#hehe can u tell i love this concept very much
Shivers quivers shakes trembles…. Hello :3 giggles I think this ask will be shorter than my others but… yk how we talked about how sugu would react to u getting cheated on a while ago? I’m curious now and. How do u think satoru would react?? ALSOOO how do you think stsg would react if you told them together……….. i hope u don’t mind that this is a less of a “me telling u my thoughts” and more of a “what r ur thoughts on this” kinda thing :,3 brain juice has not been flowing recently 😞 but ur takes are always amazing so…………….. I know whatever u say will be yummy and I will devour it all >:) — stsg anon 🧁🥧🍰🍨🍩🍪🍧🧇🥞 < all of the treats for yew!!!!!
me when stsg anon appears in my inbox
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FIRST OF ALLLLL pls never ever apologize for your asks 🔫 this is a threat 🔫🔫 i love chatting w you no matter how long/short they r!!! and you don’t ever have to feel pressured to come up w your own thoughts either!!!! i love yapping at you!!!!! :3
w that being said ….. i shall yap >:3 HONESTLY THOUGHH i think stsg are very similar when it comes to this concept!!! in the sense that. i think they’ll comfort you first and foremost, then deal w your cheater ex later. i could see satoru being in Actual Disbelief? like?? he almost almost asks if you’re joking. but you’re crying so?? obviously you’re not????? but the idea that anyone would cheat on you genuinely makes him Flabbergasted. he wants to laugh. he doesn’t but he wants to. he hates seeing you sad. he’s almost offended.
it’s just a mess of emotion n lots and LOTS of hate aimed toward your ex 😭😭 he’s like. no fucking way that loser cheated on you???? it’s obvious that he’s rlly pissed but i think he has enough control over his emotions that it sounds like he’s just making jokes to cheer you up. and he IS but he also feels so????? genuinely angry?????? and he doesn’t know how to deal w that. he’s worried abt comforting you too…… i don’t think satoru sees himself as someone who’s good at comforting others At All but he actually kinda is. he’ll hug you tightly and sit down on the couch w you in his lap. and he stays quiet until you’ve calmed down. then he starts a very passionate, hateful rant abt your ex in hopes of making you laugh/calming himself down…… and if he manages to pull a lil smile out of you he just goes 🥺 . you’re his baby. he doesn’t really know how to treat you when you get this fragile but it also makes him feel so complete somehow. this man lives for cheering you up.
ANYWAYYYY satoru will then do the same thing as sugu would <333 which is <33333 to confront your ex. tbh i think suguru is more likely to get violent than he is LMAO but i doubt either of them would (unless your ex said something Awful abt you in front of them in which case… good luck bud)…. he just wants to make it Very Clear that your ex has no business being in your life anymore. he’s very firm and very scary. if your ex tries to start something he will laugh in their face. might also subtly declare himself as your boyfriend…. not explicitly bc. he’s Not your bf. but i think he makes sure your ex understands that he loves you + he’s better than them + they can forget abt crawling back to you once they realize the mistake they’ve made.
and when it comes to stsg together……. i think. the only difference is that one of them will stay to soothe you while the other one instantly goes to confront your ex 😭😭 they’re saving time!!! and let’s be honest, suguru will be the one staying behind. the caretaker of all time. (even tho he really really wants to tell your ex off himself… but that can wait for now). so satoru runs off, suguru makes sure you get the tears out, and then satoru comes back w a bunch of your favorite treats :3 they’re sweetiepies.
i also feel like they’d have a talk together once you’re asleep… likeee maybe you’re all sleeping in the same room bc you’re still very very upset and in need of comfort :((((( and as soon as you start to snooze they talk…… abt you……. and abt how soon they should start hinting to you abt their Own feelings. satoru would want to do so immediately, bc he can’t Stand the idea of you being hung up on your ex while they love you so fervently, but suguru would convince him to be patient. he doesn’t want them to end up rushing you in any way…. but deep down he also wants you to know how loved you are by them. sniffle.
plot twist you’re still wide awake :3 and blushing furiously :33 but that’s another story…..
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chocotonez · 1 year
idol!gf is in an all-boys group (txt)
a/n: such a fun request!! really made me think hehe, hope you like it!!
warnings/genre: she/her pronouns for the reader/references reader is a female, slight jealousy but nothing serious, mostly fluff/crack
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-hyper protective but not possessive LMAO, just think of a mom looking after her kid
-boys will be boys but in the way he doesn’t want your members teasing you or not picking up after themselves
-always texts you to make sure your members are treating you fairly
-honestly he’s pretty close friends with most of them, always joking around on how they have to make sure to watch themselves around you
-“touch her and I’ll tell dispatch about you and that girl last friday” which is mostly a joke :)) (not to jun tho)
-at first it’ll take him a second to get used to, mainly because one co-ed groups this out of proportion are practically unheard of, and two because you’re his little baby and he doesn’t want you to be w a bunch of stinky guys 24/7
-probably makes sure they all can cook and clean and are worshipping the ground you walk on like the good boyfriend he is <3
-becomes the pseudo-leader of your group now
-first he has TXT, and now your group is like his second batch of babies LOL
-“no I’m not going to convince your manager to do that-y/n! don’t enable them!!”
-doesn’t really care all that much about you dorming/working with a bunch of guys, he gets your job and concept and trusts you whole heartedly because you trust him
-randomly visits your dorms and is like 🧍”are you all eating well”
-actually no he just randomly spawns anywhere you guys are at and is like 🧍🧍”did you drink water btw I brought water”
-likes to tease but he’s just like a dad at a breakfast table “since your concept is more masculine these days, I think next comeback should be bubblegum pop”
-v supportive of you and your members :)
-at first he didn’t like it, but now he’s fine with it and loves to joke abt it LOL
-“I can’t believe the love of my life is constantly with other men…” “gyu I am single-handedly paying for our Amazon prime account rn don’t even”
-he can be kinda sensitive about how much time and attention you spend on your members, but that’s mainly because he likes being your one and only!
-but he also likes to make fun of u w your members 💀 “did u guys take y/n because u felt bad or…”
-always makes sure he’s never being too mean w you <3 just wants to make people laugh
-likes to stand in your doorway w your members in the dorms like 🧍🧍🧍🧍, you’re not sure why they do this, your working theory is that they only have one communal brain cell
-but even w all his jokes and dramatics, he loves and supports you wholeheartedly <3 (as long as you make sure to love and support him back) (please don’t leave him) (he’s so in love w u)
-“so sorry you have to live w y/n.” -him, when you were put into your group
-he looks out for you a lot, just because he knows how some idols can be and how the industry is always looking to cause trouble
-watches twitter like a hawk for any negative things about your name and makes sure to report it on all of his 999+ accounts made to make sure your group’s tag is nice and clean
-he trusts your members because you trust them, and he obviously trusts you not to do anything stupid (relationship-wise. he trusts you to do a lot of stupid things), but he always makes sure they’re helping you in the dorms or when you’re performing
-“don’t make y/n clean the cushions, that’s your mess!” and is just standing there like -_- while u laugh, hiding behind your muscle man boyfriend <3
-you were the one who spilt the chips
-if anything I think he’s just very confused
-“but why is there literally only one girl…why not two? or three?? why not all girls?? oh wait, that’s just a girl group”
-not really the type to go out of his way to befriend your members, but he likes to be on good terms with them, he just gets lowkey shy when he has to talk to them
-not even an insecurity thing, it’s just a hyuka thing
-“tell your member I said he did really good at that countdown stage” “Kai, he’s two feet away from us” “…I’m scared”
-clowns you if there’s a noticeable height difference between you and your members, thinks it’s so funny (it is not that funny)
-probably leaves stuffed animals in your dorms that block out a whole half of your bed so none of your members lay down near you LMAO
-has a lot of respect for you and your group, but mainly you <3
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mazeinthemiroh · 2 years
hiiii id like to request a reaction for ateez members pls. can it be about the reader dating a member but her bias was someone else in the group, idk it seems like such a fun concept if u could please. it could be fluff/ angst whatever u want
and can the hongjoong one be a mingi bias whereas the mingi one is a hongjoong bias (my bias and bias wrecker is showing severely hehe)
everything else can be whatever u want :))
ateez when their s/o's bias is another member
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genre: fluff, crack, slight angst?
word count: 1.2k
warnings: cursing, they vary in length tbh so sorry about that
author's notes: oh boy have i been waiting for this request! this is such a fun concept and i really enjoyed writing this so thank you for requesting!! hope you're doing well and hope this is to your liking! let me know what you thought love <33
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"and that one rapper? he's so hot! i think he's actually my favourite."
hongjoong was watching one of your old youtube videos; a reaction video to ateez. this is when you first heard about them and wanted to get into their music years ago. who would've thought that life would end up here? you dating one of the members of ateez.
hongjoong giggled at your statement, "awww you loved me from the very beginning" he teased as you read your book on the other side of the room, half embarrassed and half entertained that he was watching that video.
