#graveyard poly
m1lkt00th · 4 months
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[ID: A drawing of Geno and Reaper with alternate designs based on the webcore and starflesh aesthetics. /End ID.]
[ID: A drawing of Nightmare and Error with alternate designs based on the astrocore and glowwave aesthetics. /End ID.]
i'll make coloured drawings of these one day but the designs were made by my sibling fresh!! :3 graveyard poly my beloved
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phantom-fyre · 1 year
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👻👻spooky graveyard appreciation post👻👻
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killertoons · 5 months
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New year and I'm cringe still...so LETS BE CUTE DAMNIT FUN TIMES ONLY! 🎉🎉🎉🎉
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3dgoblindev · 5 months
Sneaky zombie
Now the zombies in the graveyard are also bouncy.
I think I'm getting the hang of animating little guys as if they were balls.
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sluttyten · 2 years
Patiently awaiting a new fic because things have been DRY if you know what I mean 😂. Have you read anything good lately?
I haven’t read many fics lately, all the reading I’ve been doing has been books, BUT I am working on something
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river-taxbird · 6 months
The Endless Ocean games on Wii!
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Endless Ocean 1 and 2 are an awesome duology of Wii games where you scuba dive, learn about fish, and collect treasure. The main gameplay loop consists of exploring vast underwater environments, find hidden treasure, and interact with fish to fill up a fish-dex. Playing it as a kid even encouraged me to try scuba diving!
They look fantastic too, it's like, still the PS2 era graphics, but it's on Wii so it is like, the peak of that. It has that charming low poly look I have seen a lot of people craving.
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Most of your time in the game is just exploring and taking in the environment, but there is always something to find. When you interact with fish, you fill up a fish-dex, and you can learn real world facts about them. If you play it, you'll have so many fish facts to share with people. (When they're accurate, the games are old)
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They even have a story with pretty good human characters. The environments are fantastical, you visit ancient ruins, ship graveyards, even sunken castles, but the human characters means it always stays grounded and has some pathos.
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If you are into older games and you're looking for a shorter length game with low-fi graphics, gameplay that doesn't really resemble anything before or since, and to learn a bunch of cool fish facts, I can't recommend Endless Ocean enough. I think they might be kind of rare these days, but they work great, and are thematically appropriate, on Dolphin, and should work fine with a normal controller, especially Endless Ocean 2 as it had Classic Controller support.
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st4rzl1ghtz · 1 month
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People asked 'what about poly', soo
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE POLY SHIP FROM SCHOOL BUS GRAVEYARD (If you don't ship any poly just say your favorite ship, mine is Tylenol, Tyler x Logan)
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divine-misfortune · 4 months
Show me your methods I’ll show you my humility
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Dewdrop/Phantom, background Swiss/Phantom
Tags: implied poly ghouls, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Spanking, Public Humiliation, Verbal Humiliation, Degradation, Name-Calling, Mildly Dubious Consent(its just phantom denying liking things to save face), Leg Humping, Voyeurism, Rough Sex, Exhibitionism, Mean Dew, Bratty Phantom, no proper aftercare
Words: 3,555
Summary: “I'll ask again, where the fuck were you?”
“Graveyard, helping baby bat really relax.” Swiss’ tail grazed his ankle and Phantom hummed in agreement. Always agreeable when it came to him. “Borrowed a little stress relief from Mounty, little of this, little of that, and would you look at the kid now - look at that smile.”
“You took him to smoke weed in the graveyard and left me to get chewed out…Are you fucking kidding me?”
“Romantic,” Rain cooed from his place on the couch, the only one not perturbed by Dew and his anger. Phantom had never seen him flinch from the fire ghoul, even when his emotions ran scalding. “None of you take me to get high in the cemetery anymore.”
A request from @herbal-quintessence from a few months ago that I got incredibly carried away with. Special little thanks to @wrathofrats for being my extra set of eyes <3
Read on Ao3
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m1lkt00th · 3 months
graveyard poly is a poly composed of error, reaper, geno and nightmare (where geno & error have a platonic relationship) (the longer version of this is after’destructive’death’mare)
this ship (my personal interpretation) stems from being unsure if i wanted to place destructivedeath (error & reaper), errormare (error & nightmare), deathmare (reaper & nightmare) or afterdeath (reaper & geno) into my verse. so i just combined them all !!
im gonna go over my personal interpretation of these guys :3!
geno, in this context, comes from an alternate version of aftertale where geno remains trapped in the save screen (reminiscent of common afterdeath fics). he is visited (found) first by reaper, then error, then nightmare (bc of error’s introduction)
nightmare and geno’s first meetings were through error’s two-way windows/portals. they eventually progress to the point where nightmare and geno are comfortable enough to be in the save screen together.
error and geno share a lot of similarities (that few have picked up on) but their level of touch aversion is different. error prefers to not be touched whenever possible while geno is open to it if given prior warning
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gods-graveyard · 3 months
I made fanart of my own post- I give you my favorite insane poly trio
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(Original link https://www.tumblr.com/gods-graveyard/744576621749633024/incorrect-hp-quotes-based-on-my-fic-pt2?source=share)
Also once again shameless self promo of my fic where I aggressivly ship these three (https://archiveofourown.org/works/51105907)
Text below-
Percy: I have high standards in ANY partner
Oliver: 'm just sayin how hard cann-it be?
