#fleabag rp
prpfs · 4 months
Hi 🦊
21+ looking for a Fleabag roleplay!
Looking to play the Hot Priest™️ against either Fleabag or a male oc! I love the idea of two troubled people grappling with their own demons and trauma and learning to love and be loved by one another. I want angst, relapses, misunderstandings, arguments etc, and all the fluff and comfort and reconciliation afterwards as they heal!
I write on discord and usually hit the limit on discord messages, so I’d like someone who can give longer replies back too! I like ooc chatting and headcanons and plotting! Please be willing to bring your own ideas and whatnot:)
give a like and anon will get back to you
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rpersearch · 2 years
hi! eighteen plus writers please <3
i'm looking for both fandom & original roleplay on discord currently, and i'm beyond tired of being burned so i will ask you to provide some kind of writing sample when we cross over to discord (anything literate, paragraph at least & third pov in a google doc works so no stress). i'm busy lately so anything longer than a thousand words is gna be one reply a week max.
wolfstar. i ONLY want to write them older. either 1981 first war angst or preferably old men wolfstar, lie low at lupin's time. i will play sirius or remus but prefer to play s-dawg.
peaky blinders. oc x canon, doubling up unless you want to play tommy. i'll play any love interest, including tommy, for your side.
a plot based on "fleabag". it recently got popular again so i think this might get more interaction but i'm really just looking to write oc x oc for this, i would prefer to play the athiest i think. we could potentially do hot priest x fleabag if You want to write hot priest but i think that oc x oc inspired would just be more fun rn.
like, reblog or message me @twogaydogs and i'll get back asap.
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thecambriaone · 26 days
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❪ ⋅ ◆ ⋆ — welcome to thecambriaone, LOUISE - you have been approved to join the program, so go on ahead, send us an ASK OR DM OFF-ANONYMOUS WITH YOUR NAME THAT YOU APPLIED WITH in order to reach our servers within 24 hours or you will be promptly left at the docking station and someone else will take your stead.
below the cut are the recently accepted characters + their apartment numbers !
THE PRIEST (solaris, 2032)
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begsfor · 2 months
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“ don't make me hate you loving you is painful enough     .     ”
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savothesewercat · 2 years
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A little musical nonchalance at the ELYSIUM. 
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rpmsngs-a · 9 months
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credit :  watch the throne. ou cassou à partir du PSD de @ultra-violences : ici    
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commissionsdarian · 1 year
The main character's getting more relatable. I, too, am haunted by the fourth wall
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littlebennettbitch · 2 years
‘i look like a pencil.’ (from clarity!)
meme: fleabag sentence meme status: accepting (from mutuals)
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"A very pretty? Pencil?" Bonnie can't disagree though. That is certainly a Look.
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//transcribed from a Discord RP with @vocaloid-voltage
[begin video log
Oppy had just barely made it to Lilycove in time for the latest Hatsune Miku concert. She wandered around a bit, looking for the venue, until she saw her friend waving at her
Miku! She runs over, stopping herself from tackle-hugging her Good to see you ^u^
“Hey Oppy! I heard you got the badge from Fortree! Congratulations!” She beamed, raising a hand for a high five.
they high five, then Oppy brings out her badge case 6 now! Plus all my team except Celsius and Strelka evolved! Oppy's pokemon - Serperior, Gyrados, Cryogonal, Ninjask, Shedinja, Litwick, Metang, and Type: Null had followed her
“Hey, nice! I always wanted to try raising a Cryogonal. Never really worked out, unfortunately.”
Celsius is great! He's been carrying me through the gyms and having him around's great for the heat 
Oppy then sees a familiar orange shape watching them at a distance. Considering the fact that Miku was not looking in that direction, the orange man did not appear in her view.
“I can imagine. That’s why I have Ice Voltage, to be honest.”
Oppy’s phone buzzes Hm? She opens it (over Twystcord): it’s Top Man
Opportunity was that you in the concert hall?
Yeah. Why?
...hey here's an idea. Why don't you take your friend and go check out the department store or the shrine by the sea and don't be near the concert hall for a while, k?
... >_>
She showed Miku Top Man’s conversation, and she opened her own DM with the Robot Master
Hey, uh. I saw that message. What’s going on exactly?
Well... Not sure if you saw the whole drama but I'm on slightly better terms with Opportunity now... the issue is, Dr. Wily now has someone in play who doesn't have that rapport, likes him a lot more than I do, and is a lot more dangerous in his practices... I don't want the kid getting hurt is all. I can't do anything to stop it, so I figured I'd at least warn her
Okay but like… I’ve got a concert tonight. Does it have to be tonight? Also you should totally come to one when you’re not working with a terrorist.