"actually i was talking about mingi," you said cheekily, not even bothering to look up from your book.
all you were met with was silence. too much silence that consequently caused you, after long last, to raise your head and investigate.
and what you saw was a half glare and a big pout on hongjoong's face.
"aww baby don't be sad," you giggled as you went over to him and wrapped your arms around him, "your my favourite now!" you started placing your lips on his neck, trailing then softly in just the right spots, softening him up again.
"and you always will be~
"so." seonghwa's voice sounded from next to you. you were both cuddled up on the couch together, watching an uninteresting sitcom to pass the time. there was something quite dangerous about the smoothness of seonghwa's voice, but you couldn't quite place what.
"when were you gonna tell me yunho was your bias?"
your heart dropped. you quickly glanced at his face to see a unimpressed expression looking back at you.
"h-how did you even-"
oh shit. you were fairly new into your relationship with seonghwa, so forgetting to change your lockscreen to something that didn't scream 'i love jeong yunho so much #slay' would've been wise.
"you idiot," seonghwa teased and chuckled lowly, looking back to the tv screen, shaking his head. you pouted and nudged him in response.
"hey! call me an idiot and i'll keep the lockscreen as it is!"
"well this is awkward."
san said with a massive beaming smile in his face as he continued to go about his day, washes the dishes innocently as if he wasn't the main cause of an argument.
yunho tutted and looked back at you disapprovingly whilst you stuttered and trained to explain yourself.
"she's an admirer, what can i say?" san mused loudly to himself, making yunho gnash his teeth in frustration.
"shut it, you," he hissed at his roommate who merely chuckled in reply. he had never seen yunho jealous before and, to be honest, he found it highly amusing. mostly because yunho looked like a hurt puppy who had lost its way home.
"this doesn't mean anything," you say to your sulky boyfriend, slide your hands of his shoulders, "i love you the most. on the world."
"that's debatable-"
"okay, okay..."
"jongho is just really cool, okay?"
you sat opposite your boyfriend in a cafe as he took a long slurp of his coffee, not once breaking eye contact with you. he had been interrogating you about this topic for quite some time now, ever since he found out you had a soft spot for jongho.
"cooler than me?" he clicked his tongue on the roof of his mouth and twisted the coffee cup in his hands, looking at you with immense interest.
"i never said that," you retorted, "you're just... different!"
"different how?" yeosang pressed on, not giving you a very easy time as he humorously continued to question you.
"well... i just love his voice," you said in a dreamy voice, "like every time i hear him singing i feel i'm ascending into the heavens!"
"well you'd say the same with me if i got more lines!" yeosang threw a used napkin at you and chuckled at his own joke.
"what do you mean i'm not your bias?"
your disheartened boyfriend had the biggest, plumpest pout on those lips of his as he looked at your with shiny puppy eyes. this was all news to him and honestly he felt like his whole world fell apart. "i'm dating you am i not??"
"yeah but-" you tailed off innocently, but there was nothing you could say to calm this man's humorously dramatic expression.
"who's your bias then?" he demanded, feigning anger with the twinge of sarcasm in his voice. you knew better to keep your mouth shut.
"if its wooyoung i swear to god, y/n-"
"it's not!"
"... you liar!"
he playfully grabbed a pillow and started hitting you with it as you giggled mischievously. you couldn't help but laugh at his childishness. it was no big deal, right?
you, mingi and hongjoong sat in the living room together in silence. for hongjoong, he just went about his business, laptop on his lap as he typed away doing some sort of work. but you and mingi were avoiding eye contact, avoiding talking. avoiding literally everything except breathing.
it was only a matter of time before hongjoong caught onto this. and as he looked from you, to mingi, and then back to you again, he knew there was soemthing wrong.
"what's up with you guys?" he asked suspiciously, lowering his laptop screen slightly.
"nothing, nothin-"
"y/n loves you more than me."
"wha- mingi!" you lightly slapped his arm defensively, "mingi is mad that you're my bias. that's all. nothing deep." your voice was high and strained as mingi crossed his arms Iver his chest.
"wait," hongjoong started grinning proudly, "... i'm your bias?"
by this time mingi was fuming and glaring daggers into hongjoong, striking fear into the leader.
"ehem that's not important," hongjoong coughed nervously, "that doesn't mean anything!"
"exactly!" you chimed in, "see mingi?"
you nudged him gently now, but the gaze he gave you in return did not look so convincing.
"i get it, he's more handsome than me."
this made you laugh. not because it was true or you were making fun of your boyfriend, but more with how you couldn't tell if he was being serious or not.
but after the minutes went by and the unusual coldness and silence from wooyoung continued, you realised that he was actually upset about this.
"oh woo, don't be like that," you leaned over to grab his hand, "you're not being serious are you?"
"well you like my best friend more than me. why wouldn't i be upset about this?" he lucked his dry lips and cleared his throat, his eyebrows furrowed.
"because you're my number one," you leaned over to give him a kiss on the cheek. and then another. and then another. so many sloppy kisses had been peppered all over his face by the time he started giggling and smiling again. you had won him over!
"seonghwa looks like such an angel," you stared with sparkly eyes at the screen in front of you as you watched the new ateez music video for their latest comeback.
jongho couldn't help but notice that your attention was mostly fixated on seonghwa in the video. you complimented his handsomeness, his voice, the lines he had, the way he fit the concept perfectly. he couldn't help but feel a little annoyed.
"yeah seonghwa looks great," he muttered and cleared his throat, watching the music video with you.
"you look handsome too," you quickly added, realising you hadnt said anything about your actual boyfriend because eoyu were too busy gawking over your bias.
"oh no its too late for that now!" jongho said playfully and poked your side, causing you to let out a half yelp, half laugh.
"i'm sorry baby, i just got... distracted?"
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merakiui · 1 year
pretending genshin is a canon game in twst, who do u think idia (or lilia, and maybe cater bc u cant tell me he doesn't play mobile games) would main? and do u think there'd be any characters he hates either based off their element, personality, or just their lore 💀
Omg omg I have been wanting to talk about this sort of concept recently, so thank you for the ask aaaaaa!!! Let's pretend that everyone in NRC is playing the hit mobile game Genshin Impact (so I can write about who everyone mains hehe)!!!!
Riddle mains one of the starter characters, whether Traveler, Kaeya, Amber, or Lisa because he rarely pulls, so as a result he's built the main four. But I think he'd save for Cyno reruns because Cyno administers justice in accordance with the law and Riddle's pleased to see a character so dedicated to upholding order and justice. He might also like Raiden Shogun because she's a tyrannical strict leader like him and somehow he relates, but then he learns she abandoned her creation and Scaramouche's mommy issues hit a little too close to home for him, so he's not sure if he likes her all that much anymore. He also likes Yanfei because of her ties to the law as well!
Trey mains Jean. When he co-ops with Heartslabyul, he's usually stuck playing a healer. Not that it bothers him, mind you! He enjoys it because he can be a tease and only heal when a select few (Ace and Deuce) are within an inch of their lives lol.
Ace mains Childe, but he sucks at aiming and so he usually relies on Childe's water blades. He likes to join Deuce's world under the guise of helping when in reality he's stealing materials. He's the type who skips all of the dialogue and story.
Deuce mains Heizou and he does play for the story! He likes it a lot, and he really likes Heizou's character and how he's a detective. He is terrified of the Raiden Shogun. 100% was screaming in terror during her battle when she locks your skills because his Traveler is not the best built. >_<
Cater either mains Mona because astrology besties stick together and he loves her aesthetic or he mains Xinyan because he loves the punk-rock vibe she has, both in design but also it's her passion! I think he's also a secret Xiao main, but he doesn't tell anyone about it.
Leona mains Dehya!!!!! He does not care what anyone says about her. Radish Sprout can stick his meta talk elsewhere because Leona isn't listening! He thinks Dehya is super cool and badass. Just to prove everyone wrong, he makes sure to build his Dehya to be the utmost strongest. He doesn't pay the closest attention to the story, but he will admit there are some cutscenes that really do have him fully awake because of how cool they are. (He makes Ruggie play the story for him and do most of the exploring in his world to unlock teleports and domains.)
Ruggie mains one of the starter characters because there is no way he's spending his hard-earned money on pixels. He's entirely free to play, but when he gets to play on Leona's account he has lots of fun using all of the characters Leona has and perhaps even spending a little of Leona's Madol to wish on the banners. As a result, Leona has an unbuilt Cyno, Yae Miko, Eula, and Qiqi (he lost the 50/50 at some point).
Jack either mains Gorou, Albedo, or Noelle. I think he just really likes Geo the most, so it's his preferred element in a character. His characters are reasonably built (they're all better than Ace's builds, that's for sure). He doesn't play Genshin very often, though, so he's a little behind in the story.
