#he's such a nerd i'm so obsessed <333
exoexid · 8 months
kanghan having a list of cringey lovey-dovey phrases on his notes app that he reads quite often to be able to use them daily with sailom is the most kanghan thing i've ever seen <33
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evmrellie · 21 days
Labyrinth | s.r x gn!reader
summary: You're scared about your feelings for Spencer. Insp by labyrinth from Taylor Swift.
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genre: fluffly and hurt/comfort. pairing: spencer reid x gn!reader (I'm a girl so I wrote going on this way, but I think I didn't gave any descriptions abt being one, so it's totally safe for gn!readers <333 if I did, I'm sorry, I didn't notice.) words: 1,3K warnings: family issues, inexperienced!reader, reader never being in a relationship before, insecurity, anxiety, mention of toxic relationships (not between reader and anyone else) notes: hiii, this is my first oneshot so plss be nice 😭✋🏻 im not used to write like this, but I'm so obsessed with Spencer and I had this idea and I couldn't just let go. English it's not my first language, so forgive me if any mistakes or if u guys don't understand smth. not proofread. hope you guys like it !! <3
It only hurts this much right now
Was what I was thinking the whole time
You've never trusted relationships, not that you had experienced any, but what you saw growing up? What you were used to? Didn't make you want to get into one in the first place.
You never denied that you've dreamed about that; finding a true love and a nice, healthy relationship since you saw all your friends living it. That hurted you a little, but you learned how to live with it.
Breathe in, breathe through
Breathe deep, breathe out
I'll be getting over you my whole life
You tried to catch your breath, adjusting it as much as possible. You were used to unlearn the ability of breathing when you were around people who made you nervous, especially if you had a slightly crush on them. Actually, you unlearn every normal thing that humans do when they interact, it's like a part of your brain stops working and refused to turn it on again. He loved to make you embarrassed, especially in front of pretty nerd ish boys.
The first time you met Spencer it consumed all of your brain chemistry. Day and night making fantasies of how it would be meeting the boy again with the help of destiny, falling in love and maybe being obsessed with you the same way you were with him. But you knew that it was just a fantasy and it would never happen, it was just your brain trying to distract you from the real world and your real problems.
It was a nice escape though.
You know how scared I am of elevators
Never trust it if it rises fast
It can't last
Everything happened so fast in your time vision, it terrified you of how easy he was able to get through it. You were always scared of relationships because, yeah, it was nice and easy to fantasy about it, but to actually live it? That scared the shit out of you. All your Inexperience, insecurities and traumas couldn't be fixed from one day to another.
Everything that you learned from your parents was that if you dived in too quickly, it would be a mistake. Not only from your parents, but also from people you were close to, seeing their relationship rise too fast and going effortlessly and awfully down.
You never understood why they keept doing it, sinking into the same situation over and over again, sometimes with the same or a different guy. How they kept being pulled and compelled by it? You didn't understand because you never felt it.
It was so scary how relationships could rise so fast and sink at the same speed.
Uh oh, I'm falling in love
Oh no, I'm falling in love again
Oh, I'm falling in love
You understood why they kept like that in the worst — best— way possible.
When it first hit you that you were falling in love with Spencer felt like a harsh slap in your face, leaving red bruises and a terrible burning in. You didn't want to accept it, it was frightening to actually let it in.
Was getting hard with the passing time, he wasn't getting any easier and neither were his loving and caring acts. I mean, how could someone like him be so.. careful with you? You felt like a broken piece who would never be loved and receive this kinda of treatment, it was starting to confuse you.
You knew he wasn't the type of person who liked being touched or touching other ones, but with you? Every possibility of being close to you, hugging you, touching your hand and giving a sweet cuddle in that same spot was driving you insane. He made sure that any free time he had, he spent with you. Or even at work, in his free time that he used to call you.
Reid talked to you about his mom and his abandonment issues with his father so openly that made you open yourself with him too. You didn't want to scare him telling him about your family situation or make him think you're a weird, problematic person, but you couldn't let him vent to you and not say a thing. He hasn't change with you. In fact, it only bought you both closer.
You ended up accepting what you felt for him, you didn't want to fight against it, deep down was a comfort feeling. For the first time you felt what everyone around you always talked about. And oh god, it really was an amazing feeling. But no, you would never tell him that. The thought of how this could end so fast after telling him that because probably it wasn't reciprocal, hurted you so bad that keeping it to yourself was the best decision you could make.
I thought the plane was going down
How'd you turn it right around
“Why are you looking at me like that?” His voice called you off of your own thoughts, his Cheshire Cat smile growing as he saw your face turning into a shade of burgundy.
“Like what?” You asked.
“Like a deer lost in the headlights.” He snorted a laugh.
“What?! I'm not-“
He interrupted you, getting up from the chair where he was lost doing his usual puzzles. Spencer walked over to you, resting one of his hands on your face while the other one brushed away a few strands of hair that fell into your eyes. You automatically snuggled your face between Spencer's hands, smirking and closing your eyes, enjoying the gentle caress his fingers made on your cheeks.
“Tell me, please.” He begged you, you could easily hear the smile into his words. He was always so polite, it made you want to scream into a pillow and kick your feets in the air.
You sighed, tired to hide how you felt.
“Honestly? About you. I think I already fell for you.”
It only feels this raw right now
Lost in the labyrinth of my mind
You were scared of his reaction, to look at him and see his eyes falling in pity for you; About him suddenly telling you to go home because he didn't felt the same and saying that this wouldn't work between you two. But to be honest, you couldn't hide anymore, not for him and not for yourself. You needed to break free from this labyrinth you created on your mind, there's no way you could keep up with this and stay cool like it didn't made your chest burn everytime you looked at him.
He surprised you by just laughing softly.
Break up, break free, break through, break down
You would break your back to make me break a smile
“Well, i’m pretty sure i am terriefiedly in love with you.”
