#first time drawing it and also using only 7 color layers
psychoana16 · 4 months
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It's been AGES since I last posted a drawing here o Tumblr, but since it's trending, I'll give it a try!
Here's Biolizard I drew yesterday, our big boi who's finally coming back!! We missed you!
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laweema · 20 days
Your Joy Ang style drawings look amazing! Do you have any advice for mimicking it?
Hi there! Yes I have. I will advice everyone, who want co mimic Joy's style, firstly to watch her speedpaints on her youtube channel. ( https://www.youtube.com/@JoyAng ) And watch her other arts, at her site - http://joyang.ca/artwork/ You will need to analyze how she works.
Earlier I didn't get it right away because I didn't quite understand it, but now I know some things:
1. Joy Ang makes a rough sketch of the entire drawing, and then colors it
2. Joy Ang first draws the works with a line, sometimes even on paper
Added my Kinkajou without color to the block
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3. Then she creates a base layer under the line
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4. Then (not always, but as I understood in most cases) merges the fill and line layer into one and begins to work with color and shades, pipetting the colors from the sketch (I'm saving the layers with the line just in case something goes wrong) Use the "transparency lock" to stay within the bounds of the fill !!!
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5. For dragons with lots of scales, like Kinkajou, personally, I first work with the color under the line and only then merge to make light on the scales, otherwise I will smear them all
6. Joy paints with STROKES, very very small strokes, which may make it a little difficult to work, but then the work will be more like Joy Take a closer look!
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7. Joy often, but not every time, draws a very contrast line of light next to the contour in her work
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8. Her line is not smooth! It's textured!
9. The backgrounds in her works are a great example of working with contrast. Almost all of Joy's backgrounds are very light, sometimes almost white against the background of the characters. This is in order to highlight the character and focus attention on them.
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10. Very important! Joy sometimes neglects anatomy in order to create an eye-pleasing picture, here's an example - flowing lines in her drawings, yes, dragons do not have a pelvis, but their body turns very beautifully and smoothly twists. I would compare this to animation, where the characters also usually have smooth, pleasant features.
Bad for anatomy, but great for stylysation!
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11. And I think it should be said that her work is full of color, so don't limit yourself to "white and black" by painting light and shadow.
So.. That's it! You will need practice to completely repeat the style, try to study Joy Ang's work yourself, and make some small drawings first to get used to the style, good luck!
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wishjacked · 27 days
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Happy #WebcomicDay!! :D
This year we're celebrating the process of making pages... so below the cut I've got a bunch of pictures sharing how I go about making pages of my evil post-apocalyptic workplace sitcom, Cargo!! :D
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So! My process!!
Writing-> I think sometimes there's pressure to "write" your comic a certain way, I see people talking about script format and stuff a lot. That really doesn't work for me, though! I write my "first draft" script in short scenes on scrap paper, in whatever order they come to me. Sometimes a scene will just be one or two lines, and then a little description of what I want to happen in the rest of the scene.
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Later I type the scene up, and write the "connective tissue" that fits between the disjointed scenes so they all flow together like they ought. I don't do page breaks or even character tag or action notes hahahaha I like it to be as BASIC as POSSIBLE so it's easy to edit. And since I'm the person drawing it I can almost always remember who's supposed to be saying what lmao
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I edit a lot, but the most major editing is also probably the last bit... when I letter my pages usually I realize "they would never say that" and so I end up rephrasing everything. My art brain is sometimes waaaaay better at phrasing hahaha. Like you can see in the finished page for this script I rewrote like basically all of it, and actually went back to the original "sketch" script in a lot of places.
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Thumbnailing-> my thumbs are really big, I draw them with markers on printer paper and keep them in a binder!! I like to thumb scenes in batches and I also usually write my dialogue on them, just so I can read through them before (and while) I draw to get a feel for how the pacing works. :)
Sketching-> OH sketching is also really hard for me! I don't have a good visual imagination so it's really important for me to make sure I have good references. Last year I was especially focusing on setting.
My comic is set in Florida. I'm lucky in that I used to live there and still go back to visit sometimes, so sometimes I can gather my own reference images! But more often I start on Google Maps or Zillow, trying to find buildings that have interesting features or the right kind of "look" for what I want. I'll also look up other interesting elements, my comic is set in a post-apocalypse and I'll research home gardening and things like that which people would probably have.
For example, in this set in chapter 7, I used Google Maps images, photo references of indoor hydroponic gardening, and like, 90's-00's hacker computer setups haha. Also my BFF Roomstyler.com, where you can make 3d house interiors haha!!
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Lineart-> I LOVE lineart it is my favorite!!!! I sketch and ink two pages at a time, and it usually takes somewhere between 10-12 hours to do both steps.
I actually think my art looks best when it's just lineart... but I think my STORY is better with color, like it makes it clearer and easier to read and it has a better atmosphere HAHA.
Colors-> I think it usually takes me 4-6 hours to do 2 pages (I haven't timed myself as consistently as I time my lineart and sketching). I have a big file with small copies of my previous pages that I color drop from, and my characters are all flats only. The limited palette that I use is also really handy, it streamlines coloring a LOT.
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Finishing Touches-> aka I steal mercilessly from my one true love, my internet home, the beautiful and blessed Wikimedia Commons
I put lots of overlay layers on my art! I like textures so having some strange little textures or pictures on things makes my art feel a lot more finished to me.
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And finally my very most favorite ✨finishing touch✨ is the bright colored/patterned gutters that I use. Here are some of my favorites that I've made and used in the past!
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And that's all!! I hope you guys have a very happy Webcomics Day and find lots and lots of wonderful new things to read!!!
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How do you decide what to draw, and when it's done?
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Text: "This is a great question! I usually "wing it" when it comes to deciding when my drawing is done. (More below)" "Finding ideas...? It kind of depends! Sometimes I'll get a strong picture form in my head while I'm doing something else. Other times I just sit and draw whatever."
Now to elaborate on my process for deciding when to stop, how far to go with shading, etc. Most of it has to do with how I feel about drawing something, but also to do with keeping things visually appealing. Here I've laid out each general step of my drawing process from start to finish:
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1. Sketch, Meant to be quick and generally convey the subject. I will sometimes draw and post things just as cleaned up sketches if just adding visuals to a text post, for shit-posting, or just if I'm not too interested in what I'm drawing.
2. Line art, I almost never post *just* line art, but i will occasionally post line art with one color to fill in the silhouette to help with contrast and character recognizability.
3. Flat color, I often post ask responses at this stage (maybe with simple hard-edged shadows here or there), but outside of ask responses I only leave character reference art at this stage just because the colors are purest for the character. I don't usually leave it without simple shading because it can be hard to read the subject's form, and its not my cup of tea. I lightly airbrush a warm color over the line art so that the harsh black doesn't contrast too much with the bright colors.
4. Shaded, a step up from simple hard edge shading I'll layer more than one shading color (layer set to multiply and lowered opacity) and blend out the edges in some places to soften the form. Then I add lighting and highlights - first using a textured soft airbrush over a large area, then use a round airbrush with hard edges for the highlights, blending out the edges in some areas to soften the form. This is usually where i stop for simpler character pieces, either for ask responses or for personal art. (Highlight layers are set to "add-glow")
5. Atmosphere, or adding additional shading elements to engage the subject with an environment or specific lighting condition. Here I've done a sunset lighting condition - I put a purple color over the whole subject set to multiply and opacity lowered, then airbrushed a reddish orange tone (on a separate layer, set to add-glow and opacity lowered) over the highlighted areas to bring warmth back to the lit spots. Then deepened the shadows using the hard edge airbrush again, a dark blue color (multiply layer, lower opacity), and then blending some of the edges out to show the form better. This is where I'll merge the line-art layer with what i now have of the coloring and shading, if i didn't already do so prior. Last I went back over the highlights with the orangey color (add glow, lower opacity). Once I get to rendering like this, I don't often stop here because by this point I'm likely hyper fixated and will keep pushing the values and adding details until I get to 6.
6. Details and bounce light. I texture-airbrushed a blue bounce light color, erased some hard edges in using that hard edged airbrush and then blending some of the edges out. This then gave me a guide to add in bounce-highlights with a hard pen, that i blended out in some places. I then further pushed the main highlights using a hard pen and again, blended out the edges. All layers set to add glow and opacity lowered. This is where I'll usually stop for finished rendered pieces, because I struggle to find other things to add or change, and the hyperfixation is thinning out and caving into my hunger/sleepiness. Might add hard white highlight details, but those are the finishing touches.