Marcus: Its never been done before..
Oliver: Then we can try at bein the first!
Marcus: Question is- can you reach 30 mph and catch it mid air
Oliver: Well sure- but the Dulgari brand only goes 27
Marcus: Im pretty sure Diggory has one- we can nab it pretty easily
Oliver: Or we can ju'st ask
Marcus: That works too- I swear that Hufflepuff needs to grow a backbone before people take advantage of him
Oliver: As if ya any better- now wanna hit the feild?
Marcus- Shut it- and do you even have to ask Wood?
Percy: ...i am a weak man
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n3kk1tty · 2 months
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Beasts of Santa Carla
This story includes a lot of original characters. Photos of characters and favorite scenes will be drawn. You can find their photos on the masters list along with the prologue and past chapters.
Original characters in chapter: Lamia, Veve, Volk
( Masterslist ) <---- Find them here
(Beasts of Santa Carla is a AU of the Lost Boys. It involves adult themes, poly relationships, and is definitely not made for the underaged. If you don't like poly content, queer representation, shipping of the boys together or heavy sexual themes and violence. This story is not meant for you and that's okay. This story is made solely for my own enjoyment and anyone else who's along for the ride. )
(Y/n) - Your name
𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 2
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Originally the boys were excited that Laddie had finally become a full vampire. Even Max had popped into visit and celebrate Laddie's new status. Though as the week went on they all started to notice how different he was from the others. To start Laddies sleep schedule was completely sparatic at this point. There was an attempt to change it by Star and Dwayne after day two but the tantrums that followed after that were legendary to say the least. Which shocked everyone worse as Laddie never had such outbursts before.
If Laddie didn't get to sleep between the times of 1am to 7am he would become like Satan's spon reincarnated. It would start with whining before spiraling into throwing objects twice his size and weight, jumping at high speeds off the cave walls, and Lord forbid you tried to pin him down. Marko learned that hard truth when Laddie almost bit straight through his arm. Laddie's bite force had become so strong he was teething on bones and rocks and this point. It scared the life outta Star when she caught Laddie with a rotting human carcass from the graveyard chewing on bones like they were cheese puffs.
Dwayne had somehow managed to pry open Laddie's mouth only to reveal not just fangs but all his back molars were replaced with these big bulky teeth that resembled that of a hyenas. Dwayne was panicking like a mother hen at this point. His little buddy had now become an unmanageable beast who at this point he was sure was sneaking off in the day with how many times he managed to somehow find and dig up human carcasses. I mean that alone was an issue that they had to stop as the waking up to the smell of fermented dead guy was not pleasant and the amount of laundry having to be done just to get rid of the smell was driving the pack mad.
David thought taking Laddie to hunt with them so he could have all the fresh bones would be enough. It did fix the corpse napping problem to say the least and the drying left over bones for Laddie so he could eat during the day was kinda a cool look. But as one problem was managed more appeared to arise every time. Laddie was still running off into the sunlight during the day and no one could keep him in the cave if they tried. I mean it was like watching the messiah of all vampires as David had stayed up late to catch Laddie's tiny ass in the act as he didn't believe Star.
There in the sunlight full blast was Laddie caught in the act of running off during the day. David was floored absolutely utterly floored. What the fuck had this kid eaten for his first hunt as a vampire to make him the second coming of Christ. David and Dwayne felt like an old married couple at this point as they were always fighting about what to do with there tiny terror. Laddie would sometimes listen to them he would out right ignore Star and like a thorn in their sides outright try and fight the terror twins and Micheal. It was terrifying the pack and David swore Dwayne was growing grey hairs as Laddie would act up.
Day five of this shit show all came crashing down as Laddie had now become picky about blood. This kid looked Dwayne straight in the eyes after receiving a fresh kill and upturned his nose pushing it away like it was a piece of broccoli. Stating very matter of fact like "I'll eat the bones but the blood isn't as good as big sis." WHO THE FUCK WAS BIG SIS. Dwayne was done, it was like a cord snapped inside this man and the one who had the patience of a saint had to throw his hands in the air and walk away.
"David get your kid. " Dwayne walked back towards his bike David tailing behind him practically shouting. "What do you mean get your kid! Where are you going Dwayne?!" They were both tired at this point exhausted from the five days of hell. Laddie made Marko and Paul look like saints right now and Dwayne just wanted his kid to go back to being at least easier to manage. He didn't want Laddie to get hurt during the day and he wanted answers to why Laddie was like this. Who was he running out in the day to see and why when Laddie was pressed on the matter he just said he was following big sis.
Dwayne wanted answers now. He and David had a working theory that the demon Laddie had first fed off of had to have been visiting him during the day. When Laddie got to play with her during the day by the time everyone would wake up Laddie would be smiling from ear to ear and be back to his usually self until around his bed time. Laddie only ever called her big sis but had accidentally given away details about this mystery broad during off hand conversations with Paul. They kept a scrap of the blanket that had the demon's blood on it in a jar sealed tight as to not lose the scent. Though Dwayne was ashamed to admit it was mostly so Laddie couldn't hog the smell all to himself.
It was intoxicating to all of them, something about the scent felt so comforting and drawing in. Like walking through a memory or into the arms of someone you loved a lot. Marko one night attempted to snag the blanket from Laddie and had received a narly bite to his leg as both got into a fight over it. Trying to confiscate that thing was not going to be easy so the scrap fabric would have to be there only lead to track down this person and get answers. Dwayne pulled the small jar from his pocket tossing it to David.