You swore that if this was a joke you would combust and turn into a million pieces of yourself, no one would ever find you again.
Your eyes caught up at his sparkling hazel irises that conveyed how much he begged for the same answer. You always felt something carving like a dagger inside your chest when he looked at you like that, like you could break him with any wrong do.
It was absolutely terrifying how easy he broke you to this, to this situation where you could never lie and deny that you felt the exactly same for him. You were head over heels for him. Not in a million of worlds you could imagine that Spencer Reid felt the same thing you did for him, but you were also pretty sure that you were the one who would end up with the heart completely shattered if this ever come to an end.
“I love you so much, Spence.” You said, and then his lips parted open and you were able to feel his sweet taste coming into yours.
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hyunverse · 2 months
hiiiiiii eren baby HAPPY 5K AGAIN 💖💖💖💖💖💖 you deserve itttt!!!!!! i was thinking of my ideal date while walking home today TO TELL U UR EVENT HAS BEEN ON MY MIND… anyway, it deffo involves going to a museum because talking about the art works and interpreting them with someone is the most fun and it tells you a lot about how they think.. then, a stroll by the beach while eating ice cream is always nice (and romantic 😁) then sushi!!!! always my fav food, just a really chill date that allows deep convos to flow nicely hehe have funnnn with this!!! i love U congrats again <333
— the cupid's heard your wish, your match is hwang hyunjin .ᐟ
note: hi sahar bae <33 YOU'RE SO SWEET THANK U T_T sending you so much love 💞
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baby i'm yours by arctic monkeys ・ sweet creature by harry styles ・ my kind of woman by mac demarco ・ i want to hold your hand by the beatles ・ moonlight by ariana grande ・ can't take my eyes off you by frankie valli
what if. What if. sahar what if i give u. nerd hyune. nerd x popular trope!!! hyunjin's like super surprised that the cool girl he's been admiring from afar likes art just like him and plans the best date ever <3
picture this. nerdy hyune who'd stare at you from afar, blushing everytime your eyes meet in a lecture.
at one point, he stirs up the courage to finally talk to you and he's pleasantly surprised that you like art like him too!!
once you start dating i feel like he'd bring you to see all the exhibitions he wants to see. hyunjin loves the way you'd stare at the artworks with sparks in your eyes, loves discussing about each piece with you.
lots of picnic dates too!!! count on him to bring you your favourite food.
omg trying to make homemade sushi with him would be funny too. ends up failing and y'all will just eat the ingredients.
can and will draw you all the time. a lot of the pages of his sketchbook has little sketches of you. he's an obsessive boyfriend tbh he'll make his entire personality about you.
the kind of boyfriend to bring you up in every conversation. oh my girlfriend taught me this, oh my girlfriend likes that brand, oh my girlfriend showed me this meme. all the time!!!
100% gushes about you to his friends. you'll meet changbin one day and he goes, "oh yeah how was the new cafe you tried out?" like hyunjin will tell his friends abt you so much that it's like his friends are now yours too.
you're forever his muse. whether it be the inspiration to his paintings or his songs, you're on his mind always.
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celestialprincesse · 4 months
so yk how like nerd!readers usually have collections? yes, collections. i have obsessions over a lot of things. im a "nerd" for dinos, coffee, dark romance books, cats, bla bla. yes. im a handful. hah.
then how they usually dont sleep. how I usually dont sleep lmao. then he comes home to reader studying or completing work, thesis, reports you name it. or maybe back to reader just waiting for him with those almost dead,baggy eyes. like "oh hey, fuck im sleepy". oh my ive been there. had my friend coming over and she saw me flopped on the floor, papers everywhere, highlighter in mouth while my empty coffee mug had crunched papers haha. also, 3 days of thesis(s)
then reader binges a lot. on books, series, documentaries, anything that keeps them away from being loneliness. i love crime and history oh hell yes. usually watch them war docus haha. then the crime ones are addicting. or for fun, id watch cooking shows, thanks to that habit, im a pro chef (lol) im an ambivert, thus, yes i can socialise. i had my housemate come with me shopping. she's a pilot so she's rarely home. she followed me to the mall, nearby cafe's, some local shops and i was saying high to all the shopkeepers. she was like, "you know everyone?" "yep, get pretty lonely :D" yea..i could imagine Simon just watching in confusion haha. i have..adopted 2 cats to keep me entertained...sorry Simon :D
hehe, i have more but this is all for now love! <333 i wanna know how it is on your side :DD
Honestly, it's pretty much the same for me. I'm big on collecting things too, mostly books and jewellery and the occasional kitschy antique I stumble upon at my local thrift. I also sleep a lot (but always at weird times) because my brain keeps me up at night whirring about the most random nonsensical things.
I like to think that Simon sort of takes charge of he and nerdy!readers relationship when they're working on a big research project because they just entirely forget how to function. I'm talking hoisting them over his shoulder to get to bed, plugging in their laptop so it's fully charged in the morning. He asks them questions about their interests just so that he gets the opportunity to shove a granola bar or some berries into their open mouth, otherwise they'll get so focussed they forget to eat. He'll drag them to the gym or on a walk with him just so that they can get some fresh air and exercise, because sitting at a desk for all hours of the day for weeks isn't healthy, despite how much they try and convince him it is.
Honestly? I also think that Simon would be super pro his partner getting a pet. He's down to do basically anything that will give them a break from freaking out over their studies, and he'd really like them to have some company when he's away on deployment, so at least if they don't leave the house, they won't be entirely alone.
