#fuck whoever is drawing this. i'm not even going to check
hi, i'm back to complain about bucky being drawn ugly as fuck
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angelkissiies · 1 year
hii can you do jock abby x cheerleader reader?
be aggressive
hockey player!abby anderson x cheerleader!reader
cw : modern!au, hockey!au, fluff, confrontation, abby stands up for the reader, cursing, college bitches being bitches.
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“Fuck!” You huffed, attempting to find a parking space in the crowded rink parking lot. Game days definitely had begun to test your patience, today more so as you’d already been running late but now with how it was going- you’d be coming in seconds before call time, which gave you a heart attack to even think about. 
By some grace of god (or whoever was listening at that point), you found a spot nestled between a black jeep you recognized as Abby’s and some Nissan that was missing a bumper. Trying to waste no time, you hustled out with your hefty bag thrown over your shoulder and skates dangling from your hand as you held them by the laces. The lot was mainly empty as you sprinted towards the entrance, dodging random gaggles of people who you assumed were waiting for the game to start, but were conveniently in the way. 
You pushed through the main doors glancing around to find your team, before breaking through a group of away players that hoarded the doorway leading into the changing rooms (that weren’t even for them, you’d think they’d move considering the fact but no). “Sorry, excuse me.” You whispered harshly, giving them a half hearted dirty look as they barely moved to allow you through. It was so unnecessary, you almost let it get to you but for the sake of time you dropped it. 
The scent of hairspray hit you first as you rushed into the cheerleaders quarters making you cough before throwing your bag down before making a b-line for the staging door. This led you down the hallway under the rink to the otherside, where your teammates were waiting patiently to begin. You turned the corner before running smack into someone else, their sheer presence sending you stumbling back a bit. Fucking hockey players and their massive bodies. 
“Oh baby, shit, I’m sorry.” You heard your girlfriend curse, a tinge of a laugh in her voice as she reached out to you. Oh, it's your hockey player, nevermind. She was headed to the opposite side of the rink to sit with the other players, as the puck drop didn’t take place until the pregame festivities ended. If you weren’t so stressed, you’d probably have made a joke about breaking the ice but the time didn’t come. 
You shook your head, focused on getting to your spot in time (and not pissing off your coach- again), brushing your hair down with your free hand to tame the strays that had ventured from their previous tight curls.. “I’m late, I'm so late, Abby.” You breathed, motioning towards the door that now seemed much farther away than you thought. “Do I look okay? I gotta go on.”
She nodded quickly, understanding in half a second as the first announcement rang out, muffled from where the two of you stood. She hooked a finger under your chin, pulling your face to look towards her instead of the rink before she gave you a smile. “You look perfect, now get out there.” She hummed, giving you a light shove towards the door, watching as you didn’t hesitate to take off down the remainder of the hall. 
You practically ran to the door- skates clacking wildly as you barely made it before the second announcement came on the intercom. Its main purpose was to draw the ticket holders back into the building, signaling the entertainment was about to begin. You shoved your skates on, finishing tying them just as your coach called for the team to make their way to the door leading onto the ice. You released a breath you didn’t know you were holding as you followed behind your team, skates hitting the ice hard as you followed the outline of the routine you’d been practicing for the past couple weeks. Smile and skate, easy enough. 
Abby had made her way back to the other players, taking a seat as she double checked the laces on her skates. A habit she’d picked up after breaking her ankle a couple seasons ago due to her lace coming loose. She heard the music begin and dragged her attention to the ice, waiting to see you- just like she did every game. She always loved seeing you skate, even just as background but today you were front so she didn’t have to worry about not getting a good view. 
You came into view, your bejeweled uniform catching light from the overhead spotlights, shining gracefully as you did some precise turn that Abby couldn’t even name. She’d always be thankful for the convincing that had taken place to get you both here, as you almost passed up the idea of cheerleading due to annoying stereotypes from American football cheerleaders. She knew you didn’t see her in the haze of light, as the ice made it much too bright to see much outside of the rink, so she usually took the chance to brag to her teammates. Though, as she began to turn to a player she knew quite well, Nora, she caught the tail end of a conversation between two benched cheerleaders. 
“She only got in because her girlfriend is on the team, they totally played favorites.” The one on the left hissed, rolling her eyes at the number you were doing. It was virtually flawless, leading Abby to lean into the conversation more. 
The girl on the right laughed, yawning dramatically. “I think it’s kinda weird, Abby is definitely a good player but like why do they have to be gay? Gives us a bad rep.” She proclaimed, attempting to hush her voice down to a level nobody would hear. 
Abby caught it though, letting out a chuckle of disbelief as she turned around on the bench to face the girls. It seemed like they didn’t realize who they were sitting in front of, or, they knew and just felt brave enough to keep talking shit. “Fucking excuse me?” She stated, tilting her head at the duo. Angry was an understatement, furious would be a better descriptor as she watched the girls freeze. They could talk shit about her, sure, but she drew the line when it came to you or better yet your relationship as queer women. 
“I don’t know what you heard bu-,”
“Shut the fuck up,” Abby growled, cutting the girl off. “Keep my girlfriends name and our relationship out of your fucking mouth. I know for a fact you wouldn’t want this getting back to Coach Mckillen, right? Your little homophobic comments about a girl who’s ten times as talented out there than you are wouldn’t go over so smoothly, huh?” 
Knowing fully she planned to report them to the coach, she raised an eyebrow at the duo, watching them scramble to attempt to apologize. Her heart hammered in her chest, never having dealt with such outspoken bigotry- especially from a team composed of mostly queer women.  She didn’t let it show, only turning back to the ice, shaking off the stares she’d gathered from her tiny outburst. 
“Damn, Anderson. That was rough.” Nora laughed, nudging the girl gently, having overheard the entire ordeal. “You’re a mean bitch.” 
Abby bit back a smile at the comment, knowing it was 100% true. “Can’t have anyone out here bad mouthing my girl, that’s all.” She mumbled back, searching the skaters until her eyes landed on you again. From the distance she was at, she could see the healthy blush on your skin from the exhausting choreo she’d watched you practice solo multiple times in the past week, all accompanied by a blissful smile you reserved for crowd work only. 
Nora shook her head, eyes glancing over to see the way Abby watched you as you finished up the last of your performance, turning to skate towards the door that led into the players seating. She had seen firsthand how much Abby cared for you, knowing the girl's plans for your birthday made the moment even more special, seeing as soon there would be a crystalline addition to your relationship. “God help any motherfuckers who try.” She chuckled, standing up to give the cheerleaders room to sit as the groups traded places on the ice. 
You pulled the door open, allowing your mates to go in before entering yourself, coming up to Abby before even considering capping your skates. “Good luck, Abs.” You smiled, face glowing in a sheen of sweat and pure joy as you looked up at her. “You’re gonna do great.” 
Abby smiled down at you, cupping your face in her gloved hands as she pressed a deep kiss to your lips, intentionally drawing it out to annoy the girls who now sat sulking on the second row of benches. Her lips tasted like cinnamon and honey, something you’d grown to love about the woman, her unusual taste in chapstick- and how you never knew what you’d get. “Thank you, pretty girl.” She hummed, pressing another short kiss to your lips before Nora practically dragged her out onto the ice- throwing her helmet to her blindly. 
“Don’t forget!” You called after her, your stupid tradition drawing a smile onto her lips as you recited the beginning of an age old cheer usually reserved for football- but with the force your girl brought to the ice, it felt fitting “Be aggressive.” 
Abby shook her head at you gingerly, mouthing it back before pushing her mouth guard into place and throwing her braid over her shoulder. A slight laugh bubbled in her chest as she got into position, awaiting the face-off. 
B-E aggressive.
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providencehq · 1 year
Power House AU: I've absolutely loved all the additions and directions people took this post where Danny is captured by the Justice League and I wanted to share my general thoughts on where it would go after that but I'm also lazy so it's just this since I'm tired and don't want to draw.
The JL attempts to interrogate him but fails as Phantom is unresponsive for the majority of the time.
They struggle trying to identify exactly why he isn't responsive considering he has either fully ran from members or quickly attempt to fight them if they try to interact with him.
Somehow, someway, when they're moving Phantom to a new location in the Watch Tower to get a medical check since they're getting worried that after a few days, he's remained the same.
Phantom proceeds to freak the fuck out in the nicest of terms when he's taken to their medical wing and manages to slip out from whoever was taking him.
He's in full panic mode now and he NEEDS to get out even with the suppression cuffs on him so he's dashing blindly in the watch tower.
He manages to make way to the Zeta tubes and somehow manages to make them function and he's teleported away (not Danny's intention, he was just running and it went off at the worst time.)
He doesn't know where he's at on Earth but he's immediately running either way to get away.
Certain members of the League Zeta'd right behind him and are now looking for him.
Danny gets the suppression cuffs and collar and transform right before they can catch him.
They let him leave as they're informed by Batman that they have enough information on him that with a lot of leg work, they may be able to find who he really is since they have now both seen his human and "meta" side of him. Batman does reveal that due to something with biology, they won't be able to find any DNA matches and much of the video recordings of him are difficult to make out even if they're from the Watch Tower.
Danny escapes back to Central City and tries his best to return to a normal college life. He's slightly upset since they managed to pull him away, leaving him little time to study for an upcoming exam.
A few more weeks pass and Batman with the help of Flash manage to find out who Phantom is. A young college student in Central City and is funnily enough working at S.T.A.R. Labs as an intern. Bright future ahead and seems like no one who would have a potential in being a hero/vigilante but digging enough into his past they believe that if anything, it seems like another case of how the Flash came to be except a whole different set of powers.
They decide the best way to get Phantom is to corner him as a civilian in public.
Bart Allen, Hal Jordan, and J'onn J'onzz go as a group of civilians to intervene with Danny as he's leaving one of his campuses buildings.
They make themselves known to Danny and that it would be a mighty bad time to try to fight back or get away as they're all so exposed in public (not really, they're talking alone between some buildings). They make it known that they only want to ask questions and they have concerns about whatever is going on with him (being Phantom, his rogues, fighting the League, clearly fighting alone, etc.)
Danny decides the risk is worth it and tries to make a run for it before even speaking a word to them. Clearly doesn't work out as they expect him to either run or fight them. Barry manages to get to him and place suppression cuffs and collar back on him fairly easily before Danny could transform thanks to super speed.