"We need answers David. I'm heading to the witch run shops in town. They should have books on vampires and succubus there, we may get some answers about little man and some helpful knowledge about our mystery lady. I'll be back before dawn." Dwayne turned on his bike gearing up to go making sure he had some cash in his pocket. David let out a frustrated huff before lighting a smoke. " I'll have the terror twins come up with enough cash. You know we're either gonna have to bribe or threaten our way into Chateau Vermillion?" Dwayne let out a little chuckle trying to ease his frustrations .
"Yeah, Paul got us banned while back. Lamia will castrate him on site if she even gets a whiff of his scent." The pair shared a laugh before Dwayne pressed a kiss to David's knuckles. "Think you'll survive while I'm gone?" David turned to look at the terror twins currently in a spat with Laddie about being picky. " You'll be lucky if the cave isn't on fire." David's face sank in exhaustion as Dwayne drove off into the night. He was excited for this little hunt when they first found Laddie and the mystery blanket but now he just wanted a night where he wasn't separating the three from a fight. In two days they were gonna barge into Chateau Vermillion whether Lamia liked it or not. David was gonna find this mystery woman whether he had to flip Santa Carla inside out or not. Maybe he should get a little compensation for his troubles. His lips curling into a smirk around his cigarette.
He could practically imagine the taste of the blood belonging to the mystery woman with such an intoxicating scent. Maybe the pack should keep her all to themselves.
Your head throbbed in your skull. Maybe all that drinking yesterday after you got back from spending time with Laddie wasn't a good idea after all. It's been a week now since the incident with Laddie and surprisingly it's been eventful yet peaceful. Your Aunt Lamia wasn't happy you fed a vampire kid with your blood but she understood there wasn't much else you could do. She had dropped the grudge against the matter instead to fuss over you and check your wounds. You didn't understand why she felt the need, your healing factor was great due to your lineage and besides you could probably fill an Olympic size swimming pool with blood before dropping dead. Though you think you'd get hungry before that.
You frowned a bit realizing your cousin Veve wasn't in bed when you woke up. It was hard to sleep when you didn't have the warmth and heart beat of another next to you which meant you usually woke up way too early. You kick the sad deco away that Veve tried to leave with you. Really the pillow with a box inside that makes heart beat noises. Veve should have just got another person to stay in the bed with you while you snoozed then you probably wouldn't have woken up. You couldn't stay mad at her though, you had made her worry about you when you told her you and Laddie had been hanging out with each other when you were on baby sitting duty.
If you knew the pack had a daywalker child running around you would have been more cautious with how close to the cave you were camping out at. The first few days you tried staying away from him but Laddie just thought you were playing tag so he started jumping after you. And my goodness did this kid have a mouth on him. You thought his voice box would burn out with how many Doe eyed questions he kept asking you. Why do you have horns? Why doesn't your tail have spikes? Why do your wings look like moth wings? Are you a moth? Will I get wings? It made your head spin at first and it was kinda annoying to be chased all day by him but you quickly gave into his non stop onslaught of questions.
I mean he really was just a kid. Day walker or not there was no question that Laddie was just a curious kid. Plus if Laddie was just a child you could easily get info outta him whenever you wanted. That's what you told yourself on day three but it became quickly apparent you just had a soft spot for him. He just genuinely wanted to know things and I mean you had to watch after them all day so what was the harm in keeping yourself busy with helping the kid out. You had brought Laddie an umbrella meant for day walkers on day two when you realized he was running around in the sun without pacing himself.
Which quickly led to the poor baby throwing up almost everything in his stomach and getting the sun itches when he was going overboard. You flew down to where Laddie was hunched over in a light pile on the ground. You opened the umbrella for you two patting his face with a wash cloth. You lifted the boy gently cleaning his face from vomit and getting some water down his throat. " Baby fangs you have to pace yourself in the sun. Just because you can't feel yourself burning up doesn't mean you're not wrecking your body Hun. " Laddie looked so frail after his puking stunt and he visible didn't look like he was doing to well.
One moment he was up and about like a ball of energy next he was hunched over in whatever shade he could find vomiting up anything that was in his stomach plus he was getting sunburned from being directly in it. "It hurts. My stomach hurts sis" you could feel your heart clench in your chest. Like he was just reaching in tugging at your heart strings. You refused to let the boy know your name so the rest could never find out but that doesn't mean you couldn't help him out. You let out a pool of your blood quickly forming it into a bunch of butterflies. These would have to be your eyes until you two could get back. At least if while you were gone you could still do your job and watch over the sight.
You flew Laddie over to the Santa Carla cemetery. As a succubus you were required to have basic knowledge on all potential clients you may run into while feeding so you knew Day walkers needed to eat more to be in the sun. While they were vampires who could be in the sun they had to consume higher calorie dense foods and meals more frequently as their bodies were burning more repairing their skin and body in the sun. You had no choice, you needed to get this boy washed up and some human bones in his stomach along with probably demonic blood and regular human food.
