#gib me bread
floofydemonspawn · 9 months
anybody else want some bread, i want bread. 
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a-thirst-for-dunmer · 10 months
i wanna eat skyrim food so bad. cinnabon sweetroll. crispy roasted pogfish. whatever the fuck alcohol the dunmer make. elsweyr fondue. braided bread. snowberry pie. GIB ME FOR I HUNGER
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g-xix · 9 months
Heyy could u write for gib❤️
How he'd React When You're on Your Period | Aneson Gib
Uhm ofc I can write smth for bae??? Req from the lovely @awhoreforhim , feel free to request more HC's or other oneshots from me! Quick photo check:
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Cutie. Alright, enjoy the rest of the story anyways:
-I think you'd be quite nervous sort of saying and admitting it at first because you wouldn't know how he'd take it and whether he'd be helpful or kinda mean about it... He'd keep pushing and asking "What's wrong", laughing every time you came close to saying it before backing out and turning your back to him to hide your embarrassed laughter. As soon as you admitted it, all he'd say is "Oh." and laugh about the fact you found that so hard to say.
-Wouldn't know really how to help but wouldn't be panicky about it, just sort of suggest everything that came to his mind
-Goes to the fridge, opens it and asks whether you want anything. Like, he'd literally start listing off things in the fridge and checking whether you wanted each individual thing. Carrot? No. Yoghurt pot? No. Seeded bread? No. Olives- I TOLD YOU I DIDN'T WANT ANYTHING-
-Teases you a bit by getting on your nerves- never enough to make you actually annoyed or unhappy, just to mess with you. And he'd easily laugh away any hard feelings afterwards. "I bet cuz I'm a boxer I could firm period cramps better than ninety percent of women," He'd brag, and you knew fully well he was just messing with you, but feel obligated to roll your eyes either way.
-Man never cooks but when you're on your period he always tries to cook your own food instead of ordering it on Uber eats. He read somewhere that greasy fast-food makes cramps worse and so he always tries to make things at home when your on your period so you aren't eating any preservatives or other fast-food chemicals either
-Bought you a candle smelling of your favourite scent (imma say vanilla teehee) from Amazon to add to your candle collection and try to cheer you up because your on your period. Mf forgot to order on Amazon prime though, and as it came a week later when you weren't on your period, so he just kept it as a little gift for himself. 
-Randomly begins shadow boxing your stomach when your sat together watching a movie or doing other menial tasks. Then starts joking about the fact he's so powerful he didn't even need to touch you and you was already bleeding. 
-Literally so annoying but you can't genuinely get annoyed at him because you just find yourself laughing whenever he starts pissing you off. 
-He bought a bag of literally every period product he could find at Sainsbury's the one time you asked him to get you some products, then demanded a visual explanation of how a tampon worked when you took the box. You had to take a bottle of water and show how it worked by inserting it in there, and he was shocked as he watched the tampon absorb the water and almost triple in size, shaking his head in disbelief. "THAT CANNOT GO INSIDE YOU!" He would declare in sheer disbelief, marching around the flat in horror.  Never a dull time with Gibbo.
Hope everyone enjoyed!
Feel free to request more of whatevs u wanna see, and don't forget to press all the little buttons at the bottom if u rly liked it
As always, check out more of my work on Sidemen, Beta Squad @ Chaos crew on my MASTERLIST
And if you like my writing, check my WATTPAD ONESHOTS BOOK for 50+ oneshots on the Sidemen n friends
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sae-mian · 9 months
14 associations: Nira’sae Mian
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🐱 Animal: european hare
💜 Colors: teal, grey, white
🎶 Song: changes every damn day
8️⃣ Number: 7
🌑 Day or Night: night (just after sunset)
🌺 Plants: forget-me-nots
🪔 Scents: sweet berries and damp grass
💎 Gemstones: opal, turquoise
🍂 Season: autumn / spring
🌄Places: the shroud / lakeland 
🥘 Foods: soft, sweet breads and warm, hearty soups
✨ Eorzean Deity: nymeia
💧 Eorzean Elements: ice / wind / fire
🍹 Drink: matcha
TAGGED BY: @vasheden​
TAGGING: @bnuuywol​, @humblemooncat​, @sasslett​, @thorneyes​, @aces-and-kings​ (apologies if any of y’all have already been gibbed by this one!)
