babyjackdaniels · 19 days
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lostdreamr-blog1 · 2 years
Book Worm and the Hunter
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Requested by the lovely @leigh70, thank you again love!
Pairings: Dean Winchester x Female!reader
Warnings: Lots of fluff, mild swearing, and more fluff
Word Count: 2.2k
A/N: Thinking about turning this into a series. What do you all think? Comments/suggestions are always welcomed!!
Content would be the way I would describe my life. It isn’t horrible, which I feel like is all we can ask for, and it has its moments where happiness is the only emotion I seem to have. After losing my family to hunting, whether it be actual death or the inevitable spilt that seems to happen when one person hunts and the other doesn’t, I learned that I had to live like there was no tomorrow. To some people that might mean emptying the bank account and having a wild party. But for me, it meant following my passions in life and never letting the social norms get to me. Which I why I own a small hole in the wall book shop filled with any genre you could imagine. There was always something about getting lost in a book and losing sense of reality around you. It provides that small escape you might not know you even need. But what I find truly rewarding, is helping someone find their new favorite story. Some people might not understand the importance of a good book, but I know better. My family saved people from things that go bump in the night, but I save people from something far greater. Which is how I met my best friend Donna.
Years ago, we ran into each other in a coffee shop, literally ran into each other. Coffee went everywhere and I don’t think either of us could apologize quick enough. I was normally not one for small talk, never really knowing what to say. But Donna quickly launched into conversation and asked what I was reading. Two new coffees and a few hours later, it was like we had been friends for life. There were times our friendship was strained, like when she found out what is really lurking in the shadows, but we always managed to find our way back to each other. Even though I wasn’t too thrilled about her pursuing the hunter life, she of all people managed to separate them for the most part. Until she begged me to meet her friends.
To say she was happy would be severely understanding everything about her. If there was anything in this world I wish I could have, it would be a fraction of Donna’s cheerfulness. She could have the worst of days and still find the bright side in things. And that ray of sunshine is what put a smile on my face when she walked through the doors of my shop. “Hiya, Y/N. How’s it going?”
I gave her a wave, “Good as always. You?”
She leaned against the counter replying, “It’s been tater tots and lemon drops. I wanted to run something by you though.”
I raised my eyebrows at her to explain. “I have a few friends coming in town and I wanted you to meet them.”
I tilted my head to the side and studied her. She seemed like she was suppressing some of her excitement, or at least trying to. Her constant tapping of the fingers gave her away.
“And do these friends of yours have a name?”
She bit her lip when the names, “Sam and Dean” came out. I knew two different sides of the Winchesters. The one Donna constantly talked about which made them seem like pretty stand-up guys. And then the side the hunting world talked about. While it wasn’t necessarily a negative side, but I knew what being dedicated to hunting meant. Living to grow old with a family they loved wasn’t on their list of things to do. To each their own, I guess. But Donna was normally a good judge of character, so I was going to give her the benefit of the doubt and meet them with a clean, judgement free slate.
I could see my friend nearly bursting with anticipation at my answer. She knew my past and how I felt about hunters, but they seemed to have a piece of Donna’s heart. “When do they get in?”
Her happiness at that simple question had me playfully rolling my eyes at her. “Tonight! I was thinking we go grab a few drinks and if it’s really horrible then we can fake some sort of emergency!”
I don’t know how I managed to get a good of friend as Donna, but I was thanking the heavens for it. “Sounds good. I close up today around 7. I can meet you there if it isn’t far.”
She was already shaking her head. “No, no. We can meet here and all walk together. I wouldn’t want you to walk in the dark alone.” I nodded my head at her, and she said she would be back before closing.
The rest of the day went by quickly and before I knew it, I was closing up the store. The sound of the front door opening caused me to poke my head around the book shelf I was organizing. Two of the tallest men I have ever seen was standing in the doorway. “Sorry boys. Stores closed for the night.”
The tallest one offered me a smile. “Are you Y/N? Donna told us to meet here.”
Curse that girl for not getting here before them. I was already awkward on a good day. Maybe that emergency will come into play sooner than I thought. I forced myself to walk away from the safety of my books. “Yeah sure am. You must be Sam and Dean.”
The same guy offered his hand out for me to shake and it was nearly comical watching my hand completely disappear in his. “I’m Sam and that’s my brother Dean. It’s nice to finally meet you. Donna talks about you a lot.”
I chuckled, “She has told me all about the two of you as well.” I looked over to Dean and my breath caught in my throat. I don’t know if it was the millions of romance novels I’ve read, but this man was something from my dreams.
He caught me staring and smirked. “You work here?” Sam tried to cover up a laugh at his poor use of small talk.
“No, I felt like robbing the place of all its books. I just clearly underestimated how heavy they would be.”
He ran a hand through his hair, “Yeah I deserved that one.”
My smile came naturally and as bad as it sounds, I felt better knowing he was just as awkward as I was. “It’s my bookstore. Opened it quite a few years ago. It isn’t much but I enjoy what I do.”
Sam shook his head in awe at all the books. “It must be nice being surrounded by this all day.” I hummed in response and watched Dean venture deeper into the store. Despite telling myself to stop, my eyes seemed to follow the hunter wherever he went. He stopped suddenly and I nearly smacked myself in the face for forgetting what was in the furthest corner of my store.
“Are these books on lore?” That caught Sam’s attention and I sighed as both of the Winchester’s were now combing through my collection I managed to grow over the years.
“Well, I might not hunt like my family did, but I can at least help out here and there. Where do you think Donna got some of her information?” Sam laughed and I looked up to see Dean studying me. I couldn’t tell if it was a look of shock or admiration. For my own benefit, I chose the more positive of the two.
I nearly jumped as the front door banged open and my blonde friend was bent over trying to catch her breath. “You okay?”
The boys made their way back up front as I asked the question and Donna waved a hand at me. “You know, I do cross fit, but I don’t think I get in as much cardio as I should. I lost track of time and then my car wouldn’t work. So, I thought, what the H-E-double hockey sticks, I’ll have a nice jog there and reward myself with a drink. Woah buddy I was wrong. My lungs feel like they are going to burst any second.”
I put a hand over my mouth to hide the smile that was forming. Donna seemed to notice the boys for the first time and threw them into a hug. “Hiya fellas! It’s been too long.”
She looked over to me with an apologetic smile, “I see the three of you have met. How does a drink sound?”
Sam clapped his hands together, “Sounds great. We can catch up while you catch your breath.” Donna poked him in the side, and I grabbed my keys to lock the door behind us. Donna had her arm looped through Sam’s as they walked off, lost in conversation but Dean stayed back.
“You don’t have to wait on me. I won’t be long.”
He put his hands in his pockets and shook his head, “Too much cheerfulness for me.” I snorted at the comment and finished what I needed to do. The two of us started heading towards the bar in a surprisingly comfortable silence. Something about this handsome man beside me had me feeling safe.
“Donna said you aren’t too big on hunters.” That was one way to break the ice.
“I come from a complicated past like everyone else. But I knew the two of you have treated her right over the years and it was only fair to give you a chance. You both staying in town long?”
He glanced over at me and smiled, “Longer than what we were originally planning.” I wanted so bad to read into the look he gave me to match those words, but I wasn’t trying to break my own heart. I had only met the man a few minutes ago. Clearly, I needed to slow myself down and remind myself that this isn’t like one of my books.
