#genie damian au
spider-jaysart · 28 days
For the fandom ask game, #3
also #6 if you are up for it :)
3. NoTP?
I've got several lol
Batcest, Supercest, adult characters with any underage characters, Damian x Raven, Damian x Cassandra, Damian x Mar'i, Damian x Cassie, Damian x Max (from the Teen titans series by Kami Garcia), Jon x Saturn girl, Starfire with any of the Batfam members, DickBabs, Sladick, Dick x Selina, Jason x Talia, Bruce x Lone, Clark x Diana
And I think that's probably all of them, since I can't remember if there are any others lol
6. Show us a bit of a WIP!
Well here's a couple as a treat hehe
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This was for last year's Jon Kent week event, but I never got to finish it on time. I really do wanna try to get it done now though
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This ones from an au of mines where Damian is a Genie and also half witch :)
I really like it a lot, so I'm gonna clean it up and color it soon
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Damian trying on the current suit, another wip that I wanna get done as well
Thank you for the ask, anon!!
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Crossover prompt au where Damian failed to get along with the Titans and was labeled as being "too violent" and this changes the course of the timeline.
Phantom had been living full time in the Ghost Zone and planned on checking out one of the "Forbidden" areas in hopes that it would be a nice place for him to get some much needed relaxation. Ever since Kitty found out which door lead to his lair hes been bombarded with people knocking and looking for a fight. Danny hadn't yet learned that he could just...move his door so he was exploring the more out there options.
Anyway he slips into another dimension and starts exploring this desert wastland filled with monsters and crumpled buildings. It looks like the apocalypse had hit and he didn't see a single human around. Worse there was something moving so fast towards him it was just a large blue blur.
Was that...? Wow thats a lot of hair.
Danny tried to make a quick escape by opening a portal to the GZ especially when he saw a hoard of what looked like angels following after the blur and throwing weapons and lightning at it as it dodged away. The portal opened but it didn't lead to the GZ. The blur crashed into him and sent them both spiraling into the new dimension and crashing directly into some blond guy on a motorcycle.
Good news! The guy was largely unharmed.
Bad news! Danny accidentally opened a portal to the GZ during the chaos. They all fell in and they argued amongst themselves up until the blur, who turned out to be a guy with ridiculously long and pretty blue hair said "I wish I could just see the real you so I could know if you're trustworthy or not."
"So you have wished it, so it shall be!" Came a booming voice from all around them. A woman dressed like a genie then cast some kind of spell onto them turning Phantom into Fenton, and the blond guy into a blond kid.
Phantom decided to use the last of his power to open a portal to a safer location since they had no way to protect themselves from the ghosts and Blue guy agreed while the blond guy was having some sort of mental breakdown muttering, "So Hojo wasn't lying? I really am just a clone? Are all my memories really fake?!"
The other two grimaced with sympathy. That sounds rough. They worked together to move the blond and his motorcycle through the portal which snapped shut behind them.
Now they had a new problem. This city, appropriately named "Gotham" felt far from safe and they were essentially stuck there for the foreseeable future. After cursing thier luck Danny introduced himself as a Halfa, a creature that exists between life and death. The blue haired guy took this as his cue to introduce himself as "Ren" which was an obvious fake name but he called himself a nahobino which was interesting. Too bad he wouldn't elaborate.
Next it was blondies turn. His name was Cloud Strife, a lab experiment made by Shinra- a corrupt electric power company that somehow managed to take over the world. How did that even happen??? Cloud just shrugged when asked.
They all decided they needed to stick together and find a way to find for themselves. This of course meant stealing to survive...which turned out to be way harder than they thought it would be because there's some maniac in a bat costume with a birdy sidekick chasing after them and raiding all thier hideouts. If they had to get another hideout this week Danny was gonna scream!
Worse! He wants to adopt them. The guy! In a bat costume! The "we are all very damaged child soldiers" didn't persuade him, in fact they're sure it made it worse.