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salanaii · 3 months
Learn Korean with me - Week 4/Day 2
Day 2: Vocab 101 - 221
Thin (duolingo/Papago) – 날씬 – nal ssin
Thin (google) – 얇은 – yal beun
Busy – 바쁘따 – ba ppeu da
Smart – 똑똑한 – ttog toog han
Nice/good – 적합한 – jeok hab han
Clever – 영리한 – yeong ri han
Strange/weird – 이산한 – I sang han
Children/ sons and daughter – 아이들/자녀 – a I deul / ja nyeo
Letter – 편지 – pyeon ji
A gift/a present/ the present – 선물 – seon mul
Teach/teaches – 가르칩니다 – ga reu chib ni da
Receive/get – 받아요/받습니다 – bad a yo/bad seub bi da
Send/sends – 보냅니다 – bo naeb ni da
Give/gives – 줍니다 – jub ni da
Exercise – 운동 – un dong
Exercises/ is exercising – 운동합니다 – un dong hab ni da
Study – 공부 – gong bu
Studies/ studying – 공부합니다 – gong bu hab ni da
Learn/learning – 배우고/배웁니다 – bae u go/bae ub ni da
Throw/throws/ is throwing – 던집니다 – deon jib ni da
Catch/ is catching/catches – 집습니다 – jib seub ni da
Do not study/ does not study – 공부하 (않습니다) – gong bu ha ji anh seub ni da
Do not learn/does not learn – 배우지 (않습니다) – bae u ji anh seub ni da
Does not catch – 집지 (않습니다) – jib ji anh seub ni da
Do not throw/ does not throw – 던지지 (않습니다) – deon ji ji anh seub ni da
Magazine – 집지 – jib ji
Dream – 꿈 -  kkum
My – 저 – jeo
No, not me – 아니요, 저는아닙니다 – a ni you, jeo neun a nib ni da
It is awesome – 멋있습니다 – meos iss seub ni da
Awesome/cool – 대박 – dae bak
Is attractive / is charming – 매력이있습니다 – mae ryeok I iss seub ni da
Is not attractive / is not charming – 매력이없습니다 – mae ryeok I eobs seub ni da
Am/are drinking – 마십니다 – ma sib ni da
Is/am eating/eat – 먹습니다 – meok seub ni da
Reads/reading – 읽 습 니 다 – irk seub ni da
Writes/writing – 씁니다 – sseub ni da
Drinks/drinking – 마십니다 – ma sib ni da
Large/big/tall – 큰 – keun
Bad/mean – 나쁜 – na bbeun
Is/are long – 깁니다 – gib ni da
Short/shorter – 짧다/짧습니다 – jjard da/jjarb seub ni da
Olders/lots/(there) is many – 많아요/많습니다 – manh a yo/,anh seub ni da
Small/little/short – 적어요/작습니다 – jeok ro yo/jeok seub ni da
Say/speak – 말해요 – mal hae yo
Talk/conversation – 대화 – dae hwan
To talk/ to have a conversation – 대화합니다 – dae hwa hab ni da
Motors – 모터스 – mo teo seu
Cola – 콜라 – kol ra
Coffee – 커피 – keo pi
Party – 파티 – pa ti
Ice cream – 아이스크림 – a I seu keu rim
Apartment – 아 파트 – a pa teu
Woman – 여자 – yeo ja
Women – 여자들 – yeo ja deul
Man – 남자 – nam ja
Men – 남자들 – nam ja deul
Or/either – 또는 – tto neun
School – 학교-  hag gyo
Apple – 사과 – sa gwa
Pencil – 연핀 – yeon pil
House/home – 집 – jib
Bread – 빵 – ppang
Book – 책 – cheag
Country – 나라 – na ra
More – 더 – deo
To divide – 나누다 – na nu da
Road – 도로/길 – do ra/jil
Person/People – 사람/사람들 – sa ram/sa ram deul
Cat – 가양이 – go yang I
Thing/object – 물건 – mul geon
Child – 아이 – a i
This – 이 – i
Milk – 우유 – u yu
Friendship – 우의 – u ui
Above/on – 위 – wi
Song – 노래 – no rae
Kiss – 뽀뽀 – ppo ppo
Ant – 개미 – gae mi
Tokyo – 도쿄 – do kyo
Seed/Mr./Mrs./Ms. - 씨 – ssi
Starbucks – 스타벅스 – seu ta beog seu
Hyundai – 핸대 – haen dae
Samsung – 삼상 – sam sang
Baskin Robbins – 배스킨라번스 – bae seu kin ra bin seu
McDonald’s – 맥도날드 – maeg do nal deu
Doughnut – 도넛 – do neos
Busan – 부산 – bu san
Washington – 워싱턴 – wo sing teon
Seoul – 서울- seo ul
Berlin – 베를린 – be reul rin
London – 런던 – reon deon
Paris – 파리 – pa ri
New York – 뉴욕 – nyu yok
United – 유나이드 – yu na I ti deu
나 NA i or me
너 NEO you
우리 U RI we or us
머리 MEO RI head
나비 NA BI butterfly
아기 A GI baby
오이 O I cucumber
커피 KEO PI coffee
소리 SO RI sound
소녀 SO NYEO girl
소년 SO NYEON boy
표 P YO ticket
유리 YU RI glass
나무 NA MU tree
피부 PI BU skin
가구 GA GU furniture
버스 BEO SEU bus
바지 BA JI pants
지구 JI GU earth
허리 HEO RI waist
여자 YEO JA woman
야구 YA GU baseball
기타 GI TA guitar
치마 CHI MA skirt
후추 HU CHU pepper
휴지 HYU JI tissue
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anbubisibuna · 1 year
DHA: Season 2 Episode 77
Gib mir den Samen " Give me the seeds."
