#high metabolism rate
weightloosesblog · 2 years
How To Lose Weight Without Exercising?
Does working out matter if you're not eating right? You're working hard to burn off calories at your workouts but it's hard to burn off a bad diet.
Try to replace normal carbohydrates with complex ones. Complex carbohydrates high fiber products like oats, brown rice etc which will make you feel full even with small servings and doesn't spike up your insulin level.
Eating fat will not make you fat. In fact, fat is essential in your diet.
Proteins are essential.
Focus on the macros - Carbohydrates (the right kind), Proteins and Fat.
Cooking medium - Butter, ghee or coconut oil ‍
12. Drink Green tea
Green tea has really emerged as one of the best health drinks that are out there. Several studies have shown that the massive range of antioxidants that green tea contains helps burn fat and boosts metabolism + it comes packed with less calories. Right after breakfast and lunch is a good time to have it because your metabolism rate is at the highest. Green tea will ensure that it’s faster further helping you digest better. ‍
13.Use whey proteins
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quierd-kitten · 7 hours
I’ve spent my whole life life with people asking if I have an eating disorder making comments about my eating habits and responding with ‘no, no, I just have a bad relationship with food. It’s not about weight so it’s not an eating disorder. I’m just not hungry/feel sick/don’t like that.”
Heard somebody mention ARFID isn’t like other eating disorders with the weight gain/loss preoccupation and they briefly described it and I just looked it up and ohohoh. Ough.
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health78694 · 10 months
What are the best ways to boost my metabolism?
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Title: Powerful Procedures to Lift Your Digestion: Opening the Potential for Weight The Executives and Energy
Digestion assumes a fundamental part in the body's energy consumption and weight the board. Numerous people look for ways of helping their digestion to help weight reduction and generally speaking prosperity. In this article, we will investigate proof-based systems that can assist with improving your digestion normally. By carrying out these methods, you can enhance your metabolic rate and advance a better way of life.
Grasping Digestion:
Digestion alludes to the complicated arrangement of compound responses that happen inside the body to change over food into energy. Basal metabolic rate (BMR) addresses the energy your body needs to keep up with fundamental capabilities while very still. Different variables, like actual work, assimilation, and the thermic impact of food, add to by and large energy consumption.
Assemble Slender Bulk:
One powerful method for supporting digestion is by expanding slender bulk. Muscle tissue requires more energy to keep up with than fat tissue, so the more muscle you have, the higher your resting metabolic rate. Take part in opposition preparing works out, like weightlifting or bodyweight works out, to animate muscle development and upkeep.
Focus on Protein Admission :
Consuming satisfactory protein is fundamental for sound digestion. Protein has a higher thermic impact on food, meaning it requires more energy to process and ingest contrasted with fats and starches. Moreover, protein is urgent for muscle union and fixing. Incorporate lean wellsprings of protein, like poultry, fish, vegetables, and tofu, in your feasts and tidbits.
Remain Dynamic Over the Course of the Day:
Integrating active work over the course of the day can decidedly affect your digestion. Enjoy reprieves from delayed sitting, participate in short episodes of activity, and consolidate non-practice exercises like strolling or cultivating. These exercises assist with expanding energy consumption and advance a more dynamic way of life.
Get Adequate Rest :
Satisfactory rest is crucial for generally wellbeing, including digestion. Lack of sleep can upset metabolic chemicals, prompting uneven characters and potential weight gain. Go for the gold long stretches of value rest every night to help ideal metabolic capability.
Remain Hydrated 
Drinking sufficient water is urgent for keeping a solid digestion. Drying out can diminish metabolic rate, impede processing, and lessen by and large energy levels. Intend to polish off sufficient water over the course of the day and consider hydrating food sources like products of the soil.
Incorporate Extreme cardio exercise (HIIT) :
HIIT includes exchanging times of extraordinary activity with short recuperation periods. This type of activity has been displayed to build digestion and consume calories even after the exercise is finished. Integrate HIIT meetings, for example, running, cycling, or bodyweight works out, into your wellness schedule.
Oversee Feelings of anxiety :
Ongoing pressure can adversely influence digestion. Stress chemicals like cortisol can upset metabolic cycles and advance weight gain. Practice pressure the board procedures like reflection, profound breathing activities, yoga, or taking part in side interests and exercises you appreciate.
