#his reading comprehension skills are lacking
artemisia-black · 2 days
About the game ☕: Fandom Sirius. That's it. 🙂
Ooh fanon Sirius aka my Roman Empire.
Look I’ve said before that I’m not the fandom police, nor do I want to stifle people’s creativity, but fanon Sirius drives me up the wall.
However, being able to extrapolate from a text is a reading comprehension skill that everyone who engages with media in a creative or critical way needs to develop, and character study provides a means to this.
Within canon, there’s so much material to work with and he has some clearly defined traits and somethings that are up for interpretation, so why has fandom invented this different (and worse) character.
Canon Sirius would hate fanon Sirius, that is how divorced they are from each other. And I can’t count the amount of times i’ve noped out of things because fanon Sirius is shrieking about his hair being out of place ( whereas canon Sirius is wearing tattered robes with matted hair for 90% of canon) or he can’t reach things on high shelves (when he’s frequently described as tall and is also a wizard who can summon shit).
The flattening of his character also feels lazy and reliant on hackneyed tropes . It is possible for a good looking person to be clever (it is not either/or). And it is possible for someone to be incredibly loyal, but also casually cruel, outwardly arrogant but also deeply insecure- good character writing is about these multitudes.
Additionally, within fanon, there’s no variety in who he’s shipped with or how his romantic life (or lack there of) is interpreted and it starts to give cult vibes.
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grim-faux · 5 months
3 _ 44 _ Tomorrow and Beyond the Horizon
First – An Echo Rebounds Through the Silent City
A minor TRIGGER WARNING for animal death. It's not a super graphic scene, but tread with caution and remember this is Little Nightmares.
Thick dust wheezed from between the two books as he set aside another volume. Seeping through the multitudes of tomes piled between the shelves had proved the most tedious errand, but simplified by degrees with the repeated titles layered in the heap he sifted through. Duplicates benefited this search, many of the tomes on the surface took the brunt of damage but with some digging and scouring through pages he found sections of text still legible. This did not save him from accumulating a large mound of nothing useful.
Currently, the Thin Man was held up on some terminology he was working through. Though he had improved in literary comprehension since abandoning the Tower, some terms persisted elude him with the meaning and purpose. He knew speek from the symbols he compiled and fabricated meaning from, but it was anything but perfect. He did his best to recognize errors and correct them, but his source was a speek which was in all intent and purpose dead.
One perplexity was that of the difference between the ‘fiction’ and ‘nonfiction’ parallels; in the case of one ‘being’ and the other ‘not being’ of the term. Well, that was obvious. He managed to secure a book that did aid in his quest for answers to simple inquiries on basic terminology, thus consulted the pages on the distinction he failed to grasp.
For a topic to qualify as nonfiction, the concepts or ‘truths’ must be of proven documentation, or a cluster of factors generally accepted by scientifically certified methodology. More terms lost to his fleeting grasp, but all that for later. In case of fictional segments, it was a purposeful deceit or story designed by falsities that could not be proven nor accepted as probability. Did this mean that he was a believer in fiction? In his pursuit to disrupt the Tower and seek an end to the monstrous beast – if not reach its end, then he would pursue any history of its origins. That might be the key to discovering the nature of its weaknesses –whatever feat might have nullified a monster in its conception. Even he did not know a way to detach the Broadcaster’s fate from the tether of the Tower. As far as he knew the cycle spanned into infinity. That was the truths of his situation.
Glitching up from the musty and tattered couch, the Thin Man stretched his arms above his hat and stretched; a trailing wisp of static flashed across his outline as the threads and crinkles of his suit fixed themselves. The building was at best an inhospitable mess, the roof caved in at one end and anything not subjected to the elements was tussled or crumpled. This must be the work of some geographic upheaval, if the misshapen floor was any indication. Either the structure rested above a growing sinkhole, or the foundation was crowded by the broken roads and allies buckling around. It was a shame, as the location had proven much value in the materials he perused through.
Yet, none of the volumes had any merit or indication of the information he sought. The notion of which only came to him when he realized he had sifted through at least half the piles with no noteworthy progress, aside from shifting the massive heaps around. Book-by-book. At another time he would return and peruse the volumes, but with no insight to his investigation it was time to move on and seek new regions.
He elected two volumes to review later, one geared to construction and another centered on “hot air” flight ships. The ship book included images of aircraft with the Eye, an artifact that appeared in any tome from common signs to bulk goods and crates. The inclusion of the Eye was commonplace in the typical world, yet its recurrence in remedial imagery from the time before did interest him a great deal. It was the Eye that observed him from the front of the door, when he was a child and seeking that which called.
Residents of the Pale City slapped the eye onto any significant landmark or location. It was the only tie between the city and the horrendous Tower at its core, yet it was a dead end. What did a restaurant have to do with the Eye?
It took some navigation around the ruined innards of the building, but he located a viable entrance through a utility closet cluttered by the bodies of Viewers and furniture from some ancient cataclysm. The proximity to the street allowed for an easy relocation with a swirl of static, and once he was beneath the wilting skyrises he renewed his silent march through the city. The lamps blazed, cutting through the heavy drapery of mist and night; in the shattered window of a nearby shop, a television crooned to a vacant road.
While the coast was clear, he set his palms onto the screen and let the transmission sweep him into the nearest available transmitter.
The familiar trace of the child remained absent. At some point, the boy grew bored and wandered off as was typical. He did not recall when or what last the child was up to, but it was likely most obnoxious. What sympathetic gleam of the cycle permitted him the pause which allowed the prolonged opportunity to search those books? Who could say?  
A faint whisper of caution slipped through his elated musing as he passed beneath a blazing streetlamp, as if a light bulb had flashed. But went out instead of beamed.
Standing in the shadow, the Thin Man turned his gaze and searched the reaching horizon for the searing wink of the tallest spire.
It was not an impossible assessment to suspect, and he would have no way of ever knowing. He might wander the streets blissful and ignorant to where the boy may have relocated himself. The Thin Man doubted, there was not a chance that the child might return to stare at those doors and entertain the thought of entering when there was no longer need to.
“It calls to me.”
Trails of rain slipped off his hat as he turned his head away and resumed his languid pace. The rain glossed alley chattered with the symphony of icy pellets, serenading him with its company the way it did during his boyhood journey when he and Her braved the deep city, hurtling toward unwavering eventuals. Sharp gales snapped at his suit and cut across the waterlogged furniture crammed into the buildings side, among heaps of ruble from crumbling walls. He adjusted his hat, though the faithful headpiece would go nowhere with the driving gale – it was habit. The child was always losing his hats, abandoning them after a tussle. Never looking back. Hats could be replaced.
The books were getting soaked. He tucked them under his arm and turned into an alley, glitching and passing the scattered fragments of obscure debris and rusted fences. Moving out into the next road, he discovered another television partially buried under layers of brick. This time, he did test the transmission for tears or tampering.
This whole fiasco was a deplorable nuisance.
No sign or trace of the shared transmission anywhere. Usually the child made his appearance, and always at the most inopportune moment. They were drawn to the other and nothing would ever change that; save for, if the Thin Man himself decided to challenge the Tower. Take his chances. At least he would know where he would wind up, or he supposed… well, the child would not be along to witness the aftermath. Eventually, those truths would discover the child.
Countless evenings and days of wandering, rainfall and fog, across rooftops, or through gutted building interiors – none of it produced a trance of the shared transmission. Somewhere in his endless wanderings, he gave pause in one of the obscure sections of decrepit halls. He located a large room on one of the upper floors, the space harbored a secluded television, along with a long table and many scattered pairs of shirts with pants. He discarded the dusty clothing draped across one chair and sat, slouching forward; a cigarette stub between his fingers, and the forgotten books set beside his elbow. With a scratchy breath, he turned his focus to the television.
Nothing displayed but snow and vague outlines squirming behind the glass, of shapes resembling sacks or grotesque bodies twitching. The occasional image of the city landscape winked through, or the emergency broadcast (one of his temper tantrums still echoing decades later). The silhouettes of adults flashed, followed by some program of a creature doing a hokey demonstration with an electric device and bathtub. Uninteresting patches of scenery swelled beneath the vertical lines, trying to imitate a fictional state he would never comprehend. He did not grow up drinking the Signal, and never became intoxicated by the poison of its lies. He was not a child enamored by distractions, he sought something else behind the screen, at the end of a long hall. The beckoning of something waiting, of someone anticipating the door….
̴̟̌̽̓Ŏ̵̤̙̤́̌̔ͅF̷͖̟̽ͅ ̵͉̩͉͕̖̿Ț̵̥̈̍͠ͅH̵̰̙̖͐͂Ë̸̡͚̞̗̎̀͘͜ ̴̘͍̣̉͝
̶̝̩̣̂̊Ķ̴̞̣̎̇Ň̴̼̖̲̣̗Ȯ̷͇̦̈́͑̏͜Ŵ̵̛̲̖̥̣̺͆̇̆ ̶͕͚̖̅Y̵͔͊̀͒͊O̷̝̲̗̪͔͛͝U̴̯̼͊̆͌
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The child knotted up against the back of the chair, making himself as small as possible while huddled beneath the edges of his coat. The walls reverberated, not booming or overpowering, but rattled through his bones and nerves like a pulsing current. The noise of it grated within his skull, pressing against his thoughts. His head filled with the gurgling croon of gnashing skin and squirming folds, undulating as he cowered further into the sheltering embrace of his scrawny arms.
“Shut up.”
̴̮͙̐I̸̘̲̹̺͖͑̃͗̚N̶͓͎̑̄͆͠͝ ̵͍͚̯̊̒̽ͅD̵̞́̅̊̏̃U̴̘̙̼̤̪̒͘̚E̵̘̓͐ ̶̨̖͈̜͋́̽ͅT̴̡̡̪̬̹̈́I̸̢͖͖̞͇͋̈́̄M̴̼̄̌E̵̝̟͑̈͌̀
“Hate you.” He sniffled, gulping down thick breaths before he wheezed. “Let me alone.” The shivering of his shoulders was pathetic, but he didn’t care. He didn’t want to see the walls oozing closer.