A true nutritional meal includes fruits after all. So for a few days you and Laddie would go to the cemetery bribing the ghouls of the place to Let you get Laddie washed up in their facilities after he spent time helping them dig a corpse up he wanted to drag off. You weren't particularly fond of having to drag a corpse with you through high altitudes along with an overly excited child on your back but it was kinda fun. You two spent the days in the sun by the ocean either eating, playing in the water, or teaching Laddie things. You weren't going to admit it but you were somewhat helping train Laddie up so maybe he could someday also participate in fight club.
He seemed to enjoy play fighting as much as you did and the quickest way to get used to one's powers is by practicing using them. I mean that's how you used your skill to get better at fighting rather than healing or seducing opponents. You also made sure that if Laddie was ever discovered by another Vampire who had knowledge of the vampiric high council Laddie would be able to get away with being a child day walker. Child vampires were taboo but day walker child vampires were extra banned as they were more prone to madness. Plus from your quizzing Laddie he had about zero knowledge on vampiric rules, history, or governmental system.
Meaning Laddie truly was a feral. All three of these could spell death for him if he was discovered. You knew from a repeat customer that if Vampiric council members found ferals they deemed too much of a risk they would be terminated quickly. You couldn't stand the thought of Laddie being executed in the public bathing of holy water. So you took it upon yourself to teach this boy how to fight and about everything he needed to know about his own people so if he was found before you could get him aged up with medicine then he would stand a chance of not being killed.
You quickly dogged Laddies lunging for you. "Who do all vampires stem from." Laddie caught his breathe before turning around preparing to lunge again. "Dracula Tepes!" Laddie shouts. You two had been working on training him while he fought as he got too bored when you just tried reading to him. "Good, Keep it up Laddie you can do it! All you need to do is tag me on one of my vital spots." You side stepped the kid again. You knew his height and speed could make him a formidable foe if only he could get his reaction time up. "Next question. What is the vampiric society known for?"
Laddie hesitated this question he has also gotten wrong it was hard to remember and he was getting tired. " Robots?" You swept Laddies feet out from under him catching his little body by his shirt. His face inches from the ground. You let out a playful laugh. "I mean you're not wrong in a sense kiddo but the answer is scientific and robotic advancements." You lifted Laddie up letting him get back on his feet handing him a water as he pouted obviously frustrated he couldn't get the answer right. You ruffled his hair playfully. " I know it's a hard one to remember. Just remember that they live a long time and spend a lot of time playing with robots and science equipment like a mad scientist from a movie."
"Big sister do they really do that." Laddie asked looking at the sun low in the sky. He knew you'd be leaving right after this but he really didn't want you to. "Yes honey they do. Maybe someday me and you can go see the city of vampires and you can see all the cool stuff they have made. Some vampires spend all their time on earth researching and learning about specific things. Now I gotta go okay I'll see you tomorrow, I'll make sure to bring oxtail for breakfast. " Laddie pouted huffing in frustration.
" Why do you always have to leave before sunset. It's not fair!" Laddie was getting frustrated. He loved spending all day with you but he hated when you left. You shot a look at Laddie for the tone in his voice giving him the ol mom look at him. The boy instantly quieting his tone. "I miss you when you leave. " The little boy rubbed his arm. You wanted to scold him for his manners but your heart hurt at how tiny and pitiful he looked with his cheeks puffed out and bottom lip poking out. Instead you decided to pat the young boys head. "Now when did you go stealing my heart hmmm." You softly smiled making eye contact with the boy so he knew you were serious affectionately putting your foreheads together, a traditional succubus sign of familiar affection.
"As soon as you go to sleep then wake up you know I'll be right here waiting for you baby bat. Now make sure you're eating all your dinner and brushing your fangs." You start flying back to Chateau Vermilion shouting down to Laddie as the boy starts running back to the cave. "And watch your tone! We use our manners young man!" Laddie smiled a wide fang filled smile back to you cupping his hands together around his mouth to shout back. " Yes Big Sister!!!" You watched the little boy run back practically skipping the whole way.
Now that you were awake from your less than stellar sleep you got prepared to take a shower and head up to the community kitchen. Co-sleeping was usually a fine tendency to have as a succubus but it sucked when you and your bed buddy were on different schedules. It didn't help that Veve didn't like sharing you with others as a bunk buddy since you two have shared a bed together since you were mere younglings freshly kicked from your parents sleeping pile. You and Veve would usually cuddle close to each other before bed talking about your days or any hot gossip you heard of.
You feel a sense of loneliness since you haven't been able to do that since starting this babysitting gig. It was fine though because at least you could still attend the fight club and take on regular customers when you needed to feed. Though right now you were just drinking a pre-saved essence bottle with some coffee and toast before you headed out, trying desperately to ease your hangover. You'd just feed on your lycanthrope friend Volk when you got there since he was a regular customer of yours anyway. Your stomach growled at the thought reminding you, you should probably be hurrying up.
Your cup of coffee was interrupted by Veve storming into the community kitchen. "(Y/n) you have to go!" Veve looked worried quickly handing you an outfit to change into. "Veve! Hold up what's going on? Are these Volks clothes!?" Your confusion was met with Veve grabbing your arm and leading you to the back door where you could already see Volk with your other lycanthrope buddies next to their car. You were shimmying into the baggy clothes but before you could even ask another question again the guys were opening a black sack.
