#for early 90’s alt rock
My son (9) just asked me
If I know The Pixies (band)
As he put on “This Monkey’s Gone To Heaven.”
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totalshockwaves · 2 months
thursday releasing their first new song in 13 years the same day I get into an argument with my mom about going back on antidepressants; emo truly is back baby!
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ghxstlike · 8 months
i love loving you
leon kennedy x reader content/warnings: petnames (baby), leon being awkward, leon antics, awkward flirting, teasing, cigarette mention, leon’s music taste, anxiety mention, nightmare mention. authors note: i am down bad for this man. he is rotting my brain and i am very okay with it. these are personal headcanons :)
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leon's smile always starts out as a smirk. it's very cute.
always has a hand on you. around your shoulders, holding your hand, lightly gripping your thigh. he wants other people to know that you're taken- you're his.
he is a slightly possessive and jealous man. if someone is flirting with you, his eyes are narrowed at the person who is way too close to you, and his leg is bouncing with anxiety.
sooner or later, he saunters over to the two of you and wraps an arm around your shoulders.
"hey, baby," he whispers in your ear, but it was loud enough for the person in front of you to hear. you shiver, slightly leaning into leon's embrace.
when you first met leon, you were immediately attracted to him. so, of course, you started to flirt with him.
though, he isn't dumb. he knew you were flirting with him (he was flirting back, after all). he teased you for it, obviously.
"are you flirting with me?" he says with a smirk. leon leaned down to get closer to your face, tilting his head.
people say that leon is a flirting machine and is good with women. no he is not.
i mean, yes, he does flirt a lot, but he is not good with women at all.
you found it very charming and cute when he asked you out. a huge smile was plastered on your face, staring at the nervous man in front of you.
“i- hm, i was just- fuck. i was wondering if you, i dunno,” he clears his throat. his face is slightly pink, but he thinks that his face is a deep red by how hot his body feels. “do you want to go get dinner with me sometime?” he manages to get out. he sighs out of relief- he did it. he feels a drop of sweat roll down his temple onto his cheek, shoving his clammy hands into his jean pockets.
of course, you said yes. i mean, who wouldn’t?
y’all aren’t gonna like this, but he definitely smokes cigarettes.
i mean c’mon, he was born in 1977. though, he didn’t willingly start smoking. his friends in high-school peer pressured him.
he tried to stop smoking before his first day at rpd, but it failed miserably. he felt antsy and he was more on edge- angry. he hated that he got easily frustrated with people. he’ll try again someday.
he smells like cigarette smoke and leather. occasionally he smells like coconut & patchouli (his cologne).
always has a stress toy with him. i like to think he wears a fidget ring on his middle finger or thumb. playing with a stress ball or twirling a pen makes him more focused and calm.
bites the inside of his cheek when he’s deep in thought. he doesn’t even notice that he’s doing it, it just happens.
his music taste is decent!
he doesn’t listen to the radio, thinks 2010 music is trash and it’s annoying.
it’s mostly a combination between 90s alt & grunge and early 2000’s rock. his favorite band is radiohead.
always gives eye contact. never looks away when you're talking, especially when you're talking about your long day at work or something you're passionate about.
as we all may know, he's bad at communicating his feelings. you can tell he's getting better with it, but it's still a challenge for him.
he never talks about raccoon city. you only found out about this from overhearing a conversation he had with claire. you brought it up one time, but he fell silent and never looked up at you. ever since then, you never talked about it with him.
mans suffers with frequent nightmares, so obviously he never sleeps. when he's with you though, he doesn't have any nightmares. so, he stays up until you're ready for bed.
when you're out late, he's waiting for you in bed.
leon loves to get his hair played with. he loves the feeling of your nails lightly scratching his scalp.
if you take meds, he always reminds you to take them. he also watches you take them, just in case.
leon always wants the best for you. he just loves you, so so much.
