#ferdan headcanon
growingingreenwood · 5 months
Btw, did ferdam and galion ever get married to someone in your fics? 'cause I was rereading Loyalty, and in chapter 5 there is an elleth that seems to get Galion's attention, but we never hear (as far as I can remember) what happened (or if anything) between them.
And also we never hear about anyone that Ferdan might be interested, is he asexual/aromantic or smth? It seems to fit him ngl
Nope, they haven't! I’m genuinely not sure if I’ve ever posted anything about what happens with her, I know I’ve outlined it somewhere in my journals and stuff but it's getting so hard to remember exactly what details have made it into my writing. (Especially with Snippets)  But basically, nothing ends up happening between them. Galion becomes way too focused on looking after Thranduil/Legolas/Everyone else to pursue anything romantic after the fall of Amon Lanc, so she ends up kind of being a fleeting crush more or less. I will probably never write it but I think it's likely that Galion would get married in Valinor after everybody is all reunited and on their way to healing.  
Good guess!! Ferdan is indeed Asexual and Aromantic. His romantic and sexual preference is literally “No thanks, I’m good.” Instead he’s found a platonic life partner in Thranduil and through extension, Galion and Mereneth. Plus, he’s got all of his ‘kids’ to look after for the rest of eternity.
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growingingreenwood · 2 years
I'm sorry if there's too many asks, all of them are soo funny I can't be silent😶😅
4, 16, 27 for 💘Ferdan💘
2, 20, 43 for 💖Eloissa💖
60, 66/67, 95 for both of them😙
Hahah no its okay, I appreciate the enthusiasm
Eloissa - 
#2 - What is their voice like? 
Eloissa usually sounds very ‘matter-of-fact’ or sarcastic about everything and it's extremely hard for most people to tell when she's joking around or not. Her voice is also a bit flatter than most, with not many inflections and pitch changes in her tones. Not in an unpleasant and monotone way but more so in a carefully controlled type of way. Its not that Eloissa herself has no emotions or enthusiasm, it's just that she hides it from most people because it's easier for her that way.
#20 - What are her fears? 
One of her all time biggest fears is her being misunderstood or her actions being misconstrued by those she cares about the most, partially because she's convinced if that were to happen that she isn’t good enough with words and persuasion to ever change their minds. 
Her other huge fear is to be ‘left behind’ or be excluded by her loved one’s, which feeds off of her fear of being misunderstood. Its a vicious circle. 
#43 - Why Might Someone Dislike Them? 
To be honest, there’s probably a lot of reasons why people might dislike her. She’s hard to get to know, not very conversational, she’s got some very strict ideas of how things should go and isn’t afraid to correct you if she feels you're doing something wrong. She’s kinda bossy and appears to be disinterested or ‘above’ most of the world around her. 
#60 - What is something they are sure to laugh at? 
There's a few funny stories that make her laugh no matter how many times she hears them, but she also usually laughs when something unexpected happens. 
#66 - How do they feel about sex? 
Eloissa is a pretty sex positive individual, and is the most likely one to initiate things between her and her partner because she likes the closeness it creates between them. As a person who often feels they cant express themselves well, and especially not their emotions, Eloissa views having sex or other intimate relations as an opportunity to show her love and affection in a more ‘concrete’ type of way that she can’t mess up. 
#67 - What is their sexuality? 
#95 - What is something that is sure to make them sad or depressed? 
People not responding to her actions (especially if they were carefully planned out) the way that she anticipated them to. Eloissa’s main love language is acts of service, and so when her gestures don’t seem to have the desired effects it makes her sad. 
#4 - What is their most embarrassing memory? 
Ferdan’s most embarrassing memory is probably the first time that he got into real trouble after coming to live with Thranduil, because it was the first time that he cried in a public place. Like full on Ugly Cried. In the ten minute time span it took for them to get caught, send word to Oropher, and wait for him to come and collect his little criminals Ferdan had basically convinced himself that he was about to get thrown out of his new ‘family.’ 
