#he needs his iconic teal
synonymroll648 · 1 year
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i attempted drawing fitz vacker w/ crayola sidewalk chalk lol
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eldritch-spouse · 5 months
☀️💤💭 Daydream about your stuff while working on project and stuck on the thought of the Queens+Icons dealing with the gradual mutations from the infernal energy, like scratching to the point of blood from where a horn is forming, rubbing skin raw from where the pigment is changing, but mostly about Wrath Queen cutting their teeth on Kalymir. Just full on gnawing on his arm trying to ease the pain, I imagine he's completely unphased if not amused.
TW: Unsanitary grooming.
All of them are happy to finally start seeing these changes on you. While it may horrify you, all of the Icons are quick to point out that these natural reactions from exposure to their hellish energy (and Hell in general) will make it that much easier when they decide you need to release your humanity. Most of them are there to help you throught this.
Vesper will numb you to pain with pleasure, or maybe even incorporate the pain of your mutation into your sexuality, arousing you by telling you to revel in what your body will become.
Zizz forces you into slumber when pain and discomfort become too great to be ignored. In your dreams, he builds your body into different shapes, letting you explore possible versions of what you might become and whispering how beautiful you'll be.
Rinx is dying to see new parts of you, and he makes sure you have the most expensive of healing and soothing medicines. He's also likely to make you feel less strange about any new parts you sprout by instantly wanting to adorn them with something precious.
Cero is the one who actually takes better care of your changing body. As much as jealousy will chew his bones and he may even look livid doing so, the King will personally tend to your budding horns and tail so that they never become crooked or any agent halts their growth. Anyone who even so much as touches those developing appendages will be put to death, and he will tie your hands to keep you from scratching anything. Do you want marks, crevices and depressions?!
Kalymir has a burning urge to lick any blood you draw with your antics. He'll even help bite away scabs that are holding your new spikes and horns back. He's very excited to see you become more formidable and barely holds himself back from ripping your nails off so that your claws grow in faster. You may come out of this treatment with a scar or too. He can't wait to tug you around by the horns.
Vorticia like Kalymir, has a tendency to eat the parts of your body that are starting to come off. Loose skin around new horns? She's going to eat it. Flesh ripping apart while your new feet structure sets in? Snack. Scales bursting through your thighs? She'll suck the bothersome clots of useless tissues out, don't worry. To you it might be the grossest thing, but other gluttons just say it's very loving of her.
Livius' breath is caught in his throat as he watches you change. He wants so badly for your new horns to be like his, for your tail to sprout the same tip as his own! He wants you to be teal like him and have big hands, an angled face! Many of his features may carry over to you, but if the opposite were to happen, you might get to see him frantically trying to disfigure himself so he can look like you.
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acoraxia · 21 days
gela do you like character design? Cause you're constantly popping off over here. I feel like only someone who likes character design can cook like you do
(and maybe you could teach your ways? A little bit? I would love to learn o7)
HAHAHAHA—no. I like watching it and studying it! I love analyzing character design but drawing it? I’m being held at gunpoint
When it comes to OCs I have to design them otherwise it’s hard to get the point across as to who I’m talking about, how their design translates via text, etc. when it comes to, say, Erlang and Sun Wukong it means a lot of character analysis and figuring out whether or not their outfits work… and then realizing the limits of my skills (I hate armor but armor is VERY MUCH in character for these two designs)
I tend to do SOME form of research into my character designs — this ranges from looking at the original sources (FSYY, JTTW) and then modern depictions of them (Nezha Reborn/New Gods, Dyslite (?), Lego Monkie Kid, etc) and studying how their designs work.
I love New Gods rendition of Erlang but that reads more to me like a.. teenager? Young adult? Version of Erlang rather than the aged post-fsyy soldier we see often depicted in JTTW content
I also have a lot of story telling done with color for their outfits:
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You can see hints of green for Wukong (Nuwa) and how there’s bits of red in his hanfu — but it’s not overpowering. You can still see gold and even in his makeup there’s teal. You can tell this is SWK in an outfit that was coordinated to suit him for a specific area/god/etc.
But then with Erlang we see him engulfed in red. The same type of red that resembles wine or drying blood because this is an outfit that (ahem) Su Daji picks out for him. The only bit of gold is the belt/sash holding it all together. This, along with the jade skin and dark blue hair, makes it seem like he’s not human. That’s the point! He’s a demigod and he’s often depicted with unnatural skin color (at least in animated versions):
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And then of course there’s accessories! We have Sun Wukong’s iconic cudgel and honestly LMK’s design of it is already very well done that I don’t feel the need to adjust it for my au.. so instead I designed him a mask:
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This allows for some of his personality to shine through more! And it is far more intimidating than canon!lmk!swk!!
To put it simply: I don’t like character designing because it is VERY hard for me to translate my thoughts onto a canvas but I enjoy the finished results (most of the time) too much to not try and do it. That and when it comes to my favorite characters I will ALWAYS have fun designing outfits for them 🧡
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nosnexus · 3 months
As promised, some of the changes I made with composition of the last piece (when I remembered to capture it)
First draft was the kids tumbling through the air chaotically in various poses. Riz running to his extracurricular activities, Kristen hunched over , etc (Gorgug, Fig, and Adaine managed to keep their initial poses with some tweaks). The Stress crystals were going to be tumbling through the air with them.
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I ended up scraping the composition just because it didn’t quite have a good flow with some of the poses I chose. And I mean, look, Gorgug is like kneeing Kristen in the head, Fig is kneeing Fabian in the armpit, Riz looks like he's gonna be kicking Fig in the elbow - it's a hot mess, people.
Then, originally, I had the wheel the kids were on as a roulette wheel of sorts, that was going to be backlit with the various downtime activity icons (I adjusted one or two to be more applicable to the kids' activities). And the middle area had a constellation of Cassandra that was positioned behind Kristen's head like a halo - I played around with cracking the wheel with the red crystal light and having it distort the picture of Cassandra too.
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I really liked the roulette vibe, but it ended up making the piece too busy with too many contrasting colors and really took away from the characters. I had the idea of a cork-board/dartboard given to me by my partner and the brown + teal + red crystal glow looked VERY nice, so I rolled with that!
Bonus alt compositions and initial sketch from the Party Politicking piece! I was originally really wanting a hard forced perspective and was going to include Cassandra and YES! on the ground in the empty space surrounding Kristen. After staring at it for too long I felt it was a bit too cluttered and I could convey the tone well enough with Kristen's expression and with color, so those (dope) extraneous details weren't needed.
That being said, I still like composition of the shadow of the shrimp jump cast over Kristen.
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Thanks for joining on a very chaotic glimpse into my process! If there's one thing I've learned with these covers it's: EDITING IS IMPORTANT
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esmedelacroix · 5 months
18 days til' Christmas
attending diavolo's christmas dinner party with boyfriend!barbatos ⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅̩̩͙‧͙ ‧͙̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆
Your afternoons were usually spent at Diavolo's castle baking with Barbatos, but today was different because it was Christmas, the most happiest time of the year.
Barbatos was prepping for a big dinner party and you, the seven brothers, the angels, and friends were all invited. That entire group mixed together meant chaos but you and Barbie enjoyed watching all the drama go down anyway.
You were just about to get ready when you realized that you had no idea what to wear. You were on the verge of panicking when you remembered you literally lived down the hall from Asmodeus.
You burst through his door immediately. "Asmo I need help picking out my outfit please come to my room.
"Do you know how to knock?" Asmo asked sarcastically as he admired his nails. He had just painted them in his iconic teal and pink.
"Please Asmo, I don't have time for this get in my room," you demanded rolling your eyes.
"Goodness, looks like someone's eager to get me in their bed," he muttered under his breath smiling to himself.
"I heard that! You're not funny," you snapped.
Oh whatever, what's got your panties in a twist?" he asks as he immediately walks to your closet throwing clothes he doesn't approve of on the ground.
"I just want to look perfect tonight. I haven't seen Barbatos since I got back from Earth from my two , month-long vacation. I want to look great for him," you admitted.
"Well you're not going to look great with this on," he joked as he pulled out a crazy dress that you owned from last Easter.
You chuckled at his stupid joke before sitting at your vanity to start your makeup.
"Um put that brush down. You asked me for help so I'm going to be in charge of your whole look," Asmo explained as he finally pulled out the most beautiful open-back cream-colored bodycon maxi dress.
"Oh my god, I own that?" You asked with shock.
"This is what happens when you stuff all the clothes that we buy when we go shopping together in the back of your closet," Asmo said shaking his head in disappointment.
"Fine, I promise I'll listen to fashion advice more often," you sighed.
"Good because if I catch you leaving the house in sweatpants one more time, it's over for you," he said darkly before laughing to himself.
Weirdo. Sue me for choosing comfort over style. You thought to yourself.
You put the dress on and paired it with a pair of white pumps.
Asmo put your hair and a sort of messy updo that allowed your curls to fall in front of your face framing it perfectly.
"We're not going to do much for makeup since the dress is such a pure clean color we'll go for the same look Asmo explained as put some blush onto your face.
You had no idea how he was so good at it. He knew where and how to apply everything so that you would look almost unreal.
You were finally done it was time for you all to head to Diavolo's house. Naturally, Mammon and Leviathan were fighting the whole way there.
You missed the Devildom so much that it felt like a second home to you.
As you arrived at Diavolo's, Mammon finally piped down and told you about a new watch he had purchased the day before.
Your chatter ended when you entered the main foyer greeted by none other than Barbatos and Diavolo.
"Hello all, Merry Christ-" Diavolo started before you interrupted him by running into Barbatos' arms.
"I've missed you so much," you chirped as you peppered his face with kisses.
"I missed you more," he replied as he placed his hand behind your head and pressed it against his chest.
"Blech! Please guys get a room my goodness," Mammon said as he walked past you straight to the dining hall.
"Mammon, have some manners," Lucifer sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose.
You and Barbatos just laughed at the chaos already beginning around you.
"Lucifer! It's been too long!" Diavolo exclaimed as he put an arm around Lucifer.
"I was literally here yesterday," Lucifer responded.
"Why don't we all make our way to the dining hall?" Barbatos suggested calmly reeling the group in.
