#hero with hearing impairment
kaiwewi · 2 years
Synopsis: the hero seems to be preferring Other Villain's company. Villain has a very hard time accepting that.
“You talk to Other Villain.”
The hero frowned at them, again. “Huh?”
“I said…” They glowered at their silly little foe. For that was definitely all the hero was to them, just some stupid enemy, certainly nothing special. “You always talk to Other Villain.”
“Other Villain?” the hero repeated, sounding wary.
“Yes, Other Villain!” Why did the hero have to make them repeat that disgusting name over and over again? Rude. “Why them? You never just hang around and talk with me. You can’t seriously think they’ve got something I don’t.”
Other Villain was a pretentious jerk, so they rather thought that they were the one who had quite a few things that Other Villain didn’t have. For example, a personality.
That really wasn’t the point though.
Or maybe it was. It kind of was.…
“Sorry?” The hero’s face was definitely flushing, which didn’t at all make them look cute. It didn’t. “I- I just… don’t understand you?”
Wow, wasn’t that rich.
“You just don’t understand me,” they mimicked, sneering. “What, am I not articulate enough for you? Not as ‘well-spoken’ as Other Villain?”
(Other Villain was not well-spoken.)
The way they’d spit Other Villain’s name made it sound like an insult and even that was still way too good for that prick. Everything was too good for that prick.
Especially the hero.
How anyone could stand Other Villain’s presence for longer than a minute was beyond them. The hero didn’t seem to think so though, constantly making idle conversation and sometimes even banter – banter! – with the bastard.
“Uhm, I… I don’t really know…” the hero trailed off, looking very uncomfortable.
Why? Because they’d insulted Other Villain? Would someone as good as the hero really feel bad on Other Villain’s behalf?
Somehow, the mere idea was truly infuriating.
“You know,” they said and closed in on the hero, making their nemesis retreat towards the wall until the hero was trapped between them and the cold brick stones, “I find it rude that you bicker with Other Villain and laugh about their lame ass jokes, and yet you won’t even have the courtesy to acknowledge me when I’m trying to make small talk.
“You don’t even pretend to pay attention when I monologue. All you ever do is frown at me.”
They searched the hero’s eyes – wide and confused – with their own narrow-eyed gaze. The hero’s brows were creased deeper than ever.
Perhaps the hero simply didn’t care, didn’t give a single fuck about them.
Their hands curled into fists, and something in them snapped.
“If you hate me, at least tell me to my face,” they shouted. They hadn’t meant to shout.
The hero shrank back. “What? That’s not true!”
They shoved the hero then. They hadn’t meant to do that either.
But how dare the hero suddenly play at innocence now? Did the hero really not realise how they were feeling, being ignored and scorned without having done anything near significant enough to warrant such a treatment?
They’d actually put in a lot of completely fruitless effort over the past couple of weeks, being all polite and friendly, always trying to engage the hero in conversation. To which they’d received nothing in return.
Nichts. Nada. Niente.
It wasn’t fair.
“Fantastic.” They gave the hero the nastiest look they could muster, and if their bottom lip was trembling that was due to anger and nothing else. “Keep playing dumb then.”
“I just… don’t understand,” the hero said in a voice so small they might as well have been whispering. Shuffling their feet, agitated and looking extremely unhappy, the hero chewed on their bottom lip.
Dammit all. They should have known this would be a colossal waste of time.
They could have cried, or laughed. Neither seemed like an appropriate reaction. What difference did it make anyway? Why did they even care in the first place?
They swallowed against the lump in their throat, taking two steps back to allow the hero enough space to brush past them.
The hero didn’t leave though, only stared at them, red-faced and fidgeting.
“Okay listen,” the hero finally said, a little too loud and a little too fast, “I can’t talk to you.”
A muscle in their jaw twitched. If this would turn out to be some nonsense, bullshit excuse…
“No, I didn’t mean…” The hero cringed, then blurted, “it’s your stupid mask!”
“My… mask?” they repeated dumbly, pointing a finger at their face. What the fuck.
The hero nodded emphatically.
“Look, I can tell you’re upset. I think it’s about talking. And about Other Villain?” The frown on the hero’s face turned into a proper scowl. “But I can’t help it, okay?!” They sounded angry now, or perhaps only frustrated. Very, very frustrated.
Gritting their teeth and pointing a finger accusingly at them, the hero said, “my hearing is bad and I need to read lips. But I can’t do that because of your stupid mask covering your stupid mouth.”
Oh. Wow. Huh. Shit. Well, that explained a lot.
“Oh,” they said, staring blankly back at the hero. All traces of anger and annoyance so suddenly extinguished, they were left feeling oddly numb and at a total loss as to what would be an appropriate reaction to such a revelation.
They didn’t get a chance to answer though, because apparently the hero wasn’t quite finished yet.
“You know what?” Their nemesis rounded on them, practically seething. This time the colour in the hero’s cheeks wasn’t that gorgeous rosy blush. “No. Fuck you! I don’t owe you an explanation or an apology. It’s not my fault I can’t understand half of what you’re saying.”
With that, the hero rushed off, shoving them aside roughly even though there would have been plenty of space to walk past without touching. It didn’t exactly hurt, but the push did jerk them back to reality.
Absent-mindedly, they rubbed their shoulder, slowly nodding to themself. A smile began to curl their lips.
Their hero didn’t dislike them after all. Well, at least not on a personal level.
Thankfully, this also had absolutely nothing to do with Other Villain.
The entire thing was merely a communication problem. One that could easily be solved.
All they needed was a new mask.
For my other stories, visit my [MASTERLIST] ♥
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mochinek0 · 4 months
Daminette December 2023:30-Save Some for Me
Many people of the Justice League were summoned for a mission. Some were hiding in the shadows, others were stuck as civilians. Everything was going fine in the mission until Damian Wayne was suddenly thrown into building. That was the day he learned his two sunshine would go to hell for him.
Damian lay aginst the building. His vision was foggy, at best.
'Concussion. Labored breathing; likely a broken rib or two.'
He hadn't noticed people had started running away and were screaming. He hadn't even noticed Jon and Marinette calling his name until they got to his side.
'Hearing impairment.'
"Don't touch him!" Jon shouted, "He has some broken bones and some bad bruising."
"Concussion. Hearing impairment. Labored breathing." Damian whispered out, "Tired."
" Stay awake. I'll get a medic as fast as I can." Jon remarked, "I'm staying with you. I'll protect you from any more damage."
'That's good. His body can shield me from anymore debris or if there's any bullets.'
Damian felt wet drops fall on him.
It wasn't until he heard the sob that he realized it was Marinette.
"Angel. I will be fine." he spoke.
He saw her hand turn into a fist and drop her precious earrings into her purse. She shoved it into Jon's arm.
"Marinette?" Jon asked.
He saw Marinette place a small ring on her hand.
"Claws out." she snarled.
Before his eyes, his angel looked like a small version of Selina in her CatWoman outfit. Her hair had turned jet black and was tied in a long braid down to her ankles. Her suit was now black. She was wearing thigh high heels with a green sash wrapped around her waist. Her hands had turned claws. She no wore a black domino mask the looked like his own robin mask and upon her head, were a pair of cat ear, trimmed with green. Then, she was gone.
"You might want to make sure Angel doesn’t kill anyone." Damian spoke, before passing out with a smile.
Jon turned to see Marinette lunging at people and blood splattering everywhere. It reminded him of watching his best friend train with his swords.
'Oh, shit! There's two of them!'
Jon quickly rushed away and grabbed ahold of her, locking her arms. She still managed to move with him holding her.
'I was wrong. She's scarier!'
The Bats quickly rounded everyone up as the rest of the Justice League avoided Ladybug, now turned Cat. She was hissing and clawing, trying to get away from Superboy. He had scratches on him from holding her back and was bleeding. Superman quickly rushed over and knocked her out. Superboy huffed and handed her over to Batman.
"Your son's girlfriend is just as deadly as he is." he huffed.
Plagg released himself from the ring.
"Do you have any cheese?" he questioned.
"What?" replied Superman.
"Another alien?" asked Green Lantern.
"Rude." Plagg answered, "I am the God of Destruction."
"Yep. That fits the bill." Red Hood responded, "Demon Spawn dating a person of destruction."
"Oh, you have it all wrong." Plagg declared "She only used me because she was pissed and you should be grateful, she did."
"She killed ten people." Batman spoke.
The kwami shrugged, "Could have been worse."
"How?" asked Nightwing.
"She could have been weilding her usual, my other half: Tikki, the Goddess of Creation. She created the universe." Plagg explained, enthusiastically, "When she gets pissed, she creates weapons of mass destruction. Instead of ten people, it could have been half the planet."
All the heroes looked at Marinette unconscious in Batman's arms.
"Who's the bad one now?" Plagg smirked, "At least she didn't used Kalki. Could have just teleported them over a volcano or a pit of death."
"So, do you have cheese?" Plagg asked again.
Jon was quick to warn the medical team about Damian's injuries and the extent of them, as he was placed on a stretcher.
"Ah, Loverboy." Plagg declared.
The Kwami of Destruction tapped on the downed Robin and let the green aura wash over him.
"Is that-?" Tim shouted.
"My magic." Plagg stated, absorbing it, "Seems he has a lot of it in him. Not as goo as cheese, but it helps. I'll talk to the bug and she can give my ring to him, for awhile. I should be able to absorb the rest. Same with Helmet Head."
"Really?" questioned Red Hood."
Plagg nodded, "Yep."
"Are you perhaps talking about the Lazarus Pits magic?" Batman asked.
"I don’t know what you people call it now, but that is our magic." Plagg explained, "Someone wished for it so we made it. It's why she works so hard to makes sure it doesn’t happen."
Red Hood shook his head, "They're a perfect match."
"Huh?" asked Wonder Woman.
"Demon Spawn and his 'Angel'. We all know if Batsy, here, wasn't around, he'd be leaving Gotham painted red. Hid girlfriend is the same way, if he gets hurt. You can't honestly tell me if she got hurt, he'd go back to being an assassin." he explained.
The Justice League loked between the unconcious couple.
"I say it's Batman's problem, now." Green Lantern stated, "His kid and future daughter-in-law."
TAGLIST: @maribat-calendar-events@animeweebgirl@a-star-with-a-human-name@meme991001@vixen-uchiha@abrx2002@alysrose-starchild@fandom-trapped-03@dood-space@moonlightstar64@saltymiraculer@marveldcedits20@09shell-sea09@icerosecrystal@animegirlweeb@insane-fangirl-of-everything@blueblossombliss@nickristus-dreamer@megawhitleycalderonpaganus@missmadwoman@meira-3919@princessdaisysolosyourfaves@blep-23@fangirlingfanatic@darkhinauniverse@ravenr22@im-a-satanic-ritual@ravennm84@bianca-hooks123@a-slytherinish-gryffindor@starling218
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vanderilnde · 3 months
while i believe simon would never cheat on the love of his life, i do also believe that living in close quarters with someone; sustaining the plight of near-death experiences together; and the intrinsic bond that comes with suturing up a teammate that took a bloody bullet for you, may prompt some second thoughts in simon’s mind, and may inspire a mean little devil on his shoulder. let me elaborate:
"You're a fuckin' muppet," he grunts.
The words come from the hull of Simon's throat—brutish in how he smoulders you with his stare—and is succeeded by a plume of smoke thereafter. "A real fuckin' muppet."
"So are you," you counter.
The hind of his spine straightens. It's in a stint of disbelief, because you’re a sergeant back-talking your lieutenant. Simon’s eyes follow the streamline of your gaze, and he freezes. He sees what you're focused on: his ring.
Or, rather, his lack thereof.
In place of his wedding stack, you notice, a loop of pale skin winks at you instead. It stands out from the rest of Simon's skin—slightly tanned, welted, with distending divots and a gossamer of blisters. It's ugly, and even uglier in the stark absence of his thin, gilt band.
Simon's not wearing his wedding ring.
His consciousness is impaired and belatedly catches up to him. And when it does, Simon burns his tongue soot-stained as he sharply inhales and invites a layer of ash to slip past his throat. He coughs, eyebrows pursed in the silvery glow of moonlight.
"This ain't about me."
Ash falls off his cigarette as Simon crudely taps it against his forefinger. He secures the cigarette with the threshold of his lips and bitterly continues, "You wanted to take a bullet meant for me, no? Earned yourself a psych eval."
"Price'll let me on the field even if I fail," you sneer.
