#ga(y)ming if you will
elixrr · 3 months
Valentines Day:Stages of Love!
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STAGES:how they fell in love (1), them as they pin for you (2), how they plan the confession (3), their confession (4)
ft:GAMING (1.8k words), WANDERER (2k words)
FIC:fluffy headcanons + their confession to you in dialogue!|day 1 of my late valentines event...
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ “You received some mail...”
➥ “...Read it?”
STAGE 1 - how he fell in love with you.
➥ It was spontaneous, really. It didn’t really occur to him at the time, but you had your kamera out, and you were taking photos of the scenery around you two. The day started out as a simple hangout between two friends– two best friends. It wasn't anything out of the ordinary, either. You went around Qiaoying village, checking out the stalls and simply having a good time in each other's company, until you went on a small little raft with him. Sailing the lakes of Liyue, you took pictures of Teyvat's golden hour, and Gaming couldn't help but stare; he watched your light and serene smile while taking and printing photos to keep for yourself and give to him. As previously mentioned, it didn't occur to him at first, but there was a swelling in the beat of his heart, Gaming nearly thought he was sick, but he wasn't. He tore his eyes away once, and they automatically dragged back to you, like his eyes were your loyal puppy, always wanting to see you and be by your side.
Eventually, it wasn’t just his eyes that longed for you.
You were admirable in his eyes, it seemed. After the hangout, the feelings continued to linger in his heart. Butterflies fluttered in his stomach, a smile broke into his expression– a little brighter than usual– and he couldn't bring himself to sleep that night. Tossing and turning in his sheets, but not from a nightmare. Gaming was horribly confused; why was he feeling like this? A slight burning feeling simmered within; if only he could hold you right at this moment.
That's when it hit. And it hit hard.
STAGE 2 - how he's pining for you.
➥ Gaming's crush on you became more persistent. He's heard a story or two from his friends and how crushes typically lasted between a few weeks to three months, and any longer than that would just mean they're head over heels. So, not wanting to push anything that could hurt later, he waited patiently— or, at least, he tried to wait as patiently as he could. Patience was something that he eventually lost. Eventually, as in, he was stripped of nearly all of his patience after the first week. Gaming was never the type to get super jealous, he loved people— he still does— and it shines in how extroverted and eccentric he is, but sometimes when you spoke to people and seemed to have more fun with them than you did with him, he would get... Rather insecure. He once asked you if you were getting bored of him, and he was immediately proven wrong.
After the span of three months was over, he still found himself head over heels for you. It chilled out a little more, he can control how he acts again, but everyone notices that extra jump in his step, the extra sparkles in his eyes when you draw near, and especially the slightly larger smile he carries around with him before hanging out with you, while hanging out with you, and just a little after he hung out with you. Gaming was adorable with how smiley he became with you around, and when you brought it up, he became really flustered. If you catch onto things easily, then you probably figured out that he likes you. If not, then don't worry because he's going to plan to confess.
Though, it takes almost a full year of having a crush on you for him to realize that he needs to confess.
There was indeed a time when Gaming thought he was going to lose his chances. You and Chongyun grew closer. Gaming didn't know Chongyun that well, but you introduced him to the small little hangouts. Gaming was fine at first, but once he was called over by one of his relatives during a stroll around Qiaoying Village. By the time he could get back to you two, you were having the time of your life, and Chongyun seemed ecstatic. Gaming knew that he had issues with his yang energy, hence why he was so composed half of the time, but to see him breaking out of that composure with you? Gaming stopped in his tracks that day. He followed behind the two of you but didn't bother to let either of you know. Of course, with a swell in his heart when you noticed him first, you brought him back into the conversation. Though, he was quieter. He was a little duller than he usual. Where did his smile go? Where did his bright, sparkly eyes go? What about that spring in his step every time you spoke to him? It's not that he lost interest in you. No, it's that he thought you were losing interest in him. Eventually, he realized that he should probably ask Chongyun if he liked you. That question took weeks to muster the courage up for.
When he got around to asking and he learned that you and Chongyun were just really chill friends, all of the spring, spark, and smile that he lost all came back to him. But now the question stood tall.
Did you even like him back?
He was advised by Chongyun and Xinqiu to confess, and that's when all of the planning began.
STAGE 3 - him planning the confession.
➥ Chongyun and Xinqiu were kind enough to help Gaming with his confession. The original plan was for him to just serenade you during a romantic ride on those bamboo rafts, but Chongyun worried for the third wheeling boatman, so they all devised a plan for the giddy Gaming. Gaming will ask you to ride a raft with him, and Xinqiu will dress up so that you wouldn't recognize him. He'll also be there for the friendly wingman support. Chongyun will have the area feel colder but won't freeze the lake itself. Even while Gaming cringed at the whole idea, Xinqiu and Chongyun agreed to it. It's too romantic to pass up, Gaming giving you his hoodie when you're cold in supposedly warm weather is too good to become a lost opportunity. The plan, after a few hours of playing cards, eating dim sum, and snacking on winter melon cakes, was set. When the weather's good, Gaming will take you out on a boat ride as per usual, but there's suddenly an expensive price for a boat ride. Before you can even think to take your wallet out, he'll whip out some mora and give it to the disguised Xinqiu, plus an extra tip. Then, Xinqiu will use a mini music box that he received from his Fontanian friend, and some cute, romantic music will play in the background. After some talking, you should be able to notice a sudden cold wind with the help of Chongyun and a wandering friend named Kazuha, then Gaming will lend you his hoodie with the excuse that he's fine and he can take the cold. This will all happen around the golden hours of Liyue, just like how it was when he first caught feelings for you, and just before sunset, Gaming will pull out a fresh Qixing by Xinqiu's area, and he'll confess. Whether or not you accept is up to you, and that alone is enough to wreck his brain.
The planning is done; the date is picked between the three, plus Kazuha's approval. All that's left is for the confession to be carried out.
STAGE 4 - the confession.
➥ Now, it was time to confess. Oh, how terrifying the thought and much more nerve-racking the feeling. Gaming met you by the river, and you looked as stunning as ever. Funnily enough, this was your usual fit, your typical and casual clothes, but something felt more different. Gaming's heart beat with love and a little nervousness. Strangely, you already had your wallet out, so on the way to the raft, Gaming was sure to keep his hand in his pocket, making sure that he had all of the mora ready for the raft payment. He kept a flowing conversation, and you, as usual, kept it cool as well. It momentarily paused when you both saw the disguised Xinqiu, but something felt off in Gaming's gut when you took his hand and lead him to the raft, which, funnily enough, was the last available raft nearby.
“Hello, my dearest friends. Would you like to ride on this fine raft?”
A smile grows on your face before Gaming can say anything.
“Yes, we'd love to.”
Your hand squeezes Gaming's tightly when you shift your gaze and smile over to him. He's distracted momentarily, blushing at the feeling of your fingers interlocking with his.
“How wonderful! That will be 10,000 mora, please.” Xinqiu politely bows with his hand out, extending towards you, and you're suddenly closer to Xinqiu to pay for the raft.
This is bad, super bad! You hand over the necessary mora to Xinqiu and wink at him, lending a hand over to help Gaming up onto the raft. You're strangely prepared for this, hell, you're even wearing... Something warm. That's. Not good. The plan isn't going the way he needs it to! Gaming watches you take the seat next to him and admire the scenery around. He's nervous, evident by how he constantly plays with his fingernails, or how his sight spills all over the place— how he flickers his eyes over to you, then to the waters beneath the gaps of the bamboo. He aligns his sight with the direction of the raft, and he watches the ripples of the water flow with the serene waters of the lake. It's calming slightly, but there's still the nervous pound in his heart.
Gaming looks back at you. You have your kamera out, and you're taking photos of the scenery with a small smile on your face. There's a bloom in Gaming's heart. He finds his gaze lingering too much onto you to notice that you've taken your own cardigan off, resting it on your lap. The Adam's apple in his throat bobs a little. He needs to confess, and it's going to happen soon— if not right now.
Your gaze falls onto him, and he nearly jumps in his seat. It's strangely quiet and rather cold. In a desperate attempt to fill the void of silence, he stutters and exaggerates a cold expression,
“It's... It's really cold now, huh? That's weird. It's awfully cold for spring!”
