to the back of your head and looked at the tall man in front of you with determination. “Chisaki I know how badly you want to go to Europe and just because I have a bit of PTSD doesn’t mean that it’ll stop me from boarding the stupid plane! You’ve already given me so many things that this is the least I can do to repay you..”
“(N/n) I did all of those things with love , I didn’t do it because I was bored , I did it because I don’t wanna see you in pain anymore , as your handsom boyfriend it’s my job to make your life easier.” Chisaki said as he once again gave you those lovable eyes.
You giggled and said “I know .. but still nothing is going to stop me! I love you and I want you to be happy so this is just a ‘hey I’m sorry for putting you through so much and so this is a happy thank you gift from your lovable girlfriend !’ Gift you know “
“....fine.... but if you feel bad or you wanna go back home just tell me .. alright..? I don’t want you to fall into depression again ..”he looked at you with concern again , his eyes filled with concern twisted your heart into pieces , you didn’t like that look his eyes give because it meant that he was feeling a bit of pain , it just hurts you to think that the person you love the most in the world is hurting right in front of you.
You placed your soft small hand on his cheek and caressed it, you looked deep into his golden eyes and give him one of the biggest smiles you can pull off, “don’t worry about me darling! I’m going to be fine, I’m fine! I have you by my side which means that I’m perfect, im not hurting anymore so don’t worry about me. I may have a few nightmares or flashback time to time but it’s slowly leaving .the worst thing that can happen is if I just go insane or fall into depression again which I won’t because I have you by my side! I have My wonderful amazing handsom boyfriend!!”
He squeezed your hand gently as to say “alright” . He bent down a bit and place a big kiss on your forehead.
“Flight 185 is boarding ! Flight 185 destination to Europe is boarding this is the last final announcement on the 185 flight to Europe!”
Both you and your boyfriend eyes widened realizing that you both are already late to your flight, he took the luggage’s and you took his right hand as to not try to get lost . Both of you ran to the gate as fast as you both can , saying your “excuse me”s your “sorry!”s through out the hall pushing and bumping into people.
Once you both made it , you showed the drooling attendent both of your passports and tickets . You gave this woman a death glare as to try and tell her to keep her dirty hands off your boyfriend. She soon realized the glare and a bead of sweat left her forehead trying not to get you madder.
“S-seems like both of you are fine haha..! you b-both are good to go...”
“Thank you lady..” you said with a bit of poison in each word.
~. .~
You slowly walked to your seat which is in front of the plane, you were lucky you weren’t stuck with the same seat number as you did last time..it would of been a mess if you have gotten the same seat from before.
You gripped chisaki’s hand with a bit of force . You took a deep breath and slowly ex hailed as to not get a panic attack in the middle of getting ready to blast off. Chisaki reasured you with a grip back and gently smiled to you . He took his hand away trying to fit your bag on the storage above both your seats.
A small 5 second flashback of what happen before came to your mind but you shaked it off trying not to get chisaki’s attention, you didn’t want to ruin this experience for chisaki , you didn’t want to make it worse for him .
Getting comfortable with your first class seat you twisted and turned trying to get the right position, you couldn’t just sit like a normal person because it’ll just trigger you a bad guilty feeling from the Trauma you have. So you just laid your head on chisaki and tried to calmly breath .
“Attention this is captain Levi and I’ll be the person to bring you to your destination. Please don’t leave any .....”
You tried to pay attention to the announcement the captain was trying to give out but it all just faded away in the background as you were paying attention to the pattern of chisaki’s chest inhaling and exhaling. It was a usual thing you would do , it’s like a excersize you would do to try not to think about your past. You didn’t want to trigger something and and make this bad.
You felt your eyelids getting heavier and heavier to soon close them and fade into internal darkness.
—. .—
A blood curdling scream was all you can hear.
Your ears weren’t popped which made you uncomfortable.
You lightly and gently opened your eyes to the blazing sun , you tried to cover your eyes from all the brightness but you couldn’t as the pain from moving your arms were to much . The brightness soon gave you a pain aching headache which made you groan out loud.
You heard a woman scream out for someone.
All you can think of was about the weather , was it going to snow later ? Or was it going to rain later ? Who knows and who cares .
You heard another ear piercing scream which made you go insane.
You instantly got up on your feet ignoring the pain you felt , the only explanation as to why it doesn’t hurt as much as it should is probably because of all the Adrenaline your brain is giving you.
You looked around you and all you can see is scattered airplane parts and blood everywhere. You were in the woods... you were surrounded by tall trees and a huge mess.. you were nowhere.
Your eyes widened as to the fact that you have a huge piece of airplane craft piercing you in the abdomen , you could of bled out if you kept moving but you didn’t care, all you cared was about finding other people.
You head towards the female voice you were hearing .
Blood came gushing out of your mouth as you were trying to get your friends name out of your mouth.
She walked towards you and gasped as she saw your state. She just couldn’t get her eyes off of the big trauma in you.
“I- are you ok...?”
“I-I’m fine....it’s the adrenaline thats ...” you groaned in pain.
“That’s letting me move and talk ...” you coughed and saw more blood coming out of your mouth.
“W-where mer..?”
“She’s laying on the ground Shocked as we are...” she went back to Meredith and tried to bring her up.
“I....ill go see if the rest are ok..”
You limped your way to the other side and saw the huge plane scrap on the ground, the ear hurting scream getting louder and louder .
The loud impact came hitting you as your ears popped, now you could hear everything.
People grunting was heard, other loud yelling was heard but the yelling that was happening close to you was the loudest one, people yelling out each other’s names along with people coughing up blood but the one sound that stood out amongs the others was the sound of your heart pumping blood into your body.
All you could now pay attention to was you heart pumping blood , you focused on it as you were trying to get your mind settled on what happened.
This whole thing was just driving you Mad.
You screamed to the sky not caring if it hurted your lungs or if who ever heard it got offended.
You took a deep breath and noticed that it was quite.. all you could hear now was sobbing and groans.
You limped around the huge plane craft and notice the woman who was screaming those ear piercing screams.
“Hhh....hhhh...hey” she tried to say as you noticed her blond hair was covered with dirt and other dirty things.
You looked down at where she was sitting and the first thing you noticed was all the blood she was trying not to let out, her leg was half opened along with the inside of her thigh almost coming out.
It’s for sure she’s getting her leg amputated..
“D-do you need help..?”you said as you got a big tree branch to hold you up.
“...Just..wheres everyone..?”arazona said with a tired voice
“Meredith and Cristina are over there , they don’t have any serious injuries other then mer having a thing stuck inside of her leg... b..but she’ll be ok-“ you said quickly trying not to through up a lot of blood which back fired, you soon spited up clumps of blood.
“Get the rest..I’ll be ok..but in pain at the same time..”she said .
You lightly chuckled and walked around noticing a man laying stomach flat to the side of a wing of the airplane .
“Look Lexie .. once we’re out of this I’ll leave Julia just don’t leave me..”the guy with gray hair voice cracked , you could just hear the pain in his voice , his dominant male voice that you knew was now weak and frail filled with voice cracks and grunts.
“M-“ you clenched your teeth feeling the air craft that impaild you move a bit, you panted for a second.
“...mark..?”you said with all the strength you had.
He didn’t even turn around , he was to focused on the woman in front of him.
Trying to get a good view you moved a bit to the side to see what was occupying him.
You gasped at the sight in front of you.
There , under the heavy wing of the airplane , laid a young pale woman you knew as Lexie, her skinny body was in half as a huge part of the plane pierced into her.blood was covered all over her as she kept gasping for air, her eyes...you couldn’t even look at her eye to eye.
She didn’t even try to scream... who knew how long she laid there before you woke up.
Every second that pass might be the last second she’ll take her last breath , which honestly scared you.
“Hold....hold my h-hand..”Lexie said to mark as she placed her arm in front of his face.
“Tch Im not gonna hold your hand because your not dying..” mark got up and tried to lift the heavy wing off of her.
‘It’s no use..’ you said in your head.
He let out a paining scream trying as hard as he can to lift it off of the woman he loves.
After him realizing that he’ll need more people to lift it with him he laid down on his stomach and holded Lexie’s hand. The pale woman gave him a soft smile.
“..I love you.. “ mark hitched. he said as Lexie’s head shaked slowly .
“I’ll always be in love with you “
“Yeah?” Lexie said as her grip on marks hand tighten.
“which is why you have to stay alive “
“No, you can’t die ok?”
She gasped in pain.
“You can’t die, because we’re supposed to end up together..we’re ment to be “
Lexie smiled as she repeated the last 3 words mark said.
“M....meant to..be..”
You watched as the whole thing played out, you couldn’t believe that the woman right in front of you , Lexie , one of your friends was going to die, right in front of you , you didn’t even get to know her well...
You finally focused on Lexie, your hand coming to your mouth as you saw the life in her slowly leave her eyes. Now all you saw in her was emptyness in her eyes.
Marks hand shakingly came to her face as he softly caressed her cheek and slowly closed her eyes.
You heard people coming so you turned around and saw Cristina and Meredith, they both looked ... dead inside .. maybe it’s the fact that this whole thing just doesn’t make sense.
They stopped abruptly when they laid their eyes on Lexie’s dead face.
..Heh..she looks as if she’s peacefuly sleeping..
Meredith let out a loud gasp and seconds later she started crying.
You walked closer to the now dead body.. you couldn’t believe that someone you knew just died in front of you...did she even try to fight for her live..? Did she knew that she was going to die the whole time..? What about mark? Is he going to give up on life now..?
You felt a hot tear come down your eye... you just accepted the pain now...Lexie was dead .. even if you didn’t get to know her as well as mark did she still was a huge impact in your life . You felt more and more clumps of tears come down your face as if there was no tomorrow , you didn’t care who saw you , you just cared about the fact that a person died right in front of you you fell to the ground and face the sky asking god why he was cruel. Lexie never did anything bad...she that type of girl whod talk really fast because they were nervous , she was the type of girl to eat none stop if they were stressed. She was your type of person.
Mark looked to the ground now hiding his face.
He wasn’t the type of person to cry but ...who would blame him if he cry’s right now..the love of his life just died right in front of him.
But he didn’t.
He hold the pain in.
You made the unfortunate mistake to move your stomach to side.
You were just trying to look at Meredith but instead all you did was move the sharp thing inside of you and puncture your lung.
Meaning.. your lung collapsed...because of you..
You gasped for air every second you could .
You were to busy trying to breath that you couldn’t even notice the fact that everyone was screaming your name trying to see what was wrong with you.
Your eyes widened as you heard a familiar voice call your name.
“Ch-chisaki..?” You said.you lifted you head and noticed that there was a few wet spots on chisaki’s shirt.
“What the...” you then noticed the damped spots on your face . You were wet...
( not that way you nasty gorl)
You touched both of your upper cheeks which were near your eyes..w-were you crying..?!
“Are you alright..?!”
“I-I’m fine just had a little nightmare that’s all ... did I cry in my sleep again..?”
“Yeah ... you were also gasping none stop... I thought your lung failed on you again?!” He said with concern in his eyes.
He grabbed both of your small hands and kissed them while looking at you .
“I..that happen..?” You whispered to yourself , you then clenched chisaki s face and looked at him with all the seriousness in you.
“H-hear me out..it wasn’t as bad as the other ones I had...it’s slowly getting better so don’t worry .. this only happened because were on .. this thing you know “ you said as you were refrensing to the airplane.
“Anyway why would my lung fail on me..? It was a perfect lung and it’s being a champion for making me breath silly so don’t worry. I told you if I feel worse like I did before then I’ll tell you as soon as possible, I know myself and if I tell you that I’m alright then I mean it!” You kiss chisaki’s cute nose and gave him a close eyed smile.
He looked at you shocked for a second , he was surprised at how calmly you seemed to be . He ended up hugging you tightly and letting go of the breath he didn’t notice he was holding in. He’s scared to lose you but now that you reassured him he felt warm and calm .
You hugged him back, he felt so warm and cuddly so you hold on to him for a bit more since you knew he’d like that. Man you really loved this man, he’ll always be here for you no matter what .
“Hey Kai..?”
“Guess what..?”
“I love you silly..!”
He chuckled.
“I love you more (y/n)”
Both of you left each other’s embrace as the attendent came with snacks and refreshments , chisaki already knew what you liked so he ordered the lady what you wanted and what he wanted.
You went on your phone to try and see if you could at least send your mom a text .... but you finished realizing that your on a damn ....airplane...frick..
“Oh my! Your the Top 5th hero in Japan aren’t you?! Your overhaul!! Can I get a hug and a photograph from you sir..?” The attendee said as she pushed her hands together trying to get kai’s attention towards her breast.
“Éto...” Kai looked at you to see if you alright with him giving a hug to the attendee.
You looked up from your phone and starred at the attendee,you let out a sigh and looked at Kai with a assuring smile.
He looked back at the attendee and hugged her distantly and cold towards the attendent, she noticed that and got closer to Kai .
“Teehee, your handsom overhaul~kun! “ she pushed her breast closer to his chest . He put his hands behind him and stared at the woman with a deadpanned face, it’s obvious he didn’t want to be rude with the attendent since she is one of Kai’s fans but still.
“Ma’am your plastic breasts is on my Gucci limited edition authentic button up black shirt.. I respectfully ask if you could take those things off of me, I feel very uncomfortable.” He said with a cold voice .
You just gently smirked watch the whole thing play out.
“W- ...NANI?! my breast are as real ! How dare you accuse me of plastic surgery....I’ll still excuse you tho mr.overhaul~kun. You did say that I was on your Gucci limited edition button up shirt and I am sorry for that..can I still take a picture with you tho..?”she said as she was trying so hard to make her voice all cutesy and high pitch .
Kai just groaned under his breath trying to get the whole thing over with , he faked a smiled towards her camera.
The attendent places a peace sign and pressed the button on the phone to take the picture .
She quickly kissed kai’s cheek and giggled.
‘She’s dead...lemme pray to god real quick..’
Kai’s eye widened when he realized what she just did.
A killer aura came raidiating oof of him as he opened his mouth.
“What in the hell is your name....?!”he said with poison on every word .
“Ú-uno kamia e-ekori-I mr.overhaul..w-why?!”The girl you now know as kami said with fright.
“Because I’ll be talking to the corporate you are in and make sure they fire you.”he said as he looked at her with cold eyes.
“I bet your corporate would love to hear how amazing you’ve been with me. It’s true that they don’t accept you attendents to bother the people on th plane right? Isn’t it a protocol...? “ he said as he sat down next to me and looked at her dead in the eye.
“Not only did you just kiss me with your filthy mouth but you also did it in front of the woman I love.”
I grabbed a tissue and gave it to Kai as he grabbed it softly from me and try to clean the place where the woman left her lip gloss on his cheek.
“Get out of my sight.”
The woman hurriedly walked away from him trying to hide her tears from falling in front of him.
“Don’t you think you were pretty rough on her Kai..?” you said softly.
“As if. You just saw her harass me , she thought she’ll get away from it .tch. Especially the fact that she did it in front of you. Everyone knows that you can’t do that to me, I love my fans and all but there’s a difference with harassing the hero and being nice to them.” he said throwing the tissue away.