Ẇ̴̡̠̳͈E̸͔̼͕͋̀̑̈́͋ ̷̧̟͕̊́́S̷͈̫̹͎̃̑͒̕͠H̸̢̟̾̀̐͛̏Ḁ̶̣̝̣̺̏L̴̞̙̉Ļ̵̥̽̌̀̚ͅ
̵̨̼͕̳̃̇̃̒́A̸̛͖͋͛̉͊S̷̝̜͍̺̐̃̑͘ ̷̮̪̊͛̏̄̌A̷̠̙͍̹͑͌̀͝L̵͚̱̮̪̾͆W̴͈̙̖̤̊́͗͝Ä̸͔̘̠̦͎́̎̓̀̔Y̶̳̝̋̌̈̕ͅS̴̡̛̼̯̖͑͌́
When the scratching sounds vacated his mind, and his head turned calm, he waited still. He waited for such a long while, forever almost, until his toes ached, and his shoulder buzzed. Only then would the child risk uncoiling by a fraction. Enough to poke his head up from his folded arms, and check the walls over, search the distant and shrouded door; all to ensure no eyes remained. Usually. Usually. The beast was good about collecting all its wriggly pieces. He remained fully bundled inside his coat, while he slipped his head far back to elevate his gaze with the ceiling, and the light suspended high above. The only light he ever saw, that he could bask in. The only source of radiance he wanted to risk in this room. The less he knew about the walls, the better.
This is where he belonged. No one would find him here. No one could hurt him. Not anymore. Never again.
He shut his eyes and let the warmth of colors melt through his eyelids. It was so reminiscent of something he had seen somewhere, though he couldn’t pinpoint from where. It was… familiar, and that felt good. Even something only a little familiar felt… happy.
Snorting and hoisting his head up, the Thin Man addressed the slightly more tolerable present. Was he dreaming? No. A memory he loathed. They snuck up on him when he least expected it. The walls within the Tower, festering with a vile creature. That had been the least of his worries, the recollection of that and certain inevitables, sent a shiver through him.
He uncoiled from his hunched posture and pressed a hand against his eyes, massaging out the dread. His face was still wet from the storm. When he drew his hand away, he almost expected the child to be seated on the table in his typical fashion. Watching, like he was prone to. Creepy little brat.
Just to be certain, he cast his eyes around. Actively searching rather feel for if the child had somehow managed to find this place. For a spell the Thin Man was at a loss to where he-himself had secluded to, aside from some vague building with a room and a television. It was not an apartment with spare rooms, it appeared to be a place where residents once gathered.
In an era before the Tower.
He lit a cigarette, then, pushed out from his seat. In a casual glitch and flicker he bypassed the chairs encircling the table and approached the television. Some time ago, the child did use the transmission. The embedded frequency was still there, the static particles swirling deep within the snow. Tuning from this side to intercept the pathway was simple, the frequency was now connected and the buzzing snow dispersed, molding into a scenery of an unknown location. Shoving his hands against the warm glass he forced his way through.
Unsurprisingly, the child was not present when he emerged. The metal desk that held the television collapsed when pummeled by the volatile aura of skewered temporal space, and a nearby Viewer was repelled backwards. He managed to extract himself fully from the screen before the box erupted in glass and embers. On the other side of the room, the unfortunate Viewer gave a croaked wail before disintegrating. The clothing drifted to the floor, adding to another heap deflated on the patchy rug.
Smoke trailed the Thin Man’s hat as he clicked by the clothing, first exploring a room to the right. The whereabouts appeared to be some dwelling, going off of the windows in each room and the scenery of a tree and a road outside, along with a nearby structure of similar dimensions. Upon discovering the whereabouts of the kitchen, he is… a bit concerned.
Some event had occurred. Skimming across the shattered fronts of countertops, dishware and glass gleamed under a layer of water, and froth curdled everywhere – the entire story eluded him. One element was for certain, two Viewers lay as crooked islands within the bubbling swamp. Certified dead. The culprit was the sink cammed with dishes and sludge, the faucet continued to gush water and the surplus of floodwaters roamed across the floors, and out into the connecting corridors. He could not identify any electric devices hooked to an outlet, or lamps, or anything that may have set the water alight. Some other incident may have occurred, though whatever happened was not recent. As evident by the swollen bodies, the flesh already unraveling.
Exhaling a thick gray plume, he opted to search elsewhere and departed the perplexing scene.
After wasting his time with an exhaustive search of every room and closet, he flittered through the barricaded doorway and navigated the roads. The home sat clustered among numerous building copies, wedged tight together and sprouted somewhere on the outskirts of the city. For this hour the rain gave pause in its relentless drilling, the obscured distance was masked by curtains of fog that suffocated everything except the space he occupied. Without the repetitive pattering, the silence became unnerving with only his steps rebounding through the gray air. The only other sounds was the whisper of wind skipping across glassy puddles.
Crates and sunken trunks cluttered every patch of road or sidewalk, the miasma intermixed with mounds of furniture torn from the surrounding buildings. The roads themselves would be difficult to navigate for a living creature, the surfaces carved by pits and sections of the asphalt fissured. The Thin Man pulsed in swells of particles and glitched across gaps, or bypassed barricades of makeshift fences. He never dawdled long except to locate the next clearing. In the waterlogged dirt spread before one home, the curious arrangements of bones jutted from the clay. He nearly missed the scene, if not for the grinning skull with gravel jammed into one eye socket. He admitted the oddity of the sight, but continued to disperse and appear across the nearby yards and homes.
Only the few dwellings that remained intact (for the most part) had power, the battered windows flickered a frail light as if a lure for the desperate. A television and its cast of characters peered out of the screen, lost in another world while the realm beyond the wood and glass prison deteriorated. An uproar of laughter mocked the Thin Man, before the saturated roof at last caved in.
At last or by a whim? Who could say, the Thin Man did not mourn the loss.
While crossing a waterlogged yard, the tall thin man paused beneath a tree and lit a fresh cigarette. He took a moment to observe the deserted terrain and misty buildings hollowed of all presence, trying with some fleeting interest to imagine an obscure figment lifted from any of the books he browsed. He sought a world lost to a realm that no longer existed, but found even with his state of thought he was utterly lost to what such a world might have been. If it even existed once. These bleak dwellers were the obituary of dead world, inscribing the illusions of a dream the residents forsaken.
Hmm. He was one to talk.
Tilting his head back, he peered through the bare branches and watched the shifting dark clouds, the muted light and monochrome saturation. A low groan churned the dark water above, and a gust of wind sent a sheet of water from the tree to brush across his suit. He did not bother dismissing the droplets this time. 
This area was not the worst to absentmindedly amble through. Aside from the one Viewer he dissolved upon arrival, the roads remained open and clear of hostility. His only companion was the hum of static bristling his suit, and the languid wind sweeping among the debris of makeshift fences and whatever else was cast into the yards. He explored through countless neighborhoods and dead end roads, sticking to the few segments of pavement that remained stable. In one side of the housing division, a massive chasm splint through the earth and three buildings along its edge, the cavernous grin melted into the distant fog leaving the imagination to ponder its end - if there was one. Though he could shift to the other side and continue through the next yard, the child would have been forced to seek another route. Thus, he departed the obstacle and the faint chitter of flaking rocks.
While browsing through a district of demolished and consisting of mostly inside out dwellings, he caught a tinge of the transmission. A mostly solid abode looked vacant, the large windows boarded up, and all the paneling nailed tight across the doors front. He flashed in through a shattered window on the lower floor and let the serenity of this derelict place settle around his form, mingle with the static curling off his shoulders and hat. No trace of sound and nothing to indicate what would be a draw, aside from utter abandonment. Abandonment could be the child’s most faithful ally.
He exhaled smoke and clicked towards a doorway. Around him the walls creaked and moaned, outside the wind was picking up. Within the corridors an assortment of desks and other furniture decorated the floors, all in disarray but still whole. The walls and tables catered to some pictures in frames, but whatever was displayed in a time before was no more. The glass was tarnished, and the frames twisted.
The backside of the home lay in ruin and scrubbed clean by the harsh elements. Still, a lone staircase was solid enough to deliver him to the upper floor—
Something fluttered between two doorways. Not far from where he materialized in a sweep of static on the top landing. The Thin Man crept over to the thing, only to discover it was a bit of tattered cloth. He was not quite fooled, the transmission prickled nearby though not this close.
Exploring to the end of the corridor revealed a corner, and then a few doors around the bend. He unlocked the one with a large break in the bottom.
Rickety furniture littered the room, and large windows to one side might have offered a view. Though boards now covered the patches of shattered glass, mostly. Erosion and constant storms tore some of the impromptu barriers clear of the opening, allowing the harsh weather to claw up the floor. He left the door open and crushed out his smoke, then, gave the space a brief examination. The room was the typical despondent style, all the rot in order. From a cursory glance, this area was long abandoned. Of course. Children recognized a threat before it appeared, before it was announced. Of course.
Some while ago, he had forgotten why he had come to this area. He had doubts - unfounded and foolish, but he had been.... The child would one day do away with him, and harassing the boy would expedite the eventual. As well, the child was the only force which could grant this retirement. For this reason, he held stakes in the boy's whereabouts. Such was the perpetuating cycle.
The child did not emerge as he normally would. He let all misgivings slide away and navigated among the furniture pieces, toppled or broken. To one side of the room, he located a low table.
“Child?” No response. “Hiding from me?” He did not expect a reply. Hearing his voice usually coaxed the child out. Then again, the boy only blundered into his presence while the Thin Man had other occupations. This was unusual, but that did not warrant such shyness.
Slowly, he eased all the way down, until his elbows supported his frame and allowed him to check under the bottom shelf of the coffee table. As he sensed, the child was there. He gawked out with a face much too puzzled to be the boy, some sort of stuffed toy crushed to his chest. No hat, not surprising.
“Why not come out?” he crooned. “Come here. Let me see you. I was waiting for you, wondering why this boy was avoiding me. Will you not come out?” It was likely best to let this be, the child looked all right. Filthy, as usual, covered in dust and everything else. The eyes remained fixed on him and unblinking. "Very well then."
Upon easing back on his arms, the child actually did emerge, but only enough to stay concealed by the front of the table's lowest shelf. The Thin Man scooted back further, avoiding distortions or glitching. The child looked utterly out of it. Now that he was closer, the Thin Man saw with a blow of dread what he was actually holding.
