#iwtv fandom racism
saintarmand · 25 days
ppl saying "talking about fandom racism is a cover it's actually all about shipping/stanning/hating the books" are projecting so hard like that's all THEY care about so they can't imagine others having different priorities. ofc it's also a blatant manipulation tactic to distract from the real issue but i do think these people have genuine trouble imagining someone might actually care about racism or other real world issues more than blorbo from my shows or whatever
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It will never cease to frustrate me that I actually went to school and studied these things. I stayed up late into many nights completing analytical essays surrounding these topics. And I know going to school isn't for everyone and not everyone has access to that option. I also know there are other ways to learn about this stuff outside of sitting in the classroom.
But the audacity of people who have no actual interest in doing the work, whether that be in a formal educational setting or on their own, feel so smug throwing terms like "unreliable narrator" around without actually knowing what they mean while insulting people who actually know what they're talking about is maddening. The way they're so proud of being casually racist toward BLACK people who actually know what they're talking about. There is just no better example of how the privilege keeps these people dumb and happy to reward one another for their stupidity.
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pretty-weird-ideas · 3 months
This is so egregious that I can’t let it stand, the large IWTV blog Nalyra-dreaming is liking posts about hating critical race theory and the post she liked states that affirmative action is the only systemically racist system still around while calling fans who are upset that they were called ableist slurs, anti-white and intellectually disabled. When people noticed this last night she attempted to block people who she knew saw the racist posts and remove her likes to hide this. But I saw them several times over, and so did many others.
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Also here's proof that Nalyra actively interacts with this user and on THEIR OWN BLOG and has at least allowed cosmicjoke to stand on the idea that anti-whiteness is real on her own blog.
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I'm pretty sure Nalyra blocked me because I told CosmicJoke to not call people slurs and a reblog of the “antiwhite” meltdown they had with a bad-quality Walter White image. At least proving that she was looking at the post she liked.
No way on black history month did you think we wouldn’t check to see who liked and defended posts with “Affirmative action is the only current form of systemic racism”.
I saw her do this on several occasions over this week and simply asked others to check on people liking racist posts and reblogging my disdain for OP’s usage of slurs and antiblack dog whistles. I never implied that I was talking about her but these posts scared her enough to block me.
This is about the 3rd time I found them secretly liking genuinely racist treatment of fans she dislikes. This is a political stance, affirmative action, the belief in antiwhiteness, and critical race theory are not IWTV topics, this isn’t a whimsical like and scroll, these posts are all political stances that have nearly nothing to do with IWTV outside of what people were being targeted by the slurs in the first place. And the “what people” seem to be black fans that at some point in time she believes deserved to be attacked.
Targeting fans you don’t like doesn’t mean the speech should be endorsed. Anyone with half a pint of morals wouldn't be endorsing an actively hostile person slinging around altright talking points. And I will question why these posts are liked. Call us names all you like, but the second you start using the words of a reactionary racist who calls people disabled… maybe that should give you pause. Yeah?
A large IWTV blog believes in or at least is rubbing shoulders with an antiAffirmative action, slur slinging, reverse racism reactionary so that she can weaponize them against people she disagrees with.
At best Nalyra is okay with commenting, liking, and comforting racists in asks who she wields as weapons against people she disagrees with. At worst, Nalyra genuinely believes in antiwhiteness, antiAffirmative Action, and actively is okay with calling fans she dislikes slurs.
The racism on display here makes me sick. And it’s really telling how this blog feels comfortable patting these people on the back in comment sections.
Say it with your chest, but don’t mislead people who might disagree into following someone who believes this shit.
As respectfully as possible, you make my skin crawl and I’m tired of not stepping to what I really wanted to say. When I make posts about “check who likes what” never in my entire life did I expect to catch an account this large flagrantly using a racist reactionary in such a sad manner.
This is the last straw for me, you can’t keep liking explicitly racist posts and then answering their asks in private and hope fans you strategically discredit and already dislike don’t say anything.
1+1 is 2, liking and a post saying “I will call people I dislike slurs over fictional characters” can only be read so many ways.
I dislike a lot of people, I still wouldn’t defend and like a random fan’s ability to use SLURS and racist tactics on them. I wouldn’t do the same to you as you do to us.
Also some way to hide your attack dog… by having them flash in your own comment section and saying THIS
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Racism is a slur… you guys… and this person is not at all a danger to fandom spaces.
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“stop making iwtv about race!!!”
girl… gonna hold your hand when i say this… but iwtv is about race. explicitly so, actually. and its actually really concerning that u didnt get that bc they are not subtle about it.
