#guess who participated in this
thatswhatsushesaid · 9 months
it’s time for another stupid fandom poll
welcome to mdzs university!!! what’s you’re major? just kidding, it doesn’t matter. what does matter is you have to join a group to complete your first group project. no pressure, the project only counts for 50% of your total grade this semester.
put your reasons in the tags if you feel so compelled! i’ll mix up the group members for the next poll just to keep things interesting 👀
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rwpolls · 12 days
what karma level do you think iterators are at ?
levels 1 – 5
levels 6 – 9 but not 10
level 10 ( max karma )
it's different for each iterator
iterators don't have karma
nuance / other
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coyotesinew · 3 months
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Some recent thoughts about nonhumanity and my relationship to the community + my personal relationship with it that I cleaned up, my writing style is a bit disjointed, I would like to share more of my writing, if anyone would be interested in seeing that :)
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marcsnuffy · 2 months
I like to imagine Niko finds a way to access the internet via his Blue Lock Issued Tablet & spends some of his free time showing his teammates Yu-Gi-Oh cards and making them guess the prices
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thehollyraven · 1 month
Fitaphim Qafotix
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Name: Fitaphim Qafotix (“gift of light”)
Reference Images:
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Notes on Personality: A kind and thoughtful, if naive child, they’re often quite quiet and content to hang out near the back. Still, if approached they will be more than friendly… or at least try to be.
Backstory and Lore: Wished into existence by Twinkle Popopo and Phinumiti Qafotix, this little guy hopes to follow in the footsteps of their grandfather Albanis!
Eventually, they grow up to be a fortune teller, but that time is most certainly not now.
(They have a dream matter overflow! Which can be… quite overwhelming at the best of times, though their grandfather is helping with training that power, considering he Also Has That.)
(Not pictured: the cloak they wear! It’s a deep blue hood patterned with stars and constellations. It’s quite big for their current size, but as time goes on they eventually grow into it.)
(second image by @blue-jester! all else is by me, go give her a follow she’s real cool)
@kirbyoctournament god i hope im doing this right lmfao /silly
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mintjeru · 8 months
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dark type 🌙
open for better quality | no reposts
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leporidaisical · 13 days
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this week, i'm participating in nature's foddart for the greenskeeper's gathering push. turn your dragons into birdies & see what everyone else has to offer here!
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cowboymater · 2 months
none of the batboys are "woman-coded" or undergo the "female experience" bc you motherfuckers actually talk about them instead of stripping their backstory for parts and slapping them onto your special guy so that the 839584th whump fic on his ao3 tag can have some extra kick
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lockandkeyhyena · 3 months
So so sorry if you've answered this before [or if you just didn't wanna talk about this] but I noticed your part is absent from the Primadonna Spottedleaf map? Again sorry if this is overstepping bounds but I'm just curious if you knew about that
all good. got kicked for supporting bi lesbians i think. they just said ‘because of the drama’
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extra-love · 5 months
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Happy New Year, @spear-gsun , I was your @touhousecretsanta for this year- I have one fresh miss Mizuchi for you!
Apologies for how late it is! (Thank you for waiting warmly ^^;) I hope the new year treats you well!
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anaalnathrakhs · 3 months
i feel it's so fucking stupid and ungrateful but it still hurts a little when someone gifts me something i just don't like. i don't know. i know it's dumb and inaccurate to astrain that much meaning to a simple gift, but it feels kinda like they don't know me. i guess it feels like people don't see me, like a reminder that the person i reflect and the person i feel like are incredibly different.
