#have i spammed you all enough with bachelor stuff??
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(thanks to @jonsa-creatives for the header!)
Ok, these are the only words I've written for my Bachelor fic continuation that I still haven't decided if I'm doing or not (let's be real, it's me, so very likely). And then after the cut... guys. GUYS I've been so extra.
If you had told her, seven months ago, that Ned Stark would be sitting on the living room couch with a bowl of popcorn on his lap, getting ready to watch the premiere of The Bachelor, she would have laughed in your face.
She feels divorced from reality – she knows, logically, that she is about to watch her season, but she can't quite make herself believe it. Her stomach swirls with sudden anxiety when she hears Renly's voice start the intro.
“How did we used to all fit?” mom grumbles as she joins dad on the couch. Bran is next to dad with Sansa on the other side, wedged between mom and the arm. Robb and Jeyne are on the loveseat and Arya and Rickon sit on the floor in front of the couch. Theon joins them, late as usual, and drags a chair out from the dining room and sets up next to the loveseat.
“Well, we were smaller back then,” is Robb's reply.
“Arya's still small,” Rickon says through a mouthful of Doritos, which he spits out when Arya gives his shoulder a shove.
“There he is!” Jeyne squeals, bringing their attention back to the TV screen – back to Jon, who's walking out onto the stage as the live audience (primarily made up of women in jewel-toned tops) screams and applauds.
Sansa's heart makes a mad, stuttering leap at the sight of him and squeezes painfully when she sees the tight smile that doesn't reach his eyes - it's his Jon the Bachelor smile. (She hates it.)
Ok so here's where I went too extra with this. I don't even know what I'm trying to accomplish, but I made Instagram profiles (pre show-airing) for the contestants... I know other people have done this waaaay better than me, but I had SO MUCH FUN making these. Here's a sampling. (I have Asha, Val, and Missandei done and I think I want to do some of the others JUST BECAUSE. These may never actually mean anything but oh well)
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jasminedragonart · 3 years
I feel like I’m going to get so much shit for posting this, but, well, I kind of want to do a Loki project, and I’ve even set up a separate tumblr so I won’t be spamming this one with it, and I feel like, I don’t know, I just want to put this out there anyway, especially with the show now trending so much.
Also I seem to be posting a lot of rants lately for which I apologise to anyone who actually even spends time reading them because I do sometimes just like to share an opinion and don’t care if people read it or not.
The thing is, while I do enjoy marvel, I don’t like Loki. 
If you want to know more before you condemn me, please read below the keep reading (also don’t criticise my spelling, I’m writing this in a rush and I don’t care at this point)
No, let me put it a different way. I enjoy the show, I enjoy the character they’ve made, but he just doesn’t feel like Loki to me. I don’t know if it’s because I’m really into mythology, and everything that entails, as well as a history buff, but, yeah I do agree with some people out there that this isn’t Loki, and in terms of marvel’s Loki, it’s not the Loki they first presented to us.
I’ll go down the marvel Loki route first. 
So, first things first, I have an Masters. I have a masters in English and a bachelors in english and creative writing, meaning, I know good writing when I see it, and I believe anything creative people put out into the world is allowed to be criticised and analysed.
With that in mind, the Loki we’re first presented with in Thor 1 is, honestly, great. Thor 1 as a whole is great. In terms of marvel anyway- I’m not getting into my personal opinion on myths right now and how marvel squandered their opportunity to include them in their films. 
Back to the film. The director for Thor 1 is Kenneth Branagh, who, I just love. He’s great. He does a lot of Shakespeare, both acting and directing (I think), meaning he knows his shit when he’s writing tragedies. Which is what Thor 1 is. While it’s a redemption arc for Thor, it’s a tragedy for Loki, both of these stories running side by side gives us a compelling movie that’s light hearted enough we don’t really realise the tragic elements of the movie- which is how marvel wanted it, I’m guessing since they had such a rousing success with Iron Man. 
Bouncing off that, if Iron Man hadn’t been so successful, I bet anything Thor 1 would have been much darker and much better than what it already is. But people loved Tony Stark (who I’m not so keen on. He’s not my favourite), meaning all films afterwards had to follow in his comedic footsteps. 
I digress. Let’s focus on Thor. For Thor, his life is essentially a simple redemption arc. He’s flawed, he’s arrogant, he’s ready to fall and he does so. Literally. While on earth he learns the error of his ways and manages to overcome his original horrible traits in order to become the hero of the piece. We may not have liked Thor in the beginning, but we do by the end. He’s earned his happy ending and the rewards that come with that.
Loki, on the other hand, is a tragedy waiting to happen. He is a tragic hero. In terms of tragedies, a hero usually starts in some sort of low, propelled to a high which inevitably leads to some sort of horrific end- usually death. All of which Loki goes through. He starts off a prince, the second born prince too. Then he becomes king because Thor is banished to earth, and because of his fatal flaw, his own anger, not even anger, his own fear and hatred of himself, he eventually kills himself by the end of the movie. It’s a classic tragedy and it’s beautiful to watch because Brannagh knows his stuff and he’s able to execute it perfectly.
Also Tom Hiddleston played Loki in that first film amazingly. You can tell he has a Shakespeare background too. Just the ability to understand what’s expected of him, the nuances in character he brings even in the background, it’s great. It really makes you feel for his character, which is what gained him popularity in the first place. 
The point I’m making with all of this is that the character of Loki in the first Thor film is a tragic hero. If they were going to continue with his character they should have bounced off that and explored it even more. A tragic hero can fall as much as you want them to, and since Loki didn’t die at the end of Thor, there was ample opportunity to essentially torture Loki some more. It certainly would have made him a better villain. Avengers was weak, let’s be honest. I enjoy it as a movie, but the writing is weak. The possibilities that could have been explored weren’t, and everything was just a mess. It’s like whoever wrote Avengers hadn’t seen the previous movies, or even read any comics. They just decided hey, let’s make a film with as many jokes as we can squeeze in as possible. 
What’s worse in all of this is that they essentially reduced Thor and Loki to nothing. Actual nothing. These people are meant to be Gods. I don’t care if they’re aliens, because they’re not, they’re Gods, and reducing them to what they are after Thor 1 is cowardly. Also, I hate the idea of infinity stones. It’s just, he’s a God, he has powers and what, he never uses them? Loki’s meant to have practiced magic for over a millennia. Where is this millennia studied magic? Where marvel? Show me? Because I haven’t seen it yet.
Oh, so he can make doubles? Great. What else? He can invade people’s minds? Oh, only in Ragnarok, forget all about that when it comes to his TV show and he’s actually asking his alternate self how she managed to enchant someone when he did something remarkably similar two movies back. 
He’s a freaking shapeshifter! Use it. He knows spells, potions, make him use it, not just fling knives around and rely on stupid rocks when he should have just as much power as one. 
It pains me when I see shows like Legion do a better job of showing a chaotic powerful being better than a multibillion dollar franchise. Legion was amazing and leagues ahead of Loki and we are still not worthy of that first season because wow, honestly, if you haven’t seen it, that’s the kind of power I expect Loki to have, not what they give him in the MCU.
Also Wanda? They did her so dirty. Yet still she’s shown to have more power than Loki.
Also, why, just why, is Loki not more powerful than simple human beings? He’s a giant. He’s been trained by Asgardians. He’s Thor’s brother and playmate and had to suffer being wrestled with for hundreds of years. He went toe to toe with multiple frost giants in that first film and came out fine. Yet suddenly he can’t even fight off a Hulk? the Hulk is enhanced, but he’s not that enhanced. If Loki can defeat Steve Rogers he can defeat the Hulk, I’m sorry, I’m right about this.
The MCU is inconsistent, mostly written for laughs and honestly far different from what it started out as and while I do enjoy their content, I can’t help but worry what they’re going to do with these characters from here on out. They’ve destroyed any chance of Loki being an actual God, which is what he’s supposed to be, and it’s just painful these days to see it when they could do so much better with him.
Speaking of Gods and myths, what kind of bugs me, but I guess I understand, is that they don’t paint anything related to Thor as they should in regards to history or mythology. Thor as a whole too, like the realms and everything pertaining to that. 
I get that they’re trying to in keep with the comics but, I would much rather see a more viking vibe than whatever was going on. Like, Vikings were good farmers and sailors, and if Asgard is advanced then surely there should be more boats around. More farms. Also I did not like the gold, I didn’t care for it on the Einherjar either. It made everything a bit too... bleh. I feel like the Thor movies should have been treat like a LOTR project. A lavish LOTR project. I guess I was expecting like a bougie Vikings (TV show) vibe but still with a fantasy feel. It just didn’t feel fantasy enough for me. 
Also we know Loki’s a fire giant right? Like, we know this collectively as a human race. I didn’t just make this up in my head? Like he’s the God of mischief because fire is a metaphor for loss of control and Loki’s the embodiment of an out of control fire.
Just checking.
Also if you’ve made it to the end, pat yourself on the back. Well done.
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litrojia · 3 years
Personal Update
I think I ought to provide a personal update to all of you, just to vent all my thoughts somewhere and to explain my recent activity.
Personal Life
Like many of you, 2020 was not kind to me. While I fortunately haven't been directly impacted by COVID yet, the pandemic amplified some minor personal missteps to the point where I'm extremely anxious about my future.
I'm a college student, and I'll have a bachelor's in engineering in May. My GPA is phenomenal, but I fear that's all I have going for me. The thing that really matters are connections, as well as the early experiences that connections help with. I don't have that. I'm quite shy and never put myself out there to anybody in the industry or professors, nor do I come from a family of engineers who can get me a job through nepotism. Either it was too late when I realized that connections were at least as important as grades, or I willingly buried my head in the sand. By the time I was planning to sort myself out and put myself out there, COVID hit, putting an end to physical interaction and any shot at an internship last summer, which I was really counting on. More recently, I've all but canned some plans that I had for grad school. I don't feel like it's worth it in the position I'm in. Thus, I've jumped right into finding jobs, and it's tough. I imagine it's a mix of a bad economy and just not knowing how to do it since I've never been hired for a competitive position. I'm gonna need a lot of luck.
I know I'm not alone, but it weighs heavily on me. Sometimes it overwhelms me. When I think about it, I feel bad to do anything else to enjoy myself (especially art), but at the same time I feel defeated and discouraged from trying, so it becomes a vicious cycle.
I fell off hard in the second half of last year. ATG last June burned me out. By the time I recovered from it, my computer broke. And by the time my computer was fixed and I was getting back into art again, the semester started. It wasn't even a particularly hard semester, but I just struggled with time management. This break between semesters (started a month ago, ending very soon) hasn't been too productive either. There's still lots that I want to do (OC development, learning to draw backgrounds once and for all, collabs, anthro, non-pony, just some good ol' canon ponies more than once every few months, reviving that kinky alt of mine I've mentioned here once, and probably more), but I just struggle to focus on it with the world weighing on my mind.
A few months ago, I opened commissions. If any of my commissioners are reading this, thank you again for buying one. I was a little disappointed with the demand I got for them, but I figure it was mostly because when I opened them and ever since, I've barely ever been drawing. I might not have been able to handle a lot of commissions anyways. For now though, commissions are closed, and I'm not sure when they'll open back up.
Online Relationships
I've been becoming more closed off online (and offline probably) over the past few months. Again, it has to do mostly with poor time management and stress. I treasure many of my past interactions, and I'd love to talk to more people online, but I just struggle to balance it all. If I've drifted away from you lately, it's not anything to do with you. Maybe I'll be able to get back out of my shell soon.
Twitter etc.
Twitter bothers me a lot. Actually, nearly all of the art sites bother me, but Twitter bothers me most. First of all, it's one of the greatest hotbeds of toxicity ever. Even outside of a strictly political sense (which needs no elaboration, but I must say makes me fear for the world's future), it still leads to all sorts of unwarranted harassment that isn't good for society. I'm looking at you, "Trixie is trans" folks. That drama, along with the Capitol stuff, is the straw that broke the camel's back for me. Secondly, it just isn't an art site. People use it because others use it and because it has porn. That's all. There's no organization on Twitter, and stuff just gets easily lost to time. And yet, some artists not only put up with Twitter, but can't get enough of it. They get caught up in trends that spam my feed. They get caught up by numbers. They use fleets, which is just the dumb corporate "stories" fad imported to Twitter, and doesn't even appear on desktop (which is both a blessing and a curse). Some call themselves "Twitter artists", letting it form their identity. But really, I can't blame these people, and if I described you, I don't mean to cause offense. The toxic hellhole of Twitter just shows no mercy in corrupting reasonable people. And the people who run Twitter love every single bit of it. Fuck Twitter.
I don't want to support Twitter, and I've been considering abandoning it, even if it means losing most of my following. I have a few artist friends who don't actively use Twitter and they live, though frankly they have less of a following, so there's less pressure there. However, the main reason I stick around is because so many artists only use Twitter, so that's where I can see their art. If I do leave it, an idea I've been considering is doing a raffle on all of my other sites. Not only would it encourage a few people to follow me on new sites, but maybe, just maybe it would encourage people to use sites other than Twitter. Still, I would need to either say goodbye to a lot of art or browse Twitter without actually using it (RSS? Keep the account to browse but not interact?).