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terrifique · 3 months
People are addressing the rampant casual racism in this fandom and here comes these big fools talking about how "they just hate lestat" and "it was about shipping all along"....... please know that no amount of side stepping the point will change the amount of racism in this fandom.
You can try to obfuscate as much as you want but that doesn't change the fact that by alienating black fans and other fans with valid complaints and grievances about how this show is discussed on here, you're allowing space for racists and bigots at large in the fandom. People are justified in calling out such nonsense.
If you're comfortable coming to the rescue of someone who is anti-affirmative action and who thinks reverse racism is valid, be my guest. That's between you and your conscience. But don't make it to be about "fandom wank" when people are being very explicit about what is really up. Just own up to the fact that you see nothing wrong with that and live in your truth.
I have seen the trajectory of some of the prominent accounts on this site, the sort of victim blaming rhetoric they engage with and the language they use to talk about the role race plays in this story. One of them soft launching their rancid political beliefs does not surprise me. What I find truly disturbing is the immediate reflex some of you have to fly to her rescue or outright ignore this.
Is remaining mutuals with this sort of internet "friend" really that important to you? Does being cordial online with bigots make you a better person?
Anyway.... examine that for yourselves.
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ca-suffit · 3 months
This antiblack campaign the fandom just tried to kick up again (to avoid talking about the real issue with Nalyra) reveals how powerless they're starting to truly feel now.
They don't have many users left to vilify so they're putting people on blocklists who are brand new (I was here 3 days lol) or not even really in the fandom. That looks goofy and desperate but then it keeps going. DMing strangers to say "the truth" isn't about racism and "talk to me if you really want to know about anything." Everyone's reblogging those blocklist posts now and adding large commentary suddenly, when before they often fully sat it out. They're doing this in a group to look like they have larger numbers and are "revealing" there's a "big secret bullying problem"....except nobody believes them. Because there's plenty of accounts who are out here saying this shit straight to their faces and they pretend we all don't exist. All of this group has to manufacture drama solely because they just don't want to talk about harmful shit they actually do.
Neil has to make an antiblack statement she made suddenly be about antisemitism towards her, Nalyra's antiblackness is "actually" fans upset about shipping and "what's REALLY coming" in S2, showmey0urfangs is always happy to show up with her dumb screencaps and villain monologue nobody asked for so she can make her everlasting outrage about popular black fics and "feminized" Louis sound deeper than it is, Virginia suddenly cries about IRL issues and wants to leave the fandom because she wants to distract from the Nalyra receipts, Keybearer accused another black fan of trolling people and getting accounts suspended on twitter in 2023 when a Marius fan eventually confessed to it and his eternal shame for that means now every black fan except him is a bully (despite nobody talking about this ever anymore except him), chicalepidopterare mocks a black fan for blocking her "because I thought we were supposed to talk about racism" and then poorly tries to frame any retaliation against her to look like bullying ("see, they're misogynistic, they're bullying my art, they're mean for disliking these ships!").
To quote Claudia here, "You must think me an idiot." And the big cherry on top is also how none of these losers can stand to hear any mention of race....in the fandom of the show that nonstop talks about race. They're using very basic (and meant in a gentle, loving way) teasing of Jacob as proof that black fans are racist against Jacob too, black fans hate Jacob's white wife. People hate Lestat for being white too (what?). They can write crap meta all day about Lestat letting Louis "rape" him and only white victims (Lestat) being real victims to the evil black and brown "true" manipulators (Claudia, Louis, Armand) but gentle teasing from black fans about Jacob's haircut is the real racism. Okay lol. Care to tell us again why you think Delainey's Claudia looks "less innocent" now then? This 3D chess you think you're playing isn't playing how you think for anyone else.
I also notice that afaik there's not a single black American in this group. Idek if there's many Americans of any kind in the group. It's been a lot of shaming to black Americans specifically though, again from the show that's focused on black Americans....by people who aren't black Americans.
"There's people pretending to be black so it's okay to keep hating this whole group." It's not enough you already nonstop shit on black fans as it is, now you have to try to angle it as if none of this could be authentic in the first place. Vile behavior. For what? Tumblr isn't even a platform that pays you for whatever clout you have, so really what is the point here. In a small ass fandom on top of it. Some of you have pretty grown kids too, this is extra sad. It makes all the jumping through hoops to coddle Lestat's behavior make sense though, if you're the same kind of person yourself. Anyway, maybe you don't actually know everything because race exists in the real world beyond how Anne Rice wrote about it in her useless books! You make books written by a racist white woman your whole personality and guess what your outlook on life is going to be.
