#gus fring icons
nanabanblogs · 2 years
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princessfetus · 2 years
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Breaking Bad Pastel Icons Part 2!!
Pink Edition!
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ultravrapp · 2 years
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breaking bad icons
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pridebicons · 5 months
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gay gus fring pride icons
requested by anon
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metalmaul · 1 year
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insightful tweet from my better call saul watching era that has just ended
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suncaptor · 10 months
Like Gus saying he has to treat Nacho like a bad dog or put him down like one is INSANE. What did Nacho do?? Try to kill the same guy you dedicated your life to revenge against to protect his father? Leave that man ALONE. He already let himself get shot and left in the desert for you.
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queerbreakingbad · 1 year
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molotovmetro · 2 years
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Breaking bad pride icons/headers (1/?)
A big thanks to my friend Toby for helping me cut out jimmy <3
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tsukimefuku · 1 month
Villain Nanami (as per Gege’s original idea) Headcanons
I’ve been thinking about what type of villain he’d put Nanami out to be, and came to the conclusion that Nanami would definitely be the Gus Fring type of villain.
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My first reason: these are two iconic ISTJ characters. That’s it thanks for coming to my TED talk
But in that sense, I don’t see a villainous Nanami being the blood thirst type of bad guy? Don’t get me wrong, I truly enjoy reading renditions of villain!Nanami like that, but I guess he’d be the more “cold and calculating” type of villain, that acts with a goal in mind. Wouldn’t really be the guy to derive his satisfaction simply from killing and doing whatever.
Also, I feel like he’d be the “former jujutsu sorcerer turned curse user”, much like Geto was. Think about it: his best friend, his partner on missions, the person he clearly cared for the most ended up dying because Jujutsu High couldn’t bother to investigate the situation thoroughly, sending two teenagers to deal with a curse way above their pay grade? That’s a pretty good villain origin story right there.
ALSO, what if this curse user, that became a defector because they robbed him from his teenage years, ended up traumatizing and robbing the new jujutsu high’s students from the same thing while on his “quest” of trying to dismantle the jujutsu society that got his friend killed? Like, mwah, chef’s kiss. Great ideologic clashes would stem from that.
So yeah this is the end of my rambling. If I ever write villain Nanami, it will be along these lines 👀
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nsabuzz · 5 months
Hello! I am Gustavo Fring
The most iconic tv show Breaking Bad's most dangerous character Gus..... Gustavo Fring was the man who control everything everywhere 🔥
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Psycho Analysis: Gus Fring
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(WARNING! This analysis contains SPOILERS!)
Breaking Bad is known for its fantastic cast of characters, all of whom have some level of critical acclaim and iconic status. Seriously, go to Wikipedia and go to any character’s page from the show (basically every major character has one) and look at the “Reception” part, pretty much all of them are universally beloved. Chief among that crowd is the only villain in the show to give our rascally villain protagonist Walt a run for his money, the criminal mastermind that is Gustavo “Gus” Fring.
If you think I’m going to do anything other than add to those heaps of praise, you’re surely mistaken; I love Gus as much as anyone else who has seen the show. But where most are willing to overlook certain aspects of the character that don’t work so well because he is cool and gay, I acknowledge those flaws and love Gus anyway. We are not the same.
Motivation/Goals: Gus is a businessman, plain and simple. Be it Los Pollos Hermanos or his secret meth business, Gus wants perfection in every aspect of his professional life. That being said, he’s a pretty fair boss, and if you pull your weight you will be rewarded; he treats his employees at Los Pollos Hermanos so well that you know the show takes place in a fantasy world, because no boss is that nice. And he was way too lenient with Walt all throughout that man’s career working with him.
Of course, Gus is also driven by revenge. Don Eladio, Hector Salamanca, and the rest of the cartel are responsible for the death of his lover Max, and Gus refuses to rest until the entire operation has crumbled, with only him left standing tall and Hecor lefty broken and crippled to be finished off last as he’s the one who pulled the trigger. It’s a very classic villain motivation, and it helps give a little bit of sympathy to a character who is otherwise too cold and mysterious to really delve into the mind of. At any rate, it makes it very easy to root for Gus and cheer him on as he plays his supposed superiors for suckers and orchestrates their downfalls all while coming up with dozens of plans to cover his own ass.
Performance: Giancarlo Esposito has such an air of elegance and menace to him when he’s playing Gus. You can really see why he man ended up typecast after this, playing cunning antagonists, because he really kills it here. He does have one incredibly major flaw, though: He’s not a native Spanish speaker like Gus is. This leads to pretty much any point where Gus is required to speak the language falling flat, especially since most of the time he’s up against actors who are actually fluent and even if you’re not a native speaker you can pick up on how clunky he is in comparison to Michael Mando or Tony Dalton.
Final Fate: Gustavo Fring got outplayed by both Walter and Hector, and the result is perhaps one of the single greatest villain deaths of all time.
As many have pointed out, it is genuinely hilarious how Gus hated Hector so fucking much that he refused to die in the same room as him. And hey, maybe this isn’t very accurate to how a person would realistically look after taking an explosion directly to the face… But it’s one hell of a cool visual. Sometimes it’s better to check realism at the door for the sake of symbolism and cool prosthetic gore.
Best Scene: I think it is genuinely hard to top Gus’ awesome moments, even if he doesn’t ever really get an entire episode of focus. I think his crowning moment, the moment where we as an audience and Walt as a character learn that us is not even remotely fucking around, is his silent preparations before he comes up to his lackey Victor and violently slits his throat in “Box Cutter,” before equally silently getting dressed once more. Right before leaving, he simply says, “Get back to work” before leaving a stunned Walt, Mike, and Jesse behind.
There’s also Gus taking down Don Eladio and all his capos in “Salud.” It’s such wonderful, beautiful vengeance, and it’s all made better by the fact Gus poisoned himself, went to the bathroom, neatly placed a towel on the floor and knelt down on it, and then induced vomiting. This man would pick the fruitiest way imaginable to save his own life.