7. Wtf details. Added in hair strand details and fly-aways, blades of grass, I'm up way too late and struggling to end the drawing process - Or im just enjoying rendering the hair. I almost never add in stray hairs like this, but it's something i enjoy visually.
Again, a lot of where I stop comes down to my energy, time, and the vibes I'm going for. Hope this answers your question!
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celerydays · 7 months
What program do you use to make your fanart? Is it on just an average ipad or is there special ones just for art? Your work looks so good! I’m wanting to try digital art but unsure where to start :)
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I use the Procreate app for all of my digital art! ✨
It should be available on any iPad 💗 I personally invested for my birthday this past year and I have the 12.9" M2 iPad Pro, but I'll even occasionally use my fiancé's iPad Mini and the Procreate app on there in a pinch since it's so small and portable~
The only real difference is that performance might suffer a bit, the larger an art piece is or how many layers your work has, depending on the iPad. But if you're just starting out, I probably wouldn't find that to be much of an issue!
(More rambling about digital art origins under cut ✨)
There's definitely a learning curve, especially if you're more used to drawing traditionally! It can help to still sketch traditionally (if that's what you're used to) and then upload a photo of your drawing to your tablet to work over digitally (this is personally how I started out and I used to just make little digital doodles by tracing and coloring over my traditional sketches.)
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A small doodle from my sketchbook that I traced and colored digitally, from around 2011-2012, I think? Uh, happy Doctor Who day today!
My very first digital art set up was actually a tiny Wacom Bamboo tablet where the drawing space probably wasn't even bigger than my hand, and a super old bootleg version of Photoshop CS2 which was already a version that was 7 years too old for the time (CS5/CS6 was the most updated version by the time I had started on digital art).
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Everyone else in my class had the bigger/fancier/professional-grade Wacom Intuos and I remember my professor taking one look at my baby tablet and just going like "how tf are you drawing on that" lmao.
But still! Experimenting and doing little exercises can get you a long way – I would say to approach it with similar exercises you would do as if you were learning to draw traditionally for the first time.
Shade in circles/nail down basic lighting. Gesture drawings. Random scribbles. Just things that help you get used to the feel of digital art!
Test out different textures you can achieve with one brush, then expand it to see how other different types of brushes can behave and add to the experience.
For proof that even just one brush and not the best/most updated tools can work: these are two of my first more "serious" digital art projects I did in college (with my tiny tablet and mega outdated version of Photoshop) and 99% of the rendering was just done with the "soft airbrush" brush.
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But even then, we were taught to create our base sketches traditionally and upload them to the program to work over.
Then one day I decided I wanted to just be able to also do all my sketches digitally and just worked on getting used to sketching straight on my digital program. It was then that besides the all-powerful undo-redo buttons, I started to really make use of the transform/canvas flip/liquify features which I don't think I can live without now lol. (Caveat: I'm now a little too dependent on those features so I keep a traditional sketchbook to do silly doodles in occasionally to exercise my hand because sketching traditionally without the buffer of those digital tools is pretty difficult for me now lol.)
That was a little long-winded, I'm so sorry hahaha. I hope something in this rambling could be taken as somewhat helpful for starting out on digital art!! 💗
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bludweave · 29 days
the way you color things makes me want to commit crimes. any coloring tips for a baby digital artist who doesn’t know how to do the computer things good?
AUGH apologies for taking so long, i was in the middle of writing this answer and the whole thing was deleted as soon as i switched to another tab on my phone, and then the draft didn't save the second time i tried to write it. jfc at least i had it written out in my notes app the second time. anyway, thank you thank you thank you!! this was very nice to recieve, i love getting asks ❤️
i'm not versed in the arts of drawing on a computer, either, so i can't give tips in regards to specific programs (said in chronic procreate user voice) but i can certainly give universal advice keep in mind that i'm not professionally taught in the slightest so i lack much of the vocabulary to describe my methods, and remember that my word is not law!
in case of confusion, everything has been explained. i've added a cut because it got needlessly long. i've also added visual guides for certain tips, and image descriptions for each one
to be honest, much of what i do when picking colors is done with the help of gradient maps (more on that later) but when choosing my base colors i follow these rules:
1. you don't have to cell shade with purple + multiply and an add layer. that's the voice of lavendertowne attempting to take control of your body. stamp it out. (/j i love her)
2. bright, vivid colors!
3. instead of shifting just the brightness and saturation when picking colors to shade, shift the hue, too! in the first image, we can see that the circle is dull and boring. in comparison, the second image pops!
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4. so, how does this work?
without getting too much into color theory--because while i've studied it before, i don't trust myself to articulate it properly without making a fool of myself--it's all about how colors interact with each other. for example, a beige circle looks lighter when surrounded by a dark background rather than just plain white.
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in the same vein, surrounding greys/desaturated colors with warm colors makes them look blue, and vice versa.
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5. blue/grey shadows and warm lighting!! or the other way around. actually, you can use any color for shadows and lighting, depending on your light source. is it sunny outside, or are they beneath white light?
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6. for color picking, i reccomend avoiding using the wheel, instead opting for the rgb sliders or the hue saturation brightness sliders if you're dumb like me. this allows for precision in the colors you pick, and accuracy when putting together color palettes.
7. and, finally, the actual computer stuff: gradient maps! i looove gradient maps.
as far as i'm aware, procreate and krita have the gradient map tool. ibispaint does not. i am not sure if firealpaca does.
i usually use gradient maps to make my coloring more cohesive, rather than just slapping them on a monochrome drawing (which is also a totally viable method for coloring, but you'll be less precise, as gmaps only recognize values). when using gradient maps, i prefer to duplicate my completed artwork, lower the opacity of the duplicate on top of it (usually between 25 and 50%, depending on how strong i want the effect to be), and use gradient maps on the duplicate.
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this makes my colors all nice and pretty!
11. if you use krita, it can be hard to find the right colors to use for your gradient maps. never fear! i'm here to give you the default templates from procreate, as well as a couple of the ones i've made.
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if you have any more questions, or you want me to get further into a specific topic, feel free to send me another ask
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s1llydr3amscape · 1 month
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Here some ye olde Vanessa designs i managed to find sifting through my sketchbooks (pre sb!!!!) There's more but Its really deep in the trenches.
rip their 4head broo they have no brain 😔
I miss doing stylised stuff tbh but ppl bullied me for it so now whenever I do it I go 😭
very old art vs my current art style and oc's below + rambles :
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this was right After the freaking posters released and oughhhh 😭😭😭😭 gurlll
top name cut off that Blaine guy are other human ocs I had for years!! They were in a comic with Vanessa and others heheheh I used to do comics 24/7!!! Ft my old fnaf ocs rival to fazbears who was better at keeping the safety aspect off their robots. I wanna ramble abt them too one day after a heavy rehaul. Vanessa actually switched jobs from my oc location to the Pizzaplex in it!!!! Because I hope Vanny and Vanessa were seperate!!!
Vanessa and Vanny were seperate people in my Rabbit City AU but idk if I still want them to be different or the same now. Also one of Glitchtraps workers who managed to break free from his control and he didn't like that and sent every piece of her crimes online on the Internet as this crazed murder. So now she's in a new city under hiding or face criminal charges she didn't commit willingly. She managed to dye her fur and change enough and became a roadie for this band that's not very good. (Ffps rockstars I love yall funky vibe I'm sorry yall died too soon). She wants to help people and protect them she knows there's others under Glitchtrap’s control and wants to put a stop to him. Sadly some off them don't seem like they want any help... She was a beagle dog because when I saw her I was like beagle!!!!
My longest one is my oc story that's bad and outdated which included 3 rap battles (i love rap sue me) and an orange cat with green eyes with wings mc who's name try and guess
Its Winger.... (yeah because he was based off Scootaloo having small wings so young me thought ohhh Winged but like Winger because unlike scootaloo he can fly and is a winner!!! 💀💀💀 he also had beef with nyan cat oc over a girl and could transform into different elements!!! Like nature fire ice and rainbow... the main main main mc tho is a brown green eyed cat who was half robot after an accident... God looking back what was I on (I got into mlp and had unrestricted Internet access)
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then we had this off my old sona... I didn't know how to draw fat could you tell... dark times oughhhh I wasn't blind tho then win 💀 alot of my older older art is traditional so you may not see it unless I sift through 17 layers off hell. Wish I backed up more of my 2019-2020 digital art tho but those were the darkest times for me also wait eewwww no eyebrows
ive gotten better and fr be the change you wanna see in this world draw fat bitches!!!! going down the rabbit hole
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that one barbie trend I didn't finish look at the hands boy ouggh insane sauce I drew that
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I miss drawing like this lowkey but my hand hurty and god ibis crashes every 25 minutes u was gonna gonna feral bro
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self love is drawing urself accurately irl after years of drawing a caricatures of yourself (My first human sona ever was a skinny white woman with long neon yellow hair and a purple streak </3)
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Gremlin from earlier I learned color theory aswell but only for purple, green and brown oops <333
I figured I could give it an oval nose because I didn't know how to draw my nose at all. Big ass nose death off me real!!! I love :3 face so much and big ass ears!!!! I will make them have big ass ears they are fun!!!!
