#guess I'm not a real man since it didn't work huh
passivenovember · 20 days
thinking real hard about Billy and Steve finding each other years after they've settled into themselves.
Billy's gone to therapy and he lives in a little house on the shoreline. Steve makes it to California. Doesn't have the six nuggets, yet. He's working insane hours at a job that isn't very lucrative, but he never had to sell his soul to his old man--
So. Point is. They're happy. Content, almost.
And then they find each other.
Steve's burning a pot of water when the phone rings.
It's like a knife through the air. A thorn in his side, pain and annoyance ramping up to an 11 as he yanks the receiver from the wall. "Yeah, now's not a great time," He says, because the goddamn smoke alarm's gonna start wailing any second now, and Steve's neighbor is real trigger-happy when it comes to alerting the fire department. "Look, I'll call you--"
"--Why answer the phone?"
Steve would know Billy's voice anywhere, the rough and tumble drag of someone who used to live fast and hard but doesn't, anymore. "I," Steve says, "I don't--"
"--It's like. Why answer the phone if it's not a good time to talk?"
"I don't like being impolite."
Billy hums, smoke and lightning on the end of the line. "So, you weren't waiting for me to call?"
"No," Steve says. But he was. Has been since high school and all the weird, boring, disheartening years that followed until Billy appeared at the dive bar on Saturday. Like a vision. An angel.
"Damn. And here I was, taking a full 72 hours to figure out what I should say," Billy tells him.
Steve can hear a smile.
Aches to taste it, but-- "That's kinda lame, Hargrove."
"So what?"
"So. You're kinda lame, I guess."
Billy laughs at him, then, high and bright. It shoots confetti into Steve's kitchen, the curling tendrils nearly catching on fire as Steve comes back to himself. He pulls the pan of water and dumps it into the sink, killing the flame on the stove.
"Yeah, I'm a disaster. Maxine tells me all the time," Billy says, "It's just. How weird, y'know?"
"What? You?"
"No, you," Billy tells him, chuckling again. "Fell outta the sky, or something. Into a shitty dive bar."
"So did you--"
"--Fell outta my dreams."
"So did you," Steve says, and his stomach twists. Tumbles. Washing-machine guts still soiled with the bloody red spots of a decade-long crush.
"Huh. You're kinda forward, Harrington."
Steve shrugs, face burning. "Long as I'm not as lame as you are."
"Dude, I didn't say you weren't lame."
"Sure, you didn't."
Billy's next laugh Steve feels in his gut, heat pooling behind the thatch of curly down at his pelvis. "Still such a bitch, pretty boy."
"I'm just being honest. We aren't getting any younger, I'm not really interested in playing it cool, anymore."
Something rustles as Billy shifts his weight, "You were cool, once?"
"I don't wanna play it cool, either," Billy tells him, as serious as a heart attack, "Look, can I be honest? You mind?"
Steve nods and then remembers Billy can't see him. "Go ahead."
"I can't stop thinking about you."
Steve peers through the kitchen window, trying to imagine Billy somewhere on the edge of town with sunlight in his hair. Smoking in bed, naked gold until the duvet pulls him under hips first.
"Harrington, I need to see you again."
"Need is kind of dramatic."
"Maybe I'm feeling dramatic."
"Thought this was honesty hour, Hargrove?"
"It is. Honestly? I wanna kiss you," Billy tells him. "At midnight. In the pouring rain because I was too chicken-shit to do it after our first date."
Steve focuses on not swallowing his tongue. Damn near fails. "Was that a date?"
"No, it was bigger. It was the stars aligning, the start of--"
"--God, you are feeling dramatic."
"When can I see you?"
"I dunno," Steve says, fiddling with the lip of the sink, "When are we expecting rain?"
"Not sure."
Steve can hear his smile. Aches to sink into the softness. "I need a window to commit."
"Tonight. I'll make it rain."
Steve snorts, light as air. "You're crazy."
"I've had ten years to plan for this, Steve."
"Alright, lemme--" Steve pads over to the refrigerator, peering at his Kittens and Firefighters calendar. May is covered in birthdays, vacations, late nights at work, and roll-over plans from April, all hacked into the cardstock in striking red.
Steve groans and flips to June. "--Can you still make it rain in a month?"
"A month," Billy demands, "Fuck. You're hot shit but I didn't think--"
"--I have a full-time job. And friends who want to hang out when I'm not at work, but since I use all my energy at work I cancel on them, and things get moved around and--"
"--You can't make an exception for the guy who wants to eat you out?"
The pages of the calendar flutter, May settling heavy in the room. Steve swallows and his throat clicks. "Uh. My friends--"
"--Aren't gonna eat you out."
"They would. If I asked them to, at least one of them would."
"I'm not really loving that idea, pretty boy," Billy says, teasing. "What about over a lunch break?"
"You want to eat my ass over a lunch break?" Steve snorts, "I'm not a hooker."
"What's wrong with--"
"--I'm not," Steve says, "And even if I was, I'm not cheap. You couldn't afford the hour, and we'd need more than that, anyway."
"What about a sleep over?"
"A sleepover?" Steve says, turning from the refrigerator. "Like, where I come over to your house and stay until the morning?"
"Or I come over to yours, yeah."
"Actually, let's do yours. Maxine's place is getting fumigated, so she and Lucas are staying in the guest house."
"You have a guest house?" Steve doesn't remember mention of that during their first date, but. He was distracted.
Billy laughs, "Bet I could afford your hour, pretty boy."
"I thought," Steve says, twirling the phone cord around his hand, "In high school, I remember you telling Becky Gordes that you don't do sleepovers."
"I'm gay."
"Okay, but what about Eddie Munson? The whole school thought you were fucking him, did he ever sleep--"
"--No, my dad would've killed both of us," Billy tells him, and. Something in his voice makes Steve's blood run cold. Makes him believe it.
So he shifts gears, "But. Don't you have work tomorrow?"
"Who said anything about a sleepover tonight," Billy says. Steve imagines the look on his face. Shit-eating grin bright and sharp and beautiful as always. "Unless you want me to come over tonight?"
"I never said that."
"I can work wherever I want. I don't have to go in at all, if I don't want to."
Steve pads over to his junk drawer, digging around for a red pen. "What does Saturday look like for you?" He bites the cap off, holding it like a straw in the curl of his tongue.
Billy laughs, "I thought you said you weren't free until next month?"
Steve chews on the cap for a moment, pen shaking over the cardstock surface of his calendar. He imagines Billy like he was that night. Different but exactly the same. Charming and soft in a way that only comes from the toil of regeneration. Years and years shedding skin.
He'd been funny and smart. Quick wittted.
Sweet. Like cotton fuckin' candy.
Steve remembers not wanting the date to end, not believing that the universe would give him Billy with no strings attached and laying awake that night, hoping Billy would call, and that they'd get their chance, and now--
"Shit. What the fuck am I doing?" Steve asks, but it comes out garbled and messy and wrong. Comes out sounding like, she whale the food ham ding dong.
Billy laughs at him, again, anyway. "What?"
Steve spits the pen cap onto the counter. "You really want to eat me out tonight?"
"--Because. I was too fucking stupid to realize what was happening between us in high school. Or. What was happening to me when I saw you in high school, and this is important to me," Steve says in a rush. Fuck being subtle, right? "We're not getting any younger. And I haven't slept with anyone for a long time, much less someone who I've wanted for as long as I can remember, so if you're going to come over here and fuck me--"
"Or talk," Billy says gently. "We could talk more. Get to know each other."
Steve listens to the static on the other end of the line.
"I want to get to know you again, Steve," Billy says.
And Steve cracks. Like a bowl in the microwave, curdling under pressure and heat. "Alright, just. Do you have a pen and paper?"
"For what?"
"My address," Steve says, leaning against the sink, "I want to get to know you, too."
"Tonight," Billy asks, digging around for something.
"Tonight," Steve says. "What the hell."
"You've got something to write with?"
"Yeah," Billy says, sounding like he's barely holding it together. "Yeah, just. Whenever you're ready."
That night, after, just as Steve falls asleep in Billy's arms--
It rains.
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queers-gambit · 3 months
Now and at the Hour of His Death
prompt: any who say, "it's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all," were never loved by him.
pairing: Osferth x female!pregnant!wife!reader
fandom: The Last Kingdom
word count: 6.1k+
note: fuck you, Netflix.
warnings: you already know - author needs therapy, projects hard, pregnant wife, Lord’s name in vain, Christianity (obviously), and a fuck ton of fucking ANGST because fuck your feelings. hurt NO comfort, drama, oneshot, cursing, canon-typical violence, injury, and blood. character death and spoilers - yeah, i'm giving you THAT scene. requires maturity and caution. good luck.
also please note: NO, i do not age Osferth to be 16 - that's just a reference age for when he eventually runs away from the monastery.
again, you are missing nothing if this upsets or triggers you and you choose to skip. value your wellbeing, my angels. author is not responsible for the media YOU choose consume, but still, as usual, MDNI
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"You should not be doing this sort of work," Ingrith's voice scolded you, and when you turned, you saw the blonde woman standing with her hip cocked and a stern expression. "It's bad for your health to be in such filth, we've stable boys for this sort of chore."
"I do not mind," you sniffled in the brisk air, shoveling the horse shit of the stable into a muck bucket to be dumped into the fields later. "It keeps me busy," you grunted lightly, sure to bend your knees when lifting the pitchfork, "keeps me humble," you listed, dumping the waste to grin at your friend, "and keeps me young."
"In what way?"
"Reminds me of my childhood," you eased, continuing your work. "I slept in a stable from the ages of 4 to... Oh, shit, I guess I was about 16 before I left The Loft."
"What?" She breathed in confusion. "Never knew that."
"Yeah, yeah, true story," you beamed at her, still shoveling shit. "I slept in the stalls with the horses, sometimes in the grain rooms - basically anywhere I could since my work didn't include official room and board, so, I had to make do with what was available. Then, one day when I was about ten, Old Man Rivers said I could use the hay loft if I cleared it out, fixed the rotten planks. Stayed up there till I was about 16, and after that, I kinda ran away."
"Old Man Rivers?"
You nodded, "My mother lived on his homestead, but she was real sick, you see. So, he kinda took me in without assuming responsibility for me," you cleared your throat, shrugging, "let me stay in his barn if I worked with the horses and livestock for him."
"Why would you want to be reminded of that?"
"Seems simpler when I look back."
Ingrith sighed, "C'mon, put the pitchfork down. Come help me prepare the rabbits. The scouts say the men aren't too far off, they'll want a hot meal."
You chuckled with ease and set your pitchfork aside, giving a hearty pat to one of the horse's necks as you passed by to exit the stable. Ingrith made sure you washed up before you were both mounting rabbits on the rack to start skinning them.
"Could I ask something?" She wondered after a time.
"Anything you'd like."
"Why'd you run away? From Old Man Rivers?"
You laughed, "I was in love."
"Oh, you and Baby Monk go that far back, huh?"
"Try even farther," you teased. "Our mothers were friends, and when I worked in the stable, he was in the monastery, but when he came to me, saying he couldn't do it any longer, I couldn't let him go alone. Life was supposed to offer more than what we were given, so, we set out to find the legendary barbarian, The Dane Slayer," you teased, both giggling, "our Lord, the legendary, Uhtred of Bebbanburg."
"And all this time...?" She smiled, watching you shuck hide like you've done it your whole life. Ingrith inferred you probably did.
"Yeah," you eased, "all this time, he's been by my side. Kept me close, never left me behind. The others weren't too sure about me on account of being a woman, they told us to piss off a few times - but they came around after Osferth refused to send me away."
"He's a good lad, Osferth," she nodded.
"Arguably one of the best ones," you agreed, nudging her arm gently, "but look who I'm telling, right?"
"Oh!" She giggled, swatting at you loosely before going back to your work for a moment. Suddenly, the townspeople of Rumcofa stirred to life, and over the voices, you heard them announcing their Lord's return - which meant all of your men were home. You both grinned and breathlessly left your post, Ingrith pausing a young lad to ask, "How many return to us?"
"Does it matter? Come, c'mon, let us see ourselves!" You all but squealed, overwhelmed with excitment; eager for your own reunion with the man you've loved since you were a young lass.
"Warn the alehouse!" Finan was heard shouting. "Osferth's thirsty!"
"Jesus," you laughed, dodging around the procession of people waiting to greet their warriors on their return home so you could approach the white gelding your husband rode.
His face was absolutely priceless when he caught sight of you. As Osferth eagerly dismounted, your hands smoothed over the small swell of your belly - purposefully wearing a dress that accentuated your ever-changing figure. "Am I dreaming?" He laughed, a stablehand taking hold of his horse so his hands were free to caress your belly. "Oh, my God, I'm not, 's real, oh, God," he beamed, laughing with you. "You're pregnant? Truly? Yes? I-I am not - I am not being deceived?"
"No, my love, I guess our prayers were finally heard."
"OH-HOOOO!" You heard Finan holler as Osferth finally pulled you in for a sweet kiss; both ignoring the Irishman. "Lord! LORD! Uhtred! Hey! Did you hear!? Baby Monk's got some spunk in 'im afta all!"
"Oh, God," you laughed against Osferth's lips, but he was quick to shush you with another breath-stealing kiss.
"A baby Baby Monk! AHA!" Finan was still laughing, your husband's hands caressing both your cheeks when he pulled back just in time for Finan to descend. You grunted lightly when his heavy arms dropped over both yours and Osferth's shoulders, his laugh still booming as he gave a squeeze and cooed, "Oh, congratulations, yah two love birds! Wasn't sure you had it innyah, boy!"
"Don't be so rough with her, Finan, for God's sake," Osferth scolded, nudging his friend to get out from under his arm.
"What?" Finan looked at you gobsmacked. "Sayin' I gotta treat yah different now or somethin'?"
"I didn't say that," you told him prettily with fluttering lashes, fist quickly balling up to jab him in the weak spot of his armor - making him grunt and wheeze. "Aht-aht!" You warned with a pointed finger when he flinched as if to retaliate, "Can't hit a pregnant woman."
"Oh, yeh li'l shite," Finan laughed, Osferth pushing him towards his wife so he could stand in front of you and command all attention.
Osferth took a moment to simply look at you; thumbs gently tracing over your cheeks in sweeping motions, a slow grin breaking across his lips. "This almost doesn't feel real... But how I have to praise God for this blessing. A baby," he breathed.
"A little you and me," you agreed softly. "Sound okay to you?"
"More than okay," he chuckled, pecking your lips, "sounds like a lifetime together."
"Good by me." His nose nuzzled up yours, the sweet moment broken when he sighed sadly; eyes shut and smile dropping. "What is it? What's wrong, love?" You asked, stepping into his embrace so you were nuzzled into his neck and his arms were wrapped around your form in a vice.
"Uhtred means to move us again," he whispered in your ear. "Brida, she... She's got Father Pyrlig, and - "
"What!?" You snapped, rearing back slightly to pin him under your hardened glare. Pregnancy hormones would surely give Osferth whiplash.
"My love, I did not - "
"Brida's got Pyrlig? Fuck are we standin' here for, let's go!" You reached for his hand, ready to march off.
"Uh, no, no, no, no," he pulled you back to him; anchoring his hands on your hips so you could not escape. "You are not going anywhere. Not now - especially now," he glanced at your still-growing bump. "The men will go, you know we will return, but you have this new responsibility, and that's keeping this little one safe. For us," he smiled at you.
You huffed, "I'm not unfit to do what needs done, Osferth."
"I did not say you were unfit, but look at the timing of it," he frowned. "I should've been here when you learned, but I was not, and I am truly so sorry for it. Look, I do not know how long this venture will be, but you know I will return. We've waited for our family for far too long, I will not jeopardize this - so I will return. If you go with us, and something were to happen," he shook his head, "my angel, I would never forgive myself. So I need you to stay here, stay safe, if for nothing else but for me."
"But Pyrlig - "
"Will be saved," he assured.
"And Brida - "
"Will be dealt with," he eased, chuckling lightly. "My angel, you worry too much about everyone and yet never about yourself."
You pouted, "Well, why is it just me meant to stay back? This is your child, too, Osferth, and should have the right to meet them! You can't always control what happens, accidents are real, what if you don't return - "
"Don't think like that - "
"But it's a real threat to us - "
He agreed, "Of course, but - "
"Yeah, I know," you nodded, cutting him off, "we serve Lord Uhtred. This comes first, and I'm not - "
"I've made a vow to him."
"You made one to me, too, you know."
"Angel, please, don't do this. Do not ask me to choose," he begged with a frown, and you caved.
So, with a sigh, you nuzzled into his embrace and relented, "All right, yes, fine, go after Brida and Pyrlig. And when you find them, tell him I am waiting for his safe return, he is dearly missed. Ideally, I'd have him birth our child."
"Of course," he breathed, finding a small reprieve of relief that you did not fight him further about leaving - about choosing which vow to fulfill: the one to his Lord Uhtred or the one to his wife.
Both made to God.
Luckily, Osferth married his best friend and you were never one to pick fights with him. You liked the harmony you had; the peaceful environment you had both cultivated to preserve the trust and love you built through the years. He was genuinely one of a kind; a man who walked many lines between faith, humanity, right, wrong. He was the voice of reason, constantly striving to do better than he did before, learning all he could as if a rag soaking in water. For all he was, Osferth has always been enough for you, and for that reason alone, you never felt the need to argue.
To fight. To voice contempt.
"Question," you perked up, smirking at him as your pregnancy symptoms ran a little wild, "think we've time to, you know, really give our thanks?"
"Angel - "
"What?" You grinned. "You fucked me on the alter all those weeks ago and look - your seed stuck. We might as well go give thanks in the same manner, just to really show God how thankful we are for this blessing he's given us."
"Think the Devil's gotten into you," he laughed.
"Or your child is ruining my hormones," you countered, his lips meeting yours in another passionate display of his excitement.
"C'mon," he whispered, taking your hand, and leading you to the chapel - thinking you were being sneaky, but your matching giggles made Ingrith and Finan beam at each other.
"He does know she can't get more pregnant, right?" Finan teased, flinching when Ingrith smacked his upper arm.
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"My angel, please - "
"What the fuck is going on, Osferth!?"
"I'm trying to explain - "
"The Queen? The fucking Queen is dead in our village! How can that possibly be explained!?" When Osferth didn't answer, just sat in the wooden chair before the shared hearth of your humble home, you snapped, "Well!?"
"Are you finished? May I speak now?"
With a huff, you nodded and gestured for him to speak; arms crossing around your swollen tits. He explained to you the reason for Haesten's arrival, the wagon his men toted, and why he brought the Queen's dead body to the settlement of Rumcofa. He told you Haesten wanted to keep the peace when King Edward found out, claiming Uhtred's son-in-law, Stiorra's husband, Sigtryggr, had ordered this death - thinking war would surely roll over his lands.
You never knew Haesten to be a generous man, nor much of an honest one, but it seemed the severity of the situation made everyone eerily on-edge. Uhtred dispatched his men; leaving Finan and Osferth in the village with you, developing a plan that would save both Saxon and Danish life. And yet, it was all futile when evil forces worked against good.
You didn't feel safe in Rumcofa anymore, there was a stench in the air; tension that mounted to embrace all residents with discomfort. Something was about to happen, but nobody knew what. You didn't claim or pretend to know what was happening, but Haesten's abrupt appearance spelled danger for everyone involved. So, as a security measure, you kept a long sword buckled around your swelling waist and a dagger strapped under your skirts. With Lord Uhtred gone, there was no invisible fence protecting Rumcofa - leaving it up to you, Osferth, Finan, and Cynleaf to pose as guard.
Yet you'd never be enough.
Like the surf over sand, a group of angered men descended on Rumcofa. "Who's men are yah?" Finan asked, you lingering at Osferth's side to watch the interaction from a short distance.
"We come from the King," a burly Saxon replied, your head cocking in interest - swearing you've seen him before. "Dane murderers are hiding here and you must hand them over."
"You're mistaken, sir," you kindly offered, the man's eyes shifting over you, "because we live in peace. Any murderers have surely moved on from here. We do not host them."
The man growled, "Don't think that's true, love."
Finan held a hand back at you, meeting your eyes and nodding simply. He turned back for the man in fur, diverting, "Of course, my men will attend to it."
Finan turned from the group, his eyes connecting with yours as he passed by. There was urgency, a quickened pace he adopted; having no intention to hand anyone over, wanting to remove these men without bloodshed. However, that was a distant thought because Father Benedict tried to assure the Saxon leader that nobody in Rumcofa would murder Queen Aelflaed.
You wanted to step in when the Saxon evidently didn't know about the Queen's demise - getting in Benedict's face and demanding to see what he spoke of.
"No, no, no," you muttered nervously, "he can't see the body, love, no, no, no, this is bad. Very bad."
"We can't stop Father Benedict without altercation," Osferth whispered back, keeping a tight hold of your hand, just watching the group. "If something happens, you need to get yourself safe."
"How do we truly know they're from Edward? What credentials do they have?" When Osferth shook his head, you worried, "Got a bad feeling 'bout this, angel."
Then the violence began.
The strange men took charge when their leader walked away, starting to physically harass the citizens; making both you and Osferth step in to try and diffuse the tension. You pushed men off unarmed women, got in between them and the children, did what you could without drawing a weapon.
When a man shoved you away from him, Finan wrangled him away, sneering, "Get yer hands off of her!" He kept the violent men at bay for a moment, telling you, "You need to go, darling - "
"Not now, Fin, look around us! We need to contain the situation, you'll need all hands you can get," You snapped, the two of you forced to part way.
Osferth panted nervously and looked left and right, turning to meet the Saxon and demand, "Tell your men to stand down!" But then, his eyes squinted when you joined his side to pull him back a step or two, recognizing him just as you did.
"I don't think they're here for the Queen, love," you heaved for breath in warning, still backing him up. "They've planned this."
"Finan!" Osferth barked, "These men have been here before!"
