#fire lord of redemption arcs
ellllsia · 7 months
The best thing about zuko's redemption arc is the fact that he RELAPSED. Something that I have never seen before. It's such a good idea and it tells us so much about his character and story.
He's a confused fella who only wanted to be appreciated and get his honor back. That was his main focus.
Therfore a redemption is a hard thing to process. Especially when all you have ever been taught is how your nation deserves greatness no matter how you get it.
So he commits the unthinkable, fights alongside his sister, betrays Katara, betrays his LOVING UNCLE and goes back to his father and his "home" a hero.
But as soon as he's back, he doesn't feel fulfilled. He actually starts questioning his father's plans. He starts realising how cruel all this may be. Then finally he chooses to work out what to do next, what his real destiny might be. And boom everything falls into place. I mean yeah he gets a little nudge from his LOVING UNCLE but he still moves on his own.
He leaves to get his honor back again. Though this time it's for good and it's by DOING good. Since he also understands that no one is giving you your honor or taking it away. You alone affects it and that's just beautiful.
So yeah thank you for enjoying this Ted talk😘.
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𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐙𝐮𝐤𝐨 | 𝐀𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐫: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐀𝐢𝐫𝐛𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒊𝒔 𝒂 𝒔𝒊𝒈𝒏 𝒐𝒇 𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒈𝒕𝒉, 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒂 𝒘𝒆𝒂𝒌𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒔
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mothmanavenue · 1 year
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azula’s psychotic break was genuinely the most heartbreaking part of the show??? i’ve never felt so much sympathy for the ‘antagonist’
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zukosfate · 1 year
Zuko family line edit!! NO REPOST 🤍
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c-m-li · 1 year
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questionable-candi · 2 years
i just saw someone on Tumblr call Hunter "gen z's Zuko" and honestly the resemblance is uncanny
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thearcher18 · 2 years
zuko is one of the strongest STRONGEST character i know and he literally has the best character development ever. and god, i love him so so much. he's been through so much and honestly he's my favorite atla character. no one can change my mind.
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Have you noted that no one from Azula's family was shown to express love and affection towards her?
That is mostly true. Ozai's affection is clearly conditional (and full on manipulation at worse, like we see in the finale), Ursa canonically favors Zuko to the point that we never see her spending any alone time with Azula like she did with Zuko, and while Iroh gave her a toy like he did to Zuko the toy in question was so OBVIOUSLY wrong for a kid like Azula that it's comical AND show's he did not really know his niece at all.
But there is a constant exception.
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Zuko's relationship with Azula is complicated. He clearly admires her strength and power, but he hates how she uses it. She lied to him many times, was seen apparently cheering Ozai on during the Agni Kai, tried to have him imprisoned and even said she'd celebrate being an only child - and then allows him to come home as a hero after Ba Sing Se, even though SHE had the control of the Dai Li and was not yet aware Aang could have survived, meaning she had nothing to gain from it.
And when she lets him know that if he's caught talking to Iroh people might think he is a traitor too, and explicitly says "Believe it or not, I'm actually looking out for you" Zuko drops his innitial suspicion that she wanted something and that's why she was helping him.
On The Beach, he just follows her when she say their old family home is depressing and they shouldn't waste their time there. When she's asking him who she is angry at, she mentions herself and Zuko explicitly says that is not the case.
He doesn't trust her and know she has a tendency to mock or full on lie to him... yet when he wants to know about Fire Lord Sozin he asks her about it, and lets it slide when she mocks him by saying he should make sure the royal painter got his good side - for a character as quick to anger as Zuko, that is a big deal. In Nightmares and Daydreams he also goes to her to find out if he'll be allowed at the war meeting.
More importantly:
1 - Iroh's infamous "She's crazy and needs to go down" line was only said because ZUKO, without anyone putting that idea in his head before, suddenly went "I know what you're going to say. She's my sister and I should be trying to get along with her"
2 - Zuko only jumped into the fight in Ba Sing Se when Azula was being cornered by Aang and Katara.
3 - Zuko looked genuinely shocked and even distressed when she was falling off that cliff. He just sounded so shaken saying "She's... not gonna make it..."
