#he’s always been a prankster but this is miles further than a prank
rendiggitydog · 3 years
So GenerikB huh?
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iliveiloveiwrite · 4 years
Come What May
Request: hey! can i get a request for an american transfer (i’m not sure if they were even a thing lol but anyways) and she is a hufflepuff? maybe she becomes friends with remus due to him being a prefect and sirius ends up really liking her? if you want to change it up a little bit for your writing that’s perfectly fine! xx
A/N: I loved writing this - it took me some time to start, but I loved writing it. I hope you like it and I hope I’ve done it justice. I’ve no clue whether I’ve made the reader American enough but I still hope its good nonetheless. Moulin Rouge is one of my favourite musicals; the title is the name of the song. Enjoy!! :)
Pairing: Sirius Black x American!Transfer!Reader
Warnings: fluff, mentions of pregnancy, I wanna say swearing but I can't remember, mentions of nausea, mentions of anxiety, mentions of homesickness
Word count: 3.3k
In an attempt to improve relations between the wizarding worlds of the United States of America and the United Kingdom, MACUSA and the Ministry of Magic set up a transfer scheme for sixth years of Ilvermorny and Hogwarts. The entirety of their sixth year would be spent abroad where they would gain the worthwhile experience of receiving an education in a different country.
Some pressure from your mother had you applying to spend a year at Hogwarts. Only ten students from the year group were given the opportunity – when it was offered to you, you took it with both hands. A year abroad would look good on your final transcript when applying to train as a Healer.
Upon arriving at Hogwarts, you were swiftly sorted into Hufflepuff; a kind, gentle house that made you feel welcome. Their proximity to the school kitchens would help with reducing the stress for exam season, you thought.
Your first week was plagued with intense homesickness. The Scottish Highlands were hauntingly beautiful, but they were nothing compared to your surroundings at Ilvermorny. You longed for the familiar sight of the familiar Mount Greylock. You missed your family, but your mother’s letters would still find you at Hogwarts. Professor McGonagall had assured you of that.
Your classes were hard to navigate. Hogwarts was bigger than Ilvermorny and you found yourself running from one side of the castle to the other in an attempt to get to lessons on time.
“Hi, are you okay?” A male voice asks. You turn to find lanky teenager with scars littering his face looking at you in concern. A prefect badge on the collar of his robes had you relaxing; here was someone that could help you.
“Hey!” You shout, eagerly, happy to see a friendlier face, “I’m lost. I’m trying to find Divination.”
He smiles at you, “You’re in luck, I’m heading to Divination as well.”
“That’s great, I’ll follow your lead. I’ve been here three weeks; you’d have thought I’d have the layout down by now.”
He chuckles, “I’m Remus, by the way.”
You hold a hand out to him, he shakes it once, “I’m (Y/N). I’m part of the transfer scheme between Ilvermorny and Hogwarts.”
Remus sits beside you in Divination; helping you when you struggled with understanding the teacher’s accent. Divination was taught at Ilvermorny, and along with Herbology and Potions, was one of the subjects you excelled at. Your four times great grandmother on your father’s side was a prophetess who barely escaped the witch trials in Salem; her talents had been passed down to you.
The lesson is over fairly quickly with Remus by your side, helping to translate the Professor’s words. You’re packing your books up, hoping your usually spot in the library isn’t taken when Remus asks: “(Y/N), would you like to join me for lunch? You’ll have to meet my friends, but they’re mainly harmless.”
Remus flashed you a grin, “They’ll talk your ear off, but they mean well.”
“In that case, I’d love to join you for lunch. I’d be spending it in alone in the library, so this is a definite upgrade. Lead the way.”
On the walk to the Great Hall, you and Remus bond more and you can feel the start of a genuine friendship beginning to be built.
By the time you arrive at the Great Hall, you have decided that Remus is in fact a sweetheart with a heart of gold who loves his books as much as he loves his friends. From your limited knowledge of Hogwarts houses, you can see exactly how Remus meets the standards to be a Gryffindor.
Remus automatically heads to the table assigned to Gryffindor, spotting his friends in the crowd. You only hesitate for a moment before joining him.
“(Y/N), these are James, Peter and Sirius.” Remus introduces, pointing to each teenage boy with their name. They look at you with fascination as you take a seat next to Remus, who hands you the pitcher of water without a second thought. Yes, your friendship with Remus would be something you truly treasure with all of your heart.
“It’s nice to meet you all,” You greet, not missing how their eyes widen at your accent.
“Are you one of the American exchange students?” Peter asks.
You nod, smiling at him, “I am.”