The child was covered in feathers, looking something like a downy chicken. This might have been endearing, if not for the bird he was chewing on. How very disgusting and heartbreaking.
“Mono.” What was he even doing? Why? When did this happen?
Briefly, the child seemed to ponder, clutching the ruined thing tighter to his chest. For an agonizing length of time the Thin Man gaped at the boy, unsure what to do or how to approach. He wanted to tear the child out and rip away the soggy ratty mess. This entire time he tried not to... and all those bones…
He could not handle this.
At last, the boy departed his shelter and inched his way closer, prompting the Thin Man to ease back further and perch on his knees. For a long time, the Thin Man uttered not a sound, aside from the steady bristle of static apart of his corporal form. Outside, the wind flapped across the crooked eaves of the home and teased at the gaps in the boards blotting out the world. After ages of the disquiet, the boy hoisted the limp creature up in his arms; the whole thing practically as big as him. The birds head sagged, and the tongue poked out from its slender beak.
“Eat?” rasped the child.
The Thin Man fought to rouse himself back to some awareness, but his spiraling thoughts could not find purchase in the tumult waves of panic. Where to begin with explaining this was not right? How long was... when did it all start? If the boy was gone enough to prey on animals, what might he chew on next? This was not mere hunger, it could not be. He did not know where to begin.
“You… d̴o̶  ̶n̷o̶t̴ ̵ need to d̴o̸ ̶t̸h̸i̶s̵,” the static grated in his voice, causing the child to withdraw. “I̴t̸  ̷i̴s̴ alright, no r̶u̴n̵n̴i̶n̸g̵.̴ We will find food. R̷e̶a̶l̵ ̸ f̵o̸o̶d̸.̶ This is n̶o̴t̵ ̷... g̵o̷o̵d̵ for you.” Very carefully, he reached out and snagged the crooked wing by a bent feather.
“Nuh. Sss'frecsh.” The boy tugged the bird away by a fraction and bit onto the chest. Thankfully, he only got a mouthful of feathers for the effort and sputtered at the sticky down. This did not deter the boy from fighting to hold on fast, while the Thin Man tugged the raggedy carcass along with the child, out from beneath the tables edge. The Thin Man finally snagged him by the wonderful coats backside and shook the floppy mess loose. With a flick, it’s gone. Mono looked so bewildered and ruined by the loss.
“Let us leave and f̵i̴n̴d̷   ̷s̷o̵m̶e̷t̸h̸i̴n̴g̵ better.” His sleeve was still damp from the trees benevolent misting, which allowed him to scrub off the dirt and… red. The boy stood with his feet planted, glossy eyes zeroed in on the direction the bird sailed off to.
“Nh… s’food.”
He had to hold the boy still, he was trying to shrug away. “No-no, child. That w̷a̴s̶ ̶ n̵o̵t̷… it was no good.” Though he did recall the times he-himself had to slain animals, the child did not need to do that anymore. The city had plenty of food, the stores and kitchens were always stocked. “We will find s̶o̷m̸e̸t̶h̸i̶n̵g̵ better. Something you like.” Undeterred, the boy was trying to detach from his grip. He tried giving the scruffy head a consoling pat, but the boy was not having it.
“S’food. T’mine. Wuz’frrr. Mine.” And direct himself, however futile, to the birds final resting place. Like a broken record. “Mine. T’s rr'mine. Long. B’t take. Did t’s. Mine. Food.”
Giving up on the remnants of the smudging and feathers, the Thin Man sighed and put his hands around the child. The singular focus would not be broken. Not for some time. “That will be e̵n̶o̴u̵g̴h̵. We are not starting a̸n̵o̷t̴h̷e̴r̶ ̴ d̴r̶a̵m̷a̵.̷ No is f̸i̷n̵a̸l̵.̴” This admission had no effect, and the boy fought and bit, even when lifted and pressed firmly against the Thin Man's suit. “Settle down, you will h̵u̸r̵t̴ ̵ y̶o̸u̷r̷s̵e̶l̴f̶.̴ Let us not do that.” He supplied gentle pressure to the rigid back, trying to restrain the clawing arms. Eventually, the boy would tire out. The Thin Man feared that would be too soon, given the state he had witnessedd. "Shh.... Hush your head."
Muffled, the boy muttered all the same, “N’food. Hard n’caught.”
“I a̷m̷ ̶c̴e̵r̶t̴a̴i̶n̸ it was.” The Thin Man stood to his full height and wove his way from the room, leaving behind all its horrible memories. Though not as terrible as his time within the Tower, lost in the familiar misery that soaked into each iteration of the Broadcaster. On his gradual trek through the drab corridor, he reframed from sudden movements and glitching, in spite of how he yearned to escape these walls. He wanted to ask the boy what they might seek for him to eat, but the child had a one-track mind and he needed to shift that away from the topic.
Even after the home was long abandoned and those cluttered roads fading far behind his steps; the neighborhoods dissolving into the distance, and the rain renewing its endless descent; the sky becoming inky, and the familiar city roads sprawling around the tall man and his hat; the boy would not relent on his single-minded desperation for racing away to who knows where. He grumbled about his tricked bird, struck with staying muted but also snarling about the injustice. Exhausting. Despairing. But the Thin Man should have anticipated this.
An ugly thought weeded through his recollections, about when he was dragged into the realm of the Pit. The Flesh was waiting, as it always was waiting for the arrival of the child. Consistent and inevitable. He did not want to think about what it promised him, or was it prophesied? The loathsome mass snickered at him and let him go; always crooned from beneath the concrete floor, always jeering during his tantrums. The Flesh saw no reason to disrupt nor restrain him. It knew him better than he knew himself. Somehow knew everything. The Mono before him, and then his-self, always repeating the same doomed script.
This cycle was not unique or broken. As always and as has been. The Flesh implied this much.
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Somewhere during his musing, the firm pressing on the boy's back at last weeded out the dwindling bit of fight from the wiry frame. A brief but all too familiar little tensing nullified the fragments of rowdiness, when the Thin Man clutched the child tighter to his chest. Only to ward off the lashing bullets breaking across his shoulders. He brushed some of the feathers from the most important coat, but they stuck like glue to his fingers. “It is alright, c̵h̸i̵l̵d̶,” he rumbled. Swollen droplets hammered against his hat bill, the storm was picking up and promised no mercy to stragglers. “S̴a̶v̶e̸ ̵ your s̷t̶r̷e̸n̴g̶t̸h̶. I will have you t̶a̸k̸e̸n̴ ̵c̷a̷r̶e̶ of  ̴s̴o̸o̵n̵.̸”
That miniscule reassurance seemed to be all that was needed. The child gave a sigh and ceased the fighting, satisfied now to tuck his arms up under his chin and stay complacent. Vibrations still worked through the little body, like miniature earthquakes. The Thin Man checked if he was okay, but the child only gazed off and far away, across the roads watching nothing in particular. He would get over it. Once they located a suitable shelter with a kitchen filled with packaging and whatever else, the boy would forget all about the grotesque thing he had done. Until then, the Thin Man would reassure that the boy was found.
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moonlightdancer26 · 10 months
Friendly reminder that just because something wasn’t shoved in your face does not mean that it was a plot hole
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tinyfantasminha · 1 year
Twitter twsteng fandom try not to grossly mischaracterize and woobify characters and actually read the story challenge (impossible)
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ryutarotakedown · 5 months
read the original scandal in bohemia acd story the other day and im having so many thoughts that are probably not going to come to anything so im just throwing them all here
notes on scandal:
i love irene!! i like that shes obviously careful and smart and wary and can also admit her own mistakes (in the letter she leaves) but also. crucially. has a little bit of a show-off streak (saying goodnight to sherlock in her disguise and leaving a whole monologue of a letter)
(i know the letter was somewhat necessary to assure them she wouldn’t publish the photo and to get the king to leave her and godfrey alone. but still.)
there are so many Iconic Sherlock Holmes pop culture moments that i hadn’t realized were from this story specifically?? the 17 steps, the “you see but you do not observe,” the fire trick… i’m missing something else i think. i might remember it later
one thing i do not understand: why were she & godfrey in such a rush to get married?? that was *before* she cottoned on to sherlock being after them, wasn’t it? and what was godfrey telling her so animatedly before he headed out?
i mean i can somewhat understand the rush in that maybe she realized the king was staying in london and wanted to get out asap, but like, why not do it the day before, then? unless he had only arrived that evening? scandal fans help me
speaking of which, she and godfrey are cute together, i like them. i mean we never really see them interact but it’s clear they are deeply in love with each other
sherlock being in a hurry to get to the photograph before 8 am the next day because marriage could change her habits entirely, versus watson introducing this story by saying that he hasn’t talked to sherlock in a while because he’s been too busy being married…
i don’t think i quite understand what exactly the king did to her other than that it was Bad and maybe the reason why she retired from the opera? i feel like im supposed to have had a Revelation after reading the letter but im not well versed in victorian social norms enough to get it, i think? scandal in bohemia fans help, x2
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transfagfemme · 3 months
People who defend Aaron with their life and insist he isn't homophobic when he very obviously is and was absolutely intended to be (confirmed by Nora!) give me a headache. Can you just like him and not try to justify the clear homophobia he was written to have. My lord
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honeysum · 1 year
i totally get disliking mbappe for his south america comments, but it is very telling to see people saying he needs to be humbled. like athletes need to have an ego - its a part of the game. its just bizarre seeing that people want him to be humbled so bad and not want to humble other egotistical players (who maybe don’t look like kylian... if you get what i’m alluding to). 
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iwasthewind · 2 months
Venti and Diona's interaction in the alchemy event is so special to me... because Diona is someone who really hasn't had any reliable parental figures in her life at all. Her father is a drunkard who barely has any time for her. She got her vision because she walked into the pouring rain as a child, all alone, terrified, to look for her drunk father in a forest full of animals and monsters and bring him home. Her father takes better care of Razor than her. She was so lonely she talked to a spring in the hopes that the rumours were true and there really was a fairy inside, listening. And then the voices that used to answer stopped, too. Leaving her with nothing but a curse- any drink she mixed would be divine. She's only twelve at most and she works in a bar. Her employer exploits her skills for profit. There's advertisements around Mondstadt advertising Diona's drinks specifically. Everyone loves them. Diona hates them. Everyone tells her how lovely her drinks are. Diona herself, despite despising alcohol, is proud of her skills. That's so fucked up. That's all so fucked up.
