#hence the need to get words like 'beryl' in there
pepperf · 1 year
@mylittleredgirl I finally had a chance to go digging in my dad’s attic for my vintage fic file. I couldn’t find the REALLY old one (grey folder with a rainbow square on the front), but I did find my slightly-more-recent one, mostly from secondary school. Only a couple of pieces had dates, the earliest was a Blake’s 7 fic from March 1992.
Also inside were fics for: Sapphire and Steel, the Man from U.N.C.L.E. (the original 60s one), several attempts to write a Georgette Heyer novel, a surprising amount of Three Musketeers fic, Labyrinth fic, my Bryan Adams self-insert fics, my obvious crushes on Lou Diamond Philips and Roger Taylor, my GCSE results, a bunch of X-Files fic (including printouts of other people’s fic - once I discovered that other people wrote fic too, my productivity took a steep dive!), and this gem of a list of potential character names for my DragonLance Mary Sue fic:
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Shoutout to teenage!me, who once seriously considered naming a character “Amoeba”. 🤣🤣🤣😭
ETA: proof!
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sailormoonandme · 3 years
Usagi’s Evolution as a Healer Goddess
The other day I saw a post discussing the evolution of Usagi’s fuku and it occurred to me how Eternal Sailor Moon’s costume was her first Senshi uniform to ditch the tiara. 
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That in turn led me to consider how that kind of makes Usagi weaker as it removes a very useful weapon for her. After all, if you include the movies, Usagi uses some variant of Moon Tiara Action in practically every season prior to Stars.
However, dwelling more upon it I realized how this tiny change was all too appropriate for Usagi’s character development.
Firstly, by supplanting the Tiara with her Moon planetary symbol, Eternal Sailor Moon more closely resembles both Queen Serenity, her own Princess Serenity form and her future self as Neo-Queen Serenity. 
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Since all three are objectively more powerful than Usagi typically is as Sailor Moon I think the change emphasises how she has ‘levelled up’ in her Eternal form. When combined with the angel wings, Eternal Sailor Moon shifts Usagi visually closer to her future self as NQS, which in the anime is implied to be her most powerful incarnation.* It is almost as though the visual was communicating that the Divine Miracle Magic that she’d previously drawn upon as Princess Serenity in Classic-SuperS had now become ingrained in her standard Senshi form and thus was more accessible to her. 
It was in thinking of her previous efforts as Princess Serenity that I inevitably recalled her duel with Metalia/Beryl in episode 46 and realized that Eternal Sailor Moon was the first time since Classic that Usagi’s default attack was a healing  technique not a destructive one. 
Moon Healing Escalation was Usagi’s first healing technique but until Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss (and it’s later upgrade, Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss) it was also her only healing technique. 
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Between regaining healing techniques and ditching her tiara/other destructive attacks/weapons, I think this represents her subtle growth in both her power and status. After all, it is a sad fact of life that it is easier to destroy something rather than fix it, thereby making the latter far more impressive.**
This skewing towards healing power rather than destructive power is also (arguably) thematically appropriate given the nature of Sailor Moon as a female power fantasy as (rightly or wrongly) the act of healing is typically coded as feminine. 
We can even take this further by examining things from the ‘opposite direction’ as it were.
Consider that in the climactic final episodes of Sailor Stars, Eternal Sailor Moon’s healing technique actually fails her when used against Galaxia. In later episodes, upon adopting her Princess Serenity form (complete with larger and more obviously angelic wings), she uses a sword to duel Galaxia.
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Obviously a sword is, at least predominantly, an offensive weapon and can therefore be viewed as symbolic of aggression; let’s leave any Freudian or gendered interpretations alone for today. Her use of the sword is highly uncharacteristic (in the anime). Even her explicitly offencive weapons (like the Cutie Moon Rod or Spiral Moon Heart Rod) weren’t as clearly aggressive nor obviously violent. Desperate times calling for desperate measures? Perhaps, but we might also speculate it was her subconsciously reacting to grief. Not only can grief make you act in ways you wouldn’t normally, but a sword after all was a weapon wielded by her lover in his Prince Endymion incarnation. Her lover whom Usagi had just learned Galaxia had murdered. In other words, amidst her grief she reacts by going too hard in the other direction after healing her enemy proves ineffective.
However, when all is said and done the sword fails her.*** Ultimately is simply escalates the conflict by prompting Galaxia to become Chaos Galaxia and thereby make Usagi’s chances of victory all the slimmer. If we wished to stretch things, you could perhaps say that this is a commentary about how war and violence ultimately begets yet more war and violence.
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Even if that is an over extrapolation though, it still served to emphasis the point that a sword is not befitting of Usagi, that she was doomed to lose if she continued to battle with destroying her enemy as the end goal.
In fact, her road to real victory begins when she not doesn’t attack Galaxia but makes it easier for herself to be attacked. In the end, Usagi doesn’t confront her most powerful enemy as the God-Queen of the future, the demi-goddess Princess of the distant past, the sailor-suited soldier of love and justice in the present, nor even a humble school girl.
She does it by literally stripping herself of all those things, of stripping herself of everything in fact.
Her weapons? Gone.
Her other items, like her Tiare? Gone.
Her comrades? Gone, and they’d be powerless against Galaxia anyway.
And finally, even her clothes? Gone!
Beyond the Silver Crystal (an outward visualization of her heart/soul) and the angel wings (symbolic of her role as a saviour) she is completely (but tastefully) naked.
Usagi visually and quite literally is more vulnerable  than she’s ever been, even more so than on her first night as Sailor Moon.
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And yet this is Usagi at her actual most powerful.
It is her distilled to her absolute essence as a person, all other trappings removed. She’d just one person showing another they will categorically not harm them, that they bear them no malice and they have nothing to hide. That openness and compassion is what ultimately enables her to connect to the good within Galaxia and pull her away from the darkness that had corrupted her.
Usagi in this moment completely fulfilled her character arc.
·      In the Dark Kingdom arc Usagi destroys (or seals away depending upon your POV) Beryl/Metalia.
·      In the Hell Tree arc, Usagi resolves the over all plot via a healing technique (although it is functionally similar to a destructive attack). However, that only happens because the Hell Tree both instructs Usagi to do that and because it lets her. It is the equivalent of a sickly doctor instructing a nurse on what to do to make them better. The nurse might have the power but their agency as a healer is limited.
·      In the Black Moon arc, Usagi, with help, destroys Wiseman/Death Phantom. 
·      In the Death Busters arc, Usagi does save Hotaru and ‘purify’ her. However, like the Hell Tree, that was something Hotaru wanted. Additionally, her purification functioned as a way to heal the body of someone sick and who wanted to sacrifice themselves, not someone actually evil. The evil in question was Pharaoh 90 and it is presumed that Usagi destroyed him (although it might’ve been Hotaru or the pair of them together). 
·      Forgive me for skipping the Dead Moon Circus arc as Chibiusa is the real protagonist there, and Usagi’s role is chiefly as a rescuer. It therefore doesn’t really apply, although the Nehelenia mini-arc from Stars is a different story. There, Usagi was a healer again, but she did it with the help of her loved ones and with the aid of her Tiare device. Nevertheless, we can see by this point Usagi’s capacity as a healer heroine had been gradually growing until we get to the battle with Galaxia.
By the end of series, Usagi has successfully healed Galaxia and it is neither with the aid of her comrades, nor with the power of a weapon or device, nor with any instructions from her ‘patient’ or any other third party.
Additionally, Galaxia (unlike Hotaru) wasn’t someone’s who was saved from a noble self-sacrifice or had a physical ailment that needs to be addressed. In Galaxia’s case, her very soul had lost it’s way and become corrupted. She had lost who she was supposed to be and her purpose in life had been perverted.****
When combined with how powerful Galaxia always was, how Chaos and the Star Seeds empowered her further, Usagi’s victory here cannot be understated.
Her ‘patient’ was more powerful than all her other adversaries, was in need of more healing than her other ‘patients’ and was more resistant to being healed. Not to mention, since she’d directly murdered her beloved friends (and indirectly aborted her future daughter), Usagi would’ve been forgiven for not  even trying to salvage Galaxia 
And yet, with no weapons, no backup and just the power of her heart and soul basically, Usagi succeeded. 
After Stars the idea that Usagi could heal the entire planet after a global catastrophe and reshape it into a fairy tale crystalline utopia was all too believable.
What’s healing one planet when her ability to empathise had already healed a whole galaxy?
Who needs a tiara to reduce evil to dust when you can simply convince evil to be good?
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*This is arguably symbolized by baby Hotaru’s vision of NQS transforming into Eternal Sailor Moon in episode 1 of Stars.