These are my sonas I have like 4 rn and a million in thr vault (progress is progressing)
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old oc his name is Jamie now and he's from a dream I had. Literally an incel too like he's studying magic got so fed up no one in his own world wanted him. Used magic to find his soul mate who existed in another universe. Made a portal to get there and take her back to his world because he wouldn't comply in a non magic world. When he arrived to her world almost died turning white and green. And like still managed to get the girl back to his world (Akuma's a goober who wanted to be isekaid) and yeah. Like huh my guy chill out 😭😭😭😭 no wonder you ain't getting any. He also killed me in the dream and is so dumb for being a prodigy??? Like he made a business selling illegal potions with the company name just vile.... his own initials... like bro how are you not caught. I can't with him. I pray opun his downfall and can't wait to see what other shit he pulls outta his ass. I feel bad for the Akuma she just wanted to escape not knowing this guy a freak.
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heres him now!! He's much more dream accurate with the current events so far!!!!! If he appears next time I hope he croaks fr from the magic sickness like bro u a freak freak /neg
But yeah improvement is real!!! my art process is slower now (carpal tunnel) but I love to draw so much it is so fun if my bitchass ibis won't crash that is hehehehe (it crashed a million times trying to first time make a comic digitally I'm 💥💥💥)
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starrysharks · 2 months
OK, first-time follower and asking a question, but from what I see, you use ibispaint X how many layers do you have and for what?, Does drawing take forever for you??, Last question, but I'm trying to get into digital drawing. I'm a first time drawer but I wanted to ask how does someone professional like you draw??ps LoVe your art!!
when it comes to ibispaint x the amount of layers really depends on the art being made. for small colored character sketches, it's usually just 5-7 layers - for example, the bella pavona illustration i posted yesterday is 6 layers, one of which is a ref image.
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meanwhile for larger pieces and illustrations the layer count ticks up significantly. this recent comm for example was 43 layers, tho around 4 of those were ref images.
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drawing doesn't really take forever for me. once again it depends on the piece. the bella illustration for example only took 2hrs, and other character sketches can take even less time (around 30minutes) especially when i'm not designing the character in real time as i draw. meanwhile that full illustration took nearly 14hrs, and one comm that i can't release right now took around 24hrs! so it all depends on scale.
also, i'm not a professional AT ALL!!! i have zero understanding of non-cartoon anatomy, could not draw a realistic person if there was a gun to my head, and have no experience with any other art program save for ibispaint and MSpaint. i just happen to like drawing and take 3D art in school. i wouldn't consider myself a hobbyist tho. i draw for fun the most, and to build a portfolio for myself in the future. i draw just like any other digital artist really, though my art is cell shaded unlike other people who have far more detailed styles (if that makes sense). digital drawing is super fun once you've gotten the hang of it, so i hope this helps you out!
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rossellini-tyrell · 11 months
Nothing’s Gonna Change My World
Ch. 4 - But Listen to the Color of Your Dream (it is not living)
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Word Count: 4,414
Warnings: Reader is still traumatized from the events of chapter 1, very brief conversation about sanitary products.
Pairing: Pavitr x F!Reader also found on AO3 and Wattpad. ---------- "What are you doing all the way over there, (You)? You're freezing," remarks Pavitr. His voice is laced with concern, but the lilt is unmistakably fond. He's not wrong. You're currently wedged against the arm of his couch where you're midway through a series, curled up into it as snugly as possible in hopes of retaining some semblance of body heat. It's not working, he can see the gooseflesh raised on your skin from where he sits, the minute shivers your body makes on the exhales. Pavitr's implication isn't lost on you, the offer is very tempting. The thought of pressing against him when he's got that cozy-looking waffle-weave henley on that shows off everything and screams hug me is enough to make your toes curl in your fuzzy socks. Your brain just can't get past the discomfort of possibly imposing yourself on him. Not to mention that in the past, cuddling would eventually become nothing more than a vehicle for wandering hands, unspoken asks that wore a hole in your patience until you knew when the question would arrive without fail. "I'm respecting your personal bubble," you play it off. Pavitr snorts in disbelief. "Personal bubble- that's adorable. I don't have one. C'mere," he orders. The crook of an elegant finger beckons you closer, the quirk of his lips inviting, enticing, tugging on your psyche and leaving the sweet ache of a void unfilled. "Really, you don't need to for my sake," you try to give him an out. He sees it and ducks out of it. "Oh my god, you're so cute," Pavitr gushes. "I want to, and you've been making eyes at me this entire time," he reaches to grab both hands now. "Come here and let me hold you, sweet girl," he croons, and then he's reeling you in. You follow willingly, half-crawling across the couch. When you're close enough, he pulls you across his legs by the waist, the sudden contact eliciting a surprised yip from you. You're plopped into his lap, and then strong arms envelop you, draw you firmly against a warm chest. The initial contact makes you freeze, the frisson hitting like a lightning bolt as it rolls through you in waves. Being held, being wanted feels so new, so delicious, you don't know what to do with your body but hold stock still. It feels like the first hit of a dangerous drug, simultaneously ecstatic and frightening. Your heart beats in double time, your gooseflesh spreads across your arms. "Take a breath, dove, you're okay," Pavitr soothes, one flat hand rubbing firm circles against your tense upper back. "That's it, lean into me. I've got you." The rhythmic pressure is grounding, the breath you're holding escapes with a huff as you start to liquefy, feeling wonderfully contained in his embrace. The frisson is still there, the cuddle he's giving you feels fucking amazing, but the heat from his body is now seeping into your bones, driving out the cold and allowing your rigid muscles to sag. The soft knit of Pavitr's shirt presses into your cheek, you inhale deeply and catch the clean scent of the laundry soap he uses, layered with an almost vanilla-like scent that's his and his alone, rich, sweet and comforting.  It reminds you of the chilly nights of your childhood where you'd sip hot cocoa to ward the frost away. "There's my girl," he purrs, the words dripping into your ears like honey. The grin on his face could only be described as dopey, punch-drunk on raw affection. "Mmm, this is nice," you hum happily. "Could have had it a lot sooner, 'yanno. I've been told I'm quite the cuddle bug," Pavitr says, the rumble of his chest thrumming against you as he talks. "Are you telling me you turned down your heat, hid the blankets, and dressed in your softest clothes on purpose?" you accuse. "The allegations against me are baseless and without merit. I will prevail." he murmurs humorously, resting his chin atop your head. You can feel the contented hums he emits as he continues to stroke your back. "Is this the part where you put your hand down my shirt?" you ask, half-joking. Pavitr suddenly pauses, his posture suddenly becoming more rigid. "Why would I do- goddammit, don't tell me there are men out there turning everything into a proposition?" he whines. "I can't remember the last time I got to cuddle just to...cuddle," you admit. Pavitr's hold around you tightens protectively, you can almost feel his heart sinking in his ribcage. You hear him sigh, feel his lips against your forehead. "What fucking bell-ends. Why are men like this?" he complains, his lips moving against your skin. "You tell me, I'm just along for the ride," you reply. "I hate that this happened to you," Pavitr mutters into your hair, you can almost see the steam leaving his ears from his anger on your behalf. "I would never use basic affection as a transactional tool like that, I want you let yourself be cared for without worrying that I'm expecting something else in exchange. You should feel safe with your bo- people that you care about," he quickly corrects, not wanting to drop the B-word on you before you're ready. "I feel safe with you," you tell him. You do, the pressure of his hold is perfect, it makes you feel like someone has redrawn your ink outlines and colored you in. The repetition of his hand sliding up and down your back is calming, you feel boneless against him, yet completely supported. You know he'd never ask anything of you that you weren't wanting to give, and you know he'd shield you from a world that wanted only to take. "Thank you, darling. I'm glad I can give you that," he expresses. Pavitr rewards you with a slow, deep, open-mouthed kiss, affection pouring from his lips and traveling down your spine. He then shifts to lay against the other arm of the