#two fairly recent examples jump to mind#last year my class did a secret santa#the guy who got my name barely knew me so instead he asked our litterature teacher for tips#i was doing an effort to participate a lot in her classes and discuss stuff and i felt like she was an adult i could really trust#and adult who Gets It#and she picked just. the wrong gift. a classical philosophy essay.#stuff i hate reading. stuff i hate thinking about.#i said thank you to both of them and tried to read it during christmas break still. but i was right. i hated it.#and this year's christmas#recently i tried patching things up with my parents and we are a lot more communicative now#so they've opened up that my demand not to receive any gifts was painful to them#so we had an agreement: we write open-hearted letters to each other on christmas.#and they can gift me something if they'd like but no pressure if they don't find anything they feel would be a good gift#bc i myself opened up about the whole ''inaccurate gift'' thing being one of the reasons i dislike receiving stuff#and guess what. christmas comes. they got me a printed card from an artist whose work we saw at a local art thing earlier that year.#that artist does mainly either plants or nice architecture. stuff i love.#they picked the ONE work of hers that doesn't look like that. some reinterpretation of the great wave of kanagawa#a piece which i dislike with a passion for aesthetic reasons#i had promised i'd be honest if their gift missed the mark but tbh i couldn't. it's just an aesthetic thing it's completely begnin.#it's not like they spent lots or tried to pick something that was USEFUL#so i smiled and the picture is hanging with other stuff in my room#and i thanked them and i can't express how genuinely glad i am we have a better relationship#but man i felt my heart break a little under the tree in that moment#idk#i know it's silly but it makes me feel weird. and cold.#broadcasting my misery#vent
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wanderingblindly · 5 months
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blucassiopeia · 1 year
Sullen Books
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"A prelude spin-off for an upcoming fic"
warnings: afab!reader, passive angst
A Kuroo Tetsurou x reader one shot or???
a/n: no comfort on this, i wanna pin this mf till the end of my breath LOL; i honestly had a hard time on this one, avoiding as many clues as possible omg; fufufu
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"ーma. I don't know."
"Well, we all don't know. And c'mon, she's pregnant. We have to be present in her life in these times. She's alone."
"She's not. That motherfucker will be right there with her any day now."
"And the other one."
"Not the other one."
"If you could be so kind with him."
"I just wish they'll kill the biggest motherfucker ever existed."
You're staring at the vast table that's lining this book café in the university. It's not crowded in this time of day, still got some vacant seats elsewhere, but not directly next to you.
You tried to sleep again when you noticed your phone died and the humming music in your headphones got silenced, but, for the love of God, how? Muffled conversations is all you could hear. You tried not to groan in frustration.
"Akaashi's visiting this weekend, are you really gonna pass?"
You also waited for the other one with the muffled voice to answer to maybe put an end to your over reacting misery. But it never came. Right. Keep that silence and never talk again. Your head is still turned away from them, resting on an opened french book. You didn't read it, you don't even know much about french, you just love how it smells it lulls you to sleep. Yes, your kind of pillow.
Shufflings that came from things being dumped to a bag and minimum volume of a game you once played with your brother over the few months sounded. And Lo! Silence! The last you heard from the man next to you before you went back to your dreamland wasー
"Don't I really have a chance, Kenma?"
It was raining when Kuroo walks out of the university and onto the bus stop. The transparent umbrellaーone which she had left and forgotten in Nekoma's gym from the last Training Campーwas somehow relaxing to watch. The droplets make a hurried plop sound and it slides to the sides, hang on the silver tips and falls to the already wet pavement. He occassionally stares at it as he walks.
Then he heard some heavy books fall in the other side of the pavement, near the bicycle parking area. He turned to your unsuspecting figure that's too messy on picking the scattered, and now wet, books. Your bag threatening to give up on your shoulder too. He just stares at your back for a second or two and walked on, fearing he might miss his bus if he would help you. Also ignoring the fact that he somehow remembers that same long light blonde hair from the university book café three days ago.
"Why is this wet, Y/n?" the attendant on the book café grumpily asked you as you returned the books you borrowed. You frowned as you recounted to him yesterday at the sidewalk just by the bus stop. "You have to pay for the damages."
Your jaw dropped. "But no pages were torn." Your frown deepened when he dismissed you with a tab you have to pay before exiting the book café, or you have to face extra payments in your tuition. Ugh.
You grouchingly made your way to your spot. The book café is strategically situated at the center of a cross road in the university and your favorite spot is facing a part where students rarely pass by, it's peaceful with all the trees fresh to spring forth leaves.
Then you saw a raven-black haired man in your spot. Your frown deepened just a little more you can feel almost wrinkles automatically appearing in your face. Not your day, huh?
His face is turned to your side. He's not especially handsome but he's sort ofーwellーfanciable, at the least. But not your type. Definitely. You grimaced and plopped your things gently to his side, a chair away, not giving up the serenity this spot has to offer. But still grumbling because that grumpy attendant has banned you on the books until you pay up. Grr. You put your headphones on and decided to rest your eyes.
You woke up to the sound of soft dings. You peered and accidentally caught a glimpse of his lockscreen. A golden-haired girl next to his beaming figure. And the screen darkened just as fast. You couldn't care less but that woke you up real bad, your head started to throb.
