#he’s /finn./ literally finn but grass
lanternlightss · 8 months
man i do wish there were more episodes exploring fern’s insecurities and screw ups (considering there were only ,,, say three or so before the. three buckets episode,,) but i don’t think i would’ve survived him constantly beating up himself over things. i would have crumbled.
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wybienova · 6 months
i dont know about other adventure time fans bc again im very new but something that is so important to me about fern is that like…. he’s not just finn. he’s a separate guy at this point. he’s just really stubborn and refuses to accept it because he’s Supposed to be finn
just simply being finn might be what he wants but it’s.. really not the best option . and it’s not what i would want a longer post canon arc for him to be
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happyshippingnoises · 7 months
SIGH. Here's older Fern ideas bc I'm hyperfixated on adventure time now
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Honestly, I might be able to make an entire comic atp on how Fern eventually gets Finn to be less "forget the past" and learn to grieve and deal with his issues without pretending it doesn't exist. Or how Fern lost his arm or learns to accept the demon literally keeping his arm alive. Maybe even how him and the grass wizard get along after years of resentment. Or how he got the ability to drink and finally, felt like himself without piggybacking Finn himself.
(If anybody has some concepts or needs tweaking on the concept I'm OPEN)
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mrsnancywheeler · 4 months
finnick odair x sweet & oblivious!partner hc's
based off this request
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finnick usually considered how sweet you were one of the most endearing things about you
except when it was towards certain people who didn't seem to understand it was just your way, being so sweet, in a tooth rotting way, that they assumed you must be flirting with them
additionally you always assumed they were doing the same back even if their flirting was egregiously overt
someone could wink and comment on how nicely your jeans fit, yet you'd assume it was genuine, smile, and thank them even tell them where you got the pair
finnick was constantly in your ear telling you that people were hitting on you, which you'd laugh off and deny
you'd try and make an effort to be more conscious of it when you could see how much it upset finnick that other people would act like you weren't with him
finnick of course never blamed you, it was just how kind you were that would draw everyone in
he adored the sweetness though
the way you'd dedicate lengths of time to find or make something he liked, spend hours with mags and annie to keep them in good company, the way you'd softly take care of him if he wasn't even slightly feeling well, when he was sad you'd cradle him, kiss him, say the loveliest things he imagined a person could no matter how cheesy
"you don't have to doubt us, finn, I'd stay with you past the time when everything's dust, I'm never going to let you go"
"you're my everything, the sea, the sun, the moon, the air, the wind, the grass, the dirt, it's like the angels decided we were meant to be."
"I think I'd be yours in every lifetime and you would be mine, we'd always find each other."
you'd call him handsome, say he was hand sculpted by angels, what a pretty boy he was, literally any time you had the chance
your kisses were so soft, hugs so warm, finnick felt like he genuinely could lay with you for eternity
you'd write him cheesy little poems that would have him blushing and kissing you until you were giggling and kicking your feet as he peppered you with kisses
finnick couldn't understand how someone as sugary sweet as you were could ever love someone as damaged, as ruined as he felt
but if you even saw a glimpse of those feelings you'd fall into pure prose of how worthy he was of love and you could pour buckets of it on him every day
even if he had enough money to buy a new closet for any piece of ripped clothing you'd insist on stitching things back together for him, it's what you parents had once done for each other so you adored doing it for finnick too
nsfw - finnick also was enthralled by the times your obliviousness came into clutch for him, he'd see how far he could go before you even realized what he was trying to do to you, all the comments he could make without you realizing the intentions, it was always adorable when you finally did manage to catch on
you'd bake him his favorite sweet treats, make breakfast and feel guilty if he ever didn't wake you up when he woke and ended up making it for both of you
finnick loved it and seeing the way you insisted on doing anything else to make up for it
finnick would move the heavens and the earth for you and all your kindness, he could never do enough for all the things your big heart would do for him and others
maybe you thought he was made by angels, but he was sure you were one, in the flesh, his own guardian angel intent on showering him in love
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hxney-lemcn · 8 months
Sappy Mornings — Fern x gn! reader
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summary: A small drabble of fluff with Fern and he lives because I said so.
tw: none, this is so fluffy it hurts
a/n: I'm literally going feral someone please help me (by making more Fern fics).
wc: 0.4k
Master List
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“I wish that after Finn rids Fern of his curse, that Fern's still able to keep his body and grow old with me.”
“Y’know that’ll cause you to forget all of this.”
“I know.”
“Wish granted.”
Opening my eyes, I felt at peace. I shuffled a bit, leaning more towards the warm grassy being that accompanied me. I watched as his chest rose and fell, to how peaceful he looked asleep, to how his hair sprawled out over his pillow, tiny flower blooms littered across it. 
A resounding feeling of longing happiness washed over me, and I couldn’t help but feel completely grateful that I was able to witness this moment. Somewhere deep inside, I could feel something heal, knowing that he was here, with me, and happy.
In the aftermath of the Gum War, I had desperately searched for Fern. A deep gut feeling told me something was seriously wrong. When I found him, he was leaning on a rock that Finn was standing on, hair blowing in the air. When I approached I could start making out their conversation.
“I actually feel fine,” Fern stated, blinking confusedly.
“But I thought the curse was creating your body?” Finn asked, confused.