You giggled at him for the way he reacts , this wasn’t the first time he did that, it happen plenty of times it was at the point where the fans knew not to do anything else other then give him a quick hug and a fast picture.
You placed one hand on his chest and and got a tissue , as you were cleaning the spot Kai forgot to clean he looked at your mesmerizing beauty.
“..God..” he said
“Nani?” You were to consitraighted on trying to get the red lip gloss of of his pale cheek you didn’t notice he was looking at you.
“Your just a beauty...” he placed a hand on your cheek and you felt his thumb softy carcass your bottom lip.
You blushed at the soft affection and pouted.
“Kai don’t you see I’m trying to get this disgusting lip gloss off of your cheek!”
“I knowww~ I just can’t help myself. How did I ever get lucky with a woman like you (y/n). “ Kai smiles at you and placed a kiss on your soft lips.
__. .__
At the end of it all you both landed saftley in Europe and soon went about.
You both went shopping and sight seeing along with going to meusiums and art gallery’s. You both loved it very much , loving the new environment but also loving each other’s company.
It was in the third trip where chisaki Kai proposed to you. You both went to New York and watch the ball drop , as it did he confessed that he couldn’t live with out you and in came a huge diamond ring. Ofc you cried and said yes .
After a year of being married you ended up pregnant with twins! A boy and a girl , Kai was happy about it in fact he was ecstatic . He couldn’t believe he was going to be a baby daddy!
He said that it was up to you on the name of the babys because he was just thankful for twins and your health.
You soon chose to name your babys lexie and mark, if only they had the chance to see them grow up.
Any who it’s a happily ever after!
Guess where Meredith , Cristina , mark and Lexie come from😏 if you do find out where they come from then that’ll person would end up with getting a shout out from mwah!
Love you all so much!
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poisonedapples · 4 years
The Dark Side of Christmas
Summary: Christmas is known as the happiest, most welcoming time of year. But when you’re Roman, that’s not always the case.
TRIGGERS: Roman has PTSD but it’s not stated by name in the fic, fighting, swearing, mentions of past shootings, mention of a car accident/explosion, blood. panic, past death and grieving, mental health problems, anxiety, dissociation and flashbacks, Christmas, tell me if you notice any more, cause this one has a lot
Note: HAPPY LATE HOLIDAY! This was supposed to be done by Christmas, but this month has Sucked so I’m using that as my excuse. My friend @theultimatemomfriend was my secret santa for something I did in the Powerless server, so here is your gift mixed with my own self indulgence! Hope you like it <3
But also , thank you to @romansleftshoulderpad and @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2 for saving me some time and editing it for me. I appreciate you two
He was driving in a car.
She was screaming at him at the top of her lungs, all about how he was a failure, couldn’t do simple things, is only a disappointment to everyone that’s ever known him. The screaming was like a concert speaker right next to his ear; loud, loud, loud.
He couldn’t steer in these conditions. Not with a rocky road that bent in so many directions, a skinny single lane on a cliff with traffic cones instead of a protective railing. His foot was all the way on the brake, yet the car was speeding down the road faster than he’s ever driven before. The tires were screeching. She was still yelling.
It’s so loud.
She jumped on top of him suddenly, grabbing a hold of his neck with her long nails digging into his throat. Everything burned, he couldn’t breathe, and no one was steering the car anymore.
It’s so loud.
High pitched screeching echoed from nowhere. She was still screaming in his ear while his neck fell asleep, desperately trying to pull away her hand in order to breathe.
You’re going to die.
The car fell down the cliff. Completely on its side, such a smooth yet loud fall, the car came crashing into the woods under it, fire consuming his sight and all of his brain, the loud crash coming to a complete, deafening silence after an overwhelming boom.
Roman’s body jerked awake.
He scrunched up his shoulders to immediately cover the tingling part of his neck where he was being strangled in his dream. His mind was foggy while his body felt ready to run a marathon, heart beating fast and every inch of his skin shaking violently. Roman curled into a ball trying to calm down in the pitch black room, to no avail.
Phone. Phone. Phone has light, where’s my phone-
Roman’s Rapunzel figure on his bedside table crashed to the floor from his lack of coordination, pretty stones meant for healing and love moving out of their places and into undusted territory. Roman dropped his phone on his chest once he grabbed it but was only grateful it didn’t hit the floor this time, turning on the bright screen and blinding his eyes.
It was better than the darkness.
5:48 AM, his clock said, the lock screen blurry-looking because of Roman’s unfocused eyes and the tears pricking out certainly not helping. But he could tell there were no notifications over the night.
It’s always weird when he has to delete the Instagram app. His phone doesn’t buzz nearly as much without it.
He unlocked his phone and opened up one of his word puzzle game apps. Although it pained him to admit that Logan was right, lighthearted thinking games helped him on nights like these. Where all he needed was to calm down, but no people were around to help him with that.
As the game loaded and he was wondering what words to make with the letters F, I, G, U, E, and R, Roman clung tightly to his giant stuffed animal Magic Bitch the Queen, a rainbow pegacorn that was perfect for squishing. The name only made it better. Weirdly more calming.
Things were calming down. He definitely won’t be able to go back to sleep tonight, but given the date it was a miracle he felt as calm as he did—
“Virgil, quiet down-”
“I’ll do whatever the fuck I want!”
Roman curled in on himself at the sound of the yelling. He hated fighting. He hated it with a burning passion, loud noises made him jump out of his skin and it was only worse when it was them yelling. They’re usually a lot more calm when Roman is around, but sometimes things just...got out of hand.
This was one of those times.
“This bitch thinks he can just walk in here and act like he owns the damn place! Well newsflash fucker, you’re not the only person who cares about Roman! Stop acting like you can fucking control him!”
“I’m not controlling him! Is it a crime for me to want to care about my own brother!? Last time I checked, you’re not family!”
“Oh cram it, calculator watch!”
“Go fuck yourself, you walking STD!”
“Virgil Foster! If you end up waking Roman, I swear-”
Patton paused mid sentence when he saw the figure standing in the middle of the steps. Everyone looked over at Roman, his hand fiddling with the end of his sleeve and way too tired eyes. His posture a little too straight, smile so dead it was hardly a smile at all. “It’s alright, Pat. I was awake anyway.”
“I assume another nightmare?” Logan asked.
Roman went to the kitchen and grabbed a glass from the cupboard. Filling it with milk until it was overflowing, Roman smiled. “You know me so well.”
Patton’s face grew concerned while he chugged some of the milk, Remus crossing his arms and glaring at Virgil. “You wouldn’t be having these problems if you’d stayed at my place instead of this dump.”
“This dump is our home, trash panda. Watch your fucking mouth.”
“Ironic.” Remus towered over Virgil with his hands on his hips when he stepped closer, Virgil hissing when he got too close. “All I’m saying is that isn’t it better for Roman to be with family who can help, instead of stuck in the same place that caused all this in the first place? With people who don’t even understand?”
“You know that I’m here, right? That I can hear you talking about me? Cause I can hear you talking about me.”
“Or maybe he needs to be around family that actually cares instead of being around the same deadbeat bastard who only comes visit to be the same pile of dog shit he makes everyone step in!”
Patton sighed. “Virgil, please stop. Can we please just go back to bed? Without all the fighting?”
The looks on Remus’ face was too taunting. Blood boiled in Virgil’s veins from three weeks of dirty glares at each other while he watched his best friend curl around him for comfort instead of anyone else. The cockiness of him trying to take Roman off to Florida for the holiday, like he was the only one who cared. He hated his stupid gross smile and how Roman snickered at his dirty jokes, he hated how he was genuinely helping and how useless their help was.
How threatening this bitch actually made him feel. But Virgil refused to lose.
“I’ll go to bed when this bitch stops acting like he can walk into my fucking house and act like he owns the fucking place! Eat my food, use my water, and steal my fucking friend because apparently this human embodiment of the feeling you get right before you fucking projectile vomit is the reincarnation of Christ!”
“And I’ll go to bed when this ‘Roman’s my best friend’ wannabe stops getting in between my family because his self esteem’s so low in the ground that sharks can have sex on it!”
“Fuck you!”
Everyone paused when Roman screamed, his hand too weak to hold onto his glass and his hands shaking too hard to fiddle with the end of his sleeve anymore. His eyes were glassy and his chest felt like it was caving in on itself, with evil butterflies chewing apart his ribs and leaving hollow discomfort. Patton’s eyes went soft as he slowly approached Roman, keeping a loose grip on his hand and saying something to him that Roman wasn’t listening to in order to calm him down. But he was just tired. So tired. Tired of the yelling and the fear and the everything that he just wanted to get away.
So he did.
“Roman?” It was all he’d heard from Pat even after all his talking, but Roman still decided to ignore it. He quickly slipped on some shoes and grabbed his coat from the closet, opening the front door without another word.
Patton’s eyes widened when he realized what was happening. “Roman, wait-“
But just like that, the door had slammed behind him and he was making his way down the street.
He could already see his therapist’s “I don’t get paid enough for the shit you put me through” face when he eventually talks about this, but that was future Roman’s problem.
...He still had no clue where he was going.
That was always the worst part about Roman’s “run away from your problems” habit. He never had any plan. He could end up three towns over, he could end up across the street. In one of the first incidents, he ended up at a McDonald’s right on the outskirts of the state and fell asleep in the bathroom stall. When he called Logan and told him where he was, it was an hour drive to come get him since they didn’t trust him to drive back in his state. That’s why they first started looking for a therapist for him.
He wished he had his car this time. Walking around in freezing weather with pajama pants is cold.
Roman made his way down the hill where the house was to head downtown, where a good handful of stores were open at every time of day. He needed the heat.
“Eileen, you will pay for making me lose my beauty sleep.”
“You’ll be okay. It wasn’t working for you anyway.”
...And the distraction.
It was at 11:30 when Ellie woke him up. Dragging him out of bed and making him help her “sneak” out—if you could call going through the front door sneaking—, they ended up in a supermarket at around midnight on Christmas Eve. 
“I got Remus this giant ass octopus stuffed animal that was literally like ninety dollars, but I need a gag gift for him. Something completely and utterly stupid, and I need you to help me look for it. So I can go home sooner.”
“A giant octopus isn’t a gag gift to you?”
“He’ll love it and you know it.”
“...Touche. Maybe just get him toilet paper?”
“Too enjoyable. Too useful. He’ll set the rolls on fire in the backyard or something.”
“...Nevermind then!”
The first store Roman found with its lights still on was a small convenience store next to a gas station. His legs were starting to get slow from the cold, teeth chattering slightly with his arms tucked close to his body like a penguin.
Roman went inside.
“Oh my God, Roman, it’s perfect.”
“What is it?”
“‘Maybe you touched your balls’ hand sanitizer. I’m getting five.”
Roman tried not to laugh too hard, especially when the store was so quiet at this hour, but he couldn’t help it. With slight sleep deprivation and the look on his sister’s face, Roman burst out a laugh and gave Ellie a lazy push. Ellie took five of the hand sanitizers and piled them in her hands, making their way toward the checkout.
Alone in a store on the night of Christmas Eve.
Roman didn’t want to think about it, but then again, he never did. And every time he focused on one thing, half of his brain was still on his sister.
His throat felt weird.
“I’m dreaming of a white...christmas…”
Ellie was basically skipping on her way to the checkout. She loved old Christmas songs, and not being able to resist the temptation to perform must be another “Sanders Siblings” thing.
Roman was staring at the chip aisle when his chest started to expand, his hands growing weak and absolute fear taking over. Why was breathing so hard? What is it now?
His eyes became glassy again, his vision becoming more distant and distorted until he couldn’t tell what he was looking at. But his ears seemed to focus on something else. Something so distant but close at the same time, ringing in his ears while he felt like he was looking through a TV screen.
“And since we’ve no place to go...let it snow, let it snow, let it snow…”
Fuck. Shit. Roman started fumbling in his pockets for earbuds, but in his haste to leave the house, they were forgotten in his room. Fuck, fuck, fuck!
He could hear the silence of the store, but in the back of his brain he could feel the sound of gunshots.
“He’s alive, but he’s been hit around five times. Get him in the ambulance.”
He knew there wasn’t hands on him. He knew there wasn’t any blood, his or otherwise, on the floor. But it sure as hell didn’t feel like it.
There was no figure that caught Roman’s eye as they made their way to checkout. There was no moment of adrenaline as he tried to cover his sister, ducking for cover while people walking down the street also screamed. There was no glass breaking. There was no shots of pain as he realized the blood on the floor was his. There was no noise. No screaming. No sirens or commands being shouted or deafening silence that made Roman want to scream. It didn’t exist.
But it didn’t feel like it.
He didn’t know how to work his limbs, his body felt fake and his vision was just a TV screen looking at a world that felt anything but real. His ribs felt like they should be in pain for more than just his shaky breaths and his back should be cold from the hard floor instead of being supported by a cooler door.
What was the pattern again? Three things you can hear—wait, no, fuck, what was it? What was it?
There was blood going through his jacket and blood on his fingers. His thumb was cut from a piece of glass and he couldn’t move off the floor. As tight as he could, he kept a grip on his older sister. The hand sanitizers had sprawled out across the floor, the hands that were holding them now lied lifeless in Roman’s grip.
Roman heard something. More than the music, that stupid fucking music, but he could focus. He wanted to cough until he could breathe again, he wanted to be here, without a single doubt that history can't repeat itself. But trauma doesn’t work that way.
Shooting down on Taft Avenue. Four injured, one dead. 
“Roman, hey, it’s just me, it’s just Virgil—shit, hey, it’s alright, focus on me. Let me get you out of here, okay? God you’re heavy, okay-”
It’s Virgil. It’s just Virgil. No Ellie, Ellie’s dead, Ellie’s been dead, it’s just Virgil, he’s here. 
Thank God.
“Here, just listen to this for a bit. You’re the reason I have a Disney playlist, I hope you know that.”
They were in a car now. Roman could feel the pressure of Virgil’s bulky headphones on his ears, as well as the start up to Tiana’s “Almost There”, even if his hands he was staring at still didn’t feel like his own. The explosion in his chest lessened some, even if his breaths were still short and it was a miracle he wasn’t sobbing yet.
Virgil moved one of the ends of the headphones to the side. “Feeling a little better?”
Talking took so much energy, way too much energy, but he’d worried Virgil enough for one day. “...Yeah…”
“Do you need the volume turned down?”
The music got a little quieter, and Roman felt his body relax a little more. He didn’t even realize it was overwhelming him.
“Alright...now, five things you can see?”
“Five things you can see, fucker, let me help you.”
Roman let out a huff of a laugh, but looked around anyway. “Uh...you, carseat, wheel...um...the thing…”
“Thing?” Virgil looked around. “...You mean glove compartment?”
“...Yeah, that.”
“Okay, one more.”
“Alright, four things you can hear?”
“Music, heater, uh...I don’t know…”
“Can you hear me?”
“...Now I can.”
Virgil laughed. “That’s good enough, I’ll take three. Three things you can touch?”
“...Headphones, coat, seat.”