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pluralcultureis · 4 days
plural culture is 50+ different playlists because one alter likes this band but other alter does not like this band, and then having one playlist thats 40 hours long. because someone said it would be funny to go "ahah add everyones playlist to one bigger playlist"
three hosts. one listens to nu metal/alt metal/post apocalyptic rock/punk rock/old rock. second hosts listens to bands like rabbit junk, celldweller, blue stahli. third EXCLUSIVELY listens to a band from the 90's-early 2000's called Oleander.
we have so many cowboys who will only listen to country music, one alter will only listen to 2010 pop, one only listens to rap, one will only listen to an artist called exangel,,,, help us
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cyber-corp · 4 months
By the time I'm posting this, it will be January 26th, commonly known as Australia Day where I'm from. A country known for its sweeping plains, unique fauna and the PM fucking off during a nationwide crisis.
I think, despite all Australia's long-standing issues, there are some things about it worth celebrating the culture. Specifically, the music!
Here are some of (what I think) to be some of the most quintessential Australian albums to listen to:
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Midnight Oil - Diesel and Dust (1987): Quite possibly the most Aussie album from quite possibly the most Aussie band. The biggest song off of this album, Beds are Burning, is about Aboriginal Australians being forcibly removed from their land, and the lead singer Peter Garrett is really outspoken about justice towards Australia's native peoples, even being in Parliament at one point. Listen if you want to hear what Rage Against the Machine would be like if they were a new wave band and regularly consumed Oak chocolate milk.
INXS - Kick (1987): If the UK had new wave, Australia had pub rock. Artists defined by their songs being so infectious you can remember while you're smashed on seven bottles of Tooheys Extra Dry (kidding. it's called pub rock because that's where they'd play their sets. in pubs). INXS is quite possibly the pub rock band, the genuine article, and this album is a nice gateway into their music; Punchy, upbeat, and memorable riffs for days. (Songs like Need You Tonight and New Sensation for a good idea). Listen if you like Duran Duran or The Cars.
Kylie Minogue - Fever (2001): GOD, how do I introduce Kylie. This country's shining grace. The superstar in our backyard. Our very own Princess of Pop. This album just extrudes that gleam and optimism that'd you find in a lot of Y2K dance-pop music, and I absolutely love it. Listen if you like Discovery-era Daft Punk or Grace Jones.
The Avalanches - Since I Left You (2000): My personal favourite off this list. It might not be the most "Aussie", but I think it makes up for it in its ethereal tone and sampling techniques. One song might just be made up of just one sample, while another might be made up of 50, (Frontier Psychiatrist was originally made up of 28 samples), but it's all tied together by this collective lofi sound. Listen if you like DJ Shadow, Portishead, or The Chemical Brothers.
Regurgitator - Unit (1997): There was this period in the 90's where Australian alt-rock went fucking berzerk, and Regurgitator was one of those bands. Everyday Formula opens with "Everyday I shit into the sea" and ! (Song Formerly Known As) is about not going out to parties and staying at home. Listen if you'd like Gary Numan mixed with the subject matter of early Weezer.
Spiderbait - Grand Slam (1999): Spiderbait was another one of the alt-rock outlets that got really popular despite being really vocal about the hypocrisy of the industry at large. This album contains a wide variety of influences, like 60's bubblegum on Glockenpop (song about the needless commodification of music. their most popular song and highest-earning single of that year. lol), pop punk on Dinner Time and hard rock on Shazam! A pretty good all-rounder made brilliant by vocalist Kram. Listen if you like Green Day or No Doubt.
Empire of the Sun - Walking on a Dream (2008): I put this one on because the cover is really funny, but then I listened to the album and I got a sense of bittersweet nostalgia listening to it. A mix of disco, dance-rock and funk (We Are The People is a good example) make for something that made me wish I was 7 again. Listen if you like Prince or Let's Dance-era Bowie.
