#fight back the toxic
mask131 · 8 months
I was listening to a video about bad fandoms and how they ruin media etc etc...
And every time I hear about someone's experience being ruined by a bad fandom I think about one specific thing. How newer and younger generations grew up with the Internet and with social media - and as a result, for them, a social interaction will be first and foremost about the Internet. As such, when they want to enjoy or appreciate a media, they go to the Internet, and seek discussion and aporoval there.
But... As someone who grew up before the Internet was a thing everybody had. As someone who grew up in a household where the Internet was only my mother's work-tool, and definitively not for children, and barely used - as someone whose first connections to the Internet were done in cyber-cafes and by libraries' computers only when I was a teenager...
I remember and lived through a time where all the Internet fandoms DID NOT EXIST. And then, you could enjoy fully a media without worrying about the "fans". Heck, I lived in a time where people sometimes never met other fans of a given piece of media until several decades after discovering it! The invasion of the Internet and the wild colonization of social media in our society tend to make younger generations forget that medias will exist outside of a fando, and can survive a fandom. That the fandom is a byproduct of a media's existence, and is NOT NEEDED to consume, appreciate or dislike a piece of media.
I mean... I can give you dozens of shows I watched as a kid and a pre-teen that I was madly in love with, that I bought merch for, that I did fan-art of. And all that without ever encountering any other fan or hearing anybody else's opinion about the show. I just watched it, enjoyed it, and went on with my life. One CAN enjoy a media ALL ON THEIR OWN and all alone. It was how people did it for CENTURIES before you.
You clearly see how new generations' minds are shaped by the "Share this video" logic and by the "Comment section" structure. They are so used to see everybody sharing their opinion, they are so used to only read or see the most popular opinions, they are so used to see a media being SURROUNDED by fan reactions, that they end up believing in some warped way that they NEED to be part of a fandom, or that a media is equal and interwoven with its fandom. When the truth is that it is not.
There are tons of excellent pieces of media whose fandom died a long time ago, and yet the media is still there ; and same thing with hatedoms. On the other side, there are lots of pieces of media that never even got a fandom to begin with.
The whole "Fandom is everything" logic (that many people live by unconsciously) is only a fragment of a wider "community" phenomenon on the Internet, where everything must be a "community" and there is no individuality anymore. But here is the lesson and the moral to take out of things: If a piece of media is good, you can enjoy it, even if the fanbase or fandom is "bad". When you like a piece of media, you are NOT forced to interact with other fans or to care what the fandom as a whole thinks. You can be a fan, and not feel forced or obliged to be part of any "dom". And if someone "ruins" an experience of a media for you, always try to remember what YOU like about the media, and your singular enjoyment of it, and your own personal relationship with it.
I speak of experience here because when I first started sharing things about Sandman on Tumblr, I got into a bad situation with a crazy, bullying, obsessive fan of Sandman. It was all a pretty pathetic situation on all parts - because I was a young teen who wrote too hastily some posts without thinking about how my words could sound, and the other was a much older person who was hyper-focused on being the ultimate authority on Sandman (this person still tries to be the supreme ruler of the Sandman fandom by controlling Discors servers and making their blog the number one source of information about Sandman). This misunderstanding turned petty feud left me with a nasty and bitter taste that prevented me from sharing anything Sandman related - and did kill a bit of my Sandman joy... But I didn't left that ruin me. I wasn't going to leave one bad, rotten piece of mind make me unlove something I adored before. Because this is a person that exists OUTSIDE of Sandman, outside of the comic, outside of the media, and that I could have never even met if things had taken a different path.
I was bummed out that I couldn't share anything Sandman related anymore, because this person was stalking every Sandman post on this website, but I had to set my mind right because for YEARS and YEARS I did not share anything Sandman related, and it never bummed me out before. I collected Sandman volumes each year, for special occasions and given sasons - I have a whole personal history and experiences with this comic, tied to specific holidays like Christmas or gifts given by people that aren't here anymore. I was certainly NOT going to deny or renounce to a whole part of my life and to a personal relationship I had with a story, just because of some anger-prone person that clearly had a sorry life if they had nothing better to do than jump on the back of any foolish kid that miswrote something and yell at them like some self-righteous so-called teacher. A person I didn't even know, who didn't even knew the real me, and that I would never meet, and that I could easily block since their only presence was virtual.