It's been really pathetic to especially watch any fans of color move more to this extreme bullying side as time has gone on. It will never pay off to promote white fandom ideals. These accounts you're trying to cuddle up to aren't even that big. The fandom outside of the tags actually has much more popular posts, supporters, and fics...although that's also half of what this all is actually about, fic numbers. Again, these are grown adults obsessing over this. We could have a whole different fandom if this group didn't exist and keep wanting to gatekeep everything and be the only people who get praise about anything.
It's no surprise that people who worship Anne Rice have major ego problems themselves. It's been fucked up to deal with but the good thing now is that big egos have big collapses eventually and that's what we're starting to see happening now. People are sick of you and able to see through your basic ass manipulation techniques. People just want to have a fandom, they're not here to worship fans who want to be dictators. Nobody is here for your fragility, losers.
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cyberspacenine · 3 months
Really telling and disgusting to see people react to the racism within the iwtv fandom as "drama" or act like the Black users rightfully calling out how they've been treated is unnecessary or petty. That blocklist is absolutely vile & fellow white people saying that everyone should just block and disengage and uphold "don't like don't read" is being willfully ignorant and missing the point. I do not want to be in a community with people who value their own comfort above creating a better space for everyone. Please just stick to the fucking books if you're going to be like this.
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sleepynegress · 2 months
Your post about Loustat paralleling Ruby and Christina makes so much sense. I haven’t rewatched lovecraft in a while though what specifically would you say makes them relate?
Whew! Where to start. I feel I probably need to play catch up for Ruby/Christina's dynamic on Lovecraft Country because that's probably the one fewer people who follow me are familiar with so... This is Ruby and Christina:
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Ruby is a rock/blues singer in the 1950's Chicago, and like our man Louis, she has done most of the work holding up her family. Also, like Louis, a lot of the challenges she faces are deeply racist, and because of her gender full of misogynoir as well, more than today because of the past setting of the story... Her shade and body type also come into play when compared to what her sister, who is lighter-skinned and thin could get away with in life. Christina is the daughter of the leader of a centuries-old white male-dominated magical cult, in which she is clearly the most talented in wielding magic but she has no say-so and cannot inherit the same privileges because of sexism, something that is *always* intersected with racism which that cult has deeply ingrained traditions in. Despite it all, these two fall in love. The biggest similarities I see in Christina and Lestat are...
both... are not just white but white-white blonde hair blue-eyes.
have a measure of self-loathing because of some trauma devolved from whiteness (Lestat stalked and tortured and piled into a bunch corpsed reflections of himself) and (Christina always considered a "protected" possession beneath white men and not an equal because of her gender)
are powerful supernatural beings, a wizard (I just feel that's the more likely adjective over witch for her) and a vampire
are narcissists
woo and manipulate, seduce, their partners into being with them, by lending their own privilege to give them protection or higher status, via whiteness
both are desperate to connect with their Black partner in ways that are impossible because of innate privilege deferential w/in the times they live and their own psychological shortcomings - Lestat opening the relationship and Christina going through the pain of a "lynching" to try to understand Ruby's day-to-day fear
are ultimately toxic to their partner and all other healthier relationships they have - Ruby's family especially Leti and Louis' family, most importantly Claudia
genuinely love their partner but just don't have the capacity or ability due to past traumas, narcissism, and that huge gulf in empathy for their very different lives.
The biggest similarities between Louis and Ruby are.. that they are broken by racism and the responsibilities of existing and maintaining for others while they are invisible in their plight. Both are uniquely beautifully human, vulnerable beyond what any other people in their lives "see" and that makes them both entrancing and vulnerable to the Lestat and Christina.
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These are both queer interracial dynamics that take a really empathic and honest eye to render well, especially in this day and age. Both of these cultural spaces are riddled with discomfort, judgment, and fear, which mostly lead to dishonest depictions; and self-censoring, but they have subverted that for the most part.
Both I would say have been exceptionally well done and if really looked at critically beyond the chemistry and romance, I do think some interesting wider sociological conclusions/implications could be gathered from them. I think that's in part because of the freedom of the genre space. When it's supernatural or fantastical in some way, often the heavier issues are rendered more honestly. I'd absolutely love to read a dissertation really breaking it down.
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clandestine-j · 1 month
okay, still can't access my interview tumblr so I'mma say it here, due to some things I've seen in the tag.
Lets go!