“Wait, what’s going on?” I asked, heart dropping at what Finn said. Did they vanquish his curse? Was he going to die?
Fern smiled boyishly as I entered his view, “I don’t know, but I think I’m here to stay.”
Reaching over, I gently brushed a hand over his cheek. Being made of grass has its perks, his skin always has been soft, and he always smells like freshly cut grass. Fern unconsciously nuzzled my hand, making me want to squish his cheeks. 
After that day, I could tell Fern seemed to have a better grasp on himself. He was still a bit quick to anger, but he seemed to finally accept who he was. I even got him to try therapy, which helped so much, oh my glob. He’s been so much happier. He even moved in with me, long ago are the days where he slept on a roof. 
“What are you doing,” Fern grumbled, scooching closer into my side. 
“I love you,” I murmured, brushing some of his hair away from his face. “I’m so happy you're here with me.”
I felt the grass man heat up, hiding his face in my neck, “What’s got you so sappy?”
Playing with his hair, I smiled at him lovingly, “I don’t know, you always make me sappy.”
Fern lifted his head, his hair cascading over the both of us, trapping us in a world with just us two. He leaned down and kissed me softly. It ended far quicker than I wanted it to, but he kissed my cheek right after before laying down once more.
“I love you too.”
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pixxelcatt · 8 months
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Hey do you remember that episode where Raph got turned into a plant and then it was never brought up again??????
So like there’s NO WAY he’s just completely normal after being literally turned into a pile of grass and drained of all his mutagen like ??????? I know Donnie fixed him, by apparently just putting it all back, but like what did he put it back into?? The pile of grass?? Raph is grass Finn confirmed /j
So anyway, I think he’s part plant now, whatever that means— bro can grow plants magically maybe? Like the Sadida from Wakfu I think. (I haven’t watched that show in a hot second tho lol)
Also ! Photosynthesis.. (sort of shown in the very last comic lol) Turtles already like to bask in the sun, so maybe he just likes doing it more now I dunno- but ig living in the dark sewers might be a problem oops
Also I love like the idea that Raph and April can bond over not fully being what they thought, and how to cope with that. tho I forgot if they all knew she was part krang at the beginning of s3, it’s been a bit since I watched s2 sooo correct me if I’m wrong thx
I have more ideas, but those have comics I’m gonna draw for them :) so I’ll hold off for now
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jweekgoji · 7 months
Yandere! Fern/Reader.
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I'm not dead! Just busy with drawing and obsessing over AT this time. Hope you will forgive me for disappearing and appearing with new stuff after a few months. 😔 Warming up, so just small headcannons this time.
work includes: basically yandere themes, small mentions of kidnapping, manipulative behavior, Fern affected by grass demon.
Fern is literally the best yandere in Adventure Time, prove me wrong! His whole “You're going to live here. You're going to be fine” while trapping Finn in this dungeon, having only dirt and garbage as some sort of food... that's cute. He tried, at least. Babies' first kidnapper steps!
Fern is a complex person, he tries to act like Finn, being the hero everyone needs and loves, the grass boy probably would expect from you a lot of reassurance that he is doing the RIGHT thing, that he is doing ,, hero stuff,, better than Finn.
At some point, the more you assure him of his delusional thoughts, the more delusional he gets. He loves how you spoon-feed him with the idea, that you really prefer him to Finn. I think that that would lead him to be even more cruel towards Finn, constantly showing off in front of the other boy like, “Ha! Saw that?! They love ME more than YOU!”
If you show some sort of interest in Finn, whether it's just helping out each other, talking or... just Finn looking in your way, Fern would feel absolutely jealous. He probably has thoughts that «He is trying to steal them away from me" that are in his mind 24/7, Finn might state from time to time that he is not interested in you at all and probably won't 'steal ' you away from him.
Would he believe in it? No.
I believe that Fern is the type of yandere who would treat the person he adores with extra care, even admitting that you are his favorite among all the people he knows. He's actually pretty needy and clingy, as long as you give him the love and attention he needs, but If only you stopped giving it to him, be ready that he would not let it go easily.
His first reaction would be “Wait, what? I thought we were having a good time together” , holding your hand just to stop you from pulling away. The slight fear and sadness in his eyes are visible, what did he do wrong? He's the problem, right? How could he fix it?
Reassure him all you want; give him different versions of why you need to leave him for 2 minutes so badly; that won't work. In such a state, deep in his mind, he doesn't listen to your words. He groans in frustration, ripping grass from his own head, only for it to regenerate in seconds.
Fern fumes in anger, just yelling out everything that appears in his mind. Just angry thoughts about how unfair it is that he can't be enough for you to just leave everything and spend all your time with him. Of course, he is not enough, he is just a shadow of someone so popular and loved that he doesn't stand a chance to even try and win you over.
The only way to deal with his tantrums is just to wrap your arms around him tightly, give him a good squeeze, and lead him outside to enjoy a warm, sunny day. He would make a fuss and hiss like a stray cat, only to relax and lean against you. Maybe he does manipulate you this way, but it's hard to understand whether he actually knows what he is doing or just acts on his impulses. I think, at first, he really just expressed his frustration like that and stuff, but when he noticed the way it works against you, he would do it again and again.