The Saxon roared over the fray, "Danes of Rumcofa have murdered our Queen!" His men jeered in anger, making Finan brandish both swords and for Osferth to push you back further from the attention. "Do your duty and rid the cockles from the wheat!"
You were left no choice. Osferth and you both armed yourselves, starting to fight off the Saxons as their leader demanded Danes and Christians be separated. You were unable to help, engaged in battle, but Young Uhtred gathered the Danes and begged Father Benedict to declare the church a sanctuary - thinking it would save lives.
It was only leading the Danes to slaughter.
The Saxon, Bresal, punched Father Benedict when he tried to stand in the way; his men holding Young Uhtred in the doorway to let their men enter the church the Danes were gathered in. They forced Young Uhtred to watch the massacre - men, women, and Danish children all slaughtered with no escape. No hope. No answer to a single prayer. Nobody to stop this bloody situation.
You fought on, Osferth, Finan, and Cynleaf doing their best to protect you by keeping you in the middle of their wee group. But you still got plenty of action.
"This is madness!" You cried out, slicing a man's throat open. "We need aid! We need more men!"
"This way!" Finan encouraged, "We must cut a path for Ingrith! Check the docks! Check the docks!"
You and Osferth ran towards the water, Cynleaf not far away. You searched for Ingrith, but you had no time to linger; engaged one-on-one again, forced to protect yourself and unborn baby. Not a minute later, you saw Ingrith on horseback, being stalled by a Saxon and for your husband to rush to her aid. He punched the man away from the horse, you hacking at another enemy, in time to see Osferth engaging with two Saxons - one being the leader, Bresal.
It all happened so fast.
You were already racing towards them when the unexpected. Osferth was battling on two fronts, holding Bresal at bay, fending off the other Saxon, screaming for Ingrith, who only managed a few paces before the Saxon's dogs spooked her horse. The noise was deafening; people screaming, crying, dogs barking, horses whinnying, swords singing as they clashed.
You watched it happen in slow motion.
You sprinted faster than ever before.
"INGRITH!" Osferth bellowed in worry when her horse reared back and dropped her to the dirt. It left an opening for Bresal to stab his dagger into Osferth's lung - freezing time and wrecking your world.
"NO!" You screamed, Bresal smirking at you and yanking his dagger free. Osferth wobbled, eyes wide as he met yours, the Saxon walking away as Osferth dropped to his knees. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no! Oh, God, no, no, you can't take him - not yet! Please, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no," You repeated, sliding on your knees in the dirt to catch him. "No, no, oh, my God, no, Osferth, no, please! Not now, not now, please, no, God, no! Don't do this! Please, please, please," you rambled, readjusting to better hold him, hearing Cynleaf and Finan yell for Baby Monk, too. You raged at God, "You can't take him yet! You can't have him! He's mine!"
But you heard nothing except your husband's labored breathing.
"An-Angel, angel, my angel," Osferth choked, wheezing and crying as he couldn't hold himself up and completely slumped back into your body. He pawed at your arms in an attempt to get closer.
"No, no, no, you're all right, you're okay, you're okay, my sweet love, you're all right," you insisted, hands stained in his blood as it poured from his wound. You knew it was essential to add pressure to a wound, but also, that this was all futile. Yet you needed to try. "Hey, hey, hey, look at me, just look at me, sweetheart, please, only look at me, nothing else matters," you pleaded with him in a rush, the lads sprinting to where you held your husband to your lap.
Nobody interrupted you.
"Where's the wound?" Osferth sobbed, trembling, blood spurting from his mouth; going paler by the minute. "Angel, please, the wound? Where's the wound?"
"No, no, no, don't worry 'bout that, hey? Don't you worry, you just keep looking at me," you sobbed, holding his neck and cradling him to your swollen belly. "Just at me, my love, okay? Just look at me - don't look anywhere else, okay? Nothing else matters."
"H-How bad? How ba-ba-bad-bad is i-it?"
"You're going to be all right," you lied to Osferth for the first time.
"Oh, my God, oh, my God," Osferth repeated through his tears and fears, "I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die."
He held onto you desperately, sobbing, you slowly rocking. "No, you're all right, Osferth, it's okay, just look at me." You caressed his cheek, smearing blood, but locking eyes. "My love," you whispered, "listen to me - "
"I don't wanna die, please, please, angel, my love, please," he coughed, holding your arm tightly as if it would give him life. "Don't let me die," he wheezed, "don't let me die, my love, please, please. Don't let me die, I don't wanna die. I-I wanna meet our baby, please, I want to meet our baby, I want to be a father. Don't let me die, love, please, I-I wanna be your husband longer - "
"You'll never not be my husband and you'll never not be a father, hear me?" You sniffled, trying to smile at him. "Don't you worry, you're gonna be okay, you're okay, Osferth. You'll always be my husband, nothing will change that - I swear."
Blood pumped with each beat of his frantic heart, making it gush over your fingers. You didn't even feel it.
"Please," he choked, more blood bubbling from his lips, "don't let me die, I don't wanna die. Don't let me die, please, not now, not when our baby isn't here yet, please, I just wanna meet 'em, be a family, I wanna stay with you, don't let me go. Please, don't let me go, I don't want t'go! Don't let me - "
"Shh, it's okay, you're okay. I'm here with you. I'm right here, Osferth, you're not alone, you're never alone. I'm here. I've got you. I'll always have you, I won't ever let you go. Never."
He sobbed harder. "I don't wanna leave you. Please, I don't wanna go, I don't wanna be without you - " But the words choked him, a splatter spraying across your face when he coughed; you didn't even flinch.
"Listen to me," you begged, "I commend you, my dear, sweet husband, to Almighty God, and entrust you to your Creator."
Finan was heard behind you, retching jarring sobs as you read Osferth his death rite prayer. "Don't let me die," Osferth begged still, as if you held that power.
He had always looked at you as if you hung the sun and stars, and now, as if you were his very reason for living. You hated God in that moment for forcing you two through this.
"May you return to Him who formed you from the dust of the earth. May Holy Mary, the angels," now, you choked on your words, emotion clawing your throat, but still continued, "and all the saints come to meet you as you go forth from this life. May Christ who was crucified for you bring you freedom and peace." You sobbed, "May Christ who died for you admit you into His garden of paradise. May Christ, the true Shepherd, acknowledge you as one of His flock. May He forgive all your sins, and set you among those He has chosen. Amen. Please, please, say amen, Osferth, say it, please!"
"A-Amen - Amen!" He coughed, trying to get closer to you, nestling into your warmth as he felt impossibly cold. "Don't leave me, don't leave me, please, please, I don't wanna go, I don't wanna be alone. I can't go without you, please, don't let me go - don't let me die, angel, please, I can't go without you. I-I’ve never been without you my whole life, I don’t wish to start now. I love you. I-I love you, please, don't let me go, I love you. I need you."
"You'll never be without me," you promised, face coated in blood, grime, dirt, and ash; all streaked with your tear tracks. "You will always be my husband, hey? Hear me? You're always gonna be with me, I will never be apart from you. I'll love you forever, Osferth, I won't ever stop." You felt your chest cave in as you sobbed, "Please, don't you leave me - "
But Osferth was wheezing and panting, only staring up at you. "I only need you," he whimpered, "I've only ever needed you, I can't do this without you. Please, I can't - I can't go without you. I don't want to leave you, I can't leave you, please!'
"So don't leave me," you sobbed, him still clawing at you in desperation. "I love you more than life, Osferth, please, don't leave me, okay? Don't go. I love you so much. Being loved by you was my greatest pleasure in this life, I want our child to know your love, too, Osferth, please, don't go."
"I-I wanna meet our baby, I wanna hold 'em, love 'em," he repeated. "Please, this can't be the end, don't let this be the end. W-We have so much more - we were supposed to have eternity together, my love, my angel, please! This isn't the end, I can't - I can't go without you!"
"You're okay," you soothed uselessly, rocking more prominently. "Just stay with me, my love, okay? Stay with me. Don't go. Only look at me, all right? You hear me?" You sniffled, caressing his cheek. "You're the best thing in my life, Osferth, yeah? Understand me? Where you're going, y-you'll be welcomed a hero, with open arms. You'll be my own angel. My real angel. The reason I keep going for our child. An-And you'll stay there just for a little while until I join you, okay? You'll watch over us, me and the baby, right? Our own angel? Hey? 'Cause you'll never be part from us - you'll never be apart from me. You and I are a forever sorta thing, we'll never be apart, we'll always be part of each other no matter what."
Osferth lost his words, eyes widening and pulling you closer.
You just soothed, "I'm here with you, my love. I'm here, I've got you. You're not alone, I'm right here, I have you. I've got you. I love you. I love you so fucking much, Osferth, okay? I love you more than anything, you're my everything. I love you," you sniffled, breaking down in worse sobs, repeating, "I love you, I love you, I love you so much, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry I wasn't faster, I love you, this shouldn't be happening. I'm so sorry, I should've come faster! I love you, I'm so sorry."
With his last breath, Osferth choked, "L-Love y-y-you."
"I love you," you hushed, bending at the waist to rest your forehead on his, "I love you so much. You're gonna be okay, you're gonna be all right, you'll be safe - where you're going, you'll be safe. I'm so sorry, my love... I'm so sorry."
You felt him go still. You felt the last of his breath exhale, his body deflate. You felt his soul detach from his body.
You froze.
"Oh, my God," you breathed, pulling back to look down at his petrified features. "Oh, my God, no, no, no. God, please, please, give him back," you sobbed, "give him back to me! Do not take him! It's not his time, you selfish cunt! Give him back! It wasn't supposed to end like this! Give him back to me, please! Please! This isn't how this was supposed to happen! We promised eternity together, please! Let us have that! Let us be together, give him back to me! I need him!"
Your shrill hysterics were heard all over Rumcofa.
Finan sobbed into his wife's arms behind you, Cynleaf knelt to slowly extend his hand onto your shoulder. "I'm so sorry," he offered, but you pushed him away harshly; knocking him into the dirt.
"No! I don't want your fucking condolences!" You snapped, holding Osferth tighter, "I want my husband! I want my husband back! Can you give him to me? Can you, Cynleaf? Can you give him back to me!?"
"No - "
"Then you have nothing to offer me! I want nothing else, nothing from you! I only want him!" You looked away from the young lad, finding Osferth's wide open eyes staring up at you. You whimpered, "I only need him, so, please. Please, give him back to me. Please. I need him, I need him, I can't do this without him, please, God, don't do this. You take so many lives, why add him to the mix!? Give him back! C'mon," you begged the cooling body, "c'mon, love, get up. Get up for me, please, just wake up. Come back to me, get up... Get up, Osferth, get up! Please! WAKE UP!"
But Osferth never moved. Never blinked. Never drew breath. And God never answered your pleas. Your dress was saturated in your husband's blood; a pooling puddle seeping into your knees, bodice drenched, his baby moving in your belly. You wailed into the still air, holding your husband tight to your chest; mouth agape to release the terrible screams of anguish, tears never ending, rocking on your knees. You didn't know what to feel... But devastation was prominent.
You wept until your throat went raw, jaw tender from your open mouth. "I'm so sorry!" You repeated, "I should've been quicker! I should've been at your side! You shouldn't have been alone! This is my fault! This is all my fault, I shouldn't have been away from you. I should've been with you, you did not deserve this end. Please! Forgive me, wherever you are, forgive me, I did not intend for this, I shouldn't have left you, I should've been at your side, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault, I'm so sorry."
"No," Ingrith whispered, "no, do not say this is your fault, you did nothing - "
"Exactly!" You snapped at her, eyes ablaze, her husband silent. "I did nothing, I wasn't with him! I wasn't where I was supposed to be! And he was stabbed because of you!"
Finan whispered your name in reprimand.
"No! How many times have you rode a fucking horse, Ingrith!? And now, today, the time it truly matters, you fall; you posed distraction," you sobbed, crumpling in on yourself. "He was distracted by your fall... This shouldn't've happened, this is all wrong!"
The trio just watched you, knowing your emotions were raw and unwavering, that your words did not have meaning because your husband had just died in your arms. Hours passed, you did not move. Hours passed, your husband did not return. Hours passed, and your heart shattered with each passing breath you selfishly drew.
Because living felt selfish now without Osferth.
"Sweet one," Finan whispered, the sun setting, "we should move him. Bring him to the church so Benedict can pray."
Your head shook, "No."
"Darlin', we have to - "
"No," you whimpered, "because if you take him to Benedict, it's real. If we move, he's truly gone... He can't be gone, Finan," you sobbed, meeting your friend's eyes. "If you move him, he's gone, I'm not ready to say goodbye, please. Please, don't take him from me."
"I'm so sorry," he whispered, "but he should be laid to rest."
"Don't take him from me," you begged, a new wave of tears starting. "I just - we were supposed to be a family. We were supposed to have this baby, and now, it's just me? This cannot be, so please, don't take him from me, I only need him back. Give him back to me, Finan, please, I can't be without him."
"I know," he nodded, gently encouraging you into his embrace. It meant you had to let go of Osferth, something you did slowly and gradually, leaning into the Irishman's chest. "All right, I got yah," he whispered, looking to his wife. "C'mon, stand with Ingrith. I'll carry him."
"Be gentle," you sobbed, feeling Ingrith grip your arms to help heave you to your feet; watching Finan scoop Osferth over his shoulder. The change of position made more blood splatter to the dirt, your heart stalling in your chest when you heard the mess.
You felt your soul shriveled and hidden somewhere deep in your chest, following as if in a trance. You watched Finan and Cynleaf slowly lower Osferth to the ground with the other dead Danes, feeling yourself drop to the ground in shock.
Seeing Osferth amongst the dead made it so much more real.
"It's all my fault," you sobbed, Finan moving to your side, "it's all my fault, I got him killed. I should've been quicker. This is my fault, my fault, I did this, 's my fault."
Finan knelt beside you, bringing your foreheads together to hold you tightly and let you sob into his embrace. "You didn't do this," he promised, "you did nothing wrong. You are not at fault. Do not carry this guilt."
You sobbed without reprieve.
Young Uhtred halted Father Benedict from praying over the Danes, telling the older man they had different customs, but looked back at you. He asked your name softly, wondering, "Do you wish for a prayer for... Him?"
Even Young Uhtred couldn't stomach the truth, avoiding using Osferth's name out of sheer disbelief.
"That'd be nice," Finan agreed, turning to sit beside you and hold you under his arm. You leaned into his embrace, head to his shoulder. "She read him his death rites when... It happened."
Young Uhtred nodded, bowing his head, leading, "Our Father, Who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done, On earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread, And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil."
Then, you joined from under Finan's heavy arm, sobbing through your words, "Hail Mary, Full of Grace, The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now, and at the hour of our death."
Benedict finished, "Glory Be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end."
Together, you, Ingrith, Young Uhtred, Benedict, Finan, and even Cynleaf ended, "Amen."
Feeling the most level-headed, Ingrith stepped in and directed the men; informing that Young Uhtred should lead the remaining Danes to Daneland, Finan and Cynleaf would meet Uhtred on the road, and she would accompany you to Wessex - where Osferth could be laid to rest at the place of his birth. Then, the people mourned together for their fallen.
Finan disagreed initially, telling his wife you were his responsibility now that Osferth was passed. But there was no way you could continue with the company, not in your pregnant state. Finan didn't like the idea of you being without him, considering you close to a sister; something of a best mate, someone he couldn't turn his back on - no matter the situation. However, he understood the predicament and finally agreed to part ways, but not before he untied Osferth's crucifix and latched it around your neck. At the gates of Rumcofa, before separating, Finan gifted you his rosary; thinking it might bring comfort in his physical absence.
Years from then, you would bring up a single son named Gabriel (a name your husband favored, a name benefitting an Angel) under Lord Uhtred in his birthplace of Bebbanburg. You never remarried. You never even so much as looked after another man with lust. Gabriel would grow into a handsome warrior and a devoted man of God, satisfied on tales about his father; being painted as a man of honor, integrity, and bravery. Osferth, too, was a man of God, a man of the sword, and a man of his word... Until the very end. And when your time came, you were brought back to Wessex to be laid to rest with your husband; your son having a son, naming him Osferth, and knowing, both his parents shined down on him in pride.
It was a comfort for everyone to know, somewhere in the afterlife, in God's warmth, you and Osferth were reunited; looking just as you did the day you parted from one another.
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tizeline · 5 months
Bro that angst potential ur separated au is keeping me up at night. You've said since Mikey would be a powerhouse due to training at such an early age, would it be safe to assume that Leo & raph are too? They've been mastering their ninpo 4 years? And if yes then dam they must be tanks. Must be a force to be reckoned with the bros and drax being all chaotic. Did they start to train so early bcuz drax only saw them as soldiers n stuff? Drax sure must've softened over the years huh guess he couldn't handle the cute lil menaces lol. Is Donnie aware of his own ninpo yet? I'm imagining him going up against the others with all his cool tech and then they whip out this anime magic ass superpower out of nowhere. Like meeting others like u after years of thinking u were the only one must be at least baffling right, now it turns out magic is real too. And he's gonna have it too(Not to mention the bro bomb waiting to drop on his head). Would his insecurities rise after witnessing all that?
Sorry I just absolutely LOVE ur au friend, i have a ton of questions but ill hold it 4 ltr. I'm really excited to see where you take it :)) -🌾
Oh man, Anon, glad to see you so excited haha!
Just a heads up, I'm still figuring out the story of the AU, so I don't know all the specifics yet, but here are some of my thoughts. And also, this became a bit of a ramble, that's what you get when you send long asks lol /lh
The way I'm thinking how Draxum is gonna be like in this AU is that he didn't view himself as the turtles' father initially, not really because he only viewed them as mere tools for him to use, he always saw them as people with induviduality. But rather, he hadn't really connected the dots that creating children + raising said children = parenthood, which led to Draxum like a year after mutating the turtles having the sudden realization one day of "OH SHIT AM I A DAD!?" and having a mini crisis because of that.
Anyway, while I don't think Draxum is the perfect dad in this AU by any means, he does genuinely care about his kids. (If Mikey managed to win Draxum over in canon after having spent a whole season fighting each other, there's no way he'd care about Mikey any less in a scenario where they've been on the same side since day one like they have in this AU.) He started training the turles from an early age and they are expected to help him with his Definitely Not Evil World Domination Plan, but they are still allowed free time and hobbies and such. And aside from some "ugh I don't wanna train right now I wanna play vidya gaemes" occasionally, the turtles never really opposed the idea of them becoming Draxums super soldiers. Kids are really easily influenced and if your parent keeps telling you that you are the heroes who are gonna save the world from evil, chances are you're gonna latch on to that narrative without question. But after meeting Donnie and April, who knows, it might be what finally starts making the other turtles question if their cause really is as just as they think :) That being said, I still have to figure out how Draxum would react exactly to his sons starting to oppose his world view.
Then their abilities! I also have to do more reasearch into exactly how the magic system works in RoTMNT cuz uhhh it's a bit unclear sometimes. Anyway, ninpo is specifically the magic used by the Hamato clan, and considering Raph, Leo and Mikey weren't raised as Hamato I don't think they would have access to that specific type of magic (though I still think they'd be be able to possibly unlock it later down the line) They would still have access to yokai magic, and of course the mystic weapons that they stole in the show would just have been given to them in AU by Draxum. And oh yeah, the brothers are powerful. To be fair, Donnie was able to keep up with Draxum pretty well in the pilot episode, so he wouldn't be COMPLETELY outmatched by his brothers. His tech is powerful enough that he'd be able to put up a decent fight even if he lacks mystic powers himself but..... three against one? Yeah, Donnie isn't winning any time soon. The biggest advantage he'd have would honestly be that his brothers wouldn't really WANT to fight him cuz they'd be all like "Long Lost Brother™??? 😭😭😭 Please come home Long Lost Brother™ we love you!!! 😭😭😭"
And I think Splinter would have kept both of their origins secret initially like he did in the show, so Donnie would't have any ninpo either, but I also think Donnie would still learn about the whole Lou Jitsu and Genetically Modified Super Soldier thing earlier than in canon. And god, yeah, learning about all of that would definietly be A Lot, which is why I still need time to figure out Donnie's exact reaction sorry Anon you're gonna have to be patient XD
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findafight · 1 year
Tw for hospitals and use of of pain medication, infection, and canonical injuries, brief mention of the AIDS crisis. Ohhhh steddie dating pre S4 au where Robin has now been subjected at work to Steve both striking out spectacularly and flirting like he knows he's getting laid that night. She isn't sure which is worse. (The striking out is worse. She is glad her friend is happy. She's just painfully single and pining away)
The same stuff happens in s4 minus Robin and Eddie pushing Steve and Nancy together romantically (Dustin is trying to push Steve to both Robin or Nancy he's like dude these are girls you like why are you not making a move on them! I want you to be happy!!! And Steve rips his eyes away from Eddie's lips like huh?) But they're still like hey Nancy! It would be nice! If we could be friends maybe! And it's still awkward.
Robin is out here sweating and glaring at Steve and eddie trying to beam thoughts into Eddie's brain in the Upside Down like Eddie please cool it I know it's a stressful situation but stop staring at Steve's tits for five minutes pl-oh giving him your vest??? You think that's going to help? Ok buddy. I'm just going to. Distract Nancy up ahead a little bit while you and Steve chat aaaaand neither of you are listening. Fine.
And it's still a mess. Max and Eddie and Steve end up in the hospital. The ground split open but sealed itself once Steve cut Henry's head off. Everything is over.
Eddie gets discharged first, despite having more bites than Steve, because his didn't have two days to get infected with Upside Down nastiness. So he ends up camped out with Robin at Steve's bedside as he fights the infection with antibiotics (the doctors hope will work), pain meds, and a slight fever.
Which is to say, completely out of it and high as a kite.