4 - In the writer's own words, Zuko felt no hate but only pity when seeing her breakdown. Katara tried to comfort him because, canonically, even though Zuko and Azula are enemies, this was never what he wanted because he still sees her as family. That's why the Last Agni Kai's music is not the epic you'd expect from a battle, but a tragic one.
5 - Aaron Ehasz, the lead writter for the show, probably the person with the most influence after Bryke, has REPEATEDLY said that he always felt Azula should have gotten a redemption arc, Zuko being an Iroh figure to give her advice and be the only one still by her side when all else was seemingly lost to her forever.
Even the comics (most of which I HATE, mainly because Azula's storyline checks nearly every box for "the mentally ill are inherently evil/less human, so it's fine if literally every other person on the planet mistreats them") didn't fully abandon their complex dynamic.
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Zuko is not a perfect sibling, and for a long chunk of the story he seemed too focused on his own issues for Azula to ever be a factor in his mind (aside from the moments in which she was a potential/explict threat), but he DOES still feel a sense of obligation towards her, to the point that it made him do something no one else in their family had done before or since - actually look at Azula. Not the prodigious daughter/perfect weapon, or the problem child that is difficult to handle, or the pontentially deadly enemy that was in the way, but Azula.
His 14-year-old sister that got on his nerves a lot, was far from the kindest person alive, and that he had a ton of issues with, but that he could never fully hate or even be indifferent to. Because she's family. Because he remembers a happier time in which the gap between them didn't seem so big. Because if things had been slightly different he could have been her. Because he went from wanting to be her to seeing just how miserable her life ended up being - especially compared to the one he now had - and feeling deeply sorry for her.
Now if you guys excuse me, I'm gonna go cry in the corner. Have some wholesome/bittersweet fanart if you wanna cry too.
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Zuko's redemption is associated with water. If Azula were to have a redemption, it'd be associated with air.
Water is the element of change.
Zuko's arc starts with his life recently being changed for better and for worse. He has trouble accepting change but he either must learn to adapt to the change or end up crushed.
A different type of firebending move he learns is one that's associated with waterbenders. We don't see him try any other techniques from other nations.
It's also interesting that when around Katara, he keeps a cool head. He cares the most about what she thinks.
By the time Zuko becomes Fire Lord, he has a hand in changing the world for the better.
Air is the element of freedom.
Azula's arc would be about trying to free herself from toxic expectations.
For her whole life, she's been trapped and her earthly attachment has always been Ozai. Azula was taught that young people must have rigid discipline and order. Almost the polar opposite of what Aang was taught. Being told she has to be Fire Lord has trapped her even more. That expectation proved more than what she could handle.
She may be restrained in a straightjacket but her real prison is her broken mind and the lies she's been told her whole life. Now believing she doesn't belong anywhere.
Something to add to her redemption that differs from Zuko's is for her to open and master her chakras. It can take her a while to warm up to that idea, and it likely wouldn't be possible for her to take it without her and Aang obtaining a spirit bond that's developed after Aang lets go of Katara and embraces his last chakra, but once it's done, she truly becomes free.
To better represent her freedom, she takes the mantle of Phoenix Queen for herself. She's reborn, stronger than she ever was before, and goes from belonging nowhere to belonging everywhere. You could say she's "free as a bird."
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Idea for post-Azula-Redemption-Arc:
Zuko and Azula share the title of Fire Lord, but they do it by having an Agni Kai every morning and the winner is Fire Lord for the day.
Sometimes they will throw the match because they don't want to deal with it today. Other times they have some shit to do so they're fighting to win.
It confuses the fuck out of everyone but still somehow works.
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drpoisonoaky · 4 months
Therapy homework, fire siblings edition
Azula and Zuko have to share moments from their childhood in order to heal their relationship (therapy homework), even as they are there for each other.
In my own personal Azula’s redemption arc, Zuko is there helping her sister in the same way he got help.
So they talk about everything because they’re healing and they need to do it.
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[Turtle ducks]
Zuko: I think those two are playing together.
Azula: Or they’re fighting to decide who will become the Turtle Lord.
Zuko: Don’t project your trauma onto turtle ducks. 
Azula: I was not. It’s a very real and possible situation in the turtle duck world.
Zuko: I am going to ignore that because I was wondering why you hate them.
Azula: I don’t hate them.
Zuko: You threw rocks at them every time we were here.
Zuko: What?
