#hes kind of like soi fon
troius · 7 months
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Hey, you know who's not being a jerk though? Soi Fon! It's a remarkable development, her giving credit to others and supporting her lieutenant. So much so that Renji (again somewhat rudely...she's right there) points it out.
Rukia's reaction is kind of hilarious though. Like, we know Soi Fon has not always been nice. So has Rukia just not been paying attention? Even assuming she never ran into her as a member of the Squad 13 rank-and-file, she still had three years of being a lieutenant, where she'd presumable get the gossip on her.
Which I suppose means that Soi Fon has been personally nice enough to Rukia to make up for that. Here are my theories as to how that could have happened:
Rukia and Soi Fon get along at Shinigami Women's Association meetings. They are both all about business and getting things done, except when each has the chance to indulge in a passion for their favorite animal character. Somehow this has led to amiability rather than rivalry.
Rukia and Soi Fon get along socially at nobility functions. Rukia is a rukon orphan who was adopted into the Kuchiki household somewhat scandalously, while Soi Fon is from a servant clan to the Shihoin but has taken on some of the traditional Shihoin positions because of the youth of the current clan head. Both of them are invited to all the fancy dinners, neither of them is a hot commodity at these dinners because they have a limited capability to confer status on others. Perhaps they bonded there.
Soi Fon had an entirely-in-her-own-head rivalry with Byakuya when Yoruichi was mentoring both of them. When Yoruichi left Soul Society, Soi Fon at first took a bitter pleasure in her also leaving Byakuya behind, but as she became more and more resentful towards Yoruichi for leaving, she found herself relating more and more to Byakuya, and started requesting to work with Squad 6. Byakuya was oblivious to all of this, but was flattered by Soi Fon's seeming appreciation of his obvious talents and impressed by her competence and professionalism. He has expressed to Rukia that Captain Fon is the sort of officer the Court Guards could use more of, which Rukia recognizes is the closest her brother comes to expressing fondness for his co-workers.
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brittscafe · 2 months
Hey! I was wondering if you would do a headcanon for the lieutenants and captains for the kind of hugs they give.
Hiiiii!!! Omg, I actually love this idea <3 I'll do another part with the lieutenants in it <3
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Jushiro Ukitake: The calmest, warmest hug to ever exist. He wraps you up in his arms, cradling the back of your head and just comforts you in a way that is out of this world. A hand rubbing up and down the long of your back, his head near your ear, soft, warm breaths hitting your earlobe.
Shunsui Kyoraku: He hugs you in a loving way, but he's a little cheeky and mischievous with it. Strong, muscular arms wrapping around your body and pulling you into his chest. Placing a soft kiss on your forehead as his hand runs down the curve of your back to your ass, squeezing the flesh.
Byakuya Kuchiki: His hugs are like a crispy, chill afternoon. He won't show affection or hug you in the public, but if it’s just the two of you, it's a different story. Arms gently wrapped around your waist, squeezing you every once in a while. His chin resting on top of your head, holding you in such a caring way. It's relaxing and refreshing to have Byakuya holding you.
Kenpachi Zaraki: At first, his hugs at first are like a porcupines needles, but then they are smooth like the back of a whale, so strong and powerful, but yet, calming and not overwhelming. He knows his strength, so he knows how tight to hold you. It's comforting how tight he can hold you and he runs his hand over your head, gripping the back of your neck. He complains when you ask for a hug, but it makes him the happiest man in the world.
Shinji Hirako: He's super greedy with it comes to hugging. He'll squeeze you until you can't breath and are squirming against his body, trying to get out of his tight grip. Seriously though, when he hugs, he can't get enough of you. He'll breathe in your scent and have his arms wrapped around you so damn tight. Shinji will squeeze your flesh and even tickle you and hold you so you can't escape from his tickles.
Toshiro Hitsugaya: His hugs are a little complicated. At first, he'll be cold and shoot you a sharp glare when you ask for a hug. Although, Toshiro cannot resist a hug from you and he caves in. He wraps his arms around your waist and holds you, muttering underneath his breath about how he doesn't like this. You laugh because you know that he does like hugging you, but he doesn't like how vulnerable it makes him. He'll place a kiss on your forehead before fully pulling away from the hug.
Mayuri Kurotsuchi: He won't deny you a hug, but he might tease you about it for a little. He laughs like a manic and grabs onto your shoulders, pulling you onto his lap. He's probably stuck in his lab when you ask him for a hug and he refuses to leave his hard work, so he just places you on his lap and multitasks. He'll stroke your hair or rub your back, typing on his keyboard and clicking on the mouse. He enjoys these quiet moments with you.
Kensei Muguruma: His hugs are firm and his big beefy biceps squeeze you 😩 (what i wouldn't do to have my head being squeezed in his bicep...ahem) The smile that grows across his face is huge as he pulls you into his big chest for a hug. He loves hugging you and especially if you're sad or something, he loves cheering you up. You feel so happy and calm in his arms. His hugs are kind and will last forever; Kensei never wants to let go, but knows he has to go back to work.
Soi-Fon: A quick, but consoling hug. I imagine that Soi-Fon doesn't really like hugs, but for you, she'll put up with it, but only for a few seconds. She won't admit it, but for the first few seconds, she indulges in the hug and cherishes it. She'll start patting your back before pulling away, face twisted with uncertainty.
Sajin Komamura: A big, fluffy hug :) You know the kind of hug that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. He'll hold you as long as you need, but in reality, Sajin needs this hug more than anything. He loves to cradle you in his arms and breathe in your scent, relaxing his whole body.
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gallusrostromegalus · 7 months
Your line about Unohana's smallpox scars made me wonder: are there any soul reapers that can remember when they were alive? (If they were alive? I'm not sure if all souls originate in the world of the living)
All souls are "born" in the Living World and eventually move to Spirit World (if they don't go directly to Hell). The majority of souls in the afterlife do not remember their previous lives, but a significant portion do.
Souls Born in Soul Society:
Children and babies that die in utero or before they can reliably recognize their names, very old people that have lost most of their memory and people who suffered catastrophic memory loss while alive move to to Spirit World and become the souls of babies gestating in mothers there. Souls that are Born in spirit world do not remember their previous lives because there isn't much, if anything to remember.
Sometimes very young children and babies will appear in the queue to the afterlife, and in AEIWAM, the 7th Division manages incoming souls and takes care to place any children that come through the queue in SOME kind of care in the area their soul was assigned to. This is a recent development under Captain Komamura, but something the 7th has been wanting to do since it's inception. It's only recently that technology and staffing has been able to allow it. The majority of souls in Soul Society, and by extension, in the Gotei-13, were born in soul society.
Even though they have no memories, sometimes things will come through- people born in soul society are much more likely to have birthmarks. While the superstition is that if you're born with one, it relates to how you died, there's no evidence that so-called "marks of the previous life" are from death specifically. There's also no evidence that they're not :)
Characters that were Born in Spirit World with Marks Of The Previous Life:
Izuru: Born with two red dots about an inch apart on his ankle
Byakuya: One absolutely perfect beauty mark smack in the middle of his left asscheek
Shuuhei: Smattering of thick, raised skin patches across his upper back.
Ukitake: hard to see because he's so careful to avoid the sun but there's a couple patches on his abdomen and thigh that are totally devoid of pigment and never tan
Shunsui: Partially developed third nipple in his right armpit
Soi Fon: weird tooth growing out of the roof of her mouth.