Everyone sat down and broke into conversation and enjoyed their meals.
You and Barbatos were having your own conversation catching up on each other vacations. The only issue was that Mammon wouldn't stop interrupting the two of you.
"I know you're datin' my human and all but I just wanna let ya' know that I was her first," Mammon said glaring at Barbatos.
"That always sounds so wrong when you say it," Barbatos chuckled as he ate. You nudged him and giggled along with his joke.
The two of you tried to talk but there was too much going on. Barbatos suddenly took your hand and whispered in your ear, "What do you say we get out of here?"
You smiled to yourself feeling the heat rise to your cheeks after feeling his warm breath against your ear making the hairs on the back of your neck raise.
Everyone was laughing and conversing too consumed with the festivities to notice the two of you seeking out.
Barbatos brought you to the kitchen and asked if you wanted anything. "Chamomile would be great," you said.
Barbatos made the two of you tea as you sat on the kitchen island talking about the souvenirs you bought for him in Italy.
"I wish I could have come with you, I have been meaning to go to a cooking class there, I noticed you and Diavolo have been taking a liking to pasta recently," he explained.
"I know you would've wanted to but that's why I got you a cookbook made by the infamous Gino D'Acampo!" you exclaimed waiting for his impressed or surprised reaction.
"I'm sorry who is that?" Barbatos asked in the nicest way possible.
You laughed at his effort to not hurt your feelings before explaining, "He is one of the most well-known Italian cuisine cookers,"
"Really? Thank you, you really didn't have to get me one of those," he answered as he gave your hand a squeeze.
"I wanted to," you insisted.
"I love you so much," Barbatos said looking deeply into your eyes.
Barbatos then took your teacup from your hands and put it aside. He then placed both his hands on your shoulders. As the two of you looked at each other enjoying the silence Barbatos leaned in slowly. You could feel his breath hitting your lips.
His lips were almost an inch away from yours. He placed himself in between your parted legs, snaked his hand around your waist, and pulled you in closer. The whole thing was happening painfully slow but the two of you were savoring the moment.
You draped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer for a kiss. You pulled him closer to you slowly and when your lips finally connected it all felt mythical.
The kiss was wet it was hot but it was quick. Rushed. Hands wandering all over. It was messy, improper, and should have never happened. Not there. Not where someone could catch them.
For the first time ever Barbatos gained the traits of Beelzebub. He allowed his hunger for you to consume him. Self-control was thrown out the window.
Barbatos ran his fingers through your hair destroying your updo. Your hair fell to your shoulders and Barbatos moved your hair out of the way so that he could kiss your neck leaving hickys in his wake.
The lustful feeling enveloped the two of you. You were in your own bubble of tension and longing. You hadn't even noticed that Lucifer walked in looking for toothpicks. "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to interrupt I just-" Lucifer started unable to finish his sentence obviously flustered by the situation the two of you were in.
You fumbled to fix your dress and rubbed the lip gloss that smudged at the corner of your lip.
Barbatos fixed his hair and straightened his collar. "No, I'm sorry. Toothpicks?" he suggested knowing Lucifer far too well.
"Yes, please," he replies awkwardly.
After Lucifer left the room you and Barbatos couldn't help but laugh. "I can't believe that just happened," you giggle.
"We should probably head back," Barbatos suggested taking your hand.
"For sure," you said as you hopped off the counter oblivious to the marks displayed on your neck. Your hair thankfully draped over most of them.
You joined everyone in the room and the festivities continued.
"We can all see those hickies mama," Asmo whispered nonchalantly as he ate his dessert.
"WHa?" you gasped as you looked down and saw the hugest hickey on your neck. You quickly moved your hair to cover the hickies. You heard Asmo stifle laughter.
Barbatos chuckled at your effort to cover the mark and was amused when a couple of people noticed them.
By the end of the party, everyone was tipsy or drunk, everyone except for Lucifer. "Alright now it is time for us to go home," he said motioning for you to come with him.
"I think she'll stay the night we have some unfinished business," Barbatos said shooting him a wink.
He didn't need anything more to get the message and leave with his brothers.
That night you planned on getting freaky but instead ended up falling asleep together the moment your bodies hit the bed.
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oneforthemunny · 11 months
Can we have something for older!dilf!eddie where bunny is finally bonding with bri and they’re really getting along, watching a movie together at home, painting their nails, gossiping etc and Eddie gets home and hears them from the hall and gets emotional bc this is all he wanted since he had bri
I’m in a fluffy mood and it is dilf eddie day after all <3
Eddie hadn't meant to work so late. Really, he hadn't. But the holidays were always brutal, the fourth coming up, and every car in the world needed their tires rotated and oil changed before traveling. Which wouldn't be so bad, if the heat wasn't so brutal.
Eddie was tired, beyond exhausted. He longed for a hot shower to wash the grime of the dirt off, a beer maybe even sneak a blunt out in the shed, and his bed. His bed with you in it. He'd worried when he told you he'd be working late, that you'd be upset, that you'd cancel or huff at him angrily.
Instead, there you were. In your sweat pants, hair pulled back in one of those funny headbands Brielle was always wearing. Brielle beside you in a similar state, eyes glued to the TV.
"Oh my God, Brandi is insane." You gawked at one of the screaming figures on TV.
"Right? She's fucking unhinged, but you know what? Kinda iconic of her." Brielle shrugged, swirling the polish around the small bottle.
You snorted, shaking your head, eyes rolling before cutting back over to Eddie, his frozen, looming figure in the doorway. "Hey, Ed," You smirked, a bright teal face mask covering your skin. Brielle had a matching one, muttering her own greeting towards him.
"Hi girls," Eddie watched carefully, approaching the two of you with all the caution you would a wild animal.
"How was work?" You hummed, eyes still glued to the TV.
"Long." Eddie sighed, leaning over to press a kiss to the top of Brielle's head, another to yours.
"I'm sorry." You grimaced lightly in sympathy. "Brielle and I ordered pizza if you want any. There's some on the counter. I can heat it up for you."
Eddie smiled lightly, squeezing your shoulder lovingly. "Thank you, bunny, but I'm just gonna go take a shower real quick." He was mesmerized, eyes darting back from you to Brielle like he might be dreaming.
"Ok," You nodded, squeezing his hand sweetly. "Just let me know if you want me to heat it up."
"I will." Eddie nodded. He started towards the hall, pausing at the door frame. "Are you two sure you're ok?"
Brielle looked at him like he'd grown three heads, an annoyed snarl that she could have only inherited from Gina. "What?" She asked, brow raising.
"We're fine." You nodded gently. "Just watching the Real Housewives."
Eddie scoffed playfully, rolling his eyes at the two of you. "Oh, well, don't let me keep you." He grinned.
Padding down the hallway, Eddie could hear your muffled voices, excited and cordial for once, not biting or defensive. Brielle's giggles mixing with your own, the sound of the TV washing out the rest of their chatter. Eddie smiled to himself, twisting the shower knob on with a satisfied smirk. Suddenly, he felt better, a little more relaxed and content now that his two favorite girls were finally starting to get along.
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rebirthgarments · 1 month
Monday April 29 is Seraj's Support Soiree (virtual!)- Auction is live until May 3!
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Come dance with me at Seraj’s Support Soiree April 29 from 7-9pm CST (Chicago Time!)
Get your $0+ up sliding scale tickets for the 2 hour virtual accessible dance party on Zoom hosted by Sky from @RebirthGarments!
Get event tickets and bid on the auction at givebutter.com/serajsupport Or support Seraj directly at bit.ly/payseraj
here is his go fund me: gofundme.com/f/help-seraj-survive
Dance to beats from DJ @QueerShoulders
Featuring selections from past @RebirthGarments + @RadicalVisibilityCollective fashion performances. We will be hyping up @Se3raj.0 fuhn-raizer while talking about all the art + services in our auction that you can bid on!
Access Info: Access Doula’s: @moira670 @xxAlexaDexaxx @TSuhh who will be providing audio description as well as sound description! Auto Captions available!
It will be hosted on Zoom, get a ticket to get the details! All ticket money goes towards Seraj’s family because our DJ + Access doulas are all volunteers!
[Image description: an illustration by @K8Deciccio of a zoom party featuring four squares with a purple border. The top left square is diagonally split between purple and blue and has handwritten-style text in white and purple that says “Seraj’s Support Soirée | Virtual accessible fundraiser dance party April 29 7-9 PM CST” with a black and white QR code in the bottom right corner.
The top right square is bright yellow and has an illustration of a person in a purple tank top over a black long sleeve shirt, purple hijab, orange and green sunglasses, and teal leggings leaning forward in a purple manual wheelchair. Text at the top says “get tickets + bid at givebutter.com/serajsupport”.
The bottom left square has an illustration of Seraj in a red jacket and black and white keffiyeh. He is standing in front of an orange background with black music notes surrounding him.
The bottom right square has a person in sunglasses and a pink hat dancing in front of a disco ball with a pale yellow background. They have one arm up and are wearing a black sports bra with a colorful band. At the bottom of the illustration along the border are small doodles of zoom icons, including a smiley face and the word “dance”.]
Here is the link that goes directly to the auction:
The Auction ends May 3 at 11:45pm CST (chicago time!)
I need everyone's help sharing both the auction and the virtual event!  Please help spread the word!
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bringthekaos · 2 months
I just knowwwwww that the hexcore will become complete when Viktor finally figures out he is missing the Inspiration Rune.
This is from the game (more specifically, the gameplay itself) but the Runes are like perks you pick before the match starts, and it can totally change the playstyle of your champion. There are 5 "groups" : Domination, Resolve, Sorcery, Precision & Inspiration. Inspiration is the only one missing from the Hexcore (you can see what the icons look like from google images)
Also fun fact 1: the rune "perks" are about bending the rules of the game
Fun fact 2: is the second time the Inspiration Rune is NOTORIOUSLY MISSING in a cinematic (first time was in Call of Power)
Also "Everything you do inspires me" and Sky's notebook having teal colors and circles, both themes heavily associated with that rune
Oooooooo I did not know that about the Hexcore missing the Inspiration rune!! I’m so glad I have you to fill me in on all these little League deets I wouldn’t have otherwise noticed!