Finally, there is his scene in “Fun and Games,” the first and only time we see Gus just out enjoying himself. We get to see him pretty obviously flirting with a sommelier, but as soon as the man leaves for a moment Gus makes the decision to commit himself fully to his mission and rule out the possibility of love again after what happened to Max. This is the moment where we see Gus fully become the man we know him as in Breaking Bad, and it’s honestly pretty tragic. He could have been happy if he’d just let go some of his hate, and maybe he’d even still be alive.
Final Thoughts & Score: Gus is one of the best villains ever to grave television, and considering he’s in a show filled to the brim with some of the greatest villains ever devised, that’s really saying something.
Part of what makes him so genuinely great is just how utterly unknowable he is. Over the course of both Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul, he is almost like a god of the criminal underworld, untouchable and mysterious. What very little tidbits we get of his past paint a conflicting picture that could mean any number of things, and at every other point he manages to command respect and fear from all those around him, with those not wise enough to do so ending up dead by his masterful machinations. It ultimately makes the single scene where we see him not doing business, the one where he flirts with the man at the bar, so much more impactful. We see that Gus has rejected his humanity, his chance at ever being happy again, so that he can be consumed by his work and his vengeance. Gus is what he is by choice.
It’s why, even if it’s not really “good” that Walt won, it is so satisfying and cathartic. Gus spends his screentime pulling off superhuman schemes and feats of vengeance, orchestrating the deaths of the entire Salamanca family and his own cartel superiors, and yet he is done in by an absolute bumbling buffoon of a criminal like Walt. It’s a classic case of David and Goliath, with the untouchable adversary being taken down due to viewing his foe as so far beneath him that he didn’t realize he was screwed until it was too late. Gus was sadly too smart for his own good, never bothering to consider the erratic chemistry teacher could ever pull off anything big enough to defeat him.
With all that, Gus gets a 10/10. With how much I love Gus and how I consider him one of my favorite villains ever, you might be wondering why I didn’t bump him up to a 10.5 to denote him being a cut above the garden variety 10. Well, Gus has one issue with his character that I feels really hampers him in crucial moments: His inability to speak Spanish. Giancarlo Esposito, despite being an absolutely fantastic actor in every other regard, does not speak Spanish and needs his lines given to him phonetically. Native speakers have called his accent stilted and unnatural, and it has led to moments that should be epic and powerful such as his monologue to Lalo before killing him becoming nonsensical gibberish to trained ears. Considering that character is a native Spanish speaker, this is an absolutely unforgivable and glaring flaw. It certainly doesn’t ruin the character, but it does hold him back just a little bit.
But it really does speak volumes that as soon as Gus is taken out, the quality of the villains just plummets. The final season has Walt facing off against a bunch of Nazis and fucking Lydia, the annoying businesswoman. The final season is still peak, but boy are those villains living in Gus’ shadow. In spite of his flaws (or, well, his singular but rather major flaw), he’s still one of the greatest villains in television history, and is up there with Walt and Saul as the greatest villains in the series.
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something about Shane sv and the reader meeting at a party and having a one night stand, probably back in his gridball days or at the saloon after a festival
I’ll try to make this gender neutral since it wasn’t specified. In theme for halloween, this will be after the spirit festival! I hope you like it anon!
Shane(SDV) x Reader (nsfw)
The saloon was lively tonight, I caught bits and pieces of conversations about the fake(real) skeletons and shadow people, the haunted maze that most had a hard time navigating. People were still in their costumes and makeup. Looking around I noticed at least two people were dressed as witches, two others as zombies, one as a scarecrow, and some 80s inspired pop icons. Not being able to get done around the farm until almost the start of the festival, I just looked like a generic cowboy. Thank Yoba for that box of grandpa’s stuff, because never would I ever just have a leather fringe vest on hand otherwise.
I made my way to the only empty table, dimly light in the corner and sat down to enjoy my beer. I heard the sound of the bell on the door but didn’t look up to see who was leaving or coming in, too absorbed in my phone and newly found buzz.
“You mind if i sit here? All the other tables are taken,” said a gruffer male voice. I look up to see Shane, which is odd since usually he just stands near the bar.
“Sure, help yourself,” I said gesturing to the empty seat across from me.
He sat down, also opting to look at his phone and lose himself in the beer. I was already ordering another round when I decided to get one for Shane, seeing how he was already almost done.
“Thank you,” he said when I came back from the bar not even looking up from his phone.
“No problem,” I reply, going back to social media to see what my friends from the city were up to tonight.
Another few rounds later and the two of us began having a small conversation about how both of our flocks of chickens were doing, which turned into why we moved to valley. Usually he isn’t this talkative, I thought to myself, but I didn’t mind. This side of him was nice, a change from the cold and unapproachable version of himself.
Next thing we knew Gus was calling out last round and to start closing tabs. Walking out of the saloon while finishing our conversation about gridball and how Shane used to play and how most sports to me were just sportball, do the thing get the point.
“Hey, thank you. It was really nice talking to you tonight,” he said, a small hint of a blush starting to dance across his cheeks. Then he started walking in the direction of Marnie’s house.
“Wait! Do you want to come back to my place? I mean feel free to say no, but I really enjoyed our conversation and your company, and I’m not wanting this night to end so soon,” I said, feeling a little braver than usual with the liquid courage flowing through my veins. My heart was beating hard and I felt as though I stopped breathing.
“Sure why not?” He said and rejoined my side as we made the trek back to the farm.
Once inside with the door closed I asked if he wanted anything else to drink, with another beer in our hands we started talking about past loves and what we wish for the future.
“I’m not sure if I’m too keen on another partner too soon, the last kinda left me with a sour taste in my mouth,” I said.
“A lot of people can relate to that, I’m sorry,” he said looking almost mournfully at the bottle he was holding.
“The only thing to be sorry for is my lack of getting fucked,” oh shit. Had I really just said that out loud?
“That can be fixed,” he replied, turning to look at me with a hungry almost predatory look in his eyes.
Within a blink of an eye our mouths crashed together in a fit of passion and drunken lust. He tasted like pizza and beer but I didn’t care, I just wanted him all over me, and most importantly in me.
“Let’s move this to my bed,” I said, grabbing his hand and leading him to my room.