"Your responsibility's to follow orders, not play hero–"
A scoff bubbles from your throat and collapses Simon's sentence. "You're in no place to be talking about responsibilities, L.T.–"
"Quiet," he snaps, like a dog on a leash that's too long and had its favourite toy pried from its paws. Simon's a rottweiler, baring his fangs and barking at you through the iron cage of his gritted teeth.
His chest rises and falls. Ribbons of scratch marks from your nails decorate his chest, down to his navel.
You scoff. “You're a fucking liar.”
Simon clenches his fist. A cold breeze slips past you both, ebbing over your breathing gun injury. The injury that he'd dressed this afternoon. Like atonement; like he was licking your wounds with his tail tucked between his legs; like a fervent kiss.
Because Simon isn't just a liar to the woman he said his vows to in a church in Manchester; he's a liar to you, for swearing that this—what ever this is, this little parasite between you—isn't real.
Something like the humid mass of guilt sticks to your flesh as you remember the lady who always picks him up for R&R; who he has as his background on his phone; who holds the other half of his wedding band—which isn't on his finger—and which hasn't been on Simon's finger for a long time, even though his "I don't want to endanger her" excuse is getting stale.
Simon stares at you. In the middle of his tent, in the middle of the desert, in the blip of what seems like frozen time.
He's backed into a corner, beseeching with his eyes to not confront whatever somatic presence orbits around you. Bringing him and his wife apart, and bringing the two of you together. Not only on missions, but at the dead of midnight, too. In the dark corners of Simon's office. Wherever there's a blind spot at Hereford's base. In a fickle tent as you two scope out the enemy.
Quietly, under the howling breeze, he whispers, "I know."
Simon's wedding band sits on his cot back at Hereford.
Simon's wife sits in Manchester.
Simon's sin lays beside him. Naked, sweaty, swathed in cheap bedsheets.
You're pricked by the spindle of his tongue, bleeding a mosaic across your body. It's a bullet wound, and it's a pair of lips, and its passion. A palette of hickey's and kisses and bite marks.
Testaments of territory Simon had left on you the night before.
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 1 month
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Bathroom Shenanigans
A Stancy One Shot
A/N: Steve’s middle name is from Friends.
All was mostly well. Vecna was dead, Max was alive, and so was Eddie. Vecna's victims had returned as well, which meant that Eddie was no longer accused of murder. The town, unfortunately, still had been split, which meant that Max was recovering in the hospital with broken bones and impaired vision. Eddie could move around, but it hurt to do so. He was moving around the gym, helping with the relief aid. It allowed everyone to see the hero who saved the town from a deranged serial killer or so, Hop had suggested that the town see that for a little bit. Chrissy was helping him, which also didn't hurt the image that they were both heroes. Eddie had proudly proclaimed that he couldn't have done it without her. Steve figured there was more to that story, considering Chrissy's hand never left Eddie's hip.
"They're cute," Nancy said softly.
"Yeah," Steve agreed.
Lucas and El were at the hospital, but everyone else was here at the school helping out. Robin was across the gym, still on the sandwich duty with Vickie. Nancy was by his side, helping him sort clothing. They were in this weird transition from being friends to being something more again. Nancy had broken up with Jonathan, and according to her, they had both been relieved, which meant they had really been over for a while. Judging by the way Jonathan was currently looking at Argyle, it looked like something was starting there, not that they said anything to them about it, nor would they.
Nancy reached over to grab an article of clothing, pressing herself up against Steve. Her arm was against his side, her hip digging into him as well. Steve’s heart was pounding in his chest as her hair tickled his chin, and he caught a whiff of her hair as well as her perfume. The feeling of her pressing up against him was overwhelming his senses and making his head all fuzzy. Okay, she keeps grabbing more clothes. Shouldn't she be done by now? She dug her hip harder against him, and he sucked in a breath. It wasn't like there was anything sexual about it. . .well, maybe a little. It was the intimacy of it all, of her being so close to him. He wanted nothing more than to hold her in his arms again. He looked at her and saw there was a little smirk on her face. Was she doing this on purpose?
"Are you okay, baby?" Nancy asked, putting a hand on his chest.
Steve jolted. Did he hear her, right? Did she call him baby? When they were together, they hadn't been much for nicknames, but maybe they had been too nervous to try them out. Hearing Nancy call him that made his brain go haywire. It felt much like the static on the television. Oh, he liked it.
"Yeah, yeah," Steve said quickly. "Are you okay?"
"More than okay," Nancy said. "You know, I think I could use a break. You should take one too. . .baby."
Okay, yeah, she definitely said it. He jumped when her hand went into his back pocket for a moment before pulling out and leaving behind a piece of paper. Steve watched her walk away before pulling out the piece of paper.
Meet me in the bathroom. - Nancy
Steve grinned and slipped the paper back in his pocket before heading towards the direction of the bathroom. Unfortunately, he got blocked by Chrissy and Eddie.
"Hey, settle something for us," Eddie said. "Chrissy thinks - "
"Sorry, man, talk to Robin, I, uh, have to go to the bathroom," Steve said and started to walk away.
"That tea will go straight through you!" Eddie called out.
"No, Eddie, that's not what's happening. I saw Nancy go to the bathroom too," Chrissy replied.
"So, Nancy drank the same tea," Eddie said.
"No, babe, get there faster," she giggled.
Steve laughed as their voices faded into the crowd as he moved closer to the bathroom. He opened it and frowned when he had seen that it was empty. He opened his mouth to say something when he was suddenly pushed up against the wall, and then Nancy's lips were on his. He was shocked for a moment, but then he smiled and eagerly responded to the kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling her closer to him as Steve moved his hands to her hips. Nancy deepened the kiss and moved her hand to the nape of his neck, tugging on his hair. He moaned into her mouth and broke the kiss with a gasp.
"You called me baby," Steve said, stunned.
"Did you like that?" Nancy asked.
"Yeah, I did," he said softly. "I didn't think we were those kinds of people."
"I don't want to pick things up where we left off. I want to do things differently. I want this to be a brand new relationship," Nancy said. "I was just trying something out. I don't know if - "
"Yeah, I want that too," Steve said. "Oh, so, should I give you one too?"
"If you want," Nancy said.
"What about. . .honeybunch?"
"No! Absolutely not!"
"Sugar pie?"
"If ever call me that, I'll shoot you!" Nancy laughed.
"Hmm, baby girl?" Steve asked with a smirk.
"I'll shoot you twice," Nancy said, and then she smirked. "What if I call you baby girl?"
Steve blushed and grinned. Oh, shit, why did he like that so much?
"Um. . ."
"You like that huh, you want to be my baby girl?" Nancy asked.
"Yeah, yeah, I do," Steve admitted softly.
Nancy's smirk widened, and she began kissing his neck.
"Baby," Nancy muttered in between kisses. "Baby. Baby girl. Mine. All mine."
She placed gentle kisses on his neck, her lips moving to the scar wrapped around his neck.
"What about darlin'?" Steve asked, and she moaned against his neck.
"I like the you say it," Nancy said, pulling back.
"Love?" He asked.
Nancy attached her lips back to his neck, her hands drifting her hand under his shirt. Steve hissed as her hands touched his bat bites.
"Sorry," she said as she pulled back.
"It's alright. Even though it's mostly closed, they still hurt sometimes," Steve said.
"Yeah, mine do too," Nancy said.
"Wait. . .you got bit? Why didn't you say anything?" Steve asked.
"Well, they weren't as bad as yours and Eddie's plus, I was focused on the mission," Nancy said. "See?"
She pushed her shirt off her shoulder, revealing the tiny bites on her shoulder blade. Just like she did with the scar on his neck, Steve bent down and started placing gentle kisses on Nancy's shoulder blade. She stood on her tiptoes, letting his arms slip around her waist to support as she gave him better access. They froze when they heard whispers outside the door.
"I'm telling you that it's the tea thing," Eddie's voice came from outside the door.
"I'm telling you you're wrong," Chrissy said, and they heard the door being pushed open. "See?"
"Oh my God! We're both wrong, Chrissy! Steve’s a vampire!" Eddie exclaimed. "Is that what the bat bites do? Am I next?"
"Oh, you're lucky you're cute," Chrissy said.
"Thank you! . . . Hey! Okay, yeah, I'm wrong. Wheeler's clearly getting to second base. . . Second base, that's where you grab . . . "
"Yes, Eddie!"
"Well, I'm trying to!" Nancy exclaimed.
"Oh, shit! They know we're here!" Eddie whispered loudly.
"Yeah, because you're not quiet at all!" Steve exclaimed.
"I told you, you were loud!" Chrissy exclaimed.
"Are you guys pervving on people in the bathroom?" Robin's voice came from behind them. "You know, there are other normal things that couples can do around here."
"That wasn't my intention!" Chrissy squeaked as she closed the door. "I was just trying to show Eddie - "
"Now, Chrissy, you know that's not how you teach someone about the female anatomy," Robin said.
"Excuse me, I know plenty about the female anatomy!" Eddie exclaimed.
"Actually . . . you could use a few pointers," Chrissy said.
"Bat bites, baby, bat bites!" Eddie exclaimed. "I'm not up to my usual game!"
"What game?" Robin scoffed.
"Oh, is the bathroom the new hangout spot?" Argyle's voice sounded.
"We have strange friends," Nancy said.
"The stranger, the better," Steve laughed.
"What's going on?" They heard Jonathan asked.
"Eddie's got no game, and apparently, he can't make Chrissy arrive on time," Robin said.
"That is not what Chrissy said!" Eddie squeaked.
"Oh, there you are, Robin," Vickie's voice said. "Uh, what's going on?"
"Eddie can't make Chrissy cu -," Argyle said.
"Shut up!" Eddie shouted.
"What's going on? Jonathan, mom's looking for you," Will said.
"We're never getting out of here," Steve muttered.
"Eddie apparently doesn't know anything about the female anatomy," Robin exclaimed.
"Neither do I!" Will exclaimed happily.
"Hey, has anyone seen Steve?" Dustin asked. "Mike also can't seem to find Nancy either."
"Okay, there's a window. You should be able to climb out, but you're going to have to give me a boost," Nancy said. "And then we just walk around front. There's no way that I'm walking into all of that."
"Like ninjas," Steve said and Nancy laughed.
"What the hell is going on here?" Hopper's voice asked.
"Shit, shit!" Steve exclaimed. "I am not getting caught by my pseudo dad."
Steve boosted Nancy up to the window, and she paused halfway out of the window.
"Wait, we're adults now. Why are we sneaking around like we're not?" Nancy asked.
"A little late to be realizing this now, love," Steve said.
Nancy jumped out of the window and grinned when Steve did the same. They turned around only to find Wayne Munson leaning against the wall, smoking.
"I don't want to know," Wayne said.
They waved at Wayne as they passed and walked quickly hand in hand into the gym. They walked to the back and down the hallway toward the bathroom. Everyone was panicking. Joyce and Mike had obviously arrived.
"What's going on?" Joyce asked.
"Steve and Nancy disappeared from the bathroom," Chrissy replied.
"They were just right there!" Eddie exclaimed.
"There's no way they could have left through the door," Jonathan said. "And we checked the stalls."
"Maybe they climbed out the window," Steve spoke up.
"That's a good idea, Steve!" Dustin exclaimed, and then his head snapped to look at him. "Steve!"
Everyone crowded around the couple, speaking in raised voices.
"That wasn't very funny, Steven Muriel!" Robin exclaimed.
"It was a little funny," Nancy said and then paused. "Muriel?"
"It's a family name," Steve said. "The only reason she knows it is because she pickpocketed my wallet."
"Why did you do that?" Dustin asked, slugging him in his shoulder.
"I think Nancy thought it would be funny," Steve said.
He put his arm around her and kissed the top of her head as she laughed.
"You guys are back together?" Jonathan asked.
"Yeah," Nancy said.
Jonathan smiled, looking quite relieved. Steve wasn't sure what it was about. Maybe it was just the simple fact that they were happy. Dustin beamed as he asked for details while Robin cheered with Vickie. Eddie handed money over to Chrissy because apparently, they made a bet. Things were never going to be like they were, Steve thought as recalled his previous time with Nancy, but they were certainly going to be better.
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aaqlah · 1 year
Not so Berry 3.0 | Exotic Fruits Version
By: insta/twitter: @bellafranli | Twitch: aaqlah
The Not so Berry 3.0 challenge is based on the original Not so Berry challenge created by @lilsimsie. This challenge features exotic fruits as the names of its generations. It is important to note that NSB 3.0 does not follow all the colors of versions 1.0 and 2.0, nor their stories, and includes a bonus generation, meaning that there will be 11 generations in the legacy for this challenge.