They're not happy clearly with Danny still not cooperating but it's expected. The three inform Danny that he is now being held by the League until they can determine the best next step.
For the first time, Danny speaks to them and says "You can't do that! Finals are in two weeks! What the fuck am I suppose to do that? It's literally my second final semester!"
It doesn't work and Danny finds himself taken back to the Watch Tower to be once again interrogated. It's back to square one with Danny/Phantom. He isn't responding to any of their questions but this time rather out of a sense of protection of his self and mind, it's out of pure spite. They're making him miss his finals, of course he's going to give them nothing in return.
The most they're able to get out of him at one point is that why should he trust them? Why should he trust heroes who only care about themselves and their image? Even if he's young and inexperienced, he does his job and does it quick and they need to leave him alone.
It's implied he doesn't trust the older heroes in any regard and this is true, they only want to learn how he got his powers, where his rouges are from, and why he fought and ran from the League. Nothing else, nothing more.
Danny/Phantom doesn't trust the League in any regard so why should he even attempt to cooperate?
And that's all I have :)
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meraki-yao · 3 months
Now I'm curious to know all the "candies" between Nick and Tay 👀 lol I don't ship them but I also find it interesting that some fans really ship real people together and gather evidence or proof of it. If its fine with you to share it pls do 🙏 but if not its also fine :)
Actually, sure! I kinda wanted to share some of these at times but again I understand that rps is a complicated subject.
A couple of quick prefaces though:
1, If you’re uncomfortable with the subject, again, please don’t read under the post
2, I don’t have all the candies because I really just view them in passing, so I’m just gonna write/translate the ones I’ve seen, remember and find at least a logical speculation
3, I need to reiterate this in case my position in this gets misunderstood: Me writing about “candies” isn’t because these are MY opinion or things *I* found or *I* believe in them being evidence. I am just a translator and messenger.
4, (this one is gonna sound a little academic lol) Two things I realized when thinking about this “candy eating” culture is that Chinese people have a very difference understanding of platonic/romantic affection/relationships with the Western world, and that they look at the candies with rose-tinted glass. Chinese/Asian people are generally a lot less affectionate with their personal relationships, for example friends wouldn’t say “love you” to each other if they’re just friends, nor would they expand their friend group to the others easily or other stuff. And these people who look for candy go into their “investigation” already with the belief that “they are together”, everything remotely resembling a close relationship will automatically be interpreted as romantic. I thought about it a lot, and honestly among the “candies” I’ve seen, most of them are a matter of interpretation: yes those are things couples will do, but it wouldn’t be weird if friends did it too. So they’re not that seriously or up for further speculation. There is I think only one “candy” that I can’t quite say the same, which I will explain and elaborate on in this post. 
5, Please remember that the people who do this do it in good nature: something I didn’t make clear in my post yesterday, which is on me, is that the fans do want them to be together, but they’re not like… yandere level or something. If they’re just friends the fans won’t be upset or betrayed or anything, they just prefer to see them as romantic. They don’t mean any harm, and they don’t cause any harm because China is physically and digitally too far away for them to actually fuck shit up, and they understand the lines of parasocial relationships: those who met with Taylor during his China trip in December know to, and didn’t bring up this in front of him. They know where to draw the line, and whoever doesn’t and starts becoming a problem gets kicked out of the community. This is meant for fun.
6, Ok Future Meraki here, turns out, there’s a lot to translate, a lot more than I anticipated Jesus Christ and I do want to get this post how within today and make it a reasonable length, so I’m just gonna do two events and the one that I mentioned in 4. If yall want a part 2 let me know.
Ok with that being said, the main event under the cut:
In December they made a whole article about “candies” from December, and to quickly summarise (again noted that all of this is speculation, I didn’t and can’t fact check them, and I’m just a translator) (also this ended up way longer than I anticipated so for photo reference if you can please go to the link of the original article):
Academy Gala:
Nick and Taylor both attended the gala: Since the strike ended up to that point, the two times Nick attends a public event, Taylor’s there too (GQ men of the year and Academy Gala), and for both times he’s wearing Cartier’s Tank Must Watch (remember this watch, I’m gonna elaborate on it later because it is the only candy that even I can’t say it’s a matter of interpretation)
In various pictures of the night’s party that other people took, the boys can be seen together in the background
How the photography worked that night was magazine photographers wandered around the venue and randomly found people to take some relatively candid photos: so people who were walking/sitting/in any way sticking together would be photographed together. So best friends and married couples would be photographed together, which is what happened to Meryl Streep, Greta Gerwig, Saoirse Ronan, and Christopher Nolan, Cillian Murphy and their wives. With that logic, Taylor and Nick were caught by the photographer together TWICE, in clearly different places. Later Korean fans (with the same “candy-searching” mindset) read the time on Taylor’s watch in the photos: one was 8:30, one was 9:50. The implication is that they were together for at least that period of time (nearly 1.5 hours)
In both photos of the boys together, Nick’s elbow is…straight up leaning into Taylor's chest. In a photo with Kaia, Nick’s friend and co-star from Bottoms (Brittany), there’s visible space between Nick and Kaia but none between Nick and Taylor (… okay I’m gonna pop in with my own opinion on the latter one real quick: I really think that one is just Nick being a gentleman)  
During that night, Taylor re-posted an Instagram post from July onto Little Red Book: but the things is in the comment section of the original Instagram post, Taylor teasingly pretends to not know Nick; and according to the posting time and the time calculated in 3, Nick would have been watching him post that to Little Red Book.
Nick got a photo with Taylor’s friend Jay Ellis (Jay and Taylor follow each other on Instagram, and Taylor comments under Jay’s post), even though Nick and Jay don’t seem to have any direct connections. Kaia and Taylor started following each other on Instagram after the event.
While other people who got photos with Taylor posted them, in Taylor’s Instagram Post for the night: He only included his photo with Nick, the rest are all solo portraits of himself. Not only that: he edited the background of the photo so it’s just them, and proceeded to put the photo in the middle of the post.
a bunch of Taylor's good friends, including Taylor’s cousin went to like Nick’s post for the academy gala night. Taylor’s sister Ash shared Taylor’s post to her stories: 2 photos of Taylor himself, and the one photo of Taylor and Nick. Taylor mentioned in a past interview if he had any emotional or relationship (I don’t know which one is the right translation, the original wording is 感情) issues, he would talk to Ash. (please note that I didn’t not and don’t know how to fact-check any of the things mentioned above except for Ash’s Instagram)
Conclusion/ Speculation (okay the academy gala part alone took me 40 minutes what the fuck): I cannot reiterate this enough: THIS IS JUST SPECULATION DO NOT TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY but under the assumption that Taylor and Nick are a thing, the serious of shenanigans that happened that night, especially with the family and friends stuff in 6,7,8, was interpreted as they announcing it to their personal social circle. AGAIN THIS IS SPECUALTION DON’T TAKE THIS SERIOSULY 
Taylor’s China Trip
On 7th December, Taylor had a photo shoot at the GQ gala venue, but spent the rest of the afternoon taking photos and signing things for fans. Among those, one was the photo of him and Nick from the academy gala just three days ago. He was visibly extra happy and showed off the photo to the crowd, unlike the other photos which he simply gets it, signs it, and then gives it back.
This day was also the start of “Taylor giving Nick/Henry a moustache”: throughout the trip, he drew on four photos of the two of them
(This one is a … really big stretch) among the four, one of them was the GQ magazine shoot, and he first drew the moustache on Nick’s face, giggling “I’ll sign on Nick’s face”, signed his own signature, then just when he was about to give the magazine back he suddenly changed his mind and said “wait wait I wanna do something on my face”, and then drew a crown on his head while muttering “crown prince”. And the thing is… historically, George Villers had a moustache. And then he drew a moustache on Nick and a crown on himself. Also, one of the most popular Chinese RWRB fic on AO3 is called “The King’s Palace”, and the premise is putting Henry in George place as the social climber and the Duke of Buckingham (it is literally George’s character with blonde hair and a different name), and Alex as the crown prince who ascended to the throne and is also utterly infatuated with Henry. So… yeah.
When he drew the fourth photo, which was the piano scene, the fan who asked said “Oh you’re so nice to Nick!” and according to their description (there’s no video), Taylor blushed a little and said “yeaahhhhh” with a big grin
While Taylor was in China people were stirring shit up on Twitter about him, and during the Twitter drama, Nick liked Taylor’s Academy Gala post.
The boys liked the same video on Instagram but from different accounts (a video about a pony in the snow)
During the trip, Taylor was seen wearing a white button-up with blue stripes. Nick has been seen wearing a shirt that looks identical before.
Cartier Watch (aka the one that makes me do a double take)
Taylor used to wear a lot of Cartier watches until he started wearing Tagheuer last July due to a commercial partnership
Nick likes wearing Omega watches. In fact, Henry’s watch in the movie is Nick’s own omega watch. He also has a commercial partnership with Omega.
But then starting last year, both of them were seen wearing matching Cartier’s Tank Must Watches (the silver on with a black surface and a sapphire crown): Taylor can be seen wearing it in the 5th photos of his September post, while Nick can be seen wearing it during the GQ gala, the Academy Gala, in Milan during fan interactions, and last weekend in his TIOY co-star’s Instagram story.
And the thing about this watch is (and here is where I need to reiterate that I’m just translating, I didn’t fact check this) 1, watch is a typical thing to give a lover, and you must be familiar with their wrist size 2, Cartier is a pretty romantic brand 3, the price of this watch is closer to what Taylor’s used to wearing but much cheaper than Omega 4, This specific watch is a popular watch to give a partner/lover, 5, David and Victoria Beckham’s relationship was discovered because paparazzi saw the Cartier watch he gave her and connected dots together
Jesus Christ at this point I should consider getting a part time job in translation
This was fun but this took me so much time, it’s ~2000 words long
Again, all of this was found and speculate for fun, and mean no ill will, and haven’t, and won’t harm the boys, please understand that and don’t take this took seriously. If you find this interesting and want a part two, let me know.