If it’s possible, his eyes widen further, “You must be really smart then. Like super smart to get into the programme. The one’s we got in Gryffindor are like geniuses.”
“Thank you, that’s a very nice compliment.”
Peter blushes, breaking the eye contact between you two.
You start placing food onto your plate, eating a forkful in between answering questions.
“My turn now – how did you all become friends?”
James grins, “We all met on train and became friends. It seemed fate was on our side when we were all sorted into the same house.”
You look at the ties each worn by the teenagers; stripes of solid red stand out against dark black. “You’re all in Gryffindor!”
James nods, “We are! And our ever-lovely Remus is our prefect.”
You smile when you see Remus out of the corner of your eye, sitting a little straighter at the sound of his school role.
Sirius catches your eye, a smirk turning the one corner of his lips upwards, “What house were you sorted into?”
You point to your tie, not missing the way his eyes rake up and down your body, “Hufflepuff,” you state proudly, feeling very at home with your Hogwarts house.
“What’s your house at Ilvermorny?” He asks, pronouncing each syllable of your school separately, testing out the sound of it on his tongue.
“Pukwudgie.” You declare, prouder than ever of your house back in America. Those sorted into Pukwudgie are defined by their passions and their desires; they commit themselves fully to everything they do whilst being fiercely loyal caregivers and protectors.
Sirius’ lips tremble; he wants to chuckle at the odd sounding name. You don’t miss the expression on his face, rolling your eyes at it.
“We have four houses at Ilvermorny: Pukwudgie, Wampus, Horned Serpent, and Thunderbird. It is said that my house, Pukwudgie, favours healers which makes sense since that is what I’m working towards. I want to work at the hospital for magical folk in New York City. The other houses favour different positions; Wampus – warriors, Horned Serpent – scholars, and Thunderbird – adventurers. Truthfully, we aren’t that different to Hogwarts expect for the fact that we’re in America. The Hogwarts students over there are probably realising the same thing. ”
The four boys look at you in astonishment, and you realise that since you arrived in Scotland, those were the most words you had spoken in succession.
“Well,” You say, grinning, taking a sip of your water, “we aren’t entirely different other than the fact that we’re better
James squawks in indignation, “How? I think you’re mistaken. I’m going to need a point by point explanation of how that is even possible. Hogwarts is the best school out there!”
You laugh at him, “Hogwash. Are you ready for that conversation, James?”
Sirius grins, showing off his perfectly straight, white teeth, “Oh, I like you. I think we’re going to get on like a house on fire.”
With your heart racing, your answering smile is blinding.
The Marauders adopt you as an honorary member; Peter had dubbed you the emissary to Ilvermorny with a promise to tell your tales of your time at Hogwarts to the student body of the school; to make them famous ‘across the pond’.
The more time you spent with the pranksters, the more you saw them as themselves. James and Sirius were ridiculously smart but played aloof – happier to marked as the class clowns than the smartest in the class (though they were by miles). James was besotted with a red-haired girl named Lily who never seemed to want to give him the time of day, but he persisted.
Peter had the best stories from his childhood, and he was more than happier to tell you them. But there was something simmering under the surface with Peter, as if he was too close to the flame of something he couldn’t quite pull back from. You hoped he would before it was too late.
Remus confessed to you a month into your friendship, of his lycanthropy – he trusted you, he knew you wouldn’t spread his secret and you wouldn’t. You could see his self-hatred always simmering, but Remus was so pure of heart with a predisposition for trouble that made him a natural leader when planning the school-wide famous pranks, that you knew he would not let the wolf inside him control him for longer than was necessary.
The friendship you had created with all four of them was something you would cherish upon returning to Ilvermorny. In such little time, they had taken you in and made you feel at home within their group.
Out of all them, you felt drawn to Sirius and he was more than happy to entertain you. He found you fascinating as well as extremely beautiful. There was something about your eyes that he couldn’t put his finger on, but they had him from the very moment they fell on him in the Great hall. He could sit and listen to you for hours whether it be a story or a rant. He was more than happy to let you talk and for him to listen. You had bewitched him; mind, body and soul. He’d follow you to the ends of the earth.
It was this that made you fall in love with him.
As cliché as it is to describe, your feelings for Sirius took you by surprise. In a matter of few weeks, you had started to fall in love with the shaggy-haired prankster. He had captured your heart in a way you never thought possible; you found it hard to think of anything but him. Your heart raced with every bit of eye contact made across the classroom; as if you were the only one in his line of vision.