This updated challenge for 2023 aims to cover a different gameplay from previous challenges, using more expansions and game packs for an even more enjoyable legacy. However, this does not mean that it cannot be played by those who do not have the expansion or game packs for the generation, it can be adapted during any generation for the packs you own in the coolest way for you and that fits best in the presented story.
During the challenge, you will notice that we will use items from the new update (Feb/2023), including legacies with hearing-impaired and trans individuals. The intention is not to interfere with gameplay but to create a more inclusive NSB challenge where everyone can feel seen. Therefore, we will follow the same basic rules already known by the simmer community, updated for 2023.
I would like to thank @Quel and the quelmunity for supporting me in creating a fun challenge for all of us. Special thanks to Endymnx who organized this tumblr for me. You guys are the most incredible people in the world who welcomed me when I needed it most. Thank you!
I would also like to add that this challenge was originally created in portuguese because I am brazilian. So big thanks to Claramrlx for helping translate this gigantic text to english haha 😂
Not so Berry 3.0 | Exotic Fruits Version
Basic Rules:
Each heir represents the color of the generation (hair, clothing, makeup…), but it is not necessary to apply this to skin color. This is totally optional, but it is a big part of the fun.
The colors of the spouses are not important. Unless otherwise stated, you can do whatever you want with them.
Money cheats can be used, but not excessively. Suggestion: use freerealestate to buy your first house, then continue the game without cheats.
You can live in any world, unless there is a rule about it in a certain generation.
All generations must complete career and aspiration goals, unless explicitly stated otherwise.
Keep the normal lifespan.
Infant and toddler traits can be freely chosen by the player.
Child and teen aspirations can be freely chosen by the player, unless specified in the generation.
All heirs must be firstborns, unless explicitly specified in the generation.
Have fun <3
Generation 1: White Strawberry | Color: White
Requires: StrangerVille Game Pack
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You have always been extremely curious and had a investigative soul. But above all, helping other sims constantly motivated your heart. And so, when you heard about a mysterious town with sims acting strange, you knew that was your place. Moving to StrangerVille was definitely the best decision of your life. That was your destiny and you would fulfill it.
Traits: Genius, Good, Paranoid Aspiration: StrangerVille Mystery | Location Career: Secret Agent | Branch: Diamond Agent
Complete the StrangerVille Mystery aspiration;
Complete the Logic and Programming skills;
Reach at least level 6 of the Charisma skill;
Be good friends with 4 infected sims in StrangerVille;
Marry a sim that you saved from contamination;
Live your entire life in StrangerVille.
Generation 2: Kiwi | Color: Green
Requires:Get Famous Expansion Pack
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Growing up with a well-known relative can be tough, especially when that relative is your mother… Despite the constant exposure, you always felt proud to be the daughter of the hero of StrangeVille. It's understandable that other Sims are grateful to someone who saved an entire town from devastation. But growing up with the weight of having to do something even bigger was not easy. Your dream is to one day become even more famous and break the stigmas imposed by society for being hearing-impaired.
Traits: Ambitious, Self-absorbed, Extroverted Aspiration: World-Famous Celebrity | Popularity Career: Any career, as long as you meet the requirement of being a 5-star celebrity at the end. Example of careers that give you fame: Painting, Writing, Entertainment, Music, Acting…
Complete the World-Famous Celebrity aspiration;
Complete the chosen career;
Complete the Charisma skill, as well as the skill connected to the chosen profession, which can be: Painting, Writing, Comedy, Acting or any instrument…
Win an award in your career;
Buy your dream home as an adult;
Have a single daughter from a tumultuous relationship.
Generation 3: Yellow Watermelon | Color: Yellow
Requires: Cats & Dogs expansion pack and Cottage Living expansion pack (The latter only due to the Animal Lover trait, which can easily be replaced with Cat or Dog Lover).
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You had the best education your parents could afford, with everything top-notch. However, you grew up in a complicated and uncommunicative family. Therefore, your dream was a simpler life away from the spotlight and the chaos of being a celebrity. Just thinking about famous sims made your stomach churn, in fact, just thinking about any sim made you nervous… But, there was one exception: your beloved grandma, who is your rock and best friend. Not being popular was never a problem because you always preferred animals anyway. The affection of kittens and puppies was always the purest and all you needed to have.
Traits: Animal Lover, Loner, Loyal Aspiration: Friend of the Animals | Animal Career: Veterinarian
Be best friends with your grandma;
Buy a veterinary clinic;
Complete the Friend of the Animals aspiration;
Complete the Veterinarian career;
Complete the Veterinary and Animal Training skills;
Always have at least two animals in your household throughout your life;
Have your first child only at the end of your young adult phase or only in the adult phase, the choice is yours. Your daughter should be a science baby.
Generation 4: Lychee | Color: Red
Requires: City Living Expansion Pack and High School Expansion Pack (If you don't have it, complete any other aspiration during your teenage years that is not the same as your adult phase).
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Your mother is your main reference of an independent sim, she raised you very well on her own, in the best way she could. But being alone was never your thing, you grew up wanting to explore the world. Every moment, the desire to visit new places in different cities, to meet new sims and maybe flirt... a lot. You wanted that very much too, because hook up with only one sim is not your style.
Traits: Romantic, Noncommittal, Lazy Aspiration: Teen: Drama Queen Adult: Serial Romantic | Love Note: If you finish the teenage aspiration early, you can start the adult aspiration in this phase. Career: Critic | Branch: Chosen by you
Complete both teenage and adult aspirations;
Have at least 10 romantic relationships in your life;
Get married and divorced twice with different sims (you can take money from your spouses if you wish);
Have 3 children from different relationships (Note: we'll do it differently here, among the 3 children, you can choose who will inherit your legacy. It can be your firstborn or your favorite child… let's agree that every mother/father has one 😂).
Reach at least level 5 in the Critic career. As our generation is lazy, you don't have to complete the career if you don't want to.
Die as an elderly sim while woohooing.
Generation 5: Physalis | Color: Orange
Requires: Snowy Escape Expansion Pack and My First Pet Stuff Pack
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Your family was large and chaotic, but despite the differences in preferences and dislikes, you all manage to get along very well. This makes these relationships quite miraculous. Unlike your siblings, your life was all about adventure and the unexpected. The butterflies in your stomach that you felt during these adventures were the best feeling in the world for you and all you wanted was to be an athlete. Despite always putting your career first, you love your children and strive to be a good mother, even though you know you weren't born for it.
Traits: Active, Adventurous, Foodie Aspiration: Extreme Sports Enthusiast | Athletic Career: Athlete
Complete the Extreme Sports Enthusiast aspiration;
Reach at least level 7 in the Athlete career;
Complete the Gymnastics and Climbing skills;
Choose between Skiing or Snowboarding to complete;
Find your soulmate during one of your adventures;
Your romantic partner must have the Active or Adventurous trait like you;
Only have twin children: 1 girl and 1 boy (you can use cheats and/or lot traits for this);
Have a hamster as a family pet.
Generation 6: Grapefruit | Color: Peach
Requires: Base Game
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Your mother put her career first, and you grew up feeling neglected. You felt the effort, yet she couldn't meet your expectations, much less your feelings. You carried the hurt in your heart, especially because you always suspected that she loved your brother more than you. And your brother…ugh, you can't even think about him because you hate him so much. Your only weakness is your father and the family hamster. Otherwise, the world is your playground.
Traits: Self-Assured, Evil, Perfectionist Aspiration: Public Enemy | Deviance Career: Criminal | Branch: Chosen by you
Complete the Public Enemy aspiration;
Complete the Criminal career;
Complete the Mischief skill + if you choose the Boss branch, also complete the Mechanic skill. If you choose the Oracle branch, complete the Programming skill instead;
You have to hate your brother, be known by your mother, and be a good friend to your father;
Have a daughter with a fellow criminal;
As an adult, seek forgiveness from your brother and mother. Become good friends with both.
Generation 7: Dragon Fruit | Color: Pink
Requires: City Living expansion pack and Spa Day game pack
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You grew up surrounded by crime. Both of your parents were top-notch criminals and you witnessed everything up close as a child and teenager. Despite all the bad things they did, you knew you were protected by them. You struggled with yourself, but loved them with all your heart and hated yourself for it. It was a true internal conflict, after all, you don't choose your parents. But one thing you can choose: your actions. That's why you were going to make up for all the bad things they did and give twice as much good to the world. You would show everyone that a criminal's daughter could do good and change her own destiny.
Traits: Cheerful, Outgoing, Goofball Aspiration: Zen Master | Wellness Career: Politics | Branch: Charity Organizer
Leave home during adolescence and take no money from your parents;
You will start life with 24,000 simoleons given by your grandmother (you can use cheats for this);
Find your soulmate as a teenager;
Complete the Zen Master aspiration;
Complete the political career in the indicated branch;
Complete the wellness and charisma skills;
Random number of children: Using any random number generator, ask for the number of children you should have. The numbers must be from 1 to 5;
The heir to the legacy will be a trans woman.
Generation 8: Figo | Color: Lilac
Requires: Life in the Countryside Expansion and University Life Expansion
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Your mother is the best sim in the world to you. How can someone be a well of kindness, philanthropy, and altruism? Well… You don't know the answer, nor the story behind it because your mother never told you, but you know she is much more than just an inspiration, she is a way of life. That's why you chose to follow in her footsteps, but listening to your own heart since your dream was to be an educator and lead a simple and happy life alongside the sims you love.
Traits: Lactose Intolerant, Bookworm, Childish Aspiration: Country Caretaker | Nature Career: Educator | Branch: Your choice
Complete the Country Caretaker aspiration;
Complete the Educator career;
Complete the Research and Debate skill + If you choose the administrator branch, complete Charisma. If you choose the teacher branch, complete Logic;
Marry your soulmate, who must have the Family trait and already have children;
Have two children, one of them must be adopted. Add your spouse's children to the family.
Generation 9: Blueberry | Color: Blue
Requires: Get to Work Expansion Pack, University Life Expansion Pack, and High School Life Expansion Pack (this last one due to the "Overachiever" trait, which can be replaced for any other trait if you dont have this expansion pack).
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Your mother was a great educator and you grew up inspired by the desire to learn. Going to college became a dream, and it was there that you discovered you wanted to be a detective. But not just any detective, you want to reach the top. As no one is perfect, you have a secret: you are a collector of objects. You can't see something new and beautiful without wanting to buy it, can you? Luckily, you will work hard to buy everything you want, just never let anyone into your basement.
Traits: Materialistic, Neat, Overachiever Aspiration: Academic | Knowledge Career: Detective
Go to college and study psychology;
Complete the Academic aspiration during your time in university;
After completing the Academic aspiration, you may choose another aspiration to complete throughout the generation, if you wish;
Complete the Research and Debate skill;
Complete the Detective career;
Live on a lot worth 90,000 simoleons during adulthood, due to the materialistic trait;
Have a basement full of knick-knacks, due to the same trait.
Generation 10: Cassis | Color: Black
Requires: City Living Expansion Pack, Get Together Expansion Pack, and High School Expansion Pack
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To say that you're popular is an understatement considering how well-liked you are. You are loved, admired, and everyone wants to be your friend. It's almost as if you exude a hypnotic aura. As a result, you have every sim in the palm of your hand, and you like it that way. If anyone ever dislikes you, it will sound like an insult, and you will do everything to resolve the situation and get all the appreciation you deserve.
Traits: Outgoing, Creative, Hates Children Aspiration: Teen: Admirable Icon
Adult: Friend of the World | Popularity Career: Social Media | Branch: Public Relations Rules:
Complete the Friend of the World aspiration;
Complete the Social Media career in the indicated branch;
Complete the Charisma and Writing skills;
Have a summer fling - Fall in love with a supernatural sim: werewolf, vampire, alien, spellcaster, or mermaid.
Have a child by accident as a young adult with your supernatural summer fling;
Do not marry the father of your child.
Generation 11: Guaraná | Two-toned hair + Heterochromia
Requires: Parenthood Game Pack, Dream Home Decorator Stuff Pack
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You're a mixture of the mundane and the supernatural. You're not sure who you are, nor even what you like. Nothing you do seems to work out, and indecision is a constant in your life. Additionally, you and your father don't see eye to eye and have a difficult relationship.
Traits: Clumsy, Geek, Erratic Aspiration: Super Parent | Family Career: Interior Decorator
Complete the Super Parent aspiration;
Complete the Interior Decorator career;
Complete the Parenting, Handiness, and Charisma skills;
Have a love triangle: Fall in love with your best friend and a sim with gray hair;
Have a child with one of them;
Not know who the father of your child is until they become a toddler;
Live in 3 different worlds.
