#he still plays bass and piano monthly
mydemonsdrivealimo · 1 year
goddamnit im writing the reunion show and none of you can stop me
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kore-arts · 2 months
Me and @aurora-bore-aura have whipped up a Fabulous new au!
Introducing! The Lost Voices!
What happens when you toss in an Ex Hero, his “younger” and Older siblings(read Dani and Dan), His Two Partners, Red Robin on a Year long Vacay with his Partners Bernard and Kon and Ember the Pop Rock Ghost In one Van?
That's Right! Band Au bitches!!!! Well band and food truck au since I hc Bernard as Totes tone deaf.
Ok so
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Danny! He retired, in desperate need of a new Vacation and Hobby.
And surprisingly Ember absolutely went wild when she invited him to ghost karaoke.
So his wail gave him a sirens voice, that's new. Welcome!
Wait. What if he made a Band?
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Turns out Tucker is a Wizard with a soundboard. And Sam plays the Bass and drums nicely.
And for a bit the four played gigs all over the place, a niche band called the Lost Voices. (Sam suggested and that earned a surprising Kiss from Ember. Hey! Poly Band time hehehe)
Sure Tucker pre-recorded the drums. But they All agreed they wanted a bit more. A fresher view.
So! Auditions!
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(Not done Bernard Yet)
Ok so Gay/Bi panic. And oh, the ancients were Tim and Kon good.
Tims voice a holy thing and his drum playing is even better.
And Kon!!! The piano was a surprise but man his fingers moved at a unmatched speed. Ok Danny *knew* they were semi death touched. Eh probably just liminal.
So they are invited! And they play in metropolis for a while and they start booming
Tim and Kon grin seeing a opportunity.
One Band van, one food truck and a Tour set up later? They are officially on the road and on tour for a Year. With Dan Driving and Dani happily along the ride they are set!
Tim did make it clear its a vacation and he would send postcards unless it's monthly call or emergency.
Babs is still laughing because he forgot to mention he is in the band that's rising faster then Canaries old band.
Oh well, time to remind Dick and Bruce to not constantly call.
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Pt1(Here!) Pt2. Pt3. Pt4
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harrisonarchive · 1 year
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Photo 1 (from the arrival back in London) by Watford/Mirrorpix via Getty Images; photo 2 cross-posted at This Lovin' Time.
“First social call was to Peter Tork’s house. When we arrived Peter was wearing a string of beads and very little else, since it was far too hot to be anywhere but a swimming pool that day. Dave Crosby (Byrds) was there, too, and we had a good get-together. […] I suppose the highlight of L.A. this time for us was the session we had at Peter Tork’s place. Peter Asher joined us there — he played bass, Peter Tork was on piano, George and Dave Crosby on guitars and Ringo drumming.” - Mal Evans, The Beatles Monthly, August 1968
“Ringo Starr and George Harrison dropped by the Studio City home, Tork recalled. ‘We went swimming for a while in the pool.‘“ - The News Journal, July 16, 1989
“Just relaxed, just played what you could play. […] I played with Ringo Starr, Ringo, and George once, played with those guys. Same thing: bam, everything settles down, everything’s in order, everything is taken care of, and play what you can play.” - Peter Tork, Musicgroups, 2007
“Steve [Stills] was there [too], and he was embarrassed; he shook hands with George and kind of turned his back on him, the way shy guys will do. [...] We all jammed, Stephen and George and Ringo, and I was on keyboards, and I don’t remember who played bass. It was fabulous to hear Ringo play. My God, what a drummer. God, he was good. He was so solid, and the authority was astounding. I learned so much just by playing with him for five minutes; it was a wonderful experience.” Q: “It’s a bummer it didn’t get recorded.”
 PT: “It is too bad, nobody thought to record it. The best we had at the time was cassettes, but even so, that would have been a wonderful jam.” - Peter Tork, Rolling Stone, 2007; published 2019 (x)
(In connection with today's post: July 1967, post 1, July 1967, post 2, and January 1968.)
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When Art Becomes Industry - The Menu Review
For my elementary school yearbook, I was given a slip of paper that had me answer the following prompt: "What do you think you'll be when you grow up?" These would later be printed just below my name and portrait that would proudly beam on the glossy pages of the 5th grade section of the yearbook, among the other classmates off to do wonderful and ambitious things as preteens in middle school. In short, this was like a high school yearbook quote, but a little more hopeful and earnest.
I answered Probably a comic book writer or a piano player. While the use of "Probably" helped me ease into the idea of letting go of my short-lived comic book writing ambitions, it still amazes me today that, at 10 years old, I knew in my heart that the piano would be a part of my life.
My earliest memories come from the time when I was a toddler who could barely walk, stumbling down the soft carpeted hallway of my childhood home in South San Francisco as I approached the mysterious and booming mid-range tones from the piano in the living room. I'd see my dad's legs, rhythmically pressing on the ornate pedals with the balls of his feet at irregular intervals, like he was operating a weave as he conjured up a net of harmonies beneath his palms. While I might not have fully comprehended it at the time, there was a understanding in our family that the piano is a gene in our household, and I inherited it from my dad, whether I liked it or not.
Fortunately, I did like it. My dad took me to my first piano lesson when I was five years old, in the back of a Chinese-owned musical instrument shop on Clement Street. I never saw that teacher again (maybe the first lesson was complimentary, and my dad just didn't like her enough), but I got to keep the book. At home, with the help of 12 colorful cartoon characters printed in my book, I taught myself all 12 notes in the scale (more if you want to count the treble and bass clefs), simply because I was hungry to learn more notes and more songs. I took great pride when my dad clapped for me finishing Mary Had A Little Lamb, and shame when he reprimanded me for improvising wrong notes. I loved learning new songs, and held myself over with nursery rhymes and folk songs until it was time to take formal classical lessons from a teacher who met my dad's approval. At nine years old, I finally was reaching the next step.
My piano teacher introduced me to the world of music education and the rigors of music training. She was compassionate and warm, but demanded dedication. Through her, I internalized the technicalities of finger placements, metronome speeds, hand compartmentalization. I expanded my repertoire to included Russian contemporary composers whose surnames sounded like Harry Potter spells, but whom sometimes wrote the easiest pieces for my nimble fingers. I reckoned with the performance anxiety that dreaded my psyche before every monthly recital, which eventually bled over to my Certificate of Merit performance auditions. While I changed schools and subjects during the day, music became the constant test that loomed over me.
By the time I became an adolescent, I had nothing to show for it. In high school, it dawned on me that, not only was the piano barely used in any high school ensemble, but everyone knew how to play it better than I did. Everyone knew an ensemble-friendly instrument, whether it was a string instrument for the orchestra, a woodwind for the symphonic band, or a brass for both. All I had was piano, an instrument that's barely heard unless there's a solo, a concerto, or a jazz rhythm section involved. If I wanted to be heard, I had to be perfect. All 4 years of high school, I didn't pass a single audition for piano - not for the school jazz ensemble, not for any of the school musical pit orchestras. I dreaded each audition anyway, and probably flubbed them out of nervousness. I only got into orchestra after I begged the music director and offered to be a TA and a percussionist for the orchestra class, and the one time I did play in the musical pit orchestra was for percussion.
The stress and pressure I felt in the rigors of the music world left me jaded; they were a sobering reminder that I would never be cut for a career in music, or at least as a piano player, as my 10-year-old self prophetically proclaimed. My worth was at the whim of directors listening for every perfect note. The world was telling me that I wasted my time with the piano, a constant reminder of my own inadequacy. I became angry. I lost sight of why I was even spending time and money on these piano lessons, when I had schoolwork and college applications to worry about.
It's this jaded feeling that I think The Menu fully understands. Ralph Fiennes' Julian Slowik is a world-renowned chef who uses his reputation and art to seek retribution for the ills of the arts-turned-service industries. His dishes are the visceral expressions of his stoic hatred and rage for the pretentious, capitalist, and opportunistic subculture that has plagued his beloved art. Having been deeply engrossed in the higher world of fine dining, he manipulates and upends the culture to his own vengeful benefit, usurping expectation and surprising his guests (and by extension, us) by forcing them to confront their dismissive participation and moral crimes against art and humanity. In public reference does he create his own personal chaos, a heaven out of a living hell for those he finds undeserving.
There's a point in the film in which we see Slowik's origins. In one photo shown, he's younger, relaxed, and smiling, holding up a greasy burger patty on a flat and wide spatula, like the kind you'd see in cartoons. It's in stark contrast to the Slowik we got used to seeing, a stoic and terse statue of a man with thunderous claps and a commanding presence, arms crossed. And it's this point in the film where we see it's emotional core, an outlet for our own passionate angst and frustrations. We see a man who was once happy, doing what he loved, now grown into a bitter, spiteful shell.
With nothing else to audition for (save for the slightly less rigorous annual piano tests I habitually studied and trained for), my time with the piano became much for personal. Around my early adolescence, my love and ear for music bloomed with The Beatles, and the piano became the perfect outlet for that rediscovered joy and love of music. Like how I was when I was five, I began dedicating myself to learning more and more songs I loved, Beatles and beyond. I sought new territory and creativity in jazz piano and improvisation, a new language that was previously shunned from me.
When I see Ralph Fienne's Slowik as he is, I am reminded of all of those failed auditions, those nights slumped on the piano bench, those feelings of worthlessness, and if I sat through more of those and eventually found the success I was looking for, I'd come out a shell like him. But, when I see Slowik cooking a burger, I am thrust with nostalgia for the days when I learned Beatles songs on the piano, noodled jazz piano solos over wavy chords, and weaving harmonies out of thin air.
So yeah, I got pretty emotional watching this.
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tagohd · 1 year
May 2023
Even though I'm not starting my Patreon yet, I still think it would be a good idea to put out monthly progress reports, at least for my own records. So, here's a look at what I got done this month:
Finished one song that is now in the process of being published
Expanded on the lore behind my songs
Made progress on rewriting a song I first wrote in 2020 and began rewriting last June
Added to a song I thought was already finished
Started 3 new WIPs
Rhapsody for a Dying City
I began writing this song near the end of February, and I was stuck on it for some time. Initially titled simply "Jazzy Thing", I thought it could work as the theme for a city, so I changed the name to "City" until I could come up with something better. Eventually, the song evolved into something of a rhapsody with 5 distinct sections (A-E) spanning multiple genres, so I finally settled on the title "Rhapsody for a Dying City". What city it was and why it was dying would be decided later (more on that in a bit).
By the beginning of the month, I had the main idea for the song mostly completed. I still needed to write a saxophone solo, so I ended up hiring a professional, Brian Campbell, to improvise one for me. Since he also plays the clarinet, I hired him for that as well. On 5 May, after he sent back the recordings, of which there were five, I had to decide which ones to use, which was not an easy task. While listening to the entire song, I ended up deciding it would sound better if the sax came in a few measures earlier. This also allowed me to use more of the solos he recorded; the final version is actually a combination of four different recordings.
At the same time, I made some other changes to the song. I added a bass line throughout the song (prior to this, the piano was the main source of bass), a rhythm guitar part and a piano part in Section D, and a violin part and a pad in Section E. I also changed the bass line in Section E to be more active.
Then I began playing with the mixing. I decided to double track the guitars to give them a larger stereo presence: the lead guitar is panned completely to the left, and I added a delay that's panned completely to the right. I then did the same thing to the rhythm guitar, but in the opposite direction. I also added some effects and automation. You can hear some of this in the sample I uploaded: the reverb, saturation, and stereo width on the saxophone are gradually increased, giving it a psychedelic sound.
By 12 May, once I was satisfied with the mix, it was time for mastering. While I do have software that can essentially master for me (iZotope Ozone 9), I wasn't satisfied with the results. Because the song spans multiple genres and Ozone's Mastering Assistant only listens to one section of the song, I felt it would be better to hire a professional to do the mastering for me. As an added bonus, the mastering engineer I hired, Andres Mayo, also gave me some tips on how to improve my mix. A week later, and the song was mastered.
Of course, even though the song was finished, it still wasn't ready to be published. It needed album art. For that, I turned to my beloved mutual @lunathrix, who also made the album art for my first EP, A Losing Proposition, which is available for streaming or purchase on pretty much any platform. But what was he supposed to draw? That's where MONO comes in.
MONO is essentially the world for which my songs are the soundtrack. Conceived as a video game based on the hero's journey, I really hadn't done much with the story since I first had the idea in late 2020. But in order to ensure the album art remained (mostly) consistent with the story, @lunathrix had the idea to compile all of the lore into one place instead of leaving it scattered across a few Google Docs and our 3 years of DMs. I initially attempted to create a blog (@mono-lore) for holding all of it, but that quickly became untenable due to the scope of the project, so we switched to Obsidian with the "vault" maintained as a repository on GitHub. (I also briefly considered Scrivener, but Obsidian is free instead of $50, so it had a pretty large advantage.)