Azula: That we never included me, you know? It was more like “Mom and Zuko and, oh, Azula is here”.
Azula: So I guess I want my mother to give me attention, and my child brain said “Let’s make chaos”.
Zuko: Oh… I’m sorry I…I never thought about it that way.
Azula: Don’t punish yourself Zuzu. We were children. It wasn’t your job.
Zuko: But now we can feed them together, right? No rocks, only bread.
Azula: You really are a softie. It’s annoying.
Zuko: Let’s take the bread.
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Zuko: Do you want kids?
Azula: Not really. You do?
Zuko: One. Only one.
Azula: Did I traumatize you Zuzu?
Zuko: Yes, but no. If I had a kid, I want to focus on them, giving them all of my love and support. Being the Firelord and doing that for more than one child it’s impossible.
Azula: Oh, you really think about this… I hate to say it, but you would be a great dad.
Zuko: Thanks. I appreciate it. Why don't you?
Azula: First of all, it would have to be adopted, so the kid comes with baggage. And with my baggage, I probably couldn’t be there as much as the kid needs. It’s not fair to them. I can’t put the happiness of some child behind my own selfishness.
Zuko: Cool aunt?
Azula: I’m going to spoil your child so much that they’ll be as insufferable as you are.
Zuko: Of course you will.
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[Fire resistance]
Katara: Hey firebenders, I have a question. Do you really resist fire better by nature or…?
Azula: Yes and no. 
Zuko: I mean, look at my face. 
Katara: That’s why I’m asking. Why do you resist less than ‘Zula? I swear she could be on fire and not notice.
Azula: We didn’t have the same training. Mother stopped Ozai a lot for the both of us. But when she was gone…
Zuko: I was banished when he started his fire resistance methods…
Katara: but ‘Zula don’t.
Azula: I was burned every day in every place except the face. Well, you saw the marks.
Sokka: Why not the face?
Suki: Don’t be rude.
Azula: It was because I was a princess after all, and you know we had to be pretty and perfect.
Katara: And how do you get high pain tolerance from that?
Azula: I guess some nerves died along the way or maybe my brain learned to ignore that kind of pain…I don’t know. 
Azula: I hate him, but in battle it’s really useful. But yeah, don’t try it at home, kids.
Sokka: So if we try to burn your fac-
Katara: Don’t you dare, asshole.
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Katara: Did they cry much when they were babies?
Azula: I bet Zuzu was insufferable.
Zuko: I was a pretty nice baby.
Ursa: You were nice, but you cried a lot.
Azula: See.
Ursa: And you weren't nice at all, young lady. But truth to be told, she didn’t cry.
Zuko: Lack of emotions, I see.
Azula: Not dumbass, it was for the balance between you and me.
Katara: She didn’t cry at all? What would happen if she was hungry or hurt herself?
Ursa: She just waited.
Azula: Of course I did that, crying change nothing. Plus, it wasn’t allowed.
Zuko: What do you mean?
Azula: Oh right, that was one of the points of our “educational differences”.
Ursa: Azula?
Katara: Azula?
Azula: Fine.
Azula: Father didn’t really like the tears. He said that water isn’t something that should exist around a firebender. So I didn’t cry.
Katara: …but what if you did by any chance?
Azula, smiling sadly: He turned into my personal dryer. Goodbye tears.
Ursa: *gasp* But when you were a child he neve-
Azula: Don’t worry mother… It's not your fault.
Zuko: We should try to cry together anytime you want. As a therapy exercise, of course.
Azula: I-…thanks Zuzu.
Katara: And I hope he knows that you are around water all the time and he can’t do shit.
Azula: Of course master Katara, best master water bender of all times.
Zuko: Mom, we should go. They had started their own weird flirting thing.
Katara: What are you waiting for? Keep going.
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Aang: I know It’s none of my business, but I was wondering why some compliments make you look awkward but on the opposite sides. *Points at Azula and Zuko*
Zuko: What do you mean?
Aang: Like Azula takes it so well when we say something nice about her bending or her looks but she’s weird when it’s not about that. And you get so weird when we compliment your looks or your bending. Like a yin and yang kinda thing.
Azula: Easy. I was praised for everything Zuko isn’t.
Aang: What do you mean?