couch, pulling you into the crook of his arm. "I'd love to keep watching the show like this, but you can sleep if you're tired. I'll be right here," he offers. "Wouldn't mind taking you up on that," you mumble into his chest. He's comfy and he makes both a great blanket, and a pillow. "I hope you do," Pavitr breathes. His hand continues its steady path along your spine until you both sink into gentle slumber, safe and warm. ---- He meets you at the door when you stop by as promised, unlocking the front door with a plastic bag in hand from his own errands. "Oh, perfect timing!" chirps Pavitr, stepping aside to let you in first. "Looks like you've been shopping! Is there anything I can help with?" you ask. Pavitr sets the bag and his keys on the counter, wheels around to smack a kiss onto your lips. "That was it, but I would also appreciate if you could put away the stuff I bought. It's not much," he says, then busies himself with tidying up. You start sorting your way through the bag, finding homes for the various produce items, snacks, and condiments he'd picked up. It's been a few weeks and you're fairly familiar with his apartment's layout at this point, knowing where he keeps what. It's the last item he has in the bag that gives you pause, a decently large box with a design you recognize immediately. "Hey, Pav," you call out. "What are you doing with...these?" Pavitr stops what he's doing, looks at the object you're referencing. It's a box of pads, specifically, the same brand and style you use. "Oh, they're for if you ever need them when you're here," he answers nonchalantly, as if you'd just asked him for the time of day. "How'd you know what to buy?" you ask, surprised. "I'm Spider-Man. I'm observant," he replies, as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. Your heart swells at the thoughtfulness. It's Pavtir's unspoken way of saying I want you to be here, the way he noticed the little details and acted on them. In the few weeks you've known him, you've come a long way in feeling comfortable around him, his patience was unfailing and his attentiveness to you made your heart melt over and over again. "Thank you, Pavitr, that's...really nice of you. You didn't have to do that," you thank him. "Of course I did, they're just pads, not that hard to keep them around," he explains. He makes grabby hands towards you, his signal that he's craving snuggles. "You're insatiable," you sigh, making your way over to the couch. You let Pavitr pull you down on top of him, tangling your legs together lazily. Being held by him feels like taking your bra off at the end of the day, he makes you feel like there's nothing else in the world but you and him. You share a series of sticky-sweet kisses, in no hurry to take them anywhere else but here. Your lips meld with his, tongues occasionally meeting between them in little darts and swipes. There's no overtones in these kisses, simply two people lazily reconnecting with each other, basking in each other's warmth. Eventually, he comes up for air, nuzzles a chestnut-toned nose against your cheek and starts tracing mindless patterns along your back with one finger. "How was work today?" you inquire. Pavitr hums contentedly, drops a kiss to the top of your head. "Pretty good, we're developing the marketing department and brought on a couple new employees, they seem great. How did therapy go today?" he turns the question around. "It was...a thing," you reply, deflating a bit. Pavitr picks up on this immediately. "Tough session today?" he gently probes, sits up a bit to get a better look at you and tucks you closer into him. With Pavitr's help, you had recently started seeing a therapist to process everything that's been happening in the last few weeks. Since then, he'd given you a standing invite to come over afterwards to decompress, knowing from personal experience that the hard work of recovery could be heavy in its own way. Whether it was some TLC or a friendly ear, he was happy to give it if it could help you stand going every week. "She's nice and all but I hate remembering," you grumble into his chest. "And then I get nightmares again and I feel cranky at work." "My offer still stands, 'yanno. I'm glad to stay with you if it helps you sleep better," he reiterates. They aren't coming as often now, but now and then Pavitr hears you calling out for him in your sleep, the throes of a horrid dream trapping you there. He'd sneak upstairs each time, tap on your window to wake you up, and stay with you as long as you needed. Some nights he'd put on a sitcom until you passed out against him, others he'd sit on your bed with you, hashing out what you'd seen until you felt ready to sleep again. He did notice that his presence seemed to keep the nightmares at bay, as if they wouldn't dare try to mess with Spider-Man's girl with him right there. So he'd proposed you staying near him after a hard day, letting him guard your rest. Naturally, you being you, you'd waffle on the issue, worried about imposing on him. "Maybe..." you chew on the thought aloud. "Palace had a drop last week and I got a new hoodie and trackpants delivered today. They're really soft, could I interest you in that?" he bribes, letting his breath tickle the shell of your ear. Pavitr knows your weakness is him dressing in cozy clothes, and nothing's comfier than a brand new sweater. It's guaranteed you'll curl right up to him, tell him how huggable he looks. "No fair!" you whine, knowing he's figured you out. "Fine, I'll crash here, but I get to pick what we watch." Pavitr does a little happy dance in his mind. "Of course, sweet girl, anything for you," he affirms, rewarding you with a press of lips to your temple. You lay there in blissful silence for a while, feeling deliciously contained in the way Pavitr holds you to him, still mapping random pathways on either side of your spine. His wavy fringe tickles your cheek, tossed about on the soft puffs of his breath. You're blanketed in the goldenrod hue of the late afternoon sun, strong and comforting. "We talked about my friends today, Pav," you blurt out, suddenly. "Oh?" he acknowledges, turning you in his hold to face him, moving to strum his thumb along the crest of your cheekbone instead. "More specifically, we talked about the lack of my friends, now that most of them don't want to be around me anymore after I, allegedly, 'made a big deal out of nothing'," you cap off your statement in air quotes. Pavitr doesn't respond immediately, lets the disclosure percolate throughout the room. "I'm really proud of you, (You), for getting to the place where you can recognize the absolute bullshit that assertion is. Hell, I'm proud of you for opening up about any of this, period. Thank you for telling me," he praises you. "Thank you, but the problem remains that I don't really have many friends left to turn to," you explain, leaning into his hand on your cheek. "Don't get me wrong, you've been nothing short of life-changing and you've been so good to me, but, but-" "You're feeling isolated because you don't think anyone else will get it, yeah?" Pavitr finishes your thought. "...Something to that effect, yes," you confirm with a huff. "I just wish I could have some better friends, but I'm so exhausted and I don't know what I can do about that." Pavitr hums thoughtfully, an idea taking shape in his mind like a sourdough starter might rise. He plants a kiss to the end of your nose, keeps your face close enough to share breath, with a conspiratorial grin on his mouth. "Some better friends...I think that can be arranged, dove." ---- You meet them at a rock show on the weekend. Pavitr somehow snagged two tickets to the sold-out venue, but doesn't tell you how he'd managed to pull that off. You adored this band, and normally you'd love the crush of the crowd, but you weren't quite sure you could stomach the idea of a packed venue, a swirling mosh pit around you with no escape. Which is why Pavitr invited his three friends, who he assured were veterans of the pit and would never let any harm come to you. Miles and Gwen are a happy pair, their dynamic bright and full of energy. You almost feel like you're intruding when they exchange simple affections, Gwen resting a hand against Miles's chest, and Miles sneaking in a smooch in turn. Hobie's a bit different, there's an otherwordly aura or haze about him that makes him look hazy around the edges, as he's been cut from another cloth, pasted in with rubber cement. He's glad to see Pavitr, scraps with him, digs his knuckles against his head as Pavitr gleefully calls him "my guy", it's touching to see him so carefree, in his element. Pavitr himself has undergone metamorphosis for this show, he's put his piercings in, a black-plated hoop in each lobe, and he's topped it off with a well-loved leather racing jacket. He goes even further than that, a smidgen of navy-blue kajal around his waterlines completes the full emo look. He's in lady-killer mode, but it's obvious to everyone around him that he's only got eyes for one. "This 'er?" Hobie asks as you head into the venue, gesturing to you. "It's her! This is (You)!" Pavitr confirms, excitedly showing you off like a winning lottery ticket. "Oh my god, hi! Pav talks so much about you! I'm Gwen, it's so nice to finally meet you in person!" Gwen gushes, immediately folding you into a friendly hug. You can almost see the tips of Pavitr's ears go bright red from over her shoulder, eyes widened to the size of dinner plates. "I'm Miles, nice to meet you." "Name's Hobie- Hobie Brown." they introduce in turn. Miles is a little awkward, but Hobie exudes calm energy under the vibrant exterior. All four of your companions, however, have the