On the next raid the bird boy offered to talk. He wanted to make a superhero team with the four of them, in exchange they would be given food, shelter, clothing and payment and the charges placed along them would be lessened or outright dropped.
They begrudgingly agreed.
Damian really liked his team. Especially once Phantom regained his powers.
People kept commenting on my three way crossover so here's a four way crossover with Batman x Danny Phantom x shin megami tensei 5 x Final Fantasy 7 just because I can.
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theskeptileptic · 5 months
my dream peter parker/batfam fanfic would be like a borscht of all the best tropes from ao3 with these seasonings:
au divergence after end game. but instead of tony snapping, peter snaps. he’s dead, he’s died, except maybe the stones hear his last wish as “keep them safe” and interprets it broadly to mean him too—so they yeet him to the dc universe.
but he’s not magically healed. so his arm/side is charred and damaged and his healing is taking care of brain damage but only the worst of it. boy’s got amnesia and a paralyzed arm and landed, let’s say, exactly where the NY battle against Thanos was being held but in this universe, that happens to be a Bristol skatepark at eleven-thirty at night
where a sixteen year-old tim drake is angsting pretty hard and struggling with his own recovery post a Rogue smack down that has left him with some newly acquired, long-term physical disabilities
(and tim, who has convinced the batfam that he has an uncle to care for him, is also dealing with all the juicy unreliable narrator tropes these orphan boys seem to acquire like pokémon cards—he doesn’t think he’s part of the family, he can’t be useful anymore, he’s stepping back to give jason and damian space)
(and let’s say, bruce is also missing because, it’s my story, so dick hasn’t been able to look into the uncle thing because he’s dealing with becoming a dad to an angsty 12 year-old assassin kid who is threatening to run back to Ra’s but is also clearly in need of love)
(and let’s also say, jason is trying hard but isn’t talking to dick right now because he thinks tim shouldn’t have been allowed to fight the rogues in the first place, so he’s unreachable for the moment)
but now tim is staring at this boy who has popped up in his old skatepark and has to give first aid but can’t because of his own difficulties
so he calls jason who answers because it’s tim and tim was really hurt, and tim freaks out and jason comes and they call an ambulance for the boy
peter is unconscious but opens his eyes when the ambulance gets to the park. tim is talking softly to him and peter reaches out because tim reminds him of ned.
peter’s sticky powers mean tim has to come to the hospital with him because when peter fainted again, he was still attached to tim’s hand
“who is the boy?” “how did he get so hurt?” ask the hospital, cps, gcpd. so they take fingerprints and blood and dna and low and behold, a match.
because it’s my story
and i’m a genie
granting wishes to myself
and i’m a glutton
and i will die choking on my own sweet, sugary fluff
dick grayson is the father. (because richard parker is richard grayson is my kryptonite) jason realizes his brother will need some major help, so they reunite over this news.
tim sticks around once peter wakes and they all realize peter has amnesia.
“oh, my uncle won’t mind me staying here for a bit. he’s on a business trip.”
(later on in this huge behemoth of a head canon, tim and peter solve the mystery of bruce being lost in time. i’d love to see a red robin au where peter and tim are working together and dick is trying to keep his alternate universe son from spider-manning in front of ra’s.)
lots of angst potential when peter’s memory returns.
potential running away
potential misunderstandings?
alfred is not uncle ben, peter knows this, but sometimes, peter hangs out in the kitchen because alfred will say the same things uncle ben said, just in a better accent
jason and peter bond instantly. damian and peter bond instantly. how does tim handle a kid his age, going through some of the same health, physical challenges, who just seems to have a much easier time getting along with his brothers?
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esfordays · 7 months
Drawing Cass, Damian and Dick all experiencing Halloween for the first time together, and I don’t know what to dress dick as… so… a poll!
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mitfehlendenworten · 1 year
Robin (Damian) spricht mir aus der Seele, was Geschichten mit dem Joker seit JAHREN angeht.
