#holder forms
amaranthdahlia · 4 months
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[we can always meet again within one for all. romantic, right?]
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socksandbuttons · 28 days
(Please watch the Monty and Foxy Show video first to avoid Spoilers) . . . . SOLAR FLAREEEEEEEE!!! NONONONONO WHY IS HE STUCK IN LIMBO TOO?! THAT'S NOT OK, IT DOESN'T DESERVE TO BE THERE -cry a lot-
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ITS ACTUALLY SOLAR FLARE THE MAN THE MYTH THE LEGEND!!!! Not just eclipse in his body ITS NICE TO HEAR FROM YOU SIR. Anyway its interesting despite it being a limbo like place, everyones sorta stuck in their rooms. But Solar Flare. He explains enough why everyones there. But for him... He was just developing sentience. He's more aware of things around him. So I wonder if he's sticking around cause he's stuck in between of being not quite a person but a person. Altho leaves him chillin with these people. I can imagine solar flare barging in to eclipses 'room' "Are you done being an ass yet" "FUCK OFF"
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pinkish-purple · 2 months
Just read the newest famitsu interview on Side Order and now the design of Asynchronous Rondo makes a lot more sense:
With the rings being patterned like conveyor belts found at sushi restaurants
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And the stacked plates with sushi on top in the background
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diadraws · 10 months
I love your mlb designs so much! They're so cute, fun and different! Do you have plans on drawing all of the miraculous holders at some point or another? I would love to see your interpretations!
Thank you! :-3 I want to eventually design all of the holders (including alt forms and unifications) but theres a LOT of them lol so itll probably take a while as i tend to design them as needed if i have a comic idea or if theyre on my mind (happens often cuz i rewatch episodes a lot)
another thing i wanna do is redraw the end card for the s5 finale with all my designs someday, once ive designed them all
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uselessdancedata · 1 day
maybe this is just me being a skeptic but i really hate how social media-oriented yagp has been getting in recent years. it's my fault for always clicking on their story but damn
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stellerssong · 2 months
ok sorry the OTHER thing about lucienne is like. as previously stated she is dream's handpicked emissary from the waking world to the dreaming she's the diplomat in chief she's the translator she's the bridge. because the dreaming is, in a very real way, dream's own psyche, this is tantamount to giving lucienne a tremendous degree of access to his interiority and by transitive property also tantamount to entering into a deeply emotionally intimate relationship with her (unimportant for the purposes of this post whether that relationship is platonic or romantic).
now, in general, looking at the pattern of dream's close emotional relationships—dream doesn't share himself with people as a rule (beyond the access that all things that live have to the dreaming; but i'm talking about his self here, the one he doesn't like to acknowledge he even has), but when he does share with people, it's with people who have some shadow on the soul, so to speak. just looking at attested relationships in show canon, his deepest emotional connection seems to be with death, who embodies the duality of light and dark even better than he does himself. calliope is the muse of epic poetry—heroism and tragedy—and also bears the sort of divine pride that led her to cut dream off for hundreds or thousands of years when he wronged her. the less said about that other guy, the better, but he's no sunshine-rainbows-unicorns type—he's a soldier of fortune, a bandit and a killer, a man who profits from the sale of human life. even best bird matthew, in comix canon, had a sordid past that will maybe be partially retconned for the show but has still been gestured at.
dream likes the complicated ones. he's drawn to them. they speak to something in him that he won't acknowledge in himself (he has to be Whole, fully integrated, without reservation, because he is the king and he is the dreaming and if the dreaming ain't whole then the universe is in trouble—but he feels that ache nonetheless).
all that is to say: when people try to portray lucienne as dream's Designated Well-Adjusted Neurotypical Friend, i begin to harm and maim.
