alloverthegaf · 6 years
So okay, the chicken seasoning actually was two bits in the books: first of all, Sam DOES bring seasoning, a bunch of pots and pans, etc. because a hobbit has got to eat even if it’s the end of the world, okay? But also, one of Galadriel’s gifts to Sam is like the ultimate seed starter pack with extra special fertilizer dust that he carries through the entire adventure - including up Mt. Doom.
I remember the gift, the movie just does a shit job of associating the box of seasoning with it lol. OR it doesn’t and it’s a big thing later on and I just don’t know it yet
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AKA, Bastion Myrendail/Markus Young
Master Post
When I first joined DeviantART in 2012, I set about creating my original characters. Having seen how people went about it and what they wrote I was excited to make my contribution. Thus, Bastion and Sebastien Delnoir were born, along with Damian and Delilah. They were early in development and truthfully, none of their early characteristics carried over to this day. Delilah and Damian never made it through.
The only piece that followed to the present happened to be the relation shared by Bastion and Sebastien. They are halfbrothers, but rarely does that ever matter.
Bastion Myrendail
As of 2019, Bastion Myrendail's design and personality is set and only superficial pieces of him change regarding the AU we place him within.
When he first meets Markus Young, he's in his mid-twenties and nearly out of culinary arts. He had been hired on at a local restaurant somewhere in Irving, TX, of which Markus and his family own and run. Gawky and awkward at the best of times, Bastion wasn't cut out for bussing tables and taking orders. It was with relief that he was allowed to work in the kitchen, and from there on out, he has been the target of Markus's affections.
He believed himself to be straight, but none of his relationships were healthy and because of this, none lasted. With his shy nature and his nervous stammer, most of the women he had been with got tired fast, and as he rarely thought of physical and sexual attention, he was usually left behind for a better guy. He assumed that If he dated a man, the same would occur, but he had been mistaken.
In looks, he's decently handsome. With chocolate colored hair, sharp jaw and blue-green eyes, he usually gets plenty of attention wanted or otherwise. However, when he's wearing his glasses, he looks just plain dorky. He's roughly 6'1" in height and is fairly lean, too.
His only living relation is his half brother, Sebastien. The two couldn't be more apart.
Markus simply thought Bastion was too cute to ignore.
Markus Young
Markus is fairly the opposite of Bastion. Flamboyant and open, he made it very clear very fast just how interested he was in the tall man. As soon as he had been hired on at his parents restaurant, he made many advances, always backing off when any nervousness was displayed.
Markus is canonically a nymphomaniac, and therefore it's often in our writing that he eventually tires of the waiting game and moves forward. The advances are usually not unwanted by that point, but Bastion thinks that a gay relationship must be detrimentally different from a straight one.
2/5: I need more information from my love regarding Markus and will update this accordingly.
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wnnbdarklord · 10 years
I'm doing NaNoWriMo this year again. Oh boy
If anyone wants to add me as a writing buddy, the username is wnnb_darklord and here's my profile: 
Word count so far: 1465
Let's hope I don't peter out soon like every other year so far..
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arbokzee · 10 years
foolishwriter replied to your post:heeeey Happy Birthday Zee!!!! :>
Happy birthday!
Thank you! :D
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lokimymuse · 10 years
5 nice things
foolishwriter tagged me to do this: Once you receive this, say 5 nice things about yourself publicly and then pass it on to your 10 favorite followers.
I think it's the third time I'm doing this, and I'm starting to run out of things to say about myself, but let's try:
1) I make a delicious tiramisu
2) I have a nice singing voice
3) I'm good at drawing (though still have a lot to learn!) 
4) I'm intellectually curious 
5) I'm still friends with my childhood best friends
I'm tagging: foolishwriter, lokidmaiden, libecchio, khaleesi-of-loki, angrymadsygin, sayruq, opalescentnanomachines, bethylindekins, ranavari and small-potato-of-defiance
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alloverthegaf · 6 years
Also, I totally sympathize on how being nagged to go faster/do more is discouraging. I wrote a 9 chapter MCU fanfic and way too many people were already talking sequels when I’d barely finished. I had notes and everything but it’s years later and I still haven’t written it.
WHOA. Honestly props to you that shit is hard. Remember if you never get around to writing it you don’t have any reason to feel bad okay just getting anything out there is amazing (I’ve barely managed in years)
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Master Post
As many of you know, my blog is actually meant for writing, be it by myself or with another. I started it with that precise purpose and yet, for the past few years, I've barely done anything! My writing has been confined to Google Docs with my fiancé or those few that I meet on other sites. While I don't anticipate to have any writing with another upon this blog, I do think it's fair to, at the very least, talk about some of the characters I and my wife have created.