Anscheinend beflügelt vom Hype um Heath Ledger als Joker und nach dem Wiederausgraben von „The Killing Joke“ wurde der Joker als einzelner, zentraler Gegner in eine Richtung des „Wahnsinnigen Genies“ geschrieben, die immer wieder dasselbe Plot-Mittel zum Anfang braucht: Batman muss sich überrumpeln lassen und dann können die „Psycho-Spielchen“ beginnen – als würde Batman nicht Jahrzehnte Erfahrung mit dem Joker haben.
Im aktuellen Beispiel („Death of the Family“) war Batman sogar aktiv auf der Jagd/Suche nach dem Joker und lässt sich vergiften, betäuben, fangen, gehirnwaschen – was auch immer*. Robin übrigens auch.
Es wird immer trauriger, dass der Joker so oft rausgeholt wird und dann wirklich immer ohne inhaltliche Substanz einfach dieser wahllose Quatsch abgespult wird. Ein Wirbel um sich selbst ist keine erzählerische Richtung für eine Figur, v.a. nicht wenn alle anderen mitwirbeln und nicht dabei herauskommt.
*Und als Drückeberger-Twist, um aus der Sackgasse wieder herauszukommen, wird nicht nur der Kampf Batman-Robin abgebrochen, sondern es kommt noch raus, dass im Batman-Kostüm ein ganz anderer steckte.
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zambie-trashart · 4 years
Forget About Love
I’m doing the Aladdin AU so I’m just going to do little things until it is done so here’s the first one and the cast list. (I’m doing the live action)
Aladdin: Adrien Jasmine: Jon Genie: Damian Dalia: Marinette Jafar: Gabriel Iago: Lila Abu: Plagg Raja: Tikki Sultan: Clark Prince Anders: Felix
Aladdin Summary: Prince Jon just wants to rule with the right man beside him but when he meets a street rat in the market he feels different. Gabriel the right hand of the Sultan Clark left his son in the street after his wife died and promised to get him once he was in power but when he had to find a diamond in the rough they are reunited sooner than he though. Adrien meets an indifferent genie named Damian who seems to have a soft spot for the people on the palace but especially the hand maiden Marinette. Be careful what you wish for.
A/n: This is technically a song from the second animated movie but it’s just so cute. It’s Iago trying to convince Jasmine that she still loves Aladdin.
It’s a three person song soooooo regular text will be Lila, Italics are Jon, and Bold is Adrien.
Jonathan sat in his room crying and Lila watched from the window sighing. She really hated being the good guy but Adrien saved her life. Jonathan looked up and saw her standing there.
“What are you doing here you dirty rat?” Jonathan asked marching over to her.
“You shouldn’t be wasting your tears on him, I never should have saved his life,” Lila listened for the responce.
“Saved his life?” Jonathan asked.
“Yeah, he owed me one,” Lila said smirking.
“He didn’t have to lie to me,” Jonathan said frowning.
“You’re right, forget about that guy, forget about the way you fell into his eyes. Forget about his charms forget about the way he held you in his arms. Walking on air's obnoxious. The thrills the chills will make you nauseous and you'll never get enough just forget about love!” Jonathan sighed and Lila picked up a flower and dodged Jonathan as he tried to get it back. “Forget about romance forget about the way your heart begins to dance. Then you feel the blush when he's spouting out some sentimental mush. Love really is revolting it's even worse than when you're moulting. Enough of this fluff just forget about love!” Lila sang and Jonathan grabbed the flower.
“I had almost forgotten the way it felt when he held out his hand for mine, my heart all a-flutter.”
“Oh, how I shudder.”
“The first time we kissed.”
“It won't be missed! Forget about 'is touch.”
“I can't forget about his touch.”
“In the scheme of things, it doesn't matter much.”
“It matters so mu-uch.”
“You're better on your own a meal becomes a banquet when you eat alone.”
“Love's filled with compromises.”
“And don't you hate those big surprises?”
“A cozy rendezvous.”
“Oh, please!”
“Candlelight for two.”
“Oh, geez!”
“Look you're calling my bluff!”
“I can't Just forget about love!” Jonathan ran outside and saw Adrien sitting alone and when he approached Adrien, Adrien tried to apologize but Jonathan just put a finger over his lips.