Ps: If you find any translation errors, please contact me via twitter or twitch so I can fix it. Thank yoooou <3
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cakemousse · 1 year
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just a taste of the undiscovered
Misterbug’s plan was simple: head over to the empty apartment and snooze his head off. Now if Lady Noire would just stop leaving her sleeping spot and getting into his…
Rating: T,  Words: 2870, Chapters: 1/1
Read on AO3
my first only one bed fic and contribution to only one bed: a miraculous challenge
thank you so much @chocoluckchipz and @kasienda for beta-reading! your suggestions and comments have been very insightful and valuable to me 💕💕
Last few jumps. 
Just a few last jumps and Lady Noire and he can finally crash into soft, warm beds and sleep the remaining night away. 
The frequency of battles happening dead of the night has skyrocketed as of late, and they both concluded that Hawkmoth is trying to wear the whole Parisian population down, driving them to madness at the superheroes’ inability in getting rid of the pest who’s made a hobby out of disturbing everyone’s lives. 
Disrupting Parisians’ days alone isn’t enough anymore, he had to meddle with their nights too. 
And to be honest, when Misterbug and Lady Noire are out and about as civilians, they have witnessed Parisians getting dissatisfied with the superheroes. 
Made worse by the fact that there are people on the internet scattering lies and controversies over the matter. 
Luckily for them, there have been numerous very kind-hearted civilians who had offered up their spare rooms and apartments for the heroes to sleep in whenever their battles got too late into the night. Friends, family members, and acquaintances of the heroes themselves—people that would never sell them out. Still, Misterbug and Lady Noire haven’t actually used those apartments to sleep in. 
They never had a reason to. 
Not until now. 
The battle starts on the outskirts of Paris. Once it is done and dusted, the next one begins. The area suffers damages during the few minutes the superheroes take to feed their Kwamis, and while this second battle is insanely difficult to deal with, they manage to stop the Akuma.
They always do. 
But even before Misterbug releases the purified butterfly from his yo-yo, another Akuma appears and Lady Noire’s growling in frustration.
“Hawkmoth’s really having the time of his life, huh? To have this many Akuma appearing in the same place at the same time!” 
Misterbug can’t disagree with her. He’s only glad that at least they don’t need to rely on food to recharge their Kwamis anymore, although the immediate energy boost that comes with feeding them would be amazing at this moment.
But he’s running out of macarons, and if there are more Akumas, it’ll severely impair his ability to fight. 
“I’ll go first!” is the only thing he hears Lady Noire huffing before she’s gone from his sight.
When he arrives at the scene, Lady Noire is showing no mercy against the Akuma. Hopefully, she has some food left to feed Plagg to gain back the energy she’s lost. 
After countless consecutive battles into the next day, both of them are excessively tired. Misterbug is trying to stand as tall as he can on the rooftop for a lookout for Akumas, and Lady Noire is sitting beside him, leaning her whole body against his leg.  
He concludes that that was indeed their last battle and thanks his lucky ladybugs because they only had to fight one Akuma without a recharge. 
He thanks them again when Lady Noire sleepily tells him that there’s an empty place nearby they can sleep in before heading back home. 
Misterbug’s too tired to care about the implications, he just wants to crash. So he reaches down for Lady Noire. With her cheek in his palm, he gently lifts her head off of his leg as he squats. He holds onto her shoulder and softly taps her cheek to wake her up and get her to climb onto his back. 
He once again thanks his lucky ladybugs.
On his back, Lady Noire groggily directs him to their destination and he lands clumsily on the balcony. 
He opens the heavy balcony door to the room and immediately looks for a bed, only to freeze in his place from the realisation that there’s a problem with the whole setup. 
The fluffy and comfy bed that everyone climbs in at the end of the day—there’s only one. 
Misterbug sits heavily on the bed, unwrapping Lady Noire from him to get her to lie down before searching the apartment. The cold hits him on all sides and every ache in his body protests. He misses her warmth so badly that he just wants to abandon the chore that his brain thinks he should do. He turns around, ready to snuggle beside Lady Noire, but when he sees her unmoving figure and peaceful face, he forces himself back to the task at hand.   
The faster he completes the task, the faster he can sleep. Misterbug bounces to his feet, which proves to be a bad idea as he feels the whole floor wobbling. He grabs onto the wall nearby to steady his balance. 
He runs his hands down his face and gets to work. 
It isn’t a very huge apartment, so he knows with one look that there are no other beds. He does find a sofa in the living room, though, and he decides that he can and will be sleeping on that. He just needs to check on Lady Noire one last time to make sure she’s nicely tucked into bed before he crashes once and for all. 
He returns to the bedroom to see that she has shifted from the position he had left her in. She’s now upside down with half her body off the bed, stretching in a way that has Misterbug blushing and rooted to the ground. How is it possible for him to feel hot, but cold at the same time?
“Oh, the bed is so comfy, Buguinet,” she purrs and continues stretching, “Do you want to lay down and sleep with me for a bit?” 
Misterbug clenches his fists. He wants to. He desperately wants to. He just wants to lie down somewhere to stop the pounding in his head. And what better way to spend the night other than in his Lady’s arms? 
His headache will go away too.
Now, that’s an added bonus!
Lady Noire looks so welcoming he just wants to lay down and cuddle against her warm kitty body, bask in her scent, and sleep the night away. 
Pain burns the sides of his face before he can fully comprehend that he had slapped both of his hands on his cheeks. 
The exhaustion is messing with his mind.
And probably hers too. 
Misterbug steps towards her and kneels on the bed. Lady Noire is smiling ever so sweetly at him that he almost gives in. His thread of reasoning almost burns away with how warm he’s feeling, but he quickly grabs the sides of the blanket and wraps her into a burrito, lifting and flipping her over so that her head is on the pillow. Lady Noire is too stunned to move but now that her head is right side up, she thrashes as much as the burrito allows her to.
“Wh–What the hell are you doing?!” she hisses. 
He leans in to kiss her forehead before pointing to where he’ll be sleeping, “You can take the bed, I’ll sleep on the sofa. Good night!” 
Misterbug leaves the room without bothering to answer her question. She’s too fatigued to understand him anyway. 
He plops onto the sofa as soon as he gets there. Even though he’s sleeping next door with windows closed, slight chills crawl up his spine. He’s so tired. Misterbug tries his best to ignore it—it’s just a minor itch after all—and shifts around until he gets into a position comfortable enough to fall asleep with ease. 
Just as he’s about to fall into Slumber’s embrace, his ears pick up on soft whines. 
“Misterbug, release me!” 
He blinks multiple times to consciousness, and he hears her soft pleas again. 
“Buguinet, please! I can’t sleep like this.” 
Lady Noire’s pull is amazing. Misterbug is drawn to her; she sounds just like a little wet kitty begging for his attention, but he can’t risk it. He knows what she’s capable of, and now that her filter is completely gone, Misterbug isn’t sure he can handle it. 
Who is he kidding? He could never resist her even if every fibre of his being is screaming at him to do so. If she mewls one more time, he’ll go to her. 
But the next mewl never comes. The apartment is deadly silent now. 
Misterbug rolls over, about to leave the sofa when he feels warmth descending upon him. 
Lady Noire has gracefully made herself at home on top of him and her cheek is pushed against his own. She is attached to him from head to toe. 
He is too tired to do anything about their current position, and besides, the weight pressing down on him and her warmth against his skin are really welcome. She’s like the weighted blanket he has at home and he couldn’t be happier. 
Misterbug swiftly drifts to the edge of snoozing when she starts purring, and he can’t help but chuckle. 
“Lady Noire.” 
“Oh, sorry.” She shakily stands up—her left top cap hitting against the floor so heavily a loud thud resounds around him—and lifts his arms awkwardly to wrap them around herself, so she can snuggle into his chest. “Ah, you’re so warm.”
He laughs. What did I expect? Misterbug looks down to see her constantly shifting. 
“Chaton. I’m trying to sleep.” 
Her shifting continues. “Well, so am I.” 
Misterbug exhales, amused at her tactics.
Oh, his poor needy kitty. 
He knows that she wants him to hold her, but he lets go and strokes her head instead. 
Lady Noire looks up from his chest with a pout. “Why don’t you want to sleep with me?”
His hand stops. “It’s a small bed. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable. Besides, you don’t know what you’re asking for.”
She pushes her face into his chest again and shifts some more. 
“My Lady…”
“I’m not uncomfortable, and I want to sleep with you beside me.” She slowly peeks at him again, “Unless… you’re… you’re not comfortable sleeping with me?”
Misterbug can’t believe that she would even come to that conclusion. He wants to squeeze her pouty cheeks, chiding her for arriving at that deduction, but mainly because she looks so cute. 
And very wrong. 
Lady Noire can’t be further from the truth.
He tightens his arm around her waist. “Why wouldn’t I be? I like having you around.” He scratches her under the chin, “You’re my favourite kitty.”
Lady Noire purrs, as though very content with him, reminding him of his feelings for her. The soothing sound goes on for a while. Until she, Misterbug deduces, remembers that she’s supposed to be angry with him for not wanting to sleep with her. Because she suddenly bites him. 
She chomps his index finger. Misterbug’s too tired to pull his hand away in time, so he allows her to continue nibbling on it until she’s satisfied, letting go and snuggling into his chest even more. 
She’s such a kitten. 
He should carry her back to the bed because there is no way she is letting him go now and there’s more space there for them to have a good night’s rest. 
Her legs wrap around him when he sits up, and she clings onto him like her life depends on it when he stands. 
Lady Noire locks her thighs behind his waist and curls her tail around his left leg as he stumbles towards the bed. 
“I’m not going anywhere, my sweet kitty.”
“No.” She secures her arms around his neck even tighter, pushing her face into his neck. “You’re gonna put me on the bed again and wrap me into a burrito and then go back to the sofa and leave me—”
“Wrap you into a purrito.”
She loosens her hold and raises an eyebrow at him. “Wrap me into a purrito and then go back to the sofa and leave me all alone on the bed again.” Her face is back at his neck again. “But this time you’re gonna make sure you coil your yo-yo around—”
“I’m not going to do that.” He chuckles and climbs onto the bed. “Even though I should.”
Lady Noire whines as her back lands on the bed, but she stops when she sees the blanket draped over them. 
“You’re safe, my Lady.” Misterbug gently pries her arms away from his neck so that he can give her a forehead kiss. “Now, sleep, mon Chaton. We really need it.”
He turns away, moving as close to the edge of the bed and as far away from her as possible. 
He said he did not care about the implications of sleeping in the same apartment together, but in the same bed? Now, that’s scandalous. No one must know—not that it matters. Literally no one else is there nor has seen them in the dead of the night. 
The public can’t know.
The bed covers rustle before he feels two hands wrapping around his waist. 
He must’ve used too much of his lucky ladybugs’ magical powers earlier because nothing seems to go according to his plan ever since he stepped into this apartment!
“Er, Lady Noire?” he wheezes. This is too much contact. Her whole body is pressed against his back and he’s enjoying it too much for it to be considered appropriate. “What are you doing?”
“Hug the bug.”
“What?” He has enough air to expel from his lungs? How is he still breathing? His insides should’ve melted by now.
“Hug the bug,” she explains, as though repeating the same sentence would get him to understand her. “I saw it online: your fans use ‘hashtag-hug-the-bug’ to show their gratitude to you. And I’m your fan too.”
He swears he’s having a heart attack right now. “B–But isn’t that inappropriate?” he squeaks. 
“Hmm, you’re right.” 
Misterbug’s sure she’ll release him, and he’ll be able to breathe again and go back to sleep. Instead, he releases the most unrestrained squeal when Lady Noire squeezes him tighter.
“I’m not just a fan. I’m your friend too! And friends sleep together!”
He should’ve listened to every fibre in his being from before. Lady Noire is actively trying to kill him. 
“What? No!”
“Yes! I sleep with my friends all the time!”
Misterbug has never flipped around so fast in his life. 
Even in the face of death. 
She can’t be serious.
Lady Noire releases her hands and snuggles into his chest once again. “I sleep with my friends all the time.” 
He grabs her upper arms and shakes “No, no, no! My Lady, look at me! What do you mean? With who?!”
A frown etches itself onto her mouth as Misterbug once again pushes her away from his chest. “Argh, let me sleep!” 
He hugs her against his chest and asks again, “Lady Noire, what do you mean you sleep with your friends?” 
She looks up at him and smiles. “You know? Sleep and cuddle in the same bed together, like… like a— a sleepover! Yeah, that’s the word! I have sleepovers with my friends all the time!” 