He shoved me onto the mattress and got on top, discarding his jacket and shirt, and nudging me take off mine as well. With fumbling hands I reached for his belt and slowly undid it, letting it fall to the floor making eye contact the entire time.
“Damn you’re sexy,” he said, voice husky and dripping with lust while leaving kisses all over my neck. He moved down my chest and stomach until he reached my jeans, which he removed effortlessly.
I started moaning as he rubbed me through my underwear, I could feel his rough and calloused hands through the thin fabric.
“Fuck, the sounds you make are getting me so hard.”
“Just fuck me already, please. Fuck I need to feel you inside me, please Shane,” I begged, reaching down to try and rub his hard cock through his jeans.
“Don’t have to ask me twice,” he said getting rid of the remaining clothing on our bodies.
Back on top he slowly started to push his cock into me, taking it out and pushing it back in. I couldn’t control my moaning, and I couldn’t tell where his body started and mine ended. Once fully inside me, he opted for a rougher and faster pace, taking one of my nipples in his mouth and the other in his fingers.
“Oh fuck Shane, you feel so amazing. Your cock is so big,” breathlessly came out of my mouth and my hips tried to match his pace.
Starting to feel close to orgasming, I flip us so i was on top. I bounced slowly on him, coaxing some well earned moans out of him. The feeling of his cock sliding in and out of me was pure bliss, and I wasn’t going to last much longer. I picked up my pace, riding him hard and fast.
“S-Shane, I-I’m going to cum.”
“Cum for me, I want to feel your body squeeze around my cock,” and with that I came hard. Moans almost turned into screaming. He flipped us back over and fucked me hard into my mattress until he too was about to cum.
“Fuck, im gunna cum,” he practically growled. He pumped his cock in a few more times in me before pulling out and cumming all over my stomach.
He collapsed next to me, out of breath. We laid for for a few before I started to get up to clean myself off, but a large hand pushed me back down.
“Uh no, where are your towels? I’ll get one for you,” he said pushing himself off the bed.
“In the bathroom down the hall to the left, there in a cabinet thingy, you’ll see it as soon as you walk in,” O replied, my brain practically swiss cheese from being thoroughly and utterly fucked.
He came back in a few minutes with a warm wash rag and started to wipe away the evidence of our night.
“You don’t have to, I have two hands myself y’know,” I said chuckling.
“I made the mess so it’s only fair,” he got up and put the wash rag in the hamper. “Shit, it’s three in the morning?”
“You could always stay if you want, just leave in the morning,” grabbing fresh underwear and pajamas from my dresser.
“Sure, thanks.”
He climbed back into the bed after putting on his boxers. We laid for a couple of minutes just looking at each other, a few yawns leaving both of us before drifting off to some much needed sleep.
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princessfetus · 2 years
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Kawaii Breaking Bad Icons Part 1 🥺
Hope you like >w<!!!
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popculturebrain · 2 months
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legion1227 · 5 months
72 Shows Watched in 2023: Ranked!
72. Titans (Season 4)- 2/5.
As someone who genuinely enjoyed the first two seasons, the fall-off was immensely disappointing. Season 3 was disappointing, but I'm more infuriated with season 4. I did not like the setup or payoff with Trigon, Brother Blood, and any other antagonists this season, or Superboy's character arc. A disappointing, dull slog the entire way through.
71. The Witcher (Season 3)- 2.5/5
I thought the third season started fine. Henry Cavill as Geralt will always be iconic. The rest of the cast, characters like Yennefer, Ciri, and Jaskier are compelling when onscreen but the others feel unmemorable. Episode 5, which focused on Geralt and Yen in the ballroom, was possibly the best episode of the season. But the last three episodes were forgettable enough to bring down my overall enjoyment. I shudder at how Liam Hemsworth will be next season or just how the next season will be. Period.
70. Bupkis- 2.5/5.
Bupkis is a comedy on Peacock, starring Pete Davidson as himself in a slightly more extreme version of his life. It also stars Edie Falco, notable for playing Carmella in The Sopranos and Jackie in Nurse Jackie, as his mother, and Joe Pesci, of Goodfellas and Home Alone fame, as his grandfather. The star power is grand but the jokes are light. There are some engaging stories told from episode to episode, but as a comedy, it could strive to be better. Reel back on your celebrity guests and write stronger jokes for the second season please, Pete.
69. Bel-Air- (Season 2) 3/5
Also on Peacock, the dramatized version of the classic, beloved sitcom, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. In comparison to season 1, I think it's a bit of a step-down. The actors chosen to portray the iconic characters and add a new spin on them are finely picked and perform solid performances. But the storylines for each character are...eh. Like, Carlton struggles with an addiction to coke for the season and it doesn't feel the most engaging. The character dynamics are enough to elevate it slightly, but it's still just an okay season.
68. Kaleidoscope- 3/5
Kaleidoscope is a Netflix show that spans over 24 years, where a crew of bandits try to steal billions. Part of the appeal of the show is that you can watch the show in any order you want. It's a neat gimmick to tell a linear story, but the story being told could be better. Giancarlo Esposito, known as Gus Fring in Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul, does well in a role that separates him from the villainous roles he's taken over the past decade. Every other actor and character could stand to be better. I'd like to see another show try this gimmick again, but...in a more intriguing manner.
67. Secret Invasion- 3/5
Personally, I don't find the show to be as horrendous as others attest, but it is easily the weakest MCU show to grace the small screen. Wondering which character may or may not be human or a Skrull was fun, the fight scenes are okay, and Samuel L Jackson is always a delight as Nick Fury. But the political drama they strived for here is uninspired. And the show downright looks ugly at times in comparison to far prettier shows like WandaVision or Loki. Rest in Peace to Maria Hill and Talos for having to die in such a mid show.
66. Bookie- 3/5
Bookie is an HBO Max original starring stand up comedian Sebastian Maniscalco as a veteran sports bookie trying to live his life and keep track of the various clients he has that make sports bets in Los Angeles. The premise itself holds some promise, and the characters are mostly likable. Its comedy is similar to Maniscalco's stand-up but still feels light on the laughter. Maniscalco and Omar Dorsey's characters carry the show enough to cross a threshold into becoming okay. It reminds me a little of Bupkis, but better.