This grass demon thing is really fucking up his mind badly. He would be the type of yandere that grows from someone really sweet and innocent, he still needs a lot of time to understand who he really is. Fern has the same memories as Finn, but still acts shy and nervous about the idea of dating or just being close with someone. But sadly, no matter how much Finn would try to teach him how to be a good hero and be his own person, Fern would not be afraid to use violence when it was needed.
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ptoodle · 11 months
Very rarely do I see people ship Fern and Huntress Wizard but when I do I can’t help but feel like they have a fundamental misunderstanding of both Huntress Wizard and Fern’s nature. Like on the surface it’s “haha!!! Plant boy and plant girl!!!! Huntress Wizard likes Finn and Fern is Finn but a plant so they’re perfect for each other!!!!” which just like, completely ignores everything core to Fern’s existence and Huntress Wizard’s complicated feelings toward love.
Fern is just more than just “Finn but plant”. He is LITERALLY Finn, but tainted with a curse. He is built out of fucked up evil twisted magic. Fern spends his entire existence finding his own identity and trying to reconcile Finn’s natural desire to do good with the corrupting nature of the grass curse. Fern’s struggle is internal, and he don’t have the emotional capacity for romance until he sorts his own shit out (which unfortunately due to the curse, he’ll never be able to do).
There's also the matter of the huge gap in emotional maturity between Finn and Fern. The Finn inside the Finnsword missed key moments of emotional development that our Finn experienced from season 6 to 8. Fern wasn't molded by key experiences like The Visitor, Crossover, Hall of Egress, Flute Spell, Don't Look, or The Music Hole. In particular, the massive emotional growth Finn underwent in Flute Spell is what allowed him to start a functional relationship with Huntress Wizard, and Fern lacks that growth. Fern is essentially a version of Finn stuck in season 6, and lacks the emotional intelligence to properly handle a relationship with anyone, let alone somebody as emotionally sensitive as Huntress Wizard.
But enough about Fern. I’m not a Fern expert, and this is only my B-rate interpretation of his character. The REAL egregious mischaracterizations of a Fern x Huntress Wizard ship lay in people just not understanding Huntress Wizard properly. For starters, you have to understand that both Fern and Huntress Wizard are two very magical beings, but their magics come from different sources. Huntress Wizard is a wizard (surprising, I know) and Fern is a CURSE. Fern is an unnatural, malicious magical force. Huntress Wizard would be off-put by Fern’s existence because he is a perversion of the natural world that she ties herself deeply to. Huntress Wizard assumes the role of a sort of “keeper of nature” in the forests of Ooo (as seen in her quest to slay the Grumbo for being invasive in The Wild Hunt), and Fern is a disruption to that natural order. A relationship between the two would never work because Huntress Wizard would be uncomfortable with Fern’s very existence.
There’s also the matter of why Huntress Wizard is attracted to Finn, and how Fern lacks many of the qualities Huntress Wizard likes Finn for. For starters, there’s the matter of emotional development I talked about before. Finn is extremely well-put together during the time he spends with Huntress Wizard in Flute Spell, and it’s easy to see how deeply he respects Huntress Wizard and her objectives. Finn isn’t determined to help Huntress Wizard with her mission to talk to the Spirit of the Forest out of a blind infatuation for her, but out of his natural drive to help people. Finn is very in-tune with his emotions (and can handle rejection like a champ), and Huntress Wizard can see that in him. This emotional in-tuneness is part of why Huntress Wizard so deeply respects Finn. Huntress Wizard seems to value her ability to stay true to her feelings (which even she struggles with; see my Flute Spell megareview for more) is drawn to his honesty and selflessness. Unfortunately for Fern, whether it is because of his lack of emotional development or because of his curse, cannot handle all his conflicting feelings inside him and doesn’t have the same kind of emotional stability that Huntress Wizard is attracted to Finn for.
I could go on and on and list even more reasons to why Fern x Huntress Wizard wouldn’t work, but those stray further into the “headcanon-ey”school of thought and I’m trying to be more objective with my character analysis as possible. I know being complexly objective is impossible and you have to leave a little room for individual interpretation but overall the entire ship is built on a very flimsy basis of “what if the two plant people liked eachother” and that’s it. There’s way more to these characters that make them special, and reducing them to just their visual similarities does a disservice to their character depth and creative potential.
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comshipbracket · 3 months
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Antis DNI - Block the tag "comship" if this causes discomfort.
Remember, you are voting for the ship you prefer, not the ship you find more problematic
Propaganda for both ships under the cut.
Disclaimer: All ships (other than NozoCoco) on this bracket are FOLLOWER-SUBMITTED ships, the Mods do not always hold necessary knowledge to be aware of any errors or fanonizing what should be canon material that may arise.
Finncest Propaganda (Incest - Technically(?), Selfcest, Toxic Dynamic, Arguably Age Gap - Grass demon is of indeterminate age)
"Finn loves all of his selves, and Fern just wants to be Finn. They should've kissed instead.
Fern's existence as an alternate Finn is tragic to start. He's a time paradox Finn who got trapped in a sword. He was created because Finn took his alternate self for granted and was tricked into stabbing him with a cursed grass sword.
Fern has a body only because of a grass demon. He struggles with finding an identity, because he's supposed to be this big hero just like Finn, but he's a violent little guy who has no qualms about cutting tendons and killing.