A sleepover. That’s what she meant. 
Misterbug releases a sigh of relief. Yeah, that’s normal, something he knew people his age do all the time. 
But wait. 
“You mean with girl friends and guy friends?” 
His eyes widened as soon as she replied without hesitation. 
“Yep!” She buries her head into his chest as though she’s too shy to admit it. 
No way. No freaking way! 
He understands she has her own life outside of superheroing, but to have another guy snuggling with her? Before he even has the chance to? 
She peers at him again. “Oh wait, no I didn’t. Only with girls.” 
YES! He’s the first!! 
No wai—
“But you’re my favourite, Buguinet.” 
Misterbug quickly flashes her his teeth. “I’m your only Buguinet.” 
She pushes her face into his neck and giggles. “My favourite Buguinet in the whole wide world!” 
He smiles fondly as she circles her arms around his neck, bringing herself impossibly close to him. In response, he wraps his arms around her too and feels the vibrations of her soft purrs with his touch. 
Misterbug plans, really plans, to leave the bed as soon as Lady Noire falls asleep. But after learning that he can be the first guy she sleeps in the same bed with? He isn’t strong enough to ruin his own opportunity like that. 
She has also been pretty adamant about sleeping with him, even though he has tried his literal best to prove that she’s not thinking straight—to no avail.
So, he’ll just go with it for now and settle for cuddling and snuggling with her for the rest of the night. He has waited long enough for this to happen. His future self can deal with what could possibly happen later. 
Because for now, Misterbug will just embrace his Lady and have this very platonic sleep with her. With her hands around his neck, his around her waist, and her on top of him, weighing him down like his weighted blanket on this cold quiet night. Except it isn’t a quiet one anymore with her purring so contently, but that’s like a lullaby pulling him towards sleep. 
Misterbug’s so blessed. 
He has never been so blessed.
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mrbensonmum · 1 month
TV Show - CSI: Las Vegas IV
We did it! The middle of the second season brought the much talked about changes in the aspect ratio, and at the same time, although it was subtly hinted at the beginning of the season, the lab and the interrogation rooms also changed.
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But before we can enjoy this new, wonderful, screen-filling view, we have to go through another tough battle. Because yes, I'm harping on it, but Catherine is really exhausting at the beginning of the second season.
So far, she hasn't been confirmed as supervisor, and she graciously declined the temporary takeover by Grissom. Yet she behaves constantly like a boss, always bringing up that she's not properly appreciated, and her interactions with colleagues are just impossible; that's just not teamwork, sorry. Yes, she's supposed to be portrayed as the strong woman, and I can understand a certain gruffness there, but I find her incredibly disrespectful when working with Nick, Greg, or Sara. They're her colleagues and teammates, what's up with that??
This brings us directly to another point that struck me in the first part of the second season, namely the treatment of Greg. The impetus for this came from a comment by Grissom when Greg dared to call Paul Millander clever in his eyes. You can do that, and yes, Grissom is particularly involved in this case, but that was kind of intense. It made me realize that Greg is being treated quite disrespectfully. After all, he's a crucial point in almost every investigation; let's remember how often Grissom is with him, gets some info, and leaves with the idea to solve the case. It's no different with the others, and yes, Greg can be difficult, but he simply doesn't deserve this treatment.
Now I've watched one episode in the new format, and it feels like they've changed quite a bit here. We've already mentioned the aspect ratio, and as a result, the camera shots of the city feel much more natural and fuller. But even with the individual characters, more is revealed or they are set in scene differently. There's more play with the composition of the individual shots, and it feels like the series has undergone a facelift. The aforementioned lab has also changed; it hasn't received the full glass setup yet, but the somewhat outdated look from the first season is gone. Now, they play even more with the light; through the glass fronts, some shots can be better executed, and characters are often accompanied by the camera when walking through the facility or from one lab to another.
Other actors also have one of their first appearances here, just like back then in Dr. House. So we see an even younger Jeremy Renner and a very young Amanda Righetti, who will later become a regular on The Mentalist. What becomes of Jeremy Renner should be known!
With Paul Millander, who pulled a pretty big rabbit out of his hat in his last episode, we've also dealt with one of the first episode-spanning villains. Tammy is still around, but I found that Paul was much more present, especially because he managed to establish himself as a judge.
Meanwhile, Grissom's hearing impairment has also become noticeable, which will manifest more frequently as the series progresses. I especially like the episode where he reveals that he knows sign language because I really like Deanne Bray. She's always a ray of sunshine when I see her in a series, and it's fun to watch her speak or gesture in sign language. I just saw that she's also in Heroes for a longer period (9 episodes). Luckily, this series is also still on my rewatch list.
Now that we're practically in full throttle, because Doc Robbins and Super Dave are fully on board, along with Archie, who used to sit behind the cameras at a university and now works in his role as Archie in the CSI, we can really get started. My brain is already being flooded with wild memories, and I'm more excited than ever that I started this rewatch.
And don't worry, I haven't forgotten that we've already had the pleasure of meeting the charming Lady Heather. But I'll save that for the next post because we know there's still a lot more to come.
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mamuzzy-creates-stuff · 2 months
*chins hands* Could we learn about about Pons and Angel? (:
Uffff this one took a long time, but I finally finished it!!!! ⸜(⸝⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝⸝)⸝
Thank you for this lovely ask, @riinoaheartilly and thank you for your patience! (っ˘з(˘⌣˘ ) ♡
Pons and Angel are kind of neglected characters at this point, and since I came up with them, I know literally nothing about Angel aside from that he is a little wacko who loves affectionately terrorizing the the troopers. Oh and his nickname is "Angy". His design is also still a mistery for me (I gave him a default clone trooper design so far).
But I have more info about Pons. :))))
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Pons: I achieved divinity. I'm transcending the mortal realm with higher purpose. I can hear colors. Headshot: Go to sleep before Angy makes a needle-cushion out of you, will you?
EDIT: @ithillia said that's not how "cushion" is written. I say, fuck my life, he is space-french. Sprench. Whatever. (Thanks for telling <3)
More info under the cut!
⚕️ He is the only Medic in the CG who has an actual battle-scar. One in the temple from a knife-cut. And one in the nape, from heavy physical injury.
⚕️It all happened while extracting an injured trooper during a fight between the CG and a criminal gang. Since medical officers don't have combat skills beside basic self-defence, normally they don't leave the walls of the Guard compound, but this matter needed immediate treating and safe extracting.
⚕️The CG low-key celebrates him as a hero and Pons tries not to take it as a mockery, comparing to his brothers who are constantly under the threat of getting shot down while he couldn't protect himself from that attacker. This injury actually caused him pontine stroke and throughout the years of war, he is still in rehabilitation.
⚕️That trooper he saved? One of Fox's boys from the Planetary Defence. Spinal injury treated in bactatank, otherwise he managed to get out from the Medbay after 1 month of rehabilitation (why is it so hard to write down this word???), but the trooper always checked back on Pons, keeping him company, keeping him entertained with the latest gossips or books, taking a walk with him through the compound, forming a life-long friendship with it. I don't know too much about this particular trooper, not even a name, but I already love these two.
⚕️Pons didn't have a name before this incident and the surgery. But hearing the word pons pons pons all over again during his rehab, really clicked him, and named himself as such after the organ. Some hidden superstitious part wishes that naming himself such as the damaged part of his brain would manifest in his recovery.
Pons is a latin word for "bridge", also the name for that part of the brain that responsible for unconcious processes and involuntarily movements, eg.: blinking, swallowing, pain processing, breathing, digestion, heartbeat, regulating sleep-cycle, even dreaming!
Pontine stroke causes motor and sensory impairment, weakness or paralysis in parts affected by cranial nerve, clumsy voluntarily movements, inability to control muscles for swallowing and speaking, and can be responsible for sleep-paralysis.
I actually came up with Pons while watching a documentary eries about the brain and wanted a clone character who sleepwalks. I'm not sure I'm keeping the sleepwalking part though.
⚕️He just can't have a good night sleep and haunted by night-terrors and sleep-paralysis. Always tired, basicly lives on caf and stims.
⚕️Pons hates himself for being unable to maintain his duty as a medic, not in serious matters that need steady hands and focus. instead he is the one who needs contant treatment and attention. Still, Headshot gives him reading materials to study to keep him mentally fit, often ask him for advice when he is stuck and does everything to make Pons feel, he is still part of the team and he is waited back.
⚕️He develops love for painting which started as an exercise for improving on his motor movements. His pictures depicting monsters, inspired by his nightmares became posters decorating various barrack rooms in the CG.
⚕️I drew this picture about him weeks ago, but thinking on actually giving him signs of stroke next time I draw him.
⚕️ @ithillia said I should name Pons' friend Jason. I don't know if he is a Jason-type of guy. But I used to know a Jason when I was a kid and have fond memories of him, he drew very cool stuff, and he is working now as a pharmacist. Maybe this is fate.
Hmmm... that's it so far. If you have more specific questions about him, don't hesitate to ask! <3
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stargazing15 · 2 years
Can you save me - Chapter three
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Pairing: Bradley Bradshaw x you
Summary: A hero arrived at North island to support Maverick on the Uranium plant mission preparation, underneath the though facade was a girl in desperate need of love, but can she love?
Warnings: none - maybe sorry about the ending, next part is gonna be fun hehe
A/N: this is pure fictional, I have no knowledge of the military and I know this is all not possible in real life, it’s all for the sake of the story. This one is going to be shorter.
Series Masterlist - Previous chapter - Next Chapter
The night after the encounter with Phoenix you returned to your studio and weren’t able to fall asleep. You missed it already, laying curled up against Rooster’s chest, hearing his soft snores and the feeling of his arm around you waist. You were trained to survive hostage situations, to kill when necessary, but you got smitten by a moustached aviator you had just met.
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You needed a distraction from your thoughts.
“Nate? Hi, I need your help with something.”
“Y/N? It’s morning here, why are you calling in the middle of the night?”
“Oh, you’re home? Say hi to Daniel for me, how are you guys?”
“We’re good, very good, in fact, hey! Don’t try to change the subject. Why are you calling in the middle of your night? And what am I hearing in your voice, I know you.”
“Can’t sleep, I need your help with something, I’ve got this gut feeling that our info is not that correct.”
“Can’t sleep my ass, is someone trying to break my girl’s heart?” You hear someone shouting ‘are you cheating on me with a girl?’ in the background. “It’s y/n sweetheart.”
“Hi Daniel!” You shouted in the phone “I’m not gonna steal your boyfriend away from you, you two are too cute.”
“That’s true sweetie, but what’s going on there?”
“Please, can you help me out, I’m gonna send you coordinates, I need you to check the operability of the present aircraft. And I need the most recent photo of the area.”
“I will check, but what is going on over there with you?”
“Please, I don’t wan-”
“Y/n, please let love in, you know I know you, I can hear it in your voice and I know it’s the only thing you would run away from, don’t fight it. You deserve it.”
“I can’t” tears had formed and started to roll down on your cheek at your friend’s confession.
The next day you completely ignored the advice of your friend and you had turned back in the stern special forces operator who was on a mission. You were able to sleep for two hours during the night, what was more than you expected. Luckily this wasn’t your first rodeo surviving on no or very little sleep.
“Everything will be alright.”
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During the next step in the aviator’s training you stood on the right side of the room while Maverick started. It was intriguing to watch Maverick explain the details of today’s training with so much passion and persuasion. You recognised yourself in him, someone filled with so much passion and knowledge. And maybe you were both a bit crazy while performing your job.
“Ricochet?” Maverick pulled you out of your daydream.
“Yes, excuse me. Keep in mind, with these tight turns, the more intensely the force of gravity on your body multiplies, it will compress your lungs, force the blood from your brain, impairing your judgement and reaction time. Everyone, be fully focused and fly save.”
After Maverick was done with the briefing and everyone was leaving for the tarmac, Rooster approached you.
“Hey, Ricochet, can I talk for you for a second?”
“Is there something Lieutenant?” You saw Phoenix looking at you from the corner of your eye. Remembering the conversation you two had yesterday, you kept your stoic expression up.
“You weren’t there last night, everything alright?”
“I’m busy preparing for the mission Lieutenant, and where i sleep is none of your business, but I was home. Keep your focus on the mission, you’re dismissed.” You said coldly, hopefully you can brush him off like that. Your heart ached at your coldness, but it was the only way to push him away.
“What the?” You heard Rooster say to himself while making his way to the tarmac.