So Delia, Felix and Daniel are going to Per Marrants store to get the Lotusseeds. Magnus finds this out and tells Radus in hope to know something about his father. But he has to do more. While they are gone the rest minus Nina eat breakfast together or they intend to. But Rosie serves them old bread. Luzy begins a conversation about love and tries to get Kaya to open up. But he does not care and would rather talk about sports. Charlotte is still working on getting Max and Luzy together, who is her true secret admirer. Her plan is to make Luzy go on a date with Kaya. Luzy then asks Kaya and he says he has no time. In the meantime Felix, Delia and Daniel find the Lotusseeds but Raven is behind them.
Do I like the episode?
Yeah but only certain parts.
Favourite Moment:
The conversation between Luzy, Charlotte, Mara, Magnus and Kaya at the breakfast table. It was so awkward and I loved it haha. Luzy asks Mara how she realises how someone is her big love while her ex boyfriend and her boyfriend sit there. And Mara says that she knows very quickly. Also Luzy asking Kaya about love and he just doesn't give a shit which is hilarious. And Luzy is so persistent that he is some romantic poet.
Least Favourite Moment:
Luzy being desperate and asking Kaya out even after the conversation they had at the breakfast table, should have made it clear that he does not care about this kind of stuff she's looking for.
Favourite Character:
Kaya. He made me laugh. How he just didn't give a crap about their conversation.
What I would have done differently:
After the conversation in the morning, Luzy should realise that Kaya doesn't care about romantic stuff. And she gets closer to Max instead.
Unpopular opinion:
Mara and Kaya never really even loved eachother I swear.
Charlotte rollerblading doesn't suit her and she also doesn't look good doing it.
Why does Felix dream of Miss Engel? Tf.
Random Gifs:
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Here's to the Ask game:
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callmegkiddo · 1 year
merry christmas morning before!!! (the words a trigger lol) have a good one
i am eating bread
I am eating nothing and having allergies :)
Gib me bred-
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sirsharp-a · 3 years
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                He wants  SAMMICH.
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03ric · 5 years
germany 🇩🇪: do you like bread?
YES i honestly stan bread
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sbi-au-ideas · 2 years
Tommy knows how valuable debts are. His mother told him all about it, going over the steps that- if he were to incur a debt- he would know what to do.
She teaches him the dangers of having the wrong people owe him a debt. They don’t waste time to fulfill the debt, and won’t hesitate to use drastic measures.
Don’t accumulate debts. Word tends to go around eventually, and if you’ve got people owing you debts, you’ve got connections. Dangerous people go looking for those kinds of people.
“If you find yourself owing someone a debt Tommy” she told him one night, “then get real close and comfortable with them, because you don’t want to get caught off guard when they use it. If you’re lucky, they’ll just use the debt to make you leave them alone.”
He always asked her why she told him these things. She would smile and tell him about how he’ll understand one day. He never connected the dots, that the nights of gentle warnings are the same days that he protected someone on the playground and got sent to the principals office. Or pushed over a bully. Or went against the teachers wishes to comfort the boy that got sent out of the classroom for crying. He had a tendency to want to help, and his mother knew this.
His mother was not married. She had once been, he recalls, with a man of smug smiles. She told Tommy after they escaped, that the man had saved her life and he needed a wife to escape his personal problems. He almost killed her the night they left.
Tommy learns to hate debts.
She dies on his birthday. Not from a debt, no, from a careless bullet that a hero sent into a crowd while hyped up on adrenaline. He writes her advice on pages soaked in tears, and vows to honor it.
The first time he helps someone he’s terrified. They’re bleeding out, and Tommy needs to help them, but his mothers teachings ring in his ears.
The second time he’s running off of adrenaline and spite. He doesn’t think twice about patching up the vigilante on his couch, and when he finally remembers it’s far too late. All he can do is cross his fingers and hope.
2 years later and the anxiety in his throat couldn’t be more suffocating. Deaths Angel is sitting on Tommy’s couch with a fond smile and a stitched-up bullet wound. Tommy knows, he knows that Angel is going to mention the debt, but he hasn’t yet and Tommy needs to get rid of it fast.
More story under the cut, it got too long.
Tommy stands abruptly, briefly noting the startled look in Angel’s eyes before rushing off to the kitchen. He speeds through the process of making hot chocolate, throwing bread in the toaster and whipping some heavy cream into sweet stiff peaks.
He renters the living room, shoving some hot chocolate into Angels hands along with two pieces of buttery toast. Because Tommy needs a conversation starter, and he sure as hell needs some comfort food. Two in one really.
It clearly works, because Angel speaks up.
“You said your name was Tommy?” He nods, hiding his shaking hands with a swift bite of toast. “That’s a lovely name mate…” Angel trails off, looking lost. Like he has a destination, but no road to follow.