Finn says `we're like brothers… Maybe even closer` and almost confesses he has feelings for his frustrated alternate self, but by the time he starts showing it more clearly, Fern has already decided to trap Finn in a dungeon and take over his life.
That's the first time Finn kills Fern.
Fern becomes Finn's evil counterpart and pulls a Green Knight. Finn tried to redeem Fern and succeeds, but then Fern just loses his body until all that's left is a seed.
The seed grows into a replacement of the home they briefly shared — literally, Fern becomes a home for Finn."
"Finn loves every version of himself he meets, but Fern is special. He's a paradox who spent over a year trapped in a sword which got broken traumatically, and was then given a body by a demon who used to be the other Finn's right arm. Fern is constantly measured against Finn and can never measure up, to his ceaseless frustration. But Finn loves him unconditionally. Finn Mertens basically confesses that he loves Fern as something closer than a brother, only to be rejected and betrayed by Fern, who wants to take over Finn's life. This leads to the first time that Finn kills Fern. In the end, though, they face their demons together."
ZADR Propaganda (Toxic Dynamic, Species Difference - Dib is human while Zim is an Irken alien, Age Gap, AdultxMinor - Sort Of)
"These two self-serious goofuses are obsessed with each other. Each validates the other's delusions just by existing. They're nemeses who resent others getting between them. Each may be the only one who really understands the other."
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pixie-dust-and-pain · 2 years
Nothing Proves I'm Dead, Nothing Proves I'm Alive
Words: 1148
Summary: Robin and Finn just have a little well-deserved quality time together (after literally being traumatized also Robin lives shush)
A/N: bro why does tumblr rarely work in my region :(
They're not supposed to mature this fast. That's what the therapist has told them both, their cases alien to all professionals. Their hurt manifests itself in different ways, in Robin, it's the increased anger at the smallest of issues, despising anybody and everybody except Finny. And for Finn? He's an outcast. Children talking about stupid things don't interest him any longer, he's too old for all that, been through far too much to be afraid of the math teacher or giggle over graffitied penises on walls. Okay, he sometimes giggles at the penises (although he's usually the perpetrator, the reason for said drawings), but he's been through hell and back and has stopped caring about things.
Nobody tries hurting Finn anymore, and even if they did, he's far too apathetic to spare them, but Robin still wanders around him, an odd protectiveness making him glare at everyone who even thinks about him with ill intent. 
They thought their trauma would change them, make them feel different, resent the other, perhaps, or maybe even be unable to talk, but that's one thing that hasn't happened. It's one thing they have to be grateful for. If anything, it's made them even more compatible. They fit well together. They are old souls, as the teachers call them, always together, seen next to each other in the hallways, after school, understanding each other best, helping the other far more than any therapist ever has. They're no longer children, no longer innocent, tired of the world and plagued by nightmares, according to the psychologists. 
They feel like children now, though. Slipping in wet grass, their laughter echoing in the empty grass plains as they race the other to the truck they aren't legally allowed to drive, but even their incompetent police force lets them get away with certain things. It's Robin's truck, anyway. Perhaps they'll never be children, but at least they're  happy.
Sliding on a particularly wet spot, Finn hurtles forward, knees bruising and elbows skinning slightly at the impact. Robin hunches down next to him, offering him a hand, and Finn grabs it, dragging the other boy down as well. 
Very eloquent words are exchanged as Robin gets up, dusting himself and kicking Finn, who's still on the ground, lightly. He'd never hurt his Finn, not on purpose, not if he could help it. They practically collapse as they make their way towards the truck, sagging against the car seat, rain beating on the windows as they revel in the warmth, the leathery smell familiar and comforting.
They are young and stupid, and they're allowed to make bad decisions and rebel, and they're allowed to be disappointments at times, and fuck up, which is what Finn tells himself as he reaches for the lighter, cigarette pack already in the other boy's hand. 
"Your father would kill you if he knew," Robin is the only other person who knows about their dad. Sure, his outbursts have reduced, but haven't disappeared fully. 
"If he knew," Finn shoots back, twirling the lighter absentmindedly. "He won't, I won't let him," There's only one cigarette left anyway; it won't last that long. 
There's still fear, but Finn's had enough panic attacks, screamed out enough gruesome details about the Grabber to scare his father, and hold his hand back. He has power, now, people fear  him. He sees it in the old man, too, sometimes, when he raises his hand, and Finn stares back, fingers flexing and glare menacing. The hands of a murderer, he called them once, when Finn had grabbed the belt, finally able to help his sister. 
He doesn't mind. If the hands of a murderer are what hold the bastard back, then so be it. 
Robin plays with the cigarette first, a whole-ass acrobatics show between his fingers, before lighting the thing, and breathing in deeply.
Lung cancer be damned, it's not like he wants to live that long, anyway. Plus, it's calming. 
Finn's impatient, half his fear washed down the drain, along with the rain and the pain. He reaches over and plucks the thing from Robin's mouth, inhaling the nicotine and leaning back against the seat, ignoring the look Robin shoots him. The cigarette dangles from the side of his mouth, and Robin's playing some song he's never heard before on the radio, quietly, and they feel young and free. It's moments like this, stolen between school and home, moments of solidarity, that allow them to feel truly like themselves. 
