#fox x neo
calxiyn · 9 months
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‘Forgotten’ by @chantaldraw
An Amnesia AU for Dessert Oasis Week 2023! However, in this case it’s everyone else who forgets.
After RWBY Volume 9, Neo returns to Remnant with a newfound purpose, remembering that Roman told her she could be “anything she wanted, even a Huntress.” before they ran away together. She trains at Shade Academy after beating Headmaster Theodore in a fight to prove that she was strong enough to stay (though, he may have let her win). Neo eventually falls in with Team CFVY and ends up being romantically involved with Fox, becoming team CFVYN (Caffeine). At some point, Velvet is a candidate for receiving the Summer Maiden powers. Neo, wanting to protect Team CFVY, knowing the only way to rival Cinder is to have those powers and that Cinder will surely kill Velvet, convinces Theodore to pick her instead.
The Relic of Destruction in this AU works on Equivalent Exchange - to use it, you must offer something of equal value to what you want to destroy. Since Neo is a maiden, she is considered ‘equal’ to Cinder, and can use the relic to destroy her. But as a result, Cinder and Neo are both wiped from existence, the only person who remembers her being Fox since he was present when the relic was used. As a result, he grieves alone, and no one knows what Neo did for all of them.
I hope everyone continues to enjoy Dessert Oasis Week!
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...I have to admit I'm curious about your rwby smut, given my love of the ice cream wife.
Well, aren't you in luck! My AO3 profile is right here! But if you're looking for Neo smut, all I have is:
An Oasis which is Fox x Neo
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damianselfships · 9 months
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angstxietyy · 11 months
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Reblogs >>>> Likes
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fierykitten2 · 5 months
Here’s an idea: Falcon owning a Greavard, Samus owning a Maschiff and Fox owning a Fidough. Alternatively, because of how obsessed I am with the Proto Beasts and Neo Swords, Walking Wake and Iron Leaves taking care of a Fidough, Gouging Fire and Iron Boulder taking care of a Maschiff and Raging Bolt and Iron Crown taking care of a Greavard. Or, even better, we combine both ideas somehow
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utdr-stimming · 2 months
how about a stimboard with the giga spamton neo sprite ? :D so the theme would be all purpley
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Giga Spamton Neo stim board!!!
x x x
x :) x
x x x
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1sjust-lilsilly · 3 months
[Ft. Spamton & Jevil]
Basically, I wanted to make fanart of these two and for the Keeping Neo Au bc ITS HECKING GOOD!!!! So like, if you like Spamton with just a little bit of spice then go check out the fanfic!
The best part is that it's completed and there's a PART TWO!! Also I love Spamton x Jevil friendship :D
Deltarune, Jevil, and Spamton G. SPAMTON belong to TOBY FOX
Keeping NEO AU [System Rebooting: Please Stand By…] belongs to @manofthepipis
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[Disclaimer] Do NOT steal my art! Please and Thank You :)
Fanfic —> [System Rebooting: Please stand by.] by manofthepipis
Part Two —> [[Data Recovering]]
(In case you can't read it)
Spamton & Jevil sitting together (Middle): “Going through a Mental Crisis” “Just happy to be here :)”
Jevil comforting Spamton (Top left Corner):
“Not the best at comforting people” “Still tries” “Spamton will remember that”
Jevil protecting Spamton vs Spamton protecting Jevil (Top Right Corner)• “Red bow Spam gave Jevil” “DevilsKnifei”
Jevil & Spamton NEO (Bottom right corner):“Happy to see each other”
Jevil threatening the Pink Addison (Bottom Left)“The Chaos Duo”
i love them so much XD and also their dynamic is so underrated and deserves more attention
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howi99 · 6 months
I had an idea of changing the ships name when Jaune is the Rusted knight. (Most of them are referencing alice in Wonderland or fantasy story)
RK x Weiss: White queen
RK x Ruby: paint them red
RK x Blake: Cheshire's cat
RK x Yang: Pendragon
RK x Pyrrha (Or Tarnished Spartan): until death do us apart
RK x Neo: Mad hatter
RK x Nora: Reforged Knight
RK x Willow: Either Broken dream or shining light through the snowstorm.
RK x Ren: Journey to the west
RK x Qrow: A dusty old knight
RK x Winter: The princess and the pauper
RK x Salem (before Grimmification or not evil): Fairy tales do come true
RK x Salem: Second chance
RK x Cinder: Ashen knight or Protector of the flame
RK x Raven: The raven and the fox
RK x Summer: Fallen heroes
RK x Alyx: Fallen between world
RK x Penny: Forgiveness
Now the pollyship I thought of:
RK x Weiss x Winter: Siberian soldier
RK x Pyrrha x Penny: I'm sorry
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Some Assorted SequenceShift Fun Facts
I don't have art of this AU just yet and I don't have a specific topic I wanna focus on, so I decided to list some random facts in the AU. Some a bit more important than others.
There is no Barrier in this AU. Rather, instead the Monster Kingdom is a very strictly isolationistic underground country that humans are generally aware of, but absolutely not allowed in. This is due to humans in SequenceShift being a bit weaker and their war with the Monsters being considerably bloodier (well, dustier for the Monsters) on both sides. The current situation is the result of a very rough stalemate following a human occupation of the Underground, though things have died down a tad bit in more modern times.
The order of humans that fell into the Underground is Integrity -> Kindness -> Bravery -> Perseverance -> Patience -> Determination -> Justice
Clover in SequenceShift uses He/They pronouns.
Starlo and Martlet are both trans (Starlo is a Transman and Martlet is a Transwoman).
The current canonical pairings are Starlo x Dalv, Ceroba x Dina, and Moray x Martlet. I'm not against different pairings, though, as long as they aren't overly problematic. Also yeah, Ceroba and Chujin are divorced.
Kanako's 'Flowey' equivalent has been retooled quite a bit. Instead of being a flower again, Kanako is instead a pale fox-like amalgam known as Kit, who can transform into objects at will (referencing shapeshifting kitsune in Japanese folklore).
The Wild East was ravaged by the an unknown gunman sometime in the past. Almost half the town's population was killed and stirred up a lot of anti-human sentiment in the Underground. Currently, the Wild East is mainly a Ghost Town that only really acts as Ranger HQ.