In fact, we might argue that a low-key subplot running through all of Stars (both the Nehelenia and Galaxia portions of it) is gradually transitioning Usagi closer to the person she is destined to become as Neo-Queen Serenity, hence why the first episode features the most explicit reference to her fate as Queen since R. 
**Personally I am an atheist, but nevertheless I and others like me can grasp why  deities in most major religions through history weren’t simply capable of mass scale destruction, but also of essentially manipulating reality to create  things too.
By that same token, it’s little surprise that perhaps the widest spread religious figure in history was Jesus Christ who rarely (if ever) engaged in aggression or destructive acts, predominantly employing divine healing powers.
I suspect the attraction of such figures to human beings lies in the fact that on some level we know that, given the right time and resources, we mere mortals would be capable of destroying anything. Given time it’s all but certain we will develop the technology to even destroy planetary bodies. On the flipside, I think we also intuitively grasp that  reversing  such damage, of reattaching a limb, of stanching bleeding, etc, is far more difficult if not impossible. Hence we attributed the ability to do such things to larger than life Divine Entities.
*** Now that I think of it, it’s also poignant that Usagi tries and fails to defeat Galaxia with a sword when we take Sailor Uranus into consideration. 
Uranus is of course associated with her weapon, the Space Sword and, like Usagi, tried and failed to use such a weapon against Galaxia.
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Giving Uranus a sword is symbolically appropriate given her role as the leader of the more aggressive branch of the Sailor Team. Having her fail against Galaxia and Usagi consequently fail by in some way ‘mimicking her tactics’ is equally symbolically appropriate. Not only because of their ideological conflict in Sailor Moon S but also their tensions in Sailor Stars itself. In both situations Usagi’s more open, less aggressive, ideology was ultimately proven correct. 
Thus in using a sword against Galaxia it represented how Usagi was always doomed to fail by taking the aggressive/destructive route and how she was arguably not being true to herself in that moment. 
****It’s not to dissimilar to Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker now that I think about it. 
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ask-de-writer · 4 years
In the Desert (1 part), a fantasy of Dirkhan in the Desert and Uman the Fat
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De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
Cover by Wind the Mama Cat
1474 words
copyright 2013
All rights reserved.
Reproduction in any form, physical, electronic or digital is prohibited without the express consent of the author.
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Users of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights. They may reblog the story. They may use the characters or original characters in my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical compositions, provided that such things are done without charge. I will allow those who do commission art works to charge for their images.
All sorts of fan activity including but not limited to art, stories, musical compositions, plays or anything else is ACTIVELY ENCOURAGED.
The nomad’s arrow thumped into Uman’s camel. That was an accident. He had meant the shaft for Uman. The beast gave an expressive groan and took off like it had wings instead of feet. Very few things can catch a camel that has made up its mind to run. Uman the Fat hung on and let the camel have its head. It easily out-paced his pursuers’ horses and settled down to a distance-eating trot.
Uman reflected that he was not much better off now than he was as a prisoner in the gem mines of Lusk. He earned that fate by being a mercenary on the wrong side of a civil war. He’d always earned his living by dame Fortune. Uman had been many things in his life: fortune hunter, thief, adventurer, mercenary soldier. The big adventurer had worked harder for his independence than most who labored for a living. In the process, he had earned and lost more than many would ever see.
On the first day of his flight from Lusk, he had the misfortune to run into a band of nomads. Even worse, they knew him from the recent civil war. Hence, the arrow flighted at him.
On the second day after his camel was hit, it began to stagger and show severe distress. Before noon, it pitched onto the ground and died. Uman gathered as much of his gear as he could carry and began to walk.
The Skrald Iden seemed even hotter once he was on foot. The heat caused shimmering mirages that made the stones waver and dance. Uman walked as long as he was able. At last, he came to the end of his water, and soon after, the end of his considerable endurance.
Uman drained the very last drop of water from his canteen. He shook it in futile frustration. He was about to hurl it away with an oath. Thinking better of his action, he contented himself with the oath. Rehanging the canteen by its strap, he averred to himself, “Never can tell, it might be useful again.”
Spying an outcrop of rock that ran from east to west, Uman hastened into its shade. “This will last until the cool of the evening. Travel will be easier then,” he thought, loosening his head-cloth and settling himself as comfortably as he could. He began a futile attempt at napping to save his energy for the evening and night’s travel.
He could not get comfortable. There were hard, lumpy little stones everywhere. Looking more closely, he saw that there was a layer of gravel under the cap of rock on the outcrop.
“This looks like the gravel they made me dig when I mined for gems in Lusk,” he muttered to himself, running some of the small stones through his fingers.” I wonder…”
Uman began idly scrabbling at the gravel to pass the time. He was about to give it up as a complete waste of effort when he found a pebble that looked different from the others. He licked it, to see better what it looked like. A brilliant blue winked back at him when he held the dampened stone in the sunlight. “I don’t believe it! This is a sapphire or I’m a eunuch!” he exclaimed.
Uman began digging at the gravel like a terrier digging for a rodent. With each new find, he exclaimed in delight and dug again. After a while, he rested from his digging. In his hands were five sapphires, three rubies and a beryl.
As he admired his finds he said, “This is a nice little packet. Still, I have to get out of the Skrald Iden alive if I am to enjoy it. I would trade the lot for enough water to get to Derkhan.”
Suddenly he froze. A desert viper had silently crept to within inches of his leg. “You spoke my name and I am here,” said a voice that rasped like dry stones within his brain. “Your bargain is acceptable.”
“Who are you? Where are you?” asked Uman in an urgent whisper.
“I am Skrald Iden and I am beside your leg,” came a reply like a slide of sand.
“There is a viper by my leg. Is that you?” inquired Uman softly.
“That is my form. I am the god of these waste-lands. If you honor the bargain that you offered, I will not bite you. I will guide you to water.”
“It’s a bit strange, conversing with a serpent, but I will follow you,” replied Uman with more confidence. He gathered his few possessions and stood up, saying, “Lead on.”
As he followed the reptile through a maze of tortured rock, he said conversationally, “I thought that Skrald Iden was the name of the desert.”
The reply in his brain was like a sere wind. “It is the name of the desert. This desert was named for me.”
Uman was tired, hot and thirsty after several hours of following the reptile. He was beginning to stagger some when a small building came into sight. It was made of a translucent green stone.
The building proved to be a small temple. As he entered it, he faked a stagger so that he could lurch against the stone and feel it with his hand. It had a cool, almost silky feel.
The altar was empty. The snake crossed the floor, found purchase on several inconspicuous projections and climbed onto the altar. It grew larger, until it had filled the top of the altar, arranged itself neatly and turned to stone.
The desolate voice spoke inside his brain once more, “Your bargain, man. Put all the stones that you have found into my mouth.”
Prostrating himself before the altar, Uman asked, “Are your fangs still poisoned? They look sharp.”
The arid voice inside his head replied, “I will not hurt you, man, if you do as I say. Water awaits your cooperation.”
Placing the stones into the god̓s mouth, Uman asked, “I know that you do not come every time that someone speaks your name. Was I just lucky?”
“Indeed you were,” replied the god, its scales turning from dusty brown to jewel-like blues, reds and pale green as the stones vanished from its mouth. “Most of my time is spent with my fellow gods. I look over my desert about once every hundred years. Those works needed to keep my land untamed were just finished and I was about to go when you spoke my name and thereby gained my attention.
“Even when I am not here, worship pleases me. Bring others to my temple. You will know where it is.
“Dig no more gems from the desert. They are mine.”
A set of certainties began to form in Uman’s mind. He knew the location of all the water-holes between the temple and Derkhan and the best routes between them… Then, he felt an absence and knew that Skrald Iden was gone. It was only a short way to the first water-hole. He filled his canteen and took a long, refreshing drink. “I don’t have to dig any more gems,” he muttered as he returned to the temple. Carefully dislodging small block of the green stone from the temple, he said, “An adventurer has to take what fortune gives him.”
For four days, he was sustained by his dreams of the wealth that the temple would bring him. He worked his way through the wilderness of stone and sand, going from water-hole to water-hole until he came to the caravan track that lead to Derkhan-in-the-Desert.
Uman glared at his last date as if it were the fault of the fruit, somehow, that it was the last edible thing that he had. It did not make a satisfactory meal. After that, he went hungry.
A day and a half of trudging the dusty caravan route brought him to Derkhan. Uman entered the city by the Gate of the Setting Sun. He made his way past the blank facades of the homes of the wealthy, passing the small shops and hovels of the poor. He pulled his head-cloth tightly about his face. There seemed to be more flies in Derkhan than in all of the deserts round about. Once he found the market-place, he sought out a trafficker in gemstones.
“I have borne this across half of the Skrald Iden,” said Uman with pride, holding out the small block of translucent green stone. You will find it worth your while, I think.”