There's so many jokes about "haha child wants to destroy the wine industry but works in a bar" and while I can see why people find it funny they're honestly...so tasteless. Diona is a child who villainizes alcohol because she can't bear the thought of her father being at fault for his actions because she loves him so much. That he could drink less and he could spend more time with her and he could help her with her emotions but never does. That he could spend time with her and immerse himself in her interests but he never does. That he's willing to do all this for other people instead, but not her. That he chooses to do these things for other people, but he almost never chooses to do them for her.
But Venti does. Venti chooses to do all these things with Diona. He calls all residents of Mond his children and that's Diona too. He takes the time to search Dragonspine for an ingredient she might like, he chats with her and accompanies her to the location of the alchemy event, he presumably spends hours with her as she searches for ingredients and mixes her drink, keeping her company and making sure she's safe.
He doesn't have to do this. He doesn't have to patiently endear himself to her because he knows she hates people who drink, he doesn't have to bother going all the way to Dragonspine to find her something unique because he knows she's proud of her creations, he doesn't have to spend hours in the company of a lonely child who he has nothing in common with-but he does.
So many people would think he's doing it for the drink, but they all lack reading comprehension skills because I said so. Diona wants to create a drink which keeps people sober. Venti isn't going to get drunk and he's not doing it for the drink. It isn't pity either, it's affection- he loves his child and he wants to spend time with her and make sure she's safe. That's all. They're so special to me <3
Oh and another thing that I forgot to add- the Spring Fairy Diona talked to, Callirhoe, only found the spring in Springvale thanks to "a gentle breeze guiding her." The person who listened to the cries and rants of a lonely child was also coincidentally someone guided there by Venti. Still girlie why that specific blessing 😔
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I don’t understand the fandoms love for Daemon, by all rights he should be as hated as Joffrey was. Not only did he do almost everything Joffrey did, he also did worse. Even Tywin wouldn’t hold a candle to his cruelty. I understand liking a villainous character, I do too with Cersei and Tywin, but I’ve never went out of my way to whitewash their characters. I love them because they are villainous and practically irredeemable, if team black stans liked Daemon for his villainous actions before and during the Dance of Dragons I wouldn’t have any problems with it. But the fact that they go out of their way to defend him killing Rhea Royce because “he was forced into a marriage he didn’t like!!!!” As if she wasn’t too. And the fact that they defend him sending Blood and Cheese to psychologically torture Haelena and kill Jaehaerys due to “a son for a son it’s only right” when they despise Alicents moment of madness when her son was denied justice, makes me want to hurl.
It’s alright to like villainous characters, it doesn’t make you a bad person if you like them. But you know what makes you a moronic person? Whitewashing everything that makes a character compelling because you want to like them without seeming like a ‘bad person’. Your opinion on a character does not determine your own morality, it doesn’t make you better or worse than someone who hates them. But what it does, when you erase their entire identity as a rouge to make them more palatable to you, is make you seem moronic, stupid, and lacking any critical thinking and reading comprehension skills.
Rhaenyra is a compelling character because she is entitled and spoiled and lacks any political experience, she shows how badly Viserys fucked up when he tried to compensate for his guilt of murdering Aemma. Alicent is a compelling character because she is a mother who is trying her best to protect her children from the reality that if Daemon took the throne for Rhaenyra, he would kill all of them because they are a threat. She is even more of a compelling character in the books because of her ambition and cunning and want for her family to rise far above the ‘station’ of being a noble house in the Reach (as if house Hightower aren’t the oldest house in Westeros who could trace their lineage back to both the Garth Greenhand the high king of the first men and the Andal Kings that came afterwards). Daemon, for all that I dislike him as a character, is compelling for his ruthlessness and shortsightedness in his pursuit of the throne. He didn’t raise an army for Viserys because he thought he was a competent leader, he did it because it raised his own standing within Westeros, he groomed Rhaenyra not because he loved her, but because having him in her good graces means that he stood a better chance of being king after she was named heir. His ruthlessness is compelling. Taking it away to make him into a ‘malewife’ or a ‘loving father’ or a man who is lacking any ambition beyond wanting a valyrian wife is taking away his agency. It makes him seem like a Gary Sue who only wants the throne because his brother said Rhaenyra was heir. It makes it so that he is so completely white bread like that not even I, someone who loved the more morally bankrupt characters in ASOIAF can find him agreeable in any way shape or form.
Daemon is a fundamentally morally bankrupt character and he should stay that way. If you like him you should acknowledge and accept that he is one of the ‘bad guys’. Just as Cersei fans acknowledge and accept that she is fundamentally a morally bankrupt person who is selfish to the extreme. We like morally black characters because they are morally black. To make excuses for their actions is to take away their agency which makes them unlikable and very hate-able.
Daemons actions aren’t justifiable, blood and cheese would never be justified. A son for a son is akin to the visceral disgust the fandom had to Alicent when she asked for Lucerys’ eye, yet I bet when season two comes out and Blood and Cheese happens we’d see Daemon fans applauding and trying to justify it as ‘not that bad’ and ‘team green deserved it because of Aemond’s actions’ when little Jaehaerys, a boy of 6, was as far removed from the incident as can be. It would be akin to Team Green saying that due to Jaehaerys’ death, Aegon III or Viserys II deserved to have their head cut off in front of Rhaenyra.
Let morally bankrupt characters be morally bankrupt. You aren’t morally bankrupt because you like said character, it’s a fictional story loosely based on Empress Matilda. It’s not that deep. Like the characters you like without trying to justify their actions. They might be monstrous but you aren’t because you like them. It’s not a measure of your own character because you like said character. But it is a measure of your intelligence when you try to change said character’s entire personality to make it so that they are more digestible to you and everyone else.
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knight-says-rollout · 11 months
Would you mind telling us about more disabled Cybertronians?
Oh boy would I
For this list let’s focus on physical disabilities, both because they’re the most commonly dismissed by the fandom and bc if we try to cover everything we’d be here all day (that can be another list, maybe, if y’all want)
This isn’t going to be comprehensive bc I’m tired but!! I will aim for a broad variety of examples nonetheless
Bumblebee - You all know him, you all love him. He’s the most obvious and most well known example of a disabled Cybertronian character.
In many iterations he is mute
Not by choice but because he lacks a voice box. Bee physically isn’t capable of speech and depending on the version has different tools to work around that. Sometimes he uses his radio to repurpose song and radio dialogue into speech, in cyberverse he also makes use of the internet for clips. In the aligned continuity (tfp and connected media) he speaks in binary, a very simplified form of language using beeps and buzzes, but still lacks a real voice and can’t form words.
In IDW he has a cane
At one point in the comics Bumblebee was shot by a human protester and as a result used a cane for a good bit of time. I haven’t had the chance to read that far into IDW yet so I’m not sure how long he had the cane for but it was enough time that it’s a solidified part of the charcaters history. I’ve seen little models of the cane for sale, to be paired with bee figures.
TFP Ultra Magnus - everyone’s favorite awkward commander, despite his popularity he’s surprisingly overlooked when it comes to this discussion
An amputee, he lost his hand
During an energon raid with wheeljack, magnus’ hand was crushed. Ratchet couldn’t save it and had to amputate, replacing it with a hooked prosthetic. I call it a prosthetic rather than replacement part because despite him being able to move it, it’s not a hand. Not in the way he had previously, and he has to relearn how to use it at all.
I think that’s an important distinction to make when discussing disability and transformers. Some bots might have only ever had one hand, or no legs, or etc but that’s always been their level of ability and since they Are robotic. Yeah they might not have the same capabilities as another bot but that’s a hard metric to go by. Seekers can fly but a grounder isn’t disabled because they can’t fly too, it’s a different standard.
WFC Shamble - far lesser known than Magnus, and reasonably so, this background character is Also missing a limb
Amputee, leg edition
His prosthetic is a lot less fancy than magnus’s, it’s a simple peg leg. Put em together and you get a pirate. Not much to say about him since i don’t know how he lost the leg, just that he did.
Shadow Striker - Most awesome lady in cyberverse. Unlike the above two, she Was able to get actual replacement parts rather than prosthetics. Despite this, she is both shown throughout the show and implied to have
Impaired mobility
Chronic pain
She was able to get replacement parts yes but they were needed because she was blown up. The limbs she was given were kinda just what the others could Find and as such are mismatched and don’t fit her very well. Her motor skills took a blow especially when it comes to combat, something she used to excel in. Her new limbs are described as unstable and prone to malfunction. The loss of mobility and implied chronic pain that come along with her situation are rough, but she makes do.
SG Soundwave - my favorite little guy, he’s in a bit of a different situation than the previous.
Bad Joints ™
His body was entirely overhauled multiple times, successfully, but the latest frame change was done with conflicting metals. Earth and Cybertronian materials clash in his joints, making them prone to getting stopped up. The most affected hinge being the one on the door to his tape deck. It is so prone to getting stuck that his cassettes refuse to dock with him at risk of getting trapped. To work around this, Soundwave has the aid of a personalized case he carries around that they dock in instead.
IDW Sunstreaker - speaking of assistive devices, this guy was (for a time) a wheelchair user! Or,, hoverchair.
Temporary,,, paraplegic? Correct me if another term fits better
Taking this moment for an aside to say hey!! Lookit that, both canes and hoverchairs are things that canonically and casually exist on cybertron!! It’s not too wild to assume there are bots out there who use them long term!! Yes both characters on this list were repaired eventually but they’re also both very popular old characters from an action based franchise and hasbro doesn’t have the balls to make something like that permanent yet. We the fandom are not hasbro. We can do whatever we damn want with our OCs. It’s canon that ur little guy can use mobility aids.
Ok, PSA over, anyway yeah Sunny’s body was basically wrecked and alpha trion was able to repair all of him except his legs. This put him in a hoverchair for a good amount of time.
