#he's in like my fave lie to me episode too!!
quitealotofsodapop · 5 months
Eating bugs.
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I had to rewatch the episode to see that and yeah;
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MK had a bug in his hair, and Wukong picked it out and ate ala monkey grooming instincts. Too big to be a louse, looks more like a silkworm in it's cocoon.
I bet he picked it up after getting slammed into the pavement - from personal experience no matter where you lie down in public, you *will* get a bug on you.
One of my fave hcs is MK's monkey instincts kicking in and he accidentally eats a spider before he realises. And promptly freaks out.
And because eating certain arthropods isn't considered as taboo in China (but still considered weird); MK's other family members have their own thoughts on the matter. Tang is 100% the parent who'd be like that one tumblr post about a guy eating spiders. Pigsy is with MK on the grossness of it.
Tang: "I don't see what the big deal is." Sandy: "Insects *are* a far more substainable source of protein than beef or fish." Pigsy, angry squeal: "Because its disgusting! You've no idea where it's been!" MK: "Thank you, Dadsy!" Tang: "MK, you ate fried silkworm grubs by the bucketful when you were little." MK, turning green with horror: "I THOUGHT THOSE WERE POPCORN SHRIMP!?" Pigsy: "That's what you were feeding my son when you took him to the night market!?" Tang, shrugs: "I'm a culinary explorer piggy. And if lil MK took a liking to my haul, who was I to deny him the boon?" Pigsy & MK, both at once: "BECAUSE IT WAS BUGS TANG!" Macaque, teasingly pokes head out of shadows: "Did I hear something about silkworms? I'm starving!" MK & Pigsy: *disgusted retching noises* Mei, the one who started the convo: *is busy recording all of this*
It gets so bad that MK will randomly ask other animal demons/celestials he comes across in his travels their thoughts on the matter. The answers are... less than encouraging.
MK: "Before we part ways, I have a big big personal question to ask you Mr Three Eyed God-sir." Erlang Shen, expecting a lore question: "Ok." MK: "Do you eat bugs?" Erlang Shen: "...define bug." MK: "wut." Erlang: "Because in the grand scheme of things, any creature that crawls with many legs can be called a bug. Crabs, prawns, and shrimp are in the same family as the common woodlouse." MK, despairing: "Nooo! Don't ruin shellfish for me!!!" Wukong: "MK, stop asking the gods if they eat bugs. They don't cook 'em good anyway." MK: *retching sound*
The poor monkey boy probably ignores these instincts for as long as possible, until one day MK takes a bite out of a giant bug monster and things quickly turn into Shaggy & Scooby vs the Cotton Candy Glob. Onlookers were horrified.
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ddejavvu · 1 year
Ok since you brought it up about the episode “Riding the Lighting” maybe a scene like the hotch and jj one but with reader instead? Hotch has to take a moment after leaving the room because he’s really mad 👀 I’m obsessed with possessive hotch ;)
mmmmmutual pining with bau!reader because it's my fave <33
"There's three more girls we need to know the location of," You speak calmly and slowly, meeting the unsub's wicked gaze with your own confident one, "Megan Walsh, Casey McMillan, and Monica Chen. If you can tell me where those girls are," You flatten your hands over the table, fingers spread over each one of the girls' portraits, "We'll tell the court you cooperated."
"That's not going to matter much," The man laughs, evil seeping from his lips, "They're not going to repeal the death sentence, are they?"
"No, but they might not slam you into the door on the way out," Aaron spits from behind you, more venom in his voice than you've ever heard before. "And you might want to stop staring at my agent and start taking a look at those photos, because they're your only hope."
"They don't matter anymore," The man shrugs, jumpsuit baggy over his emaciated frame, "They're over and done with. You, however," His eyes trail down your face, examining the features he'd sought out in his victims, "You would have made a nice Number 9."
"That's it," Aaron snaps from behind you, his hand falling heavy on the back of your chair and yanking you out from the table, "You had your chance, and you wasted it. Now I'm going to tell the guards you perpetuated your behavior, and I won't look back if I hear a thud."
Aaron's careful not to hurt you as he pulls you out of your chair, the hand on your arm firm but gentle. He leads you by your bicep out of the room and leaves behind you, blocking the unsub's view of you from behind with his broad frame.
Once you're out of the unsub's sight Aaron rounds on you, keeping his hand on your arm and staring at you with a concerned glance, "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine," You nod, though you have to admit you're more shaken up by Hotch's reaction than by the creepy comment, "That's just... what they do, right?"
He stares at you for a second too long. Eyes against yours, searching for any lingering uneasiness. When he finds only resignation, he nods, registering your words late.
"Yes," He nods, letting go of your arm and starting down the hallway, "Unfortunately, that's just what they do." His jaw is tight, his steps heavy as he leads you back to the guards waiting for you by the entrance to the cell block, "If you'll excuse me, I need to make a private phone call. Y/L/N, you can wait for me in the car."
The officers are kind enough to walk you back to your SUV, pitching into tense conversation with questions about the unsub. You answer all that you can, shutting the passenger's side door to the SUV and glancing at the clock, wondering what time Hotch will be back to drive.
When your gaze falls from the clock it locks onto a small black device on the center console; Hotch's phone.
A comment he'd made earlier pops into your head five minutes too late, something about their being no outside cell service in the prison, so he was going to leave his phone in the car. No use carrying around dead weight.
But he comes back from his mystery outing with a droplet of water by his temple, soaking his hair that looks damp around the line. So he went to the bathroom, but to wash his face? Why did he need to lie about a phone call?
"Sorry," He apologizes, setting his suit jacket over the center console and effectively burying his phone, "I've been wrestling with the cable company for weeks now, we can't ever reach each other. I felt my phone buzz in there, figured I'd try reaching 'em."
You nod, silent, observant, "Funny, I didn't know you had a second phone."
"Hm?" He glances over at you, hands poised on the wheel. You peel back his suit jacket, one eyebrow raised as his eyes lock onto his phone.
"You're a good liar," You commend him and his years of profiling work, "Next time, just make sure there's no evidence."
"Alright, so I wasn't on the phone," He sighs, bracing his hand on the back of your seat to pull out of the parking lot, "But the cable company has been messing with me, I think."
"They're conspiring against you," You tease, "They don't want you to downgrade from the HD channels. Is that why you had to splash your face? Just so frazzled from the cable company?"
"Jesus," He hisses, rubbing at the wet spot against his temple with his sleeve, "You're new here but you don't act like it."
"So?" You try holding back the pride that threatens to burst from your chest, "What was it? What had the great SSA Aaron Hotchner losing it in the prison bathroom?"
"It was the way that guy talked to you," He admits, keeping his eyes on the road as they scrunch in disdain, "He was out of line."
"He's a serial killer," You laugh humorlessly, "There isn't a line, not anymore."
"Regardless. It's still not fun to be told you'd make a good murder victim. Are you really alright, Y/L/N?"
He takes the few seconds that a red light grants him to stare over at you questioningly. Although you'd felt uneasy at the man's comment, you'd been far more affected by Aaron's response, and the protectiveness he showed over you. You appreciate the fact that he seems to care about you already, even though you're a recent addition to his team.
"I'm alright," You decide, lifting your chin towards the green light so that he doesn't miss it, "Thank you for stepping in. I wasn't really sure what to say."
"I wouldn't have told anyone if you'd decided to punch him in the teeth," Hotch grumbles, "I'll have Morgan go over there tomorrow, and see if he can get it out of the guy. And if not..." He hesitates, glancing up quickly to clock a speed limit sign and slowing the car slightly, "I might tell Morgan to punch him in the teeth."
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narrynukezankielover · 4 months
Again these are my personal opinions or what I personally see or think as someone seeing these episodes for the first time.
To begin with the episode where Dean and Sam die and go to heaven. I love when someone else talks about Cas and only looks at Dean. The angel told Dean and Sam that god had done a lot for them but he was looking directly at Dean while saying that god had saved him, put them on a plane and brought Cas back for you. Then turned to Sam to say after everything he’s done. That sounds like god brought Cas back because he knows how much Cas means to Dean. Otherwise he would’ve been looking between the two of them.
Then the necklace. Up until now that necklace was a brotherly connection between Dean and Sam. Like I think Dean didn’t want to give it to Cas in the first place because Sam gave it to him. It’s special to him but once he gave it to Cas it meant hope. Hope that god would help. Then when they found out god didn’t really care yes it hurt Dean but what I think hurt Dean more was that Cas lost his faith in god. It’s like as long as Cas has hope Dean has hope. Then when Dean threw away the necklace the look on Sams face was like “you’re seriously throwing that out? I gave that to you.”
To me Becky represents the Jared or the J2 fans. The ones that think Jared is everything. Even the ones that ship Dean and Sam. I’m not going to lie the scene where she’s writing a sexual fan fic about them makes me want to throw up. They’re brothers fake brothers in a tv show but it’s still disgusting. Then Cas expresses how much he hates Sams voice and tells him not to ask stupid questions. It made me bust out laughing but it felt like Cas represents the other side of the fandom. I just had to put that in there because I love Cas honesty with that stuff and I had to agree with him.
So far my fave’s 2 episodes are the Jimmy episode and season 5 episode 18 which I believe is also the 100th episode. There is soooo much Destiel in it. I knew about these scenes I just didn’t realize they were all in the same episode.
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Dean telling Cas to blow him got him this look. Cas kept this look for a few seconds. It’s like wait that’s a sexual thing right? Did you really just say that? The guy is really confused.
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The “not for nothing Cas but last time someone looked at me like that I got laid” scene. HOLY SHIT. That was clearly flirting not a joke. Sam even gave Dean a “are you seriously flirting right now” look.