Komamura: the paw-pads on his left foot are pink.
Aizen: Born with partially webbed toes.
Yumichika: The Beauty mark on his cheek is painted on. The one on his dick is not, much to his chagrin.
Yachiru: changed her origin story to HURT :), no birthmark but when her teeth came in, her adult right canine came in and the baby canine is just. Missing.
Urahara: patch of something that looks like freckles, but bright red, on his throat. Only shows up if he's been doing cardio.
Yoruichi: small, diamond-shaped white patch of skin over the lower part of her sternum.
Souls That Forget:
Souls over the age of about 3 will (barring something bizarre happening) reincarnate in the afterlife at the developmental age they dies at, and stand a 50/50 chance of forgetting their previous lives entirely. *Why* is unclear to the shinigami (it's a side-effect of the wheel being jammed), but the effect seems to be slightly more likely if the soul died a particularly violent death.
The loss occurs when the soul steps through the door out of the Queue and into spirit world. This sudden loss and confusion is part of the reason it's so important for Shingami to escort incoming souls to their destination in spirit world, any why Ryoka (AKA, souls that somehow got out of the queue and into Soul Society without checking in with the Shinigami) tend to be chaotic little bastards.
Souls that forget their previous lives upon stepping through the gate usually retain muscle memory, learned skills and a handful of details- the name they answer to, how old they were when they died, and sometimes they remember what they died of. Souls who do forget often tend to be emotionally ambivalent about it- on the one hand, not knowing who you are or where you came from kind of sucks, but after seeing their friends who remember wracked by grief or traumatized by a violent end, it can also feel like a strange blessing or a fresh start. Characters who were reincarnated at the age they died, but do not remember their previous lives:
Unohana: Does not remember her name, did remember a lot of slikks relating to ritual purification and swordsmanship
Hitsugaya: Sole memory of standing in a blizzard/thunderstorm as a small child
Tousen: Only his given name, and the feeling he was killed by a lightning strike.
Matsumoto: Given Name, no-context memories of a pet cat
Shinji: Does not remember his name, remembers a weird number of folk songs and a really good fish recipe though
Ikkaku: Remembers fuck-all. His sister DOES remember him and that's a fun chapter in the drafts
Souls That Remember:
Souls that do reincarnate and remember their previous lives remember varying amounts- Some people can recall previous lives with incredible detail, some people have only a very vague or uncertain recollection, others have very clear but context-less memories that they know came from a previous life but little more than that.
Just like people who forget, people who remember have mixed opinions- Some find it a burden to have memories of a family lost, some are really glad they still remember their loved ones, but the majority are a combination of nostalgic and wistful about their previous lives.
Characters who reincarnated and remember at least some of their previous lives:
Yamamoto: Died at about age 10, but remembers every detail. Died of Being Next To A Volcano When It Exploded.
Tama: Her memory bordering on eidetic, including her cause of death (bad)
Momo: Has many memories but not context. Remembers another little girl (sister?), and living out on a farm with a goat.
Rukia: She was very young, but does have a handful of distinct memories of her previous life, including Hisana making stupid faces at her to make her laugh.
Hisana: Recalls her previous life almost entirely. She and Rukia barely escaped a house fire only to die of hypothermia.
Nearly all lesser hollows remember their previous lives, and what caused their soul chain to rot, but once a hollow is consumed by another hollow, or becomes part of a Menos Grande, they lose all but a few memories, and those tend to be vauge and distorted. By the time a hollow becomes a Vasto Lorde, it's been torn apart and absorbed so many new soul fragments that it can't really be called the same soul at all. If there are Souls that are "born" outside of the living world, it's hollows like that. A Few Notable Exceptions:
Coyote Starrk and Lilynette Gingerbuck: They were a Genus Loci (the spirit of a place) that died in a calamity, but since a Genus Loci is functionally a Kami, when they hollowfied and re-appeared in Hueco Mundo, they started out at Vasto Lorde Class hollows. They divided into the 'two' souls they are now out of sheer loneliness and because the memory of the calamity was so awful they hoped they would forget. It sort of worked- Both of them only half-remember who and what they are.
Nnoitra Gilga: A singularly single-minded individual, Nnoitra forgot almost everything including his Name but not what caused him to become a hollow in the first place. He doesn't exactly have context for those memories until about half an hour before he dies, but he also doesn't care- he's always been a man to tell himself whatever story suits his needs.
Wonderweiss: Wiess was a soul that absolutely should not have been able to hollowfy but did so because a Divine Power fucked up to a SPECTACULAR degree, and like Coyote and Gingerbuck, started out as a vasto-lorde class hollow. He does sort-of forget who he is for a while thanks to Aizen's Meddling, and while he has the facts of who he is, nobody quite makes the full connection to WHO he is until about halfway through Act 2.
SOME PEOPLE manage to enter the spirit world in completely ass-backwards and stupid ways, and sometimes this effects their memories:
Ichimaru Gin: Probably has the MOST understanding of what's going on of anyone in the series but unfortunately, he's fucking stupid.
Mimihagi: The Second-most-informed person in the series, but turns out getting dismembered, undergoing a catastrophic database error and surviving as a fragment of your previous self does a number on your ability to remember anything with any clarity.
Zaraki Kenpachi: Developed a soul in the living world when he wasn't really supposed to, reincarnated in a place he should not have been able to, got thrown out and survived a fall that should have killed him, was raised by a being that normally would have eaten him, and has generally been Why-Are-You-Not-Dead-ing his way through his existence.
If, How much, What Version and The Actual Veracity of what any Quincy in the Wandenreich remembers about their previous lives is ENTIRELY determined by Yhwach and what suits his needs :)
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Random thought swimming around my hollow head today 🙃
The Captains does secret Santa for Christmas
No one besides Ukitake and Komamura wanted to take part. Ukitake stole Shunsuis hat to place all the names in
Everyone is praying that they aren’t the one Kurotsuchi picked
Kensei pulled Soi fon , Shinji convinced him (with copious amounts of alcohol) that she wouldn’t want the weight set he had picked out, and instead tricked him she would want sexy underwear. They’re still looking for Kensei. Kenpachi couldn’t care less, didn’t even look at the name he pulled. Yachuru however loved it (and made all the vice captains do their own secret santa, in which all the names in the hat were her own) and drew a picture on Ikkakus head for Ukitake, she made Ikakku follow him around all day so he could enjoy her drawing, which he very much did. Ikakku did not.
Byakuya got Kenpachi. Gifted him a dictionary. He uses it to keep the door open when it’s hot.
Shinji pulled Komamura. Jokingly gave him dog biscuits from the world of the living. He loved them. Shinji couldn’t hide his disgusted face as he watched him chow down
Kurotsuchi pulled Shinjis name. He gave Shinji a Reccord. Pleasantly surprised he went home to listen to it, it was 4 hours of Mayuri screaming. He knew it was four hours long because Kurotsuchi modified it to be unable to removed until it finished. Nothing he could do could turn it off. He hated this damn secret Santa.