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just-jordie-things · 7 months
omg i love the way u write jjk characters! i was reading ur work and had a scenario that i thought would be so fun to read from you if you like the idea! i was thinking abt if you got drunk with them at the school (like maybe all the students sneak to one persons dorm or something), how they would act drunk, how they would treat u, what would happen etc. my favs are toge and yuji but you could do whoever ofc!
ok idk if this is exactly what you were looking for but since i've wrtten a few fics now where drinking/partying was the theme, i'm gonna assign the jjk crews their party night roles lolol so enjoy
ITADORI YUUJI is the life of the party, obviously. he's the type to bring jello shots to the function and if no one wants them, he'll eat em all himself. he's the guy that you dare to do stuff as the night goes on. he's the guy that somehow, at the end of each party, is missing a shirt. did he go swimming? did someone spill on it? did he spill on it? (most likely) everyone laughs but no one really complains about it. he's always got a fun plan or game in mind to keep the night going, and everyone's happy to have him there.
FUSHIGURO MEGUMI is the shy-at-first guest. he's slow when he first gets there, and always claims he doesn't want to get too fucked up. he's got a never ending amount of excuses up his sleeve as to why he can't take that shot with you, or be your partner for beer pong. but give him an hour to warm up. he'll spend that time lining up a fire playlist and semi-mingling. the trick to getting him to loosen up? just a quick smoke first. don't jump on him with it, but if he sees a joint being passed around, he can't resist just a couple puffs. what's the harm, right? a couple puffs and he's giving in to whatever other party shenanigans come his way.
KUGISAKI NOBARA is in charge of the photography for the evening. everyone's instagrams and snapchat stories are well taken care of when she's around. in the early parts of the evening they're casual photos, fit checks, some candids of the laughing group as they play games or eat pizza. she's quite good with lighting and angles, and no one complains when she shoves her phone in their face. as the night goes on, she probably documents more than she should- toge drawing on yuuta's face while he's passed out, yuuji shirtless and covering himself in whipped cream on a dare- but it's always too funny to go through them the next day and delete half the evidence.
PANDA is the dancer. if he's drinking, he's dancing. it doesn't matter how many drinks are in his system. it doesn't matter if the music is particularly fun- or even playing. he's got too much excitement from hanging out with his friends and is down for a good time. he's also easy to coerce into pranking someone.
INUMAKI TOGE is the coercer of pranks. if someone passes out, he's always got a marker on him. he always has the best dares for truth or dare, and isn't afraid when others want to get their revenge. he's that class-clown energy at the party. sometimes it's annoying, but it's always undeniably funny. he definitely likes those tacky party favors from spencers. especially the big dick shaped syringes for taking shots. he's got a lot of sus 'party decorations'. but let's be real it's really fucking funny when he breaks out the newest one. also if he gets too drunk he will use his cursed speech for the sake of humor.
ZEN'IN MAKI is the bartender and general caretaker of the group. she's the best at mixed drinks and knows everyone's favorite, but always has something new to try. as the designated bartender she's also the one subtly making sure everyone is on a good track for the night. most of the time it just meant keeping an eye on yuuji and toge, reminding them to have some water every once in a while went a long way. and she's not afraid to cut you off if you're getting sloppy. i also think she'd roll the fattest, cleanest joints when she's not mixing drinks.
OKKOTSU YUUTA is the first to fall asleep. he's a good time, don't get me wrong. he loves the games and the dancing and the goofing around, but he's an overworked boy and... a bit of a lightweight. motherfucker takes two hits and is shaking his head the rest of the rotation. it's kinda cute that his eyes get all red after so little before he raids the snack table. maki knows he has a five drink limit before he either needs to drink water or rally or... as usual, he's slumped into the couch and snoozing away. it's a miracle that he can sleep so hard when the music is blasting and everyone has to yell to be heard- especially when it's itadori yelling. by the end of the night, someone's thrown a blanket over him, and toge's vandalized his face with permanent marker.
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bonny-kookoo · 10 months
Lock Me Up | Found
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He promised.
Tags/Warnings: Detective Agust D my friends, Criminal Kitty!Reader, hybrid Yoongi, mentions of violence, kidnapping, major angst, fluff?
Length: Drabble
There is no taglist for this fic
A/N: now stop trying to ruin their happiness thanks
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Where could you be?
Police forces are out looking for any trace of you- his home already having been checked as well as your usual spots you'd be at during the day. But there's nothing. You've vanished without a trace, and Yoongi doesn't even have a clue who could've taken you in the first place. There's really nothing to gain from you other than maybe money- but in that case, someone would need to know your value first, and the people you're connected to. No one just randomly kidnaps someone and hopes their family can pay what they want.
It doesn't make sense.
And the number you told him? He doesn't know if it's complete, or if you got interrupted. He's got no clue what you meant by it, doesn't know what he's supposed to do with it- but it must be important if you say it to him. You're smart- much smarter than one might think, and he personally believes you're not even aware of it yourself. The streets have taught you a lot of things that can keep you alive in a situation like this-
so he hopes you'll use that knowledge until he finds you.
He's walking down the street on the edge of town where a patrolling officer seems to be arguing with an elderly lady, her dog on a leash barking, especially when Yoongi walks closer. He tends to have an effect on animals- though one look from his eyes seems to shut the small dog up. He hasn't been wearing his covering contact lenses in a long time now-
he's embracing who he is these days, much of it thanks to you.
"What's going on here?" Yoongi asks, the patrolling officer sighs, as the lady interrupts him, giving him no chance to fill the detective in.
"That constant banging noise is what's wrong!" The lady whines. "Every day, every night, bang bang bang, it's driving me mad!" She complains.
"Where is it coming from?" Yoongi sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. He's got better things to worry about than a noise complaint from a pensioned post-menopausal woman in her late 50's.
"Apartment 265, right above mine!" She says. "I don't know what that guy is up to these days but he should really think about his neighbors-" She rants, and Yoongis eyes sharpen.
"Which apartment?" He presses suddenly, cutting her off- and even she seems startled about his reaction.
"..265?" She answers a lot more quietly now, and Yoongi draws his weapon at that.
"You, ask her about any information she has about whoever lives in that apartment. I want a name, I want a description, I want when he leaves the apartment and what fucking shoesize he wears if she knows it!" he barks at the young officer, before he dashes into the apartment complex, running the stairs instead of taking the elevator to be faster.
Of course.
"He sold catnip laced with other drugs and baking soda." You'd laughed, looking at him upside down as you lazed around on his bed while he washed the dishes. "He wasn't too happy I basically snitched on him and told everyone about it. He was pissed!" You had told him.
"Try not to make anymore enemies from now on though." Yoongi had sighed. "Someone's gonna kidnap you one day, I'm gonna have to shoot someone, and that's a shit-ton of paperwork." He's told you, joking mostly.
"But you'd come and save me, wouldn't you?" You'd teased-
and he'd smiled, simply nodded in confirmation.
"Promise?" You ask him, and he sighs, before he turns around to walk closer to you, kissing your upside-down face with a stoic expression- but eyes filled with love.
He doesn't even knock or anything, simply shoots the door to unlock it, before he enters with the by now familiar phrase announcing his presence to whoever might be inside the apartment. The first thing he notices is the stench of garbage and sweetness, before the tiny flies seem to attack him as he looks around the apartment, searching for anybody.
And there he is, a man dressed in dirty sweatpants and an equally soiled sleeveless shirt, looking at him with angry eyes. "Should've known you hybrid rats stick together." He grunts, as Yoongi points the weapon on him, multiple officers entering the apartment behind himself, making sure the surrounding area is under control.
"Where is she?" Yoongi wants to know, walking closer with the gun still drawn.
"What part of her would you like?" The man sickly jokes, and Yoongi doesn't waste a second to shoot right next to the guy into the stained couch, visibly startling him.
"The next is gonna land right between your legs and trust me-" The detective growls, "-My aim is great." he threatens.
"Detective Min!" Someone calls instead, and Yoongi's attention is taken away as he runs towards the room he's been called to.
And right there, in the bathtub, there's you- wide eyed and bruised- a thick and clumsily wrapped cloth around your thigh stained in what he assumes must be old blood, but you're alive.
You're alive.
The moment he bends down to get closer, something seems to happen within you, as you scramble up to reach him first, wrapping your entire body and every available limb around him, even your tail- and he's never held you so tightly than now, finally breathing again as your scent is all around him once more. "You're okay." He reassures you- or maybe more so himself.
"You found me." You whimper into his chest, frantically scenting him. "You came.!" You say, and he nods.
"Of course." He tells you, uncaring of anybody in this moment as he just runs his hand over your back.
"I promised, didn't I?"
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slocumjoe · 1 year
Hi! I love the quality of You’re work, it’s so good!
Can you do companions react to overhearing sole and someone else talking, and all sole is talking about is how freaking amazing said companion is and how much they love them and about five minutes into the rant sole just pauses and is like “oh God I actually love them”
could you do gage too if you write for him
I studied for this one, y'know, just to do Gage right for once
Anyway, this got so long, i had to use multiple paragraphs per some companions. Whoops.
Companions react to Sole talking themselves into realizing their feelings for them
We're going to assume the feelings are mutual. Featuring non-romancable companions too, because i love yall and want you to eat good 💕
Cait; the C in Cait stands for Crisis. Panics and runs away, doesn't want to hear anymore. Sole being all sweet about her platonically about ripped her in half as is, but...holy shit. She has a chance with them. Cait didn't think this far.
The A in Cait stands for Assessment. She starts doing mental gymnastics. Okay, Sole's previous partner was like this. Cait is/isn't like that. Are they viable? Does she even know how to have a relationship? She and Sole get along very well, already. They're in- ew, no. They want to smang. Yes, that is it. No one wants her for long.
The I in Cait stands for Insecure. Cait has so many goddamn issues, man. After enough thinking, she talks herself out of it. What if she's wrong, what if she hurts them, what if they hurt her? She shouldn't try it. She'll fuck it up, right?
The T in Cait stands for Take the shot, bitch. Mentally, she decides to not pursue anything. This will fly out of the window the moment Sole flirts with her or gives her any opportunity. Cait is impulsive, man. Insecurity doesn't last long around Sole.
Curie; Curie lacks tact. Might be the most likely to just...walk in and confess her feelings too. Regardless. But she might also give them more time to ponder it, seeing as they just figured it out. The weird stuff happening in her chest (joy, confusion, bashfulness, she's learned) might also nerf her for the moment.