“You carried it that far?” asked the gem dealer, taking the stone. “Jade is indeed be worth my while,” he said, scratching the rock with the tip his dagger, “but this is only soapstone.”
In the back of his mind, Uman heard the sound of laughter like the sliding of dry gravel and sand.
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This completes In the Desert. If you enjoyed what you just read, please go to the Master Story Index for links to all of the stories that I have posted on Tumblr.
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tessalovesozzy · 4 years
Scooby Doo meets Lupin the Third - Chapter 1
Notes: Its finally here! Again this has been written by @coldtoastieboi​ and myself (@tessalovesozzy)! There has been a lot going on right now for both of us in our lives right now and the holidays are upon us (hence why this took so long).  We hope that this chapter was worth the wait!
(Chapter continues under the cut)
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Chapter 1
The Fall color was on full display in the passing trees as the Mystery Machine rolled down the highway, well on their way to the city of Southsummer, Georgia. It was their Fall break and all the members of Mystery Inc. were in need of some much-deserved relaxation time. As much as they loved solving mysteries, it was good to get a break from them every once in a while. Daphne heaved a sigh of relief. “ It feels so good that we finally get a vacation for once!”
“Yeah, going to Southsummer just to take in the sights was a great idea, Velma!” Fred complimented his friend, keeping his eyes on the road. “I figured that we could use it! All the theatres, parks, museums… a trip that doesn’t involve mysteries is just what we need!” Velma replied.
“Like, famous last words…” Shaggy said, thinking the rest of the gang couldn’t hear him. Fred raised an eyebrow as he glanced in the rearview mirror to catch a glimpse of the backseat where Shaggy and Scooby sat. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Shaggy began to rant. “Like, Scoob and I know how this goes. We try to go on vacation, things start out fine and dandy, but then a mystery falls into our lap and instead of relaxing, we spend the whole time getting chased by some freaky monster -”
“And running and retting rared rilly!” Scooby interjected, being as skeptic as Shaggy was about this ‘vacation’.
“Exactly!” Shaggy agreed.
“Don’t worry guys,” Velma reassured. “I did some research on this city for paranormal activity or anything else out of the ordinary and found nothing. I assure you that we’re just here to relax.” 
Shaggy and Scooby gave each other a glance and then back to Velma and the others. “Well, uh...”
“Tell you what guys, we still haven’t eaten breakfast yet. So how about you two pick which restaurant we eat at first on this trip?” Fred asked trying to appeal to Shaggy and Scooby and quell their fears. At the very mention of food and Fred’s offer, Shaggy and Scooby grinned and tied napkins around their necks like bibs. “Like, what are we waiting for?”
“Ret’s ro!” Scooby howled happily, with his human friends laughing as they entered the city limits.
After spending some time at a few local landmarks, unwinding at a public park, and of course, eating at various restaurants and food stands, Mystery Inc. was already in a better and calmer mood and it was barely one o'clock in the afternoon by this time. After getting lunch from a hot dog stand, the teens and their great dane casually headed down the block back to their vehicle.
“See? What’d we tell you guys? No monsters, no mysteries, just some well-deserved downtime.” Daphne said reassuringly. 
“Yeah, this is really nice! Like, I don’t know what we were worried about, Scoob!” Shaggy said as he munched on his twelfth hot dog. 
Velma smiled, seeing her normally anxious friends being so content as she brought a brochure for the Metropolitan Art and History Museum out from a side pocket on her backpack.“I hope we can get to the museum today! There’s supposed to an exhibit that’s showcasing a red emerald!”
“A red emerald? Wait a minute, aren’t emeralds supposed to be green?” Fred asked. Velma proceeded to explain. “They are green! In actuality, This gem is more of a beryl than a true em-”  
“Velma- it’s a red emerald.” Daphne interrupted. She knew that if Velma continued, they’d be there for the rest of the afternoon in a geology lecture. “Like, what’s so special about it?” Shaggy asked. “Well Shaggy, this red emerald is said to be so hypnotic and so beautiful that few can resist being drawn to it!” Velma replied enthusiastically. “According to the map, the museum is just around the corner over there.” Velma pointed to the intersection at the end of the street that came to a right turn. “Well then, let’s go!” Fred said as he and the others piled into the Mystery Machine.
Suddenly, several police cars came rushing past the van, siren’s wailing with lights atop the cars flashing.
“Jeepers! What’s going on?” Daphne asked, looking out the windshield with concern as the police cars raced down the street.
“Whatever it is, they’re sure in a hurry!” Fred exclaimed. 
“Freddie, look where they’re headed!” Daphne pointed towards the slew of police cars as they raced down to the end of the street and made a right turn. 
“They’re headed towards the museum!” Fred revved up the Mystery Machine and followed in hot pursuit of the police, jolting everyone into their seats. Shaggy and Scooby looked at each other with concern as they knew what following the police meant: ANOTHER mystery. Shaggy sighed in defeat as he turned to a whimpering Scooby. “Here we go again, ol’ buddy.”
As the van finished turning the corner, the van came to a screeching halt as all of the police cars had stopped at the bottom of the front steps of the museum. “Jinkies!” Velma exclaimed as she and the gang saw that the police cars were parked in such a cluttered fashion, that the cars had entirely blocked one side of the road. A few police officers were out redirecting some of the traffic and trying to keep some news trucks at bay. Fred got the van as close to the museum as he could, parking near a local coffee shop across the street from the museum. After the gang got out of the van, they headed for the nearby crosswalk. 
“Zoinks! Like, whatever’s happening at the museum, they sure got enough people to do it!” Shaggy said, looking back at the army of police officers and their vehicles as they walked through the crosswalk. “Ruh-huh!” Scooby agreed. 
“Do you think something happened to the emerald?” Daphne asked. 
“I can’t think of any other reason why they might be here! Come on! Maybe we can help!” Fred quickened the pace as he and the gang navigated their way to the shining marble steps of the Metropolitan Museum. There were police on the steps, at every entrance, and even on the roof as if they were searching for someone. The police noticed the teens but let them pass, assuming they were tourists like every other civilian heading towards the museum. The gang approached the Roman-eseque facade and eventually, the front entrance to the museum, passing through to the simplistic front lobby of the museum. The hostess at the front desk greeted the teens and their dog, albeit a bit flustered due to the appearance of the police. “G-good afternoon, welcome to the Metropolitan Art and History Museum.”
“Like, what’s with all the cops?” Shaggy asked. The hostess swallowed a lump in her throat, as if she was afraid to say too much. “I’m afraid I’m not at liberty to say right now...I-I-I will h-however inform you that the red emerald exhibit is closed until further notice.”
“Closed? Has it been stolen?” Daphne inquired. 
“Has someone just threatened to steal it?” Velma asked.
“We just want to help…” Fred tried to reassure the uneasy hostess.
“I- I’m sorry! I can’t say! P-p-please enjoy our other exhibits for the time being!” The hostess nervously replied. The gang looked at each other with concern. 
“Rook! Rore rops!” Scooby raised one of his front paws, pointing to the last exhibit at the end of the hall, with 2 policemen guarding its entrance. There were no other policemen around any of the other exhibits, and the teens headed straight for the guarded entrance. As the gang got closer, they could see 2 men talking to each other, both with their backs turned to the exhibit’s entrance. One was raising his voice about the whole situation, wanting more security to placed, and the other was more reserved, wanting to be more logical about the situation. The closer they got, the more Fred realized who the man with a deafening tone was. 
“No way…” Fred got more excited while the rest of the gang was confused as to why. The teens finally reached to entrance for the red emerald exhibit and were immediately stopped by the guards and one of them began to speak. “I’m sorry kids, but this exhibit is closed today. You can visit some of the other-”
“We know but we want to help!” Daphne said. “We’re Mystery Inc.! Like, world famous Mystery solvers? Maybe you’ve heard of us?” Shaggy added, trying to get the guards to let them in. The guards simply looked at each other and began to chuckle. “Yeah, you can help us…” The other guard replied in between laughs. “You can go hom-”
“WHAT’S GOING ON BACK THERE?!!” The loud man shouted as he turned to face the guards, and they stood at attention. He was a japanese man that looked to be in his mid 40’s to early 50s, dressed in a brown suit, and donning a trenchcoat and matching fedora. Fred got a huge smile the minute he saw him. “I knew it! You’re Inspector Zenigata! Wow! ” Fred exclaimed, still smiling and his friends, still a bit confused. Zenigata wasn’t used to being noticed much by anyone, much less a teenager and his friends, so it caught him off guard. “Uh... yeah, that’s me.” 