It sucks though, because besides Twitter, where else is there? I've been getting more and more fed up with DeviantArt, my second most popular page, seemingly purposely killing their website. Tumblr is already dead, and if Pillowfort is supposed to be mimicking Tumblr, then it mimics Tumblr's inactivity best. I created a Newgrounds account recently and it actually seems pretty decent for art, but it too is dead. I've always been heavily active on Derpibooru, but that lacks the features of a full-fledged art site and has its own drama. As an aside, I actually joined staff there pretty recently. I understand that some people may not be happy with that site or its staff, and sometimes I'd agree with you, but it's been so incredibly valuable to me in exploring the pony fandom that I felt obligated to help it out, and I hope you can accept that. Anyways, Inkbunny looks like it'd be great if it weren't for all the... y'know. FurAffinity exists I guess. And Instagram is just Twitter but worse. I'll never touch it.
If you read everything up to here, or at least skimmed it thoroughly enough to understand, thank you.
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somethinglacking · 5 years
Rings and Handcuffs (Kiro X MC)
Rating: SMUT
Word count: 6529
Summary: You’re boyfriend has been working himself to near death. After getting a key to his apartment you decide to plan a special little surprise for him with a few gifts.
Mr. Love Queen’s Choice Fanfiction
It was a holiday and your company was closed, yet Kiro still had work today. You worried for him sometimes, his manager seemed to book him every day of the week and gave him little downtime to himself. It wasn’t like Kiro was an idol just starting his career either. The starlit was renown already, every girl’s fantasy young and old. You knew this, Kiro knew this, his manager surely knew this. Yet, Kiro still had an extremely unrelenting schedule that made him work holidays, his birthdays, and everything in-between. It made you sad to think about how far your boyfriend pushed himself. Just because you where a public figure didn’t mean you couldn’t have a personal life on the side. That was no way to live, yet Kiro never truly complained. He’d smile and push himself. That's why you wanted to make today extra special for him. 
It surprised you when Kiro was ever so willing to hand over a key to his loft when you asked. He didn’t even think twice just handed it to you with a cheery smile and told you to keep it. The gesture of having unlimited access to him made your heart swell. The undeniable trust he had in you to allow you into his personal space unsupervised was enough to choke you. You thanked him endlessly and he chuckled petting your head. 
“You’re my girlfriend!” Kiro exclaimed with a cheeky smile. “If I can’t share my personal space with you there would be a serious problem with our relationship!” The reassurance was nice, and you made a mental note to have a key to your own homemade for him. 
It’s been a few days since then, and you had everything you need to prep for the surprise you were planning for your little sunshine. Texting Kiro, you made sure he was already out of his home for the day. You didn’t want him to catch on to your plans as you made your way over, full bag in tow. You flushed carrying such items in public, but no one would really know what you had in your bookbag. You just looked like a normal girl with a bag, nothing more. Nothing was suspicious about you at all. It still did nothing to ease the tense you felt transferring such things. 
Soon enough you arrived without incident and let yourself into the building. The doorman was used to seeing you at this point. He greeted you cheerfully and you smiled back him hopping onto the elevator. The floors dinged by slowly, much too slowly until it reached Kiro’s floor. Stepping off you made haste to his apartment door and prayed the key actually worked. It did of course, and your doubt was foolish you knew. Kiro was an honest guy and wouldn’t do anything to embarrass you on purpose. 
You shut and locked the door behind you, leaned against it, and breathed. You made it. You were here. Opening your eyes and looked about the open concept loft with giant windows to let in natural light and keep it bright. It was a snazzy apartment, one that would make you faint if you saw the cost of rent for it. Sighing and scolding yourself thinking of the difference between your own and your boyfriend's salary. It didn’t matter, but you could feel the gap between the both of you there. 
Shaking yourself out of that mindset you walked into the living/dining/kitchen area and looked about. You had been here over a dozen times since you’re relationship took a serious leap in the romantic department. There was an electric fireplace and a huge mounted television above it. The leather couch that was super comfy where you and Kiro found yourselves mostly snuggled in a blanket together watching the newest releases with the glow of the fireplace…You smiled realizing you both haven’t actually finished a movie together. The night would end with you both making out and getting to know each other physically. 
Running your hand along the back of couch fondly you walked towards the kitchen and started stocking it with the goodies you had bought Kiro. There were some homemade meals you put in the freezer for him to heat up at a later date, and some sweet you made as well. You might not be the best cook, but you weren’t the type of girlfriend to let you hard working man go hungry either! Leaving a love note and a key to your own home on one of the lids, you shut the door. Once the kitchen was put together you clap your hands together to congratulate yourself on your good work. 
Now was the time to set up the main attraction of the night. Your cheeks lit up and your heart hammered. It was bold and daring, but Kiro had once mentioned being into it, and you were willing to try. Walking with a purpose you let yourself into Kiro’s bedroom. It was a mess, the sheets were tossed about. Not that it surprised you any, he was a bachelor and he mostly used his home to shower and sleep, you knew. Smiling at the mess you started to pick up after him. Not that you wanted to mom him, but it would take away from the surprise you spent the week setting up. 
Soon the Laundry in the hamper, and you were curious if he had a washer and dryer in the apartment, but decided to leave it. You didn’t want to overstep the boundaries you were unsure of. Next, you moved to the bed and fixed the sheets. Once it was all organized you moved to your bookbag with a deep breath. You gathered two pairs of handcuffs from within, and fuzzy covers to keep them from digging into the skin. You moved over to the bed frame and you latched onto one side of each pair onto it; a considerable amount of space apart. Tugging you made sure they wouldn’t give and then you smiled in victory. 
Next, you looked at the accessory you had bought your boyfriend. Biting your lip you clicked the switch and it hummed to life with a soft buzz and bounced in your hand. You were gauging size, the woman at the shop said it was the most common size and fit most men. You really hoped it fit right. If not it would be an idea for another time. You set it on the bedside table along with warming lube. The woman at the shop recommended it. 
Lastly, there was yourself to set up. You looked into the bag and bite your lip nervous. You brought your make-up supplies and a change of clothes. Grabbing the bag you made your way into the bathroom dropping Kiro a text, asking how long he thought his shoot would run. It didn’t take him long to reply with a couple of hours and asking if you wanted to meet up for dinner. Dinner did sound nice, but you had already made plans for the both of you. You texted back telling him you’ll be waiting in his apartment, which earned a favourable reply. 
Kiro: Make yourself at home! I’ll join you as soon as I can! I can’t wait to see you! Gah! Now I’m excited haha~ The rest of the shoot will go so slow just to torture me.
You giggled thinking of the handcuffs you placed on his bed frame. He honestly had no idea what you had up your sleeve. 
You: Mmmn. Might have to pamper you when you get back after such a long day!
Kiro: Stooooooop! This is agony! This is cruel! 
Kiro: I love you! I’ll be with you soon enough, I’m needed back. Got caught texting. Lolol. 
You smiled sending a kissy face emoji and then looked into the mirror. It was now or never and you mustered up your courage. You turned on a beauty tutorial and followed the steps until you managed to give yourself a beautiful smokey eye look. The liner and shadow were heavier than you were used too, and the matted non-smearing lipstick was a bold red. You almost didn’t recognize yourself, yet you felt like your confidence was boosted. Next, you worked on curling your hair until it fanned your features just right. You messed it a bit and you looked at the mirror in awe. You honestly couldn’t believe that was you looking back in the mirror… You looked sexy and fierce. 
You took a selfie of your dolled up appearance before you moved on to getting dressed. The panties where slinky and cute and the garter belt was white lace with red bows. Your new stockings went well over your thighs but short enough for the straps attaching them to the garter belt to stretch over your thighs. The bra was white with a red bow to match the garter. Shallowing thickly you looked at yourself clad in lace and silk in the mirror. It matched your make-up and hair-do… You felt pretty, cute, and sexy all at the same time and the lingerie actually felt nice against your skin. 
Again you took a selfie for yourself, just because you can, and then moved to grab the dress you bought. It was simple, casual, and pretty. It was pale pink and was high neck with a golden belt around the waist. The skirt flowed down your hips and stopped only a couple of inches down your thighs. Cute and short. Shorter than what you usually wore, and it teased the stockings and the straps connecting them to the Garter belt. The heels you picked were two inches high and gold like the belt. 
Fitting with your dress and gaining your balance in the shoes you looked in the mirror and twirled, understanding why girls loved to dress up for their boyfriends. You felt good in your new things, being all dolled up like this. Smiling you took another selfie now that you were actually fully dressed and sent it to Kiro. 
Not bothering to wait for his response you started to tidy up your stuff and pick up the countertop. Once you collected your things you looked down at your phone and saw twelve messages from a certain blond idol. Curious you opened them and giggled. They were gibberish spam mostly with a’ holy fuck my girlfriend is hot.’ in between. You smiled blushing to yourself glad Kiro seemed to appreciate how you got dolled up. 
Eventually, he calmed down and sent coherent messages 
Kiro: IS THAT MY BATHROOM!?!? Kiro: OH MAN! Are you at my place looking like that right now?!
Kiro: Why you gotta torture me like this, babe?
You: Got all pretty for you, don’t keep me waiting too long~
That was surprisingly flirty for you. You sighed l sitting on the edge of the bed and swung your legs back and forth waiting for Kiro to reply. The sun would be setting soon, and you knew he would have been awake early this morning for his physical training. Busy boy he was. 
Kiro: I just left.
Kiro: I just up and left 
Kiro: hang out, I’ll be home soon~
Well oops
You: I don’t want to get you in trouble! >:c
Kiro: Naw we were done with filming, no need for me other than appearances. Don’t worry about it. I’m getting in a taxi. See you soon! >:D
Your heart leaped into your throat as you powered down your phone and set it with the rest of your stuff. It was almost the moment of truth, and you felt both excited and nervous. Knowing he was on the other side of the city gave you a moment to breathe. What did girlfriends usually do when trying to seduce their boyfriends? You felt extremely out of your element. Kiro usually made the first move towards intimacy and it usually started cuddled on the couch. Where hands wandered too far and next thing you knew you were panting under him. 
This time it was different. Not that you didn't enjoy how you both loved each other before… 
For now, you were going to be in charge and in control of this situation. Blushing you stood to fret a moment with the bed sheets to make sure they were smooth before moving to the living room. You shut the bedroom door behind you and walking over to the electric fireplace. It hummed to life and threw heat as it came to life. You smiled at the warm light before walking over to the window. 
It was dusk now, the sky a light shade of indigo. Soon the stars would shimmer in the sky. You smiled watching the street below. Kiro was stepping out of the taxi and waving towards the doorman who said something. Kiro laughed and disappeared from sight. You took a deep breath. There was no time to back out now. You moved to sit on the sofa and used the remote to turn on the television, not caring about what was actually playing. 
Soon enough you heard a key in the door and the sound of the latch being turned. You didn't know if you should stay seated or stand. What did girls usually do in this situation? 
“Oh Miss Chips~” Kiro sang out, and you decided on standing as Kiro walked through the door shutting it behind him. Flushing you moved a stray curl behind your ear and his blue eyes went wide. 
"There's my beautiful girl." Kiro greeted with a bright beaming smile. 
“Welcome home.” You smiled warmly walking towards him, your heels making noise as you walked. Kiro’s eyes stayed trained to you as you glided over to him and his smile never faded. “I missed you.” 
“Ya, me too.” Kiro murmured wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into his strong frame. “It made me really happy to come home to you being here like this.” 
The honesty and the raw purity of his voice as he said that made you smile and wrap yourself around him. “I should do this more often then.” 
“Yaaa. I think I’d like that.” Kiro kissed the top of your head before releasing you. “You look beautiful today.” His smile had you melting. It was the one thing you had desperately wanted to see? since you started this whole thing.
You beamed and reached up to peck his lips. “Thank you!” You giggled stepping away from him and twirled around for him to see the entire look.
Kiro’s eyes followed your every movement before he cheered for you. “That dress looks super cute on you!” 
“Thank you!” You chirped kissing his jaw before spinning away from him smiled. “I have a surprise for you~” You cooed and Kiro’s face lit up like a kid on Christmas. You just hoped he looks that excited once he found out what exactly you had planned. 
“Babe~” Kiro chuckled. “You don’t have to do so much for me!” His smile never faltered though. 
“I want to spoil you.” You gasped looking at him and he let out a boyish giggle.
“Okay!” He agreed to the spoiling. “Only if I get to spoil you in return.” That had you smiling at him brightly.
“Deal!” You agreed easily, almost curious if he would plan a counter-spoil of what you had cooked up for him. You could only pray. 
“Oh! Right!” Kiro turned on his heel and started for his bedroom. Your heart dropped and you took off after him in a near panic. “I got something to show ya! It’s a new card that’s super rare!” He babbled excitedly as he entered the room. 