You were grimacing and finding a perfect angle to rest your head against your arms but to no avail. It was until you tilted your head to his direction again. He's facing you right now and snoring. You softly snorted and somehow, to the soft hum of his snoring and music on your discarded headphones now hanging on your neck, you found yourself closing your eyes.
Kuroo jolted at a tiny pull on his hair and he looked up to find Kenma. "I have been texting you for two hours already."
Kuroo groaned and put his stuff back on his bag, finding a note with his notebook. I like it when you sleep, so adorable but unaware of it. You look so peaceful.
"If I haven't gone hereー"
Kuroo shoved all of his things, note included, to his bag and slung it on his shoulders, wrinkling the fabric of his sweater. "Sorry. Sorry. Let's go."
"Y/n, go with me to this wedding in Miyagi please? It's in 3 weeks."
Your nose scrunched up when you read your brother's message that weekend morning. You yawned as you dialed his number.
"Please! It's my friend's wedding."
"But why do you have to bring someone?" Geez.
"Well, everyone I'm close with are bringing dates."
"Then bring your girlfriend!" Ugh.
"I don't have one! No more of this. You're coming with me!"
And he fucking hanged up on you. Miyagi's 2 hours away. What the hell is he thinking? You rolled your eyes as you took a shower to start your day and classes is in an hour. You'll definitely gonna be late.
The hall was packed already when you arrived. This is a new class you just enrolled in because you just realized this is a prerequisite to that one major next semester. Blockmates are not as kind as you think, if being new to the place is still not as inconvenient.
Your eyes flew to an empty seat at the back. Next to that same raven-black hair in the book café. His eyes were dead straight to the professor and writing stuffs as he goes on with the lecture, thankfully ignoring you as you bend down trying to be obscure. He didn't spare you a glance when you sat next to him, just a subtle drag of his scattered notes out of your space. And you ignored it.
But you were surprised when he hurriedly came pass you out of the book café that afternoon. He was all smiles and seemingly excited for something. You looked back to where he is going. And you saw her. The same golden-haired girl in his lockscreen running to meet his open arms.
"Tetsuuu! I missed youu!"
"Hey! Don't run!"
She jumped to his arms to where he spinned as he catches her, hugging her tight, brows all up above his closed eyes, face snuggling in her neck. You saw how his hug tightened as the second passed by, brows furrowing and you have to go on in the book café because of the weird feeling you had harbored in that scene.
The day you gave up a day in your favorite spot is the day you sat by the entrance and see how his face changes as he talks to the sunshine girl that has her waist carefully held by another man standing beside her. You saw Kuroo's face under his mask.
"Don't I really have a chance, Kenma?"
A voice rang loudly as you watch him watch the couple in front of him.
Kuroo's mind was swarming with lots and lots of thoughts. Mostly from what his friend said about his wedding. Wedding. He felt like he's tearing up. What a weak man he is. He just wants to storm outside the lecture hall and go straight home or anywhere else where he can scream his lungs out. His thighs are popping under the long line of desk, his fist resting on it as it bounces up.
"Lemme answer that, sir!"
"Okay, Miss Y/n. Mr. Kuroo is somehow not in my class right now."
He closed his eyes in realization that he was called a few times, and that a girl, you who is sitting rows away from him, saved him from half of the embarassment. C'mon, Kuroo. Focus. Head on the lecture.
Friday came and your brother was already nudging you to pack your things for both of you will be in a train in two hours. That Miyagi wedding is a hassle but you can't ditch your brother when he's being too cute in front of you now.
"So who is this friend that's getting married?"
He grinned in his seat and pulled out his phone. "She's my crush way back first year." Your brows shot up at his confession as he shoves his phone to your face. "Isn't she pretty? Her name is Tsukishima Ran. Well, tomorrow, she'll bear a new family name."
Your face went cold when you saw the bride-to-be. Your eyes travelled to your brother so slow and flickered back to his screen. "Y-yeah, she's really pretty."
You should've asked him before you sat on that bloody train to Miyagi. Now, you wonder what to do to avoid people. You felt your breath hitched as you realize you'll see him again, now out of the university walls.
The walk to the stunning venue was unnerving. The men were in black and the women are in either gray or white. You padded the white fabric against your skin and turned to your brother. "You look scared Y/n." He took your hand to his arm for you to cling to. "You want to poop?"
"Idiot." You hissed and pinched his arm to where he flinched and laughed as he ushered you to a table full of his volleyball friends.
