hackernewsrobot · 2 years
LibreWolf: A privacy-focused Firefox fork
https://ubunlog.com/en/freewolf/ Comments
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lycanastrophe · 5 years
(For full effect, please listen to this song while reading this post.)
Wolf sat on a stool in front of a white background. “Hi there, kids. My name’s Wolf O’Donnell, and I’m here to talk to you about a serious issue: Bullying.”
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“As some of you might know already, a certain underwear-wearing monkey’s been trying to tear me down. Whether it’s denying me my favorite cookies, constantly insulting my job, bragging about beating me up, refusing to play against my loyal fanbase, being rude to my girl Akane, yeeting me into space when I offered him some refreshing respect women juice, saying I can’t possibly make friends... and what did I do to DK? Easy, I existed. Heck, I don’t even think Fox McCloud hates me that much, and he’s the one fighting me all the time.”
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“Look, King Kong. I’ve been holding the high ground just by ignoring your crap, but I’ve got feelings too. You think I don’t have a heart? Words have power, monkey. At least I can admit I’m a bad person when I’m called one. Calling K. Rool fat doesn’t make you thinner, calling me a dumb lout doesn’t make you smarter or sophisticated. It just makes you look like a bully, and that’s not the ape I thought I knew.”
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“Together, America Lylat World of Trophies multiverse, we can stand against bullying. If you’re getting what I’m saying, post #FreeWolf on your blog or whatever you kids do to make things go viral these days. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go eat a hot pocket and play with the kids.”
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hablahernan · 4 years
Descubrí este increíble mouse gaming, inalambrico, no lleva pilas, recargable USB, diseño simétrico para diestros y zurdos, 2400 dpi, rgb con efecto respiración. Alcanza 10 metros. BUSCALO EN @sateliteinformatica33 . . #mouseinalámbrico #mousegamer #mousegaming #raton #mouse #gaming #inalambrico #gadget #gadgetgaming #gamer #gaminggadgets #setup #hardware #gaminghardware #freewolf #x8 #setupgamer #setupinspiration #setupgaming (en Treinta y Tres) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHYvuPahdz2/?igshid=a6x4x5irrsj6
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thewolfisdead98 · 4 years
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(DM with ref sheet) Greetings all, I'm doing some more free digital headshots. Please take a look at my gallery for art examples. I feel like there's just not enough love being spread around in the world or enough freedom. You gotta pay for everything because... life. Money is nice, but it's not everything. My paid commissions will still all be taken care of before I work on anything new, and paid art will be taken care of more urgently if you decide to order a commission yourself. The free pieces will just be a nice little pass time for when I might need one. Please only request one, of one character, and do not rush me. These are just for fun, but will be completed in my usual style. If you requested a free headshot last time, whether you received one or not, you can request one again this time. I might not get to everyone, but I will try to. I am most confident in my canine/feline skills, you can drop other species below though! You are more than welcome to draw for me or tip me (USD or dA points) in return. PLEASE fill out this, or you run the risk of having your DM ignored!! Clear Digital Reference Sheet: Additions/Extras/Etc: (Collar, food, etc) Background Color: (One flat color) (Optional): Send me some songs to listen to/inspire me! c; Again, commissions will always be taken care of first. I am currently doing Pay What You Want Full Body commissions. . . . #free #freefurryart #freeych #freeart #freelove #freeartrequests #requestsopen #artrequestsopen #artrequests #arttrade #arttradesopen #freeheadshot #freefurry #freewolf #freewolfart #freeoc #freeocart #commissionsopen #commission #raffle #contest #thewolfisdead #wolfartwork #emodog #emodoggo #digitalart #feral #furryartist #furrydrawing #referencesheet https://www.instagram.com/p/B88MNklpnWm/?igshid=1vepwwwwenq1x
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rayshippouuchiha · 3 years
Does anyone from the league (*cough*Dabi*cough*) try to steer Shigaraki away from Izuku? I checked their ages and while 5 years is not that big of a gap, it is a problem when one of them is 15 and the other is a villain.
I feel like it’s a mess of Izuku being thotty for fun and confusion purposes, Shigaraki keeps getting flustered, Dabi’s somehow become a voice of reason and he doesn’t care for that shit at all, and Shigaraki keeps fucking up and accidentally say all kinds of suggestive shit in response to Izuku’s flirt-fight style.
