#hk rp
someplant59 · 2 years
RP servers are a fucking wild ride because that shit just goes everywhere in terms of writing execpt for the most basic shit and then you end up making a shitpost like this
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It's just such a fucking ride. So damn weird. But so damn good.
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flameindream2 · 2 years
No fancy post, but interest check! I know Hollow Knight rp is very quiet, and I haven’t been around the Soulsborne rpc in a long time, but is anyone still around? c: Come say hi~
This is an indie blog for Grimm of Hollow Knight, and Gwyndolin of Dark Souls is here too! I used to write Dolin over at darkmoondelusion!
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thecluelessdoctor · 3 months
So I made another hollow knight oc
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This is herc
He is a Hercules beetle. I know I'm so creative
Once he was a warrior for a once powerful kingdom. Now not so much
Now he's all soft and looking for love/hj
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He welds a sharpened twig for a weapon
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Oh look beegle is his friend
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Also some beegle apon ye
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the-tamed-fox · 19 hours
Penguin - What other fandom(s) would you like to cross over with OneShot as a blog/arc/etc?
[LIVE BROADCAST] - PUBLIC GROUP [BRUSQUESILENCE] all participants anonymous TWM: I have received... disconcerting news. CTTW: Is it related to the radiance's situation? TWM: Yes, as a matter of fact. More and more of the local fauna have their minds infiltrated by the radiance. CTTW: That's difficult. Every infected creature has the same karma level. I cannot trace and construct their timelines by tracking their passageways through the karma gates. TWM: You said there was an alternative method? CTTW: Correct. I can assign them an internal tracker that will follow them even after a new cycle, and it will be pinged towards me. CTTW: However, this only allows me to track the branches from the genesis iteration of the creatures. CTTW: Furthermore, the exponential amounts of the infected beings rapidly makes this implausible. TWM: What about... the owl elks? From the simulation? CTTW: Communication with them would be difficult. They do not take strangers kindly, but perhaps we can find another way. TWM: Another way?
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akirameta84 · 4 months
damn im kinda. interested in roleplaying for the first time since i was like 14 lmfao. except i have no idea where to go for it especially since its not for the fandom ive been in the longest so i dont really know anybody in it ahdhha
and i do NOT wanna join a discord server whatsoever rip
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mythicalteatree · 1 year
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she's making a cloak for Ghost because they deserve a new one
this drawing isn't getting a background <3
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girlkisserr · 1 year
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[RP related] the god group has a conversation about formality
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your sun turns into a giant moth what do you do
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[Ask my sibling if they did that on purpose.]
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[If they did not...]
[Take this very calmly...]
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[Or panic, whichever happens first.]
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roborabbitart · 1 year
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just wanted to share some snips of me and Ethan's interactions between Kin and Lurien from our most recent rp. Lurien made the mistake of calling Kin a force of nature and they've fully embraced the role.
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lord-fool · 2 years
Hey hey people!
Im in a still rather small Hollow Knight Roleplay server made by @vapourtoast and were always on lookout for new people to join!
The setting for this is placed at the very start of the infection, but characters such as Tiso and/or Cloth have already arrived. That way you can still play your beloved favourite!
You like the ghosts more? Well guess what! They are alive there too!
Picked your interest? Awesome! Then feel free to join in on the fun!
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someplant59 · 2 years
That one moment when you play music for RP and at that very moment the other person says something the second the song starts making it hit like a truck and you start crying is such a great mood
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scare-ard--sleigh · 2 years
@cauldronofmorning tagged me in that ten franchises / ten characters thing yeehawww:
kadaj / ffvii
cyril figgis / archer fx (bc i'm not allowed to pick adrian)
hello kitty / sanrio <3
the monster / the magicians
blind mag / repo ! the genetic opera
ward meachum / nmcu iron fist
kendall roy / succ
makoto kino (sailor jupiter) / sailor moon
ursula / the little mermaid
elle woods / legally blonde
bonus: boris pavlikovsky / the goldfinch
bonus bonus: marci stahl / nmcu daredevil
tagging: if you see this and have characters from these franchises you would tag, you should tag me <3
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i have a multiverse rp that's been going on for a while and i really like these kinds of polls! so.
no pressure, but i'd appreciate rbs, i wanna see what people think !
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ultra-raging-ghost · 3 months
Bad's ending!!!! hes gonna end right before a boss fight so tomorrow we can open up the HK session with the boss :3 If hes feeling it he might do a full HK stream and only a little QSMP bc hes struggling to enjoy the server without his eggs. Mostly in a way that hes missing them, he misses them being there with them, and hes feeling like the same feeling he had when the eggs first went missing, where hes having fun but he feels like he could be having more fun with them there, which makes him sad. He's enjoying the little mini rp and the shop stuff but he really misses them and playing with them, and exploring with them. All love to the teams but hes longing for the day the eggs return and hes hoping it comes soon <3
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tianshiisdead · 5 months
joined an interesting looking rp server set in cyberpunk HK that sensationalizes surveillance and literally has a function called a ‘social credit system’
>me, another chinese and a singaporean lightly discuss irl geopolitics surrounding Hong Kong in the general channel, I disclose PERSONAL feelings of sadness due to friends there and personal parallels. keep in mind the setting of the rp and the topics they’re using
>a random openly non asian person says ‘herro’ in main
guess who gets yelled at by the mod (who self proclaimed has lived in the US their entire lives and only chose HK based on aesthetics) and banned!