Donna’s voice cut through my thoughts and waved us over to a table. “We got the first round of drinks while you two were walking slower than molasses.” I shook my head at her and sipped my drink. Dean said he saw a pool table and was going to make some quick cash. Sam followed behind him which left Donna and I at the table.
“What do you think of Dean?”
I took a longer sip this time to try and think of what to say. “He isn’t what I expected.”
Donna nodded her head, seeming to understand what i meant. "He is a little rough around the edges but honestly the best of us are. I know it isn’t your thing to randomly go to dinner with a guy you don’t know, but I think the two of you would hit it off. What do ya say? Wanna give it the ole college try?”
I glanced back over to the pool table and saw the green-eyed hunter looking at us. He gave me a wink and I felt my cheeks heat up. “I don’t even know if he’s into me.”
Donna squeezed my hand, “Sam said Dean was shy around you. That for him is a rare occurrence. Honestly, Y/N, you should just go for it. All he can do is say no and then you and I can sit around watching cheesy romance movies and eat ice cream out of the tub. But you know I would only eat the ice cream for you. So, you better feel special. I don’t think he would say no to you though! What’s not to like?”
She was right. I needed to get out of my comfort zone for once and what better way to do it than with a guy who isn’t staying in town long. “You’re right.” Donna squealed next to me causing both boys to look over at us. Sam said something to Dean that had him walking this way. I went to say something to my friend, but she was no where in sight.
Dean sat across the table from me and opened his mouth to say something, but I cut him off. “Before I lose all of my confidence in this, I need to ask you something. I know the two of you aren’t staying for long, but I was wondering if we could get dinner before you left.”
I was biting my lip and staring at the table, afraid for his answer. A finger touched under my chin and lifted my head up to look at him. I was met with a warm smile, one I’m sure he didn’t use often, and a response of, “Sweetheart I would love to. I was actually coming over her to ask you myself after Sam told me to get my head out of my ass.” A blush covered my face which only made him smile bigger. “And I told you on the way here that we were staying longer than planned. It was because I wanted to get to know you more.”
My heart fluttered at his words, and I shook my head, “Dean Winchester you have no idea how happy you just made me.” Maybe love stories do come true.  
Tag list: @winchestergypsy90
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spn-imagines-nation · 2 years
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Gif made by @frozen-delight
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mrcloudjumper · 2 years
Supernatural Masterlist
Male and Neutral only.
Romantic or Platonic;
Dean Winchester 
Nothing yet
Sam Winchester 
Nothing yet
Eileen Leahy 
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Garth Fitzgerald 
Nothing yet
Andy Gallagher 
Nothing yet
Kevin Tran
Nothing yet
Patience Turner 
Nothing yet
Kaia Nieves 
Nothing yet
Claire Novak 
Nothing yet
Alex Jones 
Nothing yet
Platonic Only;
Nothing yet
Mary Winchester
Nothing yet
Donna Hanscum
Nothing yet
Jody Mills
Nothing yet
Ellen Harvelle
Nothing yet
Kelly Kline
Nothing yet
Mrs Tran
Nothing yet
Bess Fitzgerald
Nothing yet
Pamela Barnes
Nothing yet
Miss Butters 
Nothing yet
Rowena McCleod
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Charlie Bradbury
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Rufus Turner
Nothing yet
Arthur Ketch
Nothing yet
Mick Davies
Nothing yet
Bobby Singer
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Jo Harvelle
Nothing yet
Ash Harvelle
Nothing yet
Adam Milligan
Nothing yet
Jack Kline
Nothing yet
14 notes · View notes
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This is an 18+ NSFW blog. Minors, Do Not Interact!
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Supernatural Masterlist
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📝 = ask/request
🏳️‍🌈gender neutral reader
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🏳️‍🌈Blood in Heaven and Hell Dean x OFC x Sam. No Wincest. Poly/ENM. Warnings per chapter! Fluff. Crack. Smut. NSFW/18+. Show level violence and more. On Hiatus.
🏳️‍🌈OFC Inserts (Set AFTER BIHH) Dean X OFC X Sam. Dean x Cas. Sam x OFC. Dean x OFC. No wincest. Poly/ENM. Fluff. Smut. Crack. Warnings per fanfic!
Worldbuilding series. Background information on stories that either are or could be published on ao3 and tumblr.
🏳️‍🌈Romancing the Hunter (ao3) Poly triad/ENM. Destiel x AFAB enby psychic witch hunter Reader. Set after S15E19.
Domestic Destiel series (ao3 link)
Domestic Destiel #1 Fluff. Crack. Smut! NSFW. 18+.
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Coffee No pairing.Dean, Reader. Crack.
Kiss Destiel. Fluff. Implied smut.
📝 Vampires in New York Dean x Reader. Fluff. Show level violence. Rated T.
📝 Checkers Jody Mills, Claire Novak x Kaia Nieves. Fluff. Crack.
📝 Magic dust Dean x Reader. Fluff. Smut. NSFW/18+.
📝 Of mice and men No pairing. Dean, Sam, Castiel. Angst. A bit of Crack. Fluff. Rated Gen.
📝 Glomping Destiel. Crack. Implied smut. Rated M.
🏳️‍🌈Imagine waking up in the middle of the night (Dean x GN!Reader) Fluff. Rated Gen.
📝 Ruin (Dean x F!Reader) Fluff.
Pie (No pairing. Gif Story) Crack.
Smile (Sam x Reader) Fluff. Rated T.
📝 Sam x fem!reader with high pain tolerance Rated T. (Ask/Request) Fluff/Slight Angst. TW: Unknown Injury due to high pain tolerance.
🏳️‍🌈The Throuple. (destiel x reader) Implied smut. Established relationship. D/S undertones. Rated M.
Alternate Scene Ending for 11x03 The Bad Seed Destiel. First kiss. Canon divergence. rated M.
📝 AU. Sam x Female Reader. Angst and Fluff and Smut. Happy Ending. NSFW/18+. Rated E.
Rated E. Destiel. Alpha Castiel/Omega Dean. Mating. Smut. 18+.
Happy Valentines’ Day (2024). Destiel. Celebrating 3rd wedding anniversary. Led Zepplin. Ao3 link Rated Gen.
Prompt: You accidentally cross a witch, and she curses you, saying “You can only speak lies”. Unfortunately, this makes it so you can only say the word “lies”, and the witch admits she’s an apprentice that screwed up the spell. Now you’ve teamed up with her to figure out how to undo it. By @writing-prompt-s Rated G. Destiel.
Fledgling Castiel tries to fly with Archangel Gabriel. Balthazar sasses the whole time. Rated Gen.
Continued story of Fledgling Castiel series. Enjoy!
🏳️‍🌈Rated M for partial nudity, implied smut, and dialogue. Destiel/Reader. They /them pronouns for Gender Neutral Reader. Polyamory. A/B/O. Alpha Castiel/Alpha Dean Winchester/Omega Reader.
🏳️‍🌈 Beau Arlen x GN!Reader. They/them Pronouns for Reader. Rated Gen. Prompt 👆. Angst.
🏳️‍🌈 Dean Winchester x GN!Reader. They/them pronouns for Reader. Rated Gen. Prompt: 👆. Angst.
Destiel (Cas x Dean) arguing who’s the best boyfriend while Sam is fighting vampires. Rated Gen. Prompt. Crack. Angst. AO3 LINK.
🏳️‍🌈 Castiel’s wings (Castiel x Reader). Castiel gets hurt saving you. Prompt. Hurt/Comfort. A touch of angst. Second POV (You).