#chatter#as usual there is a larger pattern of behavior around this post that has been making me crazy for some time#it's the ''holder of the braincell'' trope but it's also just like the flattening of female characters of color in every possible dimension#so many people are terrified. TERRIFIED. to imagine a woman of color's pain#because the demands of shallow progressivism are such that they require you to acknowledge that A Black Woman Has Suffered More#Than Anyone Else Ever In The History Of The World Ever; Because Of Racism#but the demands of wider fandom are such that they require you to buy into the concept that A White Man's Suffering#Is The Only Suffering Worthy Of Care Attention Or Interest.#can't handle the dichotomy so instead they create the imago of a Black woman who has never suffered anything ever#she cannot be mentally ill; she cannot be disabled; if she is queer then it is in a way that is wholly self-contained and complete#and not ambiguous or in flux in any way; and most important of ALL she can never have experienced racism.#because racism As We Know is the worst form of suffering. so if she'd suffered racism then that would make her more worthy of#compassion than White Guy No. 37. which must not be#the very idea that lucienne is simply at peace with herself and the dreaming with no further complication.......like!#WOMEN OF COLOR ARE NEVER AFFORDED THAT KIND OF CERTAINTY. ARE YOU STUPID.#and by the way being reserved/calm/unassuming/practical are NOT absolute indicators of mental wellness.#y'all can see this when it's a white guy what is your fucking DAMAGE when it comes to women of color.#OPEN YOUR EYES. USE YOUR POWERS OF DEDUCTIVE REASONING. DREAM DIDN'T CHOOSE HER TO BE HIS THERAPIST.#DREAM CHOSE HER BECAUSE; PRESUMABLY; SHE ACHES. SHE CONTRADICTS. SHE GRAPPLES WITH THE SHADOW ON THE MIND.#SOMETHING IN HIM SEES A KINDRED SOUL IN HER. WAKE UP FOR THE LOVE OF GOD.
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mishy-mashy · 5 months
Ray (BNHA Resistance OC) incorrect quotes
(Context: Ray is his codename. An OC forced into joining the Resistance after Bruce accidentally concussed him. His Ability was useful, so they wanted him)
Ray: I don’t have a New Year’s resolution
Yoichi: You could relax a bit more
Bruce: You could take a bath.
Kudo: Don’t be such a bitch.
Ray: Okay DAMN, SHIT.
Kudo: We've decided to adopt.
Ray, still concussed: Congratu-
Bruce, slamming recruitment papers onto the table: It's you, sign here.
Bruce: Before I forget, do you have any special requests?
Ray: Death penalty.
Bruce: Ray-kun, it’s just about living accommodations.
Ray, whispering: Please kill me.
Bruce: Why did you dress up as each other for this mission?
Ray: Leader is the scariest thing I could think of.
Kudo: Ray told me I should pick the dumbest disguise possible.
Kudo: Ray, I think you need glasses.
Ray: Leader, my vision is fine. Look.
Ray: *points at Kudo* Leader.
Ray: *points to Bruce* Bruce.
Ray: *points to Yoichi* All For One.
Yoichi: When I cried about my brother to Kudo, he hugged me and told me he'd carry my feelings into his battles
Ray: The first time Leader was ever nice to me, I thought he was a fake. It was such a disaster that I avoided him for like a week.
Kudo: The first time Yoichi opened a box of Cheerios and looked inside he yelled, "OH WOW! DONUT SEEDS!"
Kudo: I love him so much.
Bruce: It's locked. Can you open it?
Ray: Yeah-
Kudo: *kicks in the vault door*
Kudo, on the way back from rescuing Yoichi: You need to be more careful.
Ray, who was forced into this: Careful? CAREFUL?! I'LL CAREFULLY WRAP MY HANDS AROUND YOUR THROAT-
Kudo: Ray finally learned his gun had a safety lock, but he assembled a rifle last week.
Bruce: This reminds me of the Ray who couldn’t open a tabbed can, but can break into any lock.
Kudo: This is the very same Ray.
Bruce: This is the best idea I've ever had in my life!
*Many years later*
Kudo, to Bruce: Letting All For One take Ray's Quirk was the worst idea you’ve ever had in your life.