Dina is well known as something of a folk hero along Frostpeak. She's greeted fondly by most of the residents, passes out candy to the kids, and is pretty good friends with Sans and Papyrus.
People say that the Honor Guard and Royal Rangers have a rivalry, but it's an Urban Legend. They generally get along pretty well with one another and the biggest point of conflict is Undyne and Starlo arguing over Anime vs. Westerns. It happens quite a bit.
Axis has both an EX and a NEO form. His EX-form was designed to better protect himself if he ever gets damaged enough. The NEO form basically turns him into a giant war mech, and designed at a time where the Kingdom was considering building robots to fill in the ranks of soldiers. Ceroba was VERY hesitant to approve of this upgrade for Axis and insisted it only be used in the worst case scenarios.
And that's what I got so far. Really loving how this AU is turning out so far.
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names-for-alters · 4 months
Hello one and all, alters and headmates! I am Charlie! I like to make lists! I also hoard names! Are you looking for a name? GREAT! You can send an ask and request a specific aesthetic or origin of name, or you can look at my list!
With that said…
…Cracks knuckles…
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Findo Tach Tails Flicker Tracer Kat Iris Blu Brick Arlo Sammy Artie Finn Stein Aleksandr Vora Olive Luna Nyx Cyrus Qrow Orian Cello Onyx Skye Grim Opal Dawn Azure Fish Bones Poppy Bronze Eggs Sparky Specs Snickers Trout Navi Bingo Chili Bandit Stripe Busker Socks Brandy Frisky Winston Lucky Chucky Bently Judo Rusty Max Honey Indie Calypso Striker Merle Moxxie Vex Ant Bugger Bee Spider Tails Hook Indigo Amber Coco Coral Scarlet Ivory Jade Ruby Emerald Chuck Loden Copper Hamelin Neo Shepard Cinnamon Visor Macalister Soul Hack Hiccup Flynn Rider Astrid Jay Raven Robyn Bolt Dagger Viper Tracer Cornwall Flock Sapphire Crystal Ghost Mochi Trick Catra Rose Raven Flip Chani Racket Red Crimson Dragon Runt Scotch Tellie Gator Croc Crow Goat Duck Creeper Kuma Jet Jeep Draco Poppy Sombra Raine Squish Spike Blaze Ender Drake Sandy MK PJ DJ CJ MJ King Creak Shadow Clay Dusty Miles Dart Willow Antonius Husk Moth Cypher Jin Yin Yang Daisy Gray / Grey Alistair Halo Angel Cake Fennec Fox Null Lull Bastion Lucky Sun Star Cosmo Tweety Vox Nerys Sonic Bark Birch Oak Cherry Blossom Peaches Velvet Shell Coffee Valley Fang Moot Redpath Pudding X V Jr Ether Fig Trunk Joy Frogger Snowflake Snowball Snow Jumper Racket Flare Vendetta Loonie Coin Six Eleven Tropica Stelina Mojave Ink Sud Fender Zero Pollen Wysteria Page Ozias Rex Tortch Buck Nickel Stripe Lynch Tramp Wolf Pup Tank Jhariah Kharma Zenith Sparrow Prism Lemon Mune Lamb Pyke Diamond Parker Graves Fizz Nugget Melody Tink Blight Fangless Ambress Vulture Eclipse Luka Bangle Constance Constantine Sommar Babble Clank Bobble Chipper Aidan Slate Tin Twire Zephyr Silver Misty Faunus Atlas Birdie Brook Cedar Chip Coal Daisy Ember Faye Fate Fern Flint Harmony Helios Ivy Junx Kit Lyria Phoebe Piper Lady Beacon Elos Rumble Ida Cross Zed Scootie Smidge Clauger Happy Sonny Hath Soldier River Song Clawtor Videl Legen Onen Chunk Reid Pop Cobra Cash Clover Saris Volante Donna Belladonna Gale Chopper Morphias Vidia Loft Kape Levi Licker Howl Dustin Newt Creek Breezy Polaris Blight Archer Sirius Warren Dream Goon Cookie Ranger Amity Jericho Viggo Besko Asra Alice Olaf Mossfeld Issic Missy Rascal Creasy Nonya Hex Pita Miguel Manuel Rayburn Daisy Dash Lucky Becky Steele Cylo Featherstone Kingston Netherfield Reacher Saltburn Quick Rubble Dust Brimstone Humble Ado Grover Norvanos Leshy Blade Cooper Calcium
Pierre Rosemary
Kikos Wathel
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fbisgayesttrio · 23 days
share your x files trans headcanons pls?
Yesssssss I could talk about Walter, Dana, and Fox being trans for hours🥰 not 15k like you wanted but I wrote a lot more than I thought I was going to😂🩵
Warning: this is a lot of me just me projecting my own trans experiences onto them so don’t expect accurate characterization
Fox: He just screams trans man and I know there are tons of other headcanons about him being trans out there. I feel like Fox realized he was trans when he was a teenager and transitioned, while he was away in England, for school. It’s definitely not something his parents accepted so he took the chance of being away from them, for four years, to start transitioning. By the time he came home, he had been on HRT and even had top surgery (let’s just pretend trans healthcare is a lot more accessible in their world). I think when he got home his family just ignored it, they never brought it up so he didn’t either. Ignoring things seems to be his family's way of dealing with everything. Considering the time period, I don’t think Fox is completely open about it at work, but it’s not something he tries to hide either. Fox isn’t someone who cares much about what others think of him so he still swims in the FBI pool, in nothing but his red speedo, because he loves being able to show off his body now🥰 Fox is also very comfortable with his femininity, he loves wearing dresses and skirts and definitely does drag once in a while. I kinda like Fox using multiple pronouns too, he uses he/him at work, but the people closest to him use they/them pronouns and neo pronouns for him.
Fox actually gets two scenarios, but this second one makes zero sense so just bear with me😂 I’ve always thought about what if Fox was born as Samantha and transitioned to being Fox. Like I said this one makes zero sense so idk how this would fit into losing his sister. Maybe he did get abducted and something the aliens did to him made him separate himself from Samantha, from himself, in his mind idk.