Sometimes he goes days without talking, tired of himself and all around him, huddled up at home, alone and left to his own devices. Nobody tries coaxing him out, then, not even Gwen. Robin understands he needs his own time, he needs it, too. They  get  each other, a thought that offers him great solace. On those days he feels barely alive, unreal, connected to the world by strings of spun sugar, a tug and he'd dissolve. He needs reassurance of his existence, pain, sometimes pleasure, but most of the time, nicotine. The smoke is warm, soothing,  real,  the fire hot and fierce, sometimes helping him wake up from his dull, drowsy existence, sharpening him. 
Robin has the same effect on him. He can feel himself slipping, feeling like a ghost again, unsure whether he's actually there or whether he, too, is one of the boys on the phone, whether Robin was the only one who made it out alive, when the other boy acts. A gentle hand on his thigh, the press of his palm against his cheek, a yank on his arm, anything to bring him back, remind him that this is real, that  they  are real, and that he is very connected to the Earth beneath his feet, no matter how he feels (sometimes he feels as though he could just float away).
"Why do you smoke?" Finn asks, out of the blue, when the cigarette is snatched from him.
"Same reason as you, calms me, keeps it at bay-" they all know what it is, "-and just helps in general,"
"I feel the same,"
"'Bout the smoke?" the other boy leans back, legs propped up on the steering wheel.
"About you,"
Robin nearly falls off his seat. "Smooth, are we?" he chuckles, although he can feel the back of his neck and his face turn hot, "You're fucking addictive, you know? I'd give up this-" he waves the cigarette around, as though highlighting his point, "-for you,"
"Then why don't you?"
"Because I need  one  of them down my throat, or at least in my mouth,"
They both laugh at that, before stubbing out the cigarette and driving away from the wet grassland, their spot, and getting home. Finn's father asks him where he's been, he says he had a heart-to-heart with Robin. Robin's parents don't bother asking. They meet at the same spot the next day. 
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paisholotus · 6 months
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 7
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Yuna gaped at the large house that was surrounded by trees. It was absolutely beautiful, this house had nothing on their home back in California. For the past 3 months, Yuna and Tommy have been catching up with each other. He made sure the kids were literally attached to his hip. Everywhere he went, they were right along with him.
It filled Yuna happiness seeing Tommy light up when he was around their kids. Because to others, Tommy was cruel and brutish, but to Yuna, he was still her Tommy. Only showing his vulnerability around her.
Today, Tommy told Yuna and the kids that he had a surprise for them today. The kids were in the back seat knocked out. They had taken the kids to the park and shopping, the shopping was Tommy's idea, she feared the kids were going to be more spoiled than they already were. But there was no stopping Tommy.
"Tommy, where are we? Whose house is this?" Yuna asks him as he stops the car in front of the large estate. They got out of the car, and Yuna stood in of it, staring at the house in amazement.
"We are at the Arrow house, love." He says, which really didn't explain much. Was this the surprise he was talking about? Did he live here!? The house was surrounded by tall trees and grass.
"Alright...?" Yuna draws out questionably with a nod, "Why are we here? Do y'all live here?" She asked, with raise brows. One of the guards standing at the bottom of the steps came over , took their bags, and walked up the steps into the house.
"We are here because I bought it. And, no, the rest of my family won't be living here. Except for Finn, I allowed Finn." He said, chuckling. Yuna turns to face him in surprise. "Everything you see here is owned by me." He adds as Yuna turns to look back at the gorgeous house.
"What do you think?" He asks as he grabs the kids from the back seat. They walk around the fountain that has different colored koi fish swimming in it. Yuna was just in awe of everything it made her speechless.
"It's..." She trailed off.
"Big?" Tommy asked, amused by the smile on her face. They stop at the bottom of the steps and stare into each other's eyes.
"The understatement of the year." She says, taking Nova out of his arms, and begins walking up the stairs.
Tommy quickly follows after his love and gently grabs her wrist. "Do you like it?" He asked her softly, staring into her dark brown eyes.
"I mean, it's truly beautiful. But I don't understand why my opinion matters, you still haven't told me what the surprise is." She said, smiling softly at him. "Like, this is really a big house. Can it really be home for you?" She asked him.
"It could be home for me." He says as she looks at him confused. Did he want her to move in with him? "All I need is my family to make it complete." Yuna gives him a tender smile and looks back at the big tall doors to the house, and gently nods.
"What about the rest of the family? Where do they live, and do their houses look like this, too?" She asked, now standing at the top of the steps.
"The rest of the family have their own houses now. And, I wouldn't say they are big as mine. But they are big, especially John, since he has all the chickens." He said, smiling. Yuna laughed and playfully hit his arm.
"I guess we'll talk about it later. Until then, am I going to get a tour of the Arrow House, Mr. Shelby?" She asked teasingly.
"Of course, Miss Walker." He says, "Right this way, if you will." He says as he opens the doors for her, making Yuna laugh. Which is something that Tommy will always find joy listening to.
What the house looks like
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trapny · 8 months
So I'm gonna be writing a series of posts about how the trauma of different characters in adventure time can be seen in the way they interact with the story.
There are definitely spoilers ahead for adventure time, adventure time distant lands, and Fionna and Cake.
So if you want to, go watch those first. And if you don't want to, then do it anyway because they kick ass.