Brighten up Your Dinners:
Certain flavors, for example, cayenne pepper, ginger, and turmeric, can briefly support digestion due to their thermogenic properties. Integrate these flavors into your feasts to add flavor and possibly improve metabolic rate.
End Results:
Helping your digestion normally can uphold weight the executives and generally prosperity. Carrying out methodologies like structure fit bulk, focusing on protein consumption, remaining dynamic over the course of the day, getting adequate rest, remaining hydrated, consolidating HIIT exercises, overseeing feelings of anxiety, and adding digestion supporting flavors to your feasts can emphatically affect your metabolic rate. It is critical to recollect that singular outcomes might differ, and keeping a sound way of life generally speaking is vital to supporting a well-working digestion. Talk with a medical services proficient or enrolled dietitian for customized direction and proposals. By embracing these proof based techniques and rolling out economical improvements to your day to day daily practice, you can enhance your digestion and accomplish your wellbeing and weight the board objectives.
Related Keywords: 
Basal metabolic rate (BMR)
Energy expenditure
Calorie burning
Thermic effect of food
Lean muscle mass
Protein intake
Physical activity
Resting metabolic rate (RMR)
High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
Stress management
Metabolic hormones
Metabolic function
Weight management
Health and Fitness Metabolism
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hymnless-space-nugget · 11 months
Not my high metabolic ass hungry all the time, sweating up a storm, getting tired easily, and taking 3-4 shits a day.
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atumblerisaglass · 2 years
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andmaybegayer · 2 months
Every now and again someone will make the claim that "Calories In Calories Out weight loss techniques don't work" and a brain genius will round the corner waving a conservation of energy equation to tell this person that they're an idiot and I do not care for the brain geniuses here.
The brain geniuses are fundamentally misunderstanding several things, potentially willfully. Calories In Calories Out isn't a fundamental truth, it's the process of tracking estimates of energy consumption and usage and the problem is that both of those numbers are highly variable and nearly impossible to track reliably without continuous intervention.
The Calories in Calories In Calories Out process typically means "the number on the side of a bag of food" and "your basal metabolic rate plus activity energy" and importantly it is that and not the fundamental law of nature that conservation of energy is.
Metabolism is a very complicated thing to measure and, under real world conditions, the amount of energy you extract from food is extremely variable, depending on how and when you eat, the structure of your digestive system, your own hormone and enzymatic and bacterial profile, and many other things. The number on the side of a packet is a suggestion that is largely estimated empirically, not even measured by something as crude as a calorimeter, just added up from components and older estimates.
Similarly the amount of energy you burn both as a basic level and in activities depends on many things, basal metabolic rate estimates that you can do without specialized equipment and several days are extremely quick and dirty and are basically just simple thermodynamics estimates. Even if you do get your estimate spot on, the amount of energy you burn can change pretty dramatically in response to changes in diet, lifestyle, and situation. It doesn't help that the majority of many people's energy consumption is passive metabolic energy consumption and that's regulated hormonally, largely beyond your direct control or awareness.
I'm also sympathetic to this because I have completely given up on gaining weight. In my final year of high school after spending three years oscillating between 50 and 55kg my parents and I decided to try and increase my weight by eating more calories, I tripled my breakfast calorie intake, added supplementary protein, ate like 1.5× more at other meals, all while slightly decreasing my activity level because I had dropped some extracurriculars, It felt like a ridiculous effort, I often ate way more than I was comfortable eating, and a year later I had hit an incredible 59kg and was stuck there.
I now just manage my diet and activity to keep on useful muscle mass and make sure I don't go below 50kg because my bones have enough problems to deal with.
If I was trying to lose weight, did the opposite of what I did, cut my calories by 30%, for months, increased my activity by a small amount, and I lost less than 10% of my weight, I would probably also move my focus elsewhere. I'm sure the system works for some people! But it's not as simple as adding up some numbers and making sure one is bigger than the other.