Tommy clears his throat, eyes darting to the side. “Yep- uhh, sorry, uhm, thank you. I- yeah, okay.” Shit shit shit shit “so, you’re in my debt?” fuck fuck fuck fuck “I mean- no, I don’t- that’s a bad thing,” Tommy trips over his words, “I don’t want you to be in debt to me?”
Angel considers this, eyes darting over Tommy’s insecure posture like a predator on the hunt. His soft smile doesn’t waver.
“Okay, I can understand that.” His eyes glint, “but I am in your debt now. Any idea how to clean that up?”
“Well I was thinkin-” Tommy takes a huge bite of toast. He ‘tries’ to say “that you could give me a gun and replace the medical shit I used on you” but it comes out “sat oo cud gib me uh gin n rplase ze medcal shbit bi oozed om oo”
Angel blinks. The fond smile looks a little more real as he openly laughs at Tommy’s blatant avoidance. He grins, “You little shit-” something passes over Angels eyes, too quick to put a name to. It disappears as fast as it came. “I need to understand you if you don’t want this debt.”
Tommy mutters something under his breathe. Angel raises an eyebrow and Tommy loudly sips on his hot chocolate. He can feel the whipped cream stick to his lip when he brings the mug back down. He doesn’t wipe it off and Angels soft smile becomes ever so slightly strained. The soft exasperation looks familiar(his mom would do that-). Tommy grins.
“I’m just too in-comp-re-hensible for you Angel. But you’re right,” he sighs dramatically, “I do need this debt off me. Sooooooo…” his burst of confidence shrinks again. Normally asking for shit is easy but- this is Deaths Angel- this isn’t no normal debt! Mans has wings! This is serious business!
“Do you want time to think about it-”
“NO!” Tommy cuts him off in a panic. Never keep debts from dangerous people. Ever.
Angels gaze turns curious. It shifts into something placating almost immediately, but Tommy saw. “Okay, I’ll just wait here for you to decide then. You did save my life.” The end of his sentence holds a different air to it. Dangerous.
Tommy chooses to ignore the faint warning in his voice and flippantly waves him off, playing it up for nothing. “Yeah yeah, I just don’t want to make a bad decision. Gotta be smart about it y’know?” It was very much not nothing.
“Alright, then tell me a bit about yourself. If I’m going to be awhile I’d love to get to know you,” there’s something else in that sentence, turning his stomach into a knot.
“Yeah yeah, I just need to…” No distractions come to mind. Shit. “Think about myself. Y’know? I’ve got so many amazing qualities about myself, s’quite hard to keep up with it.”
“That’s alright mate, I can ask a few questions to get you started.” Fuuucckkkk. “What’s your favorite color?”
“Red.” Tommy replies instantaneously. He internally winces at his lack of hesitation. He’s just chatting it up with a villain, casually.
“Red? Like the shade of your jacket?” Tommy glances down at the bright red cuffs, and silently curses himself for wearing his favorite jacket. Especially one that’s so recognizable, with the patterns Tommy has sewn into it.
“Yeah, this exact shade. I made it myself. ‘S why I’m so good with a needle and flesh, it’s practically the same thing.” It is absolutely not the same thing.
“You made it? It’s very nice, looks professional even,”
Tommy takes the warm feeling the compliment gives him and shoves it into the deepest and darkest chamber in his heart. “Thanks, I worked for weeks to make it, leather can be such a bitch to work with. Plus the inside layers really didn’t want to cooperate with me near the end.”
“How dare they,” Angel laughs, “they should be nicer.”
“That’s what I was saying!” Tommy throws his hands in the air, “I told boob boy that he should let me use his giant sword to cut the leather- but noooo, I can’t do that apparently. It would be ‘too dangerous’ and ‘a hazard to anyone nearby,’ which I call bullshit on!”
Angel laughs, sipping on hot chocolate. His eyes are filled with something unfamiliar. Not bad, just… different. It stirs up that warmth in his chest, colorful and bright. Tommy can’t stamp it down this time.
“You really nicknamed your friend ‘boob boy’?” Angel asks with a faint wheeze.
“Angel if you knew his name you would do the same!”
“Suurreeee” he drawls, and Tommy feels compelled to do something impulsive. Like, throw his last piece of crust at Deaths Angel or something. Which Tommy would never do. It’s dangerous, stupid, idiotic, childish, literally the worst possible idea he could have-
He throws the toast at him.
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isaacthedruid · 3 years
[PART 1] [PART 7]
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"It's okay, I like sand...I'm like the opposite of Anakin.”
"Enderman, get yourself an umbrella, dawg.”
“Don’t tango with me, you don’t want this heat.”
“I’m DaBaby.”
“Please don’t eat sand.”
“How does an LGBTQ poll work?”
Taking about eating sand, “Maybe if you add barbecue sauce to it then maybe it’ll taste good.”
“You know what rhymes with war? Weed.”
Taking about himself, “Your streamer is stupid.”
“WAIT! Is Captain Sparklez jacked?”
Talking about high school awards, “I won best laugh.”
“Everyone knows that BBH is Big Daddy.”