[I also got a bit better upon seeing that I wasn't the only "victim" that had to suffer this person's slightly unhinged and very obsessive behavior, and that other reasonable person also got attacked - and I admit I laughed my ass off when I saw that this same person got a nickname around that they disliked but that actually described them so well from an outsider's point of view, it put into words everything I had felt and perceived from my few interactions. I won't say it here because I know it apparently hurts this person, and there's no need to answer misery with misery, but that was just something part of the whole crazy story]
Anyway after this very long digression - this is my personal story. For years and years I enjoyed Sandman as a comic, made it a yearly ritual, had personal experiences with it, all of that without meeting anyone else who knew or enjoyed Sandman (most people either being disinterested or laughing it off). And yet, because of this warped Internet logic that screws people minds, because one very present fan very present online was a bad person and attacked me on ground of me being some sort of "fake fan"... I should just threw these years to the bin? Certainly not! I love Sandman and it shaped some special events of my life, and that's something no one else will live, no one else will know, and that no one can "ruin" for me.
So no, I do not understand when people say that a piece of media couldn't be liked because of its fandom. A media exists outside of its fandom, before a fandom is born, and will probably survive said fandom. What truly happens to these people - which is something they do not actually understand, and that they need to realize, the same way I realized it - is that bad fans will ruin one's PERCEPTION of a show, will give a person bad memories of a comic, will ruin things around a movie or even cause trauma related to a cartoon. But when you consider things more carefully you will realize that a bad fandom in itself - that your personal bad experience with a fandom - won't change what the show or cartoon or comic or movie or anime truly is. Think about how you perceived the media before knowing about its fandom or before your bad interactions - and hold on to that, because this is YOURS and YOURS only. Try to imagine how you would have answered to a piece of media if you had no knowledge of its fans. Try to see and perceive a media while omitting all things that do not come from the media itself.
Ultimately, it is a question of not letting others enter in your head. What you do by letting bad fandoms "ruin" your perception of a media, is that you let others infect your life and warp up your mind and smear something you had, with their toxic, venomous, stupid, hateful behavior. It is a form of mind-invasion, similar to things like brainwashing peer pressure, and I think it is something people do not talk enough about.
Be strong. Do not let them win. Try to find back what is YOUR opinion and your feelings, truly your own. Or stand by your position and do not let people's bad behavior cut off yourself from the media. It is not because someone acted badly in a theater play's audience or an opera-house that the play or opera shown in it was bad. I think this is the most impactful metaphor I can come up with. If someone starts insulting everyone within a theater play's audience, will you blame the actors or the playwright for it? Will it forbid you from reading the play's script or from seeing another performance? Will you say to people "No, do not go watch this play, the audience is really bad"?
I hope this post can help
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bottombaron · 9 months
Yeah Nadja showing she cares for Guillermo and yeah Guillermo saying he loves Nandor out loud, I feel you I feel you bUT
Can we talk abt how much Guillermo Actually. Truly. Deeply. Cares for these group of misfit assholes??
He even lists Colin Robinson (as he should!) but Benji couldn't even be bothered to remember his name
And like, that's important!! Because Colin is one of them! He's a part of them. They are all a part of each other. To not love one of them is to not love them.
Guillermo is different. He does love them. He loves all of them. He loves all their silly bitchy faults. He loves things about them that have nothing to do with being 'a cool vampire' or what they can do for him. His genuine, inescapable love is what makes him different. Nadja, Laszlo, Colin, and Nandor can't not be affected by that, even though they try so hard to be.
I can't get over that this episode gave such a clear beautiful reason why these selfish, petty, dismissive, eternal beings would risk their lives to fight a whole clinic of their kind or keep a dangerous secret and try to help or hell, pretend that they don't care about that very big juicy secret just so Guillermo doesn't have to stress abt another person knowing (Colin definitely cares and probably already knows. Could he feed on Guillermo's anxiety and antics of keeping it from Nandor? ofc. But he doesn't and even lets Guillermo off the hook by indicating he both doesn't need to tell him or be bothered to try to hide it from him)
It's because of Guillermo's persistent love for them that they find the ability to love him back. It comes back to him. The love he gives to them, they give it back to him.
Look at what happened without even being a vampire: he became one of them.
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alecz-obssesionz · 1 month
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◇ Original Sketch Page ◇
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spaciebabie · 1 year
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"Now I know what you're thinking, 'Matpat why would we possibly need to know the whereabouts of Springtrap's jolly baby maker?' Well let me assure you, this one piece of seemingly irrelevant FNAF trivia may prove to be the catalyst for all the things that happen in the game, and the key to solving the FNAF lore altogether. So strap in friends, because we've got a lot of things we need to cover."
a la tumblr being a bastard and not allowing me ta add audio onta this post (its very funny trust bro go read it)
OH I ALMOST FORGOR @skeletoninthemelonland
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The fanon interpretation of Vox and Valentino's relationship really is just Satan and Saddam Hussein in South Park huh.
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emily-mooon · 6 months
You know when I hear people say they want more messy relationships in ST, I’m tempted to point my finger to the corner where Stonathan sits.