same tired glimmer in their eyes, posture that suggests the presence of some invisible weight, yet, you can tell all four of them are physically powerful. "Wow, I...didn't realize you guys knew who I was," you tell them, surprised at the familiarity. "How could we not? Pav here hasn't been able to participate in literally any other topic of conversation since he met you, I feel like I've known you for years at this point," Miles exudes, much to the dismay of both Pavitr and Gwen. You can feel your cheeks start to heat up. "Stop hecklin' 'em," Hobie barks at the group. "Get your arses to the rail so we can actually see the bloody band," he pivots on his boot heel to turn to you. "Sorry for busting your balls, love, we've been doing it to each other so long we're quite used to it now, you really are just as lovely as my mate Pav said you'd be," he gently explains, leading you towards the stage where Pavitr is waiting with the rest. "He really does talk about me that much?" you inquire, flustered. "Only good things, mind you," Hobie affirms. "Seems he's taken quite a shine to you, can't blame the bloke for wanting to shout it off the rooftops after the shit go he's had with the birds," "That...makes it a little better, I guess. Thank you," you acknowledge, wondering what it is he's referencing. Pavitr finds you over the din of the crowd, pulls you to where he's standing by Miles against the rail. He folds you close against him, refusing to allow the sea of people to separate you for even a minute. "Nervous?" he probes. You shake your head in denial. "Excited is the better word," you tell him. "I don't think I told you that it should be illegal to look that good with blue guyliner." Pavitr sniffs a laugh, leans in close enough where his lips brush the shell of your ear. "Better dial the police, and my lawyer, I'll let you drag me to jail yourself if it means you look at me like that, darling," he rasps, blooms a kiss on the sensitive juncture of your cheek and jaw. His voice oozes ego and it roots you to the spot. You notice Gwen has seen the entire exchange, her cheeks pinking up from having witnessed something so intimate in a public place. The lights dim, the band takes the stage, the music swells and the crowd starts to ripple as the lead singer takes the mic. "LET'S GET READY TO RUMMMMMBLLLLLEEEEEEEE!" That's their cue. All hell breaks loose in the crowd, bodies checking, smashing, jumping as far as the eye can see, pent up frustration and anger purged in mass catharsis. You let the energy take you, let it move your body every which way, the electric hum washing over you. Pavitr is right there with you, so are Hobie, Miles, Gwen, similarly lost in the music but never more than a reach away. You can feel that they are looking out for you, for each other, even if it's imperceptible to the untrained eye. The mosh pit opens up behind you, a throng of bodies whirling, headbanging with their whole selves. Normally, you tried to stay out of their way at shows, not interested in getting clocked by some jackass windmilling his arms. Gwen shoots Miles and Pavitr a look, and that look says let's fucking go. "We're gonna hop in the pit, do you want to try?" invites Miles, voice booming over the screams of the crowd. "We won't let you get hurt! I'll punch anyone that tries it!" Gwen adds. For a moment, you hesitate. The people in the pit are moving really fast, and look strong, like they'd bowl you over with the effort required to wipe your nose. You turn to look at Pavitr, whose arm never left your side this entire time, and his face says something to the effect of No, really, I'd kick their fucking ribs in. You don't doubt he would for a second, but there's something about Miles, Hobie, Gwen that seems different, almost the way Pavitr has that aura of different that you've never seen in anyone else. You can't quite put your finger on it, but you know instinctively that they're not writing checks they can't cash. "Fuck it, we'll do it live," you proclaim. The band leads into their second song, and Pavitr breaks you both into the pit, a wall of circling bodies forming a whirlpool in the midst of the throng of people. You let them carry you along, cycling about under the power of the song's rapid tempo. Pavitr's holding your hand steadfastly, keeping one eye fixated on you lest you get swept away by the tide. The pit is exhilarating in a way you didn't expect, the release of energy exquisitely satisfying - until a crowdkiller body-checks you against the wall of the pit. You rebound off them, losing grasp on Pavitr's hand. You brace for impact with the ground, an impact that never comes, as a pair of strong, so strong arms grabs your shoulders and deftly guides you back on your feet. You uncover your eyes, expecting to find Pavitr, but instead see Hobie standing before you, fingerless-gloved hands firmly handling you. "Thanks for saving me!" you holler, out of breath. "Rule number one!" he replies, hazel eyes boring into yours. "When someone goes down in the pit, you pick them the fuck up!" You know he wasn't just talking about the show. ---- You stop at a Korean restaurant a few blocks away, the one notorious for being open this late. Everyone's sweaty, tired, and maybe a little bruised, but it's a good kind of tired. Raves about how good the set was were traded, the energy of the crowd, the exploits they saw happen all around them. Chatter that is occasionally punctuated by a round of raucous laughs, it's easy and you've missed this, having a group of people to just...be with. Pavitr's extra protective after your mishap in the pit earlier, his hand covers yours as you both eat, firmly, as if you'd blow away in the breeze like a lone balloon. Nevertheless, there are some places you cannot follow, and he pecks your cheek before excusing himself to the restroom. "Pav's smitten with you, you know," Hobie cuts in. You look up to find the group staring at you, eyes mirthful and bright and...a little sad? "I know it's not really our place, but he's mentioned to us that you were scared about not being enough for him because he's...you know," Gwen implies. "He's told you?" you ask, not missing the hint. "He has, and we know better than anyone what it's like to be in his position," Miles answers. You notice that he seems to dance around something in the hesitant tone of his voice. You don't press him. "Look, since meeting you, Pavitr has been the most radiant we've seen him since...she passed away," Hobie continues. The rest of the group solemnly acknowledges Gayatri with subtle bowing of the heads. "And Pav's tried, (You)," Gwen adds, pain in her voice. "He's had other flings, a few short relationships...none of them made him happy until you came into the picture." "He adores you. If you asked me, I think he might even love you," Miles implores, one hand coming to find your shoulder. "Although he's never said as much to us in certain terms, everyone can see it. I've had my fair share of feeling inadequate," he admits, Gwen instinctively leaning into him. "It wasn't easy, but I put my trust in the people around me that I was enough for them. It was the best thing I ever did." You process this, a little misty-eyed. It's difficult to believe that out of everyone, all those other women, Pavitr's chosen you. But to hear it from his closest friends that you've succeeded where others have failed, it's now more difficult to deny. "You guys are so nice to me," you say, voice warbling with nerves. "And you barely know me. I was feeling a little unsure because he hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend yet." Three hands, strong, so strong, find their way firmly on top of yours. "Have you considered that maybe he was waiting for you to ask because he's nervous to scare you off if you're not ready?" Hobie inquires, one pierced eyebrow lifting. The question catches you off guard, as you would never think of him as the nervous one in this pairing. "If I'm being honest, I hadn't thought of that," you reply earnestly. "And if I'm being honest, love, you can ask Pav for anything you damn well want," Hobie answers, patting your hand. "He's not gonna say no." ---- "Hey Pavitr, can I ask you something serious?" you begin the conversation, interrupting the small talk you were making on his fire escape after you get home. Pavitr stiffens, picking up on the jitter in your voice. He takes each of your trembling hands in his, delivers a reassuring squeeze. "Of course, anything, sweet girl," he assures. The kajal around his eyes is smudged, his hair a little stringy from the sweat. His expression is gentle, inviting, and he looks ethereal against the light of a midnight moon. You take a deep, grounding breath, and shoot your shot. "Doyouwannabemyboyfriend?" you blurt, quickly averting your eyes before you can be hurt by his reaction. Pavitr is still for a beat, parsing the words apart. Your heart plummets when his hands leave yours, but rebounds quickly when they skin up your arms to cup your cheeks so gently you'd have thought you were carved from ice, frail and prone to shattering. "Oh, dove," he coos, utter reverence in his voice. "Oh, my perfect, darling girl, look at me, please," You can't help but obey the gentle command, you lift your chin to meet his eyes, and Pavitr's face is beaming, overjoyed, it's bright bright bright "I've been your boyfriend this whole time, sonu. The answer was always yes, you needed only to find the words," he breathes. The relief floods your body, washes over you like a gentle wave, a knot untied. Even better when he slots your lips with his, swallows down the words you planned to say. In their place, he leaves behind his light, bright like the dawn.