Dana: I haven’t thought about trans Dana as much as the boys, mostly because I’m a trans man, not a trans woman, but I do still have some headcanons about her. Dana was raised Catholic and I know from experience how hard it is to realize you're trans when you grow up in a really religious environment (this is where I get to project a bit😂), so I think it’s something she had a hard time coming to terms with. I think Dana realized she was trans in medical school. Maybe it was something they talked about, in one of her classes, and she just couldn’t stop thinking about it after, kept researching about and reading the stories of trans people, just trying to figure out why she related to it so much. She finally starts realizing why she always felt so different from her brothers, growing up, and why she never fit in with all the boys at school. I think she starts out small, maybe just buying herself a dress to see how it feels or trying on some makeup at home, but once she realizes how right it feels and decides that’s who she really is, she goes all in. Coming out to her parents doesn’t go great though, they don’t understand and it takes years for them to start properly gendering her and using her new name, if they ever do. But she doesn’t let their opinions stop her from being herself. I think she’s a lot more private about being trans than Fox is, only the people closest to her know.
Walter: I can see Walter as either a trans man or a trans woman, but I think for both it’s a similar scenario of how he realizes it. As much as I love out and proud Walter who has always known he was trans I feel like that’s not the most likely scenario. I think he didn’t realize he was trans until much later in life. I think it’s after he meets Fox and Dana, maybe even not until the three of them start a relationship. After listening to them talk about their experiences being trans he realizes how much he relates to them.
For trans woman Walter I’m gonna go with the name Wendy🥰 I think she’s always felt more feminine, but she tried so hard to hide it. Constantly worked out to make herself as masculine as possible, joined the Marines and then the FBI because they were “manly” jobs. I think she did realize she liked men while she was in Vietnam, but even then she tried to justify it as the stress of war and the drugs she was taking. She probably managed to push it all down and not think about it until she started seeing Dana and Fox and then all those feelings came rushing back and for the first time in her life she finally understood them. I think she’d be really scared though still and it would take her a long time to even tell Fox and Dana. She might even try pulling away from them, scared that they will find out. Somehow convinces herself that they wouldn’t want her anymore, it’s fine for them to be trans, but not her. The two of them would give her space for a bit, but eventually demand to know what’s going on. After that they would be extremely supportive, encouraging her to explore her gender. I think Wendy would eventually come out at work, but it would take a long time. She would worry about how it was going to affect her career. At first, it would just be at home, with Dana and Fox, until she’s completely comfortable as her new self. Just imagine Dana and Fox buying her her first dress and her nervously modelling it for them🥺🥰
For trans man Walter, I think he had always considered himself to be a tomboy. He did as many sports as he could in school, loved weight lifting and even though he couldn’t join the Marines he still got into the FBI. After he comes out Fox gets his old binders out of storage and gives them to Walter. As much as I think Walter would look gorgeous with top surgery scars I can’t stop thinking about how good he would look in only a binder. Or Dana and Fox helping him tape his chest for the first time (that shits so tricky to use). I’ve also thought a lot about Walter starting to go bald after he starts testosterone and how self-conscious he would feel about it. Every version of Walter is the king of self-doubt to me, he’s never understood why Dana and Fox are into him, in the first place, and that would just make his self-doubt about their relationship even worse. They would defeinityl show him just how much they like him bald tho🫠
Some bonus ot3: imagine all three of them helping each other take their hormone injections. Honestly, Dana would probably insist she gives both the boys their testosterone injections. Or if any of them had surgeries, the other two would take such good care of them, while they reecover. 
Alex: He's actually one of my only faves that I don't see as trans (he's definitely queer tho), but now you've got me thinking about how good he would look with top surgery scars. It’s probably just that fact that we don't know anything about his backstory and very little information about him as a person, that I just don't know how to fit it into his characterization.  
Hopefully at least some of this makes sense🥰
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calxiyn · 1 year
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POV: 11-year-old Trivia Vanille is going to beat you, beat you to death 😂🤣
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almost-correct-quotes · 5 months
(completely stealing this idea from redacted audio to fit my blorbos)
reverie audios power swap au
wolf!neo x fox!darling. he's still kind of a sub though just call him puppy and you're golden
SEER!CYRIL. it would be fuckin' awful for him, based on what he's said about seers
essence-eater!law <3
?!axel x incubus!sunshine. he's still a slut though but just for fun instead
demon!bunny x two normal guys who fucked around and found out a little too hard and ended up in the inferno dominion somehow. they just decided to keep 'em
telepath!jacob would be so fuckin' ominous
etc etc
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starlitmark · 1 year
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Summary: The universe has a funny way of working; maybe you should let it do what it plans. Pairing: ragdoll kitty!Taeyong x fem!reader x dutch rabbit!Doyoung Tropes: hybrid au, high school au, uni au Genre: fluff, angst Rating: PG Warnings: hybrids, mentions of prejudice, language, anxiety, breakups Part 1 Word Count: 6,409 Note: thank you to @kthpurplesyou @raibebe and @daesukiii​ for beta/ proofreading this!!!
Part 2
Neo Hybridverse Masterlist || Dotae Masterlist
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High School: Spring of Freshman Year
You love this little fair your friend dragged you to. It was in the town neighboring yours, but you can’t be bothered by that. You enjoy the rides and snacking on fair foods (mainly funnel cake). Her mom dropped you off here and told you to call her when you were ready to return to your friend’s home. You were doing your best to keep your slightly younger friend distracted. Throughout the entire night, she had been getting dirty looks, and you knew why: being a fox hybrid, she always got glares from people. It didn’t matter that she was genuinely one of the sweetest people you knew. They immediately assumed that she was shifty because of the pointed ears on her head.
“Hey, what about this?” she enthuses, dragging you in another direction.
“Slow down,” you laugh lightly, “we can stay as late as my curfew.”
She’s far too excited about whatever she sees. Suddenly though, she stops dead in her tracks. The abrupt stop makes you nearly knock her to the ground. Her tail gently bats against your shin; she’s focusing on something. You see a boy around your age when you look where she’s looking. He’s some sort of cat hybrid; his ears are a pale grey, and his tail matches the shade, with the underside white.