"Your vampires are here looking for you and unless you wanna blow your cover you need to take your tiny ass and bounce girl." The group stared around you your cousin looking frantic. "Fine I'll go in the body bag but just for your information boys my safe word just so happens to be rigatoni!" The werewolves put you in the bag lifting you up and putting you in the car turning on the station they know you like. That was nice you thought as you can't wait to just get to the fight club and finally get some food in your system.
David and Dwayne had successfully bullied Lamia into letting them into the Chateau Vermillion. They were happy to use the territory rules and disputes in their favor to catch their little succubus without having to use their money. Though they knew finding her would be hard with all these pheromones and drugs in the air. Lamia had set strict regulations for them to be allowed back into the building as well. Though luckily it meant if they could catch her today with their planned pincer attack then they could come back again.
First they had to keep these anti bite masks on which David was happy that it had a way for him to enjoy the luxury cigars they sold at this joint. He did miss frequenting this joint so it was nice to have a card on the table able to bully his way back in. Sadly though he couldn't get Paul or Marko pardoned back in after Paul's attempt to bite a succubi neck last time. Thanks to the book Dwayne got from the witch shop they finally knew why it was such a offense.
David was happy Dwayne bought those books. Not only did they discover what happened to Laddie but now they know how to recreate it with Star and Micheal. Though the most intriguing point of the books was the enslaving of succubi and hybrids. David smirked into his cigar an evil tint behind his eyes. If this little succubus proved to be as intoxicating as her scent proved then he wouldn't mind making her the group's play thing. A succubi mate who feasted off sexual experiences sounded delightful to David. I mean Laddie already loved her so making her his mother would be a easy matter.
Dwayne smelled the air he could faintly smell her but not strong enough to confirm she was in the building. She was here but she's not anymore. If they scared her out the back then Marko and Paul can track her down. Laddie was like a blood hound for her scent so even the smallest amount would be enough for him to follow her. Plus if she tried to alter her gender to male Laddie could still identify her . Dwayne was more focused on trying to find out her name. What was the name of the woman's scent who's been driving him insane and whose blood altered Laddie.
Why was she always hanging around the cave but going so far as to hide her name from Laddie so they wouldn't find her. Dwayne craved answers and was hungry for a drink of her blood. He had to stop Paul multiple times from stealing the glass bottle holding the fabric scrap. Paul wanted to try sucking the dried blood up just to get a small taste. The pair sat in a balcony window seat staring down at the show going on below them. Succubi in all shapes and sizes genders and shades everywhere. Some were on the stage performing some were in audience seats cozing up to guests. None of them smelt as good.
It was like staring at art. They were all beautiful and amazing in their own right but there wasn't that spark or urge the blood had stirred in them. Dwayne and David could probably pay for some services and probably have a good time but they were looking for their mysterious golden girl. From the info they pry from Laddie they were looking for a Succubus with a thorned tail and wings in the shape of a moths. Their little mystery girl was a hybrid.
Dwayne's eyes sharpened as someone walked past smelling strongly of her. It wasn't her but this person must of spent a long time with her as the mystery girls scent was practically imbued underneath the girls own. His scent tracking abilities were the strongest of the pack so he was confident in his decision. Reaching out Dwayne slammed the curtains open and on the other side stood a short chubby succubus. She practically jumped when he opened the curtain as his form leered over hers. David took a puff from his cigar smiling the best he could from behind the mask. "Excuse me miss could you bring us a menu we have a particular girl we'd like to order for the night." Venom lacing his tone.
Veve's eyes dilated for a few seconds before she attempted to compose herself. She knew they would be hunting for (Y/n) scent so she couldn't let her cousins name slip from her mouth. Her mouth pinched into a tight smile as she handed the menu over trying hard not to make contact but making sure to flash the unavailable girls list as well. Luckily the list showed (Y/n) was bought out for the whole week by Volk and his crew. She knew Volk was always down to bail (Y/n) outta customers she didn't like in favor of him receiving more time with her. David smirked pointing confidently right to (Y/n) picture.
"We'd like to reserve this one. When do you think she will be free?" David's voice dripped honey laced with venom as an evil smile grew across his face. You don't have to open your mouth around David or tell them we're you were with Dwayne. One could smell you in a crowd full of mixing scents while the other one could read minds so strongly in a mix of many that this little succubus's thought blocking spell was nothing but childs play for him.
You were simply a rabbit running from a pack of wolves in the moonlight but it was uncertain which wolf would catch you in their jaws first.
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( Chapter 3 )
All oc's in the chapter will have character sheets up to help with fanfiction visualization. Favorite scenes from the chapter will have photos included and linked. Make sure to like and comment.
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onyx-got-clowned · 2 months
i think we are severely lacking with the age regression (sfw) in the lu fandom 😔
little links by silentspider, is such a good fic!! it has multiple parts that are all so good! (16k words in total)
i think that they all would age regress to some degree at least- but the main ones would be time, warriors, wild, and legend, i dunno they just give me major little vibes :’)
•time would be super energetic, and climb lots of trees, he would totally collect bugs too. And could be convinced to put them in fours bedroll. Time would regress to 5-6 years old, He’d say the trees are all unique, giving them names and being the only one to successfully tell them apart. He likes to keep a stuffed horse that looks like epona in his bag, malon made it for him!