That actually makes a lot of sense—it’s a little hard to “find inspiration” when you’re scrambling to survive. Viktor has been going at it from a survivor’s mind. So maybe once his Heraldification has started, once he’s not actively dying… he can slow down and really put the mind of a scientist into it… and realize it needs Inspiration! (Also kind of calls back to what Ekko said—“it’s not enough to give people what they need to survive. You have to give them what they need to live.”
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dreamingofep · 1 year
Strangers in the Crowd pt. 7
(Elvis/Austin!Elvis × reader)
Character/Fandom: Elvis - Elvis (2022)
Request: No, just another one of my delusional tantasies.
Prompt: You and your best friend are on are annual girls trip and go to see Elvis at the International.
Little did you know this would be a show you'll never forget. Fem!Reader
TW: SMUTTT, cussing, fingering (f. receiving) teasing/ tension, use of handcuffs, the usual really dirty stuff.
Rating: Explicit/Mature (NSFW, 18+, so minors Do NOT Interact
Word Count: 4.3K
A/N: Hi lovlies! We’re moving along with these two and it’s heating up 🤭 Thanks for all the love this story has gotten. Next part of going to get a bit more serious so enjoy the fun now😝 Sorry for any spelling mistakes or overall goofs.
Feel free to message me or comment what you think!
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The week couldn't drag on any slower even if it tried. All you could think about was getting to see Elvis and be in his arms again. Throughout the week, you planned your outfits for each day down to the most minuscule detail. You knew how much Elvis loved to dress to the nines no matter the occasion and you didn’t want to disappoint him in any way.
You tried on all the outfits in front of Cicily and she helped you veto some of them out of contention. She was so excited for you and a bit jealous too. She hadn’t heard a word from Jerry this entire time and it was ticking her off. But she tried to not let her bitterness towards him ruin the excitement of your trip.
She helped you pack everything in your suitcase and her eyes widened when she noticed all the sheer, lacy nightgowns you snuck in there. You turn beet red when she sees them and teases you that you probably won’t even have enough time to even put one on for him with how sexually needy you both are.
Friday finally came and you had to convince your professor that you had a family emergency to attend to and needed to miss class Friday morning. He graciously understood and gave you that day's work early to complete and turn in early. Around 10 am, a car pulled up in front of your apartment and it was Jerry driving. You rush out and meet him on the sidewalk. It was great seeing such a familiar face and he pulls you in for a hug. He gives you an uncertain face, “uh… is Cicily home?” He asks shakily. You scoff at him, “you’re lucky she’s not. She’s pissed at you,” you jab. He presses his hand to his forehead and mutters something to himself.
“I’ll fix this. But in the meantime, you ready to go?”
The biggest smile you can possibly give grows across your face and nod you your head. Jerry opens the car door for you and you both we off.
The car gets to the airport and a small charter jet is standing on the runway waiting for you. You buckle into your seat and try to calm your restless nerves. It was only an hour and a half flight from Dallas to Memphis but it felt like a lifetime you were on that plane. Finally, you land and get chauffeured into another luxurious car to drive to the gates of Graceland.
Pulling up to the iconic music note front gates, you’re in awe. You had only ever seen pictures but the way the gates looked you knew there was no one else living here but the king of rock and roll. The car taxis along the long winding driveway until it stops right in front of the Corinthian columns and the two lion statues guarding the steps leading to the house.
The sight of it takes your breath away and then, you see it. The tall, perfect, greek like sculpture of a man standing in the doorway with the biggest smile on his face. The teal button up shirt he has on makes his eyes pop, and the multicolored silk scarf hanging from his neck has you plotting how you’re gonna rip it off of him and suck on that beautiful neck. Your heart gallops as the car finally comes to a stop and you rush out of the car, up the steps, and into his arms.
You squeal when you brace into him and sink into his warm body. The woodsy scent of him lingers in your nose and you sigh at how much you missed it. Suddenly, he picks you up underneath your arms and you instinctively wrap your legs around his waist. He places one hand on the nape of your neck and the other on your ass, not caring who might be watching this spectacle. He presses his soft plump lips to yours and they crash over and over into each other like waves meeting the sand. The amount of energy coming off of Elvis is dizzying, and your hands tangle in his fluffy hair, trying to pull yourself back down on earth.
You let out a sigh as you feel his tongue enter your mouth and swirl around yours. He bites your lip softly as he starts to break away and looks at you in awe. He placed his hand on your face and rubs his thumb there.
“God I’ve missed you,” He whispers. You smile coyly at him and place a kiss on his nose.
“Let’s get inside honey. Let me show you around.” He gently places you down on the ground and opens the door behind him.
The first sight of the foyer takes your breath away again. The blue carpet and the white staircase leading to the upstairs look like something out of a dream. It’s all too perfect, every detail from the floor to ceiling was all so intentional and one hundred percent Elvis. One of his maids greets you at the door asking if you’d like to take off your jacket. You graciously accept and let the warm trench coat slip off your shoulders.
You suddenly get a chill that runs down along your spine and realize you only get these keen feelings when Elvis is looking at you intensely. You turn around as you slip the other sleeve off of your arm and see Elvis giving you fire eyes. His eyes roam along your shoulders, down to your breasts, and back up to your face, almost as if he’s making a mental note of how your dress conforms to every curve and dip on your body and tattooing it in his brain. You dart your eyes away, unable to handle how fierce his eyes look, and don’t want to crumble at his feet right here.
You look back up at him and raise your eyebrows at him, “whatcha lookin' at hmm?” He hums softly and roughly pushes you against him with his hand on your lower back.
“Just lookin’ at my next meal,” he growls. You stare at him shocked, knowing his maid heard him as she walked away to hang up your coat.
“You are everything but subtle hmm?” You tease.
“This is my house I can do and say whatever I want,” he says mused, “like this,” and you feel his hand smack your ass hard. The sound of the slap was probably heard through the bottom floor of the house and your cheeks instantly turn red.
“Oh my god! You are insane! ” You squeal followed by uncontrollable laughter.
He laughs too at your shock and overall innocence. He grabs your hand and takes you to the living room and shows you his home. He’s like a little boy with his excitement pointing out all his awards and all the special mementos he’s collected throughout the years. The house is buzzing with activity and guys that work for him are running around the house or just hanging out. You wonder if it’s always this busy in the house or if it’s because Elvis is back home and on break from Vegas.
He takes you outside and shows you the rest of the property. His land was beautiful and the trees made it feel like you were somewhere off into the countryside and not in Memphis. He convinces you to ride the horses with him around the yard and you love it. You both ride all around the property and race each other. Elvis of course won every race, but that’s only because you let him. Another day you’ll show him how you actually know how to ride a horse and never lose a race.
The sun starts to set and you both go back inside the house. There’s one room he hasn’t shown you yet; his bedroom. You were nervous and excited to be in the most private spaces that belonged to him.
“Can I go see your bedroom?” You ask bluntly.
He nods his head and leads you up the staircase. At the top of the staircase to the right, is two double doors and he opens the door. The room is completely dark until he puts on the light, just like his suite in Vegas.
You step in and the entire space is cozy and warm. The large king-sized bed takes up a huge chunk of the room. Your fingertips run along the velvety blanket placed on the bed and shiver. Every fixture is gold-plated and gleams each time you look at them.
Elvis places his hand on your shoulder and you reach up for a kiss. Your body suddenly craves him in such a way that you're not sure what has come over you. You press your hips into him, making you groan at the needed contact. His hands roam freely along your body, soaking up every bit of you. He pauses and looks at you, “you’re so needy aren’t you?” He grins pleased with himself.
“Yes honey, please,” you mumble into his shirt.
“Hmm, I know baby I know. But it’s time for dinner. You’re gonna have to wait a little bit longer,” he teases and spanks you on the ass again.
You let out a disappointed sigh and plead for him.
“Please, I can’t wait much longer. I’ve been waiting for weeks,” you whine as you place his hand on your throbbing core.
He makes a low hum, feeling the heat coming off of you.
“I know you can. You’ll be good and listen. If you can make it through dinner and wait patiently, I promise to get you back up here and fuck you senseless.”
You squeeze your eyes closed and agree with his antics.
Elvis leads you back downstairs to the dining room where everyone is sitting down waiting for him to arrive. The food laid out on the table could be confused for a Thanksgiving day meal. Every side dish would imaginable was made and a roasted ham was in the center of the table. Everyone greets Elvis and Jerry to the right of the head of the table and he pulls out the chair for him. You scan the rest of the table and not another seat is left empty.
Where am I gonna sit, you think.
In a flash, Elvis sits down and pulls you onto his lap and you let out a yelp. Everyone at the table looks away trying not to stare at the scene he’s making and try not to make it uncomfortable for you. You squirm slightly as he has a tight grip on your hips.
“Guess you’ll have to sit with me,” he jokes and everyone around the table laughs with him. “Be a good girl and sit still,” he coos devilishly into your ear. Goosebumps form on your arms and you adjust one last time on his lap getting comfortable. His hand scrunches up the back of your dress and lifts it from underneath you so you’re no longer sitting it and pools loosely around your hips and down his leg.
You grab your place setting and put the cloth napkin over your lap. Your eyes wander and look at how Elvis is sitting; legs spread wide apart, almost straddling the chair and showing a sense of dominance and claim to the whole room. You; sitting on his right leg keeping your legs crossed and holding back the urge to grind on his big strong thigh right here and now. You feel the need for him grow inside you and feel your panties getting wet.
His cook served you and Elvis a plate and you start to nibble at the delicious food that was prepared. Elvis places his napkin on his left leg and picks up his fork and starts to eat too, never taking his hand off your hip. Everyone was carrying conversation around the table and you were trying to engage in each topic. Some of the guys would ask you questions and ask for your takes on things. They were all really nice and inviting and you didn’t feel as awkward as you thought being surrounded by a bunch of guys.
Halfway through eating, some of the table disperses leaving only a few left at the end of the table and you and Elvis at the front of it. Elvis places his hand on the inside of your thigh and uncrosses your legs, spreading your legs apart and then readjusting the napkin on your lap. You tense up as you can feel the heat coming off of him. You turn your head to look over at him accusingly.
“You remember what I taught you that first night with me? Of how to stay quiet? Let’s see if you remember,” he smirks.