By the time Oropher got there, Ferdan was practically hysterical and nearly begging for forgiveness. 
#16 - What are they like after they’ve gotten too little sleep? 
When Ferdan doesn’t get enough sleep he’s basically a shell of a person. He only speaks when asked a direct question that cannot be answered with facial expressions or gestures, and sometimes not even then. He’s just a bump on a log. 
#27 - Hair Color? 
#60 - What is something they’re sure to laugh at? 
To be honest other people getting hurt (not like in an attack or something, but like tripping or falling or running into something, ect) will ALWAYS make him laugh. 
#66/67 - What is their sexuality/how do they feel about sex?
Ferdan is Aromantic and Asexual, and so sex really isn’t appealing to him in the slightest. 
#95 - What kind of things make them sad/depressed? 
Any kind of situation that makes him feel helpless or like there’s only one solution to something whether he likes the solution or not. 
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growingingreenwood · 15 days
Hey according to your last chapter Thranduil apparently stress cooks sometimes. Does Ferdan and Galion also have smth that they do to de-stress as well?
They do! Galion has two, depending what the goal is. 1) If his mind wants to wander, then he will do some sort of needlework like embroidery. His sister taught him how and they used to sit and talk about their problems with one anther while they did it. 2) If he wants to get his mind OFF of things, and refuse to let it go back, he's a big fan of reading a good book until the lines blur and you havn't pee'd in 7 hours. Ferdan had 3 hobbies for different kinds of stress. 1) If he wants to cheer himself (or Thranduil) up he'll often play music on his lute. Around most people he'll never sing along, just play the music, but around the Greenwood Family he'll usually quietly along with it. 2) If he's feeling antsy or frustrated or generally overwhelmed he likes to split wood. He finds the physical work but brainless repetition very soothing. 3) Last one is when its more of a quite and lowkey stress. Like sadness, guilt, or worry Ferdan will small wooden carvings. It drives Galion crazy because he leaves wood shavings and dust literally everywhere but he never makes too big of a deal about it because he doesn't want Ferdan to stop using one of his coping mechanism.
Thranduil also has two other go-to hobbies other than baking/cooking. 1) He enjoys taking very, very, very, very, very, very long walks. Preferably in the forest, if not there then he'll do laps of the stronghold and his grounds, if not that then he'll pace circles in his room for hours. 2) He also enjoys Painting, usually with oil paints. But similar with Ferdand's carving, this is usually more to relieve more lowkey and 'slower' stresses like worry or anxiety.
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growingingreenwood · 3 months
Hii!! I was reading your stories and the thought came to me: did thranduil, ferdan, galion and oropher took part in the war of wrath in your stories? if they did, I would love to hear what part each of them took in it!
Hello!! Thank you for reading and for reaching out!   Tolkien never tells us if any of the surviving Sindar from Doriath take part in the War of Wrath (at least not that I could find) but in my little headcanons they absolutely 100000% took part in the War of Wrath, I just have never written anything about it tbh. (Although, Galion would not have ‘fought’ in the War of Wrath at all. He’s adamant that he is not, and will never be a soldier. But I’m sure he found a plethora of other helpful duties to keep himself occupied with.)
Thingol dies and Melian flee’s to Valinor in F.A 503, the Second Kinslaying and Fall of Menegroth happens in F.A 506, the bulk of the survivors escaped to Sirion. Which is the site of the Third Kinslaying in 538. By the time the War of Wrath is ready to start in F.A 545, Oropher and his boys had just gone through such relentless loss that: 
Revenge in any capacity probably seemed mighty attractive. 
What else did they have to lose at this point?  
If they survived thus far, they might as well die trying to actually make some sort of difference. And if by some miracle they happened to survive the War of Wrath too, well, then that was the world's problem. 