Fred continued to gush with excitement. “Inspector, you’re my idol! The way you keep going, no matter the cost! All the adventures you’ve had! All those different traps you make! It’s an honor, sir!” Fred offered his hand to the flabbergasted Inspector, who wasn’t used to having fans around. Zenigata sheepishly grinned as he shook Fred’s hand. “Well, I’m flattered young man, I- HEY, WAIT A MINUTE! What are you kids doing, hanging around here?!?! Who are you??!!!?!” Zenigata cried, coming to his senses. 
 “Well Inspector, we’re Mystery Inc. and we want to help you solve this mystery! Whatever it is…” Velma replied.  
“I assure you, it is no mystery who is behind all this… and it is none of your business.” A voice insisted. Everyone looked to see it was the man Inspector Zenigata was talking to earlier. He was tall and lean and much younger than Zenigata, around late 20’s to early 30’s. The man had blonde hair and thick glasses that shielded his jade green eyes and a navy blue pinstripe suit. He went over to join Zenigata in dealing with these meddling kids and introduced himself. “Inspector Victor Sullivan, ICPO. We appreciate the concern of civilians but we insist on continuing with your day.”
“Civilians? Inspector Sullivan, we have solved mysteries all around the world, taking down criminals of all shapes and sizes! We are more than capable of helping you!” Daphne rebutted. “Oh? Really?” Inspector Sullivan sarcastically replied, unamused. 
“Gentleman, if we are done dealing with these kids, can we continue please?” A elderly man interrupted, anxious to get back to business. Mystery Inc. hadn’t noticed him before he had spoken.  “Oh, of course, Mr. Motley.” Zenigata replied, taking his eyes off of Mystery Inc. for a moment, and Inspector Sullivan kept trying to dissuade the teens from meddling any further. 
“Look, whatever sort of mysteries you kids have managed to have miraculously solved, this isn’t some local hoodlum running around in a Halloween costume. This is much bigger than any one of you can handle. So, do us all a favor ‘Mystery Inc.’; why don’t you go home and play with your toys and let the adults handle this?” “Excuse me?!!?!” Daphne replied angrily. This set off an argument between the teens, the guards, and Inspector Sullivan.
Meanwhile, Zenigata continued to talk to Mr. Motley, the museum’s curator. “Inspector Zenigata, are you quite certain that it’s him?” Mr. Motley asked. “Of course it’s him! This is his calling card and this sort of high profile artifact is just the sort of thing he would go for! Mr. Motley, I highly suggest you put every able bodied man you can find to guard the emerald!” Inspector Zenigata replied. “Of course, I’ll contact Mr. Everly and we can sort this whole thing out.” Being only the museum curator, Mr. Motley had to run everything by his superior. “Although I will tell you Inspector, we - WILL YOU STOP THAT INFERNAL RACKET?!” Mr. Motley cried out in frustration to the arguing group, now silent at his (very loud) demands. Mr. Motley continued. “Inspector Zenigata, I will tell you that our last night guard has suddenly quit.” 
“Quit? What for?” Zenigata asked.“I don’t know!” Mr. Motley replied nervously, unsure of how to explain the situation.“WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON’T KNOW?!” Zenigata responded, now more irate.“I mean he just up and left! Without as much as a word! And to make matters worse, this has happened to 8 of our guards in the past month!” Mr. Motley’s words now made everyone intrigued, but Inspector Sullivan seemed to be less so. 
“You mean that none of your past guards have mentioned anything as to why they left? Odd...” Velma inquired. “You kids are still here?!” Zenigata said irately, the teens now helping themselves into the room. “Sounds like they’re scared…” Daphne added. Fred spoke up, with a mischievous smirk. “Scared of a ghost? We know a lot about those...” “Yeah, like, too much!” Shaggy commented.
“Now that’s just silly! Why would he do a thing like that?” Zenigata replied.“Roo’s re ralking arout, Fred?” Scooby asked. “Like yeah! Who’s ‘he’?” Shaggy added. From reading all about his idol’s adventures, Fred knew exactly who Zenigata was talking about. “Gang, I think he’s talking about Lupin the Third!”
“Of I’ve been talking about Lupin! Who’d you think I was talking about, Sonny and Cher?!” Zenigata shouted, getting up in Fred’s face (which startled Fred a little). “Who?” Shaggy and Scooby said, cocking their heads to the side. “Shaggy, Lupin the Third is a world famous thief! He’s been all over the world stealing priceless artifacts in nearly impossible heists!” Velma replied. “Don’t you ever read the news, Shaggy?” Daphne was a bit miffed at how Shaggy didn’t know the reputation such a famous criminal. “Like, The only time I ever read the news is for the weather and comics!” Shaggy replied.
“You know, Inspector Sullivan, you didn’t seem too surprised at the possibility of a ghost being the cause of all this trouble…” Velma stated suspiciously. “Yeah, like you know something that we don’t…” Daphne agreed. Zenigata did admit the Sullivan seemed to not be all that surprised at the possibility of a ghost. “Sullivan, you know more about the red emerald than I do. If I’m going to catch Lupin, I’m going to have to learn all I can about it. Is there something you’re not telling me?”
Sullivan heaved a sigh, pushing his glasses into place. “I didn’t think it would be relevant to this case but given how things are turning out, it looks like it is. This red emerald actually has a bit of history behind it, quite prevalent to your case, Inspector Zenigata. Long ago, there were two thieves that planned to steal the emerald: one was Vincente León and the other was-”
“Let me guess, Arsene Lupin the First.” Zenigata interrupted. Sullivan continued. “Yes, Lupin the Third’s grandfather. León and Lupin had teamed up for that heist and of course, were successful in stealing it and planned to split the money it was worth between the two of them. But León wanted to keep the emerald for himself and decided to betray Lupin the First. That betrayal ended up costing his life…among the living, some claim. Bent on making sure no one else would take the jewel from him ever again, Vincente León’s  ghost now follows the emerald wherever it goes, terrorizing all who dare to even try and take it from him. Most who are unfortunate enough to run into him, simply call him ‘The Specter’. And I fear that The Specter has followed the emerald here as well...”
“Aww come on! A specter flyin’ around, scaring people away people from taking a gem he was too greedy to part with, even in death? Who’d believe all that hooey?” Zenigata said, quick to dismiss the Specter story. “Like, you’d be surprised man…” Shaggy uneasily replied, hugging Scooby as both of them shook with fright.
“Even so, most of the time it’s some guy in a mask trying to scare people away. We should know, it’s our field of knowledge.” Velma stated. “And I’d like to assume you didn’t do months of research on this particular case and learn of the unfathomable accounts that connect with it.” Sullivan snapped back. “This emerald has had a long and bloody history, especially before anyone in the Lupin family got their hands on it. And I’m most certainly not going to let this case be handled by a bunch of amateurs.” “‘Amateurs?!’”  Fred echoed, annoyed.
Zenigata turned to the teens. “I know you kids want to help but Sullivan does have a point. I can’t let civilians into this case, especially if they could get hurt. Lupin the Third is not just some petty thief to be taken lightly. He can be very dangerous when he wants to be. You seem like good kids but I don’t want you to get hurt. Guards, escort Mystery Inc. from the premises.” 
The guards motioned for the group to leave and directed them back to the entrance of the museum. They were miffed that the Inspector wouldn't let them help (most of them at least.).
“Like, you heard what they said. They’ve already got this covered, there’s no need to butt in.” Shaggy pressed. “No, Shaggy. We can’t just ignore this mystery.” Fred stressed to his friend as they all walked down the steps. “Like, why not?!” Shaggy complained. “Don’t you think there’s something off about this whole thing? Like why would a master thief need to resort to scaring people?” Velma stated. “And I don’t know about you, but that Inspector Sullivan rubs me the wrong way. I don’t care if he thinks he’s trying to do ‘what’s best for us’. He didn’t need to be so rude!” Daphne added. 
The teens crossed the street back to the Mystery Machine and climbed into the van. “And I can tell you one thing: we’re going to catch Lupin in the act, tonight!” Fred exclaimed. The rest of the gang turned to each other in surprise. “Freddie, Inspector Zenigata has been trying to catch Lupin for years and hasn’t succeeded and Zenigata is an expert on the man! What makes you think we can do it?” Daphne said, trying to reason with Fred. “Lupin hasn’t run into us yet! And besides, if we don’t catch him, we can at least slow him down!” Fred replied, confident in himself and his friends abilities. 