Histugaya was probably the only one to doing something normal. Pulled Byakuya, bought him fancy tea. Ukitake pulled Kensei, thought he needed a hobby to help with his anger issues, bought him a bonsai tree. He actually quite liked it. Spent ages tending to it while hiding from soi fon
Komamura got Hitsugaya. After struggling to come up with an idea, he asked Ukitake who seemed friendly with the young Captain. He was baffled and delighted at the multiple gift baskets filled with sweets, chocolates and toys Ukitake already had prepared, and offered him one to give to him. Hitsugaya really wished he would get older already
Soifon got Mayuri. She gave him a ridiculous amount of fancy machinery used for all kind of experiments. Some he hadn’t even heard of and enjoyed figuring out what they were and what they did. That was until a pissed off Urahara came to try and get back all his belongings that had been stolen him. Apparently Hachi was good on his promise and sealed Urahara away using kido, Soi fon very much enjoyed as Urahara watched helplessly as she stole all his things
Shunsui picked his own name, and never mentioned it. He bought himself a bottle of sake and made a big show about gifting it to himself and then thanking himself. He thoroughly enjoyed himself. Sipping on his own gift to himself while watching the madness unfold
Yamamoto banned secret Santa the following year due to too many fights breaking out
I know it’s ages away. But merry Christmas 😂
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setsunasbabe · 5 days
the kind of partner who would propose to you during Love Story at a Taylor Swift concert x gender neutral reader
with aot, bnha, jjk, kny, haikyuu, tokyo rev, bleach, bsd, csm, bllk, hxh, op, naruto, ons characters
the kind of partner who would propose to you during Love Story at a Taylor Swift concert. they saw this idea once on tiktok and directly thought of your obsession for the singer. they don't even like her music that much and proposing at a concert wasn't on their bucketlist. however, when they saw the way you reacted to one of these videos. they decide to put their pride aside and make this moment worth it for you. they asked the person behind you to film so they'd have a souvenir (and a proof) of their proposal. as you're singing along to the song you realise you don't see your boyfriend in your peripheral vision. your heart race slowly rises up but drastically accelerates as you see him crouching on the ground with a box in his hand. as he asks you to marry him you say yes (obviously) and rush to hug him as a tear of happiness rolls down on your cheek. indeed it was rare and you were there.
aot: JEAN KIRSTEIN, mikasa ackerman, ymir, armin arlert, reiner braun
bnha: kyouka jirou, katsuki bakugo, SHOTO TODOROKI, himiko toga, eijirou kirishima, SETSUNA TOKAGE
jjk: YUUJI ITADORI, megumi fushiguro, SATORU GOJO, mai zenin, yuuta okkotsu, choso kamo
kny: IGURO OBANAI, mitsuri kanroji, AKAZA, kanao tsuyuri, kyojuro rengoku
hq: tooru oikawa, IWAIZUMI HAJIME (27) ATHLETIC TRAINER, atsumu miya, eita semi, keiji akaashi, morisuke yaku
tokyo rev: takashi mitsuya, SEISHU INUI, rindou haitani, manjiro sano, CHIFUYU MATSUNO
bleach: rukia kuchiki, SHINJI HIRAKO, grimmjow jaegerjaquez, renji abarai, soi fon
bsd: chuuya nakahara, michizo tachihara, tecchou suehiro, LUCY MONTGOMERY, ichiyo higuchi
csm: asa mitaka, denji (he would mess up the lyrics), aki hayakawa, reze, quanxi
bllk: yoichi isagi, meguru bachira, REO MIKAGE, ranze kurona, tabito karasu, rin itoshi
hxh: machi komacine, pakunoda, chrollo lucilfer
op: VINSMOKE SANJI, portgas d. ace, nami, nico robin
naruto: sakura haruno, ROCK LEE, hinata hyuga
ons: mikaela hyakuya, shinya hiragi
and your favs...
-"He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring
And said
'Marry me, Juliet, you'll never have to be alone
I love you, and that's all I really know
I talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress
It's a love story, baby, just say yes'"-
- "Love Story (Taylor's Version)", Fearless (Taylor's Version), Taylor Swift
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Can we have a Retsu, Soi Fon, with With Powerful Himbo
I had a blast and a half writing this.
Now! Your Wish Is My Command!
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“Oh! Hey Retsu! I was gonna find you myself but Hanataro here screeched and shoved me in here as soon as I walked through the door!” you exclaimed with a smile as you sat on the edge of the bed, ignoring the massive chunk of flesh a hollow had taken out of you while Hanataro was on the verge of tears, trying to stop the bleeding and keep you from making the wound any worse.
“P-please captain Unohana, he’s insane! He tried to go find you himself! Looking like this!” Hanataro cried, tears pricking at his eyes.
He has always been such an empathetic young man.
“That will do Hanataro, please take a rest while I take it from here.” Unohana kindly told the shivering young man who instantly let out a deep sigh of relief before stepping away, allowing the Captain to take over.
“Now then, how did you get yourself looking like this?” the raven haired woman asked with a cold smile usually reserved for her enemies and those who tried to disturbed the bedrest of those who were injured.
Undeterred by this, unlike every other single creature in existence, you beamed at her as you went into detail of your exploits.
Graphic detail in fact.
Poor Hanataro nearly fainted as you spoke.
Eventually, you came to the conclusion of your tale, telling her of how you had to push one of the soul reapers in training out of the way to stop them from getting their head bitten off, and that if it weren’t for your Zanpakuto you would probably be down an arm but that you made sure to deal with it just as she taught you to.
Retsu chided you at first, before congratulating you on a job well done.
That is when she made her slip up.
“That is good, I am glad my little bits and pieces of instruction were able to help you dear.” she told you with a happy smile before realizing she had said that in the company of someone else.
Instantly she whipped her head towards Hanataro, who went ramrod straight and felt as if his soul was about to leave his body from the deadly look Captain Unohana was giving him.
“Now Hanataro, how much of that did you hear?” the captain asked the terrified squad member with a look of murder on her face, as if she was imagining all of the ways she could gut him like a fish if she so wished.
“N-nothing at all! Not a single peep!” Hanataro stuttered out, wishing desperately he was far, far, FAR away from where he was at the moment.
Then, like a switch had been flipped, Captain Unohana’s face returned to its usual, kind smile.
“Good, I just wanted to make sure you didn’t mishear what I was saying to my patient here. Now, I do believe you have taken a long enough break. Don’t you?” Captain Unohana asked her terrified subordinate who shook his head up and down before bolting out of the room.
“You didn’t have to scare the poor boy like that, you know?” you asked Retsu as you let out a yawn and leaned into her.
“I know, but I have a reputation to maintain, and… you are mine. No one else's.” she muttered, her voice taking on a darker tone towards the end.
“I know love, I know.” you whispered, listening to the beat of her heart.
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Sui-Feng stomped through the streets in a rage as Omaeda did his best to steer her away from any brash action she may take.
He was doing this at great personal risk to himself, as she WILL eventually notice that the two of them were going in circles.
However, he seriously doubted that would be any time soon considering how absolutely livid she was at the moment.
He had genuinely never seen her so pissed before.
What in the Soul King’s name happened?
It was here that she began to rant.
Something about black cats, rouge cabbage carts and strings that were as soft as silk but as strong as iron and lighter than air.
That last part lit up a lightbulb in Omaeda’s head as he slammed his fist into the palm of his hand and said “Oh! You met my little buddy!”
Near instantly, the captain of the second division and the commander in chief of assaination within the soul society spun on her heel, a maniacal grin on her face.
“Now then Omaeda, what did you just say? That I met your “Little Buddy”? Is that right?” Sui-Feng asked with a scary voice that told her Lieutenant that there will be no arguing or lying to her unless he wished to suffer immense pain.