“I can't forget about my heart.”
“I can't forget about my heart.”
“And how it felt to fall for you right from the start.”
“I'm still falling.”
“Whatever we may do.”
“Whatever we may do.”
“You are here for me, and I'll be there for you.”
“I'll be there.”
“To wish, to want, to wander to find the sun through rain and thunder.”
“A cozy rendezvous.”
“Yes, please!”
“Candlelight for two.”
“Oh, geez! Enough is enough!” Lila called from the balcony of Jonathan’s room.
“We can't forget about love!” Lila smiled as the two kissed but remembered herself. She was bad, but did she have to be?
Expect new Aladdin stuff every once and a while not a lot of writing but more art and stuff cause there’s one that I’m dying to show you guys.
JPS: @thatonecroc @mochegato @mochinek0 @toodaloo-kangaroo @liquid-luck-00 @ive-tumbled-down-a-rabbit-hole  @ranger-gothamite​ @moonspiritwolf1  @professionalfangirl1738​ @crystalangelluna @loveswifi @wannajointhecrabcult
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greenninjagal-blog · 4 years
currently vibing in a two-week lockdown, can you share some of your favorite fics? i need some new things to read, and I've got too much time on my hands-
Aw man, same! The rest of my actual Spring Semester got turned online… Let’s see…..Fic recs for the pseudo End of the World (Courtesy of AO3, arranged by most prominent ship!) Keep in mind that my descriptions are shorter and written mostly for comedic effect than the actual fics, so if something looks interesting Click it! Get more info about it! Don’t just take my word! I tried my best to get a lot of variety of fics and topics and tropes, as well as authors that might not be as well known! Uhhh here are the links to lists I’ve already made for various other reasons check out my Fic Rec Masterlist!
I also am including various of my fav authors masterlists for funsies!
jungle321jungle’s || Max-isTired’s || TrashficParlour’s || Lefaystrent’s || Mine!
Completed Fics
A Deal in which Virgil tries to summon a familiar and gets a Circle King instead. And he’s really pretty. (Anxceit)
Love Like You in which Virgil decides to give up looking for a romantic partner and considers adopting instead. He finds more than he’s looking for with a set of twins and the man who watches over them (Anxceit)
A Dragon’s Tail in which Logan is cursed to be a Dragon by his best friends stepmother, Virgil is struggling to learn a power he can’t control, Patton who’d rather marry a servant than the Prince, and Roman has no clue what is going on but the Prince he’s supposed to be saving can probably kick his ass. (Logicality, Prinxiety)
A Game of Vice in which Remus kidnaps Roman and turns it into a game of who can come save him from his lonely tower. (Logicality, Prinxeity) 
double down with the paradigms in which Logan tries to explain away his own OCD while dealing with the emotions he has for a certain Pre-Vet. Excellent depiction of OCD, made me cry, 300/10 would read again. (Logicality, Prinxiety)
It Takes Two to Tango in which Roman begs his brother, Logan, to let him go back in time to meet a famous dancer. Falling in Love was not part of the plan. (Prinxiety, Logicality)
A favorite star in the heavens in which everyone has at least one soulmate. They’re luckily enough to have three each. (LAMP) 
Forgotten Forests and Magnified Myths in which Logan finds out very suddenly that he has the passive ability to talk to dragons. (DAMP, Remilie)
Sense5 in which five people in different countries are suddenly psychically linked together and uh…yeah fun times. (DLAMP)
Stray Hearts Are Subject To Change in which black cat hybrid Virgil plans to die very heroically in an alley and Roman completely messes up that plan by being a decent human being. (Prinxiety, Logicality)
Hidden In Shadows in which Virgil is the boogieman every adult warned you about but he doesn’t actually enjoy being scary. Good thing the three Sanders kids aren’t scared of anything. (Not so good for their very confused Dad who isn’t sure what to do about their new imaginary friend)
Paved with Good Intentions in which the dark sides agree to send Virgil to the light sides as a way to get Thomas to listen to them more. Now if Virgil can just get along with the Light sides enough to actually start making some progress…
Absent Gods and Silent Tyranny or: How Logan Learned to Stop Over Thinking and Love Everyone in which Logan is a morally grey scientist who just works for supervillains because they pay well. He doesn’t expect someone like Virgil to change that.