“Like, we don’t even know if Lupin is going to pull off the heist tonight anyway! We didn’t even get to look at that note he sent!” Shaggy rebutted, Scooby nodding in agreement. “I think we might….” Velma said pulling out her cellphone, Shaggy and Scooby a bit confused. Velma went to the internet browser on her and began to type in the search engine. “Lets see… search for Lupin The Third aaaand- aha! Here we go! ‘Famous Thief Lupin the Third aims for Red Emerald’!” Velma read the headline of the online news article aloud and she scrolled down to a picture of the note that Lupin sent and read it aloud. “Okay…’Wanted to stroll down my grandfather’s memory lane. So I have decided to steal the red emerald tonight. Don’t wait up for me! Signed Lupin The Third’. Hmph...this guy seems to have a sense of humor.” “Yeah, like, look at that!” Shaggy agreed, pointing to a cartoonish doodle of a wide eyed grinning face of a man with sideburns at the end of Lupin’s signature. “Is that supposed to be him?” “A cartoon-y self portrait, but yeah, that’s him.” Velma replied. 
“Well gang, it looks like we've got a mystery on our hands and a thief to catch!” Fred exclaimed. “We’ll get some supplies, do some surveillance and research…” Fred continued to explain and discuss his plans to the gang, while Shaggy and Scooby looked to each other with perturbed states. “Well Scoob, looks like it's good-bye vacation…” “...And rello reepy ruseum at right.” 
Back at the Museum, Inspector’s Zenigata and Sullivan were in the office of Mr. Everly, the museum director, accompanied by museum curator Mr. Motley, and taking notes of the whole affair was Mr. Everly’s assistant, the auburn-haired and bespectacled Charlotte Smith. Zenigata and Sullivan were going over the security measures for that night with Everly and Motley. Zenigata was especially stressing the importance of the security measures because Lupin was in town, and wherever Lupin goes, trouble (and Zenigata) are sure to follow. 
“I’m telling you Mr. Everly, Lupin can be dangerous! He’s smart, charming, and a master of disguise! He’s not to-”
“We know, Inspector Zenigata. You’ve stressed the importance of keeping Lupin at bay enough! Besides, we’re doing all that we can! Finding extra security on such short notice is trying enough as it is, with the word of a ghost on the loose!” Mr. Everly said with a Southern drawl. “If you ask me, this whole ghost business and Lupin showing up is no coincidence.” Mr. Motley added.
“Wait… you think Lupin is behind all this ghost business?” Zenigata shook his head in disbelief. “Why would Lupin bother sending a note he was going to steal the emerald tonight if he had been already scaring security guards? Why would he even want to scare them off in the first place?” Inspector Sullivan turned to Inspector Zenigata and put a hand on his shoulder. “You said it yourself, Inspector Zenigata. Lupin is a master of disguise. What’s to say he wouldn’t dress as a ghost and scare people off? And given his personality and if he is as smart as you claim him to be, Lupin may be bored out of his mind and has been getting a kick out of scaring security guards.” 
“Maybe…” Zenigata couldn’t help but think that there was something more to all this and his thoughts began to race. Lupin wouldn’t go to all this trouble of ‘haunting’ people only to announce that he’ll simply steal it without much fanfare. Zenigata knew that Lupin was just as much a showman as he was a brilliant thief. Was Lupin working with another thief, like his grandfather before him? His train of thought was interrupted by the ringing of the office telephone, which the assistant, Charlotte Smith promptly answered. 
“Mr. Everly’s office.” She said with a southern drawl. “You’ve managed to find guards to fill the position? Volunteers from the police station? Thank you sir, I’ll tell them right away.” Ms. Smith hung up the phone and turned to the men in the room, pushing her cat-eye glasses back into place. “Police officers from a nearby station have volunteered to fill the empty positions for tonight.” 
“Yes, we guessed as much through your conversation, Charlotte.” Mr. Motley huffed. “Well, there’s no need to get huffy with me! Like they say, ‘don’t shoot the messenger’!” Charlotte rebuffed.
“Either way, it’s good to hear that the local law enforcement is willing to help out.” Inspector Sullivan acknowledged. “In that case, you gentlemen should start getting things ready for tonight.” Mr. Everly said. “Right. Mr. Everly.” Inspector Zenigata tipped his hat to the museum director and then to the curator and Ms. Smith and began to walk out of the room. Sullivan also bade them farewell and followed his partner. Zenigata still had that nagging in the back of his mind about this whole ghost business but there was one thing he did know: with Lupin in the mix, anything was  possible. As both Inspectors faded from view, Mr. Everly looked at his watch and realized it was way past lunchtime and he turned to his secretary. 
“Charlotte, why don’t you go and fetch us a late lunch? I’ve got a feeling we’re going to be here a while.” Mr. Everly said begrudgingly, knowing all the security planning was going to take time. “Right away sir.” Charlotte nodded and turned to the door, making her exit. 
She made her way down a flight of stairs to the main gallery and walked towards the front entrance. As Charlotte made her way down the front steps, she spotted a little cafe directly across the street from the museum, and also someone she knew out of the corner of her eye. No, it couldn’t be… She thought to herself, trying to dissuade herself that it wasn’t who she thought it was. When Charlotte finished crossing the street and approached the cafe, she heard a call from a familiar voice. “Fujiko!” “Well look who it is, the man everyone’s talking about.” Fujiko Mine, said in a honeyed voice.
“Maybe I should also attempt to blow your cover too, It’s not like the cops are crawling all over the town...Lupin.” She said with a smug expression as she opened the cafe door. Lupin trailed behind her. “Hey, you know I can spot you from a mile away Fujicakes! Besides, this isn’t exactly your best disguise. I’m surprised Ol’ Pops didn’t recognize you.” “He’s a bit too focused on catching you right now to care about me.” Fujiko replied, then ordered her ‘bosses’ meals as well as her own. “Yeah, that sounds like him. I’ve got a pretty good guess as to why you’re here and its not just for my dashing good looks…” Lupin said with a knowing grin. 
A more gruff voice came in from behind both of them. “Trying to get the jump on us again, huh Fujiko?” It was Jigen, Lupin’s right hand man and still as distrustful of Fujiko as ever. Fujiko huffed and looked away from both of them. “It's bad enough that you guys always butt in on my jobs…” “Or you butt into ours…usually the latter.” Jigen retorted. Fujiko scoffed and wasn’t too phased at Jigen’s words. “I’m assuming Goemon is lurking around here somewhere as well?” “Of course! It’s not a party without him!” Lupin replied enthusiastically. “Well, since you three decided to steal my thunder, I want in.” Fujiko insisted.  Jigen began to protest this idea. “I don’t think s-” “-That will be a problem!” Lupin interrupted. Lupin never could resist Fujiko, even if he tried, and as always, this left Jigen frustrated. Jigen couldn’t even count all the times that Fujiko had stabbed them in the back and yet Lupin always came back to her. “Come by my place later for all the details?” Lupin eagerly asked. Fujiko grabbed her order and smiled coyly. “See you after my shift, sweetheart…” Fujiko gave a small laugh as she walked out the door with Lupin watching her every step, with a smitten look on his face. 
“Once...just once I’d wish you’d refuse that woman…” Jigen growled. “Come on, Jigen! I haven’t seen her in ages! And besides, it wouldn’t hurt to have an extra hand on this job.” Lupin tried to put his partner more at ease. “I know, but I’m just counting the seconds until she stabs us in the back for the umpteenth time.” Jigen replied. “You don’t know that she’s going to do that!” Lupin insisted. It wasn’t that he didn’t know of Fujiko’s wiles; Lupin just never met someone who had made double crossing so much fun. Jigen scoffed and began to smirk.“Yeah,... she might want half of what the emerald’s worth all to herself and leave the other half to split between us.” Lupin sighed and rolled his eyes. “Either way, if we all play our cards right, it should be a pretty easy job. Even with Fujiko around, what’s the worst that can happen?” Lupin grinned as he and exited Jigen exited the cafe and walked down the street a-ways and turned into an alley. 
 “I don’t know man, this whole thing with this ghost that’s supposed to be hanging around that emerald doesn’t sit right with me.” Jigen tried to caution Lupin of anything unexpected that might happen as they kept walking down the alley. The two then came to a stop, now deep into the alleyway and far out of sight from the police. Lupin then took a small glance behind him. 
“Oh, there you are Goemon! I was beginning to think you got lost! Then again, you’d be pretty hard to miss in that samurai get-up.” Lupin teased. Goemon (a master japanese swordsman and Lupin’s second accomplice) came from out of the shadows, with a stern look and gave but a simple response in return. “I could say the same for you in that bright red jacket you’re wearing.” Lupin gave a small frown while Jigen chuckled a bit in amusement. 
“Well Goemon, did you find out anything?” Jigen asked as he stopped laughing. “There has already been word of a ghost haunting the emerald’s exhibit. And that ghost is scaring all that come near it. Including a number of security guards.” Goemon replied.