Just getting everything together and organized was a pretty large task in and of itself. In order to get all of our DMs, I ended up exporting the entirety of my main blog. (I found a tool that purported to extract just the DMs via Tumblr's API, but I couldn't get it to work.) After waiting almost an entire day, my blog was finally downloadable as an 80 GB(!!) ZIP file. I still don't know how big it is when uncompressed; I only wanted the DMs, so that's all I extracted. Anyway, once everything was in Obsidian, the lore quickly expanded, especially since I could now build off ideas I'd forgotten about.
This update has already gone on long enough, and I'm still not done, so I won't get too detailed, but here's a summary of some of the changes we've made:
New characters, including a secondary antagonist and a lesbian dragon who pines for the protagonist's horse
New information about existing characters, e.g. age, appearance, last names
The towns now have actual names instead of just being "Hometown/Boringsville", "Snowy Village", and "City". They are now Genton, Plata, and Rhapsody, respectively. (Yes, I know that technically makes the song "Rhapsody for Rhapsody". Maybe I'll come up with a better name later, but that's still better than just calling it "City".)
As it relates to "Rhapsody for a Dying City" and its album art, we decided the song was about the protagonist, Luke Campbell (no relation to Brian), having to go to Rhapsody to retrieve a legendary artifact known as "CURSED AL'S CURSED ORB". Other highlights include: Luke being an idiot and accidentally grabbing a chocolate orange instead, and one of the new characters, Case Weston, fighting him for THE ORB before he eventually joins Luke's side (but it's not because he likes Luke or anything, baka).
(Note to self: just realized that "Case Weston" sounds like "Case Western". That was unintentional, though it may have been subconscious. Not sure how to feel about that.)
Snowy, Pt. 1 (Rewrite)
(Okay, I'm almost done, I promise.) Although "Rhapsody" was my main project for this month, I did work on a couple other things as well, including a rewrite of one of my first songs, "Snowy, Pt. 1".
Last year, I started rewriting the songs on my first EP because they don't meet my current standards. For instance, I always intended for "Snowy, Pt. 1" to be a bit dissonant, but not as dissonant as it actually is. I had already fixed the piano part last year, but this month I finished writing the new flute part. I still need to fix the strings and the drums, though. I also still need to work on rewriting the other songs from A Losing Proposition.
Inspired by the sax on "Rhapsody", I added a sax part to "Boringsville", essentially giving it a new melody. Also had an idea to combine the "chiptune" version with the version featuring more realistic instruments.
When I first wrote "Boringsville" in August of last year, I actually wrote a second version that I envisioned would play when you're walking around the village at night. This month I added drums to it. I still need to fix them because I forgot that the night version isn't swung.
New WIPs
"Crystalline" - Not sure yet where this would play. Kinda too similar to the "Area Zero" theme from Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.
"Power" - A song that might play when you acquire/are in the vicinity of THE ORB and/or a chocolate orange (THE ORBNGE?)
"Untitled" - An idea I had for a song that either plays when you're on Luke's farm or when you're at the abandoned mine in Plata (or possibly both). I haven't written it down yet because every time I try to play it, I end up playing The Ink Spots instead.
All in all, this felt like an unusually productive month. Next month's update might not be as long.
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theloniousbach · 1 year
JEREMY PELT with Jeb Patton and Vicente Archer, 24 DECEMBER 2022
According to a Facebook memory it was two years ago today that I saw JEREMY PELT with lockdown and general hero George Cables do a similar gig which sent me after Pelt’s album The Art of Intimacy, Vol 1, with Cables and Peter Washington. There still isn’t a volume 2, but he does duo/trio gigs from time to time which I make a point of watching.
Similarly, SEAN MASON’s monthly duo gigs, optimally, with GIVETON GELIN, though they happen late, are must sees when they get archived.
I don’t think of myself as a trumpet fan, though, of course, I started with Miles Davis. I have made an effort, well worth the reward, but an effort to get to know Clifford Brown, Kenny Dorham, Art Farmer, and Woody Shaw. I am even currently listening to Freddie Hubbard’s 1960s Blue Note albums to fight the source of the prejudice—his Red Clay (actually not a bad tune, a contrafact of Sunny with Joe Henderson, Herbie Hancock, Ron Carter, and Lenny White but no strings. There’s a Fender Rhodes and it is pop-py, but it’s not as bad as the subsequent CTI albums, his and the whole run, which this one pioneered).
So, okay, what I like from Miles, besides the bandleading genius and repeated innovation, is the mid-range and the sense of space he got from Ahmad Jamal. It is, with all due respect, the heirs of Dizzy Gillespie with flurries of notes and, even worse, the high register explosions that bother me.
Pelt and Gelin are playing, without drums, in a piano bar, digging into tunes, and letting those melodies breathe. Still, they are not readily apparent as comrades. Pelt wears jackets, even suits, and ties and he announces each tune whereas Mason (and they are his gigs) doesn’t announce the tunes, indeed, they morph and run together as if from a Keith Jarrett solo concert. And he and Gelin are hoodies and jackets and caps and dreads and such.
MASON and GELIN are around 30 years old but they are oh so respectful of the tradition with a deep and clever knowledge of the book, often closing out by backing into a Monk tune as they did at this gig. In this sense, they remind me of Sullivan Fortner. It is fascinating to watch how they shift the tunes so conversationally and subtly. Yet it is also clear, soon enough, when it’s a new tune. It was about halfway through at about the fourth tune when they settled into a quite pretty ballad that in turn gave way to a gospelly groove with another appealing melody. That led to the Monk. The first half was just fine with the usual magic of parallel conversation with Gelin being more active OR more in my line of hearing than before when, piano prejudice at work, Mason stands out.
PELT was just as lyrical and restrained. If the young men ended with Monk, he ended with Brownie’s Joy Spring, with a mute but not muted, swinging pretty. He also assayed the Miles/John Lewis Milestones I (not the modal one on the album of that name) also with a mute. It was clearly bebop, was it Hot House. He also took on Jimmy Rowles’ 502 Blues (Drinking and Driving) which Wayne Shorter did on Adam’s Apple. They (and let’s honor Jeb Patton who was rich and responsive and Vicente Archer was a rock as always) opened with Henry Mancini’s Mr Lucky theme and had When I Fall in Love as the ballad.
Maybe I do like trumpeters.
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reflectismo · 3 years
“We inspired one another,” she [Astrid] says. “What they gave to me in return was so much. And I still have got it all here, inside. But what’s it all about, a silly jacket with no collar? They changed my life completely. They gave me this wonderful friendship. That’s what I mean by people misinterpreting me. I can talk and talk until my voice is gone, and still they write in their papers that I did all the clothes for the Beatles. People just make a big deal out of it.”
Just like stories which suggest that John Lennon was working-class or that Stuart Sutcliffe died of a brain tumour instead of a haemorrhage, the story of Astrid’s collarless jackets persist. So what’s the truth about these legendary Beatles uniforms?
“I admit they got the idea from the collarless jacket from me,” concedes Astrid. “I had one, and Stuart wanted it. So I made one for him, and when he went to the Top Ten wearing it, John would say, ‘Hey, have you got your mum’s jacket on?’ But they were all like little kids. They didn’t have any money and soon they’d all be saying, ‘I want one of those’. I said, ‘They take ages to make’, and they said, ‘So what, you’re our mate!’ So I made the jackets for them because I loved them, but people just make a big deal out of it.”
Not content to re-write the history of the most famous style of the 1960s, Astrid was also keen to shatter another long-standing Beatles myth. “All this fuss about Paul and Stuart not having a very nice relationship,” she says, “is just not right. Paul had been a musician since he was young, and in such a perfect way and such a talented way. When I met Paul he played drums, bass, piano and guitar. Let me ask you this: what would you do if you were in a band, and were a brilliant artist, and one of your best friends is just fiddling around and doesn’t even practise, but is content to just look great — to look rock’n’roll? I know what I’d do, I would go crazy! I think Paul was very brave, putting up with Stuart for so long! He never practised. Never! But John would say, “Oh he looks rock’n’roll, that’s enough!”
“Whenever Stuart wanted to talk to me, he would just hand his bass guitar to Paul, and Paul would take over. Or if Paul was on the piano, Stuart would give the bass to Klaus, and Klaus would play with the Beatles. This would be in the early morning when there was only about ten people in the club. Klaus would just sit on a table playing the bass. And they had fun! They were just young boys wanting to have fun, have a drink and chase the girls. I would like people to know that they weren’t always the Beatles. They were just four very normal, young, very funny boys.”
Astrid kept in touch with the Beatles since their last trip to Hamburg on late 1962, and followed their careers avidly. She continues to be an ardent fan of the surviving solo Beatles. “I was so proud, I still am. Paul did his concert in Hamburg last year and invited me along. I was sitting there, and he announced that ‘Ebony and Ivory’ was dedicated to me. I was so proud, I sat there like a mother hen, saying, “That’s my boy up there! It was absolutely great. It’s great whenever I see George, too. When he toured Japan with Eric, I followed it on MTV. You know, that’s my George!”
Liverpool Days is a souvenir photo album of a trip Astrid made to Britain at the height of Beatlemania. “I got an offer from Stern magazine in Germany in 1964,” she says, taking up the story, “to accompany one of their photographers, Max Scheler, a friend of mine, on a trip to London to meet the Beatles while they were filming ‘A Hard Day’s Night.’ I phoned John and George to see if was alright to bring somebody along. They said, ‘As long as they are paying you good money’ and agreed. Stern asked me because nobody else could get near them then. The Beatles wouldn’t allow it.”
— Interview with Astrid Kirchherr about the Beatles and “Liverpool Days”, her limited edition book from Genesis Publications.
(Beatles Book Monthly Magazine, No. 217, May 1994)
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mrepstein · 3 years
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The Beatles Book Monthly (No. 5, December 1963)
‘A TALE OF FOUR BEATLES’ by Billy Shepherd
Part IV opens in June, 1961 and charts Brian Epstein's early involvement with the Beatles.
And so the Beatles, with two experience-garnering trips to Germany behind them, got back to Liverpool. A swingin’ scene... and they were very much a part of it. It was the end of June, 1961.
But though they liked having more money to spend, they hadn’t the foggiest idea of just how much they were worth. The offers came in. Anything between £6 and £14 was the pay-packet, to be shared between Messrs. Lennon, McCartney, Harrison and drummer Pete Best.
“We just didn’t know,” admits George. “We loved the work, the excitement. We didn’t realise we were often being exploited. But it was hard work and somehow we didn’t seem to have much money in the kitty after we’d kept our equipment up to scratch...”
July, 1961, could go down as a summit meeting in Merseybeat history. A steamy, summery, shimmery night at Litherland Town Hall. A young promoter named Brian Kelly announced his attraction: The Beatmakers.
George Harrison was on lead guitar. Paul McCartney on rhythm. John Lennon on piano. Drummers were Pete Best and Freddie Marsden. Les Maguire operated on saxophone, Les Chadwick on bass guitar - and Gerry Marsden nipped on and off behind a big grin to take the vocals.
Gerry and the Pacemakers and the Beatles had linked up. For one night only and for a fee which is the smallest fraction of what they’d command for such a show now.
It led to friendships between the group members... but it didn’t seem to be leading to that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow for the Beatles.
Says John: “We went on knocking ourselves out night after night but somehow there was a bit of frustration creeping in to it all. It didn’t seem to be leading anywhere.”
But the audiences were greatly appreciative.
Says Paul: “We started accepting dates further south. We got pretty near London on some of them. No change of material for us - still the stuff that went down so well in Germany. But we were veering away from the leather gear. Don’t make this sound big-headed, but the fact is that a lot of other groups were copying the way we looked on stage. So we changed to more ordinary clothes for a while.”
But in September, depression set in. Paul and John took themselves off to Paris for a holiday. They remember being flat broke. Remember having to search through every pocket to rake up enough francs for a Coke. Now, of course, they can go where they please and not count the cost.
And George and Pete stayed on in Liverpool, virtually lost to the Beat scene. Ray McFall, owner of the Cavern Club remembers seeing Messrs. Harrison and Best around the lunch-time sessions but they seemed dispirited. They took a lot of persuading even to join in on the impromptu roar-ups.
Let well-known Liverpool show compere Bob Wooler fill in the background to this black spot in the Beatles’ history.
“I’ve known the boys since the early days. I’ve been a long-time admirer. What they really needed was a manager in those far-off days. They seemed content not to argue about the fees they were offered. And they didn’t seem to realise that they were pulling in crowds on the strength of their own name and performance.