I also think that Oropher & thus Thranduil, Ferdan, and Galion would have felt compelled to join the fight among Círdan’s host out of remaining love, friendship, and loyalty to him. As Círdan was one of the awakened elves alongside Thingol (Elwe) and in my personal headcanons, Oropher. Even though Círdan developed a fairly close relationship with the Noldor, he remained loyal to Thingol until his death in F.A 503, even going so far as to warn Thingol about the dishonesty surrounding the reason why the Noldor had arrived back to Middle Earth. It’s likely that especially Oropher and Thranduil (but perhaps to a lesser extent those that followed them) would have seen supporting Círdan in the War of Wrath as one final way to serve and honor King Thingol. 
Lastly, all of those reasons aside, sitting by in leisure and letting everybody else try and do something about the evil threatening to destroy the entire world simply is not their style.
I hope this answered your question! :)
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growingingreenwood · 1 year
One of the Headcanons that lives rent free in my brain and my heart with absolutely no business being there is that Maglor fought with Greenwood for the last little bit of the war. What I can’t decide on is just how LONG he had been fighting with Greenwood before the War of the Ring ended and Dol Guldur was finally cast down.
It's been narrowed down to two main options.
1) Maglor hears about Legolas joining the Fellowship somehow (maybe Elrond told him, maybe he was in Imladris at the time, doesn’t matter) and promptly appears on Greenwood's borders like: “Hey, I heard you were down a warrior Prince. They’re pretty rare these days, how fortunate that I happened not to be doing anything too terribly important and can come to help. Relax, I don't see any Silmarils around, do you?”
2) Maglor shows up several years before Legolas leaves to bring news of Gollum's escape, maybe after the events of the Hobbit, and joins their military forces. Probably under a new name. But with a very similar sales pitch to the one above.
The decision on whether to accept the offered assistance was not made lightly, especially considering the fact that Thranduil and Ferdan were both in Menegroth when Maglor and his brothers attacked the city and slaughtered a huge portion of its people.
But, while they may not be able to outright trust Maglor, they can certainly trust his hatred for Saroun and everything he touches. And he IS a warrior of legend in both skill and power and there aren't any Silmarils around….
Beggars can’t be choosers and dying kingdoms can’t be too prideful.
Obviously everybody is extremely suspicious of Maglor and follows him around no matter where he is are or what he’s doing. Maglor allows it with nothing but the occasional joke. He also never does anything that could even be remotely considered an act of sabotage, and seemed to make the lives of the Greenwood warriors his top priority.
After he gains their trust, I also think that he would kind of become a silent bodyguard of sorts for the captains commanding the border between Thranduil’s land and Saroun’s.
Thranduil will forever deny the claim, but it's rumored that part of the reason he allowed Maglor into their borders was because he said: “I can’t let Galadriel be the only Grandchild to do something even halfway redeemable, otherwise, nobody will ever hear the end of it. Ever. For all of eternity we will hear about it.”
It was an added bonus that Thranduil, Ferdan, and Maglor got to see Galadriel’s face when she showed up at the last minute to support Greenwood, only to come face to face with the only other elf left on Arda that she thought Thranduil hated as much if not more than he hated her.
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growingingreenwood · 2 years
I was just wondering about avarin and nandorin elves in the context of your version of the greenwood. Do they exist there in your verse? (sorry if this is a wierd question or one you've already answered.)
Not a weird question at all so no worried there, and I don't think anybodys really asked about this before!  The Avarin elves exist more concretely than the Nandorin as the Avarin’s continued to remain their own separate cultures while the Nandorin elves eventually assimilated into the Silvan homeland and culture for the most part. 
In Tolkien’s works he mentions that the Silvan elves forgot most of their old culture and language over time after they took a few Sindar lords as their rulers. HOWEVER since the texts that we have are extremely biased against the Silvan & Nandor & Avari elves I choose to believe that the Silvan elves kept their old languages (and many other traditional cultural aspects ) and simply told everybody else that they did. 
The Nandorian elves don’t really exist as their own separate people anymore, but there's little pieces of them scattered throughout every aspect of the Greenwood Elves existence. There's only a handful Nandorian elves that remember a time when they lived separately from the Silvan elves, and they work very hard to preserve the knowledge and arts of the past. 