TISM - Machiavelli and the Four Seasons (1995): TISM (short for This Is Serious Mum) are a fucking disgrace to this country. They are such a bunch of yobbo cunts that I can't believe they managed to get anywhere past 90 on the charts. Wankers like them deserve to be dragged out on stage and beat to a pulp viciously, to the ravenous delight of the crowd. Don't listen to this album and don't listen to Greg! The Stop Sign!! Listen if you're a masochist, maybe.
AC/DC - Let There Be Rock (1977): Ah yes, good ol Acca. The ultimate dad band. You could put any of their albums on this list because they all sound the exact same, but I put this one on because I prefer Bon Scott's vocals. The title track feels like it goes forever, but in a way where you wish it didn't end. Some nice fashioned high voltage rock'n'roll. Listen if you like Black Sabbath.
There are way more that I could have put on here (Gurrumul, Frenzal Rhomb, Powderfinger, Silverchair, The Presets, The Chats, Men At Work, Tame Impala etc.) but I think you could probably discover them in your own time. In the meantime, here is the very culmination of Australian music. Nearly 50 years has led up to this being made.
Fuckin skitz cunt.
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themanwhomadeamonster · 7 months
can you imagine how insane warframe 1999's ost will be with the sound team emulating late 90's/early noughties era alt rock and horror vgost's sound my GOD
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atticollateral · 1 month
my music taste is so unbelievably skewed that I put on Aurelio Voltaire, and then I got '70s music, '50s music, '80s music, '90s music and now I'm getting fucking Will Wood. where the fuck am I right now?!
The only thing that could make my morning any worse is fucking classical. or 20s music.
when I ask for a vibe I want to stay on that vibe I feel like I'm being thrown around.
it's not even all the same genre like I've gotten goth, punk rock, alt indie, alt folk rock, whatever the fuck ABBA is on cuz I got fucking ABBA, I got Queen... I got music I don't even know but I know it's old cuz it's music my parents sing and my parents are kind of old (60's/70's kids)
sigh. oh and don't forget the random musicals that come on! how could I forget that.
biggest sigh known to man... it's too early for this... but I have an appointment at 8-ish AM and need to leave around 6-6:30 AM...
And that's on ADHD
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lowsodiumscifi · 1 year
Call of Duty headcanons - 141's favorite metal bands/metal genres
This headcanon was personal for me, so I didn't rush this one.
This is pure fluff!
Includes Phillip Graves
Comment what headcanons you guys wanna see, because I'm running out of ideas fast lol. It can be anything, any pairing, any headcanon, any character. You ask, I'll do it.
Enjoy my self indulging headcanons about heavy metal.
John "Soap" MacTavish - Hair/thrash metal
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If you ever asked Soap what his favorite kind of rock music was, he would say "party rock by lmfao" He's an airhead, be patient with him lol
In all seriousness, hair/thrash metal is more his style.
If you couldn't tell by the way Soap takes care of his mohawk, homeboy loves the crazy hairstyles. Goes feral over it.
Soap wears tight jeans that extenuate his thighs all the time on missions, so he loves to just dress in the tightest of pants and pretend to be in an 80s music video.
Leather, animal print, spandex, even studded or spiky chaps. You name it, Soap will do it.
Will definitely put on some sensual 80s metal song during sex. Kingdom comes's "what Love Can Be" Sounds about right.
Soap once brought the 141 to a Pantera concert, and ended up brawling some punks in the moshpit for bullying Gaz.
They ended up getting kicked out by security and Ghost ended up dragging his sorry ass through the parking lot.
Price was definitely a disappointed dad that night. Mostly disappointed at himself for letting his children get too rowdy on his watch... and joining in on the brawl.
Simon "Ghost" Riley - Melodic/doom metal
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When the cold weather begins to come around later in the year, and bands like Katatonia, Opeth and Swallow the Sun put out more music, Ghost is always there.
Ghost is from Britain, so he appreciates any music that comes from Europe.
There are two types of moshpits when it comes to melodic/doom metal - The ones with viking chanting and feral animal noises - and the ones with the tear jerkers, the ones that go just to feel things.