65. Willow- 3/5
Willow is a continuation of the movie of the same name released back in 1988. The actor who played the titular Willow over 30+ years ago reprised his role once more as a powerful sorcerer who encounters a young group of heroes who embark on a dangerous quest. While the movie reminded me of The Neverending Story with its tone, the show does the same, more or less. The action scenes and cast were perfectly okay, sorta carrying itself on a cheesy, endearing vibe that you either rock with or don't. What's most egregious is how the show was wiped away Disney+ canceled and wiped from their platform, making it impossible to view via legal means.
64. Camp Lazlo- 3/5
Camp Lazlo was a show that used to air on Cartoon Network from 2005 to 2008. I used to watch it as a child then and rewatched it in its entirety for the first time in years. The series follows anthropomorphic spider monkey Lazlo and his bunkmates albino rhino Clam and elephant Raj as they look for fun times at Camp Kidney. It's a goofy, fine TV show that I think kids nowadays would get a kick out of, but there are better shows from that time to indulge in. The characters teeter from being likable to annoying from episode to episode, the character design is fine, and the comedy is lowbrow. It's not offensive in any way, but I'm a little disappointed since I liked this show a lot more as a kid than now. For me, it doesn't hold up too much.
63. The Last Kingdom (Seasons 3-5) 3/5
For 5 seasons, The Last Kingdom followed Uhtred of Bamburgh in the Medieval Age fighting mighty European armies and leading armies himself as a powerful warrior who's grown into his own. The first two seasons, viewed in the tail-end of 2022, were possibly the best seasons. Alexander Dreymon's performance as Uhtred was fine throughout, but not as gripping as I would hope. The same principle applies to every character introduced in the past three seasons after season two. A fine story is told throughout, but the best aspect has to be the action scenes. As disinterest took over towards the final season, I take solace that the movie that followed, Seven Kings Must Die, was really good and a great sendoff to Uhtred.
62. Dave (Season 3)- 3/5
Maybe Dave is the slightly better version of Bupkis than Bookie was. Dave stars David Burd, also known as Lil Dicky, as an extreme version of himself looking to boost his rap career. The latest season was a slight step down from season 2. It's always relied on gross-out humor, but it was too much this season. This season was a huge mixed bag with some good episodes and some that were average. Certain characters could use more fleshing out, like his friends, Elz, or Mike. More of that instead of flexing the cameos like Drake or Rick Ross would bring the show up a bit more. Though, to be fair, Brad Pitt in his episode was pretty entertaining.
61. Ahsoka- 3/5
Former Jedi knight Ahsoka Tano seeks to prevent the return of the Empire as she investigates and traverses the galaxy. I wanted to like this more than I did. I loved Ahsoka in the Clone Wars show and enjoyed Rosario's performance in the handful of episodes she appeared in Mandalorian and Book of Boba Fett. And while Rosario is decent as Ahsoka here, the rest of the cast fails to thrill me. Ahsoka seems like the kind of show that someone would enjoy if you watched the animated show Star Wars: Rebels because it would help make you care more about the characters. Unfortunately, I did not do that so it doesn't help. All I will really remember from this show is the appearances of Hayden Christensen's Anakin Skywalker.
60. Black Mirror (Season 6)- 3/5
The anthology show pushed out 5 episodes this season, and about 3 of them were good. Loch Henry was an uninteresting episode until the final ten minutes, and Mazey Day was the worst episode of the bunch easily. However, the performances and premises of the other three episodes were enough to bring the show as high as it did for me. If you're looking for a random standalone episode that's either entertainingly perplexing, pleasantly thought-provoking, or thrillingly cataclysmic, check out the episodes Joan is Awful, Demon 79, and Beyond the Sea.
59. Doom Patrol (Season 4)- 3/5
Originally a DC Universe Original before becoming an HBO Max original, Doom Patrol was a spinoff of the Titans show about an unlikely group of superheroes with depressing backstories saving the world. This final season really cemented itself that this particular brand of bizarreness, while engaging, was not necessarily for me. The first season was always my favorite, with Alan Tudyk as Mr. Nobody being an excellent foil to the group, but the proceeding seasons never met the same level of love for me as the first. The characters are likable, their arcs are well written, and there's a beautiful sendoff to the cast, but it has a unique sense of weirdness that, while I do admire it, doesn't resonate with me as much as it might for others.
58. AEW All Acess- 3.5/5
The second biggest professional wrestling promotion in America, AEW, showcased a reality show that gave viewers a glimpse into the backstage antics and lives of wrestlers. I'm not big on reality shows, but I love AEW and the wrestlers who work for the company as well. It was an intriguing peak behind the curtain but to an extent for a reality show such as this. Certain elements of drama feel corny as it's somewhat scripted for a "reality" show, there's only so much you can show. And with AEW battling real dramatic bits, like CM Punk fighting people backstage, it feels underwhelming what they show instead. Though, it's understandable they can't show or talk about those instances due to legal issues. Regardless, AEW All Access if a fine product for AEW and reality tv show fans, if there's a correlation.
57. Righteous Gemstones (Season 3)- 3.5/5
The HBO Max show follows the Gemstone family, a bunch of Christian televangelists running their church in the wake of the patriarch Eli's wife's death. The third and latest season is as consistent as the first two seasons. The performances and chemistry of the children, Judy, Kelvin, and Jesse, are a joy to watch. The entire cast is fun with their obscene humor leading to chuckle-inducing jokes. The Gemstones have heart that makes them so endearing.
56. Dexter (Seasons 5-7)
In a long-lasting endeavor to enjoy the original seasons before finally getting around to New Blood, the misadventures of blood-splatter analyst Dexter Morgan bled into 2023. The best seasons, 1-4, were watched in 2022, and this year, 5-7 were enjoyed. The fifth season was a step down from the first four, but the introduction of the character Lumen and Dexter's handling of his grief after losing someone dear to him made for still compelling television. The seventh season was on par with the fifth thanks to a compelling character in Isaak and Maria Laguerta's role. The sixth season is what brings the show down, as the antagonists are underwhelming against the many that came before.
55. Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide 3.5/5
Ned's Declassified was another kid's show I watched growing up that aired three seasons from 2004 to 2007. The show followed middle schooler Ned Bigby and his best friends Moze and Cookie as they tried navigating through middle school, looking to survive. I'm unsure what most kids are like these days, but I'd like to think that this would be something that kids approaching middle school would enjoy. The show became more interesting as seasons went on, the romance aspects were somewhat intriguing, and the wacky supporting characters were mostly likable. The tips and lessons could still apply to kids looking for a guide today. Kids might get a kick out of this today, but should probably stay away from the weird podcast about the show. They really don't need to hear stories about Moze's actor blowing all the other guys on set or whatever.
54. Star Wars: Visions (Season 2)- 3.5/5
The animated anthology series provided a new season with new stories to tell. The animation across the board is gorgeous. Story-wise, the most engaging episodes involve a former Sith and the one where a bunch of people are stuck in a pit they built for the empire. Not every episode is as interesting as those two, but there are neat ideas explored in each episode that one might not see in a star wars show or movie anytime soon.
53. Only Murders In The Building (Seasons 1-2)- 3.5/5
As season three of the acclaimed murder mystery dramedy released this year, I found the time to check out the first two seasons before the year ended. Watching Selena Gomez, Martin Short, and Steve Martin work off one another and try to figure out back to back murders is highly entertaining as their chemistry is off the charts. The special guest stars like Tina Fey or Nathan Lane have helped bring the show as high as it is and it should be commended.
52. Narcos (Seasons 1-2)- 3.5/5
The first two seasons that detail the rise and fall of notorious crime lord Pablo Escobar are as good as they are due in part to the powerful performance by Wagner Moura as the drug kingpin. There were some solid performances throughout the show, but no one gripped me as much as him. (Bit of a spoiler coming here...) When Pablo died at the end of season two, there was little incentive to watch season 3 for me. Others may find this more enjoyable than me, but I recognize that this is a solid, well-made show.
51. Ted Lasso (Seasons 1-3)- 3.5/5
Ted Lasso was a great show for the first two seasons before the quality of season 3 brought it down. Some character arcs with characters like Keely didn't satisfy me. The show's decision to make the episodes an hour long brought the quality down immensely. If season three didn't make such boneheaded choices in its last season, the feel-good comedy would rank higher for me.
50. South Park (Season 26)- 3.5/5
the raunchy, foul-mouthed sitcom still can push out gems, but I miss the old seasons when they were much longer. The latest season pushed out 6 episodes, and while none were bad, if there were at least a few more episodes, the latest season would've been almost great. Two standout episodes for me involve the conspiracy around Japanese toilets, and the episode written by AI like Chat GPT. Nothing as hilarious as previous iconic episodes, but the topics and creativity was sublime still.
49. Disenchantment (Season 5)- 3.5/5
Created by Matt Groening, the same genius mind behind the Simpsons and Futurama, Disenchantment is an animated fantasy series that takes place in a medieval land, following the main characters of Princess Tiabeanie, her elf companion Elfo, and demon buddy Luci. The fifth season was its last, bidding farewell to the zany cast and its colorful multitude of a supporting cast. An underrated show that deserves viewing.
48. Scrubs (Seasons 5-8)- 3.5/5
The classic sitcom about medical students turned doctors peaked with its first 5 seasons. The stories, premises, and character development would not reach the same heights in seasons 6 to 8. Some jokes are funny but don't land as hard for me as they did upon my first viewing as a preteen. Rest in Peace to Sam Lloyd, who played possibly the funniest character on the show and my favorite, Ted. He encapsulated a depressing lawyer swimmingly.
47. Bobobo-bobo-bobo- 3.5/5
Bobobo-bobo-bobo was like a fever dream that I never stopped thinking about as a kid. The bizarre anime about the man Bobobo-bobo-bobo fighting enemies with his nose hairs used to air on Cartoon Network during its Toonami block back in the 2000s. After obtaining a blu-ray disc some time ago, I finally got to watching. It's rapid pace with jokes, insane characters, and wild visual gags wormed it's way into my heart. If I were to let bias get in the way, this would be in my top ten. But not every joke in this comedy lands. I still love this show to pieces tho and wish they'd bring it back.
46. Twisted Metal- 3.5/5
This adaptation of the racing game was the most fun show Peacock produced this year that I watched. The cast is enjoyable with Anthony Mackie and Stephanie Beatriz anchoring the show for its duration, but it's AEW wrestler Samoa Joe as Sweet Tooth, while Will Arnett provides the voice of the same character, that capture a special magic. The action scenes could stand to be more thrilling, but the stories and character interactions help elevate the show to be a blast.
45. Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight (Seasons 2-3)- 3.5/5
This Netflix series about the dragon warrior Po was well-made. Jack Black reprising his role as the titular panda was incredibly welcome as he's the best part of the show. Joining Po are an interesting cast of characters that accompany him on a grand journey. Everything from the action scenes and set pieces to somber character moments were perfectly solid. Another fine show for kids or fans of the Kung Fu Panda series to hold you down while waiting for Kung Fu Panda 4.
44. The Mandalorian (Season 3)- 3.5/5
The latest escapades of Din Djarin and Grogu this season were entertaining, but not as much as previous endeavors in seasons 1 or 2 clearly. The decision to have Din and Grogu separate in the season 2 finale and reunite in another show was a poor choice, robbing this show of a gripping emotional return way too soon. But, the action scenes were still decent, the cameos of the likes of Jack Black and Lizzo were cute and harmless, and Bo Katan's arc helped to make the season at least somewhat compelling.
43. I Am Groot (Season 2)- 3.5/5
Baby Groot is adorable. Five short episodes show baby Groot getting into little shenanigans. My personal favorite involves the one where The Watcher gets stressed watching Groot dick around and get into danger. If you're looking for something really cute and wholesome, I Am Groot would make for a fine 20 minute burst.