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satoruxx · 10 months
omg so like i saw ur event open and uhm what afe akaashi + this side of paradise by coyote theory 🫶
pairing: akaashi keiji x reader | 2.1k+ words summary: college au, student akaashi, pining (ofc), basically reader monologuing about her crush on akaashi for 2k words (i mean same), both of them are introverted af tho, which means they're both idiots (i'm speaking from experience hehe), nerds being nerds, overall just lots of fluff and overthinking !! a/n: AKIIIII hello hello <333 ty for sending this in lovely !! can you believe this is my first time writing for a haikyuu character?? and it so happens to be akaashi skhfkdjds i adore him !! this was so cute to write i was kicking my feet and giggling. i remember being obsessed with this song a few years ago and now that i wrote this i've been listening to it on repeat !! anyways i hope you enjoy this hehe <3
literature class was by far your favorite one of the day. you liked the stories you got to read, because it meant that you could fall into a world of your own and let your mind race with ideas. you liked how kind the professor was, passionately speaking about a subject only few could teach. you liked that it was an afternoon class, not too early for sleep to still be clinging to your eyes and yet not too late for the day's exhaustion to hit your body.
and you liked the way akaashi keiji looked as he intently listened to the lecture.
it was an accident at first. you'd gone into the lecture hall on the first day as early as you could, just so that you could scope out the corner most seat. the one away from the front where all eyes rest, but close enough from the far back so you could still pay attention. it was a fairly unpopular place to sit, so you wouldn't have to worry about any chatty seatmates trying to pull you out of your comfort zone.
only after a week of class, during one of the more boring lectures when your focus was waning and your eyes were wandering, did you notice him. akaashi keiji sitting in the row in front of you, closer to the other side of the room but angled in the perfect position for you to see his side profile.
his fingers curl under his chin as he rests his face in his palm, glasses sliding down the bridge of his nose precariously. he doesn't seem to mind though, eyes roaming over the board before settling on the professor again. occasionally, he'll look down at his notes to jot something down and then fidde with the pen mindlessly.
you just think he happens to look very pretty.
not that you'd ever tell him that.
no, you'd much rather stay hidden in your quiet corner of the lecture hall, where you can simply observe from the side. where you can avoid opening your mouth because oh god you know if you ever spoke you'd make an absolute fool of yourself.
it's better for you to remain alone, because that's how you've always preferred it to be. that's how you like it.
you think maybe that's why you're drawn to akaashi keiji.
he reminds you of yourself. always alone but never unhappy. he seems to enjoy solitude, just like you do. even when you manage to catch a glimpse of him around campus, he is by himself, nose buried in a book or pencil dragging against sheets of paper. he'll occasionally have headphones plugged into his ears, drowning out the world in a way you know all too well.
you like that about him, how similar he is to you. sometimes your friends will tell you that you need to socialize more, because human interaction is healthy and required and oh so important. they're right, but they don't understand how difficult it can be when you're so used to your own company. or when your brain is constantly conjuring up ideas on how strange you must look or sound. you think you'd much rather wait for the opportunity to socialize to fall right into your lap, not seek it out yourself.
so yes, in your opinion, it's completely acceptable to settle for just admiring akaashi keiji from afar. every time you sit in literature class you're grateful enough to just get the chance to see the small things he does. which pen he'll choose to write with for today's lecture, or whether he'll forgo paying attention to instead bury his face in a novel. that's enough for you.
but right now you need to push thoughts of akaashi keiji out of your head. you need to focus on finishing your reading assignment for literature class. and you want to focus, but it seems like every where you go someone is intent on making it as difficult as possible for you. you head to the library, and it's oddly loud in there. you try to find an empty classroom, and they're all filled with students. you just need a quiet place on campus where you could be alone and focus.
but you can't find any. you're about to give up and head back to your apartment when you spot a small alcove in one of the campus gardens, hidden by stone walls and leafy vines.
you send a quick thanks to the heavens and take a seat, making yourself comfortable and pulling out your book and notes. you don't know how long you sit there, cut off from the outside world as you read through pages and pages of the story, occasionally taking notes and rereading passages. you're only aware of the way the sun travels across the sky, indicating that time is indeed moving. you like it here, in this little space away from the rest of society, and you think you could remain here for so much longer.
"what do you think of it?"
you look up and your stomach drops as your eyes take in akaashi keiji standing over you, his bag slung over his shoulder. you only gape at him, not having enough time to prepare yourself for this sudden interaction. all you can manage is a stupid "huh?"
"the book. what were your thoughts?" he asks again, pointing down at the novel laying in your lap. you have to force yourself to stop staring at him and open your mouth.
"it's ridiculous." you answer lamely and akaashi's lips quirk upwards.
"it's a shakespearean tragedy..." he says and you suddenly think that your answer might've been a dumb one, but then he's nodding in what seems to be agreement. your breath catches as he bends down to take a seat next to you. "...of course it's got themes of ridiculousness."
the soft fabric of his sweater brushes against your skin and you almost choke, because your palms feel sweaty and your heart is racing and you think you might be breathing too loudly and-
"i felt the same way." he says, his finger coming to rest on one of the sticky notes you've put in the margin, where your summarized thoughts are scribbled down. "though i firmly believe desdemona was the true victim of the play."
you're still blinking at him owlishly, and you can practically see the way his shoulders drop as he attempts to withdraw his forwardness. "i'm sorry i shouldn't have-"
"i agree," you say hurriedly, effectively halting his words. "she deserved better than what she got. if i were her i would've blamed him for killing me instead of myself."
akaashi blinks, before a light smile graces his face, and he's nodding along with you. "for sure. leave it to the male main character to make the ending all about him."
you laugh before you can stop yourself, fiddling with the corners of the page. "i think we're dumbing it down a little too much."