You stopped after he already entered and took in the surroundings. Face went beet red in embarrassment, kind of wishing you hadn’t been so bold.
“Whoa, so clean!” Kiro gasped before walking more into his bedroom. “You didn’t have- oh?” 
The mischief in Kiro’s eyes as he spied the ready handcuffs and your items on his bedside table had you nervous. He shot you a knowing smirk and turned his body towards you. “Y’know… When you said you had a surprise…” Kiro cleared his throat but looked at you with dark eyes that started to lid themselves. “You sure you want to do this, love?”
You took a deep breath and walked towards your boyfriend with an extra sway in your stride. “Positive.” You whispered resting your hands on his chest, Kiro’s heartbeat was smooth a calm, a contrast to your own hammering pulse. Your boyfriend rested his hands on your hips, pulling you closer. You could see your reflection in his eyes as he stared at you. “But only if you want- I might have overstepped- I’m so sorry- oh my god what was I thinking?”
“Hah~” Kiro smiled kissing you gently as his hands squeezed the swell of your hips. “Shhhh. This is the best surprise.” He soothed before kissing you with meaning. His hands travelled up the length of your sides. 
The dress hitched up to your already mostly exposed thighs, and you sighed arching yourself into him. Your tongue licked the seam of his lips and Kiro released a hot breath at the sensation, having his tongue eagerly meet yours. It didn’t take long for the mood to start getting steamy as you hung yourself off the starlit arching your tiny frame into his indecently. Not that Kiro seemed to mind at all as his hands took their time running the lines of your body. Gripping the fabric of your dress and tugging it in places, pressing his hips against yours.
“Are the cuffs for you or me,” Kiro asked voice thick and low, lips moving against yours.
“You.” You breathed and he groaned pressing his tongue deep within your mouth. You moaned and knees threatened to buckle under you. Kiro's hands gripped at you in need, and your own hands twist the front of his shirt trying to stay standing. 
Kiro's kiss then was all consuming and took your breath away. He was excited and that made you happy, he wanted you and trusted you enough to allow you to bind him. Welcoming the idea of handing his body and pleasure over to your capable hands. At least you hoped you were capable. Not that your boyfriend was really giving you time to dwell on the what-ifs as his hand snaked their way up to your stocking clad thighs and up to give your round bottom a squeeze. 
"Kiro." You breathed as he needed the supple flesh of your cheeks and spread them. Your silk panties were rising up the slit of your pussy adding delightful friction. Needless to say, you were putty in your boyfriend very capable hands. 
"You're so fucking perfect." The starlit whispered against your lips his fingers getting brave as they ran the line of your throbbing cunt and he tugged the fabric of the panties against your sensitive folds. “Did you work yourself up for me before I got home?” He taunted at how receptive you were as you shivered in his arms. “Did you touch yourself? Take advantage of my home before I got here, babe?” You moaned and Kiro ran his tongue over your teeth as his fingers pressed your panties into your clit and moved in slow agonizing motions.
The dirty talk was a weakness and Kiro knew this. He wasn’t playing very fair as his other hand ran up the skirt of your pretty dress and brought it up. Impatiently you grabbed the dress and pulled it over your head, it wasn’t the surprise you had for your boyfriend anyway. When the kiss broke and you removed the article of clothing azure eyes watched and opened a slight millimeter when you reveal your undergarments. Flush prickled at your cheeks as you threw the dress in some direction, eyes locked with the ones before you. 
Kiro was an appreciative lover, his eyes trailed to soaked in the new lingerie and took the time to bask in your wonder. “You look beautiful.” His eyes meet yours again, hands tracing your exposed sides. “You’re so stunning.” 
Smiling at how wonderstruck he sounded you reached up to cup his jaw. “I love you.” You whispered placing delicate kisses to his chin. Kiro offered you a boyish grin and swooped in to kiss you once more. While lips locked and tongues met in a passionate dance, your fingers traced his chest aiming for the bottom of his shirt. Once reaching your destination you let your hand slipped under his shirt and felt your way up the lean figure of his torso. Fit. 
Kiro momentarily stopped the kiss to peel off his t-shirt and threw it to join your discarded dress. He wrapped an arm around your waist and pressed you both together once more. The passionate and consuming kiss resumed. His hand ventured up your spine and finally to the clasp of your bra. With expert ease, he got it loose and the straps fell from your shoulders. Kiro kissed down your neck then your shoulders, his fingers pulling the straps off of you and threw the bra across the room with purpose as he sucked your pressure points. “It was cute, but it looks better over there,” Kiro whispered in your ear. His hot breath tickled your earlobe sending goosebumps raising all across your body. 
You mewl caressing any and all skin exposed to you. "I want you." You gasped as his hand found one exposed breasted and started palming the flesh. His fingers grazed your nipple but never stayed long. Just enough to have you gasping whenever he made contact. The flat of his tongue ran the column of your throat before his head lifted and he looked at you with pure desire. 
"How do you want me, miss chips?" Kiro taunted licking your lips and finally captured your nipple between his forefinger and thumb rolling it gently. Your breath left you as you fell into him as the action caused your cunt to throb and pulse. "You want control?" Kiro whispered on your lips. 
"Th-that was the ahhh~ Kiro~" Your voice pitched as his other hand found it was between your thighs once more and under the silk of your panties. They spread you wet sex and caressed every sensitive inch of you. "Stop cheating!" You gasped burying your face in his shoulder and he chuckled tapping your clit. "Ah." You breathed as your legs wobbled. Soon a soothing circular motion started and your eyes flutter in pleasure and a low moan escaped you. You’ve been worked up for so long it was almost overwhelming.
“Moan my name.” Kiro murmured picking up his speed, his arm held on to you keeping you upright. 
Sparks of pleasure danced behind your eyelids as rubbed and pleased you. “Kiro~” You moaned loud and proud. He grunted in return and started to be merciless. Your cries of pleasure picked up as you rocked your hips in rhythm with his touch. “I’m gonna cum!” You gasp as your fingers tightened into a fist against his chest, and Kiro made a pained sound when you accidentally pinched his skin, but you were too far gone to notice. The first wave of your orgasm wrecked you, and Kiro kept his pace fast and punishing. You sobbed as your orgasm washed over you and drifted your mind away from reality. 
“Good girl~” Kiro purred into your ear running his fingers up and down the length of your sex soothing you. “Keep the belt and stocking, lose the underwear.”
“Okay.” You agreed meekly and Kiro helped you gain your balance before reaching down to undo his buckle and pants, sliding them down his narrow hips. You watched enthralled with the strip scene in front of you. Marveling in the way his half erected dick sat at the juncture of his thighs.
“Panties.” Kiro chuckled winking at you with his usual boyish smile. “It’s not as fun if I’m the only one naked. 
Truthfully it would never stop giving you whiplash how fast Kiro can go from male succubus to boyish innocence in the blink of an eye. Coming back to earth you tugged down your panties and dropped them to the ground blushing under his gaze as he watched and waited for you.
"Do you have to stare?" You asked with a red face kicking your panties away from you feeling shy. 
"Said miss peeping chips!" Kiro laughed stepping towards you. "But I don't mind if you see me naked." Kiro's dipped sex as he pecked you on the lips. "You're beautiful, and I just can never seem to take my eyes off you." He confessed and you smiled. "It's like: Holy shit this amazingly talented and driven woman is my girlfriend? She's cute and sexy. Has the best damn laugh in the world and greater ass!" You tapped your hand against his chest creating a soft slap sound, and he lit up with laughter. 
Still chuckling a little Kiro leaned in and his lips ghosted your ear lobe. "I guess what I'm trying to say is, you leave me breathless." 
You hummed embracing him, holding you close to you feeling warm and fuzzy. "It's the same for me with you." You confessed. "And as much as I'd love to get into all the things I love about you-" You smirked running your fingers down his bicep. "I'd rather have you tied to your bed and at my mercy. 
That groan.
That noise Kiro produced at your words
It knocked the air out of you and restarted your engine. 
With a quick kiss, Kiro pulled away from you and walked over to the bed. You watched as he made himself comfortable and sprawled out necked for your viewing pleasure.
"Like this?" Your boyfriend asked with his eyes shimmering in excitement.
"Just like that." You cooed walking over to the bed.
Kiro watched you bound his arms to the bed frame. "Is that too tight?" You asked and he pulled on his restraints. 
"They’re just right." Kiro informed you looking at you like you were the most divine creature on the planet "All we're missing now is the blindfold." 
"If you want one, I'm sure we can find something to use." You started turning to eye the room for such an object. 
"Naw." Kiro smiled gaining back your attention. "I want to watch as my stunning girlfriend rides me." 
You flushed and balk at that comment. Suddenly you felt shy under his gaze. "Kiro." You warned and he offered a cheeky grin in return.
"What?" Kiro asked in a low sensual tone. "Is it so wrong for me to want to look at you, baby?"
You sighed and smiled. "Watch me, Kiro." You whispered leaning down and bestowed a sensual kiss upon him. "All you have to do is lay back and enjoy." With that, you pulled away from him watching the twinkle of excitement in his crystal eyes. 
"Give me your worse." Kiro cooed making himself comfortable against his pillows. 
You eyed him grabbing the cockring and playing with it. "Might want to be careful what you ask for, Kiro~" You purred his name and his watched his cock jump. "I need you soft for this to go on." 
Kiro swallowed thickly eyeing the rubber ring in your hands. "Yup… Uh huh. A moment." He proceeded to take a breath to remove the blood that had engorged his member. 
"If you want it off, or it's uncomfortable to tell me." You explained crawling onto the bed beside him. His eyes watched you with a spark of curiosity. 
"Sure thing." Kiro easily agreed and you reached for his mostly soft member. A soft sound left him as you rolled it down his cock to the base. "Balls too." He breathed the request and you used two fingers to stretch the rubber band. 
"It might be too tight." You worried and Kiro shook his head, his chest rising and falling in shallow breaths.
 As if performing surgery you pushed one of his testicles through the ring and he sucked in a breath and told you to continue. Soon the second joined and the cockring sat against his groin tightly causing his genitals to swell and you gave the length a lick.
"Perfect," Kiro assured you before you circled the tip of your tongue around the head. “You’re perfect!” He gasped. 
You looked up at him through your long lashes as you took the tip into your mouth and gave it a gentle suck, tasting the sweet precum that built up.  "Yessss, baby. Just like that." Kiro breathed and you hummed swirling your tongue before dipping further down his shaft. Out of reflex his hips rocked upwards making you take more of the length into your mouth. You moaned bobbing your head, pressing your thumbs into his hip bones to keep him still. "God that's hot." He cooed and you looked up into his dazzling baby blues as they took in the scene before him. "I love watching my cock disappear between those beautiful lips of yours." 
The dirty talk was fueling you. Fanning the flame of desire that has been simmering as an after since you bound your boyfriend. You palmed and massaged his balls as you bobbed your head faster by allowing your cheeks to hallow. The noises you pulled from your lover only encourage you to toy and play with him more. A hard suck caused the muscles in his abdomen to flex and you brought your mouth off of him with a pop. "Ahhh." Kiro moaned still watching you as you palm his nuts and started to pump his shaft. 
"You comfortable, baby?" You cooed and he shoots you a smirk and made a show of relaxing back against the pillows while you kiss down the length of his fuller erect member. 
"I'm feeling so good!" The starlit assured you before glancing back down watching you tiny hand run the length of his impressive member. Truthfully you loved the weight of it in your hand and the soft sighs and groans you could pull from your verbal and expressive boyfriend.  
After a couple more squeezes and pumps you removed your hand, and Kiro let out a cry of protest. You smirked at him as you straddled his waist and ran your nails lightly over his chest and stomach. Kiro watched you closely memorizing every move you made as you spread yourself over his body. 
You wet folds came in contact with his engorged member and he hissed out a moan in the best way. “You’re so fucking wet.” Kiro sighed and you throbbed with desire, but you wanted to make it extra good for him before you allowed him to enter you. 
Adding your own sounds of excitement you rubbed the wet silk of your pussy over the rigid cock below. Kiro’s back arched under you and his eyes screwed shut as a whimper escaped him. You moaned pressing kisses all over his broad chest. Our hands made tracks with your nails were they explored every contour of his fit and toned body. The heat and shape of his cock felt heavenly as you ground your soaked cunt over it lost in need now. Still careful you only left evidence of your intimacy with the starlit in places that wouldn’t catch the eye. 
You sucked Kiros nipple and ground so the tip of his erection dipped into your entrance. A whimper like whine of your name left his lips, and your pussy pulsed at the sound and teasing. “Pleeease,” Kiro whispered his head lulled to the side as his cerulean peaked open to look at you and you rocked against him again. “Please.” Kiro breathed heavily and writhed within his restraints as his pelvis lifted to seek friction from you. You marveled at the way his muscles tightened and danced under his skin. 