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transgenderer · 10 days
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The crocodile icefish or white-blooded fish comprise a family (Channichthyidae) of notothenioidfish found in the Southern Ocean around Antarctica. They are the only known vertebrates to lack hemoglobin in their blood as adults.[2]
Although they do not manufacture hemoglobin, remnants of hemoglobin genes can be found in their genome. The hemoglobin protein is made of two subunits (alpha and beta). In 15 of the 16 icefish species, the beta subunit gene has been completely deleted and the alpha subunit gene has been partially deleted.[13] One icefish species, Neopagetopsis ionah, has a more complete, but still nonfunctional, hemoglobin gene.[14]
Red blood cells (RBCs) are usually absent, and if present, are rare and defunct.[15] Oxygen is dissolved in the plasma and transported throughout the body without the hemoglobin protein. The fish can live without hemoglobin via low metabolic rates and the high solubility of oxygen in water at the low temperatures of their environment (the solubility of a gas tends to increase as temperature decreases).[2] However, the oxygen-carrying capacity of icefish blood is less than 10% that of their relatives with hemoglobin.[16]
Myoglobin, the oxygen-binding protein used in muscles, is absent from all icefish skeletal muscles. In 10 species, myoglobin is found in the heart muscle, specifically ventricles.[17] Loss of myoglobin gene expression in icefish heart ventricles has occurred at least four separate times.[2][18]
To compensate for the absence of hemoglobin, icefish have larger blood vessels (including capillaries), greater blood volumes (four-fold those of other fish), larger hearts, and greater cardiac outputs (five-fold greater) compared to other fish.[2] Their hearts lack coronary arteries, and the ventricle muscles are very spongy, enabling them to absorb oxygen directly from the blood they pump.[19] Their hearts, large blood vessels and low-viscosity (RBC-free) blood are specialized to carry out very high flow rates at low pressures.[20] This helps to reduce the problems caused by the lack of hemoglobin.
The Southern Ocean is an atypical environment. To begin with, the Southern Ocean has been characterized by extremely cold but stable temperatures for the past 10-14 million years.[26] These cold temperatures, which allow for higher water oxygen content, combined with a high degree of vertical mixing in these waters, means oxygen availability in Antarctic waters is unusually high. The loss of hemoglobin and myoglobin would have negative consequences in warmer environments.[12] The stability in temperature is also "lucky", as strong fluctuations in temperature would create a more stressful environment that would likely weed out individuals with deleterious mutations. Although most research suggests that the loss of hemoglobin in icefish was a neutral or maladaptive trait that arose due to a random evolutionary event,[27] some researchers have also suggested that the loss of hemoglobin might be tied to a necessary adaptation for the icefish.[27] Most animals require iron for hemoglobin production, and iron is often limited in ocean environments.[28] Through hemoglobin loss, icefish may minimize their iron requirements. This minimization could have aided the icefish survival 8.5 million years ago when Arctic diversity plummeted dramatically.[27]
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alphynix · 7 months
Spectember 2023 #06: Some Big Reptiles
An anonymous request asked for a "large ankylosaur-like herbivorous notosuchian":
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Mitafosuchus pachysomatus is descended from Simosuchus-like notosuchians in Madagascar that survived through the K-T extinction.
Highly convergent with the now-extinct ankylosaurs, it's a 5m long (~16'4") squat tank-like herbivore with hoof-like claws, and a wide short snout used for grazing on low vegetation. Heavy interlocking osteoderm amor covers most of its body, protecting it against the big carnivorous crocodyliformes that also still survive in this version of Cenozoic Madagascar.
Another anon wanted to see a "giant warm blooded lizard":
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Atopohippus zestamenus is a descendant of invasive Argentine giant tegu lizards that became established on an island archipelago. At 2m tall (~6'6") and around 6m long (~20') it's an example of island gigantism, and occupies a high-browsing-herbivore ecological niche similar to giant tortoises and prosauropods.
Its ancestors' seasonal endothermy has become full endothermy in this species, partly due to young individuals having a very rapid growth rate and metabolism – their main defense against the predators on their island home (primarily carnivorous tegu-descendants and large birds of prey) is to simply get to a big body size as fast as they possibly can.