In the time it takes for Sole to confess properly to Curie, she'll give them lots of space, so that they can think of it without her influence. Will be painfully obvious to anyone else that she's over the moon, though. Listens to love songs and stares dreamily at the sky. Draws hearts in her notebook. Gets terrifyingly excited whenever Sole talks to her, thinking it'll be the moment. If they take too long though, WILL approach them on her own.
Danse; I'm gonna be honest, second most likely to hit the legs the moment Sole starts talking about him. Danse is not built for praise. Danse isn't even built for people being neutral towards him. And he isn't the type to eavesdrop. So, we have to assume that he gets there, like, right before Sole says it. At which point, most likely to stumble and fall on his ass. Sole hears the commotion and comes to check, only to see Danse hopping a fence, or sprinting down a hallway. So, jig is already up, Sole knows he heard.
But, Danse is 1 letter away from being a different word. What is that word, class? Yes, it's "dense." Will do mental gymnastics to come to conclusion he misheard, or misunderstood, or that Sole was talking about an entirely different person.
However long it takes Sole to approach him about it, will dig himself a hole full of self-loathing, loneliness, and yearning. The longer it goes, the deeper the hole. Sole really needs to just run after him screaming "COME BACK I LOVE YOU" or this is gonna be exhausting for Person C, who had to watch this play out as an outside observer.
Deacon; Flips a coin to decide his next move; run away screaming, or walk in strutting? If he walks in, will loudly start chatting up whoever Sole is talking to about how cool Sole is, and does it in a way that gives off the vibes of "I totally feel the same way but I'm pretending I don't know you feel that way at all". Person C wants to die seeing this.
Will also talk himself out of it like Cait. Deacon doesn't even know who he is, how could Sole? And things with Barbara didn't end too well, because he was an asshole who dragged her into his shit. He's still an asshole, dragging Sole into his shit. But because of who Sole has to be to get this close with Deacon, they're likely to nip this in the bud and approach him ASAP.
Deacon has maybe ten minutes of freaking out before Sole finds him alone and confesses. And he knows this. If Sole wants to confess, they better recognize him through a disguise. He wants to be swept off his feet, and nothing turns him on like Sole seeing through his shitty wigs.
Gage; HITS THE BRICKS. He sticks around for praise because shit, who doesn't like hearing how badass they are? And from the Overboss, no less! The intelligent, tough, sexy Overboss, who makes him melt with just a look. He could listen to them brag about him all day. Hell yeah, tell them how smart he is, how strong he is, how...big his muscles are...? Uh, thanks...but talk about how good his aim is, despite the one—wait, what's this about him being...charming...? ...Handsome? Boss, what are you—WHAT? WHAT? WHAT THE FUCK?! THIS WASNT THE PLAN! RETREAT, RETREAT, RETREAT.
Gage put all of those nasty little feelings into a jar and threw them into the ocean like a civilized person the moment they reared their ugly little heads. And now, Sole just...fucking said that. Not a care in the world, no hesitatation. They—they can't. They just can't do anything there. Inappropriate workplace relationship, it wouldn't be right. And with him? Dirty, old, banged up Gage, fucked up in more ways then he has teeth? When Sole is...Sole? Nah, nah, that...nah. Best not go there. Gets a bad case of the Yearning that makes him cringe.
Talks a big game to himself about how he's not going to do anything about it, fuck that, fuck love, who needs it, but to be honest? All Sole would have to do is invite him in a shower or something and he's dropping the literal and metaphorical pants. A smart raider doesn't turn his nose up at a good thing dropping right in his lap. That...might also be literal, in this case.
Hancock; Unlike Deacon or Curie, who consider barging in, Hancock does it. He's so shocked, touched, scared, etc, that he puts on the persona and follows its lead. He walks in, chats like normal, teases, makes no indication that he knows. Everything is normal. It didn't happen. If it did, they didn't mean it.
Whenever he remembers it later, immediately distracts himself. Cuts back on chems because he keeps thinking about it on them. Lets his mind wander. Sole is too good for him, Sole deserves better, and Sole can do better. In this state, Hancock's walls are so high up and reinforced, Sole is gonna need a real bulldozer of a confession to knock them down. I recommend a moonlit dinner with music. Something to let him know that they mean business.
MacCready; It takes a good, long time for him to realize what he heard. In the moment, his brain (likely in a bid for self-preservation) locks up. He shrugs and wanders off, forgets about it. It'll be, like, a week later, and he and Sole will be talking, and it'll come rushing back to him. The shutdown happens again, and this repeats until MacCready thinks about it for a moment.
When he realizes what they said, screams into the nearest pillow, mostly because he's been an idiot for...way too long. Has a crisis. What about Lucy? What about Duncan? What about Shaun? What about Sole? Much like Danse, Sole needs to come get their man quickly, before he spooks himself out of getting some. He wants to, but is it time for that? He'll come around once Sole figures themselves out and goes to him.
Nick; The only one who will go out of his way to approach Sole later and confess himself. He's an adult with functional interpersonal skills. He's not going to kick the door down and drop his pants, and he's not going to run away and fake his death just to avoid talking about it.
Nick gets his thoughts in order, waits for Sole to not be busy, and goes for it. If Sole would be embarrassed, doesn't mention that he heard. Nick probably starts real traditional, gets flowers and candy or something. A little courting gift, as is gentlemanly. Nick knows the importance of skipping the tomfoolery and getting down to business, but he's a sentimental man. And besides, Sole deserves to be pampered, and treated right, if they're going to do this.
Also, Nick is Person C with the other companions. And he fucking knows they sit there and eavesdrop, wants to die when Sole confesses their feelings when the object of them is right there. But also, kinda lives for it. His name is Valentine, of course he's a romantic.
Piper; Piper has a taste for the theatrical, and right now, she's thinking of what she would want as Person C. And She, in C's position, would lose her mind if the Person B walked in and loudly proclaimed their feelings for Sole. Also, it's the first thing she thinks to do, too shocked to stop and think. So Piper does it, God bless.
Well, kind of. She charges in, only to cough and awkwardly tell Sole they should talk, red as her coat. Person C (Nick) appreciates this greatly, even if she stumbled on the landing.
Anyway, there's no wistful wondering. They get this shit figured out ASAP. Piper is also impulsive, and thank God for that. Sole is also red as her coat and they go back and forth teasing each other relentlessly. Lots of squealing and incoherent noises.
Preston; Much like Nick, goes for it...but not for a while. He takes time to think it over. After all, Sole is his general, they have a lot going on, he himself has a lot going on...he has logistics to work through. Likely to make a corkboard planning it out. Will he be able to provide the needed emotional labor? Goes to Nick/Person C and ask their opinion. Nick takes one look at the corkboard and tells him Sole is his friend, not a damn supply route.
Heeding Nick's advice, also approaches it traditionally. He invites Sole to a personal, off-the-record meeting late at night. Sole finds their favorite dish, music, and Preston in a tux that Nick would have advised against if he knew about it. But Preston talks about his feelings, confesses, wants to try if Sole is willing. Obviously they are.
X6-88; Decides No. Simply No. He vanishes and refuses to think about it. Sole is his Director. He is a synth, a courser, a machine. He shouldn't have these feelings anyway, but to act on them? To have them reciprocated? Oh no. No, no, no, that won't do. It goes against everything he believes.
He doesn't think about it at all. If Sole brings it up, he will initially reject them out of shock, because he genuinely is not ready to even consider it, let alone agree. Forget matters of compatibility, there is so much red tape around this, and if he trips over it, he risks his life, his position, even Sole, if the other Board Members take enough umbrage.
Sole has to do so much heavy lifting to get him to feel safe enough to think about the possibility. Not even if he wants to, if its possible. After that...X6-88 is not meant for such things. He's never done it before. Sole will expect and need things he can't provide. What if they want sex? He most certainly doesn't. What if they want comfort? His brain isn't built for that. What if they want him to change, better himself? He's not supposed to change, he wouldn't be a courser if he could.
This relationship would take so many baby steps. But he won't forget that Sole, for some reason he can't parse, feels the same way. For something they shouldn't see as a person, but do. And...they like the person they see. It...Sole is going to be dealing with a crisis, down the line.
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Going on a Fair Date with Vinnie Hacker!
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You woke up not planning to have much to do but then Vinnie surprised you over the phone with a date to your local state fair  
Of course, you weren't going to say no so you got up and got dressed and waited for him to get ready as well
You were happy to know that it was just going to be the two of you (not that you didn’t like the people he was usually around you just liked having him to yourself) 
He picked you up in his car and you greeted him with a quick kiss on his lips before he deepened it. You broke apart after a while and then you two were on your way 
He got both of your tickets prior so you guys didn't have to wait in a long line when you got there
The first thing you guys do when you finally make it in is start playing some carnival games and Vinnie makes it his mission to beat you at all of them! 
Basketball was the first game you guys played, and you guys competed against one another to see who could make the most shots.
You had lost that one and Vinnie had teased you while he was holding you
“It's okay baby not everyone can be good as me,” he said while he kept kissing your check trying to make you feel better 
The second game you played was a balloon-popping one and you were actually really good at this but Vinnie was as well you had won which meant y/n- 1 and Vinnie-1 
This last game you guys were playing was going to determine who was the best. So in this one, you guys were playing the water shooting game and in the game, you were aiming at the target which moved a little avatar up to the top, and depending on how fast you were going whoever character reaches the top first wins
Start of the game you were losing completely your water pressure was not on your side and you were visibly annoyed. Vinnie had noticed this and had pretended to drop something important so you could win
As a result, you had won and you got to pick a huge prize! 
Next, you had to dare Vinnie to eat fried frog legs as a punishment for losing
He was barely able to take a bite before he spits it out while laughing 
As you guys were playing the games he recorded you catching your little celebration dance 
After he says he needs to use the restroom, you decide to go buy him a snack from a Japanese snack cart that you noticed while you waited. At the cart, you run into Madison Rich, who is irritated because she wanted to be with Vinnie. Just as you're about to confront her, Vinnie shows up and puts her in her place.
