#getting old sucks
kudzusudzu · 3 months
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2022 comic ass-istential crisis
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bigmeatpete69420 · 6 months
Had a minor slip and fall yesterday and now I can't stand up straight or walk
Take care of yourself folks, stretch, drink lots of water and fruit veggies and nuts
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criminal-sen · 6 months
FUCK I was just standing here eating and a big old chunk of one of my teeth just. Fell off. And it's Friday and my dentist isn't even open til Tues so that's just so fucking great..
I have some temporary cavity filler from the last time this happened (yes its happened more than once but last time was a filling🤦‍♂️) so I'll manage. Just jfc it's one thing after another..
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destinyandfandoms · 1 month
Eating fast food makes my stomach feel sore the next day and yet every Saturday I still get fastfood because I gaslight myself into thinking that this tike will be different
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altheterrible · 9 months
Bright and early for the daily races; going nowhere, going nowhere.
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zerojanitor · 4 months
i fell down yesterday because i was trying to squeeze into a tight space and i lost my footing
i'm basically fine but i have a bruise on my thigh where it hit the corner of a table and my arm is sore from trying to catch my entire weight
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cydonianking · 4 months
I’m thirty.
I was just nineteen 3 weeks ago.
“And then, one day, you find ten years have got behind you. No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun.”
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sekhithefops · 9 months
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I posted a thingie recently about nostalgia and returning to WoW, and... yeah, its cute as heck to think of some three or six year old kid exploring Azeroth, then I remember vanilla came out the year I graduated high school. ;w;
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fatgirlgetsfitatlast · 5 months
End of Year 2023 Summary
I have never in my life had such slow weight loss when I've been sincerely working hard and not cheating. I basically plateaued from March until Sept, going up and down and actually gaining back some weight, DESPITE really trying. To start the loss again, I had to add in walking almost every day, at least 2 miles, often 3, to get to 10k steps as often as possible, and I had to cut out some high-calorie (even though low carb) foods (heavy cream was the main one).
I've never had to do that before. Getting OLD SUCKS! Nothing works 'like it used to'!
I STILL have a plantar wart on the bottom of my big toe which gets treated with acid and freezing every 2-3 weeks. This has been going on FOR A YEAR. Most expensive wart IN HISTORY! There doesn't seem to be any optional treatment. I was told that surgery to remove it would leave scar tissue and be at least as painful as the wart. Every time I have it treated, I cannot get a shoe on and thus cannot effectively walk for 3-4 days after.
On the plus side, I saw improvements in my LIPID and Blood Sugar/A1C numbers and the doctor was pleased that both were nearly into the normal range last I had them checked, which was in August. I have another blood test in February. Unfortunately, I'm still on the blood pressure meds, which I'd hoped to be able to get off of. So that is still a goal for next year.
I participated in my first 'race' this year. That's kind of a joke because it was 1 mile and wasn't timed and I wasn't racing, but I got a t-shirt and a medal, so I guess it counts. I am not a runner and will never be a runner, but maybe next year I'll walk the 5k of this beach race, which is just down the street from me.
I'm regularly walking 5k now, several times a week, which is a huge improvement over where I restarted this journey, when I could barely walk a mile and my hips KILLED me the whole time. Now they only kill me after I get home and sit down and try to get back up again; they stiffen up. I'm telling you, GETTING OLD SUCKS.
But, what's the alternative, right? So, goals for next year are to keep getting older, but lose more weight, get more fit, and maybe not feel any older.
The numbers:
Loss since restart (April 2022 HW: 334): 50
Loss in 2023 : 30
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carrickbender · 1 year
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- So my BFF's brother in law's cousin is on the Tampa Bay Devil Rays(like the real squad, not one of their farm teams!), whose 13-0 start turned into 13-1 start thanks to 'my team', the Toronto Blue Jays, last night. I told my BFF, who is a Mariners fan, that Toronto just "24 Elsinore'd" their asses and I think that reference should be a thing, damn it! (Please tell me yall kinda get it... please?)
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-Anyhow, I got my yellow belt cert from CWU yesterday in Lean, and we are well on our way for our green belts. I'm sure some of you have more experience, but this is an interesting process and as it turns out, is in demand. And as the dude put it...
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-Also as it turns out, there's a rainbow bus in Henry's Richard Scarry book. I'm sure Ron DeSantis and Charlie Kirk are gonna get all fired up about it sooner or later. I mean, while all the other intentional cruelty for crueltys sake and being general miserable human beings is low hangingfruit for them, they have to save something for desert.
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- ohhh, and speaking of fruit and ACTUAL desert, H's culinary adventures in deliciousness are stinking up the house once again: banana-apple bread. I can eat a few crumbs, but the smell is absolutely lovely.
- Living in a wet climate means doing your first mow of the lawn as late as possible and whenever it isn't raining, and that was yesterday. My weed whacker fired up nicely, and the Honda lawnmower ran like a top. I somehow managed to mow over all of Cabo's "nitrogen bombs" without stepping in any...
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AND the hummingbirds didn't declare war... which was nice, because they're sooooo territorial and moody. (I mean, it's not like we haven't sustained the ungrateful a-holes on liquid crack all winter!!!!). I'm regretting not giving the quince a serious haircut because its kinda a mess, but then again, it will be some of the first foods for the bees so it's not a big deal. Plus the migratory hummingbirds will be here soon so nature needs all the snacks.I mean, God forbid the flying spicy needles not get all of the foods!!!
Anyhow, if you've made it this far, thank you. And if you think about it, send a little good energy my way for the 2 jobs for which I just applied. Great company, management, and they're definite prospects. There are lots of other folks who need the good energy of the universe, but if there's a little left, a new breeze in my sails would be welcomed.
You are all lovely and wonderful, and much love!
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rebuildingthewarrior · 10 months
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Well. I attempted to go fishing this morning. While fishing for bait fish a wave hit the side of the boat and my foot slipped. Something in my calf popped. It hurt bad. I was returns to the doc and now I cannot put any pressure on that leg. 😑
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I'm not even 40 yet and I just had this wild pain in my knee and I couldn't bend it, felt some things shift around, and now I can bend it and put weight on it, but there's this dull pain still lingering.
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batman-2079 · 9 months
Anyone ever feel I Don’t Know. Like I Don’t Know how I feel, but I don’t feel right. Something’s missing and I can’t put my finger on it.
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Morning all! As many are, I’m trying to get back on track with my eating and have started exercising 3+ days a week. I’m not doing anything too strenuous since my knee is still due for replacement ( right one replaced 2 years ago ) but still doing what I can.
Unfortunately, the day before yesterday while grocery shopping of all things, stepped forward to reach something on a shelf and had an excruciating pain run through my knee and up & down my leg. It hurt so bad and shocked me so much, I literally screamed out loud in the middle of the peanut butter. I had to use the cart to help me stay on my feet and one of the employees got a motorized cart for me since I couldn’t walk and I refused an ambulance. How embarrassing! 🙄
Anyway, as of today it’s a bit better in that I can put my weight on it and hobble around but it’s still swollen and very painful. Looks like I’ll be heading to the doctor in the morning even though I don’t want to. I’m so afraid they’ll tell me that my time is up and I’ve got to replace the knee now. I’m soooo not ready to go through that again. 🥹 So yeah, that’s been my weekend. Hope you all have had a MUCH better weekend than I and have a fantastic week!
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dornish-queen · 11 months
Every year you're getting older. You can't do stupid stuff anymore.
Someone says to me as I'm looking at pics of myself when I used to do spartan runs before my joints gave out.
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thecampfirescene · 1 year
*changes my tumblr bio* okay now i'm officially 25
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