So when Dustin visits and Steve is awake, he gets to see a big, goofy grin spread across his best friend's/adoptive older brother's face as he reaches out and says "dusssstyyyy! Cmere. Lemme. Boop you." And yeah, okay, it makes him feel a bit like a baby but Steve is out of it and apparently drugged Steve likes to Boop his younger friends noses. Dustin can accept that. He sighs and leans forward and allows his nose to be booped.
Steve giggles and smiles and pats his head. "Good to see you, man"
Dustin smiles, a bit watery because it's hard to see Steve in the hospital again, and because it was fucking terrifying to watch him nearly drop to the ground after making sure Eddie got treatment, only being caught by Robin. Dustin almost lost three people he loves, and he is so fucking glad they're all alive, if not well.
"yeah, Steve. Good to see you, too. They say when you're allowed to blow this pop stand?"
Steve frons. "No. Still got Upside Down goobies in my guts, 'parently."
Robin sighs. "They said a few more days. Make sure the infection is clear and there's no suspicious side effects."
"yeah. That's what I said, Robin."
Dustin grins, then settles down beside Robin, across from Eddie. He hasn't said anything since Dustin walked in, but was playing with the sleeve of Steve's hospital gown and tracing patterns on his arm. He looks up at Dustin, and offers a small smile.
It's a bit weird, how close he's stuck by Steve this whole time, but Dustin guesses they probably bonded when they got sucked through the watergate, and that Steve saving his life really endeared him to Eddie. He hopes they can be actual, real friends once things settle. Given how much Eddie is at Steve's bedside, he thinks they're well on their way to it.
They all chat for a while, Steve sometimes getting off topic and dreamy, but looking happy even when he isn't quite following what they're all saying. Dustin is pretty sure Steve doesn't have his hearing aids in on top of the drugs, so he isn't really surprised.
His mom eventually bustles into the room, and fusses over Steve. "Oh, sweetheart, I'm so sorry. Let me know if we can do anything, I mean anything, to help, okay? I'm sorry I cant visit for longer today, but what with everything happening like this, I -"
"isss okay, Mrs. H...Ma." Steve corrects himself immediately, smiling. Dustin's insides always get a bit squiggly when Steve calls his Ma, Ma. Like they're actual brothers, and she's their mom, and no one could ever argue they're not family for real. What makes it better that it was Ma who insisted Steve call her that since January of '85, as though she knew just how much both Dustin and Steve needed each other like that.
"I'll be by tomorrow, okay, dear? Robin, you and Eddie are alright for tonight? I'll stay tomorrow but today I re-"
"it's fine! Seriously, Mrs. H. Don't worry about us. My parents will force me home tomorrow anyways, but tonight we're good." Robin grips at Steve's ankle, grounding herself. Dustin doesn't think there's been a day when she hasn't been in Steve's room. Doubts if the places were reversed Steve wouldn't have to be dragged out to shower and change clothes. They're so weird, but Dustin is glad Steve has someone older that loves him like Robin does. It makes it easier to not be able to spend all day with him like he wants to.
"okay. Alright." She leans forward and kisses Steve's forehead a few times, brushes some stray hairs out of his face, just like she does when Dustin is sick in bed. "You take care Steve, sweetheart, and make sure you let Robin and Eddie take care of you too." She turns to Dustin. "I'll give you a few minutes to say goodbye and then meet me down at the car, okay?"
Dustin nods, and his mom is out the door. He sighs. "Well. I guess I'd better head out." He gives Steve a hug, a bit awkward from Steve lying down, but it's fine, Steve wraps his arms around Dustin and tries to give him his normal double squeeze, but it's more of a press with his hands than anything. Dustin'll take it. "I'm glad you're getting better Steve. Glad we're all safe."
Steve's smile is soft, gooey in a way that he usually tries to hide. "Glad you're safe, too, man. Love you." Something in his smile sharpens, then. "Unlike some people in this room you actually...listened? When I told you not to be a hero. And didn't nearly almost die."
Eddie groans, dramatic. It seems like a game they're playing with each other more than anything, but it's a game Dustin doesn't know the parameters of, and it's jarring. "C'mon, Steve. I said I was sorry! I wasn't going to let Dustin get hurt."
Steve glares at Eddie, which would be more intimidating if he wasn't scrutching up his nose or propped up by pillows freshly fluffed by one Claudia Henderson. "Which is the reason why you're allowed in here even though you almost died. Dustin is safe, and that's good. But I'd've been so fuckin pissed if you died."
Robin snorts, pats Steve's hand. "Oh, buddy. You'd have been inconsolable."
"yeah. Exactly. it would have fucking sucked, Eddie. So. I'm still mad at you, even though I love you. Probably because I love you."
Which is. Not what Dustin was expecting. Sure, Steve was pretty open about his love. Especially after Starcourt, when he finally seemed to settle into something Dustin thinks of as comfortable with who he is. (Which is, actually, a big softie with a bit of a bitchy mouth) He's told Dustin he loves him before, and he's pretty sure he's told Max too. Steve says he loves Robin all the time, just not romantically even if Dustin doesn't think that's entirely true, but.
This feels different.
It is different, given the way Eddie squeaks a bit and sways towards Steve. "Steve..." He breathes, his eyes big and wet and wide. He swallows. "Steve. Dustin doesn't. He's still here, i--"
Steve's brow furrows. "Yeah? So? Did you not want...oh." something in the blankness that drops over Steve is scary, especially in comparison to how Steve's been open and lax the entire time Dustin's been in the room.
Steve turns his head slightly towards Eddie, ten slightly away, like he doesn't know if he wants to look at him or not. Dustin shuffles his feet, not quite sure what's going on, feeling awkward and wrongfooted. Robin stands, puts her hand on Dustin's shoulder, tries to turn him away and out the door, but Dustin isn't leaving when Steve's face is all stiff and blank like it is.
"steve--" Eddie sounds wrung out, wrecked. What the hell is going on?
Steve sniffs ever so slightly, interrupting Eddie. "You don't have to say it. You don't even have to-uh. To feel it, right now. That's okay. I've done that before. I can wait." Dustin sees a muscle twitch in his jaw. "But if you- if you don't think you can, I need to know now, actually. Because now Dustin knows but he's my brother so that's good and fine but if you don't want to--if you don't think this is gonna, like, be a long-term, tell people important to us kind of thing; if you're realizing that it's been long enough that you should feel that--that way about me but you don't, then I need to know because I don't want you lying about how you feel. I can't do that again. When you say it back I want to be sure you mean-"
"I love you too, Steve! Jesus fuck." Eddie blurts, apparently having had enough of. Well. Everything Steve was saying.
It's dawning on Dustin that maybe when Steve and Eddie said they knew each other they didn't just mean from highschool. That they. Well. Obviously they love each other. Which is....something to consider later because Steve looks like he's about to cry. Because Woah, Dustin has misread a lot between the two of them if they're...like this.
"yeah? You're sure?" He says, wobbly now he isn't rambling.
Eddie's squished himself more into Steve's space. "yes, yeah, of course Steve. Fuck. You met Wayne! I want you in my life, for a long, long time. I don't- I didn't do anything to make you think I didn't, did I?" His voice is a little rough, and little pleading.
Steve shakes his head, grips Eddie's hand in his m, even as Eddie uses it to support himself over top Steve. "No. I just. I know it freaks people out, is all, and I don't want you to freak out, or leave, or think you had to because we've been dating for a few months and I want to say it. It just came out because it's true."
Eddie laughs, leans in reeealy close to Steve. "Honey. It came out because you're high and morphene."
Steve grumbles a bit, but he's smiling too, and knocks their foreheads together. "Yeah. And also because it's true. I love you."
Eddie's eyelids flutter, Dustin can see, as he grins. "And I love you." He says, before closing the distance and kissing Steve squarely on the mouth.
Robin clears her throat. "As...heartwarming and sappy you two are. Dustin has to leave, and probably...has some questions? That he's not going to be a dick about?" She says this as she grips his shoulder tightly, in a way that is definitely a threat.
Dustin nods furiously. Eddie sighs but pushes away from Steve, not before pecking him again, drawing that dopey smile back into Steve's face. "Yeah." He says. "I'll walk you out Henderson."
Dustin waves goodbye to Steve, who seems cheery once again, wiggling his fingers are Dustin and Eddie, before walking out the door behind Eddie.
"so. How long have...has that been a thing?" He asks, as soon as they clear the doorframe.
Eddie huffs, but seems good natured about it. "Few months. December."
"okay." Says Dustin. "Uh. I didn't. I didn't know you...or Steve, I guess...I didn't know you guys were-" he lowers his voice, despite the hallway being surprisingly empty. "Gay."
There's something steely in Eddie's eye when he answers. "We're not. Well-we are, but we both also like women."
Something doesn't sit right about that with Dustin. "But! You just said-"
Eddie holds his hands up, and Dustin shuts his mouth on instinct. "You can like both while just dating one person, Dustin. Just because you like women doesn't mean you're going around with girls who aren't Suzie, right?" He nods. He adores Suzie, can't really imagine looking at any other girl like that because she's just. Amazing. She's his girlfriend and they love each other, and just because girls are pretty great doesn't mean Dustin wants anything other than friendship wi--oh. He sees where Eddie is going.
"right. Yeah. Sorry."
Eddie shrugs. "Steve kinda dropped a bomb in both of us, today"
""isn't it weird though?"
"well...girls and guys are different"
"they are indeed."
"so, if you like girls, why do you like...boys...too?"
"why do you like girls and not boys, Dustin?"
Which is hard to answer because, well. Dustin's never really thought about why he likes girls. He just does. And maybe that's what Eddie means. There's no reason, really. People just...like what they like.
Or there are reasons, because girls are pretty and often smell nice and Suzie looks like a mad scientist when her ponytail gets a little loose after hours of working on a project, her eyes glinting behind her glasses as she giggles and bites her lip, just a little. But that's mostly Suzie. So. He can't really put a finger on why he's only ever had crushes on girls, or why before last summer they've never been as much or as consuming as his love for Suzie. Never been anything like the long days spent together at camp building and creating and blasting ideas off each other, before one day Suzie took his hand and they ended up sneaking away to look at the stars, trying to outdo each other's knowledge about them and slowly being pulled into the other's orbit like binary stars. He's never really wanted to kiss anyone like he wants to kiss Suzie, not even when he had a brief and fleeting crush on Max.
"oh." Is what he says, and feels pretty lame for it.
Eddie shrugs. "You can't really choose who you like." He says before breathing in. "But you do choose who you love, and how you love them."
And. Well. Dustin thinks of his Ma sweeping Steve up into family dinners every other week, and how the party absorbed Max into it as easy as anything, and holding Suzie's hand as they looked up at the stars in dew covered grass feeling like the world starts and ends there, and of Steve and Robin cackling together and having seemingly no personal space or boundaries between them. And of Steve and Eddie, saying I love you for the first time in a hospital room after saving the world.
"That's pretty good." Dustin says, and Eddie smirks at him.
"yeah. Steve said it to me, way back on our second date."
Dustin scoffs. Because he should have known; it's so typically Steve to say something like that. "And you were surprised when he said he loves you?"
Eddie's eyes twinkle in the florescent lights of the hospital. "Nah. Just... it's different being pretty sure, and knowing for sure. I also didn't want him saying something in front of you he'd regret."
He nods. "That's fair. I...don't know how I would've taken it if Steve weren't in the hospital, honestly. Like!" He tries to reassure Eddie "I would have gotten over it, for sure! But if had had sat me ore the party down and talked it out I might've been, like, y'know. Super weird about it. Because. I mean. This talk is good, right? I'm think about things and thinking about how I've only ever really wanted to kiss Suzie, even if I thought about maybe abstractly kissing other people. And how we as humans have all these quirks that let us be human, but different, which enable us as a species to thrive." He heaves a breath. "But. Seeing Steve all loopy and saying it, and then being worried you felt pressure about it, I dunno. It makes sense, I guess. I don't know how you two met or got to know each other, but. I guess it makes sense, how you like each other. And talking to you now. It's helped, I think."
Everything is a bit scrambled in Dustin's brain, the love and the confusion and the worry, because it's setting in that in Hawkins, something like this, for Steve and Eddie, is dangerous. Something that could get them hurt or killed, scorned by the town they've helped save.
His mother always grumbles agrily when ads about how the virus going around is God's punishment for sinners, or how it's cleaning up the streets of unwanted people gays and addicts. She huffs, swears. Says that just because bigots don't consider the people getting sick as wanted or valuable, doesn't mean no one does. That no one deserves to get sick for things they cannot control, or for things they can. A smoker is more likely to get lung cancer, but that doesn't mean they deserve it more than someone who's never seen a cigarette.
Their families will mourn them the same.
They reach the main doors, and Dustin sees his mom has pulled into a pick up lane, blinkers on. He turns to Eddie, and burries his face in his neck.
Eddie takes it in stride, parting his back and giving him a bit of a squeeze. It's not as good a hug as Steve gives, but that bar is only really surpassed by his mom, so it's still a good hug.
"please be careful, Eddie."
"ah," says Eddie, and he pulls back slightly. "We are, man. You're close to both of us and didn't suspect. We know what we're doing."
Dustin raised his eyebrows. Now that he has context, a lot of interactions between Steve and Eddie in the wake of getting them out of the Upside Down seem a lot less friendly.
Eddie chuckles. "Seriously. We are. It was just hard during everything, and, well, we both feel safe around you guys. I think Steve's been gearing up to ask me if we can tell all of you sheepies soon."
"yeah, bud. Don't worry about us."
"Considering you just got released and Steve is still in the hospital, I think a little worrying over you jackasses is justified."
Eddie smirks. "Fine. A normal and reasonable amount of worrying, then. But no more than that. Now, git! Your ma's waiting on you."
Dustin smiles, "yeah, yeah. I'll see you tomorrow."
"yep. You know where to find me."
He waves again as he hopes into the front seat, and buckles his seatbelt before Ma can ask him to. He smiles at her, and feels oddly...grounded. a mystery has been solved, even if Dustin doesn't have all the pieces, he still has the big picture.
"everything alright, Dusty? Nothing wrong with Steve, is there?" She asks, even as she changes out of park.
"yeah, yeah. Just accidentally stumbled over something saying goodbye, and was worried about them. But everything is fine. Robin and Eddie have Steve handled."
They turn out of the hospital parking lot, heading for home. Ma smiles. It's softer, more indulgent than usual. "Yes. They're good for each other, I think. Compliment one another nicely."
Dustin doesn't bother asking which set she's talking about, thinks maybe they both know.
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otomehoneyybearr · 4 days
The Day I Made a Friend
Book of Memories Chapter 1
Keith & Kagari
Ch2 | Ch3 | Ch4 | My First Dorayaki
In the radiant sunlight pouring down, Keith encounters a man in a town adorned with flowers
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Keith: “Kagari?”
Kagari: “You’re in town too?”
Keith: “Yeah, I came to buy dorayaki since you’re coming to the castle.”
Keith: "The scheduled meeting won’t start for a while, yet you're already here in Jade."
Kagari: "Yep."
Keith: "...Another troublesome matter?"
Kagari: "Our plans tend to overlap pretty often."
Keith: "...Come to think of it, it WAS you who requested to have the meeting and practice today."
Keith: “Could it be that you originally needed to come to Jade for a troublesome matter,
Keith: “But arranged a meeting with me as camouflage to avoid another scolding...?”
Kagari: “As expected of a bookworm like you. Your imagination is impressive, Keith.”
Kagari: “But more importantly, I see the dorayaki shop.”
Keith: "Huh? Oh, you're right. Thank goodness they haven’t sold out yet."
The two men stop in front of a stall with a sign that says "DORAYAKI."
The sales seem to be going well, with only two left.
Keith: “Looks like there’s only butter and matcha. Which one do you want, Kagari?”
Kagari: “Either one is fine. Which do you prefer?”
Keith: “...They both look delicious.”
Kagari: “So, you’re indecisive.”
Keith: “You sound just like Liam.”
Kagari: “Liam? Oh, your surly butler.”
Keith: “Surly? He's sincere and meticulous in his work. He's an exceptional butler who's too good for someone like me.”
Kagari: “As usual, you're spot on when it comes to assessing others.”
Kagari: “So, have you decided?”
Keith: ….
Keith didn't respond, and as if on cue, the two of them silently extended one hand forward.
Then they lightly shook their hands in place. At the same time, Keith opened his hand while Kagari made a fist.
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Keith & Kagari:
"Oh, I won again."
"I lost."
Did they really just play rock, paper, scissors?
Keith: ".........."
Kagari: "So which one? If you don't decide quickly, someone else will buy it."
After glancing at Kagari, Keith pointed to one of the dorayaki.
Keith: "I guess I’ll have butter."
Kagari: "Then I'll take the matcha."
Kagari: "Shopkeeper, two dorayaki, please."
Keith: "Oh, Kagari, let me pay for them."
Kagari: "It's fine, consider it an apology."
Keith: "......So the real reason you came to Jade was because of some trouble, after all."
Kagari: "Relax, I didn't kill anyone. I just taught them a lesson."
Keith: "When you say 'teach a lesson,' it usually means more than a light injury... Is the other person alright?"
Kagari: "Focus on the dorayaki. They're still slightly warm."
Keith: "Wow, Kagari, you're eating it already.”
Keith: "I was planning to save this for after our meeting, but since it's still warm, I guess I'll eat it now. Thanks.
Keith accepted the dorayaki with its faint buttery aroma and took a bite.
Keith: "Mmm, it's so nice and fluffy when it’s warm. Maybe I'll come by for a freshly made one next time."
Kagari: "Thanks for the meal."
Keith: "You already finished!? Did you chew it properly?"
Kagari: "Do you think I'm a child or something? I chewed it and savored it."
Kagari: "The matcha was delicious too. A dorayaki shop with no misses is rare in other countries."
Keith: "Your love for dorayaki hasn't changed since we met."
Kagari: "Back then, I didn't particularly like or dislike it. Actually, I..."
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Keith: "?"
Kagari: "--Just thought you'd cry if I refused."
Kagari: "You were such a crybaby."
Keith: "I wouldn't have cried just because you refused."
Kagari: "But it's true that you were a crybaby. You often teared up in front of me."
Keith: "T-That was half crying... Though it is true that I showed you countless embarrassing moments."
Keith: "Looking back on it, my life is full of embarrassing moments... It's painful to even think about."
Kagari: "Think of it as proof that you struggled, and your heart will feel a bit lighter."
Kagari: "Though, I admit, the training back then might have been overkill."
Keith: "You nearly killed me multiple times, Kagari."
●●●●●●●● Flashback●●●●●●●●
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Jade and Kōgyoku—
Although the countries situations were completely different, they’d maintained friendly relations up to the present.
"Couldn't that demon train this failure?"
It was such words from the King of Jade that led to the meeting of young Keith and Kagari.
Kagari: "Stabbing, beating, strangling, poisoning—Keith, which one do you prefer? Or are you good at any of them?"
Keith: "....Um,"
Keith: "I don't particularly like nor excel at any of them."
Kagari: “….”
Kagari: “….I see…”
Keith: “….Yeah…”
Keith & Kagari: “…”
Keith & Kagari: “……..…”
Keith's face showed visible confusion, while Kagari remained expressionless like a Noh mask.
As another moment of silence stretched on for the umpteenth time, surprisingly, it was Keith who spoke up.
Keith: "Um... I'm Keith Howell, the First Prince of Jade."
Kagari: "……………Second Prince of Ruby. Kagari Amagase."
Keith: "Thank you for agreeing to train me, Sir.
Kagari: "........Sir?"
Keith: "I am weak and useless, weaker than even weeds, but—"
Keith: "As an older brother and a member of the royal family, I want to become stronger."
Keith: "So, um, please take care of me!"
Keith bowed his head so forcefully it seemed like a gust of wind might arise, causing Kagari to take a slight step back.
His expression remained unchanged. However, the hands clasped behind his back repeatedly clenched and released, as if deep in thought...
Kagari: "…………"
Keith: "Um...?"
Kagari deftly picked up a practice sword with his foot and pointed its tip at Keith.
Kagari: "First, a warm-up. Ready your sword."
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milkycarnations · 1 year
heyo! can you do a part two to that masky kinktober thing? like when they actually meet up? tyty!! love ur writing!!
I finally finished it! Hope this isn't too heavy. Thank you for filling my brain with these thoughts, anon. Here's the link to part one for anyone interested in the relationship between masky and the reader in this fic. This one occurs immediately after part one.
#1 Crush | Masky x afab!reader | 2.3k words
one-shot masterlist | mdni | cw: daddy mentions, breeding kink, name-calling, mask kink, home invasion but consensual?, explicit consent, minor fear play, unprotected sex, skipping foreplay
After finishing up the scene, you were exhausted. You used so much energy and passion, you wanted nothing more than to clean up and pass out for the rest of your evening. Rolling your chair back, you stood and stretched. After collecting your things you walked into the bathroom to rinse off the toys you had used. You couldn't stop thinking about him.
You spent a while in there, using soap and water to wash off the dried lube. The pair of panties you had inside you earlier was lying on the counter. You eyed them, recounting everything that had happened during the call. You took them out not too long ago, almost immediately after the scene. It wasn't particularly comfortable to have them shoved inside of you, but the sensation had you craving this man you didn't know. "Themaskedman" really had wanted you to send them to him and you were planning to do so the next day. You could only imagine the things he intended to do with them? Wrap them around his cock and jack off? Put them in his mouth and try to catch a taste of you? Either way, you ached and yearned for him.
He hadn't told you his real name, but you were obsessed with what you did know about him. You thought his cock was gorgeous and his mask was pretty, too. It was oddly soft and feminine, but hidden behind it was a man so depraved and needy - just like you.
You eventually rounded your things up and returned to your bedroom, organizing your toys and redressing into the robe you had cammed in. Flopping onto your bed, you sighed. If only he could have you in person. With that mask, too. He could rough you up without having to pretend over video calls. It had been a long time since you haven't pretended. Turning to your side, you flicked off your bedside light. You supposed now would be the best time to wind down for the day. You wouldn't have to cam again in a while and were excited to spend some time offline.