Dabi: *points at Izuku* That’s a trap
Shigaraki: Don’t worry, I’m not gonna fall for some fan service NPC’s tricks.  I’m just gonna pound him right into the ground and then make him come apart!
Dabi: WHAT?! NO! That’s the opposite of what you should do!!
Shigaraki: wait? what?
Izuku: ~oh mister handy man~ you’re being so ... forward.
Shigaraki: ....I have apparently made a number of dialogue mistakes and I’d like to reload a save please.
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its-drama-dot-kom · 5 years
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The Empire ‼️‼️‼️‼️ 💨🦍 #FREESNIPES #FREEWOLF #FREETHEKOUNT #DRAMADOTKOM #INMYOWNWORLD https://www.instagram.com/p/B2sMDZSBFwL/?igshid=fctvs48qsfbl
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jayphoenic · 2 years
Potter Family Opera Headcanons
by @goggles-mcgee
Exes | Mcgonagall | Love Triangle | Cheated On | Exchanging Letters | Sirius Black | Invested | Confrontation | Hooked | 4th Year | Tom's Diary | The Tragedy | Existential Crisis | Spreading Rumors | Bewitched | “Save Snape from Becoming the Dark Lord's Babe” Club | Courting | Older Brother | Past Actions | Obsession | The Jilted Lover | Durmstrang Kids | Badger Lions Club | Suitors
None of these have any titles
Snape next time in Potions, of course, makes a comment about James to Harry when walking by.
Harry who gasps as he thinks he has figured it all out: "Oh my goodness! Why didn't you tell me you and my dad dated? I mean if you told me you were exes I never would have pushed for you to tell me about him!"
Remember some chapters are longer than others (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧
@happiestbookworm @catssfforever @bluedropz @amaranthine-pluviophile @black-squirrl @krazy-kattzz @bluefrost-freewolf @thepatoot @arissafespace @secretlawyercolorscissors @lilbunnys-things @miyla-lokidottir @emistar0 @yourfavoriteslytherclaw @somnuseternus @anastasian-dreamer @heckinggremlin @dragonofelder @alicenorwood @animebookworm16 @thraeelddim @darth-vader5555 @nillajinx @rantxiety @pookiedragonfire
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tg-headcanons · 3 years
You about Ishida Sui's ghoul biology:
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(Submitted by @bluefrost-freewolf )
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milaham · 4 years
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Thank you so much for asking @bluefrost-freewolf and @ikathemadhatter! Actually, I like this ship and I think they're look really good together but when I think about the relationships it's getting pretty difficult... I can think only about two variants - absurdly adorable or abusive one. And I can't tell which one I like more.
And I think Light never gonna mistake Beyond for L. Because he knows him too well.
Mainly, I like to see them as the two sick persons who shared they're madness with each other not trying to hide it. And talking about romantic relationships they're really unhealthy and crazy. You know, those one's who all lovey-dovey one minute but then they're just want to kill each other? Right, there it is. But they're really want to kill each other and they can do that, and they're tried but they're still stick together driving each other even crazier.
But this is just what my ill mind want to see :З Yay, let's beat each other faces to blood and the kiss.
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whiskeygin23 · 5 years
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Stray ... by FREEWOLF
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buffcatshowtime · 5 years
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femmescripter · 6 years
In Regards to PantherSpider
Hey there folks! I hope that everyone is doing well today. In light of the recent, and so far very good in my opinion, debut of Avengers Assemble season five aka Black Panther’s Quest it felt appropriate to make this announcement for you all. Especially considering that folks have been favoring my posts related to PantherSpider as of late and I’m sure they want to know what I have up my sleeve besides my arm. Sooooo, allow me to announce what I have planned~!
To start, I did manage to see Avengers: Infinity Wars back in July. I had to go to a theater two hours away as it was the last place showing the picture. But it was worth it. Even saw the post credit scenes towards the end! And yes, I also managed to see Ant-Man and the Wasp. Saw the post credit scenes for them as well. With that said I can now confirm two major questions. Yes this does change my future plans for Monster!PantherSpider due to the fact that it is set within the Marvel Cinematic Universe, or MCU for short. So until I see Avengers Infinity Wars Pt. 2, Black Panther 2 and Spider-Man: Far From Home any and all Monster!PantherSpider related works are on hiatus.