You have NO IDEA how much I want to be there and not with this bitter old fleabag and his drama. Also that was not up to me. I'm pretty sure Dr. Wily picked specifically tonight to make scene
Alright that makes things a lot more difficult because I can’t just. Not perform, I legally have to be there.
...good luck. Don't die :thisdoesnotpleaseme.png: (don't know if he'll do much more than cause a scrap ton of damage but you never know with this guy. He's a bit of a loose cannon)
Are you allowed to tell me who it is? I played a game or two when I was a kid I might recognize the name.
To be quite frank, Miku was just hoping that her being part Porygon didn’t ruin the whole First Law thing. Though it was the Second Law actually in this case (Wily had ordered this part of his operation be secret), but still, Top Man was able to manage something
Ninja- %(&(-&*% ^-^%-That's all I can say I guess
She looked to Oppy,  clasping her hands together. “Alright, what do you say we have a shopping trip distraction?”
! Sure! That sounds great!
but as fate would have it (of course) Miku's phone said that the concert was starting - the two girls had lost track of time - and she couldn't leave until it was over
Miku sighed slightly, but nodded at her phone. Her body pulsed, and her hair turned purple, her eyes a dark crimson. “Dagnabbit, time.” She shifted back to her normal appearance, looking back to Oppy. “Nevermind, we’ve got Bowling For Soup playing opener right now so I have to be ready in 10.”
Oh... I'll be on the lookout! Do I watch from here or in the crowd? I've never been to one of these "^^
“You watch in the crowd! I’ll ask someone to guide you there!” Almost as soon  as she said that, a green haired girl entered through the door. She didn’t say much, simply waving to Miku with a smile and waving to Oppy with a surprised face.  “Melody! Great timing! Do you think you could show Oppy to the crowd?” Melody nodded, making a gesture towards Oppy to follow her.
Oppy went back with the crowd (still toward the front though) as the concert began. As the opening bands finished their last songs, the curtains drew back, and Miku arrived onstage to raucous applause. 
“How’s everyone doing tonight!”
More cheers. Miku grinned as she listened to the crowd.
“Sorry for the wait, a bit of a software issue! But I’m back now! Let’s get this started!”
We love you Miku!!!!! ^u^
While she couldn’t hear the specific call, she did hear it as part of the crowd. To be fair a lot of them were saying that exact same thing. “I love all of you too!” Music began, and she began her performance. She really seemed to be getting into it.
Right as one of her more popular numbers was reaching its head, the backup musicians began being attacked by... a Weavile?!
The music stopped almost instantly (to be fair, the backup musicians were for an acoustic cover of Hypocrite Justice they were going to do later), and Miku turned around in shock. She immediately rushed to the musician’s aid, changing to Fire Voltage as she ran.
“Get off of him!”
the Weavile's movements are strange, almost as if it was programmed to attack, and when it got close to Miku, she felt its surface was metallic. The Weavile tried to hit Miku with a Throat Chop, but it was parried by a large, thick, pink hand from behind her. Miku was… rather surprised to see the hand, looking back to see who owned it. How’d it get this far, she was on stage alone, wasn’t she? Looking next to her, she sees Oppy had somehow made her way onto the stage to protect her. She gives her a thumbs up with her non-shifted hand, then turns to the Weavile, who's still trying to cause as much damage as possible, this time attacking a fog machine, making it so the area is covered in mist and the audience has a hard time seeing what's going on. Miku, admittedly, was starting to panic a bit. She was a pop star, she was completely and utterly unqualified to handle this.
Wait hold on, fog machine! She could handle that at least.
She shifted to Flying Voltage, leaping across the stage before changing to Steel, making her much heavier in comparison. She may not have fancy attacks or anything, but she could protect her fans.
fortunately a Mystical Fire from Candela took out the Weavile
Phew... what was that? And who sent that thing?
“I don’t know…” Miku put her hand to her chin. The answer was incredibly obvious, but she wasn’t really made for thinking with Steel Voltage. She swapped to Psychic, and the answer hit her like a load of bricks. “Oh right yeah Wily.”
Almost as she realizes it, the other fog machine breaks, and a stage light almost falls on her. Oppy moves her out of the way, then the mist thins enough to see a strange, ninja-like robot put the metal Weavile in a pokeball - this was DWN-024, Shadow Man
“Aaaand this is exactly the guy I was expecting. Oppy? You might wanna run.”