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goblinbugthing · 7 months
Bugthing’s brand-new Pinned Intro Post!!!!!!
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Hi! I’m Bug, I’m a mentally ill emo artist and fic author. This is where I put my nonsense for you internet ppl to look at.
I’m transmasc, currently identifying as xenogender, and I use he/xey/it/they pronouns. Mutuals, and only mutuals, can use my other neos, blood/bleed and gore/gory. I’m solian/mspec veldian, fictoromantic, and fictosexual. Please respect that!!
Currently, I’m into Hollow Knight, the Kirby series, A Hat in Time, Bug Fables, Cult of the Lamb, Rain World, and Fate/Zero. Do be warned, though, I can fall out of these fandoms at any time — my interests are almost always fluctuating.
This blog is safe for minorities! (e.g. disabled ppl, LGBTQ+ ppl, BIPOC, Palestinians, etc.)
I am a minor. Don’t be weird.
Other stuff under the cut!
(divider gif via @/animatedglittergraphics-n-more)
My asks are open! Feel free to ask me stuff about my hyperfixations, or whatever you wanna know about me, as long as it’s not too personal.
My other socials:
My YouTube channel (I don’t upload much)
My Wattpad I can’t link for some reason. My @ is koko-the-ann0yance on there (I hardly ever touch this one)
My Cohost (I won’t be posting there much, but I’ll be active!)
My AO3 (All my fics live here now)
My TikTok (Why do I have this? I couldn’t tell you.)
My $$app (Consider supporting me and my reckless spending addiction)
My other blogs:
@princes-creations-askblog — An askblog specifically for my OCs.
@ask-emporianroyals-au — My AHiT AU askblog.
@kirby-souljourney-au — My Kirby AU blog.
@hollowknightinsanity — My HK sideblog.
@kokothedrag0n — My RP blog, where I act as my sona.
Current works:
Kirby: Soul Journey — My Kirby AU fanfiction, taking place after Kirby and the Forgotten Land. (Read on Tumblr / Read on Wattpad / Read on AO3) (To be rewritten)
Kirby: Soul Journey oneshots collection — A set of oneshots created for K:SJ. (Read on Tumblr / Read on Wattpad / Read on AO3) (To be rewritten)
Hollow Knight: Empty Promises — A set of fics created for my base Hollow Knight AU, Empty Promises. (Read on AO3 / Wattpad link to be added)
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My tag key:
#buggie’s rambles — Text posts
#buggie’s randoms — Nonsense stuff! In other words, my homemade memes
#buggie’s doodles — Doodles and sketches
#buggie’s characters — OC stuff
#buggie’s creations — Proper artwork
#buggie’s creations (in the making) — Work-in-progress artworks
#buggie’s building paradise — All my Minecraft build stuff :3 (here’s a list of all the mods i use if you want em)
#buggie’s stories — My original writing
#buggie’s answers — My answered asks
#buggie’s polls — Self-explanatory. My polls
#buggie’s queue — The Very Rare Queued Posts (the only one unaffected by the name change)
#buggie’s stims — Stuff I stim to
#buggie’s sluttery — A tag I made specifically for my ace friends to block so they don’t get suggestive content on their dash. Also known as my hornyposting. Please block this tag if you don’t wanna see suggestive stuff!
#buggie irl — IRL pics of me, mostly just my gender euphoria
#saved 4 serotonin production — My comfort tag
#quicksave — Stuff I want to look at later
#important — Self-explanatory. Important stuff
#semi-important — I’m honestly not sure, just scroll through the tag if you want an idea, because I can’t describe it myself
#besties doodles — Art from my mutuals
#besties rambles — Ramblings from my mutuals
#other’s art (it’s awesome) — Other people’s awesome art
#other’s rambles (sick af) — Other people’s sick af rambles (I tend to forget to use this one…)
#bbg tag — Posts both by me and by other people about my F/Os
#images that describe my gender — My gender envy tag. Don’t question the stuff that’s in there.
I tag triggers with #cw (trigger).
I tag OCs with #oc: (oc).
If I make any new tags (or remember any ones I forgot), this section will be updated!
Also, please keep in mind that tumblr is a bit fucky and sometimes doesn’t show posts under tags for some reason! Some posts might have my old tags on them.
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DNI list:
If any of these fit you, do not interact with my blog.
NSFW blogs (I scroll through every blog that follows me. I don’t wanna see that.)
Transphobes, homophobes, racists, ableists, sexists, misogynists, antisemites, etc.
H//arry P//otter enjoyers (I fucking hate J.K. Row//ling and all her works.)
D//anganronpa-specific blogs (Very sorry — this is just a big trigger for me.)
People who support Israel’s genocide of Palestinians (Stay FAR away from me.)
People who ship The Knight/Ghost and the Grimmchild (I mean, you do you, but I don’t wanna. See that. Feels weird.)
A//I “art” supporters (this includes A//I generated anything. Text, music, images, ANYTHING. Go away.)
H//azbin fans (😐)
And I believe that’s it! Enjoy your time here :)
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