“Alright, good...two things to smell?”
Blood. “Pat’s air freshener, and the fact that you haven’t showered.”
Virgil lightly punched him in the arm, Roman letting out a small laugh through a shaky smile. “And I bet what you’re tasting is the fact that you haven’t brushed your teeth.”
“...I did not come here to get roasted.”
Virgil shook his head in amused disappointment at him, but started the car and put it in reverse. Roman sighed, looking out the window at the soft snowflakes and lights on houses that made his stomach curl. He hated this holiday. All it did was bring back bad memories, every corner surrounded in his triggers and nightmares increasing tenfold with the stress. He wanted to go home. He didn’t know where home was.
“Wanna talk about it?”
Roman looked over at Virgil, with his knuckles turning white on the steering wheel as he tapped nervously. Roman rubbed at his eyes. “Do you want to? I heard you and Remus.”
“This isn’t about me, it’s fine.”
“You’re my best friend and he’s my brother. It involves me too.”
Virgil didn’t answer. He kept his eyes on the road intently, and Roman wondered if he should just put the headphones back on his ear and let that be that. But he really didn’t want them to keep fighting, so it’s better to at least make an attempt, right?
Roman put the headphones around his neck. “We were buying his gift.”
“The night Ellie died. Her and Remus had a little tradition of getting each other a gift and a gag gift. The older we got, the more inappropriate they became, which was very ‘them’, in all honesty. She had forgotten to get it earlier though, so she took me to the store at midnight on Christmas Eve so we could pick something out. And that’s when the shooting happened.
Virgil didn’t react, but Roman gave him a tired smile. “I’m fairly certain that’s why he gets so protective. He feels like he caused it somehow, so he tries to solve all my problems on his own. It’s sweet in its own way.”
Virgil hit the break roughly at a stop sign. “Well now I feel like an asshole.”
“...You were a little bit of a bitch. But I don’t blame you, since so was he.”
“I just wanna help you too, you know? I get it, he’s your brother and all that shit, but he’s not the only person who cares about you, so he can back the fuck off. Especially when he’s spending time in my fucking house.”
“You say that like three other people don’t pay rent.”
“It’s my house when it’s convienent to my argument, fuck off.”
Roman laughed, Virgil taking a turn to a stoplight and waiting. “I just want you two to work things out. We can talk once I go home, take my meds, and at least sleep for two hours.”
“Only two hours? You’re starting to become me, Princey.”
“It’s an anxiety disorder buddies thing.”
“Fuck yeah, anxiety disorder buddies. Who can’t wait for therapy to start up again.”
Roman pumped a fist up lazily. “Next thursday!”
“Next thursday mother fucker!”
They both started to laugh, the soft glow of the read light and the headlights of passing cars being strangely calming. Roman’s eyes felt so heavy, the glassy tears he still had sealing his eyelids together like glue. “Wake me up when we get there.” He mumbled.
“And if you have another nightmare?”
“We get there when we get there.”
Roman heard one last soft laugh before his body went still. He wasn’t completely peaceful, but at least he was sleeping. It would be enough for now.
Virgil didn’t wake him up when they got home. It took both him and Remus to be able to carry him inside, but they managed to do it without waking him up permanently. He moved, but at least he managed to sleep some.
When he wakes up, they’ll fuss at him for running away and Patton will hug him close for Roman’s comfort and his own. He’ll make Remus and Virgil talk peacefully about each other without too much complaining until they can at least stand to be in the same room as each other. Then when things are calm, the brothers will cry when they remember the date, and Patton will give them blankets and hugs while the other two stand around a little awkwardly until it’s lunch time. Neither of them will eat much, but leftovers exist for a reason. They’ll be taken care of.
But for now, Roman will sleep.
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honiboyyoon · 5 years
Switch It Up (M)
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The one where your best friend Namjoon is not only bisexual, but a switch. The latter you had no idea about until you accidentally stumbled across his camboy site.
Pairing: Namjoon x Reader
Genre: F2L bisexual camboy!Namjoon
Warnings: good ole smut, ass play, masterbation, sir kink, degredation, more smut
Word Count: 5k
AN: thank you to bette @ddaenggtan for my header i love u long time 
After sending you a quick text, vaguely stating that something came up and that he couldn’t hang out tonight, Namjoon made his way to his “gaming room”. The gaming room can easily be converted into Namjoon’s cam room, all his decorations and toys were packed away in boring old storage containers that obviously would never peak your interest to look inside. Namjoon hated lying to you, he really did, you were his best friend and you two confided in each other for everything. However, he couldn’t help but feel apprehensive towards telling you about his part time job. He still worked twice a week at the cafe down the street to keep up appearances, but truth be told he made more than enough money from camming a few nights a week, but if he quit his cafe job then he would have to explain where his money was coming from. After checking his phone, and seeing you replied with an “all good” paired with a peace sign emoji, Namjoon began to set up is camming equipment. It wasn’t often that he had to cancel plans with you because of his unconventional hobby/job, in fact Namjoon can’t even remember the last time he did cancel plans with you, but he had forgotten that tonight the cam website he performs on was having a massive membership sale, and that would mean more patrons, and more patrons meant more money. Normally, Namjoon would hang out with you until around ten at night, then go home and cam, but with the sale Namjoon had to really pull out all the stops to snag new patrons. This meant two separate cam shows to show off his “switch” nature. With a sigh, Namjoon began to pick out what toys and outfits he would incorporate in tonight’s show. He really did hate keeping things from you, but he couldn’t deny the small flutter of arousal he felt thinking about performing tonight. 
After Namjoon had texted you cancelling your plans so last minute, you were a bit bummed, but let’s be honest your plans with him didn’t differ much from what you are currently doing. Which was sitting like a lump wrapped in a blanket while you shovelled food into your mouth and watch Netflix. It was about halfway through yet another comedy special, and an entire bag of chips later, that you got a text from one of your close friends.
Rose: omg dude remember the cam site i was telling you about?? theyre having a 75% off membership sale tonight you need to try ittttt
Your friend had been nagging you for forever to try this website, you knew porn addictions were a very real thing in today’s day and age,  and honestly ifyou had to label her, you’d say she was addicted to the camsite. It was all she talked about, she even had favourite cam stars whom she had bought merch from. Before you could even begin to type out a response, your phone buzzed again.
Rose: bitch its 75% off you cant NOT try it!!!!! its literally better than any porn youve ever seen!!!!
Y/N: omg ok!!! ill try it lmao
After grabbing your laptop and plopping back down on the couch, you are welcomed to switchitup.com’s homepage with a bright advertisement taking up the majority of your screen stating their 75% blow out sale. I can’t believe I’m doing this, this better be good. After filling out the necessary sign up information, you’re redirected to the homepage once again. You were a little on edge looking at all the cam thumbnails, who, according to the website, were “live, prepped, and ready”. You’ve watched countless porn before, but there was something very different about watching a recording vs someone in real time, and one who you could even ask to do things. Scrolling through the guys and girls, none of the cam stars peaked your interest, so you refreshed the homepage. The third thumbnail you saw almost had your jaw hit the floor. 
No, there was no way that was Namjoon, no fucking way. The thumbnail’s small, that’s just someone who kind of looks like him. You’re trying to reason with yourself, and failing horribly when the guy who is a “SWITCH BOY LOOKING TO SUB” is none other than your best friend. Your very hot best friend, at that. You shouldn’t be clicking on his cam link, you know you shouldn’t be, but your brain is not really functioning properly given the fact that your best friend is now currently on your laptop screen in a pink collar with a small dildo in his asshole while he strokes his cock.  Holy shit, slamming your laptop closed you jump up from the couch, and pace around your tiny apartment. Holy shit holy shit holy shit. You knew Namjoon was bisexual, so the fact that he liked things up his ass wasn’t that surprising, but you just never though you would see things go up said ass in HD. Okay, cool. Joon’s a camboy, that’s cool. I can’t watch his stream though, that’d be super fucking weird. But would it be rude to not support him? Views mean money to cams stars, right? 
After wrestling with your emotions for what seemed like forever, you come to the conclusion that the cat is already out of the bag, and is about to be dead from your curiosity. Sitting back down on the couch, you place your laptop on your lap and are immediately greeted by a paused picture of Namjoon with his legs spread, knees bent, giving you an unobstructed view of his ass stretching around a toy. You also notice how flushed and sweaty he is, and begrudgingly notice how it turns you on. Hesitantly, you click play again and wait a few seconds for the stream to refresh so it’s live again. The sounds of his whines and groans are suddenly hitting your ears as you watch a sweaty Namjoon furiously fucking himself with the dildo while simultaneously jerking his massive hard on. You never really watched boy on boy porn, but watching your best friend whimpering due to a dildo in his ass had your panties damp and sticking to you. You nearly jumped when you heard him talk, his normally sweet honey voice now gruff and whiney.
“Fuck, I’m-nmf-I’m so close, please let me cum,” you didn’t really understand why or who Namjoon was saying this too since there’s no one there with him, but as you notice the message chat in the corner of the screen, he speaks out again, “you know I can’t come until you help me reach the goal” He’s practically giggling and now you’re even more confused because now there’s a goal? What goal? It’s when Namjoon’s hand that’s stroking his cock picks up the pace, you notice in the upper corner there’s a donation button with the live donations count, and it seems the louder your best friend gets, the more the number increases. You’re assuming since he sounds like he could cum soon, his goal is a thousand dollars, and he only has about eighty dollars to go. It’s so tempting to donate a couple bucks, it’d be the same as when he first got that job at the coffee shop and you went in and bought a latte, right? Plus the erection he was sporting looked almost painful, the tip an angry red and shiny from lube and precum. Namjoon, once again interrupted your thoughts, “please, I’m so so close, I’ll cum so good for you I promise” shit, shit, shit, you wanted to help him, and you couldn’t deny that this was all very erotic and you were incredibly turned on. 
“Please, please baby-fuck-it hurts I need to cum so badly, please” Namjoon is basically whining at this point and it’s all beginning to feel like too much. As Namjoon’s pleas get louder, so does the sound of skin on skin and he fucks himself more desperately. You feel like you’re about to get sensory overload and think, fuck it! And harshly click over the $5 donation button, and as you do the goal number rounds up to $1000 and confetti, and what looks like its suppose to be animated cum, shoots around it. Namjoon’s breathy laugh brings your attention back to him and he flops his head to the side and lets out a soft thank you before he’s cumming loud and hard against his toned abdomen. After a few more tugs on his cock, Namjoon swipes his fingers over his stomach, gathering his cum, and holds them up to his mouth. As his plump lips wrap around his fingers he lets out a content hum. Releasing his fingers with an audible pop, Namjoon shuffles closer to the camera and from the looks of his eyes, it looks like he’s reading comments. He lets out a soft chuckle and shakes the sweaty fringe out of his eyes before looking back into the camera, “for the big sale tonight I’ll be doing two streams instead of just the usual one, I’ll be back in about thirty minutes except this time,” Namjoon’s voice drops, becoming more gruff, and the look in his eyes change, “I won’t be the sub.” 
Namjoon signs off with a see ya soon! And a kiss blown to the camera before ending the stream and you laptop screen is black. You stare at your reflection when you realize what happened. Your best friend is a switch. Your best friend is a cam boy. You not only watched your best friend’s stream, but you also donated. And above all else, you are incredibly horny, specifically for your best friend. You now are faced with two options, get off to another cam performer, or wait half an hour and get off to your best friend dominating you through the computer.
It was exactly thirty minutes after his first stream had ended and Namjoon was back on the bed in the spare room you knew all too well from too many drunken nights. He seemed to just be chilling and scrolling through his phone, except now the pink collar was gone and he was wearing a black dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up, and black dress pants paired with a black belt. Running a hand through his hair, Namjoon smiles reading the comments. “Hey baby, I’m gonna wait a few minutes for more people to show up, who watched my earlier stream?” Namjoon goes back to reading the comments and you can’t help but feel excited, the anticipation alone is getting you wet. 
This is so wrong, you think. You’re getting wet waiting for your Joonie to put on a cam show. Well, it’s not like he hasn’t made you wet in the past, but this is different. Of course you had always found Namjoon attractive but he was Namjoon. He was your Joonie, your Joon-Joon. But right now your Joon-Joon is palming himself over his slacks and biting his plump lips, and you think you’re dying a little bit. It’s when you notice in the corner of the screen the donation display glows at fifty dollars, and Namjoon lets out a low, breathy laugh, “alright baby, you’ve been good so I’ll reward you.” He stands and slowly unbuttons his dress shirt, stopping every few buttons to rub a veiny hand across his muscular chest, a vivid memory of you snuggled up to that chest at your last movie night is quickly pushed to the side. Your whole body is tingling as Namjoon finishes taking off his shirt, left in only his dress pants. He begins to palm himself once again, bottom lip caught between his teeth, and his eyes roam over the camera as if he’s undressing you through the screen. “I hope you haven’t started touching yourself yet baby, that would be very naughty of you.” You hadn’t, in fact, started to touch yourself but the authority in Namjoon’s voice made your core ache. “Don’t touch yourself until I say so, or my baby won’t get a very good show.” You had wondered during the thirty minute intermission how being a cam dom would work. Being a sub made more sense, you do what your viewers tell you to do, and you can beg them, it just made more sense. However, below the donation number you see all the other viewers comments, begging Namjoon to finish stripping, begging to let them touch themselves. The sound of leather whipping brought your attention back to your best friend, he’d taken off his belt and folded it in half to make the noise. Another sound of the belt and you quickly pushed your sweat pants and panties down to your knees. Running a hand through your slick folds, careful to avoid your aching nub, Namjoon hadn’t told you to touch yourself yet. Another loud whip of his belt and the donation number glowed 100, Namjoon cooed a soft so good for me, before quickly stepping out of his pants, no underwear to be seen. His massive erection standing fully proud as Namjoon takes a seat once again at the edge of the bed and languidly strokes his cock.
“You’ve been so good baby, go ahead and touch yourself,” you instantly follow his command, quickly circling your throbbing clit, and you notice the comments are filled with praise and thank you’s, “what an obedient little slut, so good for sir.” You let out a small whimper and speed up your hand, you would never in a million years think that you’d be hearing your Joonie say those things to you. There’s a little bit of an icky feeling when you think that he’s not really saying them with you in mind, but there’s no time to dwell on that. Not when Namjoon just let out a delicious moan and called you a good girl again. 
“How does it feel baby girl, bet you wish I was there, huh? C’mon you little slut go a little faster for me, a little harder” your whines grow louder as you follow Namjoon’s command. The comment section is filled with more pleas, and you see several daddy’s, sir’s and master’s.
“Slide a finger in there baby, stretch yourself open for me, don’t want you to hurt yourself on my big cock.” You don’t think you’ve seen Namjoon look so smug, and it’s unbelievably arousing. 
Your laptop is set on the coffee table in front of you while you fuck yourself on your fingers and furiously rub at your clit. You’ve been watching Namjoon’s stream for nearly half an hour now and you’re so close to cumming, but deciding to hold out until Namjoon cums. He seems like he could go on forever, he’s been roughly jerking his cock the entire time he’s been spewing filthy words. Telling the camera how much he wishes he could touch, taste, and fuck you. 