Back to Steel Voltage she went. Oppy shifts a shield around herself but stays 
I'm gonna help too if you need it!
“That’s kind of the thing? I was also going to, I haven’t done anything like this before.”
Neither have I, really. The other guy didn't really want to be there so he didn't go all out like this guy, but I think we can beat him!
Shadow Man throws a Shadow Blade that strikes Oppy and she recoils, but isn't seriously hurt. Oh dear, oh no. He was attacking the kid. That wasn’t good. How was she supposed to take care of this guy!? 
Wait hold on… if she remembered right he wasn’t made with the others of that line… but he was still weak to Top Man’s weapon… which could only really mean…
And so, Hatsune Miku, the Cyber Songstress, threw her full body weight against a ninja.
Urgh- What are you doing?! He tries to launch a Shadow Blade, but misses by a longshot
“Good question!” She responded, charging forward more. Maybe Fighting Voltage would have been better, but she needed the extra weight considering the fact that her opponent was made of metal.
Miku then discovers she was pushing against a log - the real Shadow Man descended from above and struck her. To be fair, she was expecting something like that. Which is why she was in Steel Voltage. However, she did not remember that she was barely over 150 pounds with Steel Voltage active. Stupid pop star diets. She made her distaste for the situation known, extremely vocally even. “That was just cheating there.”
Shadow Man grunted, then a second Shadow Man then appeared next to him, and then the two scrambled themselves, making it hard to tell which was which
Huh?! There's two now?!
“It’s okay, it’s just Double Team. Got anything that can hit both of them?”
She almost wished Melody was here just for the extra help. But that would just be adding another person who had no idea how to fight in here.
I could make something! she shifted her hand into a long flail, and swung that at the two Shadow Mans, only for them both to disappear
Behind you Shadow Man knocked over Oppy with a hit from behind
“Hmm… there’s a bit of a problem here… wait, I’ve got it!”
She shifted to Psychic Voltage. That should give her a better view than Steel. If he’d just stay still she could enter his circuits, but she didn’t have that option. through Psychic Voltage, she's able to see Shadow Man attempting to sneak up on Oppy through the mist. Miku’s eyes widened, electing to — instead of being an idiot and punching the robot in the face — warn Oppy about the incoming stealth attack. hearing Miku's warning, Oppy instead makes her body larger, squishy, and slightly adhesive. Shadow Man gets stuck on her and Oppy traps him
Good job Oppy!” Miku clapped slightly. “Let’s see if I can’t do anything here…”
She approached the robot, looking for any sort of entry point to his system. She was hoping it would be simple, but things rarely were. Shadow Man's putting up a beast of a fight, and the systems are already hard to grasp, being not of earth...
Miku! Look! Oppy points out an interface port - likely where Dr. Wily would connect to for maintanence. She moves this closer to Miku for convenience
“Thanks!” She nodded, sticking a finger into the port and transferring herself into the droid. It looked like she was still there, but her eyes were lifeless.
Inside Shadow Man is a landscape that seems like Shadow Man's stage from Mega Man 3, complete with enemies. She gets the sense she'll be ejected if she gets defeated, so better make this count. She was so happy for this, she never thought that she would ever find a use for this. Immediately enemies begin approaching her - it does seem like she has some rudimentary equipment based her franchise. Aw heck yeah, she can do stuff. Apparently the question of “what would Miku do in a platformer?” was answered with “Whatever the hell made sense for the setting.” Miku eventually made her way to Shadow Man, in his mindscape, and he immediately began going on the offensive, jumping around and throwing Shadow Blades. Well. She was hoping that she’d be able to talk things out with him, but that did not seem to be the case. At the very least, this was a very familiar pattern. For Dr. Wily! though his attacks are relentless, she knows them, and in short order Shadow Man is defeated. Miku automatically ejects, but Shadow Man has gone slack
you entered my mind... I'm lucky I trained for that. You saw only what I allowed you to, but even still... I'm in no shape to fight anymore…
Being back out of his mind was. Definitely a shock. She expected to leave on her own.
“Normally this would be when we’d like. Blow you up and take the chip thingy but we want answers. What are you doing here?”
you're a fool if you think I'll tell you
at that moment an awful noise is heard and the Wily UFO flies overhead that descends a grabber claw that collects Shadow Man and startles Oppy into letting go 
Excellent work Shadow Man! We have what we needed from that lab now!
strangely, Strelka seems to notice the UFO and starts trying to chase it for some reason
Strelka what are you doing?!
“Huh? What’s going on?”