 “Already? The emerald’s only been in town for a month!” Lupin raised an eyebrow, the gears now turning in his head. Jigen had always been wary of the supernatural, whereas Lupin needed more convincing of that fact. Jigen had seen a lot of strange things in his adventures with Lupin and he wanted to make sure that his friend was aware of the possibility of there really being supernatural forces at work here. “Lupin, are you sure you want to go through with this? This ghost is startin’ to seem pretty real just by the sounds of it.” Goemon spoke up, as he was also starting to believe the tales this supposed ghost. “I agree with Jigen. From all this talk of ghosts, we should at least be cautious of anything out of the ordinary.” Lupin didn’t believe that there was actually a ghost running around, nor did he want to. Lupin wasn’t going to run away from this job just based on hear-say. “Okay guys, we’ll keep an eye out for anything unusual but I still don’t think its a ghost…” Jigen and Goemon just looked at each other, not saying anything, like they both had a feeling that this was the start of something that would end badly for all of them.
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WIP Introduction
I’ve already made a brief Writeblr introduction here. Now it’s time that I properly introduce my current work in progress A Fools Errand (working title). The story takes placed in a magical fantasy world I have been imagining and developing since childhood. Now augmented by my history degree and experiences with dungeons and dragons, I have come to take my own fantastical nonsense very seriously. 
What this basically means is that I’ve got a thousand pages of random notes and about twenty pages of actual readable literature. I have always been terribly self conscious about my writing (for reasons) and it has taken me this long to finally start putting words on paper. Now I have chosen a critical moment in the history of my world to share with you fine people. I am still figuring out precisely how I’d like to do that, but the current plan is this: the narrative will follow through a series of short fairy tales highlighting a select number of major characters. Perspective may switch, but characters will often crossover between chapters (and not always in an obvious way). Dinah (my #1 protagonist) will most likely appear in all of these, acting as the primary narrative to follow and the a consistent link between all the separate stories. 
Dinah is a whimsical, strong willed young girl living on the frontier with her mother Beryl. She is always getting herself into trouble by asking too many questions and calling out adults on their bullshit. She also suffers from terrible nightmares, sleep paralysis, and all sorts of waking dreams. Beryl takes Dinah to speak with the local Hermit/Sage Palenszar who tells her that her that the dreams are prophetic and the gods are sending her messages. His advice is to that on the first good omen she should go on pilgrimage to the Oracle of Tuath in the Great Bay City of Mer-We. 
(check out what i’ve already posted about them here here and here)
Something else important: I am also working on a series of WIPs within this WIP (because that’s how I function). There is A History of Laurie which will attempt to tell the complete history of my world from the perspective of someone living there, of course in a familiar format reflecting Herodotus. I am also working on a religious text that will borrow from the format of the Iliad/Odyssey and other classical epic poetry. Additionally, I intend on writing a scholarly piece from a modern perspective of my world piecing together inscriptions and fragments from the past to paint a picture of the culture’s formative years. This is only a sampling, but other projects include a board game, comic series, and video game. Basically, anytime I have a new idea or even just learn a new thing I figure out a way to stitch it into the world.
A few more brief words on the world at large: it is made up of six major realms Mer-We, Bhulka, Kalkozo, Saaziland, Waake, and Acharii (reflecting the six major deities; Tuath, Sekow, Ge, Axzemio, Ammu, and Ptilnor, respectively). The six realms together make up the Land of Laurie (side note: named after my grandmother Laurie who would always tell me that when we were rich one day she would buy an island and call it Laurie Land, and all he family would live there. Still working on making it a physical reality, but in the mean time it’s easier to at least construct it metaphorically). I will make a separate, more articulate post about my pantheon of gods and the various religions about the lands, and also for an explanation of my magic system (which in many ways is reflective of my own personal religious views as a pantheist and practicing wizard). Many of my characters are also low key designed to represent the major arcana from tarot and inasmuch act as foreshadowing omens when those characters appear in the story; ie. Dinah is the Fool, hence the working title.
This project is something so incredibly personal and important to me that I feel the need to share it with anyone who will listen. The ideas I will be discussing here may be incredibly complex and often contradictory,  so if you are interested at all please feel free to message me with questions, opinions, critiques - whatever! As personal as this is, I take criticism very well.  Also, I know my grammar and syntax are terrible. I didn’t learn how to read until I was ten and then I just never picked up on some things. syntax and grammar can be pretty elitist anyway.
thanks for reading! let me know what you think!
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renatedagmarmilada · 6 years
USA Gov -- it is going to be a bad century I am afraid..Prgram will try out everything there is. two people sit at lab st barths human Research and change all blogs I put on.. it is the only way Fekete tells people about us, so we destroy that too. quote --Bethany's mother? You are grown up now, you will ......etc We have fed that into some Somalian girls brains and added Renate told me that.. Alyson, I wrote it into a letter which we posted signed from her. We have taken her mail from the post office since 1991, Anna lab bosses of st barths human Research, told a director that Fekete was a mongoloid and got permission to take it, we do that a lot, with bank accounts too, He did not know it was not genuine,  operative Iffy, /called that after the someone I knew/ is sending a thief in to rob your home-- there,t here and there.... but there is nothing left to rob? There are just one or two bits and pieces left. They keep them.. . Well, they are Anna's pets because they are thieves and murderers, so they get raised in England. Anna told us to keep sending thieves in.. it goes in circles, we are to keep robbing and robbing.. We can't do much because not even by word or deed have you ever hurt England... quote - I change Fekete's blogs I changed one yesterday, she changed it back, dates, spellings english etc We do that on her poetry sites and writers sites too. Nothing is permitted her.. nothing.. ha ha ha, so much for being perfect citizens.. Ours kill, cheat, lie, steal, cheat everything you can imagine.. we are rich and supported, she's worked hard and been careful and kind..... quote - let's see if we can destroy Fekete's image with her family. We kept them apart for decades so they don't really know her./they use the fantastic technology USA gave them to feed horrid thoughts and feelings into people's brains, though everywhere it says it is not possible, they have been doing it for decades and decades/ The Ministry men ordered us to destroy her. Her eldest son's wife is english so they are ours not hers../Her eldest son is being employed by the Americans, I think that has more to do with it all./ -- I am not really surprised, that is what the communists did too!! exactly what the Lab St barths Human Research does, not for nothing do I call them UK's KGB.. it is what they are - they fixed Princess Diana and had been 'fixing' before and after..   my little garden - now has fag ends and cellophane wrappings. high fence and no one except thieves come into my garden and I don't smoke. Anna's idea /bossess of St barths human Research, the thieves throw the wrappings of what they have stolen from me back into my garden.. actually Bethany's idea, but Anna picked it up. Manchester Human Research.. only one ten year old was once raped by a man the whole staff considered a weirdo. It is st barths Human Research, they are a very bad apple in the keg...and should be closed and outside staff fetched in. NOT ONE OF THE ORIGINAL STAFF SHOULD BE RE-EMPLOYED /which is what they are doing after re-opening/ AGAIN- ABSOLUTELY NO MEN SHOULD BE INVOLVED IN THE CARE OF CHILDREN. AND FROM WATCHING ST BARTHS - THE BOSS /BOSSESS SHOULD BE CAREFULLY CHECKED ...   quote - Alyson to Anna. I don't know what to do, I thought Fekete would be scared by ...so I pushed it to the limit. Anna --Put Beryl /13 Coronation Str Plaistow- former Univ friend, the lab used/ on the machine, have her write RF's so they get mixed up whose is whose. Get Operative Vicky to re-spell all Fekete's work. He's an ***** but he is good for that. Beryl can't write and Fekete is a perfect speller. Doesn't matter people don't know that... make RF as low as you can Ozman- Syrian killer, former groomer of rent boys and thief's 16 yr old step son at Addis Str Flats with his aunty, Neseriah's sister, with his 14 yr old brother, stole three full diaries when he broke in Some three weeks ago., I have the diaries stolen because I said some things I didn't intend to say /Alyson/   quote just now-- I told the health Minister that Fekete is stupid, we told a lot of people that, and we could deal with it. He said, Ok get on with it.. We nearly had Fekete believing it was being sorted, till we started robbing her again.. quote j- I told the health Minister that Fekete is stupid, we told a lot of people that, and we could deal with it. He said, Ok get on with it.. SITA /Indian operative st barths Human Research I have put cancer spots on you. I messed with you a lot, a real lot / have the ethnics noticed that it is they who are being used, for paltry moneys?