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furiousgoldfish · 11 months
abusive parents will go "It's your fault that I can't follow my passions in life because I had to raise you instead, I sacrificed my dream for you!" and then at the same time go "you however are so incompetent and stupid you don't even get to have a try at your dream, you are good for nothing and will never make anything out of yourself'
as if
as if they're not responsible for both! Out of all people responsible for them having a kid, you're not one of them! They've decided to have a child! They've had unprotected sex! On their own! You were not there to have a say in it! They didn't terminate the fetus or give the child away for adoption but kept it! For whatever reason! If they wanted something else in life! If it's cultural or societal pressure, the kid is the last person in that hierarchy that could possibly be blamed for it, they didn't even exist when that bullshit was made up! If they knew they were getting born in a world where they were unwanted and despised for existing, they would have fought against it! But they never even got a chance!
And parents are also responsible for making sure that their kid is confident and nurtured enough that they feel positive about achieving their dreams! You, the parent, are supposed to teach them, give them skills, give them knowledge, support them and help them get there! What do you mean "you're incompetent", what were you doing as a parent? Why is your children not equipped with every skill you gained in life? Oh is it because you've been scared your kid would get smarter than you and leave you once they figure out you're abusing them? Are you competing with a child and trying to keep them helpless and dependent on you, AFTER complaining all their life how they're a burden on you and how you can't have freedom in life because of them? I am dragging you to jail
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statementlou · 8 days
Hi! Louis rocked last night! Do you know what was so special about the post malone song?
like why did Louis pick it? I mean obviously I/ we can't know, and I assume he likes the song for starters (he followed Post Malone on insta a couple years ago, for what it's worth). And him and the band were able to make it work, it sounded great in the set and sounded great with his voice, so he must have seen that potential in it. But the lyrics are wild for Louis to be singing and the fact that they echo like half of his songs and pretty much all his other covers in theme makes it pretty hard not think that's why, that it is a song that grabbed him and resonated with him, or at minimum that it being so parallel to KMM was a factor. Also I think he likes being a little daring and getting to sing explicit stuff and being like ooooh I'm really not in a teen pop boyband anymore I can do songs about getting my brains fucked out (not that he ever let that stop him😂). Plus as @goldcrumble pointed out, the nod to Seven Nation Army (the song that the crowd chant to him in latam especially and they've teased covering) in the lyrics is hilarious, it wouldn't be our SBB Louis if he did something simple and unlayered without a clever little extra, bless him🥰 (lyrics under the cut)
Oxytocin makin' it all okay When I come back down, it doesn't feel the same Now I'm sittin' 'round, waitin' for the world to end all day 'Cause I couldn't leave you if I tried
You break me, then I break my rules Last time was the last time too It's fucked up, I know, but I'm still
Outside of the party, smokin' in the car with you Seven Nation Army, fightin' at the bar with you Tell you that I'm sorry, tell me what I gotta do 'Cause I can't let go, it's chemical No, I can't let go, it's chemical
Every time I'm ready to make a change You turn around and fuck out all my brains (woo) I ain't tryna fight fate, it's too late to save face I can't get away, maybe there's no mistakes (maybe there's no mistakes)
You break me, then I break my rules Last time was the last time too It's fucked up, I know, but I'm still
Standing outside of the party, smokin' in the car with you Seven Nation Army, fightin' at the bar with you Tell you that I'm sorry, tell me what I gotta do 'Cause I can't let go, it's chemical (chemical) No, I can't let go, it's chemical (chemical) No, I can't let go, it's chemical
I can't let go, it's chemical
Tell you that I'm sorry, tell me what I gotta do No, I can't let go, it's chemical
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frozentothetouch · 8 months
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“it’s like you’re a stranger.”
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chipadequeso · 21 days
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storge · 5 months
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Guo Haojun | Rising Feather (2023)
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milimeters-morales · 10 months
(NOT ATSV) my ideal miguel and miles friendship (bordering on enemies) dynamic is where Miles is sort of a Mean Girls figure where he’ll say the worst things to Miguel, who actually has no problems dishing that shit right back out, is usually too fed up or somewhere else mentally to reply. They fight a lot, more physically than verbally, usually in a slapstick comedy type of way. Miles is banned from Nueva York once a month and got a restraining order against Miguel in his own dimension. His parents fucking hate him and Miguel hates them right back. Rio has tried and failed to poison him via food and Jeff is considering hiring a hitman. Gabriel is beloved by them. Miles takes Miguel’s money at least twice a week to go spend it just because he can. Miguel has tried (and succeeded once) to get Miles sick with a future illness because he figured out the lesbian bar Miguel liked to perform at in drag. Miles has cried at least once in every room of Miguel’s apartment and Miguel has been confused on what to do each time besides an awkward hug and pat on the back. People are rightfully worried for Miles’s safety at least 80% of the time but when they aren’t they’re shaking their heads at the two’s antics. They need to be separated until they have a healthy “this is a grown ass man / this is stupid little girl i don’t like at work” relationship and it’ll take an act of god for either of them to realize their current one isn’t healthy at all and has extremely negative impacts on their mental state.