You claw at his forearm, knowing you won’t be able to keep it together, especially in front of all these people.
“Please Elvis I can’t. Your daddy is right there, I can’t do this in front of all of them,” you whine softly. His lip curls into that classic devilish grin and shakes his head at you, “no baby, I wanna feel how bad you need me right here, right now,” he whispers.
It doesn’t take much for you to agree with him and you feel his hand make its way down to the hem of your dress and back up inside your upper thigh with the napkin covering his hand. You feel the rush of relief as he is making contact with your flesh. He rubs circles dangerously close to your core and you feel the rush of heat travel there. He loves to tease and watch as you hold your breath as his hands travel up closer to your pussy, then stop and run his hand back down your leg. His skillful fingers play with your lace panties which are getting more soaked by the second. Elvis places soft kisses on your earlobe making you sigh into him.
Finally, his fingers reach your clit and you almost jump out of the seat. He puts more pressure on your hip to still you and rubs your clit more, making your wetness seep through your panties. You take short, shallow breaths through your nose and use your fork to play with whatever food is left on your plate. You keep your head down to keep anyone from seeing how flustered you’re becoming.
His fingers push aside your lace panties and your sopping wet folds devour his finger. He breathes in sharply when he feels how much wetness has collected there. He goes in for a kiss on your earlobe and he moans.
“Feeling so good baby. Stay nice and wet for me and I’ll give you all of this,” he motions to the napkin placed on his leg. He slides it down and there you see the hard imprint of his cock running down his leg. You grip his arm tighter and your core clenches at the thought of having him.
He then slips his long finger deep inside your weeping core and you let out a slow sigh. You needed him more than you thought, this amount of attention is pulling you to the edge. He pumps and curls his finger inside you with the smallest motions but nevertheless drives you absolutely wild. You have to swallow the moans you want to make for him and try not to move your hips.
Suddenly, he slips another finger inside you and you gasp and cover it up with a small cough as though you were clearing your throat. He continues to curl and prod inside your wet heat leading you to the point of no return.
You turn your body to him as though you’re going to hug him and claw at his back. You press your face against his and whisper in his ear, “honey, I-I-I can’t do this. I need you right now.” You plead fiercely.
Elvis gives you a soft kiss on your ear and hums lightly, “mmm good baby. Fall apart for me right here then,” he tantalizes.
He pushes right on your G-spot and your whole body tenses. He keeps curling and putting more pressure on your spot that’s going to send you flying and you press your lips together as tight as you can so you don’t let out the scream you’re holding back. Your coil in your belly snaps and your walls squeeze his fingers. He sighs and keeps his motions at a vigorous pace and keeps you coming.
You place your hand on the length of him and give it a light squeeze as you’re riding out your orgasm.
Your wetness leaks out of you and onto his leg. He gasps and you lightly rock your hips forward. Every time he curled and pushed up into you, more liquid came out and tears began to form in your eyes.
Your hand starts to rub his cock in need and frustration. You need him to let you buck wild on him and get this insatiable need for him to be fulfilled. Your body buzzed and felt like it was floating through space. He tucks your hair behind your ear and kisses your cheek softly and tenderly.
“Fuck did so good baby. But you’ve made an absolute mess on me. I don’t know how we’re going to get up without some questioning stares…” he trails off looking down and removing the napkin on your lap to show the slick mess staining his black pants.
Your brain races and tries to think of any possible ways to get out of here and upstairs.
You glance over the table and finally realize what you have to do. You grab your glass of water and go in to take a sip. You suddenly lose grip on it and let it slip out of your hands and onto both of your laps. You both gasp and everyone looks over in your direction and stares with concern in their eyes.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry. The glass slipped I’m sorry for the mess,” you look at Elvis innocently.
The fire in his eyes ignite and he clenched his jaw and gives you a small smirk. You found the perfect exit strategy.
“Excuse us,” he says shortly.
Without saying anything else, he picks you up off his lap and is storming out of the dining room, dragging you behind him. You try to keep up with his long legs and reach the doors to the bedroom. He pulls you into the room sharply and closes the doors with force and locks the top bolt of the door.
He turns around and the flame in his eyes is palpable. You stand there motionless, heart racing out of your chest, and waiting for his next move.
“That was a clever move little girl,” he hisses. “You’re just that eager to have that pussy of yours ruined hmm?”
You bite your lips and shake your head at him.
“I mean, I could have just left you sitting there wet. I think my plan worked perfectly,” you say obstinately.
His jaw clenches and makes his way to you in slow deliberate strides, staring at you with the most spellbinding look. The stillness of the room puts you that much more on edge. The only thing you can hear is the sound of your short breaths and his. The closeness of him makes you feel on fire and you ache for him.
You place your hand on his crotch, putting pressure there as you hold onto his heavy balls then drag your hand slowly down his length.
“Make me yours again, please. Anyway, you want to,” you plead into his chest, kissing the skin that is exposed from his button-up shirt.
“Mmm, look at you just begging for it my poor baby,” he pauses, “we’re gonna try something new today.” He says, his voice low and controlled. You freeze and feel a rush of nerves run through your body.
“Oh? Like what?” You ask inquisitively.
“You’ll see soon enough. Get undressed,” he commands.
You slowly slide the straps off your shoulders and pull the dress down off your breasts, shimmying it off the rest of your body. You hook your thumbs on the sides of your panties and turn around, bending over as you take them off your body. You hear Elvis moan and you turn back around to face him.
“Good, listening so far. Get in the middle of the bed now and wait for me,” he says sternly.
You nod your head and crawl over to the middle of the bed and watch as he gets undressed as well. You can’t help but stare at his perfect body and wonder what he has planned. He goes around to the side of the bed and reaches into the nightstand.
You hear the clanking of metal and look over and see Elvis showcasing a pair of handcuffs dangling from his two fingers. Your eyes grow wide and you look at him bewildered.
“I’ve been wanting to try these on you. Do you think you can be completely submissive to me? Are you okay with letting me fuck you how I’ve been dying to? Make you all mine,” he growls. You nod your head in agreement, wanting nothing more than for him to have his way with you. Your body feels on anxious, almost like the very first night you both got together. In reality, you have no idea what to expect and will be completely at his beck and call again.
He closes one of the handcuffs over your wrist, making it snug but not too tight where it’s uncomfortable. In the headboard of his bed, behind some of the pillows, there’s a thick fabric loop attached to it. He feeds through the other side of the handcuff and attaches the other cuff to your wrist. You involuntarily wiggle once you hear the ratcheting noise and realize you are completely at his mercy, more than you ever have been.
He gets on the bed and gets between your trembling legs. He then spreads them open and rubs your wetness with his thumb, moaning when he feels how much has pooled there. Suddenly he pulls your legs on top of his shoulders with a grunt and you gasp.
He looks down at you hungry as you watch him spit in his hand and coat his member in his slick.
Oh fuck…
He moves his hand a few times on his cock and lines himself up with your entrance.
“I’ve been dreaming about taking you like this,” he growls through his teeth and pushes his length all the way inside you, making you cry out.
Your body is starved for him but wasn’t ready to have him take you like this. Pain and pleasure seers through your body as he takes you hard and fast. His hips plow into you causing you to moan with each thrust. Both of your hands ball into fists and desperately wish you could run your fingernails down his back.
“You better be quiet honey or the whole house is going to hear what a whore you’re being,” he groans in your ear, swiveling his hips into you hitting the most sensitive spot deep inside you.
“Ah, Elvis!” You cry out.
“Sshhh…” he says as he pushes two of his fingers inside your mouth, muffling your moans and cries.
“Suck on them like I taught you,” he bellows.
You squeeze your eyes shut and swirl your tongue around his long fingers and suck, causing a satisfied moan from him.
He places his forearm around the tops of your thighs and uses that as leverage as he continues to fuck you. Your moans escape your mouth and beg for him to keep going. He places his free hand on the loop holding the cuffs and you stare up at him, looking so powerful, so focused on giving you the most amount of pleasure you can handle.
Not having any control kills you, but you can’t help but love the way he’s taking you. It felt like he was trying to make up for lost time and prove to you how much he missed you.
The way your bodies move together, makes it feel like you two are made for each other. He knows all the ways to get the most pleasure out of you and make you feel like you’re on a cloud. You feel that all too familiar feeling of your impending orgasm. He sees it in your eyes as he stuffs you to the hilt with his cock.
“Cum for me,” he smirks.
Your reach for Elvis’ wrist as you feel your body give into his.
Your orgasm rips through you and cry out for him, not caring who is going to hear. He moans with you as you tightly squeeze on his length. His movements start to get drastically more wild and out of control and based on the sounds that he’s making, he’s ready to come too.
“I’m gonna make you all mine again honey, just like you wanted,” he says through his teeth.
You beg for him and your eyes roll in the back of your head.
You feel him pulse inside you, coating your walks with his thick seed. He grabs a fist full of your hair and plows his hips into you with long, gliding strokes, claiming you from the inside.
Your eyes well up with tears, so overstimulated by all of the events of the day, you finally got your release and your body tingles because of it.
He pulls out of you with a grunt and takes your legs off his shoulders. He showers your body in kisses, pressing his lips on every inch of your weak body.
“Fuck I missed you,” he whispers in your neck. You push your neck into his lips and hum in agreement. He reaches over to the nightstand and picks up the little cuff key and unlocks them, freeing your sore wrists.
Your arms feel weak from the lack of blood flow and you roll your wrists around a few times to get the feeling back in them.
“I missed you too,” you say as you cling to his shoulders.
“I hope that was worth the wait,” he says cutely.
“Mmm, you have no idea.”