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foster-the-moths · 11 months
If you don't mind, could you give us a tutorial or brief explanation on how you render hair? /nf
YES!! unfortunately i got. very tired after making this so this is only one hair type :( was gonna go into all the different types of hair textures but. i will just have to do that later. also keep in mind i drew this in like. 7 minutes its just a simple guide to get out the basic steps
^i didn't put music in this so. listen to whatever u want while ur watching this (its 6 minutes 40 seconds). also its slightly sped up this isn't real speed
elaboration of each step under read more:
step 0: look at other hair tutorials/pictures of real hair to figure out how light reflects off of them. then completely disregard that and just make things up (this is the best artistic process trust me i do it every day)
step 1: just get out that basic shape. it doesnt have to be anything fancy,
step 2: just fill it in and adjust the shape as needed
step 3: figure out how the hair moves and flows, which parts go out more (highlights), which parts are closer to the head (shadows/base), etc. i highly recommend just looking at pictures of hair online, or taking pictures of your own hair. for coily/curly hair, you just kind of have to do this for each curl/coil. one thing to keep in mind the highlight is in the middle of the curl/coil and the shadows are on the edges (usually). i'll elaborate more on that once i have an actual video for it
step 4: just make it so the edges of the highlights transition a bit more smoothly into the base color. it just helps for later steps tbh. try not to over do it, don't want to completely get rid of the highlight, just soften it
step 5: add more highlights with thinner brush. this should be where the light would bounce off the hair the MOST. i think i forgot to say in the video uhhh add in some base value too. maybe a few shadows. mostly this step is for highlights tho.
step 6: idk what else to put here sorry. ngl just get silly with it
step 7: it is very important to do one stroke per area in this one. do not lift your pen off the screen/tablet/whatever until the little area youre working on is one smooth transparent shade, then move on to the next. idk if i'm explaining this right hopefully this makes sense.
step 8: complete opposite as step seven. make as many strokes as you feel it needs. not TOO many, just enough to get some texture and then some yk? i recommend making a copy of the layer youre working on before doing this so that if you mess something up you can always go back to square one.
also a lot of these steps apply to pretty much any hair type just. in a completely different shape with completely different rules. which is to say its exactly like this but it actually isn't like this at all. which is why i plan on making other videos some day (hopefully) also look up "hair texture chart" it will help you find the words you need to look up good refs
remember: always get silly with it. the only rule to to make things up and change your mind 400 times. bring a 'fuck it, we ball' mentality to your art program that the haters (your brain) really won't like. practice makes perfect and all that, do NOT expect to get something good first try, sometimes i still struggle with drawing hair in a way that i like and just scrap the whole thing. also i'm not kidding about those real hair reference pictures it helps so so much
hope this helped at least a little bit bc i am not good at explaining things 👍
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goron-king-darunia · 2 years
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Eggtober 12 Avocado Toast (Featuring Tomato and, of course, Fried Egg.) Clip Studio Paint, Gouache Brush, Dry Gouache Brush, Airbrush (for the barely visible bread texture) and Freckle Pen (for the pepper.) 20 colors, 1 hour 30 minutes. Took a little longer on this one because I spent an inordinate amount of time lovingly rendering the tomato that I knew no one was going to get to see in the final product. (Don’t worry, I saved it to another layer since @quezify said last time that he appreciated the peek behind the curtain.) This was another request by a friend. I must say, I wake up every day excited to choose an egg from the many options I have available and just... have fun putting it down on (digital) paper. I’ve got some yammering about that, but since I’m already going to post a “behind the scenes” under the cut, I’ll shove the musings down there too. As always, big thanks to the Egg Master Supreme, @quezify​ for organizing this. It’s wonderful to see so many people getting into art again or branching out and drawing eggs for the first time, all because one zany dude said to Tumblr “You know what? Let’s paint eggs for a month.” And enough of us said “Hell yeah” that I get to see so many different styles and mediums. Loving every moment of it!
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(Art first, because LOOK AT THOSE TOMATOES! I love how they came out, I want to shove them in my mouth! AAAH!) Now for the rambling musings. I’m starting to get really comfortable with the gouache brush, a tool which I previously never used, and I’m also getting more comfortable with art in general. My usual process from childhood, when I did much more art, was to slap down pencil work on real life sheets of paper, line it in pen or photograph/scan it and upload it to my computer to line with the pen tool, and then just do everything with pen for bright, solid colors. Most of my other techniques were one off flukes, like the fire I did in my icon’s background. And my newer process, as an adult who just started learning Clip Studio Paint, was fairly similar. (I just started with CSP recently because it came free with my newest tablet and my old standard, Photoshop Elements [I dunno the version, 7 maybe?], was too old and would resize on my new rig so all the buttons were SO GODDAMN SMALL it was a pain to use.) The only difference is that, as an adult who’s home more often than not, I skipped the paper. Sketch, linework with the pen tool, then color under the line art with pen. Or, for a certain other project, I color under the line art with the watercolor brush. I’ve always wanted to try gouache because I’ve seen it worked with IRL and it’s got such pretty results! Opaque like acrylics and oils but flows like watercolor. I suppose it never occurred to me to look for it in the toolset. The last time I even used brushes meant to represent real media before CSP was when Corel Painter was a thing and I had it with my very first drawing tablet. And even then I didn’t use it often. I mostly used the watercolors because that was my favored medium IRL. But I quickly started to prefer Photoshop Elements which also came with my first tablet. And slowly I stopped using anything resembling traditional mediums. But I figured, hey, Eggtober is already a time for me to learn some new tricks and get some practice in, watercolor will look too translucent and it has a paper texture to it that I’m not sure I want. Let’s see if this thing has Gouache. And it did. And now it’s my favorite brush. The way it blends naturally, the ease of pressure controls so the opacity is easy to alter stroke by stroke. It feels like laying down real paints. Once I got used to how it behaved it just... clicked. So yeah, now that I know how to work with it and now that I had the brain explosion necessary to figure out my new process of laying down the darkest colors first and working my way up, it was all too easy to go “Oh. I like laying down these colors. And instead of trying to predict where I’m going to put the avocado, I’m just going to draw the full tomatoes for fun and practice and then figure out the avocado slice placement.” And then I spent roughly 45 minutes just... adding detail to tomatoes. Because it was a genuine joy and I was smiling the whole time and I could just look at those juicy tomatoes forever. So yeah, I know I say it every time, but I for real owe quezify everything for giving me a reason to pick up a new tool and learn and just have fun with it. Kicking my depression’s ass, my ADHD’s ass, my artblock’s ass, and my (lack of) motivation’s ass, all with the power of “Egg fun, draw egg.”
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un-local · 1 year
Predictibly, Rogier: 3,6
3) Design/Aesthetic Thoughts
First, a photo for reference, taken from his fextralife page.
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I have a lot of thoughts on his design, but precious few of them are anything substantial. Regardless, I am including them all. Lol.
[1] Love the Landsknecht vibe. (Wikipedia link)
[2] I hate drawing that hat though, I really do. It's the bane of my wretched existence. I hope that swingy glintstone piece whacks him in the face ♡
[3] The jester boots. Lol. What is he thinking. 
[4] So many layers. How does he not overheat and die immediately. 
[5] What the hell is that stupid little cape necklace. I love him
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(gif from this post!)
[6] The fact that that blue and yellow are his main colors has some fitting connotations under Hankshaw's Video on Color Theory in Elden Ring. Here's my thoughts, copypasted from an older post:
He's a mix, an entity in the Lands between unlike any other. Calm, logical, rebellious. Creative. Lonely. An agent of change, as much a scholar of the Order's history as he is a heretic. As a sorcerer who to seeks to repair the Order by altering it, Rogier is a striking clash of ideologies.
[7] His concept art (?) on fextralife is interesting. He seems to be older, and he's possibly using the staff as a cane.
I wonder how his story and injury changed and adapted throughout development. Was he originally meant to play a bigger (or smaller) part in the game's world? He seems to be at the heart of something big, but he also seems so inconsequential in the grand scope of things. Was a more involved story cut, or was it always intended to be this way?
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Also, why’d they get rid of the laugh lines? :( I guess ill just have to bring them back in my art.
[8] I love how his outfit incorporates glintstone:
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It's even in his boots, and the sleeves of his doublet... overshirt... thing.
I love how the blue/yellow/white of his design contrasts the red/yellow/black of Alberich's. Note how Alberich's is decorated with red glintstones, made from blood sacrifices:
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Also of note, their respective hats describe them as “heretical.”
(I went deeper into looking at Alberich as Rogier's foil, but honestly, that post went... a lot off the rails.)
6) Psychological Headcanons 
(tastes, fears, talents, regrets, how they deal with anger, just anything that comes to mind on the topic)
[1] He wields customer service voice and scripts like no other. He’ll spill soup on you and give such a good apology that it'll make you want to make it up to him.
(Whether or not this is intentional... It probably depends on the situation.)
