#anyway feel free to ask me about it im more than happy to answer questions :)
mydemonsdrivealimo · 1 year
goddamnit im writing the reunion show and none of you can stop me
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loveydovey-leviathan · 7 months
(hi im the one that asked abt teen!reader) thanks for ur answer !! :D i’m 17 myself so i didn’t intend to send in anyth w a younger reader haha ^^
my req was that i wanted to ask for hcs w the cast abt how they’d react to (teen) reader fawning over their crush (from the human world LOL), it’s platonic either way so i’m not sure if adding teen here makes a difference.. 🤔
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obey me x gn! teen! reader
a/n: -> written as platonic. had a lot of fun doing this request! i feel like the core difference when adding teen to the mix instead of an implied adult reader is that the bros would definitely be more protective. if mc/reader is an adult who has a crush on some random human, then they wouldn't be as scrutinizing of them.
cw: ooc. brothers only (minus satan). a lot of repeating words and sentences
He jokes about seeing his little siblings as babies still, but there is definitely an element of truth to them.
When he first finds out about your little crush, he kind of just shrugs it off. It's normal for people to develop little crushes every now and again.
But he starts getting slightly irritated when he hears you fawning. Despite that, he makes sure to listen to you.
If he worries that it might be getting serious, he makes sure to give you a lecture about what you deserve talk to you.
He isn't going to stop you from having a crush but if he thinks they're not good for you, you'll be hearing from him a lot lol.
If they hurt you in some way, they will be facing... certain repercussions.
If you want to visit them, he is not the brother you should ask because he'll most likely say no unless it's a really dire emergency.
Overall, pretty chill considering how overprotective he is as long as he deems them worthy of someone he cares about.
He's freaking out.
Definitely the brother who spoils and makes time to hang out with you the most, so when he hears about your crush, he becomes a goddamn investigator.
Keeps asking questions about what they like, what they do in their free time, how much you like them. Once he's finished with the interrogation, he side-eyes you like you just told him you loved rainbow pizza (he finds that shit disgusting).
He's so annoying about your crush, I'm sorry. Whenever you bring them up in a conversation, he makes sure to complain and roll his eyes.
If you want to visit them, he's your go-to big bro. It does not take a lot of convincing to make him teleport you to a hang-out.
But even if he is a little shit about it, he still makes sure to listen carefully when you talk about them and reminds you that they "better be treatin' you right".
Him and Asmo are the best to talk to about your crush. They WILL listen no matter what.
As long as you listen about his crushes, he's more than happy to listen about yours.
If you're crush is someone you can hang out with and not like a celebrity crush, he lowkey gets kinda jealous 'cuz all of his crushes are either fictional or really popular, so he doesn't get to do that not like he would have the guts to anyway.
Will not put in the effort to help you in visiting them, but he will buy a bunch of equipment so you can talk to them through facetime and gaming (it comes with a pretty heavy price though).
He's so happy that you have someone to like in that way <3
Your talks last for literal hours into the night. If you're into make-up, nail art or skin care, he'll definitely help you when the two of you gossip.
He has the juiciest details in his relationships and will tell you almost everything, but he won't push you to do the same.
As much as he likes to have fun, he probably gives the most solid advice and encourages you to go for it the most out of the rest of his brothers.
He won't help you visit the human world though. Too much work.
Is the most nonchalant about the whole thing.
As long as you give him something to eat, he'll listen to you simp.
Isn't really interested in your crush but he makes note of the important things like how they treat you and what they like just in case he meets them.
If they hurt you, he won't do anything rash because he doesn't want to embarrass you, but he'll push you to try and let go.
If he thinks they're nice, he won't really mention asking them out officially and just reckons you'll do it in your own time.
Doesn't give much input and mostly quietly listens, other than a few nods, hums, burps and growls here and there.
He'll help you visit the human world if you give him the right food. If it's not good enough, he won't do much and deems it too much trouble. Lucifer might put him on dinner duty and force him to not "taste-test" the food.
He is the worst listener of all. He does not care in the slightest.
Any time you rant to him about the person you like, he will fall asleep in 2 minutes flat.
The only time he'll put effort into anything that has to do with your crush is when they make you sad. He's lazy as shit but it's for you so he'll attempt to make your crush's life a very big minor inconvenience for a few days as revenge. He'll also try to convince you to join him btw.
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mo49ko · 5 months
Hello!! Firstly, I must tell you that your art is adorable! You were one of the first artists I ever found for TGCF and your fengqing dynamic is perfect!
I was wondering if you had any tips for learning Japanese? I've been trying to learn it for a year but I can't get the hang of it 〒▽〒 I try to use your Japanese versions of your comics to help but since I've already read them in English, I don't feel like I'm learning anything...
Do you have any advice or tips on where to start? qwq
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hello!! thank you so much it makes so happy!! i only started drawing fengqing 6 months ago so it's surprising that you found me 🥹💖i have so much fun drawing them!
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hmmm im not studying japanese so i don't have specific ressources... if any of my followers have some please feel free to share them in the comments! 💖 it might depend on your level as well.
however, i think that the most important thing about languages is that they're just a tool to communicate with people/access culture/knowledge in another language, so you shouldn't worry too much about the grammar and stuff like that from the beginning.
as someone who has studied many languages, my general tips are:
learn through things that interest you rather than textbook/language apps (ex. manga, anime, etc.) ※ i know that some people say not to do that because a lot of phrases are "unnatural" which is true, but imo if you have awareness about it you will pick up on that really quickly anyways. the point is just to consume a lot of the language;
try to speak/write in that language even if you make mistakes (native speakers really don't care!!): for example, you can tweet something simple or write a simple blog post in japanese often. you can also comment on people's art or fanfics using simple sentences, then you can read other people's comments to learn new ways to express yourself.
consume media that is directed at native speakers (ex. instead of language-learning youtube, you can just watch regular videos from japanese youtubers about topics that interest you), because that way you can learn a lot of natural/casual phrases to use. i'm saying this because language-learning videos will often "simplify" sentences but you won't hear it said like that irl.
as for where i think you should start, i'm assuming you already know the alphabets since you're reading my comics 🫶 in that case, i would encourage you to read a lot more! for example, you can find fengqing comics and fanfics in japanese on twitter 💖 many creators who participated in the 2023 fengqing web event write them!
for me, the most important thing when learning a new language is to be interested in the people who use that language. so just engage with them and learn through whatever contents you find interesting!! 💗
i'm sorry if my answer is not that precise. you can feel free to ask me if you have other questions!! 頑張ってください~
edit: another anon has kindly shared their experience in another ask!
