#gabi: okay :]
isitdonproof · 3 months
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Danganronpa 2.5
Happy Birthday to @dr2-hell, of my most favourite people in the world <3
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themiraclefish · 1 month
Draw them like hormonal teens!
Hormonal teens? Like teenager right? lol i hope i got it right XD
Anyways here ya go (⁠「⁠`⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠)⁠「
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Teen Gabriel and Nathalie👨‍🎤👩‍🎤
Aaaa!! My first ever "ask request" jwjskwkskskkw
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heytheredeann · 11 months
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DEAREST (derogatory)
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chayscribbles · 5 months
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oopsie new gemini heist au just dropped! they're in a metal band now!!!
featuring Zeya on drums, Leo on lead guitar + vocals, Illiana on vocals, Euna on bass, and Gabi on keys!
gemini heist wip intro | art tag | instagram
a little explanation, some ramblings, and an effects-free version below
so this is my cousin's fault lmao. i was telling her about this wip and said something along the lines of "Leo and Zeya have different flavours of abandonment issues" and she replied "that would make such a good band name" and so. uh. the concept of the girls in a band immediately possessed me and i have been doing nothing for the last three days but drawing feverishly 🥲
(krita says i spent nearly 15 hours on this but that feels like a lie.)
legally i have to name the band the Sirens since it's their crew name but Flavours of Abandonment can definitely be their album lmao.
their sound would most resemble Conquer Divide (aka my 2023 most played artist):
i didn't spend more than 5 seconds assigning the girls their instruments but the more i think about it the more it makes sense. Zeya, for example, who is very small and very angry, gets to hit things very hard with sticks that can be analogous to her daggers.
as the keyboardist Gabi has tons of equipment and like, 4 different keyboards for different sounds that she spends countless hours programming, which just felt fitting since she's the tech person in the main canon. (source: my brother is a professional keyboardist.) also, in this au, she's a med school dropout who couldn't handle the pressure.
Leo writes most of the band's lyrics.
i was debating having Kalen in the band too but 6 people was gonna be too much to draw and sort of upset the symmetry i had pictured in my head. maybe in this au she sometimes secretly replaces her sister, say, when Illiana is sick, or just for funsies, idk.
i don't really have anything to say about Euna. uh, bassists are hot. (also, she and Zeya get to riff off each other, and we all know how i feel about their relationship.)
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that's all, goodnight.
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atthebell-moved · 8 months
also i have to point out that when he came home and burned roberto he didn't talk to chat that entire time. he didn't say a word to the voices, just was silent and staring, until he finally shook himself out of the fog and started talking again, trying to distract himself.
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hypatiaas · 5 months
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A little let down by her conversation with Leighton, Gaby heads to the park for some sunshine. She has a quick lunch from a picnic basket conveniently left unattended, visits the facilities, and takes a quick kip on a bench by the fishing pond.
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b1mbodoll · 7 months
repeating “jealousy is a disease get well soon bitch” in my head every time i block rude anons and delete hatemail so i can try to brush it off but i am not ur strongest soldier so can you all stop being mean 🩷 please
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grasslandgirl · 4 days
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yeastinfectionvale · 10 days
Picture me as the neighbour who nosily watches the family drama unfold from the front lawn while sipping the tea i brewed by following the recipe you shared and live texting it to my mom
Im sending you pastries and gossiping with your mum.
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footballandshit · 1 year
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Gabriel Jesus and Granit Xhaka | Inside Training
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wingsau · 1 year
Surprisingly, Illya and Napoleon never really come to blows the way they did that day in Germany before they discovered they had been partnered by their handlers. They both posture and get in each other's faces, but rarely do they ever actually throw any punches - let alone cause property damage.
Napoleon is nothing but a gentleman towards Gaby, the two of them long abandoning their distrust in favor of their shared companionship and love of finer things. She is prone to smacking him when he's being annoying, but the pair of them have never been more physical than their covers demanded.