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Hold it, hold it! Before anyone panics, let me clarity something. While the Monster!PantherSpider series is on hiatus that does not mean that the PantherSpider pairing itself is on hiatus. Far from it in fact. This actually gives me a chance to really stretch myself with the pairing and explore it in new forms of Marvel media with different character adaptions. That said we now come to the main point of this announcement. I’m going to make new PantherSpider works centered around the Marvel Animated Universe, mainly based on Avengers Assemble and Ultimate Spider-Man serials, as well the recent PS4 videogame Marvel’s Spider-Man. So you guys will not only see new works involving T’Challa/Peter Parker but you’ll get it through different shows. And honestly? I think this is all for the good. It not only provides me with the challenge of writing characters in different versions of media but it also provides me with more room to work with some ideas I have that I otherwise couldn’t feature in the MCU. Plus both the Ultimate Spider-Man series is completed as of January of last year and the Marvel’s Spider-Man game came out, so it’s safe to say that everyone knows how both of those web slinging related pieces went. As for Black Panther’s Quest though it’s only begun and will surly give lots of surprises that could make or break any fanfics I write. Never the less I’m up for the challenge. But in the meantime I’ll take it slowly. With that in mind I have begun by working on a PantherSpider multiple chapter story for the MAU as well as a predominantly narrative one-shot for Marvel’s Spider-Man. The one-shot will be posted on a fanfiction viewing website near your computer so be sure to look forward to that. I can’t give an exact date but it’s happening. And there will be some surprise or two in the story. So don’t worry folks - I have not given up on PantherSpider! I just had to reevaluate things after seeing those two MCU films and decide how to go about it. Oh, and I should also inform you guys that for the future MAU PantherSpider story I will take inspirations of certain character variations from the MCU. Aside from that however the story will not in any shape or form be related to or connected with any events from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Just to give you a heads up of what to expect! And yes, I do still plan to write for the new GoldenWeaver pairing, which is Erik/N’Jadaka and Peter Parker, I mentioned months ago. However the fanfic for said pairing will take much longer to work on. But as I said before - it’s happening! That’s all I got to share folks. I hope that you liked this announcement and that it laid any concerns you had to rest. Enjoy your days/evenings. Until next time, toodles~
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@sumi-ink-ninja @onimi18 @bbb35 @polarspaz @lucy-dont-give-a-fuck @bluefrost-freewolf
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hablahernan · 4 years
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#mouse #gaming #freewolf excelente Muy recomendado, probado por mi!!! En Uruguay solo lo encuentran en @sateliteinformatica33. Sigan su cuenta!!! . . #mouseinalámbrico #mousegamer #mousegaming #raton (en Treinta y Tres) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHMNeBJB8Sh/?igshid=6os6dats9o8m
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pcmasterracemex · 3 years
Periféricos Calidad/ Precio🤑
1.- Mouse Gamer Alambrico Game Factor MOG501 - $429mxm
El  MOG501 Core ofrece lo esencial para los que buscan un ratón RGB sólido y cómodo con cable. El sensor óptico Pixart 3327 proporciona a los un seguimiento preciso y fluido sin aceleración por hardware.
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2.- Vorago Cámara Web GameFactor WG400- $504mxm
La webcam WG400 de Game Factor no solo es ideal para streamers, también se puede utilizar para realizar video llamadas, reuniones virtuales, home schooling ó para grabar videos para tus redes sociales.
La WG400 tiene una resolución Full HD de 1080p a 30 fps, por lo que tus contactos te podrán ver con gran calidad y detalle.
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3.- Alfombrilla para raton RGB Freewolf- $299 mxm
14 estilos luces RGB: Alfombrilla de ratón LED para juegos tiene un efecto de retroiluminación RGB, hay 14 modos de iluminación. Puedes apagar la luz si lo deseas, también puedes utilizar el modo arcoíris que coincida con cualquier teclado y ratón mecánico con retroiluminación LED.
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rayshippouuchiha · 3 years
The reason most of LoV are knocking on the police's door is because Izuku is a minor and most of that have at least a decade over him.
They may be villains but they're not villains and would rather be not seen in such a light.
Dabi: Look, I’m a murderer.  I will, if given the chance, continue to be a murderer.  But that kid? That’s literal jailbait.  I could and would murder him though, don’t get that twisted.  
LoV Dabi’s age and up: amen
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deetvar-moved · 6 years
🔥 Smash.
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