Sirius had a way to make you feel as if you were the only one in the world; he would listen to your rants over the differing education systems between the USA and the UK or if someone had gotten on your nerves. He would defend you if ever a cross word was even uttered in your direction; Severus Snape had been on the receiving end of most of Sirius’ hexes. Sirius had you completely enthralled.
You spend weeks agonising over your feelings for the Gryffindor; badgering Remus at every opportunity until he cracks and tells you that Sirius feels the same but doesn’t know how to approach you.
You decide then and there that you’re going to tell him; that you’re going to confess your feelings for him. As you rush to the library, you steel yourself in case of rejection. It would break your heart, but you would find a way to repair the friendship.
You find Sirius in an isolated corner of the library, pouring over one of the many leather bounded books. The library had taken your breath away when you first arrived; never in your life had you seen so many ancient and dusty tomes dedicated to the practice of witchcraft and wizardry. Now, your eyes are drawn to the teenager hidden among them.
Sirius is sitting in one of the few arm chairs. You don’t sit down; the anxiety and adrenaline preparing your legs for a quick exit if needed.
“Do you want to go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend?” You ask.
Sirius looks up from his book, wide-eyed, “What?”
“Would you like to go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend? I know it’s a free weekend for the both of us and I’d like to go with you.”
“Yes. I like you, Sirius and I think you’ve known for a while that I do.”
Sirius can’t help the blush that rushes to his cheeks, “I know of your feelings.”
“I need to know: are they returned or am I overstepping here?”
Sirius places his book on the table, “No, no, you’re not overstepping. I’ve had a crush on your for a while.”
Your grin lights up your face and Sirius find himself making the promise of to always be the cause of your smiles and never your tears.
“So would you like to come to Hogsmeade with me?”
“As long as you let me pay; it would be shame on my name for me to let such a beautiful person pay for their date.”
“You are a gentleman. So you will come?”
“Yes, we’ll go to Hogsmeade on a date this weekend. I adore your confidence.”
“I’m American,” You state, shrugging your shoulders, “We’re born with it.”
Sirius barks a laugh as he pulls you into his lap, his hands on your waist. You press not one, but two kisses to his cheek where the blush still remains, savouring he fact that it was you who affects him so, and no-one else.
Sirius relaxes beneath you; happy to have you in his arms for however long you have left at Hogwarts.
In the muted light of the moon reflecting into his dorm room, you can be honest with each other. Your time at the school for witchcraft and wizardry was coming to a close with little under a month before you were returning to Ilvermorny to complete your final year of education.
You didn’t try to ignore the lance of pain spearing your heart as you imagine that year without Sirius. A little over four months with him and you knew that you have found the love of your life; that there would be no-one else for you.
“I don’t want to leave you,” You whisper in the dark of the night, curled under his arm, your hand pressed to his chest so you can feel his heartbeat under your palm.
“I don’t want you to go.” He whispers against your hair.
Tears sting the corner of your eyes, “What are we going to do?”
“For now, I’m going to sleep next to the girl I love. Tomorrow, we are going to talk about it, I promise. I just want to hold you now.”
“Tomorrow,” You promise, “Tonight, I just want to be held by you.”
Sirius pulls you tighter to him; as if the two of you aren’t already pressed together. He drops another kiss to your head while you press one to his shoulder. You aren’t sure whether of you get a lot of sleep that night; worries of the future working their way down the familiar path of your mind.
The following morning brings lingering touches and unhurried kisses. The anxiety from last night hangs like a dark cloud over the both of you but there is a determination within you to hurry it away.
The day is spent slowly; slowly walking around the grounds, slowly reading in the common room, slowly kissing. As if the slower your pace, the longer you can spend in his arms where you truly want to be.
The topic needs to be approached; it needs to be addressed or else it’ll sour the remaining time you have left with the boy you’ve fallen in love with.
Laying on the couch in the Gryffindor common room, your head in Sirius’ lap, you ask, “What are your plans for the summer?”
He sighs, pretending to think it through as he brushes a hand from the top of your forehead to the tip of your nose, “I’m not sure, I think I’m going to be visiting this really pretty girl that I’ve fallen in love with.”
You beam, “Yes please. Come stay with me! My family is going to love you.”
Sirius’ cheeks warm, “Really?”
You nod, “Definitely, I’ve already told them all about you in my letters. My mom is going to love you. My dad is going to take some persuading though. I think the whole family won’t be able to leave you alone. I go to Scotland and come back with a boyfriend.”
Sirius laughs, warm and rich, “I’ll have to bring my charming self.”
“You do that, and you won’t get to leave.”