Avari elves are probably the closest and most trusted allies that Greenwood has, and have been since since the two groups found one another. The two separate peoples share most of their discoveries, information, and triumphs. In my headcanons it was actually the Avari that found a way to treat Thranduil & Ferdan’s burns from the Dragon but also helped to invent a universal antivenom for the various spiders that start to take over the forest after Dol Guldur descends into darkness. 
Not all of the Avari tribes are particularly fond of one another, but almost every single tribe is immensely fond of their Silvan besties. In fact the Greenwood Elves and the Avarian’s are so close that they still occasionally have marriages across the cultures. 
Generally speaking Legolas and Avaleina have split the duties down the middle & so Legolas tends to be the emissary on Thranduil's behalf for Imladris and Lothlorien while Avaleina tends to serve as the emissary among the Avari tribes. 
Along with the lying about the fact they didn’t lose their old languages and general knowledge, Greenwood also just….. Doesn’t ever really mention the fact they’re not only on friendly terms with the Avari but that they regularly invite each other over for sleepovers and BBQ’s. 
When Avaleina finally sails west (the last member of the royal family) with the very remnants of their people, she gifts whatever is left of the Greenwood Kingdom as a goodbye and thank you gift. In Valinor, any and all Avari elves that exit the Halls of Mandos are welcomed with open arms to the new Greenwood Kingdom, since most of their people still remain in Middle Earth.
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growingingreenwood · 4 years
Thranduil, Ferdan, Galion
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growingingreenwood · 4 years
Ferdan is one of the only elves in known history that Oropher hasn't shouted at. Or at least really really wanted to shout at
He'd heard nothing but awful things about Ferdans father since basically the day Thranduil met him. But the only thing he heard from Ferdan himself was: "He yells at me a lot."
And Oroher silently swore that he wouldn't ever yell at this child. Wouldn't even raise his voice, because he deserved that comfort from at least one person in the world.
Oropher would shout NEAR Ferdan. But never AT Ferdan.
Usually he'd get him to stand right next to Thranduil while he addressed his entire tirade at his son only, even though they had been equal accomplices.
No matter W H A T Ferdan did, Oropher never once shouted at him.
(Yall remeber that scene in Chamber of Secrets when Ron and the twins rescue Harry and Molly screams at all if them except for Harry whom she showers in affection?? Oropher is Molly & Ferdan is Harry.)
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growingingreenwood · 4 years
What is the most memorable attempt at a prank either on or tried does Ferdan have?
The most memorable prank he was a part of was when he and Thranduil still live with Thingol, and Celeborn was just starting to try and Court Galadriel. They were at some random dinner and Ferdan and Thranduil were trying to make Oropher snort with laughter (as he often did when trying desperately to ignore it.) HOWEVER they underestimated Orophers restraint, and overestimated Celeborns. 
Poor Celeborn ended up snorting red wine out his nose and literally ALL. OVER. EVERY. INCH. OF. GALADRIEL. 
The most memorable prank DONE to him was when the orphans decided they were going to try and make him cry over SOMETHING because they'd never seen or heard of it happening. This game lasted nearly a decade until Avaleina decided to lie and say an Avari tribe and invited her to live and learn from them for a century and she had accepted the invitation. She panicked and told everybody it was a joke like just as Ferdans eyes welled up a little bit because she felt so bad about it. 
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growingingreenwood · 4 years
Ferdan wrote a 'brief' history of the orphans lives and sent them with Elrond when he sailed west to give to their parents. Each one starts with: "You don't know me, but my name is Ferdan and Eru gave me the biggest blessing in the entire world and that was to help guide your beautiful child through the world as best I could."
Each one also ended up being approximately 20 pages long.
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growingingreenwood · 4 years
Aside from their obvious martial skills, what do you headcanon the Greenwood crew’s hobbies and skills are?
Thranduil likes to paint the most in his pastime, and for some reason delight in making extremely detailed maps of things that don't really matter. But they look amazing. 
