#fnf unfairness
xxnuclearrainbowxx 8 months
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Honk! Honk! Want a balloon? :]
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milkshakessagb 2 years
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flowingwithstatic 2 months
I was just experimenting but I might keep this design (and update it a bit ofc...)
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Remind me to never use school markers for art ever again...
Plz reblog my art so it can spread! /notforced
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freshmeatz 1 year
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vesselvindicate 10 months
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good ol' fashioned unfairguy
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kezyartz 11 months
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She鈥檚 rockin them lashes
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rr-sheep 5 months
What wrong with a bit of teasing?
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(this is OLD af) dnb/fnf [Other oc belongs Harry]
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mistergender 2 years
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beetlemug 2 years
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day 30: A god who chose to live like a man, in the flesh, in the world, in hopes to be able to feel like they could live a life alongside their mortal love.
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gekooi 7 months
Happy Halloween everyone.
I wouldn't say it's too happy for Expunged, however.
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guest-walter 2 years
Goofy ahh Unfairness
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saltenspyke 2 years
Bernie says hi
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Art normally doesn't look this weird sorz will eventually link this acc in my tumblr
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theleslistuff 17 days
Danny may 2024
Day 20 Pitch au/Day 21 Funeral/ Day 22 Song Lyric
Pitch au, mayor character death, full ghost au,
I'll keep making you proud
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song used;
FNF- Hit Single- Silly Billy
Danny's still a human, humans can die and owls too
Danny Fenton was Amity Park's greatest hero, he was the most efficient of all the 4 Fenton, his team was formidable with the help of informatic genius Tucker Foley and medium Sam Manson who could talk to the ghost and persuade some of them to go in a pacific way, instead of fighting an unfair fight against Danny Fenton and his multiple weapons, the trio and their pet owl Spooky were unbeatable.
Or so they thought...
When the ghost king invaded the world because of an eccentric billionaire who wanted to use the ghost's power to be the absolute king of both humans and ghost, the king was no fool and such disrespectful act made him declare war to human kind after executing that human who provoked him of course.
His parents build a mecha suit/ ecto skeleton to take the king down and despite their protests about their right to use their invention first, all citizens and the government agreed on one thing:
Danny would be the one to use it.
-------"I'll make you say "-------
Even the best trained soilders in the guys in white recognized if someone had a chance to defeat Pariah Dark, it was Danny, the boy who has taken so much responsibility in his life, accepted this mission instantly, Sam had a bad feeling and she made it clear through the telekinetic link she shared with Danny, despite Danny being worried too, he could not let down the whole world, the entire human race.
He went straight into the heart of battle, all governments agreed to use military force to battle against the kings army, the human kind were together as one against the menace, so the ghost were, out of fear and with anyone more powerful to rely into, all ghost were forced to join into the ghost king's army.
Humans could barely hold them back enough for Danny to face the king.
------------" How proud "-----------
Danny punched first, he was faster and landing blow after blow with the cheers of Spooky who refused to be left behind in this mission, the king was getting tired and the whole humanity was cheering their hero as well for every blow, every bom exploiting in the King's face, every ectoranium dagger being dig in the King's back.
But one touch from the king's fist...
Was enough to provoke a fatal error in the machine...
------------" You're of me"-------------
The energy draining was getting to ridiculous levels, the heat inside the mecha suit was getting so unbearable, it was making Danny's skin get second degree burns, Spooky was dying suffocated, Danny's mind was full of pain and panic, unable to move, until he saw something horrible...
The king was getting up.
Danny could not bear it, he could not allow it!, He controlled the mecha one more time, the gripping of his hands so tight in the boiling controllers, it made them permanently stick his skin in them, Danny gave a battle cry as he charged with all the machine's and his energy left, a mechanical arm of the mecha extended with ectoranium daggers pointing at the ghost's core.