“Maybe that’s the plan. I think we can do it, you know.”
“Can do what?”
“A long-distance relationship. I think we can do it; I think we’re strong enough.”
“Yes, really. I know we haven’t been together very long but I’m in this for the long-haul. I want no-one else but you; I love no-one else but you. In such a short time, you’ve shown me what a relationship should be like and I want it. I want it all with you. So I think we’re strong enough to get through it. We can send letters and on the longer holidays, we can alternate between America and the UK.”
“You’ve really thought this through.”
Sirius nods, nudging you to sit up. “I have. I thought of it last night, I don’t know how neither of us thought of it earlier.”
You think it through, seeing no disadvantages to his plan other than the fact that you would miss him dearly. “I like it. Let’s do it, let’s do long-distance. I love you too, I want no-one else either. I hope you’re ready for all of my letters, Black.”
He laughs; the sound music to your ears, “More than ready.”
You can’t help the smile as you lean into kiss him.
7 years later:
The house is quiet; too quiet, you think as you push your feet into your slippers. You make your way downstairs to be greeted to the sight of your husband of five years cooking with your four year old daughter. 
“I think we’ve been caught, sweetheart.” Sirius whispers to the toddler sitting on the kitchen counter.
Your daughter turns from her place, “We’re making pancakes!”
“I can see that,” You say, chuckling, making your way to your husband – kissing him before kissing your daughter on the top of her head.
“We wanted to give you a bit longer in bed. I know you were up most of the night feeling sick.” Sirius says, a hand touching the barely-there bump.
“You’re my knight in shining armour, Mr. Black”
“Always at your service, Mrs. Black.”
Your final year at Ilvermorny was filled with letter upon letter from Sirius telling you the stories of his final year at Hogwarts. You were very happy indeed when he reported that James and Lily had finally started to see each other, and that Remus was thinking of going steady with a girl in Ravenclaw who loved books as much as he did.
The long-distance relationship was hard at times; always after a visit from one of you to the other but nevertheless, you both persevered – worries always extinguished over written word. Your family understood that your home was now in England; in the arms of a black-haired prankster that had captivated your heart from the very first smile. Your dream of being a healer was still very much attainable in England.
You and Sirius were not long behind James and Lily for marriage. Sirius had proposed one evening after you returned home from your shift at St Mungo’s; bone tired and in the need of a hug, you were shocked to return home to rose petals leading to the living room where Sirius was down on one knee – the only light in the room being from the candles lit on every surface available. You both cried when you accepted; you both cried at the wedding a year later.
You didn’t think there would be any more room in your heart to love someone else other than Sirius.
Then you found out you were pregnant. And your heart made room for one more. Your heart had stretched to fit three when your test came back positive for the baby currently growing in your womb.
As you sit in your kitchen, watching your husband cutting up pancakes for your daughter, you feel overwhelmingly grateful for your mother pushing you to fill out the transfer paperwork all those years ago.
Harry Potter (General) taglist: @slytherinprincess03 @bforbroadway @obsessedwithrandomthings @the-hufflefluffwriter @masterofthedarkness @kalimagik @summer-writes @lupins-sweater @mischiefsemimanaged @soleil-amaryllis
Sirius Black taglist: @cheapglitter @fific7
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Halloween Daughter Series - Genji!
*wiggles spoopy fingers spoopily* More Halloween fun with our sweet, sweet Overwatch boys! The darling @zarcake-writes gave me the idea for this one, too. I am NOT a prankster, so it was fun to live vicariously through Mona for a bit. 2,200 words.
More Daughter Series: Hanzo, Roadhog, McCree, Reaper, Soldier 76, Genji
More Halloween Daughter Series: Roadhog, McCree, Reaper
It was finally starting getting dark at the Gibraltar base and Genji could no longer suppress his excitement. With a giddy spring in his step and a wide smile plastered across his face, he hurried through the winding halls of the Overwatch barracks to Mona’s room. The door swung open before he could knock.
His daughter jumped in surprise and giggled. “I was just about to come find you!”
“You ready,” he asked enthusiastically.
She grabbed a nearly bursting backpack from behind her and grinned. “So ready!” The zipper parted and a ridiculous array of masks, creepy cutouts, fake bugs, and other bizarre trinkets almost tumbled out of the bag. A bright orange lid atop a seemingly ordinary jar of peanut butter caught his eye.
“What is this,” Genji asked twirling it in his hands.
Mona snickered. “You know those cans of fake peanuts that have snakes that pop out at you when you open them?” He nodded. “I found a site that puts those in packages that look like normal products, so people won’t be suspicious!”