Azul mains Yelan, Ayato, Dori, and Ningguang. He plays for the story and the collecting characters aspect. He's greedy, so he wants every character, but he's too prideful to whale. So he saves hoards primogems and uses them when he really wants a character or constellations. Somehow he's yet to lose a 50/50, much to Idia's annoyance.
Jade mains Kokomi. Yes, her crit rate and crit damage are absolutely insane. Yes, his Kokomi solos with wild damage. Yes, it's scary that Jade mains a healer who he's made into a DPS and never puts the jellyfish down when he plays with Azul and Floyd until the very last minute (though mostly he lets them die so he can smile innocently and say, "Oops. I must have missed the button.") He was really disappointed when Kokomi didn't turn out to be a merciless, villainous scheming tactician. In his heart, she is. :(
Floyd mains Wanderer, but it's only because he likes flying around like a little mosquito all the time. He does not care about the lore. He does not care about the story. He does not care about Wanderer's past. He is skipping the dialogue because he only wants to fight enemies and bosses. :/ he likes joining Azul and Jade's worlds at the most inconvenient times just to fly around as Wanderer while they're stuck in a cutscene LOL.
Kalim mains Nilou, Yoimiya, Itto, and Venti! He likes these characters because they all have such lovely, fun energy. He loves the story (he cried during some parts) and he loves every character and their designs and lore! He is a whale because he's weak to the pretty characters with their interesting stories, but he hasn't had time to properly build all of them. Kalim builds his characters based off of what he feels is right. Idia took one look at his account and died when he saw the builds. T_T
Jamil mains Sara or Zhongli! I think he might also be a secret Yae Miko main, but he doesn't tell everyone what characters he has or how strong they are. He rarely co-ops, instead choosing to stick to himself and enjoy the game in peace, but Kalim's always requesting to join his world and he can't possibly turn him down. T_T begrudgingly, Jamil lets him in, but his ego is boosted considerably when he's the one carrying Kalim during co-op. Genshin is one of the few games where Jamil actually beats Kalim in terms of character strengths and builds and he is very proud of that.
Vil mains Yelan, Eula, and Rosaria because he likes their fashion styles (Yelan's fur coat is the moment). He's a casual player, so he's not very far in the story and he returns to it if and when the motivation to play strikes him. Still, he will admit it's a very beautiful game.
Rook mains all bow characters, but his favorite is Tighnari. He loves to say he's playing both an animal of prey and a predator when he's out killing enemies with Tighnari in the open world or if he's just shooting down birds from the sky. Even in a game, his aim is precise and perfect. It's actually a little scary...
Epel mains Razor, Diluc, and Heizou. He loves punching things with Heizou. It's a lot of fun, and there's something about Heizou that gives him a confidence boost. Maybe it's because Heizou is short and cute-looking like him, yet here he is beating people up with his fists. Epel has a lot of fun with that type of play style!
Idia has every character. Do not try to talk to him about builds because his are by far the best and strongest. He has his favorite five stars at c6, which includes Keqing, Xiao, Ganyu, Kazuha, Shenhe, Raiden Shogun, and Zhongli. He's on a mission to collect all of the Archons and all of the Harbingers. He is so invested in the story and lore, but he didn't like how Inazuma was written. He mourned for days when Signora was killed because he was looking forward to her being playable. :( he does not understand the hype around Scaramouche; yes, he is a hater like that. </3 but he will admit Scaramouche's boss theme and the boss design itself goes unbelievably hard. A certified banger.
Ortho mains Sucrose! He likes that she's interested in a field of science much like his brother. Ortho likes all of the characters who are connected to science in some way (like Albedo and Tighnari). He also finds Wanderer's backstory really interesting and, on some level, relatable (at least in terms of not being fully human).
Malleus mains Shenhe because he relates to her being misunderstood (and lonely) and he also finds her backstory to be very riveting. He is also drawn to Zhongli because of how wise he is. Malleus could listen to Zhongli drone on and on about Liyue history because he finds it really captivating! His builds aren't the best, though, and he's not very good at fighting, but he loves the storyline.
Lilia mains Hu Tao. He loves her lore and also her design. He finds all of her morbid jokes incredibly fun, and he loves the contrast between upbeat personality with the funeral director job. The Inazuma arc reminded him of his days as a war general. He was very disappointed when Kokomi accepted help from that "anonymous benefactor." Tsk, tsk. Now look what that has cost you. >_<
Sebek mains whoever Lord Malleus mains because he trusts his lord's discerning eye when it comes to choosing characters. He won't admit it to anyone, but he is actually highly invested in the plot. Sebek will wither away before he tells anyone, though. He's only playing because Malleus is (or so he continues to say, but he does enjoy the game when he plays it on occasion).
Silver mains Ganyu. He relates to her tendency to doze off, for he is guilty of the same thing. He can't play Genshin for too long because he usually falls asleep while playing, so it can get difficult to sit through Archon quests. But he does his best because Lilia recommended the game and he wants to understand it a little more.
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kaseyskat · 1 year
bolted upright from a nap with this angst-riddled concept; i lowkey wanna write more but i have way too many wips already WHOOPS anyways let me know if u wanna see more... hehe
Lark knows what's happened before he even gets the phone call.
He's all the way in Sacramento checking on the radius of the incursions- it hasn't spread much past Los Angeles, but it can't hurt to check and besides, it isn't as though Lark has much of a place to go anyways. He had been debating about calling Grant and asking if he could crash when it happened, the icy cold stabbing in his chest and something in his head going empty, like a connection was snapped. 
Twin sense is a powerful thing. Even if it had been an annoyance at times, Lark had always considered himself lucky; lucky that if nothing else, he knows where his brother is and his general well-being. 
He’s never felt like this before, though. 
It slams into him like a truck, and he sits in his car and shakes and shakes for a minute, two minutes. His breath catches in his chest– what the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck–?
When his phone rings, Lark dives to answer it. 
His mother sounds tired, but she also sounds congested, like she’s holding herself back, nasal and tight. “I’m glad you answered.” 
“What happened?” Lark demands, his heart hammering away in his chest as he clutches onto his phone like a lifetime. Tell me what’s wrong. Tell me I’m wrong. 
“There was… it was a car accident.” 
It was all she had to say. 
Lark can picture it now; his brother and his wife both arguing about one thing or another in the car. fully unaware of the danger they are putting themselves into. He had felt off all morning and this is why, because Sparrow was in danger, he was hurt, and now he’s gone, and… and… 
“...and Rebecca?” 
“On impact,” his mother answers, and she’s definitely crying now, her voice all tight still as she sniffs into the phone. “Luckily the kids weren’t there.” 
Sparrow’s fucking kids. 
Something in his throat goes dry, and Lark inhales, exhales, tries to control his breathing– the voice in his head, though, sounds an awful lot like his father, and he tunes it out almost immediately. “God,” he breathes, wearily. “Fuck. Okay. Okay, I’m coming home, when…?” 
“Not sure yet, we… your father and I still have to talk about it, he’s not taking this very well,” his mother admits, and she, too, takes a deep breath, turning the receiver to static. “We can talk more about… everything when you get here. Stay safe, please.” 
He can’t promise her that, not when his head is swimming and empty, so empty, and he can only lean against his steering wheel and take deep, measured breaths to swallow down the nausea creeping up on him. “Okay,” he compromises, swallowing thickly. “Love you.” 
The phone clicks, and once again, Lark is alone; this time, though, the loneliness he usually prefers is overcome with a hollow numbness building in his skull, and he chokes on a scream as he slams his head into the steering wheel, trembling. 
Sparrow is dead. His twin brother, companion from birth, the only one who despite everything, despite their differences, could understand Lark… is dead. 
For the first time in his entire life, Lark is well and truly alone.
Getting back to San Dimas is a blur. 
Everything is a blur, really. Lark barely remembers the drive, and he definitely doesn’t remember steering to his parents’ house, dragging himself through the front door without even knocking. It’s solemn, with even the skies weeping as he slams the door behind him. 
He slowly walks through familiar halls, cautiously peeking his head into the living room with a shyness he didn’t know he possessed. There’s a cartoon playing on the TV, and his father sits with a smal boy that Lark barely recognizes, holding him while an older girl and his mother stand in the kitchen. 
Fuck, this is harder than he thought it’d be. Lark swallows thickly again, and he steps fully into the living room, his heart pounding inside his chest like a freight train. “...Father,” he greets coldly, watching as both his father and the boy in his lap perk up. 
“Dad!” the boy chirps first, before Henry can say anything, and then Lark has this tiny sprout of a six year old nearly tackling his legs, clinging to his jeans. “You’re home!” 
Of all the times to be mistaken for his twin, this one hurts. Lark inhales, and his eyes burn. Still, he knows… he can’t destroy this kid’s hopes, not yet, so he summons up all the Sparrow in him, and forces a smile as he kneels. 