The tired and hurt ghost king had no time to react when the machine pierced his core breaking it into pieces and de stabilized in a pool of ectoplasm on the floor, with their mission complete all the remaining ghost of Pariah's army melted as well, the ones forced to battle, fleed and all the human kind cheered and celebrated in that moment, cheering for their hero.
Until a loud explosion could be heard from Pariah's castle.
-----------"So, stay awake"-----------
Everyone knew what it meant, Danny was just a human, a human with extraordinary ability, but just a regular human who could not flee that fast to avoid such a big explosion, every person in the battle field and those able to watch the fight lowered their heads and hats to remain in silence a couple of minutes in honor to the fallen hero.
His family and friends could not stop crying but they knew the risk, they were almost ready for this, the one who got totally destroyed is Sam...
Every government cooperated to make the most beautiful and honorable public funeral for the boy, building an statue of the hero and his owl in every single capital city on the world, he may be gone but never forgotten.
-----"Just long enough to see "-----
As time passed by, ghost activity slowly returned, the king may be dead, but new and old ghost don't mind about the fact humans beaten such a powerful ghost at all.
The Guys in white and the Fentons have been joining forces and recruiting people to combat the menace.
But it was no use, they could not prevent all invasions, ending with people who got hurt or died during said attacks, even some of them turned into ghost too.
The feeling of dread and despair in all Amity Park was strong enough to awaken something.
---------------"My way"-----------------
There were memorials and tombstones all around the world for the hero who saved us from the ghost king, Washington D.C. had the most beautiful and expensive one since it had the boy's body, but his family and friends insisted to have a headstone in Amity Park, so they build a commemorative one, according to Sam's request about how he told him once he would like something simple, Amity Park's headstone was the most simple and classic one, some citizens of Amity Park thought this was disrespectful, but they could do little, since no one was as close to him like Sam was.
People of Amity Park know the only place ghost don't even touch is Amity Park's cemetery, they like to associate it with the legendary ghost hunter, in any way, people like to use it as an unusual sanctuary to ironically hide from ghost and some new ghost hunters use the boy's headstone to ask for guidance, this kind of use even caused people to forget Danny was a teenager of 14 years old and not a full grown man.
So, when despair and grief got stronger and stronger in said graveyard, the graveyard not only became a sanctuary for humans, it's said the proctetor's ghost came back from the grave with his loyal companion.
And he was devoted to protect the town.
Ghost attacks reduced for every time a citizen said they saw a ghost boy with a ghost owl in a motorcycle.
Ghost hunters never trusted this ghost, any of them but just one...
An old agent, head of both the Fenton Works and the Guys in white who says with all the confidence in the world...
Danny came back...
-----------My way-------------
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wishvolo 23 days
i want you all to know that you shouldn't be intimidated if someone else is better than you
it takes a lot of work to be good at something you shouldn't blame yourself if you're not good yet, or if you haven't put in the time, or if you won't be able to put in the time
you can still do something that's Yours, and Yours doesn't have to be that One Big Lighting in a Bottle sort of Thing
and hopefully you find that okay
idk, is that coherent? i listened to that one Silly Billy FNF song and wallowed in self-deprecation for like two hours, wondering why my music was nothing like that.
but apart from not yet having the ability to do that, i just, have never tried to make something like that?
i couldn't replicate it with my current skill, i know that much
but it's also not the kind of music i make as of now, so it couldn't be a fair comparison
so just try not to make unfair comparisons. take what you know about YOUR SONGS. if you see something you could improve in YOUR SONG, try to improve it. keep chipping away at it. don't directly compare it to a finished project that someone else did that's nothing like what you're doing.
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shinyzango 5 months
Man it's unfair how many bangers the FNF Mario's Madness V2 mod got.
I've already been playing a bunch of these on loop for hours kdfjgn
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rr-sheep 10 months
........Garrett? -[tw:body'horror]-
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dnb/fnf/d.f.a.c/gapple (sometimes death is unfair...who knows, you might even be thirsty forever, but at least dimond man can see him...)
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