Tagging 🖤 : @powerofelvis @plasticfantasticlover @burninlovebutler @kendralavon7 @ab4eva @cryingabtab @peaceloveelvis @returntoelvis @woundmetender @thatbanditqueen @kaitaesupremacy @18lkpeters
@lookingforrainbows @presleysdarling @marriedtopresley @missmaywemeetagain @literally-just-elvis-fics @flwrs4aust @prayerstopresley @kiankiwi @elvisbf @austinswhitewolf @tkappi @thatgirlarabella @arianatheangel-girl @myradiaz @homer1960 @waiting4brucewayne2adoptme @cinnamonandmercury @ohjustpeachy @presleyenterprise @elvispresleygf @eliseinmemphis @j-v-9-2 @sillybookmarks @sournatromanoff @elvispresleyxoxo @presleysdarling @generoustreemystic
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midnight-pluto · 7 months
XIAO — headcanons
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high school au headcanons
CHAR: xiao, mentioned!zhongli
PAIRING(S): none
A/N: recent event got me back in my xiao lover era
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a senior that always gets mistaken as a freshman </3 sophomore at best
got adopted by the sophomores and juniors back in freshman year and hung out with them predominantly until they all graduated leaving him behind to suffer
has gotten into fights before cuz man indirectly pisses people off - won all of them since he knows when he can’t take someone on - man’s a short king
him and the other boys in the friend group jumped a few people for making negative remarks about the girls
the kid always in the back that’s in their own world and that you’re 90% sure is on something half the time
surprisingly amazing in group projects - always gets his assigned work done days before the set deadline
not necessarily sporty but when it comes to gym and picking teams he’s normally picked first due to how he’s unintentionally a menace how fast he is
plays the flute and is in art club
however he always got frustrated because of whenever they were supposed to work with paint or clay it always ended up on his clothes
wears artist gloves all the time which shows off his black nails with his ring fingers painted teal
has the most stable hands ever known to man - there’s a reason why his iconic eyeliner’s always on fleek
wears headphones instead of earbuds
got made fun of for being short in middle school so he wears shoes with platforms
good luck finding this man in something that isn’t black or silver jewelry - the most will be accents of teal
speaking of teal, he dyed it himself bleach and all.
sometimes gets asked what his haircut is called and he always freezes up and doesn’t know what to say so they all assume he’s gatekeeping which he isn’t - he just took a pair of scissors in the middle of the night and chopped some of his hair off
bro’s accessory collection is lowkey astounding - rings, chains, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, hair clips - which leads for him to be ostracized from most boys at school; them claiming he wasn’t “masculine” enough leading him to feel even more out of place than he already does
girls love him but are soon put off by his lack of social skills
teachers love him for how chill and mellowed out he is but some despise him for how little he’s willing to work with others and how little he participates in class
isn’t doing the greatest in the league of social ladders
frequents the guidance counselor’s office which so happens to be his legal guardian - zhongli - for anger management
has naturally sharp canines
has the potential to get all A’s but sticks to B’s since he has barely any respect for the school system and doesn’t see the need to put in his full effort
but then again most of his classes are AP so-
writes really small and just slightly messy
doodles in the margins of assignments and notes are so real for him - mainly consisting of flowers, anatomy of skulls, and spiderwebs in every corner
bro’s tatted 100%
sometimes when he wears sleeveless tops and his zip-up hoodie you can manage to spot a glimpse of his arm tattoos if you’re lucky
his backpack for the first semester is horrendously messy and has a singular mechanical pencil along with crumpled paper, a pristine sketchbook, and the rest of his classes textbooks
the second semester however he’s got everything in there - gum, highlighters, multiple pencils, sticky notes, hand sanitizer, fake hall passes, lotion, and backup jewelry
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A/N: guaranteed on his banner but getting his weapon will be the death of me 😭
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when-wax-wings-melt · 11 months
Roisin’s Reading Rumble: Round 1 @camelspit @arson-anarchy-death
(note: I used ebooks, not all of them exactly legal, so i don’t have exact page numbers for some of these quotes. You can have the books instead)
Final wordcount: 3k (out of a total 5.5k on the google doc, the rest of them being my outline and notes)
As Fitz considers this, he decides that it is unacceptable, and Alvar must be faking. By accepting that Alvar’s violence comes in any part from his environment, he is acknowledging that he might be blamed—and be capable of the same.
Childhood Dynamic
Alvar turned to the group and whispered, “Fitz is a cuddler.” (Neverseen 576)
Fitz and Alvar have around a fifteen year age gap, with Fitz being around 16 during the books while Alvar is in his early 30s. They were never that close, but still act and joke like siblings.
They mention shared interests in sports, experiences such as Alvar’s pet raptor peeing on Fitz’s hand, and constant family dinners that keep them in close contact. The Vackers place strong emphasis on family love and loyalty, and it shows in the way Fitz looks up to his brother. This makes what comes later all the more heartbreaking.
The Importance of Appearances
Same wavy hair, same square jaw—but he had Della’s pale eyes. He was also ridiculously good looking, but he clearly worked hard to look good. (KOTlC)
“The more you look like you belong, the more likely someone will believe you if they spot you.” (Neverseen 588)
The typical Vacker appearance (as in, the five Vackers we are more acquainted with) fits Fitz like a glove. Features such as dark brown hair, pale or tan skin, American-beauty-standard thin, and the iconic teal eyes fit the Vacker narrative, with the caveat that all of it has to be effortless. A Vacker is naturally perfect, uniquely beautiful, and genetically powerful.
Alvar, despite having pale skin and dark hair, doesn’t fit into the Vacker image for two reasons: his cobalt eyes inherited from his mother, and the effort he puts into his appearance. Sophie consistently notes that he pays special effort into working out at the gym to maintain muscle, gelling his hair, and tailoring his clothes to perfection.
Probably, Alvar doesn’t feel like he fits in. He has to work to catch up to what Fitz naturally has. He’s an outsider in his own family, watching someone else take his place as the best without even trying.
Success (Alden)
Alvar wins the Radiant award, the highest achievement one can reach from Foxfire. He has Della place it on the mantle to encourage Biana and Fitz to succeed. Fitz, who has always reached for the best grades and scores, always winning every splotching match, no doubt expected to earn it. Alvar’s pride in himself at receiving the Radiant shows his arrogance and his need for success, as well as his willingness to brag about his achievements to his siblings.
Fitz manifests as the youngest Telepath ever, and certainly one of the most powerful. Alvar, on the other hand, is a fairly average Vanisher—when Biana manifests, Della comments that “Alvar took days until he could vanish completely, and he was a year older than you when he manifested." (Everblaze). Biana’s natural talent at Vanishing reinforces the Vacker talent, which seems to skip over Alvar. As Fitz continues to grow in his talent, Alvar continues to remain average, continuously working to reach what Fitz naturally has.
It seems that Alvar went to live with the ogres for a long time—perhaps to get away from home, but more likely as a diplomatic mission on the behalf of Fintan to get Dimitar on their side. Still, he was involved with the Council and was allowed to know classified information, which he often discusses with Alden along with the Black Swan information. Fitz, though, was close to Alden without being a diplomat, without being involved with the Council. Being such a powerful Telepath meant that he automatically had an “in” with their father that Alvar resented. Despite looking up to Alvar the most, Fitz expected it to be his father he looked to; he places weight in his father's opinion, and Alvar must have too.
Looking for Sophie
Alvar was the first one to look for Sophie, but Fitz soon took over. Alvar’s failure led to two waves of disappointment: one from the Neverseen, and the other from Alden. Imagine his resentment when Fitz did find Sophie! He succeeded, he failed. This remains a trend.
Alvar’s Intro
“Halfway through the feast of epic proportions, a dark-haired guy rushed into the room and sank into an empty chair. He was a Vanisher, blinking in and out of sight with every step.” (KOTLC, 199)
At a dinner to celebrate the end of midterms, Alvar shows up late. Sophie mentions that she didn’t know there was another brother, and he comments sarcastically that his family must talk about him a lot. To be fair, at this point, she barely speaks to Fitz, and this was one of the first times with Biana—but no one has mentioned Alvar. And he seems to expect it.
Fitz and Alvar never speak at this dinner. We don’t see them actually interact on page until Exile, when Alden’s mind breaks.
Did you know that Alvar went to your planting in the Wanderling Woods? After he’d drugged you and tied you up and staged the cave to make everyone think you’d drowned? Then he stood there with his hand on my shoulder and offered to let me borrow his stupid handkerchief. (Lodestar 66)
Alvar aids in the kidnapping of Sophie and Dex. He goes home in between torture sessions and comforts Fitz, Biana, and his parents. Fitz welcomes the comfort—his typically absent brother is here for once, here to make things better. It doesn’t matter that he’s not grieving like the rest of them because he didn’t know Sophie like that, anyway. 
All the comfort, all the handkerchiefs and hands-on-shoulders and sorries make it all worse, later. When Fitz has to look back and realize that none of what Alvar said was real, and he was actively lying and hurting them. Perhaps if he had been a little smarter, Fitz thinks, he would have discovered the lies before putting Sophie and Dex through all that.
Alden’s Break (not in a vacation kinda way)
“I think that’s enough, little brother,” Alvar said, appearing in the room. (Exile, 717)
When Alden’s mind breaks, Fitz loses it at the world. But he doesn’t lose it at his family: Biana, Della, and Alvar are the only people exempt from his anger. The sides become Fitz against Sophie, and everyone is forced on either one. Notably, Alvar chooses Sophie, and Biana chooses Fitz. 
During the initial break, when they need to know what happens, Alvar tries to prevent Fitz from searching Alden’s mind, and instead urges Sophie to. Alvar, as Fitz’s hero, doesn’t believe in his capabilities over this new girl. Fitz wants to be the strongest, and to save his father—Alvar does not believe in him. The worst part is that he’s right: Fitz’s mind is lost, and Sophie needs to save him. When she realizes Alden’s mind is broken, she steadies herself on Alvar’s arm, not Fitz.
It’s Fitz versus Sophie, but Alvar’s fighting more than she is. Alvar continuously bridges the gap between Sophie and Fitz. Later, he will BE that gap. On the other side is Biana: she chooses Fitz over Sophie, but also Fitz over Alvar. Alvar is the one to tell her Alden’s mind breaks, and Fitz reminds her to hate Sophie. Biana as the tug-of-war rope remains a constant in Fitz and Alvar’s relationship (more on this later).
When Fitz eventually apologizes to Sophie, he is confused as to why she isn’t mad at him. Throughout the upcoming books, he doesn’t believe her when she says he’s forgiven. He knows how to hold grudges, and he doesn’t understand why someone wouldn’t hold them.