•Wars would enjoy playing pretend, or more physical games. Usually regresses to 7 years old. He’d probably force everyone to play sharks n minnows, ghost in the graveyard, games like that! he likes to color or draw, also likes to watch four do weapon maintenance. ——
•Wild is a total nature kid, would roll around in mud and you’d not even know what color his clothes are by the dirt and grime just absolutely covering him. Definitely regresses to 8 years old, only going younger is stressed. Rocks are in his pocket, some Rollie polies even. Would climb the highest tree within range and wind would have to get him down. Enjoys playing hide and seek, always ends up being the last to be found. HE MAKES MUD PIES!!!
•legend is more bubbly, but will not share ANYTHING. Don’t ask it will be no. He usually regresses to around 6-7. He likes to hangout around water, and will collect anything that catches his eye, using his hat as a big pocket. Likes to read or play capture the flag (or any variation of such) will try and sneak to do things he knows he isn’t supposed to do.
•wind would probably age dream, never fully regressing, but usually is around 6 while doing so. Enjoys pretty much the same as he usually would not age dreaming, but will beg and BEG to braid everyone’s hair. No matter if it’s short or not, a braid will be in every links hair by the end of the day. When he isn’t age dreaming, total big brother and will convince them into shenanigans.
•four would regress discretely, but the main giveaway is how quiet he gets. Usually just regresses to 9 years old. He likes to read and keep to himself, but that’s when he’s not split. The colors already similar when regressing, but all enjoy different activities. Green enjoys fishing strangely enough, but uses his hands. Blue would see how long he can do a hand stand or something competitive. Red would color and draw with wars. Vio would be the one to read and likes being read too as well!
•hyrule is similar to wild, but likes to take walks and analyze everything. Regresses to 5 years old. He enjoys the sensory of being outside, touching everything (that is safe to do so) and usually drags sky along, regressed or not. He has a special journal just for pressing flowers and pretty weeds. Likes to swim and float in a starfish position for hours.
•sky is the one who regresses to 11 years old, and likes to wrangle four, hyrule, time, and wars into playing charades. He doesn’t carve (cus he isn’t allowed) but learned origami instead! Likes to give them to everyone, usually of their favorite animal or the animal that reminds him of them!
•twilight regresses to 7 years old, likes to play tag! Forces everyone to play when available and it’s scary when he runs full speed to catch someone. Now they know how dink felt . Teaches hyrule how to catch fish bare handed in the rivers, wild gladly takes them to cook as a meal. Twi likes to hang upside down on a tree and screeches at anyone who passes by- if he’s questioned his only reply is “I’m a bat!” Nothing else. Also likes to smack his head into people, full speed, grinning and unapologetic. If questioned, only reply is “I’m a goat! That’s my job!” And runs off to do it to someone else.
remember guys, Age regression is a SFW COPING MECHANISM!!! So i don’t wanna see any hate! These are just my personal opinions and self projection
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akystaracer22 · 3 months
Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust AU Masterpost
Synopsis: Sinner/Fallen Angel Adam AU with a subplot of Adamsapple slowburn combined with endgame Edenpoly and a sprinkle of Adam being a father. Full of angst, hurt/comfort, fluff, and a bunch of worldbuilding.
Character References:
Adam, Also Adam
Maybe in Another Life We Would Hate Each Other a Little Less
Synopsis: A chance encounter sheds a little light on Adam that Lucifer couldn’t have predicted, leading to a moment he thought he’d never have with the man.
Distrust Fall
Synopsis: A leap of faith gone wrong, an eternal promise kept eternally. No matter how long it has been some things never truly change.
Here in The Garden, Lets Play a Game
Synopsis: A nightmare about paradise, and an attempt to create something new, even the coldest hearts can warm with a careful touch.
Let's Make a Deal
Synopsis: Let's go back a moment, how exactly did Adam end up joining the hotel? And how was the graveyard created? Lucifer makes a deal with Adam, but not for what Lucifer thought it would be.
The Exception to the Rule
Synopsis: How far do you bend your morals for someone you love?
Free the Bird From its Gilded Cage
Synopsis: Lucifer would tell anyone who asked his greatest regret was letting humanity eat the apple. Better than admitting what he really regretted.
Ruthlessness is Mercy Upon Ourselves
Synopsis: Vaggie and Adam talk about mercy and each other. It doesn’t go in any direction they thought it would.
Related Headcanons:
The Poly
Adam and Animals
The AU poll
Kissing with apples
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5eraphim · 1 year
ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧ Masterlist
(Last updated: 6/1/2023)
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⚠️this is an 18+ Account!!! Minors Please NO NOT INTERACT!! This is a general content warning for dark themes, angst, yandere, non/dubcon, and other such upsetting topics. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE: Do NOT interact if any off this is triggering or offensive to you. Your Media consumption is your responsibility, you have been warned.⚠️
Reblogs are always appreciated  (۶•̀ᴗ•́)۶
One shots ( ♡₊˚ = personal favorites) ✧˖ °
˙⊹French Invasion Tactics (Yandere Spy) ( ♡₊˚)
(Content Warnings: dubcon/coercion, Touch starved reader, yandere, hand kink, manipulation, possessive behavior, outdoor sex (graveyard sex), fingering, heresy/blasphemy, slightly rough, toxic relationship, AFAB reader, bad ending/angst)
˙⊹ Keep Your Friends Close (Heavy and Medic!Poly)
Content Warnings: AFAB reader, smut, three way, oral (female receiving), first time, size difference, slight intoxication, dubcon (nothing too intense, but for the sake of intoxication/slight coercion), heavymedic sandwich.