Azula: I’m a prodigy and a princess. Being an excellent firebender and looking pretty at the same time is or was my job. Zuzu is a mediocre firebender, under Father’s eyes, and he burned half of his face. 
Zuko: And ‘Zula never was praised for being anything else. 
Aang: But that’s awful.
Azula: I didn’t need to be anything apart from that, Zuko was banished. That’s life.
Sokka: No, it’s not. Your father it’s a piece of shit.
Katara: And I hope we never see him again. No offense.
Azula and Zuko: None taken.
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[Giving Affection]
Katara, fidgeting with the hem of her tunic: I don’t know if it’s awkward to ask you that.
Zuko: …Go on.
Katara: Okay, so when you get out of the fire nation. Do you flinch?
Zuko: …Did I flinch?
Katara: General affection. 
Zuko: Not really. My mother used to hug me a lot and you know Iroh. 
Katara: …and who hugged Azula?
Zuko: Mom before disappearing, I guess? Me on some special days. I don’t know if our father ever did that.
Azula: Neither of them. Did you go to Zuzu to get information about me? 
Katara: I want to know “your background” from another point of view.
Azula: I hate that that is a logical move. But to answer that, maybe Ty Lee was the only one. And you know Mai.
Zuko: Didn’t Mom hug you?
Azula: Do you remember that little detail that mother hated me? 
Zuko: She didn’t ha-
Azula: Don’t. Please. We already passed that point.
Katara: So it’s decided.
Azula: What?
Katara: I’m now your personal koala, whether you want it or not. Come here.
Azula: But you do more things…
Zuko: And that’s my cue to get out of here.
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Aang: Wait, really, you know it all?
Azula: Of course, it was part of my education. I need to know history, especially anything related to war, but knowledge is knowledge.
Aang: But Zuko didn’t know anything about the Air Nomads' history.
Azula: We didn’t have the same education.
Zuko: Basically because Azula is a nerd.
Azula: Excuse me.
Zuko: After you did your homework, you started to read about everything, especially history. That’s why.
Aang: So she's more prepared than you.
Azula: I am. While Zuzu cried, I trained or focused on my studies. Time is gold in war.
Katara: You didn’t rest?
Azula: Not really, but sometimes I needed to rest in order to continue. 
Zuko: No you don’t. You can’t count that as resting. 
Aang: What, why?
Zuko: It’s not my call. Sorry. But you should explain it ‘Zula.
Katara: Azula?
Azula: What Zuzu means is that the “rest days” weren’t really optional.
Aang: Oh, they force you to rest?
Azula: Not exactly…I have to rest because I couldn’t move. Training wasn’t always…educational.
Zuko: Call it what it was. That shitty excuse of man made us fight against him and beat us until we faint.
Aang: Spirits.
Zuko: And I guess me being gone didn’t make him less reckless…
Azula: Quite the opposite…that’s why learning was fun. 
Azula: But anyways Zuzu you should learn that so from now on I’m going to teach you history, physics and math. Be aware.
Zuko: Only if we take rest days. Real ones.
Azula: Don’t be lazy.
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[Wake up time]
Katara: I can’t beat Azula.
Sokka: But you did remember…Oh, spirits, don’t tell me is a dirty-
Katara: NO. 
Katara: Also not in that way, dummy. I can’t get up earlier than her. It's like every time I wake up early and say “Wow, today I really got up early” she’s already awake and meditating or something. 
Ty lee: I tried for a week. Then I got tired.
Mai: It’s a losing battle. You can’t beat them.
Katara: Wait, does Zuko also wake up early?
Mai: Every day, like if he makes the sun or something.
Azula, arriving from sparring with Zuko: Talking behind my back isn’t new, but still hurts a little. 
Zuko: Same.
Katara: Why do you wake up so early? Both of you.
Azula, raising an eyebrow: Why do you ask?
Zuko: Why do you wake up so late? 
Katara: Don’t answer a question with a question. Both of you don’t know the concept of oversleeping or even slacking. Why?
Zuko: What are you ta-…Oh. 
Zuko: Lala, do you remember the “If you wake up after the sun…
Azula: …how do you pretend to use his flames”. 
Katara: Oh no.
Ty lee: That jerk.
Zuko: So we have to stop.