42. Whose Line Is It Anyway? (Seasons 8-10)- 3.5/5
It doesn't matter how much time passes or how old improv legends Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles or Wayne Brady get, they have not missed any beats. The CW version of the show is not as good as the original, due to its over reliance on repeated games or unfunny special guests, but the performers themselves are comedic geniuses that I love wholeheartedly. The latest seasons on HBO Max have had them trying different games and breaking from tradition and its for the best. One of my favorite comfort viewings.
41. Wrestlers- 3.5/5
Wrestlers is a documentary that follows former WWE wrestler Al Snow trying to keep his wrestling promotion Ohio Valley Wrestling alive. The series focuses on Al, the various wrestlers and workers that he employ as he books his shows week to week, and outside forces looking to work with OVW. Getting to know the wrestlers behind their over-the-top personal and see the struggles of a wrestling promotion nowhere near as big as WWE or AEW was fascinating.
40. Vikings: Valhalla (Season 2)- 3.5/5
Based in the Viking age, the main characters of Leif Erikson, Freydis and Harald remain the most compelling characters in their show. I wish I could say as much for other aspects. The season was a step-down from season 1, but the emotional story beats and cinematography are decent enough aspects to rate it as high as it is for me.
39. Demon Slayer (Season 3)- 3.5/5
The latest season of the hit anime Demon Slayer was fun, but like many other shows on this list, the season to come beforehand...I simply enjoyed more. Mitsuri was an intriguing Hashira to know, and Villains this season were solid. But the lack of presence of other characters like Inosuke are felt and the emotional beats don't work as well as the previous season. But the season finale was stellar enough to bring the season up quite a bit at least.
38. Insecure (Seasons 4-5)- 3.5/5
Insecure remained consistently good throughout its 5 season run. Issa Rae was a great lead for the show as she and her character were extremely likable. The humorous series had a fine cast, but her friend Kelli had to be my favorite as she was seemingly the funniest of the bunch.
37. Food Wars (Season 5)- 3.5/5
The final season to this over-the-top nontraditional battle Shonen anime was a serviceable sendoff to the endearing cast of zany teens. The cooking show anime aired on Toonami this year and as it wrapped up, I felt sad to see it go as I've enjoyed the wackiness many characters provided. But the last episode was a decent sendoff as well. Though not as good as seasons beforehand, Food Wars fifth season is still a treat.
36. Star Wars: The Bad Batch (Season 2)- 3.5/5
The sophomore season of this animated star wars show was as entertaining as its first. Shoutout to Dee Bradley Baker for voicing five different clones and bringing nuance to each character. A ragtag group of clone troopers on their adventures was exciting at times and the season finale was perhaps the best episode of the batch.
35. Total Drama- 3.5/5
Another show from my childhood thats sometimes a gem and sometimes infuriating. Its first three seasons harbored a good sense of humor and a truly sublime cast of animated characters. It was peak. Unfortunately, the following seasons failed to live up to the standards in character work and pacing, among many other issues. However, the season titled The Ridonculous Race, was great enough to bring the show back up. I haven't seen the latest season yet, but the best seasons of this show are worth checking out.
34. Harley Quinn (Season 4)- 4/5
A great season for the books even if it didn't live up the spectacle of its third season. The animation remains solid and the first half of the show was strong. With Bane still hilarious and Harley and Poison Ivy's respective character arcs that focus on their individuality being as entertaining as they were, there's still a lot to like from this season. Even if it lacks in other departments, like, not enough Clayface.
33. Big Nate (Season 2)- 4/5
Huge bias here, but I used to read the Big Nate Books as a kid and I have a huge soft spot for them which applies to this show. The animation is solid, there's a good sense of humor, and the core cast of kids are incredibly likable. If you're looking for 6th grade kid shenanigans that's bound to.make you chuckle, pleas support the show on Paramount Plus so it gets dozens of seasons.
32. My Hero Academia (Season 6)- 4/5
The latest season of teenage superheroes in training focused on two arcs for 20+ episodes. The first arc saw an all out war between numerous heroes and Villains while the second arc saw our main character, Deku, enter an Era of self-doubt and edginess after the events of the first arc. The second arc would've been better if it had more time dedicated to it, but the turns, twists, action scenes, and revelations of the first arc are enough to elevate this season to greatness.
31. Gen V- 4/5
This spinoff of The Boys was a slightly better series that focused on school kids with superpowers than My Hero. It's still got The Boys charm with its signature violence and gore with characters intriguing enough to keep you hooked. Gen V is a great addition to The Boys universe that warrants attention.
30. Avenue 5 (Season 2)- 4/5
An underrated sitcom following a space captain, his employees and crew, and hundreds of passengers on a space cruise trying to.make their way back home. The cast was stellar, the jokes were hilarious, the premise was engaging, and yet it STILL got canceled and I'll forever be mad about that.
29. Blackish (Seasons 1-3)- 4/5
The family sitcom about the Johnson family has picked up for me lately on my first viewing. The first episode and some to follow in season 1 were a bit rocky as the show was finding its footing. But with Seasons 2 and 3 so far, it's proven to be especially funny with a talented cast and thoughtful messaging.
28. Codename: Kids Next Door (Seasons 1-3)- 4/5
Yet another show from my childhood I've been in the midst of rewatching! The Kids Next Door follows children acting as secret agents that fight against teenagers and adults of all sorts. This classic cartoon would fit so well with an audience today, I'd like to think. With an endearing core cast and a truly fun rogues gallery they face off with in episode to episode, I've started realizing how much influence something like this had on me growing up, I love this show.
27. Six Feet Under (Season 1)- 4/5
One of HBO's classic shows has recently come under my radar for the first time, and while it's a bit slow at times to my liking, it's proving to be a unique watch. It's takes on the passings of every day people coupled with a talented cast and stunning cinematography are leaving me to wonder how this show will fare upon progressing into the next few seasons.
26. Wu Tang: An American Saga (Season 3)
For three seasons, Wu Tang followed the rise of Hip Hops most decorated rap group. It's final season was a superb and contemplative sendoff to some of the greatest MCs to grab a mic. Some episodes and storybits were a bit rushed or dramatized needlessly, but the allegorical episodes were incredibly creative sometimes balances out. An underrated gem of a show, in my opinion.