˙⊹ Look Ma No Hands! (Yandere Scout)
Content Warnings:  afab reader, dubcon, forced intimacy, oral (female receiving, scout is kinda weird about feet for a moment i guess?, biting, kidnapping, yandere, toxic relationship
˙⊹ Fingertips (Dark Medic)  ( ♡₊˚)
Content Warnings: Dark!Medic, HARD noncon, forced intimacy/orgasm, AFAB reader/ female gendered terms, misogyny kink, corruption, toxic relationship dynamic, possessive behavior, rough, virgin breaking, medical misogyny (and slight infantilization)
˙⊹ Safe and Sound (Yandere Spy)
Content Warnings: yandere, mind break, Stockholm Syndrome, servant/master dynamics, denial/edging, sexual massage, possessive behavior
˙⊹ John 1:9 (Yandere Medic)  ( ♡₊˚)
Content Warnings: Heirophilia, priest kink, guilt tripping, BLASPHEMY, yandere, mind break, blood, needles (Or whatever the hell you want to call the vita saw), abuse of power, handjob
˙⊹ Nuthin’ Personal (Dark Heavy, Engie and Sniper)  ( ♡₊˚)
Content warnings: noncon, three way, Dark!Characterization, humiliation, oral (male receiving), choking, knives, blood, punishment, double penetration, spit, groping, jarate used for SPITE, bad ending
˙⊹ S’nowhere to Go (Yandere Heavy)
Content Warnings: hurt/comfort, forced intimacy, dubcon, yandere, canon divergence, thigh ridding, unhealthy relationship, handjob
˙⊹ Cruelest (Classic Heavy)  ( ♡₊˚)
Content Warnings: Dubcon, abuse of power, oral (male and female receiving), size kink, shaming, edging, BAD ENDING, rough
˙⊹ Big Slugger Pt. I (Yandere Scout)
Content warnings: yandere, gunplay (obvi), blowjob, bloodplay (?), humiliation, noncon, B*stonian Male 
˙⊹ Big Slugger Pt.II (Yandere Scout)
Content Warnings:  dubcon, alcohol,  yandere, forced relationship gunplay, humiliation  
˙⊹ Laid to Rest (Yandere Spy)
Content Warnings: hurt/comfort, yandere, forced intimacy, depression, unhealthy relationship dynamics, angst
˙⊹ Call me Little Fraulein (Yandere Medic)
Content Warnings: Praise kink, voice kink, sensory deprivation, abuse of power, oral (female receiving), misuse of medical equipment
˙⊹ A Rainbow Named Pain (Yandere Pyro)
Content warnings: Noncon, yandere, rough, blood
˙⊹ A Wrench to Grind (Dark Engineer)  ( ♡₊˚)
Content Warnings: Noncon, mating press, misogyny (AFAB Reader), slapping, choking, rough, bad ending, Engie straight up uses reader's mouth as an ashtray...
˙⊹ Nocturnal Intrusion (Yandere Junkrat)
Content warnings: non-con, degradation, humiliation, rough play, break-in
Headcanons  ✧˖ °
˙⊹ Scout, Sniper and Scout as vampires with a vampire hunter Reader  ( ♡₊˚)
˙⊹ Demo, Engie, Heavy and Medic as vampires with a vampire hunter Reader  ( ♡₊˚)
˙⊹ Heavy getting lead on by Reader with a size kink
˙⊹ Scout, Soldier, Demo and Engie getting bootycalled while away from home on business
˙⊹ Yandere Mercs ranked most to least likely to try and babytrap their obsession
˙⊹ Yandere Medic NSFW Alphabet
˙⊹ Fearplay with Yandere Scout
˙⊹ Villian!Tenya Iida Headcanons
˙⊹ Caretaker Medic Headcanons  ( ♡₊˚)
˙⊹ Yandere Eddie Gluskin and William Afton pervert headcanons
˙⊹ Scout NSFW Alphabet
˙⊹ Emperor, Tower, Devil and Moon tarot card asks for Yandere Scout
˙⊹ Judgement and Death tarot card asks for Yandere Spy, Sniper and Engineer
˙⊹ Devil Tarot card ask for Yandere Medic
˙⊹ Fool, Hanged Man and Magician tarot card ask for Yandere Medic
˙⊹ Sun, Fool, Hierophant and Wheel of fortune tarot card ask for Demo
˙⊹ Hanged man, High priestess and the magician for yandere Administrator
˙⊹ Medic and Engie (separate) with an obsession who managed to run away  ( ♡₊˚)
˙⊹ Medic, Sniper and Spy with a kidnapped obsession who develops Stockholm syndrome  ( ♡₊˚)
˙⊹ Engie with a rival engineer reader  ( ♡₊˚)
˙⊹ The Shape, The Artist, The Clown, The Mastermind and The Doctor with somnophilia
˙⊹ Heavy Yandere Alphabet
˙⊹ Yandere Sniper NSFW Alphabet
˙⊹ The Doctor, the Wraith and the Deathslinger with an altruistic survivor
˙⊹ The Mastermind, the Oni and Huntress with an altruistic survivor
˙⊹ Yandere Engineer NSFW Alphabet
˙⊹ Yandere Merc’s love languages
˙⊹ Yandere Spy NSFW Alphabet
˙⊹ Medic yandere alphabet
Drabbles  ✧˖ °
˙⊹ Traveling Priest Engie drabble (credit to the OG concept of traveling priest engie to the most treasured and beloved @fatgumsurpremacy-remastered​ !!)