“In that case, here. Take my cardigan, it'll keep you warm.” You smile at him knowingly, wrapping the cardigan around the blushing, confused Gaming.
Wait, what? He was supposed to do that!
You smile at him and turn back over to the scenery around. You have your hand resting near him, and he can't help but stare at the reflection of the light lingering on your hand. It's attractive, everything about you he finds so attractive, every insecurity and every part you're proud of he takes and smiles proudly with. Gaming is deep in love with you, and it's clear as glass right now as he takes your hand in his and gently taps his thumb against your knuckle.
“Hey. So, can I... I have something to say.”
You send your undivided attention to him as he speaks. His heart pounds against his chest, and he subconsciously squeezes your hand.
“I've been thinking. We've been really close 'n cool friends for a while, don't you think?”
Darn it, Gaming, get to the point! He yells at himself, and the burn of an embarrassed blush glitters across his face.
“Listen, Gaming.” You interlock your fingers with his again, and you give him a soft, sweet smile.
“I like you, too, okay?”
And with the peck of a kiss on his cheek, a small, sudden, yet very giddy smile grew on his face. He asked for re-confirmation, and when you gave it to him, he nearly fainted on the spot with joy.
You and Gaming held hands, and a shared smile bloomed between the two of you. You leaned in for a kiss, and Gaming allowed you— but before a kiss could happen, Xingqiu interrupted with the snap of his Kamera.
You and Gaming turn around. Xinqiu smiles, taking the photo out of the kamera and hiding it behind his back, whistling as if nothing had happened.
You and Gaming realized then and there that you would thus receive the teasing of a lifetime.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ “1 new message...”
➥ “...Read it?”
STAGE 1 - how he fell in love with you.
➥ Wanderer was and is a special— very special case. He's a puppet beneath the porcelain skin; there's almost nothing under it. He's hollow, meaning he has no heart. So what would explain this strange feeling within? Nahida suggested a fondness for you through the form of love, but Wanderer thought it was impossible. He's a puppet, and not only does he lack the heart to love, but he has never loved before and certainly wouldn't now.
Of course, that simply wasn't the case.
Wanderer always felt some sort of ache when it came to you. Nahida's suggestion of fondness found itself dug into his mind rent-free, even if he fully disagreed with it. He felt like you were simply more annoying than anyone else he's ever met. Yet, there was this one time that he considered the possibility that maybe... Maybe it is love, after all.
It was his birthday, and you hung around with Nahida to surprise him. The surprise wasn't anything big, but it was nice enough to have left a stain ingrained in his memory of it. You and Nahida had baked a cake made especially for him, and the party was held at a vantage point. Funnily enough, that same day was the day where he wanted to show you this exact vantage point, but you had already discovered it first. You joked that it was simply meant to be, and a faint blush dusted Wanderer's cheeks— though, he'd never admit it to be of embarrassment or love. The birthday party, as mentioned before, wasn't that big. It was you and Nahida, but there was a particular point that had Wanderer questioning if he needed a heart at all for his "possible-and-horrible-wave-of-fondness." In his eyes, it was one thing to see his semi-savior, Nahida, all giddy and happy to be able to finally celebrate the birthday of another, but it was a whole other treat to see your smile. He found himself lingering on you for too long; he felt an ache within that longed for something— even when he tried to dismiss it, that was the beginning of his spiral of love. That longing never went away. Later that day, after you had left, Nahida would tell him how easy it was to spot, but he ignored her and went off for the night. He took himself to the highest spot of Sumeru, and he sat quietly on the branch.
You were back on his mind. Your smile, your eccentric self, while eating the cake. Everything was wonderful. You were wonderful.
You are wonderful.
A smile creept in from his teeth, accompanied by a sigh.
You're... wonderful.
Images of your smile flashed within his mind, and that same ache and longing pinged and rang within his chest, where a human's heart could have been.
A memory of Nahida's words play in his head.
“Perhaps it is indeed a sign of your fondness for them! Humans feel it for one another, and oftentimes, they refer to the feeling as love.”
Does he love you?
The ache pounds against his chest.
Oh, for archon's sake.
Wanderer's face turned red at a thought:
He really might be in love with you.
STAGE 2 - how he's pining for you.
➥ The days and weeks after his birthday, he sought you out more than he could've ever thought he would. Sometimes, he'd run into you buying groceries at the stalls of Sumeru. Other times, you'd be sitting in a small field of flowers, and he'd be flying by. You didn't seem to mind his presence, though. Actually, evident by your smiley faces and happier expressions, you seemed to enjoy it! The thought, without realizing it, made him happier than usuaI. While it wasn't evident with a spring in his step, if you looked closer, there would be a dozen sparkles in his eyes every time he glanced your way. Except, you'd know better than to get too close. Otherwise, Wanderer would've smacked you silly.
He’s become a little softer towards you than he is with anyone else. Even with his specialty of degrading everyone around him, he can’t bring himself to be rude to you in an honest way. Any harsh comment is followed by an ache in his heart whenever he sees you either pissed or bothered, and he finds himself incapable of thinking badly of you. Strangely enough, he thinks of you more than he talks to you nowadays. It bleeds into his day-to-day schedule when he’s in the Akademiya, studying for his classes, or doing his work. Wanderer doesn't really have much to do with his days. He thinks of you during classes now, too. He's unsure if you attend classes or if you've finished school, as he's never bothered to ask, and you've never brought it up. Either way, when the lectures start becoming white noise to him, he wonders if you're also in a classroom right now, bored and thinking of whatever you think of.
If only you might be thinking of him, too.
A tiny smile breaks his bored, motionless lips. The professor goes off about the lesson, and his mind goes on about you. Wanderer couldn't care less if he missed information; he understands the material anyway. He simply wants to think of you right now.
Suddenly, the students around him shoot up from their seats, grabbing their things and head for the door, and he follows in suit with the smile wiped off of his face. As he passes through the room, a few people gawk at him, but he dismisses them. Wanderer would only allow you to gawk at him.
He left the Akademiya immediately, running off to some secluded spot where the other students wouldn’t bother him and have him snap out of his thoughts. As of late, he found himself enjoying his days a little more whenever he had some time to himself, especially when he thought of you during that snippet of time. Yet, this time, he doesn’t have to simply think of you. Walking down the path to the ground-leveled city, Wanderer saw you around the corner. You were talking to someone, but a flurry of heartbeats synced with the swirling thoughts racing through all at once. The feeling gets annoying because he basically runs into you every other day, but he acts as though he hasn’t seen you in years. There’s a sudden skip in his heart that forces him down the pathway a little faster to startle you with his approach. Wanderer always found it amusing whenever you’d jump out of your skin at his sudden appearance–
But this time was different. Wanderer stopped and stood idle.
Just why was the General Mahamatra holding your arm like that? From the angle he stood at, he couldn’t see the wound on your arm, but something shot down every ounce of excitement and confidence he had in himself. He felt cheated on, but you weren’t even dating him! Cyno notices him from the distance and lets go of your arm, almost glaring at the boy. You, following in suit, turn around to see Wanderer. Even with that fabulous feeling wasted away, Wanderer still looked at you like you were the only important person to exist. You’re graceful in the way you turn his way, but your wound catches his eye quickly. Is that why Cyno held you like that? Because he was scolding you or something? Either way, that’s what Wanderer is about to do with you. He storms over to you, enraged, worried, and ready to ravage the whole universe to find who hurt you…
And it turns out it was just some Mitachurl that you abolished soon after you had gotten hurt.
“Kuni, if you’re just so worried about me, why not stick by me more often? Besides, we run into each other basically every day now.”
“You can be my travel buddy, I guess!”
“That’s stupid.” But he’d still want to be yours.
Cyno dismisses Wanderer and gets him off of your arm, and you’re escorted elsewhere (as Wanderer glares from the distance at Cyno). He thinks for a few moments but ultimately decides to return to the Sanctuary of Surasthana to pay Nahida a little visit…
STAGE 3 - him planning the confession.