📝 Request by Anon. Dean x Female Reader. Bar AU.
Don’t Provoke Dean. Rated E. Alpha Dean x Omega Female Reader. True Mate AU.
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@deancaskiss ‘s August 2022 mini drabble event
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Day 1: Summer (Fluff, Crack)
Day 2: Beach (Crack, Angst)
Day 3: Strangers (Fluff)
Day 4: Memories (Angst, BIHH OFC insert)
Day 5: Kiss (Fluff; Cas x Dean)
Day 7: Thunderstorm (Fluff; Sam x Reader)
Day 9: Magic (Castiel and OFC!Alex; Crack, BIHH OFC Insert)
Day 10: Fire (MOC!Dean, Sam, Castiel, and Witch!Reader; Angst, Crack)
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September Gif Story
Any Fandom Mixed Bingo Card
JAcklesverse Bingo Card
Kinktober 2023 (On Hiatus)
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Dean is an ex-smoker (2)
Dean is an ex-smoker (1)
Chuck/God’s Blorbos
Only one Castiel CAN fall for Dean (response)
Cas learns human psychology
Dean babysits a five y/o
What if the author lived in Supernatural // Part 2
Dean has multiple pet names for Cas while Cas has two (Not mine)
Dean is neurodivergent (Not mine)
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Personal view on Sam and Dean (response)
graphics: @firefly-graphics and Warner Bros Discovery/The CW
73 notes · View notes
tiredofthehumanlife · 3 months
Barbie dolls: dean Winchester x fem!you
Summary : basically the Lisa plot but like not though you hid your baby from Dean for years before being like “hey check out this kid we made”
Warnings: pregnancy, birth described by a person who has only watched like three birth videos, talks of religion? This is supernatural the last like eight seasons are about god come on guys, I named the kid sorry, not the kids name is sorry like you get it, it’s fem reader I’m sorry, um so much dialogue oh my god these bitches don’t shut up, happish ending but majority pained Dean, I think that’s it
Request: no.
You hunted with the Winchester boys for years. You loved them both very much and trusted them with your life. You knew if anything ever happened they’d be there, and vice versa. Throughout the years, your feelings for Dean blossomed into something more than friendship. Maybe it was his incessant flirting, which you returned. Maybe it was his car. Maybe it was just him. Anyway you were certain Dean didn’t like you in the same way. He was just a flirtatious person. You were 100% positive on this conclusion until you both went on a hunt alone. Which wasn’t new, but what was new was the tension. Dean got himself into trouble as usual and you saved him as usual. Only this time he seemed to be reminded how short life truly was. So he told you how all these years he was yearning for you. You were shocked. Dean was worried he had just ruined everything. You told him you felt the exact same way. So of course you both spent the entire night wrapped up in each other. You were mindful of each other’s new wounds. It was a beautiful night. Though you slightly regretted it weeks later.
You found out you were pregnant. You knew Dean wasn’t prepared. You weren’t sure if he ever would be. Dean drank, he spent most of his time working on his car, he barely knew your favorite color, he was quite immature, and he killed monsters for a living. Which you did too but that’s not the point. So you decided not to tell him. In fact the only person you told was Bobby. When you told him he called you idgit and asked if either of ever heard of a condom. To which you replied something along the lines of we didn’t plan it out. Which caused Bobby to tell you the next time he saw Dean he was knocking him out. He asked you what you thought about doing. You explained to him your plan.
You’d go into hiding for about a year, have the baby alone.Then you’d come out of hiding, find a job, a simple home. Raise your child alone. By the time for kindergarten every hunter would’ve forgotten about you. The boys would probably come across an old photo and think I wonder whatever happened to them and move onto the next photo. You’d become an empty guest room in the bunker, an odd mug in the cabinet, a forgotten note in the margin of a book on their shelves, and the hazy memory of a hookup in Dean’s head. Simple as that.
Bobby truly thought you were smarter than that.
“What happens when Dean comes around asking me where you went?”
“Tell I quit hunting, the jobs got in my head. No baby, nothing to do with Dean. Just got tired.”
Bobby decided while he hated the idea of you raising your child alone he knew you were capable. He didn’t like thinking of you in hiding from his boys but if it’s what you wanted who was he to argue with you. So he helped hide you. When Dean came around asking what happened to you he hadn’t heard from you in a while. Were you on a hunt? Bobby told him exactly what you told him to. Job got too much, you quit. You’re off in some quaint town in some perfect little apartment with nothing to your name but a box of cereal and an unfinished crochet project. Dean was obviously upset that you hadn’t told him you planned on quitting, but he understood entirely. So he left you be and assumed you’d call him eventually and tell him all the beautiful things you’d been up to.
All the while, you were wrapped up in some off the grid cottage with Donna Hanscum squeezing your hand, telling you how amazing you were doing over your screams. Jody Mills between your legs, which at first you quite embarrassed about but when your contractions became closer you no longer cared, ready to catch your baby. Through the screams and the tears, and god how much you wished Donna would hit your head with a candlestick to knock you out, your daughter was born. You thought of Eve. Ridiculous, but you spent so much time with the boys hunting down demons and angels it was hard not to think of religious figures. You thought of how scared she must of been. All alone. She would’ve given birth on the forest floor, having no idea what was going on. If she would make it. She had no other woman to support her and tell her, “believe me darling, been there done that. Everyone poops a little its perfectly natural.” No one to tell her anything she was just screaming alone. You stared at the ceiling and while you felt like a vampire ripping all your skin off would hurt less you cried for her. You cried for your pain as well because fucks sake. You felt Donna wipe a wet cloth over your sweaty forehead. You felt Jody gently rub your thigh, grounding you. You looked to Donna’s face and smiled. Eve was alone, but you weren’t. You were so incredibly glad Bobby was a hard headed bitch because your whole “I’ll give birth alone” plan would’ve been hell. Donna nodded at you and asked you to push again. You squeezed her hand harder and pushed. You squeezed your eyes shut and threw your head back screaming at the ceiling as you were sure Eve did to the stars.
You heard Jody and Donna both say hello in that usual baby talk voice that seems to just kick in naturally. You opened your eyes and saw her. She was screaming her head off, like mother like daughter. She was covered in blood just as Jody. Jody held her up from between your legs. Your legs made a frame for this filthy, disgusting, gorgeous image. Her misshapen head supported by Jody’s hand. God she was beautiful. You smiled brighter than you were sure you ever had. Jody gently placed your newborn on your stomach as she worked on the umbilical cord and placenta. You couldn’t care less what Jodie was doing, you were holding your baby. You held her to your chest after Jody trimmed the cord and wiped her down. She was still crying, which you understood. She was just evicted and now she’s being held by some sweaty mystery woman, you’d cry too. Something hit you while you were cradling a whole new human to your chest. You had no idea what you were doing.
“I don’t know what to do.” You sobbed. Donna nodded and leaned down to you, pressing a kiss to your sweaty forehead. You felt her tears dip down onto your hairline. Donna gently pushed your hair away from your face. She pulled back. Even though you couldn’t see her through your tears, you knew she was smiling at you.
“You don’t need to.” Donna whispered to you, wiping the tears off your face.