It remains worth mentioning that Fitz only forgives Sophie when what he blamed her for will be fixed. He apologizes before Alden is healed, but most likely if she’d failed he would have held a grudge, if a small one. Additionally, if the possibility of Alden’s healing had never been brought up, quite possibly he would not have snapped out of it until it was too late to salvage their relationship. Alvar’s betrayal is something that can never be fixed— even when Alvar loses his memory, getting a “redo” isn’t possible when Fitz can never forgive him, because time cannot be turned back.
Fitz’s Hero
Person you look up to? she asked him. / Alvar’s face popped up in his mind. (Neverseen, 154)
Fitz says that he would have thought the person he looked up to the most would be his father. But that wasn’t the case. It’s a little ironic: Fitz thinks Alvar is just the coolest thing since sliced bread, and meanwhile Alvar is in fact actively working towards his downfall.
Alvar’s Betrayal
“You really wouldn’t understand,” Alvar snapped. “You’re the Golden Son. I had to find people who appreciate my talents.” (Neverseen 620)
What more is there to say? Alvar is forced by Fintan into the reveal that he’s been working for the Neverseen this whole time. Brant’s comment that he overestimated Alvar’s abilities since he allowed Sophie to get away as The Boy Who Disappeared is answered with defensiveness by Alvar. Even when all is out in the open, he still has things to prove. “You want to compare mistakes?” Alvar asks, and Fitz and Biana back away.
This is the moment of the breaking. Fitz’s trust fractures, to be shattered fully later (see: Fitz vs Keefe vs Alvar). He is damaged beyond repair. Betrayal becomes second nature. His loyalty is proven misplaced: the man he looked up to most, the brother who teased him, the family he’d leaned on and asked for favors and trusted with his tears and heart, hated him the whole time.
Alvar’s motivation was based around Fitz. The Golden Son.
This is the Snap.
“No,” Della whispered. “He wouldn’t…” / “Oh, he would.” Fitz’s voice was black ice.” (Neverseen)
Alvar’s mind was not broken by the violence he committed. Unlike Brant, Fintan, Umber, or even Gisela, he was perfectly capable of maintaining a life full of who he’d been before joining. Confirmation that he was aware and possibly present for the kidnappings, aided in the attempted genocide of the gnomes, burned human cities, and committed many other atrocities just raises questions about how guilt affects elves in the first place.
Or, one could draw the conclusion that he just didn’t care.
Fitz now knows that all of Alvar’s absences, comforting shoulder pats, and jokes were made while fighting against the Black Swan, and specifically Sophie. He also knows that his, Biana, and Della’s joining of the Black Swan would not have made any difference. Alvar was perfectly prepared to continue being a double agent against his family, even when it could catch them in the crossfire.
Alvar’s Amnesia
Fitz leaned closer, getting right in his face. “If you were actually sorry, you’d volunteer to spend the rest of your life in that horrible cell. Same goes for if you really wanted to make sure you never hurt anyone again. But you don’t care. All you care about is yourself. And that’s how I know that even if you don’t recover your memories, someday you’ll go back to being that same creepy murderer.” (Flashback)
As Alvar is remade into a version of himself that never was weighted with expectations or resentments, he brings in the ancient debate of nature vs nurture.
The natural, reborn version of Alvar is kind, polite, respectful, and entirely not evil. He possesses no ulterior motive, no instinct to cruelty, and no interest in violence. He is, in essence, proof that his environment is the reason he turned out the way he did.
Whether it was the influence of his parent’s expectations, Fitz’s overachievement, Alvar’s isolation, the discovery of the troll hive (or whatever else could be the “Vacker Legacy”) or the Neverseen’s persuasive abilities, Alvar was not “fated” to be a part of the villains.
As Fitz considers this, he decides that it is unacceptable, and Alvar must be faking. By accepting that Alvar’s violence comes in any part from his environment, he is acknowledging that he might be blamed—and be capable of the same.
Fitz’s Violence
“Nothing!” Alvar promised, and the red streaming from his nose glinted in the moonlight as he lifted his head and his wild eyes met Sophie’s. “Please—I don’t know what you’re talking about!” / Fitz punched him again, hitting Alvar in the mouth with a horrible crunch. (Flashback)
Speaking of being capable of the same—Fitz absolutely is. He could have—would have—killed Alvar. 
Alvar’s missing memory doesn’t change Fitz’s anger towards his brother—in fact, it serves to intensify some of that fury with the knowledge that even after everything Alvar has done, he will still be trusted and loved over Fitz. Their tug of war, their endless push to be the best and most perfect Vacker breaks everything between them—and it breaks them. In his terror that Alvar has infected him, Fitz loses himself in punishing his brother.
He layers all that has happened to ruin his life (since he can’t exactly blame Sophie) onto his brother’s shoulders and attacks that. Guilt doesn’t factor into it—it plays into the idea that Fitz and Alvar are different from all the others, since guilt doesn’t affect them. Alden’s mind broke from something that was his fault but long-passed, while Fitz and Alvar can physically hurt and bleed each other with no mental effects (that we see—personally, exploring the possibility of either of their broken minds that just doesn’t show externally is fascinating).
If Alvar’s betrayal was the fracture, and Keefe’s betrayal was the break, then this is a demolition. Fitz will destroy himself to destroy Alvar—he slices his knuckles and doesn’t notice in the violence. Their blood blends together, and it’s the same.
Alvar’s “Death”
Fitz swallowed hard, blinking several times before he turned to Sophie, his eyes absolutely unreadable. “Is it wrong that I’m not sorry?” (Flashback)
He stops pushing buttons. He’s not sorry about it. His mind doesn’t break. He doesn’t lose sleep. 
“Life is a series of hard choices.” is what Sophie tells him. It’s the only way she knows how to comfort him, but the truth is, it was never a hard choice. He always knew that it would end that way, because an end by any other hand was unacceptable. He would believe it was done right if he hadn’t been the one to do it. That’s the point: that it’s the two of them who can’t live with each other. They crowd out each other’s space, steal each other’s air.
Part Four: EXTRA
What makes Biana Different?
“You want to talk about my family?” he snapped, his features angling into hard lines. “And I don’t mean the brother who would’ve been happy to murder me about ten minutes ago—though that was eye-opening. And I don’t mean the sister who would’ve stood by and let him do it while shedding a few pretty tears, either. I don’t even mean the parents who’ve only been so supportive recently because they know they all but phased me out of their lives the moment they chose to have more children. (Flashback)
So, the question: why does Alvar hate Fitz, but his “eyes soften” when looking at Biana?
When Alvar betrays them, Biana is much more sympathetic than Fitz—but that’s a low bar. She does not actively hurt him, and believes his lost memory. Biana reacts to Alvar’s loss with just as much betrayal as Fitz, commenting that she had seen Alvar sneaking away in the past and never thought to wonder where he was going. She keeps herself from missing him by reminding herself how often she’s caught her parents crying in the weeks since he’s left. She seems more open to a fresh start (seen as an utter betrayal by Fitz, of course). But at the same time… she would have watched Fitz kill Alvar with that knife. 
Really, no one talks about how Biana also stopped pushing buttons.
In fact, most likely Biana and Alvar were not as close as Fitz and Alvar. Alvar left for the Elite Levels only a few years (two or three) after Biana was born, and Fitz mentioned that he’s lucky to see him twice a year. Biana manifested as a Vanisher (common ground) only recently.
During the first betrayal, Alvar looks at Biana, and that is when he brings up the Vacker Legacy. Clearly, she is an acceptable part of it. Clearly, Fitz is not. For some reason, even though Biana manifested before them both AND manifested as a Vanisher, is very powerful and also friends with Sophie, she is not the threat. SHE did not take anything. SHE is not a copy of him.
Alvar's grudge only extends to Biana after she chooses Fitz. But Fitz was plenty mad at her for choosing Alvar in his mind; they present a spectrum that is "with them" or "against them" and they can't find a grey area. If Sophie accidentally lets Alvar go—she's chosen her side. If Biana is sympathetic—she's lost too.
Remember Biana as a rope in tug of war. In Nightfall, they find Biana in a pool of her own blood, cut up by shards of mirrors. She is invisible in them, and they scar her with what can never disappear. Soon after, they find Alvar, also scarred by who he has become. Fitz, now, is an outlier from his siblings: his physical scars are more internal, with his heart controlling the pain in his leg.
Fitz vs Keefe vs Alvar
Are you angry? she asked. I know you are at Alvar—and I’m with you on that. But are you sure that’s what you’re feeling toward Keefe? (...) That was Alvar. You can’t keep lumping him together with Keefe. Your brother is… I don’t even know. I don’t understand why he would turn his back on his family, or do such unimaginably awful things. (Lodestar 64)
Let’s talk about how Fitz’s emotions aren’t allowed to be complex about Alvar. He betrayed them and that’s that. But Keefe did too. Why can’t he be angry at both? Why can’t he love and miss both, too?
Alvar was Keefe’s hero. He was rebellious, wild, but also loved. He had a family and then threw it all away, and this is something Keefe could never understand. But despite not understanding it, he still copies him and joins the Neverseen. Alvar says that he always liked Keefe more than his actual little brother, and Keefe consistently reminds himself that Alvar likes him, would never hurt him, actively roots for him.
But Fitz knew both of them in other ways. He knows the loving and the breaking. He forgave Keefe. He said he forgave Keefe. But really, he would never be able to—because he has pushed the two of them together in his head until Keefe is a reminder of Alvar all the time. As long as he is a reminder, Fitz can never forgive him, and they can never go back—Fitz is the bridge between the two of them, but Keefe is also a bridge. He is a fractured one, one that Fitz resists crossing as best he can.
Basically: they hate each other because they ARE each other. Constant expectation and pressure from childhood have molded them into who they are today. Mirror symbolism works so perfectly for a reason.
They treat those around them like they're in a war and need to choose sides or be marked as deserters. Sophie, Biana, Keefe, Alden, Della, and all their other friends are forced into this war unwillingly. They don't even know what they're fighting.
Fitz and Alvar, truly, don't know what they're fighting anymore. They just keep on punching.
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candyredmusings · 1 year
Mike’s Mic Appropriately Unhinged Recap Of Pretty Little Liars Sentence Starters.
I love this video series and I have nothing else to say for myself. May update more in time as I rewatch these videos. Feel free to change pronouns/whatever you need!