“I bet you sound so sweet when you’re cumming baby,” he’s licking his lips again as he brushes his hand through his hair once again. His eyes look down and you can tell he’s reading the comments again, “don’t you fucking dare think about cumming you needy little whore, you cum when I tell you to.” The comment are filled completely with begging at the same rate the donation number skyrockets. After a few more moments of denying yourself your orgasm, the donation number hits a thousand dollars and the same confetti and cum animation goes off in the corner. Namjoon lets out a low chuckle before biting down on his bottom lip, “fuck you’re so good for me, I want you to cum, c’mon.” Namjoon is now furiously stroking himself and he throws his head back while letting out a particularly loud moan. You’re so close it hurts, but you desperately want to finish with him. A few more strokes and Namjoon is cumming over his stomach again, and your orgasm rips through you. After your breathing begins to even out you look back to the screen and find Namjoon running his finger through his cum again. You wonder if he’s going to eat it again. He answers your question by holding his finger up to the camera and saying “open on baby, be a good little cum slut for me.” And you actually find yourself opening your mouth for him, before quickly realizing that he’s on your fucking laptop screen and you snap your mouth close. You don’t wait for Namjoon to sign off before you’re exiting the browser and closing your laptop.
After a quick shower, you find yourself sprawled on your bed with a face mask on, contemplating your entire existence and your entire friendship with Namjoon. Okay so, you watched not one but two of your best friend’s cam shows. You touched yourself to your best friend’s cam shows, and you even got off to your best friend’s cam shows. And to make it even worse, the annoying little voice that shows up every few months in your head saying maybe we could be more than friends shows up again.
A buzz next to your head notifies you of a text and your stupid heart flutters a bit when you see its from Joonie Boonie.
Joonie: Hey, sorry again for cancelling :( ill make it up to you tomorrow!
Y/N: You better sir!!
Joonie: Aha sir??
Wait- oh fuck. You’re bolt up so quickly that your face mask flies half way off your face.
“What the hell was that?!” you yell at your reflection in the wall mirror, your half-on face mask making you look like your wearing someone else’s skin. With an exasperated sigh that you fling yourself back onto your bed. 
“I’m just saying, I know kids are gullible but who the fuck would continue talking to a scary ass clown in th- Y/N?” A flick to your forehead brings you out of your thoughts.
“Huh? What?”
“You’re the one that made us re-watch IT and you’re not even paying attention!” Namjoon huffs. It was the day after you discovered Namjoon’s side job, and he brought over pizza to make up for bailing on you.
“You seriously haven’t been listening to anything I’ve been saying, are you okay?” Namjoon leans in closer, legitimately worried. 
“What? No, I’m fine, I just-we tell each other everything right?” you’ve never been one to hold back from Namjoon and you really didn’t want this whole thing hanging over you.
Namjoon nodded in response, a bit hesitant. “Yeah, of course. Why, what’s wrong?”
“N-nothing,” there’s no good way to say this so you really should just spit it out, “just one of my coworkers told me to check out this pornsite she’s obsessed with and it’s all just cam stars.”
You notice Namjoon tense up a bit before his brows knit together, “okay...why are you telling me this?”
“Would you judge me if I became a cam girl?” okay, yeah maybe that wasn’t the best way to divert the conversation. Namjoon shook his head before letting out a soft “no, no I wouldn’t.”
“Alright, cool. I wouldn’t judge you either by the way, you know if you ever did it, camming that is.” you’re rushing your words and fidgeting with shirt hem but Namjoon only lets out a soft laugh before placing his plate on the table, before turning his body to face you.
“Y/N, is there something you want to tell me about that website? Something or someone you saw?”
You’re looking everywhere but his face and it’s only when he snaps his fingers in front of you that you whip your head back to look at him. “I saw you,” you let out softly. Namjoon bites the inside of his cheek and gives a small nod, “well,” he begins “h-”
“I swear it was by accident, I saw your live stream thumbnail thing and I didn’t really believe it was you and before I knew it, I clicked on your sub stream, but I only caught the end of it!”
“You called me sir.”
“W-what?” since when do you ever stutter?
“Yesterday, yesterday you called me sir when I texted you.” Namjoon narrows his eyes at you, “you saw both of them.” Well, fuck.
“Uhh… yes? Maybe? Fuck.” You’ve now reverted back to looking anywhere that wasn’t Namjoon. He looked mad. He should be, you reason. You tell each other everything and him not telling you about being a camboy was clearly for a reason, he must’ve wanted to keep it private.
“So you liked it?” wait, what?
“Huh?” Out of all the things to say you didn’t expect Namjoon to say that. Now you’re looking at him with a confused look on your face.
“I said,” Namjoon scoots a bit closer to you, “you liked my shows? You said the first one was an accident and you only watched the end of it so you heard me say I’d be streaming again as a dom and you called me sir, meaning you also watched that one.” Namjoon tilts his head to the side awaiting your response.
“Oh, well, I guess? I mean you’re my friend and I want to support you? I don’t know?” Your voice is dramatically rising in pitch, which seems to only amuse Namjoon.
“So you’re not mad that I lied to you about being a cam boy?” Namjoon actually looks nervous, he really does hate the idea of keeping things from you. He can’t say that he didn’t feel like his stomach was going to drop out of his ass when you first mentioned the cam site, but now he’s actually relieved you know, now he doesn’t feel like he’s lying to you. He would be lying, however, if he said the idea of you watching, let alone touching yourself to his shows, didn’t make his cock twitch in his pants.
“No, of course I’m not mad Joonie! You’re not mad at me?” How could he not be? This felt like a very big invasion of privacy even though as you’re looking at him now, you’re just imagining how good it felt to have him call you a good little slut yesterday. 
“Of course I’m not mad at you,” Namjoon had been giving himself a pep talk over the last several days to confess his love for you, he in no way imagined it would go like this, but hell the opportunity was there and he was tired of waiting. “Would you be mad at me if I said that I think it’s really fucking hot that you watched me?”
Now it was your turn to blush. Although you’re enjoying the small back and forth going on between you, your voice is barely above a whisper. “Only if you’re mad about the fact that I touched myself while watching you.”
Namjoons plump lips were on yours instantly. They were softer than you could ever imagine, and he pours years worth of harboured feelings into the kiss. You kissed him back fervently, years of love, desperation, and lust pouring into the kiss that you both had waited so long to give each other. It was like all the events and emotions came surging up all at once for Namjoon as he abruptly broke the kiss, “I love you.” he stated, lips red and swollen. You could only just look up at him with wide eyes and equally swollen lips, your hair a mess from where his hands nested in them during the kiss. You grabbed him by the back of the neck so that your foreheads met, “I love you too.”
You two had kissed for what seemed like an eternity, desperate to make up for lost time, but as hands roamed further the desperation grew.
“Which one did you like?” Namjoon panted against your lips.
“Huh?” you couldn’t stop kissing him, it felt like you were possessed.
Breaking the kiss again, Namjoon tried once more, “which one did you like better? Pink or black?” at the realization of his words, you couldn’t help but let out a whimper. 
“B-black-oh” Namjoon latched on to the most sensitive part of your neck and you were basically mewling, pawing at his shoulder blades. Sliding his hand down to dip past your pants and underwear, he began to circle your clit. You jolted from the sensation as he sucked harder on your neck.
Lifting his head away from your neck, Namjoon’s dark gaze bore into yours, “well in that case, how about you be a good girl me and take my fingers, yeah?” Nodding your head insistently, Namjoon wasted no time before pushing two fingers into your soaked core. You whined at the sudden stretch, which made Namjoon chuckle, “your tight little pussy can barely take two of my fingers baby, I don’t know if you’ll be able to handle my dick.”
The slight mention that you might not be fucked into next week by his perfect dick, had you gripping onto Namjoon’s arms pleading, “no please, sir! Please I promise I can take it, I’ll be a good cum slut for you, I promise!” Namjoon’s brows shot up, not really expecting you to be this into it, at least so soon. But hearing how submissive you can be had his erection straining in his pants. He pressed his lips to your again before delivering a slap against your throbbing core, “get on the bed for me baby”.
You two were naked writhing on your bed in a blink of an eye. Namjoon was above you, one hand next your head supporting his weight, the other stroking himself while he stared at your naked heaving chest. Getting impatient you wrapped your legs around him, “Joonie, please!” and he laughed out a quick sorry before slowly burying himself in you. Once he was fully in you, he paused, allowing you time to adjust to his massive size. After you gave a little nod, he set a quick and desperate pace. You were moaning so loudly and Namjoon swears he’s never heard anything more beautiful, the blissed-out look on your face was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. You were just so beautiful and Namjoon was hit with such an overwhelming surge of love that he slipped out of his dominating persona before engulfing your body in his and passionately kissing you. He slowed his pace slightly and angled his hips to hit deeper into you, the change making you cry out in ecstasy. 
“I love you,” he kissed you again, “I love you more than anything, I can’t believe this is finally happening, holy fuck.”
Your running your hands through his hair to bring his face closer to yours, your lips brushing as you both pour words and love and devotion into each other. It’s after a particularly deep thrust has you crying out, that you dig your nails into Namjoon’s back, “Joonie, please fuck me harder, I wanna be a good girl for you.”
Namjoon pulls away slightly to get a better look at you before a wicked grin appears on his face, “alright, then baby, hands and knees for me.” After he pulls out you quickly flip over, ass poised enticingly up in the air, Namjoon groans as he spread your ass cheeks apart before delivering a quick smack. “Fuck baby, you have such a perfect ass, would you like me to eat it?” you’re whimpering and nodding into the bedsheets, and Namjoon quickly makes work with his tongue against your asshole while he fingers your sopping pussy. “What a good little slut, loves getting both holes played with,” he delivers and slap to your ass, “you probably want me to fill both don’t you?” you nod into the pillow but Namjoon doesn’t find that to be a sufficient answer, so he yanks you by your hair, “use your words you little slut, you know how to speak”
“Yes sir! I want you to fuck both my holes, please” your voice is so whiney and Namjoon feels like he can cum just from listening to you. 
Namjoon slaps your ass once more before quickly shoving his cock into you, pushing all the way in. You gasp at the sudden change, and Namjoon tightens his hold on your hair. He’s fucking you like a desperate animal, it almost borders on painful but its just so good. You can feel his thumb circle your asshole so you let out a whiney please, and Namjoon sticks his thumb into your tight hole. He delivers another harsh slap to your ass, “what do you say, slut?”
“Thank you, sir! It feels so good, may-hmm-maybe next time you can fuck my ass with one of your toys” you breathe out. Namjoon is pulling you up so his chest is against your back and laughs in your ear, “you dirty little bitch, I had no idea this whole time, you’re so filthy,” he pushes you down against the bed, “I fucking love it.”
Namjoon continues to fuck you with such force that you are now completely flat against the bed while he pistons into you, one hand wedged between the bed rubbing your clit, and the other with his thumb still toying your ass. Your moans are getting louder and Namjoon brings his lips next to your ear, “are you gonna be a good slut and cum for me, huh baby? Come on, be a messy little whore and soak the sheets.”
After a series of please,please,please and very well aimed thrusts, you’re cumming hard. You’re drenched clenching pussy has Namjoon quickly following, pulling out and emptying his load onto your red ass. 
After a few moments of catching your breath, Namjoon reaches over to pluck a tissue from the box on your nightstand, effectively knocking over a picture frame and several trinkets, making you giggle. “Oh, shut up” Namjoon teases as he cleans you off. Once he’s done wiping his cum off of you, he tosses the tissue onto your nightstand and lays down staring into your eyes. Wordlessly you snuggle up into his chest like you have done countless times during your many movie nights, but this time it was so different, so right.
You’re both just silently enjoying each other before a thought pops into your head, “does this mean I have to buy a strap on for you?”
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yakocchi · 4 years
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(Eisuke) The King’s Training – “Try to Satisfy Me” // Episode 1
A bit of context for what this is from: otona love is their mature hub for existing Voltage series and their original adult series. So it’s just essentially 100koi+ (Love 365) except you have to play it on a shitty web browser and also pay more monies per story. technology
For a while I thought I imagined seeing this story in the site, but actually voltage just got lazy and didn’t tag this story with anything. Legit, you can type “eisuke” and “suite room” in the search and it doesn’t show up. it shows up on the kbtbb store page but… whack. almost reminds me of how useless the 365 app search can be
Episode 1 is free (!!!) so if you wanna follow along with a portrait of eisuke (bc I didn’t post further screencaps) then… there you go
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this ep is… not adult-adult, but eh. It’s the later eps that do the adult content or w/e
eisuke nonsense behind the cut
At the penthouse, where it seems like I’m always being summoned to come over… Within seconds I was already thrown into bed, and I weakly pushed against him.
[MC]: “N-No, don’t…” [Eisuke]: “Stop trying to hide every single little thing.” [Eisuke]: “Do you intend to make me say that over and over again?” [MC]: “Even then, doing this all of a sudden is a bit embarrassing…” [MC]: “Can you at least turn off the lights?” [Eisuke]: “Will that be all from you?” (This is bad… his mood quickly went sour.)
When I shrink away from the icy gaze above me, the sheets are then mercilessly torn away. [MC]: “Ah-” [Eisuke]: “Are you not in the mood to entertain me?” [MC]: “ah… Please, wait-” (As it is - it’s impossible!) Tightly shutting my eyes, I brace through my shame and-
(He shut them off for me!) [MC]: “Thank y–“ [Eisuke]: “…” In that split second I sigh in relief, he suddenly grabs onto my ankles. [MC]: “!” [Eisuke]: “From here, I won’t let any more complaints come out of you.” He forces himself between my knees, a smirk on his face. (Seems like it’ll be a long night…)
The next day – (I’m dead… dead tired…) (I only had resisted him for a little bit, and yet I was punished until morning…) I groggily continue to make the bed when I stagger a step and bang into the cleaning wagon. [MC]: “Aaah-“ [Erika]: “MC, hold it. What are you doing?” [MC]: “I’m sorry for causing more unnecessary work for you!” Waking up to tidy the massive heap of fallen amenities, Erika hands me the new sheets with a thud. [Erika]: “You know, you’ve been slacking off too much lately.” [Erika]: “Even if you’re Mr. Ichinomiya’s girlfriend - let’s not get too carried away now, hm?!” [MC]: “Of course not!” [Erika]: “As punishment, please do the rest of the cleaning by yourself!” (So that I can keep up with Eisuke, I’ve been working my hardest.) (‘Getting carried away’, I haven’t done anything like that…) Erika leaves the hotel room, and I was left alone to continue cleaning.