Sweat had built up on Kiro’s brow making his bangs stick to the sides of his face, Already he looked wrecked and pride bloomed in your chest. You did this to him. You made this beautiful man pant, whine, beg, and plead with you. “I love you.” You whispered leaning up to press sweet kisses to his face and lips.
“I love you.” Kiro murmured back licking your lips as his hips moved up and down involuntarily seeking any type of friction.
You cupped his cheek and gazed down at him smoothing your fingers over the lusty blush that took to his features. “I’m going to turn it on.” And Kiro arched under you as you said that.
“Fuck,” Kiro whispered gazing up at you like a blond sex god as he sprawled out and muttered his profanity at the mention. “Fuck, please.” Kiro bit his bottom lips and you sat up and reached around to grip his throbbing member. The moan that left him as you pumped his length should’ve been illegal as your nipples perked and pebbled at the sound. After a few pumps, you gripped the cockring and pressed the button on the side. Kiro’s whole body almost came off the bed and left you into the air with him as the toy buzzed to life. You felt the precum roll down the side of his cock and you moaned in excitement. “Yessss.” Kiro moaned as his cock jumped and moved as he relaxed under the vibrations. 
"I could just leave you here like this." You taunted and he whined twisting in the sheets. "Watch as the vibrations slowly bring you to climax." Kiro let out a low needy groan and you felt powerful. 
"I don't think I could handle that." He speaks breathlessly as his face screwed up in pleasure and pain. Desperate for you. "I need you to fuck me."
Moving further back on him and lined your entrance with the tip of his cock. Kiro nodded taking deep breaths to brace himself for more pleasure as you slowly descended down onto him, taking him into your body at long last. You moaned in unison as he stretched your walls, and the lines of his cock pressed into the most delicious places. 
Once you were fully seated you felt the cock ring vibrate and play with the folds of your pussy causing you to keel over on him was a deep moan. “So good.” You breathed trying to get a grip of yourself. 
“Fuck me!” Kiro whined rocking his hips making the ring press on your swollen and sensitive ring. “Please, I need you to fuck me hard.” 
Who were you to refuse when Kiro asked you sooo nicely. Moaning and gasping you started to rock your hips back and forth trying to find an angle that suited you. Palms flat to Kiro’s chest you found leverage to lift yourself and rotate your hips more. Every breath, gasp, moan, groan, whisper that came from the man beneath you went straight to your cunt. You moaned lifting yourself up and then pressed back down to Kiros dismay as he cried out. “That’s it baby!” encouraging you to keep going. 
Eventually, you did find a rhythm that had you both breathless, sweaty, and moaning. Your nails left crescent moon shapes in his chest as you used his cock to repeatedly hit your g-spot and the vibrations to tease your clit. There was a building tight almost burning tension in the pit of your stomach. You ached and felt pleasure snapped throughout your entire nervous system as you’re hips almost moved on autopilot impaling yourself with your boyfriend's cock again and again.  Rubbing your clit furiously against his pelvic bone as you brought yourself closer to your high. Crystal sapphire eyes struggled to keep open and watch you as you bounced and gilded yourself along his length. Watching how your face screwed up in pleasure and exhaustion from your efforts. The bed frame slammed against the wall as you rode Kiro with urgency.
Suddenly something snapped and you whole face distorted in pure unadulterated pleasure. The waves where powerful as you screamed out Kiro’s name and shook almost violently from above. You arms locked to keep you upright. Kiro was breathless writhing under you needy sob like sounds leaving his throat. His hands clenched into fists as he strained against the bounds. With leverage, Kiro fucked up into you as you released a gush of your own juices down his cock and the walls of your cunt pulsed greedily against him. “Fuck babe!” He moaned as his hips fucked you through your intense orgasm, showing up the power his body possessed as he relied on his thigh and abdominal strength to keep going. 
Once one last blinding crash of pleasure overtook your body like an unsuspected tsunami you clasped and Kiro rocked his hips slowly. “Remove the ring!” He whispered in urgency as his chest rose and fell rapidly. It didn’t take long for you to snap out of your post-orgasmic haze and do what was bided of you. Carefully you lifted yourself off of him and you sat between his thighs on your stocking clad knees. Stroking his red and angry erection trying to soothe him, you turned off and removed the ring. 
“FUCKING SHIT! FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK!” Kiro sobbed as soon as the ring was rolled over and his entire body thrashed against the restraints and tears rolled down his face. “Keep jerking me! GOD DON’T STOP!” Doing as he bid of you felt the rigid flesh of his cock pulse almost uncontrollably as white ribbons came out in long hard shots marking both you and him in warm cum. Kiro was sobbing openly begging for anything to soothe the built-up load to finish as he contorted and jerked his hips wildly. “I can’t-holyfuck!” Kiro gasped as the last and biggest shot of cum left his body.
 You pumped for a moment more making sure he was completely done before releasing his now softening member. “Shit!” Kiro breathed trying to collect himself after such a strong orgasm. You smiled rubbing his hips trying to sooth his tremors.
“You okay?” You whispered after a moment moving to grab the key for the cuffs and released him. Kiro brought down his arms and laid there panting teary eyes staring at the ceiling. 
“That was absolutely fucking amazing.” He panted before turning his gaze towards you and you smiled pushing his wet bangs from his face. “You are absolutely fucking amazing.” Your fingers combed his matted hair. 
“I’m glad.” You chirped with a bright smile, and Kiro rolled his body towards yours. 
“I’ve already thought of how I’m going to return this.” Those dazzling baby blues sparkled with mischief and he smiled. “I’ll surprise you next time!” 
Nodding you leaned over and placed a soft kiss to his lips. “I look forward to it.” You kissed him again. “Truly can’t get enough of you.”
“Whoa! It’s like you like-like me or something~” Kiro teased and you pinched him playfully gaining your favourite sound in return. Kiros gleeful laughter.  ~~~~~~~~~ SUPER SPECIAL THANK YOU TO MY QUEEN: @alloveroliver Who did a beta read and help edit this piece of art! She is a true blessing please check out her blog it’s A++++  I want to take a moment to thank:  @anonbunny & @tofuoto for being wonderful and beautiful muses that encouraged and helped inspire me and this fic. I’m truly blessed to have them as friends. <3 
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izayoichan · 5 years
The would you rather – Sims challenge
I’ll put this warning out here first, this is not a cute and friendly thing, it’s is dark, brutal, twisted and probably not the thing you would normally send your sim too. The likelihood of your sim surviving this challenge: Slim to none, the only way to survive is to be the last Sims standing.
This is a challenge I have made myself because I think the sims world needs a little darker stuff too. 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
A letter in your Sim’s email, it looks a bit like it might be spam, but is it?
(Would you like all your troubles to be melted away, if your troubles can be fixed by money, then please keep reading.
I would like to invite you to a small dinner party at my house, all you need to do is to enjoy some good food and play the game. The winner of this game, will get whatever it is they need. Is a family member sick, but you can’t afford the treatment? – Your prize will be the best treatment and doctor’s money can buy. Are you stuck in dept, ruining your life? – We will give you enough to fix all your problems and have some to spare. You are getting the idea? You have a problem; the likelihood is that we can fix it for you.
Of course, we will double check before we accept you that this is something we can help with, before an actual invitation is sent. We have room for exactly 8 people, so please don’t hesitate and send us a mail today with what you need and some general information you think we would need to know.
~ Micha Mihailov)
How to enter:
Much like with a bachelor challenge, make a sim and tell me about who they are, their traits and a general backstory, plus why they are asking for an invitation. Please tag with my name and the hashtag #wouldyourathersimschallenge. Also, of course add a picture.
If your sim is picked I will contact you asking for the files, and more information about your sim (this should not be in the application post as it only needs to be known by me later.):
·         Do they have any issues, fears, allergies, are they vegan and all that kinda stuff.
·         How good or bad is their moral compass
·         Are they loners, or would they try to group up to get rid of some competition?
·         Where is their limits? What is something they would just never do, regardless off the situation?
·         Would they try to run away if they had the chance or would they just stay?
I’ll give it some time before I close entries, I guess until the 20th of september just to see if there is an actual interrest in this ^^Any sims are okay, Maxis or Alpha but they need to be normal humans :)
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hazardville · 4 years
Fuck You Facebook
So, in case anyone’s seeing this without coming here from my Facebook: Facebook removed this post because it was flagged as spam.  I’m preserving it here because this information should be shared and Facebook’s attempts to obscure the sharing of health information should be condemned, widely and publicly.  Enjoy. This is a long post addressing two underlying issues with the current response to the pandemic that leave me concerned.   It’s the longest post I’ve ever written.  The Medium version of this post (link below) has been viewed 1.2M in less than the last 24 hours as of 3/17/20. For those of you not taking action, or believing the pandemic to be “over hyped”, you can make fun of me as much as you want now or when this is over.  You can make me the subject of memes and post it everywhere.  I will pose for the picture.  I am not trying to convince you, but I do feel compelled to share information that I deem critical to all of us, which is why I am posting this at all. WHY YOU SHOULD TAKE 5 MINUTES TO READ AND CONSIDER THE INFORMATION I AM SHARING: As of 3/15/20 at 9 am PST this post has been shared over 50k times since it was posted 2 days ago.  So a lot of people find value in the post and although it's a long read, I believe you will find this information valuable too. For those of you who don’t know me well, I am analytical and metered.  I don’t freak out nor do I respond emotionally.  I also don’t post a bunch of bullshit or political or controversial stuff on Facebook.  I founded and am CEO of a successful software company that provides SaaS based data, analytics, and dashboards to recruiting departments at companies we all know.  As you would expect, I am data driven and fact based.  Before founding my company I held executive roles leading very large recruiting teams at some of the world's fastest growing companies such as Starbucks and Google.  At Google I was fortunate enough to report to Sheryl Sandberg before she took the Facebook COO role.  I was a Chemical Engineering major in college and have a business degree from a top undergraduate business school.  I am not one for hyperbole or histrionics.  My bullshit factor is close to zero. I share all this personal information only to help solidify that this post may be worth reading and sharing with others. I would encourage you to forward or share this post at your discretion.  Many people do not understand what is happening with the pandemic to the degree required which is why I took the time to write this and share this on Facebook. Now that I've gotten the introduction out of the way, here are two issues I want to bring to everyone’s attention.   ISSUE ONE:  SOCIAL NORMS ARE POWERFUL MOTIVATORS AND GETTING IN THE WAY OF PEOPLE TAKING THE RIGHT STEPS IN RESPONSE TO THE PANDEMIC:   One of the current problems with addressing the pandemic is the social pressures of taking action today. It's awkward, and feels like an over-reaction. The reason it feels like an overreaction is that most people OVERWEIGHT the currently reported cases and inherently UNDERWEIGHT the mathematics of how the virus is spreading and what will happen in about 30 days time. This is because our brains tend to think linearly as opposed to logarithmically.  It’s the same reason many people don’t save for retirement or understand compound interest.   To create a new social norm, human beings like to see behavior modeled. This serves as a signal that says, “oh, someone else is doing it so I should do it also.”   SO HERE IS A SOCIAL BENCHMARK FOR REFERENCE - THIS IS WHAT I’VE DONE FOR MY FAMILY TO DATE: I have already isolated my family. We have canceled EVERYTHING. We have canceled previously scheduled doctor visits.  Social get togethers.  No play dates.  Normal routine meetings.  Everything has been canceled.   It's difficult and socially awkward. Some of you think I’m crazy, but I’m doing it not because I am afraid, but because I am good at math (more on that in part 2).  I had to have my 16 year old daughter quit her job coaching junior gymnasts at the local gym, with one day’s notice and also tell my kids they can't attend youth group at church. Both of those were tough discussions.  I told a very close friend he shouldn’t stay at my house this weekend even though he was planning to and had booked his flight from the Bay Area.  I canceled another dear friend’s visit for later this month to go snowboarding on Mt Bachelor. We are not eating out.  Our kids are already doing online school so we don’t have to make changes there.  I would not send my kids to school even if they were in public or private school.  We have eliminated all non-essential contact with other people.  We will only venture out to grocery shop when required.  We will still go outside to parks, go mountain biking, hiking, and recreate to keep ourselves sane and do other things as a family, just not with other people.  We have stocked up on food and have a supply for ~2 months.  We have stocked up on other goods that if depleted would create hardship, like medicines and feminine hygiene products.  We have planned for shortages of essential items. THE REASON I HAVE CHOSEN THIS ROUTE FOR MY FAMILY IS MULTI FACETED: 1.    Although my family is considered low risk (I’m 49 in good health, Angi is 46 and in good health, and our kids are 14 and 16), we must assume that the healthcare system cannot help us, because the hospitals will become overwhelmed very quickly.  Most American hospitals will become overwhelmed in approximately 30 days unless something changes.   More on this in part 2 below.  So although we are in great health and unlikely to become gravely ill, the risk is greater if you do not have access to the medical care that you need.  This is something for everyone to consider.  As a society we are accustomed to having access to the best medical care available.  Our medical system will be overwhelmed unless we practice social distancing at scale.  