Finback - he’s a con, a pirate, who developed a “metal wasting disease”
He’s on permanent life support
The disease is going to kill him eventually, and it’s explicitly stated that he’s come to terms with the idea of his death. In the meantime he’s using pretender tech, kinda like fancy armor, to reinforce himself and boost his immune system
Perceptor - for a microscope, the fact he’s got vision issues in multiple continuities is kinda ironic
He’s fully blind in cyberverse
He lost an eye in IDW
Between the two we get to see both routes taken to work with this. Adaption and technological aid. In cyberverse he uses his scope to compensate for the loss of vision Toph-style. In IDW he built himself a monocle that basically replaces the pieces that are missing.
Now we get into the uniquely Cybertronian disabilities, one’s that don’t quite translate to human conditions
Transmutate - is a beloved bot from beast wars
They can’t transform, they don’t have an alt mode
I’m hazy on the details of their character but afaik they came from a damaged stasis pod. Described as deformed and handicapped for their both their lack of an alt mode and general appearance, they are probably the oldest explicitly disabled Cybertronian character
Xaaron - from G1 is in a similar situation
He can’t transform, it would kill him
Unlike transmutate he does have an alt mode, a tank, but after thousands of years without transforming he is no longer able to. The new stress it would cause on his body would kill him.
Broadside - continuing with the subject of alt modes, this clumsy boy is a boat! That’s not a good thing.
He’s very prone to motion sickness
As you can imagine, chronic sea sickness isn’t the most helpful thing when you are the boat. This brings in the entirely new element of mobility issues that are inherent to alt modes. A bot that functions fine in root form might not in alt mode and vice versa.
Trailbreaker - is another instance of this. He’s not a fast car by any means but that doesn’t stop the fact
His frame has a very high energon cost
Possibly the least fuel efficient autobot, he’s got an outlier ability on top of it all that only further increases his required energon intake. He needs to pay more attention to his energon levels and refuel more often overall.
G1 Knockout - yes that’s right the shiny medic himself is on this list, though not for the same reason as his tfp version, g1 knockout still lives up to his name
He’s prone to fainting
A knockout in the more literal sense, he faints when he gets too excited. Fully collapses and everything. Since he’s a fall risk, his teammates take care to keep an eye on him.
Annnnd Yknow he probably should’ve been earlier in the list along with the “human-ish” issues but I’m tired, it’s late, and I’m bringing this list to a close
Im sure there are more characters that I didn’t mention but I hope this helped! Thank you for the ask
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thestrangestthing89 · 4 months
It's not an apology, it's a clarification. He very directly says "you misconstrued what I said" a thing multiple people around here have been trying to say for months. He said this exact same thing in an Instagram post he made a few months ago but people lack the reading comprehension skills to follow something like that. So he said it in a TikTok video again only some people are still not understanding. And it's because they don't want to. (He has recently taken his Instagram post down, I'm guessing because he is getting relentlessly harassed.) The truth of the matter is that many people didn't take the time to understand basic facts about this situation (like what the word Zionism actually means) and the result was that a lot of misinformation spread because people were desperate to make sure their followers knew they were The Most Progressive and The Most Anti-Racist. They did not talk about this issue in a way that was culturally sensitive. They made assumptions about Noah based on anti-Semitic stereotypes and I don't even think they realize they are doing it because, again, they aren't well-informed. But every time someone twists the word Zionism to mean "pro-genocide" and makes the flying leap that anyone using that word is laughing at people dying they are falling into the stereotype that Jews are bloodthirsty. Anytime people say that any Jewish person has the wrong information in this situation and needs to education themselves about their own culture, they are believing that Jews can't be trusted. They did all of these things to Noah and they did it very easily because they are ignorant. These people essentially turned into an angry mob. I can't even count the amount of comments I saw that were basically "I hate Noah too!!! Wait, what did he do? Someone tell me!" They piled on because their peers were doing it and not because they had any clue what the problem was. It was the cool and trendy thing to do so they did it. And they deluded themselves into thinking they were saving Palestinians in the process when they actually didn't do shit for anyone. The only problem is that the people who did this didn't take the time to inform themselves before piling on. Noah didn't apologize to them because he doesn't have to. They owe him an apology though and I think the ones with larger followings are responsible for a lot of this and imo are lucky they didn't get sued for defamation. He didn't do any of the things they are accusing him. They decided for themselves what he thought and believed based on very little information and they have no right to do this to anyone. They seriously think Noah is responsible for single-handedly killing people. He's not in the military or a politician. He didn't even endorse anyone who did. This whole situation is the stupidest fucking thing in the world. They are more outraged over the bullshit they made up about him the actual political situation and it's because they don't actually care. They are using Palestinians as an excuse to say hateful things, but they aren't helping them at all. I don't think Gen Z-ers are realizing that everyone older than them is getting increasingly more concerned about the way they go about their political activism. It's a serious problem and this current political situation only highlighted problems with them that had been occurring for a while now. Relentlessly harassing any Jewish person online for not speaking exactly to your liking isn't activism. Threatening to kill people who disagree with you isn't activism. Trying to ruin someone's career because they didn't act like your parasocial bestie isn't activism. Spamming the comments of everyone's posts with Free Palestine isn't activism and it sure as hell isn't what spreading awareness looks like. That requires being well informed first. Not to mention learning how to have difficult conversations without screaming hysterically at people and shouting that they must be pro-genocide/racist/misogynist/homophobic every damn second just because they said something you didn't take the time to understand.
They need to learn to ask for a clarification before assuming the absolute worst about people. They do this to people in the fandom constantly and it's why no one decent posts here regularly anymore. They are ignorant, plain and simple. But they are so desperate for peer approval and for people to think they are the best activists ever that they don't realize how much damage they do when they behave this way.
The people still pissed at Noah were always going to be. They were always going to pick him apart because they are anti-Semitic and they made that very clear. All he is saying is that people need to understand that both Jews and Palestinians are human and stop taking sides. A thing that anyone with a shred of human decency has been saying for months. The people who haven't been saying this tend to be very young (teens and early 20s) and it's because they fell for a lot of unverified information on TikTok - something that is concerning a lot of people given that it is an election year in the US. All anyone had to do here was listen and they didn't. They are too busy trying to be morally superior to anyone to bother having an actual conversation. They still aren't listening. There was nothing wrong with what Noah said here either. But people are determined to believe that he was laughing at people dying when he wasn't. This literally never happened. They just heard a word they weren't familiar with a jumped to awful conclusions. It's not their place to educate anyone on anything. They are not qualified to do so. And I wish people were smarter about who they were reblogging and weren't so desperate to get more followers by jumping on the bandwagon. They cause so much drama in the fandom constantly by acting like this. This is just the latest example.
The people who think it's now suddenly ok to be violent and homophobic towards someone just because they perceived that person to do something they didn't like, were waiting for an opportunity. They wanted to be horrible and they think they got a reason. They didn't and there is never a reason to behave like this. But it did reveal just how many people in this fandom are horrible human beings. The people who weren't saying this directly were still agreeing with those people and were not better than them. It should have set alarm bells off in their heads that the only people who agreed with them were being vile. That should have been the first clue they were on the wrong side. I wish people learned to think for themselves better. They were clearly jumping on the bandwagon and didn't understand what was going on. And I stand by my comment from a few months ago, we would not be dealing with relentless drama in the fandom if the show had a higher rating. And I do think they need to focus more on their original adult audience again. Most of us do not feel comfortable posting regularly in this fandom when it got taken over by kids who don't understand any of the things they are upset about, but they are upset with everyone and everything constantly. No one came here to babysit.
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solahsaavan · 2 months
Some of the criticism of the show is valid and some of it is just...people lacking any sort of nuance or comprehension skills.
1) "They are stupid and irresponsible for being together in the public". Yes, but also the public doesn't know ji han is a chaebol and ah jeung is a no name actress. The public also doesn't know who Dohan's financee is. Only the wedding has been announced. It's not surprising at all that the two dumbasses thought they could be together without being seen. Ji han has no reason to believe his step siblings would send a reporter after him knowing it's Dohan's position they are after. Something so obvious shouldn't be have to be spelled out by the writers for you lot.
2) "How could that bitxh Ah jeong have the audacity to have feelings that don't revolve around Dohan? She should have continued being miserable and uncomfortable because it is only Dohan's safety and comfort that matters." No woman should put herself through so much pain for another man not even for her gay best friend. If you want to watch women make decisions centered around their relationship with a man then plenty of shitty BLS and works by incels with one dimensional fl characters exist.
3) Dohan, ji ahn and ah jeong are flawed human beings. None of their mistakes deprive them of their humanity and their right to love and be loved.
4) kdrama viewers have a meltdown every time a character makes decisions that are not the most ethically, culturally or rationally correct. It's not bad writing if a character makes a terrible choice CONSISTENT with their character.
5) But the outrage is always more loud for a FEMALE character every single fucking time. Like clockwork. Not only are you guys consistently boring with the demand for characters to stay conventional but also consistently MISOGYNISTIC.
6) Both ji han and ah jeong fought their feelings for each other before finally giving in. It wasn't immediate. They both are clearly guilty. Both of them wanted to talk to Dohan about this. He was the first person they wanted to talk to. He was on their minds on the date too.They only went out together as a couple to a STRANGE PLACE for ONE DAY where they thought they would be safe. Why are people acting like they have been hiding their relationship for ages? They didn't even get the chance to be public yet. NO, THEM ROAMING IN A STRANGE PLACE DOESN'T COUNT AS PUBLIC BECUASE NO ONE AROUND THEM KNOWS.
7) MEDIA SHOULD NEVER CATER TO YOUR MORALES OR FEELINGS. This world consists of average people who make horrible choices and who hurt themselves and others. I like watching them on screen. Hope more kdramas are courageous enough to experiment with genuine character flaws that aren't just being 'quirky' or a 'tsundere'.
8) None of the characters one this show are 'morally dubious or gray'. They just are people with flaws. Idk maybe read a book or two or watch peaky blinders.
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crayonboxcolors607 · 4 months
in honor of Part 1 getting 100 likes and like 15 reblogs! (a lot for tiny stupid me lol) i decided to suck it up and write another part bc ppl have asked for it
After Robin found out, things were a bit better for Steve. The two of them practiced their signs during slow shifts at the Family Video. Robin showed him a new sign every day and helped him improve his lip reading. It benefited his daily life too. Gone were the days when he had to walk all the way across the store to talk to Robin, now the two of them could have conversations from opposite sides of the store, their hands flying fast as they spoke.
