#hahaha this was fun
ioniansunsets · 5 months
Kayn smells like Cigarette smoke and Sauvage Dior whatever popular cologne he can find. But his hair always smells like really sweet shampoo that somehow leaks into that horrendous mix of smoke and way too strong cologne. As you lean in close for a kiss, you can almost taste the smoke. Did he even smoke? Or was it that he loves talking to the other punk rockers that chill around after Pentakill's concert. You're not sure, you'll ask him after his lips leave yours.
Sett smells like the tm Ocean Spray, Ice Cool etc deodorant. Stereotypical man smell. He knows he sweats easily and does his best to keep any odor away! You've seen how he carries extra tees around, and even seen the wipes he keeps in his bag. But, if you hold him tight, you can still smell the soft downy scent of a simple softener wafting off his clothes. Trust him to try to smell clean and manly for you.
Yone smells like coffee mixed in with a green tea softener from his clothes and the very clear scent of cypress? Where did that come from? As you press your face into neck and his hair falls past your face as he leans down, you realize its incense from his room that settled in his hair. You nod, now understanding why sometimes he smells different, depends on what incense he burns while he meditates every morning then.
K'sante smells heavenly, a warm sage kind of scent mixed in with sandalwood. He always smells good, it eludes you how he can work out with Sett and still come out smelling so tasty. Only when you reach up to hold him close can you sniff out a fresh citrus off his skincare routine. When you ask he just shrugs, telling you he just uses good soaps and wipes.
Ezreal smells weird, but not in a bad way! It just always changes, he doesn't have one true smell to himself. Somedays he smells like flowers, somedays he smells like rain. Today, as he bounds up to hug you, giving you a kiss on your cheek, you smell a fancy vanilla wafting up. You think back to how you've never seen cologne in his room but instead rows of small tester perfumes that companies gifted him to review. Must be nice being an influencer.
Aphelios doesn't have a smell. You can smell the small hints of lavender softener Alune uses on his clothes, you can smell the plasticky scent of a new mask fresh out of its packaging, you can smell some hint of fruity hairdye off his hair but nothing that really screams Aphelios. Even when you lean in to kiss him, all you really smell and taste are the very soft hints of whatever scent his lipbalm has.
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donvilaro · 1 year
Thank you for the tags @theclairedelunemiracle and @cinemaspoppycorn 1. are you named after anyone? Yes, after my paternal grandfather hahaha 2. when was the last time you cried? I can't even remember 3. do you have kids? No 4. do you use sarcasm a lot? Hahahaha me? nooooo 5. what’s the first thing you notice about people? Their eyes 6. what’s your eye color? Blue 7. scary movies or happy endings? bring on the horror 8. any special talents? Hahaha no, unless running really fast counts 9. where were you born? Namibia 10. what are your hobbies? Reading, playing the guitar 11. do you have any pets? 3 dogs 12. what sports do you play/have played? cricket and rugby 13. how tall are you? 5.11 I think, 1.8m 14. favorite subject in school? physics and biology 15. dream job?  Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist hahahahaha
I'll tag my waifu @mrsgiovanna @passionescuppycake @glittermarswrites and everyone who wants to. 
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turnipoddity · 21 days
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smoochin at work… unprofessional behavior smh
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pjs-everyday · 2 months
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izuku ♡⊹₊ ⋆ izuku??? izukuuu!!!! izuku?! // expression practice, who's next? ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡)
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laddertek · 1 month
Etho: Uhm, I'm gonna be here for...thirty minutes...just looking in your eyes... Zed: ...only thirty? 🥺
Check out Zed's extended hermit reactions to his villager riding a chicken on ZedaphPlays2!
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pawnn000 · 3 months
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shootingstarrfish · 4 months
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the devilsitter has become a dogsitter! they need help!!!!
this was actually @aspiringtrashpanda's idea!!!! she's very cool and has the biggest brain please tell her how cool she is!!!!!
ive been watching a lot of dog grooming videos lately so i keep thinking about how well/poorly theyd behave when being groomed. lucifer would be the best and mammon would probably be the worst HAHA
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chococrystal · 2 months
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new master of wind !!!!!! I am morally, spiritually and financially obligated to make fanart of Euphrasia and Morro now sorry
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expelliarmus · 6 days
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vethale · 9 days
Incoming Marble Sky theory about the Marmors' origin planet and more! Spoilers ahead!