He offers a silent apology to you before telling his Captain everything she wanted to know under the pain of a violent death which she would most definitely give him if she was irritated enough.
You walked across the many roof’s, across the many streets, and through the many forests of the soul society as you patrolled your sector, looking for any trouble you could stop either with words or force if needed.
Now, imagine your surprise when you noticed a missile speeding towards you at incredible speeds the second you arrived in a clearing.
In this moment, you made a split second decision.
And that decision was perhaps the single most stupid idea in a long, sad, depressing history of stupid ideas.
The Head Captain liked to think he was a patient man.
At the very least more patient than he was in his younger days.
However, the sight before him right now was pushing that.
It was tea day for Squad 1, and they had an impromptu fireworks show going on.
The Bankai of the captain of squad two, something that was once rather crudely but aptly described as a “Giant Fuck Off Missile” had been let loose alongside another Bankai.
The other Bankai in question was your own.
A massive tree made of silk strings which were as hard of iron you controlled with ease and capable of slicing through everything you so wished.
And now, he was going to have to deal with this.
Why were young people so troublesome?
You stood at attention next to Sui-Feng, both of you covered in scrapes, cuts, and bruises alongside both of your clothes being singed.
Across from the both of you, the head captain was sitting at his desk, glaring holes through the both of you.
“Do either of you wish to explain what that mess was about?” the head captain asked with an even voice.
Instantly Sui-Feng pointed her finger at you and exclaimed “This brute manhandled me in the market!”
“You were about to be crushed by a CART OF CABBAGES!!!” you shot back.
Sui-Feng began to ready a retort but was stopped when the head captain shouted.
“AND YOU!!! YOU ARE A SEATED MEMBER OF THE THIRTEEN COURTYARD SQUADS!!! ONE THAT HAS ACHIEVED BANKAI AT THAT!!! YOU MUST CONDUCT YOURSELF AS SUCH!!! NOT AS A GALLIVANTING FOOL WHO RUNS THROUGH LIFE LIKE A BULL IN A CHINA SHOP!!!” the head captain shouted, his indignation at both of your actions cowing both you and Sui-Feng’s irritation at the other.
In response to his outburst, both you and Sui-Feng gazed at the ground, waiting for the Head Captain to dole out his punishments.
Omaeda felt as if his heart was going to give out at any moment from the stress of the situation he was currently in.
Before him, both you and his Captain were sitting on the floor, facing away from one another or as best the two of you could with the Kido that was binding you together at the hands, and both of you were being very obvious at how irritated the two of you were at this.
However, as he saw it, before him was a grenade that had its pin pulled and the only thing keeping it from going off was the fact that nothing had disturbed it.
This was going to be a very, very, VERY long month for all of Squad Two.
Omaeda especially.
Needless to say, you and Sui-Feng really hit it off after the first week of being attached to one another.
Before that… well… let’s just say there were a LOT of… let’s say emotionally charged moments.
More so after the two of you started catching feelings for one another, but in a WILDLY different way.
That being said, Omaeda was a bit concerned to begin with.
Not just because you were his little buddy and Sui-Feng was… Sui-Feng.
But because Sui-Feng was his comrade, his captain and she didn’t have people to look out for her like he did with his family.
But, once Sui-Feng started to research how to court someone officially as a Captain Of The Court Guard Squads, he got the feeling things were gonna be a-okay.
Also, the two of you were terrible when it came to controlling your spiritual pressure and emotions around each other.
Seriously, the two of you need to get a room, preferably far, far, far away from him.
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amostimprobabledream · 3 months
Smash or Pass the Bleach Captains?
I've always wanted to answer this question! (Going with the TYBW roster of captains here.)
Shunsui Kyoraku
Normally I don't like hairy men, but he's a Smash. You get the feeling he knows what he's doing, he could teach you a lot. Plus the fact he becomes head captain means fucking him is like an instant boost of clout.
Soi Fon Pass. She's pretty and has a great character design, but she ain't my type. Not to mention she seems to have some unresolved Yoruichi issues to sort out.
Rose Otoribayashi
Who? Anyway, Pass. There's nothing about Rose I find particularly interesting as a character and Bleach has much sexier blondes than him.
Retsu Unohana
Pass. I've never really cared much about Unohana as a character because I always found her "soft-spoken but terrifies everyone" gimmick kind of stale, especially since I thought the reveal of her being the First Kenpachi was so obvious. Her design is fine but not my personal tastes.
Shinji Hirako
I love Shinji as a character, but I think I'd prefer to hang out with him than fuck him. Though, I can't help but feel he'd be great with his tongue...but...realistically, Pass.
Byakuya Kuchiki
Byakuya's personality is kind of dull for my personal tastes, but that face card of his doesn't decline, so Smash.
Saijin Komamura
I'm not a furry, so Pass. I'd hang with him, though.
Lisa Yadomaru
Pass. I like Lisa but the glasses and braids look isn't my thing. Also she's so deadpan I'd fine it hard to tell if she was being serious or not.
Kensei Muguruma SMASH SMASH SMASH. He is SO fine and so mean. I love the punk aesthetic, I love his voice and THEM ARMS. God. Kensei's one of my personal hottest Bleach men, I've loved him ever since he was first revealed with the piercings and the crew cut. When his TBTP haircut was shown I went mental. (I like his current look but Kensei with bangs was elite.) Also his surly attitude is very attractive to me. What can I say, I like 'em mean.
Toshiro Hitsugaya
Pass. Like 90% of time he looks like a middle-schooler, and even in his adult form, his personality isn't really attractive to me, it's that stick-in-the-mud attitude for other more bombastic characters like Rangiku to bounce off. I don't find Hitsugaya especially interesting on his own. His eyes are pretty, though.
Kenpachi Zaraki
Smash. Yeah, I'd fuck Kenpachi, he'd maul you like a bear but in a good way. Also I find his laid-back cockiness kind of refreshing. And his mouth is enormous, if you know what I mean. And the MUSCLES. You'd definitely come multiple times.
Mayuri Kurotsuchi
Smash. I've always liked Mayuri and under all his facepaint he is SMOKING hot. Is he evil? Yes. Does he have a nice voice, cool af fight scenes and is consistently one of the smartest, most interesting characters? Also yes. I love intelligent men.
Jushiro Ukitake
Pass. Firstly my friend is in love with him so I don't want to lewd her husband. Secondly, he's just so not my type - objectively he's a very pretty man but I find his personality extremely boring. Nice guys just don't float my boat, and I generally don't go for men with long hair. (Sorry, fam. XD)
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Mei & Yugao (Naruto) and Rangiku & Soi Fon (Bleach) being the bratty subs towards their Dom male S/O?
This is kind of hard because I literally don't see any of these girls being brats, except MAYBE Rangiku, nor do I really have much knowledge on how one acts like a brat other than acting spoiled, but I'll give it a try.