Robin was a fucking godsend, bullying Keith into giving Steve more time off in case of migraines and providing excuses when he couldn't drive the kids around. She begged Steve to wear his hearing aids, eventually telling him that if he played his cards right he could cover them up with his hair, which ultimately convinced him. She'd helped him find a new hairstyle that almost eliminated them completely, clapping her hands excitedly as the shock on his face was evident when he turned them on and could differentiate sounds again.
Of course, there were still things that were hard, even with the hearing aids. Steve needed to be directly facing someone in order to have a basic understanding of what they were saying, and there couldn't be anything obstructing their mouth. This proved especially difficult when Steve interacted with the younger Party members, although they continued to chalk it up to Steve's usual airheadedness. For once, he was grateful to be stereotyped as a dumb jock.
One random day in October, however, things began to change.
Dustin had somehow roped Steve into driving him, Mike, and Lucas to some fancy-ass comic store in Indianapolis, claiming that "the one in Hawkins is not nearly comprehensive enough, Steve". He'd rolled his eyes and responded with what they referred to as his "Mom Pose", his hands on his hips and his eyebrow cocked as he stared at them judgementally. Eventually, though, he'd relented, letting them fight over who got shotgun and who had to sit in the back.
Somehow, although he himself didn't quite seem to know how, Lucas managed to snag the front seat. He'd slid in quietly as Dustin and Mike threw themselves into the backseat, yelling obnoxiously about unfairness and favoritism. Steve refrained from pointing out that he'd had no part in the tussle for shotgun, instead allowing it to play out.
He and Lucas had been engaging in conversation about sports when Lucas had quietly mentioned that he was thinking of trying out for the school's basketball team, tentatively asking Steve if they could meet up the next weekend so he could give him some pointers. Steve had agreed without even thinking, but he began to panic once he got home later that afternoon. How was he supposed to go over skills in basketball when he couldn't even hear out of his left ear?
But in typical Steve fashion, he procrastinated until the last minute, eventually deciding that he simply wouldn't wear the hearing aids. He'd be fine for one basketball practice, right?
And so, Steve drove to the basketball courts that Saturday, removing his hearing aids as he arrived, and thus reintroducing a fuzzy ringing in his ears that he hadn't experienced in a long time. It felt alien, but he shook his head around a bit and started to shoot baskets. He'd forgotten how good sports made him feel, and was pleasantly surprised at the adrenaline that began pumping through his veins. In fact, his new lack of hearing made it easier for him to practice, as it allowed him to tune out the rest of the world and focus solely on himself and his own fluid motions.
This did prove to be a slight problem, however, as he didn't hear Lucas dropping his stuff on the bench, nor did he notice him walking up to Steve. So the tapping on his shoulder startled him far more than it should have.
"Jesus Sinclair!" Steve exclaimed. "You scared the shit outta me, man!" Lucas seemed confused at Steve's reaction, and he silently reminded himself that none of the kids knew about his hearing.
"Uhh, sorry Steve," Lucas said slowly. "Are um, are you okay?" The concern on his face melted Steve's heart just a little bit.
"I'm fine buddy," he reassured the young teen. "Was just in my own world a bit, you know, focusing and stuff." His explanation seemed to comfort Lucas enough, and he grinned.
"You ready to get started?" he asked, tossing the younger boy the ball. Lucas caught it with a practiced ease and began dribbling, feinting left and right. Steve dropped down into his defensive position, mirroring Lucas's every movement, tracking his feet to predict which direction he would go next.
He felt himself slipping back into that headspace that he loved so much, the one that drew him into sports in the first place. Because he didn’t need to think about it, the strategies were always in his brain. He just needed to rely on muscle memory, all his former skills coming back to him as he and Lucas scrimmaged.
They played for about thirty minutes before taking a quick break to grab water and snacks, both of them struggling to catch their breath. Lucas opened his Gatorade™ and said something Steve, causing him to look over in surprise as he struggled to figure out what the younger boy was saying.
"Pardon?" he said, pretending he just hadn't been paying attention. Lucas repeated himself, or at least Steve had to assume that he did, because again, he couldn't understand a single word that left the younger boy's mouth.
There was a heavy feeling in his stomach as he debated asking Lucas to repeat himself a third time.
Someone tapped his leg, pulling him out of his own spiraling headspace. Steve looked up, feeling even worse as he registered the fear on Lucas' face.
"Steve," Lucas began slowly, seeming struggling with what to say next. "Can you, uh, can you not hear me?"
Of course, that sentence Steve was able to comprehend.
With a heavy sigh, he shook his head.
"Not really," he replied, looking anywhere but at Lucas. "My hearing started to go after Billy smashed my head with a plate. And it got worse after Starcourt." He looked up then, a grim smile on his face. "Turns out multiple concussions aren't exactly good for a person."
Lucas' eyes widened at the confession. "So, are you deaf?" he asked. Or at least, Steve assumed that's what he said.
"Partially," Steve replied. "I can't hear at all out of my left ear, that's where I got the most damage. My right ear can function, but not normally. I mostly rely on reading lips and context clues."
"Oh my god," Lucas said slowly, the gears visibly turning in his head. "Oh my god! W-we kept teasing you! We kept calling you stupid a-and laughing at you! You couldn't even hear us! And you-" The boy suddenly slumped over and placed his head in his hands. He said something, Steve was sure of it, but it was additionally muffled by him covering his face.
"Uh, Lucas, buddy," Steve said hesitantly. "I can't understand you if I can't see your face." Lucas looked up at him then, tears pooling in his eyes.
"It's my fault," he said. Steve felt his mouth drop open in shock, and began to protest, but Lucas stopped him.
"Billy was coming after me," he insisted, talking clearer so Steve could understand. "He was attacking me! You stepped in and tried to defend me -- now you're deaf and it's all my fault!"
Steve felt his heart drop.
He'd been so scared to tell anyone because he was worried they wouldn't view him the same way as before, that he hadn't even considered how the kids might feel if they knew he was like this because of his attempts to protect them.
"Oh Lucas," Steve said softly, gathering the crying teen into his arms. "It's not your fault. There isn't a world where I wouldn't have done the same. You're my kid. I'm always gonna protect you. That's just how it works." He felt Lucas try to push away, to protest, but he just held him tighter. "You and your little gaggle of idiots are worth everything. I'd go deaf a thousand times if it meant keeping you all safe."
With a sniffle, Lucas detached himself from the older boy.
"Really?" he said, eyes shiny with tears.
"Of course," Steve responded, without missing a beat. He gave the younger boy a final squeeze, before wiping away the few tears that had escaped while he and Lucas were talking. "I'd better get you home anyway. Your mom will have my head on a stick if you miss dinner." He kept his hand on Lucas' back as he wiped his tears and sniffed a final time.
"Okay," he said. "But you're staying for dinner."
okay okay so i did talk about the older members of the party finding out next as well as dustin but i just had to make a liar out of myself bc when i started writing this my brain was just like "but what if we did a wholesome reveal with Lucas instead??" and now here we are and i regret nothing
except the lack of sleep. i regret that a lot.
also, i am not an athlete. i am a depressed and introverted high school theater kid who has never played basketball in my entire life bc i am a measly 5ft 1in (roughly 155cm). so dont come at me if the sportsball lingo is incorrect bc i have no fucking clue what im doing.
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archivalofsins · 5 months
Weird gripe but it kind of ticks me off that people are still treating Haruka like he has more than just communication issues. Especially since his song titles have been the most complicated out of the prisoners since trial one.
Or how it's bluntly stated in his character description on the website he has communication issues and nothing more.
"A quiet young prisoner who always keeps his eyes downcast. At first, he only responds with a word or two in response to Es's questions. By communicating with each other through meetings, the number of words gradually increases. Once we are able to have a conversation with him, we can begin to see his true kind nature. He has a quiet temperament and shows no signs of dissatisfaction with Milgram's environment. He tries to communicate with Es and the other prisoners, but there is something off about them and they don't really get along."
Outside of his literal character description, there's an abundance of evidence in the Portal Timeline and his trial songs that continue to showcase that his issues are solely verbal/communication based. Along with the fact that interacting with all of the prisoners and being given guidance from a particular one has been a great help to him in becoming a better communicator.
So, let's go over what I mean.
Let's start with his trial songs.
Weakness bringing it to attention through its lyrics,
"The word I tried to say was “You’re unfair”." "If I tried and couldn’t say it, You would get angry at me and say “You’re hopeless.”"
And it's Japanese title. Something so complicated that it needed to be explained to me again. Thanks @doctorbunny-
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So, that's definitely not the naming conventions of someone lacking when it comes to literacy. Shockingly enough it is possible to have very advanced literacy comprehension and low communication skills. Something that is highlighted through Haruka's character greatly. Yet, they translated his songs title as Weakness due to it being a bit too complicated to translate over.
His second song is called All-knowing All-agony for fucks sake. Stop treating him as though he doesn't know anything just because he's autistic coded. It's real ableist bullshit. Autism isn't a monolith it's a spectrum. People with it can have issues reading/writing, communicating verbally, or both. So, it'd be great if the fandom could stop fucking around with disorders they know nothing about.
It's embarrassing. Also here's timeline interactions where we are expressly shown the other prisoners helping Haruka work through his communication issues in various ways. Further showcasing his issues are verbal.
20/06/05 Haruka: Ah…… ah, u-um, Mikoto-san. The c-communication……? thing, that you were saying was important. I-I thought, I’d give it my best…… Um, so, Mikoto-san, what’s your favourite food……? Mikoto: Ooh? Nice going, Haru-kun~ Yeah, we still have no idea how long this lifestyle will go on for, so it’s best if we all get along together here. My favourite food…… I like pasta and horse-meat sashimi. Also bubble tea, and recently I’ve been big on custard puddings. What about you? Haruka: ……ah, I, I wonder…… H-hamburg steak, and omurice, a-and also…… what else? Ah. Cotton candy…… Mikoto: C-cotton candy!? That’s the first time I’ve met someone who has that in their top three favourites!? ……man, Haru-kun, you really are hilarious.