“Hey, kiddo,” he says wearily, and he tugs the boy – Normal, though he’s bigger than the last time Lark had seen him – off of his legs and into a proper hug. Normal buries himself into the embrace, and Lark very easily hefts him into the air, his chest tightening at the way Normal squeals in delight. 
Henry watches this all from the couch, and when Lark meets eyes with his dad, he can see the grief lined in his eyes, the misery in his face. It reflects Lark’s own emotions and he doesn’t know how to feel about this; this is definitely not how he’d imagine his first family reunion since he was a late teenager. 
“Mijo?” Mercedes finally pokes her head out of the kitchen, with Hero trotting after her. If Hero has the same reaction to seeing Lark, she doesn’t say so; in fact, she just stares at him for a moment before immediately turning away. 
“Grandma look! It’s Dad!” Normal cheers, and the heartbreak that Lark had felt deep in his bones at the title is reflected right back in his mother’s face, the way her eyes tighten and she grimaces. 
“Hey, Norm,” Lark tries to channel his brother’s energy, relaxing his posture enough as he holds Normal in his arms still. “I’m… I’m here for you, but I need to speak with Grandma Mercedes first, okay? Why don’t you go sit with… Grandpa Henry for a bit longer.” 
“Okay!” Normal chirps, and he wiggles out of Lark’s grasp, running back to the couch and jumping straight into Henry’s arms. The family resemblance in the two is incomparable when they’re sitting together; Normal might have Sparrow’s curly dark hair and Rebecca’s lighter eyes, but his smile? It is all Henry. 
Lark marvels over the resemblance for only a few seconds longer before a hand lands on his shoulder; his mother, who had approached while he was watching Normal, and now gives him the saddest smile as she draws him into a hug. 
He hasn’t allowed his mother to hug him in, what, years? Given the occasion, it feels wrong, but he sinks into her arms anyways, clutching onto her back in a way he hasn’t since he was a very small kid. “Mother,” he whispers, and his voice cracks despite himself. “Was it… bad?” 
“We shouldn’t talk about it here,” Mercedes whispers back to him, and she squeezes him in her arms before pulling away, wiping at her eyes. “We still have so much else to discuss; your father and I have already talked of selling the house and raising the kids here, but there’s still the matter of… of the funeral, and–” 
“-wait,” Lark interrupts, and he glances carefully over at Normal, buried in Henry’s arms, and Hero, still hovering around the kitchen with a glass of water in her hands. “Are you guys taking them?” 
“Well, it isn’t like we’d ever allow them to be separated in foster care,” Mercedes huffs. “Your father and I are perfectly capable of raising them ourselves, even if… even if it gets difficult.” 
For some reason, the thought of his father and his mother raising his brother’s kids has the nausea bubbling up in his stomach once again. He thinks about the lessons he failed to learn in the past, the way that Normal is such a soft kid and Hero abrasive in a way that just feels familiar, and he shudders. 
“I want to raise them,” he blurts before he can think twice about it. “I mean, I should raise them, they’re my brother’s kids. It… it could help them.” 
“Are you… are you sure?” Mercedes frowns, and she frets over Lark’s hair, picking out some stray leaves that he must’ve missed from… whenever the last time he showered was, who knows when. “Your father and I already talked it out, it shouldn’t be solely your responsibility to bear.” 
Somehow, that just makes him angrier. “I can decide what responsibilities I can handle,” he snips. “They need familiarity. I’ll raise them in their own house, and… you guys can help still, but it should be me.” 
“If you say so, chickadee,” Mercedes concedes, and she squeezes him in another tight hug. “I love you so much, okay?” 
Lark inhales, and he exhales, and he inhales again. “The last time we spoke was in a fight,” he admits, the words spilling out of his mouth without his consent. “This doesn’t feel real.” 
“I know, I know,” Mercedes releases a stifled sob into Lark’s hair, and she guides him over to the couch, where the cartoon is still playing. “Everything will be okay, though, you’ll see.” 
Everything will be O-A-K! Sparrow’s voice echoes in Lark’s head, and he swallows. 
As soon as he sits down, Normal makes direct eye contact with him, and he springs out of Henry’s arms, climbing over the cushions to curl into Lark’s chest instead. “Grandpa Henry and Grandma Mercedes are so nice,” he informs Lark, “even if the house smells funny. Are we going home soon?” 
God. Lark draws his arms around his nephew, and as he glances at his father, who hasn’t spoken a word since Lark’s arrival and didn’t look like he intended on it anytime soon, to his mother, who had solemnly gone back to the kitchen, to Hero, his niece, who hovers awkwardly around his mom, distancing herself from the rest of the family… he knows things will never be the same. 
And yet…
“...soon, little dove, soon,” he promises. 
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ikoarts · 4 months
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November 2023 Art
as u can probably tell i did not pump out much art this month and the little i did do besides the big project is a lil basic or just working shit out, but erm, it's not Nothing, so thats good...!
vvv dates + info under the cut vvv
1 - 01/11/2023 : my half of an art trade with @toxicbunny from last year, i never posted it here oops, but its of her OC Luan <333 he was so fun to draw and im super happy with the results, esp playing around with texture a bit
2, 3 - 18/11/2023 : some random headshots of Heidi n Jasmine, think with Jasmine i was trying somethin a lil different with her hair
4 - 18/11/2023 : pen doodles.... a bit of trying to figure out some more human ttte designs, not perfect ofc, still naawt concrete on any kind of James design, like i know how he looks, but drawing hard </3 Thomas is also there hehe
5 - 18/11/2023 : another Heidi :D i think i wanted to draw her with her hair up like that, erm, i forget, but hey JTHM shirt, very epic, it was on my mind, i had the silly idea post-drawing this that she has insomnia and the shirt is an inside joke, coz she thinks shes funny
6, 7 - 18/11/2023 : (only by a margin coz i was drawing late again) lil human Diesel pen doodles again, this time we're doing the REDESIGN!! almost there anyway. mostly just a redesign of his hair somewhat, also Philip is just there (much like the show (jk i kinda love Philip for no reason other than hes a little guy)) not much to say here other than drawing bad on purpose is fun x
8 - 25/11/2023 : was thinking about book covers, forgot why, but also on the name of my story for Ru, Toni, those fellows, usually i just call it Violet, but i feel maybe its a bit, nothing, idk, like its not catchy enough, so i have another idea of expanding it into You, me, & Violet, and heres a quick mockup of what a book cover for it could look like.. u can tell i got graphic design qualifications from the late 2010s x (shut up i luv this doodle)
9-11 - 25/11/2023 : Robin redesigns.. again.. just some concept doodles, mostly just a change to his hair and his top, i thought adding more colour was essential, so, he'd usually wear like minty green colour trainers, i made those and, by extension, his jumper, the same blue colour, which isn't Too blue, it's still a little bit greeny, very slightly, just for some harmony in his design.. will need to draw more of this concept to really get a concrete final design
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disneyprincemuke · 5 months
can u explain fast times and fast nights for me? I dont get the concept but I rlly want to read it😭
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ok OK OK SO ftfn is an idea i had about 'what if the f1 grid were to be wags instead and it's in a reality show format'? and this all stemmed from tine saying that she wanted to write one of her fics in dts style but she's never watched it (it's my guilty pleasure it's so dramatic for no rzn) so anyway
i ended up only keeping A COUPLE of drivers to be active wags with their partners on the grid because i feel like some drivers aren't dramatic like that... so that tells you who will be on the grid. we used a lot of ocs for this one while keeping a couple accurate relationships! ocs include my vr femdriver, my inthaf femdriver; @angsthology's jupiter nightshade, camellia ayudisha and roo! the others are ocs from other stories that have got NOTHING to do with f1 hehe
the actual episodes are better formatted, but the outtakes are introductions to the couples on the grid, which is why they're so short and kinda messy!!!
the format of the fics itself, i understand, is a little weird i admit... let me guide u through it...
