astrochemiist Β· 8 days
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"It's the ugliest ship in the fleet, Lang. Look at it." Tim's face twisted in disgust, while he and the ensign stood on the observation deck of the Utopia Planitia Shipyards, watching the construction of a Daedalus-class starship. "I'm going to say it - there's something deeply lacking in this testicular design," gesturing vaguely toward the viewing port where the ship's construction could be taken in, " - and this is going to be a ship for the admiralty?" A hand ran back over his hair. "How long before the Enterprise is finished? I'm ready to be gone from this eyesore." Hands now hitched on either side of his hips, Calvert fully closes his eyes, letting out a slow breath to wash away Starfleet's latest aesthetic choice for a starship. "Do we have time to see how many southern colloquialisms we can get McCoy to say in one sentence? You know how much that's been my favorite game lately." Rocking on the balls of his feet, mischief and nonsense building in the grin splitting wide across his face.
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"I don’t hate it. I just don’t like it at all. And it’s terrible."
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astrochemiist Β· 8 days
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"Yes, but it's going to be a tight squeeze inside the escape pod, but I'm willing to put in the effort if you are, Sir." Tim stared abjectly at the planet below, because of course he was kidding, but more out of the fact that doing so would see him dishonorably discharged. And yet it still seemed preferable to the withering disapproval he had rightfully copped from the ship's First Officer for the disastrous experiment he conducted that morning, which over took half the lab and took the better part of an afternoon to contain. The only given reason he still stood here on the Enterprise was because the experiment in question Tim had been under advisement not to pursue, but not directly ordered to avoid. It was a mercy that Commander Spock was a man who embraced the technicality of regulation to the letter and not ruled by sentiments of spite that could have seen the Lieutenant Junior Grade transferred to the dregs of somewhere like Starbase Eighty. "Apologies Lieutenant, I'm just mentally processing a potentially career breaking decision from this morning. Is there anything I can help you with, Sir?" His posture straightening, eyes snapping to a more orderly attention to their ship's pilot.
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β€œI am running away from my responsibilities. And it feels good.”
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astrochemiist Β· 8 days
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Air stalled in his lungs, paired with the uncomfortable twinge in his gut - if this snake didn't kill them, Jim Kirk just might. A figurative sentiment, but something did seem almost pleasant about the vacuum of space compared to the aggravated disappointment of their Captain. Tim also needled a distant thought; did he really possess the skill necessary for his recent promotion to lieutenant junior grade? But that could wait - it would have to wait. Clearing his throat, Tim threw back his shoulders, straightening his posture, "Yes, Captain; Lieutenant Eryn has alerted Commander Scott - currently she and Ensign Lang are en route to him now. Specialist Burnham is crawling through the Jefferies Tubes on deck eleven, Commander Spock should be within the vicinity or at least that was his vicinity when I left to come here." The words were clear, succinct, and trying with great effort to mask the uncertainty lying in his tone. He nodded in quick succession to Kirk's direct order, followed by an affirming 'Yes, Sir.' It was accurate to say that it hadn't been Calvert's dream to bring to Jim news of potential danger to the ship's warp core. Not because of a fear of Jim's disapproval or reprimand, not for purposes falling under the umbrella of looking inadequate in their duties - because they were there. They know what Jim did to save all of them, so no; there was nothing remotely appealing about bringing this to the Captain. It almost felt cruel. It shouldn't be on Jim. But he was the Captain, and the unequivocal truth of a good Captain? It was always on them - for better or worse. He wanted to apologize, wanted to stay in this state of contrite silence, but that wasn't the mark of a Starfleet Officer. The standard was - they were Starfleet. They get it done. Failure just was not a luxury they afforded themselves. They couldn't. More personally Tim couldn't ignore the hot, jagged guilt, raking it's way up his chest. He owed Jim more than this, twice over did he owe Jim his life, even if that was some far-flung, forgotten thing in the Captain - it was always at the forefront of Calvert's mind. He owed Jim better service as a crew member. His firsts clenched until the knuckles turned a yellowy white, screwing up his courage enough before he lost the Captain to a honed and focus destination into the prevailing issue, Tim latched to the passing idea that only presented now under the wild brilliance that only a certain kind of spiked stress can offer; "Sir!"