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unsaidcurses · 2 years
hii, can i request a fluffy fic with felipe where he's been telling everyone he has a gf but they don't believe him so one day he brings her in to the paddock and everyone's surprised (also bonus point if she's very smart college student lol) thank u sm in advance<33
why I feel like this could be an actaul thing? anyways, sorry for the eventual mistakes and enjoy<3
pairing: felipe drugovich x fem!reader
wordcount: 1k
"hey ines. i haven't seen you in a while, how are you?"
felipe questioned clement's girlfriend, who just joined him, clem, marcus and dennis at a table in the hospitality where they were discussing the free practice they had earlier.
"im good, how about you?" she asked back giving him and the others a small hug.
"living the life, i guess." he answered offering her the chair where he was sitting near clem, going to the spare one next to marcus.
the couple shared some kisses, and the new zealander decided to tease them about it.
"get a room you two."
"or we can continue and you can go find yourself a girlfriend." the frenchman retorted with the approval of the whole group.
"no but seriously guys, when are you getting girlfriends? don't get me wrong, you're funny, but i would like some company when you're on track." ines added. she wasn't close with any other driver's girlfriend, beside the fact that they weren't present at every race, so she was often alone.
the boys started chatting about some girls they were talking to, and didn't noticed felipe's eyes darting from side to side in anticipation.
"actually-", he cleared his throat getting everyone's attention, "i have a girlfriend."
mouths agape and glances were flying around him after the confession. he waited for someone to break the silence, and dennis did.
"nah, you don't." the boys expressions relaxed, and ines pouted, believing more dennis' words than felipe's.
"what?! of course i do, why wouldn't i?" he was sure they would have made fun of him, but not that they wouldn't believe him at all.
"man, you were literally talking about farting in the car five minutes ago." clem pointed out resembling the conversation they had before ines arrived.
"yes, cause you asked me to!" the brazilian threw his hands in the air. he really didn't expected this kind of reaction.
"okay okay-", marcus stepped in when his friends started arguing about the existence of this fictitious girlfriend. "let's give him the benefic of the doubt, he does have a girlfried. then why we never saw her to races?"
"she goes to college. and she has compulsory attendance, thus it's usually me visiting her during week days, and her visiting me weeks off so we can spend more time together. she planned on coming to see the races next week. they are pretty close to her home, and her session ends in a couple of days." the boy explained the situation as it was, hoping to finally convince his friends.
"it make perfect sense." dennis simply replied.
"it does cause it's the truth! but you refuse to believe me." felipe crossed his arms as a sign of frustration. he felt incredibly fortunate and delighted to have found someone like you, who made him light-hearted, happy and that was always so supportive of him, and he couldn't share this joy with the closest people he had because they were as mature as kids.
"let's postpone this conversationt to next week then, uhm?", ines tried to smooth the waters changing subject. "but just for the record, i really hope not to be alone next friday." she concluded winking at the boy.
"count on her."
it was friday, the day you were coming for the first time to see one of felipe's races in person. him, clement and ines were in their motorhome doing nothing, or better, patiently waiting for you to show up.
"oh come on man, just say you don't have a partner so we can all go back to our lives." clement almost shouted, tired of just sitting tight.
your plane was supposed to arrive at the airport hours ago, and felipe would have picked you up if only the company from where you bought your tickets wasn't famous for its delay. the main problem was that felipe had to be in the paddock when your plane was expected to land, which meant you had to reach the track and get past security all the by yourself. but after a solid half an hour, you finally arrived and started looking for an orange suit.
"drugovich!" you exclaimed when you saw him in front of his car with other two people you couldn't recognize. he turned around and approached you, embracing you warmly.
"y/n! you made it." he moved back a little to look at you properly. moving a strand of hair out of your face, he leaned down to leave a sweet kiss to your lips.
"i missed your face, you know?" you whispered with your hands on his cheeks, before getting on your tiptoe to give him another kiss on the tip of his nose.
"i hope you missed more than just that." he joked, your laugh following.
you detatched and made your way towards the couple, who was now accompanied by other two boys. all of them were staring at you with wide eyes, except the girl who was broadly smiling.
"well, everybody meets y/n, y/n these are marcus, dennis, clem and his girlfriend ines" you could clearly tell how thrilled he was to introduce you to his friends from how his voice became slightly high pitched.
you talked a bit and caught up before an engineer called the teammates in orange, as they had to get ready for the free practice. the brazilian hold you close and whispered to your ear "I'll be back in a hour or so"
"drive safe, I want you in one piece" you responded with an hand in his hair to ruffle it.
when all the boys left, you remained with ines, who locked her arm with yours to bring you to the motorhome where you could watch the race and get to know each other a little better. you were glad you found someone to spend the time with, especially since she seemed great company.
once close to the cars, ready to get in, clem gave voice to his first impression of you to felipe."she looks cute. are you sure you didn't pay her to play the part?"
"really funny clem, but no, I did it all by myself, imagine that." he said proudly.
"mh. but I still don't believe you got a girlfriend" he ended the conversation getting in the car after their last call, only to be met with felipe's grin.
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(I'm not plural, but I'm in a community that has a lot of systems (alterhumanity) and I never understood one thing about syscourse, I would like to ask you because I want to better know other members of the community. )
How different are endo systems from transid stuff?
Additionally: can you be an endo system who didnt self diagnose? Im asking because I saw a self-dx blog that was strictly anti-endo and it made me wonder because afaik being endo is almost always self-dx'd.
I see anti endo DNI and pro endo DNI almost equally thrown around and Im just here. Not getting it at all.
You don't have to answer if you don't want to though! I just thought this would be a good place to ask because this is a syscourse blog
Hi! We'd be happy to answer these to the best of our ability. Most of this is simple once you're in the community for a time but it's easy to see how it could be difficult for an outsider to understand.
To begin, plurality is absolutely different from transid stuff. Anyone who tells you otherwise is probably from the transid community first plural community second. Like with many things transid they like to try and slot themselves and their beliefs into our communities and co-opt it for their own use (if you can't tell, we're not exactly big fans, although transids are allowed on our blogs so long as they know we're not supporters, dnis are stupid in our opinion). The plural and endogenic communities are entirely separate from that movement, however.
Plurality refers specifically to the concept of being more than one identity/person within the brain and body. Endogenic means that your plurality formed for any reason other than trauma. An important thing to keep in mind going forward is that plurality does not inherently equal a dissociative disorder, unlike what many may say against us. The entire cornerstone of the plural community is that these experiences are often non-pathological and can occur for various reasons. For example this blog is ran by the Candlelight Society, we're a tulpamantic system, meaning we used tulpamancy to shape and for the most part create our system and plurality. There's plenty of people with DID/OSDD who also use the plural label, but the label itself is for everyone who experiences a state of being more than one regardless of origin or experiences related to it. The difference between this and transid should be pretty obvious. The closest thing we can think of to an overlap is the concept of "transplural" but that's just another way of saying created system brought into our community by transids, and is for the most part considered a ridiculous term in comparison to tulpa/tulpamancer, parogenic, or created system.
