ofhouseadama · 2 years
top 5 favorite movies?
in no particular order because it entirely depends on the given day:
the conjuring 2
jurassic park
pride and prejudice (2005)
the perennial disaster movie classic, twister
frozen ii
honorable mention: the blair witch project, stay alive, final destination 2, ghost ship, the village, fear street, and a great many other horror movies which have given me comfort over the years
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ok i changed my icon/profile banner so if anyone is confused it’s jess, formerly girlsarewolves, formerly just a girl
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theyearofthewolf · 3 years
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Jason Voorhees (Derek Mears) & Bree (Julianna Guill) - FRIDAY THE 13TH (2009)
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sofia deserved so much better! we the audience deserved so much better tbh. a female mummy? played by sofia boutella? how does that get screwed up SO badly? yeah, i personally prefer the first movie, too. i just wish it had lock-nah because i do really love his character.
I think I’ve said before that it was a complete joke that we were supposed to believe that Ahmanet would chase after Nick. I mean, I know, I know, the two were bound to each other...but still. I would have preferred her chase after Jenny...I feel like there was chemistry between the actresses that should have been explored.
And Lock-Nah was a great character.
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crookedspoonfic · 4 years
with selina - no worries! i absolutely get it - there are plenty of characters i feel similarly towards and don't want to ask you to go too far out of your comfort zone, especially since there are other options I'd be just as happy with! tbh I'm a sucker for Slade/Terra and recently Slade/Rose, so if either of those plus angst and/or porn with feelings would be something you could do, I'd love either pairing, preferable Deathstroke Rebirth or Titans!
Great, I’d be thrilled to write Slade/Rose angst and porn with feelings! If you want to, you can let me know if there’s a specific time you want this to happen, how much focus there should be on the father/daughter stuff, and where you want this to end emotionally. :D
(I’m already getting some vibes for Titans, though I wonder if that wouldn’t be more Slade/Rose/Jericho lol.)
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hearthouses · 5 years
allison hargreeves
How I feel about this character: Underappreciated in fandom and in the show. Which seems odd, but I think a lot of the characters take her POV for granted in their effort to protect her and it’s frustrating to watch because she arguably has the most dangerous power and she can take care of herself! But I also love how determined and conscious of herself and what she can do she is, and how much she strives to be empathetic and understanding, tries so hard to reach Vanya, and is trying so much to better herself as a person. Basically I love her. 
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Luther, Diego, and Vanya  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I do what I want. 
My non-romantic OTP for this character: KLAUS. I have so many headcanons about them sharing clothes and makeup. Also Five. They were so snarky together and I needed more of them being pragmatic friends. 
My unpopular opinion about this character: There’s more to her than her romantic and messy dynamic with Luther, even if that is interesting to me! People write her character off completely because if their disgust with the development and I don’t get it. There’s so much more going on in her life and with her arc that exists outside of Luther’s orbit that it makes me wonder if people are just looking for excuses to not pay attention. 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I wish we had gotten to see more of her life pre-series and gotten to see more of Claire and how Allison had met her husband. I would have also liked to see more of her dynamic with Grace. Here’s hoping S2 rectifies this! 
my OTP: Luther/Allison because this fandom made me ship it more than I cared when I originally watched the show. I hope they work it out. Also their scenes in The Day That Wasn’t kill me. 
my cross over ship: I am... not sure? I will have to figure out an answer for this. I SWEAR I HAD ONE! But I forgot. 
a headcanon fact: Allison used her powers on her ex-husband to make him love her and no one knows about this but her, but when he catches her using them on Claire, he starts to question the reality of his feelings. It’s part of the reason why she left. 
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Pumpkin carving or apple picking?
Apple picking.
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ladyculebras · 6 years
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Hsjdjskakkaja im sorry I'm responding late, my work schedule is a mess but thank you so much!!! I really appreciate all the nice messages so much, guys 😍😍😍
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sansadaynes · 6 years
I was tagged by @loisfreakinglane
Rules: Post 10 gifs from your favourite tv shows without revealing their titles, and tag 10 people.
and i’m tagging @marieduplessis @glorianas @natashabucks @sofiaboutellla @blackwallywest  @girlsarewolves @ameliasscanwells @mattelektras and whoever wants to do this, tag me/@me your post and i’ll check it out
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gloriousmonsters · 6 years
girlsarewolves replied to your post: god this book i’m trying to read b/c i won an arc...
I’m going to admit I am not very good at telling what is or isn’t passive voice (at least consciously aware) but I love reading your nitpicks about books
what I mean by it, at least, is stuff like... ‘was’ is everywhere; it’s a word that needs to show up sometimes, obviously, in third person past tense, but having it appear in almost every sentence gives things kind of a flat feeling. Big, dynamic things like an army smashing through a gate are described in single lines like ‘the courtyard became thick with magic and steel.’ Giving the impression that there weren’t people pushing in, maybe someone shouting orders to keep them from trampling each other, it doesn’t tell us whether they were shouting or eerily silent or who was in the lead or how they spread out to take up ground---the courtyard simply ‘became’ full of them. And then we move onto the next isolated, juuust slightly awkwardly written moment in the battle. 