"we probably are." akaashi muses, his fingers coming up to nudge at his glasses before they slip down his nose. he pauses for a second, glancing at you carefully before speaking again. "you...sit in the row behind me, right?"
oh no, has he noticed the way you stare at him? does he think you're creepy? you don't even want to hear what he has to say next. what if he-
"this is usually where i come to read alone. i've never seen anyone else here before." he continues, looking around the hidden little alcove.
you panic subsides and you immediately feel guilty. "oh shoot, i'm so sorry. i was looking for a quiet place to finish the book and i passed by here. i didn't mean to-"
akaashi is shaking his head immediately, hushing your apologies with a laugh. "no no, it's alright. i didn't mean to make you think i was angry about it. i don't mind sharing this spot. it works wonders when you need some quiet time."
maybe it's the tone of his voice or the way his eyes shine behind the frames of his glasses, but you find yourself relaxing before you can process it, giving him a half smile and a small shrug. "that's nice of you. i just...know how annoying it can be when people invade your space. especially when you want to be alone."
akaashi pauses, giving you a curious glance before his faces eases into a warm smile. he nods just slightly before shrugging. “that’s true. but…i don’t find myself all that annoyed right now.”
it’s obviously not meant in any other way but friendly, but that doesn’t stop his words from making your heart race. you only give him a shaky lopsided grin and try to take a leap of faith.
"well how did you feel about the ending monologue?" you ask, and akaashi chuckles, easing into the wall behind him as an invisible weight is lifted from his shoulders. he begins to answer your question, and a slight feeling of pride bubbles in your stomach.
you're actually talking to akaashi keiji. you took the leap of faith.
and it pays off because akaashi remains there with you for hours after that. you both take turns ranting about the novel, eventually drifting off into other topics that have the two of you easily conversing like you had been friends for years. by the time night has fallen and you both are packing your things, you're wondering why you were ever nervous to begin with.
“i’m glad that you found this place. it’s really peaceful.” you comment with an easy going smile and akaashi returns it almost immediately.
his tone is light when he speaks up. “you’re welcome back here anytime.”
you end up taking him up on the offer many times afterward.
a part of you worries that maybe he might find you annoying. but he always just gives you that soft smile, patting the ground next to him as he allows you to invade his space over and over again.
besides you don’t know this yet, but he only allows this for you.
because truthfully, akaashi keiji has thought you were pretty since the moment he first saw you in literature class. he’s not prideful enough to deny the way his eyes have drifted over to you during the lectures. to watch the way you tap your pen against your lips or to gaze at you when you doodle on the corner of your notes.
but he figured these feelings were something he'd keep to himself because god knows akaashi was nothing if not introverted. he would never have even dared to approach you and open his mouth since he knew in his gut that he would somehow fumble his words once he was in front of you. so why would he risk it? he wouldn't, he decided. he had made up his mind.
but then you're in front of him, curled up against the stone walls of his reading spot, all immersed in your book and his legs are carrying him forward before he can even process it. and then he's blurting out all these words while cursing himself internally because he can practically see the hesitation in your face as he basically forces you out of your comfort zone. why did he do it? he loved seeing you in your own little world, an easy smile on your face as you enjoyed your own company. now he's shattering your peace, dragging you out of it by the ankles and he wants to kick himself.
but you're always such a pleasant surprise, welcoming him into your space like it's nothing. and he knows it's not nothing. if there's anyone who can understand what a struggle it is to reach out a hand to someone, it's him. but he's grateful you built up the courage to continue a conversation with him. because now he finally has his foot in the door, and it's given him a confidence boost he sorely needed.
now that he meets you almost everyday in your shared little corner, talking about the most mundane and trivial things like it's always been a thing between you two, he feels better about what's to come. because he's dragged you into his space too, and you've become so integral to it that he can't imagine what it was like to be lonely in the first place.
but hopefully, you like being lonely with him too. because soon enough he's going to blurt out his true feelings in the form of a shaky jumbled confession, and all he can do is hope and pray you feel the same.
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xhdream · 6 months
stop literally STOP like my friends DON'T understand at how i've been SO obsessed with gunil and his big ARMS LIKE sir pls punch me (actually lets not do that, i'd get hurt and cry 😭 but let's be fr here, pls punch me) and like every time he texts in bubble i get so giggly in class / at home and it HURTS LIKE IT HURTS cause i'm so down bad for this man and junhan like bro these 2 are my fucking bias like hello???? junhan is so nerd and it hurts cause i think i have a type and that is nerdy boys like bro i have a type for ppl wearing glasses and have pretty fingers / big hands LIKE PLS PLS PLS idek atp if i wanna suck junhan's fingers or want them in me but PLSSS
uhm sorry for the long rant ig i'm really down bad for these 2 😍😍😍😍😍 also saw that you have your first anon AND i wanna be the second one 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭
i wanna be 🩵 anon pls <333 love you and your ideas
I GET YOU SO MUCH ANONIE DON’T WORRY 😮‍💨 also: thank you SO much for being here, ofc you can be my second anon!! i love YOU <3
nerdy boys with big hands and glasses that end up being so fucking kinky on the inside 🤤 this never fails to turn me on, god, like pls bent me over the table as we do our very important power point that we have to present next week!!
i have the biggest dilemma with gunil (oof i’m about to really expose myself here) every time i see a pic of him with glasses on suddenly i get the urge to see him as a sub??! like the idea of having this strong muscular man under me, all whiny and begging to get his dick sucked makes me SOB … what about riding his face while he has his glasses on and they get all foggy and wet ??? but anyways most of the time i want him to fuck my brains out and snap all of my bones 🥲
for junhan - BOTH, DUH!!!! i’ve said this here before, but junhan LOVES having his fingers licked, sucked, bit… he definitely appreciates a nice long foreplay game before sex, and his fingers are always looking for ways to get wet and dirty from you >< they travel eagerly all over your body, but always end up in your mouth! for him sucking his fingers it’s almost like sucking his dick, and if you do that in public by any chance, his mind would immediately drift to other places ughh so hot 🤤
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yamcat · 2 months
ten faves in ten fandoms
I was tagged by the ever lovely @saltedpin , thank you for thinking of me, this was so much fun <333!!!!