That night–
(If I don’t hurry, I won’t make it on time!) Flying out of my dorm and dashing through the hotel lobby, two figures then intercept my path. [Ota]: “Oh cool, perfect timing.” [Ota]: “We’re going up to the penthouse, so come and serve us some coffee.”
the… the main lobby where they all hang out is called the penthouse too, right in jpn they use “organizers’ room” which… that aint it in engl i remember that much. right??? oh no look what you’ve done voltage, this is what happens when you make 1 kbtbb update a month
[MC]: “Uh, right now?” [Baba]: “Ota, you gotta call that off for now. If she’s in this much of a rush, you should just sympathize with the dear.” [Ota]: “Ahh, gotcha.” [Ota]: “So, you were peacefully relaxing in your room after work when you got a call?” [Baba]: “Something along the lines of ‘Get to the penthouse, you have 5 minutes’, as they say?” [MC]: “It’s just as you say! Well, I have to-“ [Ota]: “Looks like Eisuke’s ‘training’ has wrapped up with flying colors, huh?” [Baba]: “Then, how many minutes do you have left on the timer?” (Oh, no- by just talking to them for a moment, my five minutes have passed!) I cut the conversation short and jump onto the penthouse elevator.
[MC]: “-So, I’ve kept you waiting!” [Eisuke]: “You’re late.” [MC]: “?!” Opening the door - Eisuke was right there, leaning against the immediate wall. He approaches closer, apparently irritated. (Th-That scared me… It couldn’t be that he was actually sitting around waiting for me, right?)
season 1 mc u will soon realize he has no hobbies despite having billions of dollars to invest in any hobby ever
(I should apologize for now) [MC]: “Sorry,” [MC]: “Before I got on the elevator, I was occupied talking to the others…” [Eisuke]: “I didn’t permit you to give me excuses and the like.” (No matter how you look at it, he’s clearly in a bad mood.) I feel a chill run down my spine before he grabs my wrists and pins them above my head. Trapped between the door and his body, I timidly ask, [MC]: “Are you… angry?” [Eisuke]: “I’m going to retrain you.” He leans his face a breath closer before licking my lips. Instinctively opening my mouth, he slips his tongue through and caresses inside. [MC]: “…Mmn-“ [Eisuke]: “…” Every time he bites the tip of my tongue, the wet sound echoes through the silent room. (Eisuke’s kisses are always so sweet, as if to melt me-) In these kisses filled with his desire that yearns down to the core, my mind grows hazy. …thump, thump… (Footsteps?!) [MC]: “Um, isn’t there someone coming up the stairs?” [Eisuke]: “And what’s the matter with that?” With a devious smile, he had snapped off a few of the buttons on my blouse. [MC]: “Please wait, someone can come in and see us…“ [Eisuke]: “Don’t kick up a fuss.” [MC]: “Ah... S-Stop…” -Knock, knock! [Soryu]: “Eisuke. Are you in?” [Eisuke]: “Yeah.” [Soryu]: “I’m opening the door.”
MA BOI SORYU DUN DESERVE to be part of ur sic voyeuristic ways u eggplant lookin ass
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lol idk if the engl version has this yet but remember the eisuke story where he swaps bodies with soryu and then soryu was pretty much like “no TOUCHIN MY BODY IS SACRED” and that was like season 17 my season 1 boy dun need this
(Th-This is a problem…!) Rattle, rattle-
[Soryu]: “…Are you in the middle of something?” [Eisuke]: “I’m busy right now.” [Soryu]: “Then I’ll ask you from out here.” (Th-Thank goodness…At some point Eisuke had locked the door.) As I finally let out a sigh of relief – While Eisuke normally conversed with Soryu, he began to further undo my clothes. (He’s opening up my blouse, and my bra is…) (But if I make a sound here, it’s likely that Soryu will find out what’s going on.) I twist my body in a subtle attempt to resist, but with a great force I was pressed even harder against the door.
[Eisuke]: “…” [MC]: “…guh…” His teasing fingertips sneak under the hem of my skirt and stroke the inner side of my thighs. Lightly biting my lip, I desperately keep my voice from leaking out. [Soryu]: “There will be a change in the items up for the upcoming auction.” [Eisuke]: “And this item is?” [Soryu]: “A painting. Ota is currently appraising it, but it’s almost certain to be a forgery.” (What should I do, the current situation is…) I also could hear lively chatter from the penthouse lobby below. In this situation where it seems that if I get even a little careless I’ll be discovered - my heartbeat wildly beats faster. [Soryu]: “Baba is currently looking for an alternative piece, but…” [Eisuke]: “But I thought there was a sculpture in the warehouse?” [Soryu]: “Isn’t that one supposed to be the centerpiece for the following auction?” Eisuke is discussing business matters with his usual expression… as he pulls down the straps of my bra. [MC]: “….Hh…” [Eisuke]: “…” His fingertips glide along to skim against the tip of my breast. (Even though Soryu’s on the other side of the door,) (He’s purposely… on the places where I’m likely to cry out…) [Eisuke]: “I don’t care if we put that one up earlier.” [Eisuke]: “Report that to Baba.” [Soryu]: “I don’t mind that, but…” More and more, the core of my body blazes hotter and I want to lose all of myself to him. (I know that wanting something like that right now is out of line,) (But…) Even if I’m aware of how inappropriate this is, I can’t escape the comfort of the sensations Eisuke gives me. [Eisuke]: “Is there a problem?” [MC]: “…kgh-” Though his words are directed to Soryu, his irises are directly captured on me. When I slightly lean my relaxed body towards him, he strokes my hair in a toying manner. [Soryu]: “…It’s quite difficult to talk about.” [Soryu]: “I’ve had enough of this - Can I at least open the door now?”   [MC]: “!” I return to reality upon hearing Soryu’s voice laced with suspicion, and I shake my head to signal my resistance. But Eisuke, without letting go of my body, puts his arms to the back of my knees. (Huh?) (As usual, this is where it ends, right…?) [Soryu]: “Eisuke, are you listening to me?” [Eisuke]: “I do believe I told you that I’m in the middle of something.” When I look at him, my heartbeat picking up - With an amused smirk carved on his face, he presses these lips against my earlobe. [Eisuke]: “Spread your legs wider.”
(End of Episode 1)
If you’re interested in the rest, please consider buying the other episodes! or not. ( ´_ゝ`) save up ur monies for the things to come, idk. ive been holed up for weeks drinking me choccy milk i dun not got the energy to be voltage pr
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kathyprior4200 · 4 years
BML Livestream Reaction 6/9/2020
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To my lovely H.H. viewers, listeners, readers:
Wow! The livestream today on Ashley's channel was incredible. The fandom raised more than 60,000 dollars for the Black Lives Matter charity. (I was one of the unnoticed ones who donated). I'm just as amazed as the show staff at the sheer generosity and talent of this fandom. There were a lot of hilarious moments and very good improvs as well. (ex. Bosco saying in Alastor's voice: "I'm an unstoppable death machine!" And all the "Oh Ashley," running gags.
Onto theories and clip reveals:
There appear to be at least five episodes for Helluva Boss (maybe) and perhaps for Hazbin Hotel as well. When would episode 12 + come out? 2027? I'll happily wait if I can live and last that long.
The first clip revealed showed Blitzo taking to Loona, him saying "have a treat" and then eating the biscuit. Millie appears to be there with Moxxie, drawing a pentagram symbol on a wall. Perhaps a gateway to the human world?
Blitzo (yells at a shy imp): "You set fire to my fucking office in front of a goddamn client you dipshit, now someone please tell me that hocus pocus book is still intact?"
Loona (holding the Satanic book): "Our only ticket to the living world? Grabbed it."
Blitzo: "That's why you're my favorite, Loony! You get a treat."
Loona: "Ew. Stop."
Blitzo eats a treat with a happy look on his face. An imp in a dress stands in the background. Millie draws a pentagram on the wall.
Blitzo (to Loona) "Oh stop it, I get enough of that from my therapist. Now lets get to it, gang!"
They prepare to enter Earth.
Second clip: We are introduced to Loo-Loo Land, an apple-themed circus/amusement park. Loo-Loo is another term for sh*t or bathrooms, so a fitting name for one in Hell. Loo-Loo is a large creepy apple mascot who appears overly cheerful toward the imps and presumably Octavia, who's not impressed. Stolas then takes Blitzo to the rides. He can be seen in a themed outfit, with an apple on his shirt, sorts, and a balloon in his hand. Lucifer has a bar/land called Loo-Loo Land that the theme park is a bad spinoff of it.
Millie (both wear glasses): (Moxxie) "Come on, it's fun! You've never been here?" Moxxie: "No. Theme parks always disturb me. Especially (shakes) the mascots."
A creepy mascot dressed as a red apple appears behind them. He's a red apple with a missing tooth in a wide grin of teeth and one of the eyes hanging from string.
Loo-Loo (in a southern accent) "Well, hey there!"
Millie and Moxxie scream.
Loo-Loo: "I'm Loo-Loo! Welcome to Loo-Loo land!"
Stolas talks to his daughter Octavia by a dinosaur carousel.
Stolas: "Look, Via, it's Loo-Loo!"
Octavia is not impressed with the childish theme park and the lack of more modern rides and features.
Octavia (British accent): "I have a question."
Loo-Loo: Well ask away, little girlie! (Goofy laugh)"
Octavia: "Is it true that this theme park is really a shameless spin-off of Lucifer's more popular Loo-Loo World?" (Disneyland vs Disneyworld)
Loo-Loo: No."
Octavia: "This place reeks of insecure corporate shame."
Stolas: "Why don't we go check out the rides."
Third clip showed what appears to be a rival company to Immediate Murder Professionals. It's called CHERUB, consisting of flying singing sheep with halos and angel wings. It can be assumed that they come from Heaven. Do they save lives (like the alternate E.L.F. in Heavenuva Boss) or do they grant miracles while scamming people? One things for sure, they are super cute. Hmm...maybe they are part of brainwashed sheep who want to spread Heaven's culture so others can mindlessly follow it? Or maybe just as a way to bring down I.M.P. to prove that they can be the best demon killers around? Blitzo blows up a TV in frustration. Now I.M.P. has to find a way to save their company and stop their rivals.
Based on the song, they save people's lives on Earth! (Guess what Hazbins: I thought of the AU E.L.F. characters before this was cool!)
If there is a rival company in Heaven to I.M.P. in Hell, it can only mean one thing: a (Haven) hotel in Heaven may also exist. (Except it would be used to give angels freedom to cause trouble and sin/to be themselves in defiance to the strict rules.)
The sheep angels save people from a car accident, and lift up a rock from a crushed person. They do the work for free, as one of them denies money. With I.M.P. killing humans and C.H.E.R.U.B. saving people, it brings the world in balance. (Though poor sheep: too many people are dying from Covid 19.) Both of them do their part to influence the living world (strangely enough, the Hazbin Earth humans seem accepting of the random creatures who arrive and then leave.
C.H.E.R.U.B. saves people so they have a chance to go to Heaven. I.M.P. kills people for money so the humans wind up in Hell.
Christ's Heavenly Efficient Revivers Under Bless
Christ's Healing Employees Revive Unlimited Bodies
Creators Host Efficient Revival Under Belief
Creating Happy Earth Routines U Believe
Sheep/faun one female: "Luckily for you..."
Sheep two male: "There is something we can do..."
Both: "We can help you feel alive, so you can save some time!(waste and drive?)" (two sheep stand beside a baby angel and all smile)
"Cause here at C.H.E.R.U.B., we can save your honey butt from dying violently. " C.H.E.R.U.B. (R mark) "We never even ask a fee." "Because good people spread the love, "And we're here for all above. "We do the paperwork for you "And the heavy lifting too." (Female sheep is shown exhausted in a pile of paperwork and later shown lifting a boulder from a man.) Both sheep witness a dying man from a car accident and wipe the scene away. "So sit back and let us bless a soul... for you." (all three sing). "Oh we, are the C.H..."
Blitzo blows up the TV in anger.
Random names: The cherub is Blitzo's opposite, Millie and the female sheep and Moxxie and the male sheep.
Blitzo's name is German for lightning. Moxxie means aggressive energy. Millie means mild strength/industrious
Donner= German for thunder Jalen= peace Ardel = industrious
Theories based on the song: 1. Heaven has animal-like Zoophobia characters like Hell 2. C.H.E.R.U.B. saves lives while I.M.P. kills them, thus keeping the world in balance. 3. The cherub leader would be Blitzo's rival. Male sheep vs Moxxie, female sheep vs Millie 4. If I.M.P. had their way, everyone would be dead. If C.H.E.R.U.B. had their way, the earth would be overpopulated. 5. C.H.E.R.U.B. have access to Heaven and Earth. They probably use the Bible to access the living world. 6. C.H.E.R.U.B. would save anyone, even criminals. 7. C.H.E.R.U.B. might have another Loona counterpart. 8. Could I.M.P. and C.H.E.R.U.B. have access to all three realms?
Clip number four: Blitzo and Stolas talk in bed. Stolas goes under the covers and stares seductively at him. He gets the idea to take Blitzo to a Harvest Festival with him as a bodyguard. Blitzo gets suspicious, claiming he won't go if Stolas uses him for sex and his purposes. Soon, Blitzo decides to come along. Stolas then says "sorry about you leaving behind your clients," while Blitzo retorts "Oh fuck my clients!" Best line. Stolas' wife will not be happy when she hears of Stolas and Blitzo's relationship.
Stolas (smokes a cigarette): " It's shocking to it to be seen, Blitzy. My grimoire is incredibly vital. And it isn't supposed to be let out by little imps like yourself." He puts out his cigarette on Blitzo's horns and pinched his cheek. Blitzo sighs and shoves him off. Both appear to be topless.
Stolas: "The Harvest Moon is a very special occasion. It's been my annual duty to celebrate it in the Ring of Wrath. It's a charming little festival with games and music..."
Blitzo: "A wrath ring, huh? My employees are from there. Haven't really been, but it sounds like a place of imprints."
Stolas: "Oh! Why don't you all accompany me to the festival as our special guests?! I'll give you all... (goes under the covers and lies near Blitzo's privates. "...special access." (chuckles)
Blitzo: "Look I told you, we're not bodyguards, alright? It was a one time thing we did and guess what? We did it badly!"
Stolas stands up with the cover over his head.
Stolas: "I'm simply offering a fun work-free day of fun! I feel quite safe at the Harvest Festival. I go every year. Nothing has changed."
Blitzo: "Okay, look if you promise this is not some fuck-fest invite... it does sound like it could be fun. Alright, I'll run it by the others. It sounds like we can work without the book anyway."
Stolas: "I do hope to see you there. I'm sorry your clients will have to wait."
Blitzo: (waves his hand) "Oh fuck my clients!"
We are introduced to new characters: Loo-Loo the creepy apple mascot, the shy imp, owl princess Octavia, "Melodia" the queen, the CHERUB sheep and Robo-Fizz, a robotic jester demon colored black, yellow, white, and light pink-red. It can be assumed that he is red and black and dangerous in his true form. Could Hell's circus be one big conspiracy? Anything is possible in the inferno.
Thank you to all who supported Vivzie's charity and those who continue to show their love for the show and concern for what's going on in the world. Protests, Police, Pandemic, Personal Rights. I donated earlier and I do all I can to keep the fandom together, trying to tapper down the "shipping wars." I don't feel like a hero at all, but I feel good that I'm showing support.
My work is unknown in comparison to all the marvelous Charlastor fanfictions out there:
MuseValentine's "Smiling Man" Angelus19's "Taxidermist"
and many more.