"Where is Vinnie, did he finally realize you weren't worth it," she asked when she approached you. She was already pissing you off. "No, but I'm glad he recognized that you weren't right for him before he got with me," you respond, rolling your eyes. She approached you, and you moved toward her (you wanted her to try you)
“What the fuck is going on here?” You move your head to the side and smiled at her as you feel a strong arm around your neck that drew you into his chest, then warmed your hands around his arms. He led the way as you said, "Nothing, babe, let's ride the Ferris wheel."
Finally, you two ride the Ferris wheel. At this point, it was really gloomy and getting dark, so the lights on the Ferris wheel turned on with a lovely warm glow.
You were clinging onto Vinnie for safety since this ride was so terrifying for you, and he kept urging you to look up into the sky so you could take in the beauty. While you guys were admiring the view it had begun to rain.  With a smile on your face, you feel Vinnie's chilly hands and even colder rings on your face as he draws his lips to yours when you two reach the top. He breathlessly whispers 
“I’ll love you more than you'll ever know” 
I guess I write for Vinnie now <3 Make sure to Request! 
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samijami · 7 months
Yes, I'm still on a break, but back to make one last post before officially going off-
Thank you to everyone who is supporting me in the midst of this chaos, and I'm sorry to whoever got involved. I'm also sorry for worrying anybody, I'm not that ok in general and the internet is not a place where I usually get repetitively stalked and harassed- oh wait, it is..I should rethink things before typing.
This commonly happens to me. Hell, on Instagram some guy pulled my address and IP. But I can't leave the internet, because this is my only 'vacation' from my bullshit life. So, sue me for wanting a break. I guess now I'm taking a break from my break..?
I will be active abit, just to check notifications, because I will still be checking for commissions, and I will still be taking commissions. (So feel free to still message me about commissions). And, if you want, you can message me to know other platforms I'm going to be active on to replace this one in the meantime (Roblox, Discord, etc..). But I won't give it to people who, well you know, are harassing me.
I won't be gone off of here for long, I simply can't leave here for long, especially considering the time crunch on my commissions..I'm worried I won't meet my deadline and this drama has probably ruined any chances but..eh.
Why did I even open commissions? Not just because of my school fundraiser, but because the fundraiser is also giving out cash. My family is in need of cash to not starve, but I guess I won't be getting it. Sorry if this seems guilt trippy but I'm fucking scared. Genuinely just..I can't do this shit anymore.
Whoever has a mind to just go out and harass a teenager for no fucking reason is pathetic. I hate Jaidon, and I hate anyone who thinks what they've done is ok. And quite honestly, I want to say I hate anyone who bought into it immediately or told me 'The likelihood of them lying is low', but that would be too many people. I don't want to make anymore enemies, so I fucking love you. I guess. Despite the stress you've caused me, I fucking love you. Happy?
I'll gladly connect with people who aren't harassing me on other platforms. I'll probably mainly be active on Roblox, so I'll gladly tell you my username in messages if I've not mentally made a note to avoid you for the rest of my life (Jaidon).
And feel free to commission me by looking at my pinned post and such and messaging me..if you want. Quick starter ends on the 8th, commissions close on the 13th.
If you see me active, I'm checking notifs, or messaging someone. Don't use this as a crutch to harass me more, or spam me about the drama. I don't mind being mentioned in the drama, but I don't want it to drag on. I also just want it to end.
And if you still have half a mind to believe I'm tracing or stealing art because I've not posted a speedpaint, I won't be posting a speedpaint because, 1: it's too long, and 2: I'm very insecure of my drawing and drawing process so-
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I'm hoping you guys realise not any normal person stealing this art would have it in his Ibis Paint gallery and be able to access the speedpaint.
Have a good day.
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masterqwertster · 8 months
For the Put a Guy in a Situation prompt, how about 52? And I'm always partial to Ashton.
Prompt Think I managed a fun twist with this one. 52 Faked Death/Presumed Dead
When Ashton and FCG don't come down to join the rest of Bells Hells when even Ashton should be awake and moving already, they go up to check on the pair.
They find a murder scene.
Ashton… is still as unliving stone in the bed, a wine-dark stain spread over the sheets and their clothes centered over their heart. And Orym has to grab Fearne’s skirts to keep her from wasting a diamond on Revivify. The blood is long dried.
The look of sad hurt she gives him echoes what he feels himself. Though she hasn't hit the cold fury that's already begun burning in Orym. Someone murdered their friend in his sleep. There’s a good chance they can bring him back in time, but it doesn’t change that someone killed Ashton, that whoever did this needs to answer for it.
And poor FCG is still in the corner, and not in the way they are when in stasis.
…but there's just the faintest hum of their arcane power core, barely audible to even Orym’s sharp ears.
There's still a hope for FCG, maybe.
Chetney must hear it too, because he quickly scuttles forward to start prying open the aeormaton's chestplate to get at their core.
Something about this doesn’t sit right with Orym. He’s not sure what, but something here is wrong. Besides the death.
A victorious little huff turns the halfling’s attention back to Chetney and FCG. The cleric’s chest is open, baring a weakly flickering power core.
Imogen and Laudna are over there almost immediately, debating the best way to juice FCG back into waking up. The merits of different magical energies, how much to apply at once. It's all over Orym’s head, martial fighter that he is.
A gentle nudge to Fearne’s flank sends her tottering their way with a gentle suggestion to see if a little healing won't fix their barely alive companion.
The witches handling FCG allows Orym to make eye contact with Chetney and motion toward the bed. The girls will save what can be immediately saved, he and the old gnome can see what information their friend's corpse has to share.
They draw close but don't touch anything, not yet. Instead Orym stares, taking in every detail he can, while Chetney inhales a deep breath through his nose, searching for the scents of the killer.
It's a clean death. By all appearances, Ashton didn't even struggle. Which is so anathema to the unrelenting force of will and life of the earthkin he knows that Orym can hardly believe it.
…And maybe he shouldn't.
Orym knows Zephrah, knows what they use to make clothing. And he’s seen Ashton’s new clothes up close plenty. The clothes on the corpse look like what Fanny Z made for Ashton, but they’re made of the wrong kind of fabric, made with the wrong dye.
He turns to Chetney to share this strange detail, this small hope, to see an equally perturbed look on the werewolf's face.
"Those aren't Ashton’s clothes," Orym tells the old gnome. "They’re made with the wrong materials."
"I don't think it's even their body," Chetney nods. "Blood's real enough, but the rest of it doesn't smell like him."
And a chance, a hope shouldn't make Orym so weak-kneed, but damnit, the idea that his friend, another family member, isn't dead on his watch is such a relief.
An exclamation from the corner heralds the witches successfully bringing FCG back up.
Good, good. They've got a friend to find and take back.
Essentially, Ashton got kidnapped, the kidnappers fucked with FCG so he wouldn't wake up on them, then planted a "dead" statue double to try and dodge having anyone hunting them because "it was murder not a kidnapping." But Orym and Chetney are too good at what they do to not notice the fake.
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jennilah · 2 months
I think i started to follow you bc of tiny!cas, like eons ago, let me tell you seeing you get into different fandoms over the years has been a delight.
I remember seeing post of you going like 'hey these slasher film kinda go hard' and look at you know.
I mean this in the best way possible, I feel i've been watching a house plant grow, every now and then catching my attention and being amazed by the changes
omg thats such a sweet way of describing my... well happy autism awareness day everyone, its a nice way of describing the way i naturally transition through my Special Interests lmfao
actually, for the holiday, let me infodump about this very aspect of my brain to anyone who isnt aware how this works for me. (also every autistic person is different, so this is just how this symptom manifests in me)
ill say "phases" to simplify, though thats an unfair word because it implies im "over" my past phases. 99% of my past phases are pretty much there for life, but in the back of my mind. (So long as I didnt have a "bad breakup" with it for some reason, which is rare but happens) The ability to become a raving lunatic about it is dormant until someone asks the right question.
There can only be one interest (sometimes 2, with one being the less dominant one) at the forefront of my brain at a time, though. that defines the "phase".
so for example, my recent Halloween phase is "over" and I am 100% fully into Saw now, but I still absolutely love Halloween and Michael and Jason and all those guys. as evident by me still happily sharing gifsets and art and buying merch etc if it tickles my fancy. They're just hanging out in the background of my mental display case.
yea whoever follows my tumblr for a very long time has watched it happen in realtime. the transition between interests. i know for a fact which phase I started this blog on. if you're here from the beginning, youve seen, in order:
-Durarara!! -Deus Ex -Supernatural -Godzilla -Detroit: Become Human -There was like a few weeks where it was HLVRAI -And then it was plants. There was a year-long stretch with no Special Interest and I was latching onto odd things (and I was very inactive here) -Halloween & Friday the 13th -and now, Saw
I have many other things I love, but they don't clamp around my brain in quite the same extreme way.
my phases can last any amount of time, anywhere from a few short intense months to 5+ years, its completely random, completely unpredictable. even the interest itself is impossible to predict. its not something i choose, its something that happens to me.
sometimes i avoid watching things for a long time because im still very emotionally attached to my current phase and im genuinely afraid the shiny new thing will replace it. all art or fic ideas for the previous phase? theyll be abandoned. all I will want to create will be related to the new thing. (though I will sometimes draw it anyway, like digging up old toys to play with once in a while. The likelihood just drops considerably)
which is why right now i pretty much put a pause on the other franchises I plan on watching. I'm genuinely gripping onto Saw like someone is tryin to take it from me.
and then sometimes im like "haha yeah right. ill be fine. ill eat my shoe if my brain latches to this" and then put on the movie and by the credits roll im a new person (yes thats what happened with Saw. I really had no idea.)
this is also why im terrified of even just "checking out" things that have, like, a toxic fanbase or something, because i cant stop a new phase from happening if it does. and its really hard to keep it to myself, fuck
(do u know how mad i was when i realized i was attaching to hoffman the evil dirty cop??? i was so scared of drawing him, dudes. but thankfully everyones been cool abt it and we're all very aware of his awfulness & we have fun w it)
and every time my brain changes and i do get obsessed with some new thing, i get really scared and worried and hope I dont bother everyone who followed me for something else :(((( and yet, every time, im absolutely floored by how many people choose to tolerate my newest nonsense and stick around anyway
anyway ive lost the plot of what point i was making here OH YEAH thank you!
tl;dr: that would be the autism! thank you, it WILL happen again! that is a threat! 🥰
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hadrians-wall95 · 22 days
Today, something a little different! Because Votann aren't. Good. In 10e, and Games Workshop are kinda lame anyway. A game of One Page Rules! The Reach Industrial Conglomerate (RIC) has deployed the Hekaton Fortress Noble-6 to extract resources that happen to be in the middle of a City on Harvest World Marwick. The Sanguine Knights dispatch a Calvary Detachment to Shoo them off:
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The Sanguine Melta ATVs are the most immediate threat to Noble-6, thus it trundles forward, immediately destroying one.