Golden Kamuy: this is a tough one for me, because one of the things I love the most about this story is just how well written and intriguingly fleshed out each character is, especially in relation to eachother and to the story itself, but I think I will go with the OG who captured my interest right away, Tsukishima Hajime. Yes we love an unhealthy and obsessive relationship with authority and sense of duty, throw in the belief of living on borrowed time and therefore a life that can't possibly belong to you anymore, and I'm all yours.
Haikyuu!!: the thing is that I've always been IN love with Daichi, but Oikawa is the one who I have always felt the strongest for. A proud dramatic overachiever who cares too much but pretends like he doesn't, genuinely passionate about what he loves to the point it risks consuming him; a tough bitch as much as a sensible nerd. I care for him a lot.
HunterxHunter: Gon, my precious little feral kid who gets traumatized over and over again, but still decides to be kind. What I love the most about him, though, is that he is never portrayed to be inherently good; he is stubborn and occasionally selfish because of his nature as much as because he is just 12 y/o and he doesn't know any better, which is what makes him as lovable and charming as he is.
Helluva Boss: I know I'm not too loud about it, but I have been utterly in love with this show for a good couple months now, as well as with the helluva boss himself, Blitzø. He is a raunchy little imp who severely struggles with self-love and therefore does his best to push away every opportunity he has at a good and healthy relationship because who could possibly love him, right? but he genuinely TRIES, and sometimes he succeeds too, plus, he's still always there for the one he cares about. and honestly, he is just so fucking funny, he has my entire heart.
Dungeon Meshi: Laios, the supposedly knight archetype who does eventually fulfill his destiny, but in the messiest way, unwilling, and at the cost of what he loves the most. There are so many characters I genuinely like in this story, but I am too fascinated and amused by Laios' obsession with monsters and how it makes him so smart and so dumb at the same time to not love him the most. I'm sorry, apparently I have a particular liking for people who are extremely passionate about what they love.
Star Trek: I was unsure about who to choose between Spock and Kirk until the very end, but I have to say Spock. His double heritage and the way he navigates it, all the suffering and treasures he finds in feeling less and more, misunderstood and capable of understanding more than anyone else the multiplicity that deeply characterizes the universe he explores and is so curious about. Rarely I have empathized so much with a character before. Plus, he can be a dramatic bitch, Spirk divorce ark Spock is my favorite Spock.
Tiger & Bunny: honestly both of them, but for the sake of the game I shall say Bunny a.k.a. Barnaby Brooks Jr., my favorite traumatized model face babe with deeply rooted trust issues who completely falls in love with a hot loser single dad who has the tendency to help everyone else but himself. A match made in heaven. And me with them
LOTR: Frodo Baggins. No one understands him like I do....
FMA: my heart is divided between Olivier Armstrong and Riza Hawkeye, because what's not to love about strong, gorgeous, mature, cunning, intelligent, trust-worthy, powerful women? Different flavors, but equally delicious.
Saiyuki: Genjo Sanzo. In a few words, a trigger-happy, easily annoyed, short-tempered Buddhist monk who overly smokes and drinks. In a lot of words, please read Saiyuki.
I'm tagging whoever sees this and wants to do it, it is a lot of fun! And of course, please feel free to @ me if you so wish to!
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halamet-chalamet · 1 year
Hiii, I saw your posts about ships with Spencer/MGG and I love them so much! (and your account too <<3). If you can't do both feel free to choose! So... I'm a girl, I'm 5' 3", with a really pale skin, brown hair and green eyes (there's brown around the pupil too) and I'm Italian.
Winter is my favorite season and I prefer rain rather than sun (I can't stand hot temperature) and I like staying home. I'm a big nerd, in fact I really like reading fantasy books and I'm obsessed with literature and poetry (I'm loving Edgar Allan Poe), Doctor Who, Good Omens and Brooklyn 99 are my favorite tv series. I'm a libra (does it matter? Ahahah) and I'm really shy, but with close people I'm a total extrovert. Which means I'll ramble a lot about my interests (that constantly change because I'm a curious person). I'm also smart (as I like to think), caring, protective and observant (I tend to notice small details). I'm hardworking and sweet, with a particular sense of humor ("cultural" jokes are my favorite ones). And I'm clumsy too, a lot (my left knee still hurts after I fell on September). I wear "embarrassing" pajamas (those with cute animals all over them) and during winter I always wear Christmas socks (no matter where I'm going).
Oh my gosh thanks for saying you love my blog that’s so sweet <333 imma do Mathew let’s gooo
Okay so for you I chose Mathew because you’re giving Mathew vibes idkkk
Rain reminds him of you (awwwww)
You guys read together
He reads Edgar Allen Poe to you (like those heckin audios on YouTube sksksks)
And he likes to trade books with you to see what you’ve been into!
Whatever your interests are really interest him and he wants you to ramble to him. Mathew would actually just stare at you with the most loving eyes and be like “really?” “Wow!” “I had no idea!”
Mathew also has a specific sense of humor
And I think yours and his would compliment each other so well
Also I love cultural jokes I think they’re hilarious…
For some reason I just see Mathew always saying “you’re so much smarter than me”
Even if that’s not particularly true because you’re two different people.
You’ll think of or to do something he completely forgot and he’ll be like “wow you are so much smarter than me”
He makes you go to the doctor for your knee
Which is hilarious because he’s so clumsy too
You guys are always catching eachother
There have been a few times when he’s accidentally pulled you down with him when he falls and you guys just laugh
and then check out your injuries
If anyone thinks Mathew doesn’t wear “embarrassing” pajamas they’re crazy!
All of his pajama/ kimono selection has insane patterns
Let’s be honest sis
He definitely bought you guys matching animal pj’s for Christmas
Let’s be honest one more time
He’s the sock guy
Any and all crazy socks
He finds you the best of the best Christmas socks
Annnnnnd he likes to try new or different Italian food restaurants with you!
There you go sis! I’m sorry it took so long, school is a pain! I hope you like it <3 love you byeeeee 💕
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harufluff · 1 year
Hey girl heyyyy! I'm so obsessed with the txt matching game I've never seen this before and it looks like so much fun so I wanna join in hehe.