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(Sorry about the stuff in that picture I took it while I was watching the episode and clearly forgot to take it off). Then Dean gave Cas this smirk and a wink which looks like it might’ve been Jensen trying to make Misha laugh which could be why Cas look became even more intense. Could’ve been Misha trying hard to stay in character. Either way that’s some serious flirting.
Later Cas got worried about Dean and what I love is that when he heard something inside the room he opened the eye door but when he couldn’t see Dean he got really worried and had to go in. If it was anyone else in there Cas would’ve said it was a trap and left them alone but he couldn’t take that chance with Dean. I’m still trying to figure out tho how Sam left to find Dean a few seconds later yet Cas found him in no time (how did Cas know where to find Dean? Suppose it could’ve been he just went to the closest religious person. I love Cas honesty here telling the guy he prays too loudly) and Sam was back at Bobbys house when Cas and Dean got back. He didn’t spend much time looking for Dean.
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It’s not a sexual scene but it sure looks like it. Cas pushing Dean around telling him yet again how much he’s pissed that he rebelled for Dean so he wouldn’t have to say yes to Michael but yet here he is going to do it anyway. Dean didn’t even try to fight back. Don’t know if he knew Cas is a lot stronger than him and didn’t see the point in fighting back but knowing Dean I can’t see that being it. Or if what Cas was saying was finally getting through to his head and maybe thought he deserved what was happening and let Cas make the decision in this moment that he wasn’t saying yes right now.
I know the last episode of season 5 was supposed to be the last episode but some of it is just weird. Dean looked back at Cas sleeping and said “ain’t he a little angel.” Dean sounds so cute when he said that. It reminds me of in Good Omens Crowley calls Aziraphale angel all the time. At first it was because Aziraphale is an actual angel but over time it became a cute nickname like sweetie or honey. In this scene it felt like a cute nickname instead of just that Cas is an angel. Of course Sam ruined the moment when he said “angels don’t sleep.” Dean then looked confused and worried. The thing that pisses me off is that Sam made Dean promise to go to Lisa and have a life with her. It pisses me off because Dean didn’t say he wanted that life plus you just heard Dean saying something sweet about Cas and he thought it was a good time to bring this up. Really makes me want to punch Sam. Sam wants that life but he pushed that life on Dean in a promise. When they were in heaven Deans heaven was being with Sam but Sam’s heaven was being away from his actual family but being with a family. They really were going to let the show end with Dean liveing Sams happy ending. I’m trying to forget that shit happened but the fact that Dean didn’t want it makes it a bit easier. At least they didn’t try to say it was Deans idea.
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maddys-nerd-blog · 3 months
Maddy’s Favorite TMNT Films Ranked!
It’s my birthday!!! I’m officially 25, which makes me shudder cuz I’m in my quarter life crisis now. REGARDLESS! Since it’s the day of my birth I thought it right to do something special!!
And that’s rank ALL the TMNT movies from my least favorite to my all-time faves!
I’m honored you all enjoyed my silly episode ranking, it was tons of fun to do and I loved writing it!! Chatting about these turtles has been nothing but fun and brings me tons of comfort, so I’m happy to do one of these again! I just pray my opinions aren’t too controversial 🤣🤣
Ten movies, all about four teenage mutant ninja turtles. One nerd to review these. This’ll be fun!!
Let’s kick some shell! 💜💜💜
Some criteria!
These are just my thoughts on the films! I’m not the end all, be all of what movie is THE BEST or THE WORST. If you like a movie that may have ranked lower, that’s awesome!! Let’s all share our opinions on them and have a fun time!
Straight to DVD films are included in this lineup!
The live concerts and We Wish You a Turtles Christmas are not allowed cuz those are fever dreams 🤣
I’ll be doing a classic ranking system from the bottom all the way to the top!
SPOILERS BEWARE! … AGAIN 🤣🤣 and some slight swearing, I may have gotten excited while writing this 🤣🤣🤣
Let’s begin!
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10: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3 ( 1993 )
My Score: 2 out of 10.
This movie is a fever dream and I can’t be convinced otherwise 🤣
I mean, can you blame me? This was made in a last ditch effort to get Turtlemania back in the mainstream just as it began to die down… and this was a BAD way to win fans back.
From the terrible comedy to the worst TMNT villain in the franchise to grace the silver screen in the form of Walker. Don’t even get me started on the god awful turtle costumes this time around because… dear lord, they’re nightmare fuel. If I saw these guys in an alley I’d run for the hills! They’re downright grotesque to look at! All the characters are either whiny, boring, or unlikable. I have nothing but respect to the voice actors of Leonardo and Michelangelo for sticking it through all three of the classic movies, despite the terrible script they had to work with in this installment. I also feel awful for Elias Koteas, who got the short end of the hockey stick— see what I did there? I’ll see myself out 😂— after ALL the grief Karen’s made him deal with after the first movie, getting booted from the sequel as a result of their nagging, only to be brought back to this mess. And what was with the ancestor-but-maybe-not-but-wait-he-might-be guy that Koteas was also playing??? His character made ZERO sense!
And that Splinter puppet???? THAT THING IS UGLY.
I would never watch this one again unless it was for memes. “What did you expect, maybe the Addams family?!”
No, but I expected a better script than this BS.
9: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out Of The Shadows ( 2016 )
My Score: 3.4 out of 10
This may be a tighter script and a slightly more coherent plot, but DAMN, I can’t bare to watch this one for more than ten minutes on a good day.
First of all, Leonardo in this one is downright terrible and a bad leader. I’m STUNNED he never gets reprimanded by his Sensei for his nasty treatment of his brothers— telling Donnie to LIE TO HIS FAMILY ABOUT THE OOZE????? That’s out of character! Belittling Raph with that whole ‘There’s only one vote that counts’ line???? And putting the blame on him and Mikey for the police station fiasco?! He comes off as a bully!!
The plot is somewhat stronger than the first but it’s just taking elements from the Marvel movies, such as the hole in the sky like The Avengers. Shoving needless fan service in our faces as if to say ‘SEE??? WE LEARNED FROM THE FIRST ONE, WE HEARD YOU, THIS IS WHAT YOU WANTED RIGHT?! LOOK! THERE’S A FROZEN NEUTRINO ON KRANG’S SHIP!’ Sorry, but this ain’t the Sonic movie, it isn’t going to work unless you actually respect the material you’re adapting! Like with the Sonic movie! They fixed Sonic’s look because of fan demand, and they actually respected their advise! Here though? It’s like they’re just throwing it in our faces just to spite us. It’s not coming from a place of love. Casey Jones in this film is a joke— what a waste to this iconic character to turn him from a badass vigilante into a whining baby vying for April’s affection. Bebop and Rocksteady are annoying as hell. Stockman sucks. Karai is a nothing sandwich. Shredder barely does ANYTHING. And Krang??? EW. Just… ew.
But for all my ranting this far, I do have some positives from this one— April actually gets to have a playful personality which is fun! Once again the turtles are the highlight. Their designs this time around are great!! Less accessories but it allows for more room to show the guys’ fighting abilities and the accessories they do have is there as an added bonus, not to clutter their look! I feel like this was Donnie and Raph’s movie more than anything! The amount of attention they get in this film alone shows that there were writers who loved these guys and treated them with respect! That scene where Donnie single-handedly TOOK CONTROL OF A CRASHING AIRPLANE USING HIS BO AS THE STEERING?! THAT WAS SICK!!! And Raph once again is an absolute BEAST in battle! The motion capture artists are phenomenal as the titular man characters, they all had great chemistry together! I just feel awful that they had to be treated so badly behind the scenes…
It’s not a great movie, and even with the few redeeming factors it still makes me irritated.
8: Turtles Forever ( 2009 )
My Score: 3.5 out of 10
Remember what I said about us not getting a proper crossover until Ciro Nieli adapted the 1987 turtles into the show?
Yeeeeeah. This one was NOT it. And this was supposed to be the 25th anniversary movie???
For some reason, ALL the ‘03 turtles are so bitter and mean to the 87 counterparts. They’re putting them down at every instance where combat or character bonding is involved, which is ridiculous. ‘03 Donnie WOULD NEVER be so nonchalant about meeting another version of himself— and why does he constantly put down ‘87 Donatello for his inventions??? They should be hyping each other up and talking techno babble! Why is Splinter the only likable person in the whole movie?! Why did they change April and Casey’s designs to look like random anime characters?! ( NOTE: I know they changed them to match the 2007 film at the time, I’m just being funny )
I already can’t stand the ‘03 version of Shredder but DAMN, they’re making him out to be the most amazing version of him out there. It’s like the writers behind this movie are ragging ‘87 Shredder— WHY DID THEY MAKE HIM A HAPLESS IDIOT?! They gave ‘87 Shredder so much disrespect! In the original cartoon, while he could be used for laughs, he was also taken seriously and seen as a very real threat. He was no slouch whatsoever either, he easily took the turtles out in one episode in season two! The only ones who actually stayed ‘in character’ were Bebop and Rocksteady! It’s like this movie is tearing down what made the OG series fun and iconic to build the ‘03 turtles up to be THE greatest team. I just wanted these two teams to be working together and learning from one another in their own ways! Like, imagine a scene where ‘87 Raphael teaches ‘03 Raph to rip the fourth wall! Or ‘03 Mike and ‘87 Mikey showing each other their own nunchuck tricks! You know? ACTUAL BONDING????
And yes, the OG voice actors were swapped cuz of union disputes by 4Kids. The only one that sounds kind of like his original voice was the guy playing ‘87 Raph. Otherwise? They all sound pretty bad. It actually made me cringe the first time I got around to hearing them, I did NOT get used to them.
I understand there’s an extended cut out there that addresses some of the issues that were cut for time, but unfortunately we don’t have that version to go off of, so I’m left with this.
All I have to say is, THANK YOU CIRO NIELI!!!