You stopped following your original plan after that. You did what you felt was right. For you and your daughter, Evangeline. You stayed with Jody and Donna. You kept in contact with Bobby, telling him all the milestones, events, and birthday parties. Bobby always showed up at them too, some obscure gift tucked under his arm wrapped in pretty wrapping paper. On her third birthday Bobby brought her a two headed stuffed bear, she still slept with it clutched to her chest every night. Jody and Donna helped you with every step of the way. Bobby helped keep things under wraps when Dean and Sam popped in asking where you are now, or if another hunter came around asking if you were dead.
Of course with the years of silence between you two, Dean starting asking more questions. “Do they hate me? Was it something I did? Was it because I told them I loved them? Are they okay? Are they alone? They aren’t in any trouble? What aren’t you telling us?” Bobby did his best to answer them without revealing anything he knew you wouldn’t want him to. However Dean was persistent and Bobby was a tired old man who could only take so much of Dean’s questions. So just to get Dean off his back Bobby gave him your phone number. You got a new phone when you went into hiding, leaving all of Deans messages and calls unanswered. So Dean thought about it for a while, would you really want to hear from him? It’s been six almost seven years, the last time he saw you he told you he loved you and a handful of weeks later him and Sam get home from a trip with your room cleared out. A sticky note taped to your door. I quit hunting, I’m exhausted. Don’t look for me. Love you both. It never sat right with him you didn’t seem like the type to just pack all your things and ditch them leaving nothin behind but three sentences. Though Dean used to think that of his father so what exactly did he know. What could it hurt?
You gingerly closed the door behind you, Evangeline snoring away. You quietly snuck away freezing when the stairs creaked. The house was still, so you continued on. You reached the kitchen and made yourself a snack. Your phone rang on the table. You quickly picked it up, moving out the door onto the back porch.
“Hello?” You wished you had taken a moment to look at the caller Id but the panic of waking up Evangeline outweighed knowing which one of the three people you knew were calling you.
“Hey baby, miss me?” You froze at the sound of his voice. It was terrifying, what if he knows about Evangeline? But god, it’s Dean. It’s hard to stay upset or worried around him.
“And here I thought your car was named Baby, not me.” You sat on the cushioned swing. You smiled as you heard him chuckle.
“Oh don’t be like that. Anyway you quit huh? What’s got you so tied up you can’t even call poor old me?” You glanced at the swing set and blowup pool in the backyard. Evangeline’s toys scattered across the yard. You clicked your tongue. Yes you were so tied up you couldn’t call him. You shrugged. You remembered he couldn’t see you.
“Oh you know, basic civilian life. It’s real lovely. I have a pool now, and a garden.” You looked to the tomato plants you and Evangeline planted, you thought they were flower seeds and when they didn’t produce pretty petals she sobbed for five minutes straight. Once Evangeline stopped crying she said she would like to be alone and stormed to her room. A week later you were both planting actual flower seeds. Dean gasped.
“Wow a garden huh? Do you think we could meet up, catch up? I’m sure a lot has happened in the past, what’s it six years?” He knew the exact number of days you’d been gone. It wasn’t really a question. You coughed.
“Uh well you know I don’t know, you’re probably not even near my state right now anyways. But maybe sometime.” You heard Dean sigh.
“Come on, baby. Don’t even tell me your county just what state?” You rolled your eyes at his nickname. You hummed.
“Minnesota.” You heard Dean groan.
“We’re only like 11 hours away, that’s a cake walk.”
“Maybe let me think about it for a little bit.” Dean hummed in agreement. You let out a small sigh, happy he’d give you enough time to decide whether you should throw a wrench in everything.
“You’re not out there alone are you?” Dean sounded worried though you know he’d never admit it. Dean probably missed you, too. He wouldn’t admit that either. Maybe it’d been years but you could tell it was same old Dean. His voice was deeper but he still talked the same.
“No, Dean. I’m not alone. I actually have roommates.” Dean made cooed. You heard Sam yell his name in the background.
“Yeah me too. They nice? Not beating up my baby are they?” You chuckled at him.
“No, they’re lovely. Sam’s good?” You heard a car approaching your house. You glanced up, moving back into the house to peer out the window. Dean hummed.
“Oh yeah he’s great, he like goes on morning runs and stuff. It’s disgusting.” You laughed.
“Yeah.” You both fell into a small silence. You didn’t feel uncomfortable, it was Dean. You felt happy. You squished your lips in disappointment when the car sped past your driveway.
“I miss you.” He added. You paused. You pulled the phone away from your ear to look at the number. He wasn’t saved but you still had to check you weren’t hallucinating. You hummed.
“I missed you too.” Dean sighed happily. It felt good to hear you say it. He still had so many questions. Dean wanted to sit down with you ask you everything he ever wondered all these years.
“Why’d you leave like that? I was so worried about you. I had to find out from a sticky note and Bobby. You couldn’t call me and tell me you were okay? You didn’t even seem like you were tired of the job when we’re working. It was out of the blue, all I wanted was you to call tell me you were still in one piece.” Dean’s voice cracked. You heard him inhale deeply, composing himself.
“I know it was sudden, but I just- I had to get out of there. Things happened and suddenly all I could think about was my future. I didn’t want to spend my whole life chasing after monsters, I’m not some children’s book character. I should’ve told you, I should’ve called but all I wanted was to get out and i felt like if I didn’t just cut contact with everyone and leave immediately I’d get sucked back in. I treated you poorly, I apologize but you have to understand i needed to get out or I didn’t think I’d live much longer.” You threw yourself into the armchair near the window. You felt like you might need to sit down for this conversation.
“I get that but god I would’ve killed for you to just tell me you were safe.” You nodded at his uneven voice.
“I’m sorry.” You whispered. You heard him sigh on the other end.
“I’m sorry. For just the life it sucks. I’m glad you got out.”
Another silence settled over you as you watched the trees in your front yard sway. You saw Donna’s car pull into your driveway. Right on time, Evangeline’s footsteps sounded above your head. Dean seemed to have already matured so much and you barely had an hour long conversation.
“We should meet, catch up.” Dean barely had enough time to agree before you hung up on him. Clearly you still needed to practice your goodbyes. You called for Evangeline, telling her Aunty Donna was back.
Soon enough you were sat in a diner. A kids menu placed next to you on the table. You waited patiently, watching Evangeline pick a song on the jukebox. You heard the familiar sound of Dean’s car pulling into the parking lot. You watched as he stepped out with a bouquet of your favorite flowers. He stepped into the diner, the bell ringing above his head. Dean smiled brightly when he saw you, moving towards you with a fast pace. He paused when he heard AC/DC come on over the speakers, Dean all together froze when the child next to the jukebox ran over to your table. When Dean finally reached your table he was silent. Evangeline had crawled into your lap, dancing to the song she picked out. She snuggled further into you when she saw Dean. You smiled at him and greeted Dean. You introduced to him to Evangeline explaining he was your friend. Dean slid into the seat across from you. Evangeline busied herself with the crayons and maze on the back of her menu. After he gave you the flowers, which you thanked him for, Dean looked at Evangeline.
“What’s- uh what’s her name?” Dean whispered. You grinned.
“Evangeline” you paused a moment watching him look to your daughter pushing her hair out of her face.
“Winchester.” You finished. His eye shot to you. Dean pointed at himself in question. You nodded.
“She’s mine?” You nodded again. Dean stared at her. Before he was looking at her because she was yours. Now he was looking at her because she was his too. You both watched as she scribbled over the maze, ultimately giving up. Evangeline looked up at you and flipped her menu over. As you both decided what she wanted. When the waitress came around you ordered for the three of you, hoping Dean’s love for bacon hadn’t changed. As you and Evangeline started a game of tic-tac-toe Dean seemed to come to his senses.