Azula: I’m going to knock myself out every morning, I swear. 
Zuko: Same.
Katara: Or instead of me waking up next to my unconscious girlfriend, you could try not getting out of bed.
Zuko: You mean stay in bed until the sun is up so we can train later?
Katara: I mean yeah. At least until you wake up like a regular human being.
Sokka: But that would imply they are regular human beings and we-AH STOP.
Azula, shooting little lightning at him: Sorry what?
Zuko, burning his butt: We are having difficulties hearing you.
Katara, ignoring Sokka and talking to Mai and Ty lee: So you two also like to wake up late?
Sokka: KATARA.
Ty lee: Yes, but it doesn’t fit the Kyoshi Warriors’ lifestyle. And that makes Suki angry with me, a lot.
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ilikepjo24 · 11 months
A key point in Azula's potential redemption...
I have talked before about how I think that humiliating and torturing Azula in the name of redemption is ineffective, unfair, cruel, barbaric, inhumane, monsterous, ect...
I go into detail about why I think that in this post, check it out if you're interested.
It has come to my attention that people believe that Azula should be abused cause Zuko also got abused and the pain and humiliation changed him. In this post I will explain why that wouldn't work for Azula.
Mainly, it's because Zuko didn't just get abused. He got abused by Ozai. And that's a major detail, because it affects what Zuko thought of that abuse.
In Fire Nation, the Fire Lord is treated like some kind of god and everyone accepts it. People suffer due to bad economy (war and all) but it's okay because it's the Firelord's will send the Firelord knows best. Zuko being abused by said Firelord is what taught him that no, the Firelord isn't always good, he abuses his fucking kids, the Firelord can go fuck himself.
Zuko hated the fact that he was being abused and therefore to an extend hated Ozai for abusing him. That hatred is what made him able to view Ozai as an imperfect, non-godly being, that could be wrong in same cases and then helped Zuko realize that he was wrong about the war.
Zuko's hatred of Ozai's abuse is basically what triggered his redemption. That method worked for him. But it wouldn't work for Azula. And here's why.
Ozai is now out of the picture.
That's it. That's the reason why. That single detail is why the idea that Azula must suffer for redemption is logically impossible. Allow me to compare the situations:
Zuko was abused / Azula could be abused
Zuko hated his abuser / Azula will hate her abuser
Zuko wanted to destroy his abuser / Azula will want to destroy her abuser
Zuko's abuser was Ozai / Azula's abuser would be the Gaang and the peaceful society
Zuko hated Ozai / Azula will hate the Gaang and the newfound peace
Zuko helped ruin Ozai / Azula will try to ruin the whole world
Azula's redemption arc isn't happening during the war or by a character we know is bad. Especially if we say it's for the sake of redemption. Logically, the people that would want to see her redeemed would be Zuko, Mai, Ty Lee, Aang and potentially the rest of the Gaang.
So while Zuko's abuse made him hate a person that should have been hated, Azula's abused will make her hate people that shouldn't.
Zuko's abuse happened by Ozai and it made him Ozai.
If Azula gets abused, it will be by the good guys and it will make her hate the good guys.
Zuko's abuse was done by evil and made him turn towards good, which caused a redemption arc.
If Azula gets abused for the sake of a redemption arc by good, it'll make her hate both the idea of redemption and good in general.
You could argue that Zuko's abuse made him good but Azula's abuse would just make her more evil and that kind of defeats the purpose of doing it for the sake of redemption
Which is why humiliating/abusing- I'm sorry, "humbling" Azula wouldn't work for her the same way it did for Zuko, it'd have the opposite effect.
Thus proven.
And kudos to @hello-nichya-here for being one of the reasons I was inspired to write this post in the first place!
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depressed-teacup-inc · 5 months
I don’t know why but I need a scene in Zukka fics where Zuko goes through his redemption arc earlier because of Sokka, but because of that Sokka has a very big target on his back from from the royal family?
Like imagine in the day of the black sun Sokka actually gets kidnapped in the middle of the battle to be brought in front of Fire Lord Ozai (as a method of basically luring Zuko over and also a means of demoralizing the rebellion and humiliating the guy that causes Zuko to defect)
And rather than have Sokka have this epic action-hero moment where he backflips and stabs Ozai he just??? Talks???
