#gender affirming surgery blog
cree-future-rabbi · 5 months
To find the entire blog and up-to-date posts follow: https://www.tumblr.com/answersfromtheshadows
This is just the new main account I transferred answersfromtheshadows to so I could have it be its own entity.
This blog will not be updated often / at all in the future. For further information, please follow :
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casperolivervo · 2 years
1. Teet Yeet Update
My FTM top surgery updates (as a genderqueer transmasc)
Next week I'm scheduled to get lab work done to make sure I'm medically sound for surgery. This is the part in the process that's gotten me stuck before, but all of my other blood labs have come back looking good recently! Crossing fingers the lab results don't hold me back again.
This is my third try towards top surgery, so I hope 3rd time's the charm.
Between now and next Monday, I'll be calling my insurance to make sure that the surgeon my doctor wrote my referral for is covered. My insurance helps cover gender affirming care, including surgeries. If my insurance DOES cover this surgeon, I'll be calling to schedule a consultation. If they're not covered, I'll be reaching back out to my doctor for other surgeon options. <3
I'm also going to be trying out a new mood stabilizer to help with my mental health. In a month or so, we'll see if that helps out or if we need to adjust!
- Casper Oliver (he/fae pronouns)
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tf2heritageposts · 6 months
i wonder what it would be like in the tf2 version of tumblr
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🏃‍♂️ numberonebonk-fan
results of my genealogy test cominb jn today! can’t waif to see lf i have anymore brothers i don’t know bout!
#mom said j shouidn't but who cares wbat she thinks eh? #bonk posting
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⚾ tomjonesbluballs
BEWARE: do NOT get ANY gender affirming surgeries done by @teutonicteeth, they WILL put weird gross animal organs in you and now i'm pissing blood! i was already done with that!
🕊️ teutonicteeth
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⬛ bobomb-archived
moving blogs because my boss caught me reblogging the other teams' posts. mutuals ask for url
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🪖 helmet-enjoyer
you cannot break the connection two very very very very very good friends on the battlefield have with each other! HOO RAH!
💣 bomb-enjoyer
i have feelings for you
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⚙️ wilco
just got my grandpappy's schematics from some bucket of bones! gonna see how it goes
⚙️ wilco
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🥪 bacon-lettuce-testosterone
heavy doesn't want to vauge, but i think one of mutuals is spy
🥸 x-2
be quiet
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🏃‍♂️ numberonebonk-fan
i'm going to kill myseif
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queerbeverage · 4 months
If you make a transfem feel bad about getting bottom surgery you can go fuck yourself and die. If all you like us for are our penises then you are no better than a cishet chaser.
My biggest doubt that i have with getting bottom surgery comes from the queer community (& a few trans men, yay) telling me i will lose everything about me that is desirable. It's so utterly fucked. I don't see any depictions or talk about neovaginas in the queer & trans community. I know one (!) tumblr blog who writes smut about it. Fuckin' nothing else. No casual talk about neovaginas, no thirsting over them like y'all thirst over girldick. It makes me feel like i'll just be an inferior kind of woman with nothing "interesting".
When it should be the opposite! This is one of the most gender affirming things i will ever do.
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ftmtftm · 4 months
I've been scrolling through your blog, and I saw your post about discussing the racialized nature of gender. As someone who has several transmasc POC friends, and someone who's a nonbinary POC themself, I wanted to give my 2 cents.
It's important to understand that "woman" in the "man vs woman" gender binary is a colonialist, white supremacist construct, especially in Western countries where you are the numerical minority. My trans friends aren't on T, they haven't gotten top surgery, we are all quite young. But they all have numerous stories about being addressed as "sir" which brings them euphoria but as one person said, while we were making fun of the amount of white people in our club, "Due to my race and skin color, I get masculinized."
And again I'd like to emphasize, that since we're young, none of us really have medically transitioned due to financial and familial barriers. Their hair is long, our binders we definitely have notable chests, and even if they dress masculine, it's notable that no one in our communities would ever gender us properly. It's often white people calling them "sir." Again, I think this reflects how gender performances in mainstream queer communities are deeply White. Like, trans boys talk about having haircuts, but only one of my friends has that wavier, more manageable hair that will help them pass. When you've got curly/kinky hair, the standards are different. For a white person, what's the difference between a "girl" Afro and a boy "Afro"? White cis people have a harder time identifying us, and literally talk to any black girl, and they'll tell you about being mocked, dehumanized, and called "manly".