Clouds and Moss AU in which the sides are gods and its very gay and very good. (Intrulogical, Roceit)
Colors in which Logan is an excellent Dad, Virgil is an amazing son, and the world is very colorful. (Logicality)
Labeled in which Logan is a famous superhero, Patton is a doctor, and they adopt the would-be super villain and everything is soft and lovely and I cry at the purity. (Logicality, Remilie)
Fbi!au in which the sides work for the fbi and I diligently reread these series of oneshots for a daily dose of serotonin!  (Logince, Moxiety)
Growing Old is More Fun with You in which Patton is a PTA dad and so is Deceit and they have a “rivalry”. (Mociet)
Gilded Cage in which Roman is forced to dance for the fairy queen whenever she wants it. (Prinxiety)
Renegades! in which the sides live in a dystopia and fight the government while being completely in love with each other. (Prinxiety, Logiciality) 
Love and Other Fairytales in which a couple decides to keep their changling and their actual son, a child is cursed gifted a voice that makes people do whatever he says, a boy makes a rotten deal for the sake of his friend, and centuries before any of this, a fae prince is tricked into an endless sleep by his brother. 
The Vampire Hunting Vampire in which Virgil was turned into a monster and LPR slowly convince him he’s not as bad as he thinks he is. Through cuddles. (LAMP, DLAMP)
Wasteland, Baby! in which there are things in the woods and Patton gets,,, intimate with them. On purpose! (LAMP)
Destined in which Damian has successfully ignored his Soulmates for five years and he planned on doing it for much longer but on his twentieth birthday fate intervenes with a second soultrait that forces him to come face to face with all of them. (DLAMP)
Old Gods in which Gods sometimes walk the earth and Remus is pleased to hear that people are still making offerings to him– wait that is not a goat. And other fun stories!
Sit back and watch the world go by in which Virgil is a human abducted by alien smugglers, befriends Patton, breaks out, and everyone fears humans as space orcs, almost as much as Virgil is afraid of them. 
Teaming the Pieces Together in which Thomas is a pokemon trainer and eevees just…click with him.
Tales from the Dark Sides in which the author provides a lovely hub of works where Virgil is abused by OC dark sides and DLMPR are there to help patch him up.
Uncle Emile and the Super Nephews in which Emile gets custody of his six nephews and tries to bond with them. They in turn try very hard not to tell him they have superpowers.
Cuffed Universe in which Remus is a cop chasing after a hacker, Logan breaks the laws and Virgil would just like tO KEEP ONE JOB WITHOUT ONE OR BOTH OF THE OTHERS DRAGGING HIM INTO THEIR SHIT. (Analomus)
Ongoing Fics
The Origin in which space travel via Thomas Sanders’s ship SS Revelation gets more complicated when the Planets themselves turn out to be entities who aren’t all on board with humanity spreading to the rest of the solar system. (Remile) 
Delicato in which Logan and Patton are music professors with very different conceptions of music, and Virgil and Roman are students in both their classes who just want them to kiss already. (Logicality, Prinxiety)
Coming out of The Shadows in which a small mutant child Virgil is treated as subhuman because of his uncontrolled ability to manipulate shadows up until a scientist buys him. (Royality)
Falling Stars At My Command in which Roman wishes on a star and Patton reaps the benefits while Logan unfortunately gets dragged along for the ride. (Royality) 
Sugar in which Patton has three sons and no free time to bother with a relationship while he’s trying to manage bills. At least until Roman walks into his life. Sugar Daddy anyone? (Royality) 
A Man, a Snake, and a Rat in which Logan, Deceit, and Remus become college roomates (Intruloceit) 
a.s.h.es, ashes (We all fall down) in which after Logan almost dies during one of his recuse missions, him and his partner start to dig into the superhero agency they’re employed by and stumble into something far bigger than they expected. (Logicality, Prinxiety, LAMP? LAMP)