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 2 months
hi sex witch, i have a sex question. after i masturbate or have sex i often feel weird and anxious, even if i had a good time. the feeling really sucks but if i distract myself it goes away. is this "normal" or should i get therapy or something? i've never seen anyone talk about this outside of bdsm aftercare, but i'm not doing anything kinky
hi anon,
as you may already know the phenomenon you're talking about is often called "sub drop" in BDSM spaces, but it's not exclusive to subs or BDSM. hell, it's not even exclusive to sex! here's author Arianna Golden talking about experiencing this kind of drop after a productive burst of writing:
I put myself in an emotional high without realizing it: my delight and exuberance over not-being-stuck gave me a huge seratonin rush, and all the little things I finished or learned, gave me lots of dopamine hits. Just my body reacting to my mental/emotional state. I felt great. I would love to feel like that every day. It’s energizing. That’s why we call it a rush. Unfortunately, the human body is designed for steady-state mediums, not peaks and dips, so when we experience a high (naturally from emotion or induced by an activity/drug) our body can get overloaded. If you have too much of a particular hormone in your system, the receptors for those hormones get “full” — they’re all occupied and there can be extra hormone molecules floating around your bloodstream just waiting their turn to do their thing. This is why sub-drop doesn’t happen immediately: there’s a time delay that is dependent on your body’s metabolic rate for dopamine and seratonin, as well as how much of those hormones you produced.
I've also seen noted professional D&D player and all-around pervert (affectionate) Erika Ishii describe a similar feeling after leaving really intense D&D sessions.
anything that causes a big ol' burst of happy chemicals in your brain can lead to a big crash like you're describing, and there's nothing wrong with that. it just means that you may need to be conscientious about scheduling the times you're getting off and setting aside a little time to be gentle with yourself afterwards.
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zuperpizzatowerartizt · 2 months
Pizza Tower if they were Birds are a group of warm-blooded vertebrates constituting the class Aves (/ˈeɪviːz/), characterised by feathers, toothless beaked jaws, the laying of hard-shelled eggs, a high metabolic rate, a four-chambered heart, and a strong yet lightweight skeleton.
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thank you anon i did not know what a bird waz until you zaid that!
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supremebirdbracket · 1 year
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Two popular classics! But who is the Superb Owl?
The most widely distributed owl in the Americas, the great horned owl ranges throughout North America and much of Central and South America. They can be found in almost any habitat. These owls mostly prey on rodents and lagomorphs, but are opportunistic hunters and will take anything they can catch, including smaller owls. They hunt by watching from a perch. Regarding their ecological niche, they are sometimes described as the nocturnal equivalent of red-tailed hawks. Great horned owls nest earlier in the year than most other raptors. These owls are very long-lived, with a typical lifespan of around 13 years in the wild (with a record of 28) and up to 50 in captivity!
Western barn owls live throughout Europe as well as much of Africa and the Arabian peninsula in a wide variety of habitats, but most especially favoring open woodland and grasslands. These owls mostly eat small mammals such as rodents and shrews, but will also eat birds, amphibians, lizards, and insects. They hunt by flying slowly over ground and pouncing when movement is detected. Western barn owls are usually monogamous, mating for life. After fledging, young remain with their parents for only about a month. Since barn owls have relatively high metabolic rates, they eat proportionally more rodents than other owls and are thereby appreciated by farmers as effective pest control.
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uncharismatic-fauna · 8 months
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Talented Tenrecs
The lowland streaked tenrec (Hemicentetes semispinosus) is a member of the extraordinarily Tenrecidae family, which is found exclusively on Madagascar. This particular species resides on the east side of the island, in tropical rainforests. Their range can also overlap with their cousins the highland streaked tenrec, which inhabits both rainforests and savannas.
This species is quite small, ranging from only 140-172 mm (5.5- 6.8 in) in length and weighing 280 g (9.9 oz) at maximum. Despite their stature, they are hard to overlook as their coloration-- black with a bright yellow or orange crest and stripes-- can be quite striking. In many ways H. semispinosis resembles shrews and hedgehogs; the body-shape is round, with an elongated snout and large claws for digging. Like hedgehogs, the lownald tenrec also sports large quills along the length of its body as a means of protection. However, tenrecs are not at all related to hedgehogs and the resemblence is entirely due to convergent evolution.
In addition to acting as an impenetrable defence, the lowland tenrec's spines are also used for communication. When rubbed together the quills create a high-pitched sound that members of a group use to alert each other and warns away potential predators like snakes, fossas, mongooses, and civets. This species is the only known mammal to use this method of communication, which is more commonly found in insects and snakes.
H. semispinosis can be found either on their own or living in groups of up to 25, all of whom reside in underground burrows. Individuals spend most of their time foraging for their primary food source, worms, and is active both during the day and at night. However, during the winter months of June and July they may enter a state of hibernation known as torpor, during which they decrease their heart rates and metabolism.