After the training you kept all your post flight check ups as brief and professional as possible to get the debrief started as soon as possible. Rooster’s check up was the hardest, you barely dared looked at him.
“Have I done anything wrong?”
“No Lt. Bradshaw, as I said I’m busy and it’s better to keep things professional.”
“What? Why? Ricochet -” you gave him a warning look, “Ma’am, what is going on?” Please stop trying. Please.
“You might have your place here, I don’t and I can’t afford to lose it. We’re done Lt. Bradshaw, Maverick is waiting for the debrief.”
Shortly after Rooster left you heard a soft knock on the door. “Come in.”
“Phoenix, can I help you?”
“What’s going on between you and Rooster, until yesterday you two looked like this inseparable pair and now the complete opposite, why did he storm away?”
“Like you said, I’m no good for him, I will hurt him one way or another. Just keeping things professional with him. We have to get back, Maverick is waiting.” Leaving Phoenix shocked at your changed attitude.
Just like in the morning you sat on the sidelines. The rivalry between Rooster and Hangman reached its peak when Hangman revealed for the whole group Maverick was Gooses’ pilot when he fatally ejected and Rooster was never going to fly the mission if he wasn’t going to fly like Maverick. Resulting in Rooster almost attacking Hangman if the rest of the pilots weren’t interfering.
“ENOUGH!” Both you and Maverick yelled at them.
“You’re all dismissed” Maverick said, trying to calm down the group.
“Lieutenant Seresin!” You shout. “Don’t you ever do a stunt like this again! Pull your shit together, instead of fighting each other, come to your senses you’ll need each other. Believe me. Now fuck off.” After letting everyone leave you joined Maverick.
“Maverick, I think it’s time for some more dramatical measurements if that’s okay for you. Can you trust me on that?”
“You’re right, this group needs a serious wake up call.”
“I’ll sent them a text for tomorrow, I’ll go check on Rooster quickly, I think I know where he went.” You headed to the sleeping barracks where you and Rooster had spend a lot of time lately.
“Rooster? Lt. Bradshaw?” A part you didn’t want to do this to keep your distance, but you were genuinely worried.
“Yeah.” God, he looked awful, the hurt was written on his face, you wanted to kiss it all away, but you knew you couldn’t. The two of you sat there in silence for a couple of minutes.
“How are feeling?”
“Oh, talking to me again?”
“Checking on you, I’m still human.”
“I feel so humiliated and you being like this ain’t helping either.”
“I’m sorry, but it’s for the best that I don’t get too close. Trust me on that. And Hangman, I’ll try putting some sense in that guy tomorrow. About tomorrow, I’m expecting everyone at 0600, wear training clothes and bring spare clothing.”
“Hangman huh?”
“What’s your fucking problem Lieutenant, stop focusing on your problem with him, focus on now, on the mission, talk to Maverick. The man is not as bad as you think.”
“You really don’t get it huh! He’s the reason my father is DEAD! And my mother was never the same after that, guess what she isn’t here anymore too. And on top of all he stood in my way. So stop talking you know shit. CAUSE YOU DON’T! You don’t know what it’s like to loose both your parents. You and your dream life, you just got hurt, get over it."
“You’re gonna regret saying this. Tomorrow 0600, training clothes.” 
Oh he was definitely gonna regret it.
Let me know what you think
Tagging: @cycbaby
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queentheweeb · 2 years
Monoma X Blind, Deaf Female Reader X Shinso
A/N: You're basically Helen Keller
It was already an issue when you were born blind. You didn't mind it per se but, you did grow jealous when you heard children speaking about how pretty someone was or how bright of color that piece of clothing was. The bullying didn't help and then when your quirk manifested it was hard to make it work. You couldn't describe what it looked like but you were able to feel and hear it. Your mom has a telepathy quirk and your dad has a mind-reading quirk, low and beholds you got both. You practiced your quirk on your own accepting the fact that you will never go to a hero school with your disability. Then as if the devil was working overtime when you were 10 you got in a car accident that made you go deaf. Your ears could have been fixed but, implants were way out of your parent's price range so now you were subjected to a very quiet and dark world. Well, it was quiet until your mind-reading quirk went out of control and you heard everything that the bullies or people in general thought.
"Why is the freak always in the way"
"It makes it so much easier to say shit knowing she can't hear"
"Hah! She's so pathetic. How can you even function without hearing and seeing."
"I'm surprised she hasn't killed herself yet."
"She can't even tell the teachers who are doing this to her! This is amazing. We all can do whatever we want to her!"
Now just because you couldn't hear and see doesn't mean you were impaired everywhere else. You were able to sense when someone was near you or when someone was staring at you and about to do something. Due to your reflexes, you were able to avoid milk and food thrown on you and everything else in between. It was a sad way to live and you thought about killing yourself more than once. You didn't though because you wanted to live and be productive in life despite the challenges that were thrown at you.
"She's going to get hurt" The voice was relatively close and it was a smooth baritone. Warm and soft. You were jealous of whoever that person was. All of a sudden you felt a hand grab your arm and jerk you out of the way. You turned hoping you were facing whoever tugged on you.
"Are you okay?" "Can she understand me?" It's a good thing you had a mind-reading quirk and were taught to speak before you went deaf.
"I have a mind-reading quirk but I am both blind and deaf." You can only pray that your words didn't slur too much. You went to walk away but felt a tug on your arm again and you supposed it was the same person from before
"My name is Shinsou, what's yours?" Shinsou huh? That had a nice ring to it
"My name is L/N, it's nice to meet you Shinsou." Your hackles were lowered instantly finding comfort in the first person who has ever stuck up for you and was actually trying to communicate with you. It was a nice change 
"I know you can't see or hear but my friend Monoma is beating up the bullies. He's on his way over right now" Now you just felt guilty. It was one thing to be a bother because of your disabilities but now some guy you don't know could possibly get suspended 
"Is he going to get in trouble?" You couldn't hear or see anything but you sensed a second person unaware of the quick conversation that transpired between the two of them.
"Hey Y/N my name is Monoma. My friend here told me about your quirk and I think it's great!" You froze at what came out of his mouth. He thought your quirk was great?
"You don't care that I am blind and deaf?" You hoped this wasn't some damn trick. You hated tricks 
"I understand that life hasn't been nice to you but I promise that I and Shinsou won't hurt you. Everyone deserves a friend in life." You don't know what compelled you. Maybe the strain of your disabilities. The lack of social contact but you reached out for their hands happy when you felt them grab yours and you started walking. You felt your walking cane get pulled from under your arm 
"I'll hold it for you and while we walk let's talk-er think?"  You let out a giggle figuring that this wasn't going to be too bad after all.
This was a difficult chapter to write.
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writingpiecesak · 1 year
From a Distance
The one good thing about tall buildings is that you can see everything from its peak. Wether it be the whole city, whole park, or the vast ocean space facing the east. Bakugou, or Pro-Hero Dynamite, took it to the skies to over see any suspicious behavior happening or any lurking criminals around. He was always on alert when patrolling at night, especially around your neighborhood.
He recognized you a few times, you were always in some sort of trouble. The first time was being robbed, some low life thug tried to steal your bag but even when Katsuki was on his way you instinctively pepper sprayed the offender leaving him impaired. Arriving on the scene, Katsuki was slightly impressed normally a damsel in distress would just scream and call for help. You thanked the Pro-Hero and police for arresting the guy and putting him away, Katsuki only shrugged it is his job after all.
The second time was accidental. He was just with his friend from high school another Pro-Hero, Red Riot strolling through a market not on duty. He took a glimpse at a nearby stall that was selling boba drinks and that’s when he saw it. He saw a pervert standing a little too close to you as you bent down to pick up a knocked down display, his phone underneath your pleaded skirt. Katsuki marched right over to tell off this prick but unfortunately for the pervert his phone wasn’t on silence. You heard the picture snap sound and immediately turned around and your first instinct was smacking the guy right there.
“How dare you! Get the hell away from me you pervert!”
Causing a scene was perfect it drew attention to the offender and made him embarrassed trying to walk away. However Katsuki stopped him, he pulled him back and nearly let out an explosion on his ass but because he was off duty, he just held him while he called his sidekick to take care of the situation. And while he waited, Katsuki made sure the creep deleted the photo off his phone and just for payback for any other women he might’ve done this too, he destroyed the creeps phone with just one blast. But when Katsuki looked around, you were already gone.
The third time he recognized you was purely unintentional. If you consider passing by your job while you worked but never going inside unintentional. He was in full hero gear of course he wasn’t going to go inside, he just made sure to patrol this certain department store more frequently. You just couldn’t escape his mind, what was it about you? You’re just a regular civilian so why were you on his mind? He let these thoughts ponder too long and only hearing an alarm sound go off is what made him snap back. He watched from a distance on top of a nearby store you chasing down a robber. He couldn’t believe why a women like you would personally chase down a 6’1 man down a busy street at night. He quickly took off and followed in pursuit, though above you he could tell you were fast but not faster than him.
Just when Katsuki got close enough and citizens were out the way he flew down and kicked the criminal in his back causing him to fall forward. The robber dropped the bag he had with him and Katsuki kicked it to the side. You caught up just in time to retrieve it but that’s when this 6’1 masked man quickly got up held a gun up to Katsuki. That’s when people started shouting and moving away to safety but you just really wanted to retrieve the bag with the items this guy tried to steal. The masked robber fired a warning shot into the air which made people scream but he was shaking. Katsuki could tell this was his first offense and wasn’t going to actually shoot anyone. From his peripheral vision, Katsuki could see you inch closer to the bag from the side and if he could see you so can the robber. In which he then pointed his gun at you and order you to stop moving but before you could process the words Katsuki was fast enough and exploded towards the perpetrator grabbing him by his arm and fully flipping him over his shoulder and onto the ground. The gun was dropped and the criminal was apprehended. Police showed up and secured the area making sure no one got in the way. While giving information to the police, Katsuki saw you being checked out by the ENT.
“Guys I said I’m fine.”
“It’s just our job miss, you were close to that warning shot your ears must hurt.”
“They don’t. Can I go now?” You clutched onto the back bag and started retreating but you stumbled into the Pro-Hero.
You two just stared at each other not sure why either of you aren’t looking away. The air suddenly was hard to breathe and you could feel your pulse quicken. Was this the aftermath of being close to shot range?
“You know it’s pretty stupid of you to run after a bad guy. Next time just call the police.” Dynamite said to you.
“Wha–Hey I’m pretty damn fast. I almost caught up to him.” You defended.
“Key word, almost. Luckily I stopped him. Why was that bag so worth it anyway?”
Without another word you opened the black bag and revealed what the criminal was trying to steal.
“This wasn’t the stores money. It was ours. He made the employees empty their pockets and wallets. I work mostly with moms who pack double shifts just to keep food on the table. It wasn’t right to just let him get away.”
A moment of silence was shared between the two of you. That’s what it was though, a moment. Katsuki walked away without saying anything else and you walked backed to your store returning the money to its owners. They all thanked you and patted you on the back for such bravery. You smiled warmly at them and played it off as no big deal.
Everyday went on as normally as they could, work was normal the gym was normal, shopping was normal. Everything seemed too normal. You always had a lingering feeling that something or rather someone was watching you but you knew if anything were to happen you always had pepper spray.
And so Katsuki watched. He watched you tuck your hands in your jacket and take a deep breathe of the winter air in. You looked both ways before crossing the street and continued to walk down towards the train station. He doesn’t mind the extra patrolling it’s how he could see you without any excuse. He doesn’t mind watching you from a distance.
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lokiwaffles · 6 months
Made these guys around the same time as Holly and Iris; around 2020.
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Lore Below:
Okay, so this is Ash Kreeslammer (left) and Emery Castillo (right)! They are part of my main six marvel OCs, and are relevant to Holly’s story!
-Ash was born in April 1999, Em was born in July 1999
-The cause a lot of mischief and get on the ancient one’s nerves.
-Ash and Em grow up together at the London Sanctum under the care of various sorcerers. Em came from a nearby orphanage at age three, and Ash’s parents (a human/skrull couple) left him on the doorstep in front of the Hong-Kong Sanctum when he was a baby.
-Emery actually doesn’t care about her parent’s abandonment.
Em has a hearing impairment, and learning magic only slightly helps. She uses a hearing aid most of the time. She does know ASL, but prefers to verbally communicate instead.
Is a Christian (magnus chase Samirah logic), much to the befuddlement of everyone in the Sanctum.
Is proficient in magic but has little interest in it.
She’s more interested in the Eye of Agamotto
Has had a crush on Ash since they were fifteen.
Loves to make ridiculous, out of pocket plans that usually succeed.