I think if we ever get to see their original planet, it might be a dark place (literally and metaphorically), with hives or cities built within ant-like cave systems. Their society also seems to work like those of ants with a queen (Moon), workers and drones.
I think the fact that the Marmors use a form of ecolocation rather than our traditional eyesight might imply that on their original planet, sight as we know it is not a viable option. Their planet might either have little to no light, making eyes redundant, or too much, which would also cause the same problem. I think their fur coloring might also be proof of this, as they seem to display bright colors with no patterns. (Patterns usually help animals, especially predators, blend into their environment, because a blotch of a single color is usually easy to spot). However, there is also a possibility that their coloring might be a result of them becoming the dominant species: We see this with domesticated animals- think cows or cats, with white patches of fur, that make them easier to spot. When colors no longer affect their survival, new color variations tend to pop up.
I also think the fact that they are bipedal (with tails) also tells us that like humans, they might have started walking on all fours and then went up. This allows the brain to become larger, because the neck can hold up more weight, boosting their intelligence. Animals that walk on all fours are usually limited in this aspect because the neck muscles do all the work, so their heads can't get heavier.
The existence of tails might imply that those are still required for balancing purposes. Humans used to have tails but we kinda didn't need them and they went away, but the tail bone still exists. The fact that Marmors still needed them might imply that they still had to climb a lot in their original planet - maybe they live on trees (there's some ants that build their hives hanging from them! Super cool tbh) or they build their homes on cliffs/mountains.
I personally think them living in mountains or cave systems is the more likely option. In the comic we have already gotten the comparison with ants, who tend to build their little hives with tunnel systems going in all directions. This would make their tails useful for climbing, as well as their special eyesight and connections useful for navigating the hive. I mean, a connection like the one we have seen in the latest update is not only useful for hunting but also for their hives, as they can quickly figure out where more "manpower" is needed vs where there's already enough of them in one place.
Also, they have both sharp claws and teeth. Obviously those teeth are stylized in the comic, but they seem very very sharp. Definitely made for ripping and shredding. So it's very likely that the Marmors are obligate carnivores, meaning that, unlike dogs or bears, they can ONLY eat meat. I mention this because those claws would also be useful for hunting and disabling prey BUT connecting this to the cave system theory: Those claws are big and sharp, whoch might also be useful for digging. The giant anteater, for example, has some seriously sharp claws. This thing does NOT hunt other animals, besides ants and termines lmao, but uses those sharp claws to dig into the really hard ground. And those claws are SHARP, boy. They use them regularly to wars off and ERASE jaguargs. Yes, jaguars. So maybe these sharp claws might be tools AND weapons for the Marmors, useful for deleting your prey and digging into the ground!
Going back to the ant comparison: ants society usually has a queen, her simps, and the worker ants. The queen lays the eggs. If those are fertilised by the male drones, they become female workers but if not, they become male drones (the simps lmao). Ecliptica mentions that she is tall because she is a female AND the center of their network. Obviously these are aliens, but I think we can draw parallels: she might be their queen, the only one that reproduces -which would also explain their "children belong to everyone and noone" attitude"- while the rest might simply be the workers. I say workers, even if they are male, because I think the drones might actually be something else. We have seen smaller Marmors like Shepherd's assistants. Now, they might just be small or younger, BUT they could also be the lower ranking drones.
So, to sum up: I think Marmors come from a planet with little light, where they build their hives/societies in ant-like cave systems, digging into the ground. They might also have an ant-like society, that revolves around their queen, the workers and the lower ranking drones, where everyone but the queen is a male.
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cj-kenobi · 3 months
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So I learned what a bear otter was the other day. Time for BIG otterwan
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nearlycassidy · 1 year
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okie dokie!
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nyaaamato · 3 months
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AKATSUKI ASSEMBLE! late day 1 pic for @obito-week 🎉
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muffinlance · 3 months
That moment when your sensitivity reader okayed your new fanfic story outline and you REALLY WANT TO WRITE THE FIRST CHAPTER
But the preschool application deadline was today and state sales taxes are due Monday and do you or do you not qualify for a small seller exception? This state-given definition is Really Unclear
And you are an adult on Tumblr so here's fanfic and taxes on main
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kingjasnah · 1 year
im so mad why wasn't riker at worf's bachelor party. he would have burned up a warp core to get there in time and he's literally the only person in the whole universe who would have had fun
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seryonn · 6 months
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A while ago I was doing another play through and I misread Kokichi saying something like this
(Not a fan of how it turned out, but it's FINEEEE)
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