She would pretend to be lazy and that she didn't know how to do some simple things just to get him to do it for her as she likes to watch him do stuff for her
She'd proceed to get very lonely and apologetic if he gets fed up and leaves her alone without talking to her for like a day, willing to do mostly anything to apologize if he wants her to
Mainly gives the cold shoulder to him when he slightly upsets her randomly and doesn't pay any attention to him
However she gets super needy and crumbles first, going to him for some affection after a short while
Would continue to be the messy unorganized slacker she already is a lot of the time, just with a little "What are you going to do about it~?" kind of attitude
She quickly shapes up when he gets very strict and is seriously going to dish out some punishments, such as no more alcohol in the house/drinking period until she does, or ignoring her whenever she wants to get their attention with her outfits/looks which get to her quickly
Soi Fon
Usually it kicks off because she isn't getting her way and decides to be annoyingly stubborn about it
She'd never act like anything was her fault while in brat mode, and she doesn't apologize for acting bratty, just tries to act like nothing happened
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jellie-the-aqua-puma · 5 months
Hi...if you don't mind me asking, who are your favorite romantic relationship's couples in books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series (can be canon or non-canon)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
Hi! Thanks for your ask! This is a good question, and this is my first ask so don’t apologize! Currently my mains are
Dazai/Chuuya aka Soukoku from BSD, I really like their dynamic, just the familiarity they had when they came on screen for the first time together. I think Bungou is really well execute though, so S2 showing that they still can come together and pretty much treat each other the same way / exasperation with no heat? And then the light novels are soo helpful too! I really think they’re sweet for each other, and I just think that’s neat! Plus there’s so much to unpack with their relationship! Yeah Chuuya wasn’t happy when Dazai left, but did he really resent him for it? Did he take it personally? What are they going to do now? All they do whenever they’re together is their best to protect each other.
Gojo Satoru / Geto Suguru from Jujutsu Kaisen, the tragedy! Oh man! It took me a bit to get on board with this, but I’m in for life now. It was the “My six eyes tell me your Geto but my soul knows otherwise.” I haven’t looked back. Gojo so shamelessly admitted that and Geto fighting back? They actually remind me a lot of Soukoku, with the obvious being Gojo = Dazai and Geto = Chuuya, but also Gojo was the one who got left just like Chuuya. So much went wrong for these two when it didn’t have to! If Geto had just took the time to explain, if he didn’t stubbornly try to rationalize his mistake, if Gojo had not taken Geto’s words at face value, if he’d’ve pushed a little more. I really love the impact they had in each other. Geto is the reason Gojo pushes for a better future for young sorcerers (does not seem like it’s going that well) and Gojo was the reason Geto wanted to make the world a better place for sorcerers.
Sun Jing / Qiu Tong from Tamen De Gushi (Their Story), a Chinese manhua. The story is just so cute, innocent, and straight forward. No screwing around, misunderstandings, annoying drama, etc.
Galo / Lio from Promare - this movie was so good! These two are really cute! I’m gonna say they’re semi-canon …
Hua Cheng / Xie Lian Heaven Official’s Blessing. Tragic characters when separated but together work towards their best future! Love it.
Cheng Xiaoshi / Lu Guan from Link Click I watched this on a whim and was so impressed by the characters and story! Im super interested to see where their relationship will take them, especially after what’s been revealed in S2, which I’m still reeling from! I am eagerly waiting for season 3!
I’m curious about yours now! What would you say yours are?
Honorable Mentions in no particular order below the cut
Yeong-sin and Seo-bi from Kingdom (kdrama) even though they don’t interact much, them being the only two survivors of the zombie epidemic in Jiyulheon is really what sets them a part for me although anytime they’re around others they act like they don’t know each oher.
TodoDeku was super cute in a very innocent kind of way. I liked that Todoroki was the first person who wasn’t Izuku’s friend who to saw his potential and see him as competition. I haven’t followed My Hero since S4 tho.
Yoruichi / Soi Fon Bleach; I felt Soi Fon’s devastation, to be joined at the hip and devoted and then abandoned and left behind. Yoruichi is merciless, she didn’t gaf lol.
Speed / Trixie sealed in by the 2008 Speed Racer live actions. They were crazy in the anime.
Astrid / Hiccup from the HTTYD film franchise, what a power couple.
Nancy / Edward from Enchanted, they are wasted by Disney but they’re oh so cute!
Aurora / Phillip from Sleeping Beauty, they are also wasted by Disney.
Goku/Chichi Dragon Ball, Chichi is wasted by Akira.
Steve / Bucky too, from Captain America, the way Steve was constantly ready to raise hell for Bucky got me. I pretend anything Phase 3 and after didn’t happen.
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brittscafe · 4 months
Can I have an headcanon about the captains having a S/O who has a great skill of analysis and because of that they're easily bored of people or situations?
Sorry it's weird
of course!! This was sooo fun to write lol <3
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Jushiro: He's super sweet, patient, and understanding about it. He feels like you get bored of him quickly since he's sick most of the time and confined to his family estate. You spend the whole day with him when he's sick, but he can't help feeling like a burden.
You have to assure him that even if you get bored of sitting around, you'll never get bored of him or taking care of him. It brings a smile to Jushiro's face knowing you'll never get bored of him.
Shunsui: If you're stuck in meetings, Shunsui can tell when you start to get bored. He'll glance over and see that your eyes have wandered off. He'll reach his hand over and grab onto yours that hidden underneath your sleeve, squeezing your hand. He'll shoot you a glance that says, it'll be over soon.
He'll rub his thumb over your hand and squeeze it every once in awhile, trying to keep your attention on the meeting.
Shinji: He'll tease you about it and make fun of you for it. Once you've looked around the room and analyzed what is going on, you decide to zone out. Shinji's eyes on you, watching as your body slumps over and he'll start chuckling to himself.
"Getting bored there, y/n?" he'll tease you, pinching your upper arm and earning a hiss back from you. Shinji usually teases you and won't leave you alone, so you don't get super bored.
Mayuri: Mhmmm, this is one is interesting. You both can get super bored and annoyed at things if you're not interested in it. Best believe if you start getting bored when Mayuri shows you his experiments, he gets so mad.
He'll scoff and roll his eyes, saying you don't even care about him or his experiments. Sometimes he'll grab you and sit you onto his lap, making sure you're paying attention to what he's saying.
Byakuya: He's usually stuck in meetings that are pretty boring and sometimes you'll have to come along. He knows that you can hold yourself together and at least pay attention, but sometimes you're off in another world.
Byakuya's a noble, so he's very polite about it. He'll quietly clear his throat or nudge your shoulder. He doesn't get mad or annoyed about it since he's in the same boat, being just as bored as you are, expect he never shows it.
Kenpachi: I feel like y'all have a mutual thing of getting bored of other people/ situations really fast. The two of you find mind games to play with each other or you'll have a staring contest in the middle of a meeting.
The two of you find ways to entertain each other with silly little games.
Unohana: She's super patient and understanding, knowing that you just lose interest in things fast. Normally, she won't say anything and she'll just fold her arms over each other, minding her business. If it's something important, she'll usually pull you to the side before and let you know that you have to try and pay attention.
If it's a private matter, she'll cup your face and tilt it up, making you focus on her.
Toshiro: I could see him getting slightly annoyed at this, but he knows you can't control it. After all, Toshiro has quite a short temper, so he has to learn how to be patient with a lot of things.
He teaches you his ways on how to not be bored and gives you tips and tricks. If you're getting bored in meetings or doing work, he'll send Rangiku to entertain you.
Kensei: He's super chill about it and always keeps his cool when you start to get bored. If you're in place where he's allowed to be affectionate with you, he'll wrap an arm around your waist or shoulder, pulling you closer.