“After all, they had to live. They had to look after their equipment - and they often had travelling expenses to pay. It’s all very well being popular and enjoying your work, but you should be paid what you’re worth as well.
“Ray McFall at the Cavern was different. If the crowd was good, he upped the fee. That’s why the boys have always been so loyal to the Cavern. But you can understand them being puzzled at the lack of hard cash from their other venues where they were so often doubling the attendances.”
Paul and John were meanwhile spending a lot of time on their song-writing. You’ll see how much they’d already achieved in this direction as the story pushes on to the first recording days.
John and Paul could never sit down and simply write a song to order. They admit: “We have to wait for the ideas to arrive. It can happen anywhere. On a bus, or a train, or backstage at a dance-hall or theatre. Sometimes the title suggests itself first. Then we get going on the words and music. Sometimes we’ve finished a very successful seller in less than an hour.”
But their most pressing need was for a manager. Paul has told me “When we first started on paid jobs, we honestly thought we weren’t manageable. We thought nobody would want to bother with us. We were a pretty off-beat bunch of characters, to say the least. And we had a sense of humour which somehow involved us all and which was hardly in the interests of discipline. So, for a long time, we just didn’t take any notice of the advice that we should be properly handled. ‘Who’d WANT US,’ was the way we thought...
“And that’s where we were wrong...”
A MANAGER. Liverpool man Allan Williams took on the chore for a while... he now runs the Blue Angel Club on Merseyside.
But the man who was to make show business history with the Beatles knew nothing about the group in that September of 1961. That man, of course, was Brian Epstein, one-time drama student, member of a family which owned a chain of furniture and radio-TV stores in Liverpool.
He was not exactly WITH the beat scene. But he WAS in touch with the public taste through his work in the record department of the stores. He’d been there for five years, building up the business, enlarging the staff roster and increasing the turnover.
And in September, 1961, he was a puzzled man. Fans kept approaching him with: “Have you any records by the Beatles?” Brian mused. Pondered. Wondered. One young lad was particularly persistent in his demands. Brian dug deep into the record-lists. And found reference to that “My Bonnie” single, recorded in Germany, on which the Beatles played a strictly supporting role to guitar-star Tony Sheridan.
“I became Beatle-conscious for a while,” he says. “I always tried to work on the theory that the customer was right - and if they wanted the Beatles, well... I’d do my best to supply the Beatles. Eventually I traced the source and ordered some 200 copies for the record-stores. They sold quickly...
“Then out of the blue I heard they were Liverpool boys, had a rapidly-growing following - and were actually playing in a club near the store. It was a place that I’m sure I’d visited before, a sort of teenage gathering-place, but I really didn’t know much about it.
“After a while, I thought I’d better pop down there and see what all the fuss was about.”
Brian Epstein went to the Cavern. Met the Beatles. And things really started happening for the ambitious but not-too-sure group.
There are two ways of looking at this near-historic meeting. Brian Epstein’s. And the Beatles’ viewpoint.
Beatles first. Said George: “He started talking to us about the record that had created the demand. We didn’t know much about him but he seemed very interested in us and also a little bit baffled.
“He came back several times and talked to us. It seemed there was something he wanted to say, but he wouldn’t come out with it. He just kind of watched us and studied what we were doing. One day, he took us to the store and introduced us. We thought he looked rather red and embarrassed about it all.
“Eventually, he started talking about becoming our manager. Well, we hadn’t really had anybody actually VOLUNTEER in that sense. At the same time, he was very honest about it all - you know, like saying he didn’t really know anything about managing a group like us. He sort of hinted that he was keen if we’d go along with him...”
Brian, quite honestly, thought that the Beatles looked a mess. He wondered what exactly they thought they were trying to be. Their strange jackets, the rather scruffy jeans, the hair-styles, which could only have been styled on something called “chaos.”
“But there was something enormously attractive about them,” he recalls. “I liked the way they worked and the obvious enthusiasm they put into their numbers. People talk about the Liverpool sound but I sometimes wonder what exactly they mean. These boys put everything into their routines but they didn’t use echo. That struck me as being a very good thing.
“It was the boys themselves, though, who really swung it. Each had something which I could see would be highly commercial if only someone could push it to the top. They were DIFFERENT characters but they were so obviously part of the whole. Quite frankly, I was excited about their prospects, provided some things could be changed.”
And Brian told his friends: “This could easily turn out to be the biggest show business attraction since Elvis Presley.” It’s a tribute to his foresight and intuition that that is precisely what has happened.
Brian decided to get the boys together at a round-table conference at his store. A time was fixed and the boys agreed. But Beatles are not always the easiest of people to organise. Brian sat waiting... and waiting... and waiting. He was trying to cope with the vastly complex figures of Christmas orders for the store and minutes were precious to him.
Eventually THREE Beatles arrived. George, John and Pete. No Paul. Story goes that Brian got George to ring through and see what had happened to the left-handed guitar-star. And that Paul admitted he was still in the bath... but wouldn’t be long!
Brian was rather on his high-horse. He felt it was not the right thing for someone who wanted to talk business to be kept waiting. He pointed out that Paul, the cherubic one of the four, would be extremely late. “Yes,” said George, forcing back a grin. “But he’ll also be extremely clean.”
Says Brian: “That sense of humour is invaluable. You could hardly feel annoyed at their lack of business ability. They were just four individual and off-beat characters.”
Prior to Brian taking such an interest, there was great concern among Cavern people that there was a chance of the Beatles packing in all thoughts of show business careers. Bob Wooler had tried hard to get BBC television producer Jack Good interested in the group. Jack had produced beat shows, like “Six-Five Special” which had been the stepping-stone to success for artistes like Cliff Richard. But Jack was also in demand in the States... and he’d gone there to further his own career long before Bob could get any decision from the telly-folk.
Brian, having eventually assembled all four Beatles in the same room, put his propositions to them. He went through a process of brain-washing, though he did it all very tactfully. He didn’t like their manner of dress. Wasn’t knocked out by the unruly hair-cuts. Was singularly unimpressed by the way they casually drank tea on stage while in the middle of shows.
He pleaded with them rather than ordered them. He knew they were a valuable property and he was knocked out at the way their personal following was growing through the Merseyside area.
Said John: “He’d tell us that jeans were not particularity smart and could we possibly manage to wear PROPER trousers. But he didn’t want us suddenly looking square. He let us have our own sense of individuality.”
He added: “We respected his views. We stopped champing at cheese rolls and jam butties on stage. We paid a lot more attention to what we were doing. Did our best to be on time. And we smartened up, in the sense that we wore suits instead of any sloppy old clothes.”
It was a master-plan. A long-term plan if necessary but it was aimed at making the most of four young men who clearly had that star quality in them... even though a recording contract was still more than nine months away.
Obviously, Brian Epstein’s main job was to get the group on record. He knew the strength of their popularity in Liverpool and he felt it wouldn’t be a hard job to interest some of the London companies. But that was where Brian was wrong.
He even delayed any sort of action until the results of the 1961 “Mersey Beat Poll” were announced. That came up at the end of the year. And the Beatles were high and dry in top place in this important survey of how the public felt about the myriad groups operating in the scene. Said Brian: “I thought this was the ‘Open Sesame’ to the recording scene. I felt that Liverpool was important enough to have London executives falling about to sign the boys. I was wrong...”
Brian, though technically still in charge of important parts of the family business, threw himself into the job of getting the Beatles known nationally. He had the backing of the Beatles’ parents and it was to be no holds barred for the major break through.
He started visiting London. Hopefully. Optimistically. But record executives showed an alarming tendency to register non-committal gloom. Brian had to keep reporting apparent failure to the boys - by now riding higher than ever in popular acclaim in Liverpool.
Cont’d next month in No. 6
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angstama · 5 years
a different love | l.dh
Pairing: lee donghyuck (nct haechan) x reader Genre: angst  Warnings: profanities , cheating  Summary: in which both you and donghyuck shares a different kind of love for each other. words: 2982 words a/n: this is so painful i’m dead sfghjklgfgkl, there will probably be a part 2 hahhhhhhhh also it’s my birthday tomorrowwwww so yes a hyuck fic!!!!!!!
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here you sat alone in your work room, a bubble of devastation budding in your heart as your eyes scanned the monthly bank statement sent to your email. you re-read again the one transaction that ultimately captured your attention since the beginning, a hefty sum of sixty five million dollars thrown out to god who knows where with the limited amount of information given to you. you knew this wasn't your spending but you weren’t panicking either because you were almost sure who the culprit behind it was and you weren’t surprised. 
the loud booming bass of the music echoed throughout your property, a party going on in the living room of your own home;  a party that you weren’t invited to. not that you minded anyways, parties had never been your thing. the first time it happened without your consent, you were infuriated, enraged by the betrayal of respect from your lover but it didn't matter anymore right now, you had gotten used to living in a home that you no longer had any say to anything. 
you massaged your temples, a heavy sigh escaping your lips along the way, feeling the awful exhaustion sitting on you. a part of you yearned for your husband’s arms to be wrapped around you and assuring you that everything is going to be okay while another part of you screamed psycho at you, telling you to snap out of it that it will no longer happen anymore.you weren’t like this in the past. both of you weren’t like this in the past. he wasn't like this in the past. and you weren’t sure what had gone wrong along the way. 
you strode over to the balcony, taking a peak of the view of your backyard which is currently filled with countless of wasted walking bodies having the time of their life. “ what a sight.” you muttered sarcastically under your breath, eyes wandering around in search for donghyuck, only to no avail. you don't bother anymore, figuring out that he’d probably be drinking his heart out and be up to his usual self, dancing on top of the grand piano or passed out on the floor. 
as much as you hate to admit it, you still love donghyuck despite having your heart broken over and over again everyday. he was and still is your everything. you knew the you seven years ago you would probably beat the living crap out of you if she found out that you allowed yourself to hurt this much over a guy. but you had fallen way too deep to find a way out of this toxicity. after all, both of you had vowed to love each other, for better or for worse. you missed the days where it was just the two of you against the world. where texts seems to be coming in every second because he refused to leave you alone, when everyday was like a celebration because being together meant so much to the both of you and the times when you could strip away your tough front and be truthfully bare in front of him without the fear of being judged. 
“gosh lee donghyuck i swear,” you stomp your feet hardly against the ground, reaching out for the remote control that he hid behind his back. “ah ah no, it’s my turn to pick the movie tonight remember sweetheart?” he cocked an eyebrow. your shoulders slumped defeatedly, putting on your cutest pout to coax your boyfriend into letting you choose the film for the night. “ it ain’t gonna work on me missy,” he ruffled your hair messily before plopping back down on the couch, tugging your wrists along with him so that you’d settle down next to him to watch the film he chose. “ i chose romance by the way,” he grinned sheepishly, knowing that you weren’t a huge fan of the genre romance. in fact, it was a known fact that you don't even try to deny it back then. 
you crossed your arms across your chest, shaking your head to your dismay, “it better be good lee.” you huffed. donghyuck took your hands into his, pulling you closer to his body, so close that you could almost feel his lips at the tip of ears, “oh trust me, it will be good babe,” he chuckled softly, adjusting his gaze back to the screen that soon started playing the movie. 
and he didn't lie. the movie was beautiful and humorous at the same time.  but you were way too proud to admit that you had taken a liking to the story line behind that film. knowing all too well that hyuck will always be using it to his advantage to get you to accept whatever romantic film he suggested the next time. apparently a game of ‘catch’ had begun without even both of you knowing, with donghyuck as the catcher and you as the runner which resulted in an intense running session around the house. “come on, you loved it! admit it!” he exclaimed excitedly, trailing quickly right behind. you rolled your eyes playfully, coming to a halt in your tracks to which he swiftly turned you around, trapping you in between the wall and him. “no comments,” you bit your lips, trying to hold in the smile that kept going against you stubbornly. donghyuck shook his head, a clear glint of adoration for you shining in his eyes. “you’ll be the death of me you know that?” he laughed wholeheartedly, closing in the space between the both of you as he went in to attack you with fluttering pecks on your neck. “ and you’ll be the death of me, hyuck” you said truthfully, throwing your arms around his shoulder in anticipation for donghyuck’s actions. his arms wrapped tightly around your waist, allowing you to lean in closely to his body warmth. you both rested your forehead against each other, staring deeply into each other’s eyes, neither of you wanting to break the intimate moment that was going on. 