➥ Nahida, when asked, simply told Wanderer to bring you over to some nice, secluded spot and tell you how he feels. He’s been told that the confession doesn’t have to be anything big, but maybe just some nice scenery would do you both some good. Wanderer slightly hoped that Nahida would tell him not to confess, but he knows her better than that. The plan, when made, was simple: he'll ask when you're free, then he'll take you to some nice spot nearby, sit you down as he takes his seat, and he tells you how he feels. 
Now, does that sound appealing to Wanderer?
No, of course not.
Wanderer would prefer it if he just didn’t tell you at all. Feelings are awkward for him because he’s not used to romance. He’s not used to anything positive or good coming his way. Wanderer has walls of brick to seal his heart away to prevent further emotional pain. There’s no way he would tear all of that down just to be with you.
“But it’s already broken!” Nahida says with a cheeky smile, startling Wanderer.
“Sorry,” the archon giggles, “I read your mind just now. What I mean to say is that you already trust them enough as is! The walls you’ve built have already been broken?”
“It’s still stupid, anyways. What if they don’t even reciprocate? Then what would I do?”
Nahida scratches her head a little, thinking of all of the experiences that she’s witnessed over the past two years of her freedom.
“Isn’t that what confession also determines? You let them know that they like you, and then you learn if they reciprocate or if they don’t.”
Thus, after a small debate with himself and Nahida, Wanderer decided to… Simply tell you how he feels. Shouldn’t be that hard, right? Though, when he finds himself unable to bring up a potential day to choose, Nahida asks you when you’re free, and thus the plan is initiated.
All that’s left to do is wait, prepare, and execute.
STAGE 4 - the confession.
➥ The morning of the plan arose. The break of dawn and the sunrise’s sunlight spilled across Teyvat all at once. The cold corpse of the moon faded with the blue sky, and Wanderer was all but asleep. In fact, he was frantic– panicking, not even a drop of sleep soaked into him. He’s, despite refusing to admit it, terrified of meeting you at that vantage point and possibly getting humiliated after letting his feelings pour. 
Wanderer walks out of the dorm provided by the Akademiya and takes a stroll. It’s still early, and not too many people are outside yet. The air isn’t cold, it’s less humid than usual, but it’s still cooler than usual– the slightly-frosted breeze brushing against his porcelain arms. He can’t feel the cold, but he still shivers with the pressure of what might happen.
“Kuni?” Your semi-groggy voice calls out to him. He turns around, and he feels his chest nearly explode.
“You? Why are you up so early?”
“I dunno, Nahida told me to meet up with you later today, so I wanted to go out to get you something.”
Get him something? His could’ve-been-heart pounds in his chest.
“Why did you want to meet with me anyway?” You walk over to him, meeting his pace.
“I’ll tell you later. No snooping around yet.”
“Why?” A sly, teasing smile grows on your face. “Are you going to romantically confess your undying love to me under the blissful moonlight at your favorite romance novel scenery with a slow breeze hitting us? Oh, will there be flowers for me, too?” You smirk, and Wanderer looks at you with a fake look of disgust on his face. However, at that last question, he breaks his face… Slightly.
“That’s a good idea.” He quietly blurts, thinking of possible flowers to give you.
“Huh? What?”
“You’re planning to–” You stammer, a red blush dusting your features.
And then Wanderer realizes what he just did.
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roiposts · 4 months
this is a request by kukikoooo, I think I was supposed to post this on the request lol. I don’t know how to use tumblr
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~You were currently setting up the table for your daily teatime with Gaming.
~The weather is nice, a cool breeze, and occasionally birds flying by.
~Footsteps are heard coming towards your figure as your cat-like ears perk up.
~Once they seem close you turn around in shock, not expecting to see Gaming latching onto you, tail wagging and all.
~”I missed you!” Gaming says as he squeezes your body.
~”Gaming, you saw me yesterday when I came to your performance.” You say, you seem to be annoyed, but Gaming can tell your not. your ears and tail gave it away
~Once you get him to calm down and take a seat you pour him a cup of tea and sit down across the table from him.
~He takes the tea thankfully, and takes a sip.
~”Did you know yesterday when I was walking around I saw some really cool flowers, I think they were silk flowers. Anyways…”
~Gaming keeps ranting on and on as you just sit there with a smile, drinking your tea.
~Eventually he stops talking and looks at you with a worried smile.
~”Umm, am I talking too much? I’ll stop if I’m being to annoying.” His ears flattening against his head.
~You look at him with a surprised face. “No, no, I enjoy it when you talk a lot.”
~His worried expression shifts to a joyful one
~”Really! Your not just saying this to make me feel better, right?” He tilts his head to the side.
~”of course not, I like the sound of your voice, it makes me happy when I hear that you are.” You say with a smile on your face
~He smiles and continues with his story, “then after I picked the silk flowers…”
~You both continue like that for the rest of the morning. You, drinking your tea, and him, talking to you about anything that comes to mind.
when I was writing ‘He tilts his head to the side’ I thought of a meme I saw with a fox tilting its head with the caption of, “sure buddy, you’ll understand it better at a 45 degree angle”
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flan-tasma · 3 months
Boyfriend!Gaming x Reader HC
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💖~ What the people think is done
Yo estoy dispuesta a saltar ✨
El banner para esto no salió mal, estoy feliz por ello <3333333
Warning: Nope now💖, GN!Reader | English is not my native language, so if I have made any mistakes in the translation, I am open to corrections | Content in spanish and english!
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Gaming es el mejor amigo que puedas tener, y si como amigo es fantástico, imagínate de novio.
Es un novio que resuelve, no importa si crees que la situación es insalvable, él encuentra la manera de hacer que funcione. ¿Tu ropa se manchó y no se quita? Él te da su chaqueta para que te cubras. ¿Te incomodan tus zapatos? Te dará los suyos. ¿Estás tan cansada como para hacer algo? Él te atenderá hasta que te recuperes. Él es un amor.
Puede ponerse muy amenazante cuando hay alguien que puede hacerte daño cerca. Puede poner esta cara de perro rabioso mientras mira feo (y tal vez saque algo de veneno) a la persona que representa una amenaza para ti.
Puede ser un perrito que te sigue y te muerde para que juegues con él, y puede ser un perro guardián que muerda y probablemente haga sangrar a alguien que te trata mal.
Es tu novio y al mismo tiempo es tu comadre con quien chismean cada que pueden. El inicio de sus citas empieza con uno de los dos tomando aire para contar el chisme mientras toman té y pasteles de té y luna.
Te pide que le ayudes a peinarse y comparten productos para el cuidado del cabello que pueden servirles.
Tienen mínimo uno o dos conjuntos que combinan, y probablemente te haya regalado una chaqueta igual a la suya.
Siento que haría chistes de sus desgracias y se reiría, pero jamás se burlaría de tus traumas a menos que tú hagas el chiste primero.
Si en algún momento se cansa de ti (siempre en broma, claro) te pone su chaqueta, sube la capucha y le habla al suanni acerca de cómo alguien está hablando mucho y cuánto quiere cerrarle la boca a besos.
Siempre coquetea contigo, no le importa si ya son pareja. Va a seguir acercándose diciendo que luces preciosa y te pregunta si ya tienes novio y por qué debería ser él.
No soporta coqueteos frente a su familia, va a explotar de la vergüenza y te meterá un puñado de arroz en la boca para que te calles.
Puntos extras si resulta que vives en la Aldea Chiaoying, no tiene pereza de viajar desde la ciudad de Liyue para ir a visitarte los fines de semana. También le gusta llevarte a la ciudad para presentarte a sus amigos y que respires un aire nuevo.
El chico es un hombre fiel, es tu novio y puede imaginar un futuro contigo, suele hacer bromas acerca de que ambos se harán viejos juntos y saldrán a pasear por el lago.
A partir de que soluciona sus problemas con su padre, tiene la costumbre de alejarte de su familia, a pesar de que cada que te encuentras con ellos te dan de comer o te tratan muy dulcemente.
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Gaming is the best friend you can have, and if he is fantastic as a friend, imagine him as a boyfriend.
He is a boyfriend who will help you, it doesn't matter if you think the situation is insurmountable, he finds a way to make it work. Did your clothes get stained and won't come off? He gives you his jacket to cover yourself. Do your shoes make you uncomfortable? He will give you his. Are you tired enough to do anything? He will take care of you until you recover. He is a sweetheart.