Your phone lit the front of your face as you laid. Whining, you opened your private DMs with themaskedman. Reading through the old messages excited you. You started mindlessly grinding into nothing. Would it be stupid to be so horny for him? He was paying you well, and you should be getting money out of each interaction with him but for some reason, you felt addicted. You wanted him.
you: so since you're kinda like my sugar daddy, i was curious. what do you do. like for work
You sent the message, body buzzing with anticipation. Surprisingly, he answered rather quickly.
themaskedman: nothing you need to worry your little head over, princess.
People called you pet names all the time: baby, honey, whore, slut, princess even - but from him? This name was special. The way he spoke to you made you feel so light and airy. You recalled the slight rasp in his voice and the slight southern drawl that he seemed to hide from you.
you: if you say so. but... any name i can call you by?
He took longer this time to respond, seemingly considering his answer.
themaskedman: hows masky sound? cute isn't it. unless youd like to call me daddy - since i'm kinda like your sugar daddy.
You huffed, laughing into your pillow.
you: i guess masky works fine ;)
You sat for a moment, thinking of something to say while he responded.
themadskedman: so you couldn't stay away from me huh? i can tell you don't get the attention you deserve. people expect so much from you and don't give anything back
you: im only a little touch starved. care to come by and ravish me?
He took several moments to respond, three dots flashing as he thought of an answer.
themaskedman is typing.
Had you gone too far? Was he put off by your abruptness? You frowned. Oh, how you hoped you hadn't ruined anything. He really was your sugar daddy and you were willing to give him something saccharine in return. You remembered his husky body, chubbier in the stomach with coarse wisps of hair on his thighs. Calloused, working hands that surely hadn't seen a day's rest. Absentmindedly, you rubbed yourself.
themaskedman shared a location.
You froze for a moment, dripping with a mix of fear and excitement. The location he sent you was your own, apartment number and all. You rubbed yourself a little heavier. He probably just found your address online, big whoop. You'd thought you'd been keeping yourself pretty secure, but maybe you were wrong. It was bound to happen.
themaskedman: only if you buzz me in
From the other room, the uncanny sound of the apartment's call box rang. Heart racing and heat dripping, you cautiously stood up from the bed. Heading over to your front door your vision confirmed what you had heard. You hesitantly pressed the button, allowing him access to the building. He was really here.
you: youre actually here?
themaskedman: I told you we'd make it 100 for a playdate.
You shivered as a knock rapt softly at your door. How had he gotten here so quickly? You ended the stream with him about 2 hours ago now. It shouldn't have been possible.
Reaching for the doorknob, you unlocked the door and slowly opened it. You sheepishly peered out. Letting out a gasp, you stepped back a bit. He was taller than you expected and still wore the feminine mask.
"Can I come in? Ravish you?"
You nodded sheepishly, moving out of his way, unable to stop yourself from rubbing your thighs together. You realized you were wearing the exact robe he liked. Once he was fully inside, you closed the door behind him. His boots were heavy on your apartment's wooden floors and he quickly worked to unlace them. You took note of his clothes: a heavy tan jacket, roughed-up pants, and a sturdy set of boots. He definitely didn't look like any sort of executive or CEO.
"You really wanna do this?" he asked.
You looked him in the eyes, hidden behind the dark sockets of his mask.
"Yes, I do. I'm sure of it." you said.
"You need it as badly as I crave you, too, right? You can feel it?" he murmured.
He snaked his hand into yours, rubbing his calloused fingers against your pampered ones. Leaning in closer, he nudged his head against yours. Dangerous? With a soft romantic side? You were way more into this than you expected.
"I don't just let any stranger into my house you know," you started.
"Oh? Not exactly strangers anymore. You fucked your pretty ass on camera for me."
"I'm willing to do a lot more than that. I think you're... special."
His hands raised to caress your sides, tracing his fingers up and down your waist.
"How did you find me here?" you asked him.
"I'm obsessed with you." he mumbled behind the mask, "may I?"
Fingers grasped at the strings of your robe.
"Please," you smiled.
Tugging at the straps, the robe shrugged down your shoulders, revealing your bare chest and legs. From behind the mask, his eyes scoured your figure as he hesitantly reached to cusp your breasts. Laughing, you grabbed his hands in yours and guided him, encouraging him to massage and kneed at you. Eventually, his thumbs slid over your nipples, carefully pulling and twisting. You let out a shaky moan.
"You're being so gentle. I thought you were here to ravish me?" you asked.
"I don't want to hurt you. You're so... fragile."
Pulling off the rest of the robe, you led him over to the bed.
"I promise you won't," you said.
You sat down as he took off his coat, followed by his shirt, and his worn-down jeans. He took extra care in stripping off his boxers, revealing his cock to you. He certainly was the same person who had video-called you earlier in the night.
You noticed he hadn't moved to take the mask off, but you weren't going to fight him on it. You liked the secrecy. The scary, mystery that anybody could be behind that mask.
Leaning back onto the bed, you lifted your feet to rest on the mattress, spreading yourself open for him.
"Does it look better in person?" you asked.
"It's everything I imagined and more."
"And how exactly do you intend to "ravish me"?"
He walked up to the mattress, leaning over your body.
"Looking into your eyes." he said.
"Missionary? Wouldn't expect it from a man like you."
"If it means I get to see all of you. You're always doing all the work on your streams. Don't you wanna be a pillow princess just this once?"
You smirked. It did sound nice - letting someone else take control of you.
He turned you around, laying you on your back with your head resting on your pillows. You had already begun physically dripping for him, something you rarely felt yourself do anymore. It was exciting - overwhelming even. He reached to push his fingers inside of you, but you stopped him before he could.
"Please, I just want your cock inside me now. Don't you think we've done enough foreplay? I've already cum tonight, I'm as ready for you as I'll ever be."
The mask tilted to the side as he turned his head.
"If you think you're ready for it..." he said.
Pushing your knees back he looked down at your pussy. You were sure you were red, swollen, and highly sensitive already and the grool dripping from your cunt was likely quite the sight to see. He spent a moment looking at you, wordless, before lining his cock up to your entrance.
He teased his head along your slit. Each time it glided over your clit you practically keened.
"I really can just slip right in, huh? Such a whore just for me."
"Just for you," you moaned along with him.
Pushing himself in, he gripped onto your thighs. He stretched you nicely as he slowly bottomed out.
"Fuck, I can't believe I'm inside you. You're dripping,"
"How long - how long have you wanted to be inside me?" you asked, breath shaky.
"I've been watching you for months. I've wanted to be inside you this whole time."
He pulled out before slamming back in.
"Fuck!" you whined, "you've been beating your dick to me for that long?"
He slammed into you again in response and pushed your legs flush to your chest.
"This isn't missionary and more you perv."
"What's it called?" he grunted.
Heat rose to your face. Surely, he knew what it was called if he was such the voyeur he claimed he was.
"Mating press." you mumbled near his ear.
You could've sworn you felt his cock twitch at the words, precum likely leaking inside of you.
"Fuck. Would you let me do that to you? You gonna let me cum inside of you?"
You nodded, unable to speak. His words alone were almost enough to make you cum. He was clueless, needy, and kind of an incel and the dynamic between the two of you was intense.
He let out a strangled noise as he started to pound into you at a proper pace. He was rough and deep and the sound of his balls slamming into you filled the room. Your hands gripped the sheets beneath you.
"You feel, so good." tears started to rim your eyes. You couldn't believe this. Your top donor was actually in your apartment, fucking you senseless.
Letting go, you lifted your hands to grasp around his shoulders.
Your fingernails gripped hard into the soft flesh of his back, scratching him up as he needlessly rammed into you. Breathless, you wrapped your legs around his waist one by one and pulled him in closer. Both of you felt him thrust deeper inside of you, each of you moaning in pleasure.
"Please," you begged nearly to tears, "please go harder,"
Though you cammed weekly, often for thousands of viewers each night, you found yourself again at a loss for words. You couldn't express how much you needed him, nor could you find a way to beg for him to fuck you the way you wanted. Either way, he seemed to know exactly what to do.
Quickening his pace, he gripped you harder, hands reaching around to cusp your face.
"Fuck, please make me cum."
He ran his thumb against your cheek before reaching a hand down to your clit. Rubbing in small circles, he continued thrusting into you. The combination was heavenly, and quickly became too much. Your fingers continued to claw at his back as you desperately tried to keep him pulled close to you. Still, he continued to fuck into you at just the perfect pace.
Both of you could tell that you were about to cum. It was present in the way your legs trembled and how you grew quiet as you shoved your face into his shoulder.
"Oh fuck," he said breathlessly, "are you cumming?"
You could barely manage a nod as your pussy clenched around him. After a few seconds, moans drew out of you as you rode your high. His pace quickened and he followed suit, rutting erratically as you squeezed around his cock.
"I'm gonna cum inside you. Gonna fill you up, finally. Such a good slut for me."
The sounds falling out of him were hoarse and needy and only made your cunt ache even more.
"Fuck you're amazing," he said, stopping to rest his head on you with his last thrust.
"Don't you just think we're perfect for each other?" he asked?
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anime-addict-362 · 1 year
Pathetic Pt. 5
CW: NSFW, All Might x Female reader, pegging, anal penetration, fingering (male receiving), lots of assurance, fluff throughout, Y/N helps All Might learn
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All Might stared at his phone, confused. Pegging was... Weird.
How would that feel good? It looked painful, sounded painful too. Y/N was into this? He wasn't sure he could get into it, seemed way too out of control.
But Y/N wanted to... You know what? He'll just talk to her! Communicating always helps!
"Huh," Y/N stared at him. They sat in her house that, by this point, was pretty decorated. The living room especially, he felt pretty comfortable when he sat with her. He took quite awhile to research the whole pegging thing, he would admit.
He worked a lot, give him a break.
"I don't think I'm into the whole pegging thing," He felt his face burn as Y/N looked up from her phone, eyes seemingly tearing him apart.
In reality, Y/N was looking at him normally. He was deeply overreacting.
"Okay," She looked back down to her phone, typing something.
All Might looked away from the floor and up to her. "You don't care?"
"I already said I won't force you to do anything you aren't sure about," She shrugged. "I don't care."
All Might sighed heavily. "It just looked way too painful."
Y/N looked back up to him again, thumbs not moving across the screen anymore. "Hm?"
He shrugged. "I went deep diving into watch a lot of it and it just looks way to painful. The dicks... Or dildos are too big, and it looked too straining."
Y/N stared at him. "Show me what you were watching."
He was confused at that point, but listened. She took his phone as he pulled it up. He fought not to start blushing at the guys too loud of moans that fell through the phone, Y/N's eyes glued on the screen.
"You used this," She held up the phone, looking at him as if she was judging him directly. "As research?"
"Was I not supposed to," He asked, taking his phone back.
"No," She scoffed. "That's all fake. Extremely fake."
All Might frowned at his phone screen. "How so?"
"Well one, the moaning is way too loud and obnoxious, sounds like he's in extreme pain so I'm assuming that didn't help you," She would be right. "The mans face isn't shown and the skin is too shiny. Its not even a real ass. Even sounds like the moans were edited in after."
All Might rolled his eyes at himself. "Of course."
Y/N sighed, rubbing the back of her neck. "Don't use porn as research. Porn is unrealistic."
"Then how do I know whats real or not," He frowned, closing out of the video.
"You could always-" She started but was cut off.
"Why can't I just ask you about it," He looked her in the eye. "You obviously know way more than me. Can't we just talk about it?"
Y/N's eyes widened a bit. "Of course we can. I just assumed you'd rather look into it yourself."
She shrugged. "I don't know. But you can ask me anything."
"Alright... Starting now?"
"What about uh..." He hesitated. It was getting awkward again. "I guess I'm just confused then. How is it... Supposed to not hurt?"
"Well for one," She pointed to his phone. "It's not like that video, you don't just put it in. Yes, that would hurt. But you know how you help me? You finger me to help loosen me up, and still start really slow. I would be doing that to you, but more lube and take it slower since it's new to you."
God, he might die if she keeps talking about this so nonchalantly.
"But of course, it's not like we have to take things that quickly. I could just finger you while getting you off to get you a feel of it. Its not like if I finger you, we have to move onto the next... Sir?"
God, his face was on fire.
Y/N watched him stare at the ground, face red. "This is why I thought you'd rather look at it alone."
"Oh I'm fine," He laugh came out strained.
Y/N watched him for a few more moments, before grabbing her phone. "How about I just send you some good things to look at and then you decide how you feel about it?"
"Yes please," He nodded, wiping his suddenly sweaty palms on his sweatpants.
Y/N's eyes shot down at the movement and raised an eyebrow. "You're hard-"
"Shh. Do not speak of it."
She couldn't help but snort and go back to her phone. "Yes sir."
And as usual, she kept to her word. She sent over many much more professional looking sites than what All Might previously looked at. And he would look at them whenever he had the chance.
He started to notice the difference quickly. Seeing it done correctly was much more reassuring than the porn he saw. But this? He could maybe get into it.
He was definitely still nervous at the fact that the stuff he was watching would be happening to him, but he was also definitely getting hard at the thought of being at the receiving end of Y/N's fake cock.
God, she would be so nice too. Would she like to be rough? Or maybe she liked the thought of breaking him down slowly? Or maybe she wanted to just bend him over and switch the pace whenever she pleased.
He wasn't sure he cared. Just having Y/N fucking him into the bed, he wanted it.
Fuck, he really did.
Though, he didn't really know how to tell Y/N. At this point, another month had passed. Again, he was a very busy person. The last time they saw each other outside of work was on that date he promised.
With that being almost 3 weeks ago, he needed to get his ass to seeing her again and talk to her about it in person. One of the websites she sent said communication was necessary.
Though, she made that clear herself many times.
It became the usual to meet up at her place, so thats what they did on a Saturday afternoon. They sat on her couch while she showed him how to play a game. He really didn't understand the hype around killing games. He saw murderers all the time, it wasn't fun.
"Why are you so quiet," Y/N asked, laying her legs over his lap as she laid down and mashed some buttons on her controller.
"I don't know," He shrugged a bit. "Guess just thinking about uhm... The whole pegging thing?"
"Yeah? What about it," She didn't even bother to pause the game, eyes still glued to the screen.
"I want to try it," That when Y/N paused the game, facing towards him. "You can uhm- Keep playing."
"No, we have to talk about it. No distractions," She put the controller down, crossing her legs on his lap. "So what's up?"
He rubbed the back of his neck with a sigh. Don't get awkward, don't do it. "I do want to take it slowly like you said. I think... I think I really like the idea but I'm still really nervous about it, you know?"
Y/N nodded. "I'm willing to go as slow as you need. The fact you're willing to try it at all makes me excited."
He nodded then paused. "...Want to try tonight?"
"You work tomorrow," She asked, grabbing the controller and unpausing the game.
"No," He shook his head.
"Then sure," Y/N's focus went straight to her game, as she tried to kill a bunch of soldiers. "Get your boner off my foot."
He groaned to himself, burying his face in his hands.
"I was joking," She snorted, then kicked his stomach with the side of her foot. "Order us food."
"Alright," He nodded.
Y/N decided he needed to calm down first. He was always so tense, and then he got embarrassed at the thought of sex, even if he was pretty good during the act. She didn't understand it but asking about it would get her pretty much nowhere.
Besides, they were doing okay now. There wasn't too much going wrong, despite how awkward he could be.
But he did calm down as they ate, soon going back to watching her play the game. She didn't know what he didn't understand, kill the dicks that were trying to kill her.
But then they finished food, and Y/N had to initiate it. Which she didn't mind, but he was starting to close in on himself once they were in her bed.
Y/N straddled him as he laid back, kissing his neck before sitting up to look at him. "We don't have to do this."
His eyes widened a bit. "I... I know. I want to."
"Are you sure? You seem so uncomfortable," She frowned. "I want you to enjoy it."
"I'm just nervous, I'm sorry," He sat up to kiss her. "I trust you, Y/N. I promise."
Y/N thought that over before nodding, kissing him again. "Then relax. It'll be so much better if you relax, Sir."
He couldn't stop the stutter in his breath when he nodded. Y/N smiled softly and started unbuttoning his shirt.
"Why exactly did you wear a dress shirt when you knew we were just hanging out," She asked, chuckling.
"It's hard to find a normal T-shirt that fits me," He snorted, kissing her neck as she worked on his shirt.
"Pretty sure this is a woman's shirt," Y/N grinned and he pulled away, looking down.
"Huh? No its not, it fits great!"
"The buttons are on the left side," She snickered, tugging the shirt. "Men's buttons are on the right."
He blinked. "Well I look great in it."
"Oh for sure," She nodded, kissing his cheek. "Very handsome. Really shows off those hips."
He snorted, kissing her again. She pulled the shirt off of him, hands immediately going to his chest. She groaned into the kiss as All Might hands began to wander too.
Good. He wasn't as uncomfortable as she worried he was. And man, did she fucking worry.
All Might was always so shy or awkward or uncomfortable. Its not that she hated it, most of the time it was cute. But sometimes she questioned whether he really wanted to do the things they did.
They couldn't even talk about it without him changing the subject.
Despite that, he always came out of their sex doing better than her. They might have not had sex a lot so far, but she picked up on the fact that his stamina was stoll fucking insane, which pairs good with a man who's willing to take care of you afterwards.
"You okay," His voice teared her out of her thoughts.
"...yeah. Yeah, I'm fine," She nodded, kissing him roughly and pushing him back on the bed. Less thinking Y/N.
All Might groaned as Y/N kissed him suddenly, but wasn't complaining. He let his hands move down to her hips, messing with her sweatpants.
"Go ahead," Y/N nodded.
He sighed, pulling them down as she adjusted to help him. He threw them off the bed once they were off. "Can I... uhm, can I touch?"
"Of course," Y/N nodded, kissing his neck. "I'll tell you if I get uncomfortable, it's okay."
He nodded. He let his hands slid under Y/N's shirt, but Y/N was taking it off once she realized what he wanted.
All Might leaned up once it was up, kissing over her bare chest. How did Y/N do this... Right!
Y/N gasped as All Might gently pulled her chest into his mouth.
Emphasis on the chest, his mouth was huge??
"Good boy," Y/N smiled, running a hand through his hair. He hummed, hands holding her hips tight. "Damn, your hair is gonna poke my damn eye out."
All Might pulled away to laugh. "Sorry," He kissed her neck. "Can't control it that much."
Y/N experimentally pulled down the stuck up bang and watched it shoot back up into place. "Damn."
"I know," He snorted, kissing under her jawline. "Hard to deal with."
"I always assumed you used hairspray or something," Y/N muttered, then remembered what they were doing. "Kiss me."
She let her hands move down as he listened. She pulled his belt off fairly easily, before unbuttoning them. He groaned into the kiss, hands finding themselves at her ass.
"Take them off," She mumbled, pulling away from him completely so he could.
As always, All Might was quick to listen to her, taking his pants off, also deciding to just take his boxers off with it. He was doing great! Not getting embarrassed at all!
Well he was. Then he saw the Y/N's eyes were glued on him. On his ass.
Y/N saw the way All Might's face got red, and grinned. "Don't tell me you're getting shy now," He shook his head and her grin only got bigger. "On your hands and kness Sir."
He listened, pushing aside the face that this was so fucking embarrassing. Did she have to smile all predator like? Like he was just prey she couldn't wait to eat?
Oh god, is that what she saw?! How embarrassing!
"Good boy," Y/N spoke up after checking him out. God his ass was fat, jesus christ. She didn't bother waiting to grab it, laughing at how All Might jumped immediately.
"God, you're even fucking muscular here," She giggled, smacking his ass hard.
He gasped at the stinging feeling. It didn't hurt much, but it shocked him.
Y/N noticed his lack of talking. "You still doing okay?"
He nodded quickly. "Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry."
"Well don't apologize," She leaned down and kissed his lower back. "Just promise me if you want to stop at any point, you'll tell me."
"I promise, Y/N."
"Good boy," She grinned again, pulling away to get another view of him. His cock hung low, and it looked so fucking sensitive from how red it was.
Y/N debated on letting him come first, but came down to that it might help him calm down. So she leaned forward, gently wrapping her hand around his cock.
All Might gasped at the sudden hand on him, then groaned as he felt Y/N gather up his pre come and started to give him a hand job. It was slow, as if she was savoring the moment.
He already knew she was staring, eyes probably watching his every twitch. "Y/N... I thought-" He choked as she ran her hand over the head of his cock, suddenly rougher. "I thought we were gonna- Uhm-"
"We will, Sir," She leaned over him, kissing his spine and forcing herself to keep her hand moving slow. "But I want to see you come all pretty for me first. And you're going to, yeah? Come all over my hand?"
"Ah fuck," He groaned heavily, leaning down on his elbows. "Yes, Y/N."
She grinned. "There we go, Sir. Good boy."
His mind spiraled. This was different than what he watched. Most of the things he watched were silent or just had moaning, or maybe a few words here and there.
Nothing like the way Y/N spoke to him. God, the way her voice was so confident, the way he managed to make him such a goddamn bottom while simply calling him Sir.
It was going to kill him. The way her hand moved so slowly, her voice speaking out to him.
Oh. She was talking to him.
"Stay with me, Sir," She pulled his head out of the pillow he was using to muffle the moans that fell from his mouth. "Stay with me, All Might, yeah? You're doing such a good job, keeping up this pretty ass in the air, taking my hand so good."
He practically sobbed. Jesus christ, this felt amazing. The consistent slow drag of her hand was bringing tears to his eyes. "Yes, yes- Y/N, fuck. Thank you."
"Don't thank me yet," Y/N snickered. "I haven't done much yet."
"It's-" He struggled to think of the right words. "It feels so good, Y/N. I want more, please."
Y/N hummed at his whine, hips moving into her hand slightly. "You'll get to fuck me later, Sir. I promise. Be patient."
"Yes," He nodded, also stilling his hips. "I'm gonna come, Y/N. Please."