“kiss me.” you whispered. “gladly.” he answered simply. you saw donghyuck broke out into a soft smile before leaning in too kiss you deeply. what happened from then on was undoubtedly one of the best memory donghyuck had given you and it was that night when you realised how much you truly loved donghyuck more than anything else in this world. 
 you threw your head back in frustration, not allowing the tears that had welled up in your eyes to escape. “gosh, you're so annoying y/n.” you groaned. it was a happy memory to you yet you knew these aren't tears of joy which made it even much more unbearable for you. you certainly didn't know loving donghyuck made you so vulnerable. 
you carefully locked the door of your working room before making your way to your shared bedroom with hyuck, a wave of relief rushing over you when you realised there weren’t anyone on the same level as you. it seemed like someone had sealed off the second level of your property from the sea of people, giving you your personal space that you desperately needed. you wanted to believe that this was donghyuck’s doing but you knew it was too good to be true. ever since your marriage with donghyuck had started to fall apart, he no longer cared about your wellbeing, doing however and whatever he likes as long as it pleases him. 
                »»—-————-————- ✼   ————-————-——««
you woke up the next day with donghyuck sleeping soundly beside you with his back facing you, an uncommon sight to see every morning. but you were much more surprised that he managed to make it back on the bed after the party. usually he’d be too tired to even climb up the stairs hence ending up on the couch or floor the next morning. you must've been heavily asleep when he entered the room in his drunk state, because the photo frame of you and donghyuck that was once on your nightstand was now rested on the wooden floor of your room, drowned in its own broken glass pieces, but you heard nothing last night.
“ what are you looking for?” you heard someone ask from behind you as you searched from the broomstick. “just looking for the broomstick, hyuck accidentally broke the photo frame,” you hummed a reply back. you felt the person casually leaning into you from the back, casually reaching out for whatever is on the shelve above you on the wall of the storage room. “here. mom kept it up there because pluto used to bite the strands of the broomstick, making a mess.” the someone filled you in, chuckling softly at the end. 
pluto was the dog that you had adopted from the animal shelter when you first moved out of your parent’s house. a white pomeranian breed that jumps excitedly at whoever he meets. a true gem which became your best friend over the years. you can still remembered clearly when pluto first met donghyuck.
“i . can’t . breathe.” donghyuck burst into fits of laughter with pluto still licking all over his face. pluto had just attacked your lover upon arrival, showering your then boyfriend with the same affection that he gave you everyday. you were in awe, the two of your favourite beings already getting along without having you to ask anything of them. “ aren’t you a cute one,”donghyuck cooed in adoration, nuzzling his nose in its stomach in the process. “who’s the cuter one then? me or him?” you challenged. donghyuck’s eyes shifted between you and pluto simultaneously, teasing you by taking his own time to come up with an answer. “hm who is cuter?”he probed, the ends of his lips tugging into a mischievous grin, “ of course it’s pluto!” 
pluto barked in celebration as donghyuck picked him up and twirled him in circles, leaving you on the floor seated, dumbfounded by your boyfriend’s pick and still in denial that you had just lost to your dog. “fine! date pluto then!” you huffed pettily in a joking tone, looking away to avoid donghyuck’s sudden gaze on you. 
before you know it, donghyuck had just scooped you out of your seat, picking you up in bridal style. “oh my god lee donghyuck! what are you doing?” you screamed.
“you are such a drama queen you know that?” he flicked your forehead. you let out a yelp in pain, flicking his forehead back instinctively, catching him by surprise. “and you are such a brat, you know that?” you fired back sarcastically, earning nothing but being dropped on the couch by donghyuck. he sat on top of you on your abdomen, pinning you down on your cushioned couch. “what am i again?” he asked threatenly. you didn't hesitate, instead you answered his question confidently loud and clear, “ a brat.” you stucked out your tongue playfully. you loved playing him and he knows that you just weren’t going to back down from whatever you both were having. donghyuck scoffed, pulling you arms above your head along the way, “how about i show you how much of a brat i can be huh?”
you turned to see jisung smiling back at you, handing you the objects that you were looking for. jisung is your helper’s son who is just a few years younger than you. you would say you knew him for a few years right now. you both shared a good relationship and you absolutely respect the filial side of his, taking over his mother’s chores often to ease her burdens. you gracefully took the broomstick and dustpan from his hands, making sure to thank him in return, “thank you jisung, i’ll see you downstairs later yeah!”
you quickly cleaned up the area, inspecting everywhere the room over and over again to make sure there isn't any little glass shreds left on the floor. the last thing you need is to have anyone hurting themselves physically, yes anyone meaning specifically donghyuck since he is the only one that enters your shared bedroom besides you, not even the helper could enter this room as well as your working office room. 
“good morning mrs park,” you greeted your helper, joining her and jisung in the kitchen. you threw your car keys on the counter, walking over to pour yourself a cup of coffee that was freshly brewed this morning, “cooking the hangover soup?” you asked, although the familiar smell of the dish already gave it away. because of your tight work schedule, you had requested your helper to help you prepare hangover soup for donghyuck the next morning after every party. and although it wan’t part of her job scope to be cooking, mrs park was more than happy to help you out, following closely to your recipie that you had adjusted to donghyuck’s liking too. “yes ma’am,” she smiled warmly. 
“mrs park! just call me y/n remember? even jisung calls me by my name now!” you exclaimed, shooting the brown haired boy a playful look.
“oh i’m sorry y/n, you know how it gets for old people.” she responded with a slight banter as she turned off the fire on the stove. “are you and your husband going out on a yacht staycation tonight? do you need me to help you pack your clothes? you’ve been so busy-...” she continue trailing on. your face scrunched in confusion, not understanding what was she talking about besides the part about your busy work schedule. “i’m sorry but where did you hear it from?” you asked politely. 
jisung sat up straight, noticing that something isn’t right but contemplated not to say anything. “ i overheard sir making a booking at the yacht club just a couple of weeks ago, said that it is a short staycation for the next three days...?” 
“oh,” you mused almost inaudibly, a pang of hurt flashing across your eyes. you refused to let yourself fall in front of them though. he’s not even telling you that he will be away now? a yacht party out of nowhere? what else could he be possibly hiding you from? “i’ll go first,” you cleared your throat with a half bow, dismissing yourself from the mother and son. pure devastation taking over your heart and mind and you don't know what to do.  
                 »»—-————-————- ✼   ————-————-——««
you allow work to consume you in your office, going through documents after documents. and even though your found it hard to concentrate with an aching heart cutting you up every second, you tried your best to not let it affect your work life. you see, your career meant as much as donghyuck had meant to you. it was all your blood sweat and tears that helped you built your empire today and you’re determined to keep it alive till your last breath. being a film director and a scriptwriter sure wasn’t easy but it was your passion and something that donghyuck had always told you he admired about. when you first made your mark out in the media industry, you never expected yourself to be in the position you are in today and you’re very thankful to the people that had your back since the first day, including donghyuck, he used to be your number one fan in fact, though you're not so sure about now.
you heard a knock at the door of your office and you looked up to see your secretary standing at the other side of the door, her usual smile plastered on her face. you gestured her to enter, returning your focus back on to the tiny arial fonts imprinted on the paper. “you seemed a little out of it today,” she begun, plopping down on the couch in your office. “do i?” you mumbled halfheartedly. “yeah, very. there’s like this creepy dark aura around you,” she said lightly in attempt to throw a lively banter but you knew very well that behind its tone, it wasn't a joke at all. 
you finally gave your attention to the petite girl staring straight at you, looking at your best friend with tired eyes. “i don't know, joohyun,”you breath a sigh, “i really miss my donghyuck. the one that i fell in love with, not the one that seemed to love my money more than me,” it is true. donghyuck indeed seemed to love your money more than he loves you, constantly spending your money recklessly as if it was his. he would much rather throw your assets into the never ending nights of parties than to be anywhere near you. “ i tried to talk to him about us, but he always shrugged it off. i’m so tired of trying to figure out what’s happening between us. we live under the same roof but we barely even talk. i don't even know if he loves me still,” you let it out, a clear indication of longing and desperation in your voice lingering. “ if there's anything that i learnt in my years of failed relationships...” she trailed off, glancing over in the process to make sure that you were listening before continuing on sensibly, “ communication is the key to every conflict. you have to talk to him. if he doesn't care less to fix this relationship then there isn’t any point holding onto it. a ship is meant to take you somewhere so if a friendSHIP or a relationSHIP is not taking you anywhere then abandon that SHIP.” the brown haired girl advised you, exaggerating the ‘ships’ with hand gestures along the way to get it inside your head which it did eventually because the next thing you knew, you found yourself standing in front of the entrance of the yacht that you husband had booked, not knowing what to expect from whatever is going to happen in just a couple of seconds.
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Interview with Merel Bechtold
Interview with Merel Bechtold by Mandy Jacobs for the MaYaN Newsletter
She is maybe small in size but there is no way you can miss her! Merel Bechtold has rocked the stage with her guitar on many MaYaN and Delain shows. She is not afraid to make funny faces on stage, she even loves these pictures and with her positive energy makes everyone smile.
What can I say, we just love the small girl with a big personality!
Hey Merel. We will start when you are ready.
Merel: Yoooo I get a glass of water and then I'm ready.
I have fruit fusion water (no additions or calories but still the flavor).
Merel: Chill!! Ready
How are you doing?
Merel: I'm great, thank you! How are you? :)
It's your interview sweetheart ;) I'm happy as always! When did you start playing the guitar?
Merel: I started playing the guitar when I was 14/15 years old.
That's not so long before you stated to play professional, it's it?
Merel: Ehm well what's professional? Haha! I think the first time I played with a known band was in 2013 with Delain.
Hahaha I think you have a real talent. Did you take a lot of lessons? Merel: Oh well, thank you. I had lessons for 1,5 years from a local guitar teacher and his name was Jurgen. I believe he was a really good teacher. Also a fun fact is that Roel (bass) graduated with him from the Conservatory. After that I had lessons of Menno Gootjes (Focus) on the Rockacademy.
What is your favorite guitar?
Merel: My favorite guitar is the white vanderMeij guitar. Its my first custom and it sounds and looks amazing, so its hard to beat. Though I'm loving and exploring my new guitar right now. Its a black 6 string vanderMeij guitar. Very shiny and beautiful! And the maple neck sounds amazing :)
You said something about the Rockacademy did you study there as a full time student?
Merel: Yes I did unfortunately. Don't really want to dive into that haha. But Menno is great though! Love him.
That's okay :) Do you also play other instruments?
Merel: I used to play the piano when I was 6 till 12, but I wasn't great and never really got into that. I guess it was not my cup of tea. Though it helps me with understanding music theory. I still really would like to learn drumming and singing.
So actually the answer is no, I don't play any other instruments.
Hahaha that is a very good answer! You also play guitar in Purest of pain and I saw you are even starting a new band called Dear Mother, how do you combine that with MaYaN?
Merel: That's correct. MaYaN is a band that's easily to combine since we don't play all the time. Though in the past it was harder when I was still with Delain. Also I don't see any troubles combining MaYaN with Dear Mother :)
You quit Delain isn't it?
Merel: Yes
Can I ask you why you quit?
Merel: Of course! I wasn't following my heart anymore and I was very limited in my abilities and stopped growing as a guitarist and musician. So I felt trapped and needed to start thinking about what I want to do. I had a great time with Delain, learned many things and I'm super grateful for that. Also I made friends for life and have memories that nobody can take away from me. Dear Mother is a band that I have dreamed of for a few years now. It's basically my great escape. Creating new music gives me such a great feeling and I'm learning so many new things. Its fantastic. Also playing with MaYaN is challenging, exciting, great musicians, a lovely family and great fans. I can't ask for more.
When can we expect more information about Dear Mother?
Merel: This year :)
Great! You are a very busy lady and now you're also on Patreon! Can you tell me what that is?
Merel: It's something that I wanted to do for a while and now I'm free to do so. I'm creating weekly vlogs. In these vlogs I'm filming my musical journey. Every week is different, so every video is unique. It could be that I'm on tour with the MaYaN family, writing new music, recording or something else. It's a lot of fun! In the last video I show everybody how I started creating a new riff. And in the next video I turned that idea into a track and sharing the process of that is very cool instead of only being able to enjoy the end result like seeing a show or listening to an album. Now you are able to follow the whole process and the struggles along the way. Also I'm doing a monthly live session in our private Patreon group and all Patrons can share their questions or do suggestions for me to feature in the next video. It's very interactive and the response on the vlogs is great so far! I'm sharing these moments and previews. And the Patrons can comment on the videos and ask my questions or suggestions for me to feature in the next vlog. So it's very interactive and a lot of fun! You can find more about my Patreon under:
Can you tell me a funny story about something that happed with MaYaN?
Merel: Oh boy. There are many fun moments. And some bad events can be funny afterwards. But I guess that every tour story is fun right? So Mark tries to make me feel awkward, with success. In a very playful way though. It's his thing you know. So during one of the last shows he licked my face from my chin up to the top of my face, whilst I was playing. So that happened. It was very impulsive, wet and hilarious. I don't want to inspire others with this story though!! haha
Did you get your revenge?