Mikoto introduces Haruka to the concept of small talk. Asking others questions in order to better get to know them.
20/06/12 (Haruka’s First Trial) Mu: ……Haruka-kun…… are you going? Are you going to be ok……? You don’t know what’s going to happen, so it’s scary, huh…… Haruka: Ah, y-yeah, I don’t know. But I definitely have to go, th-that’s the feeling I get. Mu: ……is that right. Let me know whether it hurts or not…… All the best…… Haruka: Ah, eek…… o-ok. ……I’ll…… be off……
Mu introduces Haruka to the concept of checking in on others who are either about to do something difficult or troubling or seems to be having a rough time.
20/06/22 (Haruka’s Birthday) Haruka: ……*sigh*…… Mahiru: Haruka-chaaan, come over here a bit! I’m looking up everyone’s horoscopes right now to check our compatibility~ What’s your star sign~? Haruka: Ah, erm…… s-star sign……? I-I don’t know. Can’t remember…… B-but, my birthday’s June…… 22nd…… I think, that was it…… Mahiru: Ok then. June 22nd is Cancer, so…… A kind person who prioritises their feelings, and…… hm? That’s today!? June 22nd! You should have told us~ Happy birthday~! Haruka: Huh? Ah, yeah…… Th-thank you…… very…… much…… hehe……
Mahiru introduces wishing remembering and wishing others a happy birthday to Haruka. Something he will attempt to do several times until he succeeds at saying it.
20/06/28 Futa: You said you don’t play any games, right? Do you not watch league or premier either? Haruka: E-eh, I, I don’t understand, what that is…… That… uh, “leeg”? Futa: Huh!? It’s international soccer. It’s normal for guys your age to know stuff like that. What a pain… I really have nothing to talk to you about, huh. Even though we’re around the same age. Also don’t speak to me so formally. It’s gross. Haruka: Ah, e-excu-, I don’t, I uh… got it…… Futa… kun……
Futa introduces the concept of formality. Showing that people near your age will find it gross or inappropriate for him to refer to them to formally. This comes up again later.
20/08/05 (Kazui’s Birthday) Haruka: ……Kazui-san…… um…… Are you, happy…… on your birthday……? Kazui: Hm? If I’m being honest, at this age I don’t really think much about birthdays any more. But…… it can be nice to have as a means to start something. Like, for a friend you haven’t seen in a long while, it’s a good excuse to suddenly start up a conversation, you know? Being able to hear from a bunch of people like that makes it fun. Haruka: I-is that, so…… That’s… nice…… I’m, kind of… jealous. But, I’d also, want to hear from people…… e-even if, there isn’t a reason…… Kazui: Haha, but it can’t always be like that. You know, for us adults…… we always want a reason or an excuse for everything. ……hm? Wait, is today my birthday? So is that why you went out of your way to talk to me yourself for once, Haruka?
This is the first instance Haruka tries to apply what he saw Mahiru do. But doesn't really succeed at saying Happy Birthday to Kazui. Instead just asking if he's happy on his birthday.
20/08/18 (Haruka and Yuno’s Interrogation) Yuno: Hey, Haruka, did you fill those out too? I remember doing profile notes like this in like prima11ry school and middle school too. Wasn’t it nostalgic? Haruka: ……e-eh? I don’t… k-know about that…… B-but, if someone wants to hear, I thought I… should answer…… as much as I can……
More practice with small talk and engaging with conversation even though it's a short one.
20/12/15 (Kotoko’s Birthday) Kotoko: I still need more information before I make my move. ……I wish my turn would get here faster. Haruka: Um, Koto-Kotoko-san. I h-heard that it’s your birth, day…… Kotoko: Ah, that’s right. ……what about it? Haruka: !! A-ah, no, um, it’s, uh, nothing…… S-sorry for, bothering… L-later……! Kotoko: ……what was that about??
Here's his second attempt at wishing someone happy birthday but he gets scared off by Kotoko's blunt nature.
21/04/19 (Futa’s Birthday) Haruka: U-uh, um, Futa-kun! Um! Um!! Futa: Huh? Shut up already… Didn’t I already say not to make a big fuss about my birthday. I’m not some kid who gets excited by stuff like that anymore! Haruka: ……?? Ah, er, i-is it your birthday……? Th-that, ah, um, h-happy birthday…… Futa: …………You will tell nobody about this conversation.
Look he did it. This was not his intended purpose in this conversation. He did not know it was Futa's birthday but it counts.
21/06/22 (Haruka’s Birthday) Mu: Haruka-kun, are you awake……? Happy birthday. Haruka: M-Mu-san? I… I-I’m awake…… Th-thank you, very much. I’m… glad…… Mu: ………… Shall we talk? You know, recently I’ve been pretty interested in you. Haruka: ……!! I-in me…? Hehe, hehehe…… interested, in me.
This comes in right after this in a very interesting way.
21/09/02  (Yuno’s Birthday) Haruka: Y-Yuno-san. Good morning! T-today’s your birthday, right……? Ha-happy birthday……!! Yuno: Oooh…… Thanks? You’ve definitely changed a bit huh, Haruka. You speak a little louder now, and actually look people in the eyes when you talk. Haruka: Eh, ah, i-is that so…… I wasn’t, aware of it myself, but…… Heh, hehe. Is that so. Yuno: Ding ding! My sensor is telling me…… this is probably a girl’s influence. Well, everyone here is slowly changing, I guess. Even me.
Oh Haruka is speaking more clearly and looking people in the eye while talking to them. Now who could he have gotten that from. A girl's influence well hm. Let's keep going to be sure.
21/12/15 (Kotoko’s Birthday) Haruka: Ah…… H-happy birthday, Kotoko-san. Kotoko: ……thanks. You’ve definitely changed a bit. Do you remember before? You could barely even talk to me. Haruka: I-is that so? Now that you mention it, I, I maybe have got a bit better since then. ……m-maybe I’ve got more used to being around people. There’s other people here who are interested in me, and, um, in particular Mu-san pays a lot of notice to me…… I… I’m enjoying myself here…… Kotoko: ……hmm. It’s just a theory I have right now, but I get the feeling the outcome of Milgram’s judgements are having some influence on our mental state. Well, I only noticed because I happened to be last up though. Good for you, then. This must mean that you’re fine. ……I’ll accept those birthday wishes.
Success he wished Kotoko a Happy Birthday too. Hm, in particular Mu-san? Isn't Mu younger than Haruka why use san instead of chan. Whelp probably nothing.
22/06/22 (Haruka’s Birthday) Mu: What’s wrong, Haruka-kun? Did something happen? You shouldn’t look away like that when you’re together with me. Haruka: Ah, s-sorry, Mu-san. Um…… No, it’s nothing. I just, suddenly got a feeling. That something is about to happen. Mu: Isn’t that because it’s your birthday? Or perhaps it’s a sign the guard is about to wake up again soon? Fufufu, I bet they’ll be really surprised at a lot of things. Haruka: That, might be true. But, I want the the guard to see. ……the new, me…….
"You speak a little louder now, and actually look people in the eyes when you talk." "A girl's influence." "Mu-san pays a lot of notice to me……" "You shouldn't look away like that."
Well, with some active reading we've determined whats going on here. Haruka has been learning to better communicate with the prisoners through various parties. However, Mu-san the one who pays the most attention with him has been helping him learn how to better communcate with others. Telling him to look people in the eye when speaking to them and to speak clearly as to be heard.
Haruka even asks Mikoto a very similar question to the one Mu asked him when he was going to his first interrogation on his brithday.
Are you going to be ok……?
22/10/06 (Mikoto’s Birthday) Haruka: Mikoto-san. Um, are you ok……? Mikoto: Ah, Haru-kun. It’s been a while since we last talked, huh. Yeah, I’m fine. Are you doing ok……? Haruka: Ah, I’m fine. I’ve been enjoying myself, a lot. Um, I’m sorry, for avoiding you. I was a bit scared. Of you, honestly…… Mikoto: Ahhh, yeah. I’ve been lashing out whenever I go to sleep, right? ……it’s fine. Even I think you’re right to be scared. You know, I kinda just hate that I don’t even know what’s going on myself….haha. Ah, but despite all that you still came and talked to me because it’s my birthday, right? Thank you, you’ve grown into a good man.
(Star barging in real quickly! Wanted to say that the way Haruka almost doubles back to apologize after Mikoto responds welcomingly to Haruka's attempt to talk with him reminds me of how Muu apologizes to Shidou for finding him scary after he actively shows worry for her.
20/06/17 Shidou: ……do you mind if we talk? It seems you’ve relaxed a bit more recently, Kusunoki-kun. Mu: Eh... yeah, definitely compared to the start... just a bit. But I’m still scared… we still don’t know what they might do to us. I want to go home soon… I wonder what’s happening there… Papa and Mama must be really worried… Shidou: That’s good… You were crying so much, so I was concerned for you.… yeah, I’m sure. Your family will definitely be worrying about you. I… hope you can go back soon. Mu: Shidou-san…… did you come here to comfort me…? I’m sorry, I’d thought you were… a scary person… fufu.
Though there are obvious differences, such as Haruka being the instigator of his interaction vs Muu, who was the one being interacted with. Haruka also apologizes for the actions he took, wheras Muu apologized for her old perception. Also when excited or pleased they both end their sentences with a laugh Mu going "Fufu" and Haruka going "Hehe". This has nothing to do with her helping him communicate it's just a cute thing Gunsli and I noticed.)
Then Haruka continues to use his newfound communication skills throughout trial two. For Mu-san's sake that is.
23/02/19 Haruka: Guard, can you hear me? You can, can’t you? Haruka: I meant what I said in the interrogation. ……please forgive Mu-san. 23/04/07 Haruka: Please forgive Mu-san. Please forgive Mu-san. Please forgive Mu-san. Please forgive Mu-san. Please forgive Mu-san. Please forgive Mu-san. Please forgive Mu-san. Please forgive Mu-san. Please forgive Mu-san. Please forgive Mu-san. Please forgive Mu-san. PleaseforgiveMu-sanpleaseforgiveMu-sanpleaseforgiveMu-sanpleaseforgiveMu-sanpleaseforgiveMu-sanpleaseforgiveMu-san
Up until the point that won't even work anymore of course.