Now, one post I saw, talked about how fans (mainly Louis fans) wanted to pretend like the show runners and etc, didn't say they would revisit ep 5. And while that might be true, I'm not one of them. I'll be honest on my feelings about it.
If they change it, I think it's a bull-shit cop out and I've be heavily disappointed with interview if they went that route. Why? Because I'm tired of black people and poc being made liars and etc! Oh, it's not about race you say? YES IT IS. IT'S ALWAYS BEEN ABOUT RACE IN THE AMC. THEY MENTION IT, THEY MAKE A POINT TO MENTION.
I have consumed enough media about black people and black men being made lairs. I have consumed enough media of black women being maligned.
That's one half of it. The only half, is the main reason why I stopped reading the book series. I wasn't a Lestat fan. In fact, the Lestat I cared about seeing grow and etc, was dropped in favor of making him this perfect godly man at the expense of dropping Louis.
And that brings me to Lestat fans. I want the drop to be real because I'm sick of Lestat discounting everything that Louis says, by calling him a liar. That is why I did not continue the book series. Because anything bad Lestat does, can be excused with, well, Louis is lying. It's lazy story telling to me. But mainly.
The drop was the only time I saw Lestat fans (and more so speaking of the show) have to accept and talk about what Lestat did. I'll be honest, I didn't need the drop to feel some type of way about Lestat. I felt that every single time, he dismissed what his partner, A BLACK MAN FELT. Lestat violence was clear to me and made me feel a way, when he was completely READY to make his BLACK husband, be his VALET, so he could see an opera.
Do you know how fucked up that is? Do you not understand that I'd would've left the relationship in a heartbeat? Like why would you put your partner through that? Like fucking hell. That's what was hurtful.
And while Lestat will do long discourse about how Claudia or Louis is the issue, there, weren't, long detailed post about how that was fucked of Lestat to do. The causal racism that Lestat is willing to benefit from and be apart of, no deep thoughts on that.
There should've been essay's on essay's on how telling your black partner that you want him to be your fucking valet to a racist opera house to make YOU happy. When Louis expressed his feelings for Lestat and Lestat laughs? Oh, he's so cute and funny. But this is a character people call emotional closed off (Louis), opening himself up and GETTING LAUGHED AT. But then Louis will get picked at by fans for never saying I love you.
He opened himself to asking his partner if he's good enough and he gets laughed at. Everyone will talk about the 'of course' Lestat says when he's lying to himself but not the minute before, when he laughed in his husbands face. And do ya'll know how hard is for a black man to open himself up like that? Only to be laughed at. Or the non-discriminating scene, no long post about how it's been years but Lestat still doesn't CARE to understand the racism and nastiness that Louis is going through. He just doesn't care. And that is violence to me.
So, I always knew that they would revisit ep 5 but I still think it's a bullshit cop out to change it.
I'm the biggest bo bo the fool bc I still ship it. But I don't need to make excuses to do so. I still love the fucking toxic mess but the fans...it's always the fans.
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saintarmand · 3 months
fellow white people, being called racist will not kill you btw. even if you don't understand why you were called that. even if it's accompanied by rude words. just take a deep breath. you will literally be fine. if you wanna avoid being called racist in the future, you might want to look up some ways to start learning more about racism and antiracism and all that, and start thinking before you speak, etc. but even if you're too lazy to do all that, just remember: being called racist will not kill you. so stop acting like it does.
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I think it's so funny that the fandom racists in the IWTV fandom are convinced that Black fans don't believe that Louis and Lestat are likely going to end up together again and that we're going to be SO mad if it happens as if we're not reblogging Loustat content on our own blogs. It just goes to shoe they are not capable of enjoying anything from a critical lens. Nuance is a foreign concept to them.
Like, they've made up this version of us in their heads and are mad about it.
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pretty-weird-ideas · 3 months
Harassment Against Black Blogs Over My Post
After I made my post about racist blogs in the IWTV fandom, unrelated blogs have been intentionally harassed in my stead to continue a harassment campaign against THEM and also keep away from having to do work to harass and discredit me.
As I have said before, come on, hit me. Don't act silly. Hit me. I said nalyra-dreaming is a racist for the fact that she liked and defended a racist post regarding affirmative action and reverse racism. ME. I posted that of my own volition in the comfort of my own home. Deflecting with "Random black blogs that AREN'T this person said this" wake up, I said it.
"Well, the racism allegations are a deflection because this OTHER black blog is conspiring to-"
You're a goofy motherfucker and it doesn't suit you. Take the clown costume off, you've worn it for so long that it's gotten musty.