Keep him safe in which Detective Logan falls for the owner of his new favorite bakery while his partner Roman falls for the gang member they’re chasing. Ft: emotions, a pet rat, dealing with delusions 101, trauma, and family so gooey it literally makes me melt whenever it updates. I love this fic so much. (Advertises as Logicality and Prinxiety but theres so much LAMP I can’t not put it down here)
Multitudes in which Virgil works at a coffeeshop, pines over the customers that come in, and wonders why they all tip him so well. (LAMP)
Songbird in which the only thing keeping Virgil’s parents alive is his voice: the moment the (new) King gets tired of listening to him its off with all their heads. And Virgil’s okay with that, he is…. Until three visiting nobles leaving him wishing for his freedom for the first time since he was ten. (LAMP)
Shatter in which Logan gets fed up with not being listened to, and takes some poor advice from Rage, which ends with the entire Mindscape being turned upside down and inside out. Now its up to Deceit fix it all. (aka the author decided it was about high time Deceit got some love and appreciation and I’m out here living for it.) (DAMP)
Incredible Cosmic Power in which Virgil awakens some genies by accident and they refuse to let him go back to living a relatively normal peaceful life. (DLAMP)
Plea for my New Self in which Vampire Virgil decides he wants to start over again, and goes back to college to work on coding. There he proceeds to do reckless good with his absurd amount of wealth and a “fuck it” attitude. Actually one of my favorite things ever okay. I love this one so much. (DLAMP)
Your Wish Is My Command in which Thomas accidentally rubs six lamps and becomes the glorified babysitter to six jinn who definitely don’t trust him. But its fineeee. (DLAMP)
6 Dads in which Deceit, Emile, Remus, Roman, Thomas, and Remy make a relationship work and their children aren’t sure how but go along with it anyway.
Rebel Rebel in which Thomas, a well respected man, visits the Imagination, for some pleasure business as a one time thing. Except that he keeps coming back. Maybe maybe falls in love with one, two, thr– all of the men who work there. 
A New Kind of Experiment  in which Virgil runs away from home, and ends up kidnapped by merman, and somehow he doesn’t mind that much.
Becoming His Own Hero in which everyone has to juggle their superhero lives with their regular lives and sometimes…its just hard.
don’t wanna be a tragedy in which brothers Roman and Remus get a house and subsequently find out its totally, completely, 100% haunted.
Don’t You, Forget About Me in which the author recreates Breakfast club and does it spectacularly.
Heart’s Heroes in which Patton may be a villain but that does not mean he wants to see the child heroes of the city dead.
Mortals and Fae in which Deceit barely escapes the wrath of his town when they all turn against him. Dying, he stumbles into a fairy circle hoping that with his name the fae make his death short and sweet. Big Shock for him when he wakes up with a Fairy Prince swearing to protect him.
Sanders Family in which Thomas adopts six kids and has no regrets about it.
How Not to Go About an Important Inspection in which after a devastating betrayal the crew of the USS Bifrost is docked for repairs and the crew just wants to go back to being a normal family but Command is insisting on an inspection to ensure nothing so…drastic occurs again.
Symbiotic in which certain Vampires have a vemon that leaves with victims craving getting their blood drunken. Deceit, one of these Victims, continues to burn bridges because that’s easier than admitting he might need help dealing with this. 
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damian-lil-babybat · 6 years
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Scarred Beauties
Mara al Ghul and Djinn
Am I the only one still waiting for Damian to save Mara against her will and see that bittersweet redemption arc like wth. And darn it, look at that gorgeous character designs.
When Mara next appear, hopefully her scars would still be there because it looks badass and says a lot of her personality. Also i'm adopting Djinn to my Arabian Knights AU with Suren fanboying over a real-life genie, lol.