“That is brilliant,” Genji laughed.
“I’ve got Mercy’s fancy hand crème, too!”
Genji zipped the bag back up and hoisted it onto her shoulders. “It would appear you have something in there for everyone. We had best get started!”
“Yeah,” she said grabbing his hand and pulling him toward the lab, “Winston’s gotta be first. He always has a snack once he’s done in the lab, and he’s probably finishing up now!”
The two of them flew through the base, snorting as they tried to stifle their giggles.
“Just in time,” Mona whispered, “he’s cleaning up.”
Genji frowned, watching the scientist put his tools away while humming a random song. “We do not have much time. I will go swap the peanut butter jars, you keep a lookout.” She plopped the container in his outstretched hand with a grave nod. She was so cute it hurt.
Quickly scaling the walls of the lab and hopping over the railing of the landing, the ninja made his way to Winston’s desk. He silently dropped to the ground and snatched his target from a nearby shelf, leaving the imposter in its place. Genji heard Winston’s heavy footsteps behind him and froze for a split second before diving behind a pile of books. He could just see Mona’s head poking out from the doorway, her eyes following Winston up the staircase.
Mona was absolutely right. Without even looking, the massive scientist grabbed his jar of peanut butter, still humming, and sat down by the window. With a small yawn he began to open his snack. Genji hadn’t felt this impatient in ages.
With a satisfying pop, the lid was blasted out of Winston’s hand as the compressed air inside the jar was released, spitting out more than a dozen scaly looking fabric snakes. The high pitched yelp that escaped from Winston as he tumbled over and tossed the jar across the room was completely out of character. Mona and Genji instantly burst out laughing, leaving their friend whipping his head back and forth between the two of them.
“What the hell was that,” the scientist sputtered as Mona ran up the stairs, still giggling.
“It’s Halloween, Winston! There’s got to be a few tricks along with the treats.”
After taking a moment to come to his senses, Winston chuckled, running a wary hand over his face. “You guys really got me!”
“Sorry, big guy,” Mona said throwing her arms around him, “you okay?”
The scientist hugged her back, lifting her off the ground with a smile. “I’m fine, newbie, but you’re playing with fire, pranking your boss like that. And you,” he said playfully jabbing Genji with his elbow, “aren’t you supposed to be setting a good example for her?”
“Where is the fun in that,” Genji grinned handing his friend the regular jar of peanut butter.
Winston accepted, but didn’t open it, still a little skeptical. “I hope I’m not the only one you two are teaming up on.”
“Of course not,” Mona assured him, “in fact, we better get going. We got a lot of team members to get to before the party.”
“Just make sure Reinhardt isn’t holding his hammer when you get him, okay,” Winston warned.  
“That is a very good point,” Genji murmured, envisioning the massive crusader taking down a wall as he panicked.
“We’ll be safe, I promise,” Mona promised, “see you later!”
“Have fun, you hoodlums,” Winston said shaking his head as he watched them leave.
Angela yelped when her lotion attacked her, and went bright red when she realized she’d been duped. Genji had never seen her so embarrassed before. He’d never seen her fly off the chain like that either, chasing him around the med bay, wielding a crutch like a weapon as Mona rolled on the floor cackling.
Lucio nearly puked when he bit into a chocolate covered brussels sprout, clawing at his tongue and whimpering. Once he’d had some proper truffles though, he was all smiles again, happily telling them where they could find McCree.
As the cowboy came back inside from smoking a cigarillo, they dropped a bundle of fake cobwebs on his head, making him thrash about wildly. His long brown hair looked like it had been through a tornado by the time he swatted his hat and all the strings attached to it away. He was panting and had a flashbang at the ready before looking up to see Mona and Genji nearly falling out of the rafters as they laughed. McCree was cracking up just as hard the next moment.
Mona somehow convinced Snowball to help them spook Mei, and placed a dreadful looking ghoul decoration over the little the drone. It floated like a something out of a cheesy old horror film, but still made Mei squeak before encasing herself in ice. The climatologist was less enthused about the pranking than the rest of the team had been, scolding Snowball for betraying her. Once she heard about Mercy’s reaction though, Mei was much more amused.
The two troublemakers stuck a twisted clown mask outside the window of Torbjorn’s workshop, and the short man fell out of his seat when he noticed it – which had taken forever. The engineer proceeded to chase Mona and Genji with a wrench, cursing in Swedish and all but foaming at the mouth.