Ghost once took a trip to Sweden with Soap for work, catching a Katatonia concert while there.
By the time the fith or sixth song starts playing, Soap is baffled and emotionally drained by how heavy Katatonia's riffs and lyrics are.
Standing in a sea of swaying, rowdy and possibly drunk crowd of thousands of Swedes, Ghost takes the opportunity to hold Soap's hand.
In Ghost's defense, it's an outdoor event, and it's so cold outside, hell could've froze over. Soap knows the real reason, though.
By the end of the night, everyone is headbanging and swaying.
They both plan to go again next year.
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick - Alt/nu/rap metal
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Gaz is that "I listen to everything" kind of friend.
Is definitely open to new groups, genres and sounds.
Leans more into the early 2000s rock/metal a little more.
Gaz is more "cultured" like the younger generation is, and loves the memes that came with the generation too.
Some of the rookies will catch Gaz singing along to a Rammstein song, and fail... miserably. His German sucks.
Soap and Gaz got so drunk one night that both men started belting "bring me to life" by Evanescence every time Ghost would walk into a room, and laughed so hard they almost threw up.
Some 90s rap metal is cheesy, but Gaz tolerates it. Since he mostly grew up with hip hop, Gaz feels obligated to like some rap metal.
Loves any kind of metal song with movie references or influences.
Gaz doesn't go to a lot of concerts, no matter how much of an extrovert he is. It's just not his thing, especially when it comes to heavy metal.
HUGE fan of Linkin Park.
Gaz definitely cried after Chester Bennington's death. Has a whole Playlist dedicated to the singer. 💙
John Price - Alt/classic/grunge metal
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Price is a man who loves the classics.
Just because something is "classic", doesn't necessarily mean it's "old".
Yes, Price is older than all of them (probably), and grew up with a lot of 70s and 80s music, but surprisingly, Price loves bands who are with the modern times.
The cure, Deftones, Bush, Red Hot Chili Peppers, REM. You name it.
Tried to get into punk metal once, definitely wasn't for him.
Like Gaz, he's the "I listen to everything" friend.
Price goes into bars once in a while while off duty, with the boys and Laswell and will hear a Soundgarden song playing. He likes it. A lot.
Cigars, whiskey, company of friends and some metal is what makes his nights better. It lifts his spirits tremendously.
Definitely doesn't go to concerts anymore. Will flat out say no if you asked, end of conversation.
Why go to concerts when you can watch them at home on YouTube? Lol
Will cook breakfast to the sound of Alice in Chains playing in the background.
Phillip Graves - Metalcore/post-hardcore
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Like the all American he is, Graves likes to fucking party. The best kind of parties? Metalcore concerts.
Graves' journey through his metal listening experience started tame enough. It soon turned into being fascinated with groups like Lorna Shore, the Dillinger Escape Plan and Atreyu.
Tried to once attempt a fry scream. Ended up blowing his vocal cords out.
He'll put Lorna Shore full blast on his headphones and let Will Ramos' voice numb his brain until his head is buzzing and his ears are ringing.
Likes to test people's ability to point out vocals. "Is this an animal? Or a human being making this sound?" LOL
Will throw shit with every breakdown in a song.
Comes up behind someone and will yell a "BLEGH!" just to scare the shit out of you. Lol
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randomvarious · 1 year
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Today’s compilation:
Tonal Evidence (usa) 1991 Alternative Rock / Alternative Dance / Industrial / Synthpop / Experimental
Folks, I gotta say that I'm pretty beside myself with regards to this album; not because the music's bad—a lot of it's great!—but because I can't find almost any of these highlights on YouTube. And, I mean, we're talking London's Mute Records here, one of the biggest and most successful alternative labels in the world since its early 80s founding. You'd think every song in their catalogue would be up on YouTube by now, but apparently not. Either no one's uploaded any of this good music that's on this album or Mute practices in the dark art of copyright takedowns like nobody else's business. Either way, it's a shame that I can't make most of this stuff easily accessible to you all 😔.