If you want to hit someone, hit me. It's very obvious that these bloggers are deciding between:
Start digging on a blog that has nothing to dig for
Continue a harassment campaign that's already happened against black blogs with minimal effort or explanation as to why they are getting hit still
You are forgetting that I made these statements, that I have posted about fandom racism, and that I have not gotten involved in any of this. And that was intentional, racists like we are seeing today (white, nonblack, and sufferers of internalized hatred) are now pointing to "ship wars" to deflect from real-life racist political beliefs that have NOTHING to do with fiction. I stay FAR away from that shit on purpose, with the intent that people would have nothing to deflect to when the going gets rough. I follow black fans who are antiracist regardless of their shipping opinions, and regardless of what they think in regards to fandom.
Like I said in the original post, I would never let someone do to them, as they have done to me and other black fans. I would not sit up there and let fans start a real racist political grift so that I can get one-up on black fans I do not like or disagree with. I cut that shit down fast.
So instead of digging on me, to deflect, they would rather find other users and drag them and hope it kicks up enough of a stink that users forget the posts that started it all this week.
160 notes on my post about this subject, 300+ on others, and suspiciously someone comes out with a hitlist of mostly black fans that they already dislike to deflect. It was because it's advantageous to attack blogs that they already didn't like and had beef with.
Did hundreds of people suddenly become unable to research or read things for themselves when they liked and reblogged?
Or are we fully investing in the grift that black anti-racists just puppet around white people using "White guilt" along with the reverse racism song and dance?
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Looking at a lot of Loustat shippers and how they view/talk about Louis, is making me think of the BtVS fandom, the first fandom I joined when I was 16/17.
Anyway, a lot of the Spuffy shippers were out there calling Buffy derogatory names, saying SHE was the actual abusive one in the relationship, writing the most vile essays/fanfiction about her needing to be brought down a peg and admit she was wrong and Spike was right, saying the show was boring without Spike, despite Buffy being the main character, could not talk about Buffy as a character separate from Spike, propping up James's acting skills over Sarah's, made it sound like Spike was a better parent to Dawn than Buffy was (?), saying that the other men she was in romantic relationships with were much more abusive than Spike, excusing Spike for basically all of his actions and woobifying him because of his trauma....
and then you'd have the more critical Spuffy/non-Spuffy shippers (mainly woc) pointing out the blatant misogyny and victim-blaming in this way of thinking, pointing out how Spike represents some of the worst aspects of racism and the patriarchy, both textually and subtextually, even providing scholarly articles and literature to back up their claims, and asking why do you even ship Spuffy if you hate Buffy? Which of course received extreme backlash and harassment from people racing to defend Spike themselves, saying, no of course they didn't hate Buffy, but Spike is more complex than you're making him sound, and no he's not a racist or hates women, he's actually a feminist and a punk/anarchist and doesn't kill based on race, you're just a vile sjw and an anti who loves ruining everyone else's fun.
Anyway. Why do you even ship Loustat if you hate Louis?
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terrifique · 3 months
How are you watching a show with 2 black leads experiencing jim crow era racism at the hands of white characters and you have the guts to be liking posts/publishing anon messages on how reverse racism is real?
Always going on and on about how "certain people" are making the fandom difficult for others meanwhile people are spewing boomer style racist rhetoric on here casually and you're liking it and clapping along?? and if you don't just shut up and play nice about this bullshit you're a bully loool please be fucking serious! Or, better yet, log the fuck off. You look really stupid and weird.
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chalicedefinite · 3 months
Again, I’ve only been in the iwtv fandom for two or three weeks and how quickly the fandom went from, “Louis is a liar and fabricating episode 5 because he’s a bitter ex” to “reverse racism is real” should be studied under a microscope.
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ca-suffit · 6 days
white fandom rly can go on a whole rant about all the ways armand is controlling louis and why they're doomed from the start. everything lestat did was rly armand! we're not going to ever look at lestat until S3 because that's when we'll see "the truth" (once it's being told by the white man himself, not these yucky black and brown characters who all LIE!!!!!). all this other stuff isn't real because the white man could never do any of this. btw this isn't racism, it's what's in the books! I'm not racist, ur the one who sees everything in black and white!!
ok keep telling urselves that but the rest of us aren't stupid lol.
u can literally talk about this in a way that's not racist too btw. u just have to stop pretending all evils of the story rest in the black and brown characters. we know there's lying involved here but ur telling on urself when the only person excused from criticism and who can possibly tell "the truth" is the fucking abusive white guy.
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