Reinhardt laughed harder than anyone once he recovered from his prank. They had placed a dark-clad grim reaper figure in front of his bedroom door, then asked him to come to the mess hall. The standee had a motion sensor and swiped his flimsy plastic scythe when activated. It was more silly than scary, but Reinhardt was convinced enough to tackle the lawn decoration to the ground, wrangling it into a headlock. The poor this was just a crumpled mess now.
Tracer was taking a nap on the couch when they found her and put a creepy witch mask right next to her face. Mona gently tickled her foot until she woke up and screeched at the top of her lungs, blinking out of the room before they could explain. When Lena came tip-toeing back, she launched into a fit of giggles while simultaneously pulling Genji and Mona into a breathless hug.
“You little rats! I was SO SCARED! Oh my god, I almost jumped out of my skin,” she said wiping happy tears from her eyes.
“I think everyone within a mile heard you,” Mona said teasingly.
“Did you guys do this to everyone,” Tracer asked.
“Most everyone,” Genji answered. “We tried to think of something to make Zenyatta jump, but he is just too calm.”
“Yeah, if we tried to freak him out with a ghost or something the floating fella would probably just try to help the spirit resolve his unfinished business,” Mona frowned.
Both Genji and Tracer threw their heads back and laughed.
“That is exactly what he would do,” Lena chuckled. “You guys do anything to Hanzo?”
“Uh, no,” Mona said shaking her head. She looked sheepish.
Genji was about to say that they were still figuring out the best plan of attack, but Tracer gave his daughter a relieved look that made him hesitate.
“I don’t blame ya,” the older woman said, “I wouldn’t test that man for all the money in the world!”
“No kidding,” Mona agreed earnestly, “I’d rather wake up to an actual angry witch in bed than make him angry.”
“Oh come on now,” Genji said pulling Mona close, “my brother is just grumpy. Maybe a little scare will spook some of the angst out of his system.”
“I don’t know . . .”
“Well, whatever you do,” Lena said stretching, “leave me out of it! I need to go get on my costume. Later!” She jogged out of sight leaving Genji alone with his worried daughter.
“Hey,” he said softly, “if you want to leave Hanzo alone, we can. I understand.”
Mona sighed, “It’s just that he already doesn’t like me. I don’t want to make things any worse.”
Genji squeezed her shoulder as his heart ached. He knew his brother could be difficult and standoffish, but he was still her uncle. “I am sure that is not true,” he cooed, “how could anyone not like you?”
She snorted sarcastically, but smiled. “Thanks, but I’m just not feeling up to it today. Maybe next year?”
“As you wish,” he said taking the bag from her back and slinging it over his own – it was considerably lighter now.
They wandered back toward Mona’s room in silence, Genji replaying the few times he’d seen his brother and his child speaking. They didn’t seem close, but they had only recently met. That was to be expected. As they rounded the last corner, one of the automatic doors further down the hall began to slide open and Genji remembered that they had hooked a party popper to it. Whoever was about to walk through that door was about to hear a sudden loud noise and be doused in confetti. The cyborg had set it up as a last-ditch effort to include Zenyatta in the night’s festivities since the omnic’s quarters were just on the other side, but they had given up after 25 minutes of waiting. Evidently, the two had forgotten to clean up after themselves in the excitement. Genji ducked back behind the corner and peeked, but Mona kept walking.
There was a crack and an explosion of color. Mona clamped her hands over her mouth and stood utterly still as Hanzo brushed the bits of paper out of his face with a scowl. The archer’s eyes found Mona and his face contorted into a fierce glare. She shrunk away from him as he spoke.
“That is not funny,” he snarled at her. She backed away, and Genji came to his senses, darting to her side her. Hanzo gave him a confused look, still angry.
“It was just a joke, brother, there is no need to be so hostile,” the cyborg snapped as Mona retreated behind him.
Hanzo lowered his clenched hands and took a step back, realizing his mistake. He bowed his head and cleared his throat, trying to say something but failing to get it out. Genji glanced back to see Mona watching with fear in her eyes. She was afraid of him, more afraid than when assassins had been barreling down on her.
“Excuse me,” Hanzo eventually choked out, quickly retreating the way he came. Genji sighed and turned to Mona.
“Somehow that went worse than I imagined it would,” she stammered. She tried to laugh, but it came out as a shaky cough.
“My dear girl,” Genji said softly. “I did not think he would – that he would be so – ”
She smiled at him. “It’s okay. It was an accident. I can’t be mad at him for reacting like that when we’re the ones who surprised him.”
“I will talk to him. Surprised or not, I will not allow him to intimidate you like that,” Genji grumbled angrily.