If I remember correctly, we have over thirty to our names.
I will place links here to posts I've made describing our characters, who they're paired with and, if I remember right, the reasons as to why they were made.
Feel free to ask me anything! I'd be glad to chat.
Thank you!
All of my work and rambling is tagged as beauspeaks, foolishtalks or Foolishwriting .
Words in blue are active links!
Piano Keys
Isaac/Yessun (no proper pairing name)
DeXavier (Exais)
HoarseSkeleton (Horace/Edgar)
Commonwealth Fatale
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catsbythegreat · 10 years
21. Sequels – Have you ever written a sequel to a fic you wrote, and if so, why, and if not, how do you feel about sequels?

22. Have you ever participated in a fest or a Big Bang? If so, write about your favorite experience in relation to one. If not, are there any you’ve thought about doing? And if not, why not?

This meme! I love these! 
21. I've written lots of sequels, mostly because I wanted to keep telling the story in that particular world. Also, because usually I post one-shots and then want to keep adding to that story, though I've done sequels to multi-chapter fics too. 
22. I participated in the Frostiron Bang last year and I'm doing it again this year! I loved it! I had a lot of fun writing my fic and seeing what others in the fandom came up with (lots of amazing stuff) both in regards to awesome fic and art. And lightneverfades made amazing art for mine. 
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queerrussetpotato · 9 years
Deep red, blue, rose
abloobloo thank @.@
we will indeed pizza
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cjtheoracle-blog · 10 years
I got this in my inbox: Once you get this, you have to say 5 nice things about yourself then send it to 10 followers.
Five nice things:
I'm compassionate.
I bake tasty things.
I make a lot of things with my hands (origami, crochet, etc.)
I like to make people happy.
I'm easily amused.
I'm going to send this to people, but if you hate doing these kinds of things, you don't have to. But if you're having a bad day, making a list of nice things about yourself is a good exercise!
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akcgi · 10 years
Tumblr media
"What a normal cry for help..."
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unkillability · 10 years
I just wrote out a response to an ask...and accidentally deleted it. ...
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foolishwriter · 10 years
Why representation is important, round 5458
So, today, I went to get my back taken care of, because I have a back injury that hurts like hell and massage is one of the things that keeps me mobile. Since I wasn't at home, I went to my sister's massage therapist. That this person regularly interacts with my sister is an important detail for two reasons: a. We have the same parents; and b. I pass for white most of the time, but my sister is less likely to. And sometimes she gets self conscious about it and I want to just kick people who make her feel that way. So we were talking about special diets because I had to make sure that the numbing spray she wanted to use on me did not contain capsicum because I react badly to it, so I had to explain about nightshade relatives and food origins. (No European recipes called for tomatoes prior to Christopher Columbus for the same reason they didn't call for potatoes, chili peppers, or maize.) the discussion of new world foods turned to corn, since her dietician has banned grains from her diet. I mentioned that I thought it was pretty neat how people had basically genetically engineered corn out of a type of grass, just selecting for bigger, sweeter kernels. And then it happened: she asked me about that, saying how surprised she was. So I asked her why. "I didn't think they were that intelligent." Part of me is surprised my muscles didn't turn to iron bands that very second. I was so angry and upset. My muscles probably did tighten up, though, because she immediately began to backtrack. So I'm undressed, lying down, in pain, and being confronted with unexamined racism. Great. I needed that just then. Obviously. I reminded her that Europeans did the same thing with animals in the 18th Century, that people all over the world have manipulated plants and animals to work better for us. That without Native help, the first Europeans here weren't doing very well. I told her about the huge trading routes, the Moundbuilders who made massive city complexes and monuments all through the Mississippian river complex. I told of the Great Serpent Mound, and how people think each part of the picture has astronomical meaning. People, THIS is what I'm talking about when I object to my ancestry being boiled down to a few tired "Cowboys and Indians" stereotypes. You take clothing and sacred items from a few Western tribes, bastardize and simplify them, appropriate them as though they are toys and the people who created them unintelligent and unworthy of your attention. And other peoples are erased entirely. By the time I left, she thanked me for the lesson, but honestly I was upset that it had been necessary to explain. She claimed that my sister and I are two of her most intelligent clients, but had been carrying around a stereotype of half our ancestry as lesser than the European half. I just want to be able to get my massage without the side dose of ignorance, so can we learn about some of the cultural variety and accomplishments of Native peoples, pretty please?
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queerrussetpotato · 10 years
Thinking of making a sideblog for sj stuff, and leaving over my personal blog for happier things and fandom. Thoughts from y'all?
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