I need a cross. Where’s my crosses?
The girls are truly dropping like flies in this town.
[NAME] was addicted to speed.
[NAME] .... is gay!
[NAME] slept with her teacher.
[FULL NAME]. Felon. Felon. Felon. Jail. Prison.
The more layers you scratch the more issues there are so we’re not gonna scratch!
[FULL NAME] is not seeing heaven and I’ll make sure of it.
What were their names again? Glizzy. Slime Girl. Blob. And Eminem. 
Let me wear one other item of clothing, [NAME]!
[NAME] is very nice and gets along with everyone, so it’s not looking good for her ‘staying alive’ wise.
His irrelevance astounds me.
The way [NAME] was in the trenches with these crusty wigs.
[NAME] is getting increasingly shitty.
He’s largely a cringe flop.
This man is crusty I’m going to tear him a new one.
Look if you take away all the horrible, rude shit she says ... She’s an icon
Look, if I’m being honest ... That’s my bestie and she did nothing wrong. She was justified in everything that she did.
That’s my bestie and she did nothing wrong. She was justified in everything that she did.
She was justified in everything that she did.
It’s so ridiculous but it’s also just so fun if you ignore how dumb it is.
Let me move my bangs so I can read this properly.
Remember the boner phone?
Call off your techno-boytoy.
Call off your techno-boytoy or I’ll call the cops.
Someone needs to go to jail for this wig.
[NAME] minimized her slay.
Be your own techno-boytoy.
I know you wanna kisth me.
The person who has the stick gets to talk, and since I have the stick that means no more talking from you.
Why would I do this? Reason one is BECAUSE I WANT TOO!
As I was doing this and spending ridiculous amounts of hours on this and I was not getting bored I was like ‘I think something’s wrong.’
What happened here? We’ve had a casualty!
We’ve had a casualty!
If I say things like, ‘[NAME] you’re not seeing heaven’ ... It’s a joke!
[NAME] invented homophobia.
I’m doing you a public service. Slay!
Babe, just google it.
[NAME] felon of the century!
[NAME]! That’s my bestie right there!
[NAME] ... Truly a menace of the millennia.
Who plays lacrosse? 
[NAME], the crust lord of the millennium. 
[NAME]’s key traits are ‘fashionable, popular, and blonde.’
These girls love to sh-teal.
Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous girls love SOUP.
*Coughs* liar. *Coughs* felon.
Call the ‘yass’ police!
Whoa, babe, we literally just met, and you’re already kissing me on the cheek?
This girlboss right here is the messiest. 
Put the blazers down!
*Sighs* This man ...
[NAME] is dating a crusty named [NAME].
[FIRST AND LAST NAME], key words is ‘rich’ ‘asshole’ ... But also a little bit slay.
She hates [NAME] because she’s underage and poor.
[NAME] can’t fight all three of these girlbosses.
You’re going to be SOO gooped and gagged, this isn’t even the start of it!
You’re going to be SOO gooped and gagged!
This crusty ass wig.
The hair looks like shit!
Crusty wigs is a key part of [NAME]’s personality.
[NAME] has came back from Weed Rehab camp.
Our girlboss [NAME] has done some digging.
She sleeps in eyeliner. She practically has eyeliner tattooed onto her eyelids.
I do not condone this buffoonery. 
We’re not gonna find out anytime soon-- FORGEDABOUTIT.
Girl ... You hit her with a car!
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inksandpensblog · 1 year
What Makes "Purple's Last Stand" and "Realizations" Work: another episode 30 essay
I want to talk about these scenes, too. I tend to group them together as one scene, in my head, and honestly the first blends into the second so well that they could be taken as just one scene.
“Realizations” has gotten some flak, with people citing the episode’s pacing problems as being especially egregious within this scene. It’s been said that Mango’s sudden change in attitude isn’t believable, given his behavior up until that point. But while I do agree that the pacing of "Realizations" (and the elements of "Purple's Last Stand" that lead into it) are very rapid-fire and can be easy to miss, I myself believe that these combined scenes do address everything they need to in order to set up Mango’s change of heart in a believable way.
Before getting into that, though, I need to talk about “Purple’s Last Stand," and how it succeeds at the element that “Dreams and Reconciliations” (the hug scene) failed in: getting into Purple’s head.
-- Like, I'm not even joking about how much better this scene is at giving us a peek into Purple's headspace, despite lacking the literal, visual peek into Purple's headspace that “Dreams and Reconciliations” attempts to offer. And ironically, I think the element that makes this scene is the same element that breaks the moment in the hug scene: it's the music.
This season was the season for leitmotifs. The warden, the monster school students, and the fighting villagers/titan ravagers all got their own leitmotifs. It's more subtle, but Mango got his own leitmotif as well: several times in episodes after Ultimate Weapon, the opening run of Pigstep is used in scenes involving him. (It's most noticeable in The Warden, between when he emerges from the bastion and when Orange and the warden land in front of him, in The King, when he turns and starts choking the teal-colored stick, and again in The King, right before he tears the page about the Minecraft game icon out of the book.)
Note Block Universe seemed to go a different direction with musical cues for Green and Purple, associating them with specific instruments rather than specific melodies. But then episode 30 pulls a double-jump and does both.
This scene begins with Green reaching out as Purple steps forward to face Mango, and though no notes appear above his head we can very clearly hear his clarinet, in the same cadence he used when calling to Purple across the badlands river. This immediately tells us that whatever’s about to happen next is going to relate to Purple’s arc from the previous episode, even though Green is the one who just got a musical cue.
Unlike in Note Block Battle, Purple momentarily pauses when he hears Green trying to reach out to him. But Green isn’t trying to get him to stop fleeing, this time. This time, Green is trying to stop him from putting himself in danger. To tell him that he doesn’t have to do what he’s about to do.
But Purple turns, and continues on to face Mango anyway. Because he’s not doing this because someone else made him think he has to, he’s not doing this because anyone else wants him to, he’s not doing this because someone else told him it’s right. He’s doing it because he thinks it’s right, and because he wants to. And he’s doing it with faith that Green will accept him, whether he proceeds or not, whether he succeeds or not.
And then he’s caught in the blast, struggling to reach his goal alone, and we hear the beautiful violin melody of his solo reprised. He’s once again fighting so hard against impossibly stacked odds, but it’s no longer in pursuit of becoming what others want him to be, no longer in effort to deliver what others want from him. It’s, finally, his own fight.
This simple choice in the composition of the soundtrack situates us to perfectly grasp Purple’s headspace, during this moment, and maintains our grasp on it even as the visuals of Mango’s flashback begin to pull the focus of the scene back into his perspective. It links their respective character journeys together perfectly, without having either overshadow the other.
Now, before getting into “Realizations,” I need to talk about the areas in which these two scenes blend together.
Okay, so when the color gang is down, Purple steps up to face Mango on their behalf. He's already spent the episode up to this point fighting alongside our heroes, rather than against them like last time, but this is the moment when that starts to feel earned. Why?
Because in the context of Purple's character arc, this moment is basically the culmination of his journey from the previous episode.
This is him having faith in Green's notion that he should cast aside the idea that he needs to earn anyone's approval and instead act for himself and what he thinks is right. He was taught the lesson last episode, and now in this episode he's building on that lesson learned, actually putting it into practice through his actions and by his own choice, without influence from anyone else. He's trying out the new mindset, and acting on this new worldview.
And he's doing it when everyone else has been knocked down, and he knows they won't be able to catch him if he falls. That's how we know he's not just doing it because he wants the approval of the color gang.
But it's not enough to stop Mango. He fails.
...or does he?
He isn't able to reach Mango, true. The onslaught is too much for him to withstand, no matter how hard he tries. He gets blasted into particles for his efforts.
But then. Then Mango stops anyway.
Now, Mango's reasons for stopping have nothing to do with the intense character trial that Purple was just put through. Mango's reasons for stopping are entirely contained within his own character arc, just as Purple's reasons for persisting are entirely contained within his.
But let’s stop looking at the characters, for a moment, and look at the narrative instead.
The point of the last episode was to make Purple into someone we want to root for. The point of this episode was to make Mango into someone we want to root for. But we can't root for both of them, if they're against each other. If we want both of them to win, someone must change sides.
And for Purple, the fact that he's even doing this at all is a win, for him. Yes, he's on the side of our heroes now, but that's only half the reason; the other half is because him doing this is proof that he's growing, as a character. We want that win to be rewarded. We want his character growth to be rewarded.
In order for both characters to get what they need (not what they want, what they need), Mango has to be the one to change.
And then he does.
The narrative does reward Purple for his character growth. It rewards him with Mango's change of heart.
And thus, the audience is rewarded, too. We can root for both characters, now, because Purple persisted and he may not have defeated Mango but Mango is stopped nonetheless.
And now that we’ve seen both scenes from Purple’s side of things, lets return to Mango’s perspective.
So. Mango's flashback doesn't actually start with him seeing Apricot in Purple. In fact, it doesn't even start with Purple reminding him of Apricot.
It starts with a visual and auditory hallucination, in the form of the red warning light and the alarm sound.
The first thing he actually remembers is himself, trying to break down the door and get to Apricot. What he was doing, in that situation. Not what was happening to Apricot, though they are related.
He catches himself in the memory, and tries to shake it off. But now his concentration has been broken, and now he starts to actually see the similarities.
This is when he starts seeing Apricot in Purple.
But before that moment where his concentration breaks, it wasn't Purple that reminded him.
Because before anything else, before he's reminded of how Apricot strained against the pull, before he's reminded of Apricot glitching, his body corrupting and collapsing, before he's reminded of any of that...
Mango remembers what he was FEELING while it happened.
The alarm. The frantic need to act. The panic. The terror. The horror. The desperation. The helplessness. The agony.
Last time he felt those things, there was a lot of bright light, a lot of loud noise, a lot of red, and a smaller figure was struggling to reach him.
In short, Mango legitimately triggered his own post-traumatic flashback. The environment and circumstances had enough similarities that the memories of those old feelings resurfaced, just long enough to break his concentration.