He can become very threatening when there is someone who can harm you nearby. May make this mad dog face while he glares (and maybe draws some venom) at the person who poses a threat to you.
It can be a little dog that follows you and bites you to make you play with it, and he can be a guard dog that bites and probably makes bleed who treats you badly.
He is your boyfriend and at the same time he is your best friend with whom you gossip whenever you can. The beginning of your dates is with one of you taking a breath to tell the gossip with tea and Fine Tea, Full Moon.
He asks you to help him comb his hair and share hair care products that can help you.
You have at least one or two outfits that match, and he probably gave you a jacket just like his.
I feel like he would make jokes about his misfortunes and laugh, but he would never make fun of your traumas unless you make the joke first.
If at some point he gets tired of you (always joking, of course) he puts his jacket on you, pulls up the hood and talks to the suanni about how someone is talking too much and how much he wants to kiss their mouth shut.
He always flirts with you, he doesn't care if you are already a couple. He will keep approaching you saying that you look beautiful and asking if you already have a boyfriend and why it should be him.
He can't stand flirting in front of his family, he's going to explode with embarrassment and shove a handful of rice into your mouth to make you shut up.
Bonus points if you live in Chiaoying Village, he's not lazy to travel from Liyue to visit you on the weekends. He also likes to take you to the city to introduce you to his friends and let you breathe a fresh air.
The boy is a faithful man, he is your boyfriend and he can imagine a future with you, he often makes jokes about the two of you getting old together and going for a walk by the lake.
After he solves his problems with his father, he has the habit of distancing you from his family, even though every time you meet them they feed you or treat you very sweetly.
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fix-itfelix · 2 years
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hello kunikatai nation, I come bearing a gift <3
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jeon-ify · 4 months
thoughts- choi san ft. mingi
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synopsis: while your boyfriend is traveling for a music video, you can’t seem to shake off sexual thoughts even for the slightest amount of time. you need a release, and who better to call than mingi’s best friend san?
warnings: dom!san, sub!reader, reader cheats on mingi, san is a married man but cheats with reader, nipple play, breath play, rough sex, degradation, mingi calls san during sex, face slapping, pussy slapping, swearing, breeding kink (if you squint), etc. if i missed anything… let me know !
with only 10 minutes left for mingi to head to the airport, you felt the sudden urge to bounce on mingi’s cock for no given reason, at the worst possible time. it’s always the worst moments that your brain and pussy decide to remix and come up with the worst scenarios at the most inconvenient times.
when you reached the airport, you helped mingi take his luggage out of the trunk of your car, getting ready to say goodbye to him. he closed the trunk, hugging you and taking in your scent before he leaves you for the next couple of weeks. though it was only 2 weeks, you can’t go any longer than that without mingi inside of you. you began to grow desperate for mingi right now, but you didn’t wait to tell him. the only thing you could tell him was “i love you, be safe. call me and text me as soon as you get to your hotel, okay?” and give him a kiss.
“i love you more, baby. don’t do anything stupid.” he reminds you as he kisses your forehead before he walks off.
“i won’t!” you shout behind him.
as you drive off, you immediately text mingi, in hopes that it’ll make time go by sooner.
y/n: baby :( how much longerrrr
y/n: miss u already mings </3
my mingi <3: baby? its only been like 3 minutes loll
my mingi <3: only 14 days left !!
turning your phone off with a sigh, you drive to find the nearest gas station. as you pump gas, you think about ways that you could wear off the sexual burden you’re carrying with you.
i could maybe masturbate or something?
you think. you’ve been touching yourself for far too long, afraid to ask mingi for sex, that he would get tired from how many rounds you’d ask for.
you go into the store to grab a redbull. as you pay and get into your car, you (hope to) brush off all sexual thoughts for the next two weeks.
“yeosang, are you at the house?” you say into the phone. you want to hang out with friends or have any human interaction after being locked up for 2 days because right now, no one is answering you. mingi must be busy, and your friends are busy too.
“no, san is there but its just him, why?” he’s quick to tell that something’s up, as you’d never call yeosang on your own.
“ok, can i go over? i’m hella bored and mingi’s busy. he’s not picking up my calls.”
“yeah, i’ll let him know you’re going over.”
“thanks, yeo.”
the call comes to an end, as you think about what you would even do at their house. you never go there without mingi. mingi never lets you go there on your own, knowing how his friends— san— are.
as you drive for the next 22 minutes, you decide to play music to possibly drown out all thoughts. you roll a window down, sip on redbull, but the thoughts just come right back to you.
you arrive to their home, parking in their unusually large driveway. you knock, hearing san rushing to open the door. “hey, what are you doing here?” he questions.
“i’m bored and yeosang said he told you i’d be here. did he not?” you say, voice shaking as you’re not aware of what might happen. if mingi knew you were here on your own, you would quite possibly end up single.
“yeah, come in.” he shuts the door behind you, just as confused as you are. he walks over to the kitchen, preparing cups and wine for the both of you.
“does mingi know you’re here?” he speaks with his back towards you, putting the drink in the fridge.
“no, and i don’t get why he doesn’t want me here. what’s so crazy about you guys that makes mingi so weird about me being here alone?” you begin. you want a conversation and you want san to tell what mingi won’t tell you. you feel like you’re cheating already, being here without your boyfriend.
“i don’t know. i’ve never done anything to him.” he argues. something must’ve happened on mingi’s end for them to end up so weird with each other.
“so how come you’re home alone? did no one invite you anywhere?” you question, taking a sip of the drink san had poured for you. he responds after a long pause of eye contact, watching the way your lips caress the rim of the glass.
“honestly, i didn’t wanna go anywhere. everyone else went out to wooyoung’s mom’s house and they’re spending the next 3 days there.” it’s like he has a convincing tone to his voice, not breaking eye contact as he confesses.
you want, so bad, to just let go of all sexual thoughts as they come back the second san watches your lips. you were never attracted to san, but the sexual absence that you’ve been facing has you in such a strong chokehold, you almost gasp for air in front of the man beside you.
your breath picks up its pace, trying to calm yourself before you let your intrusive thoughts win.
“y/n, are you okay?” he sets his drink down on the glass table, watching the way your thighs are clenching.
“san, if i tell you something you literally cannot tell a soul.” you set your drink down beside his, finally deciding to let some steam off.
“y-yeah. what’s going on, pretty?” he raises concern in his tone, the nickname sending shivers through your chest and down to your core. his voice is soft and deep, a sense of care and possessiveness without ever claiming you.
he knows what he’s doing.
“so mingi and i haven’t had sex in like 3 months, and when he left i guess my body went into autopilot trying to find a release when he like walked away from me. cus he looked so good in his outfit i guess the thoughts started flooding all at once. i dont know san, like why am i so-“ you ramble, san not even understanding what you’re getting at. your words leave your mouth at 100mph, trying to get to the point.
“y/n, what are you getting at?” he scoots closer to you. you feel his breathing becoming slower but deeper, his hands inching closer to your knee.
you sigh, in hopes to brush off the thoughts that are replaying in your mind— san being inside of you and filling in that void mingi had planted in your cervix. you also imagine the ways that san would wrap his rather larger veiny hands around your throat, cutting off all airways in multiple pleasuring ways. the way that he’d make you hold your orgasm makes your head spin. though you can only imagine, its almost as if he can hear your thoughts.
“has mingi actually made love to you? not just sex, actually fucked you the way you wanted.” he notices the way your mind races, picking at your cuticles in the anxious manner that san has created.
“we’ve had sex, but i guess he’s never asked me what i was into.” you mutter. san takes initiative, inching closer to your face.
“baby, how are you gonna handle two weeks with no release? you’ve gone however fucking long without the proper release, let your dear friend san show you a proper fuck, mm?” he takes your hand in his, running his free hand up your bare thigh. he notices the way your mouth lets out a gasp the closer he gets to your heat. your mind races again, finally realizing that this is why mingi never wanted you over here on your own.
“b-but—“ you try. you really don’t want this to stop, you know he’ll fuck you stupid. be honest to yourself, you wanna get fucked stupid, and who better to ask than san?