"Already," She smiled. "Good boy. Go ahead and come for me."
He moaned out, took a few more slow strokes of Y/N's hand and he came, eyes rolling back. "Oh fuck- fuck Y/N. Thank you, jesus thank you."
Y/N chuckled, pulling her hand away so he wouldn't start to be overstimulated. She needed him as relaxed as she could make him. "Feel good?"
He nodded, then remembered she wanted him to talk. "Yeah- Yes, Y/N."
"Lay down, Sir," Y/N laid him down completely, still on his stomach. "Comfortable?"
"Yeah," He confirmed, grabbing the pillow in front of his face.
Y/N kissed down his back, feeling the way he twitched. "Still nervous?"
"I'm better."
"Good," She smiled. "You wanna start or do you want a few minutes?"
"We can- Uh, we can start," He coughed.
"Tell me if you don't like anything I do," She spoke, grabbing her lube from her nightstand. "I also think its time we start using a safeword system."
"What's that," He asked, lifting his face from the pillow.
"It's just a small system for you to tell if if you're doing okay, or vice versa of course," She put lube on two fingers, attempting to warm it up. "It helps a lot to let the other know just when to stop. Especially when in the moment, one might tell you to slow down without meaning it."
He jumped when he felt a finger enter him. It was slow, and so gentle.
"Focus on my voice," She kissed his hip. "One of the most basic is just the color system. Green is keep going, yellow is slow down, and red is stop. But really, it can be anything you want."
"Feels weird," He groaned, burying his face back into the pillow as the finger wiggled deeper.
Y/N chuckled. "Were you listening?"
All Might nodded. "Color system, green go, yellow slow down, red stop."
"God you're such a good boy," She kissed across his ass. "So what do you think of the idea?"
"It's uh- fuck," He tensed as she drew another finger in, this time touching his prostate.
He read about that, about how much good it felt. He truly believed it was overexaggerated, but god, it felt amazing. His legs wanted to shake.
"C'mon Sir, answer me."
"I- I uhm," He gulped, Y/N's fingers continuously dragging across his prostate. "I like it, I like the id-EA," He yelped as Y/N bit him.
His ass.
Y/N bit his ass ans he was turned on by it. What the fuck?
"You're taking my fingers much better than I thought you would," She hummed, slipping a third in. "Though, my hands aren't much compared to yours."
Was he doing good? He was breathing pretty damn heavy, probably whining, still yelping- God, this was fucking embarrassing, holy shit. But he couldn't think about it much, not with Y/N's fingers reaching deeper, still brushing past his prostate.
"Fuck me," He asked. "Use your cock- Please Y/N. I need to feel it."
Y/N smiled wide, already reaching for under her bed after she, maybe to roughly, removed her fingers. Oops.
She stood to get her strap on, knowing All Might was watching her. She decided to start smaller. She didn't want to scare him off from this, especially since they went through prepping so fast.
Also her fault, probably.
Soon, she sat on her knees between his spread legs. She decided to put him on his back, she wanted to see his face during this. "Ready?"
All Might nodded quickly, keeping hisbeyes glued on the ceiling. He better not come right now, that would suck.
Y/N held his legs apart the best she could, before slowly sliding her strap into him. He watched his face for any signs of discomfort, but there didn't seem to be any. "Doing okay?"
"Yeah," He nodded, eyes closing at the intrusion. It didn't hurt all that bad though.
"Damn," Y/N snickered. "You're taking this great. Does it hurt at all?"
"Uncomfortable," He finally looked down to her, between his legs. God, she looked so hot. "But uhm, no pain really."
She hummed. "Well that's good," She slid the rest in, her hips meeting the back of his thighs. She felt them tense but All Might still just groaned.
"Fuck me," All Might asked after a few moments. "I'm fine, just fuck me."
"Yes sir," Y/N smirked, letting her hips pull out gently. All Might groaned heavily, bringing and arm up to cover his face. "Don't cover your face."
Y/N's sudden stern voice shocked him, so he pulled his arm down to look at her but she was already fucking back into him. He moaned, letting his head fall back. "Oh- fuck yeah."
Y/N felt crazy, with how wide her grin was. How fucking good All Might looked under her, moaning and gripping the mattress.
She could only laugh as he came within the next minute, practically whimpering. She didn't bother to stop, listening to his whining but not stopping her in anyway.
"Yes yes," All Might fought to stay still as the cock fucked in and out of him. It was a lot, especially after he already came. But he didn't want to stop. Not yet.
He practically sobbed at the hand grabbing his cock. Y/N wasn't being gentle anymore. While no, she wasn't too rough, she sure as hell was fast and grabbing at anything she could.
The sound of their hips meeting repeatedly was making his head spin. Or maybe that was the oncoming orgasm, once again. Or it was the fact that Y/N's hand was pulling at his cock roughly.
"Y/N- Y/N, oh god," He sobbed, tears falling down his face.
"Come, come now," Y/N was still grinning, watching All Might twitch.
All Might cried out a moan as he came again, and he felt his eyes roll back. He felt like he couldn't get air, but jesus, he also felt amazing. He already knew he was shaking, probably ripping her mattress where he held it.
Y/N watched, hips stilling just to enjoy how All Might cried, pulling apart her mattress, legs attempting to pull her closer, all while his cock just kept spilling more and more. It was amazing, truly.
But he did stop soon enough, so she got to helping him. She pulled out, taking the strap off and got up. She needed to clean him.
Then she was being pulled back by very strong arms. "Wait."
"Okay," She nodded, moving to lay on him and kiss his cheek. "You did such a good job, Sir. So proud of you."
She felt All Might sigh as he relaxed into the bed. "Been awhile since I've been this worn out."
"Yeah? What else wore you out like this," Y/N asked, small smirk on her face.
"It was uh, some bigger villain," He drew a blank on the name. "I don't remember his name, I guess. The uh, one with the music quirk."
Y/N snorted. "Could I beat him in a fight? Honestly."
He thought that over. "...yes?"
"You don't know?"
"You're strong but you're stronger with close combat," He shrugged.
"I should fix that," She hummed.
"Got okay aim," He asked, turning to look at her. She still looked so stunning, hair messy, eyes closed as if she was thinking, lips dropped in a small pout.
"Not a lot of practice," She shrugged. "I messed around with Snipe once though. That was kind of fun, but can't say I did that well."
"When was that?"
"When I visited the first time," Y/N opened her eyes to look at him. "I met your assistant, and whatever the fuck she said, you hired me for it," She sighed, stretched before reaching down to smack his dick. "Now hear we are."
All Might groaned, and Y/N snickered, going to sit on his stomach. "Feeling okay," She wiped away the old tears on his face.
"Yeah I'm good," He nodded. "I can go again. Get you to come."
Y/N shook her head. "I'm good. Lets just get cleaned up and rest."
He frowned. "You sure?"
She leaned down to kiss him, then nodded. "I'm sure. I'll be just fine. And I can't exactly pick you up, so c'mon."
All Might chuckled at the idea of Y/N attempting to hold him the way he holds her. "Okay."
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echantedtoon · 6 months
What If: Akaza Edition
AUTHOR'S NOTE: The 'What If' chapters are not cannon. Every other chapter that isn't labeled a 'what if' chapter is. These 'What If' characters are also probably going to be pretty short. Sorry if this is so short. Working on some things while trying to write the next chapter of Monster Bride and irl things. Thanks to everyone for understanding and the patience you've all given me for these Demon Slayer Works.
If you can guess the references of the triplets names you get a cookie. 
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The sounds of the day's rain went by dripping down the  roof and flowing down into the soft earth.  Slow footsteps approached the front door of the simple home wet and stained with mud by the outside of the home. Without alerting anyone inside, the figure slunk inside the sliding door making a soft click behind them. There they stood for the longest time before shaking much like a dog the cold droplets expelling from his body and scattering them about the house before the man stood there. Silence creeping in before a hissing breath was sucked in through hissing fangs, his powerful lungs expanding for the task at hand-
The loud voice bounced off the walls and echoed throughout the home in waves carrying the voice all throughout the home until it faded away. There was silence for a long moment until little squeals and a fast approaching small pair of footsteps rapidly approaching from the left. His blue ear twitched and he turned to the right as a white blue came peeling around the corner. Bright smile on his face and rapid running towards him.
"FATHER, FATHER, FATHER, FATHER!!," the younger form chanted excitedly arms up in the air.
He kneeled down with a gigantic smile, arms out, and easily caught the white haired boy as soon as he was close enough. Standing rapidly he threw him up in the air as proud as a father like him could be. The younger form erupted in laughter at the affection given to him. 
"There you are! I was thinking you had forgotten all about me! Oh you've grown so much since I last held you in my arms!" His smile softened the more he stared at the smiling child. "Are you sure you're the real Rui?"
"It's me, Father!," Rui cheered smiling widely enough to Expose his teeny but sharp fangs. "I've been training hard everyday!"
He couldn't help but smile fondly at the child before maneuvering Rui to be held on a hip before walking his way up a hall. "Is your mother in the kitchen?"
Of course he already knew the answer to that. From even before he stepped inside he could smell the faint smells of roasting fish along with strong spices and other vegetables. Judging by the shuffling noises and the tiny trolls and cries, his oldest wasn't the only one who was awake. But of course the boy nodded happily at him.
"Yeah! You're just in time for dinner, Father. Mother's making roasted fish." He then proudly puffed out his chest and pointed at himself. "I caught it myself in the lake this morning! It was this big!" He chuckled as the child stretched his arms out as wide as they could go.
"Oh wow. That big huh? Then we'll be eating good tonight. I'm so proud of you for providing so well for us." His oldest awed as he offered soft praise. He was proud. His boy was growing stronger, and stronger every day. He'll be a good man once he was all grown up. "I can't wait to see the beautiful dinner you caught us."
"I can show you how I caught it!," Rui immediately offered excitedly grabbing his shoulder. "And then we can go hunting and fishing together!"
"Deal! I have the next two weeks free from Mistress Rei, so we'll go hunting everyday if  that's what you want-"
"YES!!" He didn't even get to finish his sentence before Rui was happily beaming at him. "Yes! I'd like that a lot! And I can show you how strong I became and how smart I got! And you can read all my new books and-"
"Whoa. Slow down there l, Son." He smiled at the excitement of his oldest approaching the doorway now leading to the small kitchen. "I love you and I'll love spending time with you but I need to spend time with your sisters and brother too. And your mother. Ok?"
The boy pouted but nodded. "Oh alright. But we're going hunting together!"
There was another chuckle as the child was slipped from his hip and safety put on the floor just as they reached the doorway and already a figure had their hands on their hips and looking at them. "But first things fi-"
He was cut off by a small group of squeaky coos and squeals from the left of the kitchen caught his attention. The squeals reacting to the sounds of his voice. He paused looking at the woman who rose a brow at him in a 'really' look and he chuckled as the squeaky voices calmed down upon not hearing him anymore. 
"Oh my. I wonder WHO THAT could be?" His smile grew with each excited squeal from the left of the kitchen. Faking a curious hum he tapped his chin and waited for the new coos to die down. "I wonder if it's my babies. Where's the babies?" With a smile he quickly lean forward finally showing himself and smiling. The loudest little excited shrills came out. "*GASP* There you are!"
The warmth the kitchen provided gave the perfect safe feeling to set up the play pen. A few toys were seen stationed within a long with three tiny handmade futons. A perfect little safe haven for a child to rest under the watchful eye of their mother and father. But it wasn't the toys or beds that drew his attention. It was the bobbing motions of three pink haired babbling squealing infants. All three pairs of purple eyes locked onto him as soon as he made his presence known. The first to squeal loudly was the boy followed by his sisters. The trio of tots squealed out and babbled and waved their teeny hands about as their father stepped in ignoring the woman giving him a deadpanned look, he went straight for them with open arms. Sliding to his knees and easily reaching inside to them. His hard calloused hands were soft and gentle as they caressed his little ones. 
His little ones. His beautiful children. His family. His boys will grow up being the strongest. His daughters the most beautiful. He could feel it so as they happily filled in the spaces in his empty arms. One by one. Bring held against the warmth of their father's calming body. 
"Keizo. Amaryllis... Koyuki." Each squealed babbling about in reaction to their names before he just nuzzled into them. He couldn't help it. They were so precious to him. "We're you good for mommy while I was gone?" Keizo squealed being the closest enough to touch his nose. "Did you get to sleep today?"
"They were asleep until you woke them up with your yelling." A lady's voice behind him made him turn to look at the woman before she sighed. "I JUST got  them to sleep, Akaza. It took me HOURS with the thunder and lightning scaring them. And..and ..Why are you wet?"
He chuckled again and stood still holding the three cooing infants and having Rui holding onto his pants leg also seeking attention. He smiled widely at her. "Sweetheart. Honey, Im sorry." He loved how beautiful she looked when pouting like that. It was cute. Although he'd never disrespect her by saying so. "I was so excited to see you all that I forgot it was raining outside."
"You tracked water into my house." She pointed out the water trail at his feet. 
"I'll go dry off immediately and clean it up." Little babbles made his attention go back to the four young children. "Well... Maybe not immediately-"
"Oh no you don't." She immediately stepped forward to reach out and grab Amaryllis from his arms. The chubby girl cooing in curiosity as she was picked up and settled in her mother's arms instead. "You're gonna get them wet and you'll give yourself a cold. I don't need to worry about a sick husband and three infants."
He chuckled at her as she plucked them all one by one from him and sat them back down in the play pen much to their babbling protests. He didn't fight it. She was right as usual. He should go dry off. If he got sick, then he'd be no use to anyone. But he did want to do one thing before he left. She paused as he gently grabbed her hand and brought it to press it against his cheek with a soft purr from his throat.
"I missed you so much. Your touch..I forgot how soft and warm you are. And I can't ever forget about how beautiful you are too....Y/n, I'm sorry I took so long on my last trip."
You blinked before sighing and finally smiling. "It's alright. I'm just happy you're home safe and sound. How did it go?"
He groaned."I had to stop so many men from taking unwilling brides. I swear I hate January."
"Well I'm sure all those girls appreciated it." He froze as she leaned forward and a soft kiss was placed on his mouth before she pulled away just as quickly. "Now go clean up. You're probably hungry and I can't wait to spend time with my husband."
A caress to his frozen cheek had him blushing a deep red and sent a shiver down his spine from the effect she had on himself. But he smiled nonetheless. Because this was his family. His happiness. His world. Precious to him. To love and cherish. And he'll ensure everything is safe. And loved.
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sparkanonymous · 5 months
⚠️ Total Drama Reboot Season 2 Spoilers ⚠️
Alright, so I've been awake for 15 hours now (before starting notes), so I'm gonna get rambly. I know I usually do, but it's definitely gonna get bad.
Episode 9
Priya definitely opened the door twice on Wayne and Raj on purpose. She was just that pissed off.
Okay, but Priya/Damien/Raj/Wayne friendship for the win. I want more of these guys.
Aw, Damien feels bad. (Zeemien-coded)
MK, you cheated in the game, and almost everyone made it clear that they didn't like that, especially since half the people who were mad at you were on the opposite team as you. You knew you were in deep shit with Chris. Are you really surprised? (Plus, like... Priya is generally more liked by most of the cast.)
MK, you know that they know your ways of playing the game. Do you really think sarcasm will work?
Get their asses, Damien.
Raj, why do you know what the peach emoji means?
Damien trying to be the supportive friend Priya needs. (Damiya-coded)
Holy fuck, we finally get to see Caleb. It's been like 5 minutes of straight no-Caleb.
Protective Wayne. He has no idea what's going on, but he's the man you want by your side when things go awry.
Chref moment. Even if he's not into it, Chris will watch any video Chef wants to show him.
Kinda lame challenge.
Goddamn, Caleb really doesn't want to get in between Team MKulia.
Wayne, Raj just got crushed by a fridge. Help him out. Please, he'll die.
Julia really trying to murder Caleb here.
Damien/Sheep friendship.
MK is so getting voted off.
Wayne did all of that in less than 5 minutes?
Damn, Priya can push a boulder.
I don't think Damien can support Priya anymore.
Wayne, really?
Julia is seriously good with axes, huh?
Caleb, this is most certainly not the time.
Julia would become a murderer if she didn't win.
Season 1 mention.
Because he's a dumbass, Chris.
Poor Wayne.
Chef, that's a dumb fucking explanation.
How are bumper stickers private, Chef?
Damien doing everything in his power not to hurt the sheep.
I mean, it was pretty unnecessary for Caleb to take his shirt off, I agree. Like, come on, just one episode? Please?
Poor Chef.
Chris, you're such an asshole.
No matter how strong you are, you can not punch a yacht apart like that.
Poor Damien. Poor Wayne.
So... is Raj eliminated? Because of health reasons?
Chris really just wanted MK out. Wow.
Where the hell did that squirrel come from?
Priya, he had to. Are you serious? I know your heart was broken, but come on. Stop trying to guilt him.
Poor Raj...
Did Chris forget to name Caleb?
MKulia. They love to hate each other.
Julia being worried about MK being mad at her.
Episode 10
Sneaky Damien. I'm surprised he still has the idol, tbh
Finally, some more of Wayne being a good friend.
Caleb, be for real.
I heard that piano cue.
Caleb, you knew that MK and Julia were not trustworthy just last episode. You're either really desperate or really fucking stupid or really forgetful.
Priya, come on.
She's not being helpful, Caleb. Ugh, this is gonna be a slog to get through, isn't it.
So... is Julia just OP this season?
I knew Raj and Wayne didn't keep their own grades up. So they do cheat, they just don't think it counts as cheating.
Damien, don't get cocky.
Julia, how the hell would he cheat off of you? You're behind him. He's not behind you. Although, I guess they're broadcasting the answers on a massive screen...
"You'd be married by now-" Y'all are 16, maybe 17. I really hope they won't.
Raj, Wayne, stop being stupid. Please.
Poor Priya...
Caleb, help her anyway.
Damien, just stop mentioning it.
Poor Damien...
I like how Raj and Wayne are still laying there even after it was clear they guessed.
They really couldn't come up with an MK punishment. Or an Emma one.
I like how Damien just calls everyone a bad person.
Chef calling the raccoons "trash pandas."
Chef letting his frustrations help the campers.
Poor Damien...
Julia, why would you tell Chris you have a phone on you?
"Hey, it's Bowie!" Raj, you're adorable.
Everyone knows Raj and Wayne are dumbasses.
Chef knows about the Caleb and Priya situationship.
Julia should be automatically get eliminated for that.
Caleb x Priya... pretty cute this episode.
Poor Wayne and Raj...
Caleb, don't let your tablet go.
No, you do not deserve to win, Julia.
Oh, come on, Priya... Ugh, not again.
Goddamnit, Julia found the idol.
Episode 11
Damien/Wayne/Raj friendship.
Raj and Wayne loving dogs.
Yo, Ridonculous Race character. Didn't watch that season, but I'm pretty sure that was where she was introduced.
Julia getting rid of a dog for likes... she would totally get canceled for that.
I think Raj and Wayne should have still liked the dogs even after being introduced. Like... come on. 1, they're stupid, and 2, they liked dogs. You can't tell me they wouldn't win the dogs' affections at some point, because they're also stubborn.
See, Raj and Wayne; fucking stupid.
Julia would've killed that dog for crushing her phone.
Why did Priya think that dogs were only after her?
Caleb don't misjudge the dog. You should know this by now; it's Total Drama.
Did you seriously think that would work, Julia?
Raj and Wayne being forced to split up...
"This is horrifyin'-" "This is my Christmas!" LMAO
Raj, you dumbass. Don't go streaking.
That worked?!
Holy fuck, Wayne really thought Raj died. Poor guy, but he's also dumb.
Naked and Afraid mention. I got that reference.
Even Wayne's stupidity surpasses Raj's sometimes...
Raj being dragged by the underwear.
Chris, this was never a family show. What do you mean?
Raj and Wayne were so pissed for a minute.
How did Julia find Priya?
Come on, Priya is fucking OP. She would be able to win just fine.
Take a wild guess, Priya.
Caleb, you're still playing Priya, dumbass.
Ugh, can we have one episode that isn't a close call?
Wayne's sad little arm raise at Raj's elimination.
"Bowie, put on your dancing shoes, 'cause we're goin' out!" Rajbow date mention! (No, I do not know if this is their first date or if it was confirmed somewhere else.)
Damn, they really animated that Raj and Wayne hug. Probably the most emotional elimination, aside from MK's.
"- Why are you still here?" "I dunno!" LMAO
Also, I really hope this Caleb x Priya thing is either resolved now or next episode, because it is a pain...
Episode 12
Okay, so are they like... okay now? I thought they were still rocky?
Caleb being more sensitive to death than Priya.
Priya knowing that Julia was watching them... somewhere.
Priya would definitely be the possessive one in this relationship.
Caleb, tell Priya the truth. Holy fucking shit.
Caleb, come on. You're more cruel than this.
Poor Wayne... also, where'd he get those sticks.
The fucking sad Wayne edit. This is gold LMAO
Where'd he get air pods?
Julia, how did you steal Raj's jersey? If this were another show, that would be really fucking weird. Like, come on. If Raj had ended up being bisexual instead of gay, this would've caused a ton of relationship drama. Y’know, if there was a season 3...
Julia, are you talking about MK when saying you and Wayne both lost your "best buds"?
"So you... wanna get MARRIED??!!" Juliayne nation, how we feeling? (Not my cup of tea, but this is pretty fucking funny. I hope I see more Juliayne art circling this moment.)
"I guess you're better than a bucket in some ways." LMAO
Something about Total Drama that I've noticed (and everyone else has, too) is that when the writers are pairing up an unlikely duo, when one of the participating members doesn't like the other member, they make up some random shit that solidifies their dislike for them. The example today is Julia only pairing up with Wayne for convenience, previously showing her dislike of him, and Wayne talking about some game that he and Raj have never played before on screen, "Spit 'N Catch".
Wayne asking the important, but unwanted, questions.