You nudge her, hoping to regain her attention. You gently run a finger along her silver ear when nudging her doesn’t work, making it twitch reflexively. She pins her ears down to her hair, showing you her annoyance.
“Why are you staring at that boy? You like him?” you tease.
She makes a gagging noise, “No! That’s my cousin!”
“He’s a… cat hybrid?”
She huffs at you, “Our grandma is a kitty, but grandpa is a fox. His mom is a kitty, and my mom is a fox. Did you not pay attention to your biology class?”
“I haven’t gotten to the genetics unit of the course yet…”
She doesn’t respond and instead drags you toward the kitty hybrid. Your younger friend seems to be fixated on getting to him. She holds onto your hand tightly and weaves through the crowd. Once you’re close enough, she starts tiptoeing to sneak up on him. Not that she really needed to be quiet. It was a loud public setting, after all. She looks back at you with a sly grin before taking a deep breath and barking. The kitty boy jumps a mile high due to the shock, adding a hiss in for good measure.
“What the hell?” he whines, “That was completely unnecessary.”
“No, it wasn’t!” she laughs, “I scared you. It was fun!”
“Whatever, what are you doing here anyway? I’m surprised your mom let you come out here. Ya know, with being a baby still.” he teases.
“I am not a baby!” the fox whines
“You’re still in middle school.” he deadpans.
She ushers you to stand beside her, “I’m not alone! I have my friend with me.”
You finally get a good look at the boy in front of you. He’s gorgeous. He’s not extremely tall, though; that can change still, and he has eyes that suck you in and hold you hostage. He has a smile resting on his lips. It’s pretty. You’ve had a few crushes before, but none of them made your heart beat the way it is when you look at him. You can’t say a single word when you make eye contact with him. Your mouth opens and closes several times, but no words come out.
“Oh! This is my cousin, Taeyong.” she explains, “He’s a year older than you.”
“Do you go to the high school here?” You shake your head, “No, I live a town over. She just dragged me here for the fair.”
“Well, if you ever want someone to hang out with that isn’t her, you know me now.” He pats his sides briefly before pulling a pen out of his pocket.  
“Can I have your hand for a second?” you give him your hand. He writes a phone number on it—the feeling of the pen tickling against the heel of your palm as he writes. “That’s my number. I can’t guarantee that I’ll be able to answer all the time. My mom is rather… insistent on phone time limits… but I’ll answer whenever I can.”
He offers you a sweet smile, then rubs his hand against his younger cousin’s hair. She makes an odd noise and pushes his hand away. She quickly moves to fix her hair and the fur of her ears. He chuckles at her, smiling like she’s his younger sister rather than a cousin.
“I’ll see you for dinner tomorrow, dummy,” he affectionately teases.
“You won’t,” she calls after him, “She’s staying over tonight.”
“So I’ll just see both of you!” he calls back, not turning around still.
Taeyong disappears into the crowd, his bushy grey tail swishing as he walks, and you’re left with your younger fox friend. She looks at you to gauge your thoughts. You’re not sure where your thoughts are at the moment. You look down at your palm where his number is written. The blue ink seems to jump out.
“You like him, don’t you?”
“What?! I just met him. What are you talking about?”
“You like him,” she sing-songs, “I should have you text my mom to pick me up, and you can stay here and find Taeyong again. He’s probably hanging around that bunny boy he’s friends with.”
“Do not.” you whine, “Let’s just go back to yours… I wanna charge my phone.”
When you return to your friend’s house, she’s half asleep. She hardly processes what’s happening as she does her nightly routine. You chuckle at her behavior and follow suit, plugging your phone in for good measure. You’re not nearly as exhausted as her, but you don’t know where her sudden exhaustion came from. She flops down on her bed and almost instantly is asleep. Her mom had set up a mattress on the floor beside her bed for you to sleep on.
You lay down on the makeshift bed for a while, not doing anything for a moment. Then your mind starts wandering to what happened earlier in the afternoon. Taeyong seemed to be rather intriguing, not just in physical appearance. Yes, he’s drop-dead gorgeous, but something about his aura also makes you insanely curious about the kitty hybrid. Shifting your weight, you look over at your charging phone. It’s within reach, and you haven’t yet added his number to your phone. Now’s good a time as ever, you suppose. Shimmying your way up the mattress, you reach out for your phone. You’re nearly blinded by the brightness, having adjusted to the room’s darkness. You type the number on your palm into your phone and get a giddy, butterfly feeling when it is saved. Your fox friend was teasing you when she claimed that you like him, but maybe an itty bitty crush is developing. It probably won’t go anywhere, though, he goes to a different school, and you probably won’t see him more than once a month, if that.
You at 10:45pm || Hey! Just letting you know this is y/n :)
Taeyong at 10:46 pm || Hi :D what are you doing awake still?
You at 10:46 pm || Your lovely cousin fell asleep already and I’m just not tired
Taeyong at 10:48pm || So I’m a second choice 😞 || I see how it is 😞
You giggle slightly at his message and quickly quiet yourself when your friend shifts on her bed. You know her hearing is sensitive, but you can never be sure how sensitive it is, especially when sleeping. Sometimes it’s extremely sensitive, and she sleeps like the dead other times. When you’re sure she’s still asleep, you look back at your screen to see another message from Taeyong.
Taeyong at 10:51 pm || I can’t sleep either. Wanna maybe call? We don’t have to if you’re uncomfortable or if my cousin decided to be a light sleeper tonight.
You at 10:52 || I’d really like that actually 😊
It only takes a few more moments before your phone vibrates with an incoming call. You let it ring a few times, feeling how your heartbeat slightly picks up in pace. Finally, you press the accept button and stay quiet. You’re not sure what you’re meant to say.
“I thought you weren’t going to answer for a minute,” you hear Taeyong chuckle.
“I wouldn’t do that,” you respond, “I said I wanted to chat after all.
There’s a short moment of silence. It’s not immensely awkward, but it’s not extremely comfortable. You hear him sigh, and you hum in response. When he doesn’t respond, you speak up louder.
“What’s on your mind?” you question.
“Taeyong,” you respond, “we’ve only known each other for a few hours, but I know something’s off.”