That said, though, this early 90s compilation from Mute is really good. They're known for being on the forefront of alternative rock, alternative dance, industrial music, and synthpop, and with this US-tailored 1991 sampler of theirs, you get a nice taste of all of that stuff 😋.
Plus, a whole bunch of these songs were exclusives when they appeared on this album too. They may have popped up elsewhere since, but back in '91, if you purchased this CD, you were getting a sweet handful of rare goodies. And now that you can't find them anywhere to stream, I guess they're rare once again 😅. Funny how that works, eh?
Anyway, it doesn't always happen with late 80s and early 90s releases, because the music can feel a little bit primitive at times, but I think I'm more partial to the dance music that's on here than the alternative rock. Kris Weston, a guy who goes by Thrash, and who did other remixes for acts like Depeche Mode and U2 around this same time, does a sweet techno remix of Fortran 5's "Love Baby;" John Robie, a close associate of Arthur Baker, and who played synthesizers on Afrika Bambaataa & The Soulsonic Force's "Planet Rock," delivers a wild, cold, and thick electro remix of Cabaret Voltaire's "Yashar;" and there's a dynamite radio mix of "10 X Faster Than the Speed of Love," by Meat Beat Manifesto, one of the most important alt-electronic groups that's ever existed, and whose breakbeat stylings certainly served as an inspiration to the dawnings of trip hop, big beat, and drum n bass—all with an industrial edge too.
Plus, a shoegazey bit of early 90s indie pop from a Swedish band called Easy. They're actually still around after all these years, having released a brand new album just a few weeks ago. But this song, "Cloud Chamber," which is the second song off their 1990 debut album, Magic Seed, catches them in some of their very earliest days. Pleasant jangle-honking indie fare right there.
Awesome sampler with an eclectic slate that reflects all the different types of alternative music that Mute had its hand in shaping, but I've got almost no links to any of it 😞. Oh well.
Feel free to message me directly if you really wanna hear this album!
Fortran 5 - "Love Baby (Electropathy Mix)" Cabaret Voltaire - "Yashar (John Robie Mix)" Meat Beat Manifesto - "10 X Faster Than the Speed of Love (Radio Mix)" Renegade Soundwave - "Biting My Nails (1990 Remix)" The Weathermen - "Freedom Or Slavery (Conclusive Edit)" Easy - "Cloud Chamber"
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popbloganddropit · 2 months
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7 days until THE TORTURED POETS DEPARTMENT makes its debut and I wanted to make a little predictions post. I’m so excited to hear the devastation Miss Swift seems to have in store for us and I can’t wait to hear what it sounds like. There’s often a song on the previous album that is an early edition of the subsequent album’s sound. I have 4 guesses that may be a peek at what’s in store next Friday. Since it seems like it may be relevant, these songs are also thematically on trend, however we should always remain alert to Taylor loving a bait and switch.
1) Dear Reader/You’re Losing Me: I think these songs might be a thematic trend for what’s in store. A look at her own faults and things she may have kept hidden to put on a brave face. A breakdown of why a break up happened. However, I suspect that she will have sonically moved on from these two. I do not think she would put out Midnights 2.0.
2) The Great War: an advancement of Folklore, Evermore, and Midnights’ sounds while still being on theme.
3) Hits Different: I’m not 100% sure what to call this genre. Sort of a late 90’s/early 00’s adult contemporary-alt-pop-singer-songwriter Alanis/Natalie Imbruglia/Michelle Branch/vanessa Carleton vibes. Maggie Rogers has really started exploring this space and Olivia Rodrigo’s dipped her toes in a bit as well (anyone else an immediate Girl I’ve Always Been stan?). However, is there enough variety in sounds here for 20 new Swift songs to explore? Maybe not, but a biased me hopes she might dabble a bit more as it’s a really great genre for her to fire off a bunch of killer lines with a bit of sass or sense of humor. There’s also the artifacts/evidence lines in Hits Different and those words have made their way into some of the small amount of information we’ve gotten prior to the albums release.