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^ these texts in small text and indents are commentary... so if you've watched dts, it's like mf will buxton talking over clips yk? it's like the narrator speaking, basically, except she ain't as silly as will buxton
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^ these ones here are standalone quotes said about whom the outtakes are about... in this case, sonnet and mick <3... i didn't really know how to format them on tumblr better so i understand that it's a bit confusing and if you've got suggestions how to make them a bit more distinct, pls lmk cuz i'm driving myself crazy
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^ stuff like these are news article titles! again... wasn't sure how to format them so i be using every single tumblr format they allow me to use LMFAO
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^ these are quotes... from those whom the outtakes are about... so the top you can kind of derive that it's mick and that the bottom one is sonnet
it's really very complicated because tumblr doesn't really give me much formatting to work with... if you guys have got any better idea how i can handle this, i'd really really appreciate it like seriously HAHA
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i really really love ftfn and i really hope u guys like it too... the formatting is a little weird because tumblr is a bit restrictive, but if you guys have got any ideas to make it better, i'm very open to the help <3
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acidrcins · 7 months
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did you hear the latest scoop ? we’ve got a new student joining us ! a little birdie told me that they’re called CHAE SEORI, but they kinda remind me of BAE SUZY — don’t ‘cha think ? you’re probably thinkin’ they’re just another TWENTY-SEVEN year old in their FIRST year of some MASTER'S DEGREE IN BIOCHEMISTRY , but wait ‘till you hear about their POISON GENERATION ! nifty, huh ? they’re pretty PRINCIPLED on nullivi, but you should watch out for their VINDICTIVE just in case ! anyway — if you wanna check them out, i heard they’re staying at the YELLOW HALL. oops ! you didn’t hear that one from me !  ༊*·˚
hello, i'm liv and v excited to b here! im a sl*t for anything superpower related and im also still off that gen v high so very excited to be here! all i can offer is this intro post, which i hope covers all the Key Aspects of miss chae seori. if i may summarize, shes just trying her best to be a good person while making questionable decisions and internalizing everything bad that her family has ever said abt her ‪♡‬ a cate dunlap wanda maximoff dupe rly
do like this post if u would like to plot because i would LOVE to and i much prefer d*scord hehe
also tw for mentions of nausea
𖥸 ─ basics
chae seori (often seen with gloves and a mask)
scorpio sun, pisces moon, scorpio rising
born 12 november 1996 in a small town in the outskirts of seoul 
currently a first year masters student, studying biochemistry & living in yellow hall
makes poison out of her fingertips & can infect those through physical contact or through air (if in close proximity)
there have been rumours going around that seori is able to give a kiss of death but she would like to debunk those rumors! her lips are harmless really its just the air around her
big on wearing patches but she wont tell you. will make u guess whether she has one or not. (justifies by saying shes just having fun)
𖥸 ─ personality
tl;dr morally grey girl, who's trying to prove herself as a good person (but it's hard when your powers are literal poison). a little bit of a manic pixie dream girl too
positive: principled, collected, intuitive, charming, inquisitive
negative: reticent, elusive, vindictive, temperamental, self-centered
alignment: chaotic neutral (the only principles she follows are the ones she sets for herself)
character inspirations: heavily inspired by gen v's cate dunlap, the hunger games' finnick odair, mcu's wanda maximoff, looking for alaska's alaska young, yellowjackets' natalie
archetypes: the vixen, the philophobic, the antihero
associated aesthetics: shades of gray, smiles that don't seem to reach your eyes, making questionable decisions but finding ways to justify them to yourself, dark eyes and darker nights, flirtatious touches with a hint of danger, red lipstick, unexplained headaches and waves of nausea
in control of her emotions but has tendencies to lash out. she is working really hard to be a good person!!! (by her standards) (she is thisclose to just saying fuck it and just embracing that she is a Villain tho pls someone enable her)
but she can get very resentful lmfao (example A: in her most recent biochemistry class, she told herself urself it was ok that the guy in class just mansplained a concept that she had already understood in middle school but then also gave him a wave of nausea once class ended because he was so fucking rude and deserved it)
keeps up a facade of being coquettish and flirtatious ( i never watched doona but that was the vibe i got from her gifs lmfao ) i think she can be quite charming tbh the queen of breadcrumbing ‪♡‬ keep them close enough, but never enough to touch. it's sort of a coping mechanism. safe space where no one can see what a shit person she really is and how she doesnt really deserve love
no one really knows much abt her and she intends to keep it that way
heavily motivated by wanting to know more! generally the kind of person who would conduct wild ass experiments or "would you love me if i were a worm" i kinda picture it like how finnick in catching fire is like he's paid with secrets!! same vibe with seori :D
𖥸 ─ background
pretty ordinary life growing up. parents are not particularly rich but they don't struggle either. happy small town family ‪:)
shit hits the fan when shes twelve and her brother is fourteen and they find out hes an anomaly. superhuman strength and speed. finds out after he saves a dog from getting hit by a car
if it had been anyone else, perhaps, they would've been the town's outcast but because it's her older brother, all conventional good looks with conventionally lauded powers, they worship him. he becomes the town's superman, girls come up and take pictures with him, he even gets featured in the town parade and seori is just there in the shadows
it gets even worse two years later when she finds out shes also anomaly! but unlike her brother, seori causes an incident of projectile vomiting after a particularly envious moment where her family forgets her birthday and instead, spends the day with her brother. it is messy and disgusting and it happens in the town center. no one forgets. and seori is no longer there in the shadows, she's actively cast out, whispers about why she cant be more like her brother and this is why anomalies should not be given rights
it takes seori some time to figure out her powers but she gets the hang out of it. not that it matters lol shes the black sheep, the 'villain' because goddamn shes literal poison. even her family treats her that way
she doesn't believe those words until one day she gets into a heated argument with her family. tells her mum that shes a person too and wails her father that no one has called her by her name in years and she's nothing but a stain in their family. they don't deny it and in a fit of rage and hurt and anger, she manages to cause irreversible brain damage to her brother
and that is the moment seori realizes she is the villain everyone talks about and she is the monster (doesnt help that her pupils are dark and her veins are black) !!! not a pretty look (think the monsters in sweet home before they transform kind of vibe) and so she runs
runs and runs and runs to seoul where she gets by on illegal means. she is ashamed of the things she has done (e.g., disrupting the storeowners vision long enough to get food to eat, sent someone into unconsciousness and pretended to be their granddaughter caring for them to get a house to stay, batting doe-eyes to boys who will buy her a pack of ramen) and since then shes actively working on being a better person
swears to keep her feelings in control, only uses her powers when justified (although her moral compass is cracked)
𖥸 ─ wanted connections
thank you if you made it this far! ‪♡‬ ‪♡‬ mwah mwah i appreciate u also i love plotting and just brainstorming so here are some rough ideas but OFC always open to talk !!
friends ! or better yet, friends who only meet late at night and you talk about the stars and your feelings and in the morning you pretend you have no other who the other is
someone who's immune to her....
fellow individuals in #STEM
ok this is really specific BUT what if.. our muses were enemies... and they kissed... and seori's feeling INTENSE emotions and accidentally fucks ur muses' vision up and gives them a headache and she has to pretend like it didnt excite her
she doesnt believe she deserves to be loved, so i would LOVE an angsty first love breakup thing. bonus points if she broke ur muses heart
she accidentally poisons u (she swears its an accident)
u catch her doing some immoral shit and tell her shes not a good person
a sam/cate situation. someone enable her to just fuck it youre not a good person so embrace it!!!
i love angst and antagonism so lets beef (ic)
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izukuisbaby · 2 years
hewwo my luvr <3 im so proud of on hitting 1.3k you deserve all of them n so so so much more ! ! ! !
for ur celebration can you pls match me up w any bnha character :D (even tho u know mostly everything about me 4 da sake of the celebration m gna tell anyways :3)
i can be extroverted at time, i enjoy goin' out but it depends on who im going with. i am very mean sometimes which is not a nice trait but lol. i cherish my friends so so much.
also my love language is physical touch and words of affirmation. i get insecure alot so i need reassurance quite often which isnt fun :((
that's all if i forgot anything just add wtv u like cause u do know me da best hehe~
again i love you so much mwah mwah congratulations <33
・❥ to arya : hello love im so so proud of u too, u can't imagine ♡ u literally mean the world to me bro i love u so much
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🏹 you've been matched with...
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...BAKUBABE not a surprise i know but i just can't fathom u with someone else. from the first minute i met u, u were simping on bakugo so i just picture you with him AND NO ONE ELSE periodt
・❥ your song : let me be your superhero - smash into pieces (you'll get it with the lyrics bro, i remember seeing this as bakugo's song on tik tok last year and that's just how he feels about you)
・❥ what is your relationship like :
ღ bakugo always wants to be the best for you, he values your opinion the most and works hard to make you proud of him.
ღ as a fellow hard-worker, he tries his best to support you in whatever you do and shows you how proud he is of you -- not through words, but small displays of affection such as putting a hand on your shoulder and smiling at you proudly.
ღ his love language is acts of service, he will gladly help you with your homework, cook you dinner after you've had a long day or do the chores so you come home happy.
ღ he is extremely bad with words and practically never says i love you, he says it when he thinks it's necessary for you to hear it but he always means it.
ღ he would be extremely patient with your mood swings as he is someone who struggles with them too, he would leave you alone until you calm down but if all you need is cuddles and comfort he will put you in his lap, put your head on his shoulder with his hand on top of it and not say a word, just to give your brain a break.