You took a deep breath and act insignificant, dying to ignore the stares of a blond-hair-with-black-roots man across the table. You restricted your eyes to your phone, to your space in the table and to your brother's face. You badly want to end the night fast.
"Ran-chan! Well, you'd still be myーourーRan-chan even if you're married to that fucker. I'd still be your knight in shining armor whenever you need me, will always be available, but not on changing diapers okay? That's someone else's job."
"Who is that someone else?"
"Her fucking bestfriend, who else!"
Your head perked up when laughs were roaring throughout the venue as a man from the nearby table raised his middle finger to Kuroo, of which he kindly returned.
"In all seriousnessー" That stare he gave to the bride sent shivers to you, it made you want to run away.
"ーI'll still protect you and the ones you love with my life. That's how you both are special to me. And to that small one in your tummy right now.." He trailed his eyes to the groom that's still beaming throughout his friend's unsuspecting confession.
"He'll have the bestest dad ever, and the coolest uncle and a bunch of extra shitbag uncles. Best wishes to the both of you. Be happy now."
Kuroo wasn't supposed to say those words aloud. He wasn't supposed to. He was dead-set on keeping his feelings under control but seeing her in her wedding dress with his friend next to her, he lost it. Now he's desperately trying to find a peaceful place away from the venue to rant out, beer on one hand, loosened necktie dangled around his disheveled polo.
And you found him hunched on one of the small round pavillions away from the venue. He was sobbing real hard when you silently walked up to him. The ice came in contact with sunshine and it melted, drowning you too in the process. You pursed your lips and sat quietly two spaces away from him. That moment you held with him was suspiciously your solace from all else that's bothering you right now. His sobs, heaves, whimpers and shuffles, trying to wipe his snotty nose in his slacks. He might've noticed you but chose to ignore, like what he has been doing for the past two months.
He must really love the bride. To the point where he has no choice but to put down his mask like this. You hummed and rested your back on the wooden rails that's encasing the pavillion, careful not to make much noise, careful not to watch him cry his heart out. You closed your eyes, enveloping yourself with the sound of cries from a heartbroken Kuroo Tetsurou.
It seemed like an hour or two before Kuroo stopped crying, the can of beer crumpled on his bloodied hand. He felt his legs cramped as he stretched out and caught a hand next to him. He breathed heavy and out as he brushed the back of your hand with his thumb and looked up at your peaceful, angel face.
He's not an idiot to not know you're around. He just chooses to ignore you to not pass the pain. And he can't, he's still too in love with Ran. He's too in love with her to pay attention to others poking on him. And so, he walked away without waking you up.
Years had passed and you found yourself in his proximity again. Well, you applied at the Japan's Volleyball Association on the sole purpose of indulging what your brother loves, and now you learned to love too. Never did you know it's also his field.
Wait. Who were you kidding?
You still remember the thing Kenmaーthe blonde hair with black roots guy from that weddingーsaid to you after you woke up alone in that pavillion.
"It's better if you stay away, Y/n."
You were still shocked about how he knows your name. And if this is what it is, then Kuroo knows your name too? Is that it?
"He's dead-set on Ran right now, and maybe for a few years. He'll never be ready. I know him. When he's into something, he's going all out."
You remembered what Kuroo said in his message a while ago. "If he's gonna protect her and her loved ones, then who's gonna protect him if I avoid him now?" You smiled. "It's okay. I'm not asking for reciprocation. This is not business anyway."
Then you left Kenma dumbfounded.
You didn't know when did you start falling for Kuroo. Nor know why are you acting like the situation's okay with you. You just know that you're at peace when you see him. Just seeing him breathing and comfortable is okay.
Through the years, you started to do things to make him comfortable in every littlest way. To making him coffee when he's out cold on his desk during a night-shift, to the simple saves you did just to ease his way out of a situation, to that bento you bought him once when he forgot to buy his lunch, to volunteering to cover his shift when Ran's twins needs him for something, to rigging the Christmas raffle to let him win the vacation package.
All those were subtle. And you're comfortable with it. At least, he's happy with it.
Over the years, much to his displeasure, he is still in love with Ran. He has fully accepted that he can't be that person whom she will love, and naively thinks that acceptance itself will make him move on. Oh how wrong is he. Now, he's suffering from your little gestures of appreciations and love.