"Do you really want the answer?" "Well, now, I don't!" Wayne, you should know better than that by now.
Fear Factor episode.
Priya, you were raised on this show. You should see EVERYTHING coming. See, she's too broken of a character to make work well on the show. The writers either make her know everything (like she should)- which leads to her avoiding most of the competition because she's supposed to be that good- or they make her dumb as rocks.
There's a difference between being romantically involved with someone and dating. One can mean literally anything (that's what fanfictions are for) and the other is the official title.
Julia's threatening red screen thing seemed kind of dark. It looks like they put a layer above Julia and the screen, so it kind of doesn't stick out as much as it should have.
Stop playing Priya, man.
Julia, you're making him be a bad boyfriend right now.
Priya being scared of thunder and lightning.
Wow. They couldn't have gotten an intern to pretend to be Raj.
Wayne getting over his fear really quickly. Then the bear returning the hug. Wayne/Bear friendship.
"Fine! We'll do salmon. Again!" This friendship is giving me Izzy vibes.
Julia, you still haven't proven you can be trusted in any capacity. I think you should let the "Caleb avoiding proving himself" thing slide since we both know you wouldn't try proving yourself for anybody.
"Caleb, ya basic!" LMAO
"Woah. Was that Caleb or Priya?" "You should go check."
The Snow Owl mascot lmfao
The poor intern in the costume.
Oh, the clown snake tongue... that's disgusting...
Wayne x Intern Lady. Or friendship. I don't care. They're cute.
"Wayne doesn't get scared. He just grows as a person."
"I'm a big truth guy-" That is not what your tune sounded like during the first half of this season. Writers, stop switching it up. Please, I beg.
Poor Wayne.
"Priya, you got hit with a lot of lightning. So, can you, like, see the future?" With how this show works, I wouldn't be surprised lol
"- and you gave Priya the worst wedgie we've seen in... at least a week." That's so true.
Wait, how is the finale gonna work? I thought there would be 13 episodes, but we're on episode 12 and have 4- soon to be 3- campers left. Is this how it worked last season? I haven't watched the second half of that season in a while.
They do not believe in Wayne... and honestly, neither did I or half of this fandom. We all just prayed.
Well, bye, Priya.
Did you seriously not know. Wayne tells people practically everything, Caleb- while he did lie a lot during the season- would have told you, and you knew you didn't have it. It was obviously the manipulator of the season who had the idol, Priya. You're supposed to be the expert.
"Avenge me!" Well... lesson learned; don't mess with the expert of a really messed up show.
Episode 13
"I would also like to be part of this fight-" lmao Wayne is everything. I wish we could get more Wayne and Julia sibling moments. Those were always pretty funny.
So we finally get some insight on what they want to use the money for. Very helpful... but Julia's only comes into play after this season.
MK and Julia have already been talking about making a podcast? They really are just canon, y'all.
Wayne forgetting about the money.
"Phew! I was worried for a second there." "Were you?" Yeah, I don't think Wayne really knows what worry feels like at this point.
I'm interested. Specifically, who did Scary Girl pick? Or is she just gonna follow Damien?
Okay, I'm a little salty. Damien should've grouped with Wayne. I know most of them are on Caleb's team because he's the strongest and smartest of the three, but what about Waymien friendship?
I was gonna ask why Emma was there, but she kinda had the hots for him the first season and might still now. Millie just followed Priya.
I'm gonna nitpick, but they clearly just stretched out the walls of the outhouse so they'd all fit. Reasonably, there should've been some bickering about how crampednit was. Plus, Millie would've probably almost completely blocked Priya from the shot. Emma looks way too big compared to the other camper, purely because of her head size.
Poor Caleb.
All the characters on Wayne's team cheering for him. I'm not sure why Chase is there, seeing as they barely talked to each other, but it's sweet. Plus, look how cute Wayne is! He's just sitting so politely. (I'm so redrawing this. Please ignore the terrible quality.)
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Wayne would've totally still would've been like "you got it coach!" After the camera turned back to the mountain he actually has to climb. That's just the kinda guy he is.
MK's touch to Julia's thigh. (I have massive MKulia brainrot.)
MKulia banter. I'm glad that Julia has no other supporters.
Wayne joining Zee for a "pizza party." Best buds, man. They ALSO share a braincell.
I'm glad Scary Girl is back in her original outfit. It looks better than the one she had at the beginning of the season. I'm glad that they cleared up where she went, too. I think the writers wanted a more even split of the team supporters, and this was their excuse to have Scary Girl wreak havoc.
Priya, stop pushing Caleb.
"It's amazing he made it this far... and I'm not even talking about the show." LMFAO
Raj's favorite flavor of ice cream is strawberry?
At least Bowie knows their whole thing at this point.
"Isn't he great?" I can't handle Rajbow... my heart... I love them...
Julia would've so fallen.
MK getting pummeled with tee shirts and Chris just enjoying it.
Chris, that's your husband. Help him back up.
I forgot Total Drama's obsession with giving girls bad haircuts. Julia deserved that mullet, though.
MK, you almost made her feel better. Also, come on, did you see the way Julia looked at her for that split second?
Holy fuck, Julia has strength.
Kinda surprised Bowie didn't point out the haircut.
Zee is awesome. I missed him.
They all feel so bad about taking out Wayne. I will point out, however, that Damien was the first to hesitate. Look, I got my ship biases, even when they're friendship biases.
Raj, you dumbass.
"- just remember there are different kinds of smart! ... and I'm Raj is one of them." Whoever is writing this dialogue deserves a cookie.
Priya, come on, celebrate the small victories. It helps.
Very true, Julia.
I like how Caleb still helped Julia. "Sorry I'm a good person!"
Wayne/Raj/Bowie friendship for the win. Their little quips. It's funny.
Was... was Chef gazing at Chris? What was he looking at? How bad is my shipping brainrot?
CHREF MOMENT. WHAT IS GOING ON? Headcanon, Chef has a crush on Chris. Chris doesn't know.
Caleb, you're not that stupid, come on.
"Desperate times call for bad ideas." - Wayne 2023-2024
When Zee knows better, you know someone's getting hurt.
Why is Wayne's confessional with the team so dark?
I'm so proud of Wayne.
Chef shoving a bag of marshmallows into Ripper's face.
Bowie just accepting the dumbassery.
Next season? There'll be a third with these guys? Please!
It was odd that the rest of the episodes came out on a Saturday instead of a Monday. Oh, well! This was fun. I hope that, if there is another season, it's with these guys, and that a lot of the characters people wanted worked on will get the attention they deserve (Scary Girl, Emma, and kinda Millie). I wonder if they'll keep Julia's mullet, or if she'll give herself a pixie cut or something? I think she'd look cute with short hair, but she would definitely not keep it a mullet. And, hey, maybe it'll give even more fuel for MKulia. Who knows?
See you guys next time! Whenever that happens to be!
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natriae · 1 year
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chapter 7
<prev | next>
1.1k words
short one but the plot really gets shaked up
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Running to the school you at least made it on time to pick up Isamu, and had enough time to compose yourself before he could tell you ran. The little boy ran out of the school and hugged his mother in joy. "how about go to the park," you said to the little boy.
"yes please," Isamu responded, he always used his manners, and you were glad your teaching has stuck with him.
Several blocks away Sakusa began following the direction Tendou and Ushijima went. When he finally caught up to them he shouted, "Ushijima!". His face was more sour than usual, and he was going to make it a problem for everyone. Sakusa walked up closer to the two men, and all friendship they had was lost. They turned around at the voice of a familiar man, but the voice was harsher then they've ever heard it. Getting closer to Ushijima, Sakusa held his head up high and stated, "you will stay away from y/n and her son, okay" He pointed his finger at the larger man's wide chest. He was serious about this whole thing. "don't contact her, and definitely don't get in touch with her son," Sakusa finished, "do you understand?" He wouldn't let Ushijima have her again. He hated having to lie directly to her face, but if it would keep her away from other men then he'll do it.
Both Ushijima and Tendou were taken back by Sakusa's statements. Tendou had to double check to make sure Sakusa knew who he was talking to. His eyebrows scrunched and he looked around the small plaza they were in. Taking a step forward, Tendou was about to put Sakusa in his place, whenUshijima put his arm out to stop Tendou from doing any harm. He knew his friend was just trying to be supportive and stick up for him, but he could defend himself. He lost y/n once he won't let it again. He would take every beating that came his way if it meant he would get to have you again. He's put in so much work, and he wants to prove that he's changed. Not moving from his spot, Ushijima rolled his shoulders back and asked Sakusa the most important question in his mind. "Is he your son?" He needed to know. Who does he have to compete with for your love? It's all he cared about since he was 19 years old.
Sakusa scoffed at his question. He looked around making sure it was real, and that Ushijima was seriously asking him that question. Ushijima's arms were crossed and his eyes squinted a little making sure he didn't miss any twitch in Sakusa's face. Sakusa couldn't help, but laugh at the man's actions. "You really don't know, do you?" Sakusa said with a smirk. He watched Ushijima remain unmoving. He scoffed again, sticking his tongue to the side of his cheek. " God you're a fucking idiot… guess somethings never change, huh" Sakusa said to bite at the larger man. "that's your fucking son, dumbass!" Sakusa said, shouting at Ushijima.
Tendou looked at Ushijima, apologetically. That's when Sakusa realized that everyone knew except the man himself. "You had no right to tell him that," Tendou stated in a sharp tone, shaking his head, "Ushijima let's go," Tendou said, grabbing Ushijima's bicep. Sakusa kept his smug face, and Ushijima took a deep breath to contain his emotions, and remained unmoving.
"You can beat me up. Degrade me all you want, but you can't tell me what to do. I'm going to keep pursuing Y/N," Ushijima kept his composure and said his statement in a confident voice. He didn't need to say much more, he knew he got his point across when Sakusa's smirk fell off his face.
Yet Sakusa tried to add more fuel to the fire and added, "she's gonna leave you. No matter how hard you try you'll just be the boy who fucked her and then abandoned her for a sport. She hasn't forgotten Ushijima," he finished. Ushijma walked away with Tendou to prove his point that he's not giving up. He didn't need to yell to get his point across. His mom always told him actions speak louder then words and that's exactly what he'll do. The whole walk back to his apartment Ushijima thought about messaging you to get the full truth. Hopefully that's still your number. Even if that was his kid, why would you hide him from him?
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You Isa were now at the park, both on the swing set. You were stuck in your thoughts moving back and forth on the swing while Isa was swinging high. "Isa baby today I went to a really good Onigiri shop. When I get my paycheck I'll take you. How does that sound," you said, sounding hopeful about the future. Completely unknown to what was happening across town. Isa began to stop himself from swinging by stomping on the red patterned ground below the swing.
"That sounds fun," Isa said, you stopped yourself from adding to the conversation seeing that the boy was lost in his thoughts. "Momma," Isa said, looking at the ground. He seemed hesitant with his next words, "what did Atsumu mean when he called you Ushijima's girl?" he said. His eyebrows were scrunched together in thought, and it was obvious he was trying to find the answer out himself. Has he been thinking about this all week?
"Well, when I was in highschool I actually dated Ushijima… that's it wasn't a big deal," yes it was you thought you'd marry him.
"did you love him," he asked. He was quiet with it like it was a taboo topic.
"yeah, yeah i did love him," you said nodding your head. Still do for some reason. As hard as it was to indulge in these conversations it was nice to have these harder conversations with your son.
"why did you break up" he asked. His head was tilted waiting for your answer.
"it's adult stuff. I'll tell you when your older. It's nothing a little boy like you should know," you said leaning over and cupping his face. He nodded his head once just like his father, and didn't ask any further questions.
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Once the two of you got home, ate dinner, and got ready for bed you were left in the same position as you were before. staring at Ushijima's contact except this time you were actually thinking of things to say. For 5 mins you've been sitting here typing and typing till you settled on a small 'hey, it's y/n' However before you could hit send the green haired man had sent you a message
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fuck your life.
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tags: @mineta-phobic @rukia-uchiha-98 @ssc7514 @megumuro
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ericbrainrot · 1 year
𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐲
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: you and renjun spend christmas over at your parents house, and he has a surprise for you.
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: huang renjun x haitian!fem!reader
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𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fluff
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𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: none
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𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 0.8k
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"How's this outfit?" he looked at you, standing a bit awkwardly.
You couldn't help but laugh as you stared at your boyfriend. You weren't understanding why he was nervous. Nevertheless, he looked good. This suit color suited him well, and the way his hair was styled was the cherry on top for you.
"You look so good right now... Like I wanna fuck you good," his cheeks were red as he sighed, taking a seat on the bed.
"Babe..." he groaned, placing the pillow over his face.
"I'm sorry, but it's true. You look so fine," you sat in front of your vanity, looking at him through your mirror.
"You look amazing," he was staring at you with a slight smile. Your body looked amazing.
Now he got to sit back and watch you do your makeup and fix your wig. He was always fascinated by the way you worked your magic. You were already a goddess in his eyes, but once your makeup was done... He couldn't find a word to surpass goddess. He just knew that he was the luckiest man on earth.
Today, your parents were having a Christmas party and invited everyone over. You knew that your mother only invited you over so that she could see Renjun. He was like the son she never had, and she was always spoiling him. Sometimes forgetting that you were her daughter. Last Christmas, when they were taking the family photo, you were in the bathroom and she almost forgot about you. You wondered what would've happened if Renjun didn't remind your mother about you in there.
With Renjun familiar with your family, you weren't sure why he stressing himself out. You weren't sure if it had to do with the fact that he wasn't able to be there for Thanksgiving or if he hasn't seen them in six months. He should already know that he is a part of the family, and has been for the past three years now.
Once your makeup and hair were finished, Renjun helped you tie your heels across your ankles before you got up from the chair. You looked inside your closet to see which purse you were going to wear, and you decided to wear your white medium telfar. You wanted to keep it simple tonight.
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"Rejunnie!" your mother shouted, opening the door.
She had to be watching her ring camera to see when you two were going to show up.
"Damn, whatever happened to 'hello daughter,' just straight Renjun huh?" you sighed, walking inside the house behind Renjun.
"You know that's her beloved. Ever since he got Ma' that Birkin, she doesn't know how to act for real," your sister huffed, walking inside the living room. "
She was right, the purse that she wears almost everywhere and she's managed to keep it in good condition for this long. You greeted the rest of your family with Renjun before sitting down in the living room. Guessing by the smell of the food, you could tell that the food was almost finished.
"I think my mom made Haitian Mac just for you," you looked at him while his eyes lit up.
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Everyone sat at the table. Passing down the plates, talking, laughing, and just overall having a great time. It was like this each holiday event they had and [your name] was grateful to have such an experience. Yet something seemed off, no someone seemed off. Turning to your left, you noticed that Renjun was missing. Where'd this man disappear to now? He's always doing this. Maybe he was using the restroom, so you weren't going to stress yourself out.
Ten minutes passed and he still wasn't there and everyone was beginning to clean around the table. You helped your mom wash the dishes while other family members cleaned the table and floor. The children and everyone else were in the living room chatting.
"Where the hell did he go..." you muttered to yourself, grabbing a napkin and drying your hands.
Walking to the living room, you heard everyone's voice go quiet. There stood Renjun.
"Where did you go? You had me worried sick about you..." you trailed off, walking to him.
"There's something I need to tell you..." he trailed off, grabbing your hand.
"But before I speak, there's something behind you," and you turned around and saw your niece hand you a rose.
Turning back to Renjun, he was down on one knee. There was no way that this was happening. What the hell? Everyone stood and sat there with big smiles on their face. Did they know about this?
"I haven't said anything yet and you're crying?" he joked with a slight chuckle.
"Being with you for the past three years made me realize how much I love you. I know that you're the one for me and I would love to continue spending the rest of my life with you. So, [your name] would you do me the honor and marry me?" you violently nodded your head with tears falling down your face.
"Yes! Yes, I'll marry you!" you smiled at him, watching him slip the ring on your finger.
"I love you so much," you placed a kiss on his lips once he got up.
"I love you too," he smiled, placing his hands on your waist.
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*·˚ ༘♡#𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐀'𝐒 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐋𝐃! ˖◛⁺⑅♡
realized that i’m renjun biased and i had no oneshots for him????
anyway, happy holidays!
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iono-zone-official · 25 days
[A long video is attached to the post, with the normal Iono Zone logo]
(video text below the cut, it's a long one)
"Your eyeballs are MINE--Caught in my electroweb! Whozawhatzit? It's me, Iono! Ello, ello, hola! Ciao y bonjour! And welcome to the Iono Zone everybody!!"
"We've got us a VERY special guest today! One of the Paldea Elite Four members... IIIIIIIIT'S... RIKA!"
"Hey hey, Rika here, at your-!"
"So! Rika!"
"did you just interrupt me."
"Why don't you tell us about yourself! Liiiike... favorite color, favorite pokemon, aand... Oh, and type specialty!"
"Well, alright then. My name's Rika, I'm 26, an Elite Four member of the Paldea League, my favorite color is dark green, and I love ground types. Especially Clodsire. Their little faces are so squishy and adorable! I've yet to meet anyone that doesn't like 'em!"
"Oh yeah, Clodsire! It's your strongest buddy, ain't it? How'd you two meet?!"
"Well, I'll tell you. I was wandering around Paldea during my own treasure hunt one day, without a pokemon of my own yet as the school didn't hand 'em out back then. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going, and I slipped into a lake near Los Platos."
"Whaaaat?! That's crazy!"
"Yeah, I tried getting out on my own but those Flamigo are terrifying, man! They kept kicking me down, but then this little Wooper, the loveable goopy boys they are, attacked one of the Flamigo by splashing mud at them! I was able to use that distraction to climb out of the lake, and I helped the Wooper get away by throwing some rocks."
"So you two became friends after that?"
"Sure did! My little Clodsire is so smart, he knew exactly how to blind those Flamigos with one shot! They're smart, adorable, strong, and resilient! If someone doesn't like Clodsire... Well, I'd have to refuse to battle them."
"You can DO THAT?!"
"You betcha! Larry turned down someone a few months back for being one of the teachers involved in covering up that big student harassment scandal at that Academy in Mesagoza. Apparently he knew because he has some sorta ties to 'interpol' or whatever, and recognized the guy right away?"
"Larry's a cop?"
"Detective, I guess."
"..huh. I just thought he was some boring guy that hated us."
"Yeah, every League is required to have an interpol agent working for 'em. I think Sinnoh has some exception with that Argenta lady being a high-ranking detective for them?"
"Oooh, speaking of other regions! Do you got any interregional gossip for the peeps listening at home?"
"Hoo boy, where do I start? Oh, let's go with Sinnoh since it's on topic. Did you know that the new champion-ranked trainer, Dawn, is related to the new professor, Lucas? There had to be a whole investigation to make sure it wasn't nepotism that got either of them their jobs!"
"Wowzers! That's real interesting! Ooh, you got anything about Johto? I know it's got ties to Sinnoh, right?"
"You betcha. Apparently Champion Lance has held private investigations, and even assaulted several members of criminal organizations in order to solve cases. Interpol can't do anything, though, due to that part of the world having laws preventing them from entering the Kanto and Johto regions."
"They can DO THAT?!"
"Yeah there's been a whole lot of scandals and cover-ups with that, but I can't say any more. I've probably breached my contract with the league already, so interpol won't protect me if anything happens. But hey, I got Clodsire to protect me so who cares?!"
"Wow... There's a whole lot the elite four get to know that the public doesn't! It's craaazy!"
"Yeah, don't get me started on some of the relationship drama... The interregional group chats are bad enough as it is, I don't want to talk about some of the extremely weird things people talk about in those. At least Poppy ain't in 'em."
"Yeah, that's rough..."
"Oh! We're nearly out of time, Rika. Is there anything else you'd like to say before we gotta wrap things up here?"
"Hm... Well, let's see."
"Kiddos, stay true to yourself. Stick with your dreams until the end, and enjoy the life you've got. You've only got one, so don't go throwing it away with unethical crimes or anything bad like that. If you hurt anyone else, expect to be hurt back. Life is all about give and take, so be kind to others and they'll be kind to you."
"Accept different points of view that conflict with your own, and use experiences in life to build yourself up to be a better person!"
"Wow, Rika. That's SO touching!"
"Hah! You think so?"
"...oh, and another thing. Trans rights are human rights. If I see anyone insulting Iono or Tulip again on the Paldea League forums I'll be cracking skulls. You all hear me?! Don't hate people for who they are, hate them for disgusting actions they make, like murder. If someone hasn't done anything that harms others, don't attack them over it."
"..thank you, Rika. This has been a great interview, and I hope all our little friendos and challengers at home enjoyed it too!"
"I bet they did, it had the best members of the Paldea League in it, kiddo!"
"Yeah! I'm sure they enjoyed it!"
"Well, if any of you found this to be--bzzt!--shocking, go smash that subscribe button!"
"Your eyeballs are MINE--Caught in my electroweb! Whozawhatzit? Iono, the supercharged streamer! Catch y'all later!"
[the stream cuts off, and the video ends]
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wonderinc-sonic · 8 months
Espilver Week Day Six: Verdict
"Lost to Time" on Ao3 (6.8k) A junior detective is faced with the most unusual murderer he's not meant to meet yet. Specific Warnings: Policing, Minor Police Brutality, Described Violence, Described Murder, Gun Threat
The young detective nodded his way past security, and had his vest checked by his commanding officer again.
"Careful." Vector remarked quietly. Espio rolled his eyes.
"He's in custody. Whatever weapon he used, it isn't on him."
Vector glared at him, his long nose tipped up:
"You'd think, wouldn't you? They found nothing."
Espio waved him off, and passed to the maximum security hold. He did think that the officers on the scene would have removed everything from this person, but the concern was valid, since they had no idea how he'd done what he'd done. Or how he knew what he knew. He had been arrested based on his own admission, and although that was strong, they would need more to push this through court quickly, without blowing cover on their own investigation.
The door was guarded by two armed officers, who Espio nodded politely to, despite their disdain for him.