I don't have much else to say. These are just my personal experiences. But if you want to be an ally to POC in the queer community, this is why it's so fucking important to bring in colonialism/imperialism/white supremacy into discussions of queer liberation. My biggest gripe with ignorant white queers is when they ignore their white privilege, and act like "cishets" (AKA the patriarchal system regulating sexuality and gender) is the only enemy. Because cishet POC deal with plenty of shit with being infantilized, masculinized, feminized, seen as brutish & dangerous, the list goes on. Doberbutts had a post saying, "Believe me, your family's going to care more about me being black than my queerness." towards his white partners. Acknowledging and creating a framework that centers these intersections of queerness and race into your beliefs is true allyship. This is why if you're not anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist, ACAB...I do not think you care for queer liberation. None of us are free until all of us are free.
Please don't view this post as an attack. But this is my perspective, and I thought you'd be receptive to me sharing my lived experiences.
Oh I absolutely don't view this ask as an attack, and I really appreciate you bringing these things up because you're right! Like, just very plainly: You are right and your and your friends lived experiences are extremely important to the conversation on the racialized aspects of gender.
It gets me thinking about where Misogynoir and the social White Fear of Black manhood intersect for Black trans men in particular. Because Black women and Women of Color in general are masculinized by White gender standards and the ways in which Black trans masculine people are gendered in alignment with their identity is absolutely not always done with gender affirming intent. In fact, it's often actually done with racist intent or is fueled by racist bias when it's coming from White people or even from non-Black POC.
That's kind of restating things you've said but differently, it's just such a topic worth highlighting explicitly since it's extremely relevant to the conversation that's been happening about Male Privilege here the last few days.
I do think I know exactly what @doberbutts post you're talking about and yeah. It's just truth. It's something Black queer people have been talking about for ages in both theory and in pop culture (my mind immediately goes to Kevin Abstract and "American Boyfriend") where Black queer/trans identity is both materially different from (neutral) and is treated differently from (negative) White queer/trans identity in multitudes of ways and those differences are worth sharing and exploring and talking about.
Genuinely, thank you for sharing! I try really hard not to lead these kinds of conversations outside of explicitly referencing back to non-White theorists because I don't particularly feel like it's my place to do so, but I will always provide a platform for them because they're extremely important conversations to be had.
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genderqueerdykes · 4 months
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(this is from an ask that wished to remain anonymous- we have anons turned off for the moment. we will turn them back on once we're in less of a stressful situation.)
that's a perfectly fine question to ask! bottom growth is an effect of testosterone HRT that causes the clitoris to grow in size. some people have very little growth, others can become very large. it doesn't cause someone to grow a fully fledged penis, but, whenever a clitoris has grown sufficiently, it does mimic the appearance of a penis, even with the clitoral hood becoming much like foreskin. the head of tdicks (which is what many people choose to call clitorises affected by bottom growth) even grows to look strikingly similar to penises! there are surgeries you can get like metoidioplasties and simple releases that can help a person with a tdick become more visibly erect when aroused, as well, which is very cool. you can also have surgery done to have your urethra re-routed through your tdick, which is too risky for me as someone who already deals with incontinence issues, but i think it's an amazing option!
some people never really see a lot of growth on testosterone, however, and that's important to be noted. not everyone gets a ton of growth, this can be dependent on how well a person tolerates the medication, their dose, whether or not the person is intersex or intolerant to testosterone, and their biology in general.
are you interested in phalloplasty? if so I have some links on my resources page on my blog that may help you:
and here are some resources containing information about getting vaginal-preserving phalloplasties:
if you have any more questions feel free to ask! I appreciate you stopping by!
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answersfromzestual · 3 months
Facial Hair Information and Shaving Tips and Tricks
Today, I wanted to talk about shaving and give you some tips and tricks I have learned over the years and also about some facial hair facts.
⚠️ Warning ⚠️ if you are prone to harm yourself, I advise you to use the bladeless facial hair razors for your safety.⚠️
A good way to help yourself look more masculine at the beginning of transition is shaving your face. Getting rid of the peach fuzz on your face is a good way to make you look more age appropriate.
If you cut your face while shaving, stick pieces of toilet paper on the cuts to stop the bleeding (assuming the injury is smaller). Just rip off a small piece and press it to your cut until it sticks. Within 5 or so minutes, you should have stopped bleeding. Seek medical attention if it does not stop bleeding or the injury is bad.
More blades aren't always better. I used multiple bladed razors many years of my life, and I now have an issue with ingrown hairs.
Using a simple single blade, a safety razor is a good option for less iritation and a close shave. My family doctor actually told me to switch to a single blade. It has reduced the irritation on my face, and it is more comfortable. There is a bit of a learning curve, so I HIGHLY suggest a safety single blade razor or non bladed razor to begin.
Shaving helps hair grow! By exfoliating your facial skin as you shave, it helps stimulate hair follicles and, therefore, hair growth. Also is a way good way to help facial hair grow in nice and healthy.
Shaving your facial hair makes the actual individual hairs thicker and darker, not the amount of hair itself, hair growth takes time.