Onto your other question, this one's actually kind of funny, because it implies endogenic plurality is something that's diagnosable. Endogenic plurality is, as said earlier, not pathological or even a largely medically recognized thing at all. Plurality is an opt-in label, like alterhuman. You decide whether your experiences match up with the experiences described by the plural community. For that reason saying whether plurality is something that is self diagnosed or not is a bit silly really. You don't often hear people saying they self diagnose as alterhuman, not in our experience anyways.
TLDR: we're very different from transid concepts and we're an opt in label, thus kind of always self diagnosed if that even fits at all due to our non medical nature.
Hopefully this helps put some things into context. This was pretty quickly and sloppily written so forgive any grammar mistakes. Also if you'd like to learn more about plurality, tulpamancy, or some general syscourse topics feel free to send more asks and we'll provide some sources that may be useful to you when we have the time.
Have a great day!
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effervescentdragon · 11 months
If yes, can I get any pairing+ Daemon AUs?
happy bday @cerona10 ! im a bit late, sorry 🥰 i hope you still enjoy this. Also everyone go read Niamh's @milflewis fic that I adore :)
Charles sometimes thinks Esteban must be Pierre's soulmate or something similar. Why else would Ida be a rat?
Beatrice scoffs at him. "You are an idiot," she says, and if a peahen could roll her eyes, she would. "I keep telling you, you are your own worst enemy."
Charles shrugs. "I'm just saying. Ida and Marie get along great, and you can't tell me Este doesn't look like a rat."
He expects her to scold him. She has no problem doing it, and when Lorenzo's Arcana joins her, they can go on forever. She doesn't. "Marie," she says instead, her tone ice-cold. "What a common name."
"You're being mean," he says, because one of them has to be responsible. One of them must remember their duty and how to act when there's people around, and apparently it will not be Beatrice. So it must be Charles. "Why are you being mean?"
"No meaner than you," she says regally, ignoring his question. Her feathers puff up and Charles can't help but giggle, because she is as adorable as she is beautiful. "Every other girl is named some variation of Marie."
"At least you get those verses," Charles tries to placate her. "I'm getting better at Italian, and the book is full of expressions of love for Beatrice. I think they're all written for you personally. They feel like they are."
Beatrice squints at him like he's an idiot. "It's a book about hell, Charles."
"I don't believe in hell," he says, hurt a bit and not even knowing why. She folds her tail and steps closer to him, and he lets her, of course he does, she is his daemon, she is everything and he will always forgive her everything.
"I know you don't," she mutters. "That may be for the best."
"What do you mean?" Charles asks. Beatrice just shakes her head.
"Doesn't matter, little one," she says, and sometimes he forgets that she is not of this world, that she is other; never in moments like these, though, when her gaze goes through him and she seems to be remembering something. "Heaven and hell are not quite real, anyway."
Charles thinks on it a moment. He's reading Dante's Inferno, because Lolo insisted, but it's going slowly. He think's he may like Paradiso more, but Arcana insisted he does it in proper order, and he doesn't dare contradict her very much.
"And Purgatory?" he hears himself ask. "What about Purgatory?"
She doesn't answer for a moment, closing her eyes in a manner he's starting to recognize as the indication she's thinking of how much should she say. When she opens them, her voice is as far away as her gaze.
"Purgatory is in your head, Charles," she finally says. He blinks at her, because he doesn't understand, but he also doesn't like it one bit.
Before he can ask, she shakes her head, as if coming out of a trance. "Esteban isn't Pierre's soulmate." Her tone is final, and Charles bites his lip to prevent himself from poking her more. She won't appreciate it, and he doesn't want her to be mad at him.
"Okay," he sighs instead. "Let's go see if him and Ida are free after quali? We don't have to do anything after the F2 feature race, and we can maybe all hang out? Or at least Pear said so."
Beatrice smiles. "Yes. Let's do that instead," she says, and struts off elegantly towards the door, and Charles doesn't ask Instead of what?
Ida settled late. Even Beatrice settled before her; but then again, everyone knew Beatrice would be something special. Charles hated it and loved it in just the equal amount, and she knew that. She didn't really care.
"White peafowl, Charlo, how wonderful," Pierre had said to him when he first saw her. "And you, you look wonderful, my lady," he said playfully to Beatrice, and she scoffed, and preened, and let Pierre touch her snow-white feathers and caress her head.
Charles wasn't jealous of his own daemon. He wasn't.
Ida had sat on the couch by him, then, and Charles didn't dare reach out to her. It didn't really matter because she was just like Pierre. She went for what she wanted, and sooner rather than later she was in his lap. Charles didn't mind. He never did.
Why don't you settle, Charles had wanted to ask her back then. What is bearing down so heavily on his soul that he can't settle you?
He didn't ask; of course he didn't. He wouldn't put Pierre on the spot like that. He was content enough to watch Beatrice and Pierre talk as he caressed Ida's fur or feathers ir skin carefully as she flickered into different forms on his lap.
"Pierre Gasly's daemon is a rat," a boy says snidely on the track. "Just like him, the asshole."
The boy doesn't even get to finish his sentence properly when Charles punches him so hard, he breaks the boy's nose.
"Fuck you," Charles growls as Jules drags him away, apologizing to the boy's parents. "Don't talk about him like that!"
Jules doesn't say anything as he cleans Charles' hand except "Next time, clench your fist a bit more. It will hurt you less."
Charles smiles through the tears he doesn't let fall, and drives with his hand hurting the whole time, and wins the race.
Ida is already with Charles when Pierre walks into the room, Beatrice on his heels. Nobody says anything; Charles couldn't take it if anyone tried to speak.
His race trophy stands forgotten in the corner of the room as Pierre curls around him until all Charles can feel is Pierre. Beatrice is a heavy weight against his back; Ida scuffles until she is settled in Charles' t-shirt, her small body a little oasis of heat where Charles is so, so cold.
"I'm sorry," Pierre murmurs, and Charles doesn't want to hear it but he doesn't want Pierre to go away, ever. "I am so sorry, cher, I am sorry, I'm here, I have you, we have you."
Charles doesn't fall asleep that night, and it's not okay, but three warm bodies around him make it a bit easier to bear everything.
"Hello Beatrice, hello cher," Pierre says, and smirks, and looks so good and happy in Alpine's colours, Charles wants to kiss him.
Beatrice snorts. Charles always wants to kiss Pierre, that's not new.
"Hello Pierre." Beatrice inclines her head regally. "Where is Ida?"