Reproduction occurs during the rainy season, from November to May, though in ideal conditions the lowland streaked tenrec can breed year-round. Reproductively active males will spar one another for access to females, though females will also resist mating if they aren't receptive to the male. Pregnancy lasts about 58 days, after which the mother gives birth to an average of 6 young. The babies take less than a month to wean, and become fully mature at only 40 days old. On average, individuals can live about 30 months in captivity.
Conservation status: Within their range, the lowland tenrec is highly abundant and has a stable population, so is rated Least Concern by the IUCN.
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Harald Schütz
Desire Darling
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eatmangoesnekkid · 2 months
Forgive yourself for the rough relationship you have had with your body over the years. The relationship we had with our bodies growing up is the prime reason it takes a lot for us to learn to trust ourselves again. There is so much unlearning we have to be willing to do. When I was younger, I loved to read and prided myself off being a good thinker. If I could have bypassed my body into enlightenment in high school, I would have done it because the last thing I cared about doing was feeling--deeply feeling and hated being called a “cry baby” when I was much younger. I had a sharp analytical mind and was on the math and debate teams in middle and high school and graduated with 3 Bachelor degrees-accounting, biology, and chemistry. I couldn't decide what subject I liked the most and decided to major in them all over a 6 year period. I am grateful that I came across this path of love and way of beauty and opening/expansion in my late 20s because it is truly the purest form of energy. I am thankful that I could reclaim the lost parts of me that brought me back to my soul, alongside strength and flexibility, and is aging me well. It's often the very subtle violence and abuse we normalize with our female bodies, like living mostly in our heads, that creates the most harm overtime. Doctors won't tell us that because they honestly do not know the deeper mysteries or practicalities of being female. We know the obvious ways we harm ourselves (our cells), like when being intimate with the wrong people or drinking too much, but we often miss the more subtle, culturally-acceptable ways encouraged by society and how we learn to socialize together. Sugar used to be my baby, my drug of choice. I used to keep cookies and candy near my bed at night and snack while watching television. I would sweetened everything-toast, cereals, teas, and enjoyed plenty of cakes, pies, and other sugary items. I loved pretty, well-made, high-quality, sugary pasteries from the fancy artisanal bakery as well. But after some years, too much sugar ages you faster than what is necessary. Because sugar, refined sugar, even too much sugar alternatives like agave or coconut sugar, processes as a stimulant or drug to the body. Even white carbohydrate foods like potatoes, rice, white bread, etc. turn into sugar once digested. And most people eat a load of carbs and dessert afterwards on a regular basis, which increases their chance of chronic pain, especially as they get older. Too many carbs or sugar actually represses your body and decreases your female libido. There are a few exceptions to people who can eat more carbs, such as long-distance runners, high-intensity athletes or very thin people with high metabolic rates, and the like. Think about how your body feels after you have had incredible sex with a lover. Mm. The very act of healthy lovemaking is deeply warming, grounding, and relaxing. It is extremely embodying to center this feeling and impulse, this grounded rooted core, in your life, even when you are not making love. If you practice this, it will positively impact every area of your life. Reclaim the beauty of your body just for your own love and care, and not simply for the public gaze and consumption. Breathe life back into your body by limiting or greatly reducing your sugar consumption and get into autophagy, which cleanses your cells and tissues and radiates your light. Move your energy out of your head a little more often and discover ways to stay in your body from the neck down. And witness the differences in how you feel and emanate overtime. You will find yourself becoming a new you! Ask me how I know. --India Ame'ye, The Melody Of Love
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liquidstar · 1 month
Birds are a group of warm-blooded vertebrates constituting the class Aves (/ˈeɪviːz/), characterised by feathers, toothless beaked jaws, the laying of hard-shelled eggs, a high metabolic rate, a four-chambered heart, and a strong yet lightweight skeleton. Birds live worldwide and range in size from the 5.5 cm (2.2 in) bee hummingbird to the 2.8 m (9 ft 2 in) common ostrich. There are over 11,000 living species, more than half of which are passerine, or "perching" birds. Birds have wings whose development varies according to species; the only known groups without wings are the extinct moa and elephant birds. Wings, which are modified forelimbs, gave birds the ability to fly, although further evolution has led to the loss of flight in some birds, including ratites, penguins, and diverse endemic island species. The digestive and respiratory systems of birds are also uniquely adapted for flight. Some bird species of aquatic environments, particularly seabirds and some waterbirds, have further evolved for swimming. The study of birds is called ornithology.