Miku attempted to chase after it, but as it turned out, being tackled by a ceratanium-adjacent-constructed robot when you yourself weigh 90 pounds normally really hurts, and she collapsed onto the ground.
Oppy doesn't notice at first, chasing Strelka until the Wily UFO flies out of sight and Strelka howls mournfully
Strelka what's wrong? Oppy then sees the guy from the Devon lab earlier
"Oh... it's you. Well if you want your dumb mutt you can keep it. Without the type memories it's useless to us, and given how much of a pain that project's been we're probably gonna cut funding for it. I won't bug you again about Type: Null"
Well... that's one thing down, now to deal with Wily. Wait where's Miku? 
realizing, she runs back to her friend and helps her back up 
Wily got away…
Miku was in. A lot of pain. Like… so much pain.
“It’s fine, we’ll get him later. Or. You will. I need to go to the hospital. I can message one of the others to help at least, I don’t wanna just leave you out on your own.”
I'll get you there, don't worry Oppy shapeshifts into a form that could fly her there and gets Miku to the hospital as fast as she can
end video log]
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encrucijada · 2 years
hmm snowflake ❄️ and soup 🍲! (for the ask game)
🍲 soup: share a snippet where a character does something kind.
some quality ezra & her dad content from chapter 1 of evergreen lung
“we’ll get you cleaned up,” caleb said. “i’ll carry you, come on.”
i decided to stand, use my legs, and caleb instead went on ahead to open the door of the bathroom and flip the switch that would make the water hot. “your clothes will be good as new after a wash,” he said, eyes puffy and still glassy and wiping at his face for stray tears. we both knew this shirt was xio’s shirt, she and i fit about the same and to make room in the other wardrobe she put her clothes in mine. the shorts had been a gift from raquel, for my fifteenth birthday, they still fit me. now they were ruined, it was all ruined. seeped with mud and stained with grass.
caleb put a towel on the lid of the toilet and brought me a pair of pyjamas to change into when i asked if he could. he didn’t close the door all the way when he left, like to reassure himself i wouldn’t disappear when his back was turned.
❄️snowflake: talk about a unique trait or aspect of your favorite oc. have they been living rent-free in your brain? it’s time to talk about them!
i'm obviously gonna pick piedad because she has been inhabiting my brain the last few days. my Favourite aspect of piedad is what she is as a character. and that is: being the genre-aware character. in the pjo rp where she originates, piedad is a daughter of urania which allowed me to give her "seeing glimpses of the future in the stars" as part of her demigod powers. it was meant to be a quirky little thing, more akin to reading someone's horoscope for the day. then i made the mistake of allowing her one (1) concrete premonition: luke with golden eyes. piedad can, for all intents and purposes, "see the fourth wall". she knows she's in a tragedy. she knows luke is the hero of the tragedy. she knows luke is going to die. genuinely think she hasn't gone insane like ophelia did in hamlet is because on top of this piedad's fatal flaw is apathy. so she compartmentalises really well. she's cassandra on the steps of the castle telling the chorus she knows she's going to die. she's hermes at the beginning and end of hadestown talking about how "it's a sad song, it's a tragedy". knowing but going through with the expectations of the genre. she's approached by apollo for this very reason, being the god of prophecy and all. she asked him about it and he just shrugged it off. something something knowing your destiny only makes you run towards it faster in your attempt to avoid it. so piedad... she allows herself to be strung along. essentially she's the fleabag of the universe.
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petitsdieu · 2 years
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FAV COLORS:  Lately I’ve been liking green... like arsenic green or something a little less bright. pinky peach shades like Audrey Hepburn in breakfast at tiffany’s lipstick pink. birds of paradise has some cool colors.. basically.. I can’t really say “blue” or “pink” but my favs are very specific. 
FAV FLAVORS: spearmint, lemongrass, lemon, rose, mostly refreshing flavors tend to be my favs.
FAV GENRES:  Adventures, Romance, Thrillers.
FAV MUSIC:  Pop, soundtracks, scores. 
FAV MOVIES:  Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle, Parent Trap, The Holiday, Titanic, Star Wars ( prequels esp ), Cast Away, Mamma Mia!, Uptown Girls.
FAV SERIES:  Avatar: The Last Airbender, 
LAST SERIES: The Handmaid's Tale, The Crown
LAST MOVIE: Incredibles 2
CURRENTLY READING: Fleabag The Scriptures ( its a script, does it count? ), and soon-to-be Talking Dirty To The Gods by Yusef Komunyakaa ( discovered bc I needed a book for a thread ).