I'm gonna start with Finn and Fern, since they have the same trauma.
Finn's mental state is heavily affected by the fact that so many people rely on him. It's the child hero trope. Especially with how he puts bubblegum on a pedestal for most of the series. And when he fails or he can't do something, he's typically devastated about it.
This might stem from the fact that Joshua and Margaret weren't the best parents. Joshua, as seen first in the episode "Dad's Dungeon", sees Jake in a higher regard than Finn. Maybe not as in more valuable, but he spends a lot of time falling Finn a crybaby. It kinda makes sense that when Finn finally caught hold of a sense of importance and strength, he is decimated when that sense is cracked by failure.
But the way that Jake seems to have been consistently viewed as a stronger child than Finn also seems to have made Finn incredibly dependant on him. In earlier seasons when Jake disappeared or was seemingly killed, Finn would almost go into a catatonic state. Like when he was kidnapped by a demon and Finn seemed to go into shock of some kind.
This also intertwines with Finn's negative hero complex. When Jake is injured, Finn sees it as his own fault that he wasn't able to stop whatever caused Jake harm.
In the tenth season though, we're shown another side of this. When Jake's alien dad takes him into space, he leaves the brb note.
Jake is gone for five entire weeks. And Finn doesn't worry at all about it.
Jake is capable. He can handle himself. Better than Finn.
At least, that's probably what Finn thought. When the thought that Jake might be in trouble is brought up by Jermaine, Finn immediately rushes to Magic Man's house and uses the mars teleporter because it's the fastest way he can think of to get into space.
As well as that, Finn meets his bio dad so many times, and every time he seems to just be hoping that his dad will somehow be a good person this time. You can see this hope dwindle over time as Finn starts to resent his father. He called him "dad" a couple of times, but eventually he just starts calling him Martin.
(Martin also has some issues, but that's for a different post.)
Fern also gives us an entirely different view on how Finn's trauma affects him.
Fern has a slightly different personality from Finn, due to the effect of the grass spirit parasite thing. Not only that, but Fern also has a heavy inferiority complex because rather than seeing himself as being the same as Finn, he sees himself as being lesser.
Fern seems to try to ignore this completely. He also tends more towards violence because of the nature spirit, while Finn usually tries to find a peaceful, or at least a low mortality solution to situations.
Before the events of Elements, Fern already had an inferiority complex, although he was trying his best to keep it under control. He already went through several phases of depression, like when he just laid on top of the treehouse for several days, trying to cope with his perceived reality that he wasn't needed because he was somehow lesser than Finn.
When LSP turns the world back to normal at the end of elements, Fern is incredibly upset about how hard he failed, despite the fact that he literally could not have fixed the situation on his own.
(the events of elements also helped Finn get over his inferiority/hero complex somewhat, because it forced him to learn that saving absolutely everyone you care about immediately isn't possible. When he loses Jake to the slime, Finn goes catatonic and almost lets himself be absorbed. LSP basically had to drag him away, because Finn wanted to go back and somehow save Jake, despite there being no feasible way to do that. This is probably why it took him so long to do anything when Jake disappeared for over a month.)
It's no wonder that one of the first things Fern tried to do after Elements was trap Finn forever and steal his identity so he could feel needed and important. There was probably nothing Finn could've done to survive the fight with Fern other than "killing" him, but it still messed Finn up.
Finn perceived the event as him failing to save Fern, despite the fact that Fern was literally trying to kill him. Finn got over this, of course, but probably not entirely.
Fern so readily joined Gumbald because with Gumbald, he could be important. He could be better than Finn.
When Finn helped Fern conquer the grass spirit, it probably alleviated some baggage, but Finn was still carrying around a lot of guilt and trauma. Not to mention that when Finn realized he messed up by not trying to find Jake for five weeks, it definitely didn't help his dependence on Jake.
In the events of Fionna and cake, we see Finn after Jake died. Finn is still very obsessed with helping people, jumping at the opportunity to take Simon on a dangerous adventure. He also has Jake tattooed across his chest. Which is kinda sweet, but also kind of a symbol of how dependent he was.
The third episode of distant lands starts with a sort of dream from Finn, where he and Jake went on a "classic adventure". During the adventure, Finn is constantly trying to both help and kill everyone. Finn will switch from trying to slaughter enemies, to immediately trying to help them when they ask for it. It was kinda shown in Fionna and cake, but the dream definitely shows that Finn is a lot more willing and ready to kill than he was before.
Finn is excited to finally be dead so he can see Jake again. But when he hears that Jake is somewhere completely different, Finn is literally ready to tear the afterlife apart to find him.
When new death gains access to the fiftieth dead world, Finn immediately blames himself for "helping" new death destroy the afterlife, despite the fact that Finn the entire time was trying to work against new death.
Jake definitely has some issues, but not in the same way as Finn. They both care about each other a lot. But when they're both fighting each other to try to be the one to stop death and become him, Jake is doing it because he cares about Finn. Finn is doing it not only because he cares about Jake, but also because he feels he needs to always be the hero. He feels like he has to be the one to always make the sacrifice.
By the end of the episode, when Finn goes to be reborn, he's finally gotten over his dependence on jake. This is shown by him being willing to step through the portal alone.