4) The Alcott: while not from Midnights, this is still in the right time period so it fits in my opinion! Midnights maybe started off with a few songs written with Aaron Dessner before a pivot to full Antonoff based on an interview Aaron gave where he talked about when they worked on Would’ve, Could’ve, Should’ve. Maybe there were some more things she kept in the drafts for later. A heavier emphasis on the piano (perfect for acoustic surprise songs!), heavy and melancholy vibes, and vague lyrics that might still be protecting some identities seems like an easy pivot for her.
5) Would’ve, Could’ve, Should’ve: a surprise 5th option I thought of writing number 4! Raw, angry, a bit more rock-influenced, many people were expecting this direction based on the aesthetic of the Midnights photoshoot. Taylor’s in tune with her audience and is certainly aware this is a sound nobody would be sad to see from her. It fits with the emotional space she might have been in, and is another genre pivot she could dominate. She is strategic though, and an Album of the Year nom is pretty unlikely back to back with her record-setting win in a very stacked year. Knowing how successful these full pivots have been for her, she might hold off until a more advantageous time. Although I think post-pandemic cancelled Lover-fest (with possibly Cruel Summer as a single attached?) and the adoration for some of the vault songs has made her not want to hesitate to put out good music. You never know what’s around the corner and it’s easier to stay on top than claw your way back up.
Which vibes are your favorite and what are you hoping for from TTPD? Cowboy Carter review is imminent and I hope to fire off Maggie Rogers’ before next Friday too!
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I’m listening to Wishlist - Pearl Jam and like. Not only is Pearl Jam such a Ghost band—along with a lot of other early 90’s alt rock (along with Alice In Chains, Soundgarden/Audioslave, Temple of the Dog, etc.) (Ghost is the guy that listens to everything, literally everything, there is no form of sonic bombardment he can’t find himself sliding into)—but Wishlist in particular just punches me in the fucking throat.
It feels like it could be his thoughts, when it is too quiet to even count clicking or the number of times he swallows or breathes, unwillingly and unwittingly walking him down the dark road, to the things he wanted before he left Simon in a grave in Mexico and began to haul the husk of Ghost around his shoulders like a mantle, like a warning.
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It’s a wanting for achievable wants that are no longer within the scope of his stunted reach. It’s old dreams that snapped like a jawbone he remembers the gold fillings of.
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lullaby-for-a-shark · 10 months
I Have Good Music Taste >:D
Hi there, hello. I just wanna do a giant music ramble, cos I haven’t done that yet and I have absolutely no idea how. Music is my life, my entire goddamn life. Here are my top ten bands/artists
avenged sevenfold
parkway drive
system of a down
green day
The beatles
Bo burnham
these artists (and many more) got me through the toughest times in my life. A lot of people say this and they express being understood, and I felt that to some degree. I was sad, autistic, and lonely and it was bad through my early teenage years. But there was something else about music, aside from relatability that really struck me. And that was the pure beauty of all music. Every single piece of music from Beethoven to the beastie boys is so stunning and not enough people talk about it. I became a hopeless slave to my love of music, I was infatuated with music theory, with learning every instrument I could get my shaky hands on.
this is all thanks to an alt-rock Australian band from the 90’s named Silverchair. If you’re a middle aged dad from NSW, you know them. If you’re literally anyone else, you probably don’t. But I fell deeply in love with their music. I’ve never felt love as strongly for a single person as I have for silverchair’s music. In fact, I don’t even know if any of the love I’ve ever felt even counts in comparison. Let me rant about them for a paragraph
silverchair was formed in Newcastle NSW in 1994 by a group of literal goddamn 14 year olds. They won a competition with the radio station Triple J and as a reward got to record an EP titled Tomorrow. Instant success. The following year, the band at age 15, released their debut album frogstomp. The album is quite grungey, though bares minimal resemblance to Nirvana (who they were constantly compared to) instead their influences lied in 70’s punk. The album contains heavy drop d guitar riffs, impressive vocals and all round amazingness from a bunch of teens. They brought out four more albums. Freak Show, an album released in 1997 with lyrics surrounding the idea of being a ‘freak’ which is how the band felt after being cast away on tour. 1999s Neon Ballroom, a heartbreaking album written in the lead singer/guitarists bedroom, in complete isolation after having a mental health breakdown. Diorama, 2002, my personal favourite, featuring epic orchestral pieces, vivid lyrics and vocals so beautiful they sweep one off their feet. And lastly 2007s Young Modern, a turn into pop rock while retaining the orchestral properties of their previous album. Silverchair do not have a bad song. They are all beautiful.