Some products use the phrase "fuller and thicker or your money back", this is their way of being sneaky. As you shave and take proper care of your face you will just naturally get some growth without that product and that phrase is so vague that they can refuse your refund because the individual hairs on your face are thicker and darker. Don't fall for the traps! Especially when you can't fight your genetics.
Beard oils or some kind of facial hair moisturizer can help your beard grow. Now, these may not themselves trigger hair growth, but having clean, healthy skin can help you get some growth in time (have bedtime routine). The downside these oils can contribute to acne breakouts.
Aftershave can help reduce irritation on your face and cleanses your skin. It does burn when you first apply it to your shaved face, but I find that using a cooling aftershave, the burning went away so quickly and didn't leave my face irritated and red. Without aftershave, my face is irritated longer, and it can leave me looking all red.
Genetics. Genetics play a huge role in body and facial hair, even head hair. You will have similar patterns of hair growth and loss as the men on both sides of your family.
Genetics pt. 2: I have my dad's exact body hair growth pattern (little chest hair, little stomach hair, thin arm hair, no back hair, no shoulder hair, even our calve leg hair thickness is similar. But since I do have a mother, there are some differences as well. I believe I still have hair thanks to her. My father, at my current age, was as completely bald. I have hair. It's just getting thinner on top. I feel like baldness is where I am headed, but hey, that is still a difference. I'm also just assuming because of my father's side. Mother's side has very thin hair, but no balding. So my hair destiny is not written in stone yet. It's honestly a toss-up at this point.
Using a spike roller meant for facial hair two to three times a week, along with a skin routine and shaving, I feel helped really excellerate my beard growth. The roller helps exfoliate your skin deeper and makes tiny holes, helping stimulate hair follicles that tell hair to grow and help little trapped ones out. The science isn't sure about this method. My wife swears it worked for me. 💁🏽‍♂️ ***Keep it clean as per the instructions for the device***
The first parts that mostly grew in for me were: my side burns, then my mustache, then my neck beard really filled in and was probably the first to actually fill in.
When I was in mid 20's I tried growing a mustache. Even if the hairs are growing, it can take time to "fill in". I had an old woman tell me I had something on my face then says "oh wait you're trying to grow a moustache". Laugh that off, it comes with having facial hair.
Patience. Having patience with your facial hair. Don't be discouraged because it's spotty or not full. It will get there if your genetics will allow it.
Sometimes, it's good to rotate being clean shaven and having facial hair of some sort. I found when I was growing my beard out, that shaving clean, growing my face out for a few days, repeating, helped my hair grow in faster.
Facial hair can help make breakouts worse! If you do have facial hair and you either have acne related to your HRT or genetics or both, keep your face clean. Wash it well. Your facial hairs also have oils on them (like your head hairs) these can contribute to your breakouts. Another contributing factor to breakouts is the longer your facial hair, the harder it can be to actually fully cleanse your skin.
If you are prone to breakouts, personally, I would stay either clean shaven or have very little/short facial hair style. If it is due to your HRT (hormone replacement therapy)/puberty, just let your skin settle down before growing that bush-man beard.
Using razors that do not have blades is a great option for clumsy people, people with dexterity issues, if you perhaps have blood clotting issues, or if you just don't want to get cut in general. Do your research. Some razors work better than others, some create facial irritation more than traditional razors, and, lastly, some can literally bruse or burn your skin. Read reviews before you purchase, good and bad reviews. You want to know as much information to make the best decision for you.
Using a bladless razor, you most likely won't get the same close clean shave as a bladed razor, but it's a good way to practice for a bladed razor if one day you'd like a closer shave.
Practice makes perfect. It seems easy to shave, but it's kinda tricky when you start out. Be careful around your jawline, chin, and upper lip. Those are the places that tend to get cut the most while learning to shave.
Do not apply a lot of pressure to the facial hair razor, just let it smoothly glide along your face
Using shaving cream is a good idea with or without a blade, especially at first. With shaving cream, you can use it to keep track of what you've shaved and what you missed.
Using shaving cream with bladed facial hair razors is always a good idea, it helps reduce skin irritation and helps the blade glide better along your skin.
If you would like a demonstration of how to shave, I would be open to making a video for you. I have three different types of razors I can show you.
Most multiple blades razors have a coloured strip that changes when you need to throw it away or change the blades. If you have a safety single blade razor, change your blades about once a week. This was a rule I was told. This is for a few reasons: 1. The blades can rust, 2. The blade can be dull which can lead to more cuts 3. Your bathroom is a bacteria hot spot. You want to make sure you don't cut yourself and introduce a virus or bacteria into your body.
Dull razors will cut you more than fresh razors will.