"Walt Disney once said: don’t fuck with the mouse."
“Quackity's like- a liar. He's got his discord kittens now.”
After being sent a GNF thirst edit, “Who thought I wanted to see a Gogy edit?”
“Don’t language me. Don't you- Don't you fucking language me”
"Mmm monkey.”
"I'm gonna grab that fat back!"
“Typically, I’m kind of a greedy bastard.”
Sniffs, then in a Mickey Mouse voice, “Poggers!”
Reading a dono about ABBA, “Do I know A B Bae Yah?”
“Are we talking about Eurovision or are we talking about bread?”
Dono: I’m almost level 69
Foolish, softly: Ha ha ha, poggers
“I’m out of water, oh no! Just kidding, I brought Gatorade instead!”
“I’m just behind on my Harry Styles lore apparently.”
Ponk: Do you know how much a Supreme hand will cost?
Foolish: idk 5
“Do polar bears go moo?”
“Is that a fucking strip pole?”
Talking about the chat, “My little doozer dumbasses.”
“Lets say, I gamble away Foolish Jr”
“Absolute kindness is a weakness here, sadly enough. I wish there were another way.”
"I will meow at 50 gifted subs, but I draw the line at quacking.”
“Technically I don’t think we’re supposed to breed.”
“I wish I could have Phil’s head.”
“Do i just keep hopping on it until he becomes my friend?”
Wearing Wilbur’s head, “Dad?”
Phil [in reference to the heads DreamXD gave Foolish]: gib
Foolish: i can’t gib
Phil: I will cry
“Phil, do you like shrooms??”
“We’re getting sick of your shit, Pablo [Picasso].”
“I didn't mean to kill them. Whoopsie!”
“What’s a river?”
Foolish: I have a manager? :D
Philza, dying: you Should
“Hello. It’s simple. It’s H-E-double L-hockey sticks-O.”
“I’m sick of time! I’m gonna stop it.
"I don't know what the UK even is.”
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officerjennie · 3 years
the softness after
CW: Soft tummies, weight gain, aftercare, they just had sex so sexual themes, rated M, soft tummy kneading, scar caresses, leg injury mentioned.
Summary: Eskel cleans the both of them up after sex, and Lambert becomes a little overwhelmed by the gentleness of it all.
WC: 1.1k+
Taglist: pending (send me an ask if you want on it!)
Kuri I'm sorry, I have no idea who Lambert is but I Tried xD
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The after sex haze had taken him completely, Lambert’s vision glazed over. His body and muscles pleasantly used and humming from the exertion in a way almost akin to a good training session. But he hadn’t been training for a while, his leg still healing from the damn wyvern that had managed to find a cave near the keep, so it was with an extra contented sigh that he sunk back into the pillows.
He heard Eskel chuckle but ignored him, nose wrinkling and nothing else to show he’d even heard the laughter. The bed did shift, no longer dipping under Eskel’s weight as he got up, padding away to the other side of the room where a bowl of water sat for just this sort of situation.
Lambert let him think about the cleanup. Really, he didn’t care if he had cum on his thighs and stomach for the rest of the night. Might make for a bit of an icky cleaning in the morning but even that sounded better than moving right now. Which is why he let out a huffy growl when Eskel came back and started poking at him to let him clean him.
“Not moving,” he grunted, but Eskel didn’t listen and moved him anyway. Rolled him over onto his side and Lambert just flopped over, eyes no longer shut tight, his face flushed still from the workout and his eyes glaring burning holes into Eskel’s pillow.
Eskel’s hands were gentle while they cleaned him up. Always gentle, in that way Lambert used to think he didn’t deserve. There was always room for argument there but he’d stopped trying to fight it years ago, finally letting Eskel do as he pleased, even if ‘what he pleased’ meant running those calloused, rough hands and fingers over him so softly one might believe Eskel thought him precious.
At least he never said it. Lambert would have to break out his teeth if he did. The touching, however, he’d...gotten used to it.
Eskel’s hands soothed over his leg once the majority of the cum was washed off of his hole and arse, the mess that had been spilled onto the back of his thighs also taken care of. He nudged Lambert back onto his back and Lambert growled at being made to move again, letting his lip twitch up into a silent snarl even as his eyes hazed over again.
In the firelight, Eskel’s face was gorgeous. Arguably he was always unfairly attractive, sexy in that ruggish way that tempted Lambert to sink his teeth into the meat of his shoulder when they were out and about doing chores during the winter. Not that he ever did. The cold was enough of a deterrent for him to not even once consider sex outside in the middle of it, snow making him shudder just from sight alone. Last thing he needed was for Eskel to get ideas because the man had a nasty habit of being irresistible.
Like he was doing right now. Face half cast in shadow, the scarred side alight from the flames, a gentle but possessive look in his golden eyes as he cleaned up the mess Lambert had made on his own thighs and stomach. There wasn’t much hair there so it was certainly easier to clean than off of Eskel, which was something at least.