#his search quirk was the bane of all the vestiges when it came to dealing with AFO#because no matter what they did AFO was always watching and ready#since ray's quirk is a pain in the ass they decide ray is the same despite never meeting him#someone worth disliking a bit#then shinomori is taken by tomura and meets ray in AFO-vestige-land#and yeah ray terrifies him#shinomori: why is my quirk not activating with him#IF BRUCE JUST GAVE OFA TO RAY THEN THE FIGHT WOULDNT HAVE BEEN AS HARD#his quirk in vague terms lets him see though things and outlines life forms that he can kinda bookmark#the limit to range is just about how much damage the eyes are willing to take. which AFO easily circumvents with regeneration quirks#as for ray well hes blind within five months of joining the Resistance#since AFO stole it from ray he also ended up stealing ray's existing “bookmarks”#to be fair bruces idea wasnt “give AFO Ray's Ability” but it ended up happening in the chaos and they didnt realize until later#the “bookmarks” of yoichi kudo and bruce overlap and combine. then theyre passed onto the OFA holders because they “merged” with#the first three. so. AFO can find the current OFA user no matter what. because somewhere in them they carry the first Three#bruce considered giving ray OFA. but he didnt. and thats what led to AFO taking it for himself. so.#bnha tags are something of a nightmare in which i hit the tag limit too fast#bnha#spoilers#oc#incorrect quotes#my hero academia#boku no hero academia#bruce#kudo#yoichi shigaraki#one for all users#all for one#one for all#afo
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a-flaming-idiot · 8 months
Title: A Kwami's Plus One
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug
Warnings: No Warnings Apply
Word Count: 3,212 words
Number of Chapters: Oneshot
Main Tags: Fluff, Kwamis & Their holders, kwamis love their holders, true form kwamis, the kids are adorable, rewriting miraculous lore, Kwamis are gods, Kwami Shenanigans
Summary:  “Every one hundred years, all the active kwamis are to come together in a pocket dimension beyond space and time to discuss official matters. Trixx, absolutely despises these Kwami Coalescences. So to help with that frustration, they sneak along their favorite human. The only issue comes when their plan goes oh so shockingly off-course…”
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12archetypes · 8 months
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day 1; fave oc
cumulonimbus and ciela my loves
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destructionsys · 20 days
i need to. get off of this hellsite..? details in tags but oh. ohhhhh i’m. ohhh.
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Since I based my TMAGP!Gerry and Needles off their voice actors, I figured I’d do the same for the main cast. Subject to change of course, but I’ve really come around to loving these freaks.
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orc-apologist · 3 months
it's funny how when you'll give actual explanations as to why people are racist or transphobic or something similar, like how that happens and why it's happening now out of all times, that go beyond "white people/cishet people evil" so many people will instantly attack you for "apologia"
I think it kinda comes from this idea that identity politics has pushed that people of the unmarked categories like male white and cishet can't possibly struggle with things in life. but economic crises, which we have been in for 16 years now, affect everyone that's not part of the ruling class. prolonged economic instability alienates people from the status quo, from established parties, rhetoric and such. they begin to look elsewhere for solutions. the powers that be know to counteract this with reactionary politics. using scapegoating they'll promise the return to an (often imaginary) better yesterday, the very definition of reactionary politics.
these ideas sound plausible and actionable. things used to be better after all. those scapegoats used to not be there (as visibly) after all.