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bright-and-burning · 4 months
i was pretty sure in-competition vs out-of-competition drug testing had different rules from following track and field doping scandals. and i was right! and then i accidentally dug a little too deep into doping regulations so. here's some fun info on anti-doping & motorsports (& how allowed doing drugs is) below the cut (you could perhaps call this a ~primer~ if you wanted)
i'm going off of the FIA's anti-doping regulations (appendix a to the international sporting code, this is from 2017 but it gets the gist across (and doesn't require a download). i checked it against the 2021 version and nothing i referenced changed significantly; click on the "appendix a" link here to download the 2021 version) and the world anti-doping code international standard prohibited list (link is to the 2024 list but i don't think things have changed very much over the years).
the appendix was only added to the international sporting code in 2010, so i can't speak to anything before then.
the FIA link is 69 pages long and also not an easy read BUT from what i can tell their testing works the same as any other international sport's (so if you're looking for a simpler read on the general process than the FIA's code, check out this wiki page on biological passports and the world anti-doping agency (WADA)'s pretty simple anti-doping process page here).
the important part (to me, at least) is article 4: prohibited list and international standards. this is the bit that says what drugs you can and can't do.
it essentially boils down to "the WADA list applies. and also a few other things."
the few others things here are specifically alcohol and beta-blockers. alcohol for drunk driving reasons, beta-blockers because they lower heart rates and reduce tremors (they're banned in many sports that require high accuracy, like motorsports but also archery and golf).
the WADA list is broken down into two main parts: substances & methods prohibited at all times, and substances & methods prohibited in-competition
substances prohibited at all times
these are things like anabolic agents, peptide hormones, growth factors, beta-2 agonists, hormone and metabolic modulators, and diuretics and masking agents (you can explore more in depth here if you're interested).
basically, what i typically think of when i think of doping. the stereotype of bodybuilders taking steroids, you know. not the fun stuff.
substances prohibited in-competition
these are probably what people are more interested in hearing about (especially fic writers). these are stimulants, narcotics, cannabinoids, and glucocorticoids. i will admit to never having heard of glucocorticoids by that name before this (they are steroids used to treat asthma, inflammation, allergies, etc).
these include things like cocaine, adderall and other stimulants commonly used to treat adhd, ecstasy, weed, heroin, oxycodone, and so on.
once again see here for more info; if you're looking for something specific, go to the index and use what page it points you to as a guide. ecstasy, for example, is not listed by name as ecstasy on page 14 (stimulants prohibited in-competition but not out of competition), but if you look in the index, the ecstasy listing points you towards page 14 (where it's referred to by its 'chemical' name), marking it as a stimulant only prohibited in-competition. you might have to google your drug of choice to find other names for it.
in-competition, by the way, is defined as "the period commencing just before midnight (at 11:59 p.m.) on the day before a competition in which the Athlete is scheduled to participate until the end of the competition and the sample collection process." ie 11:59pm the night before right up to after you pee in the cup. assuming competition includes free practice, this period would be wednesday at 11:59pm to sunday after the race.
obviously you can get a therapeutic use exemption, where your doctor says "yeah they need this banned substance for this reason." it's more complicated than that, and there's a lot of paperwork and different agencies' approval involved, but that's the gist of it. this is, for example, how simone biles is allowed to take adhd medication despite those being prohibited in-competition.
the testing method itself isn't explicitly identified in the 2021 code, but it mentions blood and urine testing as options in a footnote. the 2017 code treats urine testing as the automatic option (and lays out the specifics of how that should occur quite explicitly), and blood testing as an alternative or optional addition.
different drugs stay in your system for different lengths of time. cocaine can show up on saliva & blood tests for up to two days, and on urine tests for up to three. weed's urine testing window can be as long as 30 days (depending on frequency of use). and so on. so risk levels vary!
sanctions stuff
you can get hit with sanctions for tampering with tests, evading tests, etc, but i'm gonna talk about specifically sanctions for testing positive because i feel like that's more interesting and relevant than going into sanctions for missing tests three times in twelve months (but if you are interested, read through the FIA's code).