"Is your supervisor late?" One sneered.
"Only people with clearance may investigate this suspect until we're certain he is uninvolved." Espio said steadily back. He omitted the specific clearance order, or what he should be uninvolved in, but since he worked with Vector, he was certain they would know instantly. Indeed, they let him through.
In the cell, handcuffed and naked to the fur sat a greyish hedgehog with the wildest quills Espio had ever seen - all stuck up and out like he'd been electrocuted. He jittered and fidgeted with energy too, and when the door was opened his face cracked into a huge smile - Espio registered with some unease.
"Espio! How are you?"
Espio tensed all over, but continued to his seat, opposite the suspect. He considered if he should acknowledge his own name or not, and settled on not, presuming that someone in the force had mentioned him erroneously at some point. He just stared at the hedgehog.
The hedgehog tried to calm his face, shaking his head hard, and pretending to be serious for a moment, before he burst into giggles again.
"Nice hat." He snickered, making to take it. Instantly Espio gripped his wrist and bent it back, slamming his arm on the table. The hedgehog whimpered pathetically, still with an awful grin on his face.
"Oof, ouch! Okay, I won't touch. I take it you haven't seen a 'me'?"
Espio glared at him, held him there, pressing his cuffs into his wrist. The hedgehog's face finally dripped to sad, and the tired bags under his eyes became more prominent.
"Okay, sorry. I guess I seem scary, huh? You don't know me this time." He sighed, and yawned.
"I'm sorry, is custody boring to you? Or perhaps you expected to be served refreshments for your crime?" Espio spat. He didn't let on how much this strange young man's demeanour disturbed him, or how endearing his face was. Espio had never let who was or wasn't his type impact his arrests or investigations, and sadly knew he was in the minority for this.
"No, I'm not trying to be difficult. Oh, but I did kill that Eggman. So, I guess that's kinda being difficult, if the Chaotix are real police workers here..." The hedgehog murmured the last to himself, but it sent waves of terror invisibly through Espio's solid exterior. This man murdering someone at the centre of a top-secret investigation was one thing, but he could only know about Vector's old garage band he was trying to restart through an uncomfortably close view of their lives.
"If I release you, will you comply with questioning?" He insisted, pressing again on his handcuffs. The hedgehog nodded, so Espio released his arm. He rubbed his eyes, yawned again, and patted his cheeks.
"Yes, sorry, today's just not been my day. Let's start over." He sighed. Espio opened his notebook, leaving one eye on Silver.
"Ah. Haven't got one."
Espio stopped, pen poised, switching both eyes to Silver. He grimace-grinned apologetically.
"I know, not helpful. I'm not a resident here."
"What state are you from?"
"You came from outside the United Federation?"
"Ah, right, I see. We're in Central City? That's part of United Federation now. Interesting. When did that happen?"
Espio narrowed his eyes at Silver.
"This is not how one should play dumb. Are you slow, or just terrible at this?"
Silver laughed warmly, setting Espio on edge. He let one eye flick to the one-way glass Vector would be watching and listening from.
"The first one, probably. Like I said, not from here. From a long way from here, in a few directions."
Espio dotted his notes, and kissed his teeth. He'd progress for now, and circle back.
"You're not too slow to understand why you're here?"
"No, I presume that was the whole Killing Eggman thing?" Silver said easily, swinging his legs in his chair. Espio snarled at him.
"Something to do with murdering Ivo Robotnik, on the streets, in broad daylight, by means of..." He reviewed his notes.
"Oh, squeezing. I just really squeezed him." Silver said simply, making a pop sound with his hand. Espio blew air out through his nostrils hard.
"Do you need that in fancy words? I, um, applied pressure? Corporal Compression? Is that a formal diagnosis?" Silver offered, leaning over to try to view Espio's notes. Lightning fast, Espio smacked his hand between his shoulder blades to hold him to the table.
"Right, right, sorry, not allowed to come near you. Sorry, you can let me up. I won't do anything to you." He said, giggling slightly. Espio hated physically restraining people, but he darted his eyes to the 'mirror' for the reassurance he imagined he received.
His radio buzzed:
"Backup, Espio?" Vector's voice asked.
"Hey, Vector!" Silver called excitedly. Espio again tried not to respond, frustrated his name had been confirmed now, as well as his senior's.
"Let's not escalate just yet." He said quietly into his radio. Silver nodded.
"Yep, sorry, I'm a good boy. Just nosy."
Espio released him a small amount as he listened to security codes on the radio. Silver wriggled under his hand.
"I have an itch on my back, can you get it while you're there?"
"You are certainly sick to think murdering a beloved family man, a Doctor no less, is joking business." He snapped. Silver sat up and frowned at him.
"You think he's more important because he has a family and a degree? That's not very 'Espio' of you." He pointed out, legs swinging again. It burned Espio to know he was once again right, but sometimes this sort of rhetoric worked to bring out grudges or guilt. Silver shouldn't have known what was and wasn't 'Espio', so he pretended he didn't.
"Let's return to how you managed to 'squeeze' him. You were ten feet away. Had you done something to his... clothes?" he started down the feeble list of ideas the detectives had cobbled together. Silver blinked hard.
"Of course. You've never met me. Maybe never met any of the others. Oh my god, what a world. Do you have a driver's license?" He rambled, scratching his ears.
"Of course I do. If you have a license on your person that was not found in search, you must surrender it now."
Silver waved him away.
"Of course I don't, nobody does, in the right time. You've got a license, you're official detectives - not freelance: this is so U.F., no wonder everything's so grey and boring. What's Sonic doing, does he even do stuff - did he meet Tails? Oh my god, did anyone even go get Shadow, did Project Shadow happen? Where's G.U.N.?" Silver asked quickly, practically shaking in his seat. Espio heard alarm bells all around him in his mind: this young man didn't know where he was, but had managed to execute the suspected conspirator they'd been tailing for years from across the road, knew eco-terrorists by names that the police had to fight to find, and casually brought up decades-old military operations that Espio wasn't even supposed to know about. The time for holding cards had passed.
"Just how do you know about Project Shadow?" He tried to speak normally, but found himself whispering. Silver nodded cryptically.
"So it did happen. Did anyone go find him again? You'll have to be careful about that, if I'm not told wrong. Wild. But, I shouldn't be telling you that."
"You should be telling me everything. Stop stalling, how did you kill him?"
"Oh, right, I have psychic powers."
Espio rested his pen over the words 'Pleading Insanity.'
"Psychic powers. And when did you first experience those?"
"Experience... err, is that relevant? I don't really remember. That got wiped when I went back the first time. Big mess, that - at least, I presume, and I know a big mess when I make one." He rambled, nodding at Espio like he made sense.
Espio noted this, his face blank. People experiencing delusions were not inherently a risk of violence for that, but he would need to tread more carefully, and be sure not to debase Silver's perception. He made a note to call in a professional.
"You don't believe me? I can prove it!" Silver said deaperately, his handcuffs jingling.
"That... won't be necessary. Don't stress yourself."
"You think I'm mad! Let me prove it, can I prove it to you? I know you're gonna understand me if I do!" Silver begged Espio. Internally, Espio grimaced. He was so pretty, and so weird he left him feeling powerless. Espio wasn't a psychologist, and was sure a consultant should be present for any communications with this person from here onwards. It wasn't sensible to even continue this inquiry.
Silver tapped the table in front of Espio, his quills dancing as he moved. They waved with a mystical sort of aura, as if they were blowing in the draftless room. It flushed playfulness over Espio's face, that he all but completely resisted.
"What number am I thinking of?"
Silver snorted: "Not that kind of psychic!"
"Ah. I see. Okay."
"Come on, let me show you! I won't do anything bad, I'll only do it if you tell me I can. I don't want to get you in more trouble..."
Getting in trouble was a life Espio swore off when he joined the police force. There was no room as a state of the U.F. for any other kind of justice, so his dreams were pushed aside for reality.
Silver's eyes shone dangerously as he watched Espio's blank face. It was as if he could see the wheels turning behind his eyes, but Espio was told he was unreadable. This stranger couldn't possibly know how tempting he was to believe.
"I'm so lucky it's you in the police force." He said quietly, staring just below his horn at his lips curiously. There was something weird in his voice, like a purr but not so joyful; a lilt that sounded warm and loving, the verbal equivalent of falling onto a bed at the end of the day.
"Fine, show me how you believe you are psychic. Safely, without hurting yourself." Espio said firmly, eyes trained on Silver. Silver raised an eyebrow, tapping one hand then the other, and snickering as Espio's eye caught the tiny movements.
"Nothing gets past you, Espio. Not much, anyway." He said smugly, as a police cap descended onto his head.
Espio blinked, looking up, and feeling the lack of cap on his own brow. Silver looked at himself in the mirror, trying to stuff a quill under the rim.
"It's not really my look, is it?" He said casually. Espio's whole body clenched and his tail coiled.
"How did you do that? Who else is in this room?" He called around him. Behind the door and the mirror someone was scuffling with something.
"Nobody, detective. Just us. And Vector, I guess he's behind there."
Espio watched as the cap glowed cyan, and floated off Silver's head and back to his. It tucked itself back onto his head like an invisible loving hand was fixing it. When Espio's feet could move, he bolted to the door.
"Wait, no, don't go-"
"Get back!" He shouted, one hand on the door handle and the other pulling out a pistol. Silver raised his cuffed hands.
"Woah, woah, you said I could show you! No, don't leave, you're the only-" He looked hard at the door and it glowed; as Espio tugged it, it wouldn't budge.
On the other side of the door, Vector was shouting at him, and slamming his body into it.
"I'm never gonna hurt you! Not ever, you're like, the last person in the world I would hurt, even after me, I swear." Silver pled, his handcuffs jingling as he knelt down in front of Espio. Espio pointed the barrel of the gun straight between his eyes. Neither of them moved for a minute.
"Door's no good. Get away from the window."
Vector buzzed on his radio, and Espio supposed he was back in the viewing room. But the little room they were in left no space to put distance between himself and the window.
"No! You'll get hurt, there's too much glass!" Silver said quickly. Espio took one eye off him to confirm, then glared back at him.
"I will have to neutralise you. For my safety."
"You're not a killer! You wouldn't kill me! I know you wouldn't, stop pretending you're something you're not!" Silver insisted, and he bumped his head against Espio's gun almost affectionately, like a cat against a hand, knocking it slightly off target. Espio felt sick, pulling it away and his finger off the trigger.
"How can I disarm you?" He said quietly. Silver smiled in relief, and lent his head onto Espio's knees.
"Thanks, you nearly had me there. I am disarmed. I'm never going to hurt you." He said, rubbing his head more. Espio looked to the window on fright, and tried the door again.
"Then, let me out."
"But... you're the only person who might listen. Don't leave me just yet, please. It's been so long." He whined slightly, then pulled his head up and stared him down in sudden menace: "And you're the only person I promise I'm never going to hurt. Anyone else, I could."
Espio's heart couldn't thump any faster in his chest if he'd run all around the world. Silver stayed at his knees, holding the door closed. Something thumped against the window, and Silver caught that too, reinforcing it with a cyan sheen.
"Tell them to stop. I'm just... I'm trying to be as helpful as I can, okay? I'm being good. I'm being so so good. You have no idea, I could be-"
"You killed someone. Instantly. With this?" Espio snapped, gesturing to the door with his gun. Silver nodded.
"Yeah. I did. And that's probably against the law? Yeah, okay, fine. I'll go to court and stuff, I can stay that long."
"Stay?" Espio said fiercely. Silver squeaked slightly as he shouted at him, knocking back against the ground like he'd hit him: "Like you have a choice!"
"Don't I? Oh, sure then."
"What does that mean?"
"Nothing..." Silver spoke sulkily, but the mischievous look in his eyes was back.
"Will you sit down and stand down your... weapon?" Espio said evenly, stumbling over the worn phrase. Silver snickered.
"Well, I can sit."
Back at the table. Espio kept his gun ready, and a firm hand on it, bracing for telepathy. He could practically hear the held breath of the officers likely gathered in the viewing gallery. Silver might have been able to hear it too, as his ears twitched.
"How much do you know about Eggman?" He asked plainly. Espio bristled.
"Just who are you to be asking questions?"
"A guy who knows a hell of a lot more than you and is not afraid of you."
The first sign of anger from Silver did indeed spark fear in Espio, but he hid it expertly. Silver rolled his eyes.
"What the hell are you doing with a gun? Awful style for you. Anyway, be my friend for a minute, and I'll tell you what you need to know. You need me to go through court, right? So you lot don't get in trouble, I can do that."
Espio pretended to slack the gun and relax to play the right game for Silver, but his heart was still ringing in his ears.
"... Do you know the penalty for murder is death?"
"I did not. New information. Good to know. Thanks. Okay, I'll tell you something: that isn't going to happen. I could leave right now if I wanted."
"Who are you? You have no power here, you're not even on records."
"So you've done some homework, classic you. I'm from nowhere. I'm from... a whole different place. Nobody normal would believe me, but I am."
"Nor- nevermind. How far?"
"Furthest I've ever travelled."
"Another planet?" Espio challenged with a grim smile. Silver squinted at him, his head tilted to one side.
"Another dimension." Silver said finally. Espio didn't react. He couldn't. He filed that in the back of his mind to process later. Silver didn't seem impressed with his lack of reaction.
"Oh, and the future too. I travel time. I can do space if I need to, usually just to land in the right place. And now, I guess, I travel dimensions. It's been a hell of a year."
Espio sifted the words, and almost laughed.
"How do you know it's been a year, if you've travelled time?"
Silver blinked, staring at him, then started giggling.
"You're right. I don't. I have no idea how long I've been going. I don't even remember when I last slept." He chuckled, covering his face: "Of course you would think of that. Of course, I wouldn't."
He laughed, but it sounded like crying, and his face was red and tired when he brought his hands away, and grinned at Espio. Espio's breath froze in his lungs as the magic man who lent on one palm and gazed at Espio like he hung the moon and stars.
"I missed you so much." He said softly, sparkles dancing in his eyes.
"We've never met."
"Yeah, obviously. You're right. Sorry." Silver sighed, and although the sparkles stayed they fell sad.
Espio cleared his throat and looked down at his nonsensical notes. He hoped Silver had left the recording equipment intact, because nobody was going to believe him.
"So, you say you're planning to escape this dimension?"
"Yeah, but I think that'd be a problem for you. Besides, you know some secrets. You probably know about Chaos Control by now. Or an equivalent, whatever this dimension is called, I forget."
"... I am sure I have no idea what you're talking about."
"Bull. I know your face, Espio. So, it's like, a government secret? Chaos, or whatever other emeralds and stones you have? None of that exists on record here? No wonder Eggman got so far so quick! That's dangerous."
Espio's mind swum with questions, and he studied his notes to hide his expression. It didn't work.
"Okay, okay, where did I lose you?"
"I understand exactly. Carry on."
"No, it's okay. I'm trying to be helpful. What do you need to know?" Silver put his bare hand on the back of Espio's, and Espio jumped.
"Shoot, sorry - no don't shoot! I just forgot. I'm tired, did I mention it's been a long year? Oh yeah, 'cause it... right, I'll shut up." Silver babbled, shuffling upright in his seat and away from Espio. Espio puffed air out of his lungs, expelling the rush of excitement Silver's paw sent through his skin.
"You think you know me."
"I know another you... pretty well." He said, smirking slightly and looking at the zip on Espio's leather jacket, which covered a bulletproof vest, that covered a heart-shaped pattern on his stomach. Something about that face panicked Espio as he remembered his supervisor was watching, and he cleared his throat, jostling papers.
"And you're... dimension hopping. So that you can kill people. It seems we would be doing a lot of people a favour to put you down."
Silver laughed.
"Too little, too late. This mess is all my fault." He said easily, and put his hands on the desk to gesture as he spoke; "See, I come from this universe, we call it the Chaos Dimension, and I travel back in time from my time every few weeks or so, to this point in the twenty-first century. There's this guy called Eggman there, and he sucks - like ruining the world, domination and enslaving and killing people. And there's Sonic, and his pals, and you guys - you're his pals too, and mine - and everybody stops him getting too far. And, like, I'm from their future, my time, the twenty-third century. Oh, sorry, I already said. So anyway, I know when they're about to lose, because my time goes wrong, and I go back to help." He explained quickly. Espio scribbled senselessly, and Silver peaked over his notes.
"Yeah, you got that - so anyway, I'm hangin' out with you in the twenty-first, and had this idea like maybe we wanna-" He stopped himself, suddenly stammering. He now didn't seem like a young man, more a bashful teenager, his face glowing red, and paws gripped tight.
"Want to...?" Espio prompted. Silver shook his head.
"Um, can you take the other Espio off-record, please, I don't think he'd wanna be involved in this. Anyway. Doesn't matter what I was asking, because I had to go home so he said no, wasn't a good idea, makes sense, and I was thinking: Eggman, he's the reason I have to keep going back and forward in time. If he wasn't around, I'd be able to stay in the twenty-first century with you. Not you. My... other friend. Friends. All my friends. That doesn't matter. Anyway. So, I thought I could go back in time to when Eggman was born, give him a-" He clicked his tongue and motioned bashing something: "Then go back to the twenty-first century and have a blast."
"So, you completely ruined their timeline." Espio offered. Silver blinked.
"How'd you know?"
"Because I've seen movies."
Silver sucked his teeth; "Maybe that's my problem, I haven't. Yeah, it was totally buggered. Way worse. So I went back and undid me doing that."
"That shouldn't have worked."
"Well, it did! I reasoned it out with myself, didn't even have to kill that me! But... it kinda made a bigger problem."
"You don't say."
"Yeah, my friend from another Dimension, the Sol dimension, she had another Eggman popping up, and we looked into it and there's like - loads of them. This is my thirtieth dimension that wasn't supposed to have an Eggman, and Blaze is probably on the same score by now, with all this time I wasted. Your Ivo Robotnik wasn't supposed to go bad, his cousin was, but it's like our Eggman's ideas all got splatted across the dimension. And I'm tryna fix em, ideally before my not-boyfriend notices." He trailed off, grumbling to himself. Espio stared hard at him, waiting for more insanity to dribble out of his mouth. Silver fiddled with his fur and scowled at the glass in a distant stare, so Espio scribbled some more notes. The scribbling brought Silver's attention to him again, and a dreamy, vacant smile stretched over his face.
"You are the most beautiful thing in every dimension." He remarked as though it were normal. Espio broke his pen as he pressed it hard on the paper. Silver didn't register that, just gazed at him:
"I hope this me comes back soon. Maybe he will, this is the sort of mess that might bring him back. Or Iblis, maybe? Can you trigger Iblis?"
Espio just stared at him. His brain had fried somewhere between dimension travel and pretty young men.
His radio buzzed.
"How'd he know about Robotnik's movements?" Vector prompted in a stage whisper. Espio shook himself.
"How did you-"
"Hey, Vector." Silver waved at the mirror; "'cause I could see it in the future. Peeked in, saw it was mucked up, came to now, just happened on him over the street. Not my finest work, but there's no negotiating with evil. You just have to-" He made a popping sound.
Espio winced, but pressed on: "So, you know of no leak regarding any investigations?"
Silver shrugged: "I don't know what day it is, you think I know what this dimension's police are up to? You are, let's see, you're the Metus dimension? Yeah, he was messing with your energy sources, dunno what they were. They make fear. Go where you feel really afraid, you'll maybe find 'em. Oh, I shouldn't tell a police that, you'll use it for nastiness. Can you tell Sonic for me, he's great, he's the one you should be following." he said loosely, yawning hard.
"We aren't in contact with Sonic the Hedgehog. If we were, we wouldn't be in this job." He said with wide and serious eyes. Silver looked puzzled at him, then pinched his mouth small, and winked.
"I see. Definitely don't tell him, then. And don't tell him someone called Maria Robotnik is gonna be causing a hell of a lot of trouble. Actually, she should have just started, something about revenge. I hope that wasn't me. Sorry if it was."
He shrugged, shaking slightly. He leant on the table to look at Espio's notes, and Espio saw closer how raggedy he was, with sunken eyes and parched lips.
"That's... all I was supposed to find out from you. Are you sure this is all accurate?"
"Sure as sure. I don't lie. You don't know that, but trust the other you." Silver laughed; "Can you move me to someone else's custody so I can zip outta here without feeling bad for you? It's been fun, though. Nobody's talked to me in... oh I don't know, months? And it's you, too! Luckiest day for me."
Espio felt hot again, and wished he weren't acting under supervision. This young man made him think crazy things about the world, what he could do with his connections, who he could be and what he wanted. Silver's pelt had tangles in it he would love to tug free, and he could smell his sweat and fur from where he lent. Espio pushed himself away from the table.
"Please... don't 'leave' just yet. We need to pose a case, and have you sign it, and er, then we have to move to trial."
"Why? I confessed, hurry it up so I can go without ruining your records."
"We'll do what we can..."
Espio stood up quickly, his whole body itching and writhing. Silver watched him go dopily and sadly.
"Will you be the one to come tell me when you're done with me?" He said sweetly. Espio stood at the door out of view of the mirror, waiting for it to be unlocked, and looked over his shoulder. He nodded, but spoke the opposite:
"Certainly not. It will be a high-security officer."
Silver smirked at his face; "Alright, Detective. Always a pleasure to see you again."
Espio looked pointedly at the door; "I'm sure it's not. Could you let me out?"
"It's been open for ages."
Espio tried the door, and to his embarrassment found it open, but the officers on the other side seemed puzzled too.
Silver snickered at him, and Espio lingered at the door, waiting for any more extraordinary things to come from him.
"Alright, stay safe, love." Silver yawned, putting his head on the table, and laid awkwardly on his cuffed hands.
Espio flushed as pink as his body could go and disappeared out the door. He was immediately patted down and inspected for damage by Vector, who was chewing nicotine gum at a rate of knots and rattling off theories and protocols. Espio couldn't hear him over the blood rushing in his head.
