#go s2 e1
thatlonelycactus · 6 months
Random Good Omens HC that will def be disproved in s3:
So y’all know that theory that “Crowley can’t see stars bc of his eyes- that was his punishment for falling” well what if his eyes were the reason he fell. What if Crowley was the Almighty’s favourite and, because of Their bias They tried to save him from falling whilst still punishing him? Like if on the trial day- whatever they did idk I’m imagining a trial occurred even if everyone was declared guilty and cast out- the Almighty was like “For your crime of asking questions, I’ll take away your ability to see what you have created” and gave him the eyes of a snake. However, this was the last straw, for how could They be so cruel to punish someone for asking questions? And Crowley realised that Heaven was not what it pretended to be because HOW could they justify the punishment for his crimes or maybe he just couldn’t live with the shame of having snake eyes (I like the former more) and so he chose to fall instead of remain an angel and live with the loss of his beloved stars. But yeah I just needed to get that out of my head because as much as I like this idea it’s a) prob not gonna happen and b) just yeah.
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dorkified-gay-skeleton · 11 months
Go s2 e1
Spoilers to anyone else still late watching 
I’m barely 2 minutes into the episode. They are so cute. I can’t handle it. Angel oh the Angels!!!
He’s so earnest sweet (angel crowley). Aziraphale’s little smile of “ of course why would you get in trouble for that? I’m being silly.” The irony is intense.
The wing cover is something I will never recover from. And I need it burned into my brain.
They are so cute so so cute Maggie and Nina oh my God them to
“ you’re funny I love you” oh my God
Let’s go lesbians, let’s go
Just pausing the episode to freak out is Aaaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhgggggggggggggggggggggg
I can’t take it I feel like I’m gonna fall apart
He is smoking oh my God
Muriels tartan!!!!! So cute!!
New Beelzebub is absolutely rocking it also ineffable bureaucracy shippers. Oh my God.
Also, this might be reaching but hinting Beelzebub might’ve been a cherub before is sending me
Nina definitely thinks Maggie is homophobic I can see it in her eyes.
Wait, I lied they’re locked in guys they’re locked in
How do you make good old-fashioned lover boy sounds so dark I’m so scared
Poor Nina. Also, I really love the visual affects they did.
Crowley and Aziraphale barely even hide the fact that they’re not human
Those two idiots in their one brain cell
Aziraphale in love with Crowley he can barely concentrate
Crowley’s little jump!
Uriel being the only competent an angel!!!!!!
I wish this episode had come out once a week. My brain wants to analyze every single frame of the first episode.
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heartbreakprincewille · 3 months
The Headmistress mentioning that Wilhelm's speech at the Jubilee will be the first time he will be giving a speech in public as the Crown Prince is SO GODDAMN FUNNY like he went absolute rogue on his first ever public speech I CAN'T
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emeraldsworld · 7 months
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something.. something. interrupted confessions
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Go back to that first time. ❤️
Go back to seeing that first smile, after that look of - are you seeing this?
Back to that first introduction of, I'm Wilhelm even after, we know who the biggest welfare receivers are..
Back to Wille! after I told you to be quiet..
Go back to boiled or grilled? and teasing BFFs..
Back to that first pinky touch, fingers entwined, hopeful looks, vänta vänta vänta and brave, first kisses.. 💙
To hesitations but taking it back! To plans and making it happen, regardless of new developments..
But also to seeing that devastation from the loss of a loved one, to overwhelming stress and dread of new responsibilities..
Go back to seeing immense heartache and despair, leading to bad choices and to Simon, I really like you.. ..all the people are fake. They're made out of metal. But I like you and that is not fake. ❤️
To Wille it's ok. To first times and feeling safe and full of joy.
To golden mornings and looks of - am I really here and has this really happened. To feeling so in love and so happy. 🧡
Back to silly lake dates! To cozy, forgetting names and jumpscares from video game sounds! To finally spending time together alone and having not a care in the world but just being teenagers in love. 💜
Back to seeing how different two peoples' circumstances are but seeing them trying to figure it out. To other factors getting in the way. Back to overwhelming stress and indecision and betrayal of the worst kind.