Illya and Gaby however... Are going to bleed Waverly dry, constantly throwing themselves off furniture at one another. Napoleon has come into their shared suites on multiple occasions to find Illya pinning an angry Gaby to the floor or to see Gaby hanging off the KGB agent's back attempting to choke him out. There is no apparent reason for these bouts of violence, other than the two of them seem to find pleasure in destructive wrestling matches.
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heytheredeann · 3 months
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I'm sure my... fiancé can confirm everything I've said. If you can catch him.
Illya's line about "This could be like leading lamb to slaughter"? He was right about that. He was just wrong about who the lamb was. — @justabigoldnerd (original post)
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melsimps · 11 months
Inspired by chapter 22 of @feyhunter78 's "Pink Pastels" (bc I just had to...)
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[Image description: a meme with text above saying the following:
Ava: *Shows up out of the blue.*
Y/N, about to break the law:
Below it is a picture from the show Still Game, with the character of Victor, an old man, pointing to the viewer and saying "Back aff, ya spooky bitch!" While the other character, Jack - another old man - looks up at him.
/end description]
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b1mbodoll · 7 months
to the rude fuckin loser that just sent me a mean ass ask 😭😭😭 are you not embarrassed? ur saying its embarrassing that im upset over hatemail but if you got that shit repeatedly im sure you’d be upset too…???
LOL and thanks for sending that in cus it just proves to me that ur nothing but a bitchless, friendless, fucking coward 😭 ur acting all tough and thinkin ur a hardass for sending alllll that bullshit on ANON!!!!! like youre a little loser, lets be so serious. i know it and so do you 😭😭 if you really bout this shit say it off fucking anonymous like a real bitch so i can block you 😭😭 talkin all big n bad just to hide behind the anonymous option 😭 yeah okay LMAO!!!!!! like why r u do scared to come off anon what am i gonna do to you ??? punch you with an EMOJI??? 👊👊👊 like lets be serious ur a cowardly fuckin loser ass freak with no life and ur taking it out on me 😭 jealousy is a fucken disease and for you im afraid its a chronic case 🫶
trying to shame me for having feelings and then proceeding to say you hope i end up in a ditch? ur fucking pathetic!!! and trying to invalidate my sexuality? 😭 bitch YOU DONT FUCKING KNOW ME!!!! god damn you are a fuckin weirdo. do not speak to me or step to me like you know me bc at the end of the day, you’re nobody!!!! you are not my friend, you are not someone that knows me, so dont act like you do. you have no fucking right to invalidate me or my sexuality i seriously cannot believe you’re really trying to speak for me and tell me MY SEXUALITY?? calling me bi and disrespectin me for WHAT?? does spewing hate like a miserable cunt give you such a rush? is that it? its so funny to me like as if id listen to a pitiful fuckin asswipe like you 😭
im so sick of you little fucking freaks trying to walk all over me just because im sensitive and kind. fuck you and ur fuckin mama bitch🖕suck my dick and kiss my fucking ass thank you very much.
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wishi-selfships · 2 months
someone needs to tell her it's impolite to drag ur bf on the floor .... girl stand up and carry him in your arms like NORMAL
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(Swihi is so sillay she's dragging him off to use him as a pillow)
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^^ user box made by @/selfshipuserbox
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s3renities · 6 days
closed starter : @tcddyw , teddy warren !
place : bay plaza mall.
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with some free time apparent, gabi took these brief moments to gather up inspiration for prospective hair styles for pride. not just for herself — which she had no clue where she would go, if anywhere, for parties — but for her clients who would need her. this means: a feed scroll, squinting at even the most random things, searching for something that would spark it. as her eyes grew tired, she glances upwards for a screen break — only to squint a bit harder. "... oh, no way." hand fluttering towards sternum in makeshift kind of greeting gesture. "that cannot be teddy warren in my corner of the mall? either that, or i must've spaced way out into an alien dimension."
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