the way of solving this isn't to go "waaahh people are evil and fascism is back, woe is me" but to a) point out that these reactionary politics are not going to solve the problem because they are not the cause b) point out the actual cause of the problem (capitalism) c) offer actual alternatives (organizing, strikes, expropriating the bourgeoisie, and eventually total labor democracy)
#and no fascism isn't back and it's not going to be back in most of the western world#there's a difference between a military or police dictatorship which is what the US might degenerate into under trump#and actual fascism#most of the things everyone points to as fascist aren't actually fascist they're just reactionary#even genocide isn't unique to fascism. israel for example is a liberal democracy and it's still committing genocide.#all you need for genocide is a class society. its political manifestation is irrelevant tho some forms are certainly easier to do a genocid#in#it's important to understand that so you have no illusions in liberal democracy which is a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie#fascism isn't this generally evil society that we are constantly at the brink of falling back into#it was a very specific historical phenomenon#in which the petty bourgeoisie were used by totalitarian reactionaries as a battering ram against the working class#to violently suppress labor organization strikes and the potential downfall of capitalism and the rise of socialism#that was its role in germany italy and spain#it wouldn't work anymore today in the western world because the petty bourgeoisie has dwindled in numbers#as they are doomed to in the monopolization process of capitalist market anarchy#they are no longer a significant percentage of the population and no longer have the numbers to suppress the working class like that#because that's what differentiates fascism from a military dictatorship for example#a military dictatorship is a small group of people violently wrangling control of the state from its current holders#and abusing ALL of society for their personal gain. including the ruling class. marxists call this bonapartism#because napoleon bonaparte was the first to do so under capitalism#most importantly this means a military dictatorship does not have a mass base and relies on ruling by the sword#which makes it highly unstable and turns all of society against it#fascism was so dangerous because it DID have a mass base! the petty bourgeoisie!#vast amounts of them were in total support of fascist rule and actively pursued it. it wasn't just a small group of people.#this made the systems a lot more stable and a lot more powerful because they had large parts of society at their bidding#that sort of power and stability can no longer occur because their social base has mostly disappeared#they can whip up enough reactionary anger in the working class to perhaps GET to power#but as soon as a fascist politician starts going after unions strikes wages#launching the incredibly direct attacks against the working class that fascism always did#that voter base is going to turn against them very quickly
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our-inspire-verse · 5 months
Theres something about a wolf-spider kiss
Its fangs covered in wax so you can't hurt me
Hunting me down and making me remember that fear
In several years..
When others emerge
Though not mother and son, more of a system as one
Those whos memories can't hold mine
They remember
That cold December. November. September.
They remember holidays grim and eerie
Orange light and Christmas trees
It wasn't santa i was afraid of
Something about remembering something not quite yours
Passing it down, wolf of fang to canyon reign.
Kiba sing and Mitten sang.
Inthrum plead, he remembered the wolf's fang.
Remember, and thank you
Predecessor, returner, Icarus and Dionysus.
Wolf fang, and loving tooth
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aromanticasterisms · 7 months
read through all of neuvillette's stories on the wiki and. what do you MEAN people were right about him giving furina her vision
#personal stuff#delete later#KIND OF. sort of.#man i love getting vision and celestia lore like AUGH. gnaws on it forever#but yea really interesting to me. neuvillette has the power and authority that the hydro throne had#so he can portion off bits of his power and hand them out in the form of visions like the heavens did#the WORDING is really interesting to me though. like specifically talking about the Heavens and the Seven Archons#like this implies that the Thrones in celestia are responsible for handing out visions instead of the individual gods#which we already knew from ei's voiceline about electro visions not getting handed out. what was up with that btw#CANNOT wait for snezhnaya where we find out what the hell a gnosis actually is and does and why the fatui's collecting them#if they seemingly have no influence on an archon's authority or seat in celestia and only act as a connection to the heavens#like the hydro throne is gone. it's super gone. but the hydro gnosis is still. around. and apparently performing whatever task gnoses do#for arlecchino to still. want it.#also all of the archons being so flippant about their gnoses. do they know they're made from some dead guy's corpse do you think#venti didn't fight back when his was being taken zhongli and nahida traded theirs and ei literally just didn't care#god. REALLY interesting. also the line near the end of his ''vision'' story abt vision holders is so fucking ominous#''and when one so gifted completed their duty...the gift the gods would receive in return would be more abundant still''#HUH. EXCUSE ME.#like. allogenes as investments for elemental power? is that what we're getting at?#still wondering what the hell happened to vennessa. can we get some information on what ascending to celestia means. please
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Jan Ernst
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it was just a little one off thing in a drabble a while ago but i loved doing pronoun games with the lake trio. i love stupid writing tricks like that. thinking about the way they all borrow first/second person to refer to each other. thinking about spirit holder giratina also.
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