To jag älskar dig and I hope you have a nice Christmas. Back to heartache but to creating sparks, flaming new feelings of rebellion and finding your way back.. to the most beautiful boy! ❤️💜🧡💙
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blue-b-bro · 8 months
(about Izzy as tragic character, just a warning)
after drying my tears, I have another complaint: if they really wanted Izzy to be the tragic character (it would still hurt and made people mad probably), for him to die and take the blame on himself and all that, they should commit to this goddammit it. Do it properly like s2e1&2. If they haven't really reconcile, at least Izzy never truly addressed his trauma, they didn't have the talk or anything, they should go that tragic path full force. Edizzy dynamic until now was incredible, complicated, fucked up, codependent and if they had to kill him without letting him to fully grow, they should fuckin commit to this. It was too short, too sudden and too short again. We didn't get a heroic death nor a fully tragic one. Yeah, Izzy's speach was skickeningly sad (when it made sense, it not always did) but like, compare this to their scenes in s2e1&2. It just looks like nothing, it looks pathetic
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shameforskam · 2 months
why was half that episode "oh this is fun hell yeah" and the other half was "i physically can't watch this i need to stop watching this right now"
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scribbling-dragon · 1 year
im gonna be thinking about the implications of joel’s video for a long time now. why did he have to do this to me ;-;
#like. joel said the mezalean king died at the start of s2#he said he died of loneliness etc etc. establishing that he was gone#and despite how unserious joel's approach to the lore in that episode was#i am still going to be rotating it in my mind#like. the mezalean king isnt dead? either that or god joel has some kind of ability to pull things from the past#and jimmys interaction with him. the confusion over who the codfather was but the brief moment of recognition from him??#the fact that e1 jimmy disappeared at the end. presumably never to be seen again#or at least never seen again by joel. bc s1 joel died of loneliness. so he cant have seen him again#and many hc'd s1 joel as being able to bring terracotta (or other such constructs) to life- as seen with the clones in his empire#and. perhaps. in his loneliness. in that effort to get rid of that loneliness from all of his friends disappearing on him#he created something in their likeness#or perhaps just one in jimmys likeness. because they were close! they were allies! good allies!#and so he had a friend again. maybe just a friend because maybe recreating his wife was never quite right#maybe the recreations of lizzie never quite came to fruition because they were always Wrong. he could never get the details of her right#so it was just him and this recreation of jimmy. of some terracotta clone. something that could almost be mistaken as a toy if one-#didnt look closely enough#and then we have our jimmy. our s2 jimmy. who for a brief moment. seemed to almost recognise this mezalean king#he knew who he was. even though he didnt recognise the name codfather. because that's not who he is- he's just a recreation of someone that-#disappeared a long time ago#(and ik this was a popular hc at the start of s2 as well. but. this just adds MORE to it)#but that slowly disappeared (from what ive seen). until now#and now im thinking about it again. because jimmy recognised s1 joel#he RECOGNISED him#am i taking this too seriously? maybe#am i going to stop? no!#im gonna think about this#even if joel was silly about the reappearance of s1 joel. im gonna think about that wet cat of a man for a long time#s1 joel came back and he expected us to be NORMAL about it?#no#i refuse
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ambreiiigns · 2 months
Ok wait. Yes tell me what episodes are good and everything else you said in the tags, but does rick and morty have lore? I thought it was episodic?
ok first Yes there's lore. there's like. the backdrop premise of rick having just came back into his daughter's life after being absent since she was a child for undisclosed reasons but it is a big part of beth's characterization and why he gets away w all the shit he gets away with. but there's also Lore that ties w rick's crybaby backstory™ and like the universe in general is probably more. Complicated? Expanded? than you'd think? bc yea it SHOULD be episodic and self contained but the team is at war w that concept since s2 if not s1 already. it's why i'm annoyed at people complaining abt the random filler episodes in s7 like girl that's the Normal Episodes. the Lore Heavy Episodes are the little special treat for you not the standard?? it's a sitcom unfort.