Ferdan plays the lute like he was born with it in his hands, he’s also a pretty good singer and dancer. He was a street performer in his youth, after all. 
Galion likes to bake super complicated desserts. He used to do it with his sister at home all the time, and so he finds it really calming. 
Oropher likes to play games like chess or cards. Mind puzzles please him. 
Legolas takes after his fathers artistic side and likes to draw, usually in charcoal since its to readily available to him. He loves stories and will pester anybody around to tell him one or read hom one, and often draws little pictures or comics of them. At this point, unless a drawing has some sort of personal significance to him, he’ll just leave them around Greenwood to be collected by others. 
Merenth likes to grow difficult plants, either in pots at home or tending to their needs out in the forest. She’s borderline obsessed with the herbology aspect of medicine and always wants to learn more. 
Avaleina loves to dance!!! She used to train under the Dance Instructor version of Ferdan, but eventually quit because of the war. But basically every spare minute she has, she’s probably dancing, even if it's just doing a little shimmy. She also likes to translate old Avari and Silvan texts to help preserve them. Because she’s so involved in the old Silvan culture, she also has the blessing from the Elders to perform tattoo’s. 
Farlen His hobbies take after Ferdan’s, and he loves to write music, sing, and play instruments. One of his most prized possessions in the world is an old Lute that Ferdan gave him from Lindon, its practically his teddy bear. Lowkey his life goal is to have at least a basic grasp of every Silvan instrument and any others that seem cool.  
Eloissa loves to bake and cook. Her and Galion used to do this when she was upset about things but didn’t want to talk about it, because she doesn’t do that. Then later she gets the biggest crush on a chef so that only intensifies the hobby. Her second hobby is being left alone, nobody is sure what she does only that they must not approach. 
Tern parties as a hobby. 
Therion likes to tinker with things in his pass time. Crowded places annoy and overwhelm him, so he likes to be deep inside libraries making up all sorts of cool inventions to help Greenwood or just because it’s cool. 
Ruimen just likes spending time with people he loves, so he’s pretty much down to do whatever his friends and family are doing. He takes a lot of naps and often insisted that if he does not, then he with wither away like a rotten apple. 
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growingingreenwood · 4 years
Ferdan would absolutely be the dad that randomly jump into Legolas and Co's weird TikTok videos and NAILS those moves.
Thranduil would be in their vids but have no idea what's going on.
Galion has his own, more popular account.
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growingingreenwood · 4 years
It's too much of me in ur life, but if u will tell me to go away, I will. Anyways, my dads mood today: to make me cry hysterically and not let me go away to be alone with my tears, because «c'mon cry about how bad I am here» while I was literally yelling many times to let me go to my room
Part 2: Omg, I wrote the first part of the ask, and then saw the last chapter of "Little moments", and my feelings for Ferdan quickly moved from 'little awe' to 'awe and SAME, BRO'. When Thranduil and Luthien comforted him, I literally felt it for myself, and it was... wonderful and super in time. Won't I ask for too much if I ask you to persuade Ferdan to tell me something reassuring? (idk why he should lol)
Ferdan: "Its hard to have good advice that fits well enough for many people, because every life and every moment is so incredibly versatile and individual that its impossible.
But I think the most important and reassuring things I've always been thankful to have is a clearer veiw of my self, and my worth. Because even though you may be trapped in a situation with people who don't beleive in you, their criticisms become a joke instead of a bullet if you beleive in your self.
And your own worh.
Then, as you grow out of this situation (because you will, time changes everything one way or another.) The new people you meet will not even have the chance to doubt you.
Treat yourself inwardly, and outwardly like you deserve to be treated and you're life will have no room for this who offer less.
The crowd reacts to how you react to yourself. If you stumble over words and get embarrassed, those watching will follow suit. If you stumble over words and laugh about which two words you accidentally put together others will laugh with you.
They scream because they want the crowd (you) to scream back and justify the situation. If you remain calm, the crowd (your dad) might be shamed into reacting the same.
Find a space in your head that you can go to when people are attacking, a little slice of peace. Remember your good qualities. Remember the good you add.