Please don't forget to show support to Hazbin Madness and Radio Hazbin on YouTube. Some people may disagree with me on this, but I think those two voice actors and comic dubbers have better potential than Markapiler and JackdaSepticeye. Yes, the latter two may be famous and well-known, but in my opinion, only HalusaTwin and InSaiyans capture the uncasted Lucifer and Lilith so well. A king and queen of the fandom.
But don't fret. This fandom has given me ideas that keep skyrocketing through my head and into the world. I've made fanfictions since 2014 and have only made more after being exposed to DBZ and H.H. My long projects seem to take months to update but as long as I'm alive, inspired and have free time, I won't cease doing what I love. Indeed, Viv's words inspired me toward the end of the stream. She said to a person who donated a lot and the viewers to share their creativity with the world, as it can inspire others. Vivziepop is a role model for me, as are so many of my friends/content creators (artist Ady Laine, theorist BlueRaven666, musician Ashboyo, my close friend Sumera Paleema (DBZ artist) and many others.
Very soon, I'll be expanding upon my rewrites/remixes of Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss. Indeed, the future episodes may be closer than we think!
Stay safe out there and treat each other well.
-Kathy Prior 42
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rotten-dandelions · 5 years
I haven’t posted in a hot minute, but please have a long-short story involving @zoomee-vroomee and my Trailer Park AU. 
Joxter didn't have the energy to turn on the radio when he got in the car; it was 5 pm, which meant he had 5 hours with his family until he had to go to his second job. If he could squeeze in a 30-minute nap in that time, he would be ok. He got off his second job at 4 am, which meant he would have time to run home and shower before needing to get ready to go to work again. It was a harsh cycle; at 29, his body was so worn down the beginnings of a grey streak was starting up on the left side of his head right at his ear. 
But he could handle this, he could handle the back-breaking work of his first job and the blatant racism towards him in his second. What he couldn’t handle, was the stress it was putting on his husband. Yesterday had been hard, he had left work early again because Muddler needed him at home, but he was so tired, he spent the majority of it curled up on his husband's lap asleep. 
He could kick himself for that. He wasn’t supposed to go home and shut down from exhaustion, he was supposed to hold his lover, show him how much he appreciated him and loved him for all the hard work he had done with the kids. But he had failed on that aspect, and he could see it all over his lover's face when he had left for work that night.
His heart sat heavy in his chest; the longer he thought about the situation, Muddler was miserable, it didn’t take a genius to see that. The stress of the children and Joxter’s absence was evident in the way he moved, in the way he smiled and the way the brightness didn’t quite reach his eyes. 
And it was all Joxter’s fault. 
He had to pull over when he couldn’t stop the sobs that wracked his body, he pulled into a parking space on the side of a small building and let himself sob. He was a horrible husband and an even worse father. He rested his head on the steering wheel, his tears hitting the plastic with a soft thump. He was wasting time, he could be home by now, but his body wouldn’t move, and he couldn’t get the tears to stop. 
He begged, whispering to himself as his claws dug into the steering wheel. 
ביטע העלפֿן מיין מאַן
He wept in his sorrows, begging for help in ways he hadn’t before. He felt lost and useless; he just wanted to be the best husband he could, the best father, but no matter what he did, the situation never got better, and Muddler remained miserable. 
 היילן זיין האַרץ און העלפֿן מיין קינדער וואַקסן
He sat in silence after that, his sobbing finally quieted down to a manageable level that he could see again. He checked his phone, seeing that he had spent far too long sitting here and wallowing in self-pity. Muddler had messaged him, questions about where he was, and if he was ok. 
Joxter was quick to respond, telling him that he had a bit of a hold-up, but he was on his way home now, and he couldn’t wait to see him. 
”Oh… so you’ll only be home for 4 hours then.”
Joxter couldn’t respond to the text, a new onslaught of tears hit him, and he bit the inside of his cheek to keep himself from crying again. This was his own fault, he shouldn’t have pulled over, he should have kept himself in check. 
He had to do something to remedy this, even if it was just today. 
He waited for his second boss to pick up, clearing his throat and wiping as many tears away as he could as he waited for the man to pick up the phone. 
“A-Ah, hello sir, this is Joxaren; I was hoping to talk to you for a few minutes?” 
“Are you calling out?” 
Joxter paused, his heart suddenly in his throat as the fear of what was to come sank into him.
“U-Unfortunately yes, sir. My husband isn’t feeling very well, and I needed to-”
“This is the third time this month, you realize that, right? This is… Let’s see, the 8th time in a two month period that you have called out do to family issues.” 
“Sir... I’m sorry, I just-” 
“No. I don’t want to hear your excuses anymore. You begged me for this job, do you remember that? Told me you needed the extra money to help fund your husband’s surgery, and yet, you don’t work?”
“Please, Sir I’m so sorry, I just need this one night off and I will-”
“I cannot believe this, you’re still trying to get off work?” 
“It’s an emergency, sir, please.” 
Joxter was met with silence on the other end; he hadn’t realized he was crying again, and his body was shaking. He was about to say something else when his boss spoke again.
“I’m giving you this one last chance, do you understand me?” 
Joxter nodded but soon realized he needed to speak to confirm.
“Y-Yes, sir.”
“Deal with whatever issues you need to, and I will see you Monday night, is this understood?” 
He nodded again, but quickly spoke up, his heart hammering in his chest.
“Yes, sir, yes, sir, I understand. Thank you, sir, thank you so much-”
“Save it. You need to prove yourself to me on Monday.” 
“Of course, sir, thank you.”
Joxter hung up the phone then. A shaky breath leaving him as all the adrenalin he had left faded. His boss had given him the whole weekend off. He could spend this time spoiling his husband and spending time with his kids. He would be able to sleep through the night next to the love of his life. 
Joxter looked down at his phone, Muddler had texted him two more times. He glanced over them, questions about his eta, and if he needed to put his food in the microwave. Joxter was quick to respond, telling him he would be home in time to eat and to please save a spot for him at the table. 
He was about to leave when he spotted a flower shop right where he had parked, he checked his wallet, he still had 20 dollars left from groceries, so he decided to go in. Getting something that he could bring back to his lover. It wasn’t the biggest bouquet of flowers, but each one he had picked out was how he felt for his lover, and he hoped they would ease Muddler’s heart a little. 
He arrived home right when Muddler was finishing setting the table. He could see through the front door and into the kitchen, three small kits were helping get silverware put out, even though they couldn’t quite reach the table yet. 
Joxter gathered the flowers behind his back. Walking up to the front door and opening it, calling out to his family that he was home. He was met with little hands grabbing at his legs, and “welcome home, daddy!” rang through the house. He smiled at them, bending down to kiss each child on top of the head before sending them to wash their hands before supper. He took that moment to stride over to his lover, who was anxiously looking at the clock on the wall. 
He felt terrible that Muddler was worried about the short amount of time they would have, but he was quick to gently take Muddler’s chin, turning his husband's attention back to him, a smile on his face as he kissed his lips. 
“Don’t worry about that right now, I brought you something.” 
He handed him the flowers, his eyes shining as Muddler looked over the bouquet. The center was roses, signaling his love for his husband, they were tucked in the center as the outside was a mixture of red and pink Camellia indicating Joxter’s longing and the flame that was Muddler in his heart. The last flower was honeysuckle, the representation of their bond as lovers and husbands. He was slightly proud of himself for remembering the meaning of these flowers, it had been a long time since Muddler had taught him what different flowers symbolized.
“This is what took you so long?” 
That wasn’t what he had been expecting.
“We have five hours together each day. And you chose to spend two of them getting something that is going to die in a week? Why couldn’t you have just come right home?” 
“Are you just desperate to spend as much time away from me as possible?” 
“No! Mouse…”
“Why couldn’t you have just come home?”
“I-I was calling my boss… I don’t have to work this weekend or tonight. I’m all yours.”
“Ok, so now you’ve spent money on this and you're not working, so that means more overtime. Got it.” 
Joxter was at a loss for words. That clawing feeling of anxiety was making its way up to his throat and wrapping around his windpipe, squeezing until Joxter started to see spots. 
“No… No, no overtime, I had enough cash to get these, I thought you would like them-”
“So you couldn’t text me and tell me? You decided it was better to make me wait anxiously for you to make it home before you have to turn around and leave again?”
“I wanted to surprise you…” 
“I just want my husband home.” 
Joxter stood still, his tail had tucked itself between his legs, and his ears were flat against his head. He could feel his bottom lip starting to tremble, so he bit his cheek once more, hard enough that he bled. 
“I’m sorry.” 
Muddler wasn’t looking at him. He sat the flowers on the counter and continued to set the table in silence. Joxter picked up the flowers, going to the bedroom, and placing them on his nightstand as he changed out of his work clothes. He could hear the chairs moving and the kits placing themselves down, but Joxter suddenly didn’t feel very hungry. He didn’t feel anything at all as he looked at the flowers, going over each one and what they meant, just in case he had gotten it wrong. 
But just as Joxter thought, all of them were correct. He had only made a mistake, that was all. A simple one that he should have known better, Muddler wouldn’t want something that would rot in a few weeks, something else he would have to take care of. 
How stupid he had been.
“Are you coming or not?”
Joxter nearly jumped out of his skin when Muddler came into the room, he quickly wiped away the stray tears he didn’t know had gathered in his eyes and gave a smile, following Muddler out of the room and to the table.
“This looks amazing, my heart, thank you so much.” 
“Why are you thanking me, it’s my job.”
Joxter nearly dropped the fork he had picked up, not expecting the harshness from his husband. He opened his mouth to speak but closed it again, not sure anything he said wouldn’t set Muddler off.
“Now you’re not speaking to me?”
Joxter placed his fork down, smiling at the kids as he did so. Little curious eyes were looking between the two of them, picking up the tension in the room. Joxter was quick to gather them up, quickly calling Mymble and asking if she could watch them for a few hours.
When she agreed, Joxter packed their supper in containers, sending them to her home. He watched from the front door until they made it inside, waving as she shut the door behind them.
“You like her more than me, don’t you.” 
Joxter shut the door, turning to his husband and looking him over. He needed to know what was wrong, the unnecessary meanness wasn’t normal, and Joxter had a feeling this was due to something that had happened earlier in the day.
“My name is Muddler. I’m not just a pet for you to enjoy.” 
Joxter swallowed hard, needing to grip the wall to steady his shaking.
“Muddler, did something happen today?” 
Joxter bit his lip, not sure how to ask without sounding like he was accusing Muddler of something.
“What? Suddenly ‘I have all the answers’ Joxter doesn't have anything to say?” 
Muddler was looking right at him, Joxter had never been on the receiving end of such a nasty look. If looks could kill, he was sure he would be dead on the floor now. He tried hard to think of anything he would have done in the past month that would have made Muddler this mad at him when he came up with nothing, he started to panic, his claws digging into the wall he was holding onto. 
“I-I-I-I come on why don’t you just tell me you hate me already!? That you wish I would go away!” 
Joxter was shocked, did Muddler think he hated him? He tried desperately to think of something that he had done that his lover could have taken out of context. The only thing he could think of was when he had fallen asleep for 4 of the 5 hours he could have been spending with his lover. 
“I don’t hate you, I love you.” 
“Then why are you never home?” 
“I have to work my heart… My love, I’m so sorry, I know it’s tough but-” 
“But we will get through it, just a little longer, oh I love you sweet mouse even though I’ve trapped you here and make you take care of the children neither one of us wanted” 
Muddler mocked him, glaring at him with a look of hatred he had only ever seen directed towards Hodgkins. His blood ran cold, and he couldn’t feel the wall he was holding onto anymore. 
“Are you not going to say anything to that? Have no way to defend yourself?” 
Joxter wanted to speak, wanted to beg Muddler to forgive him for everything he had put him through, for their situation, for the hard work Muddler had to do. But he couldn’t speak, his voice had stopped working, and the longer Muddler glared at him, the more he felt their marriage slipping from his fingers. 
“I-I….I’m sorry” A heavy breath, it was getting harder to breathe, harder to think. “I am sorry for… f...for the way you’ve been feeling… It’s m..my fault, and I’m sorry.” 
“A-And… And… If you’re n...not happy, I’m not going to k-keep you here…”
The room was silent, Muddler still looking at him with that same look of hatred, and Joxter felt like one wrong move, and it was all over. He couldn’t stop the tears that this time, his head spun with how hard his heart was beating, and for a split second, Joxter feared he was going to have a heart attack. 
“I l...love you.”
He had nothing else he could say, nothing else to give, and Muddler knew it. He was backed into a corner, no magic solution to their problems, no way to fix the sudden distance between them. All he had was his love, and it seemed that he wasn’t going to be enough. 
“I’m sorry… I’m sorry…” 
Joxter was whispering, needing to sit down against the wall or else he would pass out. He had nothing he could do to fix this, he couldn’t quit the second Job, that was the primary savings for Muddler’s top surgery. He _almost_ had enough for it, just a couple thousand more dollars, and they would be set.
“Three months… Three months and I can shorten my hours at the night shift.” 
Muddler was frowning, this wasn’t what he had wanted to hear, but Joxter was trying. 
“Three months, and I’ll have enough saved up for your surgery…” 
That seemed to shock Muddler, the look he was giving him vanished, replaced with one of hesitance. 
“I know how hard the pregnancy was on you, the breastfeeding… I know how much you hated all of it, I-I wanted to save up, to get the surgery for you… It’s taken me a lot longer than I thought, but our insurance doesn't cover it, so it’s out of pocket…” 
Muddler had started crying then, and Joxter tried to get up to comfort his husband, but Muddler was in his arms in an instant, sobbing into his chest and wrapping his arms and legs around him, his tail curling around their middles.
“Mrs. Fillyjonk told me you kept such long hours because you didn’t want to be around us…” 
Relief flooded Joxter in the strangest way; this whole mess had been because of her, and Joxter couldn’t have been more relieved. Muddler didn’t hate him, he was just having a hard time convincing his mind Joxter loved him.
“No, no, no, never. I love you so much… I love all of you more than anything in this world.” 
He kissed Muddler’s head, holding the love of his life as close as he could. He felt terrible for getting tears in his husband's hair, but he couldn’t stop them; he was so relieved that Muddler still loved him he couldn’t control them anymore. 
“S-She said that you hated how my body looks…. H...How I have larger breasts now because of the kids and that you don’t want a woman at home… You want a man…” 
Joxter ran his hand over Muddler’s back, the other placed against Muddler’s head, gently rubbing his head.
“No… No, you’re perfect, my love, You will always be the most handsome man in the world to me, no matter what. Don’t let her insecurities get to you, she’s just trying to hurt you because she is unhappy and taking it out on you. I should have told you in the beginning… I was trying to surprise you, but it took way longer than I expected…” 
Muddler’s grip tightened as he wailed and Joxter held him, whispering sweet nothings into his ear. He let his lover cry, knowing that by the end of it, he would feel much better than he had before. 
“Love… longing for you, you’re a flame in my heart, bonds of love.” 
Muddler had whispered, but Joxter heard it, a smile coming to his lips.