Merel: I always get my revenge :)  And so the game continues...
What are your hobbies besides music?
Merel: I find this a hard question to answer, because there are many things that I like, but I wouldn't call any of them my hobby. I love to travel, explore national parks, hiking, street food, cooking, climbing, crossfit. Other than that I love everything that gives me a thrill. I used to be massively good on a snowboard, so there is definitely this passion for all kind of extreme sports. Also I love my motorcycle.
I saw a lot of motorcycle photos, when did you start riding a motor?
Merel: Since I was six years old I wanted to do motorcross, but it didn't happen. Last summer I got my drivers license and bought a super sexy motorbike. I'm fascinated by the caferacer style and especially scramblers. At some point I really would love to build my own.
Do you also go on holidays on your motorbike?
Merel: Not yet. I don't have biker friends. So hopefully I will find the right people for that purpose at some point.
What does your prefect vacation look like?
Merel: Roadtrip!! I love to travel in a duo, discover new places, national parks, skip cities, no western tourists. A balance of relaxing, activities, eating and traveling.
Are you rather active or lazy?
Merel: I guess I am good at both. I rather be active, but it doesn't always work out haha.
What is the craziest thing you have ever done?
Merel: Oefff. I always do crazy things and up in crazy situations. But there is one thing that stands out. And that is peeing out of a window of a car on the German motorway. Bare in mind that on most parts there is no speed limit. The full story is that I needed to pee really badly. And I mean really really bad. But the sound guy which was also the driver (Delain), only wanted to stop at a gas station. In Germany it means that a gas station can take up 100 km til the next one. I really couldn't hold it... So I crawled in the front, opened a window and sticked my butt out of the window and peed. Thanks to the wind it was still hurting the next day haha.
There are not many female musicians in the metal world, why do you think that is?
Merel: Maybe it's because there are not that many role models. But for me music it's not about gender. And I really don't care if it's a guy or a girl behind an instrument. To be honest I don't understand the fascination of it. For me it's never about gender. It's about playing together, creating something to be proud of and expressing yourself. It even annoys me if somebody says 'you play guitar very well for a girl'. It's such a strange thing to hear.
You just play the guitar very well. You fit pretty good in the male dominated Metal world, do you have any advice for the female musicians?
Merel: Haha thank you :) Personally I actually don't see it that way. Like a 'male dominated metal world'. For me music and especially metal is a way to express myself and to feel home. Playing in a band is like being with a family and expressing yourself together. And sharing your dreams with other great people within the band or out in the crowd. So my only advice for being a female musician is to just express yourself and enjoy creating and playing music.
Well spoken! Is there anything else you want to tell the readers?
Merel: Yes! Thank you for being on the MaYaN newsletter, it means a lot to all of us. I really hope to see you around at a show at some point. Thank you!!
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art-by-rozzai · 5 years
had a bad day so more band au headcannons
anyone who wants to write a fic for this is absolutely allowed if they tag me, i’m not gonna make any full length ones but i might post some one shots eventually
anyway i had a really shitty day so here’s me self projecting and creating more band headcannons
check out the first here~
check out the second here~
tag list~
@athenashipsthings @thelesbianspoon @flowersheep @insert--self--hatred @nafsbluebery @sunflowerss0 @nerdiegurlie @stars-and-rose
okays lets do this✨
so last when we left the boys, it’s the day before they release their album “death of a bachelor”
to celebrate, roman suggests they get dinner out and maybe go see a movie??
logan is suprisingly the first to agree, saying that if he doesn’t get to watch the “scary stories to tell in the dark” movie soon he will explode. plus there’s no food in the fridge
virgil is also down to go see the movie, but is more reluctant to get dinner. he hates formal things, so to make him feel more comfortable roman offers they go to the local diner that he knows has virgil’s favorite chicken parm dish and virgil can’t say no to that
patton doesn’t want to see the movie at first-he really doesn’t like scary movies. but he wants dinner with his friends and he might be able to latch onto logan during the scary parts so he goes with it
so patton offers go help virgil with his hair and they end up getting ready together! they talk about everything they can think of as patton does hair and virgil does makeup and they both do each other’s nails and then they’re ready to go out whooooppp
meanwhile roman collapsed on logan’s bed an hour ago and began complaining about how he needed to impress virgil to get him to fall in love with him and has been talking ever since
logan doesn’t mind tho, roman helps him pick out a nice outfit and gives tips on how to woo patt
even though it’s not a date
anyways they get to the diner and they all have an incredible time! by the end of the meal they’re in tears laughing at each other, from roman’s hysterical stories to virgil’s banter to logan’s fun facts and spilt tea to patton’s enthusiastic impressions
they love each over like family :)
and the movie is top notch. virgil is in love with it, him and logan spend the whole time guessing what’s going to happen while roman hides behind virgil and patton shoves his face full of popcorn and squish himself into logan’s arm
and yes virgil can’t stop laughing and logan’s immediate tensing up and blushing
after the movie they just don’t want to go to bed quite yet, so the friends head to the park and enjoy lying in the grass, talking and letting logan point out the stars while roman makes up stories of the aliens and space princesses that protect the galaxy
virgil makes everyone his famous hot chocolate and they stay up until midnight to release their songs
and then the clock strikes 12 and death of a bachelor is available to download
the boys decide that staying up and watching the comments flood in is a terrible idea and instead they put on some disney films and fall asleep on the couch
it’s nice
they wake up to millions of notifications
everyone is freaking the fuck out
this album ??? is beautiful ???
all of the fans are in love but also have a lot of questions-so the fab four start doing monthly live-streams to just chat and answer questions and catch up with their fans
“are y’all single?”
well yes
but uh
this question is not goOD ROMAN WHAT THE FU-
anyway virgil comes to patton one day, slams the door, puts his face in a pillow and screams “PATT IM SO GAY HELP”
because roman called his hair pretty this morning and yes it’s stupid and it happens all the time but this time was different
don’t worry tho they won’t admit their feelings to one and other for another three months
death of a bachelor does really well-all of the songs end up going either gold or platinum
their song “victorious” is played on the radio all of the time
so november rolls around and the friends decide it’s time to go on tour! starting with just north america, they post a video on the youtube channel that gives all the locations and dates
it’s to start in april:
virgil is extremely nervous. being on the road for so long and preforming live in front of thousands of people and will anyone even show up and-
logan is slightly nervous but honestly he really enjoys preforming-once he ties the tie around his head like a bandanna he almost transforms into the punk rock bassist he is known by the fans to be
patton!!! is!!! bouncy!!!!!!!! he wants to meet all these people!!!! and he can’t wait to give back to all of them by preforming and meet and greets and social interaction makes him really happy!!
roman is so excited-preforming is his thing. when he’s on a stage, he’s in his element! he can’t wait to show off and travel and be with his friends for even longer :)
but they can’t go on tour with their boring old instruments sooooo
roman and patton team up to paint and decorate all of the instruments
virgil’s piano matches his jacket, lots of purple and swirls and patton paints the classic nightmare before christmas scene on the front (u know, this one but stationary)
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and they decorate the microphone stand purple and silver and black
logan gets a dope space themed bass-the outside is dark blue and the inside is painted like a galaxy, with a plain silver pick
roman paints his gutair with a castle and sunset in the back, with a bright red pick to play
patton’s drums have clouds on them nowww like a sunny day with blue puffy clouds
they’re ready to go! but it’s still only december so u kNoW whAt ThaT mEaNs
since none of the squad are jewish, (although technically patton is half jew since his mom is, but he just really loves christmas and always celebrated that growing up so)
they decide to celebrate at their house
they invite all of their close family to the apartment and have a lovely dinner
and yeah virgil doesn’t invite anyone cuz he was adopted by a shitty family who he doesn’t talk to anymore, bcuz all they did was try and get money out of him
and yeah he has a panic attack when all of his best friends are excitedly talking about their family coming over
and y e a h roman helps him calm down and swears that he will always b there to protect virgil bcuz he’s never met anyone quite like him and it’s not easy to explain but he just wants virgil to know he’s safe with roman
and yeah virgil wishes he could stop falling for roman but the ground keeps disappearing beneath him
so time skip a bit closer to christmas and logan bursts into romans room with an idea
“i can rap”
“we know”
“you can rap”
“kind of but okay”
“christmas rap song for fun”
so they write “gonna kill santa claus” (look it up) and decide to post it on the youtube channel on christmas eve
they film a music video for it where they jokingly set up different traps for santa like poison cookies and fire cracker chimneys and more
virgil sings the chorus, logan raps the rap parts, roman does the bridge, and patton lays down a pretty sick beat
it comes out really nice and honestly really fucking funny
so after a delightful family dinner with everyone over, the friends release that video and the internet fucking dies it’s so funny and logan can rap (??????) and ohmygod all of them are so cute what the fuck
anyway back to christmas dinner
roman has like 6 little sisters, and his mom and dad and papa and nana over
(he’s latino, his mom and dad are both from the dominican republic)
patton invites his mom and dad and little brothers, thomas and dee
and logan invites his two moms
everyone comes over for lunch and gets along reallyyyyyy well
logan’s got the punk mom and soft mom dynamic whereas, patton’s family is all super kind and like homey and boisterous and romans family is wild and crazy and funny and they all instantly click
presents are passed around, lots of money and books and movies and stickers and jewelry
really sweet stuff
and then everyone goes home and the friends have their own little gift exchange
virgil got logan the stephen king book “insomnia” and a (sort of) joke blanket with benedict cumberbatch’s face on it that he can use when he goes stargazing at night
logan gets virgil some noise cancelling headphones and a framed picture of a wedding with virgil’s face cropped on one and gerard ways face on the other
they both can’t stop laughing at the fact they attacked each other’s celeb crush
virgil gets patton a cute little cat stuffed animal that when u push the hand it’s a recording of all of them saying “we love you!!!” and a really sweet card
patton gets virgil a eyore necklace that was super expensive but matches patton’s winnie the pooh one and a itunes card for him to buy more music (and yes a really sweet card)
virgil gets roman two tickets to see mean girls on broadway and a framed picture of the two of them
yeah roman tears up a bit fuck u
roman gets virgil a collage of him and roman and a handmade hoodie that virgil is never going to take off oh and also meet and greet passes to see dan and phil at their interactive introverts tour
and maybe virge gets a little teary too
roman gets patton a recipie book and an apron that says “you BAKE my day”
patton gets roman a new ukelele and a printed out pamphlete of theatre song chords that he can play
roman gets logan the sherlock script and an empty box just to fuck with him
logan gets roman the entire grimm fairytale series and tapes a note to the front that says “bcuz u are an illiterate fool😜”
patton gets logan a phone case with the stars that were out on the day they met, hand painted framed picture of him and logan, and comic con tickets for this spring
logan gets patton tickets to the art museum downtown, a gift card to the coffee shop next to it, and two gold hoop earrings with a note that says “next week, friday at 7. it’s a date ;)”
so christmas is pretty good for all :))))))
and that’s the end of this one i’ll make a part four soon lmao
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uraniumglassbong · 5 years
Bastille Day!!
In honor of today being Bastille Day, thought I’d post some descriptions/faceclaims of the Paris expatriate characters I love. The dream is to one day write a TV show about them, but for now I just write little snapshots. Anyway
Melvin Cohen
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29, he/him. Plays bass for the Paris Opera Ballet pit orchestra, used to be a dancer but can’t get hired anymore due to severe scarring on his legs/torso from the war. He was a soldier who was trusted with a list of names of spies, and was captured and tortured for information. Because of this he has hydrophobia (waterboarding) and can’t shower unless he’s got someone to talk to while he’s doing it. Usually it’s Rose. His parents and sister live in Brooklyn. He lives with Rose and Gil, until he eventually moves from Paris to Berlin with Ben, and then back to New York alone as World War Two begins (the guy’s Big Jewish). Absolutely feral most of the time, usually standing on something people aren’t supposed to stand on. Very in love with Ben.
Ben Van Luren
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35, he/him. A jazz pianist and a (terrible) stand-up comedian. Was a doctor in the war and is constantly considering going back to school to become a psychiatrist, but has neither the money nor the mental health to do so. He was less affected by the war than Mel, Gil, and Felicity; he has a lot of survivors guilt, though. Quiet and very introverted; he grew up in a series of boarding schools on the east coast and now he lives alone a few blocks from Harry. His parents died while he was in med school, but he’s close with his extended family and usually goes home to his aunt’s house in Connecticut for holidays. Stays in Berlin when Mel moves to help a nazi resistance group- see survivors guilt. Very in love with Melvin.