25. One Piece (Live Action)- 4/5
One of the most faithful adaptations of the source material I've seen and I couldn't be happier. The outrageous characters from the anime and Manga look as wild as they do in live action, the set pieces are mesmerizing, and the performances of the Strawhat crew are special. I'm eagerly awaiting season 2 to see how they adapt what comes next.
24. Archer (Season 14)- 4/5
Despite the addition of a new character to the long running sitcoms final season, they didn't stray focus from its core cast of operatives we've gotten to know and love since 2009. Despite wavering in seasons prior, the writing here was on point, the performances did not miss a beat, and the final season was a wonderful send-off to these ragtag of oddballs.
23. Eric Andre Show (Season 6)- 4/5
Hannibal Burress' lack of presence is felt, but the chaotic nature of the show never left and I love that for it. Whether insane bits on the street or at the studio, Eric Andre has still found ways to psychologically confuse and torture strangers and celebrities alike in a manner that still makes my stomach hurt from laughter and absurdities.
22. My Adventures With Superman- 4/5
This take on the beginnings of Clark Kent's journey as Superman was a fun time. Its animation is pleasing to the eye, Clark and Lois Lane's relationship is incredibly endearing and wholesome at times, and the villains introduced are decent foils to Superman.
21. Futurama (season 11)- 4/5
After being canceled and brought back for the umpteenth time, seeing the Futurama cast return again after about a decade (not including that one Simpsons crossover episode from a few years ago) was so welcome. The show tackled more modern topics like Bitcoin and the COVID pandemic to varying degrees of success. Bringing back the entire original cast and still being able to provide solid entertainment is comforting.
20. Superstore- 4/5
Indulging in the entirety of Superstore, the sitcom about employees working in a giant Walmart-esque retail building, for the first time was intriguing. The first season felt too reminiscent of The Office in characters, but as the seasons progressed it slowly started to morph into its own thing. As characters found their own personalities, the show increasingly became more and more hilarious, even with its final season filmed during peak pandemic lockdown.
19. Loki (Season 2)- 4/5
An improvement upon the first season by a margin. Adding Key Huy Quan and Rafael Casal to the cast this season was an excellent choice. The rest of the cast was equally superb, but it's Tom Hiddleston as Loki completing his transformation from a god of mischief to a selfless god was perfect. The finale to the season was bittersweet but also perhaps the best episode of a Disney MCU show so far.
18. Atlanta (Season 4)- 4/5
Donald Glover's experimental series starring himself, Zazie Beets, Brian Tyree Henry, and LaKeith Stanfield, provided possibly the best season of the show. I feel there could've been an opportunity to bring back people from the previous seasons at some point this season, but the episodes this season were pretty remarkable. The final episode leaves one to wonder about the status of our characters but not in a doom-and-gloom manner which I can rock with.
17. Baki Hanma (Season 2)- 4/5
Not since Jojo's Bizarre Adventure have I seen an action anime so ridiculous thrill me almost entirely from start to end. Baki Hanma is a well-crafted, better-written show than its previous series simply titled 'Baki.' Two arcs focus on a prehistoric caveman thawing out of the ice and the world's greatest fighters try to defeat it. While the second arc has our main character try and combat his ultra-powerful dad in a fight that's been built up for years. Both arcs were over-the-top peak that warrant viewing if you live for that nature.
16. Blindspotting (Season 2)- 4/5
The sequel series to the film of the same name is just as great as the film itself. Jasmine Cephas Jones as Ashley, who initially harbored a small role in the film, is good as the lead for the show. Her various family members and friends either helped her or overwhelmed her in ways that made for intriguing television. Combined with fun usage of cameos from rappers and riveting musical sequences, you have another show that gets canceled way to soon and pisses me OFF.
15. Rick and Morty (Season 7)- 4/5
Upon giving co-creator and creep Justin Roiland the boot, the team behind Rick and Morty managed to deliver a quality season up there with some of their best. The new voices for Rick and Morty that replaced Roiland have nestled nicely into the role, and after delivering one of the greatest episodes in the series in 'Unmortricken' any anxieties about the quality of Rick and Morty have been quelled for the future of the show.
14. Jujitsu Kaisen (Season 2)- 4/5
The first few episodes focused on the backstory of a few crucial characters years ago, and while they were sufficient, the meat of the season lies within the Shibuya Incident. As good and evil fight across the city of Shibuya and the bodies pile sky high, JJK has crafted an unforgettable second season with stakes high and memorable moments galore.
13. One Piece (Wano Arc)- 4/5
As the One Piece anime wraps up its longest story arc to date, looking back it's clear to see that the legendary scenes will pang throughout the echoes of time. Despite shit pacing, as One Piece is known to have, it gave us moments of Luffy attaining the Gear 5 form, his jaw-dropping fight with Kaido, and entertaining fights between the Strawhats and the rest of Kaido's crew. Thank god it's over though, and we can finally prepare for the next island Luffy and the Strawhats head toward.
12. Scott Pilgrim Takes Off- 4/5
I think I like this more than the movie, even though it's been years since I last saw the film. But Scott Pilgrim Takes Off took Scott's friends, Ramona's exes, and plenty of other characters with varying degrees of screen time in the movie, amplified it in the show, and made everyone INCREDIBLY likable. With awesome fight scenes and delightful characters, the show has become a must-see for animation fans.
11. The Bear (Seasons 1-2)- 4/5
Who knew how anxiety-inducing a show about a young chef running a restaurant with a hectic kitchen staff could be. The groundwork laid in season 1 elevated season 2 to excellency. The cast is fascinating, and the episodes that involve characters running around frantically, desperately trying to tie shit together have lead to the best episodes on television this year. If you watch one episode from this show, please watch the episode titled 'Fishes.'
10. Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake- 4/5
The spinoff and continuation from yet another Cartoon Network classic is at least on par with the original Adventure Time. Taking the fictional characters of Fionna and Cake and expounding upon them to make them their own fleshed-out characters is amazing. The blossoming relationship of Gary and Marshall was sweet and Simon's existential crisis was heart-wrenching. Eagerly awaiting it's next season.