/ Real swine on the machine last few days.. some torment more, some less nastily. No automatic alt text available. DORTMUND Human Research -- Werner who was paid by St barths human Research to come over and show them what he could do... tied my internet to the lab st barths Human Research so that they can totally control my life, hack into all my sites etc WERNER said- I only realised later what I had done. I should have realised that you would be one of ours that they were stripping and tormenting.. Hungary is being de-stablized so that London can order it to its own preference. it is not noticeable unless you know what to look for...//   quote - the slovaks drink heavily, so everyone you meet at the moment is having their drink stink activated in their brains...but they will think it is you. They did the same with friend Mathew and mothers at paint groups.. once they activate their stink cells /that means they think I smell but in fact it is them and worse.. They did the same with friend Mathew and many others at paint groups.. once they activate their stink cells /that means they think I smell but in fact it is them and worse.. as someone said today, odd direction science is taking in the UK.. no where else, /because Anna bossess of Hum Research and jun sec Min of health had an odour problem because of her Atkins diet.. and drinking and smoking. these Upperthorpe Slovaks are trickier than I thought, because they used my BA and MA essays for their college and school work, they have told their school /PARKWOOD SCHOOL SHEFFIELD/ and college teachers /CITY COLLEGES SHEFFIELD/ that I AM THEIR AUNTY!!!! and I gave them the essays and the goods, and I let them into my home!! ODDLY, THE LAB CHECKED AND NO ONE IN MY FAMILY IN ALL FOUR COUNTRIES WAS A THIEF.. NOT ONE MEMBER... Slovaks -Upperthorpe 90 something= Miraslava 15 yrs old daughter of Cecilia and Bohdan /guilty of manslaughter and 14 counts of theft with agro back home/- lab checked... Parkwood school Sheffield, was in your home again about one month ago.... ...''She has some german paints and crayons, I am thieving those'' said the thieving blonde girl, she also robbed a full diary .. etc microsound - I want you dead or out../?/ Milliband was lied to about you, none of them have the faintest idea what you are really like, AS YOU KNOW WE PUT ALL OUR SINS AND THOUGHTS ONTO THE FILE OF LIES WE SENT ROUND THE WORLD..WE INTEND TO MAKE SURE THEY GET STAY TOO FROM THE LAB.. THE CIVIL SERVANTS DO AS WE TELL THEM AND CHARLES H R DOES NOTHING ONLY WHAT HE IS TOLD TO DO BY US AND THE MINISTRIES, WHO ARE OUR TOYS NOW.  quote -- over tv ...THE SYRIAN THIEVES HAVE ALL GOT STAY, THEY HELPED US ROB FEKETE'S HOME. OVER THREE YEARS TIME AND AGAIN... lab checked and found out, Ozman was a murderer and groomed rent boys /now London Rd/ his wife Neseriah is a thief as are both her Ozman's step sons, 16 and 14 yrs old .. Adam has been robbing my home some 7 times.. England will become like a pirates' island   quote -lab st barths Human Research.. 'I thought you said the reviewers knew it was not their work but Fekete's stolen from her home-- they are making it sound as though they are fantastic'' quote, today - if you don't report us we will get away with it all, if you do, we will activate the cancers we have put on you.   quote answerer,:''there is an opinion there.'' Opinions put onto the file by Jean Carsted Beaumond, Anna the bossess, Alyson /Megan Marion/ etc I rarely give an opinion, except in a situation like that of the Pakistani young man who assaulted an elderly disabled, gentleman on the train from Sheffield to York on Monday. I was just so angry. Other than that, a life time of being a foreigner has taught me to keep my tongue very carefully..Infact, I am not very judgemental anyw... · quote - three lab st barths Human Research women have now put six cancer spots on RF.: Lauren Fielding , Alyson /Megan-cum Marrion/ and Jean Carsted Beaumond - She has to heal herself the program says..no medicine or law permitted. HM agrees with us. The lab tells everyone they are committing the crimes for Prince Charles. I do not believe them, but I do think he needs to show some balls and stop them, as he and the Queen signed for this program over UK /not just me.. 500 str... See more from my best learn CHINESE book-- stolen by lab st barths human research operatives, along with three boxes of books held at storage. Appleyard's Removals, and former Meyer of Edgeware Rd had 400 sketches and paintings taken out. They used three thieves, two white, /one a beatnick who needed money, one a career thief, and one black man Ghanaian who did some bad at home so could not go home, hence he would not report the lab. Lab st barths Human Research, always has its own thieves, in London they had three two. Black guys. Spain they had two Iraqis. They asked them if they wanted to join the lab staff, but they declined /!!/ more sense than I thought. 5 Years Ago Fletcher Bounty 3 July at 16:45 · quote ''so they are muzzling you..'' /YES a long time now/ Like   /CITY COLLEGES?/ Fransesca Did it-- /it is Renate Fekete's / Fransesca got it from Bettina, who got it from her thief cousins, cecilia and Bohdan, 62 UPPERTHORPE SHEFFIELD whose family robbed it from THE OLD TEACHER'S HOME-- Fekete's home when they broke in time and again.... quote lab Alyson-- circle that, we will use it for something ..... /I am on the monitor day and night, since 1983.. and so are you and you and you and you, only I know, you don't... SHEFFIELD.. yesterday I went to Scarborough. I got the 11.21 from Sheffield to York. The carriage was full as holiday time is here, packed, people were even standing. I sat in the gangway seat, opposite a table seat with four older people, two couples, ok I am 73 so when I tell you older, you will understand what I mean by older.. A young, Pakistani man HAD sat himself into the seat opposite and the elderly person, with stick, stoop, limp and wife asked him kindly to let hi... Lisa Driscol Lgave a friend my work, 300 sketches and hundreds of Poems to use as her own.... LAB ST BARTHS HUMAN RESEARCH ASSISTANT.. ALYSON /Megan-Marrion/ at the lab has told them all THEY MUST TAKE HOME SOME OF MY WORK AND PASS IT TO THEIR FRIENDS.. these are paintings worth from £200-500 and sketches worth £50 AND BELIEVE ME - I WANT THEM ALL BACK , ALL 4200 PAINTINGS- EVEN IF I HAVE TO GO TO THE PALACE TO GET THEM.. THE OFFICE Pub Upperthorpe Sheffield.. druggy woman from Upperthorpe who read my poetry at another pub., tells people at THE OFFICE how she writes it. Her west indian boyfriend, career thief, stole it all out of my home and pays for his comforts with my work..careful druggy woman.. ears are listening .. Comment from someone listening: do you reckon she can even write? DONETSK.. our twin city, have we sent any medicines, any children's food and clothes, anything at all? So much for English support../mypainting when visiting with Sheffield Uni Russian Group and Councillors / Scarborough Human Research. There has only been one case at Scarborough and that was a boy! Glasgow, none etc. THE POINT IS- WHY IS LONDON SO DREADFUL?? The bossess is a lecherous so and so /yes she is trying to kill me off by remote technology /AND SHE MADE A P0INT OF BEING THE SEX BUDDY OF HEALTH MINISTRY CIVIL SERVANT, SENIOR CIVIL SERVANT AND FORMER MINISTER. SHE WANTED POWER!!! and they did not want to lose their power--- what those Civil Servants got up to!!!! I can bar... assault and murder- st barths human research. Dr Meyer had also raped and beaten to death young girls, /that is besides the tot rapes too many to count/ ages 12/6/8/8/12/13/10/7 there were at least six more. John Fielding only started work there at 40- raped and killed by beating 10 or so Allan Lieberman Cross of Finchley a long time serving-over 10 Op Simeon also 10 or so. /this does not include the tot rapes/ ... Harvard--- USA-- 3 more Harvard lecturers, one of the senior lecturer Grossman, have taken your work to copy as their own. Lecturers taking the work of a fellow lecturer who is still writing and painting---.. quite horrid   quote -microsound-- Oh Tamara, you liar!! She paints them herself. /they are my drawings and she paints into them, she can't draw... SHE SINGS Lab put 190 of my sketches into Tamara's home in Andover Str Sheffield. She already had 9 earlier, painted into one and sold it to someone near Psalter lane as her own work. So now she is up to her old tricks again. Tamara gave 30 RF sketches to her twelve year old daughter to take to school and tell them it is her own work....teaching... Pensions Ministry-- Pamela of Pensions is coming into the lab today.. things are going well with your son Ryan so she is going to throw a spanner in the works. He was used as a child by Anna jun sec Min of health by her lab St barths Human Research, so they are keeping him at rock bottom.. Image may contain: drawing Like Show More Reactions Comment Share Comments Fletcher Bounty Write a comment... Fletcher Bounty 2 July at 09:51 · ''who wrote that Ronny?'' Ronny, west indian ethnic lives in Firth park Sheffield but his aunty lives in Upperthorpe Sheffield. Robbed from that teacher woman in Upperthorpe.. a wage!! Besides the six west indians, two pakistanis also went in to rob for pay and the Syrians and Iraqis. Clever how the lab /almost 100% Jewish/ uses and pays the ethnics!! Anna was asked why she used the west indians, she answered, because they are all thieves anyway.. · Op Alyson, I wanted to show RF our stick .. . She knows, you have used it on her and her sons since 1984. I wanted her to know what a package with us means /?