“let me make you feel good, hm? you want me to be rough with you? say the words, darling.” he inches closer, his right arm on one side of you as he leans on top of you. you stare at his lips, watching the way they drip with arousal already.
“san, use me.” fucking finally. as if you poured fuel to the fire, san immediately crashes his plump pink lips onto yours. the softness of his lips does not seem to match the roughness he implies into the kiss, exploring every inch of your mouth. his tongue runs along the roof of your mouth, to your gums, and almost to your throat from how deep he’s kissing you. he takes your tongue into his mouth, sucking and eliciting gasps from you, as you pull away and take his bottom lip into your lips, sucking and creating a red tint in his wake.
“fuckin’ hell. i need to taste you, pretty girl.” his lips move down to your neck, using his hands to unzip your sweater to kiss down your bare chest.
“no bra, it’s like you came over to fuck me, that right?”
yes, he’s right.
“n-no, please don’t tell mings—“ you moan as he takes your nipple into his mouth, almost sucking the entire muscle out of your chest.
“fuck! please, do something.” you moan. your eyes threaten to roll to the back of your head, seeing stars as san doesn’t stop sucking and swallowing everything you give him.
his long fingers move to take your shorts off, immediately rubbing circles on your pussy the second the fabric leaves your legs.
“oh my god, you are fucking soaked, y/n. what’s going on in your pretty head, hm? bet you think about me when you fuck mingi. right, pretty?” his fingers plunge into your hole, relentlessly fucking into your pussy. his free hand finds a home over your mouth to mask your moans and gasps while he fucks you with his hand.
your legs clench around his forearm, threatening to squirt on his couches. your stomach clenches while san moves his hand from your mouth to land a sharp slap onto your pussy. your body jolts with pleasure from the slap, san groaning from how hard you’re clenching his fingers.
he brings his fingers up to your mouth as you suck and swallow your juices. “good girl, take it all.”
he takes his pants off, wasting no time in jerking himself and entering your sopping hole. your eyes widen at his size, intimidated that you won’t be able to take him.
“san, i don’t think—“
“you can and you will.”
he stops you, placing his right hand on your throat while the other guides his length into your hole. you throw your head back onto the arm rest, your legs threaten to shut around his waist while he already picks up the pace.
he pounds into you relentlessly, hitting your cervix and pulling the ropes of your orgasm.
“so dirty, letting me choke you out and fuck you like a whore. what would mingi say, huh? look at me when i’m talking to you, y/n.” he grips your jaw, forcing you to look him in the eye when he pounds you.
“i-i don’t know! please,” you’re not sure what you’re begging for, because san’s giving you all that you’ve missed out on.
you should’ve said yes when he’d asked you out that one time.
“what are you begging for? i’m giving you everything your fuck-ass boyfriend can’t give you.” he slaps your cheek, leaving a red handprint on the right side of your face. you smile at him as he does it again.
“you’re so deep in me, sannie. it’s too much,” you begin to see stars as you yell out. all you can do is moan and cry for san to keep fucking you, even though it feels like you’re being ripped in half in the best way.
“you talk so fucking much, wonder why mingi won’t fuck you.” he lifts your legs onto his waist in a more comfortable spot, while he wraps both hands around your throat, squeezing tightly as he pounds into your pussy faster.
you whimper, san kissing your almost purple lips, using his thumb to open your mouth. he lands a wad of spit onto your tongue as you gracefully swallow him.
“keep clenching around me, there you fucking go. open your legs wider,” san is interrupted by his phone ringing. he doesn’t pull out, only reaching for it on the table by your head. he plants a kiss on your forehead before he leans back up to answer what displays as
he swipes to answer, putting the phone on speaker.
“yo,” you hear your boyfriend. you try so hard to suppress your moans, as san fucks into you faster and deeper. he places a hand over your mouth to keep you quiet, even though he wants mingi to know how good he’s fucking you.
“mingi-ya. how’s ja-japan?” he mutters while you clench around his dick tighter. he moves his hand away from your mouth to pinch at your nipple.
“its good, hows everyone doing? i called y/n, but she didn’t answer.” concern and your name in the same sentence catches your attention while san looks at you in faux surprise.
“she’s good, yeosang checked up on her a few days ago, she’s just bored.”
he plunges his hips extra hard into you, staying in that one position, not moving an inch. your stomach clenches as you squirt all over san’s pelvis. he gasps, impressed by his action.
mingi is talking, but the both of you are just listening. san isn’t answering the way mingi wants him to, only reacting to what he says.
“are you good, bro? are you even listening to me?”
“uh— yeah, yeah i am.” san leans towards your face, licking the tears that fell from your doe fucked out eyes. you put your hand over your mouth to stop yourself from making any noise.
“alright, i’m gonna go. i’ll talk to you later, san.”
“bye mingi”
“you’re fucking dirty, such a whore.” he groans and swallows in an attempt to clear his dry throat as he tosses the phone somewhere in the room.
“i’m gonna cum, sannie. please cum in me.” you bring your hand up to the back of his head to pull him closer to you. you lick a stripe up his dimple as he smirks. you feel him swell up and twitch in your pussy, his hand coming down to rub circles on your clit. his hips stutter as he fucks you slower, emptying himself in your cervix.
“want my cum leaking out of your pretty pussy even when mingi’s around.” he pulls out of you, watching the way his cum leaks out of your hole. he uses two fingers to spread your lips, watching the way your hole clenches and how loose he’s made you.
you realize how much you were missing out on the minute san touched your thigh.
sex will never be the same again.
i don’t even know what to say.
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kisakis-boyfriend · 3 months
Just some quick spicy Ga Ming headcannons~
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He is a bottom and sub for sure.
A service sub/bottom, to be more precise.
Loooooves riding you 🤤
Very giggly during sex. Rather vocal too.
If you thought Gaming talked a lot before, you haven't seen anything yet.
He rambles on and on while you're fucking him, it's really cute (and pretty hot).
Gaming is definitely the type of guy who narrates what's happening during sex.
“O-oh gosh, you're touching my hips... Hngh! Now y-you're, ah! Now you're kissing my, m-my neck... Aaah~ Putting it... inside already—!!”
He calls you 'sir' and 'master' a lot. Sometimes 'boss' too.
Praise is his fuel; the more you praise Gaming, the more eager he becomes. Eager to please you in any way he can.
Thanks to his pyro affinity, Gaming usually becomes extra sweaty during sex.
He also has more stamina than the average person. Hopefully you can keep up with this cutie 😅
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idkjustrandomdrawings · 4 months
After the Show
Witnessing from afar how Ga-ming is reconnecting with his father, smiling at these two being so awkward. Your heart swells when you see them hug, waiting for your moment to finally introduce yourself to his father as ga-mings girlfriend. Your family already knows ga-ming, your parents see him as their own now, actually most of the time he sleeps at your place ever since he ran away from his own home.. but you meeting his family now? You shouldn’t be as nervous as you are since you already know that ga-ming will do what he wants no matter if his father approves or not yet you want him to like you and approve of your relationship with his son non the less. Walking up to this father son moment trying to not interrupt yet wanting to not only introduce yourself but to finally hug and kiss your boyfriend after his impressive performance. You keep smiling as they notice you and shyly wave hello.
“Hello…sorry for interrupting but i need to steal ga-ming real quick”
His dad nods as ga-ming looks at you confused, you immediately hug him and cover his face with kisses as the excitement of his firey dance comes back.
“You were AMAZING- it was SOO cool and impressive i knew you could dance but THAT was completely different from what i knew!”
you kiss him on the lips holding his face in your hands, separating from his lips you put forehead against his
“i‘m so proud of you ‘ming”
He just laughs at your antics and hugs you close, opening his mouth to say something you both get interrupted by a loud cough from his dad, silently asking who you are..you both immediately separate and stand straight next to each other
“Oh yes sorry sir- hello i am your son‘s girlfriend, (Y/N)”
You put out your hand to shake his
[ am i obsessed with ga-ming? Maybe yea..plus sorry for the sudden stop i really did not know how to end that one shot]
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rosedom · 2 months
😣😣😣Ga-ming D, P, M, and V please !!! luv n need more of him
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"you have summoned GA-MING for the event . . ."