He chuckles. “You and Doyoung would get along. He always knows when something’s wrong.”
There’s another short pause between you. Neither of you says a thing, but you hear something akin to a trill. You chuckle lightly as you reposition to be lying on your side.
“What’s Doyoung like? I think I should at least have an idea considering I’m meeting him tomorrow.”
“You hardly know me, and you’re already trying to get to my best friend,” he teases.
“It’s not like-”
“I know, I know,” he replies, “Doyoung… is a pain in my ass,” he laughs, “Seriously though, he’s an amazing friend. I don’t know what I’d do without him. He’s saved me more than a few times.”
“He seems like a good friend to you,” you say, yawning afterward.
“You already getting tired?” Taeyong teases again.
“A little. I still wanna talk, though.”
“We can keep talking. Fall asleep when you want to,” he offers.
You chat for a few more minutes before your eyelids get heavy. You’re not sure when you stopped responding to Taeyong or when you entirely fell asleep, but you felt happy and comfortable. It just seemed right to talk with him as if you’ve known each other forever.
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“You bitch!” you wake up to your friend yelling in your ear, “You told me you didn’t have a crush on Taeyong!”
“H-huh?” you grumble, half asleep, “What are you talking about?”
“Explain this!” she enthuses, holding your phone up.
You were still on a call with the older kitty hybrid, clocking in at just over 10 hours. You don’t have anything you can say to your silver fox friend. That’s when you hear a noise similar to a purr mixed with a meow. Your younger friend smirks, and you give her a look to beg her not to do anything.
“Good morning, dearest cousin!” she chirps, “Did you sleep well?”
“What the fuck?” he groans.
You huff before snatching your phone from her hand. She makes a bark-like noise and flops down on her bed.
“Good morning, Taeyong,” you sigh, “Sorry I forgot to hang up last night.”
“No, no,” his voice is still laced with sleep, “I fell asleep not long after you. I should’ve hung up before I fell asleep.”
“O-okay, I’ll see you tonight at dinner, right?”
“Yeah, see you tonight.”
You hang up the call and see your younger friend already giving you a knowing look. You roll your eyes at her and flop back on your makeshift bed. You know she wants an explanation, and you simply don’t have one.
You go about your day without addressing the elephant in the room. You enjoy your time with her as you always do. Then dinner rolls around. You’re expecting Taeyong to treat you just like he does his cousin. When he walks through the door with his parents and another boy, you’re confused at first before you notice the greyish-brown rabbit ears on his head. They stand out against his dark hair, but you find it rather cute. You deduce that the other boy must be Doyoung, the rabbit friend Taeyong mentioned to you last night.
Another surprise follows the initial one of meeting Doyoung. Taeyong walks right up to you and stops meer steps from you.
“Can I give you a hug?” he asks.
“Y-yeah, you can,” you offer a shy smile.
Taeyong wraps his arms around you, and when you wrap your arms around him as well, you can hear a soft purr escape his throat. His tail swishes out of happiness, lightly hitting your calf occasionally. When he pulls away, you see a big, bright smile resting on his lips. You immediately feel a smile taking over your lips as well.
“Since when do you have a girlfriend?” you hear someone call.
“Shut up, Doyoung. It’s not like that.”
“You sure? I can smell you, you know.”
Taeyong fully releases you and drags his younger friend into another room. He likely assumes you’re out of earshot, but you’re not. Instead, you hear Taeyong scold his friend and tell him not to say anything about it. He had recently presented, you found out, and he still can’t fully control it at times.
The dinner is relatively uneventful. Between Taeyong’s mom and your friend’s mom bickering as any sister duo would - which is actually rather amusing to you, you and Taeyong share small glances throughout the meal. In turn, Doyoung gives his friend playfully disgusted looks whenever he does so, and your fox hybrid friend continually nudges you to give you a look that you choose not to decipher for the sake of your friendship. After you finish your dinner, you start to clean up your place. Taeyong isn’t far behind you. He hip-checks you lightly and offers you another shy smile.
“You wanna sit outside for a little bit? It’s really nice out, and the lightning bugs are beautiful at this time of night.” Taeyong asked, a little unsure.
“I’d love that,” you smile softly.
Your friend and Doyoung somehow disappeared into thin air when you turned around to see if they would be joining you. Something tells you they’re just watching some show in the living room with the adults, but you don’t bother trying to find them. You find yourself sitting on the back porch with Taeyong in silence for a few moments. It’s, again, a comfortable silence.
“You feel it too, right?” he asks.
When you look over at him, you can’t help but feel the air get stolen from your lungs. Even now, he looks gorgeous in just a plain hoodie and some jeans. The outdoor lighting strung across the porch beams make him look indescribable. He’s the most stunning and comforting person in the world.
“Feel what?” you ask, sliding closer to him on the couch on the porch.
“I don’t know,” he says, “Something between us just seems right.”
“Right meaning?”
“You wanna try dating?” he asks candidly.
“Trying to make sure I don’t get stolen away by your best friend?” you tease, nudging him before placing your head on his shoulder, “I like the idea of that.”
He laces your fingers together, “You still on spring break tomorrow?”
“Yeah, I am.”
“How about a date then?”
“Who’s gonna drive me to our date?”
“I just started driving, so I can pick you up!”
You sit there for a few moments. It’s all so peaceful; the gentle sound of crickets and cicadas chirping are the only noises you hear. You didn’t think you’d get a boyfriend from the sleepover with your friend, but here you are.
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Spring: Junior Year of High School
“Hey, baby! You still coming over today?” you ask over the phone.
“Yeah, I am,” Taeyong muses, “Jae asked me to drive him and his classmate to his house on the way.”
“Oh?” you ask, “Is it that Basenji he swears he hates?”
“Nosy, nosy,” your boyfriend teases.
“What?” you chuckle, “You know that boy is in love with her.”
“I know, I know,” he laughs back, “It is her, though. I can’t wait to see how it plays out.”
You’re lounging around your house waiting for Taeyong and, by proxy, Doyoung to get here. You’ve been texting back and forth with Doyoung. He’s always been your source of drama since you started dating his best friend. He told you how he swears that Jaehyun will start dating this girl by the end of the year, he even tried to make a bet, but you declined the offer.