Despite how irritating it was to be forced to move so much, the warmed cloth against his skin was soothing. Lambert melted under the touch, eyes sliding shut again as Eskel hummed. It wasn’t a song or tune, not really, just something he did when he was relaxed enough. Almost like the way Aiden purred when he got to curl up in front of a fire.
After his injury, Lambert hadn’t been able to do much of anything around the keep. Mostly he attempted to not burn the stew over the fire, baked bread for the lot of them (which everyone said was better than Vesemir’s but Lambert had just shrugged, not really sure he agreed). Keeping them all fed had become his one and only duty, and though he thought it would be boring at first it really hadn’t turned out to be all that bad.
Taste testing everything he made and making it taste good to his own standards had been nice, and it had led to eating even more of the breads and stews than he usually would. That along with not much exercise had led to his stomach ending up a bit plusher than it normally was, even for winter. All of them put on a good bit of weight when the fighting was less, the food was plentiful, and the road was behind them and replaced with a warm bed every night.
Eskel tossed the wash rag to the side, but his hand didn’t stop running over Lambert’s skin. It was on the plush fat of his stomach, warm and heavy against him, the bed dipped down under Eskel’s own weight as he leaned over Lambert to press a featherlight kiss to his forehead.
It was almost too much, in that way that made Lambert want to squirm. He scowled at the kiss and was grateful when Eskel left it at that, able to relax at just the gentle kneading of his stomach. Fingers digging in at just the right spots, hand cupping the soft skin, massaging his stomach in a way Lambert really hadn’t known he’d love so much.
Scars littered his skin. Jagged ones that were from the worst of his injuries. Smoothe ones that had barely hurt when whatever monster or human had gotten ahold of him. Eskel’s fingers found them and his touch lightened to a caress, Lambert’s heartbeat picking up, his face flushing further as he tried to ignore the way it made his chest feel so light.
Eskel moved down the bed, settling in so his head was pillowed on Lambert’s stomach. His lips ran aimlessly against it as his hand continued to caress and knead him, the older wolf settling in as if it was the most natural thing in the world to give such tender affection to a creature that had been rebuilt to kill.
After a time, it was too much. Lambert’s breath caught in his throat, his chest almost too light, the gentle touch and the way his heart ached over it overwhelming. But instead of pushing Eskel away he just reached out to him, fingers finding his hair and running through it until he had a gentle, grounding grip that made the world stop spinning around them.
Eskel hummed again, pressing a firm kiss to Lambert’s soft stomach. “You’re alright, pup. I’ve got you.”
And Lambert believed him.
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emerald-amidst-gold · 3 years
Catch Up Game
Thank you so much @the-dreadful-canine @varric-tethras-editor @oxygenforthewicked and @hoochieblues for the tags! <3
Last song: I don’t have a specific title but I’ve been listening to the Dark Souls III soundtrack! Like the boss themes SLAP! *resists the urge to go and buy a Playstation* 
Last movie: As ever, I have the attention span of a gnat so no movies! Though, I kind of want to watch a horror movie. I’m one of those people that likes the Silent Hill games because of the psychological aspect, so I kind of want a psychological horror movie to watch. ...I’m too analytical, I swear. XD
Currently reading: That little scene I shared on the Wednesday! I’m working on fleshing it out so I could possibly use it as a later chapter in my main fic! :D Although, I might take a break since I have the urge to play the game today!  ...Honestly, I might just write the whole Halamshiral arc because yes. However, I have been dipping in and out of other fanfics to see how people structure so I can refine my structuring! :3  
Currently watching: A VOD on Twitch of someone playing Dark Souls! X3 ...The armor is giving me ideas for...um...things. *giggles suspiciously* 
Currently craving: Cookies! *makes grabby hands* I just went to the store because my dad wasn’t able to buy bread this morning at our normal store of choosing, and I bought sugar cookies! X3 ...I’m trying not to eat the whole package but I WAAAANT. 
Tagging (because I just love everyone <3) @blueheaded @rosella-writes @rozhevisny @drag-on-age @dungeons-and-dragon-age @aymayzing @dreadfutures @little-lightning-lavellan @whataboutbugs @noire-pandora and anyone else who’d like! (no pressure! *gibs cookie* :3)
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*gives you garlic bread* Gib me something with Naehinahara plz or else no requests from me forever /j
Oh no 😱 /s
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~naehinahara headers~
!free for anyone to use with or without credit!
I love this so much omggggg tyyyy. They are boyfriends and they solve crimes together ❤️
I actually might make this my header in my main I love it that much....
I’ll have to get a dif pfp first tho so
Thank you for requesting! And the garlic bread. *eats it*
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-Mod Fuyuhiko
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girlboyfriendpdf · 2 years
my love :o you've got a new look! i love what you've done with the place~~ bringing you some flowers and fresh bread 💕 i love youuuu <3
bringing u a kiss, you’re 75% responsible for my new look beloved, love love love the theme u got both the ones in laptop + phone ! loved them and the blue makes me feel like i’m in a planetarium and walking hand in hand with u, feeling all the love we have for us and all that the world has to offer. love you constantly, bringing u leaves🍃 to put over ur head and a sparkle ✨ to put on ur nose and kiss over it. also beloved! give the book “before the coffee gets cold” a try! i have heard it’s good and and and i’m reading it now too!! love you so much gib head pats + kith to ur cattos meow mwah 🌺🌸🍄🌷🐚🪨
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finn-ray-nal-beads · 3 years
Flip as Barry Gib for Halloween... your thoughts?