If he just fell out of love with Ran, he'll gladly turn to you. If he just forced his way to you, he'll gladly hold you in his arms even if you're both hurting. If he's just brave enough to drag you into his life, he'll kiss you breathless. But he won't, and he can't. Coz he loves someone else.
And how bad was it for him when that day came on both of you. Him, holding you in his flailing arms, tears coming down his cheeks and trying to grip your hand to a note from years ago you thought he discarded, returning it to you but the thought's so reversed now. Kenma's words ringing in his ears as he stares at you.
"If you're gonna protect her and her loved ones, who's gonna protect you if she's not around. She said something like that. And you don't have to reciprocate what she gives, she added. She's too pure for your dumb ass but let her love you, Kuroo."
You just made an irreversible sacrifice. And he's gonna regret this for the rest of his life. Well, it's not so long before that too. Kuroo smiled through his tears and he kissed you so earnestly, the kiss he should've given you in that pavillion, or when you saved him from the professor's questions, or when you stared at him getting broken with the wedding news from his friends, or when you walked up to his side on that certain class, or when he saw you getting stumped with so much books under the rain.
He should've done this kiss to you a long time ago, instead of waiting for it from another. He wasted so much time.
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Semi Eita | Sugawara Koushi | Akaashi Keiji | Sakusa Kiyoomi | Kageyama Tobio | Oikawa Tooru | Miya Osamu
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Reblogs and interactions are appreciated. Theories will be entertained. Cassie 2023.
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mystic-novella · 1 year
cw: suggestive
“You know for someone with such a handsome face, it really is a shame you frown so much.”
Hero feels a sudden warmth spread to their cheeks and the tip of their ears. They glance up to see a sweet, yet poisonous smile on the villain’s face. It was so strange how one moment they were throwing fists and shouting insults at eachother only to end up in a compromised position like this.
They couldn’t have predicted Villain climbing on top of them in the middle of their fight like this, but it was obvious at this point it was a rather clever technique to distract them. Gears started turning in their head, and they weren’t sure how to react as their nemesis cupped their cheek with a feather-light touch and a piercing look in their eye. It was enough to give them a fluttery feeling in their stomach, one they wished wasn’t as pleasant as they liked to admit.
The hero despised how alluring his expression was, as they leaned closer with parted lips. Only Hero understood the consequences of sharing a kiss with the devil, yet they didn’t move away.
“I- I…What?” They asked while stumbling over their words, unable to fully process Villain’s comment.
“As a matter of fact, I quite enjoy you when you’re like this,” The villain chuckled heartily as they held the other’s chin. “so vulnerable and speechless…it’s honestly rather adorable. More entertaining than when you try to act all tough.~”
“Shut up.” The hero grunts, attempting to retrieve their anger from earlier but not nearly as convincing as before. “You’ve tried this a thousand times, it’s still not gonna work on me.”
The villain simply pouts as they trail a finger up the crimefighter’s chest, noticing their breath hitch. “How disappointing…Though I suppose you have been the stubborn type, hm? Never the type to be honest with your feelings.”
Hero scoffed, lightly shoving the Villain away from them. “And why the hell would that matter to you?” They growled, only for their charming opponent to respond with a toothy grin. The villain gazed at them intensely, tracing a finger across their cheek which slowly turned scarlet.
“Because…I notice how you put a front around the public. Your fans. Your colleagues. Your so-called “friends”. You have a reputation to uphold, so naturally you put up that stoic facade around the people that rely on you.” The villain spoke in a hushed, velvety tone as they casually wrapped their arms around hero’s shoulders. “Well…all except for me.”
Hero’s eyes widened and they attempted to stare at anything else in the room to escape Villain’s alluring presence and the skin-tight leather touching their skin. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“There’s no need to lie to me puppy.”
Their honeyed voice along with the sudden pet name nearly flooded the hero’s senses, almost enough for them to listen to any of the villain’s commands.
“Don’t you want to be free…? I know you must be so tired of hiding. So, why not let yourself go, hm~?”
It didn’t take long for their enemy to brush their lips against theirs, soon giving the hero the night of freedom they had always desired.
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vaugarde · 3 months
i'm gonna try not to bring up madoka too much while watching utena because i know there's like... a rep there. but like im 6 episodes into utena and i understand i don't have the full picture yet but how on earth do people think these shows are similar enough to warrant "madoka is misogynistic garbage, go watch utena, it's basically the same but better"
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sorry but fuck the met gala
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