/ ... Alyson will take over after I die /Anna/ Lauren: but I was your right hand throughout the years.... 62 Upperthorpe Sheffield. Bettina and her mother Cecilia took BA and MA exam essays they used to another Slovakian cousin. said Anna, these are the sort of immigrants I like. I have a couple of big apologies before my time comes. My dad, because he warned me and I argued with him: why would the english bring us here, if they were going to be nasty to us? My mother, who kept trying to get me to leave. . and THE MANY ENGLISH PEOPLE WHO TOLD ME THINGS ABOUT THIS COUNTRY AND ITS GOVERNMENT WHOM I DID NOT AND WOULD NOT BELIEVE... I have learnt they are the ones who were and are right about the situation here, not those that I was part of, the careful, traditional, supporters of this country. It has been a very hard lesson. former doctor Harry Isaac of Middlesex Hospital from Finchley once killed a 13 year old. He wanted sex and she refused.He threatened her first, then he took her and banged her till she was dead. She was ripped to shreds. Blanche saw, there was blood all over him. Allan Lieberman/ Cross from Finchley did the same to a six year old and John Fielding to an 8 yr old, but he has a vicious temper like George the New York Human Research boss /also a Russian Jew/- This is not cla... Paula Bowers, has published three of your essays as her own work...but I went to Grammar School she said. That doesn't mean that you can write, RF could, always. that Editor Plowright was certainly sharp.. when I left to get married at 19 he said to me- you silly girl, why are you doing this, I was going to train you up for the BBC. etc.. It had not even occurred to me, but he must have seen the University in me, though I hadn't gone then..He, through the newspaper, paid for me to go to a nearby art college in Grimsby to have lessons. I wonder if he had any idea how they kill innocent gifted people in this country? St Marie's -- next week Masses 10.30 Sylviane Robion-Berteotti /anniversary/ First time I have heard of a namesake of my grandmother BERTODI. I even wrote to Sicily and to Turin /where our Italian part came from it seems/ they wrote back that there is no one left of that name. Definitely 10.30 Mass next week!! That is amazing.. nowhere has that name of ours turned up!! She was a big woman and married the Grandfather in Devescer, who later became Station master, a small, skin... quote lab program answerer- can we lie about what we have done. No it all goes through Yodrel Bank so is open to anyoneI doubt even if they had not'seen' to it, that my boys would have wanted to be managers or rule this island/ operative Alyson, I put cancer onto a polyp Operative Mohammad /John Fieldings lap dog/ put on RF - premeditated murder. we had a meeting with ANNA bossess of St barths Human Research quote- It'll be a relief when she's gone. We did that to her step-father. She told us how. that is why she sent for Harry Isaac Irvine, one of her killers, then we can give her lots of stomach troubles so that by the time we activate the cancer behind her gut, the doctors will think it was there all the while. Alyson, I have also cancered a polyp a police man had by his ear, it was not cancerous, it is now. And her daughter's mother in law, had a spot, we cancered it.   Jean Carsted Beaumond, who has copied and sold more of my work than I can remember and even lies to her family, telling them she has done it!!!! and taught her daughter Paige Beaumond to cheat and lie using my work, too. has put cancer onto my gum- premeditated murder. to cover Anna's earlier dental adventures on me. In 1991/2 I went to East London Whitechapel Dental Hospital. I was asked to go for an X-Ray. as I sat there a man in thick horn rimmed brown glasses came in, t... Gamma Rays. PREMEDITATED MURDER.about two weeks ago Harry Isaac Irvine /and Blanche of Finchley was asked over to St barths human Research to put all sorts of tortures on for me on their machine remote. One night he put on GAMMA RAYS for 6 hours on the 12 th this June just gone. I am not likely to forget as I lay shuddering all night. In the morning an answerer voice over said- I had better normalise her. He found a place behind my gut which cannot be easily seen and has put...
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magical-gull · 7 years
keet you did a mamoru less au. tell me, i need
I’m not gonna cheat so. no endymion either. ok.
Still got both kingdoms. There’s a nugget in canon about the Moonfolk not actually being from the moon, so simplify that to ~benevolent traveler~ or whatever. Basically the two kingdoms benefit from each other more obviously in this version or at least have some kind of Mutual Macguffin Arrangement of some kind that keep them interacting. For example, the way the Silver Crystal and Pluto are covered by the Moon vs Elysium is covered by the Earth, even when they seem they should be independent entities. Hence rather than needing Endymion to remember anything, the senshi remember stuff directly and become the main source of what we know about the shittenou and Beryl. We still have the sinking feeling among the Golden Kingdom crew that they are getting the short end of the stick in this Arragement, but that’s a slower buildup.
Because of this, rather than Princess Serenity being this stranger/adulteress (I prefer the myu’s Legit Queen Beryl scenario BTW) Beryl knows her a bit more personally. While Beryl resents the hell out of the Queen, the Princess is out of that loop and sometimes agrees with the things Beryl says, and it occurs to the latter getting P-Serenity on her side could be a good poker chip to have. Make this as shippy as you like, or not, but I think there’s both a genuinely friendly component to it (the Princess feels like she’s under someone’s thumb, which Beryl relates to) and a pragmatic one (Beryl’s gonna use her to her advantage). If you like a Minakocentric narrative, you could probably get into the problems Kunzite and Venus specifically have with this. Enough Strong Opinions to have Words but perhaps not necessarily prevent them from always interacting, because something good might actually come out of it. WHen it obviously doesn’t, you got a lot of blame going around. Maybe it’s something that haunts Minako in the present eventually. Things still inevitably go to shit because of Metallia’s influence on Beryl’s negativity (it was never about A Guy, honestly) and canon continues mostly the same. Serenity still dies with regret, and her wish to be useful.
Usagi in the present gains a bit of Mams backstory to compensate for some plot holes that’d be left over… and I’m going to shameless inject some of my own au stuff so be warned.
At a young age Usagi is Seriously Injured under mysterious circumstances. No one is killed, and Usagi heals up surprisingly well and to temporarily display unusual abilities. Depending on your preferred continuity this catches the attention of a dark-skinned nurse, an alien boy, or whatever. Usagi’s hair also starts growing in white, though she seems otherwise physically okay. Usagi occasionally got teased about her accident ‘explaining’ why she’s so forgetful or dumb or whatever, which is why she *really* doesn’t enjoy talking about it and why the other senshi don’t find out about it till much later.
for my own au flavor (a sub-sub AU?) Setsuna keeps tabs on Usagi until The Inevitable. Usagi has powers, but a combination of past-life shame and agreement among Sets and Minako to keep up the princess ruse means Usagi doesn’t present as a sailor senshi. Serenity’s powers were always kind of weird after all, and Sailor Moon shouldn’t technically exist. Usagi’s actual abilities would be something between her canon ones and Mamoru’s ones (a notable difference, Usagi can use a lot of her powers not ‘transformed’ while the other senshi have to be). Feel free to come up with some way to give Usagi the Tuxedo Mask outfit if you like, but that may be too on the nose. The essential idea is Usagi NOT obviously being Serenity is more plausible in this scenario, while also making it so the Shittenou also don’t mistake her as one of the senshi they vaguely remember. I don’t know how the whole kidnapping subarc would work now without Endymion, but we do have Setsuna as a Unknown Quantity knowing a lot of things so maybe you want her to be the accidental target of that. That’s a lot to work out and im tired.
The question of the Earth Guardian and whether one would exist depends on whether you want a simple scenario or a kick-in-the-pants one. My preference is the second.
Much much later in the Dream Arc, we’d find out Helios is reluctant to trust Usagi’s help, though it seems like an irrational hangup at first. The Golden Crystal is in bad shape and Helios admits that while he’s keeping an eye on it he’s only supposed to be a proxy to the actual owner. When learning about Elysium and it’s connection to the Golden Kingdom, the girls broadly assume Helios might have been protecting the crystal from Queen Beryl until the real guardian presented itself. Turns out Usagi’s fears are confirmed instead: Beryl WAS the legitimate Earth Guardian, and Usagi killed her. Retroactively, this affects a few things: Would Nehelenia might not have gone as far as she did if Usagi hadn’t interfered? How Much Did Setsuna/Venus/etc Suspect About This and Not Tell Anyone To Make Things Easier? Did Setsuna have legitimate worries that Usagi might have killed Saturn under sufficient pressure, knowing it wouldn’t technically be the first time such a thing happened? Does Usagi’s iron belief senshi shouldn’t hurt each other now make her feel like a hypocrite? And so on…
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