“Whatever you think is best.” She was staring at the floor, pulling at the end of her braid.
Genji put his arms around her and squeezed her close. He’d never fully hugged her like this before, but she was quick to bury her face in his chest, holding him tight.
“I am sorry,” he whispered, nuzzling her with his visor.
“I’m not angry or anything. Just a little spooked.” She chuckled. “Guess that’s karma.”
Mona pulled back before Genji was ready, but he released her nonetheless, admiring her at arm’s length. “Do not let that grouchy old man ruin your night,” he said tenderly, “We still have a party to get to and other, more amenable, people to see.”
“Sounds good,” she said with a nod. “I’ll go get changed and meet you there, okay?”
“I will be waiting,” Genji said with a smile.
Hanzo arrived to the get-together late, no costume and looking incredibly awkward. As soon as the others stopped giving him a hard time, he pulled Mona away and apologized for his behavior while Genji watched carefully. Mona, of course, was the kind little thing she always was and forgave him. Hanzo had looked thoroughly relieved. The brothers were still going to have a very long discussion about exercising emotional control, but it appeared that Genji’s hopes for a loving family hadn’t been dashed quite yet.
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archieimagines · 7 years
Fireworks | Fred Weasley One Shot
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requested by: my hormones word count: 1707 words
The weather in Diagon Alley always seemed dark, even when the sun was out. Wizarding folk could feel the storm brewing. The times were dark.
But, just up the road, there was a new shop being built by a pair of red-headed twins. You’d spent much time with the brothers as they worked on their joke shop, just because there was nothing else to do when running a wandshop.
You found you'd come to like the twins, one more than the other, and in a slightly different way. Once you’d figured out which one was which, of course.
One summer, you were working away at a catalogue of wands, keeping it up to date with the ones your grandfather had recently made.
Until the letterbox rattled as an envelope flew through it. You checked the clock on the wall - midday. It was a little late for post.
You summoned the letter to where you stood, a brow arching when you recognised the type of letter.
A howler?
You scrutinised it for a while. Deciding it looked harmless, you braced yourself and held the envelope at arm’s length as you broke the seal.
It all happened at once.
It exploded, shouted and danced all at the same time, circling the room as fireworks popped around. You yelped and ducked behind the desk when the sparks came a little too close. Circus music filled the room and a familiar voice boomed over it, "HELLO! YOU ARE INVITED TO A WEASLEY’S WIZARD WHEEZES’ PRIVATE SHOWING. BE READY IN TEN SECONDS!”
The fireworks and music fizzled out. You stood and blinked at the paper on the desk, half-sure it was going to do a backflip or something.
Before you even managed to process it, there was a knock at the door and none other than Fred Weasley wandered in, leant against the desk with his infamous smirk and just went, "How'd you like that, eh?"
You blinked down at him. Still in mild shock, you choked on a laugh. "Scared the bloody life outta me."
With a wink and a nod, Fred seemed proud. "Yeah well, that was the point." He stood up straight and rested a hand on your shoulder a little roughly, clearly trying to contain himself. He guided (well, almost shoved) you out the door, "You're lucky, you know. George said I could show you the place first. He's over in Devon now trying to get mum and dad to come have a look." You could tell that he was trying not to physically bounce in excitement.
He was beaming so hard that if the smile was on anyone else's face, it would have been weird. But Fred was well practiced in the language of smiles, and his grin was so bright it sparked the one on your own lips.
It really was a light in the dark, as you’d said countless times that his shop would be. In the gloom of the darkening days, the prank emporium would bring the light back to Diagon Alley, just like his smile had brought light to your days.
He halted outside the shop and a large gasp slipped from her mouth at the tall ginger machine with the rabbit disappearing under the hat.
"And that," said Fred with a grand gesture, "Is yours truly!"
"That's you?" You weren't convinced. "Nah, that's gotta be George. It's too handsome to be you."
Fred raised a brow. "I think you need your eyes checkin', mate. …And probably your brain too, while you're at it."
You elbowed him in the ribs and brushed off the insult, eager to go inside. "Whatever, come on!" You grabbed his hand and yanked him towards the front door before holding your hand out towards the handle, “Well, smellies first.”
Fred was giddy with the thought of showing it to you. He fumbled with the door handle, his hands sweaty and sliding off because he was nervous. He didn't know why; he knew you’d love it. Who wouldn’t?
Finally getting a hold of the handle, he opened it just a crack as he grinned down at you before him. With unparalleled showmanship skills, he leant towards you and smirked, "Welcome to brilliancy," and swung the door open.