all this to say, I will be doing an in depth analysis on my interpretation of every song by every band in that top ten list, starting with silverchair. I would love to maybe introduce some people to some genuinely great bands in the process, so if you’ve read this far, pans you don’t mind, give this post a reblog to share the passion with other music lovers. I would love your input into my analyses and maybe your own interpretations of the pieces of art I hold the closest to me
have a wonderful day :)
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mistavybe · 3 months
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🎶 It’s our Anniversaryyyyy… 🎶
I honestly cannot believe i’ve been on this app for 14 years today! Kinda wild to think it’s been this long tbh 😱.
It has been a crazy ride, but in retrospect I wouldn’t have it any other way, for better or for worse 🙏🏾.
Some of the most important people in my real life now like @entirely-of-flaws and @soulsistrin I actually met first on this app, and for those blessings alone I will be eternally grateful.
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I’m also grateful for some of the posts i’ve done on here that wound up becoming downright infamous on this here platform lol… anybody remember my viral Tim Burton post back when that problematic Miss Peregrine’s Home For Peculiar Children came out?
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Thanks to this post of my opinion about the subject, I had literal Nazis in my Inbox and Replies arguing with me for like… years lol! Tbh I still get occasional Alt-Right pushback on this one up to now which is wild considering the original post went up in 2016. 🤦🏾‍♂️ (Feel free to peruse My #TimBurton Tag for more on that lol)
Tumblr was also where I came to process my grief after losing legends that I admire(d) whose sudden passings rocked me to my core 😥.
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RIP Prince! And RIP Chadwick Boseman! 🙅🏾‍♂️
Anyway, I say all that to say “Wow! Can you believe i’ve been on Tumblr for 14 fricking years?! 😱”
Thanks to everyone who i’ve met on or offline from here, to anyone who has read and/or interacted with any of my Posts or Reblogs… thanks to my Tumblr community.
RIP to those I encountered on here that are no longer with us in this life 🙏🏾.
And long live those of us who continue to persevere on this particular platform and on the Hellhole that is the Internet in general.
Here’s to… another 14 years? Do we think Tumblr will even be around that long? I kind hope so tbh. Here’s to many more years!
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Now go stream “Anniversary” by Tony Toni Tonē and have a great day/week/month/life! 🔊🎶
(Fun Fact: Tony Toni Tonē’s now-classic song “Anniversary” was actually recorded in my country - Trinidad And Tobago - back in the early 90’s, along with the test of their iconic album Sons Of Soul. I actually got to meet the Tonys while they were here recording because we worked out of the same studio at the time and they were bice eboufh ti let mr and my crew bzck then sit in on some of their sessions, which helped me learn so much and become the musician/songwriter that I am today! 🙌🏾)
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spn2006 · 4 months
Hi sorry I just followed, liked and sent an ask all at once I promise I’m not stalking!! Just wanted to say I am SO excited about your pinned Sam playlist!!! I’ve been looking for an ‘accurate’ younger Sam playlist and yours is totally what I imagined!! (Please ignore my over use of exclamation points and have a nice day!)