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A/N: @maybe-your-left thoughts? I have several... since you’ve asked. I hope ya like it, Kitten 😉. BTW for those who don’t know who Barry Gib is: Lead singer of the Bee-Gees and the song Stayin’ Alive is their most popular hit of the 70′s. 
Warnings: Sub/Dom slurs, Alpha mentions, creampies, cum eating, slight choking, tit slapping, purple nurples (yes I used a Chowder reference thank you), smut in general, Flip is a total Dom, we are total switch, it’s all disco to me baby, playful married banter, slight fluff at the end 
“You want me to what?” Flip scratched his goatee as you were putting the finishing touches on your makeup for the evening. 
“You’re gonna wear these platforms and costume to the party with me,” you popped your lip gloss together, scraping the sides so your lips looked extra shiny and pouted. 
“Platforms?” he chuckled at the thought of it, “sweetheart, I ain’t wearin’ these,” he lifted the white boots to examine their contents as if drugs would fall out of them at any moment. 
“Ummm,” you carefully placed your lash on your right eye, “yes, you are babe,” smoothing it out so it lined up naturally with your other lashes. 
“And why the fuck would I do that, honey,” he dropped them on the floor, lighting a cigarette to keep himself from grouching even more than he already was. 
“Because if you want ANY of this,” you gestured to your bread and butter, “then you’ll do it. Also because you love me unconditionally.” 
He snickered again huffing out a plume of smoke, “is that fuckin’ so?” taking huge steps into the shared bathroom, pressing his large figure into your bent-over backside, “last time I checked, baby doll, I was in charge of things around here.” 
Whispering into your ear, causing a shiver to run up your spine, and goosebumps to form all over your body, “well, it’s Halloween, babycakes,” making yourself as tall as possible, turning around and plucking the lit cigarette from his lips and taking a huge drag, “so roles are kinda reversed for the time being,” smirking as you exhaled the plume from your perfect lips.
“You will do it,” ashing out the butt in the sink, “and you WILL like it,” inching into his open lips, leaving a little peck as you noticed the bulge forming in his jeans. 
Snaking your arm around and patting his ass, “now, get ready, we’re gonna be late, cowboy,” you smiled bright, turning back around to survey yourself in the mirror before moving into the bedroom to put the rest of your ensemble on.  
Flip stood in the bathroom, in utter shock at your forwardness, holding in a breath and looking at himself in the mirror. He’d never been talked to so… harshly before. 
He gathered his pride to walk back into the bedroom, watching you hunched over the bed placing the god-awful shoes on your pretty feet. 
Like the good boy, he was, got dressed in everything but the shoes, staring them down as if they’d disappear to which he’d be grateful for. 
“Baby,” you sang into the room, “are ya ready?” jogging into the OK Corral staredown taking place in your master. 
“Honey,” he whined at you, “I-I don’t wanna wear these stupid things,” huffing and puffing at everything about them. 
“Now, what did I say?” as if speaking to a child. He groaned out as he moved to put the disastrous hooves on his large feet, “I know, I know.” 
Rolling his eyes and standing up to a height he never knew he could achieve, “look at my handsome Barry!” pandering and tugging at the necklace hanging into his open-chested shirt. 
“Yeah, yeah,” he pecked your forehead, “let’s get outta here before I change my fuckin’ mind.” 
“Let’s go boogie, babe!” you giddily smiled pulling him out the door, to the truck. 
The bar was chalked full of ghouls, goblins, witches, and demons as the both of you meandered to fetch some drinks. Flip towered over the crowd in the heels he wore, so getting the attention of the bartender was easier than usual. With drinks in hand, you went to find your group of friends to start the night off. 
“Well, howdy there Zimmermans!” a familiar voice chimed out, “lookin’ groovy Flip!” a chorus of chuckles and whistles followed as the faces came into view. 
“I know doesn’t my husband look so damn handsome,” petting his chest again as he gave you a death stare. 
“Very!” Ron chuckled lowly, sending Flip’s gaze to burn holes into his chest, “watch your fuckin’ mouth, Rookie.”
Grabbing his beer from his grip, “stop it, Phil, he’s only trying to be funny,” placing them on the group table, “let’s go dance for a minute, honey,” pulling his lumbering figure to the disco lights as the last song faded out. 
You both stand there a minute amongst the crowd waiting for the DJ to spin another tune. All of a sudden, the beat to Stayin’ Alive comes on full blast, and you immediately turn towards your lumberjack in an ecstatic holler. He recants with an eye roll and spins you around a few times before the both of you join the rhythm with your hips and grind on each other like teenagers at a party. 