Ida chooses that moment to scatter up Charles' leg, over his race-suit and up to his shoulder. Charles looks around warily, because daemons touching other people doesn't happen, it isn't something that happens outside strong bonds, and if the media got wind of this...
"Right where I belong," Ida squeaks, and Beatrice laughs, and Pierre almost blushes, and Charles does blush and pets her with one finger and tries not to beam too obviously, like a fool.
"We need to leave," Ida tells Charles and Beatrice as they wait for Pierre to be done with his briefing. Yuki's bear with the name Charles doesn't even know how to begin to pronounce isn't with them, so Beatrice is as relaxed as she ever gets in public.
Charles says nothing. Ida, much like Pierre, needs to be waited out to speak her mind.
"I don't care about loyalty anymore," she continues. "It's not about that. There is no loyalty there, and whatever he's clinging to, it's going to kill his spirit unless he stops. And I can't do it anymore."
Charles' phone pings.
From: Pierre
go on withiut me this will take a while
Ida hisses in anger. Beatrice coos at her, and Charles lowers himself down to the ground, and lets them both press against him, and waits for Pierre to be done.
"Be safe," Pierre says and pulls him into a hug. "And if at all possible, win."
"Always," Charles replies, and holds Pierre tight, and then goes out to drive the race of his life.
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halucynator · 6 months
Your Annoying Tumblr Mutual strikes yet again !!
I'm gonna ask you a few questions :> (these are all so random lmao) (as always, feel free to ignore ^^^)
✰ how long have you been on tumblr?
✰ how did you come up with your url/username?
✰ what’s your phone’s lock screen?
✰ do you have any piercings//tattoos? (any you’d like to get?)
✰ do you wear glasses//contacts?
✰ has anyone ever told you you have a "celebrity look-alike"? if yes, who?
✰ best compliment you’ve ever gotten?
✰ are you a collector of anything in particular? If yes, what?
hii omg i love this okay sooo
✰ i've been on tumblr since july (more active since then anyway) so around 6 monthss)
✰ my username was made with the help of the very lovely @m3ntallyunstable34
✰ my phone's lock screen is this: (sorry about the quality)
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✰ i have an ear piercing that i got when i was super young (this is important bc i didnt feel a lot of pain then so i probably wont get any in the future) but if there was one that i would get if i wasnt insanely afraid of piercing would be like a helix piercing bc they look so prettyy!!
✰ no i do not and thank god for that bc i look shit in glasses lmao i mean i'd rather have a sight than look hot but thank god i dont need glasses lmao
✰ some people have told me i look like emilia jones (honestly i dont see it but wtv) and vi told me i look like taylor swift on evermore cover bc i got bangs and braided my hair lmao but i absolutely do not 😭😭
✰ best compliment i've ever gotten is probably being told i'm funny by @theladyinwhite13 bc i feel very honoured since their humour is SO good (oh and by @berryzxx bc she's so funny as well) and then being told by @longlivestv that they feel comfortable around me it makes me very happy
✰ im a collector of discord music crowns in the goose coven server (if that even counts lmao) and a collector of gracie abrams streams :))
✰ thank you so muchhh! sorry this took ages this was really fun i love it!! also you should answer these questions yourself bc i'd love to know!! also you could never be annoying haha
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misc-obeyme · 4 months
hi ur writing is literally amazing can i ask u some stuff regarding it/how you go about writing/advice? feel free to ignore this if its not something youre comfy with
were u ever nervous to post fic? i just posted my first one and am like. super embarrassed (i also have a Guilt Complex that influences that lmao). if so, did you find it easier as you kept writing?
also how the hell do you write endings/get the motivation for them? youre really good at tying things together nicely at the end (or the occasional Leave 'Em Wondering) and im curious about your process for it. i can pretty steadily get up to the scene i started the fic to write but after that brain and motivation go honk mimimi
anyways thank you for sharing your work with the internet! i love reading your stuff its always a highlight in my day :)
Hi there, anon!
So first of all, I absolutely LOVE questions about writing, so please always feel free to send me any you may have! I'm such a nerd, I really love talking about the process and I'm happy to discuss it or share advice and so on!
Secondly, omg you're so sweet! Thank you, I'm so glad you like my writing!
Now then, lemme answer your questions! I apologize in advance for the LENGTH of these answers, but I seem to be incapable of writing about this sort of thing without it turning into an entire essay.
Yes, absolutely, I was extremely nervous when I first starting posting my fics. Some of that may have been that I hadn't written fic in a while and I was nervous enough about sharing, but I was extra nervous about messing up characterization. I wasn't used to writing for characters that I didn't create myself. I got nervous again when I started posting smut, too lol.
The thing about this type of anxiety in general is that exposure therapy really is the cure. It's like that for a little bit at first, but the more you do it, the more you prove to yourself that it's no big deal. Nowadays, I have almost no anxiety when I'm posting something fluffy and even most smut pieces are easier for me to post, too.
Another piece of this is remembering that the reason you write fic is for your own enjoyment. You're putting it on the internet on the chance that someone else might like it, too. But really, you have to focus on the things that make you happy. It's easier to deal with posting anxiety if you keep your focus on the joy of creation rather than the adrenaline of sharing. It's hard to do, but it gets easier the more you do it!
Okay, so endings! Uh, here's a fun fact about me, endings are my weakness lol. I have a lot of practice starting things and then never ending them because I absolutely get bored at a certain point. So I know exactly what you mean by the brain going to honk mimimi land.
For me, the trick was to write short stuff. Most of my fics are just scene length. This allowed me to get some practice with writing more endings because I didn't get bored when I was pretty much just writing one scene. So I found a couple things that I like to do for endings specifically, but then I also discovered a way to sort of keep my brain engaged while writing longer stuff.
It kinda all comes down to what you want to leave the reader with. That final paragraph or sentence can really deliver an impactful emotion. So you kinda have to think about what the rest of the scene is about, what specific feeling do you want the reader to have when they get to the end? If you're not sure, you can also frame it as what kind of feeling do you want to have at the end?
One technique I like to use is tying everything back to the beginning. I've used it multiple times, but it's probably most obvious in this Barbatos drabble. The first and last sentences are the same, but you don't have to be that blatant about it lol. That was mostly a stylistic choice. But if you look at the third paragraph and the last paragraph, they are parallels of each other, but they're different. What they convey is that something has changed by the end. So by repeating pieces of the beginning at the end, I'm deliberately illustrating what changed in the middle.
It's like thinking of the ending as a sort of summary of everything that happened in the middle of the story. If you're writing something longer, you can apply this to individual scenes as needed. But you might end up with an entire scene at the beginning and an entire scene at the end that do the same thing (rather than a couple of paragraphs).