7: TMNT ( 2007 )
My Score: 6 out of 10
No this was not intentional 🤣🤣🤣
We’re nearing the halfway point and we’ve reached the TMNT movie I saw as a kid! Fun fact, this movie came out after my birthday and I BEGGED my dad to take me to see it. So as a birthday treat he took me and my brother to see it opening day! Not only was this my introduction to the turtles, but it made eight year old me curious about the series!
Is it as good as I remember?
Well… no, but it’s not bad!
I’ll admit, the plot is kinda slapdash and nonsensical. Like… I know, I know, this is a franchise about teenage turtles who learn ninjutsu and fight a man dressed like a cheese grater. But even for me this story is out there. Why do the Stone Generals have no personality or defining traits other than the weapons they use? Why is Winters so generic? The concept of an immortal general searching for thousands of years for the lost monsters to atone for his terrible mistakes is cool, just not for this franchise if that makes sense. Also this movie doesn’t seem to wanna give Donnie or Mikey any agency; they’re mainly in the background doing comedic stuff or off on the wayside with nothing to do whilst Leo and Raph are pushed into the spotlight. For a story centered around bringing a fractured family back together we don’t get to see how Mikey or Donnie have been handling Leo’s absence during his time spent in Costa Rica.
Yet through this muddy plot we have some of the most iconic/ memorable moments in this franchise! Raph being the Nightwatcher— which is coming back in the comics soon!, Donnie’s tech support meme, THE LEO VS RAPH FIGHT ON THE ROOFTOPS WHICH STILL LOOKS FREAKIN AMAZING TO THIS DAY???? Seriously, Imagi Studios had such an incredible future ahead of them, it’s a shame they went bankrupt! Some of my favorite actions moments in this movie are towards the end where the family is in Winters’ compound and we’re treated to a one-take camera pan of them brawling through a slew of Foot ninja!
And the voice cast here is great!!! Nolan North as Raph??? James Arnold Taylor as Leo?! CHRIS EVANS AS CASEY?! AND MOTHER FING MAKO, AKA UNCLE IROH HIMSELF AS SPLINTER?! It’s a great ensemble!!! Everyone here clearly gave it their all, they should all be praised for this!!
You can tell there was a ton of attention to detail put into this one, and that the people behind it had tons of fun animating it. We could have had a really cool film series on our hands had the studio not fallen under. Otherwise, I still enjoy watching this purely for nostalgia purposes!
6: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Secret of the Ooze ( 1991 )
My Score: 6.9 out of 10
For a movie made right after the first to cash in on the Turtlemania high, I gotta say, this one’s really fun!
It’s not without flaws though; Karen’s gotta ruin the fun once again and the tone was dragged WAAAAAAY down to take away the darker themes from the previous film cuz they thought children couldn’t handle any action that was too violent. Karen’s also took Mikey’s nunchucks away and got rid of Casey. The story is goofier and doesn’t allow for any space for these characters to breathe or emote past being lighthearted and funny. April isn’t as down to earth since Judith Hoag was replaced, Casey Jones is sorely missed in this story, Tokka and Razar are just dumb, bumbling monsters made to replace Bebop and Rocksteady. Professor Perry is obviously supposed to be Stockman, and the Shredder doesn’t truly engage with the turtles until the end of the movie. The Super Shredder was just a missed opportunity! The turtles don’t get to use their weapons at all except for Donnie cuz he uses a giant stick.
The positives outweigh all of that though! As always the turtles are fun and lovable, the new voice for Donnie is awesome, we get some great comedy spliced throughout the film, the Go Ninja dance sequence is so memorable that to this day people are still bringing it up! And I’d be remiss if I didn’t bring up the introduction to Keno, played by Ernie Ryes Jr., the stunt double of Donatello in the first film!! Keno is a GREAT addition to this cast! I adored his quips and the action stunts he pulls off are thrilling! I honestly think he’d be an awesome character to keep bringing back in new projects! COUGH MUTANT MATHEM SHOW COUGH. I wish he was in more stuff cuz he really is a fun addition to the roster! I even had the opportunity to meet Ernie Ryes Jr. this last summer with a friend of mine, and he was SO nice and SO chill! He was so excited to meet fans who were talking about TMNT, and when I told him how much the franchise meant to me, he gave me a hug and took a pic with me!!! He was such a great guy!!!
I can always go back to this one and smile throughout the movie! Also, GO NINJA GO NINJA GO—
ONTO THE TOP FIVE!! From here on out these are the movies I can rewatch over and over and never grow tired of viewing them!! So let’s get this party started!!
5: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ( 2014 ) ⭐️
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My Score: 7.8 out of 10
Say what you will, but I love the first movie more than the sequel 🤣
I love this movie, it’s a ton of fun and the action is truly a spectacle! I feel like I had more fun with this first movie than it’s sequel because, firstly, the plot is quick and engaging. Sure, there are some issues, but I can forgive it because…
This movie IS JUST FUN.
I know this is gonna be a controversial opinion but I really like the first movie over the sequel! I really liked April! I’m of the opinion that Megan Fox can be a decent actress if she’s given the right script, and in this movie, despite the fact she might not have the most compelling arc, she’s still a good interpretation of the spunky reporter we all love! Will Arnet is also pretty funny as Vern! I still think Sacks should have been Stockman instead of Shredder. Making that swap has no integral change to the plot and it would have made more sense. Like… why not keep the mad scientist character as the already established mad scientist? The origin change inspired by the IDW comics may be jarring but I didn’t mind it! It’s just a different iteration of their upbringing but it still remains true to the turtles themselves!
The motion capture technology for the turtles is jaw dropping. I mean it. It feels like Megan Fox is making direct eye contact with these giant mutants, they’re interacting with the scene and characters, when they engage people in combat you FEEL those blows and believe they’re actually beating the snot out of these thugs.
But by far, the turtles are the biggest highlight of this movie. They’re tons of fun to watch and their banter and chemistry is great!
Do they have tons of needless accessories? Yeah
Do they look cluttered? Yeah
But does that take from their personality? NO
Donnie IS A CINNAROLL AND MUST BE CHERISHED. I feel his own techy gadgets and gear adds to his introverted personality! He’s such a lovable dork and I really liked him in this one! Jeremy Howard is a perfect fit to voice/ act for him, nobody can convince me otherwise. PLUS THAT ONE MOMENT WHERE HE SMASHES HIS BO INTO A FOOT GOON’S KNEECAP????
Raph IS A FREAKIN BEAST! GOD-DAYUM, this turtle is easily the strongest incarnation of the hothead to date! Tossing shipping containers like it’s nothing, casually breaking through steel fans to create a blockade against the Foot! I might be in the minority but Alan Richardson is THE first voice I think of when I’m told to say which Raph I prefer!
Mikey is still a bit iffy for me cuz of the weird innuendo jokes, but I can see why people like him! I still think him flying around on a hoverboard skateboard is dope as hell though. And Leo is likable in this one!! He’s actually a responsible older brother who’s devoted to his family and not a selfish jerk keeping secrets from his brothers 🤣🤣😂
Plus, the emotional parts of this one hit harder than the sequel for me, especially on my first viewing. The Splinter Vs Shredder fight is intense and really REALLY well choreographed, very inventive and exciting with all the stunts Splinter pulls off. The moment where Leo and Mikey both scream for their father, the blink and you miss it line of Leo calling Splinter ‘dad’— which was improvised by Leo’s motion capture actor— and the gut-wrenching aftermath of the battle where they’re led away in chains believing their father is dead… that may have gotten me misty eyed.
The snow chase? Badass.
The climax? Pretty damn good.
That elevator scene that was entirely off script and improvised by the motion capture actors? BEST SCENE IN THE ENTIRE FILM.
Is this the best? No, but it didn’t have to be! I love this one! And I can happily say it’s the most fun I’ve had with the Bayverse turtles 🤣
4: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ( 1990 ) ⭐️
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My Score: 8.9 out of 10
This is, without question, one of the most stunning displays of practical effects and costume work in any film made at this time. Henson’s Creature Workshop truly outdid themselves in this feature with their work on the turtles.
The turtles look like living, breathing creatures. They actually look as though they’re real! There a small flaws, yes, but I can look past it because the amount of detail and effort that went into these things is incredible!! The stunt actors brought the action to a whole new level in those suits! You can tell every ounce of passion was put into this, and everyone had so much faith in seeing that these turtles lifelike! Brian Tochi, Josh Pais, Corey Feldman and Robbie Rist were perfectly cast as the four mutant turtles!!!
Judith Hoag plays a phenomenal April! Fun, spunky, witty and clever! I met her last summer too and she was truly wonderful!! Such a kind woman who listened to my story and connected with me!
Whoever hired Elias Koteas as Casey needs an eternal raise. He looks like he popped out of the comic and came to life. He was perfect!!
Shredder gives me chills he’s so intimidating.
When this movie came out everyone went bonkers with Turtlemania fever. The critics slept on this one because this was Eastman and Laird’s comics brought to reality. Steve Barron of Take on Me fame delivered on presenting the dark and gritty nature of the turtle’s lives and how brutal the Foot truly is.
I gotta highlight that score for this film because John DuPrez??? You’re a GENIUS.
My only issue is Danny. He was just obnoxious and selfish the whole way through until the climax. Like… hope you have a couple thousand dollars left to give April instead of the 20 you stole, kid, YOU GOT HER HOUSE BURNED DOWN.
I don’t know what else to say other than this is the epitome of a true 90’s classic.
3: Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Movie ( 2022 ) 🥉
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My Score: 9 out of 10
Holy. Shit.
Before I got into the fandom I found this movie through the trailer and Black Nerd Comedy’s discussion about it. On a day I was bored I turned this on.
I had ZERO clue this movie looked as visually pleasing as it did. I adore this film and the animation behind it. It’s so clean, so slick, the pacing is just right, the action alone made the hair on my arms stand up! I love watching the animatics and storyboards behind the action scenes of this film just to study it and marvel at how freakin talented these artists and animators are!!!!