so. maybe still my favorite episode is STILL from s1 ep8. rixty minutes aka interdimensional cable ONE!!! let me set the scene. a few episodes earlier morty's school was doing prom and he asked rick to make him a love potion to get the girl he has a crush on to go to prom w him. rick fucks up SEVERELY bc his nihilistic scientist brain didn't understand love (??? i mean we know he Does. but it was s1) and he accidentally turns everyone first into morty stans who wont him desperately and then into straight up Monsters. he can't figure out how to fix it so what he does instead is move morty and himself into a new dimension where the incident had also happened but that dimension's rick had fixed the problem And gotten himself and morty killed accidentally. so they swoop in and dig a grave for Themselves and take those rick and morty's place. for rick it's Nothing it's Normal he's been doing this a while he's closely aware of the many dimensions and many versions of himself etc in fact it becomes a Huge plotpoint soon. but morty's still new to this and having to? handle his dead body? and put it in the ground? and take its place like nothing happened? that's tough for him! baby's traumatized. rip
but everything's been self contained enough so far that you sort of dismiss it right. then two episodes later interdimensional cable happens. aka rick fucks around w their tv to hook it up to. interdimensional. cable. so they can watch stuff from every other reality out there (whoa!) and as they binge they bump into jerry being interviewed on some late night show and they're like HUH???? THERE'S A VERSION OF REALITY OUT THERE WHERE JERRY'S RICH AND FAMOUS???? so now beth and summer are also wondering what They're up to in other realities and rick gives them some goggles that let you see what different versions of you are doing. rick himself and morty are the only ones who don't care and just keep watching silly tv having a laff. in the meanwhile summer complains that every version of her is doing nothing cool while her parents are hitting the jackpot and beth offhandedly mentions that "if we accomplished our dreams it probably means you were never born" which is obviously HORRIBLE TO HEAR so summer being an angsty dramatic teen wants to Run Away From Home and beth and jerry start fighting abt how you ruined my life and all. morty smells blood in the water so he goes upstairs to cheer up summer and she's like. they had you on purpose as a symptom of their problems you're not the Cause of their problems you can't make me feel better. so morty points out his and rick's graves in the yard outside the window and tells her he's not even her real brother he's as much of an incident as she is rn and now that he eats breakfast a few feet away from his corpse he knows better than most how meaningless all of this is anyway. and he tells her. something that still brings tears to my eyes. he goes "nobody exists on purpose, nobody belongs anywhere, everybody's gonna die. come watch tv?"
ARGH! HE'S JUST A 14 YEAR OLD BOY WITH AN INSANE MAD SCIENTIST GRANDPA WHO'S BEEN DRAGGING HIM ON FUCKED UP ELDRITCH SPACE ADVENTURES THAT HAVE BEEN SHATTERING HIS INNOCENCE AND UNDERSTANDING OF LIFE! AND NOW HE JUST WANTS TO WATCH TV WITH HIS SISTER! it kills me it's so humane and childish and it was REALLY gutting to me. cause i didn't expect a callback at that point. i didn't expect the trauma to impact the characters. it was completely out of left field and it made me say oh. so this is good. so this is actually worth watching.
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narwhalandchill · 7 months
good news: ruan mei actual sigma giga buff in newest beta update to like almost all aspects of her kit but Most importantly her sp positivity is now at e0 (thank GOD)
bad news: ur now gonna be stuck building 123% break effect from substats only in order max out the reworked dmg bonus shes giving to the team 😭
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themoralgoats · 1 year
moral orel continuity and trying to put it all together is like this: a puzzle in front of you is complete. it's a perfect rectangle or whatever and you can see the picture it creates pretty well, but the pieces aren't actually in the correct order. It's tempting to correctly arrange it and the packaging implies it's possible, so you begin to take it apart and put it back. after a long time trying to make it whole, you realize the whole thing actually cannot be put together in "correct" order, just the way it was initially placed and then some
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cerastes · 2 years
If you have Saria E2, then you can just use her as is in IS2 without promoting her if it comes to that, Saria E1 will perform perfectly fine because end of the day she is ridiculous, that’s a Super Life Hack if you’re strapped for Hope. If you gotta fight the boss that deals global dmg whenever it is not being blocked, well, block that bad boy with Saria S1 because that boy ain’t doing jack against those well honed abs of hers (do put some damage dealer to help her though or that’ll take forever + casters and arts guards come out of that door eventually).
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gennianydots · 1 year
Iroh: I see. It’s the anniversary isn’t it?
Zuko: Three years ago today, I was banished. I lost it all. I want it back. I want the Avatar, my honor, my throne. I want my father not to think I’m worthless.
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herethereverywhere · 2 years
was speaking to some friends last night about how roan martins prime is THE prime defenders song of all time
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zukkaoru · 2 years
making bad decisions
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ephemeral-winter · 9 months
wot s2 drops in 1 hour and 22 minutes and i need to make dinner and maybe unpack more and also i think i want to try to go to work tomorrow so honestly i should be going to bed early but unfortunately i think i am going to sit here vibrating until that 1 hour and 22 minutes have passed and then i am going to watch all three episodes in a row not pausing to breathe
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