“You left because you knew about her. That’s where you went, to raise your baby.” Dean asked though it was more of an observation. You nodded, stealing one of Evangeline’s Cheerios. She pouted at you and “won” your tic-tac-toe game.
“Our baby, technically. But yes. I found out I was pregnant and I ran. I went into hiding with Jody and Donna I gave birth. And now here we are.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Dean whispered. He looked up from the table with soft puppy eyes.
“You weren’t ready, I barely was. But I wanted this baby so I made the best decision I could come up with.” He nodded.
“I wish I could tell you you were wrong. I don’t think you were. I was a dick. I’m ready now though. I promise, I wanna be there for her, for you. I have a stable home, I drink less, I’m less of a douchebag. I can do this.” You nodded. You were proud of him. You already knew he’d grown. Old Dean would’ve showed up with a condom not a bouquet.
“I know. Let’s start small Dean. Breakfast first then we’ll start with life changes.” You thanked the waitress as she placed your orders in front of you each. Evangeline smiled brightly at the plate of bacon in front of her. Dean watched her as she squealed. He smiled brightly as she thanked the waitress before digging in. Evangeline really was his daughter.
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holylulusworld · 1 year
Ugly little thing
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Summary: Misunderstandings and a spider.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x GN!Reader
Characters: Sam Winchester, Jody Mills, Donna Hanscum
Warnings: angst, a spider, fluff, misunderstandings, shy reader  
Divider by @firefly-graphics​
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One of the few things that come along with the life of a hunter is that you can’t avoid meeting other hunters.
It’s not that you do not appreciate a helping hand during a hunt or sharing knowledge. No. You tend to be shy around people and prefer to stay alone.
Once upon a time, you trusted the wrong hunter and that almost got you killed. They left you when one of the monsters was chasing you.
"Y/N, hey," Sam, one of the hunters you met a few weeks ago walks toward you, a drink in his hands. "What do you think? Jody and Donna are nice. Right?"
He looks down at you with soft eyes. Sam is nice. Like really nice. And smart. Sam Winchester is one of the most intelligent people you have ever met.
"They are nice," you say. You can't tell Sam that you had hoped to get comfortable in your new home before the brothers invited more people.
Why are you complaining about strangers at a place that isn't yours? You are a stranger in their home too.
Dean and Sam offered you a place to stay after you saved Sam's life when you met during a hunt. It was pure instinct. You pushed the tall hunter out of the way when a werewolf tried to get its pound of flesh from Sam.
That's how you ended up here, surrounded by the Winchesters and their friends.
“Why don’t you talk to Jody and Dean? I bet you have a lot of stories to tell,” Sam nudges you. “Go ahead. I’ll be right there too.”
"Hmm," you reluctantly agree. What else can you do when Sam is nothing but kind to you? “I guess I got some stories to tell.”
Sam watches you walk toward Jody and his brother, sighing deeply. He knows you feel uncomfortable around too many people.
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“It was a werepire,” Dean chuckles about his monster mashup. Jody shakes her head. “I swear. I think it was a ghoulpire." He hums. “I don’t know. We didn’t get a chance to look at the beast. The car exploded. Boom.”
Dean makes an exploding noise.
“Dean,” Jody tuts. “It doesn’t matter what it was. You killed it.”
“No, no…” He shakes his head. “To be fair, the car killed it.” Dean grins proudly. “It had a little help from my gun, though.”
“What about your last hunt?” Donna asks Jody. “I heard you found a chupacabra.”
“No, it was a werewolf,” Jody laughs. “I never saw a chupacabra.”
Dean chuckles. He takes a large sip from his drink as he watches you step toward the small group. “Whoa, Jody! That’s an ugly little thing!”
You freeze as Dean seems to look your way. “Ugly what?” Jody asks as Dean points in your direction.
“An ugly little thing,” he exclaims loudly.
While he steps closer to Jody, you run out of the library and toward the room the brothers offered to you to get your belongings.
"Don't move," Dean carefully moves his hand toward Jody’s shoulder to pick up the spider. “What a huge beast.”
“Aw, it’s a cute one. How dare you call the spider an ugly little thing,” Donna holds out her hand. “Give it to me. I’ll bring it outside. It will only die inside the bunker.”
“What’s the deal?” Sam finally joins the group. He looks at the spider in Donna’s hand. "Uh, a pet?”
“Jody brought it into the bunker,” Dean shrugs. “So, what did you want to talk about earlier, Sammy?”
“We should help Y/N get more comfortable around people,” Sam says. He looks around the room, wondering where you are. “Where is Y/N? She wanted to join you.”
“I saw her before I had to save Jody from the spider,” Dean points at the arachnid in Donna’s hand. “I grabbed the spider, and she was gone. Maybe she had a toilet emergency? She drank a lot of water today.”
“DEAN!” Sam tuts. “You do not talk about…you know…in front of ladies.”
“Damn. It's been a long time since someone called me a lady,” Donna giggles. I'm going to take the spider out now. Maybe I will find Y/N on my way…”
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“How can we lose Y/N in the bunker?” Dean throws his hands up. “She was right there, and then she was gone.”
“Her duffle bags are missing too,” Jody says as she walks back into the library.
“Just like her car,” Donna adds. “And she won’t answer her phone. I don’t know what happened. But it looks like she left.”
“She left?” Sam furrows his brows. “Why would she leave? Moments ago, we talked and she seemed fine.”
“Fuck, we got to find her, Sammy. It's the middle of the night, and her car isn’t the most reliable one. It’s a wreck, and the breaks fail," Dean worriedly says.
“I’ll trace her phone.”
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Not two hours later Dean gets out of the Impala, cursing under his breath as you looked for shelter in the abandoned building you called home months ago.
“Sammy, check on her car. I want you to call her again. This way I can find her easier,” Dean says as he walks toward the front door of the rotten building.
“Be careful. We don’t know if she left on free terms.”
“Sonofabitch! We throw a welcome party and Y/N gets kidnapped. Great…just great,” Dean mutters under his breath. He gets his gun out, ready to shoot whoever or whatever attacks you.
“Dean. We don’t know if she was kidnapped.”
Sam sighs deeply.
“You think she left?” Dean stops walking to look over his shoulder. “Why? She was offered a room and everything else. I shared my pie with Y/N.”
“Not everyone likes pie,” Sam retorts. “We should get going. If she got hurt…”
In an effort to get to the front door, Dean sprints. He kicks it open and starts yelling your name. “Y/N, sweetheart? Are you hurt? Is a monster holding you hostage?”
He walks further into the room, calling your name again.
“What do you want here?”
You wrap the old blanket tight around you.
“Fuck, you scared the shit out of us. What are you doing here?”
“I think that an ugly little thing doesn’t belong in the bunker,” you sniffle. “I made it easier for you and your friends and just left.”
“Ugly little … fuck, Y/N,” he secures his gun. “I was talking about a spider on Jody’s shoulder. All of us tried to find you tonight. Jody, Donna, Castiel, Sammy. We had been worried about you.”
“It's a spider?" you ask as you raise your head to look at Dean. “I don’t understand. You called me an ugly little thing.”
“Sweetheart,” he crouches down and touches your knee. “I swear, there was a huge spider on Jody’s shoulder. Donna took a few pictures. I would never call you an ugly little thing.”