Another thing I like to do is leave an implication of further action that isn't included. Something like "You wouldn't leave his room until morning." or maybe "You had a feeling something like this would happen again soon." Like this isn't really the end, but the rest is up to your imagination!
This is more specifically about the last paragraphs/scene/sentence, though. It's good to think of a way to recall the entirety of the story you just told, leaving the reader with the overall feeling you were going for.
But when it comes to longer stories, if you're finding you make it to one scene and then stop, well, that might be the end of your story. For this kind of thing, it really helps me to think about what the end game of the story is. For instance, in my longest fic, The Threads That Bind, I knew it was a Barbatos x MC love story. So the "end" couldn't happen until they had confessed their feelings to each other. A lot of other stuff happened before that, but it all contributed to that final plot point. And there isn't much story after that. The final scene is their confession. (There is a spicy epilogue, but that was just a bonus lol.)
So if you can decide before you even start writing what the goal is, you can write to that goal, filling in a bunch of cool scenes along the way. It doesn't have to be that you know exactly what happens or what the final scene is. When I started writing Threads, I had no idea how the confession was going to go. I just knew that Barbatos and MC had to end up declaring their love somehow.
But I tied that into the rest of the story with the theme of the threads. It was a visual anchor as well as a metaphorical one - magic let them see threads binding them together, but the feeling of belonging to each other was kind of the point of it all. So I was able to take that concept that I'd already used and incorporate it into the final confession scene.
NOW THEN all of this might also be easier if you're an outline type of person, but I most definitely AM NOT. Other writers swear by an outline and you'll probably find a lot of information on how to use one if you Google it.
But outlining for me is like pulling teeth, so I never do it. I write my first draft in a fever dream, with the end goal and a handful of ideas about overall themes and a couple things that I just think would be cool or fun to write. I spend a lot of time daydreaming about the story first, too, but I don't write anything down until I'm writing that first draft.
I could probably write a whole book on my methods for writing, but my biggest piece of advice for this kind of thing is EXPERIMENT.
The best part about writing is that aside from the basic fundamentals (spelling, grammar, sentence structure, etc), there are NO RULES. So if you're finding you're always struggling with finishing, try out anything and everything that might help you with that. Try writing outlines, try not writing outlines, try ending your story with the scene you were working toward, try thinking of a new scene you want to write as the ending scene. If it works, great! If it doesn't work, no problem! Just chuck it and try something else.
Sometimes the best thing for me to do is to ask myself what would be the most fun to write next? And then just going for it. My opinion is that you can always edit things later!
Anyway, I hope some of that helps! I'm sorry I really rambled quite a bit, but like I said, I love talking about this kind of thing lol.
Good luck, anon, and I believe in you!
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dorabledewdroop · 3 months
Hi just starter reading your white healer story and I’m really interested and loving it so far glad that I found your story.
Just one question from what I can see so far it looks like dom Nat and sub Wanda. What is the reader is she also a dom? (inner thought spilling here: I mean if she is I would really be happy ) maybe she could be more dom than Nat that would probably surprise them and Nat with how sunshine and the kid was she showed they would be really surprised hahahah. I stop rambling now
But sincerely I’m okey with whatever you as the writer is doing your the boss. And good luck
I'm really glad you're enjoying the story. My head is literally bursting with the story and I can't seem to type fast enough.
As for the reader's preference. I wanted to keep it a surprise but surprisingly a couple of people have asked for Dom!reader.
(I was going to have Dom!reader anyway but now I'm motivated to make it even spicier)
As for the Nat surprise, that's a really good idea and I would love to incorporate it into the story.
Unfortunately I don't think we're going to see reader get down and dirty with wanda and nat anytime soon because im trying to build more tension and chemistry!.
And please feel free to ramble even more!! It makes me really happy to hear people talk about this story!!
Hope this answer's your question!
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siiversans · 1 year
Hey there! Maybe I will notify you that I just followed you, but in reality I have been seeing your AU of this blog for 3 or 4 days, with the undertale tag I was able to guide myself a bit and see your story completely.
And finally I was able to see EVERYTHING you posted regarding the story and the off-camera scenes, all thanks to the tags, bless them and you too for posting them QwQ you don't know how much it helped me. I have been looking from my cell phone, I had to go down in the history of the tag (which by the way, the #undertale one is the most ordered, I don't know why) looking for where I stayed. There are times when I got lost or closed by accident because I'm stupid XP, but here I am, happy to have met you and your lovely characters, I really hope you upload the official story of your AU one day, also the one of FALLEN I loved that one a lot!
In case you haven't noticed yet, I don't speak English, I speak Spanish. I am using the translator of my keyboard to write you this message. I was translating your content with that and Google Leans, Sometimes, since I am studying English and I know something to manage by myself. I just want you to know how much I love your story, What I love the most about your art is not only your characters but the background they have, in addition to those clothing designs you did, I must say that there is much more to Error than to Ink, You can see who you put more effort into, and that he doesn't appear much jsjsjsjsjs
Anyway, I know, a lot of text. You don't need to tell me. I know very well that my finger or pencil goes a lot. I will try to follow you as much as I can and see you grow while I support you in what I can, I know that you can do everything you set your mind to and I hope to see it ^^
And the truth... I would like to ask you a few questions but I don't want to ask you any longer, since there are things in the story and/or the characters that were not clear to me, so, I'll wait for you to tell me if I can ask you questions. Have a good morning/afternoon/night. Since I don't know what time you'll see this, but I already have to go to sleep, it's 4 a.m. X,D
Daiiiiiski daiio! Yanne~^3^
this is so sweet ;;_;;!!!!!!
don't be scared to ask me questions!! i love answering questioms about the characters that i can
i would love to make it clearer for anyone confused (bc the story is almost 7 years old now)
i wish to make the story more accessible for anyone who doesnt speak english but im just not capable of translating by myself!
if anybody would like to translate the comic/story in their own language, feel free to dm me anytime you like!
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ladytauria · 6 months
i think i reblogged it from you but never sent you questions, so for the book rec asks: 1, 13, 23, 44, 50, 54, 79, 92, 116, 130, 131 please!! thats A Lot, so feel free to pick and choose haha
ahhh thank u bean! i love talking books uwu
coming back up after answering to edit... um. bean, i'm so sorry for my answer on the last one xD i should have picked a different book. (i ranted. a little.)