You're still young and growing your feathers, child, but soon you'll learn it can all just be water off a ducks back
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growingingreenwood · 4 years
So I don’t know if I will bother you, but I wanted to ask, if you had any HCs regarding Ava and either Galion or Ferdan? I’m just really curious to know more about her and how she fits into the extended family that is Thranduil, Ferdan, Galion and Legolas.
Not bothering me!!!!!!! The only time I get a tiny bit frustrated is when people repeatedly message me over an ask, or start sending me Anon messages complaining how long I take/pressuring me to answer faster. Which I would suggest is not the best approach with me for several reasons but mostly because of my dad. 
My dad used to have a philosophy when I was small and would keep asking things after I got an answer. (Example, staying out later.) The more I asked for a later curfew, the earlier it got. Goes something like this: 
Me:Please? 11:30?
Dad: No. 
Me: 11: 20?
Dad: How about 10:50?
Me: Noooo, please, just 11:15 so I can get McDonald's after the concert??
Dad: 10:45. U wanna ask again and make it 10:30?
And I have lowkey adopted this into my life as well, I do it to people at work under me all the time. I had a grown ass boy (19) tell me once that he purposefully does housework back when his girlfriend asks him to do it so she won't ask him again. Soooo guess who had to mop the store every night when he worked with me?? ANYWAY, the ask. 
Ava is lowkey (HIGHKEY) Ferdan’s little baby!! She was one of the youngest elflings that they took in, and on top of that she had wandered across a burning forest for like two days before she found her people so she was v attached to people once she found them again. Legolas was basically glued to Thranduil around this time, and Rumien, Tern, and Therion were more attached to Ithrae (the elleth that brought them through the burning forest.) 
So like for a while every time you saw Ferdan, you saw Avaleina. They were the best of buds and she slept in his arms for the first like 6 months since they found her. And they stayed real close as she grew. Ferdan was pretty much her main father figure, with Thranduil drifting between the ‘side father’ role and ‘god-father’ type of role. 
And you can 1000000000% see this in her personality oh my GOD. She has the same attitude that people have problems arguing with, the same drive to ‘get shit done themselves’ and just their general view of their role in their loved one’s lives. She’s tough as nails and her determination can always, always, always, overcome whatever problem she is facing. Ferdan is determined to drag Thranduil to the end of days, and Avaleina is determined to drag Legolas. The digger you deep into her personality, the more Ferdan you will find. 
Ferdan even ended up moving to a room that had a second bedroom that was Avaleina’s for several centuries after it became a serious concern that she might kill either Tern or Rumien if they kept living together. She technically has her own room now, but Ferdan kept the one for her until he left Greenwood for good. Avaleina went to live with him again after Legolas sailed west before her. 
Her and Galion get along well too, but he’s for sure more of a ‘bad influence uncle or older brother’ to her. There’s a lot more teasing and generally less obvious authority differences between them. They do snap at each other sometimes because that's just how their personalities work together but they make up almost instantly. He’d do anything go her tbh, and ships her and Legolas ALMOST as hard as Thranduil. 
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growingingreenwood · 3 years
Ferdan's trains be like
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No but this is literally exactly what it is like
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growingingreenwood · 3 years
Do Ferdan and Thranduil in your headcon ever get their sight back?
Eventually after a very long time spent in Valinor the Yavanna does give them an offer on behalf of the Valar to restore their sight complelety, they eventaully decided not to take them up on the offer.
At first, Thranduil was going to get his vision fixed, until the thought of getting rid of the only physical thing that seemed to represent everything he and Ferdan had been through together. As much as he had hated the one sided blindess in Middle Earth, Thranduil found himself.... somewhat fond of it in Valinor.
Ferdan never really even considered the option as a possibility, he doesn't see the reason or have the need to erase his time or his life in Middle Earth. In fact, he's quite proud of it and everything he did and took part in.
He said nothing to sway Thranduils decision, but was secretly extremely pleased that his best friend kept their matching scars.
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