The final chorus fades out, both of you sweaty and all kinds of hot and bothered, turn to each other and lock lips like it was the first time you’d ever kissed. 
Your tongues dancing in and out of one another, teeth clanking on teeth, if there hadn’t been so many people around you’d hear the suctioning and moaning reverberate on the walls. 
“Bathroom. Now,” he pulls off of you, heading towards the destination with you dragging behind like a lost puppy. 
The second lock is turned in the claustrophobic and dimly lit restroom, he’s on you, caging you in like an escaped animal. 
“You think you can get away with talkin’ tough to me,” he snarled into your ear, rubbing your mound as you brace yourself on the sink, “you forgot who I am to you I guess.” 
Hissing in your ear as the tingling in your spine grew to a full blaze, “well I’ll remind you little whore,” inching another large hand to grip onto your tits with as much force as possible, pinching the sensitive nipple until it was almost bleeding. 
You let out a cry in pleasure as he kept pinching, “who am I to you?” growling at your pain, “use your fuckin’ words slut.” 
You winced as he brought the other hand to grip your other tit, doing the same motions in tandem, making your back arch off the porcelain. 
“Y-you’re my alpha!” you screamed as he twisted even harder on the sensitive buds, “that’s fuckin’ right, honey,” reveling in your pain as your lips dropped open in a huge gasp. 
His primal instincts ripped the jumpsuit you had worn to shreds on the bathroom floor, leaving you completely bare to him. 
“You fuckin’ slut,” he tsked pulling his zipper down and releasing his monster cock from his bellbottoms, “wearin’ nothin’ at all underneath that lil’ number huh? That’s strike two.” 
He chuckled, “bend over on the sink, I’m gonna fuck you so hard, everyone is this bar is gonna know who you belong to.” 
You turned around slightly bending over to get your footing with your platforms, going too slow for Flip’s taste. Gripping the back of your neck, forcing you down just enough so he could line his cock up with your wetness that had formed. 
“Naughty lil’ pussy is so eager for me, huh,” he mused, slipping in his angry cock, inching it in as your walls swallowed it like a good little kitty. 
Once he bottomed out, he wrapped one hand on your throat, pulling you flush with him, and the other in a bruising grip on your hip. Thrusting up into you as you moaned on his cock, gripping your tits for support. 
“Look at you,” his lust blown eyes, gazing at your writhing in the mirror, “so fuckin’ eager for my cock.” 
Your eyes opened to view his member pummeling your squelched entrance in the mirror, “fuck, Phil,” beyond words as you watched your man take you in the bathroom. 
“You want me to fill this whore cunt up?” panting between thrusts as they became more erratic watching your movements in the mirror, “make you sit in it the rest of the night?” 
Just then he moved his hands to push away your grip on your tits, massaging them with his own and then slapping the skin as hard as he could, “You’re all mine, Y/N.” 
He returned both hands to your hips as you slightly bent over. The new angle allowing him to pillage your hole with the most fervor he could muster. 
“All. Fuckin’. Mine,” he grunted out causing your walls to flutter, as you neared your climax. He reached his right hand to circle your aching clit, causing a chorus of moans and cries from your perfectly glossed lips. 
“You gonna cum for me, honey?” he sped up his movements, causing the tingling to spread throughout your abdomen. You rolled your eyes as you came hard on his huge cock, gasping his name out in a chant as he coaxed you through it. 
“That’s my good girl,” he mewled as his hand left your center, returning to your hip as he picked up his own pace towards his release. Your walls closing in and out on him sending him into a state of complete ecstasy as he released his spend into you. 
“Fuck, Y/N,” he panted out as he dumped the last of his seed into your gaping hole, pulling out to see the leakage seep from your pretty little slit. 
“So full of me,” he scooped the mixture causing you to turn around and face him, opening your mouth in submission. 
“Good girl,” he stuffed his thick fingers into you, watching your lips close and suck on the concoction you’d both made. Pulling them out to watch you swallow the rest of it, patting you bare ass when you’d shown him your empty mouth again. 
“God, I love you,” he pulled you flush to him, kissing the sweat sheened on your skin, smelling your scent. You wrapped your arms around his midsection, “I love you too, honey,” kissing his chest and then his lips as he bent low to meet you. 
“Happy Halloween, Barry,” pushing him off of you in a chuckle and grabbing your jumpsuit from the floor, “we should head back out there. I wanna dance a little bit more, please?” 
“Anything for you honey,” he smiled, helping you zip the suit back on, “as long as you don’t fuckin’ sass me like that again.” 
“Well given the reaming I just got, detective,” you winked, “I may just act out once more to see what kind of punishment I’ll get when we get home?” 
Raising your eyebrow as you unlocked the door to walk out, “try me, baby girl,” his pupils dilated watching your smirk grow. 
“I have a few tricks up my sleeve,” leading him out to the crowd of ghosts, goblins, and zombies to finish the night off. 
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