The voice cast knocked it out of the ballpark! Ben Schwartz in particular deserves massive praise for his performance as Leo, such a dynamic range of emotion to balance out the ‘comedy guy’ to ground him in this serious situation. Plus, Sora from Kingdom Hearts is in this as Casey Jr! 🤣🤣 his character arc having to change from the carefree prankster to the leader who had to step up and save his family is a thrilling plot point we see unfold!
I loved the characters!! I loved the score!!! I loved how this film wasn’t afraid to be genuinely SCARY with the Krang.
The angst???? The whump???? THE CLIMACTIC SHOWDOWN???? CHEFS KISS!!
I can’t help but gush over this movie of because this is top notch quality!!! I have nothing to say, this one is OP!
2: Batman Vs The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ( 2019 ) 🥈
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My Score: 9.8 out of 10
Literally one of the best crossover films of all time. I adore this Hellboy art style for the film, I adore the opening intro where it’s all German-deco-Impressionism/ noir influenced and it’s all dark and covered in shadow minus the blips of color to symbolize the characters.
I adore the handling of the martial arts versus the brutal, grounded combat style of Batman! I love how the animators literally used the backgrounds to their advantage and made them pieces for the characters to use as weapons!
I adore how the turtles have such natural banter and chemistry with one another! I love how Batgirl and Donnie bond!!! I adore how everyone plays off of each other! The dialogue is fun and full of charm! I loved watching Batman and Shredder going completely off the rails on each other!
I love Donnie!!
I love Mikey!!
I love Batgirl!!
I love the subtle reference to Pink Floyd!!!
My only complaint? The Batman villains are underutilized, their mutant designs are bland as hell and Joker and Harley suck. But I’ve always hated those two so that’s not an issue with the film itself.
That pizza party at the end MAKES this for me. I got the comics this was adapted from, those are SOOOOO GOOD!
Nothing but high praise here. All my heart goes to this one. And this used to be my champion, until this movie blew it out of the water…
1: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem ( 2023 ) 👑
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My Score: 12 out of 10
This. THIS is the quintessential TMNT film experience.
Call me biased. Call me boring. Call me basic, but THIS MOVIE SAVED ME THIS PAST SUMMER.
The teaser came out the week of my birthday last year. I couldn’t stop smiling when we got that first taste of what the animation was going to be like. It was like a feast for the eyes!
I trained myself not to watch ANYTHING past that first trailer. I had to ignore leaks and spoilers for MONTHS, I even ignored the posters of the characters themselves because I wanted to be genuinely surprised by who was in the movie. It was like I was prepping for Endgame all over again. I got the figures to prepare for the movie, I bought early fan screening tickets in advance, I took my best friend with me to share the moment cuz there was no way I was NOT gonna have my bestie there too. I even custom tie dyed a shirt with Leo and Donnie’s colors and decked myself out in TMNT gear the day of the premier. I went into that movie bouncing in my seat.
And I left that movie smiling with joy and laughing and crying. And then I proceeded to see it THREE MORE TIMES IN THEATERS. That’s an honor only reserved for the movies that have moved me enough to cry.
The plot is simple but the twists and turns they take leaves you surprised and on the edge! The soundtracks are STELLAR, both the score and the music they used. There are plenty of Easter eggs to find on a rewatch. The jokes ALWAYS LAND! I love these weird cringy turtles and their memes 🤣🤣
The turtles are precious babies that must be protected! Leo is awkward but lovable. Donnie is a Cinnaroll. Raph is hilarious and probably needs a stress toy to calm his anger. Mikey is a joy to watch and he’s relatable! April is fun as hell, MUTANT MAYHEM SPLINTER IS A GREAT DAD AND IN MY TOP THREE BEST RAT DADS LIST. Superfly is HELLA scary, the iconic mutants they included are fun, MONDO GECKO MY BABY BOY LOOK AT HIM GO!
This voice cast is going to become iconic. Everyone from Ice Cube to Jackie Chan to Paul Rudd to the very first actual teen cast of the titular characters!!! Nicolas Cantu, Micah Abbey, Brady Noon and Shamon Brown Jr delivered excellent performances and brought these guys to life!
THIS ANIMATION IS SO UNIQUE AND COOL!!! It looks like EVERY medium was explored and used— everything from 3D to sketchy hand drawn, erratic wild outlining to claymation?! DUDE THIS IS LITERALLY SPIDERVERSE BUT FOR TMNT!!!
It was all I wanted. It was everything I wanted it to be and then some. After the shit I had to go through in 2023, it felt like a giant breath of fresh air to enjoy something I was so excited for, if only just for an hour and a half. I went straight home and showed my older sister, who was recovering at home at the time during one of her treatments, all the merch I got from the fan event and rattling off about the movie. She laughed and said ‘I’m glad you had a great time!’
Not gonna lie, I was apprehensive when I heard Seth Rogan was the one helming this project cuz his track record of movies hasn’t been the most… friendly to sit through. But, with this? I tip my hat to him! He delivered for the fans, big time.
I loved this film. It’s my favorite TMNT movie of all time. I’m totally stoked for the new series coming out this summer. All I have left to say?
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TADA~! And that’s it! This took me a week to finish but I’m proud of it!! 😁 I had so much fun making this list!!!
What would you rank these movies? I’d love to know and hear your thoughts on them!! 😁
Thanks for reading!! Have a great day! 💜💜💜💜
@queen-with-the-quill @tending-the-hearth @mermmarie @lameboobah @tmnt-tychou @indieyuugure @wasted-and-ready @figuringitoutasigoalong @angelicdavinci @zandiiangelspit @jadethest0ne @turtle-babe83
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otakween · 2 months
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Digimon Frontier - Episode 5
Not gonna lie...this episode was kinda a snore fest lol. Just pretty forgettable all around. Oh well, at least we have all of the spirit evolutions now!
I'm enjoying exploring a different digimon village every episode, it gives some of the background digimon time to shine. The Kokuwamon were cute and it was funny seeing baby Kokuwamon (still don't know how THAT works).
It seemed like they were going for a bug theme with the Kokuwamon, Minomon, and Snimon but then they stuck Goburimon in there too and it kinda threw things off? The Digimon franchise seems to slot in Goburimon when they need generic henchmen.
The Minomon had such cute voices in the sub but they were grating as heck in the dub. Funny seeing them play an antagonistic role.
This episode had a weird meta joke where they cut to a Kokuwamon saying "that's how it is" and the characters were like "that's how what is? You didn't explain anything" lol. It caught me off guard.
I get why they do it, but I was kinda sad when they did a split screen for 3 spirit digivolutions. It doesn't hit the same when everything's cropped and tiny.
Speaking of digivolution sequences, Junpei's was kind of disappointing. He does it with his back facing the camera for some reason? Tomoki's is still my fave for now.
Blitzmon's design is pretty similar to Agnimon's, just a jumble of colors and textures. I think this is just me not giving a hoot about mecha mostly. How am I supposed to connect with a robot whose face I can barely make out? His color scheme is nice I suppose.
When Junpei was fighting he suddenly pulled out some super sentai-like catchphrases outta nowhere. I thought they would have made a joke about him acting like a hero but it was played seriously -shrug-
The plot line of this episode felt very Japanese. The Kokuwamon are basically working for a black company with no bonuses/vacation/overtime pay lol. Poor things.
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airasora · 2 months
That moment when you start seriously questioning yourself cause Aladdin is still one of your faves even tho you never had any interests in bad boys etc
Tho then again granted I haven’t seen the second movie or tv show and can’t really remember much bad from the third so I always viewed Al way differently and the moral of at least the first on and understood him.
Again this isn’t trying to demand you to feel the same but I’m just feeling so weird overthinking this now xD Like always agree to disagree
The issue I have with Aladdin is that his character arc in the first movie is his insecurities and that he lies to Jasmine to win her heart. I think he would be completely fine if that was the only time he lied to her, but it's not.
Second movie, he lies to her again. We even have Jasmine questioning him, asking him if he's sure he isn't hiding something and it results in a big fight, when Jasmine discovers the truth. She says: "More secrets? More lies? Oh, Aladdin, I thought you had changed."
It's made pretty clear that Jasmine still very much remembers how their relationship started on a lie with the way she's acting before and after he lies to her again.
And once more in the third movie, he lies! It's not made into as big of a deal as it is in the sequel, but he does still keep her in the dark... AGAIN.
And I can't remember the show too well, but I'm guessing he probably lies and hides stuff from her in a few episodes there too. At this point, it would almost be out of character for him NOT to hide something from her.
There's nothing wrong with liking Aladdin. In the long run, he's a fictional character and I am by no means judging anyone here; I am into yandere characters for fuck's sake, I am in no position to judge xD
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Just as another reminder: I would have no problems with Aladdin if the lying was kept to just the first movie. It's the fact that he keeps doing it.
You don't need to defend yourself; you're allowed to hate or love any fictional character you want to :)
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I grew up with a mother who taught me to always try to see things from other people's perspectives because it helps with not only sympathizing with people, but also figuring out how to either help them or at the very least cope with their behavior. My first instinct when someone is doing or saying something bad is "Why are they doing this?" so I fully understand what you mean when you say you always try to think the best of people and characters.
It's just that, to me at least, continuously lying to your partner like Aladdin does would be a deal breaker for me, whether it be a romantic partner, a friend or anyone really.
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jesncin · 12 days
(sorry I know you don't like talking about MAWS too much, but) do you think the voice actors did a good job with what they were given? I wish so badly that they had better material to work with, especially as a fan of many of them (ps just placed the first hold for the currently-on-order-at-my-local-library Lunar Boy! Congrats on your hard work paying off as such an epic creation, I can't wait to read it! 🎉)
I don't mind talking about MAWS (in moderation hehe)! And also, thank you for ordering Lunar Boy at your local library!! YEAAH AWOOGA!! ahem.