Gilbert McCallister
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34, he/him. An author who wrote a pretty successful novel a year before he moved to Paris, and is trying to write a second one under pressure from his publisher/readers. Was a part of the Harlem Renaissance for a hot minute, but hates America so much that he left. He lives with Melvin and Rose until his second suicide attempt, after which everyone decides it’d be best for him to move in with Harry and Olivia so he can be under better supervision and have better support. Olivia is his surrogate mom- his real mom dies while he’s fighting on the western front. Usually pretty stoic, but when he opens up he’s the funniest one in the group.
Harry King
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68, he/him. Used his old money to move from Edinburgh to Paris after the war, because he saw the art scene expanding and wanted to start collecting/getting his poetry published. He owns a small mansion that everyone hangs out at in their free time- Ben concerted the attic into a dance studio for Melvin. Worked as a journalist and wrote editorials about the war, but due to his agoraphobia never went to the front. He doesn’t leave his house now, but ironically is one of the most renowned naturalist poets in the community.
Olivia Brodeur
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70, she/her. Officially Harry’s housekeeper, but she also works as his publisher (and eventually Rose’s too), and ends up being a pseudo- mom and/or therapist to the band of bastards- which is what she calls them- that hang out at her house. Not an artist by any stretch, but an amazing critic, editor, and publisher. The only character with any common sense. Speaks primarily French as she was born and raised in Paris and hasn’t left except for a few trips to Germany to visit family (before the war), but her english gets better as she tries to communicate with the bastards.
Rose Cranor
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21, she/her. Moved to Paris to be a historian specializing in the French Revolution, but eventually becomes a poet. She still keeps a research assistant job to pay the rent, though. Wasn’t involved in the war at all, mostly because her parents were extremely protective until they found out she’s gay and cut her off. Lives with Melvin and Gil until both of them move out; then she moves into a hotel closer to Felicity. She’s a little too willing to help her friends, and as a result most of them become pretty dependent on her- Mel wakes her up whenever his nightmares get too bad, she’s usually the one who talks Gil down from the edge, etc. For the most part she doesn’t mind, but she does snap eventually and tells her roommates to figure their shit out. Loves Felicity a lot.
Felicity Jefferson
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23, she/her. A painter who ends up as one of the big names in the surrealist movement. She was a nurse for the British army on the western front, and is pretty traumatized from it. Her family lives in London, and she lives off a monthly allowance from them; her parents are big patrons of the arts in England, so they love to support her. Lives alone in a studio on Montmartre, and she’s famous within the art community for the parties she hosts there. She’s the funniest, after Gil, and also the most assertive, but she’s very quiet, and still adheres to the manners she learned in English boarding school. Likes Rose but sees it as much more casual than Rose does.
La Tempete (the thunderstorm)
A bar on the outskirts of Paris where everyone meets for the first time, and continues to gather at for the rest of their time in the city. They meet on Bastille Day 1922- Ben has a gig playing piano, Rose is there because it was a significant location for the uprising she’s studying (think ABC cafe), Olivia is there to restock Harry’s wine cellar, and Gil, Melvin, and Felicity are there because the Bastille Day fireworks are bad for World War One veterans. They meet and Olivia, deciding that the bastards would like Harry, invites them over for dinner the following night. There, Rose, Gil, and Melvin discover that they’re all looking for a place to stay, and resolve to start looking for apartments together. The bar closes a few years after that night; it’s tradition for them to meet there every Bastille Day, and when they get there and it’s boarded up, they end up breaking in.
les meilleurs jours (the better days, according to google translate)
Eventually everyone splits off- Mel and Ben move to Berlin, and then to Brooklyn, Gil joins the International Brigades and moves to England and then fights in Spain, and Rose moves to California to try and get into the movie business after she and Felicity break it off. The thing that brings everyone back in 1939 is Felicity and Olivia’s latest idea: turning Harry’s house into an artists commune of sorts. There’s a lot of unused bedrooms, and the dance studio in the attic, and the parlor has already been functioning as an art studio/saloon, and Harry is all for having other artists in his house. There’s a party to celebrate the opening, and everyone shows up. Rose and Gil both decide to move back to Paris and rent rooms. When France surrenders to Germany in World War Two, les meilleurs jours becomes a meeting place for resistance groups, and also publishes and distributed several pamphlets. They produce more underground publications in the 1968 student revolutions, as well, although they aren’t as good since Olivia isn’t around to serve as editor. It stays open until the late 1970s, when Felicity has to close it due to structural problems.
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goodproofingwater · 5 years
Wildfire Records - Chapter Seven
Word count: 3211
Warnings: Graphic sexual content, heavy drug and alcohol abuse and angst
West Coast - FIDLAR Like Lust - MOVEMENT Coattails - Broods
press play when you see the *’s
It took only a week for Juliet to find a tenant for her flat, a shocking fact that none of them could get their heads around. Of course the interior was nice, but Bethnal Green wasn’t exactly the nicest area of London and when Victoria had visited to help Juliet pack she had seen at least two needles on the road.
“How on earth have you lived here for so long?” Victoria shook her head after one of her friend’s flatmates had refused to even look at them as he walked from the bathroom to his room.
“I don’t even know..” She pushed down her duvet into a box and Victoria held it so she could tape it up, “I’m just looking forward to living in a fucking penthouse!”
The redhead grinned, stacking boxes on top of the other and looking down at her phone, the uber that was taking them and Juliet’s stuff to their new home was only minutes away.
“Yeah me too. I was nervous to begin with but the more I think about it the more I think this could work.” The redhead picked up two boxes, moving them to the front door of the building and staying with them, the area too dodgy for anything to be left unattended.
She had already moved her boxes into the boy'shouse and they were at home getting ready for the housewarming party that they said they would throw the following day. Apparently ,Andy took parties very seriously and was ordering several kegs and bottles from his dads alcohol contact.
“Did you manage to get the Facebook campaign switched over?” Juliet questioned as they began to load the boxes into the car, and Victoria nodded,
“Yeah, we’ve had so many conversions to their Spotify they’re up to 500 monthly listeners now and their Facebook page has 700 and uh..” she pulled out her phone and tapped quickly, “721 likes up from 650 a week ago.”
“God people are loving them aren’t they?” Juliet spoke, but Victoria’s eyes were focused on the list of names of people who had liked The Dangers. There was the usual mix of indie boys and fangirls, but one name stood out.
Cindy Jameson.
The boys had been surprisingly helpful in distributing the boxes and helping the girls unpack, even Andy had helped hooking up their laptops to the sound systems in their rooms, and then all of their other devices to the sonos that encompassed the rest of the penthouse.
He gave them a proper tour then, showing them the first floor with all its bedrooms, a study and the media room which held an Xbox, PlayStation and a wall full of games and DVDs. The reception room took up most of the second floor with its open plan kitchen, dining room and lounge. He showed them the studio with its grand piano and Danny’s drums which had apparently cost them a fortune to ship over, and the second study that sat on the other side of the kitchen.
“And that’s it.. I mean there’s the terrace but you’ve seen that..” his head darted toward the stairs as he heard the doorbell, and before they knew it they were helping to carry boxes of booze and kegs up the stairs until the fridge was stocked full.
“I hope you girls are ready to party..”  *
Music pounded through every one of the 24 speakers that Andy’s flat housed, the playlist that the singer had set up allowing for controlled chaos - just the way he liked it. He had invited everyone that he usually hung out with in London, had received quite a few ‘fuck off ‘ messages from previous lovers but it still didn’t put him off. Life was even better than usual these days, and he was determined to party like it was the end of the world.
He took a seat on the couch next to Juliet and Danny, his arms already firmly around her and her body fitting in to his own. It was strange to think that this perfect couple hadn’t known each other a few months ago.
“So who are these people?” Juliet spoke, leaning forward to pick her rum and coke from the table and slipping the straw beneath her painted lips.
“Most of them are people I used to hang out with when I was a kid” Andy started, eyes scanning the room and lingering on Victoria who was standing at the bar talking to Ben in a lace bodysuit and pencil skirt combo that made the redhead weak. God, what he would give to have a single night with her.
“So you used to come here all the time?” Juliet broke his concentration and line of thought and he was glad for it.
“Yeah,” he nodded, sipping his beer before continuing, “every summer when I was a kid my dad used to make us come here for at least three weeks. I used to help him in the studio, mainly setting up and closing down for a classical recording but I played some bass and guitar on some of his experimental tracks too.”
“Ahh, so you really had no choice but to become a musician” Juliet grinned, and Andy matched it, eyes darting to Victoria as a laugh, apparently elicited by Josh who was now with them, erupted from her and he couldn’t help but lick his lips.
“Nah not really,” he sipped his beer once more, sniffing softly and licking his lips as he felt the familiar itch in his blood. He tried to keep it as recreational as possible, but he would be the first to admit that his coke habit was getting more and more prominent. Still, he kept it at gigs and parties so it was okay for now. Like someone smoking a cigarette because they were drunk.
Victoria, Ben and Josh sauntered over then, collapsing into the couch and sipping on various drinks. Everyone looked like they were having a good time, and Andy felt himself relax a little at the fact. He would never let anyone know the anxiety he felt when planning something like this, his need to ensure that everyone was happy. That was something deep rooted within him, something he couldn’t shake no matter how much he tried to live for himself and not others. The coke helped with that.
“You telling your shitty jokes again?” Andy quipped across the table at Josh, the blondes eyes meeting his own in good humour.
“Don’t come at me with that bullshit man. Remember when you did that updog thing for like a month? And you never understood why people weren’t laughing with you?” Danny grinned between the blonde and the redhead, the friendly competition and banter always something he had enjoyed.
“Updog was hilarious” Andy began, and he saw both Victoria and Juliet’s brows furrow as they attempted to figure out what they were talking about. Danny began to explain, but Andy held out a ring clad hand to stop him.
“Aye Vic..” he started, “want a can of updog?”
The redhead looked around the group as it waiting for an explanation, and when none came she shook her head.
“What.. what’s updog?” Josh rolled his eyes and sat back, his arm falling on the armrest behind her, and Andy's face practically lit up at her words.
“Not much babe, what’s up with you?” He flashed beautifully white teeth at the redhead, and she couldn’t help the laugh that slipped from her. The stupidity of the joke making her laugh more than anything but it was funny nonetheless. Danny, Juliet and Ben all shook their head at the terrible joke, Josh watching Victoria as she laughed, his eyes devouring her as if her happiness was his own.
Andy gave a smug smile to the boys, and although he wanted to stay and watch Victoria laugh at his jokes more, the dull vibration in his capillaries was becoming too much to bear.
“Excuse me..”
Andy took a swig of his beer and then stood and walked to the bathroom. Once the door was closed he reached into his black jeans to pull out a small baggie and his credit card, and tipped some of the white powder onto the side of the sink. He cursed himself as some fell into the sink itself, but ran his finger along it and slipped it along his gums, the immediate buzz harshing the itch running through him. He let out a sigh as he pressed the powder into two defined lines, rolling up a £20 note and snorting the first. Euphoria ran through his body, every nerve ending alive and he felt like he could run a mile, the itch completely gone as his pupils dilated.
Just as he was about to put his head down to the second, the door pushed open and Victoria stumbled in, obviously hammered and not realising that there was someone in there.
“Oh shit, sorry!” She spoke, eyes dancing between Andy, the £20 note and the line that was waiting for him on the porcelain. *
“It’s alright babe, come in..” he let his eyes hungrily take in her body, the black blazer hiding the rest of the lace she was wearing and teasing him in a way that made his jeans grow a little tighter. “Want a hit?”
She hesitated for a moment, but then stepped into the bathroom, walking toward the sink as he eyed her. It wasn’t the first time she had done blow in the bathroom of the party and probably wouldn’t be her last. The hesitation was more because of her behaviour when she was high.
“Sure,” She spoke, stepping forward and taking the £20 note from him, laughing at the size of the line and dipping her finger in it softly, tongue darting over the substance as she watched him watch her. The tension between the two of them was palatable in this small room, and she looked into his dark eyes with innocent hues, “I don’t think I can do a line so big after being so out of practice..”
The way she was looking at him was driving him insane, those innocent eyes teasing just how much she was the opposite. “Give it a try…” he glanced between her and the line, licking his lips as he watched her bow to the sink and god did he wish she was on that level on her knees in front of him.
She took half the line in one nostril and half in the other, standing and immediately feeling a rush, her entire body alight and sensitive as she pinched the bottom of her nose. The room felt brighter, warmer and she could feel the way he was looking at her in her bones. She bit her lip as he stepped forward, running a thumb along her Cupid’s bow as his other hand slipped around her waist, pressing her into his body. He slipped his cocaine-dusted thumb between her lips, and she looked up at him with innocent eyes as she obligingly swiped her tongue over his digit, sucking softly and he let out a soft groan, “good girl…”
Her eyes ran darker at the words, the heat between her legs flaring and suddenly there was nothing that she needed more than him. “Oh but I’m not..” she grinned devilishly, and he mirrored it, not missing a beat as he pressed his lips to hers, a hand holding her jaw as the other slipped to her ass and squeezed.