A/N : he's so underrated ,, thank u for indulging me ^^
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✦ㅤㅤD = dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of his)
he'll never admit it, but ga-ming will go commando sometimes. his pants are already comfy enough—sue him! and, sure, that in-and-of itself is hardly a dirty secret, but his motives definitely are . . . he abandons his briefs on the days he knows you'll be around in the hopes that, by leaving behind the fabric, you'll hardly need to strip him to get to where he's wet n' needy for you . . .
it's hot in the morning when he's getting ready to see you, but when he's in your lap, grinding down on you, and his cunt brushes the inseam of his pants . . . uh-oh. he'll be so embarrassed at it and regret the decision every-time—especially-so when your hands start dipping past the hem of his pants, going down down down and touching nothing but soft, smooth skin !! you love it though (how couldn't you?). and besides—he's always messier on these days.
✦ㅤㅤM = motivation (what turns him on and really gets him going)
i full-heartedly believe that this man is easy as anything. you doing anything to him in that voice of yours, with that gentle touch—it's all plenty to get his cock filling n' throbbing.
however, his biggest turn-ons are definitely your hands: particularly, your hands on him. holding hands with him is sweet, but, sometimes, when you grip him by the wrist instead and pull him along in your own enthusiasm, ga-ming's gonna be left doe-eyed and spacy. it always makes his body turn hot—makes his cheeks flush and his knees go a little weaker—the way you can so easily tug at him, and it sends him back to the bedroom, imaging your hands with that same grip on him, pinning him down to the bed as he writhes beneath you . . . there's that, and there's also you simply calling him by his name. he's so used to using nicknames between the two of you that you outright calling him, calling for "ga-ming !" makes him weak.
✦ㅤㅤP = pace (does he prefer fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
now, ga-ming's the type of guy you'd expect to like it fast; he's so enthusiastic in the every-day life that you'd think it'd spill over to bed. and, sure—he may enjoy it from time-to-time, the fast, rough pace of you grinding into him, fucking him senseless . . . but most of the time, he likes it slow and sweet and soft. when every day is so fast for him, he loves being able to lie underneath you and take it slow, take your cock in barely-there thrusts because it seems to lengthen the time the two of you spend together. his logic is that the longer the sex lasts, the longer he can be with you—the two of you against the world.
✦ㅤㅤV = volume (how loud he is, what sounds does he make, etc.)
oh my god ,, ga-ming is so loud, be that his moans or his talking. he is such a talker in bed, it's insane; from trying to rile you up constantly, teasing you with his words alone, to simply yappin' and whimperin' about how good you feel, how good you are to him. he's definitely a fan of saying stuff like: "y-you feel so good, please," "you're so—mm—, so deep inside me !" "give me more, please, please . . ." and so on. his mouth is ALWAYS running.
but when you've got him fucked-out enough, his jaw'll be dropped open with no words coming out: only sweet, whining moans spilling from his parted lips. whines, whimpers—he definitely does those the most; but he's also a gasper, shaking breaths leaving him just to get sucked back in in sharp lil' gasps that make his whole frame tremble.
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tee-hee, first one of the event done <3 thank u so much for requesting, this was so much fun !! the rest will likely be following a similar format.
1 APR. 2024, @rosedom, rosey .
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nogenderbee · 3 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝔽𝕠𝕣𝕓𝕚𝕕𝕕𝕖𝕟 𝕞𝕖𝕖𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ @vodka-glrl request: UMMMM GA MING GA MING GA MING!!! CAN WE GET A GA MING X READER OUT HERE!? So the whole thing is the reader comes from a rich family who kinda doesn't approve of her (yup fem! Reader if you're comfortable) and ga ming dating so they don't allow her to go watch gaming perform during lantern rite so gaming is just so sad during the whole performance but the reader sneaks out of the house so she could go watch him!! :3
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ HIIII!! Omg yes!! I really hope I got Ga ming somehow right because gosh I adore this boy but then again, I dorn have experience with writing for him yet.
Fem!reader wasn't really any problem so hope you like it! Also one-shot format because I felt like it's better like that!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff
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It was finally day if the Lantern Rite and Ga ming was bouncing from excitement when he thought of tonight's performance! Not only because he loves pe forming but also and mostly because his beloved will come to watch him!
You said yesterday that you'll do your best to come, in fact you promised you wouldn't miss it for the world! He knows how your parents are and he knows he should probably not have this much hope... but somehow he just couldn't. It's like your presence was sure already and he wanted to make it the best performance of his life yet so you'll be only proud of him! Who knows? Maybe he'll even steal a kiss or two for his good work?
But when he finally entered the area and jumped high above the audience, looking for you. He didn't saw your eyes, your hair, your clothes, nothing! You didn't come after all... Big smile on his face was washed away for a second. But it was quickly replaced with sadder smile, he may be disappointed but he won't make this moment sad to others because of his own feelings!
"(Did her parents really were this forcing? It's just one performance... and on Lantern Rite... I made sure to practice this play thousands of not millions of times too!)"
You on the other hand, had your stealth mission! You could see in distance lights of Lantern Rite and hear loud music, accompanied with cheering of the people. You knew you were running late.
With even more motivation, you finally jumped from the window onto the tree nearby and carefully for down with it's help. And when you did, you ran towards the event like you never did before. You honestly didn't care if your hair will get messy or if you get sweaty, all you wanted right now is to see your boyfriend's performance and not make him feel like you abandoned him on this special day!
"(Oh please let it be a long show... so I can come at least for the ending..!)"
Performance kept going, Ga ming had many glimpses at crowd, hoping he just didn't notice you and you're actually there somewhere! During one of these peeks... at the very end of performance when he almost lost his hope, he noticed you in the crowd! He noticed how you were panting from tiredness but also smiled brightly upon hearing him perform, leading to bright and honest smile return to his face.
It was a big part now... and he made sure to catch up for precious part of the performance and make it the best part yet! He didn't thought much of it at the moment but he probably wanted to help you see what you missed too! And maybe get some praise after the show~
When it was over, he carelessly took his costume off and ran towards the crowd, looking for you.
"Y/N! You came in the end!"
He immidietly hugged you upon seeing your face. His embrace contained all emotions he felt, being both happiness and expressing how much he missed you.
"Of course! My parents tried stopping me but there was no way I'd miss your performance! It was just so great! I felt the shivers on my body... in a good way of course!"
You then leaned to give his cheek a little congratulations kiss. He deserved it and you wanted to show a bit of affection after being so late too.
He for one squeezed you tighter in response for a short while before letting go to not hurt you accidentally. And this night is not over yet so he wanted to get out of this as much as possible!
"Alright~ Why won't we go get some dim sum since we're together now? My treat!"
"Oh absolutely! You know I can never say no to that!"
Both of you were eager to spend time with each other and probably a bit hungry so you arrived in no time! Of course holding hands on your way, as well as inside of the restaurant~
@bleachtheidiot @vodka-glrl - come get your dim sum lover!
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staarri · 2 months
Hi!! Seen you write for GaMing eh? Well, i have a request for him :D!
How about GaMing with reader that is an adeptus and/or Cloud Retainer disciple?
The amount of tea that this birb auntie will spill about baby reader... Oh dear, the embarrassment ☠️
𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝?
     —   characters :   ga ming
     —   character(s) are in a relationship with reader, gn!reader, this is a work of fiction
      fluff     ,     adeptus!reader     .      word count : 0.3k
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“When Y/N was still very young,” the bird adepti said, leading the boy to the so-called lair. “–they would like to play around here with Ganyu. The two of them would play a few roles similar to… Mermaids. If one can still remember.” 
     —   Dear lord. It took a short time for Cloud Retainer to spill all the little secrets you’ve had during your childhood. Her beak just can't be kept shut. She’s very noisy, often putting more emphasis on the embarrassing moments. Though she claims that she’s just sharing your childhood with your boyfriend–is that so bad?
     —   You were too late. Ga ming was already smiling along with Cloud Retainer, sitting comfortably on the stone chair and chatting away. Your cheeks flush as the adepti greets you, telling you to drink some tea as she recounts your failure of a camping trip where you woke up and saw a hilichurl sitting by your campfire.