Like Ozai keeps trying to demean and humiliate the guy, but Sokka just verbally destroys Ozai, showing just how resilient he (and by extension the rebellion) is
I think it would be such a good moment highlighting Ozai’s pettiness and how he would actually try to destroy anything that gives Zuko joy, and just how powerful Sokka’s ability to speak is, and how he’s been able to convince and inspire people without a show of physical power but skill and intellect
(Imagined the scene to this song:)
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so this post is inspired by a person who sent an ask to @my-nitpicking-self (i hope you don't mind me tagging you), who mentioned the confrontation between katara and zuko in atla, in reference to glimmer's and catra's relationship in spop. i thought it was an interesting comparison, so i'm going to expand on it.
so two very similar scenes in atla and spop: katara and zuko being stuck together in crystal catacombs and glimmer and catra being stuck together in horde prime's ship. two things to note here - zuko was beginning to heal at this point and had almost completely given up his mission of capturing aang, while catra has just finished conquering salineas and was neck-deep in villainy.
as soon as katara sees zuko, she becomes outraged. keep in mind, zuko did not kill katara's mother. but she still had a valid reason to be mad at him. she holds him accountable for everything he has done.
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K: Why did they throw you in here? Oh, wait, let me guess. It's a trap. So that when Aang shows up to help me, you can finally have him in your little Fire Nation clutches!
K: You're a terrible person! You know that? Always following us! Hunting the Avatar! Trying to capture the world's last hope for peace! But what do you care? You're the Fire Lord's son. Spreading war and violence and hatred is in your blood!
Z: You don't know what you're talking about.
K: I don't? How dare you! You have no idea what this war has put me through! Me personally! The Fire Nation took my mother away from me.
here, zuko doesn't try to argue with katara until she implies that violence and aggression is an inherited thing, because he's from the fire nation. zuko accepts his mistakes but he is also aware that being a fire nation citizen or even royalty alone doesn't make you a bad person. even then, he doesn't raise his voice or lash out at her, he just calmly disagrees.
after katara mentions her mother, he apologizes and sympathizes with her.
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Z: I'm sorry. That's something we have in common.
K: I'm sorry I yelled at you before.
Z: It doesn't matter.
K: It's just that for so long now, whenever I would imagine the face of the enemy, it was your face.
katara also apologizes but zuko understands that it was completely in her right to blame him. and then we get to the crux of the issue. katara's mother was killed years ago but she still hasn't been able to move on from the grief.
now, of course, zuko again turns back to villainy but this was an important confrontation. and it wasn't the only one. as you all know, after zuko's official redemption, the gaang still doesn't trust him and katara is the last person to forgive him. she is still upset and disappointed by the way he betrayed her after they had begun to bond in the catacombs. and zuko has to prove his loyalty before katara could forgive him.
now let's come to glimmer and catra. catra DIRECTLY caused the death of glimmer's mother. and it was recent. glimmer had been grappling with her grief in the last season, to the point where she spirals into a small corruption arc. s4 of spop does NOT forget angella's death.
so obviously, you would expect there to be a confrontation between glimmer and catra in s5, especially since they were alone together in a confined space. but let's see what happened.
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Glimmer: You again. Why do you keep coming back here?
Catra: Just...bored, I guess.
Glimmer: No, I mean, Horde Prime told you not to talk to me. He's gonna catch you eventually. Why risk it? ...You're lonely, aren't you?
so far, no confrontation, no apology.
Catra: What do you know? You're the prisoner here. I can go where I want. So, stay here by yourself for all I care.
Glimmer: Okay, okay, you're right. It...helps having someone to talk to. Even if you're the last person I'd ever want to be stuck here with.
Catra: Trust me, Sparkles, the feeling is mutual.
and just like that, they're on better terms now. glimmer doesn't bring up angella's death, she doesn't bring up the way catra treated adora, how she and bow were kidnapped by catra, nothing. they seem more like casual rivals than enemies here. catra doesn't seem guilty in the slightest, she just has to threaten to leave and glimmer immediately makes her stay.
and not just that, they joke about adora's paranoia that was rooted in her trauma, as if it's just a fun quirk. at this point, it's clear that the writers are not even trying to make it seem like they don't favor catra over all the characters.