She moaned softly against him and wrapped her arms around his neck, his hands moving to push her skirt to her waist and then lifting her to sit on the sink.
“Andy..” she whispered, and he caught her bottom lip with his teeth, biting deliciously hard.
“Show me how naughty you are..” he whispered, lips moving down her jaw and biting down on her neck as he pressed his clothed erection against her. She did as she was told, her hand moving between them to undo his jeans and tug them down, a smirk on his lips as his fingers slipped beneath her panties.
She gasped as fingers pushed deep inside of her, bending at the knuckle and she could feel the metal of his rings against the sensitive skin at her entrance. He expertly stroked at her spot, her head falling back as she freed his member from his Calvin Kleins, the mixture of the coke and his long fingers making every inch of her feel on fire.
“You like that babe?” He whispered against her lips, nipping at her bottom lip again as she nodded, his fingers beginning to press in and out of her and she was unable to string even two words together. “So wet for me..” he smirked against her neck, watching his fingers fuck her for a moment before he removed them and slipped them between his lips to taste her. He let out a soft moan as lust took him further and he pulled her hips forward on the sink to ran his shaft over her soaking clit.
“Fuck.. Andy don’t be a tease..” she spoke breathlessly against his lips, and that cocky smile that she had seen so frequently made an appearance, except this time it took on a whole new meaning.
“So needy…” he whispered against her lips, “be a good girl and beg for me..” his pupils were blown, eyes dark and she was so into this she didn’t care.
“P-please..” she whispered against his lips, her breath shaking as she was so turned on and so, so high, her tolerance totally ruined because she hadn’t done drugs in so long, “Please Andy…”
“Please what babe?” He spoke, his brow furrowing in faux innocence as he lined himself up with her entrance, her ankles locking around his waist.
“Fuck me..” she whispered against his lips, and he groaned with a smile before he slipped into her up to the hilt. Usually, she would need time to adjust, but the coke running through her system allowed a sense of numbness that meant she could take him without question.
She gripped at his back as he kept her hips steady with his firm grip, their lips never far from each other’s as he drove her closer and closer to her orgasm. He reached down into the sink, swiping cocaine onto his finger and running it along her lips, kissing her and allowing it to enhance everything, and he knew he wasn’t going to last much longer.
Josh was suitably buzzed from the bottles he had long since lost count of, and hheand Danny had set up beer pong on the dining room table and had played two rounds already.
“Yo King,” The band and Victoria had long since fallen into the habit of calling Juliet by her last name and she loved it, “tap in I need a piss..” He passed her the ball and she rolled her eyes, calling after him that she didn’t need to know that much information.
He grinned and half walked, half ran over to the bathroom, not even bothering to knock before he walked in, and what he saw made him stop in his tracks.*
Those lips which had sighed his name only the previous evening pressing beneath Andy's ear, her painted nails clutching at that floral shirt which had once been his own, his friends pulsing hips - everything made his stomach turn in a way that he had not thought possible. And the worst part was that they didn’t even notice. Didn’t even look up from their haze, their not-so-silent assault on his consciousness.
Slowly he walked back out of the room and made his way downstairs to use his ensuite, allowing a moment for himself in front of the mirror. He splashed his face, shook his head and forced it down. This was stupid. Victoria had never given any indication that she liked him, had never kissed him or said anything that would lead Josh to believe that she had any loyalty to him. But still, some part of him had thought they were getting there.
So lost in thought, the blonde almost walked into Danny on the stairs.
“Woah, woah, woah...” Danny’s smile immediately faltered as he saw the look on his friends face, “you alright?”
Josh plastered a fake smile on his features, knowing that it wasn’t going to fool his best friend but doing it anyway. “Fine. Upstairs bathroom was occupied.” He rushed past Danny and up to the reception room where music still blasted, and although Josh felt like he had been punched in the stomach he felt like he had no right to be upset.
He stood in the kitchen, rifling through the cupboards to find his bottle of Patron, and when he turned back Danny was there. The blonde almost jumped out of his skin and let out a small laugh with his friend, already starting to feel better. Danny and Josh had been friends even before they met Andy, they had been close since they played in sandbox’s together and the brunette had a way of understanding him like no one else.
“Now you gonna tell me what’s up or am I gonna have to get you hammered and pry it out of you?” Danny grinned, watching as Josh poured two glasses of the silver tequila, his blue eyes darting to the bathroom door and he wished he hadn’t.
Her hair was disheveled but she still somehow looked gorgeous, his shirt was undone a button too far and Josh could feel his blood boiling again. Why was it always Andy? Josh had never taken much of an interest before and had shrugged it off but him and Victoria had been getting so close.
Danny followed his friends eyes, wincing at the sight of Andy with his hand in Victoria’s back pocket, his lips meeting her neck where she bared a large bite mark. Turning back to his friend, he saw the pain washing over his features. Josh was never one to lay his feelings bare, but the brunette could pick up on cues and the way that the younger man had spoken about the redhead when they had come home from their day together was enough for him to understand why Josh was in such a bad way. Danny picked up the bottle of Patron and his glass, “come on, let’s get drunk”.
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isthisjazz · 7 years
Lionel Loueke
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A couple of weeks ago I had the opportunity to speak with guitarist Lionel Loueke prior to his performance with the Chick Corea and Steve Gadd Band at the VETs. I wasn’t able to get out the interview before their gig but the conversation we had still reveals a lot about the group and his individual process, which makes it invaluable reading for jazz and guitar fans alike. Below is the full transcribed interview.
How long have you been playing with Chick Corea and Steve Gadd?
Not too long, we did the recording in January and the first gig was in Tokyo in August at the Blue Note. The tour really started that week. We got together about a week for the recording but that’s about it.
So this group dynamic has really formed just from the studio sessions and playing on stage together?
Yeah, well Chick knew that we would be touring so he put the band together with Gadd so right after the recording we could plan for touring and that started end of August. But you know we’ve been hitting it hard and will be going until the end of November.
In terms of tunes for this band, did you all come with them as individuals and all bring in different charts or write them as a group? Or did Steve and Chick walk in with tunes ready to go?
Basically Chick comes in with his tunes, and we play his tunes. There’s one song on the CD that came out from a jam I had with him so we kind of co-wrote that one, but otherwise they are all his compositions.
I wasn’t sure since I know that all of you are fantastic composers and arrangers on your own. I like the idea of coming up with the tune off the jam with Chick, especially with how adept both of you are as improvisors I’m sure you can lock onto an ostinato and find something from that vamp.
Yeah it just happened naturally. We workshopped together for two days just jamming and we recorded everything as we played. He basically used the melody we had and came up with nice harmonies.
With this band having a sax player in Steve Wilson and the right hand Chick Corea has and his melodic virtuosity, how is it to balance the melodic playing you’re doing with the harmonic?
It works fine because there’s no restriction with the harmony or how far one wants to go in or out of the structure as long as the form stays the same for everyone. Everyone is listening so carefully, and in my opinion that’s the sign of any great musician. We give room to each other to stretch out and do our thing so there are no boundaries which is a good thing.
Especially with the players, you guys can really stretch and go into some unique areas, but then I’m sure that with everyone having such big ears the listening that’s going on is next level. Besides just that particular dynamic, even though I know this has been a limited run, is there anything that you’ve learned so far that surprised you and has given you a new perspective on the music as it develops?
It’s not like I’m hearing something completely different than I’ve been hearing before in other bands, it just sounds like a band that has been around for a long time. Chick and Gadd have been playing since the seventies so there is a foundation based on that. Then Carlitos (Del Puerto, bass) has been playing with Chick the last four years and Steve Wilson has been with him for a long time too so I’m pretty much the only one who is new. I’m not working in the territory where everything is new since there’s a history here and everyone is listening for the interaction. One thing that is important here is that Chick is an excellent composer, player, and arranger. So when he arranges a tune he knows exactly what he wanted from day one so it’s just about getting it better and better. We come to these different arrangements or dynamics based but it all works because he knows what he’s hearing. Again, in terms of interaction there’s lots of room for everyone to play around and connect so everyone is just listening carefully to make the music right and find what the music needs.
I can only imagine coming into that foundation. To hear you all lock in is going to be really great.
Yeah, its good! (laughs)
Everyone has such unique voices in that ensemble that just listening to how you all evolve within the interactions is what I’m particularly interested in. I have one more question for you which is sort of a bit “inside baseball”. What sort of new concept are you working on? Is it some sort of new discovery you’ve made with the language of jazz, maybe a new lick you heard, or even a new guitar specific technique. What has been the focus of your practice right now?
I have a few things that I go to from period to period. Right now my focus is on my right hand technique. I don’t choose to play with a pick because what I’ve been hearing off that has been coming better and better, but it requires a much different technique. Mine is different from classical technique since I’m not holding the guitar like them or angled like them. Plus I’m always switching between acoustic and electric which is a different mechanic but I want to play both the same way and sound right. Right now I’m touring on electric so I’m working on that but when I move back to acoustic I focus on that, but that’s just technique. Then you have to go with what you’re hearing, because right now I’m not able to play what I’m hearing so it means I have to go back in on that and the technique together.
In terms of concepts, I’m always looking for new territory either melodically or harmonically. I listen a lot to classical music, contemporary classical music, Bartok, Stravinsky. I listen to the development of movements, how I can apply it in my playing. Instead of throwing many ideas in, just focus on one and try to make sense out of it. Then when it comes to harmony I go to back to the scores and look at the voicing, what chord is that, and apply it to the guitar. I’m always trying to go far from guitar technique to tell you the truth because it’ll always come back to me in a way and my thing is to not sound like guitar even if i’m holding a guitar.
Have you listened to Scriabin at all? Some of his piano stuff is *WHOA*. It’s hard, tough, but great. That whole Russian school with him, Shostakovich, like you said Stravinsky…
Yeah, absolutely, I check them all out. Music today, especially for me, is to look outside of the box. To learn something new and bring it to what I do. When it comes to jazz I very rarely listen to guitar, I focus on piano or saxophone, any instrument that has different type of phrasing that I can incorporate. That’s just one side, then I have the whole African side of traditional instruments that I listen a lot to and try to get the sound close on guitar, all the mutes technique, all that. I have a lot that I switch to from period to period.
Yeah man, it keeps it all fresh. There’s so much to hear and discover. It’s thrilling to hear that you just keep listening to new things and the diverse nature of those sources.
Yeah, it is very important to me.
Well, thanks so much for your time, I’m really looking forward to hearing you all play! You guys are going to play some burning stuff.
Yeah, we’re doing great man. I’m learning from everybody, stealing from everyone in the best way! Listening to Chick’s right hand as you mentioned, his phrasing; all things I’ve thought about but it is best to get from the source. I’m in school. (laughs)
Happening Around Town:
The John Allmark Jazz Orchestra; first Monday monthly @ The Met (Pawtucket) Is This Jazz?; first Friday bimonthly @ AS220 (Providence) isthisjazz.tumblr.com Allary At Arias; Sundays @ Arias Lounge (Providence) Groove Merchants; Mondays @ Fifth Element (Newport) Jazz Jam;Tuesdays @ Ten Rocks (Pawtucket) Groove E Tuesday;Tuesdays @ Murphy’s Law (Pawtucket) Parlour Jazz Jam; third Sunday monthly @ The Parlour (Providence) Jeff Platz Quartet’s Modern Sound Series; last Sunday monthly @ Tea In Sahara (Providence)
To add your listing email [email protected].
Ben Shaw is a local composer and performer. Find him at ahueofshaw.tumblr.com or on Twitter @ahueofshaw.
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theloniousbach · 2 years
I had seen the first set of the first night in real time and have written it up as a Couch Tour entry. But I also knew that I wanted to see all the sets and doing that back to back to back to back creats this Almost Couch Tour survey of what may be my favorite working band. After that opening set, I thought and wrote that they are like Cream, three stellar musicians capable of soloing simultaneously full throttle and yet listening intently. In P/M/H’s case, the telepathy is stunning.
Like Cream, there is great power and they all have it, but JEAN-MICHEL PILC is decisive. Drummers obviously can and since their late January run I have not missed ARI HOENIG’s trio’s monthly gigs. He plays an amazing three dimensional chess with time and band mates all the time, but his own band, devoted to his own wistful tunes with Gadi Lehavi’s tasteful and, by comparison, tame piano in the mix. PILC roars often but he is also taking tunes apart and he has a Warren Haynes like knack for teasing various melodies over the same changes. It’s hard to know what the actual tune is as there’s lots that seems familiar and then delightfully isn’t. And because it isn’t and they are all inventing on the spot individually and collectively it just pins the ears back.