That said, the medical teams in Italy are seeing an alarming number of cases from people in their 40s and 50s.  Triage tents are already going up in the parking lots at many hospitals close to the epicenters in the United States. 2.    It’s not a matter of if social distancing will take place, it’s a matter of when.  This is because social distancing is the only way to stop the virus today.   As I will explain in part 2 below, starting now is FAR more effective than starting even 2 days from now or tomorrow. This has been proven by Italy and China (and soon to be France and other European countries who have been slow to respond.) [updated as of 3/14 France is now on lockdown mandated by the government].  Wuhan went on lockdown after roughly 400 cases were identified (and they had access to testing that America has systematically failed to do well to date).  The US already has more than 4 times this number of known infected cases as Wuhan did when it was shut down, and our citizens are far more mobile and therefore spreading the virus more broadly when compared to Wuhan.  Yet our response is tepid at best.   If hand washing and “being smart” were sufficient Italy would not be in crisis.  So I pray the draconian measures are coming from our government, because they are required to stop the spread of the virus.   It’s better to start sooner than later as the cost is actually far greater if we wait.  I pray they close all schools and non-essential services the way that Italy and China have done. 3.    Spreading the virus puts those in the high-risk category at much greater risk.  This is the moral argument.  It’s a strong argument because there are only two ways, as of today, that the virus can be stopped:   let it run its course and infect 100s of millions of people, or social distancing.  There is no other way today.  If you don’t practice social distancing, people downstream from you that you transmit the virus to will die, and many will suffer. 4.    The risk of infection is increasing exponentially, because the quantity of infected people, most who will not show symptoms, is doubling every three days.  So the longer you wait to self-isolate, the greater the chance of you or someone you love becoming infected and then you infecting others because more of the population is becoming infected.  There are twice as many infected people today as there was on Tuesday. 5.    The virus is already in your town.  It’s everywhere.  Cases are typically only discovered when someone gets sick enough to seek medical attention.  This is important as it typically takes ~5 days to START showing ANY symptoms.  Here’s the math:  For every known case there are approximately 50 unknown cases.  This is because if I become sick, I infect several people today, and they infect a few people each tomorrow (as do I), and the total count of infected people doubles every 3 days until I get so sick I get hospitalized or get tested and become a “known case”.  But in the time it takes me to figure out I am sick 50 others downline from me now have the virus.  So every third day the infection rate doubles until I get so sick that I realize I have the virus an am hospitalized or otherwise tested.  Harvard and Massachusetts General Hospital estimate that there are 50x more infections than known infections as reported (citation below).  The implication of this is that the virus is already “everywhere” and spreading regardless if your city has zero, few or many reported cases.  So instead of the 1573 reported known cases today there are likely 78,650 cases, at least, in the United States.  Which will double to 157,300 by this Sunday.  And this will double to 314,600 cases by this coming Wednesday.  So in less than 1 week the number of total infected in the United States will quadruple.  This is the nature of exponential math.  It’s actually unfortunate that we are publishing the figures for known cases as it diverts attention away from more important numbers (like the range of estimated actual cases).  [Update as of 3/15/20 - I've been sent more research that may add clarity to the ACTUAL cases vs CONFIRMED cases and will update this post with any conclusions] 6.  Some people cannot, or will not, practice social distancing for a variety of reasons and will continue to spread the virus to many people.  So everyone else must start today.   The reasons above are why I have begun to practice social distancing.   It’s not easy.  But you should do it too. The hospitals will be at capacity and there are not enough ventilators. You will hear a lot about this issue in the coming few weeks... the shortage of ventilators. ISSUE TWO:  MANY PEOPLE ARE FOCUSED ON THE WRONG NUMBERS: Yes, the virus only kills a small percentage of those afflicted.  Yes, the flu kills 10s of thousands of people annually.  Yes, 80% of people will experience lightweight symptoms with COVID19.  Yes the mortality rate of COVID19 is relatively low (1-2%).  All of this true, but is immaterial.  They are the wrong numbers to focus on...   The nature of exponential math is that the infection rates start slowly, and then goes off like a bomb and overwhelms the hospitals. You will understand this math clearly in the next section if you do the short math exercise.  Evergreen hospital in Seattle is already in triage. I have heard credible reports from people on the ground that they are already becoming overwhelmed.  And the bomb won't really go off for a few more days.  Probably by Wednesday, March 18th (next week).  In just a few days from now we will hear grave reports from Seattle hospitals.   [update as of 3/15/20 - see the comments section below for an update from a staff member at Evergreen Hospital in Kirkland, WA] You should assume the virus is everywhere at this point, even if you have no confirmed cases in your area. YOU SHOULD DO THIS SIMPLE 2 MINUTE MATH EXERCISE (NO REALLY TAKE TWO MINUTES AND DO IT): To further understand exponential growth, take the number of confirmed cases in your area and multiply by 10 (or 50 if you believe Harvard and Massachusetts General estimations) to account for the cases that are not yet confirmed. If you have no confirmed cases choose a small number.   I’d suggest 10 cases in your city, if no cases are yet reported.  But you can use whatever number you like.  This number of infected people doubles every ~3 days as the infection spreads. So literally take your number, and multiply by 2. Then do it again. Then do it again. Then do it again. Do this multiplication exercise 10 times in total. 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x (the number of estimated infections in your city today (not just the reported cases)).   This result is the estimate for the actual cases in your area 30 days from now.  The math will take 30 seconds to complete with a calculator and it’s worth doing the math to see how it grows.  This end number is the number of cases in your city 30 days from today if a large percentage of the population do not practice social distancing.   2 to the 10th power is 1024.  When something doubles 10 times, it's the same as multiplying by 1024.  The infection rate of the virus doubles every 3 days.  In thirty days there will be 1,024 times the number of infected people in your area as there is today if your community does not immediately put social distancing into practice.  One thousand and twenty four times as many infected people as there is today, in just 30 days.   Next, divide the final number (the scary big one) you just calculated by the current population of your city and you will be able to get the percentage of people THAT YOU KNOW PERSONALLY who will be infected 30 days from now.   Next take 15% (multiply by 0.15) of that final 30 day number of total infected people (the number you calculated by multiplying by 2 ten times). This will provide an estimate of the serious cases which will require hospitalization, and compare it to the number of beds and ventilators available at your local hospital.  Google the "number of beds" and the name of your local hospital now.  It takes 2 seconds and the number of beds is easy to find.  65% of beds are already occupied by patients unrelated to the coronavirus.  St Charles in Bend, Oregon where I live, has 226 beds and the town is roughly 100,000 people.  Most hospitals have on average, 40 or fewer ventilators.  5% of patients require ICU treatment.  There are very few ICU beds compared to regular beds in hospitals.  There are very few negative pressure areas in any hospital to deal with the containment of airborne diseases.   These numbers you just calculated are the Big Problem:  Too many patients, not enough beds, and a serious shortage of ventilators (the biggest problem) if we don't immediately begin social distancing.  More on this biggest problem related to the insufficient quantity of ventilators is below. COUNTRIES THAT GET OVERWHELMED WILL HAVE A MUCH GREATER MORTALITY RATE BECAUSE THEY WON’T BE ABLE TO ADEQUATELY CARE FOR THE SICK.   And by sick I mean not just coronavirus patients.  Your son or daughter that needs acute care surgery this May for his badly broken leg will be attended to by an orthopedic doctor that has been working at maximum capacity and working 18 hour shifts for 7 days every week for 6 weeks because it was required to care for all the coronavirus patients at her hospital.  Or the orthopedic surgeon will be sick with the virus and your son or daughter will be operated on in a tent in the hospital parking lot by a non-expert or a member of the National Guard.  Your elderly Mom that has diabetes and goes into acute distress next month may not receive ANY medical care because the doctors are consumed and have to prioritize patients based on triage guidelines based on success rate probabilities.  Your sibling’s family that are all injured in a terrible car crash in June will have diminished care.  If one of them needs a ventilator there will be none available because all of them will be in use by critical coronavirus patients.  Your young friend with cancer and a compromised immune system from treatment will succumb even though the cancer was curable and the treatment was working, because their body was too fragile to combat the coronavirus due to the chemotherapy and they couldn't receive the customized, acute care required due to the hospital being overwhelmed.  All of the above is currently happening in Italy, who had the same number of infections we have today just 2 weeks ago.  You must start social distancing today. The count of actual virus infections doubles every ~3 days. The news and government agencies are lagging in their response. So we hear that the US only has 1573 cases today (3/12/20) [update as of 3/15/20:  3115 confirmed cases), ( see https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/) and it doesn't seem like a lot.  It would be better to report the estimated actual cases, since reported cases don’t tell us much.  However, we know from China that the actual number of cases are at least an order of magnitude greater than the reported cases, because people get infected and do not display symptoms.  In math, an "order of magnitude" means ten times difference, or put another way, a factor of 10.  100 is 10 times greater than 10, so it's an order of magnitude greater.   Harvard Medical School / Massachusetts General Hospital just released their estimate (recording is here:   https://externalmediasite.partners.org/Mediasite/Play/53a4003de5ab4b4da5902f078744435a1d) that the actual cases are 50x greater than the reported cases.  So we likely have 75,000 cases in the United States already.  The number of reported cases is not that important. But let’s assume the current number of cases is only 10,000 ACTUAL cases in the United States just to be conservative and model out what will happen: If we don’t stop the virus from spreading, in 30 days we will have 2 to the 10th power more cases of infected people because the infection count doubles every 3 days (the virus doubles every 3 days and there are 10, 3 day periods in 30 days).   The math: 2 to the 10th power means 1,024 times as many cases as we have today (2 times 2 repeated 10 times).   This number is a catastrophically big problem for all of us:  We will have 10 million+ actual cases (10,000 actual cases today x 1,024) in the United States in just 30 days’ time if we continue without extreme social distancing.  10 million people with the virus.  And it will keep doubling every 3 days unless we practice social distancing. 15% of cases require significant medical attention, which means that 1.5 million people will require significant medical attention if 10 million people get infected (15% of 10 Million total infections = 1.5 million people requiring hospitalization).   1.5 million hospitalizations is way more than we have beds for at hospitals in the United States.  And 65% of all beds are already occupied in our hospitals.  But many patients (5%) with the virus need ICU beds, not just any old hospital bed.  Only about 10% of hospital beds are considered intensive care beds.  So we will have a huge bed shortage, but that is not the biggest problem, as we can erect temporary ICU shelters and bring in more temporary beds, as Italy has already done, and California and Washington hospitals have already done.   Evergreen Hospital in Seattle has already erected temporary triage tents in the parking lot as of 3/13/20.  All regular beds are full at Evergreen Hospital as of yesterday. Once the government of China, Norway, and Italy came to understand this math, they reacted accordingly and shut EVERYTHING down.  [update as of 3/15/20 now France has done the same lockdown]. Extreme social distancing is the only response available to stop the virus today.  The United States is not responding well nor are other countries like  the UK.  Countries that do not respond well will pay a much larger, catastrophic price. But hospital beds are not the big problem.  The lack of ventilators is the big problem.  Most estimates peg the ventilators in the United States at roughly 100,000 to 150,000 units.  See the study from last month: http://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/resources/COVID-19/200214-VentilatorAvailability-factsheet.pdf The primary and most serious comorbid (comorbid is a medical term that means co-existing or happening at the same time) condition brought on by the Coronavirus is something called bilateral interstitial pneumonia which requires ventilators for treatment of seriously ill patients.  So if 1.5M people of the 10 million infected 30 days from now require hospital care (15% of the 10M estimated total infections), 1.3M may not get the care that they need because we don’t have enough ventilators, beds, and ICU beds in the United States.  And remember, this is only if ALL OF US EFFECTIVELY start social distancing by April 11th (30 days from today).  This increases the mortality rate significantly. BUT IF WE START EXTREME SOCIAL DISTANCING BY MARCH 23 (12 days from original writing), WE AVOID OVER 1.4 MILLION PEOPLE GETTING CRITICALLY ILL AND OVERWHELMING THE HOSPITALS: If everyone takes extreme measures to social distance, and the United States can dramatically reduce the spread of the virus 12 days from now, the math is very different, as the exponential growth will only be 2 to the 4th power (12 days divided by the doubling rate of every 3 days equals the exponent of 4): 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 16 So instead of 10 Million cases in the United States if we wait 30 days, if we act 18 days sooner, we will have only 160,000 cases (16 times the estimated 10,000 actual cases as of today), of which 15% are likely to require hospitalization.  This is 24,000 critical patients (a huge difference compared to 1.5 million acute patients).   