[2] Talents: according to this, his dex is actually higher than his int.
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Given that, it seems he’s more practiced with sword than spell. Or at least, he picked up sword-fighting before sorcery. Which brings me to this YouTube short by a fencer, where he says that fencing and dancing are "intricately linked," and "one really informs the other."
So here's my silly little headcanon: Back in the day, in his life before, Rogier killed it on the ballroom floor. (Or whatever they had back then.)
...I wonder how many situations he talked himself out of (and into) while dancing with a partner. It seems like the perfect time to turn his "easy air" up to 11, as D calls it.
Idk, I think his life among nobility shaped the way he wields his manners. I'd love to think he learned how to turn his skills from that life into a weapon, one just as effective as his sword. That before his time in The Lands Between, it was really the only weapon he could use against the agendas of others.
[3] His fear: his untimely demise. I think the onset of this only really began after his injury. That's when he began to really understand the risks associated with his research.
Look at it this way: there’s knowing something is dangerous and acting accordingly, and then there’s understanding what the consequences are. (Ex: wearing PPE because you know you should, vs actually seeing what exposure to a chemical does to you.)
Before Stormveil, desperation and denial probably helped keep that understanding at bay. He’s chasing this thing, and he knows it’s dangerous—he’s done all the reading and research he possibly can. But I wonder how much he actually let himself stop and think about the danger before he jumped into his search for the next artifact. 
But now that he does truly grasp what’s in store for him, there’s no way to change course. I think that his fate (and it's inevitability) scares him to no end. I think it kills him that he won't be able to finish what he started. That he doesn't have time anymore—in the land where no one's supposed to die, no less.
The only thing he can do is work on his research a little more before he succumbs to the deathless dream. That’s where you, as the player, come in. 
(Side note: as for how long he’s in denial about the fatality of his condition—I can’t say. He could realize it's over as soon as he wakes up in the Hold, or he could be clinging onto some far-fetched hope all the way until he warns the player he’s falling asleep. Readers preference, I suppose.) 
[4] Regrets: the better question is what doesn’t he regret, lol.
Jokes aside, I think most of his regrets center around how things came to pass, rather than what came to pass. I don't think he regrets that he and D parted ways, but I think he regrets how it came to happen. That kind of thing.
[5] One last random headcanon: He's not a morning person. That first hour or so after waking—oof. That’s when his demeanor isn’t at full power yet. I have a small little bit for this in Still Waters planned, far off in the future. Because I want to hear him honestly complain for once, without all that dignity. I think it'd be fun to watch.
Thanks for the ask!!
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inklver · 11 months
just because i feel like it:
some random thoughts about the art i made for ironstrange week + the very rough thumbnails for each piece (putting this under the read more so this doesn't take up too much space bc this is a Very long post)
day 1 - red/wrath
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first fanart for this fandom! there are a few things i don't like about this piece (questionable anatomy, use of values could be improved, + stephen's hair makes him look like a wet cat /hj) but i do like the lighting and the theme of red spider lilies. i've always wanted to draw them and i love their symbolism of death and final goodbyes—feels very fitting for these goofs :b
i started working on this a good amount of time in advance, and i'm glad i did—this was one of the only pieces i used a painterly style for despite it being my preferred style; it takes me a lot longer than lineart + color, so i didn't get the chance to use it again throughout the event (with the exception of day 6)
day 2 - nervous/orange
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i struggled with the anatomy on this one—i don't draw back views often (or, at all really) so the first panel was pure pain. the second panel wasn't much better; it took several attempts to pose the hand in a way that looked somewhat natural. pretty pleased with how this turned out all things considered, though! my only qualm with this is the rushed shading, but that's what happens when you're a slow artist on a time constraint :,)
day 3 - yellow/cheerful
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i think this may be one of my favorites from this event. i'm very very happy with the lighting and overall atmosphere of the piece :)
i realize now that i used flowers as a theme for every color prompt—anyways, like i said in the tags of the original post for this, i very loosely referenced yellow primrose (symbol of happiness, warmth, & love, conventionally given to those in long-term relationships or someone who has always been there for you through thick and thin)
day 4 - intrigued/green
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i ended up liking this better than i expected to! i had to play around a lot with the lighting/color scheme before i was satisfied with it, though that's on me for not having much of a plan for it beforehand (with most pieces, i already have an idea of the color scheme when i start working on them). not much else to say about this one except surgeon stephen my beloved <3
day 5 - blue/serene
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this was the first time i've properly drawn a kiss and holy hell how do ship artists do it. that shit is so difficult. i struggled a lot with the anatomy and ended up changing the poses a bit; i also flipped the composition because 1. it looked slightly better that way and 2. i could include tony's ring <3
and yes stephen's mug says 'cunt' (with the handle being painted in black to form the 'c'—very much inspired by jacksepticeye's mug); for tony's i had to search for funny mug designs lmfao
i was going for a very domestic/warm atmosphere, which i think was more or less accomplished, so i'm pretty happy with this overall :)
also, not really pertinent but i was listening to sweater weather on loop while drawing this so. make of that what you will.
day 6 - grief/indigo
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ah, this piece. definitely my favorite of the 7, love how this turned out despite ripping my own heart out a bit while making it :,) listening to hyacinthus on repeat didn't help
my initial idea for this—the thumbnail in the top left—was going to be one of them bleeding out in the other's arms, but i had another idea that i felt more drawn to so i chose that instead (this was a very last minute change so the thumbnail is pretty much just a couple of stick figures pfft).
i decided to go back to the painterly style since it felt more fitting for this & i'm glad i did, although it was a little rushed towards the end when i was adding in the final details (the butterflies are pretty much just lasso tool + glow layer). this was also my first time drawing stephen's robes and. man that was a pain to figure out. get a simpler outfit stephen.
day 7 - purple/disdain
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had to end the event on a happy note! this was very rushed but i still like how it looks, though the bg petals are a bit janky.
the prompt 'purple' immediately made me think of violets, which were used as gifts for newlyweds so. here we are (they also happen to be symbolic of faith, mystical awareness, and spiritual passion—pretty fitting for our favorite wizard)
i didn't dedicate as much time i should've to actually making the violets look like violets instead of some generic flower but again, slow artist under time constraint. i did spend a lot of time with the expressions in this one though! i really wanted to convey a sense of pure joy and love, and i'm very happy with the result in that regard :)
something that i noticed was that it had become a lot easier for me to draw these two by this point. suppose it makes sense considering i'd literally been drawing them nonstop for 2 weeks lmao, but it was still pretty cool to see how quickly i managed to finish a sketch i was happy with, compared to when i was working on the first few days (good lord was it difficult drawing stephen in the first piece, especially at that angle)
anyway, prepare to see more of them in the near future because the brainrot is far from over. if i am this attached to them without having seen the majority of marvel movies featuring them (i'd literally only watched ds1 until yesterday when i watched im1—yes i started shipping them without knowing who tony was, i don't know how either), i think i'd be a puddle by the time i catch up on everything :D
whoo that was a lot—if you've read this far, thank you and have a cookie 🍪
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tomiyeee · 1 year
how long does it take you to draw and colour? since you post everyday which is great for me :D any tips for colouring cause Im still tryna figure all that out
hmm welllll, i don't exactly time how long it takes to draw but my partner said that sometimes i'll be working on a piece when they go to sleep and i'll still be working on it when they wake up 7 hours later so...my guess is anywhere from 3-8 hours each depending on complexity? at least for the art that i normally post, most of which is relatively simple.
not entirely sure what kind of tips you were looking for, but i'll just throw out some of my thought processes and stuff i try to keep in mind whenever i color. i'm gonna try and keep these relatively to the point so i won't go into much detail on art terms n whatnot, BUT i am also pretty terrible at explaining things so if you need clarification on anything, feel free to ask!