I know the voice actors picked for MAWS are beloved by people (and I was excited for a fresh take), but none of them stuck out to me- which I found really disappointing since I adore the STAS cast so much. Some of the reads are straight up bad. I've unfortunately memorized the show from writing detailed metas about it and, in order to cope, my twin and I have many running jokes about some of the dialogue reads asdfasf. Some faves:
ep 8's "There was an ACCIDENT and Superman CAUSED IT!" a background character says this line and it's the funniest thing in the world to me
I think Alice Lee had residue Heathers energy in her Lois performance because sometimes her line reads have a mean-girl energy for no reason. Lines like ep 4's "nobody NORMAAAL believes in aliens!" and her classic xenophobe line in ep 8 "just try being NORMALL??" whenever she says "normal" is has the energy of a prep school girlie bullying you for being gay asdfaf. This isn't adult jaded mean Lois woman energy it sounds preppy and I've decided to find joy in the pain.
"Did you LIE about YOUR FEELINGS FOR ME??" hahaha man
Sorry to pick on Alice Lee but she tripped on her lines in ep 2 when she's talking with Jimmy at the park near the end of the conversation and it's so weird. Like first-take weird.
Alice Lee again sorry but her punk edgy Lois voice in the multiverse episode is actually painful to listen to!! It's clearly an uncomfortable range for her voice. It's like a prep school girlie trying to be a butch I'm sorryyy
Jack Quaid's Superman/Clark voice was grating after a while! There's so little to no difference between his Supes and Clark voice, so Supes just sounds like a whiny child for much of the show. I yearn for Tim Daly's voice,,,
Some characters are straight up miscast in my opinion! Chris Parnell brings 0 menace or presence to Deathstroke, I can not take him seriously. Mxy's voice (David Errigo Jr) doesn't match his character design and looks the most out of place. Livewire's voice actress (Zehra Fazal, who I know is competent elsewhere and I'm sure many of these actors were just done dirty by bad writing and direction) simply can not beat the charisma of Lori Petty in STAS. And Lex looks and sounds awful, like we knew they couldn't beat Clancy Brown's STAS!Lex but they didn't even try.
I thought General Lane's actor was the most decent voice (has menace and presence) but even then in ep 8 when he says "Negative. After this operation, Superman will cease to be a problem. PERMANENTLYYYYY." HAHAHA it's so bad he hisses that last part.
Mallah's French accent is awful. Maybe get an actual French actor.
Jimmy's voice acting wasn't awful but some lines really took me out of the scene. He gets chased by robots and says "ruuuuun" in a way that actually confused me as I watched it.
Sooo yeah. Not a fan of the voice acting in this show! Which surprised me, because I figured they would do better with STAS being the last show preceding it with such memorable voices.
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13eyond13 · 2 months
Hello, can I ask from this ask game :
For anime/manga : Death Note and Berserk.
Thanks 🌻
Hi! Sure thing:
Favorite Character: L was basically a "love at first sight" situation for me and the main reason I ever checked out the anime (I just really loved eccentric loner sad boys at the time and he just looked exactly up my alley at a glance, hahaha). And he has stayed extremely dear to me and my favourite cartoon guy ever basically since! I actually think Light is a bit more of a complicated/interesting character than L is to think about in-depth, and has become also kind of my favourite one in the series in a different way over time, but L is def the one that I was really obsessed with from the start.
Favorite Arc/Episode/Scene: I love everything up until the Yotsuba arc the most I think, I just find it so much fun in the beginning of the story when everything is so well-written and so exciting and tense and fast-paced. The university arc stuff MIGHT be the part that I just find the most fun and funny in the way that Death Note is known to be, with all the detailed little mind games and bitch moves and shocking reveals every other page, ahahah. I remember laughing out loud so many times during that section of the story just due to how ridiculous it gets and how often everyone is pulling the rug out from under each other nearly constantly.
And my favourite scene is probably the "first ever friend" scene in the manga. I WILL NEVER STOP THINKING ABOUT IT it's just so funny and mysterious and intriguing and layered to me
Character I Think is Underrated: Mikami is fairly underrated, but at the same time I myself am not the best at intuitively understanding him or creating content about him either...
Character I Think is Overrated: Matt (sorry I actually like him in the manga, but I just don't think he's that interesting really)
Favorite Ship/Pairing: Lawlight! I never needed much convincing about this.... I went straight from watching the anime to going "omg they should have kissed..."
Something I Love About the Show/Movie: The anime's audio elements are just so iconic and so good a lot of the time! It makes some of the manga scenes SO MUCH better just with stuff like the gregorian chanting while Light's writing the names. And no lie, it's really easy to follow as a story without even seeing what's happening onscreen, too. I used to listen to the English dub while drawing or doing my work sometimes and it felt almost exactly like an audio play.
Favorite Character: Guts is by far my favourite! Which was a total surprise to me, because I thought he was going to be a pretty boring macho action hero cardboard cutout type guy going in. I got very attached to him while reading the manga after a few volumes, and now he's one of my all-time faves...
Favorite Arc/Episode/Scene: I'm going to be very basic and say The Golden Age, but IT'S JUST REALLY GOOD OKAY. It's better than good, it's the reason the series went from just "ok this is pretty interesting" to "OMG WTF THIS IS SO GOOD I'M SO INVESTED NOW"
And my favourite scene?? Hmm.... extremely hard question, but I feel like the sword fights between Guts and Griffith are definitely some of the peak moments. Their first one is iconic in so many ways, but the second one in the snow really got me in the feels and made my stomach drop and my heart beat a bit faster as well!
Character I Think is Underrated: I feel like Casca is just kinda hard to talk about with other fans. She's my second favourite character in the series, but I feel like it's just really difficult to discuss her without it just getting either depressing or into too sensitive territory or something? I love her dearly in the manga, but the fandom space here seems only much fun to talk about Guts and Griffith in for me
Character I Think is Overrated: I am not THAT well-versed in who is overrated or underrated in this fandom, but I feel like mostly almost all the characters aside from maybe Griffith and Guts are a bit underrated and under-explored in fan stuff that I've seen? That might be entirely on me and the fact that I'm mostly looking at griffguts stuff, though...
Favorite Ship/Pairing: griffguts drives so much of the angst and the drama and I think is basically canon to me at this point... I don't think it's hard to interpret Griffith as in love with Guts, but I also think Guts is in love with Griffith too in just a more furtive sort of way
Something I Love About the Show/Movie:
I only partially watched the 1997 anime so far, and the Guts theme song in it is so good! My god that's still such a good fitting song for him and his personality somehow. And I'd never actually heard it before I read the series either!
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seospicybin · 1 year
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And happy Alentine's Ay to to anyone who didn't get any V or D on this special day. Eitherway, I have just the 8 fics to make your heart fluttering. (Also, as an effort to beat the allegations that I only write sad fics!)
I curated a playlist of my favorite love songs here 💘
THINNING. Bangchan x reader. (s,f)
It's a classic friends-to-lovers. I surprised myself because I personally thought Chan wouldn't fit that trope. Why? Because I would catch feelings right away without being his friend first. fyi, this fic is inspired by a Reddit thread.
Fave quote: "But people oftentimes hide behind the 'actions speak louder than words' and that makes them okay with love left unsaid. No one is a mind reader. If you love someone, they want you to verbalize how you feel. This is real life, not a chess game."
PEACH. Lee Know x reader. (s, a whole lot of f)
The idea was born from the fact that Minho likes strange smells (e.g gasoline, concrete, etc) and he likes them because they hold certain memories for him. It's a one-shot with a sprinkle of breeding kink. One of my favorite old works of mine and there's a cameo from Soonie.
Fave quote: “You are one ripe, juicy peach,” he said against your lips, “and everybody wants a taste.”
PIED PIPER. Changbin x reader. (s,f)
I think I created a dangerous Changbin in this fic but do I regret it? Not at all. Think of campus bad boy Changbin who knows how to seduce you just right. Seductive and a little messy, just how I like it.
Fave quote: "One more look in the mirror and he gets the assurance that he doesn't need to be insecure about his body, he knows he'll never fit into everyone's standard but he feels good about himself. That's why girls are crazy for him. He is so sure of himself and it shows."
ONE DANCE. Hyunjin x reader. (s,f)
I never wrote a fic this fast. It's smut with a simple plot and not going to lie, I loved it so much. I'm writing the full fic on this from the mc pov, hope I'll be able to release it soon. And oh I recommend listening to Frank Ocean's Pyramid as you read it.
Fave quote: "His worry replaced with the guilt of ever doubting your feelings for him, but on top of that, he feels the happiest to know that you are his. He's indeed so lucky to have your love for free."
DOTING. Han x reader. (s,f)
It's dorky, awkward, and bizarrely cute (?) I got inspired by an episode of Black Mirror that I come back to from time to time. I promise you it has no grim ending, but you'll learn a lot of new random facts from reading it.
Fave quote: "If humans truly are made of star stuff, he believes you are made from the brightest star in the universe because he refuses to believe that he is made of the same thing. As he stares at your body he changes his mind almost immediately, he believes you are made of outer space and he wants to explore."
GODSPEED. Felix x reader. (s,f,a)
It tells about a relationship that forces one to be out of its comfort zone. I tried to capture every bit of Felix in it and it's my favorite Felix fic second close to Twin Flame. I know there's angst in it but trust me, the pain is worth it in the end.
Fave quote: "You can’t stay stagnant in a relationship just because it feels comfortable. You were too comfortable and that was why the space scared you both."
ONE PROPOSITION. Seungmin x reader. (s,f)
Do you also think that love is just... yuck??? If yes, then let Seungmin change your mind. It's cute but not on the cringe side (or I hope so) it's rom-com worthy and Seungmin is so Seungmin in it with his square shoulders and he's a good kisser and and and...