You hear a knock at your front door, followed by your mother greeting the two guests. When you come downstairs, you already see the kitty and bunny hybrid standing in the entryway with your mom, sharing a few polite words. Upon noticing you, Taeyong drops his bag on the coat closet bench and slips past your mom and Doyoung to wrap you up in a hug and kiss the crown of your head.
“Sweetheart, I’m heading out for that board meeting. I’ll be back later, okay?” your mother hums.
“Okay, Mom, we’ll be okay here.”
“I know you will,” she smiles at you, and is out the door.
You and the two hybrid boys sit on the rug in your room. There’s a perfectly good small couch and a bed you can sit on, but somehow you all silently agree that the area rug was the most comfortable. You and Doyoung work on your homework for a shared class while Taeyong lets out different annoyed sounds across from you.
“You okay, kitty?”
“Yeah, I’m okay,” he sighs.
“You don’t sound okay,” Doyoung points out, putting his pencil down.
“I’m checking my application statuses to universities,” he admits, “There’s only like two that haven’t responded yet, the two I most want to go to. It’s stressful.”
Your heart drops a little bit, hearing what he’s doing. He’s often said he wants to go abroad for his degree. It’s a significant worry in your mind. You scoot toward him, abandoning the history notebook. You place your head against his shoulder, looking at his laptop screen.
“That’s really far away,” you note.
“Which one?” Doyoung asks, looking at his textbook still.
“University of Southern California,” Taeyong responds, “It’s an excellent school for journalism.”
“That- that is really far. So you’re really set on going abroad for university, huh?” Doyoung reiterates with worry in his tone.
Taeyong looks away from his laptop to his friend, then drops his gaze down to you. He can read you both like books. He knows you’re both worried about him. To ease your worries, he leans the top of his laptop down, not entirely shutting it, kisses your head, and gives Doyoung a sympathetic look. Taeyong lets his tail rest against your leg, something he’s been doing that helps comfort you.
“I won’t be gone forever,” he reassures, “It’ll just be four years. If I even get accepted, that is.”
“Four years,” you sigh, “What does that mean for…”
You can’t finish your sentence, a weird heaviness settling in your chest, making it unable to speak anymore. Taeyong wraps an arm around your shoulder, pulling you against him until you can feel his kitty ear pressed against your head. Doyoung just sighs and shifts in his spot. None of you speak. The weight of the unknown future is suddenly on you, and you don’t know how to take it.
“We’ll cross that bridge when we get there. Plus, we don’t know if I’ll get into USC.”
“Yeah, I guess that’s true. I don’t want to be a reason you didn’t go, though.” “You wouldn’t be-” he suddenly stops, his nostrils flaring. “Do you have any roses or rose-scented things in the house?” “No… why?”
“What?” “We need to get you home. Now.”
You’ve never heard Taeyong speak to Doyoung in that tone before. Doyoung just honks at him, and for a moment, it seems that Taeyong is about to back down. But, instead, your boyfriend opens his laptop fully again and saves where he left off before grabbing his things and practically dragging Doyoung out of your room. You’re confused, but both hybrids seem to know what’s happening.
“You can be mad at me all you want, but you can’t be here right now,” Taeyong argues.
“I will not be taking orders from some strawberry-scented omega,” Doyoung bites.
Taeyong nearly gives in again but holds his ground.
“He’s presenting,” your boyfriend explains, “and he’s definitely an alpha. I need to get him back to his house before he triggers my heat.”
“What about-”
“I know, my love, we’ll discuss it later. I seriously need to get him home, though. I love you.”
“I love you too,” you smile softly, “Call me when you get home, okay?” “Okay,” he smiles.
He shoves Doyoung out the door while carrying all of their things. You watch as they drive away. Taeyong probably isn’t obeying the speed limit, but desperate times call for desperate measures.
A pit settles in your stomach; even though you know it’ll all work out in the end, it’s scary. You knew walking into this relationship that Taeyong would graduate, go to uni, and do most milestone things before you. But now, with reality catching up to you, it’s terrifying. You’ve already applied to the universities you want to attend. You and Doyoung did it together since you want to go into the same field of study. But hearing how determined your boyfriend of two years was, saying he wants to go abroad for university, makes you feel uneasy. You have older friends who warned you about the curse of relationships slipping through the cracks when university years roll around. Your relationship with Taeyong was stable even in just two years of dating, but the worry still exists in your mind.
Back in your room, you did your work without Doyoung’s (very needed) help. With nothing more to occupy your mind, you’re just pacing around your home with your mind wandering any place it so chooses. It floats everywhere. From what your younger fox friend has been up to. She got into a prodigious high school for music and has been thriving. Jaehyun has grown a lot in the time that you’ve known him. You first met when Taeyong and Doyoung introduced you to him. It was utterly accidental too. They had to pick Jaehyun up from a practice game because his parents were away, and he forgot to arrange a ride home. When you first met, he was barely taller than you. Now, he is quite a bit taller than you. You didn’t think someone could grow so much physically in a year and a half, but Jaehyun seemed to prove you wrong.
Then from there, your mind wanders off to your best friend. Taeyong told you that you would click well the first night you talked with Doyoung; he had been right about that. When you first got the chance to get to know him properly, you became two peas in a pod. Sometimes, that bond would be at Taeyong’s expense. You two tended to gang up on him. Doyoung quickly became your second shoulder to lean on, just the right amount of support and giving you the harsh truth when needed. Taeyong, of course, is your central support system, and you appreciate him for that. When he can’t be, though, Doyoung is the first person you go to. Sometimes, you think that if you hadn’t started dating Taeyong, you would’ve probably dated Doyoung. You don’t dwell on that thought much since you were utterly in love with Taeyong, and you don’t tell either of the boys either.
That’s when your mind lands on your boyfriend again. You didn’t know you could love someone so much until you met him. It seems naïve coming from a seventeen-year-old, but it makes sense to you. You’ve watched classmates cycle through partners as if it’s nothing. That’s something you couldn’t imagine doing, though. The relationship you have with Taeyong is something indescribable. That’s why the prospects of the future scare you so much. Nothing’s set in stone, though.  No matter how strong this bond might be with the potential of being across the world from him. You have hope but also know the reality of the situation. He’ll be studying almost all the time, and there will be a sixteen-hour difference with you ahead of him.