     —   Honestly? Ga ming doesn't find it embarrassing at all. His family would’ve done the same, always showing baby pictures, his achievements as a kid, even the moments where he first saw the dance that inspired him. There he was, just a little kid smiling wide.
     —   The embarrassment didn’t last too long. Your curiosity about things you forgot in your childhood was stronger, you found out a few things that happened before that you don’t recall at all. 
“I can get used to this.” He says, laughing. You’re still a little mad at Cloud Retainer for sharing those things, but it doesn’t matter if he feels a little closer to you. 
“I can’t. Please don’t ever do that again–” Your voice is a little quiet. Ga ming smiles at you, gives you a playful punch and tells you its fine, because Cloud Retainer looks like she had the time of her life.
You’ll let this go in the future, this whole situation healed your inner child anyway. 
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characters belong to their respective companies. everything is written by staarri - do not steal, reupload, translate, modify or feed my work to ai.
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elixrr · 3 months
wait, wait, can I just...
gaming is sooooo pretty!!
➢ His little eyebrow piercing catches you off guard every time you're close to him. Tuck his bangs away and to the side to kiss his forehead, and you'll find that the little dot of silver by his brow catches your eye.
➥ To add to this thought, comment on his little piercing— tell him it's cute or that it looks really cool (dope) on him, and you've set him ablaze. His face will be beet red, even if there's nothing spicy or embarrassing about the compliment. It'd be cute to see him flustered <3
➥ OH! To add just a sprinkle more to this, that little mole on his neck is literally the CUTEST THING. Kiss it, tap it, poke it, and if you're feeling silly and spicy, bite it. Whatever you do, it's that sweet golden spot on his neck, so he'll get flustered when you touch it. I don't know if you're into some things, but this could be useful information for some other time with him.
➢ By the way, Gaming's whole outfit is just so cool! Seeing him with his hood on is the cutest thing, too! Something about the little built-in-ear-looking-things is so cute to look at, and the hole in the back for his ponytail is just a huge bonus!
➥ His ponytail looks so fluffy, I don't know why, so when he wears his hoodie around and outside of wushou dances, play with his ponytail. He's an all-around cutie, and just playing around with his ponytail would be so fun and pretty adorable.
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I spent like 8 minutes maximum writing this, and I DESPISE writing rant headcanons like these.
It feels so... Informal when I add personality to the words. I'm not used to it, but it was really quick to write since this was coming straight from my raw, lazy rant thoughts.
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roiposts · 4 months
Just a lil writing on Gaming
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This will just be what I think he would do if you were together, just for fun tho!
~Gaming would definitely be super happy if you would hold his hand or any small gesture to show love and it would give him energy to get through the day.
~He would ask you your opinion with a lot of things. “Do you like these pastries?” “Does my shirt look wrinkled at all?” “What should we do today?”
~Always asks you to go to his shows! He wants to see you there and see you smile while he dances.
~If he notices that you’re sad he will stop whatever he’s doing scurry up to you and do anything that would cheer you up. Whether it be shopping or just having a hug, he would do anything for his love ❤️
~He really likes cuddles after a long day or just in general. If you’re fine with it of course! He will always ask so he doesn’t invade your personal space.
~If you get mad at him he will be very VERY sad. Gaming will be sitting on the bed, covered in blankets crying, until you apologize or say sorry.
~I feel like Gaming would definitely want to have matching clothes or accessories for some reason, like a little pin that goes on clothes.
That’s all for now. If you have any requests you can put it in the comments or on the Tumblr or Wattpad request area!
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flan-tasma · 2 months
good morning, how are you? I would like to request a kissing session with gaming pretty pleaseeeee i love your writing <333
💖~ Thanks for asking! I've been doing well, and I hope you're having a great day too. Thank you for your nice words too!
Thank you for making a Gaming request! He is so adorable, I just want to pinch his cheeks because he is a great boy and he deserves it.
Warning: Nope now💖, GN!Reader | English is not my native language, so if I have made any mistakes in the translation, I am open to corrections | Content in spanish and english!
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Es un amor, es el mejor novio del mundo. Es el más divertido, el más amable y el más comprensivo, por eso es tan genial estar con él. Gaming siempre te trata de manera tan delicada, como si fueras su mayor tesoro y temiera que tu piel se dañe por sus uñas, por lo que siempre te acaricia con la yema de sus dedos cuando te levanta el mentón para dejar un beso en tu nariz.
Siempre inicia así, nunca empieza besando tus labios, en cambio, está dispuesto a besar tu rostro completo antes de darse ese lujo. Puede que te muerda cariñosamente las mejillas, pero solo son sus formas cariñosas de amarte y molestarte: toma tus manos para que no te alejes, te sostiene de la cintura o te abraza, solo no quiere que te vayas cuando empieza a danzar contigo hasta el sofá.
Le gusta besarte cuando va pasando, cuando se despide para ir al trabajo o cuando te saluda en la mañana, te besa la mejilla y se va. Pero para los besos largos que te da, es imprescindible que ambos estén cómodos.
Sostiene tus mejillas luego de besarlas, te mira con amor y fascinación antes de hacer que te acerques más a él, prácticamente acurrucados en los cojines. No importa si su cuerpo es naturalmente más cálido que lo normal, tú no vas a alejarte, ¿verdad? Por eso es que se permite enredarse contigo cuando por fin reclama tus labios, acariciándolos suavemente y con confianza, dibujando una sonrisa cada vez más grande en su rostro.
Se toma su tiempo para adorarte, paseando sus manos por tu espalda y tu cabello cada vez que busques respirar contra sus labios, susurrando cumplidos dulces contra tus oídos, llamándote su pareja, como alguien que aún no entiende cómo pasó, pero que está sumamente agradecido.
Se deja mimar por tus besos y tus caricias, ronroneando entre tus brazos cuando lo abrazas de igual modo y le dejas ser tan mimoso y cariñoso como quiere. Ha tenido un día largo, independiente de si fue pesado o no, ahora solo quiere besarte hasta no poder más.
Es una llama, te calienta suavemente, te atrapa en una casa de madera, pero las flamas no se expanden, no busca quemarte ni abrumarte, no quiere que te dé calor, por lo que te permite abrir las ventanas mientras que le permitas abrazarte con su manto. Es adicto a sentir que le peinas el cabello al mismo tiempo que paseas tus labios sobre sus párpados, puedes sentir que sus dedos dejan arrugas en tu blusa.
Es una chimenea agradable, te permite acercar la mano al fuego y besa tus dedos uno por uno. Tu piel no se chamusca, sino que te deja con el recuerdo de sus besos como un río que cae por tu carne.
Apasionado y cálido, gentil y devoto. Gaming adora besarte, pero su corazón se rinde cuando le devuelves el cariño
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He is a sweetheart, he is the best boyfriend in the world. He's the funniest, kindest, and most understanding, which is why he's so great to be with. Gaming always treats you so delicately, as if you were his greatest treasure and he was afraid that your skin would be damaged by his nails, so he always caresses you with the tips of his fingers when he lifts your chin to leave a kiss on your nose.
He always starts like this, he never starts by kissing your lips, instead, he is willing to kiss your entire face before giving himself that luxury. He may bite your cheeks affectionately, but those are just his affectionate ways of loving and teasing you: he holds your hands so you don't walk away, he holds you by the waist or hugs you, he just doesn't want you to leave when he starts dancing with you until lay on the couch.
Gaming likes to kiss you when he passes by, when he says goodbye to go to work or when he greets you in the morning, he kisses your cheek and leaves. But for the long kisses that he gives you, it is essential that both of you are comfortable.
Holds your cheeks after kissing them, looking at you with love and fascination before making you move closer to him, practically snuggling into the cushions. It doesn't matter if his body is naturally warmer than normal, you're not going to walk away, are you? That's why he allows himself to get tangled with you when he finally claims your lips, caressing them softly and confidently, drawing a bigger and bigger smile on his face.
He takes his time adoring you, running his hands over your back and hair every time you seek to breathe against his lips, whispering sweet compliments against your ears, calling you his partner, like someone who still doesn't understand how it happened, but is extremely grateful.
Allows himself to be pampered by your kisses and caresses, purring in your arms when you hug him in the same way, and let him be as cuddly and loving as he wants. He's had a long day, regardless of whether he was heavy or not, now he just wants to kiss you until he can't take it anymore.