Fave quote: "Love is some hocus pocus shit, got you completely bewitched."
MILK. I.N x reader. (s,f)
Just like the title itself, a love story that is so simple and sweet. It doesn't have, let's say, 'the happiest of ending' but I like it how it is. A love that asks nothing, it's as pure as milk.
Fave quote: "They remind me that there are still some innocence and purity in this world. And the way they see the world with so much curiosity and full of wonder, I wish I could relive that again,” he said with a sigh.
“To experience everything for the first time all over again,” you added while looking up at the blue sky."
Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! Remember that the greatest love of all is the love you have for yourself, or that's what the one Celine Dion song taught me. ily 🤟🏻💘
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forcebookish · 9 months
I'm sorry but the crazy hate for top doesn't even make sense at this point. like even in comparison to some other characters he isn't as bad yet they all get treated like innocent meow meows and he gets villanized. repeatedly drunk driving and putting innocent lives in danger? my poor baby :( manipulating a whole scheme to get back at a guy you hate with no concern for how it will destroy others? king behavior! (And tbh no hate to sand I respect what he did lol but there's no need to lie about what it was). recording people having sex and commiting numerous other crimes? he's just in love :/ and I don't even need to get into how Boston can do all the sick shit he does and still be called a "bad bitch." Is top a flawed character with MANY issues he needs to work on? yes absolutely but if you're gonna call him the scum of the universe you sure better do it for all the other characters too is all I'm saying.
anon, you're absolutely right!
although, i don't respect what sand did - i just love him for it lol that man is insane 🤣 he finally did something interesting to me🫢 and the fact that he did it, knowing how much it would hurt ray in the process? just the rotten cherry on top of the shit sundae he served that friend group. now that is messy. and at least he seems to actually understand the gravity of how fucked up what he did was once he saw the consequences, unlike boston😒 who really had the gall to say that he "let" topmew have their happily ever after, after he had tried to sleep with top again and continued to lie to him about mew and ray - only leaving top alone because top finally stood up for himself, pushed him away, and shamed him about it.
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the point is that all these characters are flawed; they'd be boring otherwise. that's the case in literally all storytelling. does BL fandom think that all their faves in other series are perfect? no one is perfect.
however, top's flaws are what make him perfect to me. he's a well-crafted character who is fun to watch. plus, if you make a list of all his "sins" and "faults," he doesn't compare even slightly to these other characters. besides mew (uh, at least before ep6 lol), he's literally the least messy of them all - he's just a mean girl, who slept with someone else because the objectively worst of them tricked him through some of the nastiest, most underhanded means i have ever seen. all his other negatives aren't even unique to him - in fact, he seems to be the only one of the boys (besides mew) who doesn't do anything nasty unprovoked. we've seen in literally every episode what he said here is true:
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and even when ray "messed with" top by telling him he wanted to give whoever punched him in the face a trophy (because *checks notes* top was irritated that ray raised his voice about mew not wanting to leave the party. and that he's dating mew... that's it lmao ray was rude just from top hitting on mew. he didn't even know him yet! what kind of "if i can't have him no one can" kinda bullshit is that? wtf ray, grow up! ), top just stared at him sadly - and that was when he still thought that ray was sleeping with mew.
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every (idk, i might be missing a couple) other "flaw" of top's could be used to describe other characters in the group:
"smug" because he's hot and rich (ray)
"smug" because he's "good at sex" (boston)
promiscuous (boston)
drug user (ray)
lying/not telling mew about sleeping with boston (boston and nick)
"betrayed" mew by sleeping with someone else (boston)
not mentioning that someone kissed him without consent (mew)
punches someone in the face (sand, ray, boston, and mew lol)
he "stole" (tbh i'm not convinced) someone's lover (boston)
and guess what? he's stopped doing all of those things. (i'll concede this: he might get in another fight later. i hope not, i'm a little over all the punching soz mew can have his attempted drowning of boston tho, i won't complain about that.) (and he's definitely going to relapse and take mew's pills, probably in the next episode. but at least he's stopped before then - i haven't seen any evidence that ray has ever tried to get sober.) can't say the same for the other characters.
meanwhile, negative things he hasn't done that others have:
violated consent (boston and ray)
instigated a physical fight (sand and ray)
insisted that the person he was seeing was "just a friend" (ray and boston)
recorded someone without their consent (nick and boston)
made fun of mew for being a virgin (boston)
smashed his own phone into pieces so he could steal a sex tape (sand omg i really cannot get over how truly insane that was)
hit the person he's sleeping with (boston and ray)
drove while drunk/high (ray)
got high and sent his best friend a sex tape of his boyfriend with their other friend ON HIS BIRTHDAY, AT THE BIRTHDAY PARTY WHERE BOTH OF THEM WERE (ray lol also can't get over that one. and everyone saying he did it with "good intentions" like nah just because he knew that mew wouldn't fall in love with him over it, doesn't mean that he didn't do it out of revenge against boston and top - even if he thought he was avenging mew. ON HIS BIRTHDAY, BITCH. maybe he convinced himself he was doing the right thing, but he did it because he was angry and high.)
exposed his friend's darkest secrets about their love lives to their partners, only to hurt them because he's miserable (boston and ray)
and i don't think top would. (maybe the driving while drunk/high but based on the kind of drugs he likes, i don't think he'd be able to, like, stand let alone get in a car lol but we'll see.)
and by compiling this list, i don't mean to say that all these characters are evil, except boston, and by his own admission lol,
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or that they're bad characters, just that the hate top gets is ridiculous and disproportionate. i'm not even saying that you have to like him, just don't exaggerate his faults or blame him for all the shit boston did to him. oh, you hate him based on "vibes?" don't act like it's not because he's played by force and you don't care about forcebook. it's not subtle😒 we can see your clown shoes😒
and this isn't really directed at you, anon, i know you mean well, but i am really tired of the fact that top fans seem to be the only ones who feel the need to say stuff like "he's flawed" and "he has issues," when every single fucking character is and does. why do we have to be defensive? we don't. he's a good character, and not even a bad person lol
i fucking love him, no caveats. i love everything about him.
AND ANOTHER THING lol i should just shut up but this is really bothering me: i am SO annoyed by these "huh i guess top does love mew" and "huh i wonder if top has some sexual trauma" posts LIKE REALLY??? REALLY???????? NOW YOU THINK SO?? FUCK OFF. like on one hand, yeah thanks for fucking FINALLY coming around but he's only acted like and said he liked mew LITERALLY EVERY EPISODE and only slept with boston because he was CORNERED and BECAUSE HE LIKED MEW AND FELT BETRAYED BY HIM LIKe JFOWJIWHGIOWJSFKL RAAAAAAAAH ok i'm done
so glad you dropped by, anon, clearly i needed to get some stuff off my chest 😅
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ezrisdax-archive · 7 months
Top 5 Stargate eps, comfort movies, and Canadian foods
stargate eps
Episode 200- ha bet you thought I'd say the time loop episode first but no, even this episode won out ahead. the in jokes, the jokes at other sci fis, the whole set up, the love of it all, when I have really bad days it is my comfort episode out of all comfort episodes honestly, I can't even begin to count how many times I've watched it and every time I cry when quote Issac Asimov at the end, I am a weak person lexi you know this
Window of Opportunity - okay yeah time loop was next, let's be real I am completely predictable but this was the time loop episode that really showed me how fun they could be. like I already loved the concept cause of TNGs one but this one? it's so funny, I've had people who don't even watch stargate watch that one with no context of the characters and still find it funny. and the ending is heart wrenching, what more do you want from a time loop (pst, lexi watch it with me again, now I miss it)
Abyss - I admit I loved Ba'al as a bad guy, he was so much fun for me and the episode introducing him was so weird with Jack haunted by memories not his (what do you mean I'm obsessed with that because of star trek and ezri-) and eternally whenever I chuck a shoe too far accidentally while taking them off I just think of "I just threw my shoe through you" when Jack is talking to Daniel, like c'mon that was so funny
The Fifth Race - I loooooove the introduction of the Asgard so much, not to mention Jack getting the language in his head. once again sometimes my brain just goes "there is nothing cruvus with me!" for no reason because of that episode.
Fragile Balance - I'm just a sucker for a good cloning episode okay, and Jack and the Asgard just don't miss for me! I'm a weak person lexi!!!!!
comfort movies
Star Trek: The Voyage Home - yes it's the one with the whales and time travel, two things I love specifically because of this movie probably. no lie this movie did have me really into whale conservation as a kid though, something that's stuck with me well into later years. but like it's got everything, Spock being sassy to McCoy, McCoy and Scotty off on their own adventure, chase scenes in a hospital with Chekov on the cart like it's fucking looney tunes, time travel, whales, the crew being the crew together! mcfucking love this movie
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi - be honest, you knew I'd have this here because we've talked so many times and I've said it's my fave but like...I watched this movie every day for a year as a kid. I made my dad buy back up tapes because I wore it out on VHS. to this day I still have five copies. I want you to know I don't just love this one because Wedge appears the most here. Though that doesn't hurt. It's just about the conclusion of it for me, it does something for me where it gives me hope.
Canadian Bacon - this movie isn't gonna be known to like...anyone. but me and my best friend as a kid watched this movie like every week while we were up at my cottage and it's another movie I can quote by heart. the premise is the americans decide to fake a war on canada to boost the economy though canada doesn't know and this group infiltrate canada and I'm in tears laughing every time at the line "Aboot? it's about! about! we have ways of making you pronounce the letter 'o'" also Alan Alda is there.