Your mind starts going down the dangerous black hole of ‘what ifs’ about the situation, which ruins your mood. Curling up on the couch, playing with the corner of a throw pillow, you let your mind run. You’ll likely be the only one home for a while. Your mom typically stays at the board meetings for her company pretty late to help extra and clean up. Dad is on another business trip, so he won’t return home.
Suddenly, there’s a knock at your front door. Your eyebrows furrow in confusion, and you look through the peephole in the door to see who it is. It’s Taeyong, a very excited one at that. His tail is flicking back and forth, his already sparkly eyes are sparkling even more, and his fluffy grey ears jut in different directions, constantly listening to everything around him.
You unlock the door and let him in. Before you can even get any words of greeting out, you’re wrapped up in a tight hug. Chuckling lightly, you hug Taeyong back and scratch the base of his kitty ear. He releases a purr and squeezes you impossibly tighter. Then, you process the sound of paper crinkling slightly. Finally, you pull back in his hold slightly.
“What’s that?” you ask with a wide smile.
“I was so excited that I didn’t get to let you know I got home. I opened it and immediately drove over here to tell you! Here, you read it!”
He releases you from the hug and hands you the paper. You unfold the letter, and it’s an official-looking one, and it’s in English. You’re doing well in your English class, but you can only pick out some parts of the letter due to its formality. Despite the struggle, you see the words ‘congratulations’ and ‘accepted’ at the beginning of the letter. Your heart pounds out of your chest when your eyes dart to the upper left corner, and you see the university’s emblem that you saw on the website Taeyong was looking at earlier, and you realize what it is. It’s an acceptance letter from the University of Southern California.
“I did it!” he practically bounces in his place, “I got in!”
“I- I’m so happy for you, kitty,” you smile, still processing it all, “Have you decided to go there, or are you still thinking about Kyunhee University too?”
“I wanted to go to USC the most out of all the places I applied to. I’m pretty set on going there. Why? Is everything okay?”
His eyes soften, and his ears and tail still show how attentive he is to your unsure state. You fold the letter shut like how you have received it. Then, handing it back to him, you nod.
“I’m excited for you. I really am. I’m scared, too, though, honestly. You’ll be so far away, and I’ve heard so many horrible outcomes for long distance from my classmates about breakups during university and-”
“Hey, listen to me,” he requests softly, gently cupping your face, “We still have another two and a half months before I need to move over there. So we’ll talk all the logistics out until then. Deal?”
You nod, “Deal.”
“I love you so much. I always will, even if-” he sighs, “Even if we need to take a break while I’m getting my degree. I’ll always come back to you.”
“I don’t want to do that,” you respond, pulling him into a hug.
He hugs you back and sighs again, “I know, baby. But if that’s healthiest for both of us, we need to think that way. As shitty as that sounds.”
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High School: Summer before Senior Year
It’s mid-July when you find yourself in Taeyong’s home, helping him finish packing. You’re not as affectionate with him today, and you know he notices it. Usually, you’re attached to his hip, but today you’re on the opposite side of his room, packing an entirely different box for him. You seal the box with packing tape and pick it up to carry outside. Just as you’re about to leave the room, you feel Taeyong place a hand on your hip. His touch makes you freeze but don’t turn around to look at him. You don’t have to look at him to know he’s giving you a concerned look. He lets out a sigh before speaking.
“I know this is hard on you,” he admits, “It’s hard on me too. Please don’t take this out on me.”
You jerk out of his hold, “I’m not taking anything out on anyone.”
“Sweetheart,” he sighs, “I don’t want to argue with you right before I leave for university.”
“So don’t,” you state bluntly.
Not giving him a chance to argue, you start walking out of his family home and toward his car to put the box in it. Taeyong isn’t far behind you. You place the box in the trunk and turn to see him with his ears droopy and his tail not swishing happily like it typically is. Instead, he’s giving you a concerned look. It’s the same look he gave you when he first told you about his acceptance letter to USC. You know it’s selfish to want to keep him here in Korea with you, but you want that more than anything. It feels like he’s leaving you here while he’s off to have fun in a foreign country. He claims he’ll return after getting his degree, but four years is a long time to be away from your boyfriend, even with visits during his summer breaks. He puts his box down beside the one you carried in the car. Not ready to face him when your emotions are in such turmoil, you look away from him and try to skirt around him to retrieve another box.
“Look at me,” he requests, holding onto your shoulder gently.
“What do you need, Taeyong? We need to finish packing your car. You leave in the morning.”
“You’re mad at me. I know you are,” he admits, “What can I do to fix whatever’s wrong?”
“It’s not worth it, Taeyong. Let me get another box. You won’t be packed at this rate.”
Again you try to walk away, but he stops you again. This time, he grips your arm tighter than he had just held your shoulder. Finally, you hear him sniffle quietly, and that’s when you feel your heart drop. Not many times during your relationship have you seen Taeyong cry due to being upset.
“This isn’t a per- permanent thing. You know that right?” he tries to hold tears back.
“Taeyong,” you sigh, trying not to cry, “How will we survive this? I’ll be going off to uni next year. Between time difference and both of us in uni-”
You meet his eyes again and burst into tears. Taeyong pulls you to his chest and strokes your hair as you sob. Neither of you says anything for a few minutes. You know he’s crying, too, due to the uneven breathing beneath you. He has his cheek pressed against your head now, holding onto you as if he’ll never get to hold you again. Something isn’t right between you; unfortunately, you think you know what will come.
“C-can you look at me?” he requests quietly.
You pull your head away from his chest and look at his glassy, slightly red eyes. His ears are now pressed against his hair. They would’ve blended into his white hair if the fur of his ears didn’t have the grey bits to it. You’re trying so hard not to burst into tears again, seeing how worried he is despite being just as upset as you are.
“I-” you interrupt yourself with a sniffle, “I know what you’re thinking.”
“What am I thinking, my love?” he asks, worry laced through his tone.