(sorry it's so longggg, i got carried away. i am...very wordy when it comes to art lol)
i like to block in the colors during the sketching stage before i do the lineart, especially for pieces where i know i want to do something funky with the color palette. you can see this in a lot of my process shots. doing colors in the planning stage just gives me a lot more freedom to focus purely on the colors and shading and how they work with the composition, without having to worry about the minute details like making sure the colors are inside the lines.
in order to save time while coloring, i'll usually just select the negative space (after making sure all the lineart is closed) > expand selection by 1 pixel (to make sure the edges are hidden within the liineart) > invert selection > fill bucket, then use clipping layers above that to color individual areas.
layer modes are your friend! i use multiply, overlay, and glow dodge (this one may be specific to mangastudio?) in almost every one of my drawings, but it's definitely worth playing around with all of the modes just to familiarize yourself with them if you haven't already.
color is honestly SO subjective. i'm never a fan of color picking (from source material or my own refs or whatever) bc while it may have its uses when it comes to consistency, imo it's much more fun to make them up as i go. you get a lot more variety from piece to piece while also familiarizing yourself with the character's palette that way. usually i'll start by deciding on the overall mood/palette (cool/warm, de-saturated, neon, pastel, etc), filling in the background color, then picking the characters' colors based on that. like with this venti pic, i started with a purple background and based my colors around that purple so they all fit the specific look i was going for. i could maybe get a similar effect by starting with the normal colors and using filters, shading, layer modes, etc to get the funky colors, but it will be much harder/more work and doesn't get as drastic of an effect imo.
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on that note, don't be afraid to use shades/colors that may seem odd! you'd be surprised how many times i've used gray in place of blue, orange, purple..basically any color. in the above example, you can see just how different the colors ended up being from the original. after i decide on my palette + bg color, i'll just throw down the color i think will work and then (bc that first guess is usually wrong and meant only as a ballpark estimate) see if it needs to be warmer or cooler/darker or lighter/more or less saturated/etc and adjust accordingly. it's like mixing paint or tuning an instrument! it takes a little bit of practice, but after a while you start to get the hang of what colors will look like in which color palettes. white is usually the easiest to start with bc it will always just be tinted whatever color your palette is (like how the "white" in the above example is just a light purple).
this and the next point are more about shading but i include it as part of the coloring process: the easiest way i've learned to do shading is to darken the entire image/character/part you want to shade (usually with a solid color multiply layer) then add in the lighting either by erasing parts of the multiply layer or by using a separate layer set to overlay or glow dodge (or a similar lightening layer mode). it works a lot better than drawing the shadows imo because it kind of mimics how light works in real life; things are dark by default until you let light in and it hits what it can while leaving the rest still dark.
if you want to blend shadows, i usually still use the above method, but just blur certain areas of it and when i'm deciding which parts to blur (bc i don't just do so indiscriminately) i'll mentally sort all of the shadows into 2 categories:
shadows created by light being blocked by an object: like putting your hand in front of a flashlight. these shadows will retain their sharp edge, but can transition into the 2nd category if they are far enough from the obstruction, like how your hand's shadow will become blurrier the further you move it from the flashlight. the more distance between a light source and the surface it's projecting onto, the more chances for the light to scatter = softer edges
shadows created by light "rolling" off the surface: like the shadows on a ball or rounded surface. these will get blurred and i usually like to put a little bit of color along the blurred edge (a different and usually brighter/more saturated color than the rest of the shadows) just to add some life to the shadows.
here's an annotated version of this mikey pic with just the shadows so it's a lot easier to see :) sorry im bad at annotating..
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aaaand this post has probably gotten way longer than you were hoping for so i'll cut it off here 😭 hope this has been at least somewhat useful, and good luck with your art!
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borrelia · 1 year
whats your process for drawing in paint? like how you go about lining and filling and shading etc without layers? if you wanna share
oh easy peasy! here, dog can help me illustrate
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(this sketch is a little cleaner than normal bc i was messing around with it for a while). I usually sketch with light grey on white with a 2px pencil tool, since i work p small i think. always pencil tool, my beloved pencil tool.
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let's just use black to line this time. if I want to use a different color I usually pick it up front. I alternate between 2, 3, and 4px depending on the level of detail. here's kind of what the raw lines look like as I do it, but it never *actually* looks like this bc as I line I'm also constantly going back in with white (and black again) to adjust line weights.
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like this :)
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then--i never remember if this is actually common knowledge or not, but--the eraser tool is just a color replace tool. if you put the color you want to erase as color 1 and the color you want to replace it with as the color 2, you right click and it will only erase that color. I've also seen people alternate using the paint bucket to fill sketch color + bg color, which can do a lot of area for you (since post win...7?, the eraser tool has a max size :( ) but won't get the nooks and crannies right.
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and then like. my friend the bucket tool. I go back afterwards to color replace all those little corner spots of white with lineart color.
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and then. would you be surprised if I told you i start cel shading with the eraser doing color replace again. would you be mad. and just like with the lineart, I constantly alternate between using the color replace vs the pencil to refine the shapes of the shadows
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like this :) and that's. just all I do. a couple of times i've gotten a little fancier with using brushes and such. to do that I'll like. copy the sketch a couple times to the side, do lineart on one and paint a background over the other. then I just use the transparent selection to paste the foreground onto the background.
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like these :) (sorry I didnt save the background on its own for the first one tho)
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and that's it! like I said, easy peasy!
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rosescries · 2 years
Hey Rosey, how are you? I hope I'm not interrupting but I really, really, need help. One of the people that I love and admire is you, and knowing that you do art is a relief.
See, I have this problem regarding my art style. I just started a week ago and during that time, it's been tiring but surprisingly rewarding and fulfilling. I haven't done art before, and the only part of art that I amateurly mastered were the eyes, now, the way I draw eyes is just plain and chibi.
To further explain, I'll tell you the whole timeline.
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I started making this on Nov. 6, this was my very first digital art, this is also when I was oblivious to art in general. I finished it in Nov. 7 and while bad and just plain ugly, I was happy with it so I continued.
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Here is my second digital art. I started this from Nov. 8-11. To be honest, I was surprised by what I made. I honestly though I was going to get something ugly but....it was surprisingly decent. I showed it to my friends and peers, and they expressed positive reviews. That gave me the motivation to further enhance my amateur skills.
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Now, this was made during Nov. 12-13. I wanted to focus on drawing the head, I also wanted to properly color and blur, add highlights and all that. And well, I was Really happy. I could actually see my progress. And I've never been happier. I showed this to my friends and they told me that I was progressing at an outstanding rate. I was ecstatic, and well, it gave me even more motivation.
Now, here's where the problem arises. On Nov. 14, I wanted to start focusing on the body, however, when i was ready to start drawing, it was like....I forgot how to draw.
I tried to draw eyes. But somehow, a simple, straight line appeared to be ugly. I kept erasing and deleting layers and just kept starting over, but whenever I finish a simple sketch. It was just plain UGLY. I never seemed to be satisfied with anything.
I changed direction, I tried drawing circles with IbisPaint X's ruler, but the shape seemed to be at the wrong position despite being on the center. I also had this perception where the circle seemed wonky. And I was using a ruler. A RULER, IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A PERFECT CIRCLE.
Im got frustrated, and kept trying for the past few days. I asked my friends if loosing your art style or just forgetting how to draw is normal, that it's fine, and they told me it it, they say they get it all the time. But it never seemed to make my panic settle.
I searched online and it said that I have art block. It said that I was getting used to using the same style for so long despite only drawing for a week.
With you being an artist, I wanted to ask.
*Is this really normal? Is it normal to suddenly forget how to draw? How everything you draw seemed to be ugly?
*Do you have any advice on how I should handle this?
With every day that passes, I get more and more discouraged. I'm borderline hysterical, I want to cry and scream.
I need help. Please....
I'm so sorry that this post is so long, but you are someone who I can trust in this. I apologize if I'm disturbing you, and you are free to delete this. Just know that I am giving you a choice.
Again. Thank you, and Goodbye.
Firstly, I want to say your art is absolutely lovely. All three of them are wonderful.
Secondly, yeah it's normal. I get that sometimes where I'm just not happy with what I draw and it happens a lot with my writing even. I think it's just something that happens with all creative things, it's okay.
I don't know if I'm really the person to ask about what to do about it though. Because when I get that way I just... don't draw. Don't write, don't really do anything until I get the will to pick up the pencil again. That usually helps me, especially when I get frustrated with a drawing. I'll sometimes just abandon that drawing too and do/draw something else. And there's nothing wrong with that, it's a part of the creative process really.
I guess I'd just suggest taking a break from it. If you really want to draw, you could try something else? Drawing humans are hard, I will say. Even chibi humans. You could try something more abstract, I like drawing butterflies, flowers (these are hard too though), and decorative hearts. Just low effort doodles that can look really nice once finished.
Don't give yourself too much of a hard time about this. Art is hard, it can be a real pain in the ass sometimes. Plus you're still learning! It's the time to make "bad art" and mistakes. Try things out and learn what you like and what you don't. All artists are their own worst critic. If you're frustrated and not having fun, just try take a step back and relax. It'll still be there to come back to and try again later. It's okay.
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