“You… You remembered what I taught you…”
“Of course, my dearest.” 
“Thank you… I love them… I love them so much.”
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mydarlingvioletine · 5 years
‘Just a Puppy Crush’
Ship(s): Violet/Clementine
Media: The Walking Dead Game (Season 4)
Summary: a zombie-less modern AU in which two dorks finally get together with the help of their friends.
                        Chapter 1
It started out with an invitation Violet found on her desk. A light purple envelope, her name written on it in beautiful calligraphy.
                 Well, it started a little bit before that.
Violet missed her alarm. And six of the backup ones she had set in advance. Her mother had left early for her shift at the diner and her father didn’t come home last night, so she slept peacefully and uninterrupted.
Until she lazily stretched out with a yawn, eyes opening and landing on the alarm clock across her.
She hardly had time to register what it said before the alarm started angrily beeping again.
        “Holy shit… Fuck… Shit!” Violet scrambled to get up, smacking the top of the alarm clock to silence the robotic screaming. She threw her sheets to the side, grabbing her jacket off the door hook on the way out.
While vigorously brushing her teeth, she looked down at her phone.
            15 missed messages from Pain in My Ass.
[ur uber is Here… am outside]
[got your drink & bagel, where are u?]
[ v i o l e t ]
[did you put the key in a different spot?]
Violet scrolled through the herd impatiently, getting to the latest messages, about 15 minutes ago.
[violet please fucking get up i didnt do my english homework i need to copy off of you marlon won’t let me copy his anymore]
[fuck i have to go i cant be late to pre-session but I’ll have brody come check on you to see if you can make the late entrance with her! ill keep your breakfast with me im sure mr. everett wouldn’t give a shit if you ate in class. i do it all the time]
          As if on cue, there was a faint, nervous knock on the door. God bless Brody.
“Be right there!” Violet shouted, quickly throwing her work messily into her backpack. She grabbed a couple dollars off the kitchen table for lunch, threw on her boots, and booked it towards the door.
     "Hey,“ Brody grinned at the shaggy-haired, droopy-eyed messy Violet in front of her. "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.”
Violet grimaced, mumbling to herself as she ducked into the passenger seat of Brody’s truck. She caught a glimpse of herself in the rearview mirror, and pulled up the hoodie of her jacket to cover her shame.
         The drive felt like forever, with Brody’s insufferable choice of music. Who still listens to Coldplay? In 2019? Violet was too grateful to complain, and clenched her jaw to hold her tongue.
Brody tried to hold a conversation, but Violet was too out of it to contribute anything other than nods and the occasional “mhm.”
      “Then Marlon was mad at me! I can’t believe that guy. I swear, if he wasn’t my best friend I’d…” Brody’s voice petered out as she pulled into the school parking lot, backing into her spot next to Louis’ car.
Violet immediately jumped out, gave a quick “thankyousomuchioweyouone,” and booked it towards the front doors of the school. The front desk ladies were distracted, so Violet was able to sneak past them and make her way down to the math wing.
            106… 108… 110!
Relieved, Violet peeked through the window, seeing Marlon’s pathetic excuse for a haircut as confirmation that she was at the right place.
     She tried her best to quietly open the door as to not interrupt the class and draw attention to herself, but wasn’t surprised when the door noisily creaked open, everyone’s heads turning towards her.
Really, Ericson? Ever heard of WD 40?
Violet shyly ducked her head, placing herself between Louis and Aasim. Before she could say anything, Louis placed her coffee and bagel on her desk, a patient smile on his face.
         Violet was able to manage a “thank you” while she was scarfing down the bagel. Cheeks full and a dab of cream cheese hanging on her top lip, it’s safe to say that she did not expect Clem to approach her desk at that moment with the worksheet she’d missed.
“Hey, Vi,” Violet’s head jerked up, meeting eyes with Clementine. Embarrassed, she took a tissue and wiped her face, swallowing before she took the worksheet from Clem’s hands. “Grabbed this for you.”
        “Thanks,” Violet managed to stammer, giving a sheepish smile while pulling her pencil case out of her pocket. Clementine hadn’t moved.
Violet tensed up, waiting for Clem to make a comment on her appearance or tease her. Instead, she placed an envelope on top of the worksheet, uncertainty embedded in her actions.
         "Uh, that’s for you. I’m having a birthday party tomorrow night at my house.“ Clem pushed the envelope towards her with emphasis, and cleared her throat nervously. "You don’t have to come if you don’t want. It’s on a Friday night and I know you probably have pla-”
“No,” Violet interrupted her, her voice louder than she anticipated. She received an exhausted look from Mr. Everett. “I’ll totally be there.”
      Clementine immediately perked up, a dorky smile on her face. “Awesome. Oh, and it’s gonna be a sleepover. You don’t have to stay for that.”
Violet frowned, cocking her head and looking at Clem under a suspicious lens. “You don’t have to invite me, y'know.” She sighed, placing the envelope back into Clementine’s hands. “I get it.”
        Clem froze up, visibly upset. “No, fuck. I really want you to come. I just didn’t know if that was your kind of thing.”
Violet, unconvinced, lowered her eyes and took a sip of her coffee. Cold. The heat of Clem’s hand covering her own was a nice contrast to that.
“I want you there,” Clementine insisted, squeezing her hand between her own. The heat from the touch quickly flushed to Violet’s face, her pale skin unable to mask the blush that covered it. “Please come.”
     Louis and Aasim exchanged an annoyed glance at the useless sapphics. Mr. Everett had stood up and taken an interest to their conversation at this point.
“Clem, go back to your seat please,” Mr. Everett cleared his throat, to which Clem recoiled, dropping Violet’s hand. “Violet is more than capable and doesn’t need hands-on help.”
       Clem, face red and flustered, ducked her head and moved back to her seat in the front of the classroom. “Sorry, da- I mean Mr. Everett.” She squeaked, glancing over her shoulder one more time at Violet, uncertainty and sadness on her face.
Mr. Everett continued the lecture, but Violet was too busy staring out the window. She was completely zoned out. She figured she’d just get the notes from Aasim later. She saw Louis give her the occasional worried glance out of the corner of her eye, and kept her focus on the kids playing in the courtyard.
      The class couldn’t have gone any slower, but eventually the bell rang, and all the tension that had built up in Violet’s muscles was relieved.
She didn’t know why this class stressed her out so much. She was pretty good at math, only the second highest grade in the class behind Aasim. Mr. Everett made her feel uneasy.
     He wasn’t a bad guy. Quite the opposite, really. He was a fun teacher who had gone to great lengths to help Violet out with her work. A little by-the-book, but a big sweetheart.
   Plus, he picked on Louis a lot. So he was pretty likeable in her eyes.
Clementine had gone up to Mr. Everett and they were now talking, Clem dropping the classroom decorum to tug on his arm and take a $5 dollar bill out of his wallet for lunch.
        Violet didn’t realize she was staring until both of their gazes landed on her. Startled, she pulled her hoodie back over her head and started gathering her books as quick as she could. She could hear distant murmuring, but couldn’t make anything out.
Her panic was interrupted by Louis swinging an arm around Violet’s shoulders, holding an almost identical envelope up in front of her face, but it was green.
     "If it’s about transportation, I can pick you up. C'mon, the Vi I know and love would never miss out on a chance to get her ass handed to her in Super Smash Bros.“ Louis teased, earning a playful punch on the shoulder from Violet.
"Yeah, right,” Violet rolled her eyes, looking over at Aasim to see he also had one, but orange. “You going?”
       "Nah, my moms are taking me camping this weekend.“ Aasim chirped, a glint of mischievousness in his voice. Noticing the curious glances from his two friends, he cracked an evil grin and spoke one word. "Campfire.”
“Smokey the Bear, Aasim,” Violet giggled, shaggy hair falling in front of her eyes. “What can you do to prevent forest fires?”
       Louis laughed while Aasim rolled his eyes, picking up his backpack and swinging it over his shoulder. “I’ll see you guys at lunch.”
Aasim was gone for what seemed like half a second when Clementine appeared at her desk again, followed by Mr. Everett. Violet froze, her grip on her books tight.
      “My dad wants to introduce himself. Not as Mr. Everett, but as ‘Cool Dad Lee.’” Clem raised her hands to make air quotes, while Le- Mr. Everett held out his hand to shake Violets’.
        Bewildered, she shook his hand.
“Hello, Violet,” Mr. Everett looked happy, glancing between Clem and she. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”
      That line earned an elbow in the stomach from Clementine. Violet, still frozen, gave a robotic laugh.
“Oh, I wanted to tell you to ignore that part of the envelope where it says 'presents mandatory.’ My mom is a bit of a smart-ass.” Clem snorted, before cocking an eyebrow over at Louis. “Not you though, rich boy.”
       Louis gave her some finger guns, a big, goofy smile on his face. “Respect for that.”
The second bell rang, interrupting the conversation. Violet threw her backpack over her shoulder, and shot a glance towards Louis. “Fuck, Ms. Martin is gonna be so pissed.”
       "I’ll write you a pass. Don’t worry about it.“ Mr. Everett pulled a notepad out of his pocket and took the pen that was perched on Clementine’s ear. "Just.. try to make sure he actually gets there.” Mr. Everett gestured to Louis, who gave a mock gasp at the implication.
“Will do,” Violet promised, grabbing Louis by the neck of his coat. “I’ll uh.. see you two tomorrow night.”
      “You’re coming?” Clem squealed, her eyes giving away how happy she was. Violet nodded sheepishly, looking back at Mr. Everett before dragging Louis out of the classroom.
“I like that girl,” Lee stated, capitalizing on the blush that had taken over Clem’s cheeks. “Reminds me of someone.”
     Clementine rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, tapping her foot impatiently as he made up a pass for her. “That’s good…”
Lee tore off the front page of the notepad, and held it high before giving it to Clem. “You have my blessing.”
Clementine’s flustered state turned into a fit of anger, as she jumped up to try and grab the pass out of his hand. “Shut. Up.” Clem grabbed onto the slip, wrenching it out of his arm. “I introduce you as my Cool Dad and this is how you repay me?”
      Lee chuckled, putting the pen back behind her ear. “If you think I’m bad, just wait ‘til Carley sees her.. Oh, boy.. Her cheeks are gonna be red from all that pinching.”
Clementine huffed and stomped out of the classroom, putting all of her weight onto her prosthetic foot, so it noisily clattered. She kept up the noise until she knew she was out of ear shot, and smiled to herself, bunching the bottom of her sweatshirt up in her hands.
          Her seventeenth birthday was going to be perfect.
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cartooness · 5 years
‘I am NOT blushing, it’s just warm in here.’ For the masonder drabbles pls?
"Alright, Lav. You can do this, he's right there. Just go up to him and ask him out! Can't be that hard... right?"
Lavender was nervous beyond belief, she's never done anything like this before. But she's read enough books to know that to move the plot along, you've gotta go for it or you'll be screaming in frustration later.
Mason Adalbert. The one boy who could send her heart a flutter and turn her whole being to mush with a smile. He didn't seem like the kind of boy "girls like her" would go for; but she didn't give any fucks about that. He was cute as a button, smart, was super kind, and drank his respect women juice. Did she mention he was absolutely adorable?
She fixed her collar, adjusted her romper, and tousled her hair a bit. Here goes nothing.
He looked up from cleaning his glasses. "Yeah?"
fUCk he's cute, "Um. I was, um, hoping that. Um.", 'God I'm going nowhere, just cut to the chase.' she thought to herself. "Would you go out with me? Uh, please?"
He looked at her with a blank stare as he adjusted his glasses, "Me? Are. Are you sure?" 'Of course it's you!', she hastily thought.
"Yes, you. I'm sure of it. I um.. would really like to go out with you."
His cheeks flushed red and he gave a shy smile. "Yes. I'd love to. Where.... were ya thinking of going?"
Time for her plan! "Well, I was thinking of going to the roller rink tomorrow because it's Half Price Thursday. Plus, I've never been and I just thought it'd be fun... and yeah." God, she hoped she didn't look or sound too awkward.
"Ooh that does sound like fun, Lavender! What time were you thinking of-"
Ah, shit, Sheila's coming...
"Well, well, well, look at what we've got here! A goth wannabe prude asking out a boring little prude nerd. What a perfect pair, I'll bet-"
Lavender bared her claws, "Sheila Anderson get the fuck out of my face before I slice your damn neck off."she growled.
"Jeez bitch, calm down, I was just leaving", replied Sheila, annoyance and fear in her voice.
"Good." And with that, Lav went back to her business. "I'm so sorry Mason, I HATE when she talks to people like that, especially people I... like. Um, i was thinking around 5:30. Will that work for you?"
"Uhh yeah, that sounds good! Let me just, um, write it down really quick in my Little Tiny Journal for Various Things. ((Authors note, I actually have a notebook that says that on me at all times. XD))"
"Alrighty! It's a date! See ya then, bye! One of my dads should be here by now to, uh, pick me up haha."
He pulled her into a quick hug, "Bye Lav!"
She shouldn't have said a single thing. Lav had just come home to a small swarm of deadbeats, and not quite thinking, she spilled the beans about her upcoming date with Mason to them. But the thing about them is, they're like little kids; they'll repeat what they hear to anyone who'll listen. Excited about the news, they roamed around telling everyone in HQ that 'Lavender has a date with a boy tomorrow!' over and over again.
"Dang it, now I'll probably have to deal with- oh no he's pounding on my door."
"Calm down Decan, you're going to break down my door!! Come in, we'll talk, I promise."
She let him in and he immediately started asking his burning questions, "Who is it!? Who's the lucky lad!? I'm all ears!!" With a sigh, she prepared herself to answer his 300 questions. "Well, it's Mason,-"
"HAH!! I KNEW IT!! LEWIS, YOU OWE ME 20 DOLLARS!!" he exclaimed.
"Um. Alright then. Mason and I are going to the roller rink tomorrow at 5:30 for Half Price Thursday."
"Ooh! I have a couple of outfit ideas that will make him fall head over heels for you~" he replied, ready to plan.
"Fine. But I get to choose the shoes."
"Deal! Let's see what they are so I can plan accordingly!"
She phased through her walk in closet and pulled out her choice of shoes, recieving a slight grimace from Decan. "These ones. I insist."
Decan took a large inhale, "Darling, I  L O V E  you, but I'm starting to regret that deal... I just... can't quite DEAL with those shoes... but! I like a challenge, so let's see what I can do!"
The shoes in question were knee high tye dye Converse in the demi romantic and asexual flag colors, but the green and purple colors were neon; not the easiest thing to match, that's for sure.
What felt like AGES later, Decan found an outfit consisting of a shin length black dress with lavender lace trim on the bottom, completed with sheer tights. He looked as if he was in the nth dimension, proud to have accomplished an impossible seeming task. "I DID IT!!! FINALLY!!!"
"Yes you did! I feel cute uwu."
"Well, you ARE cute!" he replied, stating his facts.
"....fine. I'll let you have it this ONE time." she replied, a small blush on her face.