Jarred by the sudden urgency in his own voice, he started again "Sir, respectfully, in the shuttle bay, there's still the glass tank we used last month to transport the Gormagander - if we can funnel the creature toward the shuttle bay, Commander Spock's plan to lure it, combined with Specialist Burnham's efforts to flush it away from the warp core via the Jefferies Tubes - we can recapture it into a containment isolating it from any energy source. Additionally pushing the animal in the opposite direction of the ship's core. We can contain it on the shuttle bay until we can transport it to Starbase Twelve." Tim inhaled a steady and even breath. "That way - then, no one, has to go toward the core, Captain. No one."
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You won't have to go to the core, Jim - the real meaning laying inside that idea, going unspoken from the Captain's Lieutenant.
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"Normally, the answer to 'am I kidding?' is a resounding yes, unfortunately the animal broke containment." Tim clenched his hands, grasping for something to say, second guessing half of what he thinks, before arriving to what he hoped was explanation enough. "More specifically, sir, through a magnificent display of osmosis, it consumed the energy shield where it was being contained, and subsequently pried it's way into the interior of the ship. The damage is minimal, systems are still operational, but it's making a steady and slow path toward the ship's warp core, because we believe this species thrives on energy consumption." Given his anxiety over the current situation, he was entirely collected, which faltered only just so when he began to elaborate further, "Which, to that point, Commander Spock and Specialist Burnham both had pretty effective plans on how to snare the animal, it's just that," we're terrified of them individually, but even more so when they share any space. "...their plans are just a scoche contrary to the other." Noting the reality that time was currently not on their side and they were fast losing it, Tim jumped to his point. "In summation; Commander Spock gave a direct order for Specialist Burnham to remain out of the Jeffries Tube, and after several uncomfortable seconds of a stare-down, Specialist Burnham proceeded into the Jeffries Tube leaving the situation down there fairly," Tim cleared his throat, "tense." "Sir β€” Ensign Lang, Lieutenant Eryn and myself are confident we can recapture this creature." An idle, but decisive, tilt of his head to stall for a beat or two, before parceling out his next carefully chosen words, " β€” we are less confident about the situation between Commander Spock and Specialist Burnham. So if you don't have anything more pressing than an energy snake the size of a Burmese Python heading towards the ship's core β€” we'd sure love to have you, Captain." Tim's smile was confident, because it always was, but the uncertain laugh that came with it was less so: between the ticking clock they were under and the presiding conflict between Spock and Burnham had left a sort of uncomfortable panic in his eyes.
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astrochemiist Β· 9 days
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@nursc calling me tf out on a Sunday morning. In front of god and my salad.
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astrochemiist Β· 11 days
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--- ᴍᴀʏʙᴇ α΄›Κœα΄‡Κ€α΄‡'ꜱ κœ±α΄α΄α΄‡α΄›ΚœΙͺΙ΄Ι’ Ι“uoɹʍ α΄‘Ιͺα΄›Κœ α΄›Κœα΄‡ ᴜɴΙͺα΄ α΄‡Κ€κœ±α΄‡
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astrochemiist Β· 12 days
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"Normally, the answer to 'am I kidding?' is a resounding yes, unfortunately the animal broke containment." Tim clenched his hands, grasping for something to say, second guessing half of what he thinks, before arriving to what he hoped was explanation enough. "More specifically, sir, through a magnificent display of osmosis, it consumed the energy shield where it was being contained, and subsequently pried it's way into the interior of the ship. The damage is minimal, systems are still operational, but it's making a steady and slow path toward the ship's warp core, because we believe this species thrives on energy consumption." Given his anxiety over the current situation, he was entirely collected, which faltered only just so when he began to elaborate further, "Which, to that point, Commander Spock and Specialist Burnham both had pretty effective plans on how to snare the animal, it's just that," we're terrified of them individually, but even more so when they share any space. "...their plans are just a scoche contrary to the other." Noting the reality that time was currently not on their side and they were fast losing it, Tim jumped to his point. "In summation; Commander Spock gave a direct order for Specialist Burnham to remain out of the Jeffries Tube, and after several uncomfortable seconds of a stare-down, Specialist Burnham proceeded into the Jeffries Tube leaving the situation down there fairly," Tim cleared his throat, "tense." "Sir β€” Ensign Lang, Lieutenant Eryn and myself are confident we can recapture this creature." An idle, but decisive, tilt of his head to stall for a beat or two, before parceling out his next carefully chosen words, " β€” we are less confident about the situation between Commander Spock and Specialist Burnham. So if you don't have anything more pressing than an energy snake the size of a Burmese Python heading towards the ship's core β€” we'd sure love to have you, Captain." Tim's smile was confident, because it always was, but the uncertain laugh that came with it was less so: between the ticking clock they were under and the presiding conflict between Spock and Burnham had left a sort of uncomfortable panic in his eyes.