23/06/22 (Haruka’s Birthday) Mu: Haruka-kun, I brought your food. Are you still alive? Has any mould started growing? Haruka: ……ah, thank you very much. Mu-san. Sorry, um…… I…… Mu: You shouldn’t just lock yourself in your room all day. You have to eat your food properly. Hm, well…… I do understand why you’re feeling down. It feels bad. The atmosphere recently Haruka: Um, I’m totally fine…… Just a bit, I’m thinking, about how to do it. What to do, what to do, to…… fulfil my promise. For Mu-san’s sake……
At that point the only thing left for him to do is figure out how to act all for Mu's sake of course.
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timhanauthor · 5 months
Tim Han Life Mastery Achievers (LMA) Course Review
Are you ready to tap into your potential and seize control of your life? Look no further than the LMA Life Mastery Achievers Course! If you're lacking direction, always feeling stuck or not living up to your capabilities, this course will be perfect for you.
Created by the entrepreneur and mindset coach Tim Han, it offers an experience that will empower you to succeed in all areas of your life.
Learn about LMA Life Mastery Achievers Course Review By Tim Han. We will also discuss the intricacies of the LMA Method, examine its advantages and disadvantages, compare it to development courses available and ultimately share our final thoughts and recommendations.
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What is the LMA Method?
The Life Mastery Achievers Method is designed to help individuals unlock their potential. This comprehensive course incorporates strategies, powerful techniques and mindset shifts that can transform aspects of your life. It covers a range of areas, such as creating wealth-building relationships, enhancing leadership skills, increasing productivity and fostering personal growth.
The LMA Method is truly remarkable because it focuses on application. Tim believes that knowing alone is insufficient; it needs to be implemented to see results. This course combines lessons, interactive exercises, and actionable steps to empower you with the tools to create lasting change in your life.
Tim openly shares his challenges and successes throughout his journey towards achieving greatness, making it easier for students to connect with him on a level. His passion for assisting others shines through each lesson delivered in a manner.
Advantages of the LMA Course
Tim Han has created this program to cover aspects of mastering life, including mindset, goal setting, productivity and success habits. This comprehensive approach ensures that participants receive a rounded education in growth.
The course provides tools and techniques that can be easily incorporated into life. Students are equipped with steps to achieve their objectives, from visualization exercises to communication strategies.
Another advantage is the sense of community that accompanies enrollment in this course. Do participants gain access to a network to connect with like-minded individuals on their journey towards self-improvement
How is the LMA course different from other courses available in the market?
There are options in the market, each claiming to offer unique strategies and transformative approaches to success and fulfilment. However, assessing your goals and requirements is crucial before investing in any program.
The LMA Life Mastery Achievers Course stands out for reasons. Firstly, it is built upon the proven methods developed by Tim Han himself. With his experience as an entrepreneur and mindset coach, Tim understands what it truly takes to achieve mastery in life.
What sets the LMA Method apart from development courses is its focus on more than surface-level techniques or quick fixes. It delves into the core beliefs and patterns that shape our lives, emphasizing the power of mindset reprogramming. Moreover, it provides tools to shift limiting beliefs and foster lasting transformation.
In conclusion
Tim Han stands out as an entrepreneur and mindset coach, surpassing the ordinary. He has empowered numerous individuals globally to overcome their limitations and turn their wildest aspirations into reality through his involvement in the development sector. What sets him apart is his methodology towards mastering life. Read here to learn more about Tim Han's unveiling of the Mindset Maven.
The LMA Life Mastery Achievers Course offers numerous benefits, such as its comprehensive curriculum and practical tools for personal growth. However, potential participants must consider costs and self-discipline before deciding.
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nattikay · 1 year
Shoutout to my mom who let me dump a bunch of spoilers on her so I could cry about Neteyam. Finally had the chance to get all that sobbing that dehydration robbed me of yesterday out of my system, and I’m feeling a little better now. I mean, the situation still makes me sad, but I don’t think I’ll continue to have my eyes suddenly start leaking every other hour like they did for most of today. :’)
so uuuhhh now that I’ve more or less gotten over that hurdle, I can finally sit down and make a post about all the other stuff from the movie! So here’s a list of some of the other thoughts and observations I had, not exactly comprehensive cuz this is all coming after 24 hours of grieving so I may not remember every single little thought I had, but here we go anyways (also tagging @tenebrius-excellium cuz you said you wanted to hear my thoughts):
-I just want to watch the first five or so minutes on loop for a while (although maybe without the cuts to Neytiri singing the songcord because 🥲, good golly the moment I saw that shot I, already being familiar with the lore behind songcords, was like oh NOOOOO), just the scenes of those ~14 peaceful years where the kids are growing up and the RDA is gone and everyone is happy together and it’s all just so sweet, this is the content I want, I want more of it, please pretty please, I know it’ll be a while before all the gif-makers are able to get a hold of those scenes but man as soon as they do goodness gracious I’m just gonna stare at it all for hours 😭
-While I was already assuming that the Metkayina didn’t actually know English and that we the audience were only hearing English for convenience, I was expecting that issue not to be directly addressed. So I was pleasantly surprised when it was subtly addressed with Jake’s voiceover about now being familiar enough with the Na’vi language to understand it as easily English as the audio of the kids bickering swapped from Na’vi to English. Theory confirmed!
-Speaking of the Na’vi language, I did feel very excited because I was able to understand some of the unsubtitled lines, which was a goal! so yay!! I mean, I didn’t understand every Na’vi line spoken (some of the longer ones I’ll definitely have to listen to more than once to piece together), but to even understand any of it at all, especially the ones without subtitles, felt very awesome!! dopamine rush babey!!!
-And on that note, the fact that Quaritch of all characters was making an effort to learn the language really surprised me! He struck me as the type of character to not give two craps about that sort of thing but hey. I definitely got a kick of out of Spider absolutely roasting him for his lack of skills hrh (note, I very most certainly do not condone actually mocking new learners making mistakes, obviously, but seeing as this is Quaritch we’re talking about...^^”) Spider’s line here was also a place I even managed to catch a subtitle discrepancy -- iirc, the subtitles read “You sound like a three-year-old!” but the actual line was nga plltxe na ‘eveng ahì’i! you speak like a small child! Which, I mean, y’know, same gist, but it was cool to be able to understand the actual words!! I also greatly enjoyed Spider trying to teach Quaritch the distinction between na and nga, just because man that’s one of those things every learner has been through, idk it was delightful to watch it go down between canon characters hrh
-Speaking of Quaritch and Spider....wow, I was surprised just how early they dropped the “Quartich’s son” bomb. That had been a pretty popular and plausible theory for a while, but I was expecting it to either be left up to interpretation or used as a bombshell later in the film. But nope, from the get-go it’s pretty heavily implied that not only is Quaritch Spider’s biological father, but that they’re both aware of this. So. Yeah, that was certainly a surprise.
-Kiri “I would rather drink acid than have Norm be my biological father” good gracious girl! like I mean yes the idea that Norm and Grace were secretly hookin’ up is obviously preposterous, but what did Norm ever do to you to deserve that reaction ^^; haha
-I mentioned in my High Ground post the three primary theories on Kiri’s origins. Having now seen the movie, I now think the mystical-Eywa-conception theory is by far the most likely. However, canonically it still remains a mystery/up to interpretation. Perhaps we’ll get more answers in movie 3...
-Y’know what, vulgarity is not typically my type of humor, but Lo’ak flippin’ Quaritch the double bird when asked to let him see his fingers did get a chuckle out of me hrh
-hey um yo the Metkayina kids were absolute JERKS, what the heck?? like good golly heckin’ rude. Except for Tsireya she’s chill I like her :)
-Personally I don’t think the story of this movie is a total rehash of the first one overall, but I can very mostly definitely see how people would consider it so. There were several lines in two scenes in particular, the one where the Sullies arrive at the Metkayina clan and the one with the tulkun hunters, that were just soooooo similar to lines from the first movie, not quite verbatim but certainly awkwardly close. I can absolutely see this becoming a common complaint from internet critics.
-Tuk pretty much solely exists to make the audience go d’awwwww!!, and y’know what, that’s ok because boy did she succeed :’)
-unfortunately, Quaritch’s ikran has by far the coolest design of all the ikrans, like bruh that color palette is heckin’ dope. what a shame ur now stuck with this jerk lol. Though I did snicker at Quaritch feeling the need to bond with the ikran “the hard way” solely because he couldn’t stand to be outdone by Jake lol
-I liked Lo’ak and Payakan’s friendship, it was very sweet. Also very interesting design-wise that a tulkun’s queue is in his mouth, and that the mouth has more of those bioluminescent patterns on the inside.
-The fact that the tulkun hunters are 100% aware that the species they’re hunting is fully sapient feels very ick to me. Sir that’s...that’s murder. Good gracious. and um “tulkun brain juice stops human aging” wh...what?? can uh...can we get some more explanation on that??? like is that gonna be somehow relevant to later movies or is it just some arbitrary thing to make the brain juice valuable, valuable enough to attempt to justify murder idk but uh....yyyyyyeah 😬
-minor thing, but I was surprised that the swimming baby from the trailer was, in fact, not Ronal’s. In fact, we never actually meet Ronal’s baby, which, again, surprised me. Why make her pregnant if we don’t get to see the baby, it feels kinda random ^^; to link her to her spirit tulkun who just had a calf I guess?? idk. once again, maybe it’ll become more relevant in movie 3.
-until proven otherwise, I am heretofore declaring that final “a son for a son” line to be Spider’s official adoption into the Sully family 😭😭😭
anyways, I guess that’ll do for now. I’m sure there was other stuff but I’ve been sitting here typing for over an hour already. Perhaps later I’ll come back with more comments, idk. I’ll be seeing the movie again next week with the rest of my family, so maybe I’ll notice different things/remember stuff that got swallowed up in the feels. Will I cry more than I did on my first viewing because I’m gonna try not to go in dehydrated again, or less because by then I’ll have had a week to process and accept everything? I have literally no idea. Guess we’ll have to just wait and see...
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