It's only after he tries to shake the flashback off, and bring his mind back to the present, that he starts seeing Apricot in Purple. Even then, it starts with the most traumatic memory of Apricot, the memory that the current situation is most reminiscent of. Then, as Mango becomes more aware of what he's seeing, he starts expanding that connection across time, to the effect of realizing that those similarities had always been there and he's only just now seeing them.
And of course...if some part of you recognizes the situation you're in, then of course that part of you is going to do whatever it can to prevent what went wrong last time from going wrong again. Whatever it takes to protect you from having to suffer that loss and grief again. Because experience has taught you that that's what comes next, if you don't get to the smaller figure in time.
Mango was acting entirely on instinct and reflex, here. His body acting to protect his mind from having to undergo all that again.
It's as he runs, as he's taking the action that he couldn't last time, that his mind catches up, and begins asking all the same questions that we've been asking:
Is it enough, after how you've treated him? You never would've treated Apricot this way. What's become of you?
Because this isn't Apricot. This is the person he lied to, and lorded over, and abandoned.
But still. He knows he won't be able to handle the suffering, the loss, the grief, if it happens again.
I deeply appreciate that Apricot was never superimposed over Purple at all during “Purple’s Last Stand” or during “Realizations,” and that they just flipped back and forth between the past scene and the present one instead. The flipping back and forth makes it clear that Mango isn’t imagining this, it's not a trick his mind is playing on him (like the warning light/sound). He's actually recognizing the similarity consciously.
Mango didn’t start to see Apricot in Purple because of any one thing that Purple did. Mango started to see Apricot in Purple, because the situation he put Purple in bore enough resemblance to the situation he failed to get Apricot out of that Mango’s own trauma and unresolved grief drew the parallels for him.
And the reason I can believe his change of heart to be genuine, is that despite this stemming from a self-preservational desire to avoid reliving the same traumatic event, regardless of who the other person involved is…he does recognize the other person involved. He recognizes who he’s running after, and he keeps running anyway.
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duskforged · 4 months
Find Lines Tag Game
Tagged by the wonderful @mjjune.
rules: find a line in your wip (dialogue or not) that fits the parameters given by the person who tagged you. then change one of the parameters and tag people.
tagging: @mashuheartwrites @maple-writes @that-chibi-writer @somealienquill - plus anyone who sees this!
your lines: mentions weather; said as a joke; about prophecy; mentions friends/family; shows mood
All my excerpts are under the cut.
About Moonlight/Sunlight (Unto Summer Kings)
Moonlight panned over their skin, as a river stone, its color a pale teal, with dots freckled across the otherwise unbroken surface. Glowing honey eyes, like the many fireflies that surrounded them, watched them with an unabashed curiosity, and dark hair floated in the water behind them.
“Little ones,” they murmured. “How curious it is that you, of all, stumble across my pool.”
Their voice was jarring to her ears - many echoed over each other, both young and old, low and high, deep and soft. It made her want to grind her teeth, even as she avoided making eye contact, staring at one of their pointed ears. Arthur had no such compunctions, as it seemed, staring wide-eyed at the creature that had arose from the water.
2. Is Said In Anger (The Vespertine)
Heat stung at their eyes, at their heart. How could he have lied to them? He was- supposed… He was supposed to be their friend.
Aselhi looked up at Jos through their bleary vision, their heart pounding in their ears. Their tongue felt heavy as a rock in their mouth, their words leaden with poison as they spoke, “You lied.”
He flinched, coiling smaller into himself. A twinge of shame as he said, “I know- I’m sorry! I just-”
“Just what?” They asked, anger surging up over them in a tide. “Wanted to dance with some peasant just so you could go back home and laugh about it where I can’t see?” Heat transformed into a truly painful sting as burn manifested fully on their skin, wrapping over their flesh as lightning. They cursed and turned, slamming open the door to their little hut and stomping outside.
“Aselhi, wait!”
3. Mentions Texture (The Vespertine)
Cold stone sharpened their awareness as they knelt, clasping their hands and bowing their head. Their voice joined a dozen others’ as the congregation greeted the rising sun as a sister, and said farewell to the setting moon like a brother. A dozen voices raised in song, simultaneously praising the Oversoul’s wisdom, shed upon the dark chaos of the world through the sun’s light, and lamenting those lost to the darkness of night, guided only by the moon’s reflection.
They rose after the prayers, folding their hands under their arms as they prepared to head out into the bitter winter winds.
4. Shows Tension (Unto Summer Kings)
It was the smoke that awoke him, tainting his dreams of treesong with the acrid, choking scent. He shook Morgana awake beside him, and beside her, the twins. Lancelot jumped to his feet, kicking Percival, who jolted to sit up and brought Drystan with him. “Where is Guinevere?”
Owain asked, having smacked his head against the wall in his haste to stand. He helped Morvydd stand up, tucking her against his side.
“She’s still with her uncle,” Lancelot said, and then swore. “We need to get out of here. I’ll go find her. Arthur, with me. Drystan, take Morgana and find us weapons. Percival, go with the twins, go see if you can’t get us some horses.”
5. Mentions Hearts/Heartbeat (Lodestar)
There was a dainty little ping, startling them. As they calmed their racing heart, a glimmer appeared in the corner of their eye, their HUD making itself known. An icon unfurled itself from the taskbar, shimmering blue-teal, in the shape of a compass rose.
“Greetings, citizen Lieve Fuchs!” chimed a cheery, feminine voice. “I am LODESTAR AI unit 097. As of 1300 hours on solar day September 15, 2105 CE, your company, AsteroiDew Incorporated, has entered a contract-“
“I know.” Lieve said, with more bite in their tone than intended. The AI fell silent. “I’ve known for a solar month now that you’ve been coming.”
“My apologies,” said the AI, something like regret emerging in its voice. “I did not mean to offend. Shall I simply skip ahead to my functions, Citizen Fuchs?”
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sorrythatwasmean · 6 months
Lucille stood in the doorway of Bruce’s lab, holding up a black garment bag with a teal speaker icon on it. She was happy to visit her best friend again, her first time returning to him since her recovery. She brought the suit they made together for some repairs while she was here.
“I brought everything, and I can tell you what needs to be fixed up.”
She stepped inside the lab, a warm smile on her face usually reserved for him, and carefully laid the bag down on an empty table before leaning against it. Lucille crossed her arms, the thick metal bracelets that held her gauntlets inside them on her wrists.
"Hey, bring it over." He slid over in his wheeled office chair to the table she set the bag on and unzipped. He carefully laid the suit out. "Talk to me."
He started his own examination, but it good to confirm he wasn't missing anything. "How are the gauntlets working? I have ideas on those too once we fix the rest of this up."
He pulled up the holographic interface to retrieve his notes so she could reference them while they worked.
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Tumblr media
Welcome to my Animation VS fandom/ask sideblog! My name is Shace and I follow from @running2redemption! My pronouns are she/him!
I mostly write fics! And occasionally make quizzes! And very occasionally do bad art!
I accept in-character asks for ALL STICKS + HEROBRINE + MY OCS
I'm not an artist though, so most asks won't include art!
This is my masterpost of stuff that I made that I will update as I make it!
My OCs! - Mint (Green), Royal (Blue) and Aqua (Blue), as well as fankids Chestnut and Mahogany. The Minecraft Crew! - Teal, Indigo, Fern, and Sky King + verses
Main post - the main cast, regularly updated Alan and alexcrafter Some worldbuilding headcanons The Mercenaries
One Horrible Moment - Everything was working as it should. And that meant the boy would die. (A short blurb from the perspective of one of the workers at Booth 30 that day.) - (Tumblr) - (Ao3)
Formality - Striker was pretty sure this was actually yet another test from the enigmatic head of the Rocket Corporation. Inviting a bunch of mercenaries to dinner at the most expensive restaurant in Stick City could be nothing less than the ultimate test of his leadership abilities. -(Tumblr) - (Ao3)
Same - What was normal now? - (Tumblr) - (Ao3)
Home - The road home is paved with fire and brimstone. - (Tumblr) - (Ao3)
Playthings - Stick figures are made of two things: violence... and love. - (Tumblr) - (Ao3)
Amalgam - Flecks of Gold in a field of white. - (Tumblr) - (Ao3)
Mornings - ...are for mourning. - (Tumblr) - (Ao3)
Birthdays - Happy Birthday, King! - (Tumblr) - (Ao3)
Recording - This message will be saved for 7 days. - (Tumblr) - (Ao3)
Mourning - Flowers and funerals. - (Tumblr) - (Ao3)
Awaken - Reality is cruel. - (Tumblr) - (Ao3)
Illness - Caring comes in many forms. - (Tumblr) - (Ao3)
Interests - It's hard keeping track of them all - (Tumblr) - (Ao3)
Tired - There’s no rest for anyone, just moving on and on. - (Tumblr) - (Ao3)
Wonder - What if... - (Tumblr) - (Ao3)
Progress - It's going to get better; it has to. - (Tumblr) - (Ao3)
Sickness - Sometimes the caretaker needs care. - (Tumblr) - (Ao3)
Forgiveness - It's over, isn't it? - (Tumblr) - (Ao3)
Mugs - Happy Father's Day, King! - (Tumblr) - (Ao3)
Anniversary - Grief is just love with nowhere to go. - (Tumblr) - (Ao3)
Gone - ...fishing! - (Tumblr) - (Ao3)
Darkening - On a list of bad decisions, this might be one of the worst King ever made... /KingDark AU/ - (Tumblr) - (Ao3)
Scars - We all have them, it's just that not all of them are visible - (Tumblr) - (Ao3)
Primal - She wouldn’t Stop. The world had grown, changed, it was new and she still wanted to see what was next. - (Tumblr) - (Ao3)
Logo - Why was he alive and they weren’t? What made him so different? Why was he so alone? - (Tumblr) - (Ao3)
Ballista - He woke up surrounded, stick figures on either side of him, guns in hand. He drew his sword and heard a scream that rocked his world. - (Tumblr) - (Ao3)
helper - The stick waved out at his Creator, but He wasn't paying attention, instead typing something into the computer. And soon the stick learned why as he felt a sense of knowing wash over him. His name was "helper". - (Tumblr) - (Ao3)
Which Alan Becker Stick Figure Are You?
Which of Member of Rocket Corporation Are You?
Credit for my axolotl icons goes to @sketchshack!
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