Is a bit of a jokester and loves to poke fun at Ash.
-Ash has no idea why his parents abandoned him, and pretends like he doesn’t care. Secretly, however, it haunts him.
He has a a laid-back, go with the flow personality. He’s not afraid to take risks and do stupid stuff. Sometimes to the point where it comes across as selfish to people around him. He usually ends up harming more than helping.
Chose his own last name (knows vaguely about the kree-skrull war)
He’s had a crush on Em since they were fourteen.
His leg gets chomped by some sort of mystic entity he and Em attempted to conjure. He uses a prosthetic.
Generally sucks at magic (hence why his leg got chomped)
He can shapeshift though! He can’t regrow his leg, which sucks.
-They have a Two Idiots Dynamic.
- With Strange, they have a Three Idiots Dynamic.
-The only two people who are aware of the time loop. In fact, they are the ones who eventually get the main six OCs out of the loop and into the TVA.
-They are aware of the loop at all times. Since the loop starts in 2011 and ends in 2018, they don’t have to relive their childhoods constantly, but they do have to essentially be permanently stuck in their teens for an seemingly endless cycle. Sometimes they try to warn Holly, Iris, or Gray about it, but it rarely goes well.
-Instead, they warn the Ancient One and just try to keep the three away from each other as long as possible.
-Oh, and they are dating from seventeen-onwards. They have a strictly wholesome relationship. Nothing toxic like Iris x Gray.
-I will design hero clothes for Iris/these two one day.
-That’s all I can think of for base lore but if there are any more questions you can use the ask game or just send an ask in general!
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shares-a-vest · 1 year
Fruity Four Advent Calendar, Day 12: Special Theme - Holiday Songs
Prompt List
In today's ficlet: It's 1994 and Steve is OBSESSED with 'All I Want for Christmas is You' by Mariah Carey. Someone should probably go save Eddie from this festive hellscape and stop Steve from putting his health in jeopardy to get all his Christmas baking done.
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'All Steve Wants for Christmas is Eddie'
Eddie finds himself in some kind of never-ending, pop music-induced nightmare hellscape amidst the holidays of 1994. It started innocently enough, he had just picked Steve up from work at Sunnydale preschool and they were on their way home to the crappy little apartment that they were renting.
After years of bickering, they were finally settled when it came to musical tastes. They each had their own, admittedly polar opposite preferences, but found some rare common ground in Queen, Meatloaf and the newer grunge music (much to Eddie's surprise Steve had taken a liking to Nirvana). Day to day it was car radio music if they were carpooling and road trips to visit the kids, newly dispersed at college, required a little negotiating and compromising.
It was just before Thanksgiving, and Steve was already pretty excited that everyone was coming back to town for the weekend, especially Robin and Nancy who had promised him that they would ditch their respective families asap so he could finally get his Betty Crocker on and host a dinner party. Eddie was rounding the corner to their street when Steve gasped, lunging for the volume dial as some lady wobbly talk-sang, "I don't want a lot for Christmas, there is just one thing I need..."
"This is the song!" Steve exclaimed, flailing a hand in the general direction of the car radio.
"What song?" Eddie asked, eyes darting between Steve and the road.
And that's when it started.
Eddie opened the apartment door to let in Nancy and Robin for their little dinner party and of course, Rob made a beeline for her best friend, holding out something in her hand that Eddie couldn't see, too distracted about where to hang Robin's coat she'd launched at him. Nancy took the coat apologetically as Steve gasped, holding up a cassette tape like it was the Holy Grail.
Nancy shook her head, glancing at Eddie with her regular wordless look of, I'm so sorry they are like this.
"Mariah! Mariah!" Robin chanted, gesturing to the heavens, aka, the cracked paint on their kitchen ceiling.
Oh no.
And so Eddie finds himself arriving home from work, his last shift at the mechanic before Christmas to the sound of 'All I Want For Christmas is You' positively blasting its jingling chimes and Mariah Carey's vocal theatrics through their apartment. Thank god they were renting above an abandoned store and didn't have neighbours is all he could say about it.
Eddie reluctantly walks to the kitchen, grimacing. Yes, he hates this song. But it really was far too loud. All because Steve was doing his whole stubborn, stoic hero schtick and still refused to get his hearing checked. But when he finds Steve bopping away, singing with his tone-deaf Bee Gees falsetto, he knows Steve would probably be listening at this volume anyway, impaired hearing or not.
Eddie glares at the little boombox atop the refrigerator, cursing its existence to hell. Steve didn't like wearing headphones, he said they gave him migraines and Eddie knows there's a little Vecna-induced PTSD hidden in there too that he refuses to acknowledge. Steve's cooking up a storm, now onto his god knows what number batch of Christmas cookies. He'd practically turned their kitchen into a goddamn bakery since Sunnydale went on Christmas break, ignoring Eddie's attempts to get him to slow down and relax while he has some time off.
Eddie glances at Steve’s bedazzled Christmas schedule on the refrigerator door. According to his colour-coded system, these should be for Wayne and his work buddies.
Steve looks up, wide-eyed and with flour in his hair. Even though he considers himself a homemaker extraordinaire, he really is quite messy. He puffs out a breath in an attempt to flick back his floppy hair and blushes before moving to the boombox (littered with flour fingerprints), to turn the volume down.
"Sorry," he says quietly, returning immediately to his mixing bowl. "How was your last day?"
"Happy that I get to spend two whole weeks with you, sugarplum," Eddie replies, giving Steve a quick kiss before sliding onto a barstool at the kitchen island. "Although I think I might find myself returning to work in a delicate emotional space after all this."
He gestures vaguely at the source of the sounds assaulting his eardrums.
Steve nods along, waving the wooden spoon around as he circles back to the fridge... At least that's what Eddie thought he was doing.
He presses a button on the boombox and whips around with a mischievous grin, holding the spoon as a microphone.
"I don't want a lot for Christmas," he starts, eyebrows wiggling dramatically. "There is just one thing I need..."
He extends his free hand to point squarely at Eddie as he creeps towards him.
"Nope," Eddie insists, folding his arms with a huff as Steve theatrically launches himself at the counter, resting his head on its surface forlornly.
"... I just want you for my own..."
He points at Eddie again and yeah, he knows. He knows why Steve loves this song.  He knows why Steve always sings along to it. Why he fawned over Robin giving him the album. Why this is really the only Christmas song Eddie has seen Steve love rather than quietly hum along out of habit and familiarity.
"Fine," he relents, gesturing for him to continue. "You be a pop princess for the next however many minutes, Stevie."
Steve grins, missing a few lyrics as he is overcome with giddiness. He recovers and continues on with the theatrics for the first verse and chorus, readying himself for verse two. Eddie can't help but grin as Steve twirls on the spot at, "I won’t even ask for snow", pointing with the wooden spoon at the kitchen window to punctuate the line.
But his face drops when Steve stumbles out of another spin, grabbing the counter to steady himself and dropping the spoon on the floor.
"Whoa!" he says, shocked and wide-eyed as Eddie jumps off the stool and all but leaps over the island to help. He places one hand on Steve's shoulder and one on his hip, spotting him as he white-knuckles the counter and breathes heavily.
"M'fine," Steve insists, shaking his head before swaying at the action. Of course, he's trying to brush it off, like he always does.
"You've been in the kitchen since I left this morning, haven't you?" Eddie chides, trying not to sound too accusatory. 
"... I had lunch," he mumbles, eyes unfocused, a telltale sign he is dizzy.
"Come on, sit," Eddie instructs, immediately steering him to the kitchen stool and bracing himself for Steve getting a migraine.
He hugs him from behind and kisses him on the top of the head.
"How about you stay here and I'll set you up so you can sit down for a while. Have a bit of a break first though, yeah?"
Steve looks down and places his sticky hands over Eddie's. "Thanks, Eds."
"Love you, Stevie," he replies, leaning forward to kiss him on the cheek.
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lenteur · 4 months
random thoughts about tell me that you love me, episode nine
(the rest is under the cut because i'm worried about your eyes having to read ALL OF THAT and this post might contain spoilers)
To be honest, the more I watch the show, the more Mo dam is getting on my nerves. I don't like that it seems like he doesn't want to pick sides so he just agrees with anyone depending on how much the situation will benefit him. I understand wanting to appear as good as you can to your parents. What I don't understand is doing so by dragging your sibling. He acts like he's some hero and came to seoul to check up on his sister when in reality, it's just because he also wants to get away from his parents. I'm sorry this was my hater moment but I had to let it out.
I don't know how to feel about the parents' reaction to meeting jin woo. I can understand they're worried about their daughter being with someone who's "different" but at the same time, I don't understand how they're so quick to judge him and eyeing him like that. When they arrived at mo eun's house, they could see how big she was smiling. Isn't that a good thing? Yes, meet him another time so you could get to know each other better but I'm iffy about them, especially the father.
"I somehow became a bad daughter to you (parents)" Oh how I am livid right now. No matter how old your child is, they should never feel like they disappointed you (unless they committed a crime). NEVER!!! How can you look at yourselves in the mirror when your own child said that? The parents should look back at what they've done and realize their mistakes.
I'm glad mo eun finally has the time to sit and talk to her parents one on one and letting all her feelings out. She should have done that a long time ago but I understand it's not easy to have a discussion with your parents, especially knowing how they want a certain career path for you.
I'm relieved the parents assured her they weren't against any of her decisions and are only worried. Good! I hope they meet jin woo and talk with him so they can appease the tension.
The bond between jin woo and tae ho is a beautiful thing to see. They're learning about each other and they're seeing things from another perspective. They're also relating to each other. This wholesome and I really hope the bullying will stop.
I'm in awe. Tae ho is an amazing kid. He was mad at jin woo for not helping him when he needed it the most. Yet, he still took time to learn about jin woo and understood the misunderstanding. He came to apologize and still wants to take the sign language art class because, like he said, jin woo went to school without anyone speaking sign language. He made it through, so why not tae ho too? I'm giddy. I think good things will come out of this "mentorship" (idk how to call it).
Mo eun does have a big heart. She sent the magazine with jin woo's interview along with tae ho's wallet just so there won't be any misunderstanding. That's the power of kindness right there.
That do hun guy is creeping me out. I want him far away from everyone.
The green dress is so cute. I want it!
Stop! I am already in love with mo eun and jin woo's relationship. I don't need to fall deeper. She hates it when people misunderstand him so she's doing everything in her power to prevent that. I relate to her so much. I hate it when my family and friends are misunderstood so I do the same thing. Jin woo is really lucky to have mo eun in his life.
The four leaf clover being their symbol. THIS IS SO CUTE
Jo han being excited about mo eun getting a role. That's the spirit! Mo eun's friends are so supportive. We love to see it.
At first, I thought they were cute but now the romance between ji yu and mo dam feels forced :/
The news of the possiblity for sol to be hearing impaired has made jin woo and mo eun's world stop. I think this brought them back to reality where if they were to have a child, the child might grow up like jin woo. It's understandable to be scared of that. They're already living it with jin woo. They know how hard it is so they don't want that for a child, if they want one that is. The only thing I can hope for sol to be okay.
Seeing jin woo opening up more and more to mo eun is freeing in a sense because you can see the walls he's built at the beginning are crumbling down the more they see each other.
Him confessing he was scared of being in a relationship with her goes back to what I said in previous posts. He doesn't want to be a burden. He's scared he won't be able to help her if she was in danger because of his disability.
I am just an emotional mess at this point. Mo eun always takes the time to reassure him she wants to be with him. She doesn't care about his disability, she doesn't want him to protect her. She only wants to be with him because she loves him. And I think that's beautiful.
The preview for episode ten is promising. I can't wait!
Overall this was an okay episode, I'll give it a 8.5/10
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justforbooks · 2 years
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The actor Louise Fletcher, who has died aged 88, won the best actress Oscar in 1976 for her chilling and controlled performance in the film version of Ken Kesey’s countercultural novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.
As Nurse Ratched, who instils fear into the patients in a mental institution without ever raising her voice, she was calmly terrifying. The part had shades of the panto villain about it, but Fletcher permitted vital glimpses into the human control-freak beneath this worthy exterior, notably in her standoffs with Jack Nicholson as the rebellious anti-hero McMurphy.
She was 40 at the time and had only recently returned to acting after a long break. She auditioned repeatedly for the role, unaware that the producers were courting and being rebuffed by actors including Jane Fonda, Angela Lansbury and Ellen Burstyn. The director Miloš Forman envisaged the part as “the personification of evil”, but revised his opinion after casting Fletcher: “I slowly started to realise that it would be much more powerful if she doesn’t know that she’s evil. She, as a matter of fact, believes that she’s helping people.”