Take care when shaving and changing blades. Always keep your fingers off the blade itself and hold on the sides. Dispose of safely and properly.
Below are some images to reference what I mean.
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Upper Images are of a bladess razor. You can see it is more like hair clippers than a razor blade.
Bottom left is of a 4 bladed razor, a typical razor that people/men have been using for decades.
Bottom right is of a typical single bladed safety razor. These razors give a great shave but require you to switch out the blade itself, which can be tricky. I can also show you all how I do that safely.
Do you want an instructional video to cover how to shave and how to change the single blade safely, or did I miss anything? Please let me know in my ask box or in comments.
Thank you, I hope you enjoyed this topic.
Stay Golden Everyone ✌️ 💙 💜
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theblankest123 · 1 year
WAS ANYONE GONNA TELL ME THAT IN SLOVAKIA (where im from) THEY APPROVED A STANDARD FOR TRANSGENDER PEOPLE, ALLOWING YOU TO TRANSITION WITHOUT A CHIRURGICAL PROCEDURE (both gender affirming surgeries and sterilization was required before over here, in order for you to be allowed to transition and change your legal name and gender). LITTERALLY 2 DAYS AGO ON 3RD MARCH
Im losing my shit because like?? It's slovakia?? I did not expect actual changes and progress to be done in this direction in the nearest future?
And also i have not heard ANYONE talk about this, i litterally just accidently stumbled on a news blog about it?? I might have to do more research just to be sure of everything but if this is true then like holy shit hell yeah
Apparently, according to the standard, you will be able to change your legal name and legal gender after either 1 year on HRT, or if your doctor doesnt recommend you to go on HRT, you can just immidiatelly change all of that after discussing it with your doctor. You are also not required to have gone through gender-affirming operations (which you were required to have gone through before)
Článok som našiel tu: https://dennikn.sk/3266478/lengvarsky-schvalil-standard-pre-transrodovych-ludi-a-umoznil-zapisat-zmenu-pohlavia-aj-bez-chirurgickeho-zakroku/?ref=list
A oficiálny štandard sa dá nájsť na stránke Ministerstva zdravotníctva SR pod OSP disciplinárnou sexuológiou:
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otherkinnews · 3 months
Republicans introduce a 7th anti-furry bill and work to undermine student freedoms on a wider scale
(This blog post was written by Orion Scribner and N. Noel Sol, originally posted on February 18, 2024 to the Otherkin News Dreamwidth, at this link.)
Content warnings: Rated G. An urban legend that describes an unsanitary situation. Sexism against transgender people, including attempts to prevent them from participating in sports and using facilities like everyone else, and attempts to stop them from transitioning.
Summary: In 2023, Republicans began to propose laws (bills) in the US that would be against people who identify as animals. They base these on an urban legend that says schools provide litter boxes for students who identify as animals. Republicans made up that legend in parody of transgender students asking to use school restrooms (Scribner and Sol, 2024). The newest of these bills is Missouri House Bill 3678 (MO HB 2678). It’s the third such bill in 2024, bringing the historic total of these bills up to seven. This bill was written as part of a Republican effort to undermine public schools (which can’t ban transgender students from using the right restrooms, and students have First Amendment rights) in favor of religious charter schools (where students aren’t protected in those ways). The following blog post is a seven minute read.
What the Missouri bill says
Missouri House Bill 3678 (MO HB 2678) has the title “Prohibits students from engaging in ‘furry’ behavior while at school.” You can read this bill and see the latest actions on its official site, the Missouri House of Representatives, or on a third-party legislation tracking site, LegiScan. This bill was introduced this week, on February 13th, and read a second time on the 14th. It would add a law into the Revised Statutes of Missouri (RSMo). It would go in the part of the state laws about education, in Chapter 167, titled “Pupils and Special Services.” It would say:
“A student who purports to be an imaginary animal or animal species or who engages in anthropomorphic behavior consistent with the common designation of a ‘furry’ while at school shall not be allowed to participate in school curriculum or activities. The parent or guardian of a student in violation of this section shall remove the student from the school for the remainder of the school day.”
The same as the other bills like it, this bill is based on an urban legend, not on anything that was done in real life by students, furries, and/or people who identify as animals (McKinney, 2022a). This bill's wording looks like it was based on a bill from another state, Oklahoma House Bill 3084 (OK HB 3084), or its predecessor last year, Oklahoma Senate Bill 943 (OK SB 943). It shares their inaccuracies: though there are real people who identify as animals, surveys show that most furries don’t, and the dictionary definition of the word “anthropomorphic” means resembling a human, not resembling an animal (Scribner and Sol, 2024).
Who wrote the bill, and what is its context with that author’s other motivations?