You watch Dean sit next to you. He wraps his arm around your shoulders to warm you up.
“You said…and then…” you cry now.
“We should go home," Dean murmurs. “Come back with us. Sammy is waiting outside. I promise to show you the pictures of the spider.”
“I don’t like spiders,” you whine. “Please don’t show it to me.”
He grins now. "Then I promise to keep the bunker free of spiders..."
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Tags in reblog.
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True Romance
Passion, established relationships, and coming home.
Bring It On Home - Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: Let’s pretend Dean wouldn’t be terrified to welcome love into his life.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, established relationship, comfort, fluff, handsy Dean
Words: 1,200
Communion - Dean Winchester x female reader
prompt: Fluffy dean or Jensen smoking weed plz, ty
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, marijuana use
Words: 1K
Drag You To The Shore - Dean Winchester x GN reader
Prompt: Dean Winchester settled in between someone’s legs on the bed. Like his back to their chest, their legs wrapped around him, heels keeping his thighs open while they jerk him off, explicit but soft vibes.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY
Words: 800
Equilibrium - Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: They have balance.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, established relationship, cock warming
Words: 1,400
God Only Knows - Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: One weekend, years ago, lives rent-free in both of their minds. Three-part mini-series.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, pining, clothed sex, couch sex, hungover sex, fluff, roomies to lovers, idiots in love
Words: 5,500
If We Make It Through December - Dean Winchester x Donna Hanscum
Summary: Donna is horrified to learn that the boys have never had a proper Christmas, so she invites them to her house for the holiday.
Warnings/tags: there was no rebar, 18+ ONLY, fluff, light angst, domesticity, holiday celebrations
Words: 12K
Laissez Les Bons Temp Rouler -  Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: He’s got a dirty mouth when he’s drunk. 
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, dirty talk, a dirty public bathroom during Mardi Gras
Words: 600
Mind Blown - Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: Mind-blowing orgasms can sometimes be literal.
Warnings/tags: mature, transient global amnesia after sex, dirty talk
Words: 560
One For Tomorrow, One Just For Today - Dean Winchester x female reader
Prompt: before leaving on a hunt, Dean sings “Love Me Two Times” to his lady.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLT, Dean can actually sing, and he does it during sex
Words: 660
Recompense - Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: Dean is sorry for hurting the ones he loves.
Warnings/tags: mature, angst, Dean saying hurtful things then trying to make up for it
Words: 500
Seasons - Dean Winchester x unnamed female character
Summary: She is his safe haven, untouched by anything else or anyone. 
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, canon divergent - no Cassie or Lisa, non-linear storytelling, four seasons, angst, hurt/comfort, references non-con unprotected sex, loss of a pregnancy
Words: 12K
We Be All Night - Norman Reedus x female reader/you
Summary: The best sex, the most sex, the hottest sex, the raunchiest sex – the sex you’ll never forget, is with him.
Warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY, rough sex, semi-Public Sex, the jockey is my favorite sexual position, references to bloodplay, biting, sex that makes your neighbors hate you, fuck-you-into-the-floor sex, drunk in love, talking smack with your sex partner, squirting
Words: 2,060
With Pleasured Hands - Dean Winchester x female reader
Summary: He’s got secrets she has yet to uncover
Warnings/tags: mature
Words: 500
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spnfanficpond · 7 months
Secret Santa 2022 Masterlist
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Here’s the masterlist of all the story for our Secret Santa 2022
* Christmas Tradition by @cleighwrites 
Characters: Sam x Dean x Cas 
Summary: Sam, Dean, and Cas take some time off to celebrate the holiday.
Warnings: NSFW, past trauma (mentioned), m/m/m threesome, wing kink, anal sex
* 12 Days of Christmas Winchester Editon by @waywardnerd67
Summary: (Y/N) plans out an epic gift that spans over the 12 days before Christmas.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader/Sam Winchester x Reader/Dean Winchester x Reader x Sam Winchester
Warnings: Fluff/Smut
* Under The Mistletoe by @katbratsupernaturalwhore
Summary:  Moving on is difficult and sometimes includes uprooting to a new state thousands of miles away. Just before Christmas.
Tags/warnings: Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles/Misha Collins (past), Christian Kane, Padalecki Family, Genvieve Cortese, Timothy Hutton, meet-cute, floof/fluff, schmoop, slight angst, loss, rom-com, Christmas, Alternate Universe
* Christmas Baking by @spnexploration
Summary:  a short, fluffy fic for Secret Santa. Does include a touch of A/B/O dynamics.
* I’ll be home for Christmas by @little-diable
Summary: Dean and the reader have always hated one another, a natural instinct they've run with. Now, on Christmas Eve, both cross paths once again, forced to endure one another's closeness.
Warnings: 18+, smut, oral (m), enemies to lovers
Pairing: Dean Winchester x fem!reader
* Of Glitter and Paper by @thesassywallflower
Summary: The holidays are a ridiculously busy time so you have to take the time out for a little loving wherever and whenever you can.
Tags: Dean Winchester, Female!Reader, Dean x Female!Reader, Domestic!Dean, Dean Does NOT Die In That Stupid Barn, Basically porn with dash of plot, with teeniest, tiniest bit of angst, fluff
* Oblivious by @ambergoddess444
Summary: You and Dean haven’t always seen eye to eye, even when it came to celebrating a win on a case. A few drinks, a confession and a fun night lead to a little more.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Warnings: Fluff heavy, smidge of crack, angst and smut (oral sex) - fairly plot heavy
* Under the cover by @jld71
Summary: Sam and Dean find themselves sharing a bed and revealing their feelings for each other.
Pairings: Sam Winchester x Dean Winchester
Warnings: Wincest, Angst, one bed, Sharing a Bed, Longing, admission of feelings
  * Shifted - The Plan by @mrswhozeewhatsis
Summary:  The Winchesters are meeting your family for the first time when you all visit for Christmas. Things don’t go quite to plan
Pairings: Dean x Reader
Warning:  So far, nothing. This will be updated as I go, though, if anything crops up. I’m posting as I write, for the first time EVER, so I can only say I hope this will be more fluff/crack than anything else.
* If we make it through December by @thoughtslikeaminefield
Summary:  Donna is horrified to learn that the boys have never had a proper Christmas, so she invites them to her house for the holiday.
Pairing: Dean x Donna Hanscum
Warnings:  explicit (eventually), fluff (? Idk), angst (? light), domestic (can’t get much more domestic)
* Cabin Comfort by @idreamofplaid
Summary: (No summary)
Pairing: Sam x Reader
Warnings:  Sex is described here
* Secret Santa Exchange by @the-slythering-raven
Summary: (No Summary) 
Pairings:  Sam/Reader (platonic) (Reader uses she/her pronouns)
Warnings:  There is whump, there is comfort.
*Christmas in Heaven by @outofnowhere82
Summary:  Sam and Dean enjoy a Christmas in heaven.
Pairings:  Sam/Dean 
Warnings: Christmas Fluff, Christmas Presents, Secret Santa   
* Tell it on the Mountain by @ladylilithprime
Summary: Castiel was able to protect himself and Dean when Dick Roman exploded, but it weakened him badly, as did getting Kevin away from Crowley and back to the safety of his mother. When angels show up under orders from Naomi to bring Castiel in by whatever means necessary, a banishing sigil is the most effective way to get rid of them. If only it didn't mean banishing a weakened Castiel too. If only Sam had not been dragged along for the ride.