“It’ll be better for us in the long run to take a break.”
“Is that what you feel?” he asks.
He lets go of you entirely and takes a step back. Suddenly the tiny space between you feels a mile wide. You wrap your arms around yourself tightly and look down at the ground, trying to compose yourself. Instead, you find yourself picking at the sides of your fingers to somehow calm yourself. It doesn’t work well.
“Taeyong,” you sigh, “you’re thinking it too. If it’s hard just packing, how will we deal with a sixteen-hour time difference?”
“If that-” he looks away, trying to hold his tears, “If that’s what you want. We’ll take a break.”
“Is that it? We’re just going to drop everything here?” you can’t help but let hurt invade your voice.
“We aren’t dropping anything,” he frowns, “We’re just- we’re putting things on pause until I get home.”
You meet his eyes again and give him a tight-lipped smile. You don’t know what you expected. You told him a break was what needed to happen. Maybe you wanted him to fight for your relationship more, to try to hold on a little tighter. That wasn’t happening, though. You nod at him. An awkward tension fills the space between you.
“I- I guess I’ll be off then,” you sigh.
“Y/n,” he reaches out and squeezes your hand, “I’m not leaving you behind. I’m gonna come back for you, okay?”
“Okay, I’ll- I’ll just let you finish packing up. Keep in touch, okay?”
He nods, and with that, you walk to your car and start on your way home. Only now, you’re a single woman. You think for a while as you drive. Your mind wanders all over the place, and before you realize it, you’re not even going to your home anymore. You had subconsciously started making your way to Doyoung’s home. After weighing your options, you decided to just stay on this route and visit your best friend. There’s no point in bothering him with a call. More likely than not, he’s prepping for your last year of high school.
You pull up to his house and see his older brother about to get in his car. You know Gongmyun enough, but you need more of a relationship to stop and talk, so you opt just to wave at him and continue on your way to the door. His mom is already opening the door before you can climb the porch steps. The brightly smiling bunny hybrid pulls you into a warm hug. It’s nothing new for her to hug you, but she’s never embraced you so tightly.
“I know you needed that,” she comments when she pulls out of the hug, “You don’t need to tell me what’s wrong. I’m sure Doyoung is about to get an earful of that,” she smiles at you.
“Thanks,” you sigh, fighting against the tears welling up again. “I’ll probably stick around for dinner, too, if that’s okay. My parents are working night shifts again, and being home doesn’t feel-”
She smiles softly and squeezes your shoulder, “Enough of that. You’re always welcome here. Now, go rant, scream, cry, whatever you need. He’s up in his room.”
She jerks her head towards the stairs and gives you one last comforting smile. You pass by the wall of family pictures they have on the stairwell. Seeing how much love and comfort resides in these walls is always heartwarming. The only other place you feel more comfortable is Taeyong’s home. Well, it was, at least.
As suspected, Doyoung is hunched over his desk, looking at an essay he needs to write for the advanced literature class he opted to take. His ear twitches towards you, and he looks at your dejected facial expression. Then, without a word, he stands up and wraps his arms around you in a hug. You practically melt into his hold. You didn’t even realize you needed a hug from him until it was already happening. Sobs start to fall from your lips as tears soak his shirt. Still, he hasn’t said a word. Standing there, he lets you cry on him as long as you need. You’re unsure how much time passes, but you eventually feel your sobs slow until they simmer to a sniffle. When you pull back, you notice a rather large wet spot on his shirt from where you had been crying on him.
You wipe your eyes, “Sorry about that.” Your voice comes out rather meek.
He shakes his head at you, “I’ll just change it. What happened that you came crying to me instead of Yongie?”
“Oh… um…”
“Do I need to go beat his ass?” Doyoung asks with a sharper tone.
You shake your head and sit on his bed while he goes to his closet to find another shirt. You’re accustomed to him and Taeyong shamelessly changing their clothes (the upper half) in front of you. Nothing could make you uncomfortable at this point in your friendship. Doyoung’s large beige ears are upright. His head turned so he could listen to whatever you needed to tell him. When you remain quiet, he turns to you with a clean shirt on and gives you a puzzled yet concerned look. Then, he sits beside you and fixates his eyes on you.
“Y/n, tell me what’s going on,” he says softly, “Something’s off right now.”
“We broke up,” you respond in a shaky voice.
“When? If you don’t mind me asking.”
“You would’ve heard it from one of us eventually,” you sigh, “Just now, I drove straight here after it all.”
He doesn’t press any further. He hugs you again. You end up sitting on his bed, semi-cuddling while talking about anything that comes to your mind. You know he’s distracting you from everything, but you don’t plan to stop him soon, either. Even after a delicious dinner, his mom makes for the family (plus you), you end up staying longer and hanging out with him. It’s nice to know that even though breaking up with his best friend earlier in the day, you still have Doyoung to rely on through it all.
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COPYRIGHT STARLITMARK 2023© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED — reposting/modifying any fic or piece of original writing posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations are not permitted.
Networks: @kwritersworld @k-vanity
Tag List: @raibebe @jaehunnyy @umbralhelwolf
62 notes · View notes
fierykitten2 · 3 months
Trying to draw some characters and Pokémon. It’s not going too well
I wasn’t trying to draw half of them by memory, it’s just I thought I could remember enough details I wouldn’t have to look for a reference image
I think I overexaggerated the size of the wings on Falcon’s helmet. At the very least, it looks like I overexaggerated them because of the lack of detailing
Samus gives off shoujo teenage tsundere girl vibes. I see her as being in her thirties
Haven’t worked on Fox’s eyes or facial accessories yet and I’m not emotionally prepared
Mewtwo looks like someone just told it that it can’t have the chocolate it was looking forward to eating at that particular point in time
What happened to Lucario’s mouth?
Front-facing Walking Wake. I haven’t even finished the crystal yet. And also I haven’t started Fire or Bolt yet either
I literally just drew front-facing Iron Leaves and yet somehow I don’t seem to know what I’m doing here. And I haven’t started Boulder or Crown either
There’s just something off about Robert and idk what it is
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utdr-stimming · 4 months
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Spamton Neo stim board!!!
x x x
x :) x
x x x
108 notes · View notes