He didn't miss the widening of your eyes as the colours and sounds flooded your senses.
The wood inside was painted a bright orange, music filling the room, gadgets whirring and bewitched candies dancing around on the shelves. You barely had time to take it all in before Fred grabbed your hand, zipping around the shop and trying to show you everything at once.
“Look at this!” he kept shouting. He rummaged through boxes, eating sweets that made his tongue grow until it reached his knees, and then began shrinking when he ate the antidote. He dashed to the other side of the shop and whipped out a wand. "Oh, you'll love this. Genius, I tell you, and all my idea!”
"But it looks like a normal wand," you said as you took it.
"Yeah, you say that now. Try it!"
You eyed him sceptically before trying to levitate a box of something-or-another. But with a POP!, found that a feather duster was in your hand instead.
"Fake wands," he grinned, "They're gonna sell so well."
He took the duster from you and tossed it over his shoulder, flitting from one end of the shop to the other like some kind of bumblebee on fire, babbling about all his products.
You found it incredible that he had such a passion. Yes, he was a businessman, but he was a prankster at heart. You could only imagine what he would've been like in Hogwarts.
You climbed a couple of stairs, leaning over the rails as he hovered around you, talking a mile a minute, non-stop and so excitedly, bringing you gadgets and toffees to try, potions to smell and rocks to talk to.
He brought you an armful of fireworks, explaining the difference between each one and describing the colours and sounds they made when lit. Which ones were his idea, which ones he’d thrown at Percy, and which ones were banned at Hogwarts.
You weren't listening. You were too wrapped up in his passion to know what words he was saying. His eyes were bright, his cheeks a little pink from the exercise of running around the shop, hands flying through the air wildly as he rattled on.
As he talked, you noticed that he used one side of his mouth more than the other. His lips curled in a certain way when he said ‘brilliant’, and he kept saying it, and you felt your heart grow a little every time he did.
But you didn't realise you were leaning over the rail towards him until he'd gone through his entire stash of fireworks and looked up at you with that cheeky smile, his last words lost on you.
You didn't even know it was happening until it happened. Your lips were on his and the fireworks crashed to the floor. His hands found their way to your face, cradling it with such delicate care as you clasped at his shoulder, pulling him harder against your lips.
It was slow, it was sweet. But it was filled with his very same passion.
You realised what you were doing and broke the kiss. Your heart was in your throat and a blush burned on your cheeks, so you looked away.
"Oh, wow, I'm sorry- I didn't mean to-"
He cut you off with a large smirk. "Hey, shh. It's perfectly fine by me." He came around the banister as he spoke, stopping a couple of stairs below you so you were the same height. "Really, who needs whizz-poppers when you can have fireworks like this?"
You weren’t aware of the butterflies in your chest until they tripled at his words. His voice was low, tender, but still held that playful tone you'd come to crave. Soft as his voice, his hands found their way to your waist, sitting there happily, like it was where they were supposed to be. His lips curved into a smile as he raised a hand to your chin and kissed you once more, feather-light and innocent as the first one.
Until it wasn't.
Once your hands had found their way to his hair and brushed fingers through it, Fred gave a growl that almost startled you. His arms tightened around your waist and pulled you straight off the step, holding you firmly against his body as you clung to his shoulders. His lips against yours were almost desperate, but even as he got riled up you could still taste the smile.
He leant you back against the railing, your legs winding around his waist as he kissed you deeper.
This man had a strength to him you hadn't known existed. He was somehow forceful and gentle and the same time, and it was slowly driving you mad. His hands held you firmly against him, but their touch itself was delicate. You pulled him a little closer, chests pressed together.
Just as it felt like it should go further, a bell rang.
You pushed him away as if he were on fire, and slipped down a couple of stairs.
Fred's voice was hoarse, and just a little shaky. "O-oh, George." There was a pause. "Hi, Mum. Dad." He cleared his throat awkwardly, righting his tie.
You hazarded a glance up, and found three Weasleys by the doorway, each of them looking… stunned.
You slipped your gaze to Fred. His face was a fierce red, almost like his hair, and you were sure you looked the same.
No one said anything.
It was uncomfortable.
Very uncomfortable.
You swallowed your embarrassment and gave a conversational, "Yeah, love the fireworks, Fred, good job," and scuttled down the stairs. Head bowed, you headed straight for the door, giving a quick, "Hello Mrs Weasley," and shutting the door behind you.
You looked back through the window, and saw Fred looking back at you.
You gave an uncomfortable laugh and shook it off, sending him a salute before heading back to your own shop, trying to cool your face as you went.
written by: archie
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