CURRENTLY WATCHING: Right now? Incredibles 2, In general? Lord of the Rings. This week prob? Enola Holmes 2 and Don’t Worry Darling.
CURRENTLY WORKING ON: sewing project, phone case project, going thru everything I own and editing things out of my life, rp drafts, myself lol.
tagged by: stole it from bebe @exitiosae​ we love crime tagging: @eritvita​ @rush-to-greatness​ @ulvemyt​ @luckhissoul​ @caracarnn​ @destruqtivist​ + LITERALLY EVERYONE I FOLLOW PLEASE !!!! <3
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reissance · 2 months
can you please stop sinning with your mouth and go confess like rn? thank you. ruthie's plot anyway: tl;dr - a twitter rp based in a fictional town, ruthie’s bend, ny, where the rich come to spend the summer, while the locals are here year-round. your character can either be one of the rich or one of the locals. there will be various locations for the locals to work at and own. the local newspaper has a mole from the inside who is airing everyone’s dirty laundry on the front page of the newspaper, who goes by the alias of “SONNET”. everyone’s trying to figure out who sonnet is, considering some of the residents work at ruthie’s bend echo.
last time I went to confession was with *that* scene of fleabag so... anyway @ruthiesbend come back rn
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blossomgrovehqs · 5 months
Queria trazer uma menina beta para o rp, mas não tenho ideias para plot com os players, ocupação, etc... Alguma ideia? Aceito entrar já com plotinhos! Ah! Quero usar a Sana do Twice.
Temos nossa tag de prompts, anon! Mas eu posso te ajudar com algumas ocupações, porque eu gostaria de ver algumas vagas preenchidas nos locais - que aceitam modificação também, gente, então se vocês acham local X, Y ou Z uma merda, podem me falar, ok?
Um atendente especializado em perfumes na Couture Velours, que sabe sempre o melhor aroma para você porque se aproveita para provar todos, já que aromas não pegam tão facilmente nele.
Policiais que se aproveitam do fato de não terem que tirar dias de folga devido aos ciclos para serem meio workaholic. Também gostaria de ver policiais obcecados por certos casos do passado (que pode virar até plot da comunidade, eu amaria um dropzinho de assassinato na mansão), patrulheiros que ficaram traumatizados ao verem algo, etc.
Um médico ou fisioterapeuta do Harmony cuja maior arma é a neutralidade, e tem filas de pacientes por não irritarem pessoas em situações vulneráveis com seu aroma.
Um ator meio bilu tetéia que acredita que conseguirá atingir as grandes nuances emocionais de alfas e ômegas apenas se experimentar várias experiências... Insalubres.
Um sacerdote.... Hilda Furacão, gente. Só Hilda Furacão. COMO vocês ainda não fizeram isso?! EU QUERO O PADRE DE FLEABAG NO RP.
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fadingfronticr · 3 years
Another thing. I’m working on starters from every single one of my WANTED PLOTS, and this may take a while. If you’re interested, feel free to message me so I can write a closed starter for you. Check my GUIDELINES first, though. Please let me know which CHARACTER of mine you’d like to write with, or send me some suggestions/traits of characters for me to make a better choice.
Also, I’ve never written canon characters before but I might give it a try. There are some characters I’d love to write, and the current fandoms I’d love to firstly give it a go are MARVEL, HARRY POTTER, FLEABAG, TWILIGHT, BRIDGERTON, GOSSIP GIRL, HISTORICAL, but I’m not closed to any others. If you’re up for it, I might even try to make some OC from those fandoms.
And last but not least, a couple more characters will be introduced in the following days (or weeks...), so you’re welcome to my messages if you want to learn more! Would also love to try exclusive characters, so feel free to send me suggestions/fcs you’d like to write against. I’m dying for more connections, so if you want a family member, romantic interest, enemy, friend, or any type of connection for your characters, I’m your gal.
That’s it for now, I guess. Thanks for reading this far. As you can probably tell, I’m looking forward to more threads, ships, connections, and writing partners!
Random question at last: Should I make another blog for these ideas of mine? Or should I just try to organize the mess I’m sure will become of this blog?
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hereticsinc-a · 4 years
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐆𝐎𝐃  𝐈𝐒  𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐃   &   𝐍𝐎  𝐎𝐍𝐄  𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐒 .   ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀  𝑻𝑯𝑰𝑺  𝑰𝑺  𝑻𝑯𝑬  𝑫𝑶𝑾𝑵𝑾𝑨𝑹𝑫  𝑺𝑷𝑰𝑹𝑨𝑳 .
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