9. Orange Is The New Black (Seasons 1-3)- 4/5
As I'm currently on my first viewing of this show, as of this writing, I can see how this show about women in prison put Netflix on the map for their original programming. Our leads slow descent into morally questionable behavior is as compelling as every surrounding story with her fellow inmates. The final minutes of the season three finale were powerful imagery for the inmates. And as the depressing dramedy continues forward, I cannot wait to see how the rest of the show shapes.
8. Succession (Seasons 1-4)- 4/5
After binging all four seasons this year, Succession is the closest show I've seen to poetry in motion. The inner dynamics of these deeply disturbed members of the Roy family as they backstab, connive, and try to destroy one another just to reach a comfortable seat of power made for devastating television. I only wish there was one more season to spend more time with the cast.
7. Dragon Ball Z- 4/5
This is the last show on this list that was something I watched as a kid, I promise. The iconic Shonen action show is my favorite anime of all time, but I tried not to let some of personal bias cloud some of my judgment. It's the grandfather of all action anime for a reason, and what prevents it from being my number one is that I believe some of the following shows are just a liiiiiiittle bit more tightly written.
6. The Last Of Us- 4.5/5
Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey managed to put on performances as stellar as the voice actors in the game, it's wild. I thought the adaptation was amazing, with sublime performances across the board, a decent pace, and an exploration of character depth unseen in the game with characters like Bill and Frank. It might've been a little light on zombies this season which I hope they rectify in the future.
5. Castlevania Nocturne- 4.5/5
As someone who adored the previous Castlevania anime series, this season had some big shoes to fill. For the first season, they knocked it out of the park. The animation is more gorgeous than ever, the new characters introduced in this spinoff are intriguing, and they laid superb groundwork for the following season.
4. It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia (Season 16)- 4.5/5
Clearly, the best season that this gang of scumbags has put out in years. The entire season saw the gang at their dumbest which lead to hilarious setups and instant classics in its legacy. While all 5 characters were at their best this season, I want to highlight Danny Devito in Frank Vs Russia and Glenn Howerton in The Gang Goes Bowling and Dennis Takes a Mental Health Day as some of the best comedic chops they've almost ever had. I died laughing so much this season.
3. Primal (Seasons 1-2)- 4.5/5
The story about a caveman and a dinosaur going on adventures and was surprisingly...peak. The storytelling despite minimal to no words being spoken is immaculate, and when the first words were dropped I almost lost my shit. The first season was great, but the second season helped elevate the entirety of the show. It's cliff hangers are jaw-dropping, the arcs in season 2 were grand in scale, and the Primal Theory was perhaps the best episode of the whole show. I wish I watched this sooner.
2. What We Do In The Shadows (Season 5)- 4.5/5
The only show to make me laugh just as much, possibly just a little bit more, than It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia is the show about Vampires in Staten Island of course. Guillermo's season long arc of vampirism came to a satisfying conclusion and the rest of the cast were on point, especially my personal favorite character: Lazlo. The cast were on point, and the comedic chops were strong, I just hope it's final season is at least as strong as this season was.
Barry (Season 4)- 5/5.
The 4th season of Barry was excellent. Barry the character and Barry the show has been immortalized with the events that transpire over this 8-episode season. The fate of the characters followed over the past few seasons has been befitting and heartbreaking but understandable in some circumstances. The way the show transitioned into something darker over the past two seasons as this hitman who tried to become an actor influenced the people around him and brought them down into the deepest trenches with him. There is no doubt in my mind that Barry was my personal favorite show viewed in 2023. Thank you for reading my list if you did.
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dreamcastboy99 · 1 year
What if the OG Persona got a bad live-action film adaptation?
• The film would be loosely based on the infamous Revelations version of P1....
• ...and by loosely, I mean Persona In Name Only, aimed at Americans, R-Rated action-horror, starring the actors in my joke fancast:
Dacre Montgomery as Naoya/Edward
Amanda Seyfried as Maki/Mary
Cameron Monaghan as Nanjo/Nate
Kevin Hart as Mark
Aaron Paul as Brown/Brad
Jamie Chung as Yuki(no)
Martha MacIsaac as Elly/Ellen
Margot Robbie as Ayase/Alana
Keanu Reeves as Reiji/Chris
Giancarlo Esposito as Kandori/Guido
with Liam Neeson as Philemon
and Danny DeVito as Igor
• Since the actors playing the mains are all too old to portray high school students convincingly, we'll make them college students instead
• They're all wearing casual outfits except for Nate bc he's the rich one
• Bits and pieces of P1's plot remain but it's overall unrecognizable
• The protagonist's name would likely be Edward Turner or some shit
• There's still a real, bedridden Mary and and ideal one who fights alongside the squad
• The gang partied too hard and got their Personas from masked Liam Neeson in a dream
• Kevin Hart danced crazy
• John Wick has beef with Gus Fring
• Frank welcomes the gang to the Velvet Room but does jackshit
• One or more of the girls fucks Edward because why not?
• The demons our heroes battle are generic CGI trash that wouldn't look out of place in literally anything else
• The Personas resemble Stands more than they originally did, however, the gang prefers using their weapons to conserve energy
• Some of the gang prefer melee over guns or vice versa (Ed uses an MP5, Ellen uses a sword, etc.)
• Though the movie is action-horror at its core, elements of other genres are brazenly shoehorned in...such as the aforementioned sex scene or Mark and Brad spewing one-liners
• Half the film would take place against grungy, industrial backdrops because grit.
• For some stupid reason, a wholly original score would be used as opposed to music from either version of the game aside from maybe the iconic Aria of the Soul in a scene or two, and an award-bait song like Dream of Butterfly or School Days, albeit reworked to make more sense in English instead of being nonsensical English lead vocals with Japanese backing vocals.
• Clichés and plot holes would be present across the board instead of using what people liked about the game's story
• It won't ever get made because Atlus refuses to acknowledge the original Persona on its own anniversary, let alone at all
I still haven't finished the game or the manga so I guess I'm out of ideas.
anyways, if this film did get made, would you be amused or offended?
who would direct this trash heap?
I have no idea.
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