#i wanna write this so badly bc like . this type of relationship with adults as a kid when you can’t 100% trsut them and place your safety +#in their hands is sooo interesting to write esp considering Miguel’s past and what Miles is used to#which is dangerous fights from adults (his villains) but also the loving ones like his parents his neighbors ripeter and peter b etc#and this miguel (imo) wouldn’t hurt miles on purpose because he knows the pain BUT he also doesn’t realize some shit is pain-causing both+#mentally and physically bc yknow some abused kids grow into adults who subconsciously do similar shit#and for Miles and Miguel to finally realize beating the shit out of each other almost constantly and the negative back and forth (if miguel#feels like talking that day) is just. not a good thing#it’s sort of like the way i write pavitr and miles’s relationship regarding their fighting because it’s genuinely helpful but#can seem borderline awful and physically abusive to each other#peter b is so fucking worried sometimes bc he sees Miguel in a completely different way than other people. like he’s off in lala land#like. he’ll see this 15 year old stickbug of a kid fighting his buddy Miguel who has been known to kill#he’ll say some fights tou just can’t win Miles… and Miles is setting Miguel’s apartment on fire#like they have good moments. okay. trust me. but a toxic friendship like the kind you see that people take too seriously from a show like.#idk bluey. or some kids show like that.#spiderverse fans DNI ‼️‼️‼️🤦🏾🤦🏾🤦🏾🤦🏾🤦🏾🤦🏾🤦🏾🤦🏾🤦🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾‼️‼️‼️‼️#not ship never ship don’t even tag is as such bc i’ll just delete the post#miles morales#spiderman#spider man#gabriel o’hara#rio morales#jefferson morales#miguel o’hara#m&m posts
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sunnyvaiprion · 7 months
As a suggestion, I’d love to see more Vita from you, I adore how you snuck eyes in her hair… spooky! She’s such a menace huhu (Also I’m morally obligated to preach vitaseele, so there)
Really really love your art! whether it’s cute chibis or elaborate it’s very soft and shiny and I’m eating it. Nomnomnom.
— Phoebe
Oooh to be honest I'm so looking forward to everything Vita-related story has to offer in the future because I liked her a lot too! I'd draw her more if I wasnt always so... hyperfocused on one thing, let's put it that way. But today I feel like I cant let the preaching unanswered so
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(Also thank you so much!!! I love knowing people pay attention to tiny things like that <3)
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craycraybluejay · 7 months
Some people have a skewed idea of the difference between self-defense and revenge, and you can immediately tell they've never had to seriously defend themselves from an ongoing threat to their life and livelihood.
#also revenge is valid anyway#but thats not my point#literally its always 'just ignore it' and 'learn to deal' and 'move on' and 'dont fight back'#when someone throws the first punch#right up until someone actually dies#and then its all#'i never couldve seen that coming'#'thats so horrible! i wish someone was there to help them'#'wow that was very unexpected'#as with suicide so the same with abuse and even just general toxicity#everyone turns the other cheek and criticizes 'bad victims' until they are dead#at which point they 'mourn' them and act like it was such a big surprise#bad victims#fight mode forever. either i survive or we both die 👍#self defense isnt just the classic someone currently is trying to engage me in a gun fight#self defense is not taking any kind of beating sitting down. its showing people that youre not scared to hit back harder#bullying is an easy example. they will not leave you alone if you 'just ignore them' but will try harder to make u kys#but they just might leave you alone if you deck one of them in the face so hard their nose will never look the same again.#sometimes if you're lucky all you have to do is set a precedent-- an example of your no bullshit policy#and you get rid of several potential threats at once. like a group of bullies#other times people aren't so aware of each other so you will have to fight for yourself again#and you WILL have to do it. because the people who should be doing it dor you are closing their eyes and deciding to see nothing#listen. its not enough to go through the motions and hope to survive. you have to be motivated to love yourself enough to protect yourself#there is nothing in the world more freeing than to say 'i deserve better than this' and smash some heads#sometimes metaphorically sometimes literally#you are worth it#you do not deserve to be bullied abused betrayed talked down to etc.#and if someone decides to make you feel lesser than you do it back. they decide to hit you hit back.#obv not always the course of action if theyre a lot stronger than u or have something rly serious over u#but at every real opportunity fight like hell
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fiendir · 4 months
help. I started my day out with watching a Warframe lore video and now I can't stop thinking about how wonderfully fucked up the whole so far story is. help.
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marfian · 11 months
I feel so dumb for expecting gays in space when literally Aaron Paul plays a character in the episode. SPOILERS! Of course his wife will die, of course he'll be miserable, of course he'll cry. Fucking hell.
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