The difference between taking extreme measures now, versus waiting even a few days, is very large due to how exponents work in math. THE OUTCOME IS EVEN BETTER IF WE TAKE ACTION IN THE NEXT 6 DAYS:  If the vast majority of the population self isolates and implements social distancing in only 6 days from now the exponential math is 2 to the 2nd power (6 days divided by the 3 days it takes the virus to double means the exponent is only 2).  In math this is "two squared". 2 x 2 = 4   Multiplied by the estimated 10,000 ACTUAL cases as of today (3/12/20) that means only 40,000 total cases will develop, 15% of which may be critical which is 6,000 critical patients. This is why you should share this post broadly.  If people begin social distancing in the next 6 days it will greatly reduce the impact on all of us.  It's why they say a "post goes viral". SOCIAL DISTANCING WILL REDUCE THE FINANCIAL IMPACT TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY: Finally, the longer everyone waits to practice significant social distancing the greater the economic hardship will be on all of us.  Lost jobs.  Mortgage defaults.  Closed businesses.  Bankruptcies.   All will be minimized if you start social distancing today. Some of the reasons the economic impacts will be reduced are worth mentioning:  If we stop the virus now the overall duration of the outbreak will be far shorter.  The stock market will normalize more quickly and recover more quickly.  Businesses and people will be able to survive a shorter duration outbreak vs a longer duration outbreak.   More companies will avoid bankruptcy if we begin to practice social distancing now. This is a big financial reason to begin social distancing if you are employed by any company:  if companies see that the virus is being slowed, they will be less likely to conduct layoffs.  You will be more likely to be laid off or experience a job-related event if we don’t practice social distancing immediately.  As an HR executive, I’ve been involved in many, many layoffs.  It’s the last thing companies want to do.  But if they see that the pandemic will be shorter lived vs long and drawn out, they are less likely to make the permanent decision of laying off staff. The overall economic impact that hits your bank account will be greater if you wait or you don’t practice social distancing.   This is why Norway acted now, because it’s less economic impact to take drastic measures early than to do them later, and it saves a lot of lives and suffering by doing so.  And Norway has only one confirmed death as of this writing.   Many people have suggested they want to support local restaurants and other businesses, who have seen sales drop by 50-90%.  Stopping by and visiting them won't save them.  What will save them is social distancing and what you do after the pandemic is over.  If you are concerned, call them and buy a gift certificate over the phone. START TODAY.  I CAN’T STRESS THIS ENOUGH.  YOU MUST START TODAY.   Finally, the article that I posted yesterday written by Tomas Pueyo has been read 30M times in the last few days and has been updated with new information.  It’s worth reading again. Here’s that link.   https://medium.com/@tomaspueyo/coronavirus-act-today-or-people-will-die-f4d3d9cd99ca Other up to date data I frequently consult regarding the pandemic is here: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ I hope this is helpful and useful.  My brain focuses on the math and I try and be fact based in my analysis and interpretation of how I should respond. THERE IS MORE INFORMATION IN THE COMMENTS BELOW WORTH READING AND I WILL BE UPDATING THIS POST, AND THE COMMENTS, WITH MORE INFORMATION, (AS OPPOSED TO CREATING NEW POSTS). MY FINAL PARTING THOUGHT:  Please share or forward this post at your discretion.   If everyone shares this post and two of your friends share this post and so on, we use the power of exponential math to work in our favor, which seems appropriate given the virus is using that same exponential math against us.   HOW YOU CAN REALLY HELP:  If you know people who have large numbers of followers, or people in the media, please leverage your personal relationship with them and ask them to amplify this post by sharing it or the Medium Post (link below)   For people not on Facebook you can email or text the link.   It would be useful to get the post on Twitter and LinkedIn by sharing the Medium post.  If you know people in government this fact-based post may help inform them to make the best decisions.   It's time for us humans to go on the offensive against the virus.  We must fight back.   There is only one way to do so:  Social Distancing.   Do it today. NOTE:  Anyone, including the media, is free to use this post, any related content, in all or in part, for any purpose, in any format, with no attribution required. Please direct message me if you have other ideas for how to raise awareness. Finally, I can no longer keep up with friend requests given how much this post has been shared.  To receive updates or follow me, please use the "Follow" button on Facebook.   3/16/20:  I am preparing a second post, now that 4 days have gone by since the first post. To receive it please follow me on FB.  I can not keep up with the friend requests. https://medium.com/@Jason_Scott_Warner/the-sober-math-everyone-must-understand-about-the-pandemic-2b0145881993 https://www.facebook.com/jason.scott.warner/posts/10163742243430144
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gracemyhearto · 5 years
I was tagged by @missemperor to do this com-myu-nity ask :D
1. What is your hobby?
History! I was fascinated of past times very early. When I was a child, middleages and stuff pretty much scared me but through that fear grew a deep interest and out of this interest grew an even deeper passion and here I am now studying it :D On my 2nd tumblr @renaissance-prinzessin I spam post a lot of history content :D Oh and I write. xD
 2. What is your special skill?
Special skill? Ehm maybe the way I understand animals? I am a very sensitive person. J
 3. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Like I said, I am very good at working and interacting with animals. I also think that I am pretty good in academic writing.
 Weaknesses: as if I’d share that xP
 4. What is your favorite color?
 5. What is your favorite animal?
Omg that is hard?  I love them all! But if I have to pick one.. horses! But ALL animals are precious babys!
 6. Which food are you into lately?
My mum’s risotto and I had really GREAT herb Schupfnudeln when I was on holidays in Bavaria this month <3
 7. What is the thing you never lose to from anyone?
My own goals.
 8. What is your most treasured item?
I can’t really think of an item, of course I love my books and my merch but there is no item or thing that matters to me as much as for example my horse Poly or my dog Pauli do :D
 9. What is your cooking specialty?
Recently I brought perfection to my beloved avocado-tomato soup xD I really do enjoy cooking (veggy of course!) and tried some vegan recipes recently too!
10. What is the thing you want the most at the moment?
Oh, I wished my bachelor’s thesis would be done already ahahaha.
 11. What is the thing you are most scared of?
Nothing I’d share in the internet but I have to admit that, beside the fact that I love all animals, ostrichs somehow really scare me xDD
 12. What is the thing you were happy about this year?
I think it’s getting back to my old university after switching to another last year. It feels home again but I am still glad that I was able to collect so many new experiences at the other uni.
 13. What is the thing you were sad about this year?
The retirement of Mirio and Miyacchi! I mean on the other hand they are/will be free to be themselves now without hiding behind the Otokoyaku mask but it’s still sad because I really adored both of them
 14. What is the thing you regretted this year?
 Regret? Actually there is nothing that I really do regret atm
 15. What is the thing you were angry about this year?
Unistuff, yep yep yep
 16. What is the job that gave you a sense of fulfillment this year?
Does my studies count? xD
 17. What has changed about you since you entered com-myu-nity?
 Mostly that I don’t care anymore if other people dislike me or my opinion
 18. Which character would you play in Sera myu?
 Aw! I would want to be Venus! Venus! Venus! But I think as for playing I’d be predestined for a bitchy badass Neptune or Mars xD
 19. If you were to form a collab now, who would it be with?
 Do ya mean a song collab like the stuff we do like everyday in the com-my-nity? Actually I am doing a lot of stuff with @missemperor and it’s always a pleasure! But I also want to do something again with my first besties @sailorzakuro and @MyuToni sooooo I am open to do collabs with everyone xD
 20. What do you love about Sera Myu nowadays?
That it made me be part of something and feel welcome among my friends <3
 21. Which cast member catches your attention the most at the moment?
Hmm, at the moment it might be Kana Nakada because I really liked her performance in NogiMyu. But tbh I am more into the BaniMyu actors/actresses.
 22. Which cast member would you want as your significant other?
 23. If you were to marry a cast member, who would it be?
EDO HIDEMASA <333333333
 24. If you would go to a deserted island, which cast member would you like to go with you?
Probably Yuuko Hosaka? She is such a mum, I’m sure she would get us back to civilisation easily xD
 25. If you would be born again, which cast member would you want to be?
Ehm… Nao Inada? I could play Venus in two very good productions then xD
 26. Which Sera Myu production would you want to be a part of?
The Dracul Arc!
 27. If you would create your own kingdom, what kind of country would you want it to be?
Don’t expect a pinky, plushy kingdom with worldpeace and same rights for everyone :P. Probably something like Middle-earth. I think there can’t be light without darkness.
 28. What is an interesting book or manga you read recently?
Thanks to @vampiruchan I am totally into the Black Dagger Brotherhood books atm xD
 29. What is an interesting movie you watched recently?
I rewatched The Hobbit and I realized again how much I love Bilbo and how much of an Elve I am xD
 30. What is your favorite Sera Myu song at the moment?
Always and forever FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! *starts dancing*
 31. What is your favorite Sera Myu song choreography at the moment?
Probably Fumi’s LINK from 1999?
 32. What is your favorite Sera Myu costume at the moment?
LOL totally Lamia’s breast pad I mean sexy cape outfit xD
 33. What is your favorite Myu at the moment?
Always and forever.. Kessen or Last Dracul. Can’t decide, it really depends on my mood. As for this moment it’s LD
 34. What is your favorite Myu cast?
I go with Last Dracul, I still love KSDK too and I really wished Yuuko was part of Myu in LD already
 35. Is there something you say a lot recently?
At least I use „!s” way too often xD That’s a typical german thing I guess
 36. What would you do if you could plan a Fan Kansha?
I wouldn’t change anything from the Bandai era. Just record it, PUT IT ON DVD and and add  official subs xD
 37. What do you hope to see Sera Myu doing in the future?
Not to relate too much on the manga…
 38. What kind of person do you want to be in 5 years?
I want to be done with studying and gain ground in working life
 39. What has been a memorable concert or event this year?
I saw the ballet “Swan Lake” by the russian nationalballet and omg it was awesome!
 40. What do you want to do in your private life this year?
Private life? Does that even exist? lol
 41. What kind of job would you like to do in the future?
I want to gain ground in historical research
 42. Do you have a hairstyle you would like to try in the future?
Let’s see: Last year I dyed my hair tips blue (it stayed like 3 weeks) that was fun. And recently I managed to get my hair back into it’s original colour (medium blonde) and I am really happy with that. Wished it would still be a bit more even but hey xD
 43. What Sera Myu merchandise would you love to have?
The Death Vulcan VHS as well everything available of Miyuki-Moon!
44. Where would you want Sera Myu to come to?
It would be nice if the other country’s themselves would organize Myus. Like, Germany was one of the countrys in which Sailor Moon was just so fkn popular that we even had an own Sailor Moon band, okay? xD So Myus based on the Bandai era here in Germany would be nice (even though I had no chance I’d so apply there xDDD)
 45. If you could have a holiday with any cast member, what do you want to do?
Probably talk about their life at Sera My and ask them things especially about backstage things.
 46. Please say something to your favourite cast member.
Well, Miyuki is in heaven but I’ll still dedicate this to her: You were wonderful. You didn’t made Sailor Moon just come to life, you put love in every single performance and transmitted all feelings to the audience with such a warm energy that it is always a pleasure and honour to watch your performances. I get never tired of watching them again and again. I hope you are happy where you are now but let me tell you that you can be really proud of what you did. You were not only an enrichment for the whole Sailor Moon franchise but also for my life and I just can not thank you enough for that.
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elegant-phff · 6 years
Summer of 2012
Alexandra Larsson
"Your Dad is invited to the Buckingham Palace this weekend along with the family for the state dinner,so make sure that you take some time out to attend it.Remember darling,it's important.We are meeting the Queen,"Alexandra's mom,Shailene Larsson spoke from the other side of the telephone.Sighing,Alexandra replied,"Sure mum,I won't forget I know how important it is for dad."
This year was the last service year of her father,Air Commodore Samuel Larsson.As a tradition the Queen hosts a State Dinner for the senior retiring Officers of the military every year.
Alexandra was beyond proud of her father and knew how much hard work her father went through all these years.The thing she despised the most about her father's profession is the parties.All the wife's of the officers were just stuck up witches.Gossiping about other's lives and spitting venom out of their mouths.Fake smile,heavy make up,pearly white teeth and their 'branded' clothings are all that mattered to them.
Another reason why she despised the parties were the,"When are you getting married?"Ladies trying to set her up with their egoistic sons was not a part of her weekend plans.As much as hardworking all the officers were,their wives were even more stuck up.The children...let's not start with them.Flaunting their parents money as if it grew from the trees and not caring a bit about it.
Alexandra was pretty anti social when it came to making friends in these parties.Although she grew up around most of these people,she couldn't connect with them.They were not the type of people she'd be friends with.Her older sister,Summer having a little more experience in this field is a bit more okay with this whole ordeal.
"I have been dreading this day since the beginning of the month UGH"Alexa said,throwing her phone on her bed."Calm down,it's gonna be fine and I'll be there as well so don't worry,"Her sister,Summer said trying to calm her down."You are chill because no one is gonna ask you why you are an actress because you aren't,"Alexa exclaimed dropping herself on the love bag.
Rolling her eyes,Summer plopped herself beside her sister."Trust me,it's going to be okay and you are famous now so instead they'll be praising you there."
"Huh,I wish."