When Jake decides to run in after him, it's a twist that manages to not undercut any of Finn's development. It's definitely a twist, but it slots right into place on another of the major elements of adventure time, which is Finn and Jake's bond.
When Jake goes with Finn to be reborn, despite Jake having already reached nirvana, it's not because Finn needs Jake, or because Jake needs Finn. It's because they're brothers. They're best friends. Finn goes because he's finally okay with being without Jake, and Jake goes because even though he doesn't need to be with Finn, he wants to.
So that's why that episode gave me legitimate chills.
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fish-gutssz · 4 months
ok so I've been seeing a lot of fern x flame princess art lately and hey that ship is adorable, fern would NEVER do the weird shit finn did to fp
but on another hand? fern would burst into flames if fp touched him (literally and figuratively)
all im saying is that imo the best ship for fern IMO is fern x huntress wizard
WAIT WAIT think about it, he's grass, a little cursed grass guy! and huntress wizard is a magic lady who loves nature and plants HER HAIR IS LEAVES
it's just so perfect I love them ❤
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staggersz · 7 months
Robin probably has one pair of shoes he wears over and over and over, he draws on them too. So by the time he somehow DOES get new ones, his current ones are literally ripped, drawn on, faded colored, and probably barely hanging on by a thread.
Robin would have an attachment to any shoes he gets.
Robin grew up in a household with sadly low income, so he couldn’t buy clothes or shoes or other stuff often. When he got the chance to buy new pants, shirts, sweaters, and even shoes, Robin spent a lot of time considering his options, since they could only afford to get one or two things every time they went clothes shopping for him. He wanted to get something that was affordable but he liked a lot, so he would wear it more often.
He got a new pair of shoes just a few months before his mom passed. Since his uncle had custody after she passed, chances of buying new things grew slimmer, but Robin didn’t mind. He wore those shoes everywhere, at every moment, because he felt an attachment since his mom got them for him.
Robin drew on those shoes, he walked through snow, mud, grass, and rain puddles with those shoes, he scuffed them on the pavement, he would kick the people who wronged him in those shoes, he was in the basement with those shoes.
Other kids would make fun of the fact that Robin only had those beat up and worn out shoes, but Robin didn’t care. He especially gave no mind, because when Finn said it was cool he wore something with sentimental value, Robin forgot every other word that other kids had said.
Robin’s next pair of shoes were actually gifted to him by Griffin. Griffin saw how beat up Robin’s shoes were, and he heard Robin lament about how they soon wouldn’t fit him any more. When they all escaped the basement, Griffin saved up allowance money to buy Robin a new pair of shoes. Griffin bought those shoes, and he personalized them; carefully made for Robin.
Griffin put stickers of Robin’s initials on the midsole of the shoe. He would use beads he normally used for friendship bracelets, and put them on the shoelaces, specifically Robin’s favorite colors. (griff was before the trends yall /j)
When he gifted them to Robin for his birthday, Robin literally broke down into tears. Griffin thought Robin was upset, but his fears were pushed aside when Robin hugged and thanked him.
Robin started wearing the new shoes he got, but he made sure to literally never throw out his old ones. He kept them safe in a box in his closet, and would look at them sometimes and think of how long he wore them. Even as he wears new shoes, he still appreciates his old ones.
Sorry I heavily angsted this up, whoops! 😋
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hxney-lemcn · 8 months
Not A Hero — Farmworld! Finn Mertens x gn! reader
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summary: Reader divulges in telling stories of their world to the Merten kids. Later that night, Finn can't help but ask to hear more.
tw: slight angst, is this hurt/comfort?, mentions of death
a/n: This can be read as a one shot but it's technically a continuation of my previous fic. I'm probably gonna make this into a one shot series.
wc: 1k
Chapter Two
Master List | Chapter One
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“What’s your world like?” Bonnie asked, eyes seeming to sparkle. 
I hesitated, pausing the weeding I was doing, “I…I shouldn’t talk about it.”
Finn had been kind enough to let me stay, and I didn’t want to overstep any boundaries. One of them clearly being any talk of magic. 
“Pleeeeeeeease,” Bonnie whined. “I promise I won’t tell Daddy.”
I bit my lip, eyes turning to the weeds I pulled out to avoid her puppy dog eyes. 
“Are there dragons?” Fern asked, surprising me as he appeared from seemingly nowhere. 
“Uh…” I trailed off, not sure what to do.
“Are there robots?” Neptr asked, joining as well.
“How about giants?” Stormo asked.
Before I knew it, most of the Mertens family was sitting around me, looking expectantly at me. 
“Break it up guys,” Jay spoke up, walking over to us. “We don’t want to overwhelm them.”
“Awe c’mon Jay,” Bonnie whined once more. “Aren’t you even a teeny bit curious?”
Jay paused, Little Destiny speaking up from his side, “I’m a bit curious…”
Jay also bit his lip, seeming to know the dilemma I’m in, “I guess…”
Two more expectant eyes were on me and I felt myself caving.
“Well, I guess I can share a little…”
I talked about the candy kingdom, all the princesses, and the adventures that I was sent on. I felt myself loosen up as all their faces shared a look of awe. I couldn’t help myself from talking about the Finn and Jake from my world, explaining how Jake was like Cake but a dog, and how we all went on adventures all the time. 