A little bit about myself, I'm 21 and I'm 5'6. Some of my passions include learning languages (I study Korean and I'm majoring in global studies/plan to study abroad in Seoul next month), dancing (I love learning K-Pop dances and I'm planning on learning how to dance in heels, I just ordered a pair and I'm hype af!). I also love traveling a lot and going to concerts (I went to Stray Kids, Lollapalooza, Loona, and Sunmi this year and my bank account hates me SO MUCH). I also like to read a lot but I like never do it because I usually end up playing video games and listening to podcasts/music instead. I also love watching youtube and I'm kind of a huge nerd too. I really love history, pokemon, make that anything video game related actually, and science (I hate math though). Oh! Another thing about me I REALLY love animals( (I have a cat, hamster, and dog) and I even originally was going to become a wildlife veterinarian but I really didn't want to do all the math classes involved with STEM majors so I switched to a foreign policy route lmao. Oh also personality type, I'm an ENFP. I took the test a few years ago and was INFP but I took it again and got ENFP so I'm fairly confident the NFP part is accurate haha.
Sorry for the ramble just wanted to make sure I included the most important things.
OMG WOW!! first of all congrats on the new heels and WOW thats a lot of concerts, so cool you got to go to those!!
thank you for so much detail!! please enjoy!
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huening kai
you would definitely go shopping together. definitely. seriously the energy is so similar and perfect. kai is the type of person that tries to REALLY hard to work or study or just really focus on anything, but then ends up going on his phone. a lot of people say opposites attract, but i really don't believe that, cause people have more fun with people they are more like. seriously the energy is legendary.
oh my god this guy. he's such a sweetheart. he would do everything with you even if he didn't want to. ALSO he would totally help you with your korean studies or everything. he also loves animals because this guy LOVES his plushies. omg dont we all love plushies?? anyway 100% would love doing everything for you.
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© Harufluff 2023 | Do not copy, repost or claim any of my works
this has been the rare occation i write a matchup for hyuka lol. hes my guy <333
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taintedcigs · 1 year
Hi Emmy! I just found your blog and automatically fell in love so I was wondering...
𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐍' 𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐍' — send this and give me some information/fact about yourself, send me your preferred fandom (mcu, stranger things), and your preferred gender and i'll ship you with a character!...?
Facts...?: I'm a HUGE theater nerd. I have two adorable (but pain in the ass) dogs that I love so very much. And prob the last one will be that I recently have been OBSESSED with booktok, like, freakishly obsessed...
Fandom...?: Shadow and bone maybe or MCU either one works
Preferred gender: doesn't matter to me :)
-Victoria <333
hellooo!!! thank u sm!! however i can't do shadow and bone bc i haven't watched/read that show/book so idk anything about it lol, so i guess ill just do mcu. sorry abt that!!
HONESTLY for the mcu, the first thing that instantly popped into my mind was bucky, yeah maybe he wouldn't be a huge theater nerd, but i think he would be soo interested in your hobbies and after a while when you introduced him to it, he would be obsessed w it!! idk why i can see bucky as the type of person who would do whatever you love!!! and the two dogs is just bucky's dream, i like to think bucky has one big dog that he loves with his whole ass heart so he's so SO excited when you tell him you have two dogs bc he wants to make your dogs bffs with his IMMEDIATELY, and best believe he will take such good care of your babies bc he loves dogs sm, (i think he even secretly talks to them in baby voice but whenever someone comes around he immediately coughs to cover it up and then starts talking in a really deep voice lmaoo) i feel like bucky is the type to read classical books, so when u introduce him to booktok books esp romance books HES HOOKED AND HE’s ready to recreate the romantic scenarios and some spicy scenarios w u !!!! <33
bonus ++ i think he would DEF do the leaning over the door frame thing once he finds out how hot ppl from booktok think it is lmaoo !! <33
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wisemins · 9 months
🐿️, 🍁, 🌻!!!
Tysm Chloë!!! I APPRECIATE YOUUU!! 🐿️: What are some of you and your f/o’s favorite autumn activities? Do you have any special traditions? I'll answer this question for my boy Noah!! He's a super geeky slasher obsessed nerd who has my whole heart and more! So, around Halloween time we tend to just binge an absolute butt-ton of scary movies, new ones, old ones, whatever we decide on! It includes lots of warm blankets, snacks, no lights and all cuddles. Noah doesn't get scared of horror movies like I do, but I like being scared, that's why I love horror movies! They're interesting and if they scare me, that's even better. It's tradition to have a horror movie marathon in fall!
🍁: What is your favorite thing about autumn? What’s your f/o’s favorite thing about it? I'll answer this question for Stephen!! My lovely wizard husband!! So where we live is in New York City, and as we all know, it gets absolutely gorgeous in the fall there. Stephen and I are very fond of taking long walks, going to cafes and sitting outside, taking trips to the parks to just bask in the good weather before it gets too unbearably cold! Being a rather famous couple in that canon (superheroes be like), we tend to get recognized a lot/paparazzi tend to follow us, but if we throw on beanies and glasses? We can usually curb them. We like enjoying the fall season together outdoors, but it was a bit easier before we got global attention!
🌻: What’s something that reminds you and your f/o of autumn?