He'll lean in closer and whisper in your ear, sometimes dirty things to keep your mind from getting bored lol.
Soi-Fon: She definitely tries to help you out with it. I could see her getting kind of annoyed at it when it happens during something important to her. She communicates with you on how it makes her feel and try to be more sympathetic towards her feelings.
If you're both bored, Soi-Fon will suggest sneaking out of the meeting or whatever you're stuck in.
Sajin: He's patient and has a good grasp on how to make you less bored. Usually, he'll crack jokes and make you laugh. He loves making you laugh when you're stuck in boring situations. Sometimes, he'll even tickle you if he can.
Rojuro: He's soooo sweet and kind of shy about it. When he notices you fiddling with your hands and not paying attention, he steps closer to you. You immediately notice that he's stepped closer and that usually means you have to pay attention.
Whenever you're out doing stuff together, if you start to get bored, Rojuro will ask if you want to do anything else. He won't ever let you get bored for too long.
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gallusrostromegalus · 9 months
AEIWAM ask spam 1: you’ve already elaborated on all the weird grudges people have, what about weird friendships?
THANK YOU! I am stupid busy but I am having a ton of fun with the friendships in this fic, so short versions that I can/will elaborate on later:
- Kenpachi and Byakuya: when Kenpachi first arrived in the Seireitei, Byakuya was a recently orphaned teenager and Kenpachi is, as he says "related to his mother" and can't help but take him under his wing a bit. As it stands, Kenpachi is, functionally, Byakuya's step-father.
- Izuru and Komamura: Wabisuke and Tenken were friends first, but it grew from there when Izuru got sent to investigate the curious incident of the dog in the night.
- Hanataro and Akon: The 4th needs more supplies than any other division and the 12th provides them, so the 4th's Toxicologist and Go-Fer gets to see the 12th's shadow captain all the time.
- Ikkaku and Sasakibe: the first lieutenant's meeting Ikkaku was at was ALSO the first lieutenant's meeting after TBTP, when nearly all the lieutenants had been field-promoted or killed, and there was a general bereavement, but when Sasakibe walked in to see what maniac the wildman that took over the 11th appointed for a lieutenant, he instead found Ikkaku doing stage magic tricks to cheer up a distraught Isane and Kaien, and realized this was a kind, if fundamentally ridiculous soul.
- "The Kids": Yachiru, Nel, Toshiro, Weiss, Syoga No Kotowari, and all the other Court Guard Brats tend to travel as a pack, and things can get a bit Lord Of The Flies sometimes.
- not exactly a friendship per se, but The Thirteen Daughters of Aramaki, including Hisana Kuchiki nee Aramaki.
- Soi Fon and Chikane Iba: after TBTP, Soi Fon ended up bonding with her fellow female captain and single mother Chikane Iba. And by "bonding" I mean "basically moved in with". Chikane was deeply relieved to have a regular babysitter and Soi Fon relieved to have another home to go to that doesn't contain her family. Or what's left of it.
- Rangiku and Retsu: Retsu, canonically, runs the Ikebana club, is the Chief Judge at the Seireitei Flower Festival, and keeps an enormous flower garden. Her first introduction to Rangiku is finding the academy student crouched in her foxgloves, and then being subject to a surprise 30minute lecture on the medical and cosmetic applications of digitalis, and realized she had found a kindred soul.
- Nanao and Gin: Nanao was quite possibly Gin's favorite person in the Court Guard, because she was very used to explaining things very slowly and in little steps, and Gin was functionally an escaped sausage roll in an executive position so 76% of the credit for the 3rd division's functionality goes to her. She liked having someone who actually listened to and took her advice and MAN, things got weird after Aizen.
- Uryuu and Yamamoto: Yamamoto doesn't actually hate Quincies- it's really only the "evaporating souls" thing he's got a problem with. Long ago, before the gotei-13, he was even friends with the ancestor of all Quincy, and misses his friend and curses Yhwach for what that monster did to him. Uryuu bears a startling resemblance to his ancestor, and it's nice to have someone to practice his German on again. Uryuu is fucking bewildered, but also severely short on men to look up to in his life and- well. Maybe. Maybe if they are friends, they can finally stop this feud?
- Yumichika and Ukitake: Yumichika was raised by his mother and the rest of the nurses in the first hospital in the Rukongai, and that's where he learned to fight too. It's a huge surprise for Ukitake when Yumichika knows what to do when he starts to have an anaphylactic reaction, but far from an unwelcome one.
- Renji, Iba and The Lads: Graduates of the Zaraki Kenpachi Finishing School for Young Men With Good Knees
- Orihime and Tousen: Hey, remember when we were both kidnapped by a deranged maniac that one time and coped by doing religious math and improvisational surgery about it? Good times!
- Chad and Komamura: "What do you guys even talk about?" "Nothing." "Why the secrecy?" "No Literally. We don't talk, and if we do it's about Nothing."
- Tatsuki and Mashiro: "This is boring, you wanna break chairs over each other's heads?" "Yeah!"
- Momo and Byakuya: The Rice Farm Subsidies Fraud Investigation.
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bleachbleachbleach · 1 year
Hello there! Idk have you ever talk about this or not, but I just found out a translation of an interview with Kubo called 'Bleach Jet' from local Bleach fanbase. One of the question said 'are the captains married? Since the only confirmed married one is Byakuya and he's actually younger than other captains'. Then Kubo answered 'well, tbh I never thought about it. But when I think it over, it would be sad if somebody as old as Yamajii is not married. So let's assume that they could be married, but it's just not necessary to be included in the story so I never write about it'. You know, I was so excited when I read it lok. In your opinion, which captains are apparently married? I only could imagine Ukitake since he's a perfect husband/daddy material (well I also want to know who's that lucky woman). But the others, seems kinda impossible lol. I'll be happy if you responded to my question. Thanks!
OH MAN. I’m interested in this in a couple of ways. The first way I am interested in this question is that neither of us had ever once wondered this. It did not even occur to us to wonder this, LOL. Too busy fixating on WHEELS, apparently. 
Because of this, it feels like a magic trick, where the source material has asked you to look in a particular direction at a particular thing and sleight of hand (spouses) might occur before your eyes without you ever seeing it. I truly just took for granted that everyone would be single unless explicitly noted otherwise--Byakuya continues to be married to Hisana in his heart as the only married captain, until eventually Rukia joins him.
But it’s exciting to me that there could already be secret spouses who never came up simply because the narrative was never pointed in their direction. I’ve experienced this with people IRL before, and I think there’s plenty of precedent for this in Bleach itself, given that there are a fair number of shinigami with relatives whom we know to be alive and well and never meet.
For instance, Yoruichi’s brother seems really young, which suggests that their married parents might…? still be alive?? Unless they died tragically in the decades immediately preceding TBTP when Yuushirou was a baby, which I guess is equally possible and probably further justifies Soi Fon’s distaste for Urahara/her being high-strung about the kind of company Yoruichi keeps/depends on. Maybe the Shihouin Parents died when all of Soi Fon’s brothers did. 😬 (Speaking of family members it never occurred to me would have existed until we were told they existed…)
As for our currently or were-recently serving Gotei officers: In my mind, Yamamoto and Sasakibe were together. Not romantically—in a different universe, maybe, but in theirs the fact that Yamamoto is Captain Commander and Sasakibe is his VC precludes all else. Because this relationship exists, it forecloses all notion of other romantic partners, even as they themselves are not romantic partners.