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The other one gets a chance to respond, and takes off 3 of Noble-6's *18* hit points. I love One Page Rules. The Lone Champion, the Hammer Chief, goes to claim the objective. He will sit. there all game. With his 4 inch move. But he did his job. The Khal of the RIC and his Veteran 10-man squad drop out the right door of the fortress, to set up against a bike advacne.
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The right Flank has more issues. The Techmarine can heal basically anything in my opponents list, and the Baal Predator puts out. So many shots. The RIC bikes duck behind the bridge, waiting for the right moment to take the crossroads objective. (One page Rules has no victory points. It's battlefront rules. You own it until an opponent steps on it. If you both have minis within the outer hazard circle, it's contested. Shaken units can't hold objectives. This is going to become. *Very* important)
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This quickly turns into a battle of the bridge. Whoever holds it will end up taking this battle.
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Both tanks trundle onto the bridge. It groans in protest. The Death Company Bikers are shot down by the Magma Guns on the RIC. (Splasers, Baby!). The Baals Machine Guns Whirr, it's Hunter-Killer Missle Sings .. and yet it all plinks off Noble-6's Hull (I would not roll below a 5. That thing could've easily taken down the Hekaton. And each of his characters has fusion pistols. There's no *strength* in One Page Rules. Just a roll to hit a roll to defend. He was throwing a lot of AP 1 and 2, which work like tenth.).
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Finally, the battle for the crossroads begins. The bikers move in, and are able to fight the RIC off point with Morale Checks and Charges. The Rich had left too little, and the biker squad in full (the machine gun bikes are separate activations). Was too late to respond. Although they, too, would quickly break (a 4+ is brutal for this. Morale fucking matters in this game). It's looking like an RIC Loss..
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Untill the last moment. The other Trike was able to capture the now unattended objective 4. A tank charge from the Baal Predator Induces a failed moral check on the Hekaton, meaning that this day ends in a draw. As the sun sets and artillery roars, both sides are ordered to fall back... This isnt over though....
(overall I had a lot of fun, my opponent seemed to as well. This was a learning game, so I'm sure we both made mistakes rules wise (even with a single sheet) and tactical. Today, we told a tale of combined arms versus bikes. I think next time it may be more Iron Vs Iron....)
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saintarmand · 4 months
multiple popular blogs in the iwtv fandom have a documented pattern of behavior of saying anything ranging from "could be interpreted as a bit racist but only if you're looking for it" to now literally "the real racism is actually against white people" and other alt right talking points. LOOK AT THE PATTERN.
you see the same people constantly complaining about how they keep getting called racist by black fans over and over again, and instead of asking yourself "why do so many black fans think these people are racist? could they be onto something?" you zero in on how polite they are about it and go "well, they put some naughty words after the word racist, looks like there really is a woke mob of big bad black bullies terrorizing the fandom, sounds legit!"
the thing is, something like about a year ago, i actually posted an absolute garbage take i can't believe i ever thought was acceptable, and got rightfully called out for it. i had some other white people agreeing with me, but THANK GOD someone i followed reblogged a post talking some sense. i freaked out at first of course. "someone is vagueing about me? that's not exactly what i said verbatim. i'm being misinterpreted unfairly! what if everyone finds out and starts hating me?" i got defensive, though i avoided throwing the classic huge public tantrum by simply logging off until i cooled down a little, so i managed not to draw that much attention. it's probably only because it was people that i already thought seemed really smart who were saying it, that made the voice at the back of my mind go, "what if they're right and i'm wrong?" so i really thought about it. at first i thought it was just my phrasing that was bad and if i explained it better it would be fine. but now that i've had over a year to think about it and listen and learn, i've come to realize just how stupid that was. and it's probably not the only dumb racist post i made, just the one that i saw called out. i've since deleted the whole blog so i can't check. which i admit i did in large part so other people couldn't check anymore either.
and what were the only consequences i faced? there are users that i think are really cool, and even some i was following, who have me blocked. i go :( about it for a second when i can't reblog a post. iirc like 3 anon asks i've gotten in total, only one of which was even mean at all. oh the horror, someone called me a racist bitch. i literally WAS. and even if i wasn't, so what? it made me feel a little bad, yeah. it would probably actually feel LESS bad if i thought it didn't apply. it would just be confusing and a little funny. it did apply, and it probably still does, i got a lot of shit to unlearn. in my book, me feeling bad is absolutely worth it if it brought whoever sent it even a smidgen of satisfaction. them having to witness my bullshit was undoubtedly worse.
the only reason i'm able to be as polite as i am is because as a white person this does not affect me personally. this fandom has been racist since before the show even started. if i saw popular blogs in my fandom being, say, lesbophobic for more than two years, constantly, and getting away with it, still being popular, receiving praise, and every time i said anything about it i had their followers come after me, while consoling them, i'd be pretty fucking pissed. i'd get tired of being nice so fast. and that's not even mentioning the trauma from a lifetime of racism in real life and online that black people have to deal with. i can't even imagine.
"racist" is not a goddamn slur. anyone who tries to tell you that it is has an agenda, and it's not that hard to figure out what that agenda is.
OPEN YOUR EYES AND LOOK AROUND YOU. really look. and when you see it, STAND UP AND SAY SOMETHING. i'm ashamed it's taken me this long to do that.
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armpirate · 1 year
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Pairings: tattoist!jk x fem!reader
Genre: smut, angst, friends to lovers, tattoo au, virgin reader.
Summary: You were awful on anything related to flirting, guys and sex. He was the perfect ladies man. You wanted to get rid of your virginity. And he was there to help you with everything you needed. You didn't have the best start, but that didn't mean you wouldn't have the best of the endings.
Warnings: Dirty talk, vaginal sex, second first time
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Although I was sure I wouldn't need a jacket today, I feel the hairs on my arm lift when it doesn't get any warmer inside the car -at least compared to the temperature outside. So I move my arm and start messing with some buttons, just to turn on the heat.
—It's not working? —Jungkook asks, confused.
I rest my spine back to the backrest as he moves to deal with those buttons himself. One hand touching every button and the other controlling the wheel, all while his eyes move from the road to the center console.
—It's not working —he confirms—. Hold the wheel.
But he barely gives me time to react. He moves his hand away, and I rush to hold it so the car doesn't divert to the sideway. Jungkook tries to take off his jacket fast, just so he could leave it on my thighs and hold the wheel again.
—I told you you'd be cold without a jacket.
I press my lips together, squinting my eyes at him, after that smart ass response; something that only makes him chuckle.
—How are you feeling? —he asks, once he drives past the welcome sign to my town.
After that question, there's only one word that comes to mind. I know how fucked up that word is, and how it'll only show off how rotted humans are.
—Cozy, thanks for the jacket —I smile at him.
—You know what I'm asking.
I sigh, knowing I wouldn't get away with the joke.
—Relieved —I answer with a thin voice—. These days I was thinking I was the one in that bed, the possibility of being in Amber's position was killing me. So knowing that I wasn't, learning that I was the lucky one out of the two in that situation is a relief —I scoff, moving my eyes to the dark road—. I know how fucked up that is.
—It doesn't make you a bad person though. You're relieved it wasn't you, but it doesn't mean you're glad it happened to your friend —he tilts his head—. You and your friend were victims, on different lengths of the word, but you were.
The rest of our way back home is quiet, just like our way here. But it's not the same type of silence, this time we just aren't talking because we have nothing to talk about, so the music is enough. We don't need to talk right now. At least until he complains out loud, throwing his head back for one second as a loud "Ashh" leaves his lips.
—What? —I ask confused.
—I forgot I had to retouch some designs —he turns to me—. Do you mind if I make a quick stop at the studio?
—No, you can't —I say with a straight face.
I know he doesn't buy whatever I'm trying to do, because he gives me a quick warning look before he moves his eyes back to the road.
—'Course you can.
He parks in front of the tattoo studio just a few minutes later, and asks me whether I want to go with him or wait here. And since he said he wouldn't take long, I decide to wait for him in the car. I wanted to send Jimin an email anyway to make the appointment for the next session.
Not even five minutes later, he gets my attention by opening the car door and getting in. He hands me the drawing book he generally uses for his designs, before he starts the engine again. Since he doesn't say a word, I start going through his designs, finding several that get my attention.
—They all are so good —I mention.
—I know —he scoffs.
—That's why I can't be nice with you.
—Yet you always are.
In the middle of our bickering, his phone rings. He clicks his tongue, pissed off at whoever is bothering him right now, and gives me his phone so I check and tell him what it is about.
Opening the conversation, I saw that Mark was reminding him to close the studio and set the alarm before he leaves.
—I always do —he complains in a murmur.
While he's driving and concentrating, a doubt that never crossed my mind comes up when I'm holding his phone, with everything open and accessible. Until now, I never even thought about the possibility of him meeting other girls while we were seeing each other, not even when the deal started.
But he planted an enticement right at the palm of my hand.
I will check, but just the general conversations list. Nothing else.
It's totally empty. I mean, it's not totally empty, but it's quite obvious he hasn't been chatting to any other girls. The most recent conversations are the ones with Mark and Soo, not even Leslie is at the top.
—What are you doing?
—I told you I'm not talking to anyone else —he sings, aware that I haven't found anything suspicious.
He chuckles when I give him his phone back, and I think he might keep silent for a while, but he starts talking soon after.
—So, cocktease, we have two options —I raise an eyebrow when I hear him say that—. Either you sleep at my house or I sleep at yours.
—Or you can sleep at yours and I sleep at mine.
—That won't be possible —he fakes a sigh—. Because I really want to sleep with you tonight.
And I don't know what's cuter: the way he's saying it with those pouts, or what he's saying. All I'm sure of is that my cheeks are burning right now, and I might be looking totally stupid by the way I'm smiling.
—Your house is nearer.
He smiles wide enough to make one of his dimples totally visible, along with that mole under his lower lip.
