#his name is not the doctor
From “The Christmas Invasion”:
DOCTOR: I'm the Doctor. ROSE: He's the Doctor. HARRIET: But what happened to my Doctor? Or is it a title that's just passed on DOCTOR: I'm him. I'm literally him. Same man, new face. Well, new everything. HARRIET: But you can't be. DOCTOR: Harriet Jones, we were trapped in Downing Street and the one thing that scared you wasn't the aliens, it wasn't the war, it was the thought of your mother being on her own. HARRIET: Oh, my God.
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From “Journey’s End”:
DOCTOR: Exactly. You were born in battle, full of blood and anger and revenge. Remind you of someone? That's me, when we first met. And you made me better. Now you can do the same for him. ROSE: But he's not you. DOCTOR: He needs you. That's very me. DONNA: But it's better than that, though. Don't you see what he's trying to give you? Tell her. Go on. NEW DOCTOR: I look like him and I think like him. Same memories, same thoughts, same everything. Except I've only got one heart.
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From “The Almost People”:
AMY: Come on. Okay, how can how can you both be real? G-DOCTOR: Well, because we are. I'm the Doctor. DOCTOR: Yeah and so am I. We both contain the knowledge of over nine hundred years of memory and experience. DOCTOR: We both wear the same bow tie, which is cool. G-DOCTOR: Because bow ties are DOCTOR: And always will be. AMY: But how did the Flesh read you? Because you weren't linked up to the it. DOCTOR: Well, it must've been after I examined it. Thus, a new, genuine Doctor was created. G-DOCTOR: Ta-da. AMY: No getting away from it. One of you was here first. DOCTOR: Well, okay. After the Flesh scanned me, I had an accident with a puddle of acid. Now, new shoes. A situation which did not confront me learned self here. G-DOCTOR: That satisfy you, Pond? AMY: Don't call me Pond, please. What? G-DOCTOR: Interesting. You definitely feel more affection for him than me. AMY: No, no, I. Look, you're fine and everything, but he's the Doctor. No offence. Being almost the Doctor is pretty damn impressive. G-DOCTOR: Being almost the Doctor's like being no Doctor at all. AMY: Don't overreact. G-DOCTOR: You might as well call me Smith. AMY: Smith? G-DOCTOR: John Smith.
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ocean-returns · 3 months
You couldn't do a straightforward Human Nature plot set in the 12th Doctor era bc if 12 got fobwatched Clara would immediately steal his identity. Missy would also steal his identity. Absolutely insane Doctorfication possibilities.
Also, 12's forgotten memories canonically manifest as songs AND he's faceblind, so he wouldn't even have a dramatic dream journal full of half-remembered portraits, he'd just be hanging out in his university office shredding guitar solos while Bill (who he just met) is like "Wow, sick riff Professor Smith!" and he's like "Thanks, it's called I Dreamt I Rode a Dinosaur."
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arkarti · 5 months
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Helpy ain't havin a good time when Mark is around
Twitter: X
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arostormblessed · 2 months
Me: oh cool a new teaser for the new doctor who season!
Me after watching it:
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corallapis · 8 months
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MASTER: Do you remember the name experiment, Doctor? The names. DOCTOR: Ah... ELANORA: What names? MASTER: Our names! DOCTOR: It was just a practical joke. MASTER: Can we create a perfect tactical pinpoint alteration of the timelines? Wipe both our birthnames clean. Replace them. You, the Doctor. Me, the Master. DOCTOR: We went too far. MASTER: So that no one would remember our true names but us. And we succeeded. A half-dismantled TARDIS, a link to the Matrix, time rewritten yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
— Blood of the Time Lords
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sentientsky · 3 months
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who tf names themselves “lord president”, anyway? get zapped, loser
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deadlilmoon · 5 months
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thecruellestmonth · 14 days
We love Bruce's tragic ignorance of Sheila's role in Jason's death.
We love Jason never telling another soul what Sheila did, because he loves her, because he's grateful she showed him compassion as soon as it didn't cost her anything, because nobody needs to know.
We need to go further.
Jason's last act as Robin got an innocent woman killed. His own mother, a doctor who should've lived many more years making the world a better place.
Poor Doctor Haywood might've survived being forced to work for the Joker, but Jason dragged her into a dangerous confrontation instead.
It's obvious what happened: Jason was trying to show off. He wanted to impress his mother by revealing himself as Robin and taking down the Joker. Treating everything like a game, never considering the consequences.
And despite losing everything to his recklessness, Sheila still used her dying breath to praise him. It's a tragedy that such a sweet woman dedicated her life to caring for others, but her own son doomed her with his carelessness.
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truestoriesaboutme · 6 months
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Ncuti Gatwa is The Doctor!
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femur-bandit · 5 months
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Star Trek Voyager s2 e3: Projections
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ineedhjalp · 8 months
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Literally tumblr.
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
Eddie posts a Tiktok, talking about how Steve isn’t a big texter - he’s something worse, a caller - but when he does text Eddie, half the time it’s incomprehensible. The background of the video is a screenshot of a text conversation that starts with Steve sending Eddie a mermaid emoji. Eddie responds like, what does that mean???
Eddie gestures to where he blacked out the picture Steve sent him, “This is a picture of him in the bath. He wanted me to join him. How was I supposed to get that from a mermaid??”
Dustin stitches the video with a screenshot of a conversation he and Steve had a few weeks ago. Steve sent him a picture of a lizard one of his students found and asked, “Who is this?”
Dustin says in text and in the video that it’s ridiculous that Steve just assumes he knows the names of all the types of lizards out there. It’s also annoying because *Dustin moves to reveal the part of the conversation where he tells Steve that it’s an Eastern Fence Lizard* “I did actually know what kind of lizard it was.”
Dustin ignores the part of the conversation where Steve asks if it’d eat a cat.
Robin wordlessly stitches a screenshot of Steve asking, “What does it mean if a student called me based? Is that good?”
Mike stitches Eddie’s original video with a screenshot of his last text conversation with Steve where Steve says that he can’t do movie night. He’s having a Michael. Mike responded to this unprovoked attack like, “…Did you serious name your migraine after me?”
Will stitches his video and tells them to stop. Steve doesn’t have Tiktok and can’t defend himself. Meanwhile, his background is a screenshot of a text where Steve sent him one of those ‘I’m in your walls’ memes and says “You in 83. Lol.” He sends another text five minutes after saying, “Sorry if you’re still sensitive about that.”
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fordpinesmpreg · 2 months
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blehhhh :p
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kingheroins · 9 months
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you are NEVER changing my mind
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bingqiv · 17 days
the doctor wanting to “write a diary in drums”
the master:
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batsyvie · 4 months
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she reminds him of his rose
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