"Alrighty then! Let's go downstairs, everyone is a buzz with excitement about your first date~"
So downstairs they went, and about four seconds later E V E R Y O N E was shooting the same rapid fire question,
With a sharp inhale, she spilled the tea, "I'm going on a date with Mason, he's the cutie I'm always talking about." 
"And YOU, LEWIS PEPPER, OWE ME TWENTY BUCKAROOS!! FORK IT OVER!!" bellowed Decan, thrilled to have predicted correctly for once.
A slight grumble was heard from the back of the living room, and an annoyed deadbeat swarmed over with a twenty dollar bill and put it in Decan's waiting hands, "thank you!!~"
Everyone shared their excitement for the girl, along with a bit of worry about what could happen, but Lavender assured them that Mason is a very kind person. Plus, if anything happens, she always has a way to get out of a situation; magic and her amazing combat skills.
The day had come, and Lav had just been dropped off at the roller rink. She began looking for Mason until she felt a tap on her shoulder.
"Hey! Looking for me?~" he announced, playful smirk on his face.
"Actually, yes. Sorry to keep you waiting, one of my dads took a bit longer than I thought doing my makeup... but hey! I'm not technically late, it's only 5:19." she replied.
"Oh please, you're worth the wait."
Both teens had a dusting of red on their faces, standing in an awkward silence.
"Umm, you look very nice! Love the shoes, must've taken ages to match haha." Mason chimed, nervously laughing.
"Aww, thank you. My Papa Decan almost gave in trying to find something, twas funny." she replied.
"How. How many dads do you have, um, exactly? Are they polyamorous or, uh, something to that extent?" he asked, curious.
"Oh, that! No, they're not all poly, I'm adopted and a bunch of people have shared custody over me, so I basically have like, a dozen parents at this point pretty much. And all but two are men, so that's why I have a bunch of dads. Funny thing is, they're all in their mid-to-late twenties, so they're not quite on that 'dad age level' but I don't care. They all make bad jokes and are very caring so... yeah, haha. Don't tell anyone, but I'd totally do anything for them, all my caretakers. I love them a lot, and they all love me a lot, and I don't deserve them most of the time." she warmly replied, softly smiling to herself. Mason felt his cheeks warm up and his eyes were likely shining.
"Awww, that's so sweet! Also, you SO deserve each other! I like to think that things usually happen for some reason one way or another, and I think it's wonderful that they found you and that you all care for each other so much! Wh-why are you crying? Are you alright?"
She touched her face and realized 'yep those are mascara tears alright.'
"Oh, um, I'm okay. Sorry, I didn't even see I was crying. Um, let's, um, go inside, it's getting dark... or something. Haha." Lav replied, trying to move the date along.
"Oh, um, ok. Do you... want a hug?" he asked, trying to make her feel better.
"Yes please, I'd love that."
And with that, he pulled her into a warm hug, taking in each others warmth with a smile. 'She smells like warm apple pie... no wonder she's so wonderful...'
After what felt like An eternity, they departed and both were blushing messes.
"I am NOT blushing, it's just warm in here." snapped Lav, not sure what to do with these... warm,,, happy static feelings.
"Wait, you're  B L U S H I N G?? You look so cute though!" he replied back, smile in his eyes.
"Wha, uh, I-I do NOT!!",she sputtered, blushing deeper, "YOU'RE the cutie here! With your beautiful silver eyes, your soft caramel hair, and your breathtaking smile that I like so much! Not to mention, you're SUPER smart and nice and, and, GENUINE!! Do you know how many times literal DIRTBAGS have tried to flirt with me? They're always weird and gross and I do NOT like it, and I don't like how it's easily accepted for them to be all... X rated all the time!! Like, it may be cause I'm ace and repulsed by s*xual stuff, but still! Don't be gross, people!" she outburst, recieving some strange glances.
"*sigh*, I'm sorry Mason, let's go inside now, people are staring and I don't want them to do anything to you." she softly spoke, gently holding his back for him to follow her.
"...thank you. For, um, everything. It means a lot to me, stuff like that. Again, thank you so much.", he whispered, not sure what to say or do. "...am I making this, uh, awkward for you, Lavender? I'm really sorry if I am-"
"No, you're fine it's, uh, all good. Let's go get skates and such already, haha." she nervously replied, finally walking inside.
They were having a surprisingly good time, despite the shaky beginning. Both were doing laps around the rink, holding onto the perimeter every ten seconds due to fear of falling. But they got the hang of it, carefully skating around. They kept tapping hands, unsure of whether or not it was appropriate to join them together. Finally, Mason went in for the kill and took ahold of her hand. She felt a smile creep up her face, and held his hand back.
"Your hand fits nicely into mine, ya know." he smiled.
"Yeah. It does." she replied back, pressing a soft kiss to his knuckles, and him in return blushing like crazy. "Aww, you're so cute when you're blushing, Mason."
WELL THAT TOOK FOREVER LMAO. Sorry for the excessive length, it turned into a full on fic lol. Hope you enjoyed it anyway!!
Also Decan belongs to @thefearanddespair
EDIT: This is for the Villain!Lav AU, I forgot to mention it lol
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jewels2876 · 5 years
700 Followers Unite!! I am ETERNALLY  grateful for all my followers - it’s hard to believe I haven’t even been on here a year too
So let’s have a writing challenge!
Participate by...  Asks only please! Give me your song, prompt, or word along with your pairing
Dates: single so sure! Oh right!  Yeah let’s start… 3/1/19
Final submission date: 6/1/19
Who you can write for … anyone! I’m a Marvel blog who reads SPN from time to time - but I’m open to reading just about anything, so when in doubt ASK! Any AU, trope, angst, fluff, smut, just write it - be brave! The song list is female-centric but this challenge is NOT.
Use Warnings! 18+ should be clearly defined, which means anyone under 18 getting caught not obeying warnings will be dismembered - kidding, but banning seems like a reasonable alternative and reporting if it gets crazy
No underage shenanigans - if you write smut, no de-aging to pair up the young’uns Peter, Shuri, Gwen Stacy, or Miles Morales
Speaking of smut, I’m not going to say no to it (I read it too) but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be 18+ to write and use your warnings for all triggers (if it’s a spoiler, please use your tags!) - see above point about joking dismemberment
Word Count: no pressure but if you get over 500, please use the “Keep Reading Link”  If it’s going to be part of a series, please make sure your prompt is used in chapter 1, not chapter 19
Format: I’m pretty flexible - the usual stuff: pairing, word counts, WARNINGS (can’t stress this enough!) - if you do a summary, you’re better than me! - if you just do an A/N it’s cool too!
Use the hashtag #julies1stwritingchallenge in the first 5 tags, and make sure to tag me @jewels2876 - crazily enough I’m working a Bingo card (or two!) I picked up, plus co-hosting #StarSpangledBingo AND this crazy little thing called life, so give me… 48 hrs if I haven’t reblogged or commented on your fic
Lastly, I have created this lovely document so no one gets lost and I can put together a beautiful masterlist once it’s all done! Here ya go!
I have plenty of prompts so let’s start with … 1 per person. If you finish and want to grab another one, go for it!
Song List:
Done. - The Band Perry
I’m Real - Jennifer Lopez
Make It Real - The Jets
I Think We’re Alone Now - Tiffany shield-agent78
Out of the Blue - Debbie Gibson
Just A Kiss - Lady Antebellum
I Don’t Believe You - P!nk
Confident - Demi Lovato nerdy-bookworm-1998
I Could Fall In Love - Selena
Tribe - Kim Viera
So What - P!nk
Breathless - The Corrs
S.O.S. - Rihanna
Since U Been Gone - Kelly Clarkson
Ain’t No Other Man - Christina Aguilera
Where Do Broken Hearts Go - Whitney Houston
Run the World - Beyonce
WIthout Love - Mindy McCready
Karma - Jessica Andrews
Paper Gangsta - Lady Gaga
You Learn - Alanis Morissette
Hands on You - Ashley Monroe
Keep Holding On - Avril Lavigne littlemarvelfics
Again - Janet Jackson
Express Yourself - Madonna
Hot n Cold - Katy Perry
Prompt List:
#1:            “Hey… what’s wrong with your face?”
#2:           “Um, sorry. That one’s not for sale.”
#3:           “Ah yes, come in. Close the door behind you.”
#4:           “Hi, I’m calling about your ad?” devilbat
#5:           “Well aren’t you the cutest little thing?” jamesbarnesappreciationsociety
#6:           “I haven’t tried this on a human yet, but it should be very similar.”
#7:           “Sometimes I feel like she’s still at my side.”
#8:           “According to this, you owe them eighty thousand dollars.”
#9:           “What? I meant it as a compliment.”
#10:         “You were in a crash. Can you tell me your name?” acreativelydifferentlove
#11:         “Sir. This is for children only.”
#12:         “That’s the nice thing about telling the truth. You don’t have nearly as much to keep track of.” sherrybaby14
#13:         “Do you trust me?”  thing-you-do-with-that-thing and maid-of-mourne-shore
#14:         “Even if I could stop it, I wouldn’t.” wintersoldierswhore
#15:         “She’s in the building.” nerdy-bookworm-1998
#16:         “Never heard of that being used as a murder weapon before.”
#17:         “My chances of living to a ripe old age are unfortunately excellent.”
#18:         “Of course we’re best friends. No one else would put up with our shenanigans.”
#19:         “I can’t believe I used to think he was attractive.”
#20:         “Does he hit you?” ruckystarnes w/stucky - writing-for-a-chance
#21: “Well, that could’ve gone better.”  221bshrlocked
Word List:
Hero - lookwhatyoumademequeue
Seek  messy-random-bitch
Tagging my list to join or just signal boost, please & thank you!
@patzammit @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety@sarahivi @thenormreedus @ticklikeabomb @xxloki81xx @woodworthti666 @greenarrowhead @lovely-dreamer19 @moonbeambucky @yafriendlyfangirl @lilyrosebae @after-avenging-hours @white-chocolate-mocha-fan @marvelc00kie35 @thejemersoninferno @lionheo04 @dewy-biitch @bitsandbobsandstuff @readitandweepfics @lokilvrr @lostinthoughtsandfeelings-blog @theimpossibleg1rl @princess-evans-addict @stuckyfox @4theluvofall @loricameback @moondancewrites @halcyonrogers @writing-for-a-chance @ruckystarnes @angryschnauzerwrites 
@221bshrlocked @suz-123 @senorita-stucky @devilbat @jpat82 @caramell0w @spookyscaryskeletonsus @theoneanna @lilybellsworld @inlovewith3 @mrs-captain-evans @crazybutconfidentaf @nerdy-bookworm-1998 @sillyboyscomicsareforgirls @shield-agent78 @lokiandbuckyaremine
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lilchangbinnie · 5 years
Ooohhh. A messy meet, kinda like a cute meet, but messy. Strangers to lovers maybe "did u seriously just say that out loud?" Lee Minho?? 💟💟
The aroma of waffle cones hit your nostrils as soon as you swing the glass door open. Even though you could clearly see people from the outside, you didn’t really notice how long the line was to order until you actually walked in. The pretty place was already little to begin with, having only three circular tables by the glass walls. So you’d be standing there for a while before you even got to order.
In the mean time, you occupied yourself on your phone while the line moved slowly. At some point you were closer to ordering and decided to take a look at the options so you had an idea of what you wanted when your turn came. There was a variety of flavor, toppings, combinations, absolutely everything. And when you say everything, you mean everything.
Even the sizings on the cups were presented to have certain names instead of your normal small, medium, large. Well in this case, they weren’t names but phrases like “like it”, “love it” and “gotta have it”. You found them extremely inconvenient and stupid. It felt weird having to say such phrases while referring to the food you’re ordering but it was your first time there so you just assumed thats how things worked.
The feeling doubled as you got closer to the front and it tripled as you saw the workers upfront. They were all men, but not just men, handsome men. Each of them looked like they were celebrities, instagram famous or something similar.
But there was one in particular that caught your eye. He had a cap on but you could still the blueberry colored hair peaking from it, he had a few piercings adorning his ears and his little smile he gave to the people he was serving really topped it all off. Suddenly you found yourself praying to the Gods above to please oh please not let him take your order. Having to talk to such a cute guy was hard as it is, put having to make a ridiculous order on top and you were done.
While you raced through your thoughts trying to figure out a plan B just incase, the person in front of you had order and it was your turn. In that moment the blue haired boy walked away from the cash register and looked back at the line, eyes locking with yours. You were fucked.
He walked over, putting new gloves on to make your ice cream and he looked up with a warm smile.
“Hello! Welcome to Freeztone, what would you like to order this afternoon?” he said not too enthusiastic to seem fake but not monotone enough to seem like he hated his job.
“Um, h-hello...” you said as your mind suddenly went in a blank state as soon as his full attention was on you. After what felt like a minute but was probably 5 seconds, he hummed signaling you to continue.
You took a deep breath and went for it. What’s the worst that could happen, right?
“Oh, sorry. I’ll get a... like it of birthday cake with sprinkles as toppings.”
There was a fat silence for a few seconds where the guy just stared at you with his expression now completely blank. Then in a second, he broke with soft laughter holding his chest with his gloved hand. You would immediately feel like dropping dead right then and there of it wasn’t for his cute laugh distracting you.
“Did you seriously just say that out loud?” he attempted to ask in between giggles.
Just kill me please, you thought. You could feel your cheeks firing up.
“I mean, that’s what the sizing chart says right? I said it right.” you say, trying to mask your current state of embarrassment but thanks to your cheeks, you couldn’t really hide much.
He stopped laughing but a sloppy grin remained as he seemed to examine your face. Your cheeks were firing up even more.
“That chart is pretty old now, we just keep it up for the aesthetic.”
“Is it your first time coming here?”
You nodded your head and he ahhh’d, understanding the situation.
“I hope this misunderstanding didn’t turn your first time into a bad experience. Other than that, I understood what you meant but I recommend for future visits, just say the normal sizing because my coworkers are all clowns and would possibly embarrass you.”
You thought about how you were already embarrassed but in reality he wasn’t being mean or purposely laughing at you. You appreciated that and also the fact that even with a jam packed store, he took a bit of time to explain the terms to use next time.
After he made your childish and sugary concoction, he walked to the cash register to charge your order. You already knew an approximate of how much it would cost but what you didn’t expect is for the total cost to be less than 5 dollars. You looked at him bewildered by the price but he didn’t meet your glaze.
“Wait, did you put it my order right? I’m sure it was at least six or something...”
He chuckled lightly lifting his glaze from the cash register to you. He smiled and said “It’s your first time here so i’ll got you a little newcomers discount. Also you pretty much made my day with your order, so yeah.”
You opened your mouth to reply then closed it not knowing what to reply. You wanted to tell him that you’d pay the full price but he didn’t seem to be bothered by reducing a few dollars from your purchase so you let it go.
You payed and he handed your order. Before walking off he gave you the receipt and waved goodbye. You waved back and let out a deep sigh as soon as you stepped out of the store. You were about to crumble up the receipt on your hand and throw it in the nearest trash bin but you didn’t. A small smile blossomed in your face as you read,
“I’d really like it if I saw you again xxx-xxx-xxxx”
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