✸ ✸ ✸
Although it's been a long time since we both went to sleep, Jungkook keeps rolling on the bed, moving the sheets with his body every time. When I turn, he's facing me, eyes still open and lips slightly parted.
—You can't sleep? —I ask, seeing him shaking his head.
—You either?
It's the first time we sleep together after what happened, and it'd be a lie to say he doesn't have any effect on me. Because right now everything I'm able to think about is how good his lips used to feel on mine. How soft and spongy they are.
—You keep looking at my lips.
My eyes go straight to his as he says that, finding them squinted, with small wrinkles on their ends, as he smiles.
—I didn't say you had to stop doing it.
—I know —I whisper—. You're also looking at my lips —I point out, making one corner of his lips curve up.
His brown eyes kept moving down to my mouth, tracing my face under his gaze until his eyes reach my plumped lips eager for him.
—It's either looking at them or kissing them —he whispers.
—Why can't you do both?
—That's a really good idea.
He nods, moving closer to me, letting his warm breath prepare me for the kiss. Jungkook gives me a soft and short peck, caressing my lips with his, making it so delicately it makes me eager for more. When he moves his face back, I move forward to trap him again, sucking his lower lip to push him closer to me, back to where he should be.
I know he's being cautious with every move, I know it by the way he's placing his hand on my waist and the way he's barely moving his mouth right now, although he wants to kiss me just as bad as I do.
I wrap my hand around his neck, pulling him closer to me. I kiss him passionately, slowly but so deep that it'd seem I'm only get oxygen from him. And I wouldn't mind it if I did.
Jungkook is into it as much as I am. I know it by the way his hand keeps lowering down the curve of hip, bringing me closer to his body. He moves away every time I try to sneak my tongue in his mouth, smirking when I whine the third time he does it. He hovers a little over me, finally kissing me the way I've been dying for him to kiss me. His tongue tracing my lower lip, to finally sneak in, does something to my body it never did before.
The palm of his hand covers my belly under his oversized t shirt, keeping me in place when I start moving against his body. But that only encourages me to lift one of my legs, letting it rest over his lap near his crotch, and I know that causes something in him instantly by the way he's smiling before he sticks his tongue in my mouth again.
His fingers ghost my slit over my panties, and I'm sure that's even worse than having him directly touching me, because of the way my whole body jumped for him.
—What? You liked that? —he moves his fingers the same way.
I nod, pulling his face to kiss him again. And just like he bends over to take my lips, one of his hands pulls my panties down. And the same way his hands went down, they go up again over my body, raising my t-shirt just enough to expose my tits. My breathing goes even heavier when he starts squeezing my breast, while his tongue in my mouth is close to take me to a different dimension.
But just like he's doing it, I do it, too.
I move my knee closer to his crotch again, finding him getting harder with every innocent stroke I make. He sucks my lips with hunger, but directly goes from my mouth to my nipple in a blink of an eye, barely giving me time to digest he's just broken the kiss, before he's sucking my bud as if it were a competition on who can tease the other more.
And he's winning. Fuck, yes, of course he's winning.
With no effort, he moves my body so I'm straddling him. The cold air hitting my wet nipples directly makes them even harder, sending that sensation straight to my core, that clenches over the thin fabric of his blue boxers.
Jungkook pulls from his t-shirt, leaving me completely naked, before he drags me back down to his mouth so he can kiss me again. But like him, I love teasing, and a little play hurts nobody. So I break the kiss, moving my head back every time he tries to trap my lips with his.
His eyebrows are slightly furrowed as I start humping against him, giving my needy clit the friction it needs, and knowing perfectly fine the mess I'm making on his boxers with my wetness. I kiss his cheek, the mole down his lip, his chin, and trace his jaw with the tip of my tongue until I reach his earlobe.
And I'm so fucking sure he loved that by the way his cock twitches against me.
—Y/n, babe... —his raspy voice calls me.
—Hmm? —I bite his earlobe, stealing a low moan from him.
—Kiss me.
Just as if he's just thrown a spell on me, I go straight to his lips. The kiss goes messier with every move of my hips, it gets sloppier as I feel I'm closer to my high. But Jungkook doesn't stop me. He even lifts his lips and grinds against me, against a particular spot that needs close to nothing to make me explode.
My moans get drowned on his lips as I cum on his boxers, freeing myself.
He's still kissing me, cupping my face with his hands, to make sure I'm not going anywhere. And it's not like I was planning to.
This isn't over. And he knows it. Despite him being unsure of what I want to do, he's well aware this isn't over. Not when he made me reach so high just by touching me.
—You sure?
When he drops that question and I look into his darkened eyes, I can see the concern and worry among the pleasure and lust.
—Yes —I give him a peck on his chin—. I want to fuck you.
He smirks at the way I used my words, before he moves my body over his belly so he can take off his drenched boxers. With barely any effort, he sits on the bed with me still straddling him, and lifts my body again so my legs are wrapped around his body.
—Do everything I tell you —he warns me—. Don't close your eyes. I don't care how fucked out I make you feel. Keep your eyes always on me.
Jungkook opens up the shiny wrapping, and takes out the condom carefully, wrapping it around his cock in such an attractive way that it's almost hypnotizing.
—It'll be just us —he kisses my shoulder.
His fingers move from my thighs to my ass, lifting my body over his cock, until the tip rests against my entrance.
—Put it in, baby.
My hand trembles when reaching for him, reminding of what happened last time we tried it. But his eyes glow with comfort and reassurance, he fights to take me back to right now.
With my other free hand, I hold onto his shoulder, and Jungkook moves me down slowly. I feel his dick stretching me out, the feeling hurts and burns at first, easily perceived on my face by the way Jungkook says:
—Eyes on me —he first warns me, when he sees me attempting to close my eyes—. When you need time, pat my shoulder and I will stop.
But I don't make him stop, and let him move me down slowly. He slides in, letting me take him inch by inch, getting used to his size at such a slow pace that it feels comforting for me. And it must be so hard for him. Not only because of how slow we are going, but how he's insisting on lifting all my weight. and even if he's a strong guy, the effort is clearly seen on his face, with his lips pressed, and one of the veins on his neck a bit more marked than usual.
We both gasp when he's fully in, stretching me the most I ever thought I could be stretched. And although it's an annoying ache, it feels so fucking good how the shiverings go through my body when we're fully connected.
—You're okay?
As I nod, he avoids kissing my lips, and instead kisses the corner of my mouth. He lifts my body again, and does the exact same thing a few more times, until he makes sure I can handle the thrusts going faster, until I grind my hips down looking for a faster move.
—You feel so fucking good, cocktease —he moans—. You're so tight, yet you took me so well. Gonna fuck me just as good?
Jungkook rubs his nose against mine, eyes fixed on me all the time as I start trying to move by myself while holding onto his neck and shoulder. The first moves in this new position are clumsy, arrhythmic... Embarrassing.
—Move like this.
He cups my ass with his hands again, controlling my moves, teaching me how to do it so his cock hits deeper. In less than three minutes, we both turn into a moaning mess. And I never thought there would ever be something better to listen to than music, but the way he's whimpering and moaning is making me want to record him so I can hear him forever.
My head unconsciously falls back, the feeling of his cock pushing further everytime I move down is too much to handle. But I'm forced to look back to him when a hard slap burns my upper thigh and ass. Holding my hair, to keep my head straight and my eyes fixed on his, he moans directly into my mouth.
—Let me see how good it feels —he kisses my jaw—. And see how good you're making me feel.
—Kook, your cock feels so good —I hold onto his arms, with my nails digging on his skin.
—Fuck, cum with me, babe —his voice cracks while he speaks.
Our moans get louder with every move of our bodies, with every touch... My hips move by themselves at this point, looking for our high as if my life depended on it right now.
And it's right here, in this moment, while we're holding each other's stare, no matter how fucked out we look, right when we both explode that I understand why he moved to this position despite of being the most uncomfortable one. I can see his high covering his watery eyes as his cock twitches inside of me for his release. We're so close, so all over each other, there's absolutely nowhere else to look, nothing else to think about. He didn't let me.
Still sitting on the bed, still hugging each other, I feel my body relaxing with his, under his gentle caresses on my back and the soft kisses on my shoulder.
—Was I good? —I ask, with a shaky breath.
—You were perfect —I feel him smiling on my skin—. Was it okay? Did I hurt you?
—No —I giggle, resting my cheek on his shoulder—. It was great.
—Thank you —he whispers.
Confused by that, I move back so I can look him straight in the eyes. Jungkook moves one of my locks behind my ear, gently touching my cheek before speaking again.
—Thank you for trusting me both times.
I pull him into a kiss again, playing with his long locks the same way he's playing with mine. He smiles into the kiss, making my stomach jump to my throat when he does that. It should be illegal to be so hot and cute at the same time.
And I'm finally aware that this, what happened right here, could make our deal take a shift. And although I try not to think about it, I know it's something we'll have to discuss. 