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themandylion · 6 years
2018 Project List
@chibinightowl tagged me on this. I actually used to do regular bunny/WIP updates back in Ye Olde Livejournal days, but clearly I’ve gotten out of the habit.
I really wanted to finish the next fic of Team RedBird by next month, since I’ve finished and posted installments of that series on the same date for the last two years, but I don’t see that happening this year. I’ve got a solid intro, but there’s a lot left to write and there are some plot points I still haven’t figured out (mostly in regards to Bruce’s amnesia and the whole mess that is Mother). This is Big Project #1.
Big Project #2 is a sequel/follow-up/fix-it of @chibinightowl‘s short JayKyle PI AU (or, as I call it, “Kyle Solves Some Mysteries!”). The doc says there’s nearly 7k of this written, but I know about 500 words of that is my outline/babbling and there’s some more in various notebooks that needs typing/fixing. This’ll probably be about 15k spread across three parts and may or may not have a threesome. There will definitely be multiple mysteries and some cliffhangers, because yes.
I have also started on fills for the JayTim week in November because I am super excited!! I don’t wanna say too much and give plot away never mind that I have been doing just that to anyone who’ll listen on the JayTim Discord for the past week, but things I’ve started may include:
A genie AU that has the potential to become something longer in the future.
Another prequel to Of Cats and Conjugals, this one featuring how Stray and Redwing initial hooked up. I may post the first couple scenes as part of JTW and the rest in pieces later, because it’s kind of ballooning as I try to work in backstory I didn’t get to before and it turns into Stray & Redwing’s Great Big European Vacation. This is already over 3k and it’s insane.
Yet another marriage fic, wtf. I did not used to write marriage stories all the time, I swear. They are not, in fact, a favorite of mine, but they somehow keep happening in this fandom. @my-one-love-is-music and I apparently had the same idea for Day 4 of JTW (College/Vegas Wedding), so it’ll be interesting to see what they come up with! I have no idea where this is going, there’s over 2k with no end in sight. I may just start throwing in random tropes.
Urban fantasy AU where Tim is a possessive part-Fae who does not want to share his person with anyone and probably does the cat thing of digging in claws every time Jason tries to take his hand back (and then gives I’m-sorry licks afterwards to apologize for hurting favored person).
I have an idea for a Viking AU and am really put out that the AP apparently got rid of the book I was going to use for reference. Now I’ll have to just use the internet like everyone else, UGH. :\
At some point in time, I’d like to write something more in the space opera universe, but, like. I don’t really have a plooooot?? Just some vague ideas involving Steph’s daughter (who very much exists in that AU). I should probably just bite the bullet and write Damian & Jon’s Adventures in Space Boarding School, but, like. Who would play the part of the dead body? These are questions that keep me up at night.
There are also two long WIPs lingering from my last fandom that I want to theoretically finish at some point in the vague future, but eeeh. That fandom is dead, there’s not much interest, and I don’t want to write fight scenes. >.>
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 3 years
by ScarletRaven715
Jason is used to stealing food and running with his brother-not-brother Damian, but all of that changes when he runs into Tim in the marketplace. When he finds out that Tim is the Prince, he knows he’d have to be royalty to marry him, but maybe Ra’s and Damian’s mother have something that could help, if it doesn’t kill him in the process.
Words: 1375, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: DCU (Comics), DCU
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Jason Todd, Damian Wayne, Tim Drake, Ra's al Ghul, Talia al Ghul, Jack Drake, Koriand'r (DCU), Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne
Relationships: Tim Drake/Jason Todd, Tim Drake & Kon-El | Conner Kent, Jason Todd & Damian Wayne
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Aladdin (Disney Movies) Fusion, Aladdin AU, Jason Todd is Aladdin, Tim Drake is Jasmine, Damian Wayne is Abu, Dick Grayson is Genie, Ra’s al Ghul is Jafar, Ra’s is kinda a pedophile, Happy Ending, Lies, Magic, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Tim Drake Needs a Hug, Tim Drake is Not Okay, Tim Drake is Like a Disney Princess, Jason Todd Needs A Hug
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/34656646
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