they make special note of what they call "specified substances." these are substances that are "more like to have been consumed or used by an athlete for a purpose other than the enhancement of sport performance" aka fun drugs as opposed to performance enhancers. pretty much all of the in-competition banned ones are specified substances. notable exception here is cocaine. cocaine (and some other stimulants) are not specified substances. you can see which specific substances are specified here.
the definition of "specified substances" above is pretty much just used for sanctions reasons. it kind of helps determine who the burden of proof falls on.
nitty gritty sanctions stuff
the rest of this post gets into the nitty gritty of sanctions (feel free to skip this bit). motorsports has so few violations at the top level (like, to the point where anti-doping lab people are quoted as being genuinely amazed by how clean everyone is) that this kind of thing hasn't really played out (or at least, not since the FIA started working with WADA. or as far as i know). this is different from just about every other sport i've Ever paid any kind of attention to.
this part would honestly make a really solid flowchart. it makes for a pretty rough primer. it is so confusing, but hopefully i make it even a tiny bit more clear than the FIA's code.
there's quite a few cases here, and they're all kind of complicated:
if the violation involved a specified substance, the FIA has to prove it was intentional use to hit the violator with a four year "period of ineligibility," which i will refer to as a ban throughout for ease.
if the violation does not involve a specified substance, the athlete has to prove it wasn't an intentional use to avoid a four year ban.
the two cases above are what i see as the general cases. if a violation doesn't fall under any of the below cases, then it falls back into those. they're the "if not anything else, then these."
a violation for a substance only prohibited in-competition can be ruled not intentional if it is a specified substance and the athlete can prove that it was used out-of-competition, or if it is not a specified substance and the athlete can prove it was used out-of-competition in a context unrelated to performance.
aka (this is an extremely handwavey and flippant example for demonstration purposes only) if they test positive for ecstasy (specified substance), but they can prove they used it at the club for a good time, then it's not intentional. if they test positive for cocaine (not a specified substance), but they can prove they used it at the club and specifically for fun not for performance, then it's not intentional.
if intent isn't there, and none of the other options i go into below apply, you get a two year ban (as far as i can figure it out).
intentional use is specifically "meant to identify those athletes who cheat," basically doing it knowing it was a rule violation/carried a risk of being a rule violation and disregarding the risk (paraphrased from the FIA).
if the violation involves a substance of abuse as specified by WADA here, and the driver can establish that the use occurred out-of-competition and wasn't related to performance, then they get a three month ban. furthermore, if the driver completes an FIA-approved substance of abuse treatment program, then that ban will be reduced to one month.
if the violation involves a substance of abuse and it occurred in-competition, but the driver can prove it wasn't related to performance, then the violation'll be considered not intentional, and is therefore (as far as i can tell) subject to a two year ban.
if the driver can prove they bear no fault or negligence (literally Zero), then whatever ban they would've gotten will go away. this is REALLY hard though; the document states that it "will only apply in exceptional circumstances, for example, where a Driver could prove that, despite all due care, he or she was sabotaged by a competitor."
Conversely, it says that this no fault case wouldn't apply if: a) they consumed a mislabeled/contaminated vitamin or supplement (drivers are responsible for what they ingest), b) their personal trainer/physician gave it to them without explaining what it was (drivers are responsible for their choice of medical personnel), c) sabotage of their food or drink "by a spouse, coach or other person within the driver’s circle of associates (drivers are responsible for what they ingest and for the conduct of those persons to whom they entrust access to their food and drink)." In these scenarios, however, they could potentially use the no significant fault or negligence cases outlined directly below.
if the violation involves a specified substance (but not a substance of abuse), and the driver can prove no significant fault or negligence, then the consequences will be somewhere between a reprimand and a two year ban depending on how at fault they are.
if they can prove both no significant fault/negligence AND that the detected substance came from a contaminated product, then the consequences will be between somewhere between a reprimand and a two year ban depending on how at fault they are. (as an aside, i'm pretty sure this is the out that shelby houlihan tried to use when she tested positive for an anabolic steroid and blamed it on a pork burrito from a food truck).
to be able to use this out, the driver has to prove separately that a) the substance came from the contaminated product and b) they aren't significantly at fault.
these are, as far as i can tell, all of the potential violation cases the FIA's code has articles for. they align with other sports' regulatory bodies' rules, in my (limited) experience.