The night before Silver's sentence would be released, Espio scaled the wall of the maximum security cells, invisible and silent in just his shoes and gloves. He hadn't used these skills in years since joining the police academy, and he had little faith in them, but had to press on through the red lights that shone over the sides of the grey and grim building.
He snuck through the fire escape he'd broken last visit, crawling along the ceilings and down the stairs upside down. It was exhilarating to be a chameleon again, to be a ninja as he'd always hoped, but the stakes were too high to enjoy it just yet.
He inserted a copy of the key to Silver's wing into the lock, and cringed at the tiny creak, but nobody came. He skittered down the hall.
Silver unsettled the guards and the other inmates alike; he was too calm, too unbothered. They moved him up and up the security ladder every time he professed that he would get out against Vector's advice.
Always with Vector in tow, Espio had mined Silver for more information, and tried to coach him through trial underhand, but he was pushed through a kangaroo court that was determined to get him out quickly, as they knew what a danger his knowledge posed if it were true. Espio heard that the verdict was set to be announced the next day, and knew their plan had to be ready.
He unlocked the final bolt in Silver's door, and swung it open as quietly as he could. Silver was sleeping soundly, and rolled over.
Once inside the cell, Espio materialised, still in the shadow. He closed the door again, and now Silver awoke.
"Oh, hello. What time is it?"
"Time to do your thing. You're to be given the death penalty tomorrow, and they'll put you first in line."
Silver stretched easily. He looked brighter for having slept on an awful bed and eaten horrific food for almost a week.
"Oh dear. I suppose so. You came out all this way to tell me?" He smiled so warmly as he stood up. Espio nodded, producing his gloves, socks and boots.
"Perfect! These are tricky to replace, thank you."
"I couldn't find your clothes."
"I didn't wear them."
"But you have to."
"Have to here, not most universes. Besides, you aren't."
Espio shrunk in on himself.
"Easier to disguise myself this way. I do not make a habit of public indecency."
"Hmm, funny culture you guys have here. I won't miss it."
"Where will you go?" Espio said quickly, handing Silver his gloves as he finished clipping his boots. Silver twizzled one ring onto his wrist, and it projected a sort of scatter graph of coloured points, with lots of different lines going between glowing points.
"Dip into your future here, check it's on track, then over to the Protos Dimension, where there's an EggBaby launching war on some poor hoglet." Silver shrugged. Espio held onto the last glove, shyly placing it on Silver's hand for him.
"I hope I see you in the future."
"Shouldn't see me, but maybe the other me. Cause a loada trouble, I'll rock up." He said with a small laugh. Espio's hand lingered on the ring for just a moment, before it joined the other behind his back.
"If it's not all fixed, I'll be back in about, ooh, one second."
"Just one moment:"
Silver stopped, just as he started to glow with supernatural energy. Espio held his hands behind his back, his tongue tying and untying itself.
"Yes, dear?" Silver said softly, and it sent shivers down his spine. Silver had nearly had the stuffing knocked out of him by Vector when he accidentally slipped up like this during one questioning: Espio's superior was sure this was some kind of grooming or scheming, but it seemed to Espio that Silver genuinely forgot he wasn't talking to his version of Espio.
Espio hoped he would do it again. Silver's eyes lingered on the bow of his chest again, so he supposed he had.
"Tell the other me how hard you have worked? I suppose you won't be back for some time. But, I think I would like to know."
Silver looked away and sniffed grumpily.
"No, you'd say something like; 'this wouldn't have happened if you listened the first time.', and you'd be right." Silver sighed, imitating Espio as he spoke. The Espio in the room inclined his head.
"Maybe so. But the fact that you tried, and dared to try, it's probably what I like about you."
Silver suddenly looked embarrassed again, and rubbed his face. Espio couldn't quite work out why things like running around naked and calling a stranger 'darling' didn't embarrass him, but even suggesting that this mystical other version might or might not like him back sent his bravery packing.
"I... I don't know what he sees in me. Maybe nothing, now. Can't think about it yet. Got too many worlds to save. That question's for later." He hurried, kicking his toes on the ground.
"I'd say yes."
Silver twinged slightly, eyes popping. Espio wanted to back away as he stepped forward, suddenly regretting saying more than a few words here. Silver still terrified him. But he couldn't stop thinking about him, and now he was about to upheave his whole life over him.
Silver quietly took Espio's hand, and rubbed his thumb over his palm.
"Thank you." He whispered. Espio's watch timer told him that he was overdue back at the car, and his chest told him he didn't care. He dropped Silver's hand and kissed him, holding both his cheeks at first, then letting his fingers tangle in the knots of his wild hair.
He was gently walked backward, until his shoulder rested on the cold wall. Silver seemed more stumbled than he ever had, but his hands found Espio's waist and rested there. He bit his lip slightly, but found a rhythm eventually, and huffed slightly with enthusiasm. He held him tighter, then suddenly pulled his face away.
"Wait-a-minute, wait, am I cheating?" He said into Espio's cheek, panting slightly in panic. Espio kissed the other side of his face.
"I thought you said you weren't dating."
"... I'm not sure if he meant no, or just said no." Silver ran a hand through his quills as he spoke, suddenly terrified; "I'm so sorry, I keep confusing things - oh my god, I have to go. I'm making such a mess!"
He sprang back from Espio, who stayed leant against the wall in a stupor.
"I... would probably understand. Good luck." He managed, and gazed in what he presumed was madness as Silver glowed cyan, brighter and brighter, like a sun ready to burst.
He didn't take his eyes off Espio, instead studied him all over as though he were the brilliant thing in the room. He shifted from cyan, to bright shiny purple, then into ultraviolet before Espio couldn't see him anymore, and something rumbled like thunder. Espio waited for a minute, before he presumed Silver wasn't coming back, and began his escape from the prison.
Invisible again, he tapped three times on the tinted glass of the unmarked van. It opened, and he leapt in, as the engine started.
"Where the hell were you? That creep didn't-"
"He didn't touch me. He's not a creep, he's just weird. Step on it, I have a feeling I was spotted."
As if it heard, the siren in the prison started, and Vector pulled away as fast as he could.
"He's gone?"
"Saw it myself. Just as he said it would be. Truly bizarre."
Vector wore his old leather jacket, and had a cigarette in his mouth for the first time since he'd been promoted. He chewed it, and waited until they hit the motorway before opening the window to light. They had the road to themselves, and he drove faster than they'd even gone with the blue lights on.
"You sure you got all our possessions?"
Vector sucked the roll guiltily, and blew it out the window.
"Everything that matters." He nodded over his shoulder. In the back of their car was his full drumkit and huge speakers, Espio's guitars, two suitcases, an assortment of litter - both the usual car trash and random kitchen things Vector had thrown in. Nestled in the pile was an old car seat, with a sleeping bee strapped under a blanket.
"You took the neighbour's kid? That's abduction, we'll get-"
"Got for a lot else too. In for the penny, I say. And who was gonna feed 'im if we went? Not his mum, that's for sure." Vector whined, fizzing in the night air like a rocket down the road. At times like these, Espio was sure that Vector, like him, had joined the police force without realising what it was really like. He didn't like paperwork, enforcing laws or courts. He liked justice, driving too fast, and sticking his nose into everyone's business. When they realised they were in the crosshairs of a lot of shady people asking for information and silence over the Silver case, it was Vector's idea to link up with an old band-mate of his across the border, and see if they could switch their skills to a better cause.
But there was no way a little kid would be safe in the hands of two messy, wanted men with no savings.
"I asked him. He said he'd rather come with us than stay home." Vector said softly, as though he read Espio's mind, then blew smoke out the window again.
They drove in silence, before they drove in oppressively loud rock music, and Espio started to feel excited for his new life.
"I'm going to become a ninja, like I always dreamed." Espio declared over the speakers. Vector snorted.
"Sure, I always knew you were a nerd. I'm going full-time as a crooner, obviously."
"You'll fail, and I'll watch."
"Oh, definitely, you have to be there for every gig. Throwing things at me, all that good stuff."
"I will. I think I can learn a language."
"Doubly a nerd. Which one?"
"Which one will you hate the most? Or, perhaps as many as I possibly can?"
"That does sound annoying. Maybe I'll take up wrestling."
"To have a luchador mask, and so I can hit people with a chair and make the crowd go wild."
"WWE is not real wrestling."
"Tell it to the chair."
He mimed hitting Espio, and they squabbled. They were so close to the border now, they could taste freedom in the smoky air.
"I'm gonna find the lady I met. The one who ran away with her kid and called me the worst guy she ever met. I got a kid now, maybe she'll be impressed by that." Vector said with a laugh, but the tiny shift in his tone told Espio he wasn't joking.
"You should. She might not have forgiven you for arresting her."
"It was my job. I think she went to knothole, anyway. You never know when you'll find your soulmate."
"If you subscribe to such a belief."
Espio sniffed. Vector nodded at that, but smiled anyway.
"It's nice to think about. You might find the one. She might even like you back."
Vector laughed quickly, and Espio stretched his mouth into a straight line.
"He might."
Vector stopped laughing, but didn't stop smiling.
"Yeah, I'm not very surprised. Didn't like to ask, what with work."
"That is appreciated."
"... you should leave criminals alone though."
"But what are we, now?"
Vector wanted to think of an answer, but his phone rang with a picture of an Armadillo with a saxophone. Mighty yawned down the phone:
"Oi, Vector, is this your sparkly grey hedgehog here? It just turned up, said it's from the future."
The car jolted, and the kid they called Charmy woke up. Vector slowly regained speed, and eyeballed Espio with his peripheral. Espio let his face fall blank, and took the phone.
"Could you ask him if he's from just the future, or also the... Chaos dimension?" He asked. Vector snorted as Mighty called something, and someone shouted.
"He said 'whaddya mean just the future' - so prob'ly that one."
"Oh, good. The world is saved." He remarked. Vector laughed harshly, and whistled the phone over.
"Keep him there for now. There's someone terribly excited to see him."
"Who's from the future? We going to the future?" The kid in the back of the car popped his head forward, saw the speed they were moving, and cackled wildly.
"Faster, faster! Whee!" he cheered, and they blasted past the border of the United Federation, into the lawless land.
tagging @espilver-week for the archive!
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wilchur · 1 month
I don’t even go here but your replies to deepdragons were so needlessly hostile.
“If you found it so disrespectful then why didn’t you block me?” This is childish and hypocritical. If you found their take so bad, why did you go out of your way to go to their blog, find the post, and then argue with them? Why didn’t YOU block them first so you wouldn’t have to see their takes? Why do people need to block you, to actively prevent you from interacting with them entirely, for you to not be rude to them?
People will have shitty takes and you will not agree with every post you see — that’s the nature of fandom. You can’t control how other people post or think and that’s annoying, I get it, but YOU can control how you interact with others. The way you were speaking to that person was so needlessly rude and hostile. Is that how you speak to people in real life? I’m so curious as to what your goal was in talking to them like that. Surely it wasn’t to convince any one of anything. Who would want to agree with someone being so dickish and annoying about something as inconsequential as the politics of elven aging? So, what was all of that for? Did that make you happy or have you just riled yourself up? Do you feel like you accomplished something by speaking to someone like that?
I really hate when people tear others apart for being wrong about fandom things. If you were wrong about something, do you think you would appreciate someone talking to you in the way you spoke to deepdragons? Or would you rather they approach you with respect and understanding? Golden rule and all that, yeah?
You did not have to seek them out and you did not have to engage with them. Next time, either speak to others with respect or just make your own goddamn post. Not everything needs to be a debate.
I also find it funny how you were coming at them for not being faithful for the lore or whatever and then, when someone with more textual evidence than you rebutted your statements and called for you to back up your claims, you were like “I can’t be expected to cite all of my claims like an academic paper!!” Fucking lol. The onus of proof lies only with the people you disagree with, huh?
Have you seen the original post? I'm guessing not because then you'd know that my reply pretty much mirrored the exact condescending tone used by the OP. I also didn't "go out of my way" to do anything. I've said so before and I'll repeat it again: I got an error while reblogging the OG post, went to check the person's blog for what's up with that and the first thing I saw was them calling people stupid for pointing out that They're Not Correct. I already had the post written at that point and I simply copied it from one tab to another. This is the internet, you post something publicly people can and will interact with it unless you stop them. I didn't block the OP because at the time I did not give a shit if they interacted with me or not, I was just setting straight misinfo I see regurgitated over and over again to the point I'm sick of it. Because of the attitude they displayed I was actually fully expecting to get blocked straight away myself.
I'm not actually a dick unless someone annoys me into it. Because sometimes people get annoyed and they're rude, that's just how people work. But I guess you know that? Since you're annoyed at me and wrote a whole essay trying to make me feel bad?
And just to finish this off.. none of my statements were rebutted. I got lore dumped on and half of it wasn't even interpreted correctly from the linked books. Yes, I don't need to cite like it's an academic paper because all the goddamn info needed was already in my first post. Astarion was not a child because he was a grown ass man with a government job. There's no basis for "Ascended Vampires can't love" because Larian homebrews their vampires so the written lore doesn't apply. That's literally it. People on this site just can't fucking read.
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j0rg33n · 9 months
Tear you apart part1(?) (Tf2 Sniper x GN!reader)
A/N PLEASE READ -> hiii this is my first ever fic, I wrote it when I was bored while traveling by train, so don't expect anything spectacular also English is not my native language so sorry for possible mistakes (you can point them out if you want I will gladly correct them!!) I'm still not sure about posting it so if you like it, let me know and I'll post the next part cuz despite everything I surprisingly enjoyed working on it??? I also posted it on ao3
[words count: 820]
Your relationship with Mundy was starting to disturb your every day life. All you could think about was him. His scent, his voice, especially when he called your name, even standing in the same room as him started being disheartening.You keep having that unsatisfied feeling growing inside of you and you couldn't do anything with it. You couldn't really make a move since you knew that it will not bring the desired effect. He is a man with hard values; "professionals have standards" this sentence kept running through your head every time you wanted to change things between you and him,but you were sure he wouldn't want relationship between one of his colleagues. So you just keept admiring him form behind. That was the safest way, but it always left you unsatisfied. You wanted more.
As you remain to live in cloud-cuckoo-landyou haven't noticed that your team started to go their separate ways until you heard familiar voice
"you okay ma'am?" it was Engi, you didn't turn around to face him, leaving him only with a plain response "Yeah just lost myself in thoughts" he didn't push more, leaving you as you are. You really liked him for respecting your personal space. As you were planning on leaving the rec room you heard familiar groan, that send instant chills through your body.
"You too? what's happening to y'all?is something in the air?" engi half joking asked. Sniper came to the table you two were sitting at. "Nah i just have bad snipin day, need to practice more" eyes focused on his rifle you decided to stay and pretend you're going through your stuff, so you could listen to their conversation.
"Guess that holiday got you off tracks boy, well sorry but can't help you with that, not my cup of tee" as always engi was using that warm western tone, it was nice, it always brings a smile onto your face "but I'm sure you gonna get better soon, you're the best sniper I've ever met.... and I've only met one" Engi laughed off and gave him a solid hit on his back. This made you laugh a little.
"Old bastard" Sniper let out a little chuckle. That's when your eyes met and it hit you. Your stomach started to feel tight. You tried to not show it, but you wanted to tear your skin apart. You wanted him and this was bad. You wanted to keep him close to you, but you couldn't. You started losing sense of your surroundings. Were they talking? Was there complete silence? You didn't know, you were completely lost in his eyes. They are so pretty, you feel like they could tell you much more than you know about him, but there was some kind of wall made of glass keeping you away from him. it hurts you once again. After probably few seconds of you staring at him you manage to get a hold of yourself, going back to reality where it seems he broke the eye contact long time ago and went on their conversation. You began to listen again.
"So the shooting range is still inactive?" "yea sorry cowboy you gonna have to figure something out"
"just shoot some thing I don't know bottles?"
"mate do oi look like 6yer old t'ya?"
"I'm just trying to help you out" he stopped for a moment "why don't our princesses asisste you and throw them so you can shot moving objects since she doesn't have anything better to do?" he then turned to you grinning and you were once again taken back to the real life
"Huh?? what?" you looked at Texan visibly confused
"What miss?still daydreaming? I just found you a job that will keep you busy, no need to thank me ma'am" he stood proudly with a big grin
"Throwing bottles up the sky in a friday evening woow yeah that's just what I needed thank you my saviour" you responded sarcastically bowing a bit to him,you manage to get a light laugh form him. Meanwhile sniper looked a little lost, not knowing what he should say or do, so you took the initiative.
"Well... if you really need me I can help you" u wasn't sure if this was good idea and you quickly lost all your conifidence, so in order to escape his gaze you began looking for another point to state, so you directed your next words towards the engineer "As the engi said I don't have anything better to do" you tried to give him sassy look. "yea 'kay Shelia how could I turn back offer like this?" god his smile is so precious and you love when he refers to you as "Shelia" its just a Australian slang and he probably uses it to every women he meets but the fact that he never uses it to call Miss Pauling (surely due to the fact that she's his superior) makes you feel special everytime.
"M'gonna meet you infornt of the base in one hour, is that oaky?" "yea sure see you later " you quickly gave him a smile before he turned and went somewhere.
congratulations if you noticed the reference to a song !! Any tips, advices anything are always welcome:]
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bonnielunkas · 5 months
okay hear me out, hurricane paranormal society dashboard simulator
actually that's a dumb idea forget i said anything
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🎮 gamerswag39
jesus fucking christ i'm so upset rn. literally got a call over NOTHING. so what if the animatonics are moving at night that doesn't mean shit man. they move at night at my location. they move at night at the pizzaplex. they moved at night in the 80's and 90's. they just do that. and then they had the nerve to get mad at me for not wanting to deal with it? like? just get a technician to deal with it if it's that big of a problem?
📞 phone-a-dude
lmao didn't they like. kill night guards in the 80's/90's
🎮 gamerswag39
yeah? jake our boss's husband literally got assaulted by mangle?
📞 phone-a-dude
yeah i remember him talking about that lmao
📞 phone-a-dude
just checked some company records my dad almost got killed by chica back in like 93 lol
🎮 gamerswag39
didn't your dad literally kill those kids?
📞 phone-a-dude
lmfao yeah
💙 stanleyblogs
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238 notes
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⚙ exo-gurl
Alright, today's the day guys, gonna be showing off the exosuit in my robotics class. (Made it with a bit of help from @ history-with-shelly but no one in my class needs to know that. Thanks btw Shelly, you're a real one.)
⚙ exo-gurl
⚙ exo-gurl
🖥 coding-and-cats
you're welcome 👍
⚙ exo-gurl
749 notes
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🌀 tgirl-sonic-the-hedgehog
Me and my gf are going on a date later hopefully nothing weird or paranormal happens!
🌀 tgirl-sonic-the-hedgehog
Hey what the fuck is Faz-goo and why is this random kid I don't know warning me about it.
1,253 notes
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🔧 cob-rulez
not to name names, but istg i'm this close to dropping one of my friends. he literally went like, 50 in a school zone, almost ran over tobes' boyfriend, and he didn't even fucking apologize? he just kept driving like that didn't happen? like? wtf?
(pete when you see this i'm really sorry my friend almost hit you)
🏈 absolutely-footballin
🔧 cob-rulez
yes unfortunately.
💛 aimees-corner
And this is why I've been telling you to drop him for the last few years.
🔧 cob-rulez
in my defense i haven't been in a truck with him before i thought everyone was just like, exaggerating when they said he's a terrible driver
💛 aimees-corner
Need we forget all the times he's ended up on the news? Enough to where there's a whole post about it?
🛻 trucks-n-shit
gang i'm like, RIGHT HERE.
🌐 certified-hurricane-moment
Certified Hurricane Moments in history
🔧 cob-rulez
13,572 notes
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🧃 applesauceboy
Okay so I kinda always figured? I was adopted? Since me and my parents don't look alike at all. But WHAT DO YOU MEAN I HAVE AN OLDER BROTHER I JUST NEVER KNEW ABOUT? I'm hanging out with him right now and like? How did we just never know?
🧃 applesauceboy
His name is Devon btw if like, any of you guys know him.
📓 kaiju-fanboy
I work with him, I guess? He joined the paranormal team I'm in because he accidentally killed a classmate once.
🧃 applesauceboy
👾 gregorygaming
oh yeah I know him too lol. apparently he went to that abandoned freddy's out in the woods with his friend and said classmate and the classmate put on a springlock suit and bled out? but then devon went back a week later and his classmate was there and they were fine and then everyone just moved on like nothing happened.
🧃 applesauceboy
🧃 applesauceboy
🧃 applesauceboy
136 notes
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🦊 yargfoxyforever
hey guys what does it mean if my cousin has blue eyes and his name is freddy and he's really nice
💖 m4rl3y
Alec please stop borderline shit-talking my younger brother I really don't see what the issue is
🦊 yargfoxyforever
chat, Does She Know?
💖 m4rl3y
Alec what does that mean
💖 m4rl3y
14 notes
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🐻 mnm-fazbear-facts
Hey guys, Mandy here with some exciting news!!!! I'm gonna be visiting Utah next week to see my friends!!!! I'll let you guys know if I can learn any cool info on this trip!!! See you guys in a week!!!! ^v^
🐻 mnm-fazbear-facts
Guys I think I'm being haunted.
102 notes
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🧢 thegreendemon
🧢 thegreendemon
@ kaiju-fanboy @ gregorygaming YOU TWO.
46 notes
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🌹 heather-the-musical
This close to kicking this random blonde dude out of Film Club, he's annoying when it comes to directing and he can't use a camera to save his life.
🌹 heather-the-musical
No fucking way he just showed me literal footage of a Freddy's just to prove he's a good camera man. What the fuck.
🌹 heather-the-musical
263 notes
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💀 tomb-and-gloom
like this post if you love yuri
5,048 notes
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🍀 sir-gee-oh
stuck on a phone call with matt. ignoring him isn't enough i need to kill this guy.
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