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and the one time glimmer somewhat confronts catra—
G: Please, Catra. Do one good thing in your life!
C: Don't talk to me like you know me! You don't know anything about me!
of course, catra shuts her down immediately. and afterwards, even when catra saves glimmer, she makes it clear that she's only doing it for adora. while on the surface, this might still come off as a good deed, it's clear from her later behaviour that catra's goal wasn't to help either adora or glimmer. my best guess is that she was practically awaiting death at that point and didn't expect to face the consequences of her actions, so she wanted to go out with one good deed, much like shadow weaver.
it's crazy how zuko, who was just an antagonist and has done very little to directly hurt the gaang, faced the consequences of his actions and got a drawn out and detailed redemption; while catra, who spent the entire series hurting the protagonists out of her own interest, gets off scot-free.
any time her past actions are brought up, they are mentioned in the vaguest terms possible i.e. “she made some mistakes” or “shs hurt people”. it's so clear that the writers were hoping that if the other characters forgot everything that catra did, the audience would do the same. and the worst part is that they're right. 90% of the fandom were willing to accept catra's redemption because no one in the show ever holds her accountable or confronts her properly.
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balsa-margarita · 1 month
Zuko's arc would feel a lot more self-aware if he himself wasn't afraid to bring up the shit he's done, without people having to remind him, even in moment when you wouldn't expect him to bring them up. And if he dropped the whole "everybody's acting friendly with me, why won't you already?" behavior towards Katara in "The Southern Raiders".
For a character with "the greatest redemption of all time" Zuko certainly still lacks humility and emotional intelligence. Especially if at the end of it you plan to place him in a position that requires a ton of patience and readiness to take responsibility.
First off... yes, this is all true.
Second, I would say that Zuko specifically needs to get a lot better at discussing his actions with others. Both in a strategic sense - kid needs to learn to take advice from people he trusts or he's going to suffer immensely - and in an emotional/moral sense. At the moment he's still very self-centered and that's going to cause serious problems for him later down the line. (Though that raises the question of whether Zuko does actually trust anyone after the show... I wouldn't be surprised if he has some serious issues with that, similar to his sister's.)
Third, neither Zuko or Azula should be Fire Lord - they're both far too young and they both have serious issues they need to deal with, including but not limited to the ones listed above. All the trouble comes when one tries to think of who else could take that position...
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The writers enjoy humiliating Azula.
I’m not joking and it’s horrifying.
We’ll start with this.
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This is from a post by @korranguyen talking about Ozai’s abuse towards Azula. The “feral animal” tends to get people when they see this, but it’s actually the “ensnared” part that gives deep insight into the writer’s perspective of Azula. They do not view her as Zuko’s sister or even Ozai’s daughter the way we do. To them, she is Ozai’s attack dog.
Azula’s hands are chained to a grate. It’s not good, but tying hands is genuinely the way we detain human beings. Ensnared is the word to describe an animal caught during a hunt.
There are other ways to talk about the dehumanization of Azula, like the existence of Kiyi which only confirms that they both exist as plot devices in Zuko’s life, or the original plans to have Azula in a straight jacket full time, but the biggest tell that Azula isn’t viewed as a person is Ozai.
Ozai is a lowly prisoner. And yet, Gene Yang thought it would be a feel-good for Zuko to have tea with the man who melted a third of his face, not in royal attire or anything, and converse about how hard it is to be Fire Lord.
Zuko is dressed in full attire, armed with two guards, and sitting in a throne when he greets Azula for the first time in a year. The second time he offers her tea while she’s constrained and Azula is made out to seem like the bad guy for being upset about that.
In every. single. official art for Ozai since the finale, he is portrayed in full regalia or surrounded by fire, looking immensely powerful. Azula has canonically improved her mental state, but it almost always portrayed as if she’s fresh off the Agni Kai court.
Frankly, I think the Azula fandom’s decision to mostly move on from which in-story characters are to blame for Azula’s condition, to the analysis of deliberate decisions made by official atla creators to humiliate azula and ward people off from liking her as anything but a villain, and the analysis of the message that kind of storytelling sends to kids (the audience of atla as we forget) is exactly why we’re finally getting a redemption arc for her.
I don’t even expect it to be good, but seeing the results of pushback from such an awful narrative is always going to be rewarding.
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