˙⊹ Emesis Blue Engie NSFW imagine (tw: implied noncon, breeding, revenge sex)
˙⊹ Cursed Yandere Administrator Drabbles (tw: drugging, noncon, modern day, red room)
˙⊹ The Monster Mash AU
˙⊹ Heavy, Demo, and Spy tucking you into bed
˙⊹ Sniper with a musically inclined s/o
˙⊹ Random noncon drabble
˙⊹ Random Yandere Spy Drabble
˙⊹ a few little tips for writing Spy
˙⊹ analyzing the “Corrupt Barging” trope
˙⊹ Drabble inspired by A Wrench to Grind
˙⊹ Horny rambling about yandere Medic and Engie
˙⊹ Sniper and Medic with cute aggression
Misc. Posts/Personal Favorite Non-writing Posts  ✧˖ °
˙⊹ My Freudian personality test results
˙⊹ How I think I could defeat the Mercs in battle
˙⊹ Live posting watching Emesis Blue
˙⊹ Eras on Tumblr I could give hour long TedTalks about
˙⊹ Ranking the Mercs from Ugliest to Hottest
˙⊹ Some AWESOME Yandere Engie fanart made by the talented and wise @officiallyai​
˙⊹ idk this post always makes me laugh for some reason
˙⊹ My top kinks
˙⊹ my BDSM test results
˙⊹Medic with Sharp Teeth
˙⊹ Satyr Demo
˙⊹ cringefail selfship art
˙⊹ the most BRUTAL anon i’ve ever gotten
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jaystephevents · 9 months
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JaySteph Halloween
One-Day Event - October 31, 2023
Official Prompts List
For maximum flexibility, our prompts this year are 3 categories. You can choose any of the suggested fills under a category or create your own fill that fits within a category. (Ask if you’re not sure!)
Our 3 prompt categories are: Halloween Tropes, Spooky Locations, and Supernatural Characters
You can use a single category for your work, or combine categories. Your work only needs one fill from one category, but you’re free to use more!
Your work DOES NOT have to be about Halloween, or be spooky in anyway! You can write a non-spooky prompt fill using “disguises” for a mission fic, for example, or write a fic about grief using a graveyard as the setting.
Your work must be JaySteph-centric and brand new
Your JaySteph can be platonic, romantic, or NSFW
We don’t allow JaySteph-poly ships to keep the focus solely on JaySteph as a duo, but side poly ships are fine.
You can co-create for any other event (Whumptober, BATober, Year of the OTP) but you can’t drop your JaySteph work early
Please read the Rules and FAQs
Send an Ask with any questions!
Please reblog to help spread the word!
Thanks to @skylarkblue for the awesome event banner!
Alt-text for graphic:
Category 1 - Halloween Tropes
Examples: Pranks, Disguises, Fear (Toxin), Trick-or-Treat, Gothic (Horror), etc.
Category 2 - Spooky Locations
Examples: Attic, Graveyard, Abandoned Theatre, Amusement Mile, etc.
Category 3 - Supernatural Characters
Examples: Vampires, Werewolves, Zombies, Ghosts, etc.
How to Post
We will do a more detailed how-to post closer to the event, but basically you can post on either Tumblr or AO3 (not until the event day, tho!) We will have an AO3 collection for the event works. We’ll post the specific instructions the week of the event.
This is a censorship-free, ship-friendly event open to all. We will have blog tags in place for those who need to filter out certain content so that the event can be accessible to all regardless of triggers.
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executables-sims · 5 months
2023 WIP Graveyard
I made a ton of stuff this year, but not all of it made the cut for Occtober! Here lies those attempts:
AF BG Cargo Pants
My plan for the year was to complete a project a week for 31 weeks, but some were faster than others, and some (like this one) ran over:
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I couldn't quite get the texture I wanted for these! I also split the inner side seams slightly off for some reason, which made adding that camo print an exercise in patience. x) Will definitely be unwrapping and painting again in the future!
AM/TM Geometric Glasses
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I tried to finish a 2022 project of some glasses modelled from reference, and got all the way to the preview stage before noticing the broken alpha layering! As far as I can tell it's due to unconnected mesh parts, maybe?
Off-shoulder Panel Dress & Heels
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An attempt at making a dress I own irl- I repainted the wrinkles on this sooooooo many times...
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Also reshaped some TS2 Store heels to go with it, but ultimately ran out of time again.
Pet Water Bowl
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A first poke at BHAVs/anims to add the 'drink from puddle' interactions to bowls. Dogs worked out great, but cats…
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…were cats. xD
Afro Puff Redux
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Another low-poly experiment to try and recreate ModishKitten's 'Cloud Puff' hair. Two texture styles looked strange together, but I'm not feeling the all-over texture either? One day…
EF Above-Knee Skirt with Cardigan & Boots
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Technically this shouldn't be here, but it almost got some woollen tights! Very cosy, but figured grandma could show some leg. xD
Would love to make some tutorials in the coming year to share the meshing/painting knowledge I gained over this time!
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