I'll answer this one for both of my spider-men! (Tobey & Andrew Pete, to be clear, those are the only variations of spider and man that I currently have! AKA Peter 2 and Peter 3) Now, in general my spider-men remind me of the colder months, as I both started dating them in the winter, but fall also counts for me as once again, New York and fall are gorgeous together! Both iterations of them probably get reminded of fall when swinging around the city smelling that fresh hot coffee in the early mornings, that smell of pumpkin spice? Oh yeah. Fall is in full swing (haha) when they smell that in the air. They'll even swing by my apartment window while I'm working to drop off coffee and breakfast they got for free, for being spider-man of course. I heavily associate the season with them for that reason! Lots of overlap when you date two spider-men...it makes sense. I think for me I get reminded of fall a lot when I yearn for the perfect cold weather. Something not too cold, but not warm. Just right for dressing warmer. Also warm drinks, I like to save those for the fall. I love cafe dates with my Pete's! Those are more common with Peter 3, as Peter 2 in my mind much prefers staying in and having a little date there. TYSM FOR THE ASKKKK <333
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captain-hen · 1 year
inbox cleanse 🧼🫧🧼🫧🧼🫧🧼🫧🧼🫧🧼🫧🧼🫧
okay now that i’ve done a little spring cleaning (nasty anons be gone) lucy/wyatt/flynn is SUCH a god tier ship. wyatt and flynn have such tension really they should kiss about it.
i love that their timeship is a fucking orb. like ⚪️ <- time for time travel
i love how this show is also a little educational. just a smidge. i def didn’t know about the hindenburg disaster prior to watching. but also i think about the abe lincoln ep a lot and how they had to prevent the prevention of his death like that’s such a funny concept like. no he’s gotta die actually you can’t be heroes
rufus and jiya are such underrated cuties imo, both individually and as a ship
god you’ve got me wanting to rewatch (<- has lowkey been wanting to rewatch for a while) it was just such a fun show!!!!!!
anyways. hope your day is going well 💖
-timeless anon (i guess i’m gonna take a signature)
thank you <333
i'm actually obsessed with the concept of wyatt/lucy/flynn, and yess flynn and wyatt have SO much tension and i can only imagine it gets better after season 1 (i'm still watching the s1 finale). and yeah the timeship is definitely different 😂 i'm way too used to the one on legends of tomorrow.
i actually did learn a couple of things i'd never known about US history from this show so far, so it's been really interesting in that regard! i'm such a huge nerd when it comes to history asjsjksd and YEAH rufus and jiya are the cutest omg and i'm actually in love with jiya, she's so pretty and smart and comepetent.
hope you have a great day too and lmk if you decide to rewatch!! <33
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gas-stxtion · 1 year
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@rejectshumanity said: ♡ ♢ ☼ for the munday meme!
(what is this? an interrogation? come back with a warrant - open)
//hehe thank you <3 i'll put these under the cut b/c i never fucking shut up lmao
♡ What are your top five favorite things about yourself?
//how daaaare you make me be nice to myselffffff
no jokes aside <3 anyway.
i like that i'm generally a nice person! i think that it's important to be kind when you can, because there's enough darkness in the world. why not be kind when you have the chance?
... on another note, though, i'm really happy that i'm getting better at standing up for myself and handling conflict. because being kind is important, but sometimes you gotta be a bitch and that's life! i was rereading something i sent a friend years ago regarding a conflict i was having at the time, and i was astounded by it lmao like... oh my god. my dude. you have very good reasons to be upset and it's okay to say "i'm mad at this person" without adding a million disclaimers that it's probably not their fault!!
i genuinely think i'm *so* fucking funny, and for better or worse, you will certainly hear my jokes.
i'm a good listener. when people are having a hard time and need someone to talk to, i'm good at like... just offering a listening ear. i may not always have advice but i can generally listen and chat and help someone talk through it if that's what they need.
i don't like to judge people unless they give me very, very good reason to, especially if i don't know them. i try to assume ignorance more than i'll assume malice, though i'm also trying to get better at recognizing when the line between those can get a bit blurred haha.
♢ What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream?
//gimme that salted caramel <333 though honestly a long-time favorite is like. anything with cherries. that's the good shit.
☼ Who are your top five favorite fictional characters?
okay for the sake of not going on forever, i'll just list five characters that aren't muses of mine (at least not on this blog). because we all know mr jack townsend is number one but like. others deserve a shot. for fun, i'll also explain myself a bit :3c
dr. robert langdon - the da vinci code (and other dan brown books)
i was obsessed with these books a completely normal amount as a middle schooler (lying). something about this like... charming middle-aged professor who keeps finding himself in the middle of massive conspiracies usually related in some way to religion and frequently having his life put in danger? and saves the day by being a fucking nerd? what a dude!
arthur morgan - red dead redemption 2
if you were there for my rdr2 fixation (which most of you definitely weren't lmao) then uhhh yeah <3 genuinely i had a huge crush on this character and was so obsessed with him for so long. the yearning was out of control, folks. i do still have a lot of fondness for him, but tbh some not-so-fun interactions in the fandom really put me off of the whole series for a while. he still means a lot to me though!
rhys - tales from the borderlands
would it be exaggerating to say that rhys tftbl is the reason i'm trans? probably. but y'know something about him really resonated with me at a time when i was really going through some gender fuckery and trying to figure myself out. idk what it says about me that that shitty little twink helped me figure myself out a bit, but anyway.
evelyn mckinnon - accounts from a lonely broadcast station
had to list at least one woman lmao- but yeah i really love evelyn. she's such an incredibly written character and every time i reread (or. rather. re-listen to) the series i actually get a little choked up because her narrative is so *fascinating* and well-done to me. like wow we love a tragic cringefail woman who has to face her own mistakes and become better, not just for her own sake but for others'!!! and face the fact that her fuck-ups hurt more than just herself!!!
evelyn is one of the many characters i'm considering for the horror multimuse i talk about sometimes. and maybe i'll even let her stay a cis woman- i'm kidding ASDFJKL; but like. fr. we'll see.
charlie kelly - it's always sunny in philadelphia
honorable mention for the trashiest man i'm currently thinking about lmao- so i started watching iasip because i wanted to see the insanity for myself and. wow all of these characters are terrible. but god it's so fun to see them in action. and charlie is by far my favorite. he's illiterate. he drinks paint. he eats cat food for fun. he's an artist. he makes a living beating rats to death with a stick. he's a wet paper bag of a man. he's very deeply traumatized and doesn't realize it.
he's the perfect man.