also they start off with a scene of the main character being sent to peel potatoes with her BFF for pranking people, and then they suddenly switch tone to ‘we’re being invaded! we’re all gonna die! oh btw the main character is Super Duper Magic and the most important character in the war but don’t worry if she just walks to the front lines reeeally fast nobody will stop her and haul her off to an escape tunnel. And now her BFF is shot and she thinks he’s dead and she’s killed her first man and AUUUGH’
and I’m sitting here like... I know the author was probably going for ‘this place was peaceful and suddenly everything changes’ but what they wound up with is whiplash. It’s used for a few ‘as you know’ type exposition things that partially make no sense (like blood magic is the heretical, horrible thing the Enemy is using, so she and BFF prank the head monk... by filling his washing bowl with stuff that looked like blood? she’s even like ‘blood isn’t to be made light of!’ in her head! why did you do it then??) but they could have been conveyed either if you decided to start off simply with ‘we’re being attacked, shit’ or could have been seeded in more gracefully if you spent more than 3 pages on ‘normalacy’ before throwing us into the Augh We’re Gonna Die part. 
*deep breath* 
SO I mean I’m glad some people find my book nitpicks enjoyable because I feel like I’m being endlessly negative sometimes, and I don’t want to be! I want to enjoy things! but auuugh
side note: only thing I’ve really liked about this book so far is that even if she kind of falls off the other side of the horse in having his first scene be ‘let’s contrive a laundry list of opportunities for him to show what effect this has’, she has the villain boy with a Dramatically Scarred Eye actually suffer effects from that! he has poor vision, especially night vision, gets annoyed by people standing on his blind side, etc. It’s still awkwardly written, but refreshing after cases of ‘this person has a disability that will almost never be brought up, even in situations where it should be effecting him’ *coughSoCcough*. I’ll have to see if it’s kept up over the course of the book. If I can make it further. 
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ravenswood · 6 years
@girlsarewolves i was just clicking around looking for a playlist to use as background music for this rp post im writing and happened to stumble upon one of yours! i was v pleasantly surprised tbh B)
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ofhouseadama · 2 years
YES. YESSSSSS. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS there's no escape now you have to go all the way
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sinisteroceans · 7 years
How do ppl find the love of their life so early and stay so happy.
Lol like I jus wanna wife in my life so I can:
• make adorable things for her
• cater to her needs
• encourage her to be the best woman possible
• be able to make lasting memories
• always have a date buddy
• make a cute lame ass scrap book with
• learn all of her favorites to bake her
• have someone that feels like home
• adopt a child/ puppy child with
• take on cute adventures
• have mad sex
• Grow old being hella cute and funny together
I wanna love someone and be loved back fr 🖤
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theyearofthewolf · 5 years
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Arrow 8x01 (AKA that episode that reminded me of my OT3)
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re your mummy post - yes yes yes. all the nick and ahmanet scenes were such cringe. i think most of the characters in the movie were underwhelming (even ahmanet - like sofia was FAB but she wasn't given nearly enough) but jenny had some great moments and the eye gazing between her and ahmanet? yeah that's where it's at.
There was so much chemistry between Jenny and Ahmanet, but that's what happens when they have to push heteronormativity in these movies. They had the potential for great romantic and sexual tension between two attractive women, but they'd rather us believe they were both interested in an asshole whose actor is twice both actresses' ages. Propaganda, I tell ya.
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crookedspoonfic · 4 years
hey! i just had a question about your donation fics - which, btw, is such a lovely thing to do i think - and i just wanted to ask - and if not no worries! i can always question jason/harley or something jason or harley related - if you might be willing and able to do any pairings with selina, terra, or rose wilson? and if so, what ones would be options? if not no worries! i love your harley and/or jason fics so i'd be happy with that too!
Hi, thank you so much for your interest! Basically, I’m willing to write almost anything, but I’m limited by how well I know and understand the characters. So it often depends on which canon you’re interested in and what flavour of story. Do you want fluff, angst, or straight-up porn (with feels)?
For the record, my favourite canons include Injustice, Arkhamverse, Young Justice and Titans, but I’m also familiar with some DCAU, the DCEU as well as assorted comics and animated movies.
As to your question on characters -
Selina: I’ll be honest with you and say that the idea of writing Selina makes me a tad anxious. She’s such a complex character with a rich history, and I’ve only seen bits and pieces of it. That said, I might be able to write BatCat, Selina/Ivy, or even Selina/Talia, if it’s short.
Terra: Slade Wilson is the obvious choice here for all canons. I’ve read/watched The Judas Contract, Deathstroke Rebirth, and Young Justice. I might also be able to write Gar/Tara in the Judas Contract movie, and if you’re nasty, Brion/Tara in YJ. There might be other pairings in YJ I’m not seeing right now (Dr Jace?) because it’s been a while since I watched s3.
Rose Wilson: I pretty much only think I could write her in Titans and maybe Deathstroke Rebirth. I’ve always wanted to write her with Slade, Joey, or Jason. And Dick, but I don’t have a grasp on her in the comics. Titans opened up so many avenues! I’d be willing to write other Titans pairings with her, too.
I’ll of course be super happy to write you Harley/Jason, if none of these work. You can always suggest media (including fic) for me to canon review if there’s a characterisation that tickles you just right. Hope that helps!
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