I’ve always imagined Kyouraku and Ukitake having a different but kinda similar thing going on, though I’d be more willing to imagine that Ukitake also has a spouse out there somewhere than Yamamoto having one, re: your suggestion in the original ask. It makes me think about all of Ukitake’s siblings. I assume they’re all well into adulthood at this point but… how much do they know? About how Ukitake died? How much were they depending on his care (financially, family leadership-wise, family mediation-wise, etc.)? :(
One other person I could imagine having a spouse is Rose. Specifically, I could imagine him having had a spouse, past tense—pre-exile. If he were Seireitei-born to some middling noble house. Imagine with me a wife, and a noble marriage put together on the expectation that the line should continue by the birthing of children. It was arranged; they’re well-matched and get on quite famously. They have similar interests and pedigrees and if their marriage is not driven by fiery all-consuming PASSION, well, many marriages aren’t and they always have music to turn to if they’re in need of that kind of enchantment. When Rose was sentenced to death/exiled, his marriage was annulled and his wife was re-married to a different Outoribashi or related clan. I don’t think Rose would have wanted otherwise—it’s been 100 years now, and she and her new husband are quite happy; heirs were produced, etc.—but it’s still sad. The Vizard exile had more consequences than many in the Gotei will ever know, and more still that will never be written.
The second way I am interested in this question is that I actually really enjoy Soul Society as a place where social roles—specifically as they relate to romance, marriage, and children, in any case—are a lot less circumscribed than they are often understood to be in the mainstream of the Living World. If the prototypical narrative in the Living World is, say, "by age 20 you will be married to a spouse of the opposite sex and children will follow thereafter," that doesn’t seem like the case within the Gotei, at least from what we see, and I love thinking through potential factors.
Some baseline examples:
A billionty of the people in Soul Society weren’t born in the first place, and instead arrived. 
Shinigami lifespans differ from humans and life milestones may not function in the same way (even as it seems like shinigami spend a LOT of time in what are optimal child-bearing years for us). 
Shinigami biology also differs from ours, potentially in ways that matter--who knows what fertility is like for them.
It seems like shinigami are dying just like, all the time, which I can imagine genuinely altering baseline assumptions around what interpersonal relationships are like and what they mean. 
I feel like there’s a lot of opportunity here for a lot of different types of relationships being much more normalized and understood alongside the marriage/children route. (And, additionally, the marriage/children route being more naturally understood as itself quite individual and rife with complexities that the boilerplate version of the Living World’s Notion of Marriage tends to leave out.) So that’s all very exciting to me.
What is the prototypical sexuality in Soul Society? Idk, all of them? What is the prototypical formal relationship arrangement? Idk, all of them? With probably more heterosexual coupling (or at least heterosexual-reading coupling), and more monogamy/marriage in noble circles, proportionally-speaking. I mean, I don’t think people getting married and having kids would be exceedingly rare, in the sense that Renji and Rukia probably weren’t making scandalous tabloid splash pages (though maybe on slow news days Hisagi has threatened this—idk I’ve never read WDKALY); but it feels like it would be one option among many, rather than the norm to which all other potentials are compared. I’m very enamored by the idea that D. All of the Above is Soul Society’s default in this one regard. 
They might live under ridiculous authoritarian hierarchical military whatnot, but AT LEAST LOVE IS FREE.
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hollowbait-archive · 10 months
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Saw someone do this tier thing and wanted to do it too. I split it up into more sections and left quite a few people out that I just don't have enough opinions on.
Tier 1 (i would read a fic where they're the main character) - exactly what it says in the tin. I really only read fic about my favourite characters. Not that I wouldn't read my favourite with a non-favourite, but for example, I'd read Byakuya/Ichigo but wouldn't read Byakuya/Renji, just because the second ship doesn't have any of my favourites, even if I liked the ship.
Tier 2 (i love them a lot!!!) - are characters I really really love but it doesn't have that obsessiveness that leads to me writing/reading fic about them. I'd probably read a short Unohana character study, but a 50k fic where she's the main wouldn't hold my attention the way a 50k Momo fic would. However, I would probably insert these characters into fic I wrote and lovingly flesh them out because I have THOUGHTS and HEADCANONS, while the "i like them a lot" tier are more characters that I like what I've seen of, but I haven't thought about them as much and therefore it's more surface level stuff we've seen in canon with a little spice, while "i like them" characters are just ones I like seeing and seeing interact with other favourites, without much addition to their characters beyond what we've been given.
Tier 5 (i don't really think about them) is different from the ones I've left out because these are characters that I've been exposed to a lot without really getting any deep impressions or forming attachments - I could do with or without them in a story.
Tier 6 is COMPLEX FEELINGS. Rangiku is a character I'm slightly uncomfortable with because of the way she's sexualised. It's a large part of her character - it's part of the way she acts, the way she's drawn. It's the author's fault, but there are absolutely days when I'm just ... tired of being encountered with her character as she is.
Yoruichi is even more complex in that it's a mixture of fans/the way she's sexualised. Yoruichi is popular and people love her even when they hate every other female character because she gets to be a badass without much character aside from that. She doesn't get manipulated like Momo, isn't soft like Orihime, isn't "weak", isn't lovesick like Soi Fon, but I think at the end she's none of those things and therefore inoffensive because there's just not that much to her character. It's ... frustrating to me that in order to be loved by both dudebros and casual fans you need to be without flaws like that, and that's not her fault either, but yes, there are days wherein I avoid her character, and some days when I love how badass and fun she is.
Masaki is similar - a beloved female character who is beloved only because she is dead and can't commit anymore wrongs, and is deified by her whole family. She is just A Perfect Mother. I'm intrigued by her mostly because I want to show her as more than that, but her canon depiction doesn't do much for me.
Karin - Karin mostly comes up in a ship I absolutely cannot stand so it's absolutely just petty "half the time I see you I have to immediately click out", I'm sorry baby girl it's me not you.
Gin creeps me out. I know he's good but he's creepy. Kon is really about wasted potential - his introduction was amazing but he's just a very gross comic relief instead. Uryuu's dad has a really intriguing story but he's such an ass.
The only character I really wanna explain in "no" and below tiers is Soi Fon. Soi Fon is just a character I don't vibe with - I find her to be too married to Soul Society's rules without question to the point of cruelty, and I don't see her grow out of it in the way that Byakuya does. What I love about Momo and Ichigo is the way they can separate rules and laws with what harm it does to people and decide FUCK THAT. Soi Fon is the opposite of that so it's more like she isn't the kind of character I love. (And this is why I initially didn't like Byakuya at all).
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nanivinsmoke · 2 years
I Hate, You.
a yoruichi angst. featuring soi fon.
black fem reader x yoruichi
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“So you’re just gonna leave, huh? Yoru?” She screamed as the brown skinned woman turned away from her, walking away with her ex lover. “ANSWER ME YORUICHI” Y/N flash stepped, coming face to face with the purple haired woman; staring at her blank face.
“Master Yoruichi, let me—” Before the raven haired woman could speak, Yoruichi’s hand motioned for her to stop. “Just give up Y/N” She gave the woman the most disappointing look. Yoruichi had already made up her mind, and Y/N could see it written all over her face. “So, you’re just going to make me love you and you get to walk away with not one care in the world?! Does HE have something to do with you leaving.” Yoru’s golden eyes softened and she looked away, guess she saw right through her.