Pairing: Castiel x Sam
Warning: Alternate Universe - Timeline Divergence, Accidental Wing Manifestation, Truth Compulsions, Frank Discussions of Sexuality and Intimacy, References to Sam Winchester's Hell Trauma, No Trips to Purgatory, 
* Not Another Winchester Christmas by @kickingitwithkirk
Summary: (No summary)
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: cursing, a bit of angst, some TPE implied
* Ugly Sweater by @ilovedean-spn2
Summary: Reader buys ugly Christmas sweaters.
Pairing: Sam x Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Dean being put in his place lol, all the hunters being out in their place! Badass reader?
* My Padabear by @fandomoniumflurry​
Summary: This Christmas with his best friend is different than all the others. But why?
Pairing: Jared Padalecki x Reader
Warnings: No warnings just Christmas fluff. Unbetad. Not my best work but hope you still like it. It's been a while since I've written anything. Posted on mobile so please be kind.
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atc74 · 1 year
The Rising of the Dawn
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After two long years, we are so excited to bring this series to you. We are so very proud of what we have written. So come join me, @atc74, @alleiradayne, @amanda-teaches @crashdevlin  @iwantthedean @idreamofplaid  @waywardbaby @fangirlxwritesx67​ as we bring you our interpretation of The End.  
Summary: It has been a difficult year at best for the Winchesters and company. With the end on the horizon, emotions are running high. Join the hunt for the final twenty four hours. Who will be left standing come the rising of the dawn?
Pairing: Dean x Reader, Sam x Eileen
Appearances by: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Y/N Y/L/N, Eileen Leahy, Jack, Castiel, Jody Mills, Donna Hanscum, Bobby Singer, Charlie Bradbury, Garth Fitzgerald IV, Rowena, Billie, Chuck, and more.
Tags: As this is a collarborative series, there will be a separate taglist for it. Please send me, atc74, an ASK to be included. 
It’s been a REAL LONG time since I tagged anything so if you want off - HMU!
The Whole Enchilada: @dolphincliffs @mrswhozeewhatsis @flamencodiva @blacktithe7  @hannahindie  @kickingitwithkirk  @hobby27 @gh0stgurl  @idreamofplaid @manawhaat @winchesterprincessbride @waywardbeanie @jensengirl83 @anathewierdo  @winchest09 @michellethetvaddict @magssteenkamp @jerkbitchidjitassbutt @dean-winchesters-bacon @adoptdontshoppets @supernatural-jackles @fandom-princess-forevermore @akshi8278 @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @rockhoochie @slut-for-jared @evansrogerskitten @writethelifeyouwant  @waywardjoy @j2xforxlife​ @writercole​
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Meet the 2023 Hoziernatural Participants (post 5 of 6)!
Role(s): Author Here’s an example of her work: Size Matters (2,622 words) Rating: General Audiences Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester Some Relevant Tags: Established Castiel/Dean Winchester, Retired Castiel, Retired Hunter Dean Winchester, Fluff and Humor, Unamusing Vegetable Jokes, Asexuality
Role(s): Artist, Mod Here’s an example of their work: Fairy Tales Are Full of Sh*t (art) Rating: SFW Relationships: Claire Novak/Kaia Nieves, Claire Novak & Gabriel Some Relevant Tags: Fairy tales
Role(s): Artist He’s new to the fandom, so give him a big welcome!!!
Role(s): Author Here’s an example of her work: Nightshade (5,652 words) Rating: Mature Relationships: Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester, Jessica Moore/Sam Winchester Some Relevant Tags: Canon Divergence, Weechesters, Boy King of Hell Sam Winchester, End Game Wincest 
Role(s): Author Here’s an example of their work: at the end of the day (3,115 words) Rating: Teen and Up Relationships: Lucifer & Sam Winchester, God | Chuck Shurley & Lucifer, Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester, John Winchester & Sam Winchester, Lucifer/Sam Winchester Some Relevant Tags: Episode: s11e22 We Happy Few, Missing Scene, Lucifer Possessing Castiel, Daddy Issues, Light s5 Lucifer Characterization, Trauma From Lucifer’s Cage
Role(s): Beta Reader Here’s a rec for one of their favorite works: And This, Your Living Kiss (56,972 words) by opal_bullets Rating: Mature Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Eileen Leahy/Sam Winchester, Donna Hanscum/Jody Mills, Kaia Nieves/Claire Novak Some relevant tags: Poetry, Writer Dean, Professor Castiel, AU - College/University, John Winchester’s A+ Parenting, Angst with a Happy Ending
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spnfemslashbang · 2 years
2022 Masterpost
Hello, all! That was the end of the 2022 Supernatural Femslash Bang. Many, many thanks to everyone who participated, and of course all the lovely readers out there who made this event possible.
Please see below for all the wonderful works that were posted this year, in case you missed them. You can also find them all in our AO3 Collection.
1. So How Do We Win? by @zaffre with art by @ncdover1285 (Jody Mills/Donna Hanscum, M) Set several months after the events of Wayward Sisters and Breakdown, Jody POV Things have been a bit overwhelming in Sioux Falls since the rift closed and Jody became the adoptive mother of her own gang of wayward daughters. So, when Donna asks her for a favor – attend a family wedding as her plus one – Jody is glad for the opportunity to get out of town and spend time with her friend. A few surprises during the trip lead to Jody realizing that maybe she feels more than just friendship for Donna. Even better, there’s a good chance that her feelings aren’t entirely one-sided. But will Jody be able to let go of her fears and doubts and love Donna, or will she sabotage things before they can even begin?
2. Hunting Contact by @redleavesinthewind with art by @ickyv (Jody Mills/Donna Hanscum, T) After Hibbing, Jody becomes Donna’s first contact concerning everything supernatural. What starts as professional calls slowly develops into something much more personal, and Jody has to juggle with her job, keeping Donna up-to-date with information on monsters, making a home for Alex and Claire, and realising that there’s more to the blossoming friendship between her and Donna.
3. The One You’ve Waited For by rex_writes with art by @ephemera (Charlie Bradbury/Meg Masters, E) Charlie has been lusting after Meg Masters - prickly, sharp-tongued Meg - ever since she first met her. But Charlie was in a relationship and Meg was...Meg and Charlie never dreamed that anything could ever happen.So when a newly single Charlie is invited on a trip to Hawaii by her best friend Dean Winchester, and Meg just so happens to be tagging along, Charlie wonders if this is a sign. . But the universe isn't going to make it that easy for Charlie, because sometimes you have to survive a series of misunderstandings, miscommunications, meddling best friends, and a mistrustful Meg Masters before you can finally be with The One You've Waited For.
4. Wild Springs by @MiracleofWinchester with art by @solstheim (Jody Mills/Donna Hanscum and Mary Winchester/Ellen Harvelle, M) After moving away from their life at Sioux Falls, Jody and her daughter, Alex, make their way to Lawrence, where they find a different kind of family than they ever thought they could ever become, they find friends and a community that would last for a lifetime.
5. In Your Light by @doctorprofessorsong with art by @rauko-is-a-free-elf (Meg Masters/Anna Milton, E) What do you do when your entire existence has been focused on an apocalypse that failed to happen? Meg finds herself back from the Empty, but it’s not all rainbows and  sunshine. Jack's re-vamp of the afterlife has left angels and demons  without any real purpose. For Meg, this results in a series of  existential crises broken up by Netflix and messing around in the  bunker. But all that changes when Cas' sister, Anna, shows up looking  for shelter as she works through her own mid-millenia crisis. Neither one of them is exactly thrilled to be rooming with the (former)  enemy, especially after Meg's enthusiastic security response results in a  light stabbing. But they also can't deny the magnetic pull between  them. And it turns out a fallen angel and a disobedient demon just might  have more in common than they thought.