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koiyin · 1 year
so uh idk why i come back on tumblr every couple months and make posts like this but i've basically ruined my account at this point haha perfectionist issues and i'm going to try to be honest with everyone of you guys because. idek at this point
i don't know how everyone's opinion of me is at this point, and it feels like i'm ruining it. i don't know if this is me now, if i kind of put up a front before, but why these posts seem different than the others on my blog is a mystery to me ^^'
maybe i'm just overthinking it, though?
well, my life is pretty shit. i don't really have any friends, except for a couple close ones who can somehow deal with me-- and, yeah. people at my school don't really like me, and i've fucked up a lot recently. this post sounds really depressing. sorry for that.
i don't know, i guess prior to the whole incident (moots, yk what i'm talking about) i always tried to put up a cheerful front. i had an idealized version of myself, and that was koi. and i did act like myself a lot around you guys, because i became comfortable with all of you and i felt accepted. i'm really grateful for what you all have done for me.
so, more about what's going on- basically, i'm just... not happy with myself, i guess. i wish i had more friends.
you know, my goal in life at one point was to be friends with everyone in my grade. that was more than a year ago. i guess that whole hope pretty much died out. but i do still try my very best, and this is turning into a ramble which i'm sorry for but i just want to get everything off of my chest.
i'll probably never use tumblr regularly again- but, who knows, shit changes.
the incident really affected me. after i was told about everything and learned about all of what happened, i was just... i don't know. i was told that it was that day that i began to eat less, act angrier, and all of that shit- and that went on for a couple weeks.
eventually, i tried to forget about it. i still think about every once in a while, though.
well, i'm starting to sound like a pessimist. i miss when i could be koi, the friendly, cheerful, happy person who had a bunch of friends that worried about him and asked if he was feeling okay.
i don't even know what's going on anymore. i feel fine, and then i go through short spikes of depression. or maybe i'm just a person that's sad all the time, but i choose to be ignorant. i'm really sorry that whoever reads this has to hear me vent and all that shit, but i'm just glad that i can say all of my feelings in the hopes that someone will read this.
so, let's talk about what's been going on since i've left- since i really feel like i should add some filler because of my long absensce '- -
well, i got a suit that kind of reminded me of haruchiyo sanzu from tokyo revengers (haha weeb things) and i look pretty hot in it, ngl- and, my family moved back to our house, which got remodeled. i've done a lot of drawing, too.
and, for context of the tokyo revengers comment earlier- i've been hyperfixating on it for so long. i love the series and the characters aaa
also, i started bakuman and black butler, and they're pretty good! i love the plot of bakuman so much!! (the death note team always makes amazing manga) i also got the first book of haikyuu from the library, because i've seen it referenced online so much and i haven't taken the time to check it out yet.
whew. i don't know, i guess saying all this makes me sound more human than just pixels on a screen. (but i'm actually 3 ducks in a trenchcoat) (i'm not funny)
i've had a lot of homework, so i've been pretty busy.
and i have to go eat dinner now, so i'll be leaving- but again, thank you guys for being my friends for so long. and, why are people still following me when my blog is inactive like- ????
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smolcinnamonchipmunk · 3 months
Question. Would angel or sir P or any of the hazbin crew ever walked in on like Alistor messing with abyss in their shrunken state or where it looks like he’s about to just straight up eat em so whoever walked in on this scene either is shocked, panics about it and getting abyss away from Alistor or just acting as if they never saw anything.
Also sorry if this is like weird of me to also ask if anyone else of the hazbin crew have ever gotten curious about abyss being small, like curious in similar way that Alistor teases abyss and shit? Like again sorry if this is weird you can skip this part of the ask completely, I let my curiosity get the better of me at times.
Hope you have a great day/night!! :)
- 🌽
I have actually thought of this because of the beginning of episode 3 where Alastor is just like "I'm in the middle of breakfast" when Vaggie kind of barges in. I've been wanting to draw something along those lines, but my docket is a bit full right now (I cry), so I'm going to write what everyone does in no particular order
I'm just going to put the baseline that these are scenarios where everyone walks into Alastors room because I can't really imagine him messing with Abyss so openly. I also don't think that him eating someone in general really phases them considering they were just watching him eat people in episode 5, but I also feel like it's a bit of a different tune when it's 'one of them', so to speak. Also, Alastor probably eats them with a nice cup of coffee or maybe black tea
Sorry if anyone's OOC
Vaggie - One hundred percent would walk in to either ask Alastor a favor or a question. Charlie probably asked her to get the Radio Demon or something. Regardless, in a similar barge in to the show, both her and Alastor (and Abyss) kind of stare at each other for a moment before he tries to dismiss her. Unsuccessfully. Vaggie immediately shouts "IS THAT ABYSS?!" and sprints inside to snatch them from the demon. He could easily play keep away with his shadow abilities or jostle Abyss by just standing up and holding them out of reach, but he merely rolls his eyes as the tiny demon is taken off his hands (literally). He's petty, not childish (some people would say those are synonyms).
Alastor would probably say something along the lines of "What's a little ribbing between acquaintances?" while Abyss is just shouting "FUCK YOU, YOU SNAGGLE-TOOTHED BITCH!" (Alastor has taken it upon himself to try and 'teach them some manners' in this weird way sometimes. He really just looks for any excuse). Vaggie would respond "No eating the guests! Why do I have to tell you that?!" before walking out. She totally forgets about what Charlie told her to get Alastor for until she comes back and Charlie asks where Alastor is. (Charlie ends up 'berating' Alastor after she finds out)
Sir Pentious - Probably doesn't even realize it's Alastor's room when he slithers in, he's just looking for one of his Eggs. Just slams open the door and shouts "EGGIESSSS!!! EGG- oh, shit." when he sees Alastor holding a squirming Abyss. Would just stare for a second with his little background frog noise (he makes little frog noises when he's caught off guard like when Alastor burns the piece of coat) before asking, "Is that the little deer, Abyss?"
Alastor would gleefully reply "Why, of course not!" while Abyss goes "YES! HELP!" Sir Pentious is naive, but not THAT naive. He won't fall for the strip-ed freaks lies!
"That is obviously Abyss when they're rather sssmall!" he'd proclaim like he'd cracked the Da Vinci Code.
Alastor would probably be a dick and go "Oh, is it? Why, I must need to go get my eyes checked. Thank you very much for stopping me before I harmed one of our darling guests on accident!"
Would literally hand Abyss off to Sir Pentious, catching both of them off guard. Sir Pentious would probably think himself so smart and brave and must be so influential if Alastor himself gave him his thanks! Uuuuuntil Abyss tells him that his ego got played, but they're grateful because it got them out of the situation.
Husk - Would walk in to try and ask something, opening the door and going, "Ey, boss? I, uh-… Oh, what the fuck?" when he sees Alastor messing with Abyss. Would debate whether or not to help and would just be kind of unsure how to do so in general. Usually Alastor eats people whole when he's in full demon form when it's probably not a good idea to interrupt.
However, this is him in a more civil mood and normal size, so he'd shoot his shot.
"Should you be… toying with someone who's a guest here?" he'd ask, knowing damn well that Alastor really shouldn't. There's a "NO" from Abyss, but he just maintains eye contact with Alastor. "I don't think Miss Rainbows and Butterflies would be very happy."
"And that's why YOU'RE not going to tell her, hmm?" Alastor's response is a coy warning, though he at least has the decency to add "Don't worry, our little deer here always ends up safe and sound, so why don't you run along now?"
Husk would grumble, but would leave. He might not be the chummiest with Alastor, but he at least knows the demon keeps his word and believes that Abyss would be safe. Physically.
Offers Abyss a stronger drink when they show up at the bar later and doesn't even groan when they ask if he can make it sweet but "Strong enough to potentially kill me again. Like, I want it to taste like Jolly Ranchers and knock me out in an hour max."
Charlie - Panic, one hundred percent. Would walk in, take a second to realize what was going on (I'm picturing Alastor dangling Abyss over his jaws) and shout "ALASTOR!". Almost instantly at Alastor's table to catch Abyss when he lets go, finishing with "WHAT are you doing?!"
Alastor would nonchalantly go "Ah, Charlie! To what do I owe the pleasure?" with her asking "Were you about to EAT them?!"
"Perhaps." would be the answer with Charlie responding "Okay, well, when I get back, I am going to have some VERY stern words with you about how eating our guests is not only inappropriate, but definitely not allowed in the hotel! I know you're not here to redeem yourself, but eating people is definitely over the line, Alastor!"
She'd then huff and walk out to probably smother Abyss with "Are you okay?"s and try desperately to make them feel safe (Kind of backfiring into stressing them out more)
Nifty - Thinks Alastor is playing with a bug or something at first, so she skitters over for an investigation with the thought to stab it. But, she sees the tiny Abyss while Alastor casually greets her "Ah, Nifty! What can I do for you, my dear?"
"Alastor, what are you doing?" (She'd completely ignore Abyss's initial surprise at her showing up and any protests)
"Why, I'm simply having breakfast. It's rather rude to interrupt people while they're eating. Why don't you go see whether or not that roach nest rebuilt behind the bar, hmm?"
Nifty just giggles, goes "Okay!" and skitters off, not looking back at all at Abyss's plight.
Angel Dust - I can't really think of why Angel would be walking in other than maybe both Charlie and Vaggie are too busy somehow. Maybe Fat Nuggets (his pet pig) is missing and he's worried that Alastor made true to his threats to make Fat Nuggets into bacon (banter between the OG VAs on Huniecast, not actually canon but I'm shoving it in here)
Would walk in and immediately go "What the HELL are you doing?" while walking up to the table.
"I'm simply having a conversation with one of our residents." Alastor would try to be dismissive, but I think Angel would probably be a bit protective because that seems to be his personality a bit in general (as long as you're not dissing his profession or calling him fake. Also, they've given him drugs free of charge) (Abyss shouts "THIS IS NOT HOW CONVERSATIONS GO")
"This seems a helluva lot more than just a CONVERSATION." He'd grab Abyss (Which Alastor lets him like with Vaggie) and use a set of arms to put his hands on his hips, adding "And I'm almost entirely certain that Princess wouldn't be happy that her co-host is eating anyone coming here for redemption!"
"Mmm, fair enough." Alastor would watch him leave because he knows he'll just get another chance to mess with Abyss.
As for whether or not any of the others get the same curiosity to eat or tease Abyss when they're tiny, I'm going to say yes and no.
Charlie would gush everytime she finds them small and would have to be told to settle down since she'd definitely find them adorable and cute (which would feel infantalizing sometimes). Vaggie would think it weird but wouldn't really be bothered by it. Niffty almost stabs them when she sees them in their tiny form first and would probably try to dress them up once or twice with her roach puppets
Angel and Husk probably feel mildly protective since both know what it's like to be wildly vulnerable and out of control of your own situation (Abyss can control their shrinking 90% of the time, but sometimes they end up stuck. Not quite the same situation as being part of a deal, but fear is a universally felt emotion). I don't THINK either one would actually be curious about eating them though
Sir Pentious may be in Hell, but he seems to very much be a ride or die with his 'friends'. Comrades. Whatever you want to call people he cares about. Aside from Alastor, he's the only other one that I could potentially see being a pred, but, like, a protective pred. Quite literally "You have to get through me if you want them". Also has weird manners so it'd either have to be a dangerous situation or he'd ask them if he can eat them (They might let him depending on the situation)
Anyways, I've been working on this for four hours, which is way longer than I meant to and four hours that I didn't work on what I was supposed to, so I'm going to go to bed and hopefully actually be productive after work tomorrow
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