The Day of The State Dinner
5:38 pm
Alexandra made sure that she locked the door before walking through the hallway of her apartment complex.She wore a off shoulder Oscar De La Renta dress hoping it would be enough for the ladies to stay shush.She wasn't nervous about meeting the Queen,she has met her before.Not to brag obviously.It wasn't like the Queen knows her name.She had attended these Dinners before.All she has to do is curtsy to Her Majesty and shake her hands.Its the same everytime.
She flashes a smile to the guy at the reception and enters the garage.After she entered her car she texted her mom saying she is leaving her apartment and will be at their house within 15minutes.
Turning on the car radio she murmurs to herself here goes nothing.She smiles when her friend,Taylor Swift's song is on the radio.
Fifteen minutes later she is honking her car in front of her parents' house.When she sees her sister Summer come out,she parks her car and gets out.
"When did you get here?"asked Alexandra."Half an hour ago,I finished early from work today so I thought that I would just change at their house,"Summer replied standing beside her younger sister."Hmm,how's dad's mood today?"Alexandra asked again,worried that her father would be a little upset today,seeing it's his last State Dinner as a serving officer of the RAF.
"A bit emotional but better than I expected,"Summer said."Mum's worse for some reason,"she added."I guess she realised they are getting old,"Alexa said trying to lighten up the mood."Shush,if mum hears you she will have a fit."Summer playfully smacked her sister's chest.
"Sorry girls we are late,"Their father exclaimed while their mother was locking the door.Their father was proudly wearing this RAF uniform while her mother wore a gorgeous off white dress.The couple walked to the front porch hand in hand,waiting for their service car.The service car bearing a small flag of the United Kingdom and a star in the centre of the trunk arrived and all four of them settled in.
Buckingham Palace
They passed through the gates of the magnificent palace and both the sisters admired the centuries old palace.No matter how many times they came here,it never gets old.When the car came to a stop,they were greeting by a few footmen and Major Abraham Smith,who worked in the royal household.The women offered him a kind smile while her father shook his hands.They were led into the ballroom of the palace.
When they entered the ballroom,Alexa met with the faces of all the fake bitches that she could not stand."Be nice,"Shailene warned before walking off to say hi to some people.Her father went off to greet his fellow colleagues,leaving Alexa and Summer."It's going to be fine,"Summer said squeezing her hand in a reassuring way.Alexa offered a kind smile.Just when she mentally told her anxiety to shut up,she was greeted with the face of Mrs.Stevenson,her ultimate hater.That woman could not stand Alexa.Everytime they met,her question would be,"Dear,did you get a proper job this time?'That lady could not understand how acting could be a career and was "extremely worried" about her future.
"Hello Mrs.Stevenson it's so good to see you,"Alexa exclaimed flashing her a fake smile.Although the older lady did not notice the fake smile,thanks to Alexandra's bachelors degree in acting.
"Oh Alexandra! dear how are you?"
You could sense the fakeness in her voice from miles away."I am doing amazing,you look wonderful tonight."Alexa lied.She could clearly see her cakey make up and a badly done hairdo."You are too kind,I love your dress,is it from Zara?" Mrs.Stevenson exclaimed.Bitch I spent £8,700 on this dress shut the fuck up.
"Oh no, it's Oscar De La Renta"Alexa offered her a smirk.Seeing the smile disappear from Mrs.Stevenson's face,Alexa mentally high fived herself."Excuse me please."Alexa left the woman and dashed for the wine table."Red wine please."Sensing it's gonna be a long night she needed alcohol's company.Quietly she thanked the waiter and sipped her wine.She eyed the room,her eyes fixing on her sister socialising.She rolled her eyes and continued scanning the room.They settled on the main door being opened by a a footman and everyone quiet down."Her Majesty,The Queen,Their Royal Highnessses Duke of Edinburgh,Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall."
Everyone stepped aside,the men bowed their heads while the women curtsied.After a few moments Alexa quietly stood beside her father.The action quickly being followed by her mum and sister.The Queen greeted everyone one by one followed by the other royals.When the Queen walked towards the Larsson family,the women again curtsied and Air Cdre Samuel Larsson bowed his head.This gesture being repeated for the other royals."Air Cdre Larsson such a pleasure having you here today."Prince Philip exclaimed shaking her father's hand.The Prince and his son admired her father very much.They were seen hanging out outside of their duties sometimes,although not quiet often."Mrs.Larsson,your daughters have grown up so much since the last time we met!"We smiled."Ahh yes,I seems like it was yesterday that they graduated college and now they are doing amazing in their respective careers"Her mum exclaimed politely.Her Majesty smiled."Your Majesty how are you now,I heard you weren't feeling well awhile back."Alexa said in concern."Feeling better now,it was just the weather change."
"We are glad."Summer said.The Queen smiled,"I will see you around."After  the Queen left they chatted among ourselves.Alexa dragged Summer to a nearby table.A glass of wine on both of their hands."Oh gosh is it Alexandra?!"A voice exclaimed from behind.Alexandra smiled noticing that it was one of the only few people she liked,her friend Ashley.She wasn't sure if Ashley would be there that they but alas someone thankfully saved her day."Ashley!come on sit with us,"Alexa said patting the chair beside her."How have you been?its been a while,"Summer asked.Ashley was Alexandra's classmate in school and although she was a bit younger than Summer they were good friends."Fine,life has been pretty boring honestly."They hummed in response."Anyways how have you guys been?"Ashley asked."I start filming Sherlock Season 3 in two months."Alexa shrugged.Ashley's mouth shaped into an 'o' and she turned to Summer."The same old Computer Scientist stuff."
"Seems like only Alexa's life has been interesting."
"So any boyfriends?"Ashley asked."Meh,"Alexa replied uninterested but kept her eyes on her sister.She saw how Summer became quiet all of a sudden and blush begun to creep up her neck to her face.Alexa smiled,happy for her sister.Ashley also noticed Summer's change in demeanour."OMG WHO IS IT?!"Ashley almost screamed but calmed herself.
"It's Nick."Summer whispered.It was almost inaudible but loud enough for Ashley to hear."Nick as in Nick Jonas?!"Ashley asked.Summer only nodded slowly."You're welcome"Alexa teased.Nick and Alexa were co-stars in a movie and she had introduced them.She quickly noticed the spark between them and set them up.Luckily it seemed to be going well."Shut up you!"Summer smacked Alexa's arm.She only smiled in response."Anyways did you guys hear?the duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry are also gonna be here today."Ashley said changing the subject.She had the attention spam of a goldfish."Really?That's cool."The sisters said not really interested but Alexa was a bit excited to meet the Duchess.
A few moments later,the footman opened the door again."Your Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry of Wales."Everyone once again bowed and curtsied then quickly emerging into conversations.Summer asked the girls if they could meet up anytime soon and while the girls were making plans,they heard a voice behind them."Red wine please."Alexa turned around to see who it was and realised that it's Prince Harry.She subtly turned around again,not wanting to attract the prince."I am gonna go get a drink,"Ashley exclaimed realising her glass was empty."I'm gonna go to the restroom,"Summer said.With both the ladies leaving Alexa was alone.A voice cleared their throat,resulting in her seeing who it was.It was the young prince.
"What's a pretty girl doing here alone?" Alexa restrained herself from rolling her eyes."I am not alone,"She sassed.Crossing her legs she took a sip of her wine.Harry took a seat beside her."So then who are you here with?"Harry inquired,a little too eager."My family."Alexa replied.
"You know,all the girls,they are always very eager to talk to me.They'd be throwing themselves at me by now.But you here are not even looking at me."Harry noted looking at her.Alexandra smiled."You see,your Royal Highness,"she mocked."I am not others,I am not interested in you.I am merely here due to my father's sake."she added.Harry seemed shocked by her confession."You intrigue me,"Harry said."It's my honour,"Alexa winked playfully."I would love to get to know you more my dear but I have to go,"and just like that,the prince left confused as to how the girl remained unfazed from his charm.She simply chuckled.Just then Ashley returned to their table.
"Dude,you have no idea who just hit on me!"Ashley exclaimed."Prince Harry?"Alexa replied,not unknown to the royal's flirty nature."I wish,but it was Richard."Richard was Ashley's longtime crush."Oh my gosh!really?"Alexa exclaimed,happy for her friend."Yes!He was asking if we could hang out next weekend."Ashley grinned."I am so happy for you!Give me all the details after your date."Ashley blushed at the word 'date'.
Summer finally returned to their table."Sorry,Nick called and I lost track of time."Summer blushed."Anyways its time to have dinner."All of them made their way to the dinner room.Throughout the dinner Alexa would notice Harry looking at her but she decided to ignore it.
When it was time for the Larssons to leave,they bid their goodbyes separately.Just when Alexa was about to leave she heard someone go,"Wait,can I...maybe have your number?"Harry hesitated.Alexa's eyes widened at his boldness but she quickly recovered."I don't know can you?"Harry have a pleading look."Okay here is the deal,if we ever see each other again,I will give you my number."Alexa winked."What's the guarantee that I will see you again?"Harry asked."Oh trust me,if you are gonna need that number,we'll see each other."Alexa said flirtously.And just like that she left.Leaving the party prince hazed.
Little did they know.Their next meeting was three years later.
Hope you guys liked prologue its their first meeting and the first chapter will be a time jump and their story will continue.I made social media posts for this story...you will be able to find them at the end of the chapters.Also Alexandra's outfit :
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Social media accounts:
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Alexa's post of the chapter:
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caravanslost · 6 years
In light of your latest post, you'll be happy to know that based on your spamming I've just aquired the Society of Gentlemen ebooks. And even though I'm not very far yet I can tell I'm gonna be completely absorbed when I have time to read them properly and not for a few minutes at a time while testing people for my bachelor thesis 😁
(2/2)Oh and also! (Same SOG anon as before btw) I really really loved all your Capri Month ficlets!! 😍 They were so good I was looking forward to them every day and the reason why I followed. Figured, while I'm writing asks might as well throw that in there: they're great! You're great!
Anon! Hello!
1. You’re going to DEVOUR the series. I know it. To encounter these books is to be swept off your feet by a fainting couch. I finished the final book in the series last night - A Gentleman’s Position - and twice gasped loud enough for one of my flatmates to check on me. And I may or may not have re-read particular excerpts today at work at the most inopportune and unprofessional times. I couldn’t resist, and I hope you enjoy them just as much. Come back and let me know what you think?
2. Best of luck with your Bachelor’s thesis! And again, allow me to compliment you on your chosen method of distraction.
3. Thank you so much for the lovely words :D I’ve gone back to writing slightly longer stuff - I am rather missing the short, sharp bursts of ficlet-writing, but I’m glad you enjoyed them1
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alvadee · 7 years
I can't say that Marilyn has ever been a special interest of mine, but your enthusiasm about her is very infectious and it makes me want to learn more. It's so exciting to see someone invested in something they love. Could you tell me more about your trip to Amsterdam?
Haha, I understand. I have no person irl either who shares my interest so I have to take it out on tumblr. (Actually just an hour ago an irl friend dragged me for spamming their dash with the Marilyn stuff …) But I’m very happy to hear it’s somewhat interesting for you!
Oh well, it was a trip! 
I had heard that there would be a big Marilyn exhibition in Amsterdam and since I’m living only a four to five hour hour drive away from Amsterdam and it could have been a once in a lifetime opportunity (hopefully not!) and there are daily travel couches for that route quite cheap I was determined to go.
Long story short the travel there was terrible because of the other passengers (a bachelor party, a bachelorette party and another group of annoying men, drunk and extremely loud people galore) and I got lost in Amsterdam because the map I had saved on my phone stopped working, it was storming and my feet were a mess. At the end of the day I found the exhibition 45 minutes before it closed.
But it was worth it.
The exhibiton consisted of items by a huge Marilyn collector from Germany. But also from some other stars! (Vivien Leigh’s green dress from Gone With The Wind and a gorgeous white robe worn by Jean Harlow) There were some of her most famous costumes and dresses but also outfits from her personal wardrobe, some even from her teenage Norma Jeane years and other items like sunglasses, used makeup, receipts, documents, movie scripts, the Warner Bros key etc. 
You weren’t allowed to take photos but tbh I was so frustrated that I didn’t have enough time to thorougly enjoy the exhibition I didn’t give a fuck and took a couple anyways and I’m very glad I did.
It was magical to be so …close to her? in a way? To know these were the clothes she wore a couple decades earlier to make movie history. It grounded her nearly supernatural persona in reality and made everything I read about her more tangible.
And I thought again how hilarious it is that people still try to perpetuate the myth of Marilyn being plus sized. To look at, for example, the beautiful, very shapely, cream colored dress she wore in The Prince and the Showgirl and remember comment sections were people couldn’t stop talking about her “tummy” in the movie. So damn ridiculous! The dresses showed me in real life that she had the most amazing hourglass shape that descriptions by her peers didn’t exaggerate. 
Anyway, the museums shop made wishes come true! lmao I bought a bunch of postcards (which are now on my fridge), a journal, the book from the exhibition and the book listing all the items of her estate.