Robin Hood Men in Tights - this was a movie I used to watch constantly with my siblings, we loved Mel Brooks movies but this one was the top tier for us for comedy sake and occasionally in the sibling chat we'll still send in jokes about it
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse: I know you didn't love it and me having a spider related thing on here is weird but I just shut my eyes during those points and watch the rest in peace. like this movie was just magical to me, the way it handled the multi-verse and Miles' story and the art and music, it's so good and I have no words to really describe how good it is for me, I just love it.
canadian foods lmao that's so specific but is this because I'm sending you stuff soon?
All Dressed Chips, I cannot believe americans don't have this, you guys love your weird flavours on everything else and you don't have this??? it's like the everything bagel of chips, what is wrong with you guys
Ketchup Chips, I know I know that sounds like it tastes bad but no it doesn't and if you think that get taste
Beaver Tails - tragically the place that used to make them near my place closed down ages ago but I got to have a good one when I was visiting @trillscienceofficer in Alberta this year and that pastry is so good
Smarties - once again not your kind of smarties but chocolate which is NOT like m&ms we use better chocolate
Caramilk bars - while looking things up when I messaged you I found out you guys don't have those and hey??? what the fuck???
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cyanichexanthine · 8 months
fave scene from the Rick and Morty trailer??
I’m not gonna lie, this is so tough because I’m so here for all of it, absolutely living on the few lines about the Prime hunt because they hid it so much from the trailer esp with the “I found the version of me that killed my wife, you just missed it” line, despite that probably being sarcasm in the context of the question, in the trailer context? Yeah… they’re so going to string plotline that along 🫠 I’m continuing to store feral charge until Prime is on screen again. It’s so over when he’s revealed.
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(plus huge looming shots of the sub basement my beloved 🫠🩵 I’m such a fan of the overall colours in the trailer! Rip Prime hologram though 😢)
I’m also going to be haunted by that battle outfit BP for a while and I’m so happy to see squanchy again, the gang hanging out🥲🫠, I’m so curious about it all.
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But my overall favourite scene of the trailer? Any hints of the mindblower stuff, the broken vials etc, summer’s expression. It was so brief but like it’s mostly because that is like the episode I’m most looking forward to somehow. It was even back when the episode title cards were released. I’m actually excited to see more Summer focused stuff this season too (esp since the stuff she was doing in the trailer was wild?? Cutting up an alien bug with a cleaver? Sorting cursed amulets?)
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Anyway now just the wait until October 15 🫠🥲
Thank you for the ask @selfshippinglover 🥰💕
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sassybluee · 5 months
Dramas in 2023 roundup!
It's midway thru January, but it's never too late to reflect on the year before. I think I watched the most dramas I've ever had this past year, so I wanted to write a little roundup with my thoughts.
Here's an overview of the ones I completed!
Unchained Love (2022) ⭐️ 7.5
I've Fallen for You (2020) ⭐️ 8
Miss the Dragon (2021) ⭐️ 7
The Rational Life (2021) ⭐️ 9
Till the End of the Moon (2023) ⭐️8.5
A Romance of the Little Forest (2022) ⭐️ 7
Back from the Brink (2023) ⭐️ 8.5
The Starry Love (2023) ⭐️ 7.5
The Wolf (2020) ⭐️ 8.5
My Journey to You (2023) ⭐️ 8
Never Give Up (2023) ⭐️ 8.5
Ancient Love Poetry (2021) ⭐️ 9
Destined With You (2023) ⭐️ 7.5
Here are the ones I placed on hold/dropped
Legend of Anle
Love You Seven Times
Love in Flames of War
Only for Love (dropped)
The Snow Moon (dropped)
More detailed thoughts below the cut!
Unchained Love (2022) ⭐️ 7.5
Part palace drama, part comedy, this was a fun ride. I really liked watching the relationship between Bu Yinlou and Xiao Duo develop from friendship into romance. The comedy moments were really well done, and had me actually laughing out loud. The fight sequences were also really well done, and I liked the costumes. However, the last five or so episodes had such an abrupt tonal shift, and there were some questionable decisions made by otherwise smart characters, so it kind of fell flat at the end. BUT I would still watch it again, just maybe just skip the last eps.
I've Fallen for You (2020) ⭐️ 8
I didn't expect to like this one as much as I did. The basic concept is: childhood sweethearts try to find their way back to each other, end up married after a strange series of events, but they aren't sure their spouse is the childhood sweetheart they're looking for. It's silly, cute, and very good fun. I really liked the secondary couple as well. The ending managed to make me very emotional, which surprised me. And I enjoyed that the heroine was a fan of doing autopsies (something that does occasionally become plot-relevant).
Miss the Dragon (2021) ⭐️ 7
Okay, first off, I know this one has a reputation of being a bad drama. And tbh, I agree! Objectively, it's not very good. HOWEVER! The viewing experience? Was so fun. The characters? Very entertaining. The frenemy dynamic between the ML and 2ndML? Hilarious and also a bit gay. The FL is a bit flat, but she does develop more personality through her various reincarnations. My fave life of hers was the 3rd, I believe (the lady general arc). Wang Hedi's acting is not the best but I still think he's very cute lol and he's watchable! It's just maybe not what you'd expect from him if you saw CLJ or The Rational Life first.
The Rational Life (2021) ⭐️ 9
Yes, this was for a bit of a palate cleanser after the overall ride that was Miss the Dragon. I wasn't sure if I'd be into the modern cdrama genre cuz fantasy/historical is more my preferred vibe of media, HOWEVER, I wanted to give it a shot because I'd seen some cute gifs. I really loved it, far more than I expected to. Every character was really well done, and I really liked how the story was centred on women's experiences in various workplaces/times in their life. It also gave me age gap brainrot, I won't lie. I loved the gradual build from coworkers to friendship to romance with Qi Xiao and Shen Ruoxin. I will say tho... I would like to know what whoever dressed Wang Hedi in this show was thinking. Some of those outfits were... a choice lol.
Till the End of the Moon (2023) ⭐️ 8.5
Everyone has seen or at least heard about it at this point. Dare I say it's iconic? I won't lie, my rating upon finishing it was lower. I had issues with the pacing in parts and I found the last episodes difficult to get thru because they just didn't capture my attention the way the beginning of the drama did. However, I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since. Plus, the performances by Luo Yunxi and Bai Lu are amazing. And I really feel they embody the "enemies to lovers" trope better than anyone!
A Romance of the Little Forest (2022) ⭐️ 7
Tbh... this show deserves less than a 7, but I rated it as such because I love my queen Xinxin, and her chemistry with Zhang Binbin was good. I think this would've worked better as a 24-episode drama, as the last couple plot arcs felt kind of tacked on. It's great if you want to see Yu Shuxin in various adorable outfits and a fun fake dating plot, but maybe stopping midway is good enough. Fair warning, the second couple's storyline was awful on several levels. Essentially, the man lies about being in a wheelchair to garner sympathy with his crush, who herself is partially Deaf. Yeah, it's BAD. Just skip all their scenes.
Back from the Brink (2023) ⭐️ 8.5
I really enjoyed this, especially how silly it could be. They really amped up the humour, and to me that worked well. At the same time, there were also some very heartfelt moments that made me tear up. I really liked the side couples as well, they were all quite likeable. It was just a really fun show from beginning to end.
The Starry Love (2023) ⭐️ 7.5
I really enjoyed this, up until the last arc. I found after that, it dragged a bit. To be honest, it dragged a bit in earlier parts too. What saved it for me was the humour, the relationship between the two sisters, the Void Realm subplots, and the adorable Di Lanjue. Unfortunately, Yetan/Youqin didn't really do much for me, but I still found them enjoyable at times.
The Wolf (2020) ⭐️ 8.5
This was a surprise for me. I didn't expect I'd like it much going in, but I still wanted to give it a try for my guy Xiao Zhan. I'd tried watching it before when it first aired, but I found the first couple episodes too cheesy. I still found them incredibly cheesy this time, but after about midway through episode 3 when the main plot kicked off, I found myself really invested. Fair warning, Xiao Zhan only shows up in episode 11, so if you're watching it just for him, you may be disappointed. Fortunately, I found myself invested in all the characters quite a bit. If you like messy toxic bitches, this is the drama for you. Warning: there was an attempted rape scene I found quite uncomfortable (though it's not played as being romantic, thankfully). There are a couple other dubcon incidents I wasn't a huge fan of, and one character has a miscarriage. Just things to keep in mind before viewing.
My Journey to You ⭐️ 8
Where do I even start here? Once again, I probably should rate it lower, because the story itself is a mess. HOWEVER, the characters, aesthetics, and cinematography are all excellent. The characters are really what stayed with me the most, and the episode focusing on Yun Que was devastating in all the best ways. The beginning episodes were also fantastic, the way the story unfurled. It just became clear in the latter half of the series that the writer had written himself into a corner and didn't know how to get out. Frustrating, but I don't regret my journey with this show (heh, get it). It's for that reason I'm not sure I can ever rec it to anyone, but I'll gladly talk about it to anyone who will listen.
Never Give Up (2023) ⭐️ 8.5
This was a fun office sitcom-style drama that I really breezed through after the horror show that was MJTY. Lighthearted with short episodes, it was very enjoyable. If you've ever worked in an office, you can probably relate. Once again, I'd like to speak with whoever dressed Wang Hedi cuz they made some interesting choices lol.
Ancient Love Poetry (2021) ⭐️ 9
Another surprise for me. I had tried the first episodes a while back and found it a bit dense, but restarting it this year I found it a lot more interesting. Maybe having more xianxia general knowledge helped me out. It was a really beautifully done drama. The CGI and sets were all superb. There was a whole host of characters to get invested in as well. It was a truly epic story from start to finish.
Destined With You (2023) ⭐️ 7.5
The one Kdrama on this list! I really loved the two actors, their chemistry, and the plot in general, but the pacing in the middle took me out a bit. I would still recommend watching it, as there was lots to enjoy. The modern with magic elements were really intriguing, as was the concept of past lives. I also like that the ML and 2ndML work together instead of constantly butting heads once it becomes clear who the FL will pick. The flashbacks to the past life were also really interesting--I wish we'd had more of that tbh! I'll definitely be looking out for both actors in other dramas!