i hope this was at least a little interesting and informative! (it certainly was for me). thanks for reading :)
several disclaimers here: i make NO promises abt this being perfectly accurate bc it IS me interpreting the FIA's code. and this is nowhere near my area of expertise (i am not a doctor or a lawyer or anything else relevant to this. i am just a nerd with adhd and a whole lot of time). but i did my best ! and i think it's a solid stone's throw at accurate.
and also to be clear if they do coke in fic on thursday night or whatever for the plot or the vibes im still here for it. this is not me requiring pitch-perfect accuracy on doping violations in fic (and all of this info will probably drain out of my brain by saturday); it's (hopefully) a resource!
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funnywormz · 8 months
OK. some quick cardassian speculative biology headcanon thoughts before i go to bed. i might incorporate this stuff into a more formal well formated thing later but rn i'm just spewing some thoughts
cardassians are not poikilotherms (as in earth reptiles) - they're endotherms (more specifically fitting into the baseoendotherm category imo, see this paper for more info on that term). their average healthy body temperature is ~34-35°C, so a little cooler than humans, but still warm.
cardassians are able to enter a state of torpor under high stress or in very cold or hot conditions, in which their body temperature can drop as low as 20°C and their bmr (basal metabolic rate) is significantly reduced. however, entering this state is often a last resort, as it's quite dangerous and can become a precursor to death if the stressful environmental conditions aren't ameliorated.
cardassians do not like the cold, and will enter a state of cold induced torpor in temperatures which are relatively survivable for a human being. even when it isn't cold enough to threaten their health, a cardassian can become drowsy and uncomfortable in cooler temperatures. they tend to find temperatures of 25°C and above the most comfortable.
they have dichromatic vision, which corresponds to red-green colour blindness in humans. however, despite having less cone cells, their eyes have far more rod cells than a human being, giving them excellent night vision. this is aided by the presence of a tapetum lucidum (which has the added bonus of looking super creepy in a dark room).
the forehead ridge or "chufa" (i've heard this term was coined in a particular cardassian speculative biology fic but i have yet to find it, please lmk if you have a link!) is actually a pineal eye. like most (extant earth animal) pineal eyes, it is covered with skin and has little purpose other than differentiating between light and shadow. most cardassians are not consciously aware of perception from this eye, but may subconsciously change their behaviour based on its input (i.e., a cardassian with their chufa covered may end up feeling fatigued, as light detection from the chufa helps them to maintain their circadian rhythm and if light isn't falling on it, their body will produce more sleep hormones). a sleeping cardassian can quickly be woken by a change in ambient light, as their chufa never "closes", and so can detect light changes even when they're asleep.
cardassians are more light sensitive than humans. their natural circadian rhythm is more crepuscular than diurnal, and so they are most alert and active at dawn/dusk or in lower light levels.
cardassians have both "scales" and hair, much like an armadillo. the scales function as armor plating, with the most armor on the sides and back of the neck, and over the spine, although it is present to some degree over the whole body.
they have to shed in order to grow, and adults continue to shed their scales, albeit at a lower frequency. shedding happens once every few months in children and juveniles, and once ever 1-3 years in adults. shedding lasts about 2 weeks. it is seen as a time of vulnerability, as it generally leads to a decrease in energy, among other symptoms, and a freshly shed cardassian's armor is soft and easy to pierce. for that reason, adult cardassians will often disguise the signs of shedding (i.e., paling of the scales is compensated for through applying makeup etc), and usually become reclusive and defensive once it can no longer be disguised.
cardassians naturally have a range of pigmentation in the chufa and neck ridges, ranging from grey to bright blue. these areas contain simple chromatophores, and in all cardassians they tend to "flush" blue when they're excited or experiencing intense emotions. however, their "neutral" colour can differ greatly from individual to individual. some cardassians use makeup to enhance the colours (think blush or lipstick in humans), as a more vivid blue is sometimes seen as attractive. the coloration is not sexually dimorphic.
cardassians do not have a corpus callosum between their brain hemispheres, instead they have multiple commissures. i might think more abt this one and the potential effects on cognition later but rn i just think it's cool and wanted to include a mention of it at least
ok that is all i have for now lol i'm getting sleepy........ as i said earlier, i may add to this post if i get more ideas, and maybe one day present this stuff in a better format
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