The Missouri bill’s only sponsor (writer) is Cheri Toalson Reisch (she/her). She is a Missouri Republican who has supported anti-transgender bills in the past. One of those is MO SB 39, which would ban transgender students from participating in their gender’s sports division (both in private and public schools, up to and including in colleges and universities). Another one is MO SB 49. It would bar minors from accessing gender transition related surgeries or medications, removes adult coverage of hormone replacement therapy and any gender-affirming or transitioning surgeries from the Missouri Medicaid program, and denies prisoners and inmates access to any surgeries related to gender transitioning. She described both these bills as a “great move in the right direction,” and has been vocally critical that they were not harsher (Central MO Info, 2023).
Reisch is familiar with the urban legend started by conservatives of students using litter boxes in school bathrooms. She has posted about it on Facebook, telling her constituents that it is actively happening in Missouri and accusing the Columbia school district of taking part in it, stating “This is happening in Columbia Public Schools also. Yes, the janitor has to clean the litter box” (McKinney, 2022a). That's never happened. Schools say they have not been providing litter boxes to students in this way, and even deny that they have had any students identifying or behaving as animals, according to reliable fact checking resources (Reuters, 2022; Palma, Snopes, 2023).
Reisch has a history of being especially critical of the Columbia school district, which is one of the largest and most successful school districts in the state (McKinney, 2022b). She’s used this urban legend to attack the district’s legitimacy. This may be because Reisch prioritizes independently-run charter schools over standard public schools. Earlier this year, she sponsored MO HB 1941, which would allow for charter schools to operate within the Columbia school district without the district’s sponsorship.
Why are Republicans criticizing public schools and favoring charter schools?
In the US, the normal types of schools for children up to about age 18 are called public schools. Families don’t have to pay for their children to attend them. They represent the ideal that everyone growing up in the country should have equal access to school, regardless of income, class, race, religion, or ability. Because public schools are government establishments, the US Constitution protects the students’ rights there. The First Amendment of the Constitution protects the freedom of speech and religion of everyone, and that’s for students in public schools, too. In the landmark 1969 case Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District, students sued because they had gotten suspended for wearing black armbands to protest the Vietnam War. The Supreme Court decided that it would be as tyrannical to prevent students from expressing political opinions within public schools as it would be in any other government establishments. The Court said students don’t “shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate.” In 1948, McCollum v. Board of Education had decided that public schools can’t give religious instruction during the school day. In 1962, Engel v. Vitale decided they can’t make students pray (Pew Research Center, 2019). Public school dress codes often aren’t as fair as they should be, but for the most part, their students can wear what they want and what their parents allow.
In contrast, what are known as charter schools in the US are privately owned, so they’re allowed to have requirements or education goals which would be considered a violation of the First Amendment. Some of them have religious affiliations and may be owned or operated by religious organizations. This can affect the way the school is run. For example, Oklahoma charter St. Isidore of Seville Catholic Virtual School has planned Catholic religious instruction classes, and the school’s active and intentional participation in what it refers to as “the evangelizing mission of the Church” (Fitzpatrick, 2023). Charter school dress codes can be much more strict. They are often segregated by gender stereotypes, forcing girls to wear skirts and boys trousers, no exceptions. This has been challenged in some places against specific schools, such as in North Carolina earlier this year in a lawsuit against the Charter Day School Inc (Chung, 2023). These challenges are the outlier and not the norm, however; gender-segregated dress codes are still a very common practice for charter schools overall. Charter schools also require applications and choose students based on random lottery systems. However, studies find that charter schools are more likely to ignore parents inquiring about the enrollment process if the student has a disability or other special needs (Darville, 2018). Unlike public schools, they don’t welcome everyone.
The freedom of expression in public schools is important for transgender students. In 2020, the case ​​G.G. v. Gloucester County School Board decided in favor of transgender-friendly restroom policies in high schools. This precedent helps protect transgender students’ rights in public schools, but doesn’t apply to charter schools. During the course of the case, the Conservative Legal Defense and Education Fund told the Court why to decide against transgender rights. In an effort to invalidate transgender people, the Fund compared transgender people to otherkin. The Fund used the word “otherkin,” and described them at length, mostly accurately but derisively (Brief Amicus Curiae, 2017, G.G. v. Gloucester Cty Sch Bd). This case was part of what inspired the Republicans to later make up the litter box urban legend. We don’t know if that particular brief inspired the legend too.
Republicans may be promoting charter schools because this would give them greater control over impressing their views about gender, religion, and politics on young generations. They may be undermining public schools because the separation of church and state limits their power to do so there. The urban legend and these bills are part of that.
Background about all of the furry bills and the urban legend that inspired them
To learn about this year’s first two anti-furry bills, read our post about them from last week (Scribner and Sol, 2024). That post also summarizes the four anti-furry bills last year, and the litter box urban legend. For further information about those aspects, you can watch our lecture about last year’s bills and what you do about bad bills (Chimeras, Scribner, and Shepard, 2023), and watch Chimeras’s lecture about the litter box urban legend (Chimeras, 2022).