Since my visit I think it’s so sad that so many of Marilyn’s belongings are in private collections and are hidden away in some millionaires cellars. I mean a good chunk of her famous wardrobe luckily gets shown off quite often in exhibitons. But I think her status as one of the biggest icons of the 20th century justifies an own Marilyn Monroe museum (that ideally would tour its exhibition around the world regulary). That’s why I’m very happy that her amazing “Happy Birthday” dress was bought by Ripley’s Belive It Or Not to make it accessible to the general public.
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benichi · 7 years
General Tips for Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns
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Since I got some asks for this, so I hope it’ll be helpful ( ᐛ )و I tried to compile everything I noticed while playing, might add to this if more comes up but it should cover the important stuff. As always feel free to ask questions!
Let’s start with the character creation: you can choose from 5 types which have different perks! What each of them stand for you can easily find online but I definitely recommend to start with Charmer. The other perks might be helpful in the beginning but don’t really do much for the long run imo, the villagers liking you however if always helpful! (If you’re worried about “missing dialogue” you could simply give one disliked gift to lower affection, but honestly this game has so much content you won’t even notice)
One benefit of the villagers liking you is that you can eat with them to restore your stamina for free! The times differ a little (usually it’s around 11am) so after you’ve finished your farmwork you can simply join someone for lunch to get that stamina back. I’m not exactly sure how much affection is required, but you’ll definitely be able to eat with the marriage candidates from the start if you chose Charmer. From time to time you’ll also get a status effect bonus, they’re explained here
Hit the L button while running around to offer those close by a greeting, it’ll count as talking to them and is a easy way to raise affection while saving time (can’t be done while on horse though)
Collect and store everything. Ok maybe not everything but at least a decent amount of most that you find. Usually you’ll need those things at one point, even “useless” things like weeds can be used for fertilizer later. Small note because I actually did this wrong myself: in order to increase your storage you don’t have to make a new farm circle. Instead you need to select the house upgrade option, increasing the storage space in part of the interior design!
SAVE THOSE BLACK ROCKS. You’ll need them to upgrade your tools among other things, and you can only get them from the mining points (or sometimes via fishing). If you are in a very desperate need you can save before mining and reload until you get a black rock (you can do this for whatever gem or material you need)
Use the job system to your advantage. Especially at the beginning they are a good way to earn money and raise the Town Link Ranks. Delivery jobs can be used to raise affection, you’ll be running all over the place so spam that L button to greet everyone. When weeding you can store those to use them for fertilizer later. Another good tip is to use jobs as a way to quick travel between towns
Having only one animal each is more than enough. I know that you’ll eventually be prompted to have 2 cows but there really isn’t a need for that (whether you want to sell or keep both is up to you). You can increase the amount of byproducts that one animal will produce (for example my chicken currently gives 20 eggs per day)
Speaking of animals, start giving treats early. There are 3 things that can be increased via treats/fodder: as prior explained the amount of byproducts, the animals coat and also the level of byproduct. The coat only serves as a requirement for festivals. The byproduct level however will determine which product you’ll get:
I’ll use a sheep as example cause that’s probably what you’ll need most. You start at byproduct level E which means you get normal wool by sheering. However, in order to make most clothes and/or the king sized bed you’ll need wool+. When the byproduct level reaches B there is a chance you’ll get wool+, but usually it’ll stil be normal wool (essentially the higher the level the higher the chance to get wool+) and once you reach level S you’ll get only wool+. Raising the byproduct level can take quite a while, so you can simply store all the wool you get until you reach level S in order to use it later. It’s important to note that wool+ ≠ wool, they count seperately. If you need wool as a requirement for something only wool will be accepted, it won’t downgrade the wool+.
Get a pet to herd your animals. When in the same area, a pet with the herding/recovery ability will automatically take your animals outside every morning at around 7 am and bring them back in later. Every pet can have every ability, each time you choose the “buy animal” option it’ll be randomly selected, so you can go back and forth until you have the combination you want
Fruit trees take quite a while to grow, plant at least one of each as soon as they become avaliable. Small note cause I got stuck here: you’ll need coconuts to make the winery, so be sure to definitely plant a coconut tree!
Crops are rated by: color, sweetness, juicyness and size. Increasing everything can be quite difficult, so at first I’d only focus on one or two parameters (you can check the calendar to see what’s needed for the festivals each month). Later on you’ll be able to buy a water fertilizer tank from Ludus. It’ll fill your entire watering can with water that has the effect you chose, which will raise the rating for all crops at once
if you don’t want to get stuck have an eye out for the Town Link Rank and Farm Tips requirements. Often times you’ll need items that are specific to a certain season, so it’s always good to plan ahead and store the things you need
Always save before festivals, winning in the beginners class is still preferable to loosing at a more difficult competition
Clothing preferences for Bachelors and Bachelorettes
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aowanders-blog · 7 years
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New Post has been published on https://aowanders.com/cheap-car-insurance-guaranteed-tricks-traveler-knows/
Cheap Car Insurance Guaranteed ~ Tricks Only a Traveler Knows
There is all kind of scams & spam surrounding cheap car insurance.  Ads that claim they have a secret no insurance company wants anyone to know about.  Then there’s the agent promising you the lowest rates guaranteed, but then sends you through a gauntlet of irrelevant car or driving related questions.  Cheap car insurance is not a gimmick or a trick.  Its an equation, and all you have to do is insert the right variables.  Something I found out first hand when traveling to California.  Want to skip the story and get to the details on how to get cheap car insurance?
No one wants to pay for car insurance, and everyone wants cheap car insurance.  When I first turned sixteen I remember calling insurance companies legal thieves, and con artists.  I remember trying to get a quote once from an agent in a strip mall setting who thought it was reasonable for a 16 year old to pay $650 plus a month.  Because of that I never had car insurance continuously.  I was covered sporadically over the years.  Prompted mainly by police, court houses or banks.  To find cheap car insurance by midnight the day of whatever infraction I was trying to get out of.  It was like a little game that only I knew about.
When a police officer pulls you over its almost always for some victimless revenue generating traffic violation that nobody dead or alive really cares about.  Unfortunately it took a run in with an officer in Minnesota for me to figure out how to keep their greedy little hands off of my money.  I was pulled over for having a necklace hanging from my rear view mirror.  Serious stuff I know, but they have to justify their employment somehow I suppose.
Instead of giving me a warning or education this overzealous power tripping officer elected to give me a ticket for no proof of insurance.  He could have given me a ticket for operator obstruction & inattentive driving for the necklace hanging.  Both of those are petty misdemeanors with minimal fines, and carry no jail time possibilities.
No proof of insurance on the other hand is an enhanceable misdemeanor offense that looms a hefty fine, possible jail time, possible license suspension and NOT cheap car insurance rates.  Enhanceable in the courts means if you get enough of the same charge in a certain amount of time they upgrade the charge from misdameanor to felony.  Which is how most felony DWI charges occur.
When I called the number on the back of the ticket I found out they wanted $730 for not having a piece of paper in my car.  On the hunt for cheap car insurance I called multiple companies looking for the lowest rate.  After hours on the phone I reluctantly accepted a $300 a month policy.  All this was before the internet, and while filling out all the paperwork by hand I wondered if getting cheap car insurance the day of the infraction would even satisfy the courts.
So I used the date a month earlier on everything I signed hoping they would just use the date I provided, and if they asked me about I would just play dumb.  They didn’t catch it, and printed me off a cheap car insurance ID card backdated a month.  I drove immediately to the police station.  Showed an officer my cards & gave my lame reasoning why it wasn’t on me, and the ticket was voided.
A few months later I was pulled over again for a cracked windshield.  Again serious stuff right.  I had never made any of my cheap car insurance payments because well they weren’t cheap.  When the officer asked for my insurance I gave him the ID cards I got a few months back, and this time instead of giving me a ticket he let me go on my way.
This was before cell phones and the internet, but he never even checked. A light bulb clicked.  Computers or their software were nowhere near what they are today.  In fact I ended up using liquid paper and a type writer to make insurance ID cards.  For years I handed out fake insurance ID cards to police officers avoiding that $730 ticket.
Then came cell phones.  Then the internet, and a young cop decided to validate my ID card.  Obviously it failed.  I was in California at the time, and had no idea I was about to uncover the ultimate cheap car insurance tactic.  I had two address one car looking for quotes for same day cheap car insurance.  What I uncovered was that if I used my Minnesota address my rate was drastically higher then my CA address.  When I added Bachelors degree my rate lowered.  Then I wanted to see how low I could get it.
So I lied and said I had a car alarm & various other safety features my rate lowered.  When I said I was married my rate lowered.  I went to another nationwide car insurance website and fabricated every answer to their  questions.  Every answer I provided was to make me look like the safest most responsible driver applicant with minimal use.  I got a quote for like $78 a month for full coverage.  BOOM ~ Yes please!!  Now thats cheap car insurance.  Take my money & email me my ID cards.  Went to the courthouse got the ticket cancelled.  Problem solved, but Alaska was about to unveil the real trick behind cheap car insurance.
After I moved up to Alaska my car loan lender wanted a copy of my insurance or they would provide one for me at a cost that I wasn’t found of.  So back to the internet.  Only this time I had 3 addresses to use: Alaska, California & Minnesota.  I tested each address with accurate information before I would go back and fabricate information to get a better deal.
MN & CA I already had a good idea what they were going to be, but Alaska surprised me.  For starters not all companies provide car insurance to Alaska.  They don’t have the permit or the license or who knows they just don’t.  The few that do at that time required you to call in.  I’m a phone ninja when it comes to call centers and getting what I want so I was game.  Whoever picked up that phone was either over trained, over informed or over naive.  He divulged all sorts of information that I shouldn’t have been able to access.
I hate the questions agents ask you.  Are you married?  Did you go to college?  What color is your hair?  Blah blah blah Nothing driving related or vehicle related, but required to get a quote.  Why?  Because your answers become variables in an equation that some super computer predicts your driving risks, responsibility, safety, habits & maturity.  That’s probably common knowledge to most people, but it wasn’t to me.  The real eye opener was when he told me about the zipcode factor.
Apparently insurance companies keep a database of population, reports, claims, accidents, thefts & natural disaster for every zipcode.  If your zipcode has a bunch of auto thefts you car insurance is higher.  A bunch of claims in your zipcode?  Then your auto insurance quote is higher.  Natural disasters common in your zipcode?Then your insurance will be higher then a zipcode that doesn’t.  If you live in a big city the percentage of an accident is higher so your insurance is higher.
He told me all of this before answering any of the questions because I didn’t want to answer any of the questions.  After lying to him on every question he gave me a quote for $18 a month for full coverage insurance?  Mainly because the zipcode I was using was for a 17 mile wide island that had a population of less then 1,000 people.  There wasn’t even a police station.  No natural disasters.  There wasn’t even a bank.  I cracked the code to cheap car insurance, and kept that policy for almost 2 years.  Even after I sold the car on that policy I continued to pay on it so that I had valid ID cards.  After not having any reason to have car insurance, but to avoid a ticket from a police I finally let it lapse and expire.
Cheap car insurance is an equation.  It doesn’t rely on your driver history.  It doesn’t correlate to your income or your credit score.  Cheap car insurance is based on what others in your area have done.  Granted I give a fake drivers license number, and fake social security number when requesting cheap car insurance quotes, but my quote is based solely on my zipcode.  If I give a zipcode for Phoenix were there is a new multi car pile up every day my insurance is going to be higher then if I give a zipcode for an island that has 20 cars.
Cheap car insurance is not based on anything you have done.  Its based on other people actions, history, habits & predictions.  If you want cheap car insurance find a zipcode that has no population, crime or any other factor that will raise your rates.  You don’t have to live there.  Make up an address I do it all the time.  You don’t care about the 200 page legal mumbo jumbo policy do you?  All you care about is the ID cards they will email you, and you can print them off.  And if you ever have to make a claim you just tell them you were on a road trip.
Insurance companies are legal thieves & complete con artists.  Had I paid my insurance premiums for the last 23 years I would have paid over $40,000 for something I never used.  I made two claims, and they were this last summer.  One was for a suicidal deer who was across the street, and decided to go back to the other side.  The other was when my windshield cracked sitting idle in my driveway.  I could paid for both out of pocket, but the DMV now requires proof of insurance when renewing licenses. So I coincidentally had insurance to cover these two incidents.  Does that amount to the $40,000 I would have paid over the last 23 years? Absolutely not?  Will it make me carry cheap car insurance from here on out?  Doubtful.
Traveling unveils all kinds of unique situations like this to a person.  Every area has its own persona, vibe, pulse, regional characteristics & traditions that can only be discovered through traveling.  The education alone that I have gained from traveling is unmeasurable.  You can’t find things like this in books or classrooms.  Nowadays there’s probably a blog out there, but can you find it.  Without travel I wouldn’t have found out that if one state has a restriction on my license all it takes a letter with an out of state address to remove it.  I wouldn’t have found cheap car insurance.  Travel has given me a PHD in the DMV.  Travel is this unique little teacher that is always looking to improve your knowledge and change your vantage point.
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