He is a flame, warms you gently, traps you in a wooden house, but the flames do not expand, it does not seek to burn you or overwhelm you, it does not want to burn you, so he allows you to open the windows as long as you allow him to hug you with his mantle. Gaming is addicted to feeling you comb his hair at the same time as you run your lips over his eyelids, you can feel his fingers leaving wrinkles in your blouse.
He's a nice fireplace, he lets you put your hand near the fire and kisses your fingers one by one. Your skin is not singed, but rather leaves you with the memory of his kisses like a river flowing through your flesh.
Passionate and warm, gentle and devoted. Gaming loves to kiss you, but his heart gives out when you return his affection
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fairydreamsrp · 4 months
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Mun 18+ | She/They | Roleplay Blog | OC friendly | Ship Friendly | Dark Content | NSFW Roleplays | MDNI!
About Admin!
Hello! My make is Candy Hearts, I am 24 years old, with about 19 years in roleplay experience. I am a semi-lit, but I try to match my roleplay partners reaction, as I will post an example on what I do so you guys can see what I type. ( ´~`)
So I will remind everyone I am German/American and had moved from Germany to America when I was about 5 years old. So my Grammer and Spelling isn't super. Because learning American language takes a long time to get that language 100%! ╥﹏╥
Now I do roleplay! I and I will list all of the characters I can play from each animes which, will he a big list, haha. Since I've been into anime for almost 20 years! ꉂ(ˊᗜˋ*)♡
I am very open to do, cc x cc, Oc x cc, and oc x oc, I am up for doubles! Just dm me and we can talk! <3
Roleplay Rules :
Don't use any emojis unless you are talking to me outside of roleplay or it's like a text in the rp
Please no one liners (it honestly hard to go off by one liners)
Please don't control my character, because its not fun when someone does that
Animes | Muses I roleplay :
Helluva Boss/Hazbin : Bitzo, Stolas, Fizzarolli, Alastor, Alastoria(Female Alastor), Charlie, Angel Dust, Sir Pentious
Food wars : Megumi, Takumi, Isami, Isshiki, Shun, Akira, Alice, Nao, Mea, Tsukasa, Kikuchi
Jujutsu Kaisen : Gojo, Toge, Megumi(Possibly?), Miwa, Itadori(FYI my sukuna is not the best), Choso, Yuta
Demon Slayer : Mitsuri, Tanjiro, Inosuke, Akaze, Daki, Enmu, Giyu
Naruto : Kakashi, Naruto, Shikamaru, Kiba, Tobi, Gaara, Haku, Hinata, Asuma, Anko, Ketetsu,
Chainsaw : Power, Aki, Makima, Kobeni, Hineno,
Tokyo Revengers : Takamichi, Mikey, Nahoya, Souya, Naoto, Sanzu, Chifuyu, Kazutora,
Twisted Wonderland : Riddle, Lilia, Ace, Ruggie, Epel, Vil, Kalim, Idia
Buddy Daddies : Kazuki and Kyrotaru
Genshin : Lyney, Razor, Albedo, Furina, Al-Haitham, Venti, collei, Gorou, Layla, Ganyu, Hu Tao, Ga-Ming, Cyno, Itto, Navia, Tighnari, Kirara, Mika, Thoma, Haizou, Charlotte, Kazuha, Childe, Xianyun
Danganronpa : Junko, Kokichi, Nanami, Sonia, Mikan, Nagito, Ibuki, Shuichi, Hajime, Kazuichi, Rantaro,
That Time I Got Reincarnated As a Slime : Rimuru, Milim, Shuna, Shion,
Pokemon : (Ask what gen and I can probably do them! )
My rp style example :
Example one :
Astraea looked over to Hanma as she was in her bedroom, hearing the door open made her jolt because she isn't quite used to seeing Hanma, she had knitting kit out as she was making a blanket out of boredom, she gulps as she nodded softly, her pink hair was in downward piggy tails as she says softly
"Y-Yeah, I can do that. J-Just um- " She blushed softly as she was never used to dressing up and showing off her body like the way he likes it, she puts down her kit a bit
Second Example :
Rimauru blinked as he moves as he transform back into his human for as he smiles, he walks over to the Fairy Queen, he then bows softly to her and smiles "Hello~ I'm Rimauru Tempest! You must be Elvira. Pleasure to finally meet you. " he said softly as he smiles happily, knowing he can he a bit intimidating, he tried his best to have the softest vibe he can have.
"I hope you're travels weren't am issue, I know City of Tempest can be very rough since we're the furthest of all the nations here. " he said as he walks and moves showing her a place to sit, he looks at her as he can easily tell she was nervous but he didn't bring it up because she was being strong for her kingdom
I think that is it, DM if you want to roleplay! <3 will be happy to meet you soon~ Womp Womp~!
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rainswolfs · 5 months
15 people, 15 questions
tagged by the lovely @distant-snow !! thank you so much for the tag ellis o/ <3
1. Are you named after anyone?
not really. always just thought lucien was a pretty sick name for me.
2. When was the last time you cried?
couple days back. but like. angry-crying? i do that a lot.
3. Do you have kids?
thank god no <3
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
many! used to be part of a street soccer club ( we were just a bunch of kids who didn't wanna join a legit club ) , played volleyball in high school , had a professional dancing career going for 10+ years , did horse riding etc. these days I mostly just go hiking and skating by myself. also bird watching.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
all the time.
6. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
I almost want to say habits? I've been told to be weirdly observant before and pick up on small details like that. not everyone is comfy with that though. also their movements, but that's mostly me being in survival mode all the time and not trusting a single soul in my personal space.
7. What’s your eye color?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
uhhh happy endings then i guess. horror tends to trigger me easily.
9. Any talents?
talking to animals <3 ( < i wish ) idk ??? like yeah i'm good at handling animals i guess.
10. Where were you born?
in a hospital :3
11. What are your hobbies?
used to have a bunch but not so anymore these days. uhhh. i write. read. viddy ga(y)ming. go on walks. do hand and woodcrafting. draw and sketch now and then. that stuff.
12. Do you have any pets?
two idiot birdies <3
13. How tall are you?
uhhh 168cm maybe? wish i could say i'm taller :(
14. Favorite subject in school?
english, art, and sport classes! also music classes but those were optional most of the time.
15. Dream job?
idk man i just want to be on a road trip forever and ever. or do full time what i'm already doing part-time -- so animal welfare business.
tagging: @skijjiki / @seapasture / @r-askolnikov / @iernos / @sarunskale / no pressure !
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idkjustrandomdrawings · 4 months
Dancing Lessons from a Latina
“You need to feel the music, feel it in your heart…and when you dance with a partner you are very close”
pushing him more against yourself
“the hips usually move in sync too”
you hold his hips and try to move them in sync with yours as you smoothy move your hips slowly and sensually
“get it?”
ga-ming just blushes and stutters at your very blunt and forward attitude trying to smile it away
“Alright let me start a song, it will be slower than what i usually listen to but i think it will be a good starter”
you suddenly move away from him to start some music
“we start with the most basic salsa movement”
after you start the song you walk back to ga-ming and position his arms around you according to the typical salsa dance posture
“alright, both your feet are now next to each other, at each beat we move, first beat is the basic stance, the second beat your left foot steps forward, third beat you rock back to your right foot, fourth beat your left foot steps back, at the fifth you hold the beat while being in the basic position, sixth beat your right foot steps backwards, seventh beat you rock back towards your left foot, eighth beat your right foot steps back into the basic position…get it?”
ga-ming just stares at you trying to understand the word jumble you just rambled
“I will just show you”
you start to move how you explained the steps, moving your hips at every moment, feeling the beat your entire body starts to move automatically as it listens to the music closing your eyes you are in the moment, ga-ming just staring in astonishment. You open your eyes stare at him and push him against you, holding his hips forcing him to move with you, looking him in the eyes, your right hand holds his head as you move even closer towards him
“You feel it now? The music”
you whisper as you close your eyes completely lost in your own world, meanwhile ga-ming is completely lost in to you
he whispers back as he now starts to understand what you mean, holding your hips as you both start to move in sync
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