What happens next with Reisch’s anti-furry bill?
The bill is at 25% progression toward becoming a law. The House heard the bill twice, but it hasn’t been voted on. At the time that we write this blog post, they haven’t scheduled the bill’s next hearing.
About the writers of this blog post
We are Orion Scribner (they/them) and N. Noel Sol (she/they), a couple of dragons. We never write articles with the assistance of procedural generation or so-called artificial intelligence (AI), and that type of content isn’t allowed on Otherkin News.
“Brief Amicus Curiae of Public Advocate of the United States, U.S. Justice Foundation, and Conservative Legal Defense and Education Fund in Support of Petitioner.” Gloucester County School Bd. v. G. G. ex rel. Grimm, No. 16-273, 2017 WL 192454 (Jan. 10, 2017). http://files.eqcf.org/cases/16-273-amicus-brief-public-advocate-et-al/
Central MO Info (May 19, 2023). “Representative Toalson Reisch Disappointed in Senate’s Version of Trans Bills.” Central MO Info. https://www.centralmoinfo.com/representative-toalson-reisch-disappointed-in-senates-version-of-trans-bills/
Chung, Andrew (June 26, 2024). “US Supreme Court turns away case on charter school's mandatory skirts for girls.” Reuters. https://www.reuters.com/legal/us-supreme-court-turns-away-case-charter-schools-mandatory-skirts-girls-2023-06-26
Darville, Sarah (Dec. 21, 2018). “Want a charter school application? If your child has a disability, your questions more likely to be ignored, study finds.” Chalkbeat. https://www.chalkbeat.org/2018/12/21/21106398/want-a-charter-school-application-if-your-child-has-a-disability-your-questions-more-likely-to-be-ig/
Engel v. Vitale, 370 U.S. 421 (1962). https://caselaw.findlaw.com/court/us-supreme-court/370/421.html
Fitzpatrick, Cara (Sept. 9, 2023). “The Charter-School Movement’s New Divide.” The Atlantic. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/09/charter-schools-religion-public-secular/675293/
G.G. v. Gloucester County School Board. 972 F.3d 586 (4th Cir. 2020). https://casetext.com/case/grimm-v-gloucester-cnty-sch-bd-8
House of Chimeras (Aug. 12, 2022). "Litter Boxes in School Bathrooms: Dissecting the Alt-Right’s Current Moral Panic." OtherCon. https://youtu.be/WVjXOmN2IlU
House of Chimeras, Orion Scribner, and Page Shepard (2023). “Litter Box Hoax 2: Legislature Boogaloo.” OtherCon 2023. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsXy_ctC4Jc&t=1425s
Legiscan. MO HB 2678. https://legiscan.com/MO/bill/HB2678/2024
Legiscan. MO HB 1941. https://legiscan.com/MO/bill/HB1941/2024
Mccollum v. Board Of Education, 333 U.S. 203 (1948). https://caselaw.findlaw.com/court/us-supreme-court/333/203.html
McKinney, Rodger (Aug. 25, 2022). “State Rep. Cheri Reisch criticized for 'unwarranted' claim that CPS students use litterboxes.” Columbia Daily Tribune. https://www.columbiatribune.com/story/news/politics/elections/local/2022/08/25/state-rep-cheri-reisch-criticized-for-unwarranted-claim-that-cps-columbia-students-use-litterboxes/7895082001/
McKinney, Rodger (Feb. 6, 2022). “State Rep. Cheri Reisch states 'Columbia sucks' when referring to public schools in education hearing” Columbia Daily Tribune. https://www.columbiatribune.com/story/news/education/2022/02/06/cheri-reisch-states-columbia-sucks-when-referring-to-cps-in-education-hearing-mo-leg-basye/6662719001/
Missouri House of Representatives. MO HB 2678. https://house.mo.gov/Bill.aspx?bill=HB2678&year=2024&code=R
Missouri Senate. MO SB 49. https://www.senate.mo.gov/23info/BTS_Web/Bill.aspx?SessionType=R&BillID=44407
Missouri Senate. MO SB 39. https://senate.mo.gov/23info/BTS_Web/Bill.aspx?SessionType=R&BillID=44496
Palma, Bethania. (January 30, 2023). “How Furries Got Swept Up in Anti-Trans 'Litter Box' Rumors.” Snopes. https://www.snopes.com/news/2023/01/30/how-furries-got-swept-up-in-anti-trans-litter-box-rumors/ Archived on March 30, 2023. https://web.archive.org/web/20230330232007/https://www.snopes.com/news/2023/01/30/how-furries-got-swept-up-in-anti-trans-litter-box-rumors/
Pew Research Center (Oct. 3, 2019). “Religion in the Public Schools.” https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2019/10/03/religion-in-the-public-schools-2019-update/
Reuters Fact Check (October 18, 2022). “Fact Check-No evidence of schools accommodating ‘furries’ with litter boxes.” https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-furries-rogan-litterbox-idUSL1N31J1KT Archived February 13, 2023. https://web.archive.org/web/20230213110524/https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-furries-rogan-litterbox-idUSL1N31J1KT
Scribner, Orion, and N. Noel Sol (Feb. 9, 2024). “Will Oklahoma Call Animal Control on Students?” Otherkin News. https://otherkinnews.dreamwidth.org/92680.html Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District, 393 U.S. 503 (1969). https://openjurist.org/393/us/503
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cree-future-rabbi · 5 months
I have completed the transfer to its own Blog
It is still, technically, a side blog, I haven't figured out if it is possible to transfer it and also make it a main blog without reposting the data post by post.