no worries at all!! i love the excitement!! and thank you for liking my sam playlist, im glad its the way you imagined because i worked so hard to make it accurate!!! i wasn't just thinking about songs he'd theoretically like, but songs he realistically would have actually heard during that time period--hence the emphasis on moody rock songs that played on all the alt radio stations in the late 90s and early 2000s. when i listen to that playlist i can really imagine him hearing these on the radio and being like wow i relate to this!! this is so cool!! this is so different from the classic rock my dad plays all the time!! and then also ofc i had to add a few classic rock songs that sam actually *does* like, bc everybody has a couple of songs from their parents that they like. and also of course he'd like S&M by rihanna.
so basically i put an insane amount of thought into what his whole music library would be if he owned an ipod shuffle, and im so glad other people are enjoying that!! i think the music that people listen to can tell you so much about who they are and i love feeling like im getting to know sam through getting to know what his music taste would be. i can imagine him getting nirvana CDs as a rebellious teen, i can imagine him crying while listening to creep by radiohead, and i can imagine singing hit me baby one more time in the shower (when dean's not around to make fun of him, lol). agh i just love sam winchester so much <333 so in conclusion im glad u liked the playlist!!
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keanuquotes · 8 months
The alt-rock band Dogstar is back in action and about to release a new album, Between the Power Lines and Palm Trees, on October 6th. This is their first new material in over 20 years. Formed as a garage band in the early 90’s, they gained significant attention due to bassist Keanu Reeves’ iconic Hollywood fame. After a prolonged hiatus, the trio of guitarist/vocalist Bret Domrose, drummer Rob Mailhouse, and bassist Keanu Reeves reunited during the pandemic to create a collection of songs reflecting who they are today. The single “Everything Turns Around” dropped in July, followed by a live performance at the BottleRock Napa Valley music festival. Dogstar sparked both critical and fan praise of the new material. They announced a 25-city tour with a stop at the Vogue in Broadripple. A sold-out crowd was on hand despite being a Monday evening. Opener Archer, OH, also from California, started things off. Asking around, it was clear the majority were attending to see Reeves. He, however, was there as the legit bassist and did not have a mic or address the crowd. This was a Dogstar show, and after gawking at Keanu, the fans settled in and turned their attention to the actual show. The performance was solid, and by the end, I think everyone was now Dogstar fans.
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mackmp3 · 1 year
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today I got a copy of Sonic Youth's Goo (on vinyl (!!) it wasn't even that expensive I love indie record stores), which is a fricken fantastic Sonic Youth album, Kool Thing is just so incredibly badass (though it has a weird video, like music videos are weird but it's unsettling that one). Kim Gordon is, of course, an icon among women musicians, and one of those amazing bass players who just get to slide around up and down strings and play root notes and that's all that's needed for the song and it's so cool and very garage/garbage rock.
Krist Novoselic is another one of those bass players. sort of endearingly useless (near the end of their set at the reading festival he's just walking around the stage with his bass practically at his knees not even playing. also that moment when he threw his bass in the air and then it knocked him out on the way down) - but his shirt in the above photo also introduced me to sonic youth.
i had a brief grunge thing going a few years ago which culminated in me deciding that Hole is far better than Nirvana, and that picture was in the back of a lot of the music magazines I was getting (Uncut from the Uk, better than Mojo), and I was like 'well if nirvana like them they should be pretty good'. i only listened to Teenage Riot for a while (Daydream Nation is also very very good) but they have a lot of albums.
some slightly lesser known (i think) tracks -
Death Valley 69 w/ Lydia Lunch
Winner's Blues (if anyone can think of what other song this song this sounds like that would be greatly appreciated I just can't place it)
Shadow of a Doubt
The Diamond Sea (19.47 long)
The Empty Page
Within You Without You (beatles cover)
And the album Murray St., which is pretty cool
Also, there is a NZ song called 'Point That Thing Somewhere Else' which reminds me of The Sprawl from Daydream Nation but was released like 6 years earlier
so yeah, thanks to Krist and his choice in t-shirts fo the recommendation :)
it's one some of my favourite album art, the 1966 hipsters combined with the comic-book style and the early 90s alt band angst and it;s just so cool
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