1. a book that is close to your heart
there are a few books i could name, but i'm going to do the one i thought of first.
a girl of the limberlost. i only remember reading it once, but my mother is the one who gave it to me, and told me that it was a book she loved at my age at the time. (same with the secret garden.) so i can't think of that book without thinking of her, which makes it a little bit more special to me <3
13. your favorite romance novel
immediate impulse is to say legends and lattes by travis baldree bc. it's so good. however, while there is a romance i don't know if i would count it as a romance novel.
the lady's guide to celestial mechanics. historical, sapphic, featuring both women in STEM (or, yknow, historical equiv) but also an appreciation for domestic arts / crafts normally looked down on. also there's an acknowledgement that homophobia existed, but there's none on page.
the prose is also gorgeous.
i don't actually read a ton of romance novels, but i've been trying to pick up more!
23. a book that is currently on your TBR
mmm, too many
but Our Wives Under the Sea - Julia Armfield went on sale on kindle the other day so! it's mine now <3 and one i've been eying for a while. the kindle cover isn't the one i wanted, but that's okay.
44. your favourite fantasy novel
a very large chunk of what i read is fantasy. this is HARD 😂
the locked tomb is technically sci-fi, isn't it?
i'm gonna go with The Last Unicorn - Peter S. Beagle bc it is the only book i purposefully own more than one copy of! would love to get my hands on the graphic novel <3
honorary mention to the Inheritence Cycle bc reading Eragon was what got me to start writing my first novel.
which absolutely wasn't just. Eragon but with griffin riders instead.
(okay, legitimately, there were differences, but there was also definitely heavy inspiration.)
50. a book that made you cry a LOT
i don't actually cry at much? the last time i remember actually crying was when i was reading an abridged version of little women and beth died xD
i'm trying to think of another book which really grabbed me emotionally recently that also isn't. already on this list. and i'm coming up empty?
54. a book with the best opening line
i don't have a good memory for opening lines ^^; however for some reason i want to say The Lightning Thief, so. that's what i'm going with.
79. a book that reminds you of your favorite song
my favorite song changes by the moment, so i don't have answer for this one ^^;
92. a book about a redeemable villain
kay, so i almost answered this question with the book i gave for the next question, but i realized i don't? read a lot of multi pov books?? or at least not that i remember being such. i did remember one but it was the second in a duology, so.
the closest i can think of atm would be Empress of Forever by Max Gladstone. (highly rec this one, though i was a little disappointed when the pairing i wanted didn't happen xD)
116. a book with multiple povs
The Stars Are Legion by Kameron Hurley.
this book.
okay, so. if you are. remotely squeamish, like. at all? you might wanna give this one a pass. (def check storygraph / other places for trigger warnings. im also happy to elaborate myself, lol.) i am. very squeamish, and made it through only because the story grabbed me tight and wouldn't let go. the worldbuilding is extremely interesting. the characters are all very different and both likeable and unlikeable in a million different ways. but.
oh boy, it was a tough one.
if you're NOT squeamish, though--
it was a 4 or 5 star read for me, iirc, so, y'know. recommended. not sure i'll ever pick it up again, but like. do not regret reading.
130. a book featuring flashbacks and/or intersecting storylines
i know i've read others like this, but the book that comes to mind is--and i had to google this bc it's been so long since i read it---Thirst by Christopher Pike. It was also published under "The Last Vampire." i don't actually recommend them; i read them during my middle school vampire phase and even i remembered being a little mindboggled. mainly bc i think there was an alien abduction in... the second or third book? idk, i had an omnibus.
131. recommend any book you like!
there's only one answer i can give to this, tbh. the locked tomb series brainrot is real and deep and i am. both highly anticipating and dreading the release of alecto so.
i gotta recommend Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir.
that SAID, i am well aware that this book has a reputation on tumblr esp for being poorly summarized, as the most oft-used pitch is "lesbian necromancers in space."
this is not an inaccurate summary.
it is also not complete.
so first, some expectations: it's sci-fi, definitely, but also there are a lot of fantasy vibes? probably because of the swords and the necromancy and the sworn knights-esque plot. uh. basically, it's sci-fi like star wars is sci-fi, but also it's. it's not star wars.
second thing: this series is unreliable narrator central. tamsyn picks the least qualified person in the group for you to follow the story with, and it works. so well. like, firstly bc ofc things get explained (some; it does drop you in and expect you to pick up a lot through context clues) but ALSO because you WILL pick up things you didn't on re-reads. i did a reread before Nona and spent half of it screaming. i'm not much of an annotator beyond highlighting some lines on kindle but i was commenting all over the place.
i still haven't talked about the plot, my bad.
Gideon the Ninth follows the titular Gideon, after her childhood nemesis and heir to the Ninth House, is invited to the First House by the God Emperor of the Nine Houses to seek quasi-immortality and join him in fighting a war as old as the Houses themselves. When they get there, though, they soon find their fellow heir-and-cavalier pairs being picked off one by one.
this book also features a lot of gay... not pining, not really, but like. Gideon likes women and her pov spends a lot of time appreciating the other women with them xD (this is also part of what makes her unreliable as a narrator. plot? what plot? gideon is here for thirsting, and a little bit of pining.)
also mild enemies to lovers vibes.
ALSO there are memes. there's a none pizza left beef joke in book 2, i'm still not over it.
does get a little squicky at times with loving descriptions of bones and viscera, though.
if i keep talking about this book i won't ever stop <3
[ book recs ask game ]
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whumpy-wyrms · 6 months
mundane and rot for the ask game :3
(from this ask game)
34. MUNDANE - Would you survive in the shoes of your main character?
I THINK ABOUT THIS A NORMAL AMOUNT (all the time) SO. would i survive if i was Dew… short answer: yes i’d basically become best friends with Anton right away because i’m insane.
long answer:
it depends on whether i Knew Anton beforehand or not (about to say the most unhinged shit and expose myself but idc), but either way, if i got kidnapped by a mad scientist who used me as a test subject but actually tried to be Nice to me and GAVE ME FREE TOP SURGERY AND WINGS… I DON’T THINK I WOULD WANT TO LEAVE. THINK ABOUT IT. if there was an autistic trans mad scientist who was best friends with a talking mouse and could give me wings i think i would choose to stay in sci-fi world instead of living on my own working at mcdonald’s and struggling to pay rent (that’s metaphorical, i don’t do that stuff (yet unfortunately)).
and i wouldn’t even be trapped there against my will for long either. i would literally Not last long as Anton’s test subject because the second we become friends and trust each other, he’ll just feel bad about hurting me and literally let me do whatever i want. we’d team up and become unstoppable. i would be free to do my own thing but like, still hang out with him obviously and i’d show him the beauty in the world and change his mind about the whole,, torturing innocent people thing. basically i can fix him. that’s what im saying here.