There is no reason to follow the other blog, this one will remain intact as it is.
The entire account is dedicated to this blog and only this blog. So I apologize for all those who followed the new blog.
This blog has the same URL, title, and content as before. Nothing has changed on your end.
Here is the link to the Blog Directory
Remember, if you need some advice and would feel comfortable sending me an e-mail, it is still [email protected] Feel free to write me and we can have more of a conversation about the questions you may have. Of course we also have the Ask Tab.
Thank you to all the loyal followers who have waited and waited for this to be its own entity.
Stay Golden 💙🩷
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enddaysengine · 4 months
Alberta's Transphobic Government
I try really really hard to keep this blog about RPGs and writing. I really do. But when someone comes for my students, fists gets thrown.
We've seen the rise of transphobic legislation in various US states, as well as in Saskatchwan and New Brunswick. Now Alberta has joined the party. Despite the premier pointing out that there are trans youth in her extended family (I don't know how close the relation is, but somewhere in her close family) and swearing to not marginalize trans youth in the last election.
And ohhhh boy oh boy, my home province is once again aiming to hit the bottom of the barrel
Here's the tl;dr (quoted from the article):
Top and bottom surgeries will be banned for minors aged 17 and under. Doctors say bottom surgeries aren't performed on youth and top surgeries are rare.
Puberty blockers and hormone therapies for gender affirmation will not be permitted for children aged 15 and under.
Youths aged 16 and 17 will be permitted to start hormone therapies for gender affirmation "as long as they are deemed mature enough" and have parental, physician and psychologist approval.
Parental notification and consent will be required for a school to alter the name or pronouns of any child under age 15. Students who are 16 or 17 won't need permission but schools will need to let their parents know first.
Parents will have to "opt-in" their children every time a teacher plans to teach about gender identity, sexual orientation or sexuality. Alberta law currently requires parental notification and gives them the option to opt students out.
All third-party teaching materials on gender identity, sexual orientation or sexuality will need to be approved in advance by the education ministry.
Transgender women will be banned from competing in women's sports leagues. Smith said the government will work with leagues to set up coed or gender-neutral divisions for sports.
This goes well beyond what SK and NB have passed. It violates the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, but Smith doesn't care and will likely use the Notwithstanding Clause to bypass it. Parents, medical professionals, and educators have all reacted with justified outrage. It is clear to those of us who care about youth that these policies will kill.
There is flattly no way in hell I will be deadnaming my students. For a government that says they want to remove red tape and bureaucracy, making parents opt-in to every single lesson involving anything other than heteronormativity sure seems like trying to use red tap to make teaching anything other than their ideology impossible.
What can you do to help?
If you are in Alberta, raise holy hell. Call your MLA, show up at the protests, add your voice to the chorus screaming that we don't want this.
If you are in Canada, there are also demonstrations in support of trans youth going on across the country. Let your MP know as well.
If you aren't from Canada, solidarity and visibility help! We've all seen how this shit has gone down in Florida and elsewhere. We need to stand together to stop this tide.
If you have business ties to Alberta and are able to divist them, please let the Alberta government know you are planning to do so if these proposals become law
Donate to 2SLGBTQ+ organizations in Alberta.
This is not the content I want to go viral from me... but if I have to choose one, make it this one. Please help us proect our kids.
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So over the moon right now, I just got the call that my insurance company has finally given me the go-ahead for top surgery! I live in a state with one (1) hospital that can do gender-affirming care and state insurance laws to cover it are horrible and they've been giving me the runaround for literally six years now, but my surgery coordinator says this is finally the hardest step over with and I should expect to get a date for the surgery any day now. After so many years trying to get to this point, I'd been feeling completely hopeless about it so this feels so unbelievable!