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β€œWould it make this better or worse if I told you that in prehistoric XurXur this creature use to have legs β€” making it more like a very long lizard?” But far quieter did he follow up with, β€œβ€”but yes. It’s a snake. It glows and is heading toward the warp core for the dilithium.
Captain, you’re probably gonna’ want to go ahead and call a red alert.”
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astrochemiist Β· 12 days
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"How long before he wakes up?" His words thrown at Doctor McCoy; thick with a demand - abrupt, crackling with an anxious synergy. The contrast was stark to the Lieutenant's normally affable and light demeanor. The fire fight that ensued on the planet's surface took their away team entirely by surprise. That morning he had a heavy weight of frustrated exhaustion, the gnawing feeling like he was under their First Officer's microscope. Now he stood there feeling childish for having entertained any slights to begin with, because if not for Commander Spock β€” they wouldn't have managed to scrape by with their lives. Tim, looking down at the bio-bed housing Ensign Lang, swiped at a streak of blood trickling down the side of his face.
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astrochemiist Β· 13 days
trauma is not real i drink violently for unknowable reasons and my body shakes bc im powerful
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astrochemiist Β· 15 days
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β€œOk, well … here’s the thing; it was less chance and more β€” ” his fingers tapped succinctly against the counter, clawing through the deepest annals of his mind to find a word so succinct it would explain what happened while effectively absolving him of any fault,
β€œ β€” surprise.”
He was not successful.
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"I knew exactly what to do. But in a much more real sense, I had no idea what to do."
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astrochemiist Β· 15 days
Normalize roleplaying in roleplay
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astrochemiist Β· 19 days
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β€œWould it make this better or worse if I told you that in prehistoric XurXur this creature use to have legs β€” making it more like a very long lizard?” But far quieter did he follow up with, β€œβ€”but yes. It’s a snake. It glows and is heading toward the warp core for the dilithium.
Captain, you’re probably gonna’ want to go ahead and call a red alert.”
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"I am faster than eighty percent of all snakes."
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astrochemiist Β· 19 days
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"Ok, but here's the question; can we fix this, clean it up, and maybe seduce the ship's computer into unequivocal silence before Spock gets back from bridge duty? I mean through science and friendship all things are possible?" He laughed weakly, while very quietly and vaulting into full panic. "Is this disguise too much?" Tim asked, patting down the over sized faux mustache poorly glued to his upper lip.
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astrochemiist Β· 20 days
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β€œI am running away from my responsibilities. And it feels good.”
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astrochemiist Β· 20 days
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β€œThe only problem is whenever I try to make a taco, I get too excited and I crush it.”
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@silverjetsystm ( for steven )
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astrochemiist Β· 20 days
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β€œI never thought I’d say this, but I think I ate too much bone marrow.”
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astrochemiist Β· 20 days
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"I don’t hate it. I just don’t like it at all. And it’s terrible."
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4 notes Β· View notes
astrochemiist Β· 20 days
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"Oh, you’re paying way too much for worms, man. Who’s your worm guy?"
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