6. Fairy Tales Are Full of Sh*t by @butterflyslinky with art by @rauko-is-a-free-elf (Claire Novak/Kaia Nieves, T) Claire hasn't believed in fairy tales in a long time. Gabriel is going to fix that.  
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sofreddie · 2 years
WIP Updates
I've got a ton of WIPs I've been bouncing around between. I've noticed I'm good for 300-500 word bursts at a time, but then I can't think or have to go on to something else. So it takes a little while to get them written.
Anywho, here's what I have in the works and, hopefully, coming soon:
Personal Pleasures 2/2 - Nightclub!Owner!Sam x F!Journalist!Reader
Resigned 4 - Alpha!Jensen x Omega!Reader (The perfectionist bug has hit hard on this fic, so it's taking more time to carefully write each part)
Diggin' It (Domestic Drabble)
Home Fries (Domestic Drabble)
Cordell Walker x Soldier Boy (Noncon/Dark!Fic)
Michael Langdon x Reader (Dark!Fic)
The Lion's Den Part 6 (this picked up a smidge of plot so I'm just reworking a few things for that.)
Hunter vs Hunter Part 6
Into the Mystic - Jody Mills x Donna Hanscum
There are a ton of others, but these are what I'm focusing on at the moment. Of course, I'm liable to hop on some other WIP or make a new one that jumps the line. 🤷‍♀️
Feel free to check out my open bingo cards and send in requests! A lot of the cards aren't fandom specific, so you can request any fandom/character and I may give it a go!
Happy Fanfic-ing!
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Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💜
This answer most definitely changes daily, but here's today's list!
*I pulled from Tumblr fics only for ease.
A.K.A. - William Butcher x female reader (2nd person POV) | Summary: William, Monsieur Charcutier, Butcher, Billy, asshole. | Tags/warnings: explicit, rough sex | WC: 1800
Cactus - Dean Winchester x Meg Masters x Castiel | Summary: Post-battle, exhausted and wanting, Dean and Meg and Cas take care of each other. | Tags/warnings: explicit, rimming, choking | WC: 3200
Discord and Rhyme - Demon Dean x unnamed female character | Summary: Dean is on the prowl. | Tag/warnings: explicit, this is not your mother’s Dean Winchester, rough sex, blood during sex, sexual coercion, dirty talk | WC: 1753
Hark and Hush - Purgatory Dean x wolf spirit in a female body | Summary: How Dean Winchester hunted, became enamored with, and slew the ancient spirit of the Big Bad Wolf. | Tags/warnings: explicit, this is not your mother’s Dean Winchester, stalking, blood, gore, rough sex, character death | WC: 2100
Where Is My Shiny Gun? -  Dean Winchester x Donna Hanscum (voyeur Sam Winchester) | Summary: Sam finds himself in a quandary when he realizes he has feelings for Donna by way of the obvious mutual attraction between her and Dean. | Tags/warnings: explicit, brief spanking + breast slapping, brief knife play | WC: 7700
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ao3feeddestiel · 2 months
When mountains crumble to the sea; There will still be you and me
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/1cNJDya by lmonkey1989 Dean Winchester wasn’t going to die. He should, but he wouldn’t. Sam always called him stubborn, Death itself was angry at him for not dying permanently. Who was he to break the pattern? So, Dean prayed. Not to Castiel like he had been doing since the night he died, just in case Cas could hear him, but to Jack. Dean couldn't die. He was going to live and he was going to get Castiel back. Words: 18090, Chapters: 8/8, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Castiel (Supernatural), Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Bobby Singer (Supernatural), Eileen Leahy, Jack Kline, Claire Novak, Kaia Nieves, Donna Hanscum, Jody Mills Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Eileen Leahy/Sam Winchester, Jack Kline & Dean Winchester, Jack Kline & Sam Winchester, Castiel & Jack Kline Additional Tags: Fix-It, Alternate Ending, Everybody Lives, Bisexual Dean Winchester, Dean Winchester is Jack Kline's Parent, Castiel is Jack Kline's Parent, Jack Kline is a Winchester, Dean Winchester Needs a Hug, Castiel and Dean Winchester Use Their Words, no beta reader we die like John read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/1cNJDya
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Requests for Writing and Artwork
Anonymous welcome!
Tumblr media
Note: I write about how the characters interact with the world and each other. I focus on the characters, not necessarily the conflict unless it is interfering in their relationship or stopping them from being around each other. It’s all about the people.
Word count: 1,000 minimum
Rating: Any
Types: NSFW or SFW
Kinks: Yes (it’s easier to say what I WON’T do—No Vore except blood drinking, No necrophilia unless sex with vampire—they gotta be able to consent, No Incest, No pee, no poo)
Tropes: meet cute, meet ugly, fluff, angst, friends to lovers, boss/employee, polyamory, **a/b/o**, kid fic, parent-focused fic, mpreg, apocalypse, damsel in distress (rescue), canon divergent, sex worker/prostitute/stripper, interspecies relationship, imbalanced power dynamics, love at first sight, hurt/comfort, shifter/skinwalker, roommate to lovers, or ask.
There are a handful or two of tropes I’m not ok with, so please select at least **3** options.
Plot or premise: please feel free to give me your prompt in as much detail or as little as you’d like.
Pairings: Any from the acceptable characters. Polyamory is acceptable too.
Reader insert: If you select Reader as a character, please advise the POV, such as first person (I am), second person (you are), or third person (she, they, he, them).
Acceptable Characters:
Reader—male or female, LGBT+, Chronic Illness, Mental Health, Winchester sibling or nibling, supernatural being, MoL Legacy, Rowena’s child, love interest to Team Free Will, Hunter, psychic, witch, etc. (Just ask)
Moon Knight system (Jake, Steven, Marc; Moon Knight)
Khonshu (Moon Knight)
Beau Arlen (Blue Sky)
Alec McDowell (Dark Angel)
Soldier Boy (The Boys)
Dean Winchester (No Incest;Demon, Possessed, Etc)
Sam Winchester (No Incest; Samifer, Lawyer, Professor, etc)
John Winchester (good parent, yes! No incest)
Mary Winchester (good parent, hunter, yes! No incest)
Castiel/Jimmy Novak (Wings, yes! True form, yes! Unrelated, yes! No Twincest)
Arthur Ketch
Emma Winchester
Charlie Bradbury
Gilda (Fairy)
Dorothy Baum
Billie (Reaper, yes! Death, yes!)
Death (YES!)
Lucifer/Nick (Wings, yes!)
Gabriel (Wings,yes!)
Balthazar (Wings, yes!)
Bobby Singer
Rufus Turner
Ellen Harvelle
Jo Harvelle
Jody Mills, Sheriff
Donna Hanscum, Sheriff
Claire Novak
Kaia Novak
Patience Turner
The Barnes Twins (no incest)
Missouri Moseley
Rowena MacLeod (Witchy, yes!)
Crowley/Fergus MacLeod (Demon form, yes)
Pamela Barnes
Adam Milligan
Michael (Archangel)
Horseman Death (portrayed by Julian Richings)
Meg 2.0
Jack Kline
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