“Whoah,” Bonnie awed. “I wanna be a princess!”
“So I’m a pie throwing robot in your world?” Neptr asked uncertainly, unsure how to feel about that. 
“What’s a video game?” Fern asked. 
“Dad in your world sounds super cool!” Stormo exclaimed. 
I laughed at all their comments, “Your dad here is super cool too.”
“Eh,” They all chorused, looking at each other with doubt. 
I rolled my eyes at their antics, “He literally has a blow torch prosthetic.” 
“What’s going on?” Finn asked, walking up to our little group circle. 
“Nothing,” The kids replied over each other, quickly rushing off elsewhere. I waved them off as Finn stood to my side, watching them run with squinted eyes. His gaze then lowered to me, glancing at my bandaged wing before meeting my eyes. 
“I…uh…” I rambled nervously, turning to dig out a weed I was going to before being distracted. “Just giving them weeding tips?” I replied in a more questioning tone than statement. 
“I don’t want you giving them ideas,” Finn stated with a slight glare. 
“I-I’m sorry,” I apologized, fiddling with the grass. “Th-they kept asking and they were giving me puppy dog eyes…”
“Don’t let it happen again,” Finn huffed, before walking off towards the house. 
I’ve been here for a few nights, and something I noticed was that Finn seemed to have a habit of staying up a bit next to the furnace. Since that location was basically my bed, I had the pleasure of staying up with him. We never really talked, but we didn’t really need to. It was nice to just sit in each other's company…and Jake’s of course.
I scratched Jake's head gently as he laid his head on my lap. I smiled down at him, heart twisting in a bittersweet feeling. He was so old, it reminded me of Jake from my world. Except he had already…
“What’s he like?” Finn asked, and I looked up at him in confusion. “The Finn from your world.” My eyes widened, he must’ve heard more of the kids and I’s conversation then he let on.
“Brave, heroic, cheerful, selfless,” I replied, those were the first things I could think of. I smiled grimly and looked down at Jake, “But after Jake…after he passed, Finn became a bit more…careless. We drifted apart after a while, but we check in on each other from time to time.”
I looked up, meeting Finn’s gaze, “You two are pretty different personality wise, but there’s a lot of similarities. Like you seem to be just as brave as my world's Finn. You’re also protective of the ones you care for, and also heroic.” Only the crackling of the fire was heard for a few minutes. Finn seemed to be contemplating my words.
“I’m not a hero,” He finally replied in a gravelly voice. My eyebrows furrowed, how was him, willing to risk his life for us strangers, not heroic?
“You risked your life for Fionna, Cake and Simon,” I replied in confusion. “You didn’t have to, but you did.”
“You risked your life for mine,” Finn rebutted. 
“And I was a hero in my world alongside Finn,” I glared playfully. 
“I’ve hurt people,” Finn grumbled. “I’m no hero.”
I stared at him in concern, but he continued to face the fire. I wasn’t sure how to respond, gaze landing back down to Jake. How would Jake reply? ‘Everyone makes mistakes, we can only improve ourselves after we make them.’
“Everyone makes mistakes,” I replied. “We can only improve ourselves and become a better person after we make them.” He continued to stare into the fire, and now I knew why he held that heavy stare. At least to some degree. Something real messed up must have happened to him if he actually hurt people. 
“You can’t blame yourself forever,” I finished, placing a hand on his arm. 
He glanced down at my hand before looking towards Jake, “Yes I can.”
I huffed, crossing my arms, “You’re only going to make yourself miserable doing that. Look around you! You have a nice house and farm with a lovely family. Yes you may have done bad things in your past, but guess what, that’s your past. This is the present, you're a father who takes care of his family, you took strangers in even though you didn’t trust them. You’re a good person whether you like it or not.”
A warm silence settled over us after that. He seemed to be considering my words thoughtfully, and I can only hope that I got through to him in some way. He added a last piece of wood to the furnace before turning into bed. 
“Good night,” Finn murmured, taking the lamp that sat next to his stool.
I stared at him with wide eyes. This was the first time he bid me a good night.
“Good night,” I smiled back at him.
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blenselche · 4 months
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Babbs. Jay might be younger but he gets left in charge because Bonnie once went sicko mode in the chicken coop and filled the house with hemlock. Uncle Tiffany's viola lessons are just a cover to try and get "the green Finns" to like him more. Neither have any of the blood curse in them but I like to think that they can access that telepathic mindspace the boys have.
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Fern's demon ingredients that Bonnie inherited: wolf spider (hooks in hands, eyes), rhea (bone weight) and tufted deer (hooves). Jay: maned wolf (ears, disposition, senses) and octopus (hair color changing bs.)
Demons in AT always seem like a combo of things so I ran with it and gave Fern a demon form. That little version of the grass demon always struck me as metaphorical (like there's no small Finn in the sword, just his essence like the comics say) & not anything literal so imo we never saw what his real body was. Like Fern only looks like he does because his vessel (the grass blade) merged with the Finn sword, so. I had fun with it, not a whole lot about demons are explained so I got free reign basically. The Grass Wizard would probably use animals to make his demon infused grass items, whereas Hunson would use men and mutants/monsters to make Nightosphere citizens, for instance, since people can choose to be reborn as demons (issue 51 I think).
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