Sure enough, the most surprising quality to Fletcher’s performance is the subdued but palpable offence she takes when her orders are challenged. Even her outdated hairstyle was expressive—“a symbol that life had stopped for her a long time ago,” noted Fletcher. “She was so out of touch with her feelings that she had no joy in her life and no concept of the fact that she could be wrong. She delivered her care of her insane patients in a killing manner, but she was convinced she was right.”
Fletcher saw Nurse Ratched as a symbol of where the US had gone astray during the Richard Nixon years. “She was convinced that she had her world in order, and that for it to work properly it had to be in that order. The minute McMurphy arrived, things began to fall apart for her. And she couldn’t have that. She had enough power that her conviction could have consequences – and that’s where I felt we were in the world at the time, too. The film was all about who has the power and how they use it, and how absolute power absolutely corrupts.”
Accepting her Oscar, Fletcher ended her speech by using sign language to thank her parents, both of whom were deaf – her mother following a childhood illness at six months old and her father after being struck by lightning aged four.
Fletcher was born in Birmingham, Alabama, one of four hearing siblings, to the Rev Robert Capers, who organised more than 40 congregations for deaf people, and Estelle (nee Caldwell), who raised the family and also worked with hearing-impaired people. “I grew up as a parent to my parents,” Fletcher said. Her first memory was of “crawling into my parents’ bed in the middle of the night to spell out on my father’s hand that I was ill.”
Each of the couple’s children spent a year with an aunt in Texas to enable them to learn to speak. Even so, Fletcher did not use her voice fully until the age of eight and was once sent home by schoolteachers who were convinced she was deaf.
She studied drama at the University of North Carolina, after which she moved to Los Angeles and began winning parts in the late 1950s on television series including Maverick, Lawman and The Untouchables. In 1960 she married the producer and book collector Jerry Bick and quit acting in order to raise their two sons.
The family moved to London in 1967. In the early 70s, Fletcher tried to return to acting but was told by Hollywood agents that she had no chance of finding work. Robert Altman persuaded Fletcher to star in his gentle Prohibition-era crime drama Thieves Like Us (1974), produced by Bick; she was reluctant at first, fearing it would look like nepotism.
Her relationship with her parents provided the inspiration for the choir singer shown raising two deaf children in Altman’s next film, Nashville (1975). Fletcher was the director’s natural choice to play the role. But Altman balked at Bick’s insistence that his wife could only participate if he could also be on board as a producer, and gave the part instead to Lily Tomlin.
Around the same time, Thieves Like Us brought Fletcher to the attention of Forman. “You can call it luck or fate that I met Miloš,” she said, “but it would have been useless if I hadn’t been ready.” In the aftermath of her Oscar win, she turned down the role of the evangelical mother in Carrie (1976) but accepted parts in the ill-fated horror sequel Exorcist II: The Heretic (1977) and the comedy The Cheap Detective (1978).
She also appeared in the thriller Brainstorm and the science-fiction homage Strange Invaders (both 1983), the Stephen King adaptation Firestarter (1984), the romantic comedy Nobody’s Fool (1986) and an adaptation of Virginia Andrews’s bestselling novel Flowers in the Attic (1987), in which she played another tyrannical matriarch figure.
Though Fletcher never again received a part as memorable as Nurse Ratched, she continued to act throughout her life. Among her notable recent work was the role of Frank Gallagher’s tough-cookie mother serving a manslaughter sentence in the US version of the hit Channel 4 comedy-drama Shameless (2011-12).
Fletcher and Bick divorced in 1977. She is survived by their two sons, John and Andrew.
🔔 Estelle Louise Fletcher, actor, born 22 July 1934; died 23 September 2022
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at http://justforbooks.tumblr.com
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[Untitled] Pt. 3 (1.7k Words)
Time for another installment of this self indulgent nonsense, featuring William being very, very gay and angsty. I hope y’all enjoy!
There would never be another man like Sherlock Holmes. At least, that’s what William decides as he watches the detective from his seat on the sitting room’s well-worn couch in 221B. He knows that he should be listening to the other man’s words–after all, he was invited over to help with a case that he, miraculously, isn’t responsible for. It’s not often that he can properly assist Sherlock with his work, so he should be jumping at the chance.
Instead, he’s sitting in this chaotic mess of an apartment and looking at Sherlock like a schoolchild looks at the classmate they fancy. Of course, he can’t exactly blame himself. Beyond his brothers and the rest of his team, William had given up on finding goodness in this world. Everything seemed to be tainted by the unfeeling influence of the upper class, and he’d hated it. Then he’d met Sherlock, and that view had been completely shattered. 
He knows logically that keeping Sherlock this close was an incredible risk. The detective is both his Patroclus and Paris, his Achilles Heel and the arrow all rolled into one. The only person capable of tempting him to give up the plan and the only person capable of solving it, and William still can’t bring himself to give Sherlock up. His brothers are no help, of course–Louis disapproves of it completely but prioritizes William’s happiness and Albert is wary yet supportive of this one indulgence. So, they’ll neither tell him to abandon the detective nor to remain with him, only that they trust his judgment. If only they knew how much Sherlock impaired that usually infallible tool.
“Liam? You’re still listening, right?” The nobleman starts at the sound of Sherlock’s voice, looking up guiltily. “Of course, Mr. Holmes. My apologies, there’s been a lot weighing on my mind lately.”
In truth, he had not been listening in the slightest. It certainly doesn’t help that the only reason he started listening was hearing the nickname Sherlock had given him–the one name that felt like it truly belong to him and him alone. The child from Whitechapel had died alongside the boy whose identity William had stolen; he was neither that poor orphan nor Lord William James Moriarty, just a poor facsimile of both. However, when Sherlock called him Liam, he could allow himself to imagine a life where he could truly claim that name, living forever as the man Sherlock had given that endearment to. He can pretend he is simply Liam, a professor of Mathematics taking a respite from his teaching at the University of Durham to visit his…
That’s always where the dream ends. Not because he doesn’t know what title he wants to bestow upon Sherlock, but because he knows that he is undeserving of bearing it in return. William had sacrificed the goodness in him piece by piece for the Moriarty Plan, becoming what he despised with every drop of corrupted blood spilled. Sherlock was William’s mirror, what he could have been in another life where he had not been forced to become like the devils he hunted. From the moment that he’d met the detective, William knew that he wanted–no, needed–it to be Sherlock who killed him, the final devil casting shadows on the nation. He needed all of England to see Sherlock how he did: a hero capable of driving out even the deepest of evils with his dizzying intellect and stubborn courage. He was the Eden that William had been cast out of and the Uriel that guarded its gates.
Once again, Sherlock pulls William from his thoughts, this time by settling down on the spot next to him, so close that their legs and shoulders are almost touching. “Penny for your thoughts, then? It’s no fun tellin’ ya about a case if y’can’t focus, Liam.”
The blond hangs his head forward slightly, finally accepting he’s been caught. “It’s nothing of great importance, Mr. Holmes. I’d only bore you by telling you.”
“You never bore me.” His heart shouldn’t skip a beat at that, but he knows how much weight that sentence bears. William knows he doesn’t deserve to hold the attention of this man, but he decides that will only lead to further argument. “You flatter me, Mr. Holmes.”
“No flattery ‘bout it, Liam. You’re interesting t’me.” William just wants to laugh at those words. If he’s interesting, what does that make Sherlock? Magnetic, to start, like a gravity well that keeps tugging him back in no matter how hard he tries to keep his distance. Sherlock is the sun of William’s entire universe and he doesn’t have a clue–completely ignorant of how caught in his orbit the nobleman is. “The feeling is mutual, I assure you.”
“So, gonna tell me what’s goin’ on in that beautiful brain of yours?” Sherlock’s shoulder bumps into his own in a playful manner, and William surprises both the dark-haired man and himself by leaning into the contact. “Perhaps, or maybe I’d just like a chance to turn it off for a while and enjoy time with my favorite detective.”
Sherlock snorts. “That’d mean more if you knew any other detective, y’know.”
“Well, there is Gregson…” Sherlock has moved off the couch in a show of sheer indignance before William is even done speaking. “Him? You’d really choose him over me?”
The nobleman laughs, pushing himself up to his feet gracefully. He steps towards Sherlock, but the other man pointedly looks away, an expression akin to a pout on his face. “Oh, don’t be like that, Sherlock.”
The detective’s lips twitch and his eyes widen a fraction, but he maintains his facade of hurt, so William decides it’s time for drastic measures. He moves further into Sherlock’s personal space, placing one hand on the cheek turned away from him as he coos, “Sherly, you know I don’t mean it. Gregson is a bumbling, incapable idiot next to you.”
The slightly embarrassing display of affection is all worth it for the frustrated huff it earns from Sherlock as William feels the other man’s skin warming quickly beneath his touch. “That’s just not playin’ fair, innit.”
“I think appealing to your ego is completely fair play, Mr. Holmes.” As William tries to pull his hand away, Sherlock’s flies up, pinning it in place as he turns to face William fully. “That’s not the part I was referrin’ to and you know it, Liam.”
Some vague part of him knows that Sherlock is just as desperate for the verbal affection as he is–perhaps even more than the physical affection he so often visibly craves in the company of the nobleman. However, that intimacy is one he knows he doesn’t deserve with his brilliant detective. William won’t have his words fooling Sherlock into thinking that he’s a person who can be trusted, cared for, or–
“Liam?” Sherlock’s voice is impossible soft and, coupled with a gentle squeeze of the blond’s hand, is enough to bring William back to the present. They’re so close that he can feel Sherlock’s breath, warm against his skin. Everything about him is warm, William decides. “You sure you’re ok?”
William wordlessly pulls the other man into a tight embrace using his free arm, burying his face in Sherlock’s shoulder as he inhales the familiar scent of cigarette smoke and Sherlock’s admittedly-cheap cologne. With his expression safely hidden from scrutiny, he mumbles. “I’m tired, Sherly. I don’t mean to be an inconvenience, but–”
“Of course y’can bunk over, you bloody idiot. You really think I’m lettin’ you walk home at this time o’ night?” Despite the rough scolding of his words, Sherlock returns the hug, resting his chin on William’s shoulder. “Yer night clothes are in the wash, though.”
William lifts his head slightly, freeing himself from the muffling of Sherlock’s jacket. “I suppose I’ll be forced to borrow some of yours then?” Like last time. And the time before that. He finds it endearing that Sherlock thinks he hasn’t caught onto this particular lie yet. Sherlock seems to get a kick out of seeing the normally elegant nobleman clad in his ratty, old excuses for sleepwear, and William doesn’t mind indulging him.
The bedtime routine is quickly completed, though William insists on dragging Sherlock through a few extra steps with only slight bickering about the detective’s hygiene habits. Finally, they reach the part that William dreads. “So, I’ll be taking the couch.”
There is a concerning lack of argument from Sherlock, but William tries to be optimistic–maybe he’s taking pity on him in his fatigued state. However, he quickly figures out the dark-haired man’s angle when Sherlock follows him all the way to the couch. “You can’t be serious.”
That infuriating grin that only graces the detective’s face when he knows he’s won is already in full force. “Oh, I’m dead serious, Liam.”
“We cannot both fit on the couch.”
“Then I guess we’ll both have to fit in my bed. That’s the only other option, innit?”
“Your bed smells like cigarette smoke.”
“So do my clothes–don’t see ya complainin’ about ‘em, though.” William grabs the other man’s hand with an exasperated huff, dragging him toward his bedroom. Sherlock makes a point of waiting until William gets under the covers before clamoring in himself. In return, the nobleman turns away from the other man, determined to stay on his side of the bed in protest. Unfortunately, this effort is immediately undone when Sherlock sneaks both arms around him and drags William over to him. “So ya can’t get up and go to the couch when I fall asleep.”
William roles over to face the still grinning detective, displeasure obvious on his face. Sherlock responds by pulling William closer and tucking the blond’s head under his chin. “Caught you.”
The joke shouldn’t make William’s heart ache as painfully as it does. He can’t stand to hear those words, given to the detective as a joke, said so affectionately. He’d rather only hear it when the time is right, said with the hate he deserves for all his crimes. However, he can push that aside for the night as long as Sherlock continues to hold him. After all, he’s the only truly untainted thing left in his life, and William wants to enjoy just being Sherlock’s Liam while he still can. The sleep that normally eludes him always comes so easily in these moments–in fact, he’s already too far gone to register the gentle, chaste kiss pressed against his forehead and the quiet “Good night” whispered with it.
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