“I figured. You love him more than anything huh, even yourself? I kind of figured that” Y/N chuckled, she clenched her fists; thinking about that wretched man. He was always getting in the way of everything, including her relationship. “And you, don’t you feel stupid following around this woman who doesn’t feel the same way about you? Don’t you feel like shit because the woman you love would never return that same feeling because of him?” Her irises stared dead into Soi’s brown one’s. Feeling the change in spiritual pressure, Yoruichi stepped in.
“I never loved you, get over it. Now, go back to being under Shunsui’s ass” Y/N sucked her teeth and clenched her fist some more. It always came back to this. “He’s my fucking captain yoru! I’m his right hand man, and I don’t know why we keep having this conversation about him” She spoke, with anger and a hint of sadness in her voice. Shunsui was not only her captain, but her best friend as well. Although he never got between the two women and their relationship, he would always be there for her; giving Y/N advice.
“Because you keep bringing up me and Kisuke!”
“THAT’S BECAUSE YOU’RE FUCKING IN LOVE WITH HIM! IM NOT IN LOVE WITH SHUNSUI” By now, she was filled with pure anger, her spiritual pressure rose and the two women standing a few feet away from her could feel the intensity of it. “Calm down Y/N, please. I don’t want the captains to know that we’re here”
“Don’t tell me to calm down! You don’t have the right to tell me anything, anymore!” She slowly began to come closer and so did the raven haired woman. “Soi Fon don’t—” Yoruichi’s words went straight through one ear and out the other ear of the second division captain’s, whom flash stepped and kicked the side of Y/N’s head. Or so she thought. With ease, the brown skinned woman caught her foot and sent her flying in the opposite direction. It was obvious that she was stronger one here.
As the woman slowly began to approach the fallen Soi Fon, she was stopped by the flash goddess; putting an end to the fight the could end the very life of the second division’s captain. Y/N looked down at the slender hand that was latched onto her wrist and yanked it away. “Goodbye Yoruichi, I never want to see your face again. I never want to hear your name again. The next time I see you…one of us won’t be making it out alive” Y/N began to part ways from the two women, a tear released itself from her eyes as she began to make her way back to the first division’s headquarters.
“Oh…and one more thing before I leave” She turned around, her eyes red and filled with tears.
“I Hate, You”
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tuliharja · 11 months
BLEACH: Thousand-Year Blood War - The Separation episode 3 review
Lol! Urahara trolling Mayuri by panicking all 'don't cut the line! I'm about to reveal how awesome I'm!' while in reality, he was just messing with Mayuri. Pretty classic Urahara to mess with someone and especially doing so to Mayuri who already hates Urahara for being a bit better than him. (Which Urahara likes to bring out, much to Mayuri's annoyance.) Luckily Mayuri still agreed over the fact they could use his lab...talk about desperate times, because in any other scenario? I bet Mayuri would have flatly refused Urahara. (Which he probably knew very well.)
Those bugs they used...reminded Mayuri's caterpillar/baby Zanpakuto...I suppose it made sense those would, but even so...ugh. ^^'
Omg! Mayuri's sunflower outfit was pulsing like a pretty rainbow. (I swear if I won't see some lgbt+ gifs or pictures of the Mayuri motif in that outfit, I think it'll be a small crime. The opportunity is just too delicious to pass by.)
I loved how Mayuri and Urahara were talking with each other about how Quincies basically fear Hollows and the fact Mayuri was all but measuring down Urahara. While Urahara was his usual, laidback self. Despite that, he appeared all serious, which I bet Mayuri saw. Even so...it was an interesting scene. Very informative and two geniuses measuring each other down (or at least Mayuri was. Hard to write about Urahara.)
The tables really turned in this episode in Shinigamis' favor, thanks to Urahara and Mayuri! And the rest of the 12th Division members' help.
Despite the fact Soi Fon's Bankai is a bit clunky and big, the animation of firing it and its bullet hitting BG9 was very cool. And once again it showed despite the fact Soi Fon's and Omaeda's relationship is a bit difficult, they work very well as captain and lieutenant. It's kind of unfortunate, though, Soi Fon's Bankai didn't seemingly change when it got briefly hollowfied...unlike Hitsugaya's.
I think Toshiro's hollowfied Bankai looked very cool! Not to mention, talk about rude, Cang Du! For not believing Zanpakuto could be a spirit of its own mind...then again, I suppose it makes sense he wouldn't believe in such thing as Quincies don't have Zanpakuto spirits or generally their own, special weapons. They just have unique powers, thanks to Yhwach... when considering that, it's a bit ironic getting 'superpowers' from mighty Quincy King makes sense and is alright, but when it's about Zanpakuto spirits, it's about faith? Oh well, I suppose it's about what one is used to. Let everybody believe in what they want to...though Toshiro truly showed the mightiness of Hyorinmaru! Not to mention, it made me snicker a bit when Toshiro apologized he couldn't make a pentagram out of Cang Du...
Yes, yes, yes!! I knew it was teased we would see Shinji's Bankai and now we finally saw it! (In manga it wasn't shown.) And man, what a treat it was! Thought it was a short clip, it was still very awesome to see Shinji's Bankai in the anime. So happy we got to see it because I always found it a bit unfortunate we didn't see certain captains' Bankais in the manga...
Not to mention, the music that hit each time Shinji was on screen? *Chef's kiss.* Classic Shinji which made the viewer feel all smoooth,
When Yhwach granted his Sternritters their Quincy Voll Stern Dich (or more like allowed them to use those once again), those looked actually very pretty. Each Sternritters' color seemed to be different, making them all stand out and be just...pretty. Yeah, deadly, but pretty.
It was nice this episode had a bit more colorful spots here and there, giving more life to the episode. While the color palette, red and light blue hues are all nice and show the viewer nicely both sides...those spots of color? It was welcomed, at least from my side.
And once again at the very end, we saw Ichigo struggling his way to that torii gate. That glimpse of Soul King...I wonder if Ichigo will find out the 'truth' about Soul King and if yes...how will that change him?
Also! Finally, in the next episode, Komamura will get his chance to shine!
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unohanadaydreams · 1 year
I’ve got a question! I saw on tik tok that tite kubo’s favorite character is Yoruichi. And I was like oh I thought it was Mayuri. But then I got thinking what if tite kubo sees himself as Mayuri (like a kin I guess?). And if that were correct do you think as a character Mayuri could [be jealous of Kisuke] and have some kind of longing for Yoruichi that was never addressed in the manga?
I honestly have no idea who Kubo's favorite character really is or if he sees himself as Mayuri (never heard this tbh) but I think it would be hilarious if Mayuri had a crush on Yoruichi because that would imply that he and Soi Fon would have even MORE common ground to hate Urahara upon.
They both want to be Urahara so fucking bad and why not throw in that they both desperately want Yoruichi to scarf down insane amounts of rice in her underwear in front of them too.
I think Mayuri and Soi Fon have a lot in common and I think any headcanon that brings them together further works. Although Soi Fon definitely thinks that Mayuri is a gross piece of work that never got acknowledged by Yoruichi for a reason and Mayuri absolutely thinks that Soi Fon is like a sick animal putting on a brave face and she just needs to crawl into some gutter to die already. Imagine all that but in an alliance!
It's THEIR turn to troll Urahara. Let the bitter little bitches left behind have their day.
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