also not to spoil but Anton’s the type of guy where like, the second he’d form a genuine human relationship with someone, he’d just abandon the whole “kidnapping and (unethical) experimenting on unwilling human test subjects” thing. because there’d be no real point anymore. yeah, science makes him happy but so does having a best friend! and he’d still be a silly mad scientist!! but ethical!! mostly!! we’d team up, abandon the whole immortality thing because it’s stupid, and go hunt down Pierce and kill him!! it would just be fun.
if i was Dew, i would literally scrap trying to escape and instead focus on becoming friends with Anton because that Would Be one of the best outcomes. so yea :3 i may be weird but at least im honest about it (honestly though, i daydream about being friends with all my ocs :( they’re just so cool and we would get along so well. im normal. ignore me). this got long and rambly oops
OH YEAH about if i Knew Anton beforehand or not, like if it was a situation where the Present Me right now, like the person who is typing this and Knows everything about Anton because i created him, then that’d def affect things because i’d have access to all my prior knowledge about his character and backstory. it’d def make things faster and easier because like, i’d know who he is and what he’s capable of, and he wouldn’t be a complete stranger. but if i DIDN’T know Anton and if he was literally a stranger to me and not my oc, then it’d be scary at first but it’d still turn out the same.
i mean you guys don’t understand how deep this goes. before Dew existed, the daydreams i had with the unnamed scientist whumper (Anton) were all just,, Me as his test subject whumpee. i was Dew before Dew was Dew. OBVIOUSLY HE’S NOT A SELF INSERT ANY! MORE! HE’S HIS OWN COMPLEX FLESHED OUT CHARACTER COMPLETELY SEPARATE FROM ME! but that’s just how all my whump scenario daydreams started, and then i got attached and had to make characters and stuff.
i am rambling so much rn ANYWAY! yeah. this was a fun question that definitely won’t make people think i’m any more weirder than i already am (im not rereading all that so if there’s typos ignore them <3)
39. ROT - Which of your OCs is the best villain?
this is a hard one i think,, like out of the tllr ocs the actual villain of the story would be Pierce (not rlly a spoiler because it’s pretty obvious i think) but he’s not the BEST villain because i hate his guts (but he’s like Actually evil and terrifying and thinking about him makes me Afraid and filled with despair).
is Anton really a villain? yeah. but i guess i see his character differently than u guys because i know his character development later on in the story, and i know his entire backstory too. so that def chances my perception of him compared to how everyone else views him i think? maybe? idk
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Okay, SO. Probably "fiances who had a falling out" is good enough for Karlnapity (Karl/Sapnap/Quackity), because while they are SO MUCH more than that, its pretty hard to give a short summary. Buuut imma try anyway.
Basically the three of them entered a polyamorous relationship and became fiancés pretty early on. They started a country, El Rapids, together and they hatched a plot (that, it should be noted, all three of them agreed too, i think karl may have even volunteered.) to gain independence for the country that would involve Karl losing the first of his three lives. Fast forward a bit, El Rapids does NOT work out and Karl and Sapnap start a new country (Kinoko Kingdom) with their freind George, that they intend to have Quackity live with them in. Karl is given the job to invite Quackity, but is suffering severe memory loss (directly caused by the fact that he's secretly a time-traveler, but thats not important here) and completely forgets. Meanwhile, Quackity has started his own country, Las Nevadas, and intends to have Karl and Sapnap live there with him - the country even features a wedding hall! However, due to Karl's failing memory, Quakity hasnt heard anything from his fiancés since El Rapids, and thus thinks himself abandoned by them, and Sapnap must think Q is refusing to visit Kinoko. After some time, Sapnap eventually comes to visit Quackity in Las Nevadas, and seems very happy to see him. Quackity gives Sapnap a tour, and, though Quackity seems nervous about the idea, Sapnap manages to convince him to come visit Kinoko Kingdom and Karl. Upon reaching Kinoko, Quackity is met by a standoffish Karl, who pulls Sapnap to the side and asks why he would bring Quackity here. Sapnap is confused by this, and the two rejoin Quackity. before long however, Karl demands the same answers from Quackity, who is, understandably, a bit ticked off by the question. It soon comes to light that Karl now remembers Quackity as nothing more than the man who got Karl killed for El Rapids - Karl completly forgetting about both his own agreement to the plan, and his and Sapnap's relationship with Quackity. We have yet to receive any true closure regarding this, and it seems increasingly doubtful we ever will.
Um. Okay so that probably didnt seem short to you but i cut out SO much. Um, lemme try again.
Karl, Sapnap, and Quackity are canonical fiances who, throughout their long storyline, find themselves founding entire countries at least in part for eachother. Due to a series of misunderstandings caused by Karl's continuingly worsening memory, however, the three have a heatbreaking falling out.
Okay thats better i think! Feel free to edit that in any way you want, (if you want to use it at all) i hope this helps!
i really appreciate you taking the time to explain their relstionship and add a summary. unfortunately someone else informed me Quackity has expressed discomfort about being shipped w his friends, and it seems unclear if he also means the characters. because of that i have decided to remove the ship from my list. there won't be anymore posts about it in this blog. im really sorry agai that you wrote all of that and i won't be able to use it, and i hope you understand.
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bunnieshoneys · 5 months
Incredible chapter as always, although this one hurt! 😭
I was going to ask this in the comments, but I wondered if you'd generally prefer to answer questions here? Anyway, it's clear Suguru had a great relationship with his dad growing up, but the mutual (I think?) resentment (maybe?!) and growing distance from his mother intrigues me. I was thinking about that one line early on which is something like "but her opinion doesn't matter when it comes to racing" — because that's kind of dismissive coming from Suguru! But it's unclear what he feels about it, other than happiness that he can continue to race.
Maybe that's the extent of it because he's a kid through all this and perhaps couldn't see the complexities of his parents' situation at the time, but considering their fate in canon, will we come back to Suguru's relationship with his mother at all? Or do we leave it here with the implication that this void between them just continues to grow? If it's the latter, it makes absolute sense, but could you share some insights on how you think their relationship changes (or stays the same) throughout Suguru's life?
Feel free not to answer if it spoils anything for future chapters. I'm just aware that you're already tackling lots of big themes so maybe this isn't something you were planning to explore in more depth, but it caught my attention, I guess. Sorry for the essay — please see it as evidence of my enthusiasm for the fic!!