As for the shows I placed on hold, I will likely stop lying to myself and drop them. But I might give them another shot before doing so. I'm still really disappointed by Only for Love, but I couldn't bring myself to finish it. Not even the power of Didi and Bai Lu could make me do it. It just got too frustrating.
Now, I'm currently watching Story of Kunning Palace, Royal Rumours, and The Last Immortal. I'm not super sold on the last 2, but SOKP has really grabbed me by the throat (just like Xie Wei to Jiang Xuening) so I'm glad to be starting the year off strong!
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Okay. It’s been 2 days since The Last Kingdom wrapped up with its movie. So, I have had time to ponder, and cry, and think, and be in denial, but I think it’s time I share what that show has done for me and how it may have changed my life.
All right, so picture this, I am scrolling on Tumblr on my desktop bored out of my mind, not writing, in fact I think at this point I hadn’t written anything in months. And then suddenly there’s this gif set.
I can’t tell you which person I follows that posted it but I do remember my first reaction: Is that Francis from Reign?
And I was right. It was a gif set of Aethelflaed and Aethelred’s wedding. I was mildly interested but kept scrolling. And then came another gif set; same wedding but this one had Finan and Aethelwold.
I did not know the characters names then but I did know that 1. Aethelwold called Finan an Irishman and I really do have a soft spot for guys with accents and 2. Finan saying ‘I’ll kill ya in your sleep’ had exactly no business being that sexy.
That gif set made me write down the name of the show ‘The Last Kingdom’ into my notebook of tv shows/crime documentaries to watch.
I did not watch it until later… You guessed it lockdown from COVID. I had so much time, so I binged the series.
And waited all through season 1 for Finan, he didn’t show and man, not going to lie, Uhtred was not making the best decisions. I almost quit the show… but I had a goal: sexy Irishman.
(I’m halfway joking about that…)
When I did reach season 2 and Finan, I found I had fallen for other characters; Ragnar, Hild, Leofric, Beocca, hell even Alfred was all right. But season 2 also brought Thyra, Sihtric, Gisela, and Osferth.
I loved the whole found family dynamic. And it helped a tiny bit that a lot of the actors were fairly good looking.
But I don’t think I actually fell in love with the show until season 3.
I know, all of you are like ‘we get it. Season 3 Finan was sexy, you have mentioned it before’ and I have. But honestly, look at him:
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But it was more than just Finan looking sexy, (all my friends are like ‘you’re lying’) it was the Coccham Squad as a whole. They had grown closer and tighter. The storyline for season 3 was the perfect balance of heartbreak and triumph for me. Finan was a smartass, always saying what I was thinking. Sihtric had his spy moment and fake turn. Osferth was sweet and caring. And Uhtred, surprisingly he had grown as a character, unsurprisingly he was still making stupid decisions.
But this season is my fave for more than that. This season, it got that writing spark going again.
And as I moved onto season 4, that spark became a flame.
So I wrote like 600 pages, no chapter breaks, one doc per season of this idea I had. And I told myself that would be it. I didn’t expect the desire to write to last, and if it did I was a hardcore Supernatural girl. I had stories I needed to finish for that fandom.
Finan though, that sexy Irish bastard would not be denied.
And I found myself rewatching the series… I mean, I started at season 2 the episode where Finan shows up. ( sorry Em)
And I got another idea. And I just decided: Fuck it. And signed up to get an Ao3 account and started writing and posting.
Now, this is the part where I get a little emotional. It was through my fic that I met some of my closest friends. I got an invite to a Discord server and the rest is history.
I have laughed with these awesome peeps, cried with them, celebrated their victories, and shared in their defeats. Spent far too many hours talking about how sexy certain characters are *cough cough* Finan and Sihtric.
I found my own family, you could say.
So, yes, The Last Kingdom is over, there will be no new adventures with Uhtred and his pretty boys.
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But I will still have my own adventures with the Bread team. @emilyhufflepufftlk @lauwrite1225 @morosemagick @solinarimoon @blah-blah-blah-bla @muddleofnervouswords @medievalfangirl @cibs @93xdiagonxalley @anotherwinchesterfangirl
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And I have Uhtred, Finan, Sihtric, and Osferth to thank for that, along with the many other great characters who made that show so damn compelling.
So thank you to The Last Kingdom for bringing me my people.
Oh, and for dropping this incredibly sexy but so nerdy Scotsman on my radar…. But that’s another post 😉
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Hello, since you are literally BEGGING for someone to ask you about Transformers, I’ll happily do it. Besides, it’s been a while since I shared my opinions on Transformers with another Transformers fan.
So here I am, asking you to share every detail you like about Transformers RiD2015, I would also rant for hours about but no one ever listened to me about it. So yeah, start talking, give me everything you love about RiD2015, which characters you like, what episode you enjoyed the most, did you like the Insecticons? What about the Bee Team? Did you hate it when one of your favorite ‘Cons got put into stasis? Because I sure have. Are there any characters you absolutely DESPISED and felt internally salty about? Do you think Fixit is baby man? Would you like to be teleported into the RiD2015 universe some day? Start talking.
first off, i am 1000% an unironic fan of rid2015. i loved every second of the whole show, and i wouldn't change a thing. except i would add more rescue bots references/crossovers bc those guys are my faves too, but the writing, characters and pacing all felt really good to me.
i liked all the characters. like, every single one, except steeljaw. he's a great villain and a well written character. his role as villain was so good, in fact, that i hate his guts. that furry pisses me off with his condescending attitude and his shifty schemes. i hate people who lie to others, and people who betray others, and ESPECIALLY people who are smug about these two things: all of which applies to him. i feel personally avenged when bad things happen to him.
my favorite is strongarm i think. she's so cool to me, and i really respect her work ethic, and the fact that we're getting more girl (used loosely bc i think that bots don't have feelings on gender) bots. also the fact that her design breaks away from the whole "the guys can be bulky and buff but the girls with the same experience and training can't" thing that tfp did. it bugged me, so i'm glad strongarm was allowed to be bulky and strong. i mean, she drags grimlock's trailer, and they've acknowledged that it takes a lot of brute strength. i loved that, and the fact that we get to see more girls who are strong instead of just agile or fast.
i don't know if i can pick a favorite episode. i really did like all of them, but episodes that i tend to really love are the episodes that focus on drift and the minis, anything where strongarm is the main focus/has a lot of screen time, and the episodes where we see more of denny and russel. i like the humans in rid, which is kinda surprising because i tend to kinda not care. i also like to see the subtle development they get, and how their relationship improves.
Fixit is hilarious, and i love him. he would not approve of being called baby man i believe, but it sums him up pretty well. i appreciated being able to see a character like him, where he was less of the fighting type and more of the helping from the sidelines. it's important to remember that the people we see in action can only be there because of the people behind the scenes, and i liked seeing a character represent that and be thanked/appreciated as an equal.
anyways long story short i really love rid2015, it's a great show with good humor, fun plots and interesting characters!! and once again, thank you so much for the ask!
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superbellsubways · 7 months
ok thanks so you ever heard of jackbox games. they make incredibly silly party games you can play with your phone. one of my faves is the fibbage series, specifically the most recent one fibbage 4
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in fibbage you get a weird fact with an important word(s) blanked out. and every player has to write something to fill in that blank (that’s called a lie). then everyone picks what they think is the real answer (the truth). you get some points if someone falls for your lie, but more points if you find the truth
the main reason i like jackbox’s games so much is because of the voices in each game that narrate stuff like tutorials, prompts, etc. the fandom usually just refers to these guys as the Hosts of the games. some of them have official designs that appear sometimes throughout a game (m bubz in job job, rue meringue in roomerang, etc.)
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others don’t have appearances Or official names (like the hosts of talking points, quixort & fixytext) and some More others, while not ever being seen, they do have names that they refer to themselves as. there’s schmitty from quiplash and lord tippet from weapons drawn
ok back to fibbage now the host of fibbage is part of the last category i listed, his full name is Cookie Masterson. he’s such a wild guy let me talk abt him for a moment. he has a niece named Lexical Semantics, his house is infested with bats, he once tried to drive down local real estate prices by dressing up as a ghost & the fandom has collectively agreed that he’s bisexual. those first three facts are from various voice lines that he has in fibbage 4. go try to look for them i dare you
fibbage 4 also has 5 special episodes with pre-decided questions (oh did i mention that the players take turns choosing the questions using random words relating to the questions? well in the special episodes they can still kinda “choose” the questions but every choice in one round leads to the same question. does this even make sense anymore i’m sorry) that relate to an over-arching storyline that each episode has, like there’s one where cookie’s on a date and hosting the game both at the same time, one relating to the bats infesting his house that i mentioned earlier, one where an ai clone of himself traps him in a closet and takes over the game for a bit. sorry for going on for too long i just really like sharing crazy shit i enjoy. anyways here’s a link to all 5 special episodes i have no idea if the embed will show or not
also idk if i made it clear or not but cookie does Not have a canon design, meaning we in the fandom draw him however we like. do with that information what you will
OK THIS IS ALOT MORE THAN I WAS EXPECTING but its OK!! I don't mind this at all prommy
I am aware of Jackbox and a couple characters in it :) (I have actually made a design for the host of Trivia Murder Party once before but never finished or shared it!) Though I haven't been able to play many of the games myself 💔
This Cookie guy does seem very interesting tho and I'm sure I'd love him just from the stuff ur telling me fhjsdjd I'll probably check out the eps later and look more into this along with the other characters and hosts 😁 I love disembodied voice characters!!! (and by ur name i could tell you do as well LOL)
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