But I come away from this run that, like Cream, it’s the bass player, in this case, FRANCOIS MOUTIN who is the secret weapon. He both syncs up with HOENIG, unless the drummer is on time bending tangets, while also commenting toe to toe with PILC’s fractalization of the tunes. He doesn’t exactly accompany, none of them do, but he and they all are deeply committed to the overall sound. And MOUTIN rightly claims lots of solo space.
I have a sense of HOENIG’s grammar, but can’t quite parse the poetry. But this work ups the risks and rewards of what he does with his own band. There he finds puzzles for himself whereas here they are all pushing one another hard. Still he played lots more melodic drums, connecting carefully places strokes on precise drum heads and cymbals. I will check again when I see his own band.
Their albums are chock full of standards and tracks with names are pretty good hints, but here in the moment it’s a puzzle. I heard lots of Monk throughout, but maybe there were three in the first set of the 10th. They definitely ended with Round Midnight. But they also did a bop tune, Confirmation?, maybe twice. They did a full blown and exquisite The Song Is You in set 1 and there were elements of it again in set 3. I heard You and The Night and the Music, maybe Body and Soul, possibly Summertime, very likely It Don’t Mean A Thing.
That is there were welcome touch points for the adventure. But it was, for all that, maybe even more challenging than a set of spiky original compositions. They are quite magical.
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beatsfortheillperth · 7 years
Words with Weirddough Part 2
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Francis Zapanta aka Weirddough out of Las Vegas, USA is an all-around blessed beat-smith and individual whom inspires us to continue expressing the love here at beatsfortheill. His positive essence and compassionate ideas make listening to tracks like “flowerz” and “reup” that little bit sweeter. Not to mention how Francis makes one appreciate the ever adapting and growing beat scene of our generation with a little more integrity.
Currently studying to become a Social Worker and working on his next album Elevatormuzik pt. 2, Weirddough is a creative that is showing no signs of slowing down and we love it. Creating music that inspires a warm heart and a mellow vibe, Francis is a genuine example of musical greatness.
So relax and enjoy words part 2 with one of our favourite beat-makers here at beatsfortheill Australia.
Inspire, Love, Relate
Hey, Francis, it’s great to chat with you again, so many releases since we last had words with you. How about we start off by asking what hip-hop means to you and what inspires you most within the hip-hop scene?
Glad to be back, thank you for having me.
Aw man, it's a culture. A way of life, an art.
I've always admired it from a young age and am forever a student of it. There are so many forms of hip-hop and it branches out into so many concepts and can fuse with almost any style.
I have always loved sampling, as to where, like in hip-hop; in other elements like b-boying, or graffiti, there are rudimentary basics and fundamentals that you follow. Once you’ve got the tools down, you can freak it in your own way.
You find that formula, your own bounce and groove. I like how people express themselves in their own way, hearing their soul in their music, as an extension of themselves.
Away from music what do you spend your time doing, and what are you drawn to on a general basis?
I've had 9 to 5's, I recently worked at a poke restaurant not too long ago. I'm currently studying to take my board exam to become a licensed Social Worker and I eventually want to go back to school in the future.
For those who are new to your sound how would you describe your music and for fun which one of your tracks would you recommend one to tune into?
I would just say it's Instrumental Hip-Hop. A reflection of what I'm feeling at the time. I would recommend “how did you know” off of Love Spells.
Who are you vibing of art and life wise as off lately that you feel our readers would love?
When it comes to drawing and painting, definitely Katsuya Terada. He freestyles huge ink drawings and they're ridiculous. I just love his line quality and his style.
Check out his Instagram @katsuyaterada.
Also, Boy Kong. He is super ill. Super talented individual. He does graffiti, murals, installations, and even tattoos. I love his vibrant colour choices and the way they pop.
Check him out, his Instagram is @boykong.
There's always a book I love reading called The Law of One by Ra. It's a book written about the universe which contains exact transcripts recorded by people while they were channelling Ra, who was an extraterrestrial being from another planet that was trying to help mankind.
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You’ve been linked up with beatsfortheill as a collective for a while now, but away from beatsfortheill what other collectives and labels do you represent? Can you share them with our readers and the mission each represents?
The first label which I was really surprised hit me up was Paxico Records. I had the honour of dropping a project with them. They are a movement representing so many talented artists that I listened and looked up to.
This is quoted from the website, www.paxicorecords.com:
"Rare & recent worldwide. We create works of art with their own mythology and folklore. The slow-growing, idiosyncratic collection of handmade records and art is an ongoing study of futurism and folklore realized in a series of releases. Each release is organized to show the special rapport between its audio and visual components."
I am also part of a collective out in Las Vegas called The Rabbit Hole. It's a group of producers and DJs. We tried expanding the scene out here through throwing monthly events every last Thursday of every month. Come through if you're in town!
This was taken from therabbitholelv.com:
"The Rabbit Hole holds monthly events as a music experience that takes our audience on a wild trip with performances by producers/DJs showcasing styles from left field bass, hip-hop instrumentals, and experimental beats. Our sounds are combined with live visuals by the best VJs in the city to elevate your senses and push the experience that much further. We aim to raise the community by establishing a profound music culture."
Paxico Records on Instagram @paxicorecords
The Rabbit Hole on Instagram @therabbitholelv
You’ve been creating beats for years that have inspired others to keep creating and sharing their own sounds, much love. What do you feel keeps you going within music?
At first, creating something really helped with my condition and it was a form of therapy for me. I used to reach out to other artists and told them that their music really helped me get through things when times were rough.
When other people started reaching out to me, doing the same, it felt like a synchronicity that I had to keep in momentum. It became more of a selfless ritual.
There is nothing more rewarding to me than helping others, in any way. It's more than music to me.
What gigs have you performed at that you find have ultimately helped you connect with your fan base on a deeper level? In saying that what do you love most about performing your music to a live crowd and how do you feel listeners react to your music?
The first time we performed out of state was in Arizona. The people out there are so chill and humble. It was all love that night. A real cool cat approached me and told me how my music inspired him to be a better person among other things. I almost shed a thug tear haha. That meant the world to me.
We shared so many laughs that night and now he is a real close friend. Shouts to Jamar for everything and the hospitality.
If I play an all original set that night, the best thing about it is seeing and hearing how people resonate with it. Also, playing like a 90s joint or some James Brown and seeing everyone dance and have a good time, I love that.
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You released a track called Baby Steps through Paxico Records, though it’s only a minute and a half it somewhat takes the listeners on a journey through time dabbling in so many genres, basically it’s beautiful! How did Paxico Records get a hold of you and what was it like putting this track together?
Thank you. The homie Chris hit me up through Instagram and complimented me on one of my drawings. I was honored he was feeling my beats too. We eventually started chatting about doing a release and that Baby Steps joint was a track off Love Spells that dropped around Christmas 2013.
I just chopped it and tried to keep the arrangement simple and similar to the original. It was one of the last joints I made while I was working on the project.
Last time we shared words you mentioned enhale as being your favourite track that you’ve put together. A few years have passed since then and I was wondering, is enhale still your go-to or do you have a new favourite track that you’ve put together?
I think I have a different favorite haha. That itsu track off of Conversations.
I made it during the beginning stages of using the SP. I love that sample, and it was crazy because I found it online from like a radio station from the 80s that used to play funk and rare grooves.
What is your favourite part about experimenting within music and how do you feel your music has grown since we last linked up?
I feel like it's grown a lot. Just the way I approach it now, and how it sounds. I've definitely started experimenting more within my work. Also with other genres.
My favourite part about it is discovering a new technique that you didn't know before or making something out of the ordinary actually sound decent.
Messing with other genres almost made me feel like I started over again. It's refreshing to feel that hunger when you first start making music.
Staying on the topic of genre experimentation, you've been working on some new material as of lately. Stuff I was privileged to hear, you're dabbling with house music too. Can’t wait for you to release these tracks as I feel they will without a doubt take their listeners on a soul-soothing journey. In a way that I feel your new projects somewhat show an alter to your usual approach, much love. Can you share what inspired you to put your new tracks together and what message are you trying to humbly portray through your newer releases?
I just always had an idea of making something more uptempo. I originally wanted to make juke, but I had no idea how to make it. I started messing with house drums and added loops to it and it didn't sound too bad.
The other beats I shared with you are from a new project which will be a continuation of a past project. It's still in the works. I'm trying to go back to that sound I started with, in just a more evolved manner.
Have to mention your tracks “greeninblue” (that piano is so damn healing) also have to pop in your track “floating”. Those vocals literally have one upon a cloud in awe, intertwined in that subtle sax, I'm definitely refreshed with each play, much love! 
Both tracks are actually available for download via your ep good juju that was released in September. 
What inspired good juju as a whole and what was it like putting the tracks together for this deeply beautiful release? Also, what’s the reason for the name “good juju”?
When I was working on stuff at that time, it was a bit after I started sampling some newer music, like after the 2010s, and I eventually made a few songs that sounded kind of cohesive. I struggled with coming up with a title for the longest time and that delayed the release haha.
Then I remembered a time when I was in the hospital, another patients and I were on a smoke break. Someone did something that was off in etiquette, and the dude said, "Nah, that's bad juju. Do it this way for good juju."
After he said that I always liked the phrase and what it encompassed. I felt like saying it, portrayed it nicely, and I wanted the project to reflect good karma, fortune, and luck.
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good juju - released September 1, 2016  
Over the years what have you learned most about collaborating with other like-minded artists? With more years of experience behind you, what do you feel you enjoy most about the process as of now?
I have learned that collaborating is not for everyone haha. I'm honestly not consistent with collabs, but when it works out it's amazing. I love how each person's flavour is in the collab, and if you flow together it ends up sounding like the best version of each artist. Sometimes, you get surprised like, "Damn, I wouldn't have thought of that." And you always learn new methods from one another.
Any gigs or new release coming up that we should keep an eye out for?
A record with the Virginia rapper DooF will be coming out on vinyl. The gawd KVMI and I will be dropping a collab tape in the near future. Also, that solo project I mentioned earlier will be coming out this year.
Be sure to cop the Fuzzoscope Earwax Shelf Life Compilation that recently came out. Available in digital, cassette, and vinyl: https://fuzzoscope.bandcamp.com/
The next event I will be playing will be a Rabbit Hole Show on June 24th with artists Cecil Purihin, Illathnmst, Linafornia, and Samiyam at the Bunkhouse Saloon, Downtown Las Vegas. You don't wanna miss this!!
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Musical Inspirations?
My all-time favorite producer is KanKick. His album "Acid Massive Musical" inspired me to make beats.
Everyone from Oxnard, Madlib, Oh No, etc. Everyone in Green Llama, Dibia$e, selfish., Van45, Fluent, etc. Luke Vibert, Boards of Canada, Inland Knights. Kool G Rap, Black Moon, Cru. There's so many.
Newer producers like Ohbliv, Mndsgn, Devonwho, and LowKey that's also in Green Llama. This kid is the truth!! So young, and such a beast.
Everyone at Paxico and Dirty Tapes, I really love what they're doing. My local homies, Bhonstro, Oneonthebeat, Lwkylky, Mayneframe, Jeb, Supreme-O, Mute, PhillyZane, Monro, somanyfeels, david.cuf, shouts to the family.
Thelonious Monk is my favorite pianist because his style was so unorthodox. I can go on, I'll stop now aha.
Music Recommendations?
If you haven't heard of him, check out Roddy Rod. He's crazy on the chops.
Benny B. Blonco! His kicks shifted my lungs.
Van45, he's super slept on. He used to go by Varan back in the Myspace days, he was one of my favorite producers when I started.
Shouts to the homie lastnamedavid, he put me on to Steve Lacy who is the guitarist for The Internet. He recently came out with a project called Steve Lacy's Demo It won't disappoint.
Any Last words?
Thank you again for having me. Shouts to beatsfortheill and much love to you Sophie. I appreciate the opportunity.
Thank you to all my listeners and supporters, you keep me going. I love all of you.
Shouts to the music homies online, hope to meet you all one day. You know who you are.
Love to my family and friends out here in Vegas. Always got my back no matter what.
Special shoutout to the wifey Shana. She hasn't left me yet hahaha just playing. You're all the support I need, thank you for supporting me with everything and helping me be a better person. I love you.
Shouts to you for reading this, I enjoyed this time.
Hope you have a great day.
Much love and many blessings! Peace!
Support Weirddough Here:
Soundcloud- https://soundcloud.com/weirddough
Bandcamp- https://weirddough.bandcamp.com/
Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/Weirddough-188034481246489/
Twitter-  https://twitter.com/weirddough
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