Thanks again for the update ♥
i definitely prefer to answer questions here - my ao3 comment count is climbing because i have convos with people in the comments which is lovely, but it means my comment count is VERY close to my kudos count and sometimes higher than it, which i find a little unsettling lol!!!
the relationship DOES get bought up more, definitely. its unclear at the moment whether it will be a past thing or a present thing (there are a couple ways i could do it, and im still deciding) but yes, it will be expanded upon. i would say the resentment isnt mutual bc his mom's resentment for him is a VERY different beast to the mild resentment getou held for his mom as a teen.
its left kind of deliberately vague, but essentially getou and his dad were the ones doing all the karting stuff together, and since their family wasn't particularly high income, getou's mom wanted them to stop due to issues with income, travel, etc etc. at times, i would definitely say she had a point lol. but ofc getou resented the fact she didn't want him to continue.
the way getou's mom resents him is.. a different deal. i wont go into it right now because i think it'll be explored later, but if it ends up not being ill come back and explain some more :) thank you for your comments, they're wonderful <3
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formula-fun · 7 months
Hi Em!! Happy Sunday!! How are you doing? Hope you are alright. 💜💜
I LOVED the snippet from the sequel and now am too pumped and really looking forward to everything you are/will be cooking for us in this universe!! I have a few questions if you don’t mind. Please feel free not to answer any of them, no pressure :)
Does Charles have any more miscarriages before their baby girl is born?
Is the ultrasound in the snippet a follow up of a health scare?
Is only the baby’s life in danger? Or is Charles also having health problems?
Do they both consider medical interventions to have a baby? Like when discussing and planning their future together.
Does Charles give birth earlier due to just the baby being early or is it because of complications or to avoid further complications?
I hope I’m not intruding and you don’t mind this kinds of asks or asks in general as I’m sure you are getting a ton. You’re a brilliant writer (!!!), so please never stop writing!
Anyway, I hope you’re doing fine and I wish you all the time in the world to rest and enjoy doing the things you like doing. 💜 Meanwhile, I’ll be here checking your tumblr and refreshing my email for any snippets, updates or news. Ha!
Have a beautiful week, friend!!
Hi dear!! I'm doing okay, except it's monday night now and I've only just seen this--sorry for missing it earlier! Hope you're alright too <3
So glad you liked it, thanks for letting me know! I'll answer under the cut for spoilers.
Tentatively I'm going to say yes, he has one other miscarriage, but he doesn't realize he's pregnant until it happens so it's more of a surprise than a huge pivotal thing. Not sure if I'm going to write it yet but in my head it's part of the outline!
Second one--no, no health scare, it's just a routine check. The pregnancy is considered high-risk because of his history, so he has to do a lot of these
Third one--there's a pretty big risk of miscarriage, but Charles' life isn't in danger. If there was a risk of that they'd definitely abort the pregnancy rather than play the odds. Max in particular is very wary of this for reasons which I keep trying to explain but keep backspacing because it's hard so im sorry but you'll have to take my word for it that the man lives in terror every day for nine months, which is vaguely alluded to in the snippet as well. i swear i know what im doing. i think
fourth one--this discussion is actually gonna be in the next chapter but it isn't written yet, so the good news is you'll have a full answer very soon but the bad news is I'm not exactly sure and can't really answer, sorry!
fifth one--again sorry, not quite sure but they didn't induce labor early either way. It might not be a complication so much as it is something pretty common in his family. Charles was born early too and a bit small so it doesn't worry him too much (tell me how ive already written the scene of charles being born underweight but not any of the rest of this)
Anyway thank you so much for this, sorry I couldn't answer all of these! I absolutely never mind getting asks, especially when they're worded so kindly <3 sadly I'm still working like a dog in school, but it's really nice to have a short break to talk about this fic and i really hope to have something out soon!! thank you, and I hope you have an excellent week as well!
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luveline · 9 months
dear jade — first of all, congrats on 40k omg!!! i read your fics more than i read required books for my english class so you deserve it <333
anyway, i may sound silly here so please feel free to be brutally honest here because i need to here it. but, i’ve been recently talking more with my ex situationship, and my feelings have been coming back (because i’m hopeless over this sort of stuff) and i’ve been thinking of talking to her about it but i have a huge fear of rejection and i don’t want things to be awkward between us since we do see each other like everyday ‘cos we’re in the same psych class.
basically, in 2021 (i think???) we sort of flirted and we both liked eachother but things never went anywhere and she ended up getting a gf. we weren’t super super close after that but we were friendly and all, we just didn’t talk much and i obviously didn’t want to interfere with her relationship! but she texted me like almost right after they broke up a few months ago and ever since then, we’ve been talking like everyday and hanging out. we are in the same friendgroup though so i cant tell if she’s just being nice and friendly or if it has some sort of meaning. she answers my texts super fast and we talk really late into the night and i feel hopeful but i also don’t want to make things awkward for anyone! there’s also the fact that i’ve heard rumors that another guy (mutual friend) in our group likes her and even though i know that’s not true i don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings or make things awkward if she doesn’t like me & i tell her. i’ve really felt like i want to but i can’t ask my friends about it since they’re also friends with this other guy and i don’t want to be inconsiderate and drag them into things :/
sorry for the rant!!! i just don’t know what the right thing is to do since i don’t wanna hurt anybody but i also hate not telling her how i feel because i’m horrible at keeping things like this to myself
Thank you!! Don't be sorry!
Okay so my first thought is that while it is very nice of you to want to protect the feelings of your friends who may like her, or to protect everyones feelings, you have a right to be happy and you're definitely allowed to like her even if someone else may or may not like her. I also don't think it's inconsiderate to tell your friends about it and to drag them in cos that's what friends are for, but you're very nice for thinking of them and I understand your hesitation!
My second thought is that in the interest of protecting your feelings you should probably be a bit careful? This is purely opinion now, and I'm an outsider looking in so you know best my love, but the circumstances of your situationship make me question her intentions, if that makes sense. If you were flirting and you both liked each other but then she ended up in another relationship, and then as soon as that relationship ended she was talking to you again, I think I'm just a little hesitant in what her thought process is. Like obviously you're great and I'm not saying she doesn't have good reason to fancy you twice, but I just wonder why she would've manoeuvred this situation in this way.
BUT again im an outsider I don't know all the nuance and plus I'm acting like she has to be perfect, maybe she was just confused and now she's realised she wasn't in the place she was meant to be in.
Crazily enough i can actually say I was in a situation just like this at one point and found out afterwards that they DID like me (for a short period of time), but I didn't want to make things awkward so I never said anything. I'm extremely glad that things turned out how they did now honestly but my point is that people love you and you just won't know until you ask. I've said a bunch of really 'deep' stuff and half of it is probably baloney to you but in light of things, like, woah! It sounds to me like she likes you from the way she's acting and you wont know until you ask, but something very beautiful could come of it! It can be awkward knowing someone has a crush on you if you don't return their feelings but if she's someone worth having a crush on she probably won't punish you for it, i genuinely think things would turn out okay if you told her.
I hope this helps and I'm sorry if it doesn't! To me it sounds like she likes you again and I dont think much harm would come from you telling her, but it is obviously a very big change in your life to be open like that. I hope that you're happy whatever you choose to do!!
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