ღ katsubabe is soooo picky with girls, you're the first person he fell in love with -- and probably the last since no one but you can bear with him -- so if he chose you as his partner, you're pure perfection to him. he won't let you get insecure EVER but in his own way
ღ "why the f*ck are you putting yourself down again bro, yeah your stomach isn't flat and what about it ? literally no one gives a shit especially not me, if that's what you're worried about", "look Y/N i couldn't care less about your butt size okay, tsk literally worrying for nothing motherf*cker", "GODDAMNIT Y/N WHEN WILL YOU UNDERSTAND THAT YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY F*CKING BREATHTAKING FOR F*CK'S SAKE"
・❥ random text w ur soulmate 😃
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© izukuisbaby. do not copy, modify, translate, repost or take my ideas/concept without giving credits but comments, feedback, reblogs and asks are very much welcome ! 🏹💌
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yoisami · 6 months
aah saki your event is so cute i just had to join!
my name is leni
my favorite character is rin from bllk
i tend to be quiet around people i‘m not close with, but i‘m very open when we get along well. i‘m really honest about my opinion (sometimes to much,,) and i hate it when others lie. i‘m more of a laid back person but i get excited a lot
i enjoy slow mornings, taking care of my plants, taking walks, chatting with friends, dancing and baking. i dislike overly noisy people (7th graders,,), arguing, people who make others look bad in order to receive attention and seafood
watching a movie, baking together or trying out each other’s hobbies (i like it cozy and simple haha)
i don’t necessarily like the color orange,,
i hope this helps and isn’t too much<3 love you
yoisami’s first random event — request no. 5 (@rinsque)
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notes from saki: hi hi leni, thanks for joining hehe <3 i tried to choose a cute colour for u and rinnie, and i think it’s pretty nice, so i hope u’ll like it ! love u !!
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૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა 💭: fleeting and bashful kisses, lingering stares with stars in your eyes, and a cup of hot genmaicha as you’re witnessing the fall of autumn leaves—you and rin love like naive teenagers. you’re inexperienced, and you don’t really know what you're doing, but none of that matters as long as his devotion rests with you. sometimes it’s awkward, and sometimes it’s loud, but you and him are having fun in this relationship anyways.
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celadon green is a colour that, in my opinion, is mysteriously beautiful because it’s captivating in a subtle way. it’s similar to you and rin—you’re not a couple that sticks out in a crowd, but when people do pay attention to you two, they’re admiring just how in love you are with each other. through gazes that last longer than they’re supposed to, and laughing quietly at your inside jokes, you can tell that rin loves you most, and vice versa. celadon green also seems like a colour that may feel awkward because it neither belongs in the category of light green or dark green, and i believe your relationship with rin has gone through a similar circumstance, where you’re neither friends or lovers. you’re both young, and the concept of love is confusing, but the two of you were willing to commit your hearts to something new.
this relationship between you and rin is fun, but it’s not the loud kind of fun. there’s no need for rowdy music, shouts and cheers for you to remain amused. it’s rin’s unusual smile that makes you giggle, it’s rin’s inability to draw you that makes your day, and it’s your gentle hugs that causes rin’s stoic shell in crack.
celadon green is a very calm colour, and it seems like both you and rin prefer to have such dates. a walk in the park whilst holding hands (he keeps your intertwined hands in the pocket of his coat !), watching your favourite film (or rin’s if you lose the round of rock paper scissors !) or a simple and casual game of soccer at the nearby park would be your go-to dates. i also have a feeling that you and rin wouldn’t be too picky about where your dates would be as long as you’re together. if you happen to be too busy, rin would purchase a tub of your favourite ice cream and bring it to your house, just so he can spend some time with you.
it’s the very fact that you’re both bitterly honest that might cause some disagreements. no matter how close you and him are, sometimes a filter is still needed because words can still hurt ! i would assume that rin, like you, also dislikes arguments as he has shown complete and utter respect to those he loves (in the past, sae), but it would still require some time for you two to make up. you both have pride, and it’s hard to overcome and admit your own faults, but you meet in the middle—that’s something special about your relationship. your ability to compromise with each other and forgive each other is something that many other couples may struggle with, but it’s easy for you and rin because of all the things you both could lose, you cannot lose each other.
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© yoisami 2023. all images used are from pinterest. colour names are obtained from pantone.
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first of all, please ignore (even delete) this if you're not in the mood because half of this'll be essentially just a rant, sorry. a positive one, but a rant nonetheless. i just wanna share with someone, preferably someone who knows what i'm talking about/what i mean. also please tell me if you don't want me to appear in your ask box like this ever again.
second of all, i wanna apologize for not writing you back, i just fucking forgot (seems to be a reoccuring theme with us ig). but if you wanna, i'd like to continue the conversation, especially that i haven't even heard about the second guy.
third of all, not to make you even more jealous but i think that our creative writing professor is a fucking genius. like holy shit.
the whole class i was adhd-ing so hard (so maybe having it doubled is not that good for my brain, oops - especially that we talk a lot and, well, listen to each other a lot and it requieres focus. anyway). i was fidgeting through the whole class and i think i hit the chair next to me like ten times and i wanted to scream because i was sure i was annoying, visible and sometimes even somewhat loud about it and eh. thankfully, we had a ten minute break and i think it was somewhat better after that.
but! onto the positive part! i was last to read and it gave me some anxiety beforehand but i really enjoyed reading and i think i said things nicely plus the feedback and i was very quickly in a good mood aaaand dopamine lol. then we played a game which was nice and also game!!
and then he said what we have to do for the next class which is esentially a retelling (any mythology, any type and even like any time-period? as in you can write the story again, like the song of achilles or place it in modern day or whatever. so like. how cool is that???) and here comes my fav part because i have been planning an orpheus and eurydice retelling with simon and adalaine for a while and i plan that as a big project, like a full book preferably but. still. i get to work with that! and i get to work with simon and adalaine! for my creative writing class!! absolutely losing my shit
anyway if you'd have an exercise like this what do you think, what would you write?? i'm so curious (i'm just generally so interested in the topic of retellings. like they're so cool). also if you wanna write it, i'd love to read it.
also curious about what do you think, what work of yours would you read out loud to get to know your writing at a class like this/at a writing club or smth?
also how are you?? hope you're doing ok.
sorry for the rant again. and for not writing you back. yeah
bestie hi hiii !!! don't ever feel bad for wriggling into my inbox it's always a pleasure seeing you here in my little corner of the internet! and it's always so good to hear abt what shenanigans you got into, seeing that we haven't seen each other in ages :( (speaking of which, any chance of you hanging 'round budapest in upcoming weeks perhaps?)
damn ur right u are making me kinda jealous hehe. but more importantly I'm so happy for u man!! you get to share your stories with an audience that listens and gives good feedback that's some really good stuff and I'm happy you get to experience that! and you know my opinions on Simon and their pals so the idea that you're gonna have written material for them (as in, more than there already is)?? damn now I really just wanna read more of your stuff 😩 (I mean. only if u want me to. like I'd love to read whatever you write for the class if ur comfy sharing 🥺)
Tbh I'm not much of a reteller-type - don't get me wrong I get feral about stories that manage to both acknowledge their roots and the fact that they are a different story to those roots, my current fav series for instance does a phenomenal job at this imo - I just personally prefer to tell original stories bc I feel I dunno, less limited? Still if I had to choose it would probably be Icarus's story, I know not the most original but the concept has me screaming crying foaming at the mouth and a lot of my little guys could fit into the story almost frighteningly well. Then again as much fun as talking abt my guys in an academic setting sounds like I'd probably be insufferable 😂
I'm not sure if I have works I'd be comfy reading in front of a class lol, most of what I already have is either unfinished/unedited or a 20k fic on ao3. but if I absolutely had to choose it'd probably be this one bc 1) it combines all my fav parts of writing (poetic wording, dark themes, utterly incomprehensible metaphors...) and 2) it's short so it won't take me ages to read it out loud lol
anyway don't feel bad for not answering you know exactly how my own short term memory works (hint: it doesn't) lmao. it doesn't count if we're both shit at replying to each others' stuff that just means were even 😂 (but seriously though I really don't mind I know how sometimes the brain just does a backflip unprompted)
and seriously feel free to rant at me any time you like as we already agreed normal chat apps <<<<<< tumblr when it comes to communication (but only if I can rant back at you hehe)
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junkissed · 1 year
for the made up fic title thing: what about…. “such haunted halls we walk” 👀
or if you want something silly: “i put the ‘ass’ in ‘astrophysics’” ddssfhhgdhjfh
HELPMNKJDFSN 😭 i'll put this under a cut bc both of them got kinda long hehe
also fair warning the first one is soo sad pure angst there is not a hint of happiness skdgjfs skip to the second divider if you don't want to read it
send me a title and i'll tell you what i would write for it!