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uppuzs · 1 year
thanks so much for your lovely answers, it's been so amazing getting to know you these past few weeks! ive started on your gift and i hope youre as excited about it as i am !!!
my last few questions are what do you look for/ enjoy the most when looking for fanworks? like tropes/tags/characters/etc.?
what would you love to see in your gift or have your gift include?
and what are your top 5 favorite ships and why?
thank you, thank you, again and i hope you enjoy the holidays as well!!!
- your animanga secret santa ❄️☃️
aww it was great getting to know you too! i'm so excited since this is my first time participating in something like this, so i'm sure i will love whatever you make <3
when i look for fanworks i look for my favorite characters. when i see edits of my fave characters and how pretty they look it makes me wanna edit them too. i also love bright colors and pastels so i look for those, and pretty fonts. idk what it is but i think fonts that are simple looking can make an edit very pretty!
as i said, i love bright colors, pastels and all. i get so mesmerized when i see bright colored and pastel edits. i would like to see my fave characters too, but whatever you make i will love. i'm very excited!!!
my top 6 fave ships are zosan, bkdk, renga, sasamiya and akafuri.
zoro and sanji have always been my number one ship, they were the first ship i fell in love with. their banter and their dyanamics make me smile and i love that they trust each other even if they don't admit it hehe.
bkdk is my favorite ship right now. idk with the way people have treated us in the past, i still get very nervous to spam how much i love this ship when im not on twitter with my bkdk mutuals. people who are anti bkdk will say how toxic and unhealthy it is and continue to undermine both characters relationship with each other (it honestly gets tiring hearing the same thing after 4 or 5 years) but i love this ship so much. izuku and katsuki's journey was very fascinating to watch. i love izuku standing up for himself and showing katsuki he's not messing around. i love izuku being aware that katsuki has always been big jerk but still sees him as an amazing person. i love how izuku still calls him kacchan and katsuki has never told him to stop calling him that. i love katsuki realizing his weaknesses and growing as a person and taking responsibility for his actions by trying to atone and apologizing, i love how they're both nerds.
im ranting lol, but bkdk is my comfort ship, it brings me much joy. if i could live in heroes rising movie i would!
renga was my obsession since last year. once i got obsessed with that ship, i was on the A03 tag more than i was on the bkdk tag lol. i just love how they both became friends. they're soulmates. literally the sun and moon. two strangers who were alone but found solace in each other.
sasamiya is just adorable. i haven't read any fics of it yet but the way sasaki accepted miyano's interest and wanted to share it with him was so cute. i love how sasaki never pushed miyano for an answer to his confession and just waited until he was ready. i love how miyano took the time to know sasaki and realize how he felt. i love how both miyano and sasaki love each other so much and how flustered they get around each other. my babies <333
akafuri was a ship i got into this year. i was rewatching knb again and their interactions were so funny. even though furihata and akashi literally have like three interactions but those were enough for me to love this ship. the A03 tag is pretty much not active but i did right a fic and i want to write more fics!
sorry i was rambling lol. i hope you have a safe holidays <3
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yoon-river · 7 years
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Hi friends~ the beautiful and talented and lovely @hypetae tagged me to do this thing so I did it. Hooray!
I’ll tag the bros @randomchachacha, @eternalsquee, and @cm092123 if y’all wanna but you ain’t gotta <3
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sharkneto · 3 years
I’m so obsessed with your story. Number’s really cool, I like him, kinda want to see more of him. I like how much more easily he smiles and stuff. I’ve even been thinking about how he interacts with his siblings.
Anyway, it’s almost done and I’m really going to miss it :( thanks so much for writing it! <333
(Don’t get me wrong, I still love five very much)
Number’s just…different, y’know? A good different, I think
I'm... really touched you're enjoying the fic so much. It means a lot to me, considering this all started as a Just For Me project, never expecting to ever share any of it. It's been really special that people love it as much as I do. So thank you <3
I get what you mean about Number. He's fun. He's got Umbrella baggage but not apocalypse baggage. I have a lot of fun writing him. The fact people keep calling him cool delights me because he's actually an awkward, abrasive nerd but you're only seeing him from siblings' perspectives (who can't help but be wowed by this alternate, adult-looking version of their brother) and after Rob and Sarah have been working with him for three years. Is it just because he smokes? Is that what's giving him the illusion of cool? ;)
Some good news for you, though. While this part of the journey is ending, there is more Number in the world. For one, if you haven't read the fic I adopted him from, orsumfenix's The Shifting Mirrors absolutely needs to be your first stop. It's "canon" with Holding It Together until somewhere in Chapter 5, before Chapter 6, where I diverge so he gets a support system (still read the whole thing, I love it so much. Orsumfenix has teased that they're working on the next chapter, too, so more to look forward to!)
For two, there is a prequel to this fic in the works. The whole journey of Sarah, Rob, and Number (back to Five, again, because no need to differentiate when he's the only Five in his timeline). It's not done. I'm not sure when it will be done. It's actually where this whole journey started, me playing with orsumfenix's Five and then accidentally falling into something with plot. I might really, truly break my usual strategy of only post when something is finished, because otherwise I don't know how long you'll all have to wait for it. It's 70k words right now and 10 WIPs in a trench coat pretending they're just one long WIP. It's less plot, more moments along the three years that lead up to where we catch up with them in Holding It Together. I love it a lot. Hopefully you guys do, too, whenever we get around to it.
Lastly, Holding It Together isn't going anywhere. When those last three chapters get up there, I'm not planning on pulling it down anytime soon (never say never but... never). You can revisit whenever you like :)
This ended up a little long, but, for real, thank you for the kind support. I'm just a little overwhelmed by how much you guys are enjoying the fic, and every time any of you take the time to tell me. It's really, really kind of you <3
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