Sorry for blogging about personal stuff, but I just had to share this good news with someone! :)
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touristclass · 4 months
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Hi! I would like to clarify some things. I have been looking back over some blog posts I've made. And they may go too far for some. Because not everybody that is trans needs to go to the lengths that I have. In fully transitioning to female (including every single aspect of my life), being on hormones (HRT) and in getting gender affirming surgery. And I'm not even done yet! I will always be striving and enjoying the process. Of being more and more femme and for the rest of my life.
I think I make posts supporting all the things I do, and the ways I feel. Because these are my needs and my own perspective in being trans. But they need not be yours. We are all at different places on the gender spectrum. And a lot of us can be satisfied with doing less than I have. Something else to keep in mind is that your femme needs can also shift over time. Things can change.
I think the key for each of us though, is in doing enough for who you are. And whatever that is for you. In not neglecting yourself. To satisfy the woman inside. In a sense, some are content to live two separate lives. I did that for a long time, even though it was never really enough for me. Until I completely merged the male into the female. The result being who I am today.
My purpose in being here though, is to support you. And wherever you find yourself on your own, unique feminine journey. But please do not feel like you must completely transition. Or take hormones or have surgery. To be who and what you need to be. If you are unsure or questioning. Then you should find out for yourself. Really discover yourself and how far you need to go. And then? Do it!
Thanks for visiting! Hugs, ~Jen
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apricotbuncakes · 9 days
Before we start, here is my GoFundMe to help me afford Top Surgery. I have several posts on the subject on my blog but if need be you can ask questions in my ask box.
CW: Discussion of Suicidality. No explicit actions thoughts or ideas depicting the act of suicide are written, but suicidality is discussed.
It's very difficult to explain that "I can't afford my gender affirming care" = passive suicidality.
Cuz like, I'm not gonna do anything. I've learned to not make plans at this point. (<- A joke you may laugh at). But seriously, how do I tell people "I am suicidal because I cannot get top surgery" and then ask them to donate to my GoFundMe?
I don't want to be manipulative, or even potentially be accused of it. I don't want people to pity me or say "things will get better". I know they will. I know that it's just a matter of time. I know I'm not alone. I'm not clueless. At the same time, posting the same "here's my GoFundMe so you can help me reach my goal!!! 😁😁🫰❤️❤️❤️" when my reality and thoughts are much darker is killing me. I feel fake. I feel dishonest. It's not just a casual thing to ask for money, especially $10,000 but it's what I need.
That's the key word. Need.
Top Surgery isn't something I decided on a whim. It's not something I can live without. My dysphoria is so bad. I need top surgery more than I can possibly explain. Even in this post I'm making sure to keep several things to myself because even this admission is very difficult for me. But it's safer to scream into the Tumblr void and hope my echos bounce to people who can help me than to just keep everything bottled up.
Because I cannot afford to tell my therapist and risk getting out in a hospital. Literally cannot afford it. I need to put whatever is left of each paycheck towards top surgery in order to inch closer to my top surgery goal. Sitting in a hospital won't help me in this case.
So once again here's my GoFundMe in case you can spare something.
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sirfrogsworth · 9 months
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Nothing more frustrating than people with poor reading comprehension.
In the very post they are commenting on...
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The gotcha isn't that cis teens are having cosmetic surgery. The gotcha is that you probably don't have a single post about it on your TERF-ass blog. The gotcha is that you have probably spent 99.9999% of your time and energy complaining about trans teens getting surgery and this tag is probably the remaining .0001% energy and thought you have put into cosmetic surgery for cis teens.
It's the priorities that don't make sense.
You really want to help kids?
11 million kids are food insecure. 4 million without health insurance. 400,000 in foster care.
They all want and need help. But you are focusing on 300 teens who do not want or need your help.
Devote even a fraction of that same time and energy towards the three causes above and you will help more kids than you ever will on this TERF crusade.
The sad truth is that you aren't actually interested in helping kids. You just hate trans people and you think if you prevent kids from getting gender affirming care, maybe they won't turn into trans adults.
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fungusqueen · 1 year
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In honor of Pride month, I’m donating 50% of all revenue from my online mushroom sticker shop to For the Gworls, which is, “a Black, trans-led collective that curates parties to fundraise money to help Black transgender people pay for their rent, gender-affirming surgeries, smaller co-pays for medicines/doctor’s visits, and travel assistance.” I’ll be running this fundraiser until the end of the month and donating specifically to their Rent and Gender-Affirming Surgery Fund! This mushroom blog explicitly supports the Black trans community and I know many of the people who follow me for mushroom content do too!
I’ll post proof of my donation at the end of the month. You can also donate to For the Gworls directly if you’re not interested in mushroom stickers! Happy pride & support trans rights!
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