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ooh i really like the first one!! i'm thinking a historical au. some kind of period piece a la jane austen featuring vernon as mr. darcy and it's super angsty, kinda like a cautionary tale about life and love and loss. it's told in a series of flashbacks as he walks down a hallway in a house; even though it's daytime outside, the curtains are drawn and it's just dark and dreary, reflecting his mood as he looks at each portrait hung on the wall and thinks about the memories that should be good and happy, but they're tainted as he looks back on them and remembers all the bad things that came afterwards instead. i'm thinking at the very end there's a reveal that's like, you ended up parting ways, not for some big, dramatic reason, but you just fell out of love with him and you didn't want him to feel like his love for you wasn't reciprocated and that he deserved someone who would give back to him all the love he has to give. it was such a clean break that he shouldn't have any reason to be so melancholy (it's not like you cheated on him or ran away with his brother), but it's such an unsatisfying end that he almost wishes you'd had a huge argument and blown up at him; he wishes he would have some reason to be mad at you, to hate you, but you did nothing wrong but give him a chance to experience what it feels like to be loved, because that's something you knew you wouldn't be able give him. so like a theme throughout this one is that in each painting and each memory he looks back on, he's remembering it and wondering when exactly you stopped loving him and why didn't he realize it sooner. ooh actually adding on, maybe he used to be a semi-successful painter and people would hire him to paint their portraits, but after you left he hasn't been able to pick up a brush since, and everything he tries to create comes out dark and tangled and choppy, nothing like the beautiful, bright, joyful paintings he used to make. so not only does he lose someone who brought love and joy into his life, he lost the ability to create art that captures that love and joy. so for the rest of his days all he can do is walk that hallway, staring at the portraits that remind him of better days and wishing he would've known some way to make you love him back.
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(tagging @duhnova for this one i want u to suffer cheol thots) okay ass-trophysics is about economics major seungcheol who has to fulfill his lab credits and of course he waited until the last possible second and every other class was waitlisted so the only class available is an analytical physics class. by some miracle the prerequisites for that class are ones he's already taken for his degree and his schedule lines up perfectly for him to take this class. reader is a physics major or something so this class is required for them. you show up bright and early on the first day of the semester and you're getting out your notebook and laptop and stuff and in walks this insanely built frat-looking dude with the fattest juiciest ass you've ever seen in your entire goddamn life, and he plops down in the seat next to you and introduces himself like he isn't the most gorgeous man you've ever seen walk into a math classroom. and the semester goes on and you kinda become friends but not really friends more like classroom friends yk? and you know cheol is smart as hell but for some reason he just doesn't understand this one concept and it sucks because the entire course is pretty much built around understanding this concept. and so you try to help him pass the class and you start becoming closer, and maybe you have a crush on him but you really definitely don't btw. later maybe there's an angsty run-in with an ex girlfriend who makes all these crazy threats and tells you to stay away from him because she knows he'll come back to her, he always does, and you're like "girl i'm literally just helping him learn physics wtf do you want from me please" and she's like "i know what you're REALLY doing... back off" and so you're like. jesus okay fine whatever. so you start making excuses for not being able to help him on the weekends and evenings and days off anymore and he gets pouty and sulky like :( my bffp (best friend from physics) what did i do? and one day he's had enough and he finally manages to corner you at your favorite place to eat on campus and he's like. tell me why you're avoiding me. and you're like "well tell your dumbass girlfriend to stop sending me death threats and i'll help you with your hw again" and he's like "??? what girlfriend i haven't dated anyone since i met you at the beginning of the semester" and so you describe her and cheol lets out the biggest longest most aggravated sigh and he explains that she is his ex but she's literally insane and he has no intention of getting back with her ever and then more drama etc etc but then FINALLY they get things figured out, there's a big moment where he passes his final and you go to hug him but he goes in to kiss you and it's 🧍‍♀️ Awkward and he gets all shy and pouty again and your face is so damn hot and you're like "why did you just try to kiss me" and he has this whole speech about how he really appreciated your help over the semester but he was hoping you would go out with him because he thinks you're really smart and pretty and he just goes on and on about what he likes about you and you're just standing there shocked thinking. this man with the ass of a kardashian is professing his love to me in the middle of a starbucks and a barista is definitely giving me the side eye but oh my god yeah i kinda really do wanna kiss him and then 🫶 kissing happy ending etc etc
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itsdappleagain · 1 year
sorry if i’m sending way too many i just love hearing what u have to say abt these characters skjdjd now i’m curious, thoughts on carmen’s vile roommates (crackle, tigress, le chevre, el topo, mime bomb)?
How I feel about this character: mmmmmm he's. ah. he's extremely funny (not because of anything he says. just as a concept. crikeycore if you will). but i hate him a little bit! of the opinion that they should not have made him flirt with carmen!!!!! All the people I ship romantically with this character: tigress sometimes i guess? also i shipped him with chase once which was hilarious would do it again My non-romantic OTP for this character: really honestly and truly do not have one i do not know what the fuck is going on with him. he's either mean or tied up with carmen's plotlines My unpopular opinion about this character: they either should have fucking kept him as an operative or left him alone once they wiped his mind and i think the former would have been MUCH more interesting One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: i guess i just said it above. i also think it would have been funny if carmen actually killed him
How I feel about this character: SHE CNA BE SHIPPED WITH EVERYONE SHE'S SO FUNNY also extremely special to me in fanon only. canon? she's fine. fandom tigress is where it's REALLY at though All the people I ship romantically with this character: OKAY tigess as i said is THE rarepair magnet. paper star, carmen, ivy, julia, cracker...which has done things with tigress man....she's either straight or gay and never both though My non-romantic OTP for this character: mmm?? idk it sort of depends on who i'm shipping her with at the moment yknow? if she's being straight she can have such friendships and rivalries. if she's beign gay she can have such friendships and rivalries. My unpopular opinion about this character: idk if i have one. i would have liked to see her get a little bit of conflict over evil carmen...some depth on that subject. idk One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: leaned into the catgirl thing more. they did. but at the same time making her a warrior cats kid on the playground okay? also i want her backstory
le chevre
How I feel about this character: hehe. goat man. idk he's funny. he acts so tough but he's just a little guy yknow? All the people I ship romantically with this character: el topo its always el topo My non-romantic OTP for this character: i actually love his and black sheep's (very limited) friendship when we see it. him offering to let carmen go and tell no one in boston..etc. My unpopular opinion about this character: i actually think he was handled very well and I like him! none here One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: gay sex gay sex gay sex (ok no im kidding. but yknow. more canon confirmation on jeantonio would have been awesome)
el topo
How I feel about this character: he's!!!!! yes. my little gay underground little guy. i actually wish they'd developed him just a bit more. that line in tsonts about being pawns- where did the belief come from? is he's so kindhearted, what drove him to vile? All the people I ship romantically with this character: le chevre its always le chevre My non-romantic OTP for this character: i love his friendship with absolutely everyone in the graduating class. tigress, crackle (he hugs him!! that was sweet!!), black sheep. he's just cool a cool little guy My unpopular opinion about this character: mmmm i dont think i have one here either. i like him and i think my views of him are pretty dead on with the majority of the fandom One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: GAY SEX GAY SEX GAY SEX (no im also kidding its pretty much the same wish as le chevre's was)
mime bomb
How I feel about this character: he's actually the funniest person here All the people I ship romantically with this character: slimebomb is a pretty cool ship i like that one. tigbomb is also pretty fun, but that sort of had its moment and then died loll My non-romantic OTP for this character: zack, thank you mangokat! also i think he and neal platonically is extremely funny also. him and carmen should have been friends My unpopular opinion about this character: i think it would have been cool if he was deaf, or used sign language in some capacity. i dont think thats horribly unpopular but idk there you go One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: well, what i said above, i guess. as a complete joke i think it would have been funny if they had fake outtakes (like the barbie movies?? do you know what im talking about) and had mime bomb come up behind tigress, say "no one will ever believe you" and then never say anything again
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euphoricsunflowers · 2 years
it’s ok!! there’s no rush on responding or anything ☺️
it really is! I tend to love people with fire and water in their charts because they’re usually a nice balance of like… being emotionally intelligent and earnest and a lot of fun… and we can see that in mingyu in the way he’s like. THE most bulliable member of seventeen haha (oooh! what star sign are you out of curiousity? im actually a Pisces myself too… a triple one at that lmfao… I have sun moon AND mars in Pisces) but yeah for sure…! he’s so acts of service oriented that being able to take care of you/having you ask him for things or help with things etc would make him feel a sense of pride I imagine
hehe thank u kindly! this edging piece has existed in my mind for forever but it’s been a hot second since I’ve written any kind of smut so it’s just like… floating. AND HE DOES… but I do think he would get off so much on the gradual progression of you pretending to be bored to when you’re visibly into it… or maybe because I find the concept of face sitting with mingyu where you’re pretending to focus on a book/or a video game really hot haha. who knows. I just… like if you’re not calling him a good boy what are you doing with your time. he’d probably even like it outside the bedroom
he would really be satisfied if he just made you come and he was left wanting… luckily for him you probably like leaving him a mess way too much to deny him completely…
you’re absolutely correct! id argue soonyoung is up there in baby girls but hhu is a unit full of them… wonwoos babygirlism appears only in specific situations but that makes it more lethal when it does appear… and seungcheol is so interesting in that he both has a protective instinct to take care but I feel like the baby girl is definitely there it just needs to be fully coaxed out…………
(also your tag. i would like to see them fight to the death over who is the most baby girl. going seventeen episode idea??)
anon i don’t think you understand i think i might be in love with you- TRIPLE PISCES??? geez i think i am in love 🫣 im actually a taurus sun, aries moon, leo rising, aries venus, and cancer mars, those are the ones i know off the top of my head
he is the most bulliable you’re so right for that 😌 i don’t think anyone else in svt would take it quite as well as he can. he can take a lot from you, especially verbally, he’ll just pout like a puppy and complains but he will 100% be over it in 30 seconds or immediately if u kiss him he’s just always heart eyes for someone he loves 💔
no but seriously even as a sub i just know it feeds his ego so much when you start out kinda bored, not really paying attention to him to you getting really into it like he wants the full ‘suffocate him with your thighs’ experience also yes yes yes to the good boy thing bro not to be soft or anything but like, calling him a good boy while playing with his hair with his head resting in your lap pls im crying
he is so focused on you though like even if he’s unconsciously whining about how worked up his is, he’s still focused on pleasuring you again and again until you tell him to stop. at least to him, only your pleasure matters <33 and if you do decide to make him cum, he’ll be literally so grateful and polite like pls 💔
omg i can’t believe i forgot soonyoung 😭😭 he is also very baby girl but idk man i think you’re underestimating wonu’s and seongcheol’s power like maybe i’m just on twitter too much (which is correct lmao) but i’m always seeing those two
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merakiui · 9 months
Hi! How often do u write a day, also do u plan ur writing times/when u write? What are ur optimal writing conditions? Can u talk more abt ur writing process and quirks u have as a writer pls? Im a big fan :3
Hi hi, dearest anon!!! :D I'm happy to answer your questions!! I love rambling about writing, so thank you very much for asking!!! <3
How often do I write a day?
Aaa it really depends! Sometimes I can write a lot if I have the time, energy, and brain power and other times I write very little.
Do I plan my writing times/when I write?
I try to! Writing is like a little treat for me, so after a long week of uni and work I tell myself: okay, this block of time is reserved for writing fanfic and nothing else!!! I like to write on the weekends the most because I usually have more time to do the things I couldn't do during the week! But if I have some free time, I'll attempt to put some words on the page.
What are my optimal writing conditions?
Most importantly, a clean and organized desk space! :D if I'm writing during the day, I open my curtains to let sunlight in, put on music, keep my water bottle filled, and I'll write. If it's at night, it's mostly the same, but I dim the lights so they aren't so bright and harsh.
What is my writing process like?
It's mostly structured when I'm following an outline, but sometimes it can be chaotic if I haven't written an outline in advance or if the outline is written vaguely to make room for other scenes or last-minute inspirations. Although sometimes I'll just write and see where it takes me!
What are my writer quirks?
If I'm feeling lost or unmotivated (or I simply wish to find inspiration), I will go for a run! A good run with some music usually helps to clear my mind and gives me the chance to daydream certain scenes. To hype myself up during the editing process, I do dramatic reads in my head and I react accordingly when something exciting/sad/funny/etc happens. It's very enjoyable! It may not be a quirk (more so a blessing or a curse depending on how you view it), but I have the tendency to think too much. ^^;;; therefore, my google docs is always filled with wips and concepts. It's fun to look back through the drafts and outlines to see what I was cooking. There will never be a shortage of ideas hehe!!
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dojunie · 1 year
i've been checking ur acc everyday since u said that misdial was getting released this week and like I WAS EXPECTING SOME ACTION BC U SAID THERE IS SOME BUT I DEFINITELY WASN'T EXPECTING 1. jeno liking her back all this time 2. him knowing that she liked him and 3. THEM REVEALING THEIR FEELINGS TO EACH OTHER LIKE WHAT JDJSKDKWKJDD i swear ur so good at pacing things out in a way that is not rushed but keeps each chap interesting as a writer myself i'm learning quite a bit. God I can't wait until the next chapter i have no clue what could happen in that one or in the future ones like is there can be a situation where jeno gets jealous bc of sungchan or jaemin which makes him go screw mark and act on his feelings??? (would love to see jealous jen honestly but also idk) WAIT I JUST REALIZED HOW BROKEN JENO MUST HAVE FELT AFTER FINDING OUT ABOUT HER AND JAEM W/ HIS FEELINGS AND HOW IS HE GOING TO FEEL NOW THAT HE KNOWS THAT SHE HAS LIKED HIM FOR SO LONG BUT HOOKED UP W/ JAEM AS A REBOUND OR HAS HE EVEN PIECED THAT TOGETHER YET?? how are the siblings gonna fix their relationship after all this too 💀 and now that they have closure of some sorts how do they end up together like??? does he know she STILL loves him and does he still like her too? and just to clarify jeno didn't act on his feelings bc he knew how protective mark is and was scared of him getting angry if he were to do anything and especially if he hurt her?? am i getting that right? my brain is exploding w/ so many questions pls update us on ur writing progress as much as u can so we can look forward to it hehe (I MEAN THIS IN A take ur time in writing it we'll always wait but when u do happen to work on it pls tell us to keep us on our toes WAY if u get what i mean. take all the time u need ❤️)
-covid anon 🤒
covid anon,,,,,,,,, my dear,,,,, my loaf of toasted bread,,,,,,, when i got this ask i was at work and if you could only see the stupid smile i had on my face the entire rest of the day when i thought about how i was going to respond to this,,,,,,
edit: my answer got crazy fucking long so i am putting this under a readmore goddamn
thank you for the writing compliment my beloved covid anon :'-) i always feel like i'm so shit with pacing so to hear that another writer thinks my pacing is good is just so 🤕 aaaaaaa
AND JEALOUS JENO BC OF SUNGCHAN AND JAEM??? WHAT A THOUGHT. because of the way i always end up characterizing jeno i dont see him as a jealous person, at least not the type to act on his jealousy if he Does feel it, like he's just going to stew on it and stew on it and stew on it instead of actually tell anybody that he's upset.... but that is a concept.... esp if he's jealous of jaem since they're such close friends, it would have good feeling-exposure capabilities.... hmmm.... winky face
to answer how jeno felt when he found out about 'mosquito boy', aka jaemin being mc's rebound in ch2, he was very... confused. by a lot of things. the first being that he didn't even know mc liked jaemin like that at one point (because in his head he doesn't quiiite realize that it was just a hookup, that there were no serious feelings involved- plus, he's always taken note of how much jaemin dotes on mc, so he's always had a suspicion that maybe, just maybe, jaemin might've had some kind of feelings for you too; and this rebound thing only confirms that for him) and he's kind of beating himself up about the fact that he never 'noticed' something going on between mc and jaem at the lake house. the second thing he's confused by is why he is so pissed at jaemin. he assumes he's mad at him for fucking around with mc in the first place when that's marks little sister (like cmon, brocode, wtf) (or maybe jeno is projecting? hmm) (or maybe he's just envious that jaemin had the balls to do something about how he felt regardless of how mark might react, hmmmmm) and he's also definitely mad at jaem for just... not telling him.
and about the siblings LMAO i only realized when i was rereading ch3 for the last time before posting that big brother mark is this huge, looming figure in the fic, mentioned every five seconds, and that basically all the conflict is because of him either directly or indirectly.... but he has literally not showed up in this fic at all 💀 he has not had one line of dialogue in misdial yet (that text in ch1 doesn't count 😭) but i promise you mark's time is coming
and yes, to clarify, you're pretty much exactly right about why jeno never said anything to anyone about how he felt,,,, like mark is his Best Friend, yknow? there are so many different reasons jeno felt it would be better to just keep his mouth shut about 1. knowing mc liked him, and 2. liking her back. the main one is that mark has made it clear how much he admires and cares about his little sister, and while he's never outright condemned any of mcs relationships or crushes or interests, it is so incredibly, painfully obvious that he does not think any human being on earth is good enough for her. (not to mention the fear of fucking up with mc somehow and the wrath mark would put rain upon him if so... with the added depressing edge that jeno knows mark would Hate having to play mediator between him, his best & closest friend, and mc, his literal baby sister)
and i think thats it omg i apologize for responding with such big walls of text, i just loved your message so much LOL all the questions and emotions you had were great and i enjoyed reading and thinking about my answer very much,,,, if you have any more questions i would 1000000% love to answer them 💪
i will try to keep you all updated better this time around, before ch4!! though. i have some interesting news. i will break it here, for you, and for all the other lovelies who have read this far: i have started an outline (and actually started writing)...... an interlude chapter about what happened between jaemin and mc at the lake house >:-D it's going to be written in a standalone oneshot style, so folks who haven't read misdial can still read it, and it's going to be quite... descriptive. about what exactly went down during this alleged rebound. so. if you're into that, jaemin stans rejoice.
anyway i hope this